1. avarice: too great a desire for wealth 2. abominable: disgusting; hateful 3. superfluity: excess...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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1. Avarice: too great a desire for wealth2. Abominable: disgusting; hateful3. Superfluity: excess4. Grisly: terrifying5. Adversary: enemy6. Pallor: paleness7. Prudent: careful; cautious8. Transcend: exceed; surpass9. Credentials: evidence of a person’s

position10.Absolve: forgive; make free from blame

Latin for “money is the root of all evil”

Pardoner’s Tale preaches about the evils of GREED or AVERICE

An example of an EXEMPLUM; a story that teaches a moral lesson

Is IRONIC because the Pardoner himself is greedy beyond belief and takes advantage of people to make money

Member of the CLERGYDuty is to grant people INDULGENCES for their sins

INDULGENCES were like “get out of jail free” cards; by receiving them, one would one be

forgiven their sins and be punished less when they die

INDULGENCES were not meant to be sold; however, greedy and corrupt members of the clergy sold them to make money

Very good preacher; is good at convincing people they are sinners and are going to suffer when they die

People buy into his sermons and want to buy relics and indulgences

He, however, is a hypocrite because he’s stealing, lying, and taking money from people

The Three Rioters = Protagonists

Death = Antagonist

The old man in a Flat Character

1. Name one of the sins the Pardoner claims to commit.

2. Define “Exemplum”.3. What’s “avarice”?4. What are “indulgences”?5. Who are the three main characters in the

Pardoner’s Tale?6. What’s blasphemy?7. What’s ironic about the Pardoner’s Tale?8. What are “credentials”?9. What does “pallor” mean?10. What was the goal of the Three Rioters when

we left off yesterday?

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