11-nov-8-2013_powerfulness is your real nature_gram_scott

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  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    DATE 8 Nov 2013 LOCATIO


    Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam,

    Bidadi Ashram, Bengaluru, Karnataka



    AM END




    TITLE Powerfulness is your real Nature


    d by

    Mahesh yer Cec!ed


    !umit Darak, Nirvikalpini Ma

    Nithyanandeshwara SamaarambhaamNithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

    Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

    00"#1 $indi % 00"&3

    'el(ome all the devotees, dis(iples, sama)is, satsanghis sitting 'ith us throughNithyananda *+, otus Ne's -hannel, .anashree *+, /sh'ar *+ and through t'o%'ayvideo%(oneren(ing in t'enty%t'o pla(es having Nayana Deeksha, in t'enty (ountriesaround the 'orld as per the statisti(s

    -ities sitting 'ith us in t'o%'ay video%(oneren(ing" uadeloupe%amesh'aram, !har)ah,!eattle%-hidam4aram, *oronto%Kailasam, Nithyanandesh'ara $indu *emple%-harlotte,$ouston%Kalahasti, 5klahoma%!omanatham, $ydera4ad%Nithyanandanagaram, !an .ose%

    Madurai, os Angeles%Aruna(halam, Kuala umpur%6alani, +aranasi, NithyanandaDhyanapeetam%*iruvannamalai, 5hio%6rayag, 5man%!ivagangai, 6aris $ome *emple, !anDiego%a .olla, !(ottsdale%Ari7ona, $ydera4ad%upta Kashi, Du4ai%+aidyanatham, Devon%K, !urrey%British -olum4ia, !ingapore%!ingapuram, $ong Kong%!irka7hi, BangaloreNorth, Mulund%Mum4ai, /nri(hing *emple%Bidadi, ndrani%Ne' .ersey, Austin%*e9as, 6arishome temple, !(ottsdale Ari7ona

    'el(ome all o you 'ith my love and 4lessings

    *oday, the irst day o Nithyanadesh'ara Brahmotsava As you all may 4e a'are, todaymorning, in Brahmamuhurta : &"30 to ;"30 : the auspi(ious time, D'a)arohana hashappened, lag%hoisting, invoking all the devatas, auspi(ious energies in this area !o, no'

    all o them are here attending the Brahmotsavam

    *oday is also the !kanda !ashti Brahmotsavam : !oora !amhaara !u4ramanya is readyon his !uvarna Mayura +aahana to destroy the demons *oday evening, 4y # o

  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    21st4at(h nner A'akening, 8 thday=

    18th4at(h eN%enius, 8thday=

    21st4at(h Nirahara !amyama, evel%2, & thday


  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    tell you, 'hether you (ompare yoursel 'ith people 'hom you think are higher than you oryou think are lo'er than you, you are in the spa(e o po'erlessness and you are destroyingyoursel And you are going to destroy yoursel unless you raise yoursel, unless you(omplete 'ith yoursel

    Cirst let me e9plain to you the mental setup, the pattern, stru(tureo people 'ho (ompare

    themselves 'ith others,'homthey thinkarehigher than them, guilt !o please understand,no' 'ill e9plain irst the pattern, ee(ts, side%ee(ts o the people 'ho (arrypo'erlessness due to (omparison 'ith people 'ho they think higher than them !o,Core9ample, i you are in the tenth rank, and some4ody is in the irst rank, orse(ond rank,@henandyou are (omparing (ompare yoursel 'ith them, 'hat kind o po'erlessness youe9perien(e,

  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    you are 4lo(king your Kundalini energy, you are 4lo(king your lie or(e, you are destroyingyour 4io%energy 4e(ause it is going to reinor(e the aith in you that you are po'erless, youare useless, you are lieless

    6lease understand, the moment you think some4ody is 4igger than you and he kno's it,you are going to 4e e9ploited 4y him *he person 'ho is really, really 4igger than you 'ill

    al'ays 4e helping you to make you 4e(ome like him But 'hom you think is 4igger thanyou 'ill only 4e e9ploiting you @ho is really 4igger than you 'ill 4e e9plaining itto you@hom you think is 4igger than you 'ill 4e e9ploiting you @ho is really 4igger than you 'ill4e e9plaining to you

    isten, 'hether you (ompare yoursel 'ith the people 'hom you think are 4igger than youor lo'er than you, (omparison is going to put you in po'erlessness, 4e very (lear a4out it@hen you think some4ody is higher than you and you (ompare yoursel 'ith them, thedierent kinds o tortures you 'ill give it to yoursel, you 'ill 4ring upon yoursel, thedierent kinds o a4usalsa4use

  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    hill on it ADou4le%layered task you are having a e normal ground and thenyou are to4uildingthe hill,great,4ut i you have to ill the valley and then 4uild a hill, it is a dou4le%layered taskNaturally, the stress 'ill 4e more

    -omparing yoursel 'ith people 'hom you thinkarehigher than you puts you intothetheeternal depression @e (an (all this hell as >Kum4hipaakam? aruda 6urana des(ri4es

    various hells isten 6utting yoursel in the spa(e o po'erlessness is eGuivalent toputting yoursel in hell 'ith a lot o eort /ven i you 'ant to put yoursel in hell, they don

  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    a4using others n this 'ay,youa4use yoursel and destroy yourselE nless you get out o it,

    o5nly 'hen you enri(h yoursel 'ith responsi4ility, you get out o it, and you (an 4e(ome

    authenti( again tell you, 'hen you (arry this pride and arrogan(e, (omparing yoursel 'ith

    others 'hom you think are lo'er than you, your health 'ill (ollapse nderstand, at least 'ith

    the earlier pattern, you 'ill only have psy(hologi(al pro4lems= 4ut 'ith the se(ond pattern :

    (omparing yoursel 'ith people 'hom you think lo'er than you : your physi(al health 'ill(ollapse Be a'areE 5nly 'hen you (ollapse,'hen youall do'n, you'illyoustart looking into

    'hat is the real mistake, @here did go 'rong< But no', am telling you, this is athe'arning

    rom the uruE @ake upE Don

  • 8/12/2019 11-Nov-8-2013_Powerfulness is Your Real Nature_gram_Scott


    you are in the spa(e o -ompletion, all the 'ork you tou(h 'ill 4e su((essul, it 'ill lourish, it

    'ill 4ring so mu(h o po'erullnesspo'erulnessin you=!u((ess %6o'erulness 'ill al'ays

    sho'er su((ess, understand, it 'ill never 4ring ailure t is a la' o lieE t is a la' o lieE At

    least 'ith the earlier pattern o guilt, they 'ill reali7e something is 'rong uilt is like an enemy

    'ho (omes dire(tly to ight 'ith you Arrogan(e is a traitor= he 'ill a(t as i he is your riend and

    4e 'ith you, and then destroy you, understandE Be(ause, Aarrogan(e is a (ompli(atedin(ompletion 6lease understand,atraitor is a million timesmoredangerous thananenemy

    An e/nemy is a straightor'ard n your lie, even i you allo' : andyou should not allo'

    either4oth, enemy norand traitor, 4oth :4ut i you have to allo' any4ody, 4etter allo' your

    enemy, the irst pattern >guilt?, than this >arrogan(e?, (omparing yoursel 'ith people 'hom you

    think are lo'er than you

    tell you, arrogan(e 'ill 4e a traitor you 'ill reali7e ind out only ater you(ompletely(ollapse

    (ompletelyE !o, enri(h yoursel no' !top this a4usive, arrogant nature !top this a4usive,

    arrogant, (onstantlydegradingand,disrespe(tingto'ardsothers *his nature 'ill 4e a traitor in

    your lie By the time you 'ake up, you 'ould 'ill have 4een physi(ally destroyed,destroyed=

    you 'ould have physi(ally damaged your 4ody

    >$indi translation?

    nderstand, neither (omparing yoursel 'iththethe people 'ho you think are higher than you

    nor (omparing yoursel 'ith people 'ho you think are lo'er than you is going to keep you

    po'erul or help you in your lie emain po'erul 4y remem4eringthat(omparing 'ith others

    is a si(kness 'hi(h happens due to po'erlessness

    et you all a(hieve, e9perien(e, live, e9press, radiate, share and e9plore in eternal 4lissE


    ela9 ou (an open your eyes 4less you all to 4e NiraharisE

    4less you allE et you all radiate 'ith ntegrity, Authenti(ity, esponsi4ility and /nri(hing 'ith

    eternal 4liss, NithyanandaE *hank youE

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