06 specifications

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The Instrument Specifications Module At this stage, we assume that you have already entered your Instrument Index, assignedProcess Data to the flow instruments, and calculated the orifice plate and control valves.

In this part of the tutorial, you will:

Select a specification form from the Spec Library and associate this form to instruments.

Create and use form data templates.

Create and use multi-tag specification formats.

Customize specification forms.

• To start the Instrument Specifications module, do one of the following:

On the main toolbar, click .

On the Module menu, click Spec Sheets.•

Task 1: Viewing Specification Sheets

View, Edit, and Save Specification Sheets for Flow Element and Flow Control Valve

1. Click on the module toolbar.

2. In the Open Instrument Specification dialog box, do the following:

a) Place the cursor in the Tag number field and click Find.

The Find Tag dialog box opens.

b) Click Find.

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The Find Tag dialog box shows the following search results:


A form number already exists for certain of the tags where you defined thatform number in the Instrument Index instrument type profile.

c) Highlight tag 101-FE-100 and click OK.

INtools shows the Open Instrument Specification dialog box again.

3. In the Form number field, type 11.

The information is now displayed as follows.

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4. Click OK.

The New Instrument Specification dialog box opens.

5. Enter the information as shown above and click OK.

The Instrument Specifications window opens for the selected instrument tag.

6. View the data by scrolling down and across the specification sheet. Note that this specsheet already contains data (Service, Line Number, flow conditions, etc.) derived from theInstrument Index, Process Data, and Calculation modules.

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7. Type some additional data in the Orifice Plate and Orifice Flanges section as shown.

8. Enter the page and drawing numbers at the bottom of the spec sheet.

9. Type the following text in the specification sheet Notes field: “1. Orifice flange assemblyto be provided by piping” by doing one of the following:

Type the text directly in the Notes field.•

• Click the Notes tab to open the Notes page and type the text (this method isrecommended for longer notes), then click the Page 1 tab to return to thespecification sheet.

10. Click to save the specification sheet.

11. Click to close this spec sheet to return the Instrument Specifications Module 


12. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to select tag 101-FV-100.

The Open Instrument Specification dialog box appears as follows.

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• The form number (1) has already been selected because you already definedit in the Instrument Index instrument type profile.

13. Click OK.

The spec sheet appears as follows.

14. Click to close the specification sheet.

Task 2: Create a Specification Form Data Template

The specification sheets you have viewed so far contain specific data relating to eachinstrument. If you have a large number of instruments of the same type with common data,you can create a form data template and enter the data in it. You can then copy this defaultdata and use it for all instruments of the same type.


• Copying defaults may overwrite fields in the destination spec sheet, if their matching default fields are blank. To prevent this from happening you can define- in the specification data dictionary - which spec sheet fields can be overwritten.

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Create a Form Data Template for a Flow Transmitter 

1. In the Instrument Specification Module window, on the View menu, click FromTemplate Editor .

2. In the Select Specification Form dialog box, type 56 in the Find form number box.

Form number 56, Diff. Pressure Instr. (flow) is selected.

3. Click OK to open the Select Form Data Template dialog box.

4. Type D/P XMTR TYPE 1 as your spec default name.

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• Each form may have more than one default configuration, for examples:ROSEMOUNT XMTR, FOXBORO XMTR, FUJI XMTR, and so forth.

5. Click OK.

The default form opens.

6. In the Select Fluid State dialog box, select Liquid and click OK.

7. Enter the data as shown in the following three screen shots.


• The fields shown in gray cannot contain default data. These are instrument-specific fields and the values they contain will differ from tag to tag.

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8. Click when completed.

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9. On the main toolbar, click to close the Form Data Template Editor .

Create a Specification Data Filter 

To prevent undesired overwriting of data fields, you need to set a form-level specification

data filter. This is done before you copy data from the active form data template to thecurrent instrument specification.

1. In the Instrument Specifications Module window, click to open the Spec DataDictionary.

2. In the Select Specification Form dialog box, type 56 in the Find form number box, andclick OK.

3. In the Edit Headers pop-up window, clear the following check boxes in the upper datawindow under Default:

Tag Number •



P&ID No.

Clearing these check boxes prevent the software from overwriting the above data fields.

4. On the module toolbar, click .

5. Click to close the Browse Format dialog box.

6. Click to close the Spec Data Dictionary.

Copy Data from a Form Data Template to an Instrument Specification

Now you will learn how to automate entry of common data to your instrument specification byusing a form data template that you created for the form upon which the current instrumentspecification is based.

1. Click on the module toolbar.

2. In the Open Instrument Specification dialog box, do the following:

Under Tag number , type 101-FT-100.•

Under Form number , type 56.

Click OK.The Instrument Specification window displaying the specification for Tag 101-FT-100 

3. In the Select Fluid State dialog box, select Liquid and click OK.

4. On the Action menu, click Copy from Template.

The Select Form Data Template dialog box opens.

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5. Highlight the new data template D/P XMTR TYPE 1 you created.

6. Click OK.

The default data is loaded into the specification sheet.


• The specification sheet now contains both default and tag-specific data.Default data will not overwrite any existing data that you specified in theSpecification Data Filter .

7. Enter additional data on the form as required.

8. Click when completed.

9. On the main toolbar, click to close the spec sheet.

Task 3: Creating and Using a Multi-Tag (See-List) Spec Sheet

In the previous tasks, you assigned one single tag to one specification sheet. Oftentimes,however, there are cases when one common specification sheet may serve several tags.This spec sheet is comprised of one common first page and an additional page or pages for each tag. Your task, this time, is to create such a multi-tag spec sheet (called a format inINtools) using the forms available in the form library.

Create a New Multi-Tag (See-List) Spec Sheet1. With the Instrument Specifications Module window open, on the module toolbar, click


The Format Editor opens.

2. Click to open the Select Specification Form dialog box.

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3. Select Form number 8 and click OK.

The Select Format dialog box opens ready for you to type in a new format name.

4. Type Demo Pressure Gage See List as shown.


• A particular form may have more than one format.

5. Click OK when done.

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The Format Editor opens, on top of which INtools displays the Edit Headers pop-upwindow.


•  INtools displays the column headers on the left side of the Format Editor ,and the field selections on the right side of the window.

The Edit Headers window displays all the headers that you select in theFormat Editor, and enables you to modify the sequence of the headers andtheir labels.

6. Do the following to assign the Tag Number , Service, Min.Range, Max.Range, andRange UOM fields (note that Tag Number has already been assigned to the first field):

a) Drag the Edit Headers pop-up window to the bottom of the Format Editor (or someother place) so that you can see the most part of the Format Editor window.

b) Point the cursor to the Service field (#2 on the format list).

The cursor changes its shape to .

c) Double-click in the field selection of the Service field. In the Edit Headers dialogbox Header field, the text General Service appears. Edit this text to read Service.

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• A magenta background indicates the currently selected field. A turquoise background indicates a field that is included in the selection.

d) Point the cursor to the Calibration Range header (line #13) and click in its leftmostfield selection to assign the Minimum Range field. The field changes its color andappears in the Header field.

e) Point the cursor to the Range header and click in its second from left field selectionto assign the Minimum Range UOM field. The field changes its color and appears inthe Header field.

f) Point the cursor to the Range header and click in its fourth from left field selection toassign the Maximum Range field. The field changes its color and appears in theHeader field.

g) Point the cursor to the Range header and click in its fifth from left field selection toassign the Maximum Range UOM field. The field changes its color and appears inthe Header field.

h) Edit the header names in the Edit Headers dialog box as follows.


• If you make a mistake, you can cancel the field assignment by highlightingthe selection in the Edit Headers dialog box Header field and clickingDelete.

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7. When done, click on the lower toolbar to display the Format pop-up window where

you can view and customize the layout of the second page of your multi-spec sheetformat.

8. You can now do the following:

Change the field order by dragging a header to the right or to the left.•

Modify the header size by dragging the border between headers to the right or to theleft.

Preview the layout design by selecting either Portrait or Landscape in the Printpreview group box.

Save the layout as an external file by clicking Save As.

9. Click to save the Multi-Tag Tag List Format.

10. When done, on the main toolbar click .

You have now successfully created your multi-tag (see-list) spec sheet form, which youwill use for your pressure gauges.

Assign a Tag Number to a Multi-Tag SpecYou are now going to assign a tag number to a multi-tag specification sheet and then enter some data.


• If you want the master tag name to appear on the multi-tag specificationsheet, click the File menu and select Preferences. Then, on the General page of the Instrument Specification preferences, select the Show master tag check box.

1. Click on the module toolbar.

2. In the Open Instrument Specification dialog box, do the following:

Under Tag number , type 101-PI-100.•

Under Form number , type 8.

Click OK.

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The New Specification Sheet dialog box opens.

3. Select the Create new multiple item specification sheet option.

4. In the Drawing number field, type 101-21-100001.

5. From the Format name list, select Demo Pressure Gage See List.

The New Specification Sheet dialog box should look as follows:

6. Click OK to open the specification sheet.

The first page of the multi-tag spec sheet opens.

7. If the Select Fluid Phase dialog box is displayed, select Liquid and click OK.

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8. Type the values in the spec sheet fields as shown.

Clicking in certain fields opens a drop-down list. Clicking in a Pressure UOM field opensup a dialog box.

9. Select the units of pressure as follows.


• The fields that you selected to appear on the following page will be markedas SEE LIST. The first tag of the list also appears in parentheses on the firstline.

• If required, add a note by clicking the Notes tab.

You will now associate additional tags to this spec sheet.

10. Click on the lower toolbar or click the Multi-Tag List tab to display the multi-tag page.

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11. Enter the following information:

a) In the Service column, type Heat exchanger inlet.

b) In the Max. Pressure column, type 14.

c) In the Oper. Pressure column, type 13.

d) In the Units columns, select bar as the unit from the list.

12. Associate another tag with this multi-tag spec by clicking on the lower toolbar.

The Add Tag Number dialog box opens.

13. Do one of the following:

Type 101-PI-101 and click OK.•

• Click Find to open the Find Tag dialog box where you can find the required tags.(You can select more than one tag to be associated with this spec by holding down

Ctrl and clicking the required tags in the search result window.)

14. In the Multi-tag Spec Sheet, enter the specific data and ranges for the additional tag.

15. Click to return to the first page of the Multi-Tag Spec Sheet.

16. Click to revise the specification sheet (for details, see Task 5: Specification SheetRevisions on page 118).

17. Click to save the specification.

18. When done, on the main toolbar click .

Task 4: Creating a Customized Specification Sheet

Now you will learn how to modify and customize your specification sheets to suit your needs.Note that you will not be using InfoMaker to do this.

Create a Customized Page

You will now customize a new page called Modified Flow Element, change and move someheaders and their associated data fields. You will switch the location of two fields: Line Size and Line Schedule.

1. On the module toolbar, click the Page Editor icon .

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2. On the module toolbar, click the Open Page icon .

3. Under Specification Page, select Orifice Plate and click OK.

4. On the Action menu, click Edit Columns and Headers or click on the moduletoolbar.

5. To open the Edit Text dialog box, double-click the Line Size header.

6. Under Name, highlight Line Size and type Line Schedule over the displayed text.

7. Click OK.

8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to swap the text of headers Line Size and Line Schedule.

9. Click on the floating toolbar to display the actual data fields that are associated with

the headers on the left side of the spec form.

10. Switch the data fields belonging to Line Size and Line Schedule as follows:

a) Drag the Edit Columns and Headers floating toolbar to a place on the screen sothat you can see most of the screen.

b) Click on the line_size data field.

c) Drag the line_size data field to another place on the form.

d) Do the same with the line_uom data field.

e) Drag the line_sched data field to the left and position it so that it takes the former position of line_size data field. Do not bother with exact positioning.

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f) Drag the line_size data field and place where the line_sched data field was beforeyou moved it.

g) Drag the line_uom data field to the right of the line_size data field.

h) Click on the line_sched data field again and then click on the Edit Columns and

Headers floating toolbar.

The Column Position pop-up window opens.

i) Use the spinners or type the required values to position the line_sched data field sothat it fits exactly in the spec form.

 j) Repeat the same procedures for the line_size and the line_uom data fields.

k) When done, click again to close the Column Position pop-up window.

11. Click to close the Edit Columns and Headers floating toolbar.

12. Click on the lower toolbar to exit the edit mode.

13. Click on the lower toolbar to save the modified page.

14. In the Save Specification Page dialog box, click New to open the new page definitionwindow, and type the following.

15. Click OK to create the new page.

16. Click OK in the Save Specification Page dialog box.

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Create a Form Containing the Modified Flow Element Page

1. Switch to the Instrument Specifications Module window.

2. Click the Form Editor icon or select Form Editor on the Custom menu.

3. On the Form Editor toolbar, click the New Form icon .

4. In the Select Specification Page dialog box, highlight the Modified Flow Element pageand click OK.

5. Click the Save as Form icon .

6. In the Edit Spec Form dialog box, enter the following information:

7. Click OK to save the new form.

Create and Print a Specification Sheet for Flow Orifices Based on Your Custom Form

1. Click on the module toolbar.

2. In the Open Instrument Specification dialog box, do the following:

Under Tag number , type 101- FE-201.•

Under Form number , type 71.

Click OK.

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The New Instrument Specification dialog box opens:

3. In the Drawing Number text box, type 101-FE-201, then click OK.

4. In the Select Fluid State dialog box, select Liquid and click OK.

The specification sheet opens.

5. Edit the specification sheet data as required.

Note the positions of the Line Sched. and Line Size fields.

6. Click when completed.

7. Click to send a printout of the specification sheet to your printer.

8. When done, on the main toolbar click to close the specification sheet.

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Task 5: Instrument Specification Sheet Revisions

During the life-cycle of a plant, you will probably make changes to specification sheets for anyone of a number of reasons: for example, an instrument manufacturer may change some of the characteristics of an instrument, the process conditions may change, or you may just

want to add a note explaining the conditions under which the instrument will operate. Therevision feature is used to keep track of these changes.


• You can view previous versions of the specification sheets that were revised.Prior to this, you must activate the revision archiving option in the Administration module. With this option, you can save the specification sheets with associateddata to the database or to an external file. For complete instructions on how toset up and view revision archives, refer to Instrument Specifications Module chapter of the User’s Guide.

Add Revision Data to Instrument Specification Sheets

1. Open the specification sheet for tag 101-FT-100.

2. Click to open the Revisions dialog box.

3. Enter revision data as follows:

a) Select Revision method 0,1,2… and click New.


• When you first select a revision numbering method, several options areavailable to you, including preliminary revisions (designated by P0, P1,P2…). Once you select one of the other revision methods, you will not beable to return to the preliminary revision method and this option will bedisabled.

b) In the By field, type your initials.

c) In the Description field, type For Design.

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4. Complete the revision information as shown, for example.

5. If necessary, delete any previous revisions that are no longer needed as follows:a) Select the revision you want to delete.

b) Click Delete.

c) Repeat steps a) and b) for each revision you want to delete.

6. When completed, click OK.

You are returned to the specification sheet.

7. Make changes as required to the specification sheet, and repeat steps 2 – 4 to addanother revision.

8. Click OK to close the dialog box.

9. Click .

10. Repeat the above procedure to create revisions for the specification sheets for tags 101-FE-100 and 101-FV-100, so that on completion, the last revisions for each specificationsheet are as follows:

Tag Revision method Last revision

101-FE-100 P0, P1, P2… P0

101-FT-100 0, 1, 2… 1

101-FV-100 A, B, C… A

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Add Revisions Globally

Sometimes, you will make a change in the specification sheet of a particular instrument andwill want to create a formal revision indicating when the change was made, who made thechange, and who approved it. In other cases, the specifications of a whole class of instruments may have changed. When this happens, you will probably want to revise a

complete set of specification sheets. For this purpose, the global revisions option isavailable.

1. With the Instrument Specifications Module window displayed, on the Tools menu,click Global Revisions.

2. To add revisions to specification sheets according to defined criteria, on the Settings tab,from the Activity list, select Upgrade revision.

3. Enter the required revision numbering criteria to be used as the default in all the newlycreated revisions as follows:

a) From the Initial revision numbering method list, select method P0 (preliminary

revision numbering). This method will be used for specification sheets that have noprevious revisions.

b) Select the options to change the revision numbering type for all selected specificationsheets that have preliminary revisions (revision numbering P1, P2, etc.). To dothis:

i) Select the Switch to another numbering method check box.

ii) From the Continue numbering using list, select method A (alphabetic revisionnumbering).


• Revision numbering for other specification sheets will be based on theexisting numbering method, and will be incremented from the previousrevision.

4. Complete the information for the other fields on the screen (Revised by, Revision Date,etc.) as required.

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The Settings tab should appear with the following data.

5. Click the Specifications tab.

6. Click the Show option Per  Unit to display all the specification sheets in the current unit.

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The list of tag specification sheets reflects the selection.

7. Select the following specification sheets (while holding down Ctrl):

101-FE-100 (last revision number: P0).•

101-FT-100 (last revision number: 1).

101-FV-100 (last revision number: A).

101-FE-201 (no last revision).

8. Click Apply.

The revision is applied to the selected specification sheets. A progress bar indicates thepercentage completion of the process.

9. Click Close.

10. In the Filter group box, click Refresh to update the data.

Note the new revision numbers for the selected specification sheets:

101-FE-100 (last revision number: P0; new revision number: A).

101-FT-100 (last revision number: 1; new revision number: 2).

101-FV-100 (last revision number: A; new revision number: B).

101-FE-201 (no last revision; new revision number: P0).

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11. Repeat steps 7 – 9 twice for the same four specification sheets.

The following revision numbers should appear for the two revisions:

101-FE-100 (last revision A; new revisions B, C).•

101-FT-100 (last revision 2; new revisions 3, 4).101-FV-100 (last revision B; new revisions C, D).

101-FE-201 (last revision P0; new revisions A, B).

Now try some examples for yourself for other single-item specifications using differentrevision numbering criteria (see the procedure in step 3 above).

Delete Revisions Globally

You can delete revisions for selected specification sheets. Two global deletion options areavailable: deletion of all revisions or deletion of the last revision for the selection.

1. On the Tools menu, select Global Revisions.

2. In the Global Revisions dialog box, on the Settings tab, from the Activity list, selectDelete revisions to delete all the revisions for the selected specification sheets.

3. Click the Specifications tab.

4. To display all the specification sheets in the current unit, under Filter , select Per  Unit.

The list of tag specification sheets reflects the selection.

5. Select specification sheet 101-FV-100.

6. Click Apply.

7. Click Yes when prompted to continue with the deletion.

 A progress bar indicates the percentage completion of the deletion.

8. Click Refresh to update the screen.

Note that all revisions have been deleted from specification sheet 101-FV-100 (the LastRev. field is empty).

9. Click the Settings tab. 

10. Click Delete last revision to delete only the last revision for each of the selectedspecification sheets.

11. Repeat steps 3 – 8 for specification sheet 101-FE-201.

The value A should appear in the Last Rev. field.

12. Repeat steps 3 – 8 again for specification sheet 101-FE-201.

The value P0 should now appear in the Last Rev. field.

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