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Reproduced from the Apr n May n Jun 2014 issue of SAPinsider with permission from its publisher, WIS Publishing | SAPinsiderOnline.com

The Clear Path to Finance TransformationAutomating Core Financial Processes to Achieve High Performance

Clinton JonesDirector of Solution

Management for FinanceWinshuttle

Which is worse: being stranded in the desert or

lost in the forest? Often, that’s the choice CFOs

face when they navigate the road to finance transforma-

tion. Invest too little in technology and you’re stranded

— unable to reach the level of operational efficiency

necessary to develop more sophisticated capabilities.

But investing in too many complex solutions can over-

whelm your department and leave you at the mercy of

constrained IT budgets and expensive consultants.

To find the clear path to finance transformation, the key

is investing in technology that gives your team the flexibil-

ity to target the specific processes and functions that are

the most time-consuming or error-prone and the capabil-

ity to automate those processes with adaptable solutions

that are easy to build, deploy, and control (see Figure 1).

The Winshuttle Approach Winshuttle for SAP finance puts customers on a

clear path to finance transformation through flexible

automation of core processes such as journal entries,

asset accounting, and financial master records. Chang-

ing business requirements and regulations mean that

operational finance cannot be optimized once and then

ignored. Winshuttle enables continuous improvement

without heavyweight add-ons or complex programming.

Winshuttle securely integrates Microsoft Excel,

Microsoft SharePoint, and SAP systems, creating an

application environment that allows you to automate

mass data operations, workflow processes, and other

ERP operations. Winshuttle’s no-programming design

environment allows analysts and accountants to safely

develop solutions to automate the processes they work

with every day.

Winshuttle for SAP finance offers:

■ Managed Excel: Excel is still the workhorse of finan-

cial operations. Winshuttle solutions use centrally

managed Excel templates to enhance native SAP func-

tionality while maintaining existing SAP permissions.

■ Integrated workflow: Comprehensive process auto-

mation means connecting all the parts and people

involved in a particular transaction. Winshuttle

workflow lets you model the entire process, collect-

ing data and mandating approvals before executing

the final SAP transactions.

■ Rapid time to value: The no-code development

environment lets analysts and accountants design

and implement their own solutions for SAP systems

within a secure framework established and main-

tained by your IT department.

Find out more about how Winshuttle can put

you on a clear path to finance transformation at


FIGURE 1 q The clear

path to finance


To find the clear path to finance

transformation, the key is investing in

technology that gives your team the flex-

ibility to target the specific processes and

functions that are the most time-consuming

or error-prone and the capacity to automate

those processes with adaptable solutions.

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