1. why education[1]

Post on 07-Nov-2015






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Write 3 words to sum up your thoughts on school on a post it note and stick it up on the board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub1j5UGl-1sBIG PICTURELast lesson ...This lesson . . .Next lesson . . .Mock Exam Function of the Education SystemHistory of the Education System LO:OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMESLO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, I will understand:

1. Social functions of the education system

2. What education systems do for the economy 3. The alternatives to school

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the lesson, I will be able to: 1. Describe and explain a range of functions of the education system

2. Link education and the economy

3. Name and evaluate the alternatives to the education system

TITLE: FUNCTION OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEMEducation- what is it for?Discuss with your partner what the world would be like with no education system. Come up with 3 ideas and write them down! LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.INPUT 1Some key words to help us out!Meritocracy a social system where rewards are given fairly on basis of merit rather than gender, class or ethnicity

Social mobility movement up or down a social scale

Agent of social control- individual, group or organisation ensuring members of society follow socially acceptable patterns of behaviour

Formal education learning particular subjects eg maths and geography

Informal education learning through observing and experience

Social cohesion living harmoniously, integration of society as a unified whole

Make a brainstorm to explain the FUNCTION of the education system (i.e.: what does it DO).

Extension: which social perspective would believe in the social role of education? How far do you agree that the school plays these roles?ACTIVITY 1LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.Functions of the Education System REVIEW 1LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.I dont really meet people of other ethnic groups I dont know how to share my stuff or chat nicely to other kids How do I make sure that I grow up to have a better place in society? Name the function!Note: in the same way that families also dont work, the education system sometimes doesnt work for some people!Family does this to pass on norms of society Harmony in society Moving up or down the social ladder everyone has an equal opportunity to Achieve the best jobs and high payGroup to ensure we follow acceptable patterns of behaviour _________ ________ ________ _________ __________ LO:OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMESLO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, I will understand:

1. Social functions of the education system

2. What education systems do for the economy 3. The alternatives to school

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the lesson, I will be able to: 1. Describe and explain a range of functions of the education system

2. Link education and the economy

3. Name and evaluate the alternatives to the education system

Education and the Economy INPUT 2LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.

What are some examples of the economic functions of education?ACTIVITY 2Some examples of economic functions of education are: - - -

LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.Explain 1 function of the education system. 2 marks One function of the education system is to enable social mobility. This means that individuals are given the opportunity to achieve qualifications and gain higher positions in society as the status of jobs are usually dependent on qualifications.

2 marks gainedIdentify a point Explain the point REVIEW 2LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LO:OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMESLO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, I will understand:

1. Social functions of the education system

2. What education systems do for the economy 3. The alternatives to school

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the lesson, I will be able to: 1. Describe and explain a range of functions of the education system

2. Link education and the economy

3. Name and evaluate the alternatives to the education system

Alternatives to Education System What are the alternatives to a main school?

Home Schooling

INPUT 3LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.Evaluating Home Schooling Home Schooling: How many of the functions of education does home schooling satisfy?

1. Does everything you learn train you for a job? Explain your answers

2. Do all pupils get the same equal opportunity to succeed? Explain

3. Is education always beneficial? Explain your ideas

4. Is there just one set of values to transmit? Explain your ideas

ACTIVITY 3LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.Answer these questions in FULL SENTENCES, use as many KEY WORDS as possible1. Does everything you learn train you for a job? Explain your answers

2. Do all pupils get the same equal opportunity to succeed? Explain

3. Is education always beneficial? Explain your ideas

4. Is there just one set of values to transmit? Explain your ideas

REVIEW 3LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LO:OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMESLO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, I will understand:

1. Social functions of the education system

2. What education systems do for the economy 3. The alternatives to school

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the lesson, I will be able to: 1. Describe and explain a range of functions of the education system

2. Link education and the economy

3. Name and evaluate the alternatives to the education system

Just a minute!What have we been doing in the last hour? One student in this class will be selected at random (lollypop sticks) Without hesitating, repeating themselves or pausing, this student will need to explain the topic until a minute is up.Another student will carry on if hesitation, pausing or repetition occurs.CONSOLIDATION LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.

Homework! Explain what is meant by the economic role of education. (4 marks)

Explain why education is not always beneficial. 4 marks

HOMEWORK LO: Exploring the social and economic functions of the education system.

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