11 november is a very important day for poland, because in 1918 she regained freedom. it is a day...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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The most important days

in Poland

11 november is a very important day for Poland, because in 1918 she regained freedom. It is a day free from work.

11 November

On 24 December everyone in Poland celebrates Christmas Eve. Grandmothers and mothers prepare a lot of food and children decorate a Christmas Tree. Traditional food of Christmas is borscht with dumplings. In the evening the whole family sits at the same table and they sing christmas carols. Everyone gives each other gifts.

24 December Christmas Eve

On the night of 31 December to 1 January we celebrate the New Year. Everyone plays, dances, goes to the parties and lets off fireworks. Everyone enjoys upcoming new year and plans in advance what to do to make the future better.

1 January

Happy New Year!

Vallentine’s Day is a day of all lovers. Pairs profess their love. People in love spend a romantic evening together and plan the rest of the common life.

14 February

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday commemorating the arrival of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It is also the first day of Holy Week, which ends on the Sunday of the Passion. Palm Sunday is, of course, a moveable feast because of the association with Easter. This feast is celebrated in Poland since the Middle Ages.


Easter is the oldest and most important Christian holiday. Is celebrated to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church feast of Easter is preceded by a 40-day period of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday begins 46 days before Easter, but Sundays as holidays are not included in the period of fasting. During Lent, the faithful through fasting, almsgiving and prayer should draw near to God and prepare to celebrate the relics of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Constitution of 3 May was passed onMay 3, 1791. Law regulates the legal system of the Republic of Both Nations. It is generally accepted that the Constitution of May 3 was the first in Europe and second in the world of modern written constitution.

3 May

Polish national holiday, celebrated annually since 2010 on 1 August.This day is a day off from work. Feast established in honor of the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising of those who in defense of statehood, up in arms fighting for the liberation of the capital, sought to restore the institution of an independent Polish State, opposed the German occupation and the specter of Soviet captivity threatening future generations of Poles. Justification attached to the bill an added, moreover, that a reward of a free Poland Uprising can repay his debt of gratitudee.

1 August

The End

Weronika Brzozowska kl. 2b

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