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  • Nanomedicine therapeutic approaches to overcome cancer

    er conjugates, micelles, dendrimers, carbon-based, and metallic nanoparticles,

    . . .ancer aiposoms and m. . .. . .

    3.1. Multidrug resistance mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869

    Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

    j ourna l homepage: www.e lsev ie r .com/ locate /addr3.1.1. Efux pump-mediated MDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18693.1.2. Efux pump-independent MDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869

    3.2. Tumor cell heterogeneity, clonal selection and expansion as a potential source of drug resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18693.3. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) and drug resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18703.4. Activation of alternate receptors and pathways in cancer as a response to treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18703.5. Intrinsic and acquired mutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18713.6. Tumor microenvironment and its contribution to MDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CAM-Dnervous system; CSC, cancer stem cell; EGFR, epidermalH2N-Leu-Leu-Leu-OH; IGF-1R, insulin-like growth factor 1factor B; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; PDGFR-, pladerived factor 1; siRNA, short interfering RNA; TAT, transTNF, tumor necrosis factor .

    This review is part of the Advanced Drug Delivery Rev Corresponding author at: Department of Neurosurge

    90048, United States. Tel.: +1 310 423 0834; fax: +1 310E-mail address: ljubimovaj@cshs.org (J.Y. Ljubimova)

    0169-409X 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Bhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2013.09.019. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18692.5. Metallic and magnetic nanoparticle3. Mechanisms of drug resistance . . . . .Contents

    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . .2. Classes of nanodrugs used to treat c

    2.1. Lipid-based nanoparticles (l2.2. Polymer-based nanoparticle2.3. Dendrimers . . . . . . .2.4. Carbon-based nanoparticles 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867nd their current clinical status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867es) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867icelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1868

    Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

    overcoming various forms ofmulti-drug resistance looks promising and opens new horizons for cancer treatment.Tumor multidrug resistance resistance.With the advancedincluding liposomes, polymDrug delivery demonstrate the advantagedrug resistance

    Janet L. Markman 1, Arthur Rekechenetskiy 1, Eggehard Holler 1,2,3, Julia Y. Ljubimova ,1,2

    1 Nanomedicine Research Center, Department of Neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States2 Arrogene, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, United States3 Department of Biology and Preclinics at Regensburg University, Regensburg, Germany

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Accepted 30 September 2013Available online 10 October 2013


    Nanomedicine is an emerging form of therapy that focuses on alternative drug delivery and improvement of thetreatment efcacy while reducing detrimental side effects to normal tissues. Cancer drug resistance is acomplicated process that involves multiple mechanisms. Here we discuss the major forms of drug resistanceand the new possibilities that nanomedicines offer to overcome these treatment obstacles. Novel nanomedicinesthat have a high ability for exible, fast drug design and production based on tumor genetic proles can be createdmaking drug selection for personal patient treatment much more intensive and effective. This review aims to

    of the young medical science eld, nanomedicine, for overcoming cancer drugdesign and alternativemechanisms of drug delivery known for different nanodrugsR, cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance; CCP, charge-conversion polymer; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CNS, centralgrowth factor receptor; EPR, enhanced permeability and retention; HIF-1, hypoxia-inducible factor 1; IL-2, interleukin-2; LLL,receptor;mAb,monoclonal antibody;MDR,multidrug resistance;MRP,multidrug-resistance-associatedprotein;NF-B, nucleartelet-derived growth factor receptor-; PEG, polyethylene glycol; RES, reticuloendothelial system; SDF-1/CXCL12, stromal cell-activator of transcription; TfR, transferrin receptor; TG2, tissue transglutaminase; TLR, toll-like receptor; TMZ, temozolomide;

    iews theme issue on Nanotechnology and drug resistance.ry, Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cedars-SinaiMedical Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd, AHSP-A8307, Los Angeles, CA423 0810..

    .V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

  • ies t) eftionomer cegontinge in. .tumrencentancs .. .. .

    biochemical resistance include the inability of a tumor to convert the of targeting ligands, such as the mAb 2C5 with Doxorubicin (Doxil)

    1867J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879drug to its active form, the inactivation of a drug, and the upregulationof the tumor enzymatic repair systems that counteract the tumoricidalaction. Cells in this resistance category can decrease drug uptake,increase efux, change the levels or structure of the intracellular target,reduce intracellular activation, increase inactivation of the drug, orincrease the rate of repair of damaged DNA. Another example ismultidrug resistance (MDR), also called pleiotropic drug resistance,which is a phenomenon whereby treatment with one agent confersresistance not only to that drug andother(s) of its class but also to severalother unrelated agents. Pharmaceutical resistance can result from poortumor blood supply, poor or erratic absorption, increased excretion orcatabolism, and drug interactions, which all lead to inadequate bloodlevels of the drug. One other example of pharmacologic resistance ispoor transport of agents into certain body tissues and tumor cells. Forinstance, tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) or ones thatmetastasize there should be treated with drugs that achieve effectiveantitumor concentration in the brain tissue and are also effective againstthe tumor cell type being treated.

    [2] and an anti-HER2 mAb with Paclitaxel [3], are in the preclinicalphase, whereas others are already undergoing clinical trials. Advancesto liposome design have also been made with the addition ofpolyethylene glycol (PEG, known as stealth liposomes), which increasescirculation time, as well as strategies for a triggered release of the drugonce internalized, such as hyperthermia, as is used in ThermoDox,which is currently in Phase III trials [1,4,5].

    2.2. Polymer-based nanoparticles and micelles

    Polymeric nanoparticles, as shown in Fig. 2B, can either covalentlyattach to or encapsulate therapeutic payloads. Biodegradable syntheticand/or natural polymers are used. Through self-assembly after mixingthe drug with the polymers, capsules may be formed spontaneously(micelles, Fig. 2C) or by emulsion techniques as nanosized droplets.These nanospheres contain a solid core that is ideal for hydrophobicdrugs, are highly stable, have a relatively uniform size, and are capable4. Evaluation of nano-drug delivery mechanisms and their potential moiet4.1. Passive transport and enhanced permeability and retention (EPR4.2. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase blood circula4.3. Active targeting agents to increase drug accumulation and overc

    4.3.1. Antibodies and their fragments specically target cance4.3.2. Nucleic acid aptamers (single stranded DNA or RNA oli4.3.3. Receptor ligands (peptides) as non-immunogenic targe

    4.4. Enhanced endosomal escape to improve efcacy of the drug onc5. Specic resistance mechanisms overcome by nanomedicine . . . . .

    5.1. Evasion and down-regulation of drug efux pumps to treat MDR5.2. Targeting cancer stem cells to overcome MDR and prevent recur5.3. Preventing the cross talk of cancer cells and their microenvironm5.4. Modifying the immune response to improve treatment of MDR c

    6. Recent progress in overcoming tumor resistance by using nanomedicine7. Conclusion and future direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1. Introduction

    Resistance to antineoplastic chemotherapy is a combinedcharacteristic of the specic drug, the specic tumor, and thespecic host whereby the drug is ineffective in controlling thetumor without excessive toxicity.

    The problem for themedical oncologist is not simply tond an agentthat is cytotoxic but to nd one that selectively kills neoplastic cellswhile preserving the essential host cells and their functions. Were itnot for the problem of resistance of human cancer to antineoplasticagents or, conversely, the lack of selectivity of those agents, cancerchemotherapy would have been similar to antibacterial chemotherapyin which complete eradication of infection is regularly observed.

    Natural (inherited) or acquired resistance is one of themain problemsassociated with cancer treatment. Natural resistance refers to the initialunresponsiveness of a tumor to a given drug, and acquired resistancerefers to the unresponsiveness that emerges after initial successfultreatment.

    There are three basic categories of resistance to chemotherapy:kinetic, biochemical, and pharmacologic. Cell kinetics and resistance isa particular problem with many human tumors because certain cellsare in a plateau growth phase with a small growth fraction. Strategiesto overcome resistance due to cell kinetics include: reduction of thebulk of tumors with surgery or radiotherapy; using combinations toinclude drugs that affect resting populations (G0 cells); and schedulingof drugs to prevent phase escape or to synchronize cell populationsand increase tumor cell elimination. How cells become resistantbiochemically is only partially understood. The major mechanisms ofo treat MDR cancers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871fect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872MDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872lls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872ucleotides) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872ternalized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1873. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1873ors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1873e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1873. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1874

    ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1874. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1875. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1876. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1876

    Novel nanomedicines offering exible and fast drug design andproduction based on tumor genetic proles can be created makingdrug selection for personalized patient treatment much more rationaland effective. This review aims to demonstrate the advantages ofnanomedicine in overcoming cancer drug resistance.

    2. Classes of nanodrugs used to treat cancer and their currentclinical status

    Nanomedicines are being investigated for their use in anticancertherapies to improve drug delivery, increase the efcacy of treatment,reduce side effects, and overcome drug resistance. The number ofstudies published under the research topics of nanomedicine,nanoscience, and nanotechnology has increased exponentiallyover the past decade with a slight decline in 2012, as shown in Fig. 1.As more nanostructures were discovered and their potentials werebetter understood, the number of publications increased and reachedits peak in 2011. Currently, the knowledge base of nanoparticles is stillexpanding with an emphasis on safety and efcacy.

    2.1. Lipid-based nanoparticles (liposomes)

    Liposomes, as shown in Fig. 2A, are lipid based vesicles that have theability to carry payloads in either an aqueous compartment orembedded in the lipid bilayer. The delivery of these liposomes to cancercells often relies on passive targeting and is based on the enhancedpermeability and retention (EPR) effect, for which a leaky tumorvasculature is necessary [1]. A number of liposomes with the additionof controlled drug release. For water-soluble polymers, drugs can be

  • covalently bound to increase circulation time and limit toxicityto normal tissues [69]. Polymers have been rened with the additionof PEG to avoid opsonization and increase circulation time, the useof targeting ligands, and theuse of pH-sensitive or hypothermic polymerconjugates. Currently, two polymers, polylactide (PLA) andpoly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), are polymeric biodegradable nanoplatforms thatare used for synthesis of FDA-approved nanomedicines, whereas manyothers are undergoing clinical trials [7].

    Fig. 2D. These functional groups can electrostatically interact withcharged polar molecules, whereas the hydrophobic inner cavities canencapsulate uncharged, non-polar molecules through a number ofinteractions. The outer functional groups also allow for controlleddelivery of the drug by modications that only release in a certainpH or when encountered by specic enzymes; targeting molecules,such as the RGD peptide or mAbs are also used. Further, covalentattachment of hydrophobic drugs such as Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel










    1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012














    2556410 2622

    Fig. 1. The number of references under the research topics of nanomedicine, nanoscience, and nanotechnology from 1996 to 2012. The number of publications peaked in 2011 with7279 and saw a slight decline in 2012 with 7011 publications.


    1868 J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 186618792.3. Dendrimers

    Dendrimers are well-dened globular structures of multi-branchedpolymers that are characterized by a central core, branches of repeatingunits, and an outer layer of multivalent functional groups, as shown in

    B) PolymerA) LiposomeDrug Targeting Agent Ima

    D) Dendrimer E) Carbon Nan

    Fig. 2. An illustrative representation of different classes of third-generation multiple functionaimaging moieties.is frequently employed [6,7,10]. Dendrimers, such as poly(glutamicacid)-b-poly(phenylalanine) copolymers, can also be self-assembledinto micelles to deliver drugs in their core. Multiple clinical trials areongoing using amphiphilic diblock copolymer forming micelles todeliver Paclitaxel to treat breast, non-small cell lung cancer, andadvanced pancreatic cancer [11].

    C) Micelle njugateging Agent Linker

    otube F) Gold Nanoparticle

    l nanodrugs and their potential moieties for targeting, PEGylated for resistance and with

  • 2.4. Carbon-based nanoparticles

    Carbon nanotubes have the ability to enter cells using needle-likepenetration and deliver molecules into the cytoplasm. Thesenanoparticles are equipped with a large surface area providing for anumber of attachment sites for potential targeting ligands, as well asan internal cavity that can contain either therapeutic or diagnosticagents, as shown in Fig. 2E. These carbon nanotubes also have electricaland thermal conductivity, whichmay prove to be useful in future cancertherapy applications such as thermal ablations. The length and diameterof these nanotubes can be crucial for avoiding an inammogenic effect,making smaller and thicker nanotubes more desirable and a focus onbiodegradability necessary. Current approaches to nanotubes includethe incorporation of drugs such as Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel, nucleicacids including antisense oligonucleotides and short interfering RNAs(siRNAs), [12] and the use of nanotubes as contrast agents for imaging.To our knowledge, no clinical trials have begun using carbon nanotubesfor the treatment or diagnosis of cancer, mainly because of toxicityconcerns and their similarity to asbestos bers [7].

    2.5. Metallic and magnetic nanoparticles

    1869J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879ATP ADP

    ABC transporters

    Phospholipid bilayer

    Chemotherapeutic drug

    Fig. 3. Upregulation of ABC transporters on cancer cell membranes effectively removesGold nanoparticles, as shown in Fig. 2F, can be used to deliver smallmolecules such as proteins, DNA, or RNA. The gold core is considered tobe non-toxic and the therapeutic payload can be forced to be releasedfrom the conjugate due to their photo-physical properties. Drugs caneasily be attached through ionic or covalent bonds, or through adhesion.Like for many nanodrugs, PEG can be attached to the surface of metallicnanoparticles to increase stability and circulation time, in addition toother targeting agents [11]. Sodium citrate can also be used as areducing agent for gold formation, and a stabilizer to avoid aggregationduring synthesis [13]. Currently, one phase I clinical trial using tumornecrosis factor (TNF) bound to colloidal gold is ongoing to treatadvanced solid tumors such as sarcomas and melanomas [14].Superparamagnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles are also underdevelopment and require the use of local hyperthermia or oscillationstrategies to deliver conjugated drugs. Magnetic elds can also beused to guide the drug to the intended target area within the body.Unfortunately, their potential clinical use is not presently understooddue to the acute in vivo toxicity [15]. Moreover, this class of particles isbeing thoroughly investigated for their use in imaging and theranostics(diagnostics and therapy), but this is beyond the scope of the review.chemotherapeutic drugs and cytotoxic agents as a means of drug resistance.3. Mechanisms of drug resistance

    3.1. Multidrug resistance mechanisms

    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is the term used to describe theresistance of cancer to related and unrelated classes of chemotherapeuticdrugs and is currently one of the biggest challenges to overcome. Initially,patientsmay have either a partial or complete response to the rst line oftreatment but eventually exhibit cancer progression or recurrence. Withrepeated treatment, tumors often become resistant not only to thespecic chemotherapeutic agent being employed, but cross-resistant toboth similar and structurally unrelated classes of cytotoxic drugs[1618].

    3.1.1. Efux pump-mediated MDRThe increased activity of drug efux occurs primarily through the

    ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily. ABC transport molecules aretypically expressed on the plasma membrane and on the membraneof cellular vesicles and are used to extrude toxins and other foreignsubstances from the cell. The ABC transporters are transmembraneproteins that use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to shuttle substratesacross the membrane. Thirteen of the 48 known ABC transporterscontribute to MDR [16]. The rst discovery was the mdr 1 gene thatencodes the high molecular weight P-glycoprotein (P-gp/ABCB1),which is amplied in drug-resistant cells and leads to a decrease indrug accumulation [19]. Other proteins including multidrug resistanceproteins (MRPs/ABCC) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) are also upregulated in cancer cells and effectively removecytotoxic agents including Doxorubicin [2023] and Paclitaxel [2427]greatly decreasing their concentration within tumor cells, as shown inFig. 3 [28].

    3.1.2. Efux pump-independent MDRAdditional mechanisms of MDR include decreased drug inux,

    activation of DNA repair, metabolic modication and detoxication,and altered expression of apoptosis-associated proteins and tumorsuppressors, namely mutations in p53 [16]. Normal cells have severalrepair mechanisms including base excision repair for single strandbreaks, homologous recombination and non-homologous end joiningrepair for double strand breaks, and nucleotide excision repair formismatches, insertions, and deletions. These mechanisms are used toprevent the transmission of damaged DNA and to avoid malignanttransformation [29]. If any of these mechanisms fail, apoptosis isactivated to eliminate the damaged cells. However, DNA damageresponse mutants predispose cells to becoming cancerous and affectresponse to chemotherapy. Cell cycle arrest does not occur whenmutations, chromosomal rearrangements, and epigenetic changes arepresent, even when induced by anticancer therapies that induce DNAdamage to cause cytotoxicity [30]. Further, the anti-apoptotic, pro-survival regulator Bcl-2 [31] and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B), atranscription factor that controls genes that suppress apoptoticresponses [32], are frequently overexpressed in cancer cells and leadto increased survival.

    3.2. Tumor cell heterogeneity, clonal selection and expansion as a potentialsource of drug resistance

    It is accepted at the current stage of cancer biology that tumors at thesame clinical grade and histological status are genetically heterogeneousand contain subclonal populations [33]. A large-scale whole-exomesequencing study of 160 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patientsrevealed 20 mutated genes and 5 cytogenetic alterations as drivermutations that spanned 7 core signaling pathways. Clonal mutations(drivers) were found in the majority of tumor cells and represent anearly event, whereas subclonal mutations were only found in a small

    number of leukemic cells, representing a later transformation. In patients

  • who had undergone chemotherapy, a signicantly higher number ofsubclonal (but not clonal) mutations were found indicating thatsubclonal mutations are increased with treatment. This may be due tothe removal of dominant clones by cytotoxic treatment and a subsequentexpansion of subclones, as shown in Fig. 4A. Two time points of whole-exome sequencing for 18 of these patients was also performed. In 10 ofthe 12 patients that underwent treatment between time points, clonalexpansion was evident. Conversely, 5 of the 6 untreated individualsremained at equilibrium between populations over several years. Forthe treated patients that did exhibit subclonal evolution, the somaticdriver mutations that expanded were detectable at the rst time pointand thus could potentially be anticipated in association with treatment[34]. The emergence of resistant subclones following treatment mayallow for tumor expansion and recurrence. The ability to target multipleclonal and subclonal mutations simultaneously is a promising strategyfor nanomedicine due to the number of attachment sites presenton certain classes of nanoplatforms, which are used in nanodrugdevelopment.

    3.3. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) and drug resistance

    Cancer stem cells, also known as tumor initiating cells, are cells thathave the capacity to self-renew and to give rise to the heterogeneous

    leukemia [45], pancreatic cancer [46], and head and neck squamouscell carcinomas [47]. However, the origins of these CSCs, i.e. fromnormal stem cells versus progenitor cells, is still not clear and mayvary from tumor to tumor or by tumor type [48]. One key feature ofCSCs is the role that they play in resistance to therapy and recurrence.Because chemotherapeutic drugs typically affect frequently dividingcells, CSCs, which are primarily quiescent and have active DNA repairmechanisms, are not harmed. They also express high levels of specicABC drug transporters, namely ABCB1, ABCG2, and ABCC1, which areknown MDR genes in tumor cells, allowing for increased survival.Whereas chemotherapy may be effective against committed tumorcells, the resistant CSCs may survive and repopulate the tumor withself-renewing cells and variably differentiated offspring, as shown inFig. 4B [49]. The ability to eradicate these CSCs with specic drugs iscrucial to prevent tumor repopulation and recurrence.

    3.4. Activation of alternate receptors and pathways in cancer as a responseto treatment

    Therapeutic approaches based on molecular pathways are currentlytargeting commonly upregulated pathways in order to preventcompensatory pathways. Small molecular inhibitors and monoclonal

    T s

    cells). B.ight

    1870 J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879lineages that are found within a tumor [35]. Evidence for cancer stemcells dates back to 1971 when it was shown that only 1 in 100 to 1 in10,000 mouse myeloma cells were able to form colonies [36]. This wasconrmed 6 years later in humans when only 1 in 1000 to 1 in 5000lung cancer, ovarian cancer, or neuroblastoma cells formed colonies insoft agar [37]. However, a fundamental question on whether all cancercells had a low probability to behave as stem cells or if only a smallsubset had the ability to proliferate rapidly and form tumors remained[38]. One essential study to answer this question was performed in agroup of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients in 1997. Dick et al.showed that only a very small subset of cells that were CD34+CD38

    had the ability to cause AML in NOD/SCID mice, indicating thatsubpopulations of cells had differential abilities to proliferate andtransfer disease [39]. Tumor initiating cells were later isolated in breastcarcinomas, and itwas shown that only a subset of cells could be seriallypassaged and gave rise to both phenotypically identical and diverse cellsconsistent with those found in the initial tumor [40]. Cancer stem cellshave also been isolated from medulloblastoma, glioblastoma [41],ependymoma [42], colon cancer [43,44], chronic and acute myeloid

    Population 1

    Population 2

    Population 3

    Population 4

    A) Tumor heterogeneity B)

    Fig. 4. Two alternate drug resistancemechanisms. A. A heterogeneous population of cancereliminatedwhile a subpopulation, Population 4, emerges as a dominant clone (bottom rightleft. After administration of treatment, only the resistant cancer stem cells are seen (top r

    populations present before treatment (bottom right).Cancer Stem Cells

    Population 1

    Population 2

    Population 3

    is shown in the top left. Following administration of treatment, Population 3 is completelyA heterogeneous population of cancer cells, including cancer stem cells, is shown in the top). After time, the cancer stem cells are able to repopulate the tumor with all previous cellantibodies show promise in clinical trials and during initial cancertreatment, but resistance is inevitable. A number of intrinsic andacquired resistance mechanisms have been well studied. The activationof alternate receptors, such as c-met and insulin-like growth factor 1receptor (IGF-1R), in response to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) therapies, is a common adaptation that cancer cells exhibit.The use of other tyrosine kinase receptors allows the cells to bypassthe effects of the drug and continue anti-apoptotic, proliferativedownstream signaling, in this case, the activation of the phospho-inositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway. Antiangiogenic strategies based onVEGFR modulation have also shown resistance through multiplemechanisms. An initial response to anti-VEGF therapy often results in ahypoxia-triggered upregulation of non-VEGF angiogenic factors, suchas those in the broblast growth factor (FGF) family, and a recurrenceof angiogenesis [50]. Thus, drugs that only target one pathway can leadto the reinforcement of alternate pathways that are benecial tothe tumor and may contribute to MDR. Designing nanomedicines thatcan target multiple pathways at once is ideal for reducing this form ofMDR.

    umor heterogeneity with cancer tem cells

  • 1871J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 186618793.5. Intrinsic and acquired mutations

    Intrinsic mutations have been shown to have a large impact onresponse to therapy. Somatic mutations resulting in a gain-of-function activation of the tyrosine kinase domain of EGFR in a cohortof non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were discovered in 35% of theenrolled patients and were shown to signicantly impact responserates to getinib (55%) [51]. In-frame deletions in exon 19 and singlemissense mutations account for approximately 90% of the EGFRmutations, and result in an increased sensitivity to both smallmolecule inhibitors, getinib and erlotinib [5254]. Nearly 70% ofpatients with a mutation (found in 1025% of all NSCLC patients)respond to therapy compared to only a 10% response rate when nomutations are present [55,56]. However, acquired resistance totherapy is associated with a secondary mutation in exon 20 thatleads to substitution of methionine for threonine at position 790M(T790M) in the kinase domain, preventing the binding of erlotinib[57]. Subsequent studies of different patients with acquired T790Mmutations revealed that this mutation was not present in untreatedtumor samples. Further, the resistance was not found to beassociated with KRAS mutations that can cause primary resistanceand transfection of cells in vitro conferred resistance to getiniband erlotinib in normally sensitive cells [58]. An acquired mutation,S492R, in the EGFR ectodomain has also been identied in colorectalcancer patients following treatment with cetuximab that preventsthe binding of the antibody. Interestingly, it does not affect thebinding ability of a different anti-EGFR mAb, panitumumab [59].Together, these mutations, whether intrinsic or acquired, allowthese cancer cells to avoid the effects of cytotoxic agents and tosurvive. Thus, nanodrugs designed to knockdown both wild-typeand mutated genes are necessary to overcome these compensatorymechanisms. Antisense oligonucleotides attached to polymalic acidbiopolymer that block wild-type EGFR and mutated EGFRvIIIreceptor synthesis have been successfully used to treat triplenegative breast cancer [60] employing a strategy based on acquiredmutations by the MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell line.

    3.6. Tumor microenvironment and its contribution to MDR

    Solid tumors are found within a microenvironment that iscomprised of cancer cells and stromal cells (including broblasts andimmune cells), embedded in an extracellular matrix. This stroma canaffect malignant transformation, plays a role in tumor cell invasionandmetastasis, and has an impact on drug sensitivity. The tumor stromahas an increased number of broblasts (and also myobroblasts) thatsynthesize growth factors, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. Arepresentative gure of the complexity of this microenvironment isshown in Fig. 5. The interactions between the cancer cells and thesefactors can affect the sensitivity of the cells to apoptosis and theirresponse to chemotherapy, and is known as cell adhesion-mediateddrug resistance (CAM-DR) [61]. Adhesion of myeloma cells tobronectin through1 integrins,whose activation is known to inuenceapoptosis and cell growth, results in CAM-DR. The adhesion leads to a G1arrest associated with increased p27kip1 expression and inhibition ofcyclin A and E kinase activity; disruption of this interaction returns thetumor cells to a drug-sensitive state [62]. Tumor cells also formpolarized, three-dimensional structures through interactions with thebasement membrane and ligation of 4 integrins, which regulatepolarity and NF-B activation. These cells become resistant toapoptosis-inducing agents, likely due to the effects on NF-B [63]. ThepH of the tumor microenvironment can also inuence the effectivenessof cytotoxic drugs and may inhibit the active transport of sometherapeutics [61,64]. The extracellular pH in tumors is acidic and theintracellular pH is neutral to basic. Thus, weakly basic drugs, such asDoxorubicin, are protonated and have reduced cellular uptake [65].

    Weakly acidic drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, tend to concentrate inneutral extracellular space [66]. Drug distribution is also affected bythe composition and organization of the extracellular matrix [67].Tumors with a well-organized collagen network prevent some high-molecular weight drugs from penetrating when compared to a poorlyorganized collagen structure [68]. Further, the tumormicroenvironmentcan create hypoxic situations in which tumor tissue has a diminishedoxygen supply that can contribute to MDR [69]. These areas resultfrom abnormal angiogenesis or from the compression/closing of bloodvessels by cancer cells [70]. This reduced blood ow may lowerconcentrations of chemotherapeutics in hypoxic cells [71]. In addition,hypoxia can lead to the activation of genes associatedwith angiogenesis,survival, and glycolysis through the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) and may contribute to a drug-resistantphenotype [61,72]. HIF-1 transcriptional activity also enhancesmetabolism, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis by the tumor cells.These hypoxic cells often revert to aerobic metabolism for theproduction of ATP (the Warburg effect) [73,74] to maintain enoughenergy to continue to thrive. Interleukin IL-17 is the major effectorcytokine of TH17 cells, a subtype of adaptive immunity cells. Tumorsresistant to treatment with antibodies to VEGF were rendered sensitivein IL-17 receptor (IL-17R)-knockout hosts decient in TH17 effectorfunction. Furthermore, pharmacological blockade of TH17 cell functionsensitized resistant tumors to therapy with antibodies to VEGF. Thesendings indicate that IL-17 promotes tumor resistance to VEGFinhibition, suggesting that immunomodulatory strategies could improvethe efcacy of anti-angiogenic therapy [75].

    Overall, the tumor microenvironment can often provide a physicaland chemical network to allow the cancer cells to survive, proliferate,and avoid cytotoxic agents. Thus, the blockage of cancer specicextracellular matrix protein synthesis may lead to physiologicalnormalization of tumor tissue structure (vascular supply) and potentialreduction of resistance to conventional chemotherapy [76,77].Modulation of various aspects of the tumor microenvironment mayprove to be an effective strategy in the destruction of the tumor supportsystem that allows cancer cells to survive.

    4. Evaluation of nano-drug deliverymechanisms and their potentialmoieties to treat MDR cancers

    4.1. Passive transport and enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect

    A number of different nanoparticles rely on the characteristics of thetumor for drug accumulation and thus are considered to be passivelytargeted. During tumor formation, rapid and imperfect angiogenesisoccurs, creating leaky blood vessels. Further, these tumors havedysfunctional lymphatic drainage, which also results in drugaccumulation [78]. Nanoparticles take advantage of this EPR effect,which allows these drug carriers to accumulate inside of the tumor.However, it has been shown that there are inconsistencies in vascularpore size both within a tumor and between different tumor types.This can lead to an unpredictable accumulation of the drug in onlycertain areas of the tumor, or possibly not at all. The EPR effect isalso inuenced by the surrounding stroma, the location and size ofthe tumor, the amount of inltration by macrophages (which caninternalize liposomes resulting in macrophage toxicity), patientcharacteristics such as age and gender, and additional medications.Currently, the available clinical data relate to passively targetedliposomes, but a number of actively targeting nanoparticles are also inclinical development [79]. Due to the unpredictability of the EPR effectand the ineffectiveness against non-solid tumors such as leukemia, agreater focus on targeted therapy may be necessary in the future.Despite the fact that the EPR-based targeting is only passive and maybe unpredictable, nanodrugs consistently have a better accumulationwithin a tumor than free drugs including Paclitaxel [80], rapamycin[81], thiostrepton [8], Doxorubicin [82], and Salinomycin [83], among

    countless others.

  • mor

    1872 J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 186618794.2. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase blood circulationtime

    The conjugation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to nanoparticles hasbeen shown to increase circulation time in vivo. A number of potentialmechanisms have been proposed to explain this observation although itis still not completely understood. These mechanisms include: reducedopsonization, promotion of the adsorption of proteins which may maskthe particle (dysopsonization), aggregation prevention, steric hindranceto block the binding of reticuloendothelial system (RES) cells, which are

    Fig. 5. Representative example of the complexity of the turesponsible for the clearance of nanoparticles, and stabilization of lipidlayers. Recently, Gottstein et al. used a mathematical model combinedwith high throughput ow cytometry and quantitative confocalmicroscopy to conrm a general trend of reduced internalization by REScells [84]. Since chemotherapeutic agents are typically low in molecularweight, they are rapidly cleared from the body and often suffer from ashort half-life in blood. The need to improve drug accumulation in thetumor site during treatment, especially for resistant tumors, relies heavilyon the stability of the drug in plasma, which is greatly increased withnanomedicines. The rst PEGylated nanoparticle approved in the UnitedStates and Europe is liposomal Doxorubicin (Doxil/Caelyx [PLD]) forthe treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma [85], recurrent ovarian cancer [86]and multiple myeloma [87], with additional clinical trials ongoing formetastatic breast [88], and hormone refractory prostate cancer [89]. Theconjugation of PEG to liposomes [1,90], polymer-based nanoparticlesand micelles [7,91], dendrimers [92], gold nanoparticles [11,13], andsuperparamagnetic iron oxide [93] is now a common practice to improvecirculation time and avoid clearance. However, it is important to note thatthere are still possible negative side effects including an immunologicalresponse through complement activation, toxicity of side products, andpossible accumulation of PEG due to its non-biodegradability [94].

    4.3. Active targeting agents to increase drug accumulation and overcomeMDR

    4.3.1. Antibodies and their fragments specically target cancer cellsA number of mAbs have been approved for the treatment of various

    cancers including rituximab (Rituxan) for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma[95], the anti-HER2 trastuzumab (Herceptin) [96], the anti-VEGFbevacizumab (Avastin) to inhibit angiogenesis [97], and the anti-EGFRcetuximab [98], along with many others that are either alreadyapproved or are undergoing clinical trials. These therapeutic antibodies,as well as targeting antibodies such as 2C5 [2] and anti-transferrinreceptor mAbs [99101], can be conjugated to various nanoparticlesto improve efcacy and increase binding afnity to the cancer cells.The increased specicity results in a higher accumulation of drugwithinthe tumor rather than other vital organs, reducing toxicity and makingthe drug better equipped to overcome MDR. The use of whole


    Extracellular matrix with collagen fiber

    Tumor cell

    Growth factors

    Endothelial cell




    Red blood cell

    microenvironment and its interactions with tumor cells.antibodies is considered advantageous due to the presence of twobinding sites and increased stability during long-term storage.However, the intact Fc domain may also bind to the Fc receptors onnormal cells causing an activated signaling cascade that may result inincreased immunogenicity [102]. Thus, the specicity of the targeting/therapeutic antibody is crucial to avoid toxicity to normal tissue.

    4.3.2. Nucleic acid aptamers (single strandedDNA or RNA oligonucleotides)Aptamers are nucleic acid ligands that can bind with high afnity

    and specicity. Strategies have been developed to isolate and enrichcancer cell-specic internalizing aptamers, and they have beensuccessfully conjugated to a number of different nanoparticles. Theyare considered to have high afnity and low immunogenicity butsome drawbacks include lack of exibility, length (typically 75100nucleotides), and in vivo nuclease stability. Currently, all nanoparticlesusing aptamers as target agents are still in the preclinical phase [103].

    4.3.3. Receptor ligands (peptides) as non-immunogenic targeting agentsThe conjugation of peptides as targeting agents is favorable due to

    their small size, the ease of synthesis, and their typical non-immunogenicity. Tumor homing peptides include those with an RGDsequence motif, i.e. a binding motif for integrins, such as v3, whichis specically expressed on tumor endothelia [104], and those thathave a form of aminopeptidase N (CD13) that binds peptides with theNGR motif. Delivery of TNF using both RGD and NGR peptides hasshown to decrease the effective dose by up to 1000-fold [105] and anNGR-hTNF peptide is currently in phase III clinical trials [106]. Further,these peptides may not only play a role in homing but in tumor-

  • 1873J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879penetration, as is the case with iRGD, because they allow for the exitfrom blood vessels and can activate a tissue-specic transport pathway[105], which is a big advantage in treating resistant tumors. Despitetheir potential, it is important to note that peptides such as RGD canbind to other integrins on normal tissue making specicity of thepeptide a crucial consideration [102]. Moreover, most peptides onnanoconjugates rely on polyvalency to achieve optimal cell binding.Polyvalency depends on geometry and density of targeted receptorsthat are, however, difcult to mirror on nanoparticles [87].

    4.4. Enhanced endosomal escape to improve efcacy of the drug onceinternalized

    Nanoparticles have been shown to be internalized through clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent endocytosis depending on the celltype and the composition of the cell surface. The addition of antibodiesand targeting ligands is aimed at increasing receptor-mediatedendocytosis. However, once inside the cell, these nanoparticles mayeither fuse with lysosomes or be recycled back to the cell surface,making endosome escape a key limitation [107]. To overcome thisbarrier, Pittella et al. synthesized a nanocarrier system composed ofcalciumphosphate and comprising PEG and charge-conversion polymer(CCP) to deliver siRNA. The PEG-CCP is an endosomal escape unit thatinduces endosomal membrane destabilization by producing polycationthrough degradation of the anking cis-aconitylamide of CCD in theacidic endosome environment. Rapid endosomal escape was conrmedusing confocal laser scanning microscopy, and ~80% VEGF mRNAknockdown in pancreatic cancer cells was achieved [108]. Ding et al.also took advantage of the acidic endosome environment andconjugated H2N-Leu-Leu-Leu-OH (LLL) to our polymalic acid basednanopolymer (P/LLL). At physiological pH 7.4, the P/LLL conjugateswere inactive but at pH 55.5 (the range of acidication in lateendosomes and lysosomes), activity was upregulated and membranedisruption allowed for endosomal escape of the nanoconjugate [76].Biological activity of nanoparticles often relies heavily on the ability toescape the endosome and enter the cytosol, making endosome escapeunits an area not to be overlooked.

    5. Specic resistance mechanisms overcome by nanomedicine

    5.1. Evasion and down-regulation of drug efux pumps to treat MDRtumors

    It is agreed that chemotherapeutics bound as nanoconjugates orencapsulated into nanoparticles evade the capture of ABC drug efuxpumps. This is so because the chemically bound or encapsulated drugsare not physically recognized as substrates by the ABC efux systems.After crossing the efux containing membranes on endosomal deliverypathway, the free chemotherapeutics are released into the perinuclearregion of the cytoplasm and can unfold their activities. Alternatemethods of entry into the target cell uses virus-derived TAT peptides,non-specic cell penetrating peptides that interact strongly withphosphate head groups of phospholipids at both sides of the lipidbilayer, followed by insertion of charged side chains that form atransient pore, which allows the translocation of the TAT peptides.Small molecules attached to peptides can be internalized through thismechanism, whereas TAT-polymer conjugate can be taken up throughenergy-dependent endocytosis or macropinocytosis [18]. A novelpolymericmicelle consisting of Doxorubicin and two block copolymers,one conjugated to TAT, has been produced. The micelle surface hidesthe TAT during circulation and only exposes it at a slightly acidictumor extracellular pH to allow for TAT-induced internalization intocancerous cells. The micelle core then disintegrates in the earlyendosomal pHof the cells to release Doxorubicin. Further, the ionizationof the block copolymers aids in disrupting the endosomal membrane,

    allowing the drug to accumulate in the cytosol. Regression of tumorswas apparent in xenograft models of human ovarian tumor drug-resistant A2780/AD, human breast tumor MCF-7, human lung tumorA549, and human epidermoid tumor KB using this drug as a non-specic targeting agent [109]. Human gliomas are also known to haveenhanced activity of drug efux pumps. The multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP), an ABC membrane transporter notdependent on P-glycoprotein, is highly expressed in the severely drugresistant glioma cell line T98G (4.5 fold higher than drug-sensitiveU87MG) [110]. Currently, the most effective strategy to treat glial cellsis temozolomide (TMZ), a pro-drug releasing a DNA alkylating agent,combinedwith radiation. However, TMZ is toxic, has severe side effects,and frequently encounters tumor drug resistance. Free TMZ, which hasa short half-life of 1.8 h, proved to be ineffective in vitro against theresistant T98G cell line, as well as two human breast cancer linesMDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468, although U87MG was sensitive. Amultifunctional targetable nanoconjugate of TMZ hydrazide wassynthesized using a poly (-L-malic acid) platform conjugated withthe targeting mAb to human transferrin receptor (TfR) for receptor-mediated endocytosis, LLL for pH-dependent endosomal membranedisruption, and PEG for protection. The conjugated TMZ had anincreased half-life of 57 h. Delivery of PMLA-TMZ conjugate to T98G,MDA-MB-231, and MDA-MB-468 was able to effectively overcome theresistance of free TMZ and signicantly reduced cell viability as shownin Fig. 6. The greater drug accumulation was due to the avoidance ofthe drug efux pump mechanism via receptor-mediated endocytosis[111]. In addition to T98G, the human glioblastoma cell line U251 isknown to have MDR due to the high expression of P-glycoprotein andother ABC transporters. Another version of PMLA containing PEG, withDoxorubicin conjugated via pH-sensitive hydrazone linkage, was ableto effectively inhibit growth of U251 more than Doxorubicin alonedue to the modied drug uptake mechanism that evaded drug efuxpumps [112].

    Direct targeting of the upregulated P-glycoprotein while simul-taneously treating with anti-cancer therapeutics is yet another strategythat nanomedicine can employ. The use of P-glycoproteins inhibitors isan attractiveeld but has unfortunately resulted in numerous failures inthe clinic to date. Inhibitors including verapamil, a calcium channelblocker, and cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant, are actually substratesfor P-glycoprotein and compete for efux with the chemotherapeuticdrugs. Their lack of specicity requires a large dose to achieve clinicalinhibition and thus results in toxicity. Numerous modications of theseinhibitors have appeared as promising candidates, but clinical trialscontinue to fail [113]. However, the use of these molecules in relationto nanomedicines is still an attractive strategy due to increased targetingand accumulation. For example, Wu et al. used a liposome co-encapsulating Doxorubicin and verapamil and conjugated to transferrin,to effectively overcome MDR in K562 leukemia cells [114]. Anothergroup encapsulated curcumin, known as P-glycoprotein pump inhibitor,and Paclitaxel in a nanoemulsion of axseed oil to effectively treat wild-type and drug resistant SKOV3 ovarian tumor cells [115]. Further,liposomal anti-MRP-1 and anti-Bcl2 siRNA in combination withDoxorubicin were used to suppress pump and non-pump mediatedcellular resistance and to cause death in MDR lung cancer cells [116].Finally, stealth liposomes containing PSC 833 (Valspodar, a cyclosporinA analog that is more effective) and Doxorubicin were able to reverseMDR in the Doxorubicin-resistant human breast cancer cell line T47D/TAMR-6 [117].

    5.2. Targeting cancer stem cells to overcome MDR and prevent recurrence

    Cancer stem cells are more resistant to treatment and conventionalchemotherapeutics often fail to destroy them. CSC resistance isachieved through increased Wnt/-catenin and Notch signaling, highlevels of ATP cassette reporters, altered DNA repair mechanisms, andslow proliferation rate [118]. A study of osteosarcoma cell lines showed

    that an anti-cancer drug Salinomycin could suppress tumor cells in vitro

  • rcomov

    1874 J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879and in vivo by targeting CSC, potentially through the Wnt/-cateninsignaling pathway [119]. Zhang et al. loaded Salinomycin on PEGylatedpolymeric micelles to effectively target CSC (CD44+/CD24) isolatedfrom breast cancer cell line MCF-7, and these micelles were more

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12





    100 TMZTMZ on polymer

    Time (h)

    % T


    A. Enhanced half-life andcytotoxicity of temozolomide

    (TMZ) when attached to polymer

    U87 (human glioma cell line)

    Fig. 6. The conjugation of TMZonpolymalic acid nanobiopolymer increases half-life and ove7.4 h (N4 times) after attachment to polymer. B. Attachment of TMZ to polymer resulted inReproduced from Ref. [111].effective than Salinomycin alone in vivo. A combination treatmentwith octreotide-modied-Paclitaxel-PEG polymeric micelles wasshown to enhance the binding to somatostatin receptors, whichare enhanced in many cancers, to eradicate both tumor cells andCSC in vivo via receptor-mediated endocytosis [83]. The knockdown ofother CSC related pathways including tissue transglutaminase (TG2)by gene silencing using liposomal anti-TG2 siRNA combined withgemcitabine to treat Panc-28 pancreatic cancer cells was efcacious inreducing tumor growth and preventing metastasis [120]. Additionalstem cell markers including CD44 [38,121] and CD133 [121] havebeen associated with drug resistance andmay serve as potential targetsfor future nanodrugs to eliminate CSCs and prevent recurrence.

    5.3. Preventing the cross talk of cancer cells and their microenvironment

    Prevention of the cross talk between cancer cells and supportingstroma and vasculature, which promotes cell growth and preventsapoptosis, is an attractive strategy for overcoming resistance totherapy. Mature B-cell malignancies are known to interact via CXCR4signaling, a G-coupled protein receptor, found on hematopoietic andepithelial cancer cells. Stromal cells located in the bone marrowmicroenvironment secrete stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1/CXCL12), the ligand for CXCR4. This signaling recruits the cancer cells tothe bone marrow where they receive additional growth and drugresistance signals. Antagonists of CXCR4 can disrupt these interactions,forcing the leukemia cells back into circulation where they are moresusceptible to chemotherapeutic drugs [122], and may serve as crucialadditions on nanodrugs. Attempts to actually target and destroy tumorstromal cells have also been performed to prevent their contribution totumor growth. Tumor-related stromal cells express high levels ofplatelet-derived growth factor receptor- (PDGFR-). A uniquenanocarrier was made using albumin and a PDGFR- recognizing cyclinpeptide conjugated to Doxorubicin through an acid-sensitive hydrazonelinkage. In vivo, the drug rapidly accumulated in PDGFR- expressingcells in C26murine colon cancer and signicantly reduced tumor growth;

    T98G (Human glioma withMGMT overexpression)

    1 10 100 10000






    TMZ on polymerTMZ

    TMZ Conc. (M)Ce

    ll Via



    B. Drug resistance was reduced whentemozolomide (TMZ) was attached to


    es resistance in human glioma cell line T98G. A. Half-life of TMZwas increased from1.8 toercoming the inherent resistance of T98G cells compared to TMZ alone.free Doxorubicin was not as effective and resulted in loss of body weight[123]. Interfering with the signaling of the microenvironment or evenpotentially eliminating key stromal contributors of anti-apoptotic, pro-growth, and pro-angiogenesis signals using a targeted nanotherapy arepromising approaches.

    5.4. Modifying the immune response to improve treatment of MDR cancers

    Immune response modication can occur either through inhibitionor enhancement. Several groups have used siRNA, frequently in cationicliposomes, to downregulate essential immune transcription factors,proinammatory cytokine production, especially TNF-, or cellularreceptors to prevent cell activation. Both siRNA and variousnanoparticles can elicit an interferon-mediated immune response.Therefore, it is not only the inhibitory effect of the siRNA, but also theimmunostimulatory effect of the treatment that leads to a reduction intumor size [124]. Using siRNAs to elicit an antitumor effect haveshown to be effective. Pertinent examples include using Bcl2-specicsiRNA with 5-triphosphate ends against melanoma to silence Bcl2and enhance activity of natural killer cells and interferon through innatecell activation via Rig-1 [125]; using a toll-like receptor (TLR)9 agonist,Stat3, siRNA synthetically linked to a CpG oligonucleotide to inhibitexpression in dendritic cells, macrophages and B cells, leading to theactivation of tumor-associated immune cells and an anti-tumorimmune response to mouse melanoma and colon cancer [126]; andusing a bifunctional siRNA complexed with PEGylated liposomes toinhibit HPV16 E6/E7 mRNA and to activate immune response cells viaTLR7 to effectively inhibit TC-1 tumors in vivo [127]. In addition to theuse of siRNAs, other nanomedicine approaches for altering immuneresponse have been explored. An antibody cytokine fusion proteinconsisting of the immunostimulatory cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2)

  • genetically fused to an antibody specic for human HER2/neu wascovalently attached to a polymalic acid (PMLA) backbone. The drugalso contained antisense oligonucleotides against 4 and 1 chains ofvascular tumor protein laminin-411 to block angiogenesis. Treatmentof immunocompetent mice bearing murine mammary tumorsexpressing human HER2/neu resulted in signicant increases of IgG1and IgG2a, indicative of a humoral (TH2) and cell-mediated (TH1)immune response, as well as decreased tumor growth and longersurvival [128]. With the increase of resistance to a number oftherapeutics, the use of immunostimulatory drugs may prove to beadvantageous in avoiding and overcoming drug resistance in the future.

    6. Recent progress in overcoming tumor resistance byusing nanomedicines

    Engineering of multifunctional nanodrugs demonstrates newpossibilities to overcoming drug resistance that were not possiblewith conventional therapy or combination of different current cancertreatments. Recent experimental progress in overcoming resistance byusing nanomedicines in vitro and in vivo is summarized in Table 1.Nanocarriers can display their own anti-drug resistance activity asidefrom actions by their cargo. This has been shown for -tocopherylPEG1000 succinate [129,130] and poly[bis(2-hydroxylethyl)-disulde-

    Table 1Recent progress in overcoming tumor drug resistance by using nanomedicines.

    Tumor type Nanomedicines Active groups Action mechanism Ref.

    Docetaxel (DTX)-resistant humanovarian A2780/T.In vitro model

    D--Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol1000-block-poly(-amino ester)containing micellar nanoparticle

    D--Tocopheryl-polyethylene glycol,docetaxel

    Inhibition of P-gp to decrease DTX efux;DTX Inhibition of cell division


    H460/TaxR human non-small celllung cancer overexpressing P-gpIn vitro model

    D--Tocopheryl polyethylene glycol1000 succinate containing micellarnanoparticle

    D--Tocopherylpolyethylene glycol 1000succinate; paclitaxel(PTX), uorouracil (5-FU)

    Inhibition of P-glycoprotein by Tocopherylpolyethylene glycol 1000 succinate; Inhibition ofcell division by PTX; irreversible inhibition ofthymidylate synthase; synergism of PTX/5-FU.


    Human MCF7/ADR tumor on BALB/cnude mice.In vivo breast cancer model

    Poly[bis(2-hydroxylethyl)-disulde-diacrylate--tetraethylenepentamine]polycaprolactone copolymer (PBDPCL)containing micelle nanoparticles

    shRNA to Survivin,PBDPCL, Doxorubicin

    Inhibition of: P-glycoprotein; inhibition ofglutathione S-transferase, intercalation into DNA


    CD138 CD34 cells isolated from ahuman U266 multiple myeloma cell lineinoculated in mice withnon-obese diabetic/severe combinedimmunodeciency(NOD/SCID).In vivomodel

    Polyoxypropylene chain and oleic acidcoated iron oxide NPs

    Anti-ABCG2 antibody,PTX

    Antibody blocking of ABCG2 to inhibit PTXresistance; PTX inhibition of cell division


    Human lung adenocarcinoma A549-Bcl-2 cellsIn vitro model

    Micelleplexes siRNA to BCl-2, PTX Downregulation of Bcl-2; PTX Inhibition ofcell division


    CAL27 cisplatin-resistant human oral cancercells (CAR cells),In vitro model

    PLGA nanoparticles Curcumin, cisplatin Pt-DNA crosslinks;MDR-1 suppression;Triggering of Apoptosis


    Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cellsinoculated into BALB/c nu/nu mice.Xenogeneic in vivomodel

    PLGA nanoparticles conjugated toAnti-CD133

    Anti-CD133, PTX Targeting tumor initiating cells CD133+; PTXinhibition of cell division


    GS5 glioblastoma multiforme cells (obtainedfrom human U87GM cells enriched by stemcells) injected intracranially in rats.In vivomodel

    PGLA nanoparticlesTreatment by convection-enhanceddelivery (CED)

    Dithiazanine iodide (DI) DI displays toxicity towards brain cancerstem cells


    Rat F98 glioblastoma inoculated on Fischer344 rats.Orthotopic syngeneic in vivomodel

    PGLA-chitosan Carmustine (BCNU),O(6)-benzylguanine (BG)

    BCNU for DNA alkylating and crosslinking;BG for inhibition of O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyl transferase (MGMT)


    Chemotherapy- andantiandrogen-resistant mAR+/GPRC6A+DU-145 human prostate carcinoma cells.In vivomodel

    Gold nanoparticles Multiple -Bic- and -Bicantiandrogens

    Multivalent binding to androgen receptor and toG-protein coupled receptor (GPRC6A); Theantiandrogens inhibit binding of androgen


    Human breast MDA-MB-231 andMDA-MB-468 cell lines, and brain cancercell lines U87MG and T98GIn vitro model

    Polymerdrug conjugate based on poly(-L-malic-acid) platform

    Temozolomide (TMZ) TMX is a DNA alkylating agent preventing celldivision


    Human Lewis lung carcinoma A549 cellssubcutaneously inoculated intoC57BL/6N mice,In vivomodel

    Nanoliposomes in combination withradiation therapy

    Cisplatin (CDDP),Radiation therapy

    Cisplatin alkylating and crosslinking DNA;Sensation to radiation lesions


    Human SW480 Colorectal cancer. Human serum albumin-based Anti-Survivin siRNA;Ra

    Knocking down of Survivin promotes apoptosis [141]



    1875J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879In vitro model anti-Survivin siRNA delivery incombination with radiation therapy

    Human melanoma cells HMV-II; Radiationresistance under hypoxic conditions.In vitro model

    Liposomes in combination withradiation therapy

    Human U251 glioblastoma intracraniallygrown in Nu/Nu rats.In vivo model

    Magnetic ferric oxide NP in combinationwith radiation therapy

    HMLER (shE-cadherin) human breast cancerstem cells (BCSCs) inoculated into mice totreat triple-negative breast cancer.In vivo model

    Multiwalled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) in combination withphotothermal (laser) treatment.diation therapy

    monidazole (Pmz);diation therapy

    DNA fragmentation and crosslinking sensitizes forradiation damage


    IAL, a type-IInsmembranemotrimeric proteinNF gene superfamily)mma irradiation

    Radiation sensitizes for TRAIL induced apoptosis;Sensitization of TRIAL by conjugation to the ferricoxide nanoparticle


    notubes without activergeting but with specicrmeation into BCSCs;otothermal treatment.

    Thermal therapy promotes rapid MWCNTmembrane permeabilization resulting in necrosisof BCSCs and differentiated cancer cells.


  • 1876 J.L. Markman et al. / Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2013) 18661879diacrylate--tetraethylenepentamine]-polycaprolactone copolymer[131] for the inhibition of efux-dependent mechanisms or carbonnanotubes for membrane permeabilization and sensitization to photothermal therapy [132]. Drug efux systems [129131,133136],resistance due to presence of CSC [132,137139], DNA damage/repair[136,140142], apoptosis signaling pathways [139,141,143], resistanceagainst radiation therapy [136,139,141,142], and resistance againstthermal treatment [142] are being studied in vitro and in vivo astargets for nanomedicines in order to develop the best treatmentregimens. Diverse functions and multiple effects are typical for thecomposition and design of multifunctional nanomedicines. Activecargo, such as siRNA, and antibodies specically inhibit synthesis orfunction of proteins, which are key players in resistance mechanisms[134,135,137]. Various chemotherapeutic drugs when delivered as ananoparticle cargo can bypass drug resistance resulting in highertoxicity for tumor cells with lower toxicity to normal tissues. Examplesof the drugs used as part of nanoparticles and nanoconjugates includetaxanes [129,130,134,135,137], 5-uorouracil [140], dithiazanineiodide [135], carmustin, cisplatin, pimonidazole [130,136,142], effectorsof enzyme activity [130,140] and signaling, such as antiandrogens andTRAIL [139,143]. Nanoparticles and their cargoes have been found tobe sensitizers for killing of differentiated cancer cells and CSCs byradiation therapy [136,139,141,142] and laser hyperthermal therapy[132]. It can be hypothesized that cancer therapy using nanodrugsalone or in combination with radiation/hyperthermia can overcomeresistance by delivery of one or several nonrelated therapeutic agents,and modern nanomedicines can afford to deliver all these moietiesinto the cancer cells.

    7. Conclusion and future direction

    The lifetime probability of developing cancer for men (45%) andwomen (38%) is startlingly high and accounts for 1 in 4 deaths in theUnited States [148]. Despite our vast expanse of knowledge regardingthe disease, it continues to progress faster than we can keep up with. Anumber of underlying mechanisms regarding progression, metastasis,and invasion have been elucidated at both cellular and molecular levels,which serve as promising traits to focus on for nanodrug therapy whensurgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are insufcient. Despite theseadvances that target signaling mechanisms and upregulated genes andproteins, drug resistance remains a key feature of cancer cells and isoften acquired even after an initial positive response. Nanomedicinesthat have increased circulation time, precise multiple targetingmechanisms, enhanced drug accumulation at the tumor site, deliveredinto the cytoplasm and/or nuclei of cancer cells, and have the ability tocarry combinations of therapeutic payloads are attractive treatmentoptions in overcoming MDR. Numerous unique nanodrugs havebeen created and researched extensively, and are already in clinicaldevelopment. As additional discoveries and optimizations are achieved,the superiority of nanomedicines over current treatment options andfree drugs will continue to increase for the efcient eradication ofdrug-resistant cancers.


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