12 ap lit frankenstein note-taking guide

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitFrankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Letters (p. 1-14)

Directions: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

A. Premise of the letters (who/what/when/where/why/how/etc.)

B. Robert Walton’s background/upbringing/personality/character

C. “What can the determined heart and resolved will of man”?

D. The “strange accident” that’s happened

E. The stranger Walton picks up (who/what/when/where/why/how/etc.)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

F. Why do Walton and stranger bond so quickly?

G. Why does the stranger agree to tell Walton his story?

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 1-5 (p. 14 - 40)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

H. The stranger’s (his name will be revealed in this section) background/upbringing/personality/character

I. Caroline Beaufort’s background/upbringing/personality/character

J. Elizabeth Lavenza’s background/upbringing/personality/character

K. Henry Clerval’s background/upbringing/personality/character

L. Studying Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Magnus

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

M. “Destiny”

N. Krempe and Waldman

O. What does Victor finally discover (and why won’t he share that knowledge with Walton)?

P. Details regarding the creation process

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

Q. Victor’s response to the creation

R. The creature’s response to Victor

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 6-8 (p. 40-60)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

S. Premise of these letters

T. Justine Moritz

U. What Victor does after his health improves

V. How long has Victor been away from home?

W. Victor’s visit to the site of William’s murder

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

X. Victor’s assumptions about the creature

Y. Murder evidence and trial

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 9-12 (p. 61-81)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

Z. Victor’s response after Justine’s death

AA. Victor’s journey (geographically and emotionally)

BB. Victor’s response to the creature

CC. The creature’s background/upbringing/personality/character

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

DD.The creature’s journey (geographically and emotionally)

EE. The creature’s motives for his actions

FF. The creature’s learning process

GG.The family being observed by the creature

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

HH. The creature’s response to its own appearance

II. The creature’s plan to win over the family

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 13-17 (p. 81-108)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

JJ. Safie’s character and how her arrival benefits the creature

KK. The creature’s reading material

LL. What the creature learns and how it makes him feel

MM. The DeLacey family’s background, etc.

NN. What the creature finds in the woods and what he learns from them

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

OO.How long has the creature been alive? What was Victor doing at this point (see Ch.6)

PP. The creature makes contact with the DeLaceys

QQ.The creature’s hatred for humans is confirmed when…

RR. The creature’s interaction with the young boy and the sleeping woman

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

SS. What does the creature demand from Victor?

TT. Victor’s initial response to the demand

UU. The creature convinces Victor by….

VV. What does the creature say he will do while Victor works?

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 18-21 (p. 108-136)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

WW. Victor’s father’s theory on why Victor is so unhappy

XX. Victor wants to go to England because…

YY. The impact of Henry Clerval’s presence on Victor

ZZ. The Orkney Islands – why settle down to work there?

AAA. Why does Victor change his mind and destroy the female creature?

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

BBB. How the post-destruction scene mirrors the post-creation scene from Ch.5

CCC. “I shall be with you on your wedding-night” – what Victor thinks it means vs. what it really means

DDD. Victor’s disposal of the female creature’s remains

EEE. Mr. Kirwin’s treatment of Victor

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

FFF. Victor’s trial

GGG. Victor’s state of mind/health as he leaves Ireland for France

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

Frankenstein Note-Taking Guide – Ch. 22-24 (p. 136-166)

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP LitDirections: While studying this section, use these topics/questions to guide your note-taking. Write down page numbers to cite your notes, and highlight or underline passages that pertain to these questions or merit discussion in class.

HHH. Elizabeth’s letter to Victor

III. The marriage plans

JJJ. Victor and Elizabeth’s post-wedding travels

KKK. The wedding night

LLL.The creature’s reaction to Victor’s discover y of Elizabeth’s body

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

MMM. The authorities’ reaction to Victor’s request for their help

NNN. Victor’s pursuit of the creature

OOO. What does Victor ask Walton to do?

PPP. Why Victor refuses to tell Walton the details of the creation process

QQQ. Walton’s avoidance of his crew’s threat to mutiny

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

RRR. Does Victor blame himself for all this?

SSS. Walton’s response to Victor’s death

TTT. A sound interrupts Walton’s writing (p. 162)… (familiarity of this scene to others in the book)

UUU. Why has the creature come to see Victor?

Costello Name: _____________________________________ pd.____

AP Lit

VVV. The creature’s explanation for what he’s done

WWW. The creature’s next step

Other notes/questions/difficult passages regarding this section

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