1 ergativity, unergatives and phases pritha chandra, gurmeet kaur

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Ergativity, Unergatives and Phases

Pritha Chandra, Gurmeet Kaur & Usha Udaar

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi

Email: pritha@hss.iitd.ac.in

This paper discusses ergative subject constructions with unergatives in the perfective

aspect in an Indo-Aryan language Punjabi. Our main thesis is that ergative case

marking on unergative subjects is determined neither by (i) the transitivity of lexical

(unergative) verbs nor by (ii) the case valuing properties of light verbs. We present

evidence suggesting that Punjabi unergatives are transitives with overt cognate/implicit

objects and yet take ergative subjects optionally. Moreover, light verbs – that as lexical

verbs, take obligatory ergative subjects – either opt for optional ergative or obligatory

nominative in unergative-light verb complexes. We propose that ergative is an inherent

case assigned to the external argument in the specifier of v, in instances when

nominative case valuation by C-T is prevented by phase boundaries.

Keywords: Unergatives, Transitivity, Light verbs, Inherent case, Phases.

1. Introduction1

Morphological ergativity is a well attested phenomenon in Western Indo-Aryan

languages (henceforth, WIALs) including Hindi-Urdu (Bhatt, 2007; Davison, 2004;

Kachru, 1987; Kachru & Pandharipande, 1978; Mahajan, 1990, 1997, 2012; Mohanan,

1 The data reported here was collected from native speakers of Punjabi, residing in the cities of New Delhi

and Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh in two phases-the summer and the winter of 2013. The following abbreviations

are used in this article: nom, nominative case; erg, ergative case; acc, accusative case; dat, dative; abl,

ablative; 1, first person; 2, second person; 3, third person; sg, singular; pl, plural; m, masculine gender; f,

feminine gender; hab, habitual; perf, prefective ; pres, present tense; pst. past; tr, transitive; dem,

demonstrative, N, noun.


1994; Subbarao, 2012 among others), Kutchi Gujarati (Patel, 2007), Marathi (Deo &

Sharma, 2002; Pandharipande, 1997), Marwari (Khokhlova, 2000, 2002), Nepali (Bickel

& Yadava, 2000) and Punjabi (Bhatia, 1993; Bhatt, 2007; Butt and Deo, 2001). We

begin with Hindi-Urdu examples here, since it is one of the more widely studied

languages among WIALs.2

1. laɽkaa rotii aa hai

boy.nom bread.f.sg eat.hab.m.sg be.pres.3.sg

‘T e boy e s bre d.'

2. laɽke-ne rotii khaayii hai

boy-erg bread.f.sg eat.perf.f.sg be.pres.3.sg

‘T e boy s e en bre d.'

Hindi-Urdu primarily shows nominative-accusative pattern (1) in the imperfective,

with the nominative subject triggering person, number and gender agreement on the

2 WIALs lso differ from e c o er in e w y ey m r eir ‘erg ive’ subjec s (see Bhatt, 2007; Butt

and Deo, 2001; Deo and Sharma, 2002 and Udaar, in progress for more details). To illustrate, while

Hindi-Urdu and Haryanvi overtly mark their subjects ergative in the perfective and allow object-verb

agreement, Marwari and Kutchi Gujarati do not overtly ergative case-mark their subjects but allow object-

verb agreement. Additionally, Punjabi and Marathi show person-based split, wherein only third person

subjects are ergative marked, but the verbal agreement in the perfective is always with objects. Finally,

Nepali allows both unmarked nominative and marked ergative subjects to trigger full phi-feature

agreement on the verb.


verb-auxiliary complex. Morphological ergativity is exhibited in sentences in the

perfective aspect (2). The subject is marked with an overt case morpheme –ne and fails

to trigger agreement with the verb-auxiliary complex, which instead agrees with the

object in number and gender.3

For aspect-based split languages, other than perfectivity, transitivity of the lexical

verb is also sometimes taken as a crucial determinant of ergative case marking on the

subject (Bobaljik, 1993; Comrie, 1978; Davison, 2004; Dixon, 1979, 1994; McGregor,

2009 among others). The observation is that the subject of an intransitive clause is

never marked ergative, unlike the agent/subject of a transitive clause, which is marked

with an ergative case. The transitivity-ergative case marking link, however, is not

attested cross-linguistically. While some languages as Warlpiri (Bittner and Hale, 1996;

Levin, 1983) ergative case mark their subject in the absence of an overt object (3),

others as Inuit (Bittner and Hale, 1996; Woolford, 2013) exhibit a strong overt object

(plus object shift) requirement for ergative subject marking, see example (4).

3. Ngarrka-ngku ka yunpa-rni

man-erg pres sing-nonpast

‘T e m n is singing.’ (Levin 1983:149)

4. Juuna-p miiqqa-t paar(i-v)-a-i

3Aspect-based split ergativity is also found in many other (non-WIA) languages (see Coon and Preminger,

2012; DeLancey, 1981; Dixon, 1994; Tsunoda, 1981 for more details).


Juuna-erg child-pl(nom) look.after-ind-[+tr]-3sg.3pl

‘Juun is loo ing f er e c ildren.’ (Bittner and Hale 1996:17)

The link between the lexical verb's transitivity and ergative case marking on the

subject has also been extensively debated in the literature on WIALs. Mohanan (1994)

presents instances of intransitive (unergative) predicates in Hindi-Urdu taking ergative

subjects (5), while arguing against this association.

5. jɔn-ne s

John-erg cough.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n coug ed.’

Amritavalli (1979) and Platts (1874) among others instead link morphological

ergativity in Hindi-Urdu to the transitivity of a light verb. They suggest that in a

compound verb construction composed of a lexical verb and a light verb, it is the

transitivity of the light verb that determines ergative case on the subject. Consider

example (6), w ere e r nsi ive lig verb ‘ o e’ llows n erg ive m r ed subjec .

Contrast this with (7), where the subject cannot be marked ergative due to the

un ccus ive n ure of e lig verb ‘ o go’.

6. kəbir-ne vo kitab jəldi se paɽʰ li

kabir.erg dem book.f.sg.nom quickly read take.perf.f.sg.

‘K bir re d boo quic ly.’

7. kəbir(*ne) vo kitab jəldi se paɽʰ gəya


kabir.nom(*erg) dem book.f.sg.nom quickly read take.perf.f.sg.

‘Kabir read that book quickly.’ (Mahajan 2012: 205)

Mahajan (2012), on the other hand, contends that while the transitivity of the

lexcial verb is crucial in structures like (6), the ergative case actually comes from the

light verb. Light verb ‘ o e’ - that as a lexical verb licenses obligatory ergative case to

the subject - retains this case in complex predicate constructions and assigns it to the

unergative subject.

This paper carries forward this debate on the ergative-transitivity link, drawing

primarily on unergative constructions with ergative subjects in the perfective in Punjabi,

a lesser studied WIA language. We show, with simplex unergatives (minus light verbs)

constructions, as illustrated in (8) and complex unergatives (with light verbs), as

illustrated in (9) - that morphological ergativity on subjects does not rely on the

transitivity of the lexical predicate nor on the case valuing properties of the light verb.

8. kuɽii-ne h sseyaa

girl-erg laugh.perf.m.sg

‘T e girl l ug ed.’

9. kuɽii-ne h ss di aa

girl-erg laugh give.perf.m.sg

‘T e girl l ug ed.’


We demonstrate that simplex unergatives have overt cognate objects or implicit

ones, and yet they only optionally mark their subjects with ergative case. Moreover, the

presence of light verbs – that as lexical verbs obligatorily take ergative subjects - does

not necessarily imply ergative marking on subjects of complex unergatives. We argue

that ergative case is assigned to the external argument by a theta-assigning verbal

head v. Our alternative representation has this v1P selected by a higher aspectual head

(v2P) that is phi-defective (-person) in the perfective. This together with phase-sliding (à

la Gallego, 2010) of the lower v1 into the higher v2 creates the conditions under which

accusative case on the v1-v2 complex goes to the internal argument and an inherent

ergative goes to the external argument. Nominative case is valued by T on the external

argument in the specifier of v1P when v1-v2 phase sliding does not take place.

We organize the paper as follows. In section 2, we lay out the details of

morphological ergativity in Punjabi. Section 3 first summarizes the main debates

surrounding the transitive/intransitive nature of unergatives cross-linguistically, and then

presents evidence for an underlying transitive representation for Punjabi unergative

predicates. It ends with the observation that the transitivity of unergatives does not

determine ergative marking on the subjects. In the fourth section, we present instances

of complex unergative constructions with different light verbs, and argue that light verbs

also do not determine the ergative case-marking on subjects. Section 5 starts off with a


critical assessment of three prominent analyses proposed for morphological ergativity.

We then present our phase-based alternative analysis. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Morphological ergativity in Punjabi

Punjabi, like Hindi-Urdu, shows morphological ergativity in the perfective aspect

(Bhatia, 1993; Bhatt, 2007; Butt and Deo, 2001).4 The transitive subject in the perfective

construction in (10a) is obligatorily marked with ergative –ne, and cannot trigger verbal

agreement. The verb instead agrees with the unmarked (accusative valued) object in

number and gender. In the imperfective domain, the subject of the transitive clause is

case valued (with a phonetically null) nominative and agrees in number, gender and

person with the verb-auxiliary complex, as is shown in (10b).

4Punjabi shows ergative case marking only on third person subjects, and not on first and second persons

as shown in (i).

(i) *m -ne u-ne/o-ne rottii kh d d ii

*1-erg/*2-erg/3-erg bread.f.sg(O) eat.perf.f.sg

‘I You (s) e e bre d.’

Two existing analyses for person based split are Legate (2012) and Coon & Preminger (2012). While

Legate posits that all pronominals are valued ergative in the syntax, but only 3rd person subjects realize

the case morphologically; Coon and Preminger provide a clause-bifurcation analysis, where 1st/2nd person

subjects, unlike 3rd person subjects, are located in the higher case valuing domain, where they get an

absolutive case value. We are yet to investigate which of these accounts explain the person split in

Punjabi. We leave this question open for future research.


10 (a) munde-ne rottii kh d d ii

boy-erg bread.f.sg eat.perf.f.sg

'The boy ate bread.'

10 (b) mundaa ro ii nd aa e

boy.nom bread.f.sg eat.hab.m.sg be.pres.3.sg

'The boy eats bread.'

Unlike the transitive domain, where the subject is invariably ergative marked in

the perfective aspect, in the intransitive (unaccusative) domain, ergative subjects are

never llowed wi verbs ‘ o f ll’, ‘ o come’ (11).5

11. kuɽii/*kuɽii-ne diggii/aayii

girl.nom/*girl-erg fall.perf.f.sg/come.perf.f.sg

‘T e girl fell c me.’

Unergatives, on the other hand, show a lot of variation with respect to ergative

case marking on the subject in the perfective. While unerga ives ‘ o spi ’ nd ‘ o scr c ’

take obligatory ergative subjects (12); ‘ o d nce’, ‘ o coug ’ nd ‘ o l ug ’ do so

optionally (13-14). O er unerg ives ‘ o climb’ nd ‘ o w l ’ optionally permit ergative

5Perlmutter (1978) classifies intransitive verbs into two types – unergatives and unaccusatives, with

different syntactic properties. In Punjabi, we observe that unaccusative verbs ‘ o f ll’, ‘ o come’, unli e

unergative verbs ‘ o d nce’, ‘ o l ug ’ f il o form (i) inabilitative passives, (ii) reduced relatives, (iii)

passives and, also (iv) fail to host cognate objects (see Bhatt, 2003 and Richa, 2008 for

unergative/unaccusative diagnostics in SALs).


subjects in the presence of a cognate object (15a-b). In the imperfective, all these

predicates unambiguously opt for nominative subjects (16).

12. kuɽii-ne/ *kuɽii hukeyaa/khurkeyaa

girl-erg/*girl.nom spit.perf.m.sg/scratch.perf.m.sg

‘T e girl spi scr c ed.’

13. kuɽii n ccii ŋgii ssii

girl.nom dance/cough/laugh.perf.f.sg

‘T e girl d nced coug ed l ug ed.’

14. kuɽii-ne n ccey ŋgey / h sseyaa

girl-erg dance/cough/laugh.perf.m.sg

‘T e girl d nced coug ed l ug ed.’

15 (a) kuɽii/*kuɽii-ne caɽhii

girl.nom/*girl-erg climb.perf.f.sg

‘T e girl climbed.’

(b) kuɽii-ne/ kuɽii caɽhaayii caɽhii

girl-erg/girl.nom climb.f.sg climb.perf.f.sg

‘T e girl climbed climb.’

16. kuɽii/*kuɽii-ne khurak/nacc/caɽh rayii e

girl.nom/*girl-erg scratch/dance/climb stay.prog.f.sg be.pres.3.sg

'The girl is scratching/dancing/climbing.'


This paper is primarily concerned with ergative subject constructions in (12)-(15).

One of its goals is to examine whether the transitivity of the lexical unergative verb is

responsible for ergative marking on the subject. We therefore need to first and foremost

assess whether unergatives in Punjabi are underlying transitives. This question is

addressed in the following section.

3. Unergatives as transitives?

Opinion is divided on whether unergatives are underlying transitive predicates.

Bobaljik (1993), Hale and Keyser (1993), Laka (1993), Mahajan (1987), Mithun (1991),

Ortiz de Urbina (1986) and Uribe-Extebarria (1989) posit that unergative predicates are

transitives with an object NP. This view is captured in the Implicit Object Conjecture


17. The Implicit Object Conjecture (IOC)

All unergatives have direct objects.

To illustrate, Bobaljik (1993) and Laka (1993) argue that unergative predicate ‘ o

d nce’ in a split-ergative language Basque is an underlying transitive, based on its

ability to occur with a cognate object (18).

18. Emakumea-k dantza hau dantzatu du

woman-ERG dance this.ERG dance AUX

‘T e wom n d nced is d nce.’ (Laka 1993:154)


The same observation is made for unergative ‘ o sneeze’ in Hindi-Urdu (19), by

Mahajan (1987) and Bobaljik (1993), where the unergative predicate occurs with a

cognate object, and the subject is ergative marked.

19. anup-ne [kaafii-zorkii chiiNk] chiiNkii

Anoop-ERG very-loud sneeze.ABS sneezed

‘Anoop sneezed very loud sneeze.’ (Bobaljik, 1993: 38)

Preminger (2012) contests these claims by presenting predicates eskiatu ‘ski’

and disdiratu ‘shine’ in Basque that do not have corresponding nominals *[eskia]No and

*[disdira]No. He questions the presence of implicit cognate objects for all simplex

unergative predicates in the language.6 In the same breath, he also contends that the

presence of ergative agreement (the 3person ergative ɸ in (20)), which is generally

taken to indicate the presence of an implicit object, is also not a valid diagnostic.

6Preminger (2012) contends that while simplex unergatives without light verbs are unambiguously

intransitives (i), complex unergative predicates with light verbs are transitives (ii).

(i) jon-ek dantzatu d-ɸ-u-ɸ

John-erg dance-Prt 3.Abs-sg.Abs-have-3sg.erg

‘Jo n d nced.’

(ii) Jon-ek dantza egin d-ɸ-u-ɸ

Jon-erg dance do 3.abs-sg.abs-have-3sg.erg

‘Jo n d nced.’


Basque unaccusatives (21) also exhibit ergative agreement morphology (the second

person ergative morpheme -k)7, although they fail to host implicit objects.

20. jon-ek dantzatu d-ɸ-u-ɸ

John-erg dance-Prt 3.Abs-sg.Abs-have-3sg.erg

‘Jo n d nced.’

21. jon-ɸ eror-i d-ɸ-u-k

jon.abs fall.perf 3.abs.sg.abs.have.2.sg.erg

'John has fallen.' (Preminger, 2012:1)

In short, Preminger presents arguments to show that simplex unergative

predicates in Basque do not take direct objects, implicit or otherwise and hence are not

underlying transitives, contra Bobaljik (1993) and Laka (1993). The lack of any

consensus on the transitive nature of unergative predicates within a single language

(here Basque) raises further doubts on how unergatives cross-linguistically should be

treated. In other words, there is no clear picture on whether unergatives cross-

linguistically are underlying transitives or pure intransitives with a single (external)


With this debate in the background, we now turn our attention to the simplex

unergatives in Punjabi (12-15) and show that they unambiguously satisfy the criteria for

7Preminger notes that (21) is an allocutive agreement construction, where the auxiliary shows agreement

with the addressee of the speech act. This explains why the second person –k ergative morphology is

used here.


transitivity. We also demonstrate that unaccusative intransitives in the language fail all

relevant transitivity diagnostics.

3.1 Punjabi unergatives are underlying transitives

In is sec ion, we rgue Punj bi unerg ives ‘ o spi ’, ‘ o l ug ’ nd ‘ o climb’

are underlying transitives, based on their ability to (i) host cognate objects that license

verbal agreement and, (ii) trigger telicity effects. We also provide evidence for implicit

objects through adjectival modification test.

To begin with, we observe predic es ‘ o spi ’, ‘ o l ug ’ nd ‘ o climb’ llow

cognate objects (22-24). Note that the subject is obligatorily marked ergative with

predicate ‘ o spi ’ (22), bu op ion lly marked with ergative for all other unergative

predicates (23-24), when a cognate object is present. Cognate objects trigger gender

and number agreement on verbs in ergative subject constructions.

22. mariiz-ne/*mariiz khun w lii uu u ii8

patient-erg/*patient.nom blood wala.f.sg spit.f.sg spit.perf.f.sg

‘T e p ien sp blood .’

23. jɔn-ne/jɔn raavan-d ii hassi h ssi/h sseyaa

John-erg/John.nom ravan-gen.f.sg laugh.f.sg laugh.perf.f.sg/laugh.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n l ug ed R v n’s l ug er.’

8Following Kidwai (2012), we unders nd ‘w l ’ s deno ing non rivi l se of p iring of color ribu es

to ‘spit’.


24. jɔn-ne/jɔn ucci caɽhaayii caɽhii/caɽheyaa

John-erg/john.nom high.f.sg climb.f.sg climb.perf.f.sg/climb.perf.m.sg

‘*Jo n climbed ig climb.’

In contrast, unaccusative verbs ‘ o f ll’ nd ‘ o come’ dis llow cogn e objec s

(25-26). These predicates have obligatory nominative subjects that trigger person,

number and gender agreement on the verb (27).

25. *jɔn digg diggeyaa

John.nom fall.N fall.perf.m.sg

‘*Jo n fell f ll.’

26. *jɔn aanaa aayaa

John.nom come.N come.perf.m.sg

‘*Jo n rrived n rriv l.’

27. jɔn/*jɔn-ne diggeyaa/aayaa

John.nom/*John-erg fall.perf.m.sg/ come.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n fell c me.’

Going back to the unergative predicates in Punjabi, we also observe that cognate

objects trigger telicity effects (see Borer, 1994; Dowty, 1979, 1991; Krifka, 1992; Tenny,

1987, 1994 and, Verkuyl, 1972, 1989, 1993, for cross-linguistic discussion of the

relation between telicity and direct (count noun) objects). Take (28-30) for illustration,


w ere elic re dings wi e dverbi l ‘in one our’ ob in in e presence of cogn e


28. mariiz-ne ikk nte vicc bo waari khuun waalii u u ii

patient-erg one hour in many time blood wala.f.sg spit.f.sg spit.perf.f.sg

‘T e p ien sp blood m ny imes in n our .’

29. jɔn-ne i nte vicc caar nicch nicchiiy

John-erg one hour in four sneeze.f.pl sneeze.perf.f.pl

‘Jo n sneezed four sneezes in n our.’

30. jɔn-ne i nte vicc ucci caɽhaayii caɽhii

John-erg one hour in high.f.sg climb.f.sg climb.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n climbed ig climb in n our.’

Cognate objects in these unergative constructions can also be modified using

adjectives. The overt objects agree in number and gender with the adjectives (31-33).

31. mariiz-ne g ŋd ii uk u ii

patient-erg dirty.f.sg spit.f.sg spit.perf.f.sg

‘T e p ien sp dir y spi .’

32. jɔn-ne pyaarii hassii h ssii

John-erg lovely.f.sg laugh.f.sg laugh.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n l ug ed lovely l ug .’

33. sii aa-ne uccii caɽʰaayii caɽhii


Sita-erg high.f.sg climb.f.sg climb.perf.f.sg

‘Si climbed ig climb.’

Adjectives can be employed in these constructions even when the cognate object

is absent, indicating the presence of an implicit object that the adjective modifies.9

Consider examples (34-36).

34. mariiz-ne g ŋd hukkeyaa

patient-erg dirty.m.sg spit.perf.m.sg

‘T e p ien sp dir y spi .’

35. sii aa-ne pyaaraa h sseyaa

Sita-erg lovely.m.sg laugh.perf.m.sg

‘Si l ug ed lovely l ug .’

36. sii aa-ne uccaa caɽheyaa

Sita-erg high.m.sg climb.perf.m.sg

9Implicit objects have been understood in the literature as either null syntactic categories, pronominals or

variables (Brody & Marzini, 1987; Bhatt & Pancheva, 2006; Chomsky, 1986; Epstein, 1984; Jackendoff,

1987; Roeper, 1987; Safir, 1991). Landau (2010) makes a further distinction between strong and weak

implicit arguments, based on their feature sets. While strong implicit arguments (PRO and pro) according

to him contain a D-feature along with a phi-feature set, weak implicit arguments (passive agents and

implicit objects) contain phi-features but lack a D-feature. We contend that implicit objects of Punjabi

unergative predicates are weak implicit argumen s (à l Landau) without a D-feature.


‘Si climbed ig climb.’

Implicit objects, however, cannot trigger agreement with the modifying adjectives

and the verbs, as illustrated in the examples above. The verb and the adjective instead

manifest default (3 person, masculine, singular) morphology. Implicit objects also fail to

produce telicity effects, as shown in (37-39); adjectives are used here to depict the

presence of an underlying implicit object.

37. *mariiz-ne ikk nte vicc g ŋd u ey

patient-erg one hour in dirty.m.sg spit.perf.m.sg

‘T e p ien sp a dirty spit in n our.’

38. *sii aa-ne ikk nte vicc pyaaraa h sseyaa

Sita-erg one hour in lovely.m.sg laugh.perf.m.sg

‘Si l ug ed very lovely l ug in n our.’

39. *sii aa-ne i nte vicc uccaa caɽheyaa

Sita-erg one hour in high.m.sg climb.perf.m.sg

‘Si climbed ig climb in n our.’

The inability of implicit objects to trigger verbal/adjectival agreement and

generate telicity effects is also attested in the transitive domain. Consider transitive

predic es ‘ o e ’, ‘ o drin ’, nd ‘ o i ’, which allow null or implicit objects.10

10Thanks to a reviewer for suggesting a comparison with transitive predicates. On the question of an

underlying structural representation for implicit objects, we suggest that they are NPs without a D-feature

(on lines with Landau, 2010) that may be modified by APs. We also assume that these NPs (or more


40. sii -ne d d

Sita-erg eat.perf.m.sg

‘Si e.’

41. sii -ne r m-n l c ŋd m riy . e ajj sii -ne pher [ ]No m riy

Sita-erg Ram-acc yesterday slap.f.pl hit.perf.f.pl. And today Sita-erg again hit.perf.f.pl

‘Si sl pped R m yes erd y, nd g in od y.’

Implicit objects in transitives can be modified with adjectives. However, there is

no agreement relation between the implicit object and the verb or the adjective (42-43).

Contrast these with transitive constructions with overt objects (44-45), with object-verb

as well as object-adjective agreement.

42. sii -ne nd a d d aa

Sita-erg cold.m.sg eat.perf.m.sg

‘Si e cold food.’

43. sii -ne zord aar maareyaa

Sita-erg strong hit.perf.m.sg

‘Si i ig sl p.’

44. sii -ne ndi rotti d d ii

Sita-erg cold.f.sg bread.f.sg eat.perf.f.sg

precisely their N0 heads) do not undergo incorporation into verbal (V0) heads (à l Hale and Keyser, 1993)

but rather enter into case-phi features relations like other overt nominals. The absence of a D feature

suppresses the morphological realization of agreement features and case.


‘Si e cold bre d.’

45. sii -ne zord r c ŋd m rii

Sita-erg strong slap.f.sg hit.perf.f.sg

‘Si i ig sl p.’

Implicit objects in transitives also fail to trigger telicity effects, as illustrated by the

unacceptable sentences in (46-47).

46.* sii -ne i nte vicc nd a d d

Sita-erg one hour in cold.m.sg eat.perf.m.sg

‘Si e cold food in n our.’

47. * sii -ne i nte vicc zord r maareyaa

Sita-erg one hour in strong hit.perf.m.sg

‘Sita hit a strong blow in n our.’

The evidence presented thus far (42-47) further substantiates our claim that

Punjabi unergatives are underlying transitives. They host either overt cognate objects or

implicit objects. Overt cognate objects behave like overt objects of transitive verbs with

regard to agreement and telicity effects. Implicit objects of both types of predicates, on

the other hand, pattern similarly and fail to trigger agreement and telicity effects.

Interestingly, despite their transitive nature, ergative marking for the subjects of

all (simplex) unergatives in the perfective aspec is no oblig ory: ‘ o spi ' nd ‘ o

scr c ’ ke obligatory ergative subjects, while ‘ o climb’ nd ‘ o l ug ’ e em


optionally. If transitivity was a true determinant of morphological ergativity in the

perfective, we would incorrectly predict obligatory ergative subject marking for all

simplex unergatives. Since the data discussed above suggest otherwise, we fail to

establish a link between transitivity of the lexical unergative verb and the ergative

marking on the subject.

Another impor n piece of evidence g ins e s id lin comes from e ‘ o

climb’ verb f ils o os erg ive marked subjects with implicit objects (48); we mark

the presence of an implicit object with an empty bracket below.

48. kuɽii/* kuɽii-ne [ ]NP caɽhii

girl.nom/*girl-erg [ ]NP climb.perf.f.sg

‘T e girl climbed.’

We have already presented evidence for an implicit object for the unergative verb

‘ o climb’ (see example (36) again). Despite the transitive nature of the lexical verb,

ergative marking is absent in (48). This further substantiates our claim that Punjabi

morphological ergativity is not related to the transitivity of the unergative verb.

4. On the role of the light verb in ergative case marking

Platts (1874) was the first to observe that it is not the transitivity of the lexical

verb, but that of the light verb, which determines ergative case marking on subjects of

lexical verb-light verb complexes in Hindi-Urdu. Since then, similar observations have


been made by Amritavalli (1979). Consider the examples below, where a light verb

lenaa ‘ o e’ combines wi e r nsi ive verb ‘ o e ’ in (49) nd wi e unerg ive

verb ‘ o sneeze’ in (50).

49. jɔn-ne khaanaa khaa liyaa

John-erg food.m.sg eat take.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n e e food.’

50. jɔn-ne c liy

John-erg sneeze take.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n s sneezed.’

In both instances, the subject is marked with an ergative case. In contrast, an

unaccusative light verb and a transitive lexical verb complex will never take an ergative

subject (51).

51. jɔn/*jɔn-ne saarii rotti khaa gayaa

John.nom/*John-erg all.f.sg bread.f.sg eat go.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n e e en ire lo f of bre d.’

Mahajan (2012) however opines that while the lexical verb in ergative subject

constructions (49-50) must be transitive, the ergative case essentially comes from the

light verb v. According to him, light verbs in most languages have lexical verb

counterparts that show compatibility with nominals marked with certain cases. It is also

generally the case that light verbs replic e eir lexic l coun erp r ’s c se ssigning


properties. In other words, if a lexical verb obligatorily takes an ergative subject, its light

verb form automatically takes one too. He uses this connection between the light verb

and its lexical verb counterpart to argue that ergative case in Hindi-Urdu is assigned by

light verb heads.

This section borrows some es s from M j n’s wor o ev lu e e ergative

case licensing potential of Punjabi light verbs with unergative predicates. The data

presented here suggests that Punjabi light verbs do not determine ergative marking on

subjects. Light verbs that as lexical verbs license compulsory ergative are shown to

either optionally assign ergative in unergative-light verb complexes or rule it out

completely in favor of nominative. We therefore claim that ergative case is not

determined by the case-assigning properties of the light verb.

Punjabi light verbs include jaanaa ‘ o go’, aanaa ‘ o come’, paanaa ‘ o find’,

cukaanaa ‘ o p y’, lainaa ‘ o e’, d enaa ‘ o give’. ‘To go’ nd ‘ o come’ e nomin ive

case as lexical verbs in the perfective (52)11. As light verbs, they can only combine with

unaccusative verbs and obligatorily license nominative subjects (53).

52. jɔn gayaa

11The light verb ‘to come’ yields serial verb interpretations as shown in the following example.

(i) o nacc aayaa

3.sg.nom dance come.perf.m.sg

‘He d nced nd c me back.’


John.nom go.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n wen .’

53. jɔn/*jɔn-ne dubb gayaa

John.nom/*John-erg drown go.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n drowned.’

O er predic es ‘ o find’, ‘ o i ’ nd ‘ o p y’ oblig orily e erg ive subjec s s

lexical verbs. This is illustrated with an ex mple wi ‘ o p y’ in (54).

54. jɔn-ne/*jɔn u r cu y

John-erg/*John.nom debt pay.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n p id back e deb .’

As light verbs, all three combine with transitive and unergative predicates. While

‘ o find’ nd ‘ o p y’ e nominative subjects obligatorily (55-56), ‘ o i ’ es only

ergative subjects in light verb complexes (57-58).

55. jɔn/*jɔn-ne d illii vekh cukeyaa sii

John.nom/*John-erg delhi see pay.perf.m.sg be.pst.3.sg

‘Jo n d seen Del i.’

56. jɔn/*jɔn-ne nacc/nicch cukeyaa sii

John-nom/*John-erg dance/sneeze pay.perf.m.sg be.pst.3.sg

‘Jo n d d nced sneezed.’

57. jɔn-ne/*jɔn sii -n kutt maaryaa


John-erg/*John.nom Sita-acc beat hit.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n be up Si .’

58. jɔn-ne jor naal nicch maarii

John-erg force with sneeze hit.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n sneezed forcefully.’

Verbs ‘ o give’ nd ‘ o e’ occur wi only erg ive subjec s in e perfec ive s

lexical verbs (59). As light verbs, they combine with transitives with obligatory ergative

subjects (60) and with unergatives, they take ergative subjects optionally (61).12

59. jɔn-ne/*jɔn sii -n /kolõ i b di ii li ii

John-erg/*John.nom Sita-dat/abl book.f.sg give.perf.f.sg/take.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n g ve boo o Si Jo n oo boo from Si .’

60. jɔn-ne/*jɔn sii -n ve li

John-erg/*John.nom Sita-acc see take.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n s w Si .’

61. jɔn/jɔn-ne n cc li

John.nom/John-erg dance take.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n d nced.’

These patterns are summarized in the table below.


Table 1. Case licensing patterns with Punjabi light verbs

Predicate As main


As light verb with

Unaccusative Unergative Transitive/Ditransitive

Erg subj Nom


Erg subj Nom


Erg subj Nom subj



Nom subj - - - -

‘To find’ Erg subj - -

‘To p y’ Erg subj - -

‘To i ’ Erg subj - -

‘To give’ Erg subj - -

‘To e’ Erg subj - -

As we see in this table, there are two patterns in unergative-light verb

constructions that clearly attest that the case properties of light verbs are not crucial for

ergative marking on subjects. We discuss them below, while repeating some relevant

examples and providing some new ones.

First, predicates ‘ o find’ nd ‘ o p y’ oblig orily take ergative subjects as lexical

verbs (62). However, as light verbs, they fail to retain an ergative subject, which are

instead obligatorily marked nominative in unergative (and transitive) contexts (63).

62. jɔn-ne/*jɔn u r cu y

John-erg/*John.nom debt pay.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n p id e deb .’

63. jɔn/*jɔn-ne nacc/nicch cukeyaa sii


John.nom/*John-erg dance/sneeze pay.perf.m.sg be.pst.3.sg

‘Jo n d d nced sneezed.’

Second, predic es ‘ o give’ nd ‘ o e’, which compulsorily opt for an ergative

subject as lexical verbs (64), only optionally allow ergative subjects when acting as light

verbs in unergative complexes (65).

64. jɔn-ne/*jɔn sii -n /kolõ i aab di ii

John-erg/*John.nom Sita-dat/abl book.f.sg give.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n g ve boo o Si .’

65. jɔn/jɔn-ne nicch di

John.nom/John-erg sneeze give.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n sneezed.’

The picture with transitive verbs is slightly different. Transitive subjects get

obligatory nominative with 'ergative-licensing' light verbs 'to pay' and 'to find' and

obligatory ergative with 'ergative-licensing' light verbs 'to give' and 'to take'. The first

scenario is not of case-retention; hence, it does not support the claim that light verbs

retain the ergative case assigning property of their lexical counterparts. The second,

where the ergative case seems to be retained, is the one that demands further

explanation, since prima facie, these cases are evidence of ergative case-licensing by

certain light verbs. We would however like to suggest that these specific cases too fail

to prove the ergative licensing potential of light verbs. This is because all transitive


verbs that light verbs ‘ o give’ nd ‘ o e’ combine wi , including vekhnaa 'to see',

maarnaa 'to hit', kajjna ‘ o cover’, khaanaa ‘ o e ’, piinaa ‘ o drin ’ and ginna ‘ o coun ’

individually (i.e. as simplex verbs) opt for obligatory ergative subjects in the perfective.

When these transitive predicates combine with ergative-licensing light verbs, the

subjects are also marked ergative. This renders it difficult to decide whether to attribute

the availability of ergative case on subjects to light verbs or to lexical transitive verbs.

Interestingly, all Hindi-Urdu speakers that we consulted have the same intuitions for

their language: ergative subjects are compulsory with transitive verbs in the perfective,

with or without the said light verbs. Hence, as for Punjabi, for Hindi-Urdu too, it is

difficult to confirm that ergative case comes from the light verbs, instead of the lexical

verb, contra Mahajan's claims.13

There is however one particular verb in Hindi-Urdu, samajhnaa ‘ o unders nd’,

which optionally takes an ergative subject. Mahajan illustrates that when this verb

combines wi e lig verb ‘ o e’, the ergative case marking on the subject becomes

obligatory. He takes this as a solid evidence for ergative case-licensing by the light verb.

13We agree with a reviewer that light verbs denote different meanings (completion, ability etc) and

therefore the underlying representations of complex predicates may be far more detailed than what has

been suggested in this paper. While such alternative analyses do exist in the literature (cf. Butt and

Ramchand, 2005), we feel that adopting them would take us away from the core issues addressed here –

that of transitivity of the lexical verb and the case potential of the light verb in ergative case assignment

on the subject. Hence, we keep this question aside for the moment.


Punjabi shows similar patterns with the same verb s mj naa ‘ o unders nd’ as

illustrated in the examples below.

66. o ae gall samj eyaa

3.sg.nom this matter.f.sg understand.perf.m.sg

‘He unders ood is m er.’

67. o-ne ae gall samj ii

3.sg-erg this matter.f.sg understand.perf.f.sg

‘He unders ood is m er.’

T e predic e ‘ o unders nd’ llows bo nominative and ergative subjects (66-

67). W en is predic e combines wi e oblig orily erg ive subjec ing verb ‘ o

give’, the resultant complex structure allows only ergative subjects (68-69).

68. o-ne ae gall samj li ii

3.sg-erg this matter.f.sg understand take.perf.f.sg

‘He unders ood is m er.’

69. *o ae gall samj li a

3.sg.nom this matter.f.sg understand take.perf.m.sg

‘He unders ood e m er.’

Unlike Mahajan, who takes a similar contrast (as in Punjabi (68-69)) in Hindi-

Urdu to indicate that ergative case comes from the light verb, we believe that this data

too is inconclusive. ‘To unders nd’ s optional ergative case licensing property (see


examples in (66-67) again). The ergative case in (68) could therefore come from the

predicate ‘ o unders nd’ as much as from the light verb. Moreover, with the light verb

cukaanaa ‘ o p y’, which as a lexical verb licenses obligatory ergative (as already

discussed bove) ‘to understand’ forms a complex predicate with an obligatory

nominative subject (70). This suggests that in the unergative as well as the transitive

domain, the light verb does not determine ergative case assignment on the subject. A

similar pattern in observed in Hindi-Urdu as well (71).

70. jɔn/*jɔn-ne ae gall samjh cukeyaa sii

John.nom/*John-erg this matter.f.sg understand pay.perf.m.sg be.pst.3.sg

‘Jo n d unders ood e m er.’

71. jɔn/*jɔn-ne ye baat samajh cukaa haa

John.nom/*John-erg this matter.f.sg understand pay.perf.m.sg be.pst.3.sg

‘Jo n d unders ood e m er.’

Thus far, we have provided evidence that Punjabi unergatives have overt

cognate or implicit objects. Despite their transitive nature, they fail to host ergative

subjects obligatorily, indicating that the transitivity of the lexical verb is not a determinant

of morphological ergativity in the language. We have further illustrated that the light

verbs in unergative light verb complexes too do not determine ergative case marking.

We now face the task of locating the locus of ergative case licensing in unergative

constructions in Punjabi. An additional question is regarding the mechanisms underlying


optionality of morphological ergativity in these constructions. In more precise terms, we

want to understand the structural contexts under which ergative is assigned and the

conditions that block its assignment, leading to nominative case valuation of the

external argument.

5. Analysis

Before presenting our analysis, we investigate three influential accounts of

morphological ergativity in the literature. We demonstrate that all three approaches - the

dependent case approach, the clausal-bifurcation/added-structure approach and the

inherent case approach – fall short of an adequate explanation for ergative case

assignment in the Punjabi unergative domain.

Marantz (1991) proposes a dependent case analysis of ergative assignment that

takes place in a post-syntactic morphological component. He posits that ergative, like

accusative, is a dependent case assigned in a distinct position governed by V+I. The

basic idea is as stated in (72)14:

14Baker (2013) too adopts the dependent case approach to account for ergativity in Shipibo. However,

unlike Marantz who proposes that the domain for case competition between the two distinct DPs is a

clause, Baker claims it to be a phase. This is stated as follows:

(i) If there are two distinct argumental NPs in the same phase such that NP1 c-commands NP2, then

value the case feature of NP1 as ergative unless NP2 has been marked for case.


72. If there are two distinct NPs in the same clause ("governed by V+I") then:

Mark the lower one with dependent case (accusative) and/or

Mark the higher one with dependent case (ergative).

According to (72), in a nominative-accusative language, accusative case is a

dependent case that is assigned to a lower nominal when the higher nominal gets a

nominative case. Accusative is blocked in instances, when the higher nominal gets a

non-nominative/quirky case. Similarly, in an ergative-absolutive system, it is the higher

nominal that gets the dependent ergative case, when the lower nominal gets an

absolutive case.

However, (72) cannot be easily extended to the Punjabi unergative data. As we

have already observed, within the ergative case system of the language in the

perfective, there are two possible cases on the unergative subject – nominative and

ergative (73).

73. jɔn/ jɔn-ne raavan-d ii hassii sseyaa

John.nom/John-erg ravan-gen.f.sg laughter.f.sg laugh.perf.f.sg

‘John laughed Ravan’s laughter.’

Assuming that the accusative case on the (cognate) object comes from a

functional head, the higher nominal, according to (72), must always carry an ergative

case, contra facts. On the other hand, if the case on the object is inherent, we predict

obligatory nominative on the subject, again contradicting the actual facts. Either way,


the optionality of ergative case on the unergative subject remains a problem for the

dependent case approach, unless we assume that the object can carry both inherent

and structural case in the same syntactic context.

An alternative approach proposed by Laka (2006), Coon (2010) and, Coon and

Preminger (2012) based on clause-bifurcation or added-structure presents split

ergativity as an epiphenomenon. Take the two structures (74-75) from Basque for

illustration. In (74), the subject of the progressive clause is marked with –a. This is the

same marker found on the object of the perfective clause, whose subject is marked with

the ergative case –ak (75).

74. emakume-a ogi-a jaten ari da

woman-DET bread-DET eating PROG is

‘The woman is eating (the) bread.’

75. emakume-a-k ogi-ak ja-n d-it-u

woman-DET-Erg bread-DET.PL eat-PRF 3A-PL-have3E

‘The woman has eaten (the) bread.’ (L , 2006: 177)

According to Laka, the progressive in (75) has a biclausal structure, with the

main verb –ari ‘ o be engaged' selecting a PP ('in something'). This is shown in (76).

76. [IP emakume-a[V2P [PP [NP [V1P PRO [DP ogi-a] jan V1] N] P] ari V2] I]

In (76), the object –ogi ‘bre d’ and the lexical verb jaten ‘e ’ are placed inside a

PP clause. The external argument of this subordinate clause is a PRO that is generated


in the specifier of VP. The higher clause has the progressive marker -ari as its predicate

and emakume ‘ e wom n’ as the subject generated in the specifier of TP. The matrix

subject is marked absolutive, and not ergative, since it is not a transitive subject – it is

the argument of an unaccusative verb -ari (also see Forker, 2010; Kazenin, 1998, 2001;

Kazenin and Testelec, 1999 for similar proposals for Nakh-Daghestanian languages).

In the perfective aspect, both the external as well as the internal argument are

present in the same clause, with the former getting ergative and the latter getting

absolutive case marked (77).

77. [ IP emakume-ak [VP [DP ogi-ak] janV] dituI]

Coon (2010) and Coon and Preminger (2012) extend the analysis further to other

split-ergative languages by arguing that clausal bifurcation or added-structure is an

essential feature of non-perfective aspects: these are constructed using spatial/locative

building blocks (also see Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca, 1994; Demirdache and Uribe-

Etxebarria, 2000). These large clause structures embedded below the predicate

obscure the transitivity of the predicate for the case assigning system. Consequently,

the external argument is marked nominative. Less structure renders e predic e’s

transitivity visible, thereby leading to ergative case assignment to the external


15As Coon and Preminger (2012) rightly point out, the clausal bifurcation analysis is compatible with

Marantz's dependent case analysis. If the matrix subject is generated in a clause different from the one

that hosts the internal argument, it will fail to receive a dependent ergative case.


The primary appeal of this analysis is that it hinges on the difference between

imperfective and perfective aspects, which we believe need serious consideration in an

explanation of aspect-based split ergativity. Moreover, it also seeks to explain

morphological ergativity within the confines of the narrow syntactic component, rather

than pushing it to the interfaces. However, some problems arise when we turn our

attention to Punjabi unergatives with optionally marked ergative subjects in the

perfective. If we adopt the clause bifurcation analysis, we must allow them two different

representations: (78) for sentences with nominative subjects, and (79) for sentences

with ergative subjects.

78. [DP [PRO obj V1] V2]

79. [DP obj V]

This however defeats the purpose since the perfective (78) with the nominative

subject now resembles the imperfective structure representation: it has a PRO subject

in the embedded clause and another in the matrix clause. The higher subject is marked

with nominative due to its location in a higher clause. The problem with this approach is

that it necessitates Punjabi to have similar clause structures for imperfectives and some

perfectives (with nominative subjects).

An additional problem comes from other ergative subject constructions in the

perfective (80), where (i) the matrix subject is marked ergative and, (ii) matrix and


embedded verbs both carry default morphology16. A very similar perfective sentence,

but with long-distance matrix verb-embedded object agreement is shown in (81).

80.?jɔn-ne rottii khaanaa caayaa

John-erg bread.f.sg.nom eat.inf.m want.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n w n ed o e bre d.’

81. jɔn-ne rottii khaanii caayii

John-erg bread.f.sg.nom eat.inf.f want.perf.f.sg

‘Jo n w n ed o e bre d.’

As has been noticed previously by Bhatt (2005), Chandra (2007, 2011) among

others, Hindi-Urdu also has both constructions – ergative subject constructions in the

perfective without long-distance agreement (non-LDA) and ergative subject

constructions in the perfective with long-distance agreement (LDA). Bhatt explains the

optionality of LDA by positing a PRO in the embedded structures of (80) that act as

interveners between matrix v and the lower argument (82). In contrast, (81) has no

embedded PRO-subject, and therefore, no intervening element to prevent a long-

distance phi-relation between the two elements (83). Both representations can be

extended to the Punjabi facts in (80)-(81).

82. [Subj-ne [PRO obj V1] V2]

83. [Subj-ne [obj V1] V2]

16 Some Punjabi speakers have obligatory matrix verb-embedded object agreement.


The representation in (82) is of utmost important here. The non-LDA structure

has an embedded PRO subject, and resembles an imperfective representation à

la Laka and Coon among others. However, this is a perfective structure, and even more

importantly, one that has an ergative subject (not a nominative one), despite appearing

in a clause separate from the one hosting the embedded object. If clause bifurcation

was a real factor behind nominative case assignment on the matrix subject, we would

incorrectly expect obligatory nominative case on the matrix subject in (82).

The final approach we would like to discuss here is the inherent case analysis of

ergativity. Woolford (1997) claims that ergative is an inherent case, assigned in close

association with the agent theta role and, hence, found only on external arguments. She

also proposes that inherent case is licensed by the v head that introduces the external

argument. Legate (2012) makes an important amendment to this, by suggesting that

ergative case should not be linked to the agent theta role alone. All external theta roles

including causative, experiencer, instrumental can also get ergative case. We show

below that this is indeed true for ergative case in Punjabi which can appear on (i) agents

(84), (ii) experiencer external arguments (85) and (iii) causer/instrumental external

arguments (86).

84. jɔn-ne sii aa-n maaryaa

John-erg Sita-acc hit.perf.m.sg

‘Jo n i Si .’


85. jɔn-ne (jabardastii) m rii-n pyaar i

John-erg (forcibly) Mary-acc love do.perf.m.sg

‘John loved Mary (forcibly).’

86. hawaa-ne kapɽe ud d i e

air-erg cloth.m.pl fly.caus give.perf.m.pl

‘Air made the clothes fly.’

As shown in (84), ergative appears on the agent of the predicate 'hit'. In (85), the

subject DP is ergative case marked even as it gets the experiencer theta role from the

predicate ‘love’. However, note that such sentences must have the light verb ‘do’, nd

there is a certain amount of volitional/intentional meaning built into it (which explains

w y n in en ion l dverb ‘forcibly’ makes perfect sense here), which is clearly absent

when the said light verb is missing and the subject is marked with a dative (87). Finally,

in (86), the instrumental or the causer subject gets marked with the ergative case. In

short, we have evidence that Punjabi ergative case is an inherent case that can appear

on external arguments that generate in the specifier of the theta-assigning v head.

87. jɔn-n (*jabardastii) m rii naal pyaar hoyaa

John-dat (*forcibly) Mary with love happen.perf.m.sg

'John fell in love with Mary.'

That said, the issue of optional ergative marking on Punjabi unergative subjects

in the perfective remains a problem for this theory as well. One needs to further


examine the conditions under which nominative is sometimes valued on the subject,

instead of it being always valued with inherent case by the theta-assigning v head.

Along with an explanation of how both ergative and nominative case are valued on the

unergative subject, there is the issue of aspect's role in ergative case-assignment in the

language. In other words, the explanation must take into account featural as well as

structural differences between perfective and imperfective heads that may have

important consequences on the agreement and case relations that the arguments

establish with different heads in the respective structures.

5.2 An alternative analysis

Our point of departure is an important difference between perfective and

imperfective heads in Punjabi. Punjabi perfective aspect heads have an incomplete set

of uninterpretable features (uFF), unlike imperfective aspect heads that have complete

phi-feature sets. Perfective heads are participial in nature and lack a person feature.

This has been attested in the historical literature as well, where the perfective aspect in

modern Indo-Aryan languages is shown to be closely linked with the passive participial -

-taa constructions of Old Indo Aryan (Sanskrit) and Middle Indo Aryan

(Apabhramsa) (see Bubenik, 1998; Butt and Deo, 2001; Garrett, 1990; Hock, 1986;

Hook, 1991; Speijer, 1886; Trask, 1979). Take the passive participial construction in

Sanskrit in (88).


88. Indrenaa hato/hataa vali

Indra.Instr.sg.masc. kill.PPP.Nom.sg Vali.Nom.sg.masc.

‘Vali was killed by Indra.’ (Stronsky, 2010:83)

Scholars believe that structures like (88) developed into ergative subject

constructions in the perfective aspect in modern Indo Aryan languages, with the passive

participial -taa developing into the perfective -aa. This development was accompanied

by the instrumental case marker -enaa on the subject changing to the ergative case

marker -ne (Chandra and Udaar, 2012).

The diachronic relation between the old passive participial head in Sanskrit and

the perfective head in the modern ergative construction establishes that the latter is phi

(person) feature defective. This incomplete feature composition has interesting

consequences for optional ergative marking on unergative subjects, as we will detail


Two other notions our analysis relies on heavily are that of phases and phase-

sliding. We assume with Boeckx (2008, 2009), Chomsky (2000, 2004, 2005, 2007,

2008) and Gallego (2010) among others, that computations progress phase by phase,

recursively accessing small sub-arrays drawn from the lexicon. These sub-arrays are

assumed to determine syntactic objects that are interpretable at the interfaces; on the

17Anand and Nevins (2006) also point out that v heads in ergative subject constructions in the perfective

are phi-defective and lack a person feature.


semantic side, these syntactic objects are taken as counterparts to propositions (cf.

Chomsky, 2000).18 Phase heads (generally taken to be C and v) define the domains for

computations and once these computations are complete, a phase is shipped over to

the interfaces by the Transfer operation (89).

89. Cyclic Transfer

Transfer hands D[erivation]-NS over to [PHON] and [SEM]

[Chomsky 2004: 107]

Transfer hands over the complements (VP and TP) of phase (v and C) heads to

the interfaces. There are two versions on the timing of Transfer. According to the first

(Chomsky, 2000) – also known as strong version of the Phase Impenetrability Condition

(PIC), the complement of a phase is spelled out as soon as the phase head is

introduced into the derivation; for instance, VP complement is spelled out when v is

introduced. There is a second version of the PIC (Chomsky, 2001) that assumes that

the complement of a phase is spelled out only when a higher phase head is introduced


90. [ZP Z… [HP α [H YP]]], where Z and H are phase heads.

As shown in (90), YP is targeted for spell-out only when the next higher phase

head Z is introduced into the derivation. Once the complement undergoes transfer, only

18Gallego (2010) understands phases as structural domains/boundaries in which uninterpretable features

of core functional categories are valued and deleted.


the head and its edge (H and α) remain accessible to higher heads for further

computations. We adopt the second and the weaker version of PIC for our analysis of

optional ergative with unergatives in Punjabi.

Finally, with Gallego (2007, 2010), we assume that phase heads can be

extended (or "slided")19 to the next higher head. This kind of head-movement can be

understood as a sort of "upstairs inheritance" with two consequences: (i) it extends the

'checking domain' (in the sense of Chomsky, 1995), and (ii) it re-determines the phase

boundary, in terms of the structure that is shipped off as part of Transfer. Below, we

reproduce from Gallego, an instance of v*-T phase sliding, with the effect that TP

becomes a phase and v*P the spell-out domain (91).20

19Den Dikken's (2006, 2007) proposes a ‘Phase Extension Condition’, which similarly extends the domain

of operation, though there are some crucial differences between Gallego’s and his understanding of


20Some works place head movement in the PF component (Abels, 2003; Boeckx and Stjepanovic, 2001;

and Chomsky, 2001). However, the issue remains contentious with others (Den Dikken, 2006; Donati,

2006; Matushansky, 2006) raising problems with the PF-approach.



Following Gallego, we contend that Punjabi ergative case marking in unergative

constructions obtains in structural contexts with phase-sliding of a lower head to a

higher one. In perfective structures with nominative subjects, phase-sliding is not

available. The details are given below.

Take an ergative subject construction with an unergative predicate in (92). Its

structural representation is given below in (93).

92. kuɽii-ne n ccey ŋgey ssey

girl-erg dance/cough/laugh.perf.m.sg

‘The girl danced/ coughed/ laughed.’



The tree in (93) is a double-layered vP structure. The higher v1 is a

perfective/participial head –aa/-yaa, which is phi-defective (-person), while the lower v2

is a transitive v (phase) head with complete phi features. v2-v1 phase sliding takes

place, with the phase boundary being pushed up to v1. Next, the phi-set of the resultant

verbal complex seeks a goal. However, it cannot agree with the external argument and

assign it a structural case value, since the DP has received a theta-role by the same

head. This is under the assumption that a DP cannot enter into a phi-agreement relation

and structural case valuation with the same head which selects and theta-assigns it

(Rezac, 2008; Woolford, 2006). The verbal complex then seeks out the internal

argument (overt cognate object/implicit object) and values it an accusative case in

return of phi-values. The external argument on the other hand, is assigned an inherent


ergative case from the theta-checking head. Ergative case assignment, according to

this analysis, is therefore not assigned to the external argument immediately upon its

introduction into the derivation.

As for the features of T, which we assume are inherited from C (Chomsky, 2008;

Richards, 2007), they cannot probe inside v2P and seek out the external argument,

since by the time C is introduced in the derivation, the v2P complement of the v1P

phase has been spelled out and its contents made inaccessible or inert for

computations with higher heads. Most importantly, the external argument cannot move

to the specifier of v1P due to anti locality restrictions (Abels, 2003; Grohmann, 2003)

that disallows too local movement. In other words, the DP cannot move from the

specifier of v2P to the specifier of a complex containing v2 as it is a very local

movement – in this case, v1P's specifier position, in any, will be projected using features

of v2. The other possibility, as pointed out by a reviewer, is that both arguments are

case-valued before merging T into the derivation. This makes them inaccessible or

invisible for phi operations with C-T.

C-T has the option of valuing its uFF with an expletive pro in TP's specifier or

simply getting a default value (as a last resort) before the structure is shipped off to the

interfaces. Sentence (94) illustrates default morphology on an optionally present


auxiliary –sii at T, in the presence of an ergative marked feminine DP subject and a

feminine DP object.21

94. m rii-ne raavan-d ii hasii ssii sii

Mary-erg ravan-gen.f.sg laugh.f.sg laugh.perf.m.sg be.past.3.m.sg

'Mary laughed Ravan's laughter.'

Next, we address optional nominative marking on unergative subjects in the

perfective. For such constructions (95), we assign a similar structure, minus v2 to v1

phase sliding (96).

95. kuɽii n ccii ŋgii ssii

girl.nom dance/cough/laugh.perf.f.sg

‘The girl danced/ coughed/ laughed.’


21Hindi-Urdu is different from Punjabi in that its auxiliaries also agree with the null-marked accusative

object, indicating that its T is involved in a phi-relation with the DP.


In (96), there is no phase sliding of v2 to v1. Consequently, v2 (and not v1) is the

phase head. The v2 head, with its uninterpretable features checks them against the

internal argument and values it accusative. v1 being defective (phi incomplete) cannot

be a probe. Next, when C-T is merged, agreement takes place between C-T and the

external argument, with full phi feature valuation corresponding to person, number and

gender morphology on T, and nominative case on the external argument. Note that the

external argument is at the edge of the lower v2P phase, and hence is visible to C-T.

This explains how nominative case by T can be (optionally) assigned to the external

argument in perfective structures. As for the unvalued features on v1, we assume that

they will be valued via the operation Multiple Agree (97). C-T will agree simultaneously

and derivationally with both v1 and the external argument.


97. Multiple Agree (multiple feature checking) with a single probe is a single

simultaneous syntactic operation; Agree applies to all the matched goals at the same

derivational point derivationally, simultaneously. (Hiraiwa, 2000)

Importantly, this optionality vanishes with certain predicates. ‘To spit’ and ‘to

scratch’ require an ergative subject obligatorily, while predicates ‘to walk’ and ‘to climb’

take obligatory nominative in the absence of an overt object. We propose that the

former class (‘to spit’, ‘to scratch’) only have the first option available to them, which

requires phase sliding from v2 to v1, resulting in obligatory ergative. The second class

(‘to walk’, ‘to climb’) cannot slide the phase boundary, and gets only nominative

subjects. This therefore calls for some lexical idiosyncrasies in the language; certain

verbs necessitate phase-sliding, while some others obligatorily block it.

Moving on to complex unergatives with light verbs (98), we observe that the

perfective aspect –aa is carried on the light verb.

98. kuɽii-ne ss d i aa

girl-erg laugh give.perf.m.sg

‘The girl laughed.’

For (98), we assume that the light verb is placed at v1 – the aspect head – and

being uFF-defective (-person), v2 moves to v1, creating a v1P phase. The rest of the

derivation continues in the same manner as for simplex unergatives. The implicit object

gets an accusative case from the verbal complex, while the external argument is


assigned ergative by the v head. In instances where phase-sliding does not take place,

C-T accesses the external argument at the edge of the lower phase v2P, and values it


Finally, for imperfective unergative constructions with obligatory nominative

subjects (99), we propose the representation in (100).

99. kuɽii/*kuɽii-ne khurak/nacc/caɽh rayii e

girl.nom/*girl-erg scratch/dance/climb stay.prog.f.sg be.pres.3.sg

'The girl is scratching/dancing/climbing.'


As shown in (100), the external argument is generated in the specifier of v2P

from where it receives a theta role. v2 checks its uninterpretable features against the


internal argument and values it accusative. Next, the imperfective head is introduced

into the derivation as v1. Importantly, this head, unlike the perfective head, has a

complete set of uFF. It is a phase head with an uninterpretable edge feature (in the

sense of Chomsky 2005, 2006)22. The external argument moves to the specifier of v1P

to satisfy the edge feature. As a consequence, C-T, once merged into the derivation,

probes the external argument and values it nominative. Given that inherent ergative

case on the external argument is impossible in imperfective structures, we must also

assume that the edge feature-driven movement of the DP to the specifier of v1P is


6. Conclusion

To conclude, we have observed that Punjabi morphological ergativity is

determined neither by the transitivity of the unergative verb nor by the case assigning

property of the light verb. Our contention is that Punjabi ergative is an inherent case

assigned to the external argument when a lower v2 phase head moves/slides to the

higher perfective (-person) v1 head. The external argument placed in the specifier of

v2P is spelled out and therefore becomes inaccessible to the nominative case valuing

head C-T. In instances when there is no phase sliding, v2P is a phase and the external

22 We also assume that v2P, being transitive, is a phase.


argument at its edge remains accessible to the higher C-T head for phi feature and

nominative case valuation.

While we espouse the ergative as inherent case approach for Punjabi

morphological ergativity, our analysis is also compatible with the added-structure

analysis of Laka, Coon and Preminger among others. With them, we observe that

ergative case in the perfective is assigned in a domain (vP) smaller than the one

(TP/CP) required for nominative case valuation in the imperfective. Unlike them

however, we emphasize on the feature composition of perfective and imperfective

heads and the derivational nature of 'checking' domains: the structural chunks in which

case-valuation takes place depend on the nature of uFF and operations (e.g. phase-

sliding) involved at any given point of the derivation.

If the alternative analysis proposed here is right, morphological ergativity in

typologically related languages like Hindi-Urdu too emerges in the perfective due to its

defective uFF composition, and the operations triggered thereby. Ergative case on the

subject is a result of v2P being spelled out, making the external argument inaccessible

to a higher case-valuing (C-T) head. That said, Hindi-Urdu, unlike Punjabi, also allows

object (gender and number, but not person) agreement on the auxiliary in ergative

subject constructions. Since the internal argument is shipped off to the interfaces before

C-T merges, phi-agreement on the auxiliary should be ruled out for Hindi-Urdu too,

contra facts. One possible answer to this difference is that Hindi-Urdu C-T is distinct in


that it inherits the feature values of the perfective v1, after the latter (v1-v2) has entered

into Agree with the internal argument (and after v2P spell-out). That in turn implies that

languages have the following options in perfective structures: (i) the uFF set on C-T is

valued by an expletive pro (e.g. Punjabi with no object agreement on the auxiliary), or

(ii) the uFF on C-T is checked against the checked features of v1 (eg. Hindi-Urdu with

object agreement on the auxiliary). However, this parametric solution is tentative and

needs to be substantiated with a more thorough cross-linguistic study of T and v heads

in these two languages.


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