1 letters to santa claus. t. montgomery, m · ft 1 wilmington, delaware, saturday, december 18^...

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T. Montgomery,Wilmington, Del., Dec. 17, 1897. |Dear S«nU Claus:—I wrlto you this let- j

ter to let you know what I wautfor Christ- mas. 1 wuuta set of dishes a table, a table­cloth, a rooking horse, doll baby, a coaob, an ongiue, a little ring and a pair of gum boot s. Do not forget to bring me a Clirbtt-

PRINCETON SENIORS SUSPENDED.t LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS.cut by you it will have passed fha period when negotiations will be of any avail.

im i) illM \ Wore About to “Haze” a Sophomore

When Rrootora Discovered Them.I^lnceton, N. J., Dec. 18.—Three

Princeton seniors definitely yesterday for hazing. This is the culmination of a long series of troubles between undergraduates and the faculty. Eight “sophs" took a freshman from the campus one evening In September and put him through what they called “Initiating." Nextday all the "sophs” Implicated In the hazingfaculty and pleaded guilty. The fac­ulty did nothing but reprimand theoffenders.

A member of the sophomore class ported features of the hazing which had escaped the notice of the authori­ties and thus made himself an object of dislike to the students. Parties of undergraduates, no matter what class, henceforth made it a point, when out

to call upon him.who have been sus*

him. It is

ila;•iiyears ago, when the Paris trib­

unal rendered Its award, that body, ‘In view of the critical condition' to which

then reduced, recom-

The Little Ones Make Known Their WanU

to Him.Weekly Report of the Two Leading

j&M Commercial Agencies.


suspended in-9Aono Will Bo Allowod to Enter

, United States Territory.


a i tree and some candy and uot home t.aku it up to Grandma s. I n little boy two years old ; wy name Is

Lo ltoy Jones, 434 Clay wont street.

r. j the herdj mended the two governments to I pend the killing of seals for a period

three years. If such a mean- * was called for then, how much more

iuest for a single , after four

more years of disastrous slaughter of

a £2Wilmington, Del.Deo 13, 1897.

Dear Old Santa Claus;—1 will write yon a letter to tell you I am a little boy 0 years old. I am somewhat of a tough, hut lam going to be u good boy now, and I lug to aak a favor of you, and that is, luoinher mo, as It Is about Christmas t ime. I want you to bring mo nil express wagon, a real goat, a fur cup. a storm coat, a pair of gum hoots, a doll baby, u pair of box­ing gloves, a hammer, a tool box, a tri o trimmed, und please bring me some dy,some nuts, dates, oranges, bananas and peanuts. 1 guess this is all From your little friend, Raymond IT. Bare us, 131 Logan street. , „ T

P. S. Old Santa I forgot to tell you l going away Christmas The plat: going to is called Middletown, JJulu- •o. Grandma is goiug with me. Uuud.

bye, old Krlss.

m >3

fi 3Centrevllle, Deo. 10, 1897.little girl 9 Hf

Donr snutn Claus:—I _years old. I would like to have a nice doll baby, a pair: of loggia*, a pair of gum boots, and shoos with lips ou them; uud hair ribbons, also some nice camly and oranges. Good byo. ?adlo Lowtbor.

; reasonable is the mThe Closing Days of the Year Show a Gratifying lucres** In Consumption Over the Preceding Years, Despite the Slump la Cotton Manufactures.

r-</BO-reason’s suspension *


Points of the 1.otters Passed Between•ler and Commissioner j fcma|e goals, during which period the

experts agree the herd has steadily

i summoned before the W fflT Premier La.1 KFoster Which Led to the Swceplnn j

‘ ‘'Provision lu the Pelagic Scaling Hitt. > Tfl-9| declined. New York, Dec. 18.—R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of trade says: Close to Its annual holiday and halt the business of the year is surpris­ingly large. Payments through banks are again 2.5 per cent larger than in 1892, heretofore the year of greatest prosperity. The produc tion of Iron and woolens and hoots and shoes Is larger

before. Exports eclipse all

Contrcvillo, Dec. 10, 1807.Turn a little boy 6 years old. I would

like to hnvo a velocipede, an express wag­on, u hull, horn, pair of lines, a pair of gum boots, a nlco sub to wear to Sunday school, ami some candy, oranges, bananas, and some .. .

P. S. rlease don’t forget my .cousin Gertrude Dixon at Hockossin, nlco little girl and is fond of nlco things.

Herbert Potts

eexceedingly sorry and greatly disappointed that your visit to Wash-

Uttlejproihlse of satls- entertain the

I !tWashington, Dec. 18.—It has devel-

pelugio passed both

i .r* ‘VY*w

u•oped that the bill relating

sealing, which has Just branches of congress and Is before the president, contains reaching Importance which has thus

aped attention. This placesthe further

givesIngtfactory results, but hope that It may yet bear good fruits.

l* provision of far . Good bve.mi 8 sPHOTOGRAPHED A HANGING.

shefar for a "good time, The threeabsolute prohibill

bringing of sealskins Into the United States from any source whatever. As the United States is the largest market in the world for seal­skins, this complete stoppage of the trade in this country will be a sevore measure against the British and Can­adian industries which take and the skins and then dispose of them largely in the United States. When the bill was proposed it was generally sup­posed that its only purpose w Whit American citizens from carrying

pelagic sealing. Tills feature was to attract attention dur-

Ciuoniatographo IMcturon of the Ex­ecution of Murderer Carr.

Liberty, Mo., Dec. 18.—William Carr, the child murderer, was hanged at the Clay county court house yesterday,


rthanpast records, and failures for two weeks have been the smallest for the corre­sponding weeks In five years. Treas-

■eipte show a steady increase for • previ-

months, bath in customs and In- j ternal revenue, and heavy payments

Union Pacific account

callpreparing for a lively

proctors who dis- , and their

taken up by the

pended made said they session, at any covered them believed

A DRIVE IX JEWELRY.A in any form 1 ltfclo girl 7Dear Santa Claus:—I yours old and I would llko to bring me an umbrella, pair of rubbers, and a lock bracelet, a toil sled, uud sot of dishes. I

a singer and I will sing at your church those things. Good*

Wilmington, Del., Deo. IK, 1897. Dear Ohl Kite-:— As Christinas is draw-

jar, I thought wo would write you a did not want you to forget us.

largo blankj Our special drive in jewelry this Kuna ia our complete up-ti fiati • «»nt of every thing for Ladies’ or Gontiesnun’s w*ar. Wo have ell th®

■w things amt the quality h unsurpassed, if your v •bound* of reason. We cun suit you from our stock.

Our watches nre numerous in prices from *■■’..59 up, anil was our silver novelty stock so roylote with endless things at ustuuUhlugly low prices.

in ifletter ..Wo want a writing desk,. ...board, a doll for each of us, high chairs for them to sit In, story books, a nice Christmas tno, somo camly, nuts ami fruit. Wo remidii your lit tie friends, Lillieand Annie Eakiu, 510 East blflh stroot.

urythe first half of Decemberbackwoodsman,Carr w

who sought to please his second wife by drowning his .‘{-year-old daughter by his first wife. Carr presented a pitiable

the gallows, showing remark-

are with!/faculty. The suspended seniors

of high standing In their class.if you will bring byo. llcr)la Smith, 911 Vandevor • h<,fur

government caused but slight stringency in money i markets, with preparation for large I

cancellation of bonds.The cotton manufacture Is In diffi- j

culty, due to production last year far partial


Big Paper Company Incorporated.Trenton, Deo. 18.—Articles of Incor­

poration of the American Pegamoid company, with stock of $5,000,COO, w secretary of state yesterday afternoon. The company Is authorized to Import, deal In and manufacture paper, paper material and paper substitutes of all

substances, pulps,

sightable lack of nerve. After the drop had

if moved

l- a little baby about 1years cis. and I don’t know whether yo«* will bring anything, because I go out t/) Lon gel’s and get homo on the sly. If ytW bring mo anything bring mo a doll baht,

express wagon, and ft guu. Youra truly. *' Hurry Dotiohoo, 8th street be­tween Walnut and Poplar.

Dear Krlss:—I

J. T. Montgomery,229 Market St.

fallen the 600 spectators,single impulse, rushed forward,

calling, crying, shrieking and laughing they surged under the gallows and

packc-d close around the dangling corpse for a close view. The sheriff and deputies dispersed the hysterical mob with difficulty.

After the execution it became known young photographer had been

,’ith a

authorized capital filed with the

byWilmington, Del., Dee. 14, 1837.

good little want

Santa Clans:—Iseven years old.

doll and a chair for it,

Do of demand andk inthe onlylug the discussion. At the close pf the •bill, however, is a section which abso­lutely prohibits the importation of seal­skins and provides that “nil such tides imported after this act shall take effect shall rvot be permitted to be ported, but shall be seized and destroy­ed by the proper officers of the United Btates.familiar with the bill say this pro­vision is of far more importance in its effect than the prohibition against pelagic sealing by Americans.

After the return of the Canadian pre­mier and the minister of fisheries from Washington last month

l girl and I iyou to bring ... , ,a table, a sot of dishes, a story book, candy , inns niul oranges. I have two brothers and thoir names uro Earl and „„ , ,.„a please don’t forgot, them. Ilive at 510 East Fifth streut. and don’t for­get mo. Nellie Kakln.

T. a. Wo take your paper overy night.

to transfer of the demand mills. While domestic and export sales

behind ahave been large, they production exceeding that of the best previous years, northern and southern Included, and the efforts to straight things by a reduction of wages, pre­sumably Involved a strike and reduc-


Wilmington, Del., Deo. 17,1897. DgarSanta Claus:—lam a little hoy '5

uId like you to bring a wheel, n horse arid,

play with, n horn

kinds. Also preparations and mixtures, and all articles to be made from paper or paper substitutes. The company is also thorlzed to do a business as stationers, lithographing, publishing and manu­facturing wall paper, as well as deal­ing in and manufacturing cotton, silk, woolen, linen, jute, texiile materials and all materials to be used there-

yeara old. 1 big t rain of curs, and wagon that Ic I hul will make lots of noise, a pair of gulp boots ami lots or nuts and candy and a nice lice. Guod-byo Santa Claus. 1 live

iheS. E coruor Tenth ami Clayton. My lmino Is Johnnie Thom, son. Don’t forgot

thatadmitted to the enclosure clnematographe machine, and that he had been permitted closing Incidents tragedy. The machine from the moment Carr appeared enclosure until the body was cut down. When Carr was a prisoner In the

Kansas City the same parties

til1.4 to photograph the

of the revolting in operation

!- Goodstlon of output.weak, and the range of prices i

• known, the reduction wide

thoroughlyThose who Mermaid, Doe. 15, 1897.h littlo

r*jjuiir Old Santa Claus:—I .................... -

gil l 8years old, go lo school every day, my toucher is Miss McDaniel. 1 want you to

a doll, story book ftud anything Don’t forgot my to remember my

the lowestIn bleached goods, prints and sheetings having caused considerable increase In the demand.

The demand for woolen goods Is In­in the


WE HAVE ELEGANT PIANOS.bringelse you Imvo to spare, big sisters and bosun: . ,friend OJIIo Davis. She lives at Rockland You can got down the setting-room chim­ney, Your littlo friend, Roberta \Y oleh.

from.Wilmington, Del., Do.-. 15,1897.a little girl

No. 10 school, nijj : is Miss Walters. I , a littlo Imt for my dolly1, cradle for my doll to go tjo

sleep In, a pair of rubbers, a story hook, a bracelet and some candy, and Christina's tree, and please bring my teacher some­thin;:, so good-live, dear !()ld Krlss. Froiji your litt le girl. Lillio Fisher, 1113 Luu castor Avenue.

(Jly jailpersuaded him to recite his story of the crime into a phonograph.

a Glaus:—I old. I go

Dot The English Engineers’ Strike.London, Dec. 18.—The conference be­

tween the representatives of the strik­ing engineers and the employers sat late yesterday and arrived at visional agreement, except hour question. As to this point, despite a long dis dined

4 'creasing, and some mills market providing for a greater pro­duction, though and the wool market is remarkably dull, sales at the three chief points be­ing 15,307,100 pounds, against 18,100.000 last y.-ar, 17.170.110 In 1835 ar.d 16,504,100 in 1892. While prices held without ohange, manufacturers

: hunting for bargains, and foreign wool in considerable quantity is coining

authorizedtcnchor.7 WF. HAVc ELEGANT ORGANS,


s given out from Ottawastatementof the contents of Sir Wilfred Laurler’s


•e still waiting,n •lou* DlnapponrnncoMinister** MyHarrisburg, Dec. IS.—The police

locate Rev. S. Spurrier, a at New Bloom-

d a lilt!pro-

tht eightthe pit.position ofreply

Foster, the American negotiator in the confirmed

S gton, Dec. 18, 1897. a verv good liti lo


WllmDour Old Kriss:— I s

boy ntnl I want y wood-horse, a saw and fond sawing wood night I was sawing broke my back, aad don’t forgot to brin g me some camly and nuts. My name is Jonnlo Glvnn, uml I live in Browntown.

Dear Did Krlss don’t forget my irb.nrt Charlie Downing, lie would like to have a jumping-rope, as ho id avory high jumper; a ticket to Klondike aud put sumo candy

1 nuts in his slocking. Ho is a good ill tic hoy and lives on Fourteenth street,


trying Church of God minis!seal conference. This

by Sir Louis Davies in a public address at Toronto, In which it was added that In return for a settlement of the fur seal question satisfactory to the United Elates Canada would expect, among other concessions, a reciprocity ar­rangement which would admit Into the United States free of duty lumber, coal, fish, barley, eggs, potatoes and other farm products. The communications exchanged between Sir Wilfrid Laurior and Mr. Foster were made public last night. The correspondence is volumin­ous, and opens with a letter from Pre­mier Laurier, in which he says in part:

"I requested my colleague, Sir Louis Davies, to obtain Information as the number of sealers who are fittng out for the coming year’s operations and as to the approximate compensation which would he expected to be paid lo

e pelagic sealing was pro- a year. The information

to hi mg sion, the employers de­yield even in the slightest de-

On the other questions the em-

Xhel and blood stained long

field, whose sderby hat were yesterday found the Susquehanna river bank, in this city. Sparrler was In the habit of

silk hat, and the finding of

bevery The other

il I almost,

saidIights. /gree.

ployersference adjourned

to take a ballot

id conciliatory. The con- Dec. 28 to enable

the presentWilmington, Do!., Dec, 17, 1897.

De r Old Krlss:-] am a littlo girl 5 years old. My uamo is Marlon. I want, some knives and forks, irons and a snuff, and great big doll and some candy and a bracelet. If you can’t got. hero leave thoijh at iny aunr. Mary’s 1014 Adams street- t live at 913 Kirkwood street. Marioja Hahn.

*wearinga derby, cut with a knife side, Is a mystery to the officers, blood stained pocketbook was

• the satchel, which leads belief that the minister was murdered

and his body thrown Mr. Sparrler is about

in this

r this way.thesituation. The general opinion is that the ballot will confirm the provisional agreement, allowing the eight ho question to slide.

crything that Is musical and at prices that will nt your into all hom*s aud

jio making instrument

Andpocketbook. f make thorn happy with u choice from

ys: A sensible quieting of demand in wholesale lines is reported as the holiday season and the annual stock tailing period proach. Chief among the favorabl features of the week has been the larged inquiry at higher prices for steel In various forms, accompanied by ud-

n the prices of sorts moat af­fected. A correspondingly heavy busi­ness has developed In pig iron, and prices show but a slight shading in face of the current immense produc­tion. The wheat market has been less

and prices are practically from a week ago, while

ate addition*

revhBradfJlreets’A let Old Krlss cfound


S. H. BAYNARD’S,S. W. Cor. Market and Fifth Streets.

by hlghwayme into the river.75 years old, und Is well know locality as a preacher and book agent.

Iu iTrain.TriedChicago, Dec. 18.—An unsuccessful

reck the fast mail train Chicago

made Thursday


For skin diseases anti blood dlflorueijh, use Dr. Bull’s Bills which cleanse a purify the blood without weakening t system.

attempt from New Orlet Illinois Central

Wilmington, Del., Dec. 18.—Dear Krlss Kinglo: l want you to bring mo a doll, a

of rubbers, mittens, a Christmas-treo a yard. Good bye, Old Krlss. Your

d the

1o- Sudden Dentil or Lieutenant Wood.Now York, Doc. 18.—Lieutenant Will­

iam Muxwoll Wood, U. S. N., died sud­denly of heart disease at his reside near New Rochelle Thursday evening. Lieutenant Wood graduated from the

in 1870, and

umlfriend, Bertie Yanis.

Six pioces of fish-

where the

night1 plate iron four feet long j across the track at a pic

j embankment was very steep. The train struck them while-running at a high rate of 55 miles an hour, one of the chan plates being completely cut i Fortunately the engine did not leave list of products showing advances. The the track. The motive was presumably unsatisfactory outlook for cotton go. 11 robbery. ; is reflected in reductions in bleached

the lowest point iver reached, eak-

1 'litt-'Dour S:mt Clam—I would llko13

firing 1110 a pair of skates No. 9, Clumber « pair of leather boot* liko my fat h- „ „air of kid glovos, u pair of rubbers

:d a live cent horn, i don’t want, any horns. Good bye. Santa Claus

idCorrespondence of the REPUBLICAN. |

Nuw Castle. December IS. 1337. •.

s 47them in hibited for

r-i.Naval acadc tin•h syears old. He has see

vice upon all stations, and was also•ientlfic details. His last sea

cecutlve officer of the

of is to the effect that the usual; that the

furnished fleet is preparing prohibition of pelagic sealing for a year would practically destroy the busi-

several years, because the the mates and the white

Down State Items. Young Friends’ Association.»lri. Curmvr. » iluilillitsr i.r Georg. V. | Atitihe rugu!nl. mating of tlio Youn.

js, of Smyrna, was awakened oy tno j Friends’ Association last night announce* iimvcmonts of a burglar in her room. Her ||nonf wnsmmlo of a course of six lecture* cries caused J he burglar to draw m* re-; (juri„g the winter on Bible study to b|. .....anil threaten t" shoot ,16r> . 3 ! given by Josso Holmes of the George schoolcaused her to yell louder and her father j j^owton, Pa. The first leoturo will b« whs awakened. 1 ho burglar'heat are- |(m janUftry 9, at 2 30 o’clock. An "Old treat leaving the articles ho hud packed to . Hocord of Frlonds” was road and w«3 ia« take with him. ..... , i teres tlug. Many of the records

Governor 1 unnell In all probanmiy wm 1 oventa occurring before the Revolutionary lose the nail of his big toe. ; War.

Van VanVorst of MU ford had a narrowescape from death while shelllug corn with j Freel Beautiful Panel. ja steain engine. HiMolotlilug wo8<iaug it | ^r0 jnvit0 acomparison. Wo make abv tho machinery uud Va w II (speciality of Teas and Coffees and If you _J. In snort, ornoi. {want cheap goods wo have them. This iir n'S'd u"S?nWniw™roSTP *■>»«• «I .pSuitl.. .ml If juu w.nt ih,

^’ tj ni10"'™., 1 . .-ii wna i best goods or If you want a good assortnurtem Boyce of Uaorgrt ™ J ment of Teas or Coffees, call ft the Grand

seized yesterday with a d j Union Ton Company’s store, 609 Kingtlmmt. . tn Ik Tunlor !8treet- Free, beautiful combination, pauM

The mooting at Boar to form a junior, • ' rOrder of American Mechanics was uot nud calendar,

held last ovonirig.Poultry has boon selling at a low prlco

at MilfouL YVashlngt

died at Milford yesterday.___

The Polite Department Informed % _A gentleman coming out of Barrett ft |

Humor's music .tore. M6 Shipley stroet. hM on h)i n,h l(,n, In Thlr*.was stopped by ono of our Policemen and ?gtroeJ. house the following flshiasked If ho bought his instrument tntio. . Wh,t8 fl8b, trout, haddock, codfish, smoltc,Tho man replied I dhl and if i were g k terrapiu, rock, crocus, eto.

a dozen I would buy thorn allot | 1 ’ _J_______________t & Hunter—tho Ludwig lTauo{

of those c...Alfred Cookim:n Smith, 911 Vumiove,many

eervlco wa celebrated

Usually when a county constablo takes a prisoner lo tho jail tho constable oithfirlm»lIio|wnun luiml-euiroil and tioil Willi CWca-„. Den. IS.—Henry Ulhlnh, for- ’•ii'se wVlh HnoVlier’piiir nt’lniinlnuIT^0 1 | niSht watchman at the county . proilud i-.n

("iHlnblo I'lirtcrbrnuyf. n inlsmior hofn poorhnusc* nt DunntnK.and who was ai- i 0( tm.thM ycKtiUilay afternoon, but ho did not rcsol-t rested on Thursday charged with hav- these exceptions tlie price situation io such straiogy although the charge whs ing stolen four bodies from the poor-onu of assault and battery with intent po house morgue on the night of Dec. 5, :"K'AZS'WmM™ Emma Whit 1 ^

««» •>» e.»lm. not to Know, aanistca I

of Kate, daughter of Henry McCDcconiber 7, tho colored

.1good 3while some cotton yarns sh

>ss. Anthracite coal Is weak, although •urtalled and talk

Admiral Ammon’s Lieutenant Wood was also

distinguished inventor

A Olioul’s ('id Wilmington, Del., Dec. 15, 1897.

D nr Santa Claus:—I would llko you Mini mo a pair of black kid gloves, fix and half size, gold ring, three foss Good-bye. Mrs. Florence Smith, 911 Vaudcver uvo-


crews, for the larger part belonging t;> ether parts of Canada, would leave fcritish Columbia, would likely bo demanded i tatioii is far beyond what it would be possible for us to Induce parliament Vote, even if we could recommend it.*• "Undei; tjjese circumstances, in view •f the finding of the experts at the late conference that 'in the greater re­duction of the pelagic catch’ of late years,'compared with the gradual de-

of the herd, there is a tendency toward equilibrium, or a stage at which the numbers of the breeding herd would neither Increase *nd further that ‘the diminution of the herd is yet far from a stage which ln-

threatens the actual extermi- it is

well known as in connection with his naval work. At tho time of his death Lieutenant Wood

scientific duty at

has berestriction is heard. With


ill whichThe detailed Bridgeport, Conn.

f quite exceptional steadiness.At the east trade in wholesale lines

; retail trade has been stirn-

olcom pc n-

Tho Filibuster Police Boats. Wilmington, Del., Doc. 15th, 1897. r Santa Chius:—As Christmas is

coining near 1 wLh you would bring mo a - mglo lantern, pair of skates, sweater and 11 Story boon ami that Is nil. Ploaso do not forgot tho poor children Christmas that lias nobody to look after them. Good­bye. Mrs. Burl Smith, 909 Vuudevor uve- nuo.

7* tly to allow of a fair :hb In seasonable lines.

; ufiWashington, Dec. 18.—Secretary Gage yesterday sent to the sc- to Senator Cannon’s resolution inquir­ing about theprevent filibustering expeditions. McLane, Winona. Boutwell, Colfax and Forward have been used for this pur-

on the Florida coast, and the re-

Dc J*-r bus!it. ■ fils reply given him forys $200him. He his part of the work.

Manufacturers of woolen cloths runningto a change in heavyweight goods improve the situation. The trade sit-

, ^ _ , ualion west and northwest isvices received here from Ottawa slate unim„olred strencth, although mikler that the Dominion government is

«>rsmall margins and tookChristii

girl followed tho white girl and struck bar u tor rifle blow on tho forehead.

If ii, lmd boon nquartet of nu inch nonrer to her ear the child would have been kill­ed. Under tho cure of Dr. Peters the child recovered from her Injuries and was able yosterday to appear before Magi— trait) Currimlor, when tho colored girl was given a homing. In default of ball to ap­pear at court t ho child was taken to New Cttstlo jail. After tho assault mined tin: girl left and Constable Porter was unable to locate her until a couple of days ago, when ho discovered lmr lu tho school at Newark.

Mayor Ilo.vd will does not rac.fllo a v

of revenue cuttersThe Klondike Routes.

Dec. 18.—Private ad-To C

Victoria, B. CS3 cfFeaha

poseport shows that tho course adopted by the treasury department w pliance with President Cleveland’s proc­lamation and with numerous sections of the revised statutes, which Secre-

. , . ..... , ... , weather checks distribution of winterconsidering the advisahlllty of vl h- . wear goodB. Notable among favorable drawing the custom house at Tugish j feature8 ,B the improved Inquiry at Lake, thus closing all Klondike routes | from Lvnn canal, In cotiseque the obnoxious customs regulations be­tween Slcaguay and the summit of the White Pass.

Wilmington, Del., Doo. 13, 7897.Dear Santa Claus:—I am a littlo girl

four yoars old and would like you to bring mo adol.l a rocking clmir, book, pair of shoos, und put candy in iny stocking and lock bracelet ami a littlo bell for my Kitty. Gondsbye. Miss Beulah Smith, 909 Vaud- ever avenue.

decrcaEe,’ho inud Wanted in Philadelphia.

Frank Groom, colored, woi arreifcel > [ here yesterday ou the charge of larceny of

[ f’.'S. He was taken to Philadelphia

higher prices for several kinds of steel, especially billets and wire and nails.of

Cannon, ft war veteran▼elves nation of the species s

land,’ lti*tary Gage quotes. From Ilotol Fire.Nnr

Grand Forks, N. D., Dpc. 18.—Fire Nash Broth-

day.protected in its liauntn in hopes that you will agree to the proposition submitted at conference by Sir Louis Davies and myself and not press for tho immedi­ate suspension of pelagic sealing.

The const catch during the months of January, February, March and April,

gauged by the catches of the past year

Robed In Wlilto and II an god.Atlanta. Gn.. Dec. 18.—Grady Rey­

nolds and Bub Brooks were executed yesterday for the murder

, Ga. Robbery was the motive. Brooks and Reynolds were moonshiners. After tho ride to


it> broke Fish narket.China Will YieldLondon, Dec. 18.—A special dispatch

from Shanghai asserts that China will acquiesce in Germany's retention of Kiao-Chau. Russia and Fn Irritatedthus prematurely disclosing her plans to England and Japan In likely, says the dispatch, objects In view.

Germany.that Eugene Burns •atoli to-r.lght. Burns

ing a sentence of two years for kill Officer Tobin. It will

•inhered that two years ago while patroling his boat he saw

Burns attempting to break into tho gen­eral store of Robert Shaw. Tho officer

make ihoarrest when

re and In aers’ wholesale grocery half hour had gone into the Hotel Dalcotah, where nearly a thousand guests were housed. The people in the hotel escaped by the fire escape, a ladder one foot wide running from the sixth Moor to the first. The fire de­

defeat the ' Partmont rescued " large number, and but for timely assistance hundreds of persons would have burned, lialf the

Fugitive ltnnU Cast,Ur Arro.tr,1. In the hotel were almost pulledDenver. Colo.. Deo. W.-llarry N. ; out ot bed and shown tho only way

Clark, formerly cashier of the First Na- ! of «'Wch was l.y the Iron udder.! tic,not hank, of Bridgeport, O., who is | The hotel anrl Severn other building,

ink- embezzled *S,o00 of were totally destroyed. Th­in sustody hero aftltregau $41,0.000

! etc., and $300,000

Wilmington, Del, Dec. 1^, 1897, Dear Sama Claus:—1 would like you to

set of dishes, a hall lamp and Mrs. Auuio

ayat Jeffers of M. C. Hunt, of Bel attempting

dining room lamp. Good-bye. Smith, 911 Vaudcver avenue.

boga to buy Barret Company.

tho officer Germany’s precipitancy i „ Free—ono week, n beautiful panel. 1 Grand Union Tea Co., 609 King street.distance ofthe gallows. Wilmington, Del., I)cc. 15, 1897.

a good littlo what 1

to have. A writing desk, n hose cart, a hook and ladder, pair of gum boots, somo ciuuly, mils and fruit r. nice Christmas tree, and Old Krlss don’t forgot mv aunt lieckie; this is all. My Hiiiuu is RalphS. Montgomery, 819 West 5ih street.

ho few years, Is very rimall. the catch of the Canadian sealing fleet amounted only to 6,100, and In the year before to 8,350. If the fleet, therefore, gre permitted to prosecute pelagic seal­ing for these four months but little comparative harm would he done to the herd. Following these months is the close season, embracing May, June and July, during which, of course,no pelagic pealing can l*e tarried Asiatic coast. It appears fore, as highly probable that the Joint commission sufigested could finally con­clude i‘.u labors long before the time when undsr the Paris regulations pelagic sealing could begin in Bering

. If that commission leached a sat- tefactory con* iuslcn ar.l tho congress of the United Btatcs approved it there

Id be no difficulty in obtaining ihe necessary imperial legislation to carry cut whatever recommendations might

•ere robed in whit the tlrr

the convicted and permitted

' of 1,000 people who packed gallows enclosure. Among those who saw the execution were the three brothers of the murdered

Santa Glaus:—I hoy (> years old. would like

wos advancing Burns turned and fired deliberately Tobin. Burns emptied his revolver In tho

shoot tho officer. Tho latter ivolvor by tho City

•resting tho

D Kc/.onm In any part of tho body la In- j fit,only relieved and permanently cured by jDtfin's Olni merit, the sovereign remedy for Preachers, doctors anil nurses ali itoiiluess of thoskiu. ing overtime at Lowes, Del. Tht

. nothing slow about that town. During ] tho past week eighteen babies liavo boon

17.—The British' born and fourteen couples marrledg

tyspeak will tell : flood Times at Lewes.be.

wottlattemptwas presented with a

•il for his bravery lu burglar.

•Ii Ims b

ilI& The Glcnochil.

Roody Island, Dec.steamer Glcnochil, recently stranded onthe new Breakwater, is anchored at Ship I Broke His Leg. 4Jotin, Holiiwnro liny. Tlio sotioenor Em- Wr. Eus«n» Mssstck of this dt*. for. ...ii D. Eiitilontt is atonic sitlo dis. h.irk it* | mtr,y noondnclor on tU. V., W. & B. K. ballast into her In order to put lmr u H., was kicked by a horse at tho Iron Hil] nioroovon keel. 1 ho tug North Ameiica nu.e track, breaking bin leg. Hois now

tlio steamer. Julil nuMi,1({ his Injured log.

placed on oxliibi- | t'.on and tickets distributed for tlio rafflo . to-night Mayor Boyd says that ho hopes not a cit'z-Mi of New Gastlo will buy a ticket. The rafil i will not bo ablo to ! and will be taken back to Ohio for trial.

Cripple Creek.

A .Arrests tn tlio Panama Scandal.Doc. 18.—In consequence of

loss will•cused ot

the bank’s funds, iParis,

the report of the parliamentary com­mittee which has been inquiring into the financial and especially the 1’

dealing of members of parliament, M. Antide Boyer and M. Henri Maret,

linkers of the chamber of deputies, and MM. Planteau, Lalsant, Saint- Martin and Gillard, former members, have been arrested. M. Boy of the chiefs of the Socialist party of Marseilles, and took part in the

of 1871.

stocks, furniture, buildings totally

destroyed, while other losses will prob­ably reach $100,000

Wilmington. I)cl., Dec. 15. 1897 littletheexcept Snutn Claus:—I

only :.’S years old. I want a pop-gun, rock­ing'hom\ f might train, fire engine, bicy­cle, gun boat-, jumper, 1 want work; horn, rattle uml somo candy, nuU and nr luges. If you can’t send thorn all hero leave them at my undo WJHiam Denny’s, .Seventh and Madison streets. Goodbye

littlo Willie(

Ii"off. arrestedHe w

Tlio throo masted schooner Joslo lt.Burfcpassed up the river yesterday afternoon in A Model’s Terrible .Jenlotny.

w of the tug Wear. The Burt passed Paris, Dec. 18.—Tho famous model,teVto MS ,vl?h‘oi«k BtulnS I t-U'-te n“frlan^, ^ hel' hf"lut>r

Thtirsdav night she collided with a barge | destroyed by vitiiol thrown tPhiladelphia | another model, named Judirclll, in

fit of jealousy. Mile. Hugerlaud w taken

ib also anchored no3 Hi-ntnl Murder.With

Pan Francisco. Dec. 18.—The mystery nf Mrs.

’For Cliolst’ft .i Inftintii:ti I I TeoUtia^ ! 1 Ulai rtiio sli !

in GO TOding the brutal

Mary Clute Wednesday evening lias : been apparently solved by the arrest

of a Hussion known as Albert Hoff, ; who had been employed by Mrs. Clute

tn renovate mattresses. The prisoner

her by

CHAS.A.FEILd was obliged to retFr Cumming, lb» i.hqtoKCUlihoi'.SOS Murk.t

street. ______sat,Ian tic Htoanishipafor repairs. Tlio tr

Indiana and Switzerland passed up yes- Tiio former sailed from Liverpool

Antwerp. Objections^“avll^CntvTolby ■WttBhtnston, Doc. m-Somo objection

n i,ountl. Nuts,it , to the confirmation nf II “ minister tc

hospiutl.Wllmlnffton, Due. 18, 180T.DoarSimlnClnuHt-l'louso bflnn :::v

dull, coach, a horn, a tublo. ft set of dishes, some camly and nuts. I am a littlo girl, only 7 years old. I live 299 Lombard street.

Ida May \\ llkins.

b 2 terdny.and iho latter fre

pour krout, 5 u ter than Lj ftnd apple but; or, 5all kinds at lowest prii oin town nt \\ il-

s, north Third street, general store.Harry join Ison has accepted a position ? effort

in Camden, N. J-The speakers from the Junior Order

Council did not go to tho Bear last night owing to the storm.

Superintendent Borio docHiies to talk on tlio prospects of the Delaware Iron Work; .

The hhlrt factory is >till In existence.o line factoiins have been so-

cu<oilnnd now the partios intureste:'. will publish iho priors paid here ami those In otlior places.

Rev. A. It. Walker will oxchnngo pul­pits with Rev. Dr. Munson111 llVshop Monaghan will pay his first of*

>t-. Beter’s church to nior-

POR YOURmunlstic movemer To Cure u Cold in One DayTake LaxaUvo Bromo Quinine Tabloti.

ftmd the money it it falls

/*.Minister lti ynn.ms identified by Mrs. L. A. Ltigg. who

m directly under that, in committed, as

leaving the house soon after Mrs. Ciute’s dying calls for help ware heard. Hoff’s hand is badly cut,

though by sharp flange of Urn coup- ling pin with which tlio murder was

! committed. Ho strenuously maintains* his innocence, however.

Fatally Shot by Contldenco Mon. Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 18.—During a

dir.pute at the Exchange hotel James Chuinoy.

. Chai'es , All Druggists’upies a! which the murder w

be agreed to with respe.•pssallon of pelagic sealing

•ution ofIhc business in R'jrinp, sea next yeur.

"Under all these circumstancce how It Is pofc'fclble to ag-co mggentod suspension, but we

dcubt, if the appoint-

tlie susA full line of watches?

clocks,silverware, jewelry;Oidcryour fruit und t»uuit cnk. from nn fi-nuhlp to ciiaw vr>ll

K G ltifuua, N«j. 881 Joffopsou Btroet UOllOUDie IO SHOW JOU.

. £^SS3t®SSSiCHAS.A.FEILJ'of Fifth ami Shi ploy streets.

China ht mate, and there Is

Bryandeveloped in the

the pi imvo the nominati

pension fit tlmo to prevent the pr6: j tho manlildenc•idely known

, shot and mortally wounded \Vi 1!- The

Fruit amt Bound Cake.•t of certain senators shifted to somea good girl.Dear Santa Claus:—I

My grandma and Aunt Nellie nays so. would llko you to bring mo u doll baby (!r'8>nd in pink, ft coach with umbrella on

lam McNamara, of this place, bullet passed through tiin’s lungs. Before Clmlney had run

.•scape he fell into a ditch

I other country.do ! Of ills ViC-to tho NUGGETS OF NEWS.

8’ lay my baby in, amiMy grandpa said I am good. So 1 think

have nil. Littlo Alfred \vi. We arc Alfred and

*nnd fractured his right leg. He was removed to the county prison. Mc­Namara is 25 years old, and has a wife and two children.

ment cf a joint cihmission of a treaty which

press would ratify, the necessary im­perial legislation could be procured in time to carry out its recommendations witli regard to Bering sen sealing be­fore the close season ends and pelagic •eallng begins.”

In the course of his reply to Premier Laurier’s letter Mr. Foster said:

"You intimate that if pelagic s Is continued during the earlier months ef the yrar the catch would not exceed 6,000, which vou thirl: would do little harm to the herd. This might he tlio case If It was in its normal but such a catch i.: proxlmately equal times, and in its fiition would eroat • a the herd. The state contemplated by the expert: you refer, was stage than ev the herd reach the ‘equilibrium’ pointed

r volcanic island lias hern dis- • North 1

A Watchmaker •i Jeweler,the the China setcovered i Borneo.

Prices fi f William.Tho Now Gospel Berlin, Dec. 18.—The imperial speech-

the subjects cf

lots of play tilings Nulli« Ca: ey, 933 Rued street. 5. W. Cor.4th and MarketStrangers

r vis ting Wilmington during the hrdmnys and wishing photograph* won .1 d. by calling "ii Gumming, the photograph­er, Market stroot.

the United States* A treaty betwee and the Seminole Indian nation lias been signed.

The Jury for thp trial of Luetgert, al- j wife murderer, has again |

•hKielI comment,| Henry’s,

Wilmington, Delaware.more especially Prince to carrying the ‘ gospel of

ajosty’s hallowed person" into which greatly offends religious

The Tngcblatt conf

Sweden.Now Min 1st ori, Dec. 18.—Tlio president

to the senate the fol-


IWilmington. Dec. 18.1897.

I thought I would wlmt I want for Chris­

to years old. t want a gossa- a knife ami it frno pnssnffo

Klondike. That is all. Please ilou’t a ami mama. 1 won’t peep,

forgot 1 would liko to

Washlngt yesterday ee lowing Thomas, Jr Sweden and Norway; Hamilton King of Miehigan, minister to Siam; James C. McNally of Pennsylvania, secretary of legation and consul general tottt, Colombia; Edgar O. Achorn of Massachusetts, secretary of the lega­tion at St. Petersburg.

i-nnirrowDear Santa Cl:

vritu and tell y nas. 1 China,

‘ sentiment.tliat the phrase is beyond it? •'humble

Big Salmon, powers of comprehension." The Vor- ; waerts invites Cardinal Koppand Arch­


All Are invited piIOICE Timothy ^Sccd at $l.Go per

, mgiilh; bushel.

leged Chlcai been completed.

Major Walsh, administrator of the Yukon, Is encamped short of supplies.

nominations: William W.of Maine, minister tho fine display of gold fish

Ih’ bird store, SecondAcini vb •all and

a l ies a i Wami o: aud Orungo al 4 A mission will open in St. Peter’* church

forget, pa j::v)> .1:ha vo Christmas greens and Christmas ti

are being hauled into town.Rev. George B Bur

will preach in Mt. Salem M. E. church to* j U11|es morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Dear old Kpss:—Please bringj doll and bureau to put Its clothes

Also a table ond sot of dishes. Your little friend, Anna Lunoi

A 11 the Mi ml ay special Christmas prugrain-.

is wanted ftt uud b

dy, bananas, apples und oranges, Good byo. Edward Butler, 401 Walnut stroot

Goo. D. Hough’ll• Wallace predicts a w :d<i t" ".solves tiBo- General Iof Wilmington . between Japan and th<* United States

•o annex Hawaii

bieht. of wliat thl«

office of Goo. C. Mari and Shipley streets.-1 is.

Rye Seed at 75c -jper bushel.

| Orchard and BlueWeek of December 20th, j Grass, Ihllbs, tvc.,

Murder In the First Mem Bridgeport, C. ..n., Dec.

y, who hns beet ;s in li

John J. Hanrahai) and Patrick Fer- : rip, Judges of election, were sentenced

* to the penitentiary for election frauds ' A. B< j in Chicago, j Five unarmed

woman and beeGuadalajara, Cuba.

30,000 in normal depleted c

riour. inroad on if 'equilibrium,

which still more depleted

.'lnius'ciiicufs'-s a bed ! rleaWilmington, Del., Dec. 16, 1897.

Dear Santa Claus:—Chri-tma* is very npftin, I have pot lots of play­

things left from lint Xmas, “hut I would bring men pair of rubber boot-,

•h, kid gin vo ■<, ueuktio, stock- of good things ami


r-Old Boy Executed. Ala., Dec. 18. — Uud

Fonrtoon-Y triaP in. Fail lie!Birmingham,Beard, colored, aged 14 years, w

Carrollton, Pickens county,Beard outraged the 8-yt-ar-



GI J -murder in guilty last

white j perlor c<,0 white children have ' the first degr

lifted by Spanish brutes

I’l'1 i am)!? hitevas found

ar night nnd will be brought b<• sentence.

yesterday, old daughter of Be in December.

house sllpiing filled with a 1

•r.o trimmed. Y Harry li. Yarnall, 937 Ilejd stroot.

farmer, TuesdaySlmuM court

! lie Took ihz Cake. America'sli: tl^ ^iilju* mom lily meeting of •th IiPaguo held on 'J’hur day ovel Contes', which has horn ong the inombcrs for n

th past, was brought toacloso very sausiaciory results. Tlio s; forty il’liars was realize l for tho Christ­mas pcor fund of the LeagU ’, uml a very enjoyable half hour was spent in tho read­ing of tho members’ experiences during the route-C.

The papers of Mi‘8 Elia M. Pierce an Mrs. J li Bartlett worn especially well prepared oml were well rccolv. d by those present. The first prize was by Miss Mel la Groen, who made '.’5 fr iiivoftuu'tii; Mis. J II. Bariluit followed ...or with$».00 to her crodit

Rev. Mr. Harris in a few woll chosen re­marks presented Mi>s Green on behalf of tho League with a volume of the Pub- lie Speaker For his earnest effort bohulf of the League, W. F. D. unimond


At tho legOil of THE SPOONERS Cecil,bv S:The wonderful r

Mr. M. S. Culp, a chronic il George St., Baltimore, Md., is

Scott K\ evening, waged

Honey for the Poo"TI10 Epwortli League

has raised $50 for tho Chrisunbars of the chapter have worked

niouih raisiug the amount.The papers of Miss K. M. Pierce and

Mrs. Co a Bartlett were well received. The firs, prlz was won by Miss Stella Groen, who made $7."5 fur selling oxlras; Mrs. Cora Bartlett followed her with 40 to

EdnaAud thoir 1

Bishop Monaghan to Preach.Rev. Dr. .Mo-timor. rector of St Mark’s

Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, will cole- bratntne Feast of the Holy innocents on December 28, his silver anniversary, to oomniomonue tho twenty-fifth aitnlvor- sary of hi- ordination to tlio priesthood. The day will mark an epoch in the history of St. Mark’s parish, and will bo an im­posing ono among many church pooplo in that city ond olswhoto.

Among the many gifts which will ho given to Dr. Mortimer on this occasion

handsome set of vestments embroid­ered by the ladies of the Altar Society of St. Mark’s parish. Tho chasuble is of heavy broculo, and is richly embroidered. The vestment* are tho gift of the nu m­bers of tho'•ongregatlon. Tlio day will bo marked by a solemn high muss, which will be sung a1 It) HO. I)r. Mortimer will will be the celebrant, and tho clergy of tlio pailali the deacon aud sub-deacon.

High: Rev. I Ishop Monaghan of Dela­ware will preach the sermon. A luncheon for the visiting clergy will ho served in the clergy house, and In tlie evening Dr. Mortimer will give a largo TIh members of the vostrv who are in i i arge of the Htiftlr are Mr. Edward........burst, Air. Stirling and Mr. William

. I Head.

J. J. SMITH’Sf Se. mire. “to. fWilmington, Del., Dec. 11, 1S97.—De: Santa Claus. Please bring me a ring, umbrella, scho.:l bag, handkerchief?, ing basket aud u> mo candy, oranges. 1 am a littlo girl 8 years old. go to No. 8 school and my E. Scliuil’cln, 014 Church.

ti v and V;• r CoTlio

—Dramatic and Vaudeville Star.*-2vs. Hi

M a;id sBBLsn:;clI An Exhibit of Oil Painting*.uml fof .-'itmv’s Painting*A flno collecti .\mtiiiur us p.u'for- S;,ii

at T. B. (’.-ftmen's -i.• is Almeda «o daily, c.-mu, Monday night.J. Mm. X. W. n ler Dth 1paint Pt«-

son streets, tl prices. Wlmt it present? Ho has paintings to Ho give 1897. >

T. M. Wicr’a, I-'iftli and King Streets,t lie is selling »t l-ei.iyopens lit

ice for elected 3 I e;

Cl'.r •ir« . .. 'black-

big. soft,ilnu.) a good lUileboy, "The Judge’s Wife"

a ,* Rebel" » Landing"

The Hjv F. P. Harris presented Miss Green,

Dear Old Krlss- amll wish you ttould bring uml a gun to play with, and some camly uml nuts and doitrt forget my littlo sister Florey, She wants ft doll baby and a couch ami candy and nuts and 11 pretty Christv.

•eo and that will do Your little friend, George Kelley, No. 1U3J.£ E. Secoud street.

iglit.......MondayTlioulnv night........W e !

Decbehalf of the lcaaue. with n vol- . For ids 0:

esL \V. F. Drum-

. "A9 -9 ry 10 tv Muunto of the Public Speaker,

ost efforts during tho con fi moud presented Al C. Smith with ft mi moth home cake. One..film most appreci­ated returns of the contest was that of David II. Wingate, who is confined to ins bod.

:Store giv.'S you a pnlntitRS, "......

he is s

,sid. T:av nigh'li ...a p

1nice line uf Xmas

? and paints, which cap prices.

i Pie:Ji, oily,riiupk’?, bloteliei, bluckbeads, rsd,

fklllng Lair, amt Puby llumUhes prevkated by CvTiovni Boar, the nioit efft-c ins atul t)-mitlfyln|( soup ie Hie world. u« well &• pim-atsud •woetiKt for toilet, batli, aud nuriery.

v:jund. Tli®! as dr r a Million"Fi) bti day nigh

filing at v: l Sir-poumL

1. SuHnn s. Fancy

goods, d vry

«lrl”•bin purify. 'F .Fine Cigars.

Tho city market cigar is 6 cent cigars in the city. . •C. A. Bourdon, B. W. cor. 2d uud Bhtplcystreets.

uay 1 We Sues I;T

fi of the finest mfuctuivd by

Lillie M'Wilmington, Del . D 3. 15, 1K07. littlo hoy 8 bring

tiud u Slight Stroke. T-. M. li with Becky Bii-s, i.10 Lpresented Al t’. Seftko, which after tlio meeting, was

curofullv dissected by soma of tho hungry membeus. One of the fir.,t appreciated ro-

that oi David II.

’5 Pear Old Kriss: 1Ci Rod. •et, had ft

Mrs.ncy t»f 1 c. ?slight paralytic ^trokei ing. She is under the and has nearly recovered fre

very slight attack, effecting Being

lyears old nnd 1 wj Chri.tmuuml tftpKi’jr lioiavand racking cnair, a dol: buhv uml a flu we ml plate and cup Junl sHticer, and a knife and fork nnd napkin ring, and mine candy and nun. I’leasw do

t forgot inr Utlie oumdu Ulrich. Y L u .1 Decks ftjj Mudlsou auvet.

fi.ball, a pair of nmm.


tlio stroke.

Thin- (lollDai1", 2Jl cryChrist tuns and .sew 1 nt Willi;

Fifth and Ship:

a.turns of the contest w:• who Is coufimd to the aick hod.fi nit p-iitvco’a N. Alt rm.on, lo.

.'.ill gallery, lu Fii.-i iloi r, 30uud ouceuw.

.‘option. \\ ing bo purchased h I asp: * mit was only "T. if! \\ALKi?ai

>117-at*\V. Cor.A cough

Dr. Bull’* jlarge womanr loft side,

fighing some 18 > pounds, she is fortu­nate that the attack wa*

vital matter. he5 wlshmildu t he '

Cough Syrui will cure itatouco.little friend, Id 7. u .1LanurvAmericaworse.6LQJI] Hi:;


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