10 things you did in 10 minutes with the toolkit

Post on 22-May-2022






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10 Things You Did in 10

Minutes with the Toolkit

10 Things in 10 Minutes Part IV

• This year, for the first time, all 10 Things submitted by attendees

• Showcase for ingenuity and creativity of netFORUM Developers

using netFORUM development platform

• This presentation will be available for download following the


Roll Up Child Forms

Kate Evans Pollin

Manager, Application Development & Consulting

Information Systems #410

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)


• Members accumulate professional development hours but have to

pay a fee to have them included in printed transcripts.

• If more than one year is unpaid, members on a budget want to pay

only for the years with the most credits

Solution Requirements

• Summarize professional development activity annually

• Clearly display what will be on transcript and what will not

• Quickly answer questions about how many credits in year X

“Roll Up” Child Forms

• The User Experience

• User sees 2 forms which divide history by whether they occur

within paid Registry years or not.

• History is grouped by year with totals for number of courses

and number of credits.

“Roll Up” Child Forms

Grandchild Form details specific courses

“Roll Up” Child Forms

The Child Form SQL

• Creates a temporary table for the current customer w/ sum() &


• Results are selected from the temp table sorted by year Desc

“Roll Up” Child Forms

Grandchild Form SQL

• Uses variables cru_cust_key and Year to select records

• Lists the course offering information associated with each year

“Roll Up” Child Forms

eWeb Panel with Conditional Visibility

Dan Hickey

Manager of Website & Database Operations

American Massage Therapy Association

eWeb Child Form

• In the example we have an eWeb child form that is only visible to a

specific non-terminated member type based on membership dates.

• Add a new content row to the eWeb page where the child form will


List SQL

• Enter the List SQL

for the information

that will be

displayed in the

child form:

Visibility SQL

• In the http://wiki.avectra.com/Visibility_SQL box create the SELECT

statement that will pull the membership key based on the

membership requirements that are set. In our case it is pulling a

specific non-terminated, non-deleted member type whose expiration

date is greater than the current date.

User View

• RESULT: Here is a screen shot

of the Individual’s eWeb page

who does not meet the criteria,

the visibility SQL statement will

not return a result:

User View

• Here is a screen shot of an

Individual whose

membership information returns a mbr_key from

the visibility SQL


CMS Setup

• You can now create new content (or

link to previously created content) and

link to this child form. In our example

we created a custom wizard and form

to add, and edit, the information in the

child form.

Form Extensions

Pradnya Devare

Software Solutions Specialist

National Association for the Specialty Food Trade,


New York, NY

The Goal

• To enable staff to identify the sales person and service

representative assigned to a company

*on the organization profile page*

The Problem

• The representative name had to be accessed from the User table (fw_user), based on the ste_usr_key from

the sales territory table (sf_territory_assignment).

• There are only a set number of tables available to select

columns from, from the ‘Control to Add’ list on the designer

profile page. These columns are based on the Data

Objects of the Form’s Object.

The Solution

• Create a form extension to be available on the ‘Control

to Add’ list so that the field will be accessible in the list.

Steps to create form extensions

• Navigate to the form on which you want to display additional text. Click on the ‘Edit this form content’ icon to go directly to the dynamic form.

• To this dynamic form, add a Profile Detail containing XML (sql), Parameters and XSL under the Dynamic profile detail child form.

• When you finish creating the profile detail form, edit the form again and copy the primary key of the form.

• Create an extension, and specify the primary key of the profile detail form created above as part of its definition.

Steps to create form extensions

Dynamic Form

Steps to create form extensions

Dynamic Profile detail definition

Steps to create form extensions

Profile text definition (3 parts)

1. XML to return data:



[Representative] = usr_friendly_name

from sf_territory_assignment (nolock)

left join co_customer OrgCst ON ste_cst_key = OrgCst.cst_key

left join fw_user Rep ON ste_usr_key = usr_key

where OrgCst.cst_key = {parameter_cst_key} and usr_delete_flag = 0

Order by [Representative]

FOR XML PATH ('individual'), ROOT ('root')


Steps to create form extensions

2. Parameters to pass to XML command in step 1:







For reference, after it has been passed a parameter, the SQL in Step 1 will output XML that looks like this:



<Representative>Tammy Butcher</Representative>



Steps to create form extensions

3. XSL template to format XML results{BeginXsl}

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:template match="/root">


<xsl:apply-templates select="individual" />



<xsl:template match="individual">

<DIV class="tinytxt">

<xsl:value-of select="Representative" />





Steps to create form extensions

Form Extension definition

The red arrow points to the 3rd

parameter, which is the primary key of the Profile Detail that has just been added.

• Check the ‘has extensions’ field on the profile of the parent form

• Also remember to put metadata locks on these 2 controls.

Steps to create form extensions

What you should see when you are done:

Steps to create form extensions

After you’ve created the Profile Detail and Form Extension, design the form

and add the extension to the form. The extension will now be available on

the ‘add to control’ list.

REMEMBER: Metadata lock the label and extension on the form.

In Conclusion

The use of form extensions opens up netFORUM,

and the possibilities for almost any customization

that you may want to do!

Reports for Scheduling SP Runs

Rajesh Atitkar

American Chemical Society


• In netFORUM’s user interface, there is no way of scheduling a

Stored Procedure to run. The only way we can do it is by using

scheduled task, but this needs to happen at the server level.

• We wanted an interface for an iWeb user to submit the parameters

for the SP and also specify the run time. But do do this, we would

need to create a form and then write C# code to create a scheduled

task. We did not want to write any code to do this.

• Hence this is what we came up with:


• We created an empty shell report and setup the required

parameters for it. The parameters included the parameters for the

SP as well as the date when we wanted to run the process.

• The code was added to the report SQL so that when the report ran,

it took all the parameters entered by the user and then created a

SQL Job on the database server to run at the time entered by the

users. The remaining parameters were passed to the SQL Job as

parameters for the SP.

• We use this to run a Monthly Snapshot Process as all it does is

creates the data for Snapshot reports but we wanted users to

specify when it was run.

Report Metadata Setup

Report Definition in RDL File in MSRS

SQL in Report Stored Procedure

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[client_ACS_mb_membership_monthly_generate_submit]

Script Date: 02/25/2011 11:24:06 ******/





CREATE procedure [dbo].[client_ACS_mb_membership_monthly_generate_submit]

@p_year varchar(4),

@p_month varchar(2),

@CurrentUserName varchar(100)


set nocount on

set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

declare @parm varchar(1000),

@p_email_id varchar(100)

select @p_email_id = usr_email from fw_user where usr_code = @CurrentUserName

set @parm = 'Exec client_ACS_mb_membership_monthly_generate ' + @p_year + ',' + @p_month + ','''+ @p_email_id + ''',''' +


--select @parm

exec msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobstep

@job_name = 'Generate MMR and Demographics data',

@step_id = '1',

@step_name = 'Step 1',

@command = @parm

exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'Generate MMR and Demographics data'


Searchable White Paper Website

William Keenan

Information Technology Manager

Craft & Hobby Association


• Develop an inexpensive searchable eWeb white paper application

Web Postings

• Staff add white papers through iweb as web postings

eWeb Page Search Page

• Find.ascx for the search function

• List results rendered by XslGenerator.ascx

Detail Page

• eWeb detail page uses XslGenerator.ascx

CBSA Codes

Brian Kurihara

Database Administrator

Association for Financial Professionals

What is CBSA?http://www.zipcodedownload.com/Products/Product/CBSAUSA/Standard/Overv



Upload CBSA codes

• Zipcode, CBSA code, CBSA name

Add extender to co_address_ext

Set CBSA name for all U.S.

begin transaction

update co_address_ext

set adr_cbsa_name_ext=cbsa_name

from co_address_ext

join co_address on adr_key_ext=adr_key

join client_afp_cbsa on LEFT(adr_post_code,5)=LEFT(zipcode,5)

where adr_country='UNITED STATES'



Create trigger

ALTER trigger [dbo].[upd_cbsa]

/* Updating CBSA codes */

on [dbo].[co_address]

for insert, update

as if (@@rowcount=1)


update co_address_ext

set co_address_ext.adr_cbsa_name_ext =

--Post code has matching CBSA

case when inserted.adr_country = 'UNITED STATES'

then case when left(inserted.adr_post_code,5) in

(select left(zipcode,5) from client_afp_cbsa)

then (select cbsa_name from client_afp_cbsa

where left(inserted.adr_post_code,5)=left(zipcode,5))

--Post code not in CBSA

when left(inserted.adr_post_code,5) not in

(select left(zipcode,5) from client_afp_cbsa)

then 'none'


else 'none'


from co_address_ext, inserted

left join client_afp_cbsa on left(inserted.adr_post_code,5)=left(zipcode,5)

where co_address_ext.adr_key_ext=inserted.adr_key


Add column to netFORUM Form

Add search/run query capability to Individual

CBSA in action

Using a Child Form in an Email Template

Gene Fowler

Senior Architect

DSK Solutions, Inc.


– Allows us to specify exactly what is displayed in

the email with an SQL query written in a Child


– Since it is based on a query, we are not limited to

the data elements exposed in the Object used by

the Template

– See wiki.avectra.com for more.

Tips and Tricks: Using a Child Form in an

Email template

Using a “SuperView” to make more sophisticated

and personalized email communications

Stephen Spruce

Solutions Coach

Agilutions Consulting

The Challenge – Data not the way you want it

• E-Marketing Templates are based off of a single netFORUM Object (List Type)

• Only have access to fields available in an object

• Do not have ability to “extend” Static Objects– Individual, Organization, Membership, Event Registrant

• Cannot access information from custom tables

• Cannot easily merge information from two different objects (Membership and Event Registrant)

• Formatting of fields is limited

• Some fields are not available once object has been initially added

The Goal – Get the data into a form that you can

include in a template

• Fancy display of Current Date: “Feb 28, 2011”

• Allow for date arithmetic: Current Date + 3 Months

• Conditional content based on Membership Expiration


• Include a Primary and Secondary Phone Number

• Display event specific demographics

• Include Payment Information after object has been


The Solution – Template based on SuperView

• Create a SQL View that combines all of the relevant data

and conditional/complex business logic

• Use md_view_populate to generate table metadata

• Create an Object using the view table and joining to any

other tables of interest

• Create Tables List and Find Screens for querying

• Design E-Marketing Templates based on new SuperView


Event Customizations

Jon Shoberg

Ohio State University Alumni Association

Event Customizations

• Our event registration process is pretty complex.

• Can eWeb event registration be more user friendly?

• Our service team felt users needed more prompting.

• We added the functionality of custom labels via iWeb

Created extender fields for labels

• We added six fields for custom labels

Made an editing interface

• We modified the event setup for to edit these new fields

Modified our eWeb forms

• Using toolkit we added the new extender fields

Customer View

• Our customers now see our custom fields

One more thing …

• Our complex rules need complex business processing

• Via system options you can name custom procedures

• We’ve replaced the one that calculates packages

Using Invisible SQL on Profile Forms to Control


Grant Denten

Database Manager

Emergency Nurses Association

Invisible Control using SQL

• What is it?

– Makes the control “invisible” on the form when the condition is met.

• How it works

– If the test returns zero rows, then the Invisible feature is not invoked and the

element being evaluated will be drawn on the screen and displayed to the user.

– If the test returns one or more rows, then the content will be made invisible to the

user – it will not be drawn on the screen

Invisible Control using SQL

Simple Example

Invisible Control using SQL

• Our Requirements

– Use the notes table in multiple modules and show which module(s) have notes

associated with them

• Solution

– Added extender column to co_notes_ext to identify the module the note(s)

pertain to (ie. CRM, MBR, INV).

– Placed an HTML Label control on the form and used Invisible SQL to either hide

or display the label/text

Invisible Control using SQL

• How to do it

– Use an InvisibleSQL statement.

– InvisibleSQL works in the following way. In the URL/ImagePage/Data text area,

you will write a SQL command that will return a recordset with zero, one or more


– If there is one or more rows returned by the SQL command, then the control will

become invisible.

Invisible Control using SQL

Invisible Control using SQL

Invisible Control using SQL

We only want to have this

control visible when there

is a “CRM” notes record.

To do this we search for a

customer key that is NOT

in the sub-query. By doing

this, the SQL returns no

records so the control is


Thing 11

• One bonus thing: eWeb CMS Design Bookmarklet

• Allows you to easily toggle between Design and No Design on

eWeb pages.

The End

• Thank you to our ten presenters!

• Q&A

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