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i~enfa~ Rept~Iian News - SPACE ALTt~stv TilDE M.. of~5

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Bienfait Reptilian News - SPACE ALIENSHIDE MY DRUGS!!!

• To: cypherpunks@toad.com• S:dijecflBienfait ReptilianNews- SPACEALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!I• From: Linda Reed--PCC West CampusCSC <Ireed(~west.cscwc.pima.edu


• Date: Sat,20 Jun 1998 12:14:30MST• Sender:owner-cvpherounks~Akebra.COM


Bienfait Hutly News-—Desert Storm 1 Texas Tornado Special:(BNN—Tucson, Arizona--THE ‘FOUR COR}~ERS’ SEARCH FOR A PAIR OFCertified CopKillers took a bizarre twist today, when it waslearned that the Author of SPACE ALIENS HIDE MIJ DRUGSwasapparently serving merely as a diversionary decoy for LEA’sinvolved in the search, while an unknown compatriot was busyeither providing clandestine supply support for the pair, orperhaps even arranging transportation for the suspects to asafehouse located outside of the search area.

Under cross-examination by a variety of LEA/Spooks, theRCMPinvolved in setting up the A.uthor on a variety of chargesunder the Criminal Code Of Canada adniitted that they had beenholding back evidence suggesting that the Author was not actingalone in his TRIN VirtualNuclear Diskette Bornb Soft TargetWorld Tour. Newspapers dated after the Author’s flight tosemi—safety south of the forty—ninth parallel were found atthe scene of the first VirtualNuclear Device discovered bythe Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the Court House elevenKlLLometers from MongerltaVille, home of the Bienfait NutlyNews, where the Author was scheduled to be railroaded intoserving a four—year sentence for ‘Failure To Appear’ on the‘Dog At Large’ charges trumped up by local Bienfait officialsunder RCMP direction.

“There were two different sets of newspapers dated afterthe Author’s flight from Canada found at the scene of theFirst VirtualNuclear Device.” an RCMPofficial foolishlyrevealed to the Flying Spook assigned by the US Air Forceto investigate the Author, never corisideririg that the agentmay have been ‘turned’ by the Circle of Eunuchs into asecret ally. “We traced the placement of one of the setsof newspapers to the Author’s nephew, Human Gus-Feter, whohad been promised a new state—of-the—art computer in returnfor helping to obstrufucate the details behind the placementof the TRIN VNDB Device. The second set of newpapers, froman carlier date, were obviously placed by an unknown entity,working in collusion with the Author from the beginning.”

The Flying Spook; in -his first action as the new editor—

Page Q..~-k= Exhibit 22

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hflp://inlinity.nus.edu.sg/cyphcrpunks/dir.98.06. 15-98.06.2 1/însgoo 143.htinl

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