11/6/41 tftt irntbob op to /oum aosptu€¦ · in the lesson today, tha importance of the natural...

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Chariot i Cora m i n o r * 11/6/41 Tftt irnTBOB OP TO /OUM aosptu

¥11. Mark 9133-37 - 'kho thoalu bo f n great* a t 1 . Chariot m i n e r a l Openingi

l o art going to aing Ho. I83 —a hundred and olghty-throot'tfhora t io .isphtrd Load*, L J o . ' 0tio-olgiit-tilra*.

l.Tnrougn ino naadowe groan,Inviting, 2 .0 ' t r the ojouatain high and holy, •horn tho 3 hop hard Uado.1'11 go) tfhore tht thophord londa, 1*11 | Thru tho gloom,hia proaonoo Lighting, Thru tho v&Llay.ptnotful,lowly, tfhar* tht thtpntrd i t a d s . Z ' U g t . wart f i t thophtri o a l l t 1*11 30.

QKjQ 'J.,: uhornat th t turning* 1 roty gloaning, 3.AU hia IOTO and naroy htal: tha noon of oplonior banning, Wnaro tho aitpherd laado, 1*11 (•«

Thru tha twi l ight ahadowa atraanlng, On tha hanawwrd way, ha*a loading, antra tho ehapherd l a a 4 t , l * l l g t . Ihtrt tht thtphard lenda, 1*11 go.

Lat*t a l l join in tht Ltrd*o Pmytrl {In unlaon) Anon. JOJU flUJlOiiXl Mtdltationi

l a hava tana announoenanta to naka: Unity Vatpar danrioto bogln next «ttk Sunday Rovtnbtr 9th. Unity doolaty praaanta a oariat of vaipor aarvloaa in tho Plana d la tr io t . Thatt aarvloaa t i l l bt hold at fiva o'oleok at tht United I'reabyterian Churoh, 4?th and tnrd Parkway. Thla la to provide for future Unity aarvloaa at the Plata, and tht keynote Of th io oorvioo la "Prayer and J m i a a . ' aw art grattful for your prottnot at t i l of that aarvioot. Another Unity atrvioa 'Pn.iaa anl Thanktgiaing*, Hovtmtoar 23rd, lllOO a.r tpoe ia i Vhnnktglritg a t tv l t ta nra btlng planntd in Unity Uhaptl. Tou w i l l want to a on* and bring your lYiende. £v*ryon* of at Hat boon riohly b l t ta td and prospered, thtroforo l o t ut bo united at thla TJiankaglving aanrloa. Thmakagiring offering envelopes art rtady and you any t t e ivo than iron tht uthart u you l o t v t . Tour offaring w i l l bo rwoalvtd u unity naming Thia la for tha purpoae of taking tare of auth aapannea • ww hart right hart l a tht ball ding--pain ting e to . Thlt la tht only tptolal offaring during tht ataton —tht r'.aattr t f aring, at you rtntnbar vm for tht Tempi* fund. Thia i t for looal upkeep.

{AnmuAOtnanta by air• Pranghittr: re— Oafana* exposition t iaktta e to . ) Aa you know, tola la tht seventh ltaaon in tht eourat, "Tut irHTJuUn OP THZ POUR

OOflPKLO". Today our lo t son i t btttd upon tho dotpal of Hark 9, lih»P»33 to 37th vara**. Kara we read!(33)And thay tana t t Umpcrnaun: and whan Jtaut w a la tho houat, ha

naked hie d i to lp l tat ghat wort) you rttaoming on tht way? (34) Bat thay hold t h t i r paaot; for thay had dltputeeV/vlth anothtr ta tht way, who wot tht ere r, to a t . (35) And ha ant down, and t n l l t d tht twelve, tad ht ta i th unto than: If any man dtaira to bt f irat , ht tha l l be luat t f a l l , and aarvnnt of a l l . (36) And ha took a l i t ' l a ohild and -at hin in tha aide*, of than! tad whan ht had tnktn hi* i n t o h i t am*, ht tald unto than, (37) Oho-ootrtr t h t l l raotiTt o'uoh a tot of 11 ".tit ohildrtn in ay nan*, r tc t iv t th M I and whoao-tvtr raoai /at 1 a t , reOelvath not no, bat hin that oant a t .

Mow in tht vtry beginning, ww htvat "The oant to Capernaum." Ohnt doot * dapamaun1

•tan ta ytu and to no? Tha word (Uaporanon*? 'Oapamaun* ntant 'That inner tonviotion • f tht abiding rtatoring power t f b t lng . ' Thlt la n nighty apir i tual Mtoantliahaant, la i t not? I t la a nighty otnaaiouantta t t attain through prayer, through r ta l l tn t lon , through l i v i n g tho U f a and following tha -uidanao of tha Chriat. Inttrprttad within ouraolvat, wo know hart Jtaua aynboliata our 'Iniwalllng uhrlat* and tht 'Jiaoiplaa' •ynbol i i t our 'ap. r i tua l f t o u l t i t t : fa i th , lava, wiodoa.povar, l i f e , l aminat ion , Hl)d a« o n : twelve of than. But evidently Jtaua* i i to ip laa ware not fully tp lr i tua l i iad at thio ataga of unfoldnent. * t thlo t i n t , thay wwro l e t t ing tho parional ago gat into eontrol . Of oauraa, i t wat than j a t t at i t i t ntwt vary few wart rat l iy • p l r l t u a l i t t d ; but hare tht personal ago wat at tht Tain. Tht diaoiplaa ware arguing among thonatlvta at to who wat tht ;reat*ot in t h . kin don of haavan. ht natter what a-ah on. of thoae diaoiplaa thought, oath t naught ha waa tht greatsat . Of t o urea, wt know in our annor atanvnta, that wo art only groat whan wt art natk and lowly, ht art only groat whan wa atrvt—aanro o t a t i n a a l l y , juat aa Jatua would servo. V* oome tft hnow wt must bt at l i t t l e ohildrtn frte from a l l thought of ambition and ao forth, to roal ly bt ap ir i tua l .

Jenulno service i t n nighty apiritual building. U t ua think for Juat a moment or tha aupar-conaoltutntoa, super-qualit ies of Jod-Mind. God-Mind in a l l l t a Illumination and majesty, in a l l i t s apltndtr and power| and y t t , Uod-hlnd alwaye Loyally aarvta, a l -waya lovingly aarvta tha r ich and tha poor, tha high and tho law, tht good and tht bad. God-Mind continually aarvta. God la th* 3 rent Garvltor.

Bui th* d i to lp l to had a problem, Juat aa v* hava a problem today. Now la thia not •o? In tho sp ir i tua l ly quickened aoul, in th* ac t iv i ty of thlo uoi-hlotj ww gat aona night

- i -reellsationa; strong, powerful laalatant raaUgatlona. When w« come out of thaa.it would teem aa though thit realisation would tranafora tha whale world and froa thaaa who aro oppressed. It la not transformed! fa foal wo era 'r I tha first in tha

Mew tha truth of tha bualneaa la that tha paraonal ago within ua haa not boon fully rodaraad and i t goto thio quickening Juat Via aaaa aa oar spiritual natura, and I t aoama forth and assumes, or affirms, lta paraonal greatness, .onetimes wo spoil i t by tolling our rianda haw vary strong we art opiriturlly, and how wonderful we nro spiritually* oeawtiawa we get e hit pa/fed up.

Ewwreen eald of euoh hw 'awe inwardly drunk with a oertein belief*. 'Inwardly drunk' with an idea ar ideas of paraonal iaaportanoo...inwardly drunk with pj ldaa, or ldaaa of paraonal importance*

Jtaua whriat aat hia dloeiplaa right by aalling thaw to hla and latUng than know a> who would bo first wast truly serve, tie brought forth the eammple of a l i t t l e ohild'e true greatness—a l i t t l e ohlld who dooa net yet know/ personal ambition or who do. • not know aoLflahnaaa or greed; whoso heart la full of purity, faith and gullelesansss. Than knowing 'the servitor aerwee* no tha keynote for ua a l l . oervloe of tha week and lowly. Ona l i t t l e bit of personality, onal i* la bit of paraonal ago trying to rule, i t olanps down, narrow* and distorts tha oonseiouonaaa so that tha great Mind of Ood oannot have unhindorad, unhampered exprtselon through the soul. Consequently this lesson la fe> ws today; eapeolally for us today to know that tha grant oorrltor ssrvea oontlnually and that we wuat sarra as Ood would have ua serve.

Canulna aarvloa Is tha mighty spiritual builder, and wa would a l l prow spiritually. Man, oran si la Ood*a Image and likansss, must st irs , slat his mind preys en l tee l f aad reba his l i f e of i t s vital esssnes. In ;oi thara i s no first or las t . *U slnesre eer-vloo in equal in lad's bight* Let us raallse oont. tually that uur hearts ara always right with Ood and that ws ara willing to sarra at a l l tlwea.

I think Benjamin franklin said: "Plough deap whlla the sluggards sleep"—which mesne we are to realise spiritual truth, build up our spiritual natura regardless. Because Ah the natural plane, many feast and aleep and ,:row alugglah, bat 1st ua be alive spir­i tual ly . OBfuorx s srvus i s r a OBJAT sriaiTiiAL BUILJMR.

New i s our time to raallia that . . . to raallse i t in a mask and lowly spirit . May we with one eeoord turn within, teal ise hod i s tha Orent bervltor; that we, wen and worn , ere the avenges through whiah lod-Mlnd expresses* Let ua knew our souls ara not hampered by the paraonal age, by the desire for personal grsatasss. Sash in his lowly way,sorvsa as Ood would have hia serve.

we will realise this thooghtll AM UeuTjC AIM UnTLY. fwgethar ploaaot (repent). I RJKALIlf 0IN02JB 8VJKV1CIIS THV maYJfrTT SPIRITUAL BUILJIR. Together! (iwpe at) OCu-lOND HAS JMh*A*PEMj tXnmilO* IN rT 90UL AJQ 1 «J01CI IN MT OOOOI Tegsthar (repaat). Anen.

L g 83 0 N unAjugs n u»aii

l e a l l readily see that in our lessor, today, we are developing this spiritual wen, or we ara going along with Casus in the regeneration. New thio l e a process :n whiah we are patting en tha Christ, we are letting Christ be foraed in us. Mew this ideal Nan, tha real baa.. . in t i l s process, ws find that the natural man, who la now being tat aside i s a t i l l asserting his layer-Una e.

In the Lesson today, tha importance of the natural man lo being assarted. New we have to mast the-n claims of tha natural aan and find nut Just where thoy f i t Into the spiritual awa, bseause the pi ritual Man Is tha heal Man. And la tha ltsoon today we find that tha argument 1st that tha natural awn, or tha faculties of the natural nan, tha rater and tha James and tha John, representing our faith and our love and our under­standing ate. , they ere asserting their iayortanos and arguing as to who la the greatest j who i s going to be the greatest In this Searing kingdom.

Right here, we have to meet this ambitious mam; and the ambitious man isn't so bad after e l l . be wouldn't got very far in our development, unless we haws oartaln ambitions to attain. Tha queetl-i ef oauras i s i *NAT and hTJl ara wa letting this ambition aasart i t s e l f . la i t assarting i t se l f self ishly er unselfishly! Is i t asserting l toslf aa a l i t t l e ohlld- that la, rsoeptivtlyf

Jesus used the symbol of a l i t t l e ohlld to represent the receptive attitude ef mind in which one should be who i s putting on tha Christ; and w* a l l knew what a l i t t l e ohlld ropraseatai ha repr-«-enta native confidence, that i s , natural faith, and he believes ev­erything that he la told* The l i t t l e child doesn't take much of tha logic into consider­ation, but he takes the facta; ha takes certain things in trustjhs simply ballavos.

- 3 -A. Paul -old, ha -balievath n i l thingo and hopeth i l l thinr;i." Tha majority of our liar t 'oiled people in tho world think'that la credulity,' If you

baliav* everything, you aro apt to got foolod—got your ay*-tenth out . Thar* are poopla 'round looking for Juat your kinl of pa p la . ' that way bo an argument. That nay bo a

good argument. Bat if you aro oatabllahad in tho livlno s p i r i t , you w i l l novor got foolod in tho and. You wi l l aloaya oomo out auooaoeful. You w i l l always rind th-t tharo lo a pro too ting praaonea, that thara lo a pro too tin,; intal l iganea, that thora ia a powwr that goto with that innooanoo that takaa oaro of a l l t t l o ch i ld .

1 roaombar reading not long ago an ineidant of tho elmol* faith of Ll t t la ohi l lron. who owro boing brought up—two l l t t l o boyo—aftor modern Uoao of giving than par foot freedom. Thay shouldn't bo Oollad and aakad to any why thay do oartain thingo. . . . One waning aftor thay had gono to b a d . . . l a and baholdl thay wont book downstairs atark nafcd, walked around and wont upataira again. Tha father and nether aaid to tha guoata, "Bo r ight • t i l l , jar.'t pay any attantion than, la don't know what thay ara up to . But thay aro evidently doing •(•nothing of vnat importance to than." In*toad of questioning tha oh i l -dran, thay want to their kinderjar tan tooohar. from her thay learned that they had a now gone of whioh they (tha parents) hadn't baan told "Mann hao *iiaoppoaring' ( tora l ( ln -torruptlng) Vnnie^na; oroan (ootto rooo) (Laughter)) disappearing oroan upatalri . After wo go to bod, wo^got tap, rubouraalvaa with that disappearing oroan AND NOBODY OAK TJU» 1HAT 11 KAVI ON AsB TOY CAN'T WW 811 Uol" (Tho label had disappearing oroan on i t ) TMntluna u real axanpla of abatraot ocnfldsnes in what i t oaid on tha bot t l e . If wo would only ronoebar thia and know that wo should bel ieve and have ample faith in what io told ua, what la written in tho Paokl

I think thnt tho Bible hao boon a wonderful guide to ^hriatiano who really bel ieved. ?u" thora oonaa a l i t t l e bugbear, and that l a , you f inal ly reaoh a plaoe whan you aook for your understanding to bo brought into a*nlf*e*a'lon, and here's whore, o i a rule , wo have trouble oeonueo tho understanding aooo tho abi l i ty of tho won, and i t bog in• to la -

art i t ao l f , and horo'a whora oabltlon oonoa i n . A* Shakaepeare eayat "1 havo no apur to break' tha way ( f ) of ay intent ( ? ) , but only vaulting anbitlan whioh o'erreaohea i t ­aolf and fal l* on tho other aide." That*a where you have trouble with your ambition. And oo wo find that wo men go with thia obedlont opir i tual nan a* ho unfolds and bring into roaIl lat ion tho awtn of Sp ir i t with a l l hia powers.

mow th i s weano If wo go along with Jaaua and aarvo—Jaauo taught aervieei whatever wo did, I t nuot bo oorvieo--Paul say a J •fe art Tod's follow-workort." Jid you over r t a l -l i o that you are rea l ly , whan you understand your apirltual roaouroa, you ore tha mags and Llkanooo of Ood In idea and that you are forming that laaga and llkonoaa in nanlfao-ta t len , i f you hava ifl mind that one idea, you nuat work with Frlnolpel , with Ood. Hero you anphasls* that work in 'lie Noma.

Vo aoo on every aide the works of those who really love their work* If youlovo your work, you w i l l oaproaa tha Ji .-lna Law under tha 'John Jlrpanaatlon' — you w i l l LOYI your work. You aoo. And i f you love your work, you w i l l do good work, whatever i t nay ba.

I t la aaid abou* »tradivnriua, the groat maker of v i o l i n s , that a vary grant bat un­principled painter en* day anearad at stradlvarlus far waiting of hla talanta In naming v i o l i n s , and hs soornad the potty praatioa. But Stradivariu* did hie work with a oonao of partnorship v l th Tad, and replied: "whan ay Matter holla 'twixt shin aoi hand a v io ­l i n of alno, ho w i l l bo glnd that 3-tradlvarlua l ived , aade v io l ins and node than tho vary baat. My work ia mine. If ay hand alaok, 2 Should rob Bod, also a la lo tha ful­ness of good and Ho oeu l l not make Andonio -ftradiveriue v io l ins without Antoniol"

That la a real inoidont thara, that Ood couldn't io a oartain work without you—with­out BO. Lota of paopla can do just aa ;ood work at you ara d o i n g . . . . . 0 , aetap'ryaloo i o for good atudontol Noll thay nay do aa good work as wo ara doing., but 'not as good work I I I u doing—as you are d o i n g , ' . . . .aoi l ikos ovoryono of no or ig inal . l ike tho diamond having nany faoata, doing many kind* of work. But He wants us to do i t wel l , with our whole heart and than i t w i l l b* permanent, l a s t i n g , and i t r i l l bo good . . . . i t w i l l bo Ood1 • work.

So wo are a l l striving to folio Jaaua In that right kind of work. And that right kind of work l o work you era doing. So everyone of uo aunt do tho work of the Lord In the Lord's way—not i n our wmyftlwaya. fa h«va oartain ldoao how work should bo done, but l o t ua reaaabor, the rami way to do aoi 'a work la to take th i s reoaptlva atato of Bind, th i s oh l ld l iko , open Bind, and to beliov* evaryt dng. Aa 1 say, you w i l l bo made a viotlm aonotinoa, app ront ly . But OUTU; to your Ood-guldanoo. Don't b* afraid* . . . "If 1 do neks miotakoo, i f I do ease blundera. . ."well , thou, noma 3od rtaponalbls for your blunders*

- 4 -rrotty noon you w i l l , o o u out of them. That's a atrange tu>u,;ht. If you rofor your bluodoro to 3od-Uind, a l l at onoo tnaro wi i L bo LttMT earn* into your U f a . Tou 4 i l bo-gin to 0*0 ho* I t w i l l vork with every l ino of work. I t dooom't aftko any dlffereno* • W o »* aro oaot. Joavo aay, "I oan*t work in tho buoinoM world, booauo* l u i t sp ir i tua l !* The baalneae world noodo your op ir i tua l l ty . Othora oay, "1 oan't go to war. TvTon't bai lors -n k i l l i n g . " You don't have to go to war to k i l l . . . . y o u go to oa*o poapl* fraa tholr k i l l i n g idoao. Tako that atand. You wil l find you don't hava to k i l l anybody. .,'* W o experienced again and again by aono of par youn,; aaw.-aoaw) volunteered— who son* back rejoicing: "I didn't k i l l anybody. I had diooiplin* that I aooduti." Tho roaoon for i t f tooting in Ood WlTfUTI.

i r you raootrnlio tho oplrltunl Hind It w i l l vork with you. Zf you vork with thi* di tint llind, i t w i l l broaden your viewpoint and you w i l l begin to ooo in o larger way. 1 t o l l you tho Spir i t 1* bnok of everything. Thar* 1* nothing book of Sp ir i t hut an idea l . • * talk th la over and orar again. Put hao to b* Impressed upon uot THAT 1 AH POITX} 16 jfllUTUAL WDlut. I t doom't tavko any difforonoa, you way bo a typovritor, a lot tor-writer; you my bo doing janitor work. I t deea-i't mko any diffarnooo what i t i o , i f you are doing i t in tho right s p i r i t , I t io God'* work. But doim; i t with your own i i ;ht, with idoaa i t Io outoido work, you don't got anywhere. Zf you i i t in that l i g h t , i t w i l l b« dirt and aohoa. But doing i t , aad doing I t in Spir i t , you w i l l got

rooulto. Ho have with ua today' javld halter Py* of How York, who hag boon aoooelvtod in thlo

work for a groat awake r af yoaro. I might oay I h- wo an i Joa of aoking h i* to a cat* up hero. *nd I an l o t t i n g hia talk about any subject ho want* to talk about. Mr. ootid Miter ryot

1 would l ik* to interpret aor* ooaplotoly the remark• your vondarfnl opaakor hao •ado about th* writer (opaakor). And wo wort talking over thlo lioouaalon regarding who thould bo tho groatoft , — th* other night* Shore Joouo i i at Papornaua, whlo"I you ua

oratand aoano 'ocapansion'. Ho waa trying to bring ooaothlnv, to th* diooiploe who r#-prooaatod th* thoughts that woro going through hi* own twolvo oantoro. 'Io vn* trying to find out how ho oauld oonviao* thorn i t woo not noeoesory for thaa to dioputo with thea-•olvoo ao to tholr groatnoo* for oooilderation; t i . t thoy thouldn't ba trying to figure out on* wight bo a l l t t l o smarter and know a l i t t l e sore than another.

Bat, thoy 1'iould have a ooanvon ground of e v e n t r a t i o n we* that wiiah ooonploo tho mind of tho oo-oollod Llttlo oh i ld . So ho brought a l i t t l e e' l iU bofora t i o o . io aot the ohi ld down in their aid i t and oaidi Row mrrf unaar stand tho ohi ld natural i t look* at tho idea of what ww o a l l ' fathor-aad-aothorhoad', and ia oatloflod I t la going to be taken oare of.

Tho ohild hasn't got a graat mny idoao of how to run the uniwtrao. I t ion' t in any ahapo to t o l l Ood what Ida buainaoa i o . S* th* Ohild UoUno and tr io* to find out what l o nooeooary to ooaw into oontaot with that love ly aplr l t of the Fathor-Uothor.

Jssuo waa ta i l ing then that tho f ir i t thing about graatneoa, of. th* man!fostation of groatnoo*, was to wee thi* lav that wo road about in tho f i r s t ohnptar of Qoneoloi that 90d eraatod aan in hlo iaw, * and llkanaaa.

Now i f 1 bring in an t l o o t r i e n l quality, ao I have i t , wo wight got what io sa i led p o l a r i t y . That lo a pos i t ive pole and a negative polo—you bettor oar pos i t ive and nega­tive poloa. And you want to know what happana when two pos i t ives earn together in th* o lootr loa l fioldT Than you got a fuoion (?) aad a apark. ff* anowld tako thla looaoa ao 1 understand i t t i f we -;*t ovor-pooitlvo o o m t l M i and w* think that th* other follow dooon't know very nueh--w* know i t al l—tho boat way to do for I t io to got for i t tho oplr l tunl , tna r i g h t ferae in oaoh and ovaryon*. That fereo, that win!, that which Jooua o a l l o i the "rather witnin' , whloh In aetaphyaio* wo now o a l l tho 'oupor-nind', now that Bind in ua l o alvaya tiara aoting unselflahly en! dlapaooienatoly and without a l o t of noioo aad drying to oonvinoo ua i t la everything. Now thlo ouper-wind la over tharo, and lo everything good. I t never ohangoa. Zt lo Juot th* fountwinhoad out of whloh a l l lia'.a 0 tat, and sakoa nan a gonlue.

How thoy tako a thought aad do thlo aad that—whloh porhapo wo foal wo cannot do— booauow they have ova*) in ountnot with that partloulnr idea or realm of idoao. Through that thoy have a awnlfoat rea l i sa t ion , and aro Continually mini fy ing thi* oourOo, th i s oauao rea l s rather than the ir own realm where they way aot Imv* aaalnilatod I t .

1 r H a u i r aany yoaro ago, with work 1 waa doing with BOW stock—hi-vlng ohangod prlntora, 1 was shown what v* ao a a lab hao oant out ton year* or nora ego. My graoiou


-5-did va avar put ' t l n - L l a i l e o ' (?) of writ in Ilka that out invit ing thaa to o< tha ahovl M l va could got vaa that kind of a card (? ) . Nov today, va hava etrwamllna 1 oara and f luid drlva.

In tha tans vay Charla a Fillmore pointed out-anj loaders pointed out-- why not? 2 any to ay se l f , J oannat t a l l you lolko anything you don't already know. All

1 can oay for ayaalf whoa I an haro la i f 1 oan gat ir.to a oonaelouanaaa vhoro two i you agroo i t ! • so— • vhara two or three art gathered togothor"ln the midst of thla -uprana I Aoaa-than that buprame 1 S i i going to bo haro. Bo va nay amy altogether, Juot nov, ee ara real ly doing vhat in* •o lent lr lo vorld oaya va ara going to do within tan or f i f teen or twenty yaara—whatever i t nay be. "hay aay va are going to take i t eat af tha ethero, whatever any groat aaul haa aaid* They era already producing—avolv-ing—inatrunanta ao va w i l l actually U e t e n to what Jooua vaa patting a t vhaa he apeka to hlo dlooiplee and told thou to quit disputing about what la graatnaaa. Hut rathar to oono to a conclusion that even Jeaua oould aay to than thay shouldn't leak up to hla as a soul, but a loull remember what ho oald. And that spir i tual ' lo-naaa' , that Ood-alnlKhtinoao goao to auko up tha Trinity, that Christ love and healing power of the Holy S p i r i t . . . t h a t ve should bo thinking of that vhioh produooo that vhloh ha vaa oaoable of dolnp), net aot hin, Joaua, up aa a auporlor spir i tual being, but aa ono ehow-lag thaa the way tliat thay oouli individually tnka. 1 aay to avoryone hare. «a J aay ta nyaaLf, th*t va aught to ronanfaar what Jeeue noent whan ha aaid va ohouli boa one l lko U t U o chi ldren. • xeapt ye become l ike a l i t t l e chi ld , yet cannot enter into tha kingdon" af harmony.

What la the Kingdom af Harmony? Tha Kingdom of Harmony la a renin whore everythinf roots on vhat va try to explain aa ^od-alnlghgfp, Spir i tual Lan.. . .A van thnt knave every­thing naturally, normally, in tha spir i tual renin of tha fourth Jlnenalon, i s n ' t naeaa-aari ly held to vhat tha aven-»e mind knows in the material third dimension.

In my bflsineae U f a , I hava noticed today, vhaa meeting a great many problems, the businessman today la going through a grant transformation. Ha la finding that ha cannot oarry on aa ha haa In tha pas t . He cannot assume that as a c a p i t a l i s t ho haa control avar tha produolng adnd. Ho hag gat either to uoa tho preduolng mind himnalf e ither direct ly or In contact with t ioee ho works with. And in recant iutertiewa, 2 have no­ticed as X have traveled around tha country, that van try to get quiet and l i s t e n a l o t to vhut tha other follow hao to oay—not interfere v l tn Hla freed on to apeak out—and that thay w i l l find after a l l where 1 err eaen to ent ire ly dlengree, that I amy have had that in mind. In my relat ion with particular proupa supposed to bo doing n l i t t l e loom­ing, when tho other follow haa had hla aay—ne Vila on says in one of hie books, 'Don't try to shut anybody off . Just l i s ten.". .And l i s t e n . After ho goto through auuks your explanations. You hnvo to to ao in that particular to make yourself a l t a r . For hit particular experience, what ho goto to know in hid mind and being, Helps to fore Hia port lcul r epialona. hot jnet o l t and analyse vhat hao bean aaid to you. Then take tho standi "Wall, va ara a l l doing tha vary beat va cam do, and that'a a l l an aagal oan do.I

Z agree v l th uherlaa Fillmore's talks aad Unity l l taraturv which oayoi Keep sexgnl-fying tha highest conception of an idee that you oan. Keep always standing firm and not trying to Jiuep into heaven overnight. But rea l ly , aayi What kind of an idea do I need? What la i t 2 am net developing? Why should 1 be l o t up U the a ir thinking 2 am smart? Perhaps tha l i g h t on tha other aide reveals l i f e in another aspect. So 1 amy] What la i t Z am not measuring up to? All r ight! Not weaeurlng up means 2 haven't connected with tha realm of ideas where the answer l a . If 2 a i t down and look around wit icut myself, keep magnifying myself without ideas, not measuring up to i t , 2 am shaping tho and, and 2 am not making tha amphaals on 3 ad who i s going to improve our human. Tha only vay to improve -he nuaan la with and idea that bo long a to Sp i r i t .

Unsalfed diaoiplina ia good for everybody. 1 viah everybody to real ise with ma Juat nov aa affirmation Charles Fillmore made anny y e a n age, vbloH keeps ooming to aa. I t la i 000 AKJ ION, HEAVE* AS'j XARTH AMD AIL TUX ftJWsxl AND ALL THX fOJtfB OF XAATO, WATXR AND AIR TOarrtDl ARC NOV tmrrXO » HCALl'sl MX. Thoj.V you (Strong applause).

HxALIWd UttTlrO CHARLCS FIUAKIRdi Wo w i l l new a l l join in tha HXALlHl CONMlOUMKoS, CORA Ft Wa w i l l have the offering f i r s t . OhViRUS F| Have tha offering f l r a t l 2 hadn't forgotten tha af faring. (Laughter). CORA Ft U f a Join in our usual word: JIYXHA' LOVE TOvmUh* MX BLd83«* 4MB HJLTlrllXS THIS OFfKnlaTss Firut wo w i l l give you a chance to take your offering in your hands. ow togatbarplaaeasjrepeat) Blaaslpjj rather, we thank Thee for t h i s ganoroua outpouring of TJT/ substsTnoa. We aooejK i t in tha name of tha Lord, r e a l i s i n • that? the givare art ilibly JllMiJjpT_PjloJ_JJjjo^ i „ - - - . - . - ^

- b -JHARLICS F: Whan working r l t h Jaaua, wo aaa cat torn* direction from tha Ma* Taatanant • In hla oomunn to tha dlaalplaa whan ha aaid for thaa to "do forth, praaoh tha goapol, howl tha alok." Thoaa ara fundanar.ulo. la a l l oar «a*tla;a and claaaaa, «a foal aw •houU ha l l for tha hauling povar of th* Jp ir i t ; *• ahoold iaolara that hoallng povar; va •Sould axpaot to bo haalod ubaolutoly.

And now at tha aanoluaioi. of thla proaohing and touching, wo ara taking up tha aaaond otaps JTEAL THA SICE. Lat ua taka for our oantral idaa that thla J'fKd.lT UTJfD IB hTJW IVMlTIOHIaVJ II Ul . whan *a iaolara i t , i t opana tha way to tha groat lathar-lahd. Jaaua, l a our looaoa today, aaldl Whoever raoalvath no raaaivath 'tin that aant TO* That ( M * i t tha Ohrlat in ovaryona of ua* L*i J I roaliao that tha l iving Jhriat la hart Tha l i v i n g Ohrlat l a aplr l tual nun, unlvtroal can. That univaraal van la la ua whan TO opan our alnda, boa aaa ohl ldl lko and raoaptiva.

Jaaua Chrlat, tha Liviag Christ, l a now hara and haul a you. (o la not hara doing hla parfaot vera hoallng you, hoaUng TO, haallag a l l . THX LlviHO CtRIST IS MOV ERIC DOUO 0 1 smner VTJPX HJUUK} YOU, WS*J*1W ME. U t ' i a l l a* to that aff lrrot lon togathtr: THE UVli, » CWIBT 13 NOW 00110 *T5 n*EJBvT WJlUC 1H BAuirn kit, II 'KAJ.J 13 YOU. Again. Kvarybody. (nfoaut) T h t ' a bottar. Tha davand la that va ahall wand forth tha Word. Again t (v op rut) . How va huvo a H o t of Quanta hara of pooplo on tht out al ia aho h'.va a ah ad ua to pray for titan at thla m a t i n g . Aaop that *. »ugnt up.

-ORA | llay va hava your noot tenia jt pray ara far thaoa dour onai for hoalth, holp, proaparlfty, alao fraaion* Plauoa tonaliar youraalvao par fa-t a. u l tra , haulln , a l l nunnar of dlaaaaaa, tha thought of povarty, and to on. Olvo ua your boat holp* Z w i l l road tho aaaaa o l l an t ly .

GftknlESl f o rrt renl lalng taut tho hauling oonaolouanoaa, tha hsullog Ohrlat la hurt doing Ha parfait work hauling uad proaparlag ua and a l l poraona iara, thoaa asking, thoaa vhoae naroa TO havta raoolvad.l THE 'KAl. I3T IB JOd Q ITS ruWJtUT WORK IN IE. TOE hXAUlO J'ttlflT IB 001W ltd rawlnvT WORK ill YOU, U f a i l l apoak tha vord again,plaaa*. 8 ay. THE LIVIHO CHRIST IS JOB 00210 ITS PuMEJt fXttX 1H YOU." Coral Too art hoalod. Oharlooi And prooporod. Carat Tou ara hoalod. You art lllunvluad. Charioti Tha parfaot work of tha Jar l i t nlnJ l o to do a l l goad t o ovoryono. "Nov thart la no condcaavatlon to than thut uro in OuViai Jaaua." Nov If you h*vo in your nlnd any­body, i t loaan't aako uny l l f f ranca vhara thay ore, w <o n#«d» haaling, thank of than; ropaat thalr nanoo a l l an t ly . Bpoak tha vnrdl W i L1YIM3 CHAJjf IS Nat D011M ITS mrrxrf WORT.. TTJ. LJV2H0 CHUBT IS KOW XUMJ ITS kTl\nBT 'BALJiO IH TOU. To.othtrt Agalnl Aloudi Hopout.

BKMI0E.T13:;i U t * l u l l g iro thanka that tha UYlltl C-fHlST la hara pouring out upon ua aplr l tual abundance, ap l i i tua l Uuadanio, planty for you «ni for aw, vhun vo real i ia tho povar of tha B , l r l t . THE LlVlfJ J Oil -T IS HOW HERE GxVim TH CONbdlfrJSMes AJ,'j HANI JTEBTATJO : OP A:<UHJA1I JE TO US, 4YEHY01S.

Lot ua rlao plauaa i Ta ara a l l going forth with thla g r o t oonaolouanoaa ullva In ua of tho Ll.lHO

J OUST, to art varklng with thlo Chrlot. I t da working with ua. Wo uro working with nod bolng inoplrod by thla LjfVlUJ C*UBT.


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