10 common remedies to get rid of warts _ everyday roots

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus

    (HPV), which has over 100 types. Dierent types

    aect people in dierent ways, usually depending on

    the strength of their immune system. Some strains

    (like the one that causes common warts) are

    relatively harmless, while others can pose much

    more serious problems. Because warts are caused

    by a virus, they can be spread to other parts of your

    body and to other people as well. If mainstream

    methods have not worked for you (or you’d rather

    avoid treatments involving strange chemicals) try

    some of these straightforward home remedies for

    warts instead. They may not seem particularly

    extraordinary, but that makes them all the better in

    my opinion.

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    ACV is an all-star in the world of home remedies, so it’s not surprising that it’s rst on a list of how

    to get rid of your wart. It’s simple, and many people have found success with it. It does not actually

    kill the virus, but because of its high acidity it attacks the “esh” that makes up the wart, kills the

    physical wart itself, and allows it to peel naturally from the skin. In theory, this takes the virus with

    it, and it shouldn’t return anytime soon. Expect there to be some soreness/swelling in the

    beginning, it’s normal, but of course you can stop the treatment if it’s too much. After a few days

    your wart will mature to a lovely dark shade or black-this is good. Finally, it will come o. Let it

    come o on its own, or the core might remain.

    You will need …

    -Roughly 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar

    -Cotton balls or a piece of cotton cloth

    -A bandage, gauze, or another piece of cloth

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots



    Soak a cotton ball or a piece of cotton fabric in apple cider vinegar. Allow it to saturate, and then

    gently press out the excess liquid so that it is not dripping all over when you apply it. Place it over

    your wart, and secure it with a strip of gauze or cloth. Do this every night and remove during theday-you can leave it on during the day as well! It is not instant, but the wart should die and come

    o within 1-2 weeks.

    2. “Milk” of Milkweed

    Milkweed grows wild across the world, and can be found along the road, in elds, or your

    backyard. While it is true that it can be toxic due to a “poison” called cardiac glycoside, it must be

    taken internally to have a toxic eect. Because of this, don’t keep it around kids or pets, and do not

    get it in your eyes. A small amount of the sap on the wart has been used as a natural remedy for

    centuries, and was a favorite by Native Americans. A proteolytic enzyme found in the plant is

    thought to “digest and dissolve” the wart.

    You will need …

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    -A few dabs of the sap (the liquid that looks like milk)


    File your wart or use a pumice stone to get it slightly exposed (no need to go crazy, just slough o 

    a bit of the top layer). Break a few leaves o of the plant and squeeze the bottom of the stem to

    release more of the sap. Apply enough sap to cover your wart. Leave on and reapply as needed. If 

    you develop any rash or skin irritation, stop and rinse o immediately! If you have sensitive skin, it

    may be best to steer clear of the milkweed.

    3. Banana mash

    Similar to milkweed, bananas contain a proteolytic enzyme that eats away at the wart.

    You will need …

    -1 banana peel-something to scrap the inside of the peel with


    Twice a day, scrape the whitish mush o the inside of banana peel, and apply it to your wart. Wash

    your hands well afterwards to keep the warts from spreading. Repeat until the wart is gone.

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    4. Utilize Vitamin C

    It is thought that applying Vitamin C directly to the wart will destroy the virus causing it. Using

    lemon juice not only gives an extra boost of vitamin C, but the acid content helps “kill it o” so to


    You will need …

    -1 vitamin C tablet

    -A mortar and pestle or something else to crush the tablet with

    -A tad bit of fresh lemon juice OR some water will do in a pinch


    Crush up 1 vitamin C tablet, and add enough lemon juice or water to make a paste. Cover this with

    a bandage and reapply daily.

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    6. Dandy-lions

    Have some dandelions popping up in your yard? Don’t rip them up and dispose of them just yet.

    The milk found has been found useful in getting rid of warts, just be sure to keep up on applying it!

    You will need …

    -1 dandelion

    -a bandage


    Pull the head o of a dandelion and rub the milk onto the wart, and cover it with a bandage. Do

    this twice daily until the wart is gone.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    7. Slather honey on it

    Organic Manuka honey, harvested in New Zealand, is perhaps the best to use. It is one of the most

    potent types of honey in terms of the concentration of its antibacterial/antiviral properties. It is

    also quite stable, unlike some other kinds of honey, so it can withstand temperature uctuation

    without losing its benets. In addition to this, it creates a sort of “occlusion therapy” which is

    essentially depriving the wart of oxygen and killing it (the theory behind duct tape, but honey is

    much better than adhesive.) Verify that you are getting true Manuka honey from a reliable source

    before purchasing.

    You will need …

    -A teaspoon of raw honey

    -A bandage


    File away the wart if you can, and then cover it thoroughly in a thick layer of honey and wrap a

    piece of cloth around it. Leave it like this for 24 hours, changing the bandage and reapplying the

    honey daily.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    8. Put a potato on it

    There doesn’t seem to be a set reason why, but one of the most common natural remedies for

    warts you will hear about is rubbing a potato on it. There’s not a whole lot of scientic backing to

    this theory, but over the centuries people have stuck to it and have found success. It’s worth a

    shot! An interesting part of the original historical remedy is to bury the potato after use and when

    you dig it up 2 weeks later it will have a wart on it (and yours will be gone.) That is very much


    You will need …

    -1 potato

    -a knife

    -a bandage


    Peel a potato and cut a round slice o of it. Rub the slice on your wart 3 times a day, and if you

    nd yourself resting, lay the peeled skin (potato-ey side down) over the wart for as long as

    possible. You can also bandage the potato to the toe and leave it on until the wart it gone,

    changing bandage daily.


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    9. Soak in Pineapple Juice

    Pineapple juice softens the wart. It has a high level of acidity, and a special enzyme to dissolve and

    eat away at the wart. It will sting at rst!

    You will need …

    -Pure organic pineapple juice

    -A bowl

    -A towel


    2-3 times a day, soak your wart in pure pineapple juice for 3-5 minutes. Afterwards, pat the area

    completely dry. Filing before doing this might make the area a little too sensitive, in which case,

    steer clear of it.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    10. Stick a needle in it

    Warts are tricky little devils, they are a barrier that keeps the virus that causes them safe and

    undetected by your immune system-hence why they last so long. It is our job then to alert our

    body to this invader, and you can do so by using a sterile needle (this is known as

    immunotherapy.) Once you poke it, your body knows something is up, and can attack it properly.

    It sounds like something out of a weird alien movie, but the body works in strange ways.


    Getting rid of warts with a needle is a straightforward home remedy. Ice the wart until the area is

    good and numb and then hold a sharp needle over a ame to sterilize it. Poke it well into the wart,

    but don’t hold it there. Poke the wart all over, and discard of the needle and wash your hands.

    Now that your body is alerted, it will attack the virus that is causing the wart.

    These aren’t instant cures, but in the scheme of things, 1-2 weeks is a short time to have a wart,

    which can stick around for years. In addition to this, you’re not spending a bunch of money to go

    to the doctor and use an extreme method of removal. Remember to be patient and most

    importantly diligent-just because something isn’t instantaneous does not make it ineective.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots



    -Always wash your hands between touching your wart to keep it from spreading.

    -If possible, use a pumice stone to slough o just the roughest outer layer of the wart-it allowswhatever you’re using to treat it easier access to the core.

    -If using something like the banana to treat your wart, applying it to the dry pad of a Band-Aid is an

    easy way to keep it covered.

    -Stay healthy-a good immune system and healthy body is the best way to prevent warts!

    P.S. Take a look at the Everyday Roots Book. It's a Book that we created to help you replace the

    toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives. It contains

    215+ eective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and

    save money every month.

    Make sure you like Everyday Roots on Facebook to be updated everytime

    we post helpful home remedies & natural treatments.


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    By Claire Goodall

    Claire is a lover of life, the natural world, and wild blueberries. On the

    weekend you can nd her ddling in the garden, playing with her dogs,

    and enjoying the great outdoors with her horse. Claire is very open-

    minded, ask her anything :) Meet Claire→



  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    Linda Coppock

    The potato method absolutely does work! I am 63 yrs old and have used this method many times on

    myself, and family. All you do is cut an unpeeled potato in half and rub half of the raw potato on the

    wart, then throw it away in the yard. Has worked for me every single time. Hope this helps someone.

     June 18, 2013 at 1:51 amReply

    Claire (Everyday Roots)

    That’s awesome that it worked for you!!

     June 26, 2013 at 3:17 am Reply


    And how long does it take for this method to work? Do you have to “reapply” often?

     July 4, 2013 at 6:08 amReply

    David McCord

    I agree! It worked for me years ago after trying numerous other methods. It was actually

    an old Irish lady who told me about it. Apparently it was considered as witchcraft years

    ago, as they used to rub a halved potato on their warts but would also bury it in the soil

    so nature would assist with the healing process! Not sure I believe in witchcraft but it

    definitely worked a treat!

     January 25, 2014 at 10:01 amReply


    Can’t wait to try the potato idea.. Just saw a few tiny little warts this morning.. Hope it

    won’t take to long to work.. thanks!

     June 15, 2014 at 2:36 pmReply


    How long did it take for the wart to come off? My 19 year old has had one for years and

    the Dr. told me to buy her the freeze thing and it didn’t work. Now I want something

    natural and fast that is going to work. Thanks for the information maam.

     July 28, 2014 at 4:57 pmReply


    Hi Claire,

    This is Ramya, I am a regular reader of your blog. Thanks for all the information!

     June 18, 2013 at 8:07 amReply

    Claire (Everyday Roots)

    Nice to meet you Ramya! I am g lad that you like the blog, I hope you’re finding some

    useful stuff

     June 26, 2013 at 3:14 amReply

    beckie wolever

    this sounds strange but it worked when i was younger. my dad gave me a penny, i had to rub it on the

    wart, and believe it will take the wart away. then put it in your shoe. the penny not the wart. I don’t know

    what it was about it the believing it will work or the copper of the penny. but it has to be a penny

    someone gives you for this purpose not one just out of your pocket.

     June 18, 2013 at 1:12 pmReply

    Claire (Everyday Roots)

    That does sound strange but I am a firm believer in the power of the mind, and I can

    believe that it went away faster because of the penny -whether the penny itself did


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    anything or not :p

     June 26, 2013 at 3:17 amReply

    The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia

    Although this is not as natural as the options you gave, I have a way that has worked for us. When my

    daughter contracted molloscum at the pool, her pediatrician told us it would be quite painful, due to

    the number of warts and the location (upper and inner thigh) to remove them with “conventional”

    methods. She said we “could” buy an over the counter wart remover or we could try something less

    expensive. She told me that the main ingredient in wart remover is salicylic acid, which is aspirin. She

    recommended crushing up a few tablets and making a paste, which we applied once a day and let dry.

    The warts started coming off and going away within a few days. Unlike the wart remover liquid (which I

    had on hand from something else), the aspirin did not burn her sensitive skin either. If all else fails, the

    aspirin is a good “next” step before moving on to the yuckier chemicals and more painful methods.

     July 2, 2013 at 2:53 pmReply


    Thank you for this. My 4 yr. old daughter plays with our neighbor who has molloscum

    and now she has them on the inside of her upper thigh. Not sure how she got them but

    guessing they are from using our neighbor’s bathroom or playing on her bed/furniture.

    My son noticed he had two on the back of his leg that we had frozen today. I am

    horrified as no one in our family has ever had warts or anything similar. I know my 4 yr.

    old won’t be able to tolerate the freezing as my 10 yr. old son did and she has about 15

    on her legs already. I went searching for a home remedy that wouldn’t hurt her and

    found this website and your comment so I’m going to try the aspirin tomorrow. Thankyou!

    March 12, 2014 at 2:57 amReply


    Do you mix the asprin with water ?

    September 27, 2014 at 12:07 amReply


    Danielle I am going to try the aspirin method…. Hoping it doesn’t take very long. I have a

    wart on my finger and it is painful….I’ve never had a wart before so I, hoping this works.

    It wouldn’t be so bad but I seem to hit it on everything… Wish me luck. Just put myaspirin paste on at. 12:33am in Texas…. Will hopefully have it gone by next week. I will

    keep you posted. Also this is my first attempt to remove it….

     January 3, 2015 at 6:34 amReply


    You’ve missed GARLIC off your list. It’s absolutely perfect for the job of removing warts and verrucas.

     Just strap on a slightly mashed up piece to the wart or verruca.

     July 4, 2013 at 5:50 amReply

    Andrea J

    Do any of these work on plantar warts? My daughter has one on her foot that was cut out andcauterized 2 years ago and it came back and is only getting bigger. She’s afraid to death to go back to

    the doctor for liquid nitrogen therapy, but my husband and I have talked and think he might just take

    her without prior notice…

     July 4, 2013 at 6:13 amReply


    Hi Andrea,

    My daughter had plantar warts on her feet. I had them burned, cut out and she just got

    more and more in that area. Eventually we got help with the salicylic acid and that

    worked but now after many years she tells me she still has them. I developed one and

    tried the salicylic acid. I thought it was gone and now it is huge. I saw a homeopath who

    gave me stuff to take and within two weeks it is half the s ize and no longer sore. It is still


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    there but I have not finished the medicine. It is a virus in the body and you have to kill

    that. I am thrilled that I did not have to do anything harsh. You cant just treat the

    symptoms you have to get rid of the cause. Hope this helps

     January 11, 2014 at 10:50 amReply


    I had a plantar wart a few months ago, and it hurt really bad…but I can tell you

    exactly how to remove it painlessly and quickly. I was trying everything, and

    nothing worked. I didn’t want surgery because I am a naturalist and I hate pain.

    Finally I found out from a dear friend that a slice of garlic is all you need to “kill” the

    plantar wart. Just remove as much dead skin from the top of the wart as possible

    to let the garlic “access ” the inner part where the virus is, then cut a slice of fresh

    garlic to fit the area…don’t let it touch the skin around it or you may feel pain from


    Tape it on there overnight, as well as in the day as much as possible. When I had

    my wart it felt like there was a big pebble in my shoe, even when I was going

    barefoot around the house, and it was so painful that I couldn’t walk. SO if that’s

    the case, just look for times when you will be sitting for a while and tape it on.

    The wart died within three days for me. The inner part shrunk and turned black,

    and I was able to literally just pull it out with some scissors and absolutely NO

    PAIN. Afterwards there will be a little hole and it will heal up on it’s own.

    If it takes longer than three days to “die” just continue with the garlic until you can’t

    feel anything when you put pressure on it!

    Another thing I did, was pray hard about it because I knew that our Saviour is the

    only one who can heal, and for me the wart was pretty physically exhausting and

    limiting. SO don’t forget to ask your maker to heal your wart, and do your part! ITWORKS! I did this same remedy for my Dad and he got the same results!

    I hope you are blessed with a success in this endeavor!

    P.S. Take high doses of vit c for a good immune system to heal and prevent warts

    in the future. Also, eat a lot of fresh garlic in your meals. Blessings!

     June 11, 2014 at 4:30 pmReply


    I had a plantars wart on the ball of my foot for 22 years, we tried everything – cutting it

    out, freezing it off, burning it out, salicylic acid, garlic, potatoes, vinegar, citric acid…

    Nothing took it out. One day I got pregnant – and shortly after my wart was GONE. Now

    all that remains is the nasty scar from being cut, burned and frozen out. This probably

    wont help if your daughter isn’t of an age where she can think if this as an option, but I

    would try something a little less dramatic than freezing – especially if she doesn’t want it


    August 4, 2014 at 1:33 pmReply


    Both my son’s had warts. One had them BAD on his hands and one had the planter

    warts. Essential oils worked on the ones on the hands but it took patience! My son with

    the planter warts – essential oils were making a difference but just wouldn’t completely

    get rid of them. Finally I decided to use garlic which worked! They are currently almost

    completely gone and we’ve only used garlic on them for 4 nights. Just cutting the garlic

    did not work I had to crush garlic in a garlic press and apply the thick skin part of the

    garlic to his foot and cover with a band aid overnight. My oldest with hand warts can

    tolerate a lot of pain. On our third trip to the dermatologist he begged me to turn the car

    around and please go home because he couldn’t stand the pain after trying to burnthem off. That’s when we got serious with essential oils. I would never bring my kids in

    again to get them burned off with liquid nitrogen! Too many people have them come

    back after all that $$ and pain!

    March 8, 2015 at 3:22 pmReply


    go to the beach; salt water got rid of my son’s wart that had been around for a year. 8 days at the coast

    and it was gone.

     July 5, 2013 at 6:19 amReply


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    Andrea J

    That would be great, David! However, we live in Kansas.

     July 7, 2013 at 4:16 amReply


    This is true! I had HUGE plantar warts covering the soles of both feet with I was a teen. I

    went to the dermatologist and he told me “I can remove them but you will be on

    crutches for several weeks.” I told him not to because I was going to the beach the next

    week. When I came back from the beach I looked at my feet and the warts were

    miraculously GONE!

    February 21, 2014 at 8:01 pmReply

    Charlotte B

    After freez ing the warts on my daughter’s finger several times, her Pediatrician told us to try wrapping

    her fingers in silver duct tape as soon as she gets out the tub and keep it on until the wart disappears.

    Sure enough about two weeks later the warts were gone and have not reappeared. Not sure of the

    science behind it but it had something to do with the glue on the duct tape.

     July 12, 2013 at 12:07 amReply


    My son had plantar warts on his feet we wrapped his feet with duck tape and it workedtook a few weeks. They were so painful he could hardly walk.

    November 30, 2014 at 4:41 amReply


    Dandelions do work! I tried them on my daughters hands last year . She had 5 worts and they all

    disappeared. We did not use band aids on them though. Nice information here.

     July 12, 2013 at 12:26 amReply


    I miss a remedy that mother has sworn on: pee-ing om warts in the morning. If this disgusts you: fresh

    urine is sterile

    September 19, 2013 at 12:06 amReply


    Yes using urine the same way as you would apple cider vinegar. Best thing is, it works

    and it’s free!

    November 17, 2013 at 6:37 pmReply


    Does this remove skin tags?

    October 9, 2013 at 12:54 am Reply


    skin tags are not a virus, like warts. so no

    December 10, 2013 at 5:26 pmReply


    I love your site and great info…..thanks Does these remedies work on planter warts also?

    October 9, 2013 at 3:07 amReply


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots



    After a long time suffering with planter warts on my feet and no treatment helped (including freezing) I

    tried Tiger balm out of desperation, two days afterwards the pain was gone and they have never


    October 9, 2013 at 1:21 pmReply


    Tiger balm works, as far as I can tell.

    I’ve had a rather painful verruca on my foot for over 10 years. I’ve tried a lot of OTC

    treatments, and I’ve had it “frozen off”… twice. And it always came back. I tried some of 

    the things on this list, and not even those worked.

    I started using tiger balm on a whim, and within two days its smaller, it doesn’t hurt, and

    it seems to be healing!

    April 28, 2014 at 3:25 pmReply


    Does it make any difference which tiger balm? I have platar warts on my heal that

    are painful to walk on, have tried freezing them to no avail. I thihk i’m going to give

    tiger balm a try but have found both red and white. Anyone know if there’s any


     June 24, 2014 at 10:38 pmReply


    Hi Claire

    My name is A manda, and I have 4 warts on my hand and 1 wart on my foot, I am going to try the

    banana peel method and the mashed up asperin paste one I might try the duct tape one to! I’m 12

    years old, and they are really bothering me! I don’t want to spered them to my classmates, I will tell you

    if they worked… If they do work, I’m going to your blog every time I need idvice!

    October 16, 2013 at 2:02 amReply


    I was wondering if you had any natural remedies to get rid of skin tags.

    October 16, 2013 at 8:13 pm Reply


    Dr. Oz recommended tying dental floss around it overnight, he said it should be gone in

    the morning.

     June 30, 2014 at 9:07 pmReply

    Debra Byers

    My dog has a wart just under her eye, so no way of getting a plaster or bandage to stick. Any ideas


    October 25, 2013 at 9:30 pmReply

    Trish Z

    These threads have been a good source of information. Its good to see there are so many options for

    natural and homemade recipes. Thanks. I tried the essential oils mentioned on this site and a few

    others, and they worked very well. I discovered premixed oils, wart-thwart.com, so you don’t have to

    buy all the oils individually and mix yourself, which was a bit expensive. My daughter is 8 and her hand

    warts completely went away in about 10 days. Hope this helps.

    October 31, 2013 at 6:46 pmReply

    Diane Foust

    A doctor also told me that cod liver oil works also. You put cod liver oil on the wart, then cover it with a

    band-aid. He said you have to do this everyday until the wart goes away.


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    November 5, 2013 at 1:11 amReply


    Another one that worked for me is vitamin E oil. Sock the wart in warm water to soften, then apply the

    vitamin E oil, cover with sock. repeat each night. This process does take a while, but removed 30+

    warts from both of my hands.

    November 5, 2013 at 2:05 amReply

    Connie HenryThank you

    November 17, 2013 at 3:58 pmReply

    marge wilkinson

    Thanks for the good info. I know banana peels work as i have used them for this but i just taped the

    peel (inside of peel) to the area every evening. Everyday you could see how much smaller it was. It was

    gone in 4 days.

    December 4, 2013 at 6:45 pmReply


    after I had tried everything ( & I do mean everything else ) else failed to get rid of dime size plantarwart that I had been trying to get rid of for 6 or 7 years. I was guided by my Chiropractor to use a past

    made of apple cider vinegar & ground Cayenne pepper with a band aid over it to hold it on , replacing it

    with a net dose nightly..with in 7 to 10 days it was gone completely..

    February 5, 2014 at 7:11 pmReply


    I had a wart v near my eye, getting bigger and uglier! Also one on my shoulder. I decided to try the

    Manuka honey. I just dabbed some on each night using a cotton bud, cleaned the area each day with

    water and re-applied. Both warts completely gone within about 10 days. I was amazed! I also use

    Manuka for sore throat and any cuts, it is brilliant. Agree you need to make sure you are getting the

    genuine thing as there are some fakes around. Thank you!

    March 6, 2014 at 3:58 pmReply


    hi guys today iv just tried another trick for my irritating warts a garlic slive hope it will work,iv been

    suffering this for 4 years now

    March 7, 2014 at 11:35 amReply


    I noticed people asking about skin tags. I have had a couple on my neck and what has worked for me:

    clear nail polish and bandaid. Just make sure that the whole “tag” is covered with polish and cover it

    with a bandaid. Can be reapplied every day or every other day. It will turn black and fall of.

    March 17, 2014 at 6:56 am Reply


    hi patti, does nail polish really works for skin tag? I am treating a very big skin tag in my

    groin, it has become a size of a nipple as it is located where my skin constantly rubs off 

    and Plus all my warts appeared during my pregnancy. I’ve had the warts on my face

    treated but thus big one costs $700 according to a clinic. I don’t want to spend that much

    if I can do home remedy. it’s my second day to put apple cider vinegar. So far no result

    yet. I’m quite impatient so will try nail polish tomorrow. Sorry for my long story

     June 27, 2014 at 4:09 pmReply



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    My 10 year old son has many warts. The last time I counted, he had 10. I’m sure there are more now.

    Does anyone know if there is something he can take by mouth that will get rid of all of them? I just can’t

    imagine applying something to every single one every day. Thanks!

    March 20, 2014 at 4:44 pmReply


     just put 10 plasters in a row on a plate with there centers together, dribble manuka

    honey on with a cotton bud, and place on area.

    hope that helps.

    April 18, 2014 at 10:03 am Reply


    hi to every one .i suffered from warts nearly 8 years .i tried lot of treatments let me go one by one .my

    wart first start in the leg inbetween the fingers .latter it start to spread in my hands .first i see doctor

    .they give me medicines and some cream ….no effect it gets bigger…..second i used acids no

    improvement third salcilic acid it may the wart bigger and helps to spread near areas.then i moved for

    freezing nearly 20 times every two weeks once ..blistter a alot and no improvement .then move to

    home remedies ,,lemon,banana,potato,and sorrial leaf etc….no improvement some times i try the

    military method of uriene the wart .it is a good treatment my wart start to shrink .then i started to eat

    garlic tablets reguraly, finally i consult the homoepathy doctor and consult about my problem doctor

    give tables for 1 month i take it reguarly .my wart disappeared in a month time ..really my case the

    homeopathy worked

    April 10, 2014 at 5:39 am Reply


    Chandru, What were the tablets called? Thank you

     June 20, 2014 at 4:42 amReply


    I want to share this because I want everyone to be able to get rid of their warts painlessly. I had two

    canthardin treatments that left me with a ring wart that was way bigger than the original. I decided not

    to let the doctor treat it anymore because the pain was excruciating. I had purchased a bottle of 

    lavender oil a few weeks prior for something else and decided to give it a try on the wart. I put 4 drops

    on a bandaid and do this twice a day. It’s been 3 days and the way has scabbed up and is going away! I

    am amazed it’s happening so fast! $15 dollars for the oil and it will last you forever so you can use itagain if they ever come back!

    April 24, 2014 at 6:00 pmReply

    Sophie Bowns

    Hello, I have a wart that I badly need to get rid of. I’ll use some of your methods and report back soon!

    April 27, 2014 at 2:55 pmReply


    So glad to find you blog site. My 9 yr old Granddaughter developed a wart on the bottom of her foot

    within the first yr of her life, and now she has a wart on her index finger. I told her I’d do some research

    for her and she will be happy to know we’ve got some remedies for her to choose from. I’m lookingforward to see what her choice will be and I’ll let you know the results. Thanks.

    May 12, 2014 at 9:03 pmReply


    My 9yr old granddaughter has 3 warts on her leg. We are gonna try the banana peel, dandelion and

    the potatoe. Will let you know the results.

    May 25, 2014 at 12:52 pmReply


    So, Veronica. Did the banana peel dandelion and potato work?


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     June 6, 2014 at 4:27 amReply


    Will any of these work on a wart inside my inner lower lip. Its been there for years.

     June 1, 2014 at 1:12 amReply


    My doctor actually told me about the apple cider vinegar option. I had a wart on my temple and after 4

    days treating it, it fell off the next week!

     June 10, 2014 at 1:34 amReply


    I have hundreds of warts on my legs from shaving and spreading them, which treatment would anyone

    recommend so as not to irritate the surrounding tissue. I have used several treatments I bought online,

    with not really any results. Please help, I have suffered for years and years with these warts.

     June 20, 2014 at 12:52 amReply

    Claire Goodall

    It’s sound like you’re describing flat warts-common on the legs in large numbers, and

    sometimes quite tough to get rid of as they shed virus cells even when they go away somore and more pop up. First, if you haven’t been, switch out your razor. Use disposable

    ones if you have to. It is possible to contaminate the blade and spread the warts, and

    since you are running the razor over your legs, this obviously spreads it. I wish I had a

    remedy for them, but they are so numerous they can get tricky to g et rid of without

    stronger medication from a dermatologist :/

    My first inclination would be to apply a sort of paste from mashed up fruit/veggies high

    in salycylic acid. Salycylic acid occurs naturally in fruits/veggies such as berries

    (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and cantaloupe, for example) as well as radish,

    olives, and tomatoes. It is a concentrated form of salycylic ac id that is often prescribed

    for warts. First rinse your legs with plain water, and then use a pumice stone (don’t re-

    use them) to slightly abrade the surface of the wart-just a bit, no need to try and wear

    them away. This helps any treatment you use really get in and “do it’s job.” Than mash

    up your food of choice, spread it over the warts, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes or so

    before rinsing. Stop if any irritation occurs. You can also try any of the above remedies.

    Hopefully this helped some!

     June 20, 2014 at 1:20 amReply


    Something that worked for me is sea salt an warm water took them off never seen them again. I’ve

    used a lot of creams an other liquid stuff did not work only caused pain but this was painless

     June 23, 2014 at 6:37 pmReply

    Claire Goodall

    Thank you for sharing this! I hadn’t thought of salt water before, but it makes sense

     June 25, 2014 at 4:21 am



    It took them off how fast? One treatment?

    September 22, 2014 at 9:47 pmReply


    Does the needle treatment work.

     June 26, 2014 at 2:45 amReply



  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    i think the needle poking for normal warts is the best solution, i used to use a similar

    method as a child by taking the hard dry tip of a king palm leaf (or similar) and used to

    push it through the wart till the tip stuck out the other side, there is no feeling in most of 

    the wart and if it does hurt you are going too deep. once through take a pair of nail

    clippers and trim off the tips to avoid it catching or apply a plaster. in a week to ten days

    the wart is gone!

    October 31, 2014 at 10:04 amReply


    i have warts in my private area what can i use to get rid of them? i am thinking the oil or the garlic give

    me the best solution ty

     June 26, 2014 at 5:12 amReply


    I know this sounds extreme, but all I did was set a stick on fire. Made sure it was nice and hot. Then I

    simply applied the burning hot stick to the wart. It was gone and never came back. I had this wart for

    years and was scared out of my mind about going to the doctor, I don’t know why. Every time I tell

    someone this story they usually don’t believe me but I have the scar to prove it.

     June 30, 2014 at 7:47 pmReply


    Hi claire im paris.

    I have a couple warts on my fingers and I feel embarrassed to hold hands with people and to let them

    see my hand. I want to get rid of them . Which treatment do you think would be the best?

     July 1, 2014 at 4:21 pmReply


    I’ve been doing the apple cider vinegar and it’s been working really well. I have the black color on one

    of them. I am wondering if I continue to use the vinegar until the wart is completely gone or just until it

    turns to the black colour.


     July 2, 2014 at 4:51 pmReply


    I’m wondering if I continue the vinegar solution until after the warts are fully gone, or stop once they

    turn the black colour?


     July 3, 2014 at 1:01 amReply


    I have actually used rubbing alcohol on mine, and that works fine, but I was hoping to find something

    that would work faster (just a couple of days). I may try the g arlic. However, I also wanted to mention

    that whenever I get rid of one, I eventually get another. When I started taking pills for candida, my

    warts went away and stayed away. My candida has flared up again now, and the warts have come

    back. Thought I’d mention this in case this connection helps anyone else.

     July 5, 2014 at 3:56 pmReply

     Jane Ferrule

    Fantastic Post! I don’t know if plantar warts are genetic or not, but everyone on my mom’s side of the

    family has had them for as long as I can recall. My grandmother often said that apple cider vinegar

    was the very best way to eliminate these nasty things, but I’ve been trying A CV on my youngest

    daughter for a week now with no improvement at all. Is there a particular brand or “type” of ACV I need

    to be applying?

     July 8, 2014 at 6:39 amReply



  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    I used the Crushed Vitamin C tablets and within 30 minutes can feel it taking effect.

    Thank you! so much healthier than chemicals.

     July 13, 2014 at 6:23 pmReply

    Claire Goodall

    So glad it helped Robin!

     July 15, 2014 at 2:01 amReply


    I have got warts near my eyes and it’s appearing at neck also now. I tried homeopathic medicine for

    around 6 months but no result.

    Can someone help me to get rid out of warts with some easy and fast process/home remedy.

    Thanks in Advance!!!

     July 17, 2014 at 7:46 amReply


    Thanks for the information on how to cure warts!

    I have been applying ACV on my 4 yr old boy’s foot for around 3 weeks now- every night and ( recently

    started) morning. And putting bandaid to hold the soaked cotton and another bandage to hold this on

    place and then socks.

    Now since last week, the centre spot of the wart has turned black, but nothing is happening further. On

    the contrary, the skin around the wart has turned red( lost the outer layer of skin) and I think it’s


    He doesn’t even walk straight anymore because of the pain!

    He wakes up in the middle of night – keeps crying and complaining about the pain!!

    So my question is, Am I missing anything? Why is it taking so long to go black fully and completely fall


    How long can I use this treatment for? Can I use the banana or any other treatment at the same time?

    Or should I stop ACV treatment for a while?

    Also, there is another yellow spot coming out very close to the first one – could this be another wart?

    Please recommend…appreciate your help!


     July 18, 2014 at 7:16 amReply


    Tryed the garlic on my sons elbowls and within 10 minutes he was crying that it was stinging. S o I think

    it working. took it off will try again tonite. thank you

     July 20, 2014 at 6:01 pmReply


    I used to have warts on my hands as a kid. Solution was really odd and ghastly, but it worked. We had a

    house up on the hill and around it you could find black snails – the ones that don’t carry a house, cca 5-

    10 cm long. ( I live in the middle of Europe ) My g randma took up a snail and rubbed it’s slimy

    underside on my warts. It was jucky. But it helped. Grandma was gentle with the snail, snail survived. I

    had to let the slime dry on the warts. And warts were gone after a week or so.

     July 22, 2014 at 11:05 amReply


    ihave a wart on my ring finger im trying everything but i need to know whats the best method my

    brother had one he used freezze away i dont know if it will work 4 me pls help im tired of this wart

    August 13, 2014 at 10:39 pmReply


    The ACV treatment is amazing! My son had a huge wart on his finger. Had it frozen at doctors, used

    the over the counter, nothing, it even grew! After only a week, its a lmost GONE! Amazing.

    August 18, 2014 at 5:33 pm



  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots




    When I was younger (around 8 or 9) I had a wart on my finger. My mom used an old wives tale of using

    a potato, however, the method she used was different, but absolutely worked. She cut the potato in

    half, rubbed one half on the wart and had my brother bury the other half in diet (we had a stables out

    back, across from our house). The next day i woke up, it was gone. I’m 54 years old, and I still

    remember that like it was yesterday.

    August 22, 2014 at 11:09 pmReply


    Great tips. Do you have any tips on removing sun damage (dark spots) on face.

    September 4, 2014 at 4:09 amReply


    I love what your doing with the website that’s awesome I wanted to give you one more remedy for

    worts ice it till its numb an kind of cut it with something or poke it with a needle exposing it, crush up an

    aspirin put some of it on the wort an repeat till wort falls off. Once it falls off there is still what they call

    “the core of the wort” continue with the aspirin to kill the core an the wort won’t grow back.

    September 11, 2014 at 3:57 amReply


    I had a wart been having it for 3 yrs I go to the dermatology every six weeks he freezed my wart

    10times already and still there :’( I go though a lot of pain every time he does this procedure and it

    seems not working at all can someone PLEASE help me :’(

    September 15, 2014 at 7:58 pmReply


    Hi had awful and huge plantar warts for 5 years. I tried all kind of treatments (including

    regular painful treatments) I could find but nothing worked and my warts kept growing

    and spreading!!! Recently, I decided to do a yoga detox. I ate only fruits and veggies for

    the first week and then I did a fruit and veg fast for a week. The aim of this detox was

     just to do a body cleanse advised by my yoga teacher. The second week my warts

    disappeared completely and I just cannot believe it but I know it is the detox!!! I do not

    really eat a lot of bad food but I certainly did not eat enough good food and ate too little.

    Also, I drank a lot of coffee every day with plenty of sugar. I am not saying that the food

    was the cause of my warts but I did some research and the detox is known to boost your

    immune system and therefore help fight the warts or any other viruses. I am not sure

    that it would necessarily work on someone else but you have nothing to lose and the

    detox will make you feel amazing!!!! Good luck and keep me posted if this is something

    that works or has already worked for you. Thanks

    October 27, 2014 at 3:11 pmReply


    My 5yr son has a big wart on the tip of his middle finger right by the nail. It has been there since he was

    maybe 2 honestly feels like forever. I have tried the wart remover bandages, tea tree oil, freeze of 

    even went to the doctor but it’s not going away and now he is starting to get little ones and passing

    them onto me so I’m not sure which method would be best for him since it is a sensitive area and he

    touches his face and body with the hand. Any tips ??

    October 24, 2014 at 5:04 pmReply


    I have had a wart on my right index finger for a couple of years and tried all of the stuff at the

    drugstore which didn’t work. Because I am right handed it was embarrass ing, and so painful. It would

    bleed, and catch on things , it was a nightmare. So about a week and a half ag o I went online to look for

    home remedies and found the apple cider vinegar idea. This was on a Monday, and I soaked a cotton

    ball with the vinegar, applied it to the wart and secured it with a band aid. I left this on over night, and

     just as someone said it would, it turned black…yes, black! I couldn’t believe it! The vinegar killed it, over

    night. I continued to do the vinegar/cotton ball/band aid thing, for another 2 days off and on so as to

    keep the vinegar on it, but also to let the air dry it out. Every day I could see it improve., and I would


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots


    take an emery board and buff it, to smooth it, and take away the drying dead skin. Today is 12 days

    later, and it is 99% gone. It’s truly a miracle for me after having this evil thing for over 2 years, and

    being able to find a cure with things I already had in the house. FYI tho, this , like most other treatments

    is not painfree, as the wart goes deep into your nerves. But it worked perfectly for me and was well

    worth it. I just used store brand apple cider vinegar, nothing costly or fancy.

    October 25, 2014 at 5:26 pmReply


    Hi had awful and huge plantar warts for 5 years. I tried all kind of treatments I could find but nothing

    worked and my warts kept growing and spreading!!! Recently, I decided to do a yoga detox. I ate only

    fruits and veggies for the first week and then I did a fruit and veg fast for a week. The aim of this detox

    was just to do a body cleanse advised by my yoga teacher. T he second week my warts disappeared

    completely and I just cannot believe it but I know it is the detox!!! I do not really eat a lot of bad food but

    I certainly did not eat enough good food and ate too little. Also, I drank a lot of coffee every day with

    plenty of sugar. I am not saying that the food was the cause of my warts but I did some research and

    the detox is known to boost your immune system and therefore help fight the warts or any other

    viruses. I am not sure that it would necessarily work on someone else but you have nothing to lose and

    the detox will make you feel amazing!!!! Good luck and keep me posted if this is something that works

    or has already worked for you. Thanks

    October 27, 2014 at 3:10 pmReply


    Thank you for sharing. I used the apple cider vinegar on my son wart it worked in one night.

    October 30, 2014 at 12:14 pmReply


    i think the needle poking for normal warts is the best solution, i used to use a s imilar method as a child

    by taking the hard dry tip of a king palm leaf (or similar) and used to push it through the wart till the tip

    stuck out the other side, there is no feeling in most of the wart and if it does hurt you are going too

    deep. once through take a pair of nail clippers and trim off the tips to avoid it catching or apply a

    plaster. in a week to ten days the wart is gone!

    October 31, 2014 at 9:58 amReply


    Thank you for all the ideas but i stuck a piece of ice to my arm when it was bleeding and it ripped them


    November 23, 2014 at 10:10 pmReply


    hello from Greece !

    my mother has a wart s ince May (!) and I can’t do nothing to get rid of it ! I read somewhere that

    essential oil of cinnamon bark would work but I haven’t see any change. can you please tell me th best

    way to “kill” this little devil ?

    thank you a lot for your time !

    December 1, 2014 at 2:25 pmReply


    I recently had them, just wanted to share how i got rid, its SAFEST AND QUICKEST way

    -get a handful of SAND

    - make it very hot like putting in a utensil on stove

    -wrap it in a cloth and put on warts for as long as you can bear.

    -Do this twice a day for 2 days.

    This literally burns warts.

    Hope it helps someone

    December 5, 2014 at 10:53 amReply


    I developed flat headed wards 3 years ago. What was just a few now is 100s on my legs. I havent


  • 8/9/2019 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts _ Everyday Roots



    Everyday Roots is intended for informational purposes only. Our site contains general information about medical

    conditions and treatments, and provides information and ideas for, but not limited to, natural and home remedies.

    Everyday Roots makes no claims that anything presented is true, accurate, proven, and/or not harmful to your health or

    wellbeing. Our website is not and does not claim to be written, edited, or researched by a health care professional. Any

    information on or associated with this website should NOT be considered a substitute for medical advice from a

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    shaved so I don’t know what’s spreading them. I’ve froze them off, burned them off, apple cider, duck

    tape, and garlic. I’ve even taken cintimine. Flat head warts are awful! Any suggestions I’m open to them!

    December 24, 2014 at 1:21 amReply


    My sister had one, my mum tied fine cotton thread around it. Eventually it dropped off.

     January 2, 2015 at 1:20 amReply


    Any suggestions to remove a wart from the bridge of my sons nose near to the eye? We have been

    using an antiseptic cream and our GP has suggested using alternative remedies as she is worried

    about the proximity to the eye area.

     January 13, 2015 at 10:54 amReply


    when my son was about 5 he had numerous warts from his back and legs. dermatologist froze them

    and they seemed to subside. He is now 13 and had had a growing mountain of a wart that developed

    on his forehead, it is now about the size of nickel and little ones are popping up all around. My poor

    baby!!! I wish I could take it from him and put it on myself!! He’s in junior high school…it’s a crucial time.

    He has had it frozen numerous times. I have applied the salicylic acid. All of which leaves a young man

    in tears and a mom with a broken heart. we have been trying the duct tape to “suffocate” it. the size

    seemed to go down but then I purchased ($250) of nature cleanse. It was suppose to attack the virus

    from the inside (which I know there is no cure) and then the topical ointment of natural oils attack the

    wart. Well, in 3 weeks it just got bigger. So back to at home freezing and salicylic acid and duct tape

    (another $30). Last nights treatment began with a ACV soak prior to freezing. Instructions state follow-

    up with salicylic acid 25 hours. He’s off to school with a huge piece of duct tape on his forehead and


    the pain…the embarrassment…the heartache….at this point I don’t care how much it costs……nothing

    is working.

    March 11, 2015 at 2:31 pmReply

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