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A BriefSabbath

Study2nd Edition

Revised © 5/11/2014 By Dr. Russ Hills, Ph.D.rhja1948@hotmail.com

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Copyright Notices

HRB…………………………………………..………....Hebrew Roots Bible (Hebrew & Aramaic) translated by Don Esposito, 2009, Word of Truth Publications, P.O. Box 832 Carteret, New Jersey 07008

LAMSA………..........................................The Modern New Testament From the Aramaic, Deluxe Study Edition, Edited by Daniel Mahar, 2001, Aramaic Bible Society, Atlanta Georgia

AEINT…………....The Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament, 3rd Ed. © & Translation by Glenn Bauscher, 2009, Lulu Publishing

APNT…………...……....Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation Janet M. Magiera, 2006, Light of The World Publications, Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico

AENT…………………………...............…Aramaic English New Testament Andrew Gabriel Roth, Netzari Press, 2008, Jerusalem, Israel

DSSB………………………………………….…The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible by Martin Abegg, Peter Flint & Eugene Ulrich, 1999, HarperCollins, New York, New York

HGOM…………………………………...…The Hebrew Gospel of MatthewGeorge Howard, Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1995

AMP……………………………………………………...…..Amplified BibleThe Lockman Foundation, La Habra, California, 1987

ESV………………………………...…………...….English Standard VersionCrossway Bibles/Good News Publishers, 2007, Wheaton, Illinois

KJV……………………………….…….…………….….King James Version (Public Domain)

KJ2……………………………………...….King James II Version 4th EditionJay P. Green Sr. (Baker Book House, 1979, Grand Rapids, Michigan NIV.…………………………………………….....New International Version Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1985

RHT... ………………………………………………....Russ Hills Translation© By Russ Hills, Salem, Oregon, 2010




Chapter 1Sabbath Set Apart By Yahweh…………………………..6-9

Chapter 2Filling Torah (“The Law”) Full…………………….….10-13

Chapter 3The Apostle Paul, Torah & Shabbat……………….….14-20

Chapter 4Clear Recognition of The Sabbath………………….....21-22

Chapter 5Preparation & Feast Days……………………………..23-29

Chapter 6Why?.............................................................................30-32

Chapter 7Some General Applications…………………………....…33

AppendixHatred For The Jews And Changing The Sabbath……34-42



1.) Attitude

...show true humility toward all men. At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But, when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:2-7, NIV).

Like many people I have gone through life making changes in my beliefs and life style based on new things that I learned. This is not usually easy. Once any of us accept Y'shua as Master and Savior, we go through a process of dying to self and dealing with others who are at different places. I suggest speaking the truth in love as well as with conviction.

2.) Salvation – Amazing Grace

For by Grace you have been saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of Yahweh-Elohim - not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship created in Messiah Y’shua/Christ Jesus to do good works, which Yahweh-Elohim prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Do we nullify the Torah/law by this faith? Not at all! Rather we uphold the Torah/law (Romans 3:31, RHT).

Many places in Scripture promote the preeminence of Y’shua as the ultimate authority on any subject. This is particularly obvious in the book of Hebrews. I am in complete agreement with the preeminence of Y’shua in Scripture. I make these statements so as to avoid possible misunderstandings about any of my statements as related to the person and work of Y’shua our Savior and Messiah.


I do not promote a salvation by works theology. At the same time, I also agree with Yahweh’s Word that indicates “you will know them by their fruit.” This is true in the Gospels as well as the Epistles (Letters), particularly in 1 John. I also believe that true followers of Y’shua will repent when they realize they have been practicing error.

4.) Who Is This Booklet For?

This booklet has been written for anyone who desires to grow in following and becoming like Y'shua (Jesus). It has also been written as an encouragement to fellow Hebrew Roots advocates by recognizing the solid foundation we have for Yahweh’s Shabbat as indicated in all of Yahweh’s Word as found in “The Covenant” (“Old Testament”) and “The Covenant Expanded Upon” - "Testimony-of-Y'shua" (“New Testament”). I prefer the designation "The-Testimony-of-Y'shua" for "New Testament."

One role that I play in Hebrew Roots is to apply a consistent Dia-Chronic Grammatical-Historical method of interpretation to Scripture. “Dia-Chronic simply means “through time.” So, references of words or subjects are considered in light of the expanding nature of Revelation as found in all 66 Books of the Bible. “Grammatical-Historical” simply means analyzing the grammar in its historical cultural setting. One part of that role is to exercise translation options regarding Greek that recognizes the Hebraic thought (expressed in Hebrew and Aramaic) and use of Greek words in their Biblical and historical contexts.

Part of that involves exposing pagan traditions that have been imposed upon Scriptural interpretation that have obscured the meaning of many important passages in Scripture. I believe that we are living in a time of purifying the Bride of Messiah, preparing Her/Us for the Wedding Feast of The Lamb.

5.) Translations

I use several mainstream translations for the convenience of many readers. The use of a translation is not a blanket endorsement for that translation.


Chapter 1Sabbath Set Apart By Yahweh

One thing that is noteworthy regarding this study is that

the paganism that became replacements for Yahweh’s Feasts were centered on sun worship and the weekly day “set apart” by pagans for sun worship as being Sun-day. That day became the pagan replacement in Christendom of Yahweh’s “Set Apart” Sabbath (“Saturday”).

As noted in the Appendix regarding “church fathers,” hatred for the Jews and accommodating paganism led to replacing Yahweh’s Sabbath with “the Lord’s Day” which “just happened” to be the day for sun worship.

The-Testimony-of-Y'shua (“New Testament”) use of “The Lord’s Day” is never referred to as a replacement for the 4 th

Commandment (of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20). The replacement meaning was an unrighteous imposition on Scripture motivated by an accommodation to paganism, hatred for Jews and disrespect for Yahweh’s Words.

Genesis 2:2: From the beginning the Sabbath has been the 7 th day which Yahweh set apart. The day in the 21st century is commonly called “Saturday.”

Exodus 20:8-10: Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy {set apart – different than other days or practices}. Six days you shall work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD {Hebrew: Yahweh} your God {Hebrew: Elohim}…

…On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates…

…For in six days the LORD {Yahweh} made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the LORD {Yahweh} blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy (NIV - { } brackets by Russ Hills)

Many Christians read the following verses from The-Testimony-of-Y'shua thinking that Y’shua “Did away with the Sabbath.” That is most certainly not the case!


What Y’shua did do was to clarify some things that were endorsed by Yahweh to do on the Sabbath. Y’shua never endorsed “ordinary work” or work for financial profit on the Sabbath.

Matthew 12:1-2: At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. And his disciples were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain, and to eat. But when the Pharisees saw [it], they said to him, “Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath day” (NKJV).

Actually, it was lawful for people in Israel to pick fruit or grain for their immediate needs on the Sabbath. What religious leaders did was to exercise control over the people by adding to Yahweh’s Word and placing a heavy burden on the people apart from the Law. Kohlenberger, Swanson and Vine point out:

The O.T. regulations were developed and systematized to such an extent that they became a burden upon the people (who otherwise rejoiced in the rest provided)…Two treatises of the Mishna (The Shabbath and ‘Erubin) are entirely occupied with regulations for the observance; so with the discussions in the Gemara, on Rabbinical opinions…According to Rabbinical ideas, the disciples, by plucking ears of corn (Matt. 12:1; Mark 2:23), and rubbing them (Luke 6:1), broke the Sabbath in two respects; for to pick was to reap, and to rub was to thresh. The Lord’s attitude towards the Sabbath was by way of freeing it from these vexatious traditional accretions…1

Matthew 12:8: For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath!(NKJB). Something that is often overlooked is that The Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One (Hebrew: echad) wrote the Torah, including the 4th Commandment (regarding Sabbath). Y’shua was Lord/Master of the Sabbath because He wrote it. Here, some Pharisees were attempting to teach Y’shua based on what they had added. _____________________________________________________1. The Expanded Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words Editors: Kohlenberger, Swanson & Vine, Bethany House, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1984, pp. 983-984


These verses are very important for a number of reasons. One reason is the use of the expression “Law” or “The Law.” One definition used by prominent religious leaders in the first century was Yahweh’s Word plus Rabbinic commentary on The Law. Understanding this is critical for interpreting a number of verses in The-Testimony-of-Y'shua.

Kohlenberger, Swanson & Vine note that the use of the double consonant “b” in the word “Sabbath” is used to intensify the meaning – something to the effect of: “I’m really serious about this! Observe the Sabbath!”2 Of course, that 4th commandment Sabbath was Yahweh’s definition, not that of Rabbinic Talmudic Judaism.

The connection with Master/Lord of the Sabbath and authorship is also connected with a play on words with another Hebrew word, sabaoth that is transliterated from Hebrew into Greek. (“Shabbat”/”Sabbath” is also a Hebrew-Aramaic word found transliterated into Greek).

Sabaoth is idiomatic for “Lord of Hosts” in the Tanach (“Old Testament”). What Y’shua said was very clear and emphatic about who He was and who they (some of the Pharisees) were and what they were guilty of regarding a violation of His Torah by adding to it.

Yahweh was/is very clear about adding to His Word (Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32). What Y’shua said was very pointed. In modern vernacular: Don’t tell me about the Sabbath. I wrote it! - “I am the Master/Lord of the Sabbath – not you or your traditions or teachings.” He demonstrated His Master/Lordship through the miracles.

Mark 7:9: Y'shua pointed out that even though they (Rabbinic-"oral law" Jews) claimed to keep the Torah/Law, they did not (John 7:19). Also: …you have a fine way of setting aside the commandments of Yahweh-Elohim in order to observe your own traditions.

_____________________________________________________2. The Expanded Vine’s …, p. 983


Deuteronomy 22:4: Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift {them} up again (KJV).

Luke 14:3-5: Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? But, they remained silent. Then He {Y’shua} took him and healed him…which of you having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day? (NKJV)

Matthew12:9-13:…He went into their synagogue…there was a man with a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” – that they might accuse Him.

Then, He said to them, What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath will not lay hold of it and lift it out? {Deuteronomy 22:4}

Of how much more value is a man than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” Then He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other (NKJV).

Luke 13:10-16: Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath, And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up.

But, when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, Woman you are loosed from your infirmity.” And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight and glorified God.

But, the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath; and he said to the crowd, “There are six days on which men ought to work; therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath day.”

The Lord answered then him, “Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it?

So ought this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound – think of it – for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?”


Chapter 2Filling Torah (“The Law”) Full

Matthew 5:17-19: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fill them full (fulfill) {from pla-rah-o (verb form) pla-ro-ma (noun form)}.

I tell you the truth: until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter, nor the least stroke of a pen will not by any means disappear from the Law until all is become (fulfilled).

Anyone who breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But, whoever practices these commandments will be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:17-19).

The same Greek word for “fulfill” (plarao/plaroma) is used referring to Y’shua in Colossians 2:9: In Him dwells all the fullness of the Father Yahweh-Elohim bodily. It is also used in Ephesians 4:13: until we all reach unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of Father-Yahweh-Elohim to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah (KJ2). Andrew Roth has a good footnote (No.# 52) regarding this verse in his Aramaic English New Testament:

“Fulfill” means to carry out to bring to realization, to perform or do, as in a person’s duty or to obey or follow the Commandments, as in satisfying the Commandments by obeying them…

One of the professed standards for interpretation for Bible believers is context. Y’shua makes the meaning of fill them full very clear in the immediate context following the statements:

You have heard that it was said to the ancients: “do not commit murder.” And, “whoever commits murder shall be liable to the judgment.” But I say to you, everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause shall be liable to the judgment (5:21-22, KJ2). You have heard that it was said as far back as the ancient people: “You shall not commit adultery.” But, I tell you: If a man looks and indulges his lust for a woman, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart…. (Matthew 5:27-28, RHT).


The above words of Y’shua are clear indications that He expanded Torah and thus filled-the-Law/Torah-full. In fact, the rest of the Sermon on the Mount is an expansion of the commonly understood meaning of Torah before Y’shua. Any legitimate understanding with the rest of the Expanded Upon Covenant - Testimony-of-Y'shua must recognize this.

Most of Christendom has been so conditioned by Greco-Roman paganism (including translators) that much of the writings of/for Yahweh's people are misunderstood.

The word ginomai (“until all is become” – “fulfilled” from 5:18) is packed with meaning. The heart of the word (in vs. 18 above) – is become (commonly translated “fulfilled”) is really a combination of state of being (as in YHVH) and becoming or even being generated or having to do with generating (as with the Greek word ginnao). Ginomai is used in John 1:3 regarding creation (literally: came into being).

This may sound familiar because a variant of the word gennao/genea is used for the Greek title of the first book of the Bible, Genesis (“beginnings”). It is also connected to intimate knowledge as in marriage as is the case in Romans 7:3-4.

What may not be so familiar is how a state of being, becoming or being generated and intimate knowing are connected. The words thy kingdom come {Aramaic: be Blessed} thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Also: to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Messiah (Ephesians 1:10).

And: Then I saw a new heaven and new earth…I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from Yahweh-Elohim… now the dwelling of Yahweh-Elohim is with men and He will live with them (Revelation 21:1-3).And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from Yahweh-Elohim out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband….and the Spirit and the bride say come…(Revelation 21:2-22:17, RHT).


Matthew Chapter 7:15 Beware of false prophets {messengers*} who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits…:21-23 Not everyone who says to me “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is heaven. Many will say to me on that day: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” And I will tell them plainly {emphatically} I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! (NIV)(*The Greek word here, prophatas, can be used to denote: preachers, teachers and people who make prophetic utterances or statements.)

Matthew 25:31-46 is a parallel passage (to Matthew 7:21-23 – see below) that most of us are familiar with. 25:41-45: Then {The king} will say to those on His left: “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels {Greek: angelos: messengers.}

For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger {not a local brother} and you did not invite me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not come to look after me…Whatever you did not do for the least of these {my brothers} you did not do for me (NIV).

The vast majority of church people that I grew up around had many discussions about who those people (“evildoers” “workers of iniquity”) are. Some even connected Matthew 7 with Matthew 25. While that is true, there is another point that is frequently missed – what the message of the false prophets [messengers] is. Who are the false prophets/messengers – evil doers/workers of iniquity?

Matthew 7:23 is one example of the Greek translation of Hebrew Matthew supporting Torah: Depart from me you workers of iniquity. In Hebrew the phrase workers of iniquity is a virtual quote from Psalm 6:9 (poala aven). In the Greek Matthew the same phrase is found in the Septuagint - Psalm 6:8: oi ergatzomenoi tan anomian).


The Aramaic is in general agreement with the Hebrew text. Andrew Roth’s translation from Aramaic (among others) is in agreement with the Hebrew text.

Roth has a good footnote relating to the phrase workers of iniquity in Matthew 7:23 in his Aramaic English New Testament:

84. Psalm 6:8, 9 “workers of iniquity” is a common phrase in the Tanach. Iniquity is lawlessness (without Torah). “Horror has taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake Your Torah” (Psalm 119:53). Each and every teaching of Y’shua is based on Torah. To be anti-Torah is to be anti-Mashiyach [anti-Messiah/Christ]; therefore every “authority” will be judged according to whether they uphold Torah or not. According to Y’shua, Torah is “the will of My Father (Matthew 7:21; 12:50). Torah means instruction in righteousness.

One interesting thing about this is that what Brother Roth advocates for in his footnote is very clearly found in the Greek text of Matthew 7:23 - very specific literally as “no law – against law” - lawless” / “no Torah – against Torah” /Torahless (anomian).

This is an important point because the ancient translator understood that Greco-Roman thinking people could easily miss the point – the definition of iniquity-evil. So, to get them on the same page, he translates iniquity as against Torah – not living Torah. That led to the neglect of the poor that is judged in Matthew 25.


Chapter 3The Apostle Paul, Torah & Shabbat

Ephesians 2:15: “…by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances…” (English Standard Version)

Context and grammar in the original texts are professed pillars of Protestantism. Unfortunately, they are generally applied only to verses that do not require changing doctrines.

As is the nature of translations, theological bias is an important ingredient. Since most translators see “the Law” as having been “fulfilled” meaning “ended,” they translate with that assumption.

I think if translators were to look at the book of Matthew, at least attempting some objectivity and compare it with Hebrew and Aramaic, they would see obvious points that the Greek writer was trying to make in emphasizing and clarifying meaning for the Greek reader.

Matthew 7:23 is a prime example. Why would the Greek text use anomian (against law/Torah – actually, not living Torah”) when the Hebrew and Aramaic do not make a direct reference to Torah? The translator into Greek was actually more interested in the meaning of the text than a “literal, word for word translation.”

Back to Ephesians: Before looking at the AENT, I translated the clause from Greek I found it to be in general agreement with the AENT translation and note. The Lamsa and Bauscher translations are not as clear.

Some context: The wall of partition mentioned by Paul, separating the Gentiles and the Jews, was not in Torah or Tanach. The Jews of Herod's time had an inscription put on a wall that limited Gentile use to areas outside of the Temple known as “The Court of The Gentiles.”

The wall was misused to keep people that they hated out. The Jews had endured over 100 years under brutal Selucid-Greek rule, culminating in the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.


Unlike, Alexander (“The Great”) who permitted the Jews to continue in their worship, Antiochus (a descendant of one of Alexander’s generals from the Seleucid Dynasty) once had a pig sacrificed to zeus in the Temple in Jerusalem and killed many that refused to convert to Greek zeus worship.

It wasn’t until the 160’s B.C.E. (B.C.) that the Maccabeans, with the aid of Rome, removed Seleucid-Greek rule. However, there were still a number of Greeks and Greek speaking people in Israel.

There is considerable evidence of this. One evidence is the choosing of the 7 Greek Jews as “deacons” in Acts 6. Even though resented, Roman rule was much more tolerant and permitted the full functionality of the Temple and religious practice.

Archaeologists have found an inscription that was placed on that wall: "No foreigner is to pass beyond this point. If he does, he will have only himself to blame for his death." It was written in Greek and was very pointed to Greek speaking and reading people.

Even though, the Torah taught that the “strangers” and “aliens” who wished to live among the Israelites in agreement with Yahweh’s Covenant-Constitution were to be welcomed and treated as native Israelites, there was considerable resentment that generated general rejection of Yahweh’s Word.

Even the Apostle Peter had problems with accepting Gentiles until Acts 10. In passing, I would suggest reading Hosea 2:18-23 regarding Peter’s vision of the unclean creatures. One more thing that is interesting regarding Peter’s vision is that he said:…I have never eaten anything impure or unclean…indicating that he was Torah observant after the ascension of Y’shua.

Also, it should be noted that Rabbinic-Talmudic Jews commonly referred to their additions to the law as part of the law. So, "the law" to them would mean: The Torah-Tanach Plus Talmud/oral law (as noted in Matthew 12 above).



In this historical context, Paul was talking about what had been added to the Torah and Tanach that produced hostility/enmity between Jews and Gentiles, one expression of which was the inscription on the wall.

Ephesians 2:15 Translation:

"The Law" is in the nominative case.

"The commandments" - ent o la is in the genitive/ablative case. Ent e llomai has the same root with the same basic meaning as ent o la (It is common for vowels to change when forms change, even with the same root). The general use is with reference to Yahweh’s Commandments. However, these words do not always refer to a direct commandment from Yahweh. The use outside of the Gospels is interesting.

The author of Acts (Luke) used this word differently in Acts 17:15. Paul used it differently in Hebrews 7:16 & 11:22, 1Timothy 6:14, Colossians 4:10 and Titus 1:14. Ephesians 2:15 is another instance of the unusual use and it fits the historical and grammatical contexts.

en - "in/with/by" preposition

"decrees" is in the Dative/Locative/Instrumental form dogmasi (dogma).

 So, what Paul said was that what was added to the

Law/Torah was abolished: The Law (ton nomon). A more accurate translation into modern English: …Torah/“The Law” regarding the added commandments in/with/by/through added pronouncements/dogmatic teachings have been abolished.

That did not relieve them of their responsibility to the Yahweh-Elohim of the Temple. But, it did give them access to the True Temple in Heaven along with Jews that had accepted Y’shua. There is no respecter of persons. Both the Jew and the Gentile come together as the true Israel of Yahweh-Elohim.

There is an interesting verse (also written by Paul) that relates to the point of access being connected with keeping the Real Torah:


Galatians 5:13…You for (epi) freedom (eleutheria) [dative case] have been called out [ekaleo/kaleo: aorist indicative passive related to exlasia] brothers: freedom [accusative case noun:eleutheria, object of ekaleo] not for the purpose of [having] a base of operations for the sin nature (“flesh”) (aphorma) [acusative] but, through/through by/because of love, continually be serving one another as bond slaves [present imperative of douleuo]

Freedom (eleutheria): When masters wished to free slaves, they would do what the slave could not usually do for himself. They would take the slave to their pagan temple and pay the temple treasury.

The slave then became the property of the god of that temple so he could not be legally bought as a slave again. The freed slave would be issued a document of freedom (eleutheria) from the temple.

That was their freedom – to become the property of their god. Paul very specifically uses this to define their freedom (eleutheria) as connected to Yahweh-Elohim.3 True followers of Y’shua were bought with a price (1Corinthians 6:20 & 7:23).

This is impressive in the context because of the connection with a code of conduct that would be expected relating to the temple and god. This is all the more important because this “freedom” is connected to “called out ones” (or being called out – ekaleo).

The “called out ones” have been called out of/from the world system by Yahweh-Elohim. They become the “holy ones”/”set apart ones”/”saints.” They are called out to become like Yahweh-Elohim. Of course, in doing so, they follow His code of conduct.

Unfortunately, the Greek text has been imprecisely translated (for centuries) to support Roman Catholic traditions in opposition to Yahweh's teachings regarding the Tanach ("Old Testament"). _____________________________________________________3. The Expanded Vine’s …, p. 461


 The Protestant Reformation threw off many Roman Catholic teachings and traditions. But, for the most part, the Reformation was a movement of reviving the teachings of "Saint" Augustine of Hippo, Africa who was an influential Roman Catholic teacher in the late 300's early 400's C.E. (A.D.). Luther attended an Augustinian school in Germany. The reformers (for whatever reason) stopped with Augustine.

 Unfortunately, the anti-Semitic, anti-Tanach bias had

become a part of Roman Catholic teachings before Augustine and were generally accepted by him, and later, by the Reformers.

Colossians 2

The historical cultural context is one of the early developments (“incipient”) of Gnosticism. The Conservative Bible believing scholar Dr. Donald Guthrie (though not a Hebrew Roots advocate) has given a well documented concise presentation. Guthrie noted:

The warning against human ‘tradition’ (2:8) would be an apt reference to the familiar Jewish tendency to superimpose the traditions of the elders upon the ancient law, but it could also be understood of Gentile tradition in view of its close association with philosophy…From this fragmentary evidence it may safely be deduced that the heresy was of syncretistic Jewish-Gnosticizing type…through the discovery of the Qumran Library…the tenets of the sect [Qumran] show a similar phenomenon of a Jewish basis intermixed with extraneous elements.4

Apart from such information as noted by Guthrie, many people come to the Book of Colossians with an anti-Torah/Tanach bias.

_____________________________________________________4. New Testament Introduction 4 th Edition by Donald Guthrie, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1990, pp. 567-569


Colossians 2:8: See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the elements/spirits/ principles of the world and not according to Messiah/Christ.

When did Paul ever speak about Yahweh’s Torah/Tanach that way?! Never! Kohlenberger, Swanson and Vine commented about the word “elements” (stoixeion) used here:

…at Colossae the worship of angels, mentioned in ver. 18 is explicable by the supposition, held by both Jews and Gentiles in that district, that the constellations were either themselves animated [living] heavenly beings, or were governed by them [living entities/beings]…5

One major teaching of Gnostics was the evil nature of the physical world and the need to move from one level to another (usually 7) by overcoming the “anti-gods” that ruled each sphere with secret progressive special knowledge (formulas) that were revealed through exclusive groups until being united with “the supreme one.”

There were various forms of this. Since the material world had no real value, some indulged their physical desires while others practiced denying legitimate physical needs and desires (asceticism) , including a number of foods that were not excluded by Yahweh in Leviticus 11.

Paul, on a number of occasions, reminded his readers that they were saved from sin to holiness. They were not to have an attitude of indifference toward the law. 6

The false teachings of the syncretistic Jewish-Gnostics was expressed in the worship of angels and forbidding foods that were approved by Yahweh in Leviticus 11.

_____________________________________________________5. The Expanded Vine’s…p. 3536. Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Nashville, Tennessee, 1986, p. 425


Colossian 2:13: And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses: 14 having wiped out the handwriting (xeirographon) of requirements [code] (dogmasin – dogma) that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed to the cross (NKJV).

Re: verse 13: It has been noted before that many Jews included their tradition as part of their definition of Torah/”The Law.” I’ll not go into detail here, but their traditions also included non-Biblical practices regarding circumcision. Andrew Roth has a good presentation in the AENT.7

Re: verse 14: Paul does not use the word nomos (“Torah” “Law”) regarding the “requirements” or “code.” What he did use was a word (xeirographon) that had to do with a written document concerning a record of debts. In this context (connected with xeirographon) the word “dogma” means “decree.”

The use of these words in the context presents a picture that relates to charges of crimes that were nailed to a cross by the Romans. Do you remember the “crime” that Y’shua was charged with – what was nailed on His cross? It was not the Law that was nailed to the cross. It was the list of crimes/sins we have been guilty of that was nailed to the cross!

Colossians 2:16: So, when Paul made the following statements, he was telling the readers to not be moved away from following Y’shua Messiah as they were faithful in keeping His Words:

Therefore, do not let anyone pass judgment on you regarding [Yahweh’s approved] food and drink, or with regard to [Yahweh’s approved] festivals or a new moon or a Sabbath (even though these are a shadow of the things to come) the substance of which belongs to/is Messiah/Christ (RHT).

_____________________________________________________7. Aramaic English New Testament 2nd Edition, Andrew Roth, Netzari Press, Bellingham, Washington, 2009, pp. 751-75


Chapter 4Clear Recognition Of The Sabbath


Luke 4:16: He {Y’shua} came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read…(ESV)

In the context of the abomination of desolation, the great tribulation and other end of the age/world statements Y’shua said:

Matthew 24:20: Pray that your flight not be in winter or on a Sabbath (ESV).

This is an obvious statement of a continuation of Torah, including the Sabbath, after Y’shua’s death, burial and resurrection.

The Apostle Paul

Acts 17:2: As his custom was, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures…(NIV) (c/w Acts 13:14)

Acts13:42-44: As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath…On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord (NIV).

Acts16:13: On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there (NIV).

Acts 18:4: Every Sabbath he {Paul} reasoned in the Synagogue trying to persuade Jews and Greeks (NIV).


We are directed to Observe The Sabbath

Hebrews 4:8-9: For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God…Let us therefore, make every effort to enter into that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience (NIV).

The NIV is typical of translating this verse. Unfortunately, their translation team made the same error that most other teams did regarding the statement: There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God. This is another case of a failure to recognize the unity of all of the 66 Books of Scripture as being a continuing Revelation.

The word in question is sabbatismos (“Sabbath rest”). In various forms it is used in Exodus 16:30, Leviticus 23:32, twice in Leviticus 26:34, twice in Leviticus 26:35 and twice in 2Chronicles 36:21. In every case it is translated as “keeping the Sabbath.”

A.T. Robertson specifically recognized this as being an “old form” that should be translated as “Keeping the Sabbath”8

as did another Greek Scholar, Dr. Marvin R. Vincent9 as well as Kohlenberger, Swanson and Vine.10

It may be surprising to some that Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew words have more than one intended meaning in Scripture. None the less, this is the case. And that is the case here. There is a future Sabbath rest yet to come.

At the same time, we are not to be disobedient as our ancestors were, who fell (4:11) in the desert for 40 years. We are to be obedient by keeping His Sabbath as part of preparation to enter into the future Sabbath.

_____________________________________________________8. Word Pictures In The New Testament now available online.9. Word Studies In The New Testament now available online.10. The Expanded Vine’s … p. 960, “Rest” entry


Chapter 5Preparation & Feast Days


The reason the above Scriptures have been presented first is to have a foundation for understanding from Scriptures that are very clear and obvious. In order to understand chronology and word meaning regarding the calendars related to the Passover in the first century and thus the contextual use of the word “Sabbath” or “Sabbaths” we’re going to start with the works of Josephus.

Nomenclature (name and order designations) vary a bit from one publication to another. For the sake of convenience I have chosen an electronic PDF copy of the works of Josephus available through Cornell University and the University of Toronto.

Searchable downloadable PDF documents can save a considerable amount of time. The University of Toronto and Cornell University are very good and reliable sources. The Cornell web address for this book is: http://www.archive.org/details/josephuswithengl03joseuoft

Extended Feast Days-Sabbaths

In The Jewish Wars, Book 6, Chapter 8, “paragraph” 5ff presents a very chaotic state. People were offering sacrifices at the Temple during early parts of the battle for Jerusalem.

Chapter 9, paragraph 3 (Greek language verses 422-427 in this PDF document) notes that 2,700,000 people were present for Passover and that two hundred and fifty-five thousand six hundred sacrifices were made.11

_________________________________________________________________________11. http://www.archive.org/details/josephuswithengl03joseuoft

Many scholars think that extreme number to be a textual transmission error. The number of people is commonly thought to have been about 300 thousand people.


That would put the lambs sacrificed at between 15 and 30 thousand – still a considerable number. For our purposes, the exact number in not the issue. It’s difficult to imagine even 15,000 lambs being ceremonially sacrificed in the time frame Josephus mentioned in the same section between the 9 th and 11 hour (3-5 P.M.).

The great likelihood is that (due to the great number of sacrifices and the ceremonial nature) that the observation of the Passover was extended. Understanding the principle of extended hours and days also fits well with other historical information as noted below by Andrew Roth.

A study of the development of the Passover observance reveals a number of changes from the experience in Egypt to the pre-Tabernacle experience to the Temple in Jerusalem observance. The development makes this (extended hours Passover) plausible and likely.

It may be an adjustment in thinking from our modern experience of relatively small groups with lambs slain in a number of locations before a modern observance. But, it is perfectly plausible.

People have been working on this issue for centuries. One recent development comes from Professor Colin Humphries of Cambridge University, London, Press Release: April 18, 2011:

Matthew, Mark & Luke were using the pre-exhilic Calendar which dated from the time of Moses and counted the first day of the new month from the end of the old lunar cycle, while John was referring to the official Jewish Calendar of his day.

I think it unlikely that the disciples who had spent three years with Y’shua would be divided on calendars and dates. They had to meet at the same time and place at least twice together for Passover. I believe that the disciples were simply making reference to different parts of Passover.


The reason this matters has to do with the sequence of events, the day of crucifixion.. That matters for three important reasons:

1.) It matters because it has to do with what day of the week Y’shua was crucified.2.) It has to do with how long Y’shua was in the grave: a.) a literal 3 days and nights (72 hours) or b.) only on the third day (fewer than 3 days and nights – - fewer than 72 hours). 3.) It has to do with how “Sabbath” is referred to in other Scriptures. We will look at later in this chapter. Keeping the idea of extended hours in mind, let’s look at some observations by Andrew Roth:

There seems to be a contradiction between these accounts [Mathew, Mark and Luke vs. John]. John says the Pharisees have not yet had their Passover even the morning after they arrested Y’shua from his own Seder! Can both accounts be right? As it turns out, the answer is yes. Even today modern Jewry is split on whether to keep the first or second night of Pesach (or both) as a Seder…12

Preparation & Sabbath Days

An important chapter in this regard is John 19.

:14: Now it was the day of preparation of Passover week…:31: Now it was the day of preparation and the next day was to be a great/high/special Sabbath.

_____________________________________________________12. AENT 2nd Edition, p.1035

This information is important because this preparation day and Sabbath day are distinguished from the weekly preparation day (Friday) and Sabbath (Saturday). So, this particular preparation day was not “Good” Friday.


Andrew Roth noting Alfred Edersheim:

On the other hand, the Pharisees could point to the daylight period from dawn to sunset on 15 Nissan also technically as a “day of preparation”! As a result, the timing for the “day of preparation” terminology can be applied to the daylight periods of 14, 15 or even 16 Nissan, assuming the 16th was a Friday, the “day of preparation” for the regular weekly Shabbat.13

Shabbat To Shabbat The Definition of “Week”

Isaiah 66:22-23: As the new heavens and new earth that I make will endure before me, declares Yahweh, so will your name and descendents endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me, says Yahweh.

One Hebraic trait of the Greek Testimony-of-Y'shua is that weeks are measured from Sabbath to Sabbath. You may remember earlier mention that the word “Sabbath” is a transliteration from Hebrew-Aramaic to Greek.

Luke 18:12 is an example: I fast twice during the week/Sabbatou…However, translating the word as “week” implies that the 7 day time period was reckoned like our modern use of “week.”

I believe that such a translation does not appropriately recognize the importance of Shabbat. Remember, this is a Hebrew-Aramaic word – not Greek. The idiom would better be rendered: I fast twice between the Sabbaths. I noticed that Aramaic translators commonly use “week” instead of “Shabbat.” This may be something for Aramaic translators to look at.

_________________________________________________________________________13. AENT 2nd Edition, p.1037

The typical/common word for day in Greek (hamera) is conspicuously missing in a number of passages in The-Testimony-of-Y'shua.


John 20:19 is one place that “day” is not missing:…it being evening, the that day (hamera) of the first/one of the Sabbaths and the doors had been locked where the disciples were assembled (synagogued) together…

In that context (John 20) it is only the context (compared with the parallel passages) that indicates that it was the first day of the week. And, obviously, the word “Sabbaths” is present. The word “day” is descriptive – not determinative.

This is not commonly recognized. But, people don’t need to read Greek to look at a Strong’s Concordance to see how the word “Sabbath” or “week” is used – although, not always correctly.

Greek grammarians recognize the idiomatic use of “Sabbath” as descriptive of a 7 day period of time, which on occasion it is. What they commonly fail to recognize or understand is that the idiom was based on the importance of the Sabbath.

I believe that the translation of “week” from the Greek Testimony-of-Y'shua is based on the faulty theological assumption that Torah & Tanach have been done away with.

I have already mentioned the importance of the clear statements of The-Testimony-of-Y'shua regarding the Sabbath above. Also, there are clear linguistic indicators regarding how the text may be legitimately understood. This booklet is not a Greek grammar. So, I’m not going to explain every detail.

Mark 16:1 is one example of helpful interpretive and translation indicators. Sabbatou (“Sabbath”) is the subject of the genitive aorist masculine/neuter participle, diagenomenou (from dia-ginomai).

This is a record of Mary Magdalene, Mary the [mother] of James and Salome taking spices to the tomb. Many translations accurately translate this as “after” or “when the Sabbath was over” referring to the weekly Sabbath.


Mark 16:2 becomes a bit more interesting linguistically. Most translators assume that the phrase lian proi tas mias sabbaton should be translated as very early [on] the first day of the week.” (John 20:1 same phrase, Luke 24:1: to men sabbaton, Matthew 28:1: opse de sabbaton). “Mias” could be translated as either “one” or “first.” In this context, “first” is a legitimate possibility.

In and of itself, the phrase in Mark 16:2 could be referring to a Sabbath relative to the one day Feast/Festival of First Fruits (Resurrection Day of Y’shua) during the weeklong Festival of Unleavened Bread.

Mark 16:9 seems to clarify this by using a very clear word for “first” (prota/protos) with Sabbath (prota sabbatou) thus indicating this as the first day of the week. This clarification (prota sabbatou- “first Sabbath/day of the week”) is conspicuously absent from many other Testimony-of-Y'shua references to Sabbath.

It should also, importantly, be noted that in none of these first day (Sunday) passages does Y’shua ever indicate that His resurrection on Sunday is a basis for changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Neither do His Apostles.

Acts 20:7 is typically translated: And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached to them…

The Greek phrase is ta mia ton sabbaton literally: on one of the Sabbaths. Hebrew Roots people commonly point out that meeting and breaking bread was a common practice on many days such as in Acts 2-4. We also point out that there is no statement that this meeting or any other meeting on a Sunday mentioned in The-Testimony-of-Y'shua was spoken of as a replacement for the 4th Commandment.

These statements from Hebrew Roots advocates are true. However, applying the dia-chronic grammatical historical method of interpretation, the Greek text is clear: on one of the Sabbaths.

In 1Corinthians 16:2 the same principle applies. It is usually translated as on the first of the week when it should be


translated on every Sabbath. This translation (on every Sabbath) is consistent with the use and practice of the human writers (directed by the Holy Spirit) of The-Testimony-of-Y'shua as noted earlier in this chapter.

Chapter 6Why?

Other than noted in the chapters above, why do people continue to recognize the day of worship for the sun (Sunday) rather than the Biblical day (“Saturday”)? A Tradition of


Hypocrisy! The Augsburg (Germany) Confession (of The Lutheran Church) 1530 C.E. - Article XXVIII: Of Ecclesiastical Power:

Moreover, it is disputed whether bishops or pastors have the right to introduce ceremonies in the Church….*They {Roman Catholics} refer to the Sabbath-day as having been changed into the Lord’s Day, contrary to the Decalog, as it seems…*Great they say is the power of the church, since it has dispensed with one of the Ten Commandments… Of this kind is the observance of the Lord's Day, Easter… Pentecost, and like holy-days and rites For those who judge that by the authority of the Church the observance of the Lord's Day instead of the Sabbath-day was ordained as a thing necessary, do greatly err. Scripture has abrogated the Sabbath-day; for it teaches that, since the Gospel has been revealed, all the ceremonies of Moses can be omitted. And yet, because it was necessary to appoint a certain day, that the people might know when they ought to come together, *it appears that the Church designated the Lord's Day for this purpose.

In January 1562 C.E. The Roman Catholic Church (including Archbishop Reggio of Calabra) responded to the Lutheran Church Confession at the Council of Trent (Capital of the Province of Trentino in Northern Italy).

The authority of the Church could therefore not be bound to the authority of the Scriptures, because the Church had changed…the Sabbath into Sunday, not by the command of Christ, but by its own authority.14

_________________________________________________14. Kanon und Tradition (Canon and Tradition) by Heinrich Julius Holzmann, published in Ludwigsburg, Germany, in 1859, page 263 - also available online.

Three centuries later, the American Cardinal, James Gibbons (1834-1921) added to understanding this issue in his book, Faith Our Fathers published in 1876. It is still popular among Catholics today: “Being a Plain Exposition and Vindication of the Church Founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ” (from a modern preface – available online).


You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.15

On the occasion of a planned opening of the World’s Fair in Chicago on a Sunday in 1893, a number of protests arose from Protestants in America.

Seventh Day Adventists protested a statement of the Supreme Court that included an incidental statement that “America is a Christian Nation.” (The Supreme Court of The United States: Holy Trinity Church vs. The United States, 143 U.S. 457, 12 S.Ct. 511, 36 L.Ed. 226, February 29, 1892).

Congress and President Benjamin Harrison recognized the popularity of the “Sunday-Sabbath” protestors and Harrison signed a bill/resolution from congress on July 14, 1893 conditioning a $5 million dollar appropriation to the Chicago World’s Fair upon the Fair’s commencement after the end of the Protestant Sunday-Sabbath.

This is the same Benjamin Harrison that collaborated with Lorrin Thurston and other American businessmen to overthrow the Sovereign Christian Monarchy nation of Hawaii. U.S. Marines arrived on January 17, 1893 to execute the crime.

_____________________________________________________15. Come Out of Her My People by C.J. Koster, Institute For Scripture Research, Northriding, Republic of South Africa, 2004, p.11

The Catholic Mirror (under the direction of Cardinal James Gibbons of Baltimore, Maryland) issued a series of articles in response to the actions of the government of the United States (regarding the World’s Fair):

The resolutions [Seventh Day Adventists] criticize and censure, with much acerbity, the action of the United


States Congress, and of the Supreme Court for invading the rights of the people by closing the World’s Fair on Sunday (September 2, 1893).16

There is no getting around this, for the Protestants’ own statement of faith – the Augsburg Confession, 1530 – had clearly admitted that “the observation of the Lord’s day” had been appointed by “the Church” only. The argument was hailed in the council as of Inspiration only; the party for “Scripture alone,” surrendered …17

“Keep you my Sabbath, for it is holy unto you; he that shalt profane it shall be put to death; he that shall do any work in it, his soul shall perish in the midst of his people.” Ex. 31:14. It is impossible to realize a more severe penalty than that so solemnly uttered by God Himself in the above text…(September 9, 1893).18

While many take this matter lightly, obviously Yahweh does not. How we treat the Sabbath is one indication of the degree of respect and love we have for Father Yahweh and His Son, Y’shua Yahweh.

Sunday is one foundational pagan replacement that is very much connected to other pagan replacements found in Holidays commonly observed in Christendom.

_____________________________________________________16. Rome’s Challenge, Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday?TEACH Services, Inc., 1999, p. 217. Rome’s Challenge, Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday? p. 23 Statement by TEACH Services Inc.18. Rome’s Challenge, Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday? p. 7


Chapter 7Some General Applications

1.) Preparation Day: We practice Friday (until twilight/sunset) as the preparation day for the weekly Sabbath (“Saturday”).

2.) No Ordinary Work: Doing no ordinary work, work for pay, buying or selling (except for emergencies).

3.) Onegs: Literally: Oneg Shabbat is “the Joy of Sabbath.” “Oneg” has become associated with simple meals, minimizing food preparation, keeping Sabbath/Shabbat a joy/delight (Isaiah 58:13).

4.) Assembling: Following the example of Y’shua and His Apostles we assemble for reading Yahweh’s Word, prayer and fellowship. Since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Shavuot/Pentecost, it has also become a time of the working of the Holy Spirit through the gifts He has given to Yahweh’s people (1Corinthians 12-14).

4.) Transportation can sometimes be problematic. We as an Assembly of Yahweh’s people should work on having motor vehicles and people to operate them, so guests can be transported to and from Sabbath meetings as a gift, thus eliminating business transactions.

5.) Humanitarian Concerns: People who have honored Yahweh and Sabbath throughout history have recognized the need for humanitarian service to continue on Sabbath, such as hospitals, nursing homes, foster care homes, shelters, police & fire departments and other humanitarian services.

6.) A preferred living situation is for followers of Y’shua to live in independent self-sufficient communities so we can agree together as a community to do no ordinary work on the Sabbath.

7.) Until that happens, followers of Y’shua should help our brethren by assisting in finding appropriate employment when needed and to encourage employers to honor the Sabbath. This is also an opportunity for brethren to establish businesses that honor Yahweh’s Word.


Appendix: Hatred For The Jews And Changing The Sabbath

Study Methodology

History is full of accounts of events seriously affected by biased stereotypical caricatures of racial or ethnic peoples. Such attitudes are present in one form or another in every nation that is large enough to have any diversity in political ideology, religion, racial, ethnic or tribal ancestry.

One goal that is common in such conflicts is to demonize or dehumanize opponents so as to justify murder: “After all, we are not killing people. We are killing creatures/savages that are sub-human.” In American history, it was a part of African American slavery in which creatures could be bought and sold and treated like live stock. Also, in American history, it was how the Government of The United States could justify the numerous massacres of “sub-human” Native Americans in the process of stealing our land (I am 1/8 Sioux and Chippewa). Of course, for Hitler as for Rome, this applied to my Jewish ancestors.

As serious students of history know, it is important to be level headed and thorough if we wish to have any hope of ascertaining the legitimacy of historical accounts outside of the Bible. Part of this means being aware of the temptation of stereotyping.

History & Betrayal

One sad thread that runs through history is betrayal by our “brothers.” Greed motivated Jews to appeal to Antiochus IV Epiphanes that led him to come to Jerusalem.19

Josephus noted that the Pharisees appeared before Pompey asking him to intervene and restore the old priesthood while abolishing the royalty of the Hasmoneans and rule of the Sadducees.20

_____________________________________________________19.Wars of The Jews, Book I, Chapter 1 by Josephus Also see:Antiquities of The Jews, Book 12, Chapter 4 by Josephus1Maccabees 1-2 & 2Macccabees 3-6 & Jewish Encyclopedia: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=1589&letter=A


As was the case in the Maccabean-Antiochus IV years, during the earthly ministry of Y’shua (27-30 C.E.), there were a number of religio-political factions that came into clear view during the Jewish revolutions of 66-73 and 130-132 C.E.

As many of my earlier DNA brothers had done (by rejecting the prophets), later DNA brothers rejected Yahweh-Y’shua in the flesh. They used the Romans to murder Him in 30 C.E. They continued to murder messengers from Yahweh including, Stephen (Acts 7), James (brother of the Apostle John) 30 C.E (Acts 12) and James, the Half-brother of Y’shua (author of the Book of James) in 62 C.E.

Such disrespect and disregard of/for Yahweh was indicative of a general disrespect for any authority outside of their factions, including Rome. That spirit of rebellion led to revolutions that resulted in devastation to all of the land of Israel, including the many Jews who had no voice regarding the decisions of “their” leaders.

One person of great influence in the first century was a wife of Nero, named Empress Poppea (Augusta) Sabina (c. 30-65 C.E.). She was a Jewish proselyte that Josephus appealed to regarding the freeing of Jewish hostages held by Rome in early 64 C.E.21 Even though Poppea was in a place of power/influence (as wife of Nero & Empress) for a short amount of time, her influence (along with Josephus) promoted a distinction between followers of Y’shua and other Jews.

This distinction between followers of Y’shua and other Jews became obvious when Nero blamed the fire that burned most of the city of Rome on followers of Y’shua, known as Christians. Was Josephus thinking like the high priest who thought it better “for one man [to] die for the people than the whole nation perish” (John 11:50)? Is it better for some to die rather than the nation? Whatever his thinking, the strategy failed in both cases.

_____________________________________________________20. Antiquities of The Jews, Book XIV21. Antiquities of The Jews, Book 20, Chapter 8 by Josephus


Just in passing regarding the burning of Rome (64 C.E.) and Josephus, caution needs to be exercised regarding silence of historians. Arguments from silence can be problematic. Dio Chrysostom, Plutarch and Epictetus (writers who were less involved) while living in that time period are silent about the fire and other events. Much of our information about the fire comes from Tacitus (33-120 C.E.).

However, the circumstances of Poppea and Josephus regarding the persecution are very suspicious. Josephus was very involved with Israel and Rome and was meticulous in many details describing their history. Josephus had no problem mentioning his association with Poppea. But, he is conspicuously silent about the persecution against followers of Y’shua. Many scholars see an obvious connection.22 It was during this persecution that the Apostle Paul was executed (between 64 & 66 C.E.). With the death of Poppea and the Jewish Revolution of 66 C.E things changed dramatically for the Jews. Nero sent Vespasian with his son, Titus to Judea/Israel in 66 C.E. Nero was forced from power in 68 C.E.

This information is given in order to better understand the historical context. However wrong people in Rome were to make the changes they did, they did so in circumstances most people in our modern Western World do not yet understand.

All that being said, there is no justification for the hatred that "Church Fathers" had for Jews or Yahweh's Word. Their attacks were based on their paganized accommodations that were/are contrary to Yahweh's Word. In that sense they became anti-Christs/anti-Messiahs.

_____________________________________________________22. Nicene And Post Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Volume I, Edited by Philip Schaff & Henry Wallace with notes by Arthur C. McGiffert, Cosimo Publishing, New York, New York, 2007, p. 129 & To Sunday From Sabbath by Samuele Bacchiocchi, Biblical Perspectives, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 2008, pp. 167-168


Ignatius of Antioch (A.K.A. Theophorus, c. 35-110 C.E.)

…was one expression of Pre-Nicene (325 A.D/C.E) church leaders in opposition to the Hebrew Scriptures. There is a good possibility that Ignatius, along with Clement of Rome and Polycarp of Smyrna had some contact with some of the Disciples/Apostles of Y’shua personally.

It is thought by many that Ignatius was a disciple of the Apostle John. If that be true, honest observers will recognize a substantial contrast in the authors’ writings.

In this regard it is good for people who claim “Sola Scriptura” (Latin for “Scripture Alone”) as their basis of faith, be reminded of “Sola Scriptura.”

Those of us who claim “Sola Scriptura” must recognize that it is only The Scriptures that are inspired (Yahweh-Breathed) - not "Church Fathers" or modern deniers of Yahweh's Word.

Ignatius was among the first to argue for transubstantiation - the belief that the bread and wine of Lord’s Last Supper/communion actually physically became the blood and flesh of Y’shua.

He was also among the first to apply the term “catholic” (“universal” – Gr. kathalikos) to the church. Ignatius also argued against recognition of the 4th Commandment and chose Sunday (“Lord’s Day”) to replace it:

Be not seduced by strange doctrines nor by antiquated fables which are profitless. For if even unto this day we live after the manner of Judaism, we avow that we have not received grace…If then those who had walked in ancient practices attained unto newness of hope, no longer observing Sabbaths but fashioning their lives after the Lord’s Day on which our life also arose through Him and through His death which some men deny.23

_____________________________________________________23. Letter to the Magnesians by Ignatius of Antioch 8:1, 9:1, 10:3


Justin Martyr (c. 103-165 C.E.)

…in his “Dialogue with Trypho” (written between 138 and 161 A.D./C.E.) was another Pre-Nicene church leader in opposition to the Hebrew Scriptures and the Jews. Short excerpts:

For the circumcision according to the flesh, which is from Abraham, was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other nations, and from us; and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer; and that your land may be desolate, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem (Chapter 16).

We too would observe your circumcision of the flesh, your Sabbaths, and in a word, all your Feasts [Festivals], if we were not aware of the reason why they were imposed on you, namely because of your sins and your hardness of heart (Chapter 18).24

Justin Martyr made some very good points in his complete “Dialogue.” However, it is more than tragic that he and other influential church people from the 2nd century through the 20th

century did not make a distinction between appropriate applications of the Hebrew Scriptures and some influential Jews who rejected it along with their Messiah and our Messiah.

One tragic development that came about as a result of ancient church thinking errors was the establishment of a tradition that promoted serious interpretive and translation errors that are with us to this day. This point cannot be over emphasized! The foundation that the most influential early post Bible leaders laid was a distortion and denial of The Yahweh Breathed Words of The Bible.

The traditions that built on the faulty foundation of those thinking errors also led to people thinking that the Jews were essentially expendable – not worthy of human rights consideration._____________________________________________________24. Dialogue with Trypho by Justin Martyr


The Epistle (Letter) of Barnabas (c. 130 C.E.)

The “Letter of Barnabas” is Psuedopigraphal (meaning “falsely inscribed” or “falsely ascribed”). It was not written by Paul’s traveling companion as found in the Brit Hadashah (“New Testament”). However, its recognition and influence is evidenced by its inclusion in the early Greek New Testament Codex (book) Sinaiticus (c.350 C.E.).

Sinaiticus is representative of the Alexandrian text type which is generally considered suspect by Greek Majority and Aramaic Text advocates. The inclusion of a book (“letter”) that has a false ascription regarding authorship supports suspicions by Greek Majority and Aramaic Text advocates.

The letter attacked Torah observance based on an allegorical method of interpretation for the Tanach rather than literal (“Barnabas” Chapter 2 verses 5-10). This became typical among early Church “fathers.”

“Barnabas” even claimed that the Law really never did belong to the Jews: “…watch yourselves now and do not become like some people by piling up your sins, saying this covenant is both theirs and ours. For it is ours…” (4:6-7). “They [the Jews] violated this Law [by taking it literally], because an evil angel instructed them” (9:4).

Melito of Sardis (d. c. 180 C.E.)

Melito’s “On The Passover” sermon (verses 72ff) held the people and Nation of Israel responsible for the death of Y’shua even if they had not been there or were directly a part of the crucifixion. Bart Ehrman observed:

With Melito we are at the beginning of a form of anti-Jewish hatred that had not appeared on the stage of human history prior to the advent of Christianity, built on a proto-orthodox view that the Jewish Scriptures witness to Christ, who was rejected by his own people and whose death, in turn, leads to their condemnation.25

___________________________________________________________________25. Lost Christianities…by Bart Ehrman, Oxford Press, New York, 2003, p.148


Marcion (c. 85-160 C.E.) of Sinop, Turkey

…was one of the greatest influences on church history. He combined Gnosticism with “Christianity” and established a canon to support his views. “Canon” is derived from Hebrew and Greek words for “reed.” The term developed in a similar way as did an English rod or stick called a “foot.”

Marcion’s canon consisted of 10 letters of the Apostle Paul and his edited version of the Gospel of Luke. Irenaeus (c. 115 – 202) referred to Marcion’s editing as “mutilation.”26 That is not to say that the “New Testament” collection of books did not exist before that time (2nd & 3rd centuries C.E.).

The Greek word for “new” (kainos) means expanded, repaired or renewed. It does not mean something that is totally “new” as we understand the word “new” today. Diathaka is the Greek word for Covenant.

So, linguistically, culturally and historically, it should be translated as “The Covenant Expanded Upon.” Do you remember what Y’shua said in Matthew 5:17-19 “…do not think that I have come to abolish the Law…” David Trobisch has challenged a number of conventional theories about The First Edition of The New Testament:

…it remains an unsolved question whether the church produced the New Testament in reaction to Marcion’s publication, or whether Marcion edited and abridged the Canonical Edition…27

Trobisch also noted that Clement of Alexandria used the term “New Testament” as early as the late second century and Tertullian and Origen used it in the third century. They all used the Greek designation (Kainos Diathaka).27 Of course; Tertullian was an important part of transitioning from Greek to Latin in the Western Roman Empire._____________________________________________________26. Against Heresies by Irenaeus, 227. The First Edition of The New Testament by David Trobisch, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000, pp. 5, 44, 130-131


Whatever the case may have been regarding the state of The-Testimony-of-Y'shua at the time, Marcion’s actions prompted a change that contributed to hatred of the Jews and replacement theology.

From a functional standpoint in Christendom, up to this point in time, Marcion has won. All other Scripture is interpreted based on what people think the Apostle Paul said.

Tertullian (c. 160-224) of Carthage (modern Tunis, Tunisia)

…was another Pre-Nicaean Church leader opposed to the Jews and the Hebrew Scriptures. He coined the term “Trinity,” thus defining later discussions on the nature of Yahweh’s existence (such as at Nicaea).

Much of what Marcion could not do as a rejected heretic, his church-endorsed-rival Tertullian could. Tertullian was the first of the “recognized church fathers” to specifically promote “The Church” as a replacement for Israel in his writing, “Against The Jews” (Latin: Adversus Judaeos). Some introductory information may be found at: http://www.tertullian.org/

“Old Testament” & “New Testament”

Even though the Bible Protestants have today would not “officially” be “universally” recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (as opposed to followers of Y’shua in the first century) until the council of Hippo (modern coastal city of Annaba, Algeria) in 393 A.D., Tertullian represented a general shift in language from Greek to Latin in the Western Roman Empire.

The Council of Laodicea in 364 A.D. recognized a similar grouping of books, minus Revelation and with the addition of the Book of Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy.

As the first apologist to write in Latin, Tertullian took advantage of the opportunity to establish the terms vertus testamentum (“Old Testament”) and novum testamentum (“New Testament”) as opposed to “The Covenant” and “The Covenant Expanded Upon” (Kainos Diathaka).


That designation combined with theological development that included a hatred for the Jews brought about a change in meaning regarding the connection of the Tanach (“Old Testament”) with the Brit Hadashah” (“New Testament”).

Those designations of Scripture (vertus & novum testamentum) became a powerful influence in promoting the loss of the Hebrew roots of Christianity and the replacement of Israel with the institutional church.


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