
Post on 15-Jul-2020






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.'-.----------------------------------------------------------------------.. Z Week HI 16th Biennial JACL (onvenHon - Sacramento: Jl1IIlIIe 28 • July 2 .

Puhlisbed Every Week - Uk Fri~y, J"n~ 17, 1910


I . convention cans

~ t l men of vision

( GRESSMAN (A L AIlE liON 10 Future of llJeS.·JapaD1 t,ie torn apan; Kishi calls off Ike's vis~t:

Thi' rna, app ar to bl'

a unkUld , t ~t 111 nt to


W'\ II1NG10 ,'n H t; agal llst SUl'rumen· 1\ II .lohn r': r.IIN 10,. CRill I

t.(. but the fault he' not Insl \\l'l,k inYilld thl <l\t . 'nOon 0 1 Ii. ('olll·o,:uI'.- in till COJl.-"!.!. t

U1<' h'rlh"I'lllillK 16th Fhcllninl Nil' iOllal Clln\'l'ntion 01 thl' .ltlplll1l· I \nwi kiln Ci!i7.\'I1. 1.l'IlJl Ul tu bl ll'ld at th 11011'1 f..J Durllcln II'

with them, Our national

,A L CO il\' nhon due to

tl n lune 28 !nll'l b

aOf ut the "rno t d ad~

lin ext 'nde i" affair in

lA L annals We dOIl'\

m mb r running sO

any noli'e calling at­

iention 0 often to thi

:iH 1.

;'\(,1",11lH'lIlo. ("altf .. Jun, 28 tn Jul) t. bv ,·.Il·ndlng hi!' T('m ,,"k, In lh~' "ongn:~ iOllll1 Rl'C'.ord, o.lIdOl' luurnnl I Ihl' h-dt'ral IHWmnkl'l'

Thl' populal' ,Young Congr '.<;m;ln. whl> \\'/1 ' I·.~~ It.ell'<i 10 thl' ellt'r,'''' 86th Congr(' . two ~'C r 1((1. /II ,

'l·in nnmlllAtcd b\" bolh lh Dlml~

l'l''the 'Ino Ih'pubilclln pi.rti,·. lin· dl;'r 'ulifnl"ntll.': larmcr uniqlll

t:: dimes are ~ros Win :y · !l'm . (lIO Iltn\ "1111

U'''~ t: lh host com milt e hi:! 1"11: CilpllOI cil\" i ' 1/1 " cirill" . .1 pproprill It.' "ill' 1'1 thl .I.>\CI. Cm; J ad) But tho e to vl'ntion. lor no olhl'l' tat. in th

\ hom th deadline conn- Union, ha: hud mon' inlirnillt

I ;l.SSnCWlIon with J\ m n ans til .J '

{erns are not moved. panest? anc~try on lh.· t'ontllll'ntni

:?mce the parley 'tarts ml:unl.lnd. thnn C.lllom! , Tcxlay '_ th 'ddl f th it IS e, timutl'd Ihat ollc·h:llt '"

• e ml e 0 e mono of nil f r II or ,Jnpunl"\ WEek, getting an airline .lnce Ir:,' 1'1;' idln~ on the '.S, mall!

He 'et for acramenlo j lllnd Ii\" in CalifornIa," , . . Repre 'nting COIUSIl, GII:nn. Sac-

Hbouldn t be as diffIcult ramen to, Sutter, Yolo, nnd Yuba

L! trying to reserve a seat countit', Congr(.'s man !'>10, s Is pt'r son a Il,\' known 10 many ~i d ill

for homeward trip 0 er an around the ,I(,'ramnlo Hft1

the July 4- holidays On Fourth Term

We have a eeling that ion. _ 10

'In l. ' A. ('mill.,· in 1948 IIno rc' 1"~'ll'd IWn "PIll lut'T Hi W/l

',," I'I,'n to Ihl' 8'ln1 Cllnlll'I'sS in 1!1~2 ,I no I ' pr< '.I' I1t1~ ' ~l' ,.vrng hj ~

fourth l'II Il '<l·(· UtlVt· ll' rtll Ill' l ~ 11

1n"111 bl'l" of both till' lIuu ,w IlItl' l" l,tll' lind £"OI"ll(n l\mllTIl'I'C'l' COin B\' HARRV BOND .. \ I

Itllll"I' "nel o( 11ll' }IOU i(' (;()vl'rn· Th., fond wl s h e~ l'Xprt· .. eel by tnt'1l1 OpI'rnti(.n Cnmnlll\Pl' lie Shlj(!() WakHlnats lI , n,.tlOn,,1 JACL h ... arm..-i 1I1111(1nlli l"L'nuwn ii, Ihl pn'sld"nt, tll PH·.rd(·nl Eb nhow-I 'hllilnl 'ln or III. · I"'l:i.t! s ubc·om· Clan the ,'vc o( hI. dcpartur(' mill"I' of til<' (;"vl'l'I1nlPnl 0rwrtl· In , t WI'('k rOl the l"ar J::a~l, m· :lOll. C(>I1111111I",' (hill Ita. lind 1. dudlng J,I)'lan, hav!' a muffled rlOg I ill\'\'stig:ltmg ".CCII'CY" in Inforlon· tudav I 111111 II, Ih., public .md 'VI.'II to I Nf'w of thl' KI"hi ~o\'(!rnrnent,

COlIgr".;. 01 ,'Xl'I'utiv" nnd HClmi l ll~' pu.tponinl( fhl' Ei cnhower visit tl'lItin' I"wnd,' j bl'PII\!. (' of vlolf'nt leHlst dem"n·

Thl' W" hihglun JACL 0(111.'1' n'· s \rilti(jl1 ~ WClb ('almly rceeived b.\" ft· I' ~ \ hlln II lin,' of thl' "bl ... t Itll' While HOllst' party as it was lind 1.11'. t likl'o c Il J(r('s~m!'n whu prl'pndilit to I (lve Manila ycster­,11'1\ ha \,.'1'/1 most t'ooj)t'l"atlvl d(j~'

NAME 442ND VET HEAD OF IKE'S HONOR GUARD HONOIJULU.-Lt. Col. Edward M. Yoshima:;u. a much-dccorakd v!'teran of the 442nd Rcr, wa9 appointed this week by Governol' Quinn as commann('r of the hon­or guard that will greet Presi· dent Eisenhower (n his arrival here June 22.

Yoshimasu i~ b::Jtta lion com· mander with the National Guard 2981h Field Artill ry. wllh lhl' or ,00l?!.I;un in ll'gisl'ltlvl ll'hl's (rom Tokyo Pitrl)'

I1wllt-l" )( ('one III tu Arn(!r1Cnns ! Thill , dlt )' t·xpl<lIncd tht wa~ of .Io»anl·W HnCl!SII'Y. po. won d bcc.-!lusl' the Japanese (' fhl d I

Th ... , C"hfornilul not,'d thilt "Sinl'\.' govcrnm ... ·nt feared for Ebcnhow· JOU an ers give Wul'!d W,1l II, th,' l!.!gi luLlv!' hal1 ~ er's .'a /(:ly A grim-fi.lCL>d primo;:

III Iht, SInh' HOlls!.! which '>n(;l mini. ll-r KIshi callp<i in lI('wsmen over $3,000 10 H.'lo sp"w n,'d ).>t'rsl'cution of thl' Japa and silld the postponement was due

tCunlmued oil Palle 51 to whHt he cilllcd a Communist-' Tid I W f d inspIred effort to de.'troy demo. ' I a ave un cratlc prucedure 10 Japan , I

Joe Kadowakl' I Presid(!nt Eisenhower was to ar· . . ri\'\.. in Tok\"o Sunday. SpecIal d onat lon~ of $1,000 each

'Phe whoie future of U.S .. Japan by K ~. n Kono, operator . of Ken(!

named candl"date relatIOns ioS now thrown wide open Haw8n, and .T ed Igasa kl of I ~ -a devdopment certain to be wel- T . Produce klcked ~ff the Hawaii

for JACLer award ('om d by internattonal Communist Tid~1 Wave ~und Dnve m South~rn leaders. Cahforma thls week at a meeting

fo'urthcr comments from waka.1 of former I slander. at the DaTUma.

t EO 16th Bienn.ial will lJe California mat u, if they are 10 be made.' ~nother 52,200 was ackn~,:"ledged

Jot' Kudowakl 40 , of Clevclnnd will bt' published next w/;'l.k . yesterday by . the Ha~au Tidal ( !'!£! of the "smaller " con- wa~ announc('d thl' wt'ek ~ the The sel' i e~ of demons trations, W.ave Fund Dnve comrruttee hom

lOS ANGELES NISEI third cnndidnte lor tht· "JACLt'1 which reSUlted in the dealh oj .:me Hir?mu Hala. S3OO; Dr: Tsutayo HmUons m terms of num· of the Biennium" Dr . Roy Nishi· Japanese co-OO, who was trampled IchlOka, $250 ; .Sabur~ ~ldo, S2S0;

HS. but "more intimate" ElECTED TO PARTY k<lwa. national chairman of thl to death in front of the Parliamenl Ernes t Iwasakl , $~OO. KIYO Yama· JACL recogllltions committeI' in building. and injury to over 600 to, $100; Mac SaItO. S100: Jamt"11

~~ a result. With such COMMlnEEMEN POSTS making the announcl'ment~ remind· students and policemen, can only Ito. Sl00 and Mas Igas!1ki, $50.

in!!Tedients as California I Victory in thE: .June 7 primaric~ (·d lhat nonnnatlOns wlll close be construed as "violence" and In the absence of Eddie Yamato, he. . was not WIthout Ni ei candidates. June 20. I now tear that With this taste :~ one of the ini~iator .s of the l~al

o pltahty, Sacramento Three Republican committe!.!men PrevlOu. h' nam(.'<i were Roy Ya- victory. the future of democracv m~)Vement, whIch IS cooperating nthusiasm and JACL were voted inlo the Central R(.~ mnde:a 01 EIl~1 Los Angel es JACl in Japan i: very dim . . WIth ~he Los Angel ~s JACL region-

. publican CC'I1mlttet' and onl< Oem· and f. rank Oda of Sonoma Counly Text of Wakamatsu ' God" ed al offIce, Saburo Kldo. former Hilt} ('(lDVt!ntlOn traditions, the ocrat was re-elecled to the County JACL, message to Eisenhow;r is J:nd reSident, presided at the meeting. J6th Biennial will be one Dem.oc~'ilic Central Committee I Among the: organizers of the on Page 4. • In ~rder to let th~ people 01

Solchl Fukui and Ken Utsuno- Cleveland chapt~r rn 1948, Kado- Hawall know that mamland delegates would glad· miya of the 40th DIstrict 'Down. wak l has be!.!n a n inspiring leadel nese wish to extend their sympa-Jy recall for its highlights, town and East Los Angeles! and in both the chapter and Midwest DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM t~ie s for the disaster, it was ae-

d Taro Kawa of the 51st Dislric1 Dlstnct Council, of which he wa COMMITTEE INVITES JACL clded that a general appeal be

f~'J accomplishments. 'Monterey Parkl were unopposed . elected chairma n last September made to .al1 persons of Japanese "Decisions for Tomor- Democrat Art Takel of the 40th A' chapter board chairman In J958· TO PRE-CONFAB HEARING ancestry m Southern California jn

1(.,\.\ " convention theme, District was al.~o unopposed. 59, membership reached an all· SAN FRANCISCO. _ Invited b" the name oC the committee. Fukui was re-elected lor hh tIm e hIgh . He initiated an advisory National Democratic Committee Fred Taomae and Fred Matsuo

mayor may not jgnite second two.year term while Utsu· board composed of promi nent and Chairman Paul M. Butler to appear were named publicity directors. ciiscussions to match the nomiya and Kawa are serving theit community-minded citizens outSide before its platform hearings to be Donations for the Hawaii Tidal

initial term. the Japanese community to assist held in Lo" Angeles June 17 wave Fund may be mailed to the i( rrid temperatures out· the cha.l)ter ex~end itself Into the National JACL Headquarters re: JACL Regional Office. 258 E. ht b~de the air-condjtioned TAKEMOTO ELECTED TO larger communtty ionly one of its ponded by naming Frank Chu. St., Los Angeles 12. £1 Dorado. But delegates ~lnd in JACLJ . The . chapter, . duro man. JACL legal counsel. to re re- I. To au~ent the fund, Ken Kono

DRAFT COUNTY CHARTER mg hiS tel'ms o( offIce, f1oUTl~hed sent the organization. P IS a~surmng. all elCpe!lses for a helping to fonn them will I\UBURN.-Kay Takemoto, long. In Vllrrous phases ~f programmmg: The advance platform hearings speCIal benefIt ~~au bemg planned hammer decisions that time Placer County JACLer , wa~ pu}>l~c relations, mtra-community will concern the mselves in par1 at Kono Hawau on July 10, 1·{j

0lected June 7 as one of the 15 ;' ." u's, IOlln Club, scholars hIp, Bul· with civil dghts Butler revealed p.m: ~e Los Angeles JACL Co­{an weather the seasonal [reeholders to draft a charter (Ot etm,. antJ-discrimination and de- "As one of the ' important citize~ or<imahng C(;lUncil ~s ~sponsorin.g Or unseasonal d b Placer County l amatlon. . OI'ganizations concerned with issues the luau. Film distnbutor Fr~d i ays e- The Gold Hill growel' fini shed Kad?wakl remodeled the MDC which wiJI be covered in the M~tsu? also plans ~ sta~e an m-ore us in the new de· e i~hth in the fie ld of 27 ca ndidates a.dmlmstration a Ion g functional Democratic platform, we would tel nahonal show WIth bIg DalPe

lade. That JACL is trying <.>Oiling 7,077 votes. The top ma~ lJ!1 es . upon assumption of office as welcome an expression of interest I talent.

t hart lOlled 9,325 votes: the 15th man dlstnct chairman. He has insisted on your part as to whether a ------ * ------

() C a course to be on stronger. communication lines "epresentative of your organl'zatl'on '1.193. They have a year in which D A l ' E S

("overed within the de· 0 draft a charter. among t~e e.'ght member chapters would des ire to be heard," the in· (ade _ and not a bI·en. of. the dIstrIct covel'i ng as many vitation said in part. ---------*---------MIdwest states-and it has resulted {lJum or two--making it Four vying to represent in closer ha rmony and cooperation. NAME CHANGED FOR JUNE l~Extended dtadline for entrlet

This noml'na tl'o ' I TID'" WAVE In JACl Essay Contnt: "Our Role as Ja .... -meaningful enough to Long Beach in Nisei Week n was unanrmous y ~ FUND DRrvE nese American Youth in the Future of JA.

supported by a ll MDC chapters . CLEVELAND.~Name of the JACL Cl". limited to youth between 16~21, 800 .. €ndure and capture the ',ONG BEACH. - Four finalist ~ is na tion al chairman Hawaii Disaster Fund has been 1,000 words. Submit to Eugene Okada, con .. bearts of JACLers and Nere named for the "Miss Harbor" of the JACL r)l'ogram committee, changed to the Hilo Tidal Wave test chillrman, 322 "0" SL, Sacramento.

'ueen contest. the w~lner repre· recently appointed national chair- F' d hi I ()thers is the su bstance of ;enting the Harbor Area in th<. ,"an of the J ACL Ha waH Di sa~_ tel' rlen s p Fund, it was announced JUNE 2G--Extended deadline for nom-

today by fund chairman Joe Ka· Inations for "JACler of the 8iennium" . .tbe theme. ·nnual Nisei Week queen contest. ;'~ und drive, and a national com· dowaki . upon advice of Congress- Send to Dr. Roy Nishikawa. 234 S. 0lIf0nt

They are Diane Matsumoto, Kiyoko mitteeman on e lection procedures. man Inouye. I Ave. , los Angeles. By participating in

th~se deliberations June

28·July 3, you will be

Ct m 0 n g the JACLers

who have pioneered-as

the Forty· Niners who

were lured by gold - in

J.960 because you saw a bright future in what

jACL stands for: a Better

American in a Greater

America~-H;K .

'1akamura . Keiko Sato a nd Joan Born in Santa Ana, Calif.. the fakenouchi, a ll l8-year s-old . nominee is head purchasing agent JUNE 2G--Final deadline for JACl Con ..

Contes t chairman Dr. John Ra. for the W.A, Jones Optical Co.. 21 SANSEI COMPETING vention pre-registration, $25 package deal; h ' b f wflle to Mrs. Bel'. !\anul. 100 "P" St..

> Iwa ara said they will be in. 01' the past eight yearS, a member tN SEAFAIR QUEEN RACE Sacramento. c,.'· roduced to the judges' committee of the Optical Guild of Cleveland his Sunday at the spacious home and a m ember of the Al Koran r Dr. and Mrs. Fred y , Fujikawa, Shrine.

Final judging will take place be· ----------'ore the coronation dinner~anc e

Tune 25 at the Lafayette Hotel. Judges are Mrs . Ellen Krec. Ted

iCrec of KTIV Studio ; and Miles 5:. Sines, Press·Telegram manag. ing editor,

Reservations for the din n e r­danc.e are being handled by Martha Takade ("HEmlock 7-11~).

Annapolis appointee SEATTLE.-Sukimatsu Arima, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sumio Arima, former publishers of the prewar North American Times, has been accepted by the U.S. Naval Aca, demy at Annapolis. He is presently serving in the Navy.

(Special to Pacific Citizen) SEATTLE, - Twenty-one Sansei girls will vie for the honor to represent this c,ommunity during Seafair and other eve n t s throughout the year, Chairman Frank Hattori announced this week,

The title "Miss Nisei Centen­nial" will go to the candidate to be chosen, She will have a court 01. tour princesses.

JUNE 24-Because of the Convention, PC copy deadline for columnists and new!> ilrticles, for July 1 Pacific Citizen issue.

I JUliE 3G--Elrtended deadline for 1%0

JACL Scholarship awards. One nominee per chpater; send to JACl Headquarters, 16!4 Post. St., San Francisco 15, Calif.

AUG. 15-Deadline lor Hilo Tidal WaVfo Friendship Fund, $17.000 national gOlll, public invited to contribute, send caN OC'

JACl Heaaquarters, It134 Post St., SaI\ Francisco IS. Calif.

2- PACIFIC CITIZEN Fridi.y. June 17, 1960


1l lIlt' 5I p at~ t ' qU'. I ionl1:tir' frolll the In 0·7 0

JA L 1'1,I1\\in 'Olllll)t,s lon looks t'llmplical d ,lilt! im·

p(.) ' ing, i\,.' bccH\se the purplI l' is l'q\la\1y so ... With

• n ur~t.'nl ph.'a lrolll the Planning Commission ill hi· fag to haYt' qncstilHll1aircs alls\\'l'l'crl h.' JIllll' 15, dlap,

t r prt.':idcnt ' and (II her' who have reu'j\'l'd I hctl1 \\'t 11

appredal the pt'cssing la 'k fadng Ih' OOllllis ion 10

cl. '~ ify and tahulatt' Ihe all \\' r ' in time for pr"scnla' lion to Ihe " aliona! ollncil ltlcNin." JUll) 2~l.. J uly 2 al ~alTamcl1to .

Thi' i th qUI."tiollllairt' which \Va. to havt' bee n

pr pared ill time for pl1hli 'alion in the Pacific 'ilizen in

the hope that the gencralllH.'mher'hir might :1ssi I t il ' hapter I ader: PC r gr t it i, n't able to play thi role.

If the d\apt ~r ha ' di cn ed ,IA L Planning over

the pa t ~ Lar , It should encounter Utll ' diHiculty wit h the que tion , Inlended a. th chapter" "final OPPOI"

tunit) " (0 participate In preparing the Planning "om·

mis ion ' report to th com 'ntion the que tionnaires _eeks information and xperient: . related to the gen·

eral J . CL program. Two more aI''' to be mail d, which will ask for opinions and \ie\\ s on a number of i' ues and problem and on considerations on JA L adminis·

tration, budget and organization a they relate to the Iuture program,

The fir t ection, which reached our d k :Monday, ask how far the chapter ' have adhered to th .J L

preamble: .. ... to fosler and spr 'ad the true spirit of Americani-m, to a imilate and integrate our-ch'e ... to promote the welfare and aid in the development of a ll America ns of Japanese extractions" ; and 10 JA L pur· poses: "promote and fosler Americanism a' a nOll·parti· san and non·sectarian , . . promote good l:itize nship,

to strive for freedom of all Americans of Japane e an· cestry. to furth er the assimilation of aU members in our national life, by encouraging activities and programs for

the fuUillment of these purposes" Questions are either yes or no or multiple choice

to show extenl 011 JACL's concern in public relallOns, both internal and external ... A key question dl:!aUng

with international relations asks: would your chapter be in favor of making needed changes to permit JACL to function more effectively in dealing with matters reo

lated to U.S.·Japan affairs. The Commission points out that the present policy has created unfortuna te and 111-

barrassing delays upon lhe national staff ,. Because chapters 111 recent years have begun to re ·focus its pro· gram to meet the needs of their local communities, the questionnaire surveys this fie ld of community relati ons

with greater detail t han other topics cover ed in the first section.

Regarding the future of the Washjngton J ACL of­fice , the questionnaire has a two-fold question: what role does the Washington Representative and Office

play? and whaL role should the Washington Representa· tive continue to play? in 11 suggested functions . . . These are: 1) provide leadership in formulating JACL legislative policy, 2) implement .JACL legis lative pro· gram, 3) serve a 'watch dog' role in Washington, 4)

make available on r equ est r esear ch material and infor­

mation to member s, 5) assist chapters on special needs or requests of members, 6) accept and process references r elated to legislative· legal matters received from mem­

ber s, 7) influence and support legislation helpful to per· sons of J apanese ancestry, 8) influence and support legislation or government plans thereby strengthening U.S.·Japan relations, 9) influence and support legis· lation beneficial to all Americans, 1Q) perform goodwill

and public relations functions, and 11) speak for Japan· ese economic interests.

Other relate to discrimination, youth program, scholarship, chapter program and service.

We shall summarize the other sections of the questionnaire in our next column. Abe Hagiwara , exe­cutive secretary of the Commission, and his com· mittee are to be commended for a job well done!



Sacramento ~n '60

By Stirling Sakamoto

--. BrUlter LOI Angel ••

Burin.5I·Profession. ' GUiH · -- -. t .tfl llm.l I Inri ustri l Fund A Mul.u .1 J1'un d

Ou a~ " h l a!1,I<:I-M I t ,I> U Wllte C' , • Dt~ tr ll' M ' [I til •

III 1'1 ~ r YJ Peel!') (rtl M H.46!e

:Fuji Rexa!l Drugs r'JtfoCrlpU"1l 13p"CI . ttN

E1llfHEN H [( '{ :iotA ZOO E. !Tst !:it - MA 8-519"7

NHi.. ..Il.PANESE il MSI~ICAN NEWS 32~ E. 2nd 5: L·" A"~-. es 12

MAdiso" l. L4 'l5

tHo ROY M MI510fiKAWA S~~C t' 1109 i ' C J ill.J;~ Lenses

234 ~ OJlord (4, D J 4·74CO

• • Sacra 9 ·0

B dnus·Profesliol1a! Guide · -------

CHEn-Iii: no:> tth .il"tj P ';


l 'b J,\f, ana Rlv", J~ B lvd .

L & M CO. X."::-<.Tt N'!'5t;{tJIM>\

m~ - loth St. GI 3-134&

Royal Florist ( W~:s fo r Ail O CC13l0ru"

:::-:; ) · JIlth _1 .• Gl 2·37·I-R,V HJ g~

TIutime Wateh Shop Guaranteed a .,pllir W-'rll: I:lAMOND SPZq .>. LlST

Tak T .. k~u~n: 1l::8 - 7th St. Gl 2-8'7111

~ tl k l yakl - CMp S :! ~y OJUl 11 - 11. C !oJs~ d l.loaday

~ ::]7 - lOti' St - C f IH)23J ......................... ............................

It i now (. 'nclly 11 marl:' day T(·gist r rIght now. They tell m t LOS ANGELES JAII1NESE CASUAL TV unlll ooening day, June ~8. "C" , thi, girt it~m is r~al ni ce to ta kf INSURANCE ASSOCIATION D:tv I Ct :wentionl I cia t'r than home as on Convention m e m ento you think , Final pl'ejJlJrations are I The B rid g e Committee wi/ ' almo t cOIl1",lett'(l Hnd the Conven· award many t roph ies to va ri ou~

-Complete Jn Sl.l(l1c~ P" ttct ioll-

Ion Board ha s IIlforme<i me that winn",rs, it $('cm s. According t AIHARA INs.. AGY. A·ttara·Omatsu-Kakita only minor dctails nl'ed ' l'rucing Dr. George T a ka hashi. t here will 114 S. San PedrJ .. . MA 8-9Q41 up ·b.'tor· the Sacrumcnto Chnptei bl' CU!J.' for No~t h..s ':-l t h. Eas t·~ esl ANSON T. FUJIOKA. ROJm 20b g<:ls relldy til gn:ct hundreds 01 wmners a nd IndiVidual trophies 312 E. 1st SloMA 6-4393. AN 3-1104 oHicwl deil:g:lles. boost<.'rs <Ina 1\l rs. George Alferitz. :iirector 01 I J ACLel's tu the EI Dorado Hotel Sacramento Contract Bridge Club. FUNAKOSHI INS. Aey. ;:uoakoshi .Manaka- I

".nnvl!lltion hl'adquartl'rs fr)r thl a~l a membl! r of the ~o n t r a~ 1 I Masunaka, 218 JA ~~ S;;~ ~ o HO 2-1A"'" five day meet. Bridge League of Am e rica, Wi ll 0 .......

We're . till getting inquides a~ d irect the entire prog r a m . HIROHATA INS. Aey. 354 E. 1st St., 10 what tu wear in Sacramento Dr Takahashi a lgo wishes to a n· I MA a· 1215, AT 7-8893 and the dress needed fOI' tl'.c mall) nounce that who ever has· HIROTO INS. Aey. 3 13~; E. lst St. of thc events scheduled for thl slOn f the Na tiona l JACL Bnd g~ I RI 1,2396, MA 4-0753 16th Bienni'll ConventIOn Tournament Cup, dona ted by Hiu.

The months of June :lnd J uh' ra Brother s, i:; asked to contact INOUYE INS. AGV .. Narwalk-a vou know, an' summer month's I Mas Salow in San Fra ncisco sl' l 15029 Sylvanwooj .l ve. .. UN 4-5774

The Convention Board as well a- ,. th at this award ca ll. be placed TOM T. ITO, Pasaaena-669 Del Monle the hot",1 manllgem 'Ilt hilS ap in thi: comi n ~ e ve nt. The De nver I SY .1·71 89. MU 1-44111 provl'd plain slacks and SPOI'l team held the CUI) III 1956 and, " shirts ' IJrillg the day. Evon lh~ I Sal t La ke City was. ltd known MI~:fUR~~X H~~~~T~ .~.o~ ter:~ ~:r;939 woml'Jl tall be r~.t1 cool with to posses. th E' cup In 1958 s impl .. ('otton dresses or skirt ano , T he Cas!: of the Missi ng Cup. Sha ll SATO INS. AGY., 366 E 1st St. blouse. In uth!'I' word ' , dress com we not ify Pt'ITY M as on ~ MA ~- H 25 , NO 5-67S7 ' (r.>I·tab)". Still sp~',lk ill g un the b ridee b u r· ............. . ......... ..... .... .. . . ........... .

But ' the Piolll'l'r Dinnt' l' i!i a nament . last M o nd a ~ "s pr e·Com'en· ' emi-rormal arran and :lIi ts f OJ tion bridge tour na m ent drew doz· men nnd dressy d ress for women ens of b l:idge fa ns. Response wa s are al)propria te. As for the M ixer . so good lhat a nothe r pre-convention the the me is Hawa iian Hol iday so tournam ent will be held on June natura lly Aloha s h ir ts. mllu muus ?O a l the Nisei Memol' ial Hall a must. Hula skir ts nlld ba re Ieel from 7 p.m. a re also okay.

The 1000 Club Whing Ding th e m ~ RESERVATIONS Is Gay SO 's a nd such item s as He r e is a reminder to those bonnets, gingha m or cotl n clothes pl a nning to a ttend some I not aU I fo r wom en and leVis or' blue jeans of the even ts . Make reservations for the m en a re suggested . The I early of the events you are plan· OUling ca ll s (or ",lay :;uits, s lacks. ning to a ttend . This i a must. sun d resses for wom e n a nd casua l E a ch acti v ity is limited and can· wear fo r th e m en s uch as jeans. vention r egis tra nts get first ca B. s lac.ks. S horts for wom e n, be r· According to the Convention m lJ das or swim s uits are okay !! Board, reservation deadlines fOl

F or the Fashion Show a nd Lun·ch· single e ve nts are as follows : con, th ere is a cha nce for you Na tiona l Recognition Luncheon ladies to wea r your ha t and dress will be open a t a ny time but in· up if you like. M en are expected dica tions to attend will be helpful. to wear s uit or s por t coa ts. Accord· Pioneer Dinner a ttendees mus t ing to MI'S. Toshi T a mba r a. who notify by June 20 ; Outing by is cha irm a n of this show. about Thursd ay , June 30 ; the 1000 Club 20 models will pa ra de in the la test Whing Ding by Wednesday noon , s ty les throug h courtesy of the June 29 , and the Convention Ban· Weins tock· Lubin Co. of Sacra· quet by Thursday, June 30. FOI m ento. the F ashion Show, June 24, i s the

T!,e Convention B a nque t is a last day . semi-Corm ... l. Cpck ta il or dress) The'e events are on a limited dresses for the wom e n and s uits ca pacity . PI'e,registrants are given or tuxs for the m e n. Sayonara firs t choice , but they too must Ba ll will follow the banquest, call· make reservations. ing for no change in attire .


POCKET NOTES Yours Truly, who is in charge Juniol' J ACL Convention Board of publicity for our 16th Biennial

leader s te ll me that pre-registrants and Public Relations chairman to the YouUl Program will be Henry Taketa wish to make known eligible for special door prizes to all the Nisei editors that press They mentioned a $15 gilt item , tables will be available for the so if I wel<! you, I would pre- I enUrf five days of the convention

Alk for •••

'Cherry Brand' Mutual Sup",," C. lAIO Dare St.

Ask WI now for tre~ tntonnatloD


Sumitomo Bank (CALlFORNlA)

440 Montgomery St.

.~ Franclsoo .EX 1-1881 I 101 S, SaD Pedro '-'''U

LIe .. Iulgeles lI<lA ..--

ltOO - tua &t. i>ntll'Jlmento Gt J~l1





- PACftfCC. CIT IZEN Friday, June 17, 1960


can line into by G<lto


the Japan ... to .:hore and and sign M not a sin£ I

v BV larry S. Toiirl

'\ath Pr fe s r Stars in Fi lrn

• • • (' t r ('lurk, ' ,' 1\ \' 1' \1 "milk!" "U ,ltl ,· lit' th,

(t1 lumbi,\ Studio, ill 1l01lpI(1t1(l last "I'"r. lit'

Itl I'OIlt' " hI> k ilt II ,00nl·thin!: nholl\ ('"I1,Hllnll'

b nee fr l/ln

in whic h

thl' prison cump ('om·

III 1Il ttl dun, ul1ifc lI'm I1d

III \PI '. 11' 1m'\! i ll " H .tll t;! , Ignlllcnt ill "Th ' (, ,II lilt

of Ihe t chnicl II, 011

(,.rmcl· U . Navy man for Ull in the N Irth P acific.

\'C el guarding the approach numbt'r of Japanc. c tnogglcrs

day. when dense log CO\'cred thl' Hpproach Jill' nese destroyt'r slipped intI) lhe h rhor. .ers and ."lled fllll sleam through the Ameri·

e open sea. The d' !royer had be n command d

lc a::l recalled thot hi commander suspected that rnJght had escaped The .hip nudged its way

tre t>3trol found food 'ull cooking on red co.1is, an habitation only minutes old. BUI there wa

na...1 lett in th Jap. nese outpost.

:\10_ • played an trick on Goto, Thc lLae were to pt"rform tl scene in which they

-drank tea t e success of their miSSIOn, In the rehear,'a b tea was uSt itt when it came to the take. MontglJmery had the prop rrl.l ~ "traight whiskey Illto the cUJjS. unbcknowns; to Goto, TIlE al1H's look of plea 'ur ble surprise W:lS registered on film.

COlO. l-o ~tame a United States citi?"," a .year ago. has 110 motion ~ t'tre ambitions as such. although hhl performance as AdmiraJ Yamamoto probably will result m more actin; offer-, He PE" his student~ at Cal Tech wil l not lose respec for htm h!J <Dey see him ;1S a Hollywood actor .

• • • 11'E;'1. ; Ec.t Kino is the la est Nisei signed for an im·

poriant 1'01(: in tbE GI comedy, "Cry jor Happy," whIch William Goetz put~ nto j.·roduction next week at Colum bia, Th ree 01 tne leading 101et already have been ass igned 1.0 J a m es Shl­geta. Miy 'til Umeki and "MIlko Taka , . . Yoko T a ni, th" Paris-born .. 1.1· 5 · .... ho has plaYlIlg lead ing r oles in two Briti h flm,. "TIlt W d Cannot Read." in whi ch she played opposite Dirk Bogan!.', and " The Savage Innocents,' in which 'he l>ortrayed Antb'.:Jj' Qu inn's Eskimo Wife, had been s i g n ~cl 101'

another film, "Pjccadilly Third Stop," . ' . Midor i IShimanou . ~hil TsuJ" fOJ"m ·.I;Y secretary to the late Mi ke Todd, is probably the only Nl;' JI'3ung woman In movie a nd show world pub­l icity. She f"ctn1Jy he lped arrangp. the tour of a .Japa nese revue to vario.JS ;;tate fair:; as a mem ber of B r oad way's Bill D oll orgam7;,~j(Jl ' , , George Takei, who had a n im polta n t role in an "fHI'l,a:ian E ye" TV segment ea rlier th is year, has the best m<,>vI!" 1 C.e to date in Edna Ferber 's dra m a of Alaska ( 'Ict' P alacl .. '

• UI Fu

'''1'h l ee Generations I11.HCBJ y,' IfI ' 1 I

'107 Tur llcl' M •• L6B AngellH

orluary of Experience"

JAMES Nt\KAGAW.o\ MA 6-5825

! . ' i m ' ~~r;a' Gardens S u kiyaki\ Restaurant

82 2~ $urnset Bl vd., Hollywood - OL 6-1750 W£LCOfRE Jj\tt.ERS - YOUR HOST; GEORGE FURUTA, 1000ER

Most Impressive Memorial • •

CITY 0111' of th,' 111 0 I IlIlpn' IVt M(·llll1ll.1 Il '1 V

• C' I v ie t' lp <I ,.lt' \\ II .. bl ' lli thi S Y( '1I1' Inr th, <' PIIl/III1I1II , Wl lh 111\

('hurt'llt's 1t' II 'P ' I ' lIkrl Yllk I ,Ikl , t' l' II t !'II 111 Ill l lll t "I" I h l S tI I J .. Ii (' Cha l'h' l' . ICkllowl ·ti l'ed Ih,' p 11 Ii · C I ~' 1\1 (111 o f Ih" " w ILo III ItI (· Ih ('I ll l'r \' 'Ill ' ' lldt a 1Il"l1IorlllJlt' I IIW Pr.' "lItill' If... I ' 1111 [" .

tIL l' Chil l'l"I' It,' I I: 'I'hfllll, \~ () ~ 1",1.

II (iu le! . 11/1 tll ilt e l I ii ,'1''(" I',ddlc o \ . 1,

( (roll1 lin II!

• • • of Tlish .md Illt '1lko Iw I nkl MlIll II'!'/I I from ll'rt I ar.· Rrolc­t II K .. wmllla (,f B u ct c1 hi s t Clturl'h. Hl ~ hop NIP!''' Ao.val(i dt'llvPI"llIj{ fill i.ddr(ss in Io:ngli sh, Hl' \' S S'lIwdll of the Budllhl t Church whll 811vI' Ihe Hc-ncdk­UIIII, lI .. v (;l·nr~ .. IIlfOS('. Ni s l'l

l'htllTh of Chri t , who gavc thl' I 11 VIlCiItICJII . (,nri Il, ·v C Ii III'ut,' J IIPIIII ,e (,hureh Ilf Chri t. wh() elo ·lfv.· ... ·rJ till me ' age rIJf thc d, y III ,Jhp;IItl St'

11 ' 11 Knill kll plllVl'd tht' 1111>5 hn h ilI trllmpet . Hnd John Kiku-1'111 fllTllng ,(I fur lh ' cily (lund Irll r k, The service cnrnmenred nl 10 a .m. It the ba of thl' NL ei W,II l'ol ernnrl,l ;\Ionumenl ;,t the City C 'me t 'ry

Japan government decorates Americans, 12 are naturalized Issei citizens

J ·tP; I!W ' Guv ,,!·n· ( ' I Erll' A J ohn Inn

mcnt I t t III CI n th ,Inll ()u nccd it tlrd", 01 II... Sacr"d ·TH·U'''". 2nd

Id .... , n,.. 11 w id G flend"r..,n ( formcl \\'t ( "eCOl'llle 2J " m 'rlean ( L2 JIlp;1n Soe!Cly Pr(o Id"n tl . I'cw \ 'o r k tlf th 11 \ n turH liled I S ' I ct II lC'1l U,du or Ih~ S:a("T"d T ... ~ ure. 3td li nd five Is CI ((10 , o f thl' n1 d('o 1'1 ~ f)'J ul/ las W o ~· , rton Idlreclnr oj CCO, dl in marking Ih[' c.:enh>nn ial J lopan Sod",,· I . N ~ w York ; Dr Kane·

","1 U S U Il IUIiI, New Yo rk ; Ryusnku uf U.S ·J"I) IIC. e oi plllm a ll c n'la· TSlInod .. ( lotm.-r d Ire c t o r oC Asian LI­II tis. T hl.' decora tion li re in th brdry, Co lum bill Un. v I. New Yurk ; II tnt: of ElltlJCml' Ih rohllo, I K<l l u,, " Muk ." Ia. L..o AnI/des: Gon·

/loro Nnknmu rn. Los (\ngct",; Erne ~ ' T he wnrdccs ,Ir e .. r"lIo '.\'1;: n . tL 'loughl "n, Ponl nd, l.r~r,,1 ("urdun .,f th... J'au,ll1wui., . Ord,or elr Ch(, 3l'rl'd TTt'~uurt". U.h

f h.1 (ltd", ,,{ Ml'fll ul Ihl' It I Inc S"O C' I" .-Kclsuburo Koda. San f·r a n c il't·o GO'" Douglus A, M c rt h \l, . N.· .... D r K o n a l Hyum"lo , Denve r; Dr, Sa,

' ·urk. d. llcht Fu r u ,octl i. 1':1 p ,t . ; Glln jl ;\11 , (lr,IN o[ Ih.· Hi Inc SUII, I t ('In !l- h'tr". Scallie . Tnklc h, Mats uok H. New

Wil li 11\ R CasU!! J r .. Hol.ll'rl 0 I\-i" r· York: Will i III F . DeVin I lor on" I

pi1\' nnd J r, !!ph It G r,," 11,11 (or lllc ' (1I"YQrl, Sel,lIle US .. llIb ,dUn! lu J P III I),d,'r "I Ih" ~'Ned Trl·II'"r~. 5th

Ord"r or Ihe H.hlne ~lIn . ':nd ( ' la CIA . ')"suneit Chino, Chula \'i."I .. EUJI 1\' 11 Do"", •• n I tonnef count' ,I" , Set ugo S"kr.n oto. FT no: Elkichl 10 S. Emba ~ In JaplIlll O k !~ 'ltrn ll , Se;,ltle: Shlgelo TamJyasu

Or.! .. r uf th", s.1 .. "d '1 r"h ,ur . 1" Po, tI .lnd, ftc" U G, Murph~ ' I t Ol"l n"r

Southwest L.A. JACL names r. ' r queen candidate TI"ror.. itll IIV! or low I'I"0wd ot

ov,.r !lOO J1' 1'1;,,118 . (' ill Illy n Kiku· lI111r;o Wfl 'TIIWnl'rJ I;,~I .;;,turday I1lght I.t 1111 ()Id Dlxll' fl. th,. neW 1'.1i l-\Illlthwl' I 1.11. AnI!:,·I, , tillling till' :Ird ,ll1l1l1al (JuNmllml' Ball, lH)(>n .( I ("(I hy lh(; SuuthWl·.t L.A. JAr'L.

J ,Ik" h<:I' JI("!'II,'/'! ~{)I" F:lilh Hi· gllril shi, who Wl'llt on to become NI '('i W",.k qlll'l'n . l S'Yf'I!I'-old C;lrolyn is a gr:,du"ll' of Dorsey lIieh S('hr.ol. lJnuwally tl,lI fl)r II Nisf·1 ~irl :,1 5 fl.·r, in., the new fjllP('n wl'ighs 122 Jbs .

Al ways into'rpst('d in painting ilnd art In gl' lI l'r,,1, Mis. Kikumura plans to aUt'nd the Art Center in Seplf'mbf'r. She look .. forward to " career as ('c/mml'rdal artist.

TI,.. n ... w Miss Southwest L,A, nccidcntally got inlo modeJling whU,· shopping and ha s appeared in the Statlcr Hilton luncheon rashieID shoW, . Work is no stranger to Cilrol, who put herself through high schonl wMking as a school g irl. She alliO works at the Fuji Drug Stnn' I)n a part time basis.

Carol, who wa~ horn in Lodi. h;t~ one younger si ter in a family or nine sister!' and one brother. Sht' reside. with hE:'r mother. Mrs. I\labuko Kikumura. 1846 Clyde Ave. The S(.outhwc. t JACL Queen Con­les t was the first contcst she ever cnlt'rcd, Serving on the dance and tluecn committee were:

Jlln liill"9ht . chmn,; Faith Higurashl. Mrs. KAt s K ,n>lsuj(U . Gcorj(e FUjita, VI Nitkan" lind Georl':e Matsub<ora. 'l'om ShllnlizlI. Sam Htrnsawa and KangfJ Kunlt U~U

Hi·Co dance LONG BEACH.-Local graduate9 will be honored by the Long Beach­Harbor Hi-Co at its third annual Graduation Dance June IS. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m .. at the local Japanese community center. Kei Mochida's Hi-Fi music will play lor the dressy dress affair ,

rnlsslnnary to Japan). Seattle. Ord"r oC Sacred Treasure, 6th C~

-Shlg(:~o Nakao, Honolulu . y,' lIow ,R ibbon !\ledal-:l.lasamJ Sasa.

kl. Los Angeles, Woudl'n Cu p-The late Kazuhei Tsu­

kasa. New York.

Among the persons of Japanese ancestry. Tsunoda. Matsuoka, Chi­no and Nakao were Ii ted as J apa­nese subjects, All the others are natul'alized citizens.


Book new ror these $ailings from San francisco to Honolulu, Yokohama, Manila, Hong Konr, Kobe:

SS PRESIDENT CLEVELAND-Aug. 15 t SS ~~E;I~O~ ~~ g ~~~~~~! . 9) Sept. 7 -~\ii.Utti~S'lJ;hl'Wt'" SS PRESIDENT HOOVER· - Sept. 17 --W _'~ ' III.Ii.llltlll ••• _I:'II.I~~"""~.Ili.III.I. 1_1i.1M •• ". iII_ilr-r SS PRESIDENT CLEVElAND - Sept. 30 .. ·first Class only ."


4--:-P (':'1:1. CI nZEN Fri y. June 17, 1960

_ ........ ,,,.. . .................................. ; .............................. ··············_·1

--=-a.,ve,UdeHU e~itpte'e i

BY SHIG WAKA i\'rsu 1


tlH.' me' '\g cti p:l t 'Ill'd .Illne

1 . , kll' of ,lapmll" iliZt' l\s Lt'aglll'.

tH ,;1 M , h al" of .Iap;'IIll' m 'c'tl'Y anti mallY of

, hom :en 1 Ul'i r your l'UIl\Il\'\m\ in World W:11' II III

t IS mission

l' H\\m nd YOU r COl1ra :wcl sbll'Slll;ll\'

hlp lI\ ) ur detl'lltlina litlll to \ 'i~il our \Iil'S in the

1"u' I'acifi • i durlmg .Japan. "hen I'e 01'1 from 1'01 yo tndi att' t lWll d and ldtist rioting against yOlll' ,lr·

d\'al a,:,ail ' ratifk,l l ion · of Mutuul oopcralion :1l1ct

<.: 'l'Ul'ity Tr~n '/. and ngolll't n lti ~O , · mlllent \Y \ b Ilc\e dl'lHOl\s lrator :\1' not rt'pres nlatl\'c

f \ ~ 1'\\ h b lin majority of Japan 'c peopk whom WI'

KUO" an~ r t~fu l to Amen 'a for all \~ have done to

ht?lp In pu' ,'".11' I on tm 'tion ~U\d rehabllitation. We re c nfid~n t th3t It J. pa lle 'e p opl would

_ top and c r ';Jer what th ir plight \\ ould be und r Sino­

ovid domino. i~ l\ . th y would even mol' enthusla tl I· I unders '10 merican molive' and mt rest · III ,la·

pan. :\Iay 'he \ 'Oll friendl "eleom at \' ry land·

ing and ~ pre hope that . merk:\" tnend U\ Japan will rally t.o u pport your good will nllS 'ion for peac

and ~ cur~ty \ 'th freedom in the Pacific. _. -........................................... -..... .-.-..- ... _ ............ " .......... _" .............. .

By the Board ~ .- ... .,.- ....... ~ ............................... ................................. -...... -

8y am M sumoto, N.t'l 1 Club Chairman

, w .. '! t:hwu to ban!!: out r ':ubty the t;it column befor~ the ';).)!llle!ltion. I feel like th~ IMounCer on the r dio

bo i to:.> is Tt.>unding third 3nj heJthng tor homt.'. With. o:\l.y ,1 couple of week; to g,), I earn:; h3roly po •

sibl€ 0 rt!Ol' our goal of 2,000 memoe • h()wever ( know ~\ler ;:one all ver the country h s d .le their best and yours truly. a" y)~: ·.ltional Chairman. i' very h ppy and apprecia­tive ci yo>l1.: efft>rts. r would like to mention a few n.amtl~

but :.eing , coward aDd alraid that [ may miSS onl:_ Yet I we ld like to> thank each per.:on who has gone out and donE: such a s ... ·ell job in trying for our 0 I.

J ~ has been aid that is is impossible to reach the 2.000

mar,;; to m~, It is just a matter of time when we will have tbat :;umbc!: In fold. r certainly ho~ by the 17th Biennial Com ~::Ition we can say that "we dood it."

..-"::hough \I'e did not reach our goal [ tbmk ·ome of the reco:-cl.; 'Ne made the past two year' are worth mentioning Firs~ of aU. t.»ay we have an all·tlme high of 1.tOO plu, sec!) .. .:Ily. in tne month of May we had the largest number of W:'.<J Clu,;}~" T>a.ving thei.r dues. Of course. that included the _ ....... comer, ror a grand total of 2l6-the largest in the histcn y of the 1000 Club. With other thanks. a bouquet should go to the Natio:lll staff member' for their elforts in our suc· cess

(:'I the eve! of the 30th of June. the 1000 Club Whlng Ding Nill start from 6 p.m. at the spaciou' Governor's Hall at ti:e State Fairgrounds. According to George Tambara. chair­man )f l:!Ie event we are going to have the time of our lives Ge<)rg~ tells me that we have several Barber Shop Quanets as well as a few skits trom the talented 1000 Clubbers. I ucderstand ali() that there will be many other surprises that will ~e for your enjoyment. To top off the evening they have secu:€d the f bulous Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five to round out b.e evening's entertainment. rt seems to me that we j_ $t can't afford to miss this so I hope to see yout here.

Gdting back to the quota of 1000 Clubbers. do you think we ~an mak'~ be 1.500 mark? With a Little added effort I thin ~ we call. Anyway, let's try gang!

Empire Printing Co. 1!ngllah .. nd Japa.oe:n


t 14 wCJrr()ll' St., Los An9IIH 12 MA 1-7060

VISIT JAPAN - HAWAII Let lJH AffaBre Your Trip by SeA or Ail' wtu. OW' lO Years ExperieDce k Tn.-el Serrica

The Taiyo-Do SEA·AUt


1?1 I'l!lIot First Street LO!I AaI:Jeil 1%, Caur praQtl~ : (XJA Z·1367 MA %.(330) • ~fJ. PArllview 8-10'1'

.- SALES DEP.U'QIEN'.t '"'-

Stationary .. OHie» Suppl~ . .

Sf'W • 'dbrllok JA(,I, cltapl«-r cabinet and beoorl'd /CUf' t" 1 r('cent In tallaUon cerf'mllrue!'l are (from

if'Iil Roberi .·uyuum . 1\1..... Klyoml Nakamura, ~Uke Mlnato. ;\fn. ~1a . atada Ikeda. Helen Koba· y ,.hl. uut(olnC' pre' Icl.~nt Kf'II:1l Inouye. Taro Y.a·

koyama, Dr. Paul Morita. Mayor John J. Spoltore of BridCe-ton. president James K. Yamasaki. Stat.!l ~enator Robe-rt H, Weber and WilUam Marutani. cbarman 01 Ea,tern District Council.

Cut Courtesy: Elmer Tlme:a

• • • • •


'Miss·onary department' suggested .Ior eabrook JA( by installation speaker -.

TIl n 'xl Holl..\ ..... 'ot>d J .. \CL 'ICtiV· SE!\BROOK. N.J.-F~rm3tion of a Ih' will be a Sp-I~hettl Dinnl:!r· "lnl:<lonary department" 10 the Square Dance 3t tho:! Hollywood St!' brook JACL to encourage '·oa· Community Center, 3929 Middle.! tiV<" of Cumberl3nd Countv" tc bury . l . on Sund y. June 26. ill gre3ter p3rtlcipation in community \I,' ~5 dl closll<i bv cha ptt'r pre,ldent I affair' wa, propo,ed at the in· Mike Suzukl \Ioe ·k. sta llation banquet May 22 by Sena·

u.lukl n3med Fr'd Trlom e s I tor RoOOrt H. Weber. ch. irman of th event which will Stating that "most groups need

Irt from 5 p.m. Th ch ptt1r's speaking to" in regard3 to in-1960 , I ei Week queen c)ndid ttl I cre:!. ed activitie,; in civic and Will be introduce lit thi tim~. Il.overnmental .. athlr-. the legislator . '0 I.) ~ honori"d will be ummcr propel ed that "Maybe it's aboul 1%0 Ilr;ldu:.ttes ot the area. I time that thl~ group started to

Canine for the ·qU:1re <i1nctl will. get the natives of Cumb"'rland be Fred ta cM:I~ter' or thc Cit"/ County to) know what you rolks Recreation and Park' DeT'artment . know and to live by the sta.ndard5

The public I invitll<i nnd tho e! th3t you do." pt nning to attend .;hould ca ll Su·1 He told th03 audience at Richard~ zuki It MA &-3794 or NO S-U46 Farm that the Seabrook Chaoter

nd Taom e at NO 1·0204. "h s contributed more in the sbori time that you have be.!n here

Watsonville JACl to honor graduates at barbecue

th:Jt any other group." Brid~eton Mayor John J. Spol·

tore. who inducteq the new offi· cer', praised the JACL for "thel!

WA~OXVTI LE.-The lIn nual Wat· many 3ccomp.Lishments over the sonvtlle JACL gradu'ltion steak year You should be admired bv ba rbeoue wilt be held Saturdav. all the citizens tor .showing com. June 18, at Buddhist Church hall , munity spiri t," he added. Irom 1 p.m Local high school I New President Installed gr~~u_ate' 3rt: to be honor~ Jamtl' Yama.saki became the ~u ,t.>.. An tnlormal dancE' Wlll new president. 3ucce.lding Keigo tollow with the loc:) I YB.II, in ch r~e.

The folloWing committees were appointed

Hiroshi Sh1kumu, ehmn., Tom Na· kn..e. Akira Y.'lmashlh. Loul \Ihkt Man fbmad, •. Joe Mortmolo. barbeque oem·; F r·ance Sukekane. In\'" Shll' Iilrnno. Mosako Morimoto. C •• 1'b1 V.· Iluchl . Fuml Sugldono. tlnd Mlchlkn liamMis. rood ; Tom Tao. llcket , ~(l,

T.udama. Roy Kalla. "ommy Sakala. lnd Sam SUl!:ldonn, gen . HT.

Nisei photographer shows own Japan travel films Katsumi Taniguchj , photol1:rapher

.... ( the ArUn Studio and Camera Shop. treated Southwest Los An· !teles JACL members to a color travelogue on Japan at the Cen­tenary Church last night. He re­cently concluded a 21\! months tour or Japan .

Tom Shimazu, chapter president. ')resided at a short business meet· ing. discussing the coming Na· 'Ional J ACL convention in Sacra­mento from June 28 to July 3.

Yolo youth named WOODLAND. - Jerry Nakamura. outstanding football p I aye r at Woodland High. was selected as one of four Yolo County delegates to Boys State in Sacramento on J'Une 18-25.

rrw Thfong, J IlptJ'fle ••

Gut. - llailazlnetl - aecotdl

THE YOROZU Whalesale and Retail

122 l.O', St., S.cramento 14

Promp~ MaiZ S~

New Jersey Sansei wins top prep school post

BERGENFlELD. N.J.-Bryan No­gaki, son of Mrs. Florence Nogaki and the late Takeo Nogaki. was elected president of the Student Con(ress. the hi!thest student office in the Senior Hlgh School.

(n the elections at which 717 ballots were cast. Evelyn Yama· shita. dau~hter of Mr. and Mrs. Susumu Yamashita. was chosen secretary.

Nogaki. vice president of the Student Congress. received 462 votes. Miss Yamashita. who is a cheer leader and active in school affairs. had 434 votes. Both are juniors.


AWARDS 2 SCHOLARSHIPS T. W 0 Sa .... sei June graduates.

Juha S. Hlrosawa of Ro:>seve!t High and Roy M. Nakaiye of Gar. field High. we~e presented the second annual East Los Angeles JACL scholarships this week. ac. co~ding to Roy Yamadera. scholar. shlp committee chairman.

Chapter president Mrs. Mable Yo.shizaki awarded 18-year-old Na. kalye the scholarship. He plans to become a pharmaci.>t. Miss Rirt>­sawa. ~bo plan!;;, to study medicine. was gIVen her award by ~enior

class counselor Mrs. Orion Nichols.

Insurance accountant

. . pGrcQ .•. &\BOLD :O&A.D.&

SALT LAKE CITY.--Geo.~e Fuji­no, comptroller of Ideal National Life Ins~rance Co ... has been elect.. ed preSident of .t.'te newly ·.formed

. : utah Assooiation of ~'>lJl"Qnce· Ac. countants. "

fnouye. for a term or one yeu.'·' He attached a past president's -: pin to the lapel of the outgoing' president.

County Clerk Earl M .. Wescoat I

recalled that during the past 2.0. j

years he has inducted into citiu~ .• ship more than 3,500 Japanese Americans. "Of all the groullS-. there are .n nationalities-I ~ say that this group has be-en ~ most progressive."

Shike Levine. m~r ot cere- , monies. who .~ a member of t:ltto , Board of Educ.a'iQA, staled .~ the school board is appreciative­of the "abilities of the studen~ from Seabrook botb schelastic~ '­

and athletically."

He introduced Eisuke MuroQ,o. M Youth Week Mayor; Tak Okamoto, ct>-captain of the BHS football"; team. and Ray Mukoda. 'Who Won' the local chapter scllolarship 13st'! year.

The chief address was by Wil· liam Marutaoi. of Philadelphia,! chairman of the Eastern District Council. He praised the Seabrook;; Chapter for winning the 'biennium plaque in comoetition with alI chapters in the East and Midwest. The plaque was for ou1.;jtanding . accomplishments. . .

The Philadelphia lawyer urged • the audience to continue its prt>-' , gressiveness. "We are in an ige of conformity. We are afraid to" think; if you think one way you are a reactionary; if you think another way you are a leftis.t. We ' must move forward."

Also taking office were Dr. Paul Morita, Charles Nagao. first and second V.p.; Robert Fuyuume,;. treas.; Mrs. Josie Ikeda, Helen ~ Kobayashi, rec. and -cor. sees.; , Mrs. Ellen Nakamura. rust,; Mike ., Minato. Taro Yokoyama. and Akira • Kato. del. and alt. _

Members of the Board of Gov­ernors are: Fred S. Barker, Ve~ non Ichisaka. James Mitsui. Kiyt>­mi Uakamura, Shizuo Nakashiina, Jack Nakayama, Mamoru Noguchi,· , George Sakamoto, William Taguwa, and James U. Yamasaki. . .....................................•............ (









FUJIMOTO &·CO. -~. '/ 302--3OQ 50., 4TH WEST . I

SALT uq. cR'Y .4.0 ,1tNH ~1 ~: •

. TEL EJIpft C....,..· .• :If .: • . .. , --'" -"" -.' ! -................... :. ......... " ....... , ................ ~ ."


Friday, June l1J 19.~ ~ ;'PARLlEI"SETS DATE FOR '. ~-~-..I.....!;.--:-"----- . --; \ r---~--- 25TH ANNIVERSARY FETE Mldwesl 'Dllrlcl (ouncll reorganizes own

. b~d system, aalll


The Nali1o'nal Director's Report

BV Masao Sotow

rious SC-l r a . ems to mittee.

ered by each N. tion I C.) ,.

The Thursday mornin~ NJ t)l I Council 'cS ion wiU {el.tUl'e a Panel <'n dherlminati n, c iroi!d by Frank Chum/ln. P rtici. pants'include :Jhn Y ~hln ·tllf member of the Pre id~nt'" Commitlet (In aovernme!'l C ntr.t(:ts: T d M ~aoka, ::>\aff mwm· ber. Fedelal. P.o:Jsing ad H..,m~ Finance Allenc:,y: H:trul) 1 Ill· InaI'U. chaJ,rnan of th~ 'C-WNDC Committee on Equal HOll • a memtr ::II the -b:i f the California FEPC. nd Mik

M~ $soka.

• Dr. T S Cltt ~IiY3kawa of .a.}~ton Uni\'er:lty to whom PreJi· d~t Shig Waka:natsu has deleg' ted preliminary consIderations for the JACL hsei Story. will make a progress report to the National Counc3.1 and ~. pllin. ho)w chapters can cooperat~ on tbls project.

, In res ns '0 sevel'31 inquiries from delegates, since th~ F <\shion Sbow Luncheon is o:Jti.)oal. the National COWlcii will meet Saturday after!lQ()n for its linal session as scheduled, D elegates "o'ishbg to attend the Fa hlon Show Luncheon shol1ld detegate theil powers to their alternates.

11TH EITh~"lAL-~o;.v ~at the Seattle Chapter Bulletin ca-rries the stor;.-, we can make public what Toru Sakahara to\d us in confidence in January, namely that Seattle will bid for the 196:' 17~ Biennial National Convention. And at the reo cent Midw st :J:strict meeting. the :)etroit Chapter disclosed its intentioD tv oid (or the 1.9&4 18th Biennial. Remembering the several times wilen no bids tor the National Con· vention Wele jJresented' we commend Detroit tor lnjecting this forward look a::d trust this will st a pattern 01 determining forw8t'd lvol! a:Jd trust this will set a pattern of determining

! GKNE'E.Ot:;S JACLE~L!l st week Headquarters received a handsome album oC pictures of our 1960 National JACL Bowling T ournameni taken by Mile Hi 1000 Clubber Tom Masamori, including pit-turcs of every team participating in the tourna­ment. Photog-rapIer Tom modestly states this is Cram the Denver T durnament Crenrruttee, but we know better.

Dr, AJ Mor:oka of St. Louis who originalJy got St, Louis started on hu&t.:ng 1000 Clubbers and a Cormer Chapter Pres i­deqt, is <kDlfL."lg a portable wire tape recorder to National Headquarters. 'J"b.anks. Al, we hope we can send you back some tape recordings of JACL propaganda .

. ' ~lEMBJi!,neHrPS-We commend San Francisco, Sanger and D ayton ChapteIs for achieving all time highs in membership. and Fowl(,or an:} W~ st L,.; Angeles for doing better than last year. J

When in EJko

Stop at the Friendly Stockmen's


. Sto~lIc:menls, Elko, Ney ...

P R1JI~\ - T tI. ~ committee hi' dt"d Ely HUffY Kllba , nd A<1fI'

111 nt.1 10: workln\( harn nn th radII r ,J C[, 25th Annlv!'r , lIrv .Hnru.' l', whfloh will b· h"Ie! lin I)d, "0 It Brltet" 1.01.11(" r"'1' t ,,""lIll, It w IS Il1noull('I'd thl w k.

CHICAGO. - DeleJ{atl!lI trom test tbe audk-oce .-I\Cht Midwc t chapt"rq attendlnA 1 thtlr oration on "OUr Role tht' Mirlwl'lIt £lIstriC'! Council meet· Japane§e' Ame rican Youth in tnl( In Mllw;lukee over the Mromo- Future ot JACI,," rinl nay w"f'k"nd had II gruellinl/ Dl'edee Ishida , daughter of Mr. but mo, t prndul'tlvt' and Emtl'rlaln· and Mrs, Dixie IlIhida and Chicaco IllIe thre,,·r\ay rnolo'none",' JACL' s entrant, was named tile

( ftyentio Tw(> iml>f)r:lant rit'CI. Ions marle at winner reprt!lIf'ntinll the MDC at th ('11110,,\1 ml'ctinl( presldNl by thn finals In Sacramentv. Runner8-Jilt' K.HI,.wllkr, MOe chnirm'ln, III> were Norman Sunamoto aarf Wert' , II th,' ,Idoptlnn nr the nl'w Carnl Mat!lumoto. both from the fllndimllri ol'ltlnll.. lt ioll ollin fM th" Dl'trolt Ch;Jptl'r. £II trkl council, /Ind '2) th!' adop· Presentation of awards were lIon of , '1 l1'elnl lJcr c,I',Il" ".,' ·S,·· mnde at th!' luncheon by Ma. m"nt nr l"n cent per hl'£ld based Yamasaki of Dayton, a 1940 orator­,'n Ih,' 1%9 m'mht'l 'Q hln of the ieal contestant. A delighted nd MDC ('h pier 10 help ddrnY added wrpri ed Miss Ishida accepted the MDt' i1r1mlnISlr IIIV' "Ollt"l, Dr. Handolph M. S'lkada lrophy

Thl' ()rg .nl£;)lll)n pi n, which will for her winning oration. ':111l • ,I 1';l1l1(;nl." beclllnI' dr"I'lIve nl'xt hit'nnhlm. Dell'rptes werE" treated to a de-

·"rr,ll11.nlll , ' , \{ ~ I , I,And .. d was pr M'nl'd by Fr'lnk Shlbll !lnd Iightful. and pntl'rtaining fashion Th I'n r m.lO, whl) ,Illl'nrl"d Ct'nt- TLlk II> I hi f)f Clf.'v('llnd, Un· show Immed~atelY following the

ubI! ehl' I lind ('nll" l.!t' with I <ll'T' thl pi In, a c~alrman lind luncheon on Saturday afternr)Qn. m lny or till' ('II \'I·t nI .IACI ... mt'm. r.wr vlc~,'·rh;jlrrnCII Will hI' ,'Iectrri b I ' tl\l' ft' I, Pilld triuu te n by tht, MDe. The> :VIDC bo:rrd will GEORGE FUJITA TO HEAD

It'I'amentl) h Ipt 'r whtC!h 1'1 mol'l l' or ('ifiht ch;1! kr renn'· I'131. whl'n It w;u OI'i(lIIil"ri , IIl' nt:rUVI" In .Iddition to the five L.A. JACl COORDINATING bl II 11 ftctlvl p,tlticlp'\nt in t'kcled nrh'l I , COUNCIL OF 6 CHAPTERS

II(' I I up's ftCllVltH' ,pllrli'·\lI.lrlv ,,\ report in Nhl\.'h r 'cnmml'nda-I ., In ,,( Ir I r"pl'l!. entinr. th' In' "nn~ '''r ,''', 1'1> In rl' nlv.. H,,, George FUJIta,. active Southwest

• 'l I,r ,\ml'rlloln "r I lIP"nt> l~ flnrlnel I J)roblr'ms rnced by MOC L.A. JACLer, thIS week was elect-nC' \I'y w('r(' I'flnccrn d bl'l I' '.IS n-fl'rr d h."'k til n committee I (Or! chairma~ o~ the Los. Ange.le" h St.ll legi'l" ttl II' ,'rh(' m1nut"," I h 'ad!'d by Clifford Dykstra for 1 JACL CoordmatlO.g Counctl. WhIch ~r th' S cramenl" Chopter rdl 'ct furtilL'r ~ tOjl'!'" Inri research, l~ composed ot SIX chapters. Sam ttl· ch In\tin .llfltuth III Col,for. '61)..'10 Planninl Uyeha~a of San Fernando VaUey nl Ill . and other o'\rnt'\'lc.IIlS to then A three.hour P'I",lon wa~ set JACL. IS secr~tary-treasurer. din •. /I'llow C.\tliL'1I 01 J lP"tl~ C ' In,·e . aslrle on Sunday afternoon to give . Project .char.rmen for coor s .. try .. """~irl"rutl('" to the 1960-70 JACL tng council spons?red eve~ts for

tf' slIld th " l ··~. )m 10f)O d .. le- PI<lnnin~ Commission program the ~omin~ year mclu~e Jim Hi­H' from lhl' 8" ch,ll>ler. thilt The delegates divided Into I(roups gashl. C!t.nstmas ~heer, Joe Iwa-

comprl. p thl' N lion'IIOrgnnizfltion' h ' h h . 'd naga, Nlel Relay, and 1000 Club . tn w II.' eac was asstgne a I au Tom Ito rc expt..·c ted to. con\' 'flC in Sacra· specific aft''} ()l the TACL program _u __ ' _____ . _______ _

m 'nto latl' r lhl . month to chari to cover. The linal half of the tht.'ir ' Decision, lllf Tomorrow' ·l'5$ion was ,pent in 1i~tcnin~ to Th' rl'comml!ndatlon, of 11 spcrlal· the fC!port from tht! chairman 01

Iv appointed National JACL 196(). L'8ch Rroup, 1970 PlonntnR Cammts.lon arc to Yn general. the delegates agreed be consldf'rt.>d b.v the delelt:llcs who thnt the WashUl~on Office be re­

fe not only I1waro: 01 theIr oppor· tained, the program be expanded (unlttc' ~1. Americans bul also that to provide more service to the thl 1 tht'.' dawn ot the ~pace local chapters. that youth activitje~ Clnd. nucle r ge. a. well II' the be enCOUralled and Itreater em. cg~nlO8 or the second century phas!' be Riven to community reo

of diplomatic and commercial re- lations pro/Cram, A resolution was I tlon. bclwt!i'n Japan and the adoptt.>d requesting the MDC Inter­United Statt.' ~." naUoMI Relati()ni Committee to

Coogre.'. man Moqs th .. n Ii . ted review the pre.ent policy on U.S.' some oC the 'pedal convention Japan relations and come up with v~nt, includ!n th' traditional recommendations to a I low the

chm tic Convention Banquet on J CL to function more effectively .luI)' 2 when Congr~ . man Daniel 1n dealing with matters relating K , Inouye. or Haw it. wlU be the to this policy. ,ll'ue. t pellker; thl.' Pioneer Ban· Climaxing the uccesslul three­que! on June 29 when Dr. Koto day meetin( was the banquet and Mat.sudoira, Permanent Repre 'ent- dance. A special plaque was pre­ative and Ambassador of Japan to sented by the MDC to Mas Satow the United Nations, will pay tribute in recognition of his fifteen vears to the Issei pioneers; the Conven- of dedicated service as NationaJ lion Luncheon which will be a Director and his role in activating te"timonial to Dr. Thoma T. Ya· a nd develO'OUlE! the Midwest Di -· tabe. tir:·' constitutiona l N 'ltionaJ trict Council chapters. Several pre­JACL Pre~ident; and the panel on sentations were made by the host housing and discrimination to be chapters-a gift was presented to led by Tad Masaoka of the Urban Mas Satow; a beautiful Japanese Renewal Administration of the doll. to the International Institute; Housing and Finance Agency and and a donation, to the World John Yoshino of the President's Refugee Fund. Committee on Government Con- A special tribute to the Is ei tracts. residing in Milwaukee was made

He concluded his remarks with by past MDC Chairman Noboru the hope that "the delegates will Honda of Chicago. His message, not tall their trust as custodians eloquently given in Japanese. nol 01 the J ACL destiny" by living only !Yl0v~ the Issei, but also up to the spirit or the Japaese the NIsei 10 attendance. The ban­America Creed, quet ended with the inspring mes-

Salinas Valley JACL to honor local graduates

SALINAS,-Local area graduates are to be honored tonight by the SaJmas Valley JACL at a dance in YMBA Hall. Teenage clubs have been invited . Graduates being in· vited include :

UnJvers lly of CalifornIa-Fred OsUgl: Hartnell College-<#eorge Osugl. Salin­a!; HIgh--1ames S<lkasegawa, Allin rerak1lWla, J ames Shlratsukl: North High-Judy OhashI, Patricia Abe' Wash!.n!!'ton Jr Hlgh~Roy Osugl. San: dra Urabe , RY81l Abe. Den.lse Houston Corv Kubota. Amy Shlratsukl; E1 Sau~ ;a l Jr. High-HarOld Uyeda .

Snake River VaUey Cl honors local graduates

ONTARIO. Ore.-The annual Snake RlvElr Vaney JACL graduation ban. ouet and dance was held at the East Side Cafe June 3.

The banquet is held each year , to honor all local area Nisei and

Sansei from the Sna~e River Valley who have gl'aduated from high school or college. ~e graduates were Rue Magi.

sages from Mike Masaoka. fol· lowed by Mas Sa tow and the National President, Shig Wakama· tsu. Invocation and benediction were given by the Rev. Perry Sa· ito, pastor ot the First Mthodisl Church of SteveJlS Point. Wisc. Special mu ic was provided by Mrs. Perry Saito accompanied by Mrs. Ed Jonokuchi.

Kumeo Yoshinari Kumeo Yoshinari of Chicago

long time active J ACL leader ex: tending back to prewar days, was unanimously nominated to the post of National Treasurer by the dele. gates to the Midwest District Coun. cil meeting in Milwaukee on May 28-29. •

In 1958, at the National Conven. tion in Salt Lake City, he was honored with the ., J ACLer of the Bien.nium" award. Currently he is holdmg down the chairmanship 01 the MDC 1960-70 Planning Com. mission and the Dr. T.T, Yatabe Testimonial Committee.

Deedee Ishida The youths had their day at the

convention ' when six aspiring en. trants to the MDC Oratorical Con.

West 1.A. JACl clmiYal


I is the secret I .. ) of fine

'tempura/ , ( . Notbing brings out

I the delicate flavors \ . . iik~ AJINOMOTO. I

Adnan; BonnIe Ara.i, Geraldine , Morinaka. Yoneyama,. and

I Patty Ma~sunaga of Nyssa; David

;:=:::i::c=;:====================:; Murakami, Henry Shibata David tTakahashi. Nor man Wa'tanabe. Patsy Ogura and Junior Nagaki ,

set for June 25.26 . M~ny local clubs are participat· l _'.

-!.Cal-Vita Produce Co., .Inc. - .-. - · BootlG<.l·Comm~OQ M' •• obaDUt

aU at , Ontilrio; Cal , KobayaShi, Payette; June Shoda, Weiser'

109 10 the West Los Angel-es JACL . "

at Sawtelle Gakuen, 2110 COr4ntb ,-'" -' - . " . ' . .

. . ' F..wt. - V,et:etal;llelt , .' Fr~nk 1 toms , an~ ' Carolyn Sugat',. y .,.,.~ . Oentral 41fe, -~glj!'iltle ' Te~hw , ~ .. " .': ~w .• 'ef.011egOn; Teddy Sakano,

Ca,rnival, !>,eing ~eld J .une 25-26 ) ~1I"""" ~ll

Aye, Ga~I1S' all kinds. of f~ aild AJI-Mft.MftTO·, many _,prU;es .. al'e , being "offered, ," ' :-IIV '111\11 .

;:~::~ g::,:!\~ ~ ~ b~~r:~ . ~J~ ,. <.: ~:.~~~_~~t~ · ._'".-:: ~. , .... Lot ~ " ~A ; ~"59S, / ~ !.,.703'~ · Mi.r:.~ :.'11! . ~r~BOn Sta~~ C.Ol~~~~i ,. ~elen.: Iida, , . ._ . __ , . . .•. ,. ..' .' ':t~.AI~ .. ~ 01 CaUforrlla. -


PACIF '" C~TIZEN Frld 'I. Jun. 17, 1960 ........... ,~" 1,~,,1IfI.'" I ...... , ........................................................... .

V r f the By Richctrd Akagi

,IJ" '" ••• , ............................................. I ••••••••••••• , •• " •• , •• , .................. ,.,

'(Illn ,


• 'l'\\' 'od-

.1\CL Ilil'll,

lis lkal II !In. hl'I'1I illl'lll it it'd as

nll'd, ~\ (ii. (W';l' ~I'I\l'1 ~111\' ;1. SOl'\. Il'll wil hold

puzzling :<im' tl1(' .) \1.'1. \\'.IS \'('Iati\'('ly

'.trnphh n r\'i is Ow \\ illll' lll\g away Ill' 11108(' I1l'lV('

{'('Il '1": whit-h ~~ n('l':lt~' :Ids of Ihl'ing, "CIH'I'IlS ily alit!

_ I 1:\1 i n, TIH popular 1 'un for 1Ill' malady is

thal tilt' ,1.\1..'1. \l'as :tfflkt'll

I It " lailul'\.' ~f lltl\ (" ('al\W S("'l'I"11 :VI', \'$ ago \\'lwlI

it .Pllll Sl.'d d fl'1l il'l.' opn:ltion umlN the tille

"\\, hdQI' poliry 'Th operat \tm W;lS IIl' it hl'l' "\\':1 leh·

<10:" )101' "policy" but, for Ih' I\lolt)l'nt, !Ill' ,1.\ 'L \Val' happ:: till' progl'ltn wa. slIltabl' lWg:)\t\'c, Iwimu.l' itl ·

nllH: and in('; p 1\, ivt'. MOl'co\l'l. it wa: und rsl nod

thai )f the watchdo barkt'd too I \ltll" it would lw rep)- ~d by!\ :tu(f('d girnffe, whil.'h i: il1lposll\~, make nu ~oL~ and i- Ih rdor properly 1lllohstruslVl" and

110' btl:Y though -tanding, I ill £\ '11 hl'\' , ho\\,e\'er, J.\ L' happinl.':. was short­

Ii\ ,It 'oon found it. If mhroilcd in a debut nf

titani proportiot\~- 0\"1' thi. i Sll~: wh t her the 11001' 01

·I.'nnel h u -ill" the w;}l hdog . hould I'al'e t-:a:.t 01'

,,"lo' a compromi e the doo), of the k'nnl'\ was set

f3d ... ,outh; which wa. fine a a compromi e but II hit

fru~:, ... ling fOl' the watchdog. incc a thirty·foot COllcn't'

w",) :-butted directly aga inst the kennel 11 lhis side.

,La' ,thank to a con~·titution<l l amcndmc Ill. a holl'

\\'3 lIt in the roof of the k 'Iltl -I and th watchdog

m'd- hi exit and entry through this opcnillf". :ith the progression of the di ca e J 'L's memory

bec,,":1e faulty, It forgot what it once I am d: that reo

po1"~ibility cannot he circumscribed to suit its uwn conHnience or comfort, but that it Ire'po l1::>ibility) i

the <.ct of meeting problems. many of th m dimly ap' preh nded, a they arise. I ow content with shadow­

boxing, the J_-\CL tho e to ignore the fact of chang',

that .he concerns of a decade ago may be irrelevant or

mE:'aningless now, that to hold with the purposes of

the _ 2st, as though they were sacrosanct, is to sentence

the ( ganization to a career oC intcll ctual frivolity.

~"llaterally. as memory decayed, the JACL began

to bE increasingly preoccupied with notions of "safe"

behl:i\ior, (Thi , incidentally. is a typical symptom in

cases of "failure of nerve.") Anything "chancy" was

regarded as subYersh'e. and the person suggesting it as a heretic. YeL in its heyday, JACL's audacity was a

joy 10 behold. It undertook nationwide programs when

its Ct~!ke was a phone booth and its budgt:t barely big

{:nou~h to cover the price of a coffee and doughnut at

Nedick's; it sought to change American sentiment in

Congress and across the land with financial resources which would not have underwritten a modest Sunday

School picnic; it blithely promised miracles and deliver·

ed .hem. This was the JACL between 1946 and 1952:

no ot~er race relations organization accomplished so

mU(:JlO quickly But that is the past. J oday the J ACL is dead, Along with "failure oC

nenE" the JACL, in its latter days, was seized with pan. - blindness, a curious limitation of vision known as .... st CoastitLs," "West Coastitis" is a virulent form

of r a.ochialism which induces in the sufferer certain

jnte~ ",ting hallucinations: that the country ends at the Roc dES, that if a thing is cheap enough it's a bargain,

that ~ere size is a virtue, and other ideas too depressing

to er. .. merate_ ',es, the JACL is dead . But the mourners will be

fe\ , ~o gradually has the JACL been dying that most of thee who see it now will not be aware that it has

fJa~:.ed from life to death , Perhaps for that multitude

the (orpse of, the JACL will serve them as well as the

Uvjn~ hody. They won't know the difference anyway.

EAGLE PRODUCE Bl}I1ded Commission Merehanla

ft,)lesaie Fruit and VeceiabtM

929·741 S. San Pedro St. Los Angel .. 1 S

San Francisco JACl athletes win a nual JACL Olympics, only one new record sel

Three Nisei awarded Whitney fel~Yls ips

::-,\N I'i{,\N('ISC'() 'l'lw WHO ell'l I ,,,,,LI . r\llll1 ~ 1),.nl.1 • 111111 0)1 llw SIIIl 11' /.1111'1 ell ., \L·[. I\ .. ,hlfl II 'VI''''''. ' ,. NI',W VCIHK - '1Ircr' Japan 1~

•• t I\,,!. IS~lI,ll. hI,,' ,,. '1 l\nll'l'l(':'f/q ',v,'re IIw'lnl£,d OP.N"t'/, ul\ 100ph ' 111 ":'/,111' SI 1~lltlin . lullC , '''''P.WIIY III! II', 'Ilh 1.< 11< dudll (fH, nlt,v 'Of 1I(,w hiJl' ((,I' WOO, th J )~~ " IV I I ill ~ 'II 1'1'/lIl1'l 0' 11 • W111I111I' '''1 I III .1.111 I 111"'11 • I' ,. ~ I (( ~I, I" . ' " Ih' IIW •• t I.'"m . ,I' I''''jJ.''1I hlp 1\, I 1',,1., V,,1I1t 1\1(" .<1 to. I It 1(1 , IFillc, If"y W II 11.11/' Y 1'''lInd,llIon ' 1\(,11.1 ('I.l st; ,\ nud (' lill,' SII"I' I_ :,tll'''t'~. "lti:"l:;',,;Hlk,. lin .. " tr'II"",I" IllltlJl('td thl w(pk. III !tit' 11 \'t J-'

"'"Ii 1111' ('\.I : It IIIIn"I", n .. :. ""I 0'", III !tnw , .I, 11 .. 1>_ th r' f'I'ugrf,f11 !oil' b ... ·n III If'l 1 ,

11111.1 "11\' /I'('III'd the hi'h JIIIIII' 1' .. 1 'l'lIl1kn I,'n I lIlt,,/, II, v I III" u\~r'I'(J.q hll ve' tWl'l1 mad' ',) In III I'll /\ 1\ I ltl'(\kl'll wh'lI l(hll,I!.;I', Omltl :S,II\,'h, ,\111" N,,, INIl'1.

.. ". • " \ I ,'"1111 1'\ 111r1 k1lW I' II I, 'I tt I 111 A I 111;\.\' 1l1.:t11 ,JIl ' ... rlo'1\1'('d Ii 1 , lin HeI,II' ,,' 1I,,,,"t,, 11\1"", ,11'/11 . w"td"p UII~ VI'"r ',rE Ft. 1

!illl' 1" 1'11111 I ('" 11''''' !I;'VI'I\ hI' it Nu·"dll, 1«,11" n'l. II fY '" 1"' S ," ~Tj: C, Tanik .,wi1 01 !.,mg B"'lCh, .V 1

fl.\ h, I lin' , 111 1'·lIll11d .l. \\'hll . ,'"n'dl t ", "'11,," 'r""," !'II' 4', is l'nntlnllln~! hl'l s llldi,'q for :J , , lIll'h .J,,"oI' 1w,,·\V 1\' II I' .r 1 I 11'1 I A I III I I'\l'nl. pilI. 1'\(l1nll1 ,I," II,,\, V N,k,UI'"" III .. d, /{('1I11 I". 1 , >, In tn 'rll'tJn Inle 1",:[', [" ttl' III Ilw I'l'II.\' to win Indlvlrlll'li ".,klll I IS", I. U"r.'" l'IIIl,k I I 'I"" ~:: lory ot Hilcll'lifft,. l.ijl11ln C;. KI' • h"I1III' • Till ' "'11111'1<'11' 8\1111111.1111 1\\ du('hl I '1'\ tlln f ..... Y II. rill 5th I gllchi "I' P'·f.r! C'lIy, Jlilw111. WI)

1I1., .hl 1(,1 II\(' ISf, III. Mod""" jg c ntin ' "L. 'h • • t . \ss .\ II s r'·1 N","1l111 l\I""II~ 1\\" S'II'I Ii II ' ' ,ll 1I1n .. ,1('1 r'Sl'dff' em n'

IIlIl , III" """""" , 1I t, I ",.II 1hI I,.,. I'. III • I hI. \I,n' "f thl' Iltbo/' rn()v,.m(r.~ in l<lld" ,51'1, ,11111 ,Sll tu ,I II'I ,A, " Id .v"., ,'l""" 1"'1'1'0 S ... r.,""·lIlo:1-I .'/0. S,", Hilwail',; nduslry for a Ph,D. hlh",.. \ Sl l' I. 1' .. 11. '" 'hlll'UI' I. Ik' T\I, lt.,,, 2(" an Tr, cHlC'l ,." I H 21:1. Ilrt.l· (ruin N .. w Y( 'k 1I ' '1' J

111 , . I h'\' Ir. I n. Slod' III" I" Siln JUMl 6, Shl' ".)1, nl,V, rSI y, .lnl "ll .h. I ' 11""" '111 (Stlo, III,,, hI I ' " . ,,:.1,," "'''\VII,hlp r.' , nklehl filJlfI of Chlcag(J. Wh'l

kud,. 1:S1· I 11111 S,dl .. 1 WI,AI. Sum \ ... , ' ( · I .. \S,; C I h I'xpl'J'imcllting in scul"tllH' tech II 111'"1., , I It" Il.,\ I' I' \11<11.\' 1111,' I Slk) ~o /{"11 11,,, I (11",'(1) (':'1','" J\lw" niflll!! fit Am~terdflm. Holland H'

n ,d"I1'. 11"",'11 Nllj(lIl'1d IS,"'I, Ca,} i s IJI~ I i u t, ' t I .-IIU .I" I' HUll"'''' ,,,lIu, ,. II Sldl, 1I1,." ~h lt,, . , I!:WI. I~r ... 11,1 Mal Ullmlu, .111 n .. !J !!Xfll'l'Imf~n n cas ...

.~' h '".I. 1',11,1 Nil (I.M" I!'ll S "k."1 ( ,1<", "~ 8, 1111( Hnd \\.'I·jellng for outdoor exhibi-ISIII . /.'"111"" Y,"!,a"",tu l~d""1 I.' I .HIIl I t,,, fI lii I Il!r .. d,. r.MY Mil,,, 110/1 5 and urbnn plunnmg pn'je.:ltJ.

lillI, 1" 11 .1111 1 ~ I, ") , l'/lul Nit IJ.M, 1I'.dcIII. /lidel} Nllllu<'Ill IS 1". c:,uv _ ~ ________ _ !l11I >:.11 ,[ 1~1l'1 III , ~hl I 1t.1II" 151-'" lilt'" hll1'lt IS~', Yo hI I)kn ISF, II I .

III 1 __ ' . I' ~ ~ • • I Ilumd .1u,u" K,'n 11111'., C kceuJ. l.h't'" CRCSC h ' ~!lh" I"<I :;; .. 11 .. 1 ~ :.It-III. 1111" Mill'''' " "I MIII.uII" .. lu 'SAl". Hld-" NOl!ul'h, C airman

'~" Illts,!)·.I\,· lS I'" ~llInGhl M". 150('1. Ifl'" hi Nel'lo ,S~' •• Yuh Ok .. !'vll·s. Huth Kodani of Pa ftl',i~ \l11\nhl l!' I' 1, ~'H S"" • I' 'f'). 1!1 It 'tn , .. \. -11111 "IIW ,,",n .' I ·uk"h,~ hi (S, IUlI illICit .JIlin, C,IO IIlrn8h,,". , ,sn Pail SHcil's WilS IntJ'(xluce<i thl ~ vasl

,1'11' hi l-I,kll<l .. I l'I,Hlll 5,"1",\\1.,\1 II' .... hi N .. ,I" ,SI'I, 1{"11 H,IIo IflN,,11 ,wl'ek as chnlrman of thf' Commu­'~I'" !\I,"" """I ° I I.MI, !llckll' (I hllnl'l Y".h llk,. ISF). I 1.1. II .n I nity Relations Confen'nc(' of South-~II\;I. ~I • 1111 It I", an l'r"nl 'I~c<' ISul IIf)' " C·' .' ,

7tl IIIMhll- II"WI,nl Shlnlf,kll ,S It'l Slid I. n ll.., Nc,·I". 1111'0 1"111 i) 1I~lls, I In allfOl nla " Thr .JACL IS limon:,: '"ry ·1·.,Kllhol Itl ISM,'I >. 1>,111 Y 1111"'\' F'lr I lin, ,,(> In IIlou ... , ..... t1 ., I the ehartf'r orj.!anizatinns of t.1is .ltll. 111.;,,\11, 1~1r ~' hi hlkl"'.1 ISI'I. rlill 'f'l'JI'\l ~f'I'rtl Siln Fntnt:l f'" 24, H~cd· human relations group. formerly "II" (\\ 1 .. \1. II h'Y III. Sal"oI"lf'l\ln II , (',lien TOWI1 hlp known' s the I "~A I C

lHIl "I Jltll." II .. " "I hll\t ,ku H. t a .0,· nge es ountY' ':::;'''''. (~"n" Mo,d ,r<lrnl, IlIrn hi t''''1 .H;r:tU:(; .\Tt: SC'Oltl':S Conll'l'ence on Community Rela-1\."11.1 I~"'. ,\'1 t'uJI",,,r '1-'1 ,I &11 Fr.,n"lfI('fI 11321:1. SIICr,mll'nln 6:r. tions. ,,, hlh I. ISh. H' It 1(1 , In. 1/2, SlrH'l(lf1l\ ~I, F.(lcn 1'owlI.hlp :!II, I-==============~

1I11'h Jun'I' John Kiln,,)',. lSI,. II". Jlf"'\II"y:17 I t:!, Sl>n M lll'(I :14, 5 III Ju" -Willi 'hlnl,ku ISm". IIlro hi ~lIklldD :\1 I I:!. 1.1\'ln " .. "-Ml'r l'd 17 W.I FOR SALE-\ ~', Vll' NI hljlm" Is.!" D.III '·.m'" I .u An,.'I,· 18, '" h\tll IH(,pdl. r. fl. (N.-.... I('('<o,d ,,1<.1

1\ rk. ' II II III hy H 1'\.\' K'n<lo OM 111<1 11"'0 Ok Iwa hi. ' T MY KONO NAMED TO

1',,10' \',11111 VI<' NI'hl)I'" lSI). I .", r (1 Ilk,. G"Il " i\}Orl It:d,,"1. 1.111"'''' U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM w-'~· tit lor loutlh (,ttr\" !\lurd t •. d('llnl l

1',." .,11" t .:u,·nl. '1',11 IJIC1.W.' ( I' II fl. II In, '

'1t,,1 Put Vic NI I Ill", I s., I. 110-w .. rd NI hi .. ISoun, HIll S.III11 I WI.,A, (v. 1)-\\ I))· llt~ fu," tuur1h JlJhn K n Ivn 1&11. II,,\\·.II'OJ ShUll ku 1 ,,'1, 42 \I 6 I ..

III u Victor Nt hillm (.! I, JIll­

"' nl _ hillt leu U;.,.-I, CII' tc,' It.," ISJ I, I\lre> 'I Fukud ISf'!. JI"" rd

'1 hlo I ' .'1. 108 II. l1li11 H, 1,\' Sa" F'r ""I!lCO (\'n hll'a­

r • f'UJIIIIU' , ~ ,lklll,I,. Hoger I .nllk." 510 'klon f:'-I",I To" n hi,>. 11II,4J,6.

1 .·<JII' ~ core '>II f' r n" I • c 0 ~ I Slock!nn 2, Sltn Jo ' 26' •• f:den 1'"",'n· hlp 2!i. S ,'r menlo 2·1'. WI! I I.,

An .·It! Il. 1.l\'lntlM.JlI-'l>tr.rc 1.1 II Sin 1 leu 9. 1«-, dlt!'\' 4

11.1\liS 11

litl n"J1"r Tl.llllkH I 'f"', Arthur 11,1' y nle (S .. t. B tl Uarc.y.ut'IH I to tull, IIll'u ht Klhl ,t:d"n I Le Iw .. lul:llI ISF., 575.

100 Atlltul Uavltma IS ... ·' nen 11,.­r .gUdli .S ',I). !licit .. 1 Nl'hld (Slkl KflllJl KuuiJk.:ul \511:1. Norman .Iurl' k .... I (S.I I. 1O,8s.

IiSD-KI:nn"lh Nnntn (1.1011. l .... o KI­mura I "('cd I. " .. I.c·rt '/lkal H:den' HI hi Kit .. " I Sf'I, 1m ~o

120 1",,""5 - Arlh",' fl.lYIl,"e I SIll" Dun,el S:mchc7, I S, rat I, II I'Ve), Nnka· IllUia (H.·t!ul. f:<I " nWD 'R .... dj Do­nllntl0 Snnchez ISM,hl). \4,4

EXPERT CHICK SEXORS $10,000 Annual mintmum gu .. ranl(J('d

Plus lit" • hea lth and aCCident Jt1.5L1ran(·e

Onl\' lup-notch quoltlled sc 'ors uccptcd.

Ul\lun or non·unton 5t tus not .:a 4u hClc;.Uun,

Apply Imml!diah,ly (!tling phline numtJt!", \lddress, a8e. number (J(

)·~.II·S of (.I ·p':llcnce, n3nle of nsso­l'llllion "r independenl group 01' ",hellun I!xlng tndl!pendenlly,


P,O. Box 36, Avondale Est .. lcs. G' Phon" Hlcko,,' 3-79118 ClllI'kston Exch'lnge

Atlanl.1. Georgi ..


318 East First Stre'8t Los Angeles 12

MA 6·5681

KADO'S Complete Line of Oriental

Totu. Age, Maguro & Sea Baea


3316 Fenkell Ave. - U~ 2-0651

Detroit, Mich,

'I,EVELA:-:D,-Tommv Kono of S3Cral111'Iltu nnd lId\~"il w a <;

1I111,ned t," the U.S Olympic Wf'llIhtlHtlng t I: :\ m tQis week ofter s uccessfully ddending his )fj5-lb. title here with otal of St).'i lbs. in the press. natch dnd clean & jerk, Kon ~ , i .... 1956 Olympic gold

mcd III t , and who was aw rded the J ACL Mcd"lllOn ro)r Dis tin­gui hed Achievement In 1958.

Ben lomond JACl bowling league elects officers

OGDEN, - Ken Uchidl w, s re­elected Ben Lomond JACL Bowling LeaguL' president for the> 1960~61

season. Bowlers participating thi' coming Season mu:t be JACL members. it was announced.

In the cason Just clo"ed, 10 mixed lcams were entered, Jack Odfl Insurance wun the team cham­pion.hip. In the comsn;; .sea -on , 12 team,.; will be ",ntered,


Berkeley group wins Optimist pee wee title

$.\:'ol FRANC I co, - B e r k e l t' vI Bears A leam won the Golden Galc Optimi'l Pee wee :Oftballl league ch mplOnship recel\tl~', 11, breezed thro:.lgh the eastern di\'i· 510n sch edule wilhout derca ana played San Mateo Bn\'e~, w('stern division winners. May 29. WJllop­Ing the BI' Vi?: 15-9. Edwin 5"1no

nd Randy :-:akllno formed the Winning battery,

West Point candidat e WASHINGTON.-Roberl K Malsu­mutt}. ~o n of Mr, and Mt .. , L"lw­rence T l\{at -u moto of Honolulu, report' to the U,S Militarv Aca­demy at ~est Point as the ' princl­pal appointee of Sen . Hiram L . Fong. He wa - graduated No, 1 from St LOlli : Colleg .



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VE 7·1155


Toyo Printing Co. Offset •


ha.z-:.n..ore &t' OF DRESS

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309 S. San lPecirl) st. Register Now!

Los Aogeles - lUA 6-8153

Frlct.y. Ju,,"

By Henry Mori

Commencement Week

I 1'0 rill,

Surpri:ingly 111 ugh the' CI\I1lP Ilgn hi b,,( n (lI1 Il • a mon 1. Th., contribution to d t , ;Ietual dona lOllS nne! p i

11\ me 0 00.000 nil' 'lid) Include 10 th amount j n :_0,000 pll'dgc by 19 dono!" wh hop... to within four y"nrs. Th 'y ur amoll' lhe b'\ckb n Ii tl'e! ~ €rm n ... nt subsc.nbi'r •.

There or... to bl' thnu llnd Who wlll bt; gl\'ing • m lI .. r nm mts ((I the unlirnito.>d fund. The Chamber bonrd hope thn t

. tntually the. trust fund would grow to In dude other projects ItcHy affectmg rouc tiona I progr ." and tntere I of person

n _, de cenl.

','e are r ... mindl.>d that in Pnsndcna, n ~ mlni_ er will be g ling tn PrinCl'\on 10 the (all un n 2.,100 ~'lnuaJ l'holar hip offered him by the ~ew Jcr.l'Y in tltution J'(.1 Dam I OkImoto, iL IS one of th~ three gr.wl oifl'r .!(J hl l1l .

Although hmited to high school enlors. the Lo E db st Church Federation h 5 announced il>; 'cholar flam of 500 tuition award to de l'r 'jng winter ur I lSej or .• a"sci gradual '.

Tn> Okinawa Club n:c nlly repol'! d that three 200 cnllelll' grant- ar beIng made o\'ailnbl' to udent of Okinawa . t ll­(Ell ,The wUlners \.i!J be ba ed on cholarshlP. citi<!enship a nd 1 aClu,hl(J. On the cholar hip committl'l' are tWto a f.'t1 H' .JACL. ('1" Carl Tamakl of SOllth\\'e.1 and Kei Uchima o( Do vnlown L~· _;ngeles chapters.

cJch projects will cr<-,ate int .. lIec tual aW3f1?nl'S to the public "Jw1 gwen better than an equal chance, our younger gt!nl.'ration Japanese Americans can step ahead in the cro ..... d (' t ucct'ss.Iul career In mo,t know/l fields.

U eeltl &.ad 8orH" Oa


Funakoshi £eport and Sludle.

J.'\~11able on Request

IULSTON &: COMPANY Wtmbu s New Yorl!

f wek E X~ b a Dce

- !\1A 9-3232 -s..! S. ~ Pri:ng St •• Los An&'el~

Ee . Plu.De: AN 14422

City Center Motel NI,·j c •. ~ r - cr 3-7HB

12th & 0 St.

Sacramento. Calif.

}1 2 miles to convention , Refrigerated air condi­


Swimming pool

Room phones - T.V. I App r o\ ed by Con\t'!n l ion Board )


Downtown L.A. Chapter Vice-Pres.ident


• Write or Phone

Radio Li/l. Tokvo 11 No. San Pedro St' f los Angeles 12, Calif.

MA 8-4688 - CA 5-0685

At tkawaya !...'"'L 1'0100 ~ENTER FOR JoAPANESE CONFECTIONJQty

l-AJ.4 E. hf St., - Los Angeles - MA a~935

IFIU191etsu-Do C01'ljectionerv

~15 J!' .. First 8t .• Lo. Aocele. 11 IIrU 5-8595


HE.. 6-0724


• • •

t. 01 mpus Jr. JACL organized, plan 10 send delegates to Sacramento confab

Nlsalleidell1 0

reclpleRts piltl Centennial award Slxly.lhr('(' J (,pa n(·."

11'1Jr!!'f' in SOllth"r" C'nhrorn(a 'A rp r!'('cntly r('cognl7! d by the .J pa­nl' .. I' (;ovl'rnm! nt for twlnl( Pllv,' In ('ommunlty WI Ha H' . They. a (101(

with 45'! "'h('r I . d I man" rlf

them nntuf'<tli7.(·d" W('re to r(!' 'I V

" wIIII/II'n ('up find eHuUon Of nil' several J a panes(' con u­

lflt .. ~ In the Uni!<-rl Stnt" s I:h~ri{ed with conft'rring th,· Cl'u\l'nuial c 1-"hl .. li'IO gIft s . thl li ~ t relca e<l bv lilt' Ln. An/,(ei<·. consul gen .raT Wil f' thl' only on(' II» to thj'! , iI . t wl'(,k cuntaining th{' namCl flf Ni ~ l'i .

ISomt' SilO I ss(l- Ni~d are expp.ct­(·rI 10 bp naml·d <I !; recipient of .111panesl' gov(·rnm,.,nt award' in ('ommemnratinn of th(· U.S.·Japan Centennia I c'lc'bration by the San i"r;,"d ~ c/) .Japan('~(' Con ' ul Gen-

'ALT l.A KI-. lIT'>' Youlh I WOI' -I JlIl1i/. r :If (; .... nlll' Jfilth SehrlOI, viI" (Owl Mu s ao Yagl on Saturday. (It I (\II nnd lhl :\11. 01 y mpll .IA(,I 1ll'I'SHh'l1t of Pl' I' (,I'lb . Y('[IJ' nook Jun(' 18. ) ( nmr m 1'111 b l'l'. ~. h,l' thL' 'w ..... ly r lllff ml'ml,..r for 19fiO·61 WlI. np- The !'os Angel s city ~i.-f'i re-

forln ('cl ,Iulliol .IA ' ), .1011 th" rp· pOlnkd ;I ' . rql<Jrlr-r. ('iplents indude Superior C<)urt In ll r kn hh I'l'Og I' I.' " III'ln 1 mali,' TI1I' qll"lItv of lenr!"1 hip .,jr·ct .. 1 Judg~ John F . AlSO; past natlflnal I,, " , t tl IlI'gHni l ing t1w ymlth c"t· Hno IIII' hi gh r;,libf'!.' flf youth ill ,lAC!' pr(·s idents. George Ina;{"lki I Il el U""ugholll tlH' ""II . lh, ' grollp It:wlf prcrliC't :r bri i!ht :.nd Dr. Roy M. Nishikawa. The

Thl' uri¥ inaill ' . ' ·lIlhll .in m nn(l future for Junior .IACL in tbi , , awurd also goes to attorney Frank III it lIil I l' "Ispill 'cd loy the "rgrllll'" an'a. F. Chuman. n.1tionAI JACL le~al I l\g 'roup ! till' fil 'st .1I. I.d ,lIld 1::;' /( 1 r til gel in!n thf' s wim and cClllnsel. . bu. Il It'·~ 1lI (L' ting he ir! lit th .. hOTnl' l"OIIn ahuut th.· JACL, thl.! junior I Attorney Kenji 110. past pre,~i­(II H 1II1Il' Inuu)'I', oll of Mr. and r;wllp is phllning to spml c1l'legate. clent of th.! Japanese Chamber of

Irs \'\lkU5 Innuyl' , I .Impl J p. \ (0 IIJ1' Nntion .. 1 Cnnvl'ntion tn bi' Commerce. receive~ a . imilar hon­liS ur Ill'(' of th ' futllre pot p rltial helci in Sll cramento. June 28-.July or. of .IA ' L h"r . 3. Publi s her~ of the three U'I Tl)kio

Thc fOUl' youth 111 tr\llnt ntal in . I rllll thl.1 unior· .1 CI. lind. ('. ing 11 through tn . \f eh I. fruitrul tn rt W " I'(' \lnnnil' Inouv('. 19~R n '·

cl'her , f tht.: Ben J\.tn [,c;k Scholar· ';111). (. r a ct' r ~ ndll, It ik" ' !)dzu , " nd l .ynn KOIOI' ,

live ,' -10 youth bl'lw('en th,' 1IK' :'~

o( 1 ~2 1 lmm P 'IYlum, l\hclvall' . Draper. ilmerican I' ork. Ur£' m . Aingha m , Elb"1 t il, Murruy li nd 'urround ll\g 111'1.'11 , g'tthe n cI to g pl cquain ter! and deride whrlt l'oursc

of ac tloll . holi id b,' lll kl'n in thi. new \' I'nt lll'(' Eff ici entl v li nd in i1

b\l i n e~s li kl' mann ' I', 'the follnw­ing cabln,' t was '11!etL'd :

fJrr', f UlIl1h tko Yl.IL n .• b e. Ringlw Hl U lah. wrnnl'r II I KenOl',·f.ll t'n pp 1 $.'101 sell"I.or!>hh. n d uul . l ll lldlog IIlhlcl " II I [ lIn~h. nt Ihe h Sch oo l

V P.· C;nlt'l ' En d", II!I<J \' ,It, UIAh ~nphu'll() r C li t t he U n.\, o f Ol .,h SchOOl 01 N lIrstn f: nnd Hl!1S ~ nd pitH. I t \\f l n n e l

of N Irona l JACI. F y C" nl e~ l (or SCI' U ll lnt· M llanol. nh ... t .•

t Hnh. In. ,or 1n F ~ l elllt"n l n \' (':OUt"" tlnn

III lhe Unl\' o f UII,h il nd 200 Sehoill'" hlp ",m'H'r H1!y', N,tllnna l .IAC!.

Rl'l·. I.H,,· Can ll\' n Ino tt c. I\nl (, l l · "ltIl ~ '" k. Ul_th. 19IiO gl.tdu.,I,' 'nel r('­(.t'I\ ' r uf ·hnI8 . hlp In Sngh"" YOllng UI1 I V

Trcas.: Sian"' \, S'I'I ' P .l ·/!(In. UI/l h unto r Ht Pavson lI u~h S(:hnul

III I Cha, lr:> lIc M ly... Rmgh," n JI .h. gradu .• lc and " fl k ef " I Rmghn lH IIl1h 5<.'hool Socml Chl1m .. Rctk .. N .. d , ,, . O ren!

JI ... I1. I! r itdU" I' ~ 0 1 Ore ", Hillh S ' h u nl Itcncll ng bC8ullc ian ,'nlleR'" J Illllll Y

Y,ri"tt110lGHka P:t)'snn . tTl .lh . 1(1" tdUHl, fl f ., \' ,., " Iph " .... lIx.I .. I lend in g Bl lg· hllm ,"ounl! Unlv.

L inda Ushio, Murray , Uta h ,

Nisei wins in land condemnation suit

5ANT A ,\ NA - A lutigmc nt worth over S40.000 111 cash lind im prove· m ents was r ende ... ·d to Dr . Ma <all1i Oga ta of An" h cim recently by lh~

')r a nge County Superior Court fol· lowing a suit in , tituted by the

r ange County flood control diS' trict to condt'mn a portion of 1h€ 'lisei doctor ' s prooerty In Buena Pa rk for cons truction of a flood t'ontrel channel.

A t issue was the fair rna rket value of the property taken and consequential damage, if any, to the f't'maining land. The flood con· trol di s trict contended the channel would r ender a subs tantial benefit to th e adjoining pl'opel'ly in thai it r educed the amount of pal·th f ill r equired for future residential development..

Dr Oga ta , on the other r,and , arg ued that eXistence '1f SlIch a cha nnel would necessarily be de-trl­m ental and injurious to ,he re· m a ining property and that he was ,"titled to compensation. George Maruya and David T. Yoko1.eki e jJr esented the owner.

Sonoma County JACL of honor graduates

SANTA ROSA.-The Sonoma Coun­" JACL Chapter will honor all ~ raduates of this area at a roller kating party to be held at the

Redwoo:i Roller Palace on Monday, Tune 27, 8 p.m. The affair original­ly slated for June 20 was post-

~C'ri a week due to conflict in dates. lao .f I .... ·

A gt'nf 'ral m(" ling tn in. tall vernacular n wspaper;; and their offic, '!'s 'Inti to honor graduates .Japanese section editol's were list­Wi! . set .llln!! 18 at South Sal! ed amon~ the honorees: Akira K~ I."k,' Auditorium , maio Teiho Hashida. Rafu Shim po;

Intl'('l'l1tl'U .vouth should contact SabIJro Kidn. Tetsuo Satn. Shin ,,([j , .(oJ' ~ in th"ir II rca for furlher Nkhlbei : and Hiroshi Hishiki. Ha-de!;!i)' Membership is $2.50 per ruo Muronaka, Kashu Mainichi. Year anci Iho: e .Ioinln~ bdore or Internationally known artist Su­durin, thf' meeting will be ad· co Serisawa. Mitsuta Banto. Kan­mittro without fe ' . sum3 Fujima. Rokka Hanayagi,

Tosh Hiraide named Gardena JACL head

GARDENA. - Attornt'y Tosh Hi· r aid(' wa s c lt 'ctt'd ch'liJ'man of ,hE' (.;ardenll Valley JACL board oJ g()\'l!l'nOI'S thi s pn st wt'ck, it wa ~

a nnounced by outgoing chairmar RO'.lld Shiu1.aki .

Othl'r office r s nfC Leon Uyeda \'c: .John Fujita. treas.: Ros( Sh inmolo . ser.; Phil FUl'ukalva m ·mb.: Hona ld Shi07Aki. 1000 Club On the boa I'd "re:

Dorothv Dllhl , Seili Imamura Hank Ishida. Paul Koga, Yo Ko bUla . Rvo Komae. Dr, John Ke· y ama. Frank Kuid a, Elll'n Kubo Tats Ku shlda . Sam Minami. Ker Na kaoka . Wilbur Salo and Dr. Ma saj i Urill ,

NC-WNOC orator chosen Santa Rosa valedictorian

SANTA ROSA -William Y. Hava "'hi. winneI' or the NC-WN JA"CL Dblrict Council oratol'ical contest. \.\'a: ("h, 'en by the San1'l Rosa High Schonl faculty to deliver the valedictory addrc ~s at the com· ml:ncenwnt exercise5 h l' I d lasl nillht His speech was entitlec "Amerit'a--The Be;Jutiful". on thf slIbi('ct of brotherhood.

At the annual hil!h school award~ '

assembly June 8. the trophy and the $100 savings bond for havin? won the J ACL distriot oratorical contest was presented to Hayashi by Dr. Roy Okamoto, Sonoma County vice-president. This pre· sentation was made at the special request of Principal Frederick Duey of Santa Rosa High Scho;)l

The Sonoma County JACL Chap. ter scholarship plaque and c.beck was also presented to Hayashi b) Dr. Okamoto.


SAN FRANCrSCO.-The three-da" program celebrating the 45th a~­niversary of Boy Scout Troop 12 was announced this week bv Sim Togasaki. gem'ral chairman:

It will op('n Junl.' 24 with a court of honor at An?a Vista School and a ke-vnote address by the Rev . .Joe K. ":'sukamoto of St. Mary's Epis, c.opal Church. Los Angell'S, an old tIme troop leader. Mas~lnobll MOl'isuye of Sharon.

Pa .. troop fc"Jnder, will speak at the June 25 dinner-dance at the Beach Chalet, starting at 6:30 p.m. The Catha.vans will play lor the dance.

The finale will be the June 26 pionic at Lake TemescaJ.

Tokuyae Hanayagi, Jorokuaki Ki­neya. and Kanya Sanjo are among the others.

Philanthropi~t Fred lsamu Wada, who instigated many intern.lltional goodwill sports events between American and Japanese athletes is one of the top awardees.

The remaining honorees. in al­phabetical order, are Soichi Fukui, Dr. James Goto. Jim Higasbi. Vic­tor Ikeda, Taro Kawa. Minoru Ka­suyama. Nobu Kawai. Robert Ko­da'ma. Kaogo Kunitsugu, Henry Murayama .

Shizuko Takeda. Tsutomu Take­;a. Katsumi Tamura. Eiji Tanabe, ;\1atao Uwate . Masaru Watamura. lnd Roy Yamadf'ra.

In the West Los Angeles area, he Japanese Americans are Ka­.sutoshi Goka . Ruth Kodani. Ma­,ao Moriguchi. and Kiyoshi Waki.

The south Los Angeles district. Jhich cover: South Ba.". Gardena, rorrance. Compton, San Pedro. md Long Beach. eight were listed: )r. Masaru Horii. Kay K. Kamiya. )r'. Norman Kc-~ayashi, Tats Ku­

.,;hida. Bill Nagamori. Kenneth Na­gaoka . Noboru Nakatani. and Taul Watanabe.

Five were named from Orange County: Henry Kanegae. George Kannu. George Ogata. Yukina') Sa­wada. Yoshiki Yoshida.

In Imperial County. Takeshi Mo­mila of Calipatria. and George Na­kamoto of Calexico were chosen. Nagao Fujita, Frank Hiji. Kinya Katsuda. and Tamotsu Katsuda were the Ventura County choices.

Fro m the Santa .t:sarbara-San Luis Obispo county areas. four re­ceived the nod: Masaji Eto. Kazuo Ikeda. Daniel Miyake, and Kingo Kawaoka.

Shoichi Kadomoto and Shigeru Tanita of Glendale, Arizona: and Rut h Hashimoto, Albuquerque, New Mexico, complete the list.

(The testimonial banquet held May 21 in New York where Japa· nese Consul General Mitsuo Tana­ka presented citations and a gift to 121 Issei was conspicuous by the absence of Nisei awardees.l

Nisei insurancemen win coveted industry award

SAN FRANCISCO. - William Ma­tsumoto of Sacramento was named winner of the life insurance indus­try's National Quality Award this year fol' his seventh consecutive award. Haruo Ishimaru of San Francisco received his thit;d Na· tional Quality Award.

The awards are given by the Nat'! Assn. of Life UnderWriters and the Life Insurance Agenc,y Management Assn. to underwriters to meet the highest standards in service to their policyowners. Both winners are with West Coast Life Insurance Ce.

PACIFIC CITIZEN ~, ......... ~ .................. p. ........ ~ ............ " ...... 111! .......................................... ~.tI; ... -


ew letter BY MIKE MASAOKA '

_ ... ~ ............. 4 ........ , .................. • .... •• .... • .. ••••• .. • ••••• "' ............................ .

A Japanes.e Viewpoint WAsh11l~10n, D C,

nh{\I\"~ nIl 1'~'('~l1t mutt. r h". ";1' nfkdl"(i til\' UIlllklllj( nuci tlu • !).'i.,\\' • f Am I'il'{\n~ "I' .!;IPI\lll'. t' nn 1':<\1'.1' IIg Pn'i(l,'"t ':I,(nhow.,l's C\1ITI'nt Itlm tlr the " ';\1 l< ~n"l. whH'h illtludt' I

·l.h ·dull'ti f]n·...:!nv Sl(1): weI ill '1'tlk~'" h\'"imllnl{ 1I .. ,,1 SUlldll~'

<. I nlt'I'I'st Ih'I' (on'. In \' ht' Ill\' followln' .IUll<' II l'litcwtlll

II m Th,' J,\pan Tim<.' • Oil,' III th\' nUl t lIlClI1~lllilll llmi hl1'IWl<t

t I lhl: 1£1\ li~h IflIII'!IHljl,' IWI pap I'~ III ":111. I'lltltktl ·'Pn':.­

tit'nt 1£IS .... nhow·1' S Vi. 11'

l~lt SID ''''1' Et 'l£N nOW1 ~ R'~ VISIT

\,lnpan Tin",. J::,dl\oTinl. ,hili' 9. l!loo t

11 now RN'll'nr. llr t'tl • .... lly (,,'1'\ lin Ihlll Pn.' ,nit-III 1'.l.'l·nhllWt'I'

" ill nw to J l~ln III UW n\lr~1t of III "011 En h'l'lI \UIII'

(I plh- ,ome mislllvlllgs in cI'd lin cln'lt·~ 111 th,' LJnih'd Slal,'_

an tl\(.' continucd Idlisl ,I'lialinn In thl ,'Cl\lnll·v. Thll qu,':hon is to I\:I1l'th,'1 Ihe I'rupnSl,d vi. it nllght to I",

m'ad in \'lew 01 the furor crNlt'd in J PII n by Illl' uppollt'nb

f th,' re\'i~ ~ H'curilY Ir\.'nty And ~11'ti-Amt'I'I\'an d"I11I'nt hn l ' n wldel" d .... bat~od on both sid .... ' of till' PlICIIIC.. and bolh

ti .Iap·IIl'·:.... .md American gOVl rnl11l·nl. hllVl' ctlm., I" th· ~ . nelu -i III that the m in I ;I!ur ,_ of the Pr .... sid,·nt' prollC •• 'd

lJologmm :hould :1. nd, Wl' hope thiS deci.-jQn will provc R wI. l' Olll'

nothing will happen during Mr, ELcnhvwer's 'wy h 'n' 10 b ·lil' \ht: Japanese nation'!, reput;ltion lor courl.5)' lind good ,'1\ l',

It mA: perbn): $ b A: \I II 10 try In pick n~'~rt som" the element!· in the PI' _en t confu, t'd stllte of PUhUCAI f ..... ·I.

ing ID lhis country. Th,' J)\lrpo· .... of Ih' Pre. idl'nrS "i it tn Japan. as emphnsizl.'<i in a s lalement ju. I issul'd in W,I- hinllton, 'a~, ~nd r .... m .... ins: lh "pa)'menl of n cOllrtesy cnll on a gl'l'1I1

,'hler Qemocrac,.'" and th\.' furtheranc· of U.S -Jflp. n' l' fnend--~;hjp In connecti n with lhe V .. --1ilpan ct.·nll nmlll cdc-bra lion ib~ year:' It has nOlhin~ \0 do pcr s .... with Ihe n'v'blUll 01 :ecurity u·eaty. although actually, if reg rdl:d in th~ propt'r lOgJcal IIghl the _ igna UT~ and ratification of th ... r,·\' I I'd treaty ~ould hav .... the eiIei:1 of incr-.;a.-ing /flendly r 'Ialion_ b ... tween

tll' United States and Jap.'1n, Neverthe!e:s, a: thll r~vision or the ':ccuritr tJ ·tty h

:u-ou:ttd a good deal of oppo ltion on the part of the last fsponsible members of the community, it may. from Anoth'r

.nt oC view. perhaps be regarded as uniorlunllte thnl the i. '"\It:- of it~ ratification should ha\'e occurred about thl: Slim,! tiJr,e as Mr. Ei5enhower" propost:d visit and the cdebratlon

'flIe V S -Japane .. ~ centennial.

* We ha\'e alread)' slaled in thL' column that after th ma t

car ful perusal of the texl of thlt treat) w can ;ee nothing it detrimental to the best Interests of Japan-rather thO'

('ootrary . At lltis juncture, how ver, we may call to mind that Article IV of the original .ecurity treaty, si~ned at San Fran­

co on Sepl_ 8, 1951 , lays down that it shall expire when· ver In the opinion oC the Governments of the United Stat"s

ana 01 Japan there shall have come into (oree sucb Unitt:<l Nations arrangements or such alternative Individual or collective ~;f:ceurity dispositions as .... ri.ll satisfactorily provide lor the main­tenance by the United Nations or otherwise of IOternutJonnl ~ace and security in the Japan area.

Presumably. therefore. until both Governments agree thot these conditio as have been met, and no new treaty has been .. greed upon, the old treaty remains in force.

- Are we then to suppose that the opponents of the revised trf:caty. who bawl so loudly in Tokyo's streets, prefer the old (JIIe~ If so, their atUlude hardly makes sense.

As U.S. Assistant Secretary of State J Graham Parsons i.t:stified 10 Washington, under the old security treaty Japan felt that her interests were not properly renected. The chief (;omplaints aga.inst the old treaiy, as mentioned by Mr. Parsons. were that the V.S. was permitted to use bases In Japan and Qeploy forces elsewhere in the Far East which might involve Japan in war without previous consultation, that the U.S. could jntroduce nuclear weapons without consulting with the Japanese Government, that the American forces in Japan could intervene in any large-scale domestic disturbances here, that the U.S. could exercise a veto on any agreement Japan might make with a third country on the stationing of tronps in Japan . and that no provision was made for the termination of the treaty, which might run indefinitely. All these matters have been recti­fied io the new treaty.

* This being the case we have to look further afield for the real reasons for the noisy opposition to ratification of the tlew treaty and the attempt to rouse the nation by violent demagogic methods,

And wben we searcb lor motives, we see first of all, the ~(Jcialist Party, repeatedly defeated at the polls and recently torn asunder by internal faction, seeking under new leadership lQT an opportunity to rid to power on a wave of popular

motion, however unfairly engendered, and secondly a combined t:ffort on the part of the various leftist elements whos political and economic ideas are borrowed from the Communist regimes in Soviet Russia and Red China to break of[ Japan's friendship with the United States.

But we are convinced that the great mass of the Japa.­iIIese people will not be led astray by such motives on tite part of the political self·seekers and that it is their intention to give President Eisenhower ,a hearty welcome when he comes nere, If titere are any misguided persons who are determined to act illegally on that occasion, we anticipate th,at public indignation as well as publk justice will insist on their proper vuainbment,

JUDGE . AlSO PROMOtE TO FUll COLONEL. RANK' . Hlslory repealing Iiself: anll·forelgn

enllmenl slrong al Ome ollirsl trealy Judge John F, Also of the Lof Anllf"J II Superior Court was for­mlllly prelented hit aomrnlulon ,II II colonel In the U.s. Army R"F{'rVCII by Col. Allan Stampa, 'f'ort MlicArthur Army Rellerve S('hool commandant. this week.


(Spr~I~1 to PAcific CIUrt " Tok.vo

'1'111' l'l' l'l III oil. c·rvllnt'{· (·ont· I1wnHlI'Il I11'11! Ihl' \JS,-,lilJlIIIl C .. n 1<'1\. nllli 01 (,Ilmml' .. dnl ,wd dliliomutll' 1'1'111 \lnlll< "",,'\'1' SIICC'\," . fully cmn· f'!lId,'rl ht'll' In spill' of unl1, A m l' I' I I ' a 11 d,·mon. trillinn/< and pJ'llpnjlnnon No nlnth'r whnt Ihn 1<mo m IIlllllty hilS to Sll ~', hlncl,,· 111I'nlllll)". 1111' J.qllllWSt· IWOP!!' ,In pn. AIlH'ril'nl1,

JII : \l1J'Y I, n'I"'l1l1nl'l Ibl'lf l .Jupan ,'xpt'rll'lH'I'ri 1'I(IIIIIIy I<'nlhl .. IInti· IUJ'l'il(ll l\I'nIInH'1lI a 100 yC'lIl' 011«(1

whl'n 1111' fir I lJ S ·Jap·11l fl ' it'nd ship 1I'I'nly Will> rntlll('c1,

I.<lrd It K/lllIon'llu-Kumi, ..... Ii() ~ t

}>IIHlIt-H\llusl tinn ('lUT"'l'flntl. to Ihl pr"~l'nt-<Ia-" priml' nll"i ~ ll'l. WI\:

, 1 8~1I ·t;l nal,'ci \11'1'11 U.I· hI' lllld I'll' It 'n'd Inlu th .. U.s ,-J"l'un Tn'ul} .{ Amity nnd l'nmml'l't'c' 11.· />l'nl

th Ornnrl }<:;mbRII!lY to Am""lc-n tr rnllfv the t.renty. I.,,,rd TI was klllt>d bl'r(/re the Ol'And EmballllY J'('IH'h"d Wu hlnllton, D .C.

Arll'" thl Grand Embn~~y Tf"

lurnt·cI 10 ,luplln. Chh'f Ambu~ II\f1 dol

Shlmml BUl.en-nu .. Kumt wus Clulltf'd from OWN'. Vlce-Ambn!lsador Mu· rllRllkJ Awnjl-nn-Kpml W/IS almn:1 l'xllt'C1 to Hokkpldo. Cl'nsor Ogurl fllllll(f)·nn·Knml wus b (' h ,. II d I! d C)lhc'" mt'mb,'rll of thl' (irand Em· nu!'" wen' l'ithel" killed or blldl~


Lor d Klmurn S"Ullu-no-Kami who WO!\ thl' NAVY Minl~t('r lit thl IJm~ lind h·d the Kallrin Maru tt, 'if 1 II }o rllllC'ittl'o, 1",\ a very lone', ~o,"' 11/<, upon his J'I.'turn from C'lllifCJl'nill. About thl' only p 'non who, urvivcd this untHorl'ign hy,'· It'rla W'l. Rintaro Kntll, captain of th\.' Kamin Milru. II" was cle· vah,d 111 the· pc'c'rage.

Now, 11 hundn'd YPi\rs later, Prln1l' Mini~h'r Ki:hi is being sub­JCl'Il·d to vkiou' Atta('k~ from all dir('Plion' Inr taking the I('od in I'ullrying thE' 1960 U.S-J a pa 11

(rl'llIv 'l'hl' IInti·Amt'flnn cam·

Servlnl( In the Judge Advocate Gl'nf'l'ill's Dl'partment, he carrie. a mobilization de<l/lnation ali In­tructor In International Law at.

th{' Army JAG School located on th(' Vniv. of Virgmia campus.

His ~on .• John. Jr .. a senior at Hollywood High, waS promoted Ii'lst wf'f'k to tht! r nk "'f cadet major In the ;;chI)(JI'" ROTC,

Okura feted by Jaycees os 'outstanding man'

OMAHA. - Tho,! Omaha Junio,. ChAmbE'r of Comm~rce last wt~k pr(;!'-cntpd an "I)U~t n<lIng young man In gov~rnment" award to Pat Okura, ("hiet juvenile probation omCH. The Ja~'c~t:s said OktJ1'9 made a "marked .:ontribution teo locaJ government."


* pnign is b .... ing wa~l"d day itftl"r June 111 ti:)\turd.lYI " ('hv bv unionists ·tucienls and I WlilllOn\'llll'-Cradlut" g teak baroe~

• . '. . . h' b" cu~, Buddhillt Church hall. 1 p.m_ c'rit7.), agltntors. w 0 arc. Ctng tn- CCPC-Pre-conventlon meeting. J&J>II­splreri bv ttt· CnmmullIsts. They I n~' Congregatlon!il Church,, a.... jJilrnding the Tokyo street ~-5 p,m.: rally, .o.,sert (nn, 1 p.m.

I h · "D ' tb 11-11. Olympu5 - Jr JACL InlrtalLaltcD .. v .. rv (iI\' 5 outtng: own WI I anti /tTaduathm JCI~l. South S .. 1t Ki. hI" , "Ya n k c I' S go home" , I .... lte Audltorlum, ~~)f) S. State, 'I "Dnwn with Iht, Sf!tur!I\' Treaty" p.m.

Within the Kishi climv Ilrc so'mE: F10rl; .. ;;:r,.duate~ d ,nee, VB" Ball,

d"vl'r ilnrl ,Iv IX>lltil'lln~ The Lib- Chlt'".,,-·SchtJlarshlp 'jmner, SheridaII CTIII-Df.'mocratic majority in thE' PI "ii, fl:JO P 11\,

J 0 ,' .... ( CCDC-Pre-Cnn,entlon r:.llv. , "pan. ~l' let I' compo~f:u () ~e\'- uny, lle''''h-CI' du·,t",' dance, an­"'I ill pollllcal parlil's anci Iheir re- tt r Communlt~' C"ntu ,pt'cl!\,£' lc"ldt'rs iI~pire 10 the tOll CJ~\f;I:md-S<hulil .... hLp b"nquet.

r h I · I Ie dd Ilk June Ii • 19 I"lIny, 0 t e pO itlca a er- e V~'TIICt -CuI"" _ C JOUllunlty carnh,a) lehiro Kono lind 'rakeo !\1iki. , .th.

, I Opportuni. t . . p()c. I' lIo-!1'::~L I~JI~:::~dE:~em JdabO On the other Side of lhe polttlcall Sf:1 I'ail",round" Blackfoot.

1 'nc~ is (}("wlist )pud!>r (najiro GUroy-Graduate, b"rbecue.

Lllnce B. " .. ma Aki, 13'\'f'aro(,ld _ on of MI-, lind h, Mols Ya· mas ki nl"liv(' D. vlon .1 ACl.ers, I thc first J apilnc t' American to recpiv ' thl' EI1I1:I~ Scout IIward in Miami Vlllley Council. A mem­b~r of TrooJ) 205, he is a ~e\·t.'n lh

I<'Tndt'r at Corndl Hdghts SC'hool, a patrol leader lind induclt:'<I lust month in the Order of Arrow, honorary C.lmrwl·S gro IP, He IS attending the 50th Annivl?r.'ary S C 0 u t Jamboree Ilt Colorudo Springs next month a ~ patrol lender of hi unit.

Joan Yasui named nal'l Elk Youlh leader of the year

A m wh se' th V S 5' .. une 211 (~1onday) I <lnu a, 0 Ilccu.. ~ .. a liom.ona County Gr<duate' skatefest. lht' ('(mmon ~nemy of .Iapan and! , June 2~ (Friday) Red China and point~ to Ambassa· Selma F.unlly b~rbecue. Blakeley's dor MacArthur. But Asanuma is I 1'1.01. Fresno.?

. I ' , h .Iune .$ (. ~turday) a simp e man. an opportUlllst Wit Long Bt-.. ch-Coron"tion Ball. no ~t't principl~s of hi 0"'11. DurinI'! June 2$-21 the war )"'ars he was an Armv We>t L.A,-Comrnunltl' carnivaL

'" - .Iune 2& (Sunday) py and stronj(ly advocated world RoU> "'ood ·,l'<lsel W..ek Queen canch-

supn·macy through Japanese im· dale Introductlon and Graduates' perialism. After the war, he turne<! pall)". Hollywood Community Center,

around 180 degrees and still sil« cl!~~i~~d-Comunlty plcnle. pr tty June 21 (:'IIolldaYI

What are the issues over the Sonom.. County-Graduates' skatefest. oooosition 10 the secllritv treatv~ R"dwood RoUer P:Uace-; 8 p.rn.

Colll?ge student feel they will be 16th Blenn:~n~a~~~tL 3conventloD mobilized and sent to the war Sacramento JACL hosts front after the U.S.-Jap n treaty .AIl e.en ... at Hotel El Dorado, becomp. enacted, The women be- Sacramento, except 35 noted. Parti-

clpant~ must be registered for aU Iicve this treaty means a military I events except tho;;e indicated by as-aUiance with America and even'l trislts.,

I So h d • Open to Pubhc tua war we av young an June 28 (TUesdaYI old. men aod women. shouting and )0 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Nat'J Board Meeting. waving red flags, in -pired by So- 1 to 5 p.m.-Reg~tion. !'iali· t and Communist leaders. Yet _ June 29 (" ednesday) th d 't I' Ih d 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.-RegIstration.

ley on rea lZe ese emonstra· 9 ".m_ to 1.2 noon-National Coutl£B

tion. will not benefit them one, Meeting. bit. J2 to 2;30 p.m.-Re~ognit10ns Lunc!'eoo..

00 VER 0 -J . Th II i 1- b I' th 2:30 to 5 p.m.-Nat 1 CouncU Meetmg. H D Rl ,re, oon Yasul, to co eg ans a so e leve e 6 to 10 p.m. _ "Pioneer Dinner and 17-yeHr-old dallghtl?r oC Mr. and revolution of Korea and Turkey is Opening Ceremontes IGuest speaker, Mrs Ray Yasui. WliS picked nil' coming to Japan and these stu. HIS ExceUency Kota Matsudaira, Ja-tiona! girl \Vinner of thl? 1960 Elk_ dents are trying not to miss the rl~':ts~ Ambassador to UrutedNa-National Youth Leadership COIl- boat. On tbe other hand, the Japa- 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.-;I<[jxer at the El Dc-lest recentlv. Mis Yasui, who will nese people know that the situation rado Room. BiU Rase orchestra. ., b h - t . I .'. d J' t d f th June 38 (Tbursday) e t e ora onca representatIve IS very e Ica e an many 0 em 8 .. m to 5 pm-Registration from the Pacific Northwest Districl are beginning to realize that there 6:30 ~.m.-Colf· Tournament: Ba,:giD Council at the National JACL ora· is a Red hand behind all of 'he.e Oaks and BeLng :'loIlonC;y courses. torical contesl, ha s Just gradunted troubles. ,9 ~~~i.lnt:. 12 noon-National Council from Wy'East Hi~h 'Occupation' En-or 12 to I p.m.-LunCh as you please.

The Sansei lass who was elected EdUCAtion Minister Takechiyo 1 :30 to 3;30 p.m.-Oratorical contesL . , Matsuda h d to I' . S- 3;30 to 5:30 p.m.-N!lt·l Council Meeting.

~ovel'nor of Oregon's Girls Statl , • w . o use Ive In ,an 7 p.m.-IOOO Olub Whing Ding Gover-last year and delegate to Girl!' FrancIsco,. IS of the o~inion ~at I nor's HaU at the State Fair Grounds. Nation in Washington. D .C" whete the Ar.nerlcan Occupaho~ poh~y LOUIS Jor~an a~d ~~ Tympany FIVe.

she sel-ved as Secretary of Com· maker~ made a gr~at mlstak.e In 8 li.m. to :; ~,.-~egi=lion. merce in mock government ses. ha~telll~g the organization. ~f labor 6:30 a.m.-Colf Tournament, Ba,:giD sions was selected by a panel Unions 10 Japan and revIsing the Oaks and Bing Maloney courses. of U'S senators who also n~mer. school laws without fully under- 9 a.m. to noon-Nat'l Counc1l Meeting.

. . , . • stadni g th d·t· f th 12 to 4 p.m.-Bridge Tournament.. Stephen K , Smith of Lafayette ' n e CO? ,1 Ions 0 e coun· 12 noon-Lunch as you please. Ind . , as national boy winner in try. ~owever. It s too late to say 1:30 p.ln.-·Outing at Elk Grove Park, the contest which saw 60,000 high anything about tbat and we now I Outdoor supper. games_, swi~, school . t d have a big red fire to fl'ght and dancing, Wayne Shtrley and hilt seniors en ere , . . orchestra. .

The declswn Wet:, announced May In sp~te ot the demonstrations July 2 (Saturday) 23 b S F and strikes, the Security Treaty 8 a.m. to :; p.m.-Registration.. .

yen. rank Church of Idaho will be ratified. When President 9 a.m. to 12 noon-NatJonal CouncD panel chairman. Others on th~ E' h lIIleeting. oanel ASS d L H J ~sen ower comes, probably there 12 noon-Lun"h as you please.

• w",re ens. pessar . o· WIll be some more demonstrations. 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.- Fashion Show an .... land of Florida and Prescott S 1\ I L h ... Bush of Connecticut. lit ""thing will change the destiny une eon.

ot Japan 11:30 p , ~. to adjournment - NatiOnal The annual, nation-wide competi. , '. CounCIl Meetmg.

lion is open lo all boys and girl '] nt: it'ltlsts have disrupted travel 6 to 10 p.rn. - Convention Banquet, under 19 yea,'S of age. Entrants ~=~there. and ~ somthe cases the I ~:s:./~:~:~i. Rep. Daniel Xen IDO-

are judged on their records as services. ut ey couldn't 10 p.m--Sayonara Ball GO'd M . leaders in school and community ~top that great American pastime I and his orchestra. . 1 on arvID

affairs. cha'ractAr. CI'tl'zenshl'p pel'- lmportlld here years ago--baseball. July 3 (Sunllay) '" 110 a.m. to 12 noon-National Board

sel'vel-ance and resourcefulness. Meeting, Contestants participate in 10caJ and U.(, Boalt Hall prof • • • state levels with state champions h d b f July 2-4 being entered in the national finals. onore Y acuity I °s~~~mlly Fair booth, Municipal

c Ai least a dozen Sansei students BERKELEY.-Sho Sato, professor July 3 (Sunday) bave been reported as local win. of law at the Univ. of California Sonoma. CountY-Commuh.tty piCniC:,

ners this year.) Boalt Hall. was among six younger I Puyallup ~~~reyl~:t~!int pim:le. The national winners will reoeive f~culty members honored as dis. L.A. COOrdinating Councll-HUo Tidat

a $1,000 sayings bond at the Elks tmgulshed teacbers at the com.' Wa,:,e Fund benefit luau, Kana lila. Grand Lodge Convention in Dallas mencement exercises here last 0 w::t'~ .. Ana, 1-5 p.m. in July. week I m a apter picnic:.

. luly •• (Saturday) Joan plans to major in foreign The 36-year-old honoree is active West Los Angele&-Summer dance.

languages in college and become with Berkeley JACL, a native 01' Lo luly 17 (Sunday~ a diplomat. Desacramento. an~ a graduate oj I n{! aea;~~:(~::::)s .partY'

Her father, "Chop", is PNWDC· nve.r Uruverslty and Harvard CCDC'-Rep. Jnouy~ testimonJaJ,,una~ 1000 Club cllail"man, Law School, . I J:Ur.'6 Club, ~o, .

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