09 08-11-eng

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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8th Grade EnglishSeptember 8, 2011

Do Now

In your Do Now journal or on a separate piece of paper, answer the following question in 3-5 sentences.

How does our identity shape the way we see ourselves and others?

If time permits, answer this question:

• To what extent does our identity influence the choices we make?

Daily Language Review (DLR)

Take out your DLR.

Swap papers with a neighbor.

Let’s grade the papers!

Return papers to their creator and take out your GUM.


Let’s review sections two and three.

Put your name on your paper and turn it in for homework credit.

Identity Boxes

If you did not present last week, tomorrow is the last day to present and earn credit for your project.

Please sign up after class!

Essential Understanding Question

Cornell Notes:

Left Column: How does my identity shape the decisions I make?

Right Column: put responses that we share in our discussion

Jesus Colon

After making his decision, Jesus Colon wrote with regret,

“This is what racism and prejudice … and official artificial divisions can do to people and to a nation!”

What did he mean? How do beliefs about differences in our society shape the way we see ourselves and others?

How do they shape the way others see us?

An Important Word: Prejudice


Left Column: Prejudice

Right Column: comes from the word pre-judge.

We pre-judge when we have an opinion about a person solely because of a group to which that individual belongs. A prejudice has the following characteristics:

Prejudice: is based on real or imagined differences between groups.

Prejudice: attaches value to those differences in ways that falsely assume that one’s own group is superior to others.

Prejudice is generalized to include all members of a target group.

Not all prejudices result in discrimination. Discrimination occurs when prejudices are translated into action.

Who is Jane Elliott?


Left Column: Who is Jane Elliott?

Right Column: In the 1970s, during the Civil Rights Movement, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a small town in Iowa, decided to help her third graders understand how society can influence our beliefs about our ownidentity and the identities of our neighbors.

Eye of the Storm




What did you learn from the video?

What did you find surprising?

What did you find disturbing?

You may watch the video again on our class website.


*** Remember, you have a quiz tomorrow.

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