12 houses of ketu

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Ketu in house 1 indicates bad health, short life, diseases, and marks in face. But if connected with benefics it gives a long life and richness.

Ketu in house 2 signifies over expenditures, no savings, tense about family, especially about children, unhealthy conditions, and dark complexion. Positive results of Ketu in house 2 make the person lucky.

If Ketu is visible in 3rd house in one's chart, it shows success in profession. The person can become more successful and rich if he goes in occupation like contractor, agriculturist.

Ketu in house 4 also indicates abundant money and ornaments but the person will have feelings of hate towards family members or may be inauspicious for mother and can marry two times.

• Ketu in house 5 in a horoscope makes a person immoral or indecent.

• The person can become unfortunate for family especially for children and can face punishment given by Government.

• Ketu in house 6 makes person courageous, studious, clever, and famous.

• But Moon in conjunction with Ketu in house 6 indicates loss.

• Ketu in house 7 signify loss or death of first wife or second marriage.

• Second wife can also face chronic disease.

• Malefic effect of Ketu in house 7 unveils problems or dissatisfaction in marriage life or love life

• Benefic effect of Ketu gives a long life and enormous wealth.

• But malefic effect of Ketu in house 8 in horoscope stimulates the person to enjoy other's things or belongings like other's wife, other's house.

Ketu in house 9 affects the person to become unsympathetic, indecent, sweet speaker but ire from inside, cruel, angry, and influences him to take pleasure from backward or lower class women. 

Ketu in house 10 in horoscope influence the person to enjoy company of widows. The person will leave in dirty places. Benefic influence makes the person honest or faithful. 

• Ketu in house 11 also denotes success, achievements, and abundant wealth like Rahu in the same house.

• The person gets admirable social image and aims to achieve mountainous deeds.

Ketu in house 12 indicates defective vision, loss of forefather's property, narrow-minded, undisciplined and immorality. 

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