· thewarfgrtheunion. _-

Post on 12-Jun-2020






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BKAUI'OKT TO BE <>< '< » IPI 1 .-.>

TboT. R. Bteamer IfaCUBaB, Alt'.il c Qtajibbdii!-iiKii"'. MiTiv-f-l on Moaaay BBtaiag nt l\#.cl0.._ |./g*yi»-* lalaad aad BBI. n H«ad,H w. 19a*nt v o ',- aa* al Th* fl. V. TiBaa* I

CA»e o. il-" viiiih,. ISi.i.laax E. C. 1B.LTua lfri" Nov, '., Ml. I

Another expoilitiou i« lili.c-t i.l. Ol 1" Iui.b B _B

aaerely ne v moveuient thut is part of our own.

At all bvbbM. BMaaaai to l>e bfloaghl Baa Ba*r«York to thia or BMM olber point M thi- OOBflt, undCkn. Vii le'. h-hjada, aow oa Hihoa Hoad, are miita be iiu.iei- marching order*. Tue*e expeditioia are

Batinedto be eore thorna iu the Bai lo the tiemii-

goguea of Iflatlaaa BmcmImmb. Pfleaeil/ di-nclt'd r.l.eil.i'i will BB uilerlv tmal.le to ¦*___

lbe_u. Tbe Mreagtb of th* Bec-B-tniiMa ia ooflMaa.taated aronod otlier p.iiut* whieh were tbe -*__*;-a__ed 7e_ta of war. AITtau. h we canie in aight ot

land ht-re on Sabbath. the 3d, in the BMMthe firiog coumenced on Monday evening, yet untilTli'ir-.liixv tbe .lb, -'¦'.. h"dthe ielaiid taken by BBI BBflBB, BB I IbM1,1.00 r. ii-uite had here in re.i.ting our 1. irce.. Wfl . > I

. froui our Ion ik-liiv otl ti d iu full.i.-iv ol'Uu- eiieniy, tlu.t iu.iueu.e raMBfarcaawMwiiild bave been pOBiad into theee -Mfl,our Iflflflflaa wouid have beeu aecni-d ttiy witb greutlo*-of life on our part. And yet Chuilesfon and iheir mt* evtivi BB M oeald only liir-uibb I,'"" tri-opa iu fi ur daya to |**p tlie bel,'ing their po.liiting feet upoa tbeir BBMBdaoil. 1 cuuiiot iiccmut for il iu__y Uthtt wny (banby that t:.ey were M* araal t" it bottflr,aud tb_t tbay had aolbreMto aaare ttam Bltho_e litiee.

Their ioil heie xv_)__ good oue, inui had MB-B*eient baft.-ry. M.jor Lee vvae il.e Imili. *r of it. andromuiai.'lerof tl.v loroea bere till Gin. Dravvnai-rived on Tucaday. So tl.e BagflflflB Mfl na. Oue ofBBaa BflgflflflB i_*ia>rt* that whm M.j rltbe fort ha M-U '"'-¦:. Ij, 111 ¦'¦ I

itr Q*d Ala-gh-j bia m!1 oooldal lahe .i." On lh>day Ot 1 iie bafl le, when Iii* flMflfa g.t««t bi* bflBBB fur BBB. i'l.d aaw bim uounted, aud

tbey Ix.ib ran togflthar hi tbeir K.eatogB oatelma_e oftbe aan iie..* ttarm oi abrfl aad abefl lUbagarvund tbaa, UB BBgra aaid, "OhAliiiigh'yioiue.aiidif" r*ahe*fleoBM v

Ing to iu.j'ly tbal aaeh a ui:i"n of fcceefl had*o_ieuiplatrd vvhtii Siie u.ii.-i.i l...d i-oiu hui.d uj ontbe ii'.!iue::niif,iii(y ot bia ion. leatioOB.

I have uodouiit diaaaloB. "S_t_-am,' a Wath miin. abo tolu bm bj* Ma*. bar*, laMaie tbat wbaa be beard tM Iriag oa Um lnknew wl at B lueimt. Ihoagh foariadd.-'i iiv.i ho Ml en I h -aaa bi tbi I ddaM prajadOodfo i.i-lj. tlu- Y.inh aa. "Aad <.

prayer Bai B I BVBI Btlj BMBfaiadj BB

_,, i ii.iu-v" iba: Hiia aabh Baa na, Hkelype, wa* ud.bty that day. '

C'hiiiiiitii liim -fl wa* pnam Feiui.-ivlvHtiia, New-. Ot) and Nc w-1'.n". i.i.;,

and lar and wide BTB our laud. Oa OBT lidfl i-> <«"'l.

_nd govcrniueai, and 01..ce. Oalbai TMdeuieri'iHii. ef Bbway. T---v:y a gaan -BBrabBjreport "t ii,.- BB i'-. _Bl*d Ba*. i, waa dh. byi I Boor ('fil'.ueir l."hflaia'a) bea_k|aartan, I notleedthut ibe couii't rri.n waa " Liberty.'

ApoaBa*aaal ba/poaMel l_heit_rhaot till vou I.nil been x:., qnithed. ' s,m -,>u" ku ivr.

it. 1 ht-iir-l bb rule f>f rrnel an nga,¦trive t.> .1 pi.-- Uttertau*that bant, not wheabe Mld bow ha wur l*gged ifa aaa

jBlthy xxi'.li hia aou: hul Wb*n bfl 1"',! BM I "v\ I i«¦on, wbo i::n tLe woodfl aad refiu- ,i I* *b*j Ibflardera flf a criu-l Bfl 11 \a, lii.gby the .r.-r eti-anifr to Cbarl, *fon tu I. old to tbeBfaB-M S'-tb. a.'liie Wll-li ;-rr,Mv,- aM Bflaid oue vvtird o. I.irr. Bebold tba erj "ftheiu that are BpfflCBflad gOBB Bp fraathfaaO-. llring- in _m ll flBfl l lh* xjo-t lli.). Jr {,tlii.'i v; ,ir i,,..\,t .¦ "-_iiiit,ii:,'a' pMTOriflthuu Loa'a MaapbiOnr .riH,r_ aie not idle her.-. I do not hnow

v b*_r*n kotBg on th" f. it eeroalhachaaa*lou JeiiMi - * Is-iiii.'i oi tl.- bri at tbi I'luieitii ofihie ie.'aiiil. m vt Bavaaoab, baa w nii ii iba aaaajaeciiiij.til Bai liun .tielv aith Ibb, aad wharfl v.c

wxv I' poeaeseion; but itrt our re^iiuenta, ii .-

Boundl ead anjing *.he rcnt. un: taking their luin

aroBBJaf in tbe bMthia. Tb" eld foj-t, «fatbe biui.t ot our bmbbB. '.- 11 i.._ iea_M*d anfldiBtronger |_M when |*M' Ihoaghl ue.iLer baareo BOThaBaaaU take it. lu additio-, a laeearthwoaiia I.--,: i.-.. dfl about a inib bad tn H lh* bflarh. anu

not J ,'¦ b. Itiud oi:r i-uiaiLj-iiiiTi . X o* L,ay be eurc

Cn,le. .uu jtiu-uil*to bold tl.i- -.ui, and by Um balpof Ood w.ll do _>; aadKortl ei aab rpria and piiri-.iiHiu will develop tbe fiue iiiari:iuie B-TM_.e*f B-flMB Tiiifc haif-cr in r>,i)d labcflflMMttbebeat on t.v. Xtl.'ta'iic i iu t KTortborBi ith. Ieoaatadaa tii.- _'.l htt.xeei. -Baai fiOvflaflflJi l/iag iait,Tbey eeeiuod to foieit.kiTi vvii'.ii it mey heiealli i 1".iu tiiue*.; jn aaa, aM '. otbot baada IbM _*(*...-___Tln. uiiv. i»ui lankii; will et it ...

Nevv-.ork.r ,.ud enu q n-.u P*a__jiva_-M, andlh*/wiB probabljr grr* Um loatha loalhaMBaaiol" wbieh ane hua latked | , MBfl ao littie,aod whi.Ti uever vxill MflMfl Bll if ifl doue r h r.

Kegardjng the capabiliii.r- of Ibia hi.if.-.r, Cap'.C.odln y, ihe liue f)ld pBat-_**> vt.

Vioevn, Capt, ___«- ury BBB r-tuitied for |fa i.oxeiii.aeut h-'.tc* ou ao ount of bbi iai .iu:i.;.':with thw*e watera, wbero for uttaty yeara i.i* v i BflBartis a-_r..ier I'.r tke jilani; re, uiiiiii iji aa i!iat theM '. U'b .--i -'Ih etof waft-r, t_BB B.B-BBBJ ***.a-Uof -bt BByM tu.nigc.

II Li refiihl.irg -.(,v, lo BBB tbe I tie tt hflBJ Ul 11tbe b. o_h.i.ier* baih m baiag batti oa whieh or ontu- hflaah, in haBBBaaa- ibB boeta, ha i bm aBBttalaaMaM bahaj wnioaied.ion^ aaraboa i patip Of in BBBflflflB Ot ircctV..., ly *:_>_.. \V i,.. ,., .V\Vi_ ll.ivieiltui afWaarTak guuh l«*ag Bo-adawuy ui ihep, haaJed iu heavy Qaf-BaaiMl wag aor carrieil, ut i o.icd, t>i_ea and Lrerah laajroeiU ol w-I-Ciri detailod for Uaa btiflb.e*' iu j. lOtion,ar.Jtr i-omiaaiid ui |1m ij tMotgt-Aat i-)r.h of Gen-ei.l Ht rareati-gjp*B(.« «fgo aad c-Bie, aid* i- ixti panii r- ibeae^. Iprf-nino wonld if.irtlo iiie jila-l o\,liu ..tbttuut- af-BBBB BM '__ie?. h!jo--'., MNdd tht-y.ce theiu. lhat,hoaarar, j-dahaj by i'uir baatyflight and pMBhBBB BbBBI e, tl."y do mt wiu.t Ui do.ladei-d, lh.; puJU", _.- ItflBB, ia faaflfi '. il-.. negro.*told u» tbat t-i ) :.'....'':: *QJ -MBMMB-Bd I,; BBBBiIt -teiiai ix* if An; wliiti'8 thougbt ao loo, ju-l fa 11 ;.Ibe dia-aiice at -wbi,*h tluy 1<. ;>. At l.*laited by two of OUr g.i,bu_la two dajl ghm

the battle, BBly one wbiie n:an wa, bflBB. BlniTlon

wm aaaaal ay all tbo wMM* bbjb bKo. Bethe

BflMBM tell' BB, and h faw of tbe fonipera of onr

artay ttt* bM IBM tta 1*B*0 BBfrBM MBM faiioi,'. QhflitaBflfl im* "¦; 't. aad reporti'i ttta all lhaaaaala "1 Ilill BUIIIBBflllH IHflBlJ were lasbbg i.'lo

that eity. WcaltO i-cei'.cd tbe IBpflrl. yct-idaythnt Ibe day previii.ii BBBM of our llcet tbrew BBMib, il* tarto PBt PH -ki, Had found it dteerted. Ii

wo'ti'i aeaa,a bra aaaa Bjfaea,thB Aeapbadidboiiibardineiitof ibb j taa m tto Tiii bj- ..ur aaataof taa iBiaaed tbe enemy that every plaee

aa ta alatdflbly aaaaabb. Andi a- ur-- yea ll ey ara ktrnftf rfflgabr in that laHaf.We wbo .taaaMed f¦. 'I ihe ilt-ckaof tba traiiH|oriBtta iciiiiie Irettal aar-bedtheeofMaf tbe woeaaxviib tatnlbBj ahaUa, fladabl feaifuilv aaB-dlreeted¦taa, | o ii-.-ii lu baa bail doaa m Pori Walba aoahlvery well tliink .bow niucb more muet tlie r< U-Ih

ad to tbat ti.o have IbOflgb tb. day af theirdoaa wa* eoaa if ttey atabl lonf.'er. A blaafc blbrax\ iin aperlai B a ooloa 1 on tbe aoraiag of tbe

Btb, ..iid .¦¦. ii to 14.11,mi laadaaartarfl. He aan

veiy <¦-..iiiiiiii'.culixo. " B IBM," be in-i'iiri I, "faAie I.iiiioin ln ie

'" Ba BflflBBd B fau.t to be in-braed bfl Iad not rot..-. baeaaa bawM'dartag lba boatanda aai, and Maatba le l.ktd t<>

ba. "WbB 'l.i it loob Uie .'' ahed C t I*. " I'

taal ;:* it' dc lire ari-l brinistone wns conin iIoxvila..i da x' att waajwheap." fhaoaaJ ibat baa tveiy ilirt4-liai)-e BBB doWfl tille.l th. d. BflajBtaflpartaetly. N<> aeada Ma aaaaa, afic-r Baadbg iiiive boiir*, prccijiit:.:!'.t brofa and ran.

tiii. rvr.f.i: m_IBD imillUBMIiriion ihe 'i iy letaa ihe MeOblba Bilhdahaaei*

veyed Oea 6b raa aad Braff u Tybee fabad,ahtahta aJfiair1 -tati ¦ mfUt ttunBUtaaBaad,ju«t Miuth of tbe eiilniiire > -be S.i'.aniiaii Iiixer,und wittta ci. rasga of Vtil PBfaflhl, wbtal aaardflttfl i-iiliiiiito to the iiv, 1. ..n.i ifl, tl.4-lef--re, tb< IflJ,,, Siva:....r Tbfl obj ' of tbe n coinn.ii BBB x\a*

fo ti.v opofl a pl in of brtUybf lha bbad, m ari t*

aabfl ua haa of opealbaa efflbal FialPataeki...tjii.b. I'.i- M-BBflBll t" be le .liti'i i-n

i,I oai loi.'-si" c;,4i iiiorlarbattciienut a vc

th, redaetloaof PataeU. Ibain..j4'ii attoagbi tobeoatirely baaiMa.

Ia tta ceana 4,: ibe ie oaaoaaaBea, lha party. eee>1, | Cflpt* (iiay, and u

gaflld "f about tvxciiiy itauin..-, wm bad oa by <.-'

Putaflli Poar aboDa aaa dtaebarged. Thi bB... ir. blll XVUSUIieXCvllel)' lili"

1- 'lie iu:M 4>:.e espbdod iu theair. Iia,! ii

hllaabelort explodfag, ii bbeflead that aeoaabt-,-iu! | loaof .'; aoflkltbe ahcll wao lu.iire I, BBd tbe otb r tiv n !"

ti.,. ,,,.. ,'. ( :. ai', rarard atoti 1 ttB itwoald iiin'o'ibt- Ily axe fallen in tbe'i,(.nv. Miciii" ihell fell aboit, aad tbe foarlh ex*ilodcd on ttabi ach, too far to do any dunage.An rabaBdeu dta cbi Ml, fl bi b bad n

v i. '. ii al (be aal 4'li'l o! lybeul-liii' I. The cani oa bad, raoreoTor, 1 b laaaorod.

1 ¦ ad party retaraed, tl gaaoat I'l'.'i.hi I'.i on board, a

,.,. lataad. 1 afl aaa bI-o1... ta par-re,'oiiii uciii l xx itb IM *ame jreneral ohjectf tbei M ie. (om. l.u-out retuiutd

1 v, l.i'iL'.li.e iollowing veeeela xtcrc bloekadiap theeu-

to8arannab: Bene b, Pocaboataa, BaTUuah,| .I.'! '..

I \ VV! I.'S VTTAIK.Tbe aBaefc B Ooaa. labflflfl m tbe Mtt, whbb

' :e-l t'-, x.iu. BOt WOltb] f --'ie BBBB "I.. 1 .1 ¦!.-. Tatnail euoe xxitb ha aiaeorlaaraaa>,cl_ t.. h i- w rboii-, abtab ui-. 00 ,1.I -' n.I ir t -t t'.t oct iipied byOWt*OOP*j

enl Iroiu our WBBa. lo... ,,' B leefl BM Ily ing lium ti.e

TBE 11 V K.TPEDITB I...:i is- r.ii Beyal ba Iba

Ita it thaltoafor Mvei I reaw na, la an, \ oa d lo !...

.v ill I..H. A nuni'i cl-. | nd an "t,im ibl' l.'li* 1'

trootw-beve beenrro^ led, Tba folieaiiig Teaaolfl.ani-.ti).' MflMBWe it: Cubaxtbn, llatitl

, (llll-litill, UhlailM*, lblvi'lile. i'i,ill.o. 1-i'ire Clll I.'...

AflioaMtB war aeaflfa abtab weaB Pori R_Ld abfa it i' x- .1 woald l ibe n

lazpl iiiioii. ure the 1'HoxviiiL': ite \\.lllioll, rl.w.p-4 f-V4!ir Dal 'I I'i'XVIl, ¦-. Mobj. I... .0 Iaa, (), i ti_'.iil.», aad il 11.

Tbe V'ixen wa* a- dotiaglntntyttiou Ihe In abi .

aaar Hiben H.-hJ. m -t xx.g taybaji doxxn baeya M..cau la Uecd in ca-e ,.:

HILTON lii: VII..ix to tbe g ¦., '.illx-ie.i-ived OpfabB, M

i'e ii in i-l. bv onr 1.j r -i

tta xi itn'.i ot Fort vS'aiki r ci al Bai Portat, battaeafBiM. xxi,i, b were fllraady bmn :.Btrenatbeai L lt .- u lantoodtbB ea tbfl

id tovvard ibeuai lUiidilefintieeare'li.ccniite force of li.-u. Sbennau* 4X|edition,exception of lea Ibaa l,1'*) aai, taoe llil-

¦. Bead, and ie in good eottaition. Ihe Urgeauio .ut <>f proTiaioaa ol veabM Itada baad tnere ala t \ii -.1 BflflB I. t'.'ttl.*, flbap, turket", ibb ki Uai.i.- vi iy 11' i't- rK'ii..- of tlu ie aatataad by loraiyiiin

a lo tbe lrUiida 111 lba viciriily,uud 111 eoiiin BflB fl, il i* hiii.i. lo ttm uiaiiiluud. TbflMie aad wfll be, tttt a taag itaM, aeaarabyaf fattin.-iit tro.i IBBflOBiraaa n»-«r the prceot OBflBflflJfltoaj fl 11 liO'-J-f.

Hl. XI rMn TO HK (H ( I I'llI).IVBataae taaaa aay BBaaaB ftaad of aaata

ut li'-a'ilort, and it i-K:tt ftliiiont e.\i I .riivclx iu tiepaaa ibaoa thoBegrooa, at whom then aia aflay.inere lr. ho.Vi v r, oie whBfl BBBB- n'.t tbe origiflfllineiuiaiiil iiaiivn a"' 1 BBaBBBBBj who remainait, ihe t" aigbta, aml on ttoa uayB when tiieJ'liileil SliiU-r io .. noi rceti, but on ibe app.Hr-ance i'l il.-. nt* ho iii-!uutly letiic*. He u aiipjioeeilt e . apy.

llvxtiB ri.iVr.-to,.l, when tbe BeCtalbfl aailed.Ua iv.iuio:* wonldb*oc'-Miiied, probably tbamxIiiux, byafaeooi aboBl6,0u0aa, wbtaa eoeddaeaaili Bpared, a~eeta addltba to the i,0"(i alm-hx.oi.iii Baxoapaay tta mpeditioa, Tbfl parpoaa ol

pancj wm to preaent the Beeeaaoatata beatakiiiL- piBtwutioii, and alro to retain tie eoiitjidtr.tbloaiBonat ef preperty whirl yet ranefae ibaa* TbeBeaBBBfaBMB have <0'i:o there in thi ninht, ifl B I Bciirea, aod takcu uvtay prarertyj but it Bfladoaateodthiit BO liiijje b-^li'-B oi tbcil troop* uio in tbo UUtt**dfata xiii nt. .

thi: I i>Mli IIABM.Tbe "eoatrabBata eeeapy BMofert, ililto-i Bead

lataad, aad tbe eoatigaonB irlauda in aaaidaiabtaaaatter-a Ibaa arl Iaa alnady apaaad bo a

Bei ai, im oadyaadar laair ewaesBtaa,are tin tad tt SH to i ik-i. Ihaa ea a lba BMy14-ach ol <.in i'ortee. 'J how- at aad itrou'i.l Baa bf oobm eetbiiaad at neatlytbe liraieM giren.A t ..-.-'' Ibetaatei :.-<. wppoaoi to bo lookiag ralterthe prop-'ilx of their BflUBflflB. But titht fttttt BB*kaity it if latrwa tbut thay would be tavy ^U<l toDtei uiii liaa tor tbe pnrpoai _;eucrall.v ol obtainiiig

.. ,'.. Ha a .i of tbc McariM i .Vbwbenthey were al Beaeftrrt, bobM bave iron^htawaj ;. nill lofid .il tbea bad ttey been anlborl ,1t. ,1...,,. ib,- ..iniitiabiiuiiB' orewdodarea ° tta m,beggiug lo be allowed tbapritilflB of geti

>',' a Unoiber l- -i U-I in loiiuli |ber, toi abi h ttey aked ead rartired ¦¦ pay. aadwerked, tbe awa aay, "bke feod lallowa. Ibir*teeo oi tbaaa .rvci..- ually taitci) to Hittoa Bead.Tbe st-ry wbicb bar Utii extfiirivu-lv pobL bl i

ttB Ibe negrcx 8 iflfiiM t(> work ia c ini balicaitradii "!. Al .>m 350 are n and aroundliilti n M" .'.au-i lah"f vihen they ha~4 aa ot>portanity. Tht)ertn take boata,g )ing arouuil to the abipping, aa ii, bagi aaa taadii»- iu hu i, .u.y craigbt wbicbifl Kiven thflBB.

'll* agrOMBl Beaatortaad dnewliera ^enenillireiKiri lo our famfl aay aoimaailfl uf tk* alvkhiiii Baflfreoae aritbta Ibarlr :coar_e lliey bave liuie 10 eoaaaahata. Tbe Iuet

i't'i'.uloit laire friiiaihe aagrosB. Thaa aere aoae iuotu_t4.d aan (< btbI

Bg the uuinbnr. \ :.'\\' Bnr*Jghng |ariierhaVeiHi.'U ibcit; IU tbfl Iiij,llt,BCCOrdiBg to ilxMJBVIt taaaa well undcr.-tood tbta tli.-rejK)rtod,'vvb,,l«.._e ta*traetioe efpreparty fa Heatd'ort by t'jc MgroVe haa boen xreaily »-.-:B».'geruted. Ily br tbe"-,"-!|.:rt ol what ihey b«ve lakeu uway wa* wbat ci*4.l'i

be uar-d in tbe paaBBBBM af .-'-lap for thrmrelx. e,or wbat wuh iitiflnl it. tbe wu/of MT a<

.oirti.i'datioii*. of ooana, may bar* liaoafurnijbobm artklefl whith n.ii W bbmb laMefaoahtf*]ulility lt) tleir but.". Bai m tim BBd lh r i

-.appropri-ition," ilu v buv" bad lle a .atance ol

a bite bbm wbaa rigM tatha pieeartp wa.. no. *aMa-Bal ad. ,


Thoee of the men of McClell.ui whoI: ,ve b**B BMB on Bhofl* _T-!rt tbat UflBfl ia no q» a-

BM IBB ii Um aaflB-B bad baaa larahbed with ea-

ploj ment, or even tbeir pw*. w-" iii onr line-t uot dia-eo iragrd, Um aaaha Wathfa Um raachaf aai fmtmvxoiild have I-.-. n duubb d ..rtn-bb -I; Bad that tbey¦fl a giueral ibing, e-hil'i' M diipoHlMO eitherto,1. troTprorertTor io aroH aay (pachfl af hbawhi. b may bo re._iiir.<l B'thflBB, '!'!,*.-luct-eof (ien.

MflBBMB in i-Bjara ta __¦ aaaaaM i- Batad ta be iheaabi*ct of bbmb reaaarh.

II1; . nl li.N BCBM-OBBB.Tbe a_bfl*a*r whieh ».an beeu raaertod lafldrnfl

wilh cottf.t, hnd I.B!" I'.-t-t lill.-d, andwaa,wbaa Um HeChUaa aa.le'i. Ijhag aff Biltoalie.,',1. lt vv..- i.ol itaitd wlieu abe would *ail fur(liiH i-ity.

O-RBBB IBWTbedoik nt .lilt-'ii Head, Whflflh hn-. Neaatl] b**B

iu progrom »aa abaMr aalraded ;.! mt UB hBIrom tbe i-")" B, an.l wonld ba b ull -00 ieet fi.rther,wV'ii'.i 7t I- iiiigbt 1_3 moori'd itiT.l iinlf-udi'l i loi.-,'-li.le of 'I.

JL. UHMBaB BflgIB Hfld. WIBI n.liij-te.l foiurtiivu-e, wa* in l.reparation fiom Porl W.___* B-I*Ml/iltoi. ll"v,l it-b.ti'l ta ¦ jinint Baar tbe Bflinland.Men ,1*1* hlling tr.-.-H, il.iiiiii- hway Ihe bfflflh MMworkioj ihe -i 1. TM road wiii i-1 a bfl hm-' ad.Tbe Brbiifa bbi Baamrir laraiirlaBttBBVf **

I'i rt Boral IIarlH,r.ib. \ aiuieibilt waa to .ail ior New-Yoik in a day

ur tivo.

IU THfii iil.i - rn 'Hi I'l-i-xix- i K \i IBMIt** vi.

Tl.e Ffldaral EhfltM B*r B P. ri B "1, b*C a mbm <i Um dBBaUuMal bh Mba ina bBBMdated al

_ _ «, .'lliiTi._Iit.i- S.C., N-v. 28." . . a »_f_ mtxXt

¦nd vai i*l.f* |h>|. ol hav '

,, -. ; ... ;i« n *ll I Ir. |. J tn ... .,..-,..

kladotl ' » .¦ I. ina ff il'.-.i » I" .Vn.! rt'.'.ilill all enr

" laaaa fl tl . l.-ti.n i*nt m* »r* not fr»- kiI'. r II .rl *4 al:,.-. Mf ,tr. f,froi.i lli* eaJU-.i ...Ui ml.

lip, tl.i . v I J.vV.r g'l" IL J V.'V I lh -il lli-.o .ail.

..... ,"ili.-ti.e, l<< tii* I'.let.ville hi. rre. Ivrd at I t, Itl

,r» t,v .v ,,'. i- e Ifl*. * . !,.iii V. i ii t IflgMaal ty f'irtl*

rt |n th* 1 , ... whi, h.,1, le -. . ..'¦.. -!,. ¦¦ B__ I, li

11 .Je UJ. .. " i,ilv c u .,.., y tlI ., ; ,

' .'T.i i. Vaa t' __..(lireeltii Uatfl aad 111 B| .ra."

i.i N. .iiiiixit.s ni rn Ul »_TBtK__fl_BI. Ill li.N. ._, VNIi Iih io BB mt/: D.

; u ii a_M IOu 'iiu.r- !..v. Xiii r. >.(.ral Ibobmb aaat oat

inrtnii 11 * io leo, Ni.- m bi ia B< aal o. f" tiii..-... -.--.; ut oi ull ilu- ti i.f.- mi tl.e iil.iiid- I'ot'on, e >rn,ri .. .V .. ol.'.U.y ae. ofll.t, ai.d _Up t" f.iltoll

rft ut were not vv.ii.!,tl for ihe... \- w-Vork. to ba Ulher*foraeeoaal o_

tbe i".v. ramenl at*", to aa utgrt el _vea ta gatharr., eropao. eottoa aad eeia. bi.I toend

Port l.o' nl aud otbei pla .* aa tl.e__...«_

I be ii *" far a* n* erned,

ii, .li'r xv. li t, (ifl I. ' '

j .ditl'.ii.< OM. ni POBT'I - l i' iM Bl POBT Of im I IP-


The bBowlag 11 ,.

., ,.,. Hm tha .i, ¦.!.. lii.T-.i i h- "ix i

Mki . 1." ., iciBia u li*.i.i<-*..

'. r. 18, 1861. I.'-im: I

Ya.4 of th. I ai*BBi-r I" °

... ......

ii*.t, vd br* '

f B-ra. fca. ii*.. n, fw bt l-U-alli.*'*

. .. af 7 bv.v-. MaMaejaa atadalaaare ...IdiJ- «b-I bni:--. " M_____,f"7... ¦ . -.-i.i.ot.11o, , .!.-..« b... ..-.-..-. aaa. .¦.'. . l~__fla*-B|,aad II

. ..**ri'*a1.'|,.,rn.*'!vii. rd the ...I¦.. XV Ard*'i n of. . - *'

Ne.^u Ni. Badao* '». .iM

fr. ni .!.*roit "f llivaea.....

I,.-..., ... .i,e-.l l«rre... . . .* .tfrn.-i-i_l I. h. al < 1 '. iu-1


,, . -..'. r.| . .

........ '..'

¦ .

i.r a.'

l ij ..

t. -the II. K. I

!]|n- ml OBttM I

hj i:,. .- to-iay, bnxingli ltII"

-1 offt. 'I in ibe, '-. ti. W ith lb

l* 0 a' I rt lh *, li- TUii, llhV

.' ui .-<

Iicav) liiletl .i.iinoi, bave I.ru_il,,i ,,..,:¦ '.I.r.rloru.erarujji-

n. t.It wm reported that tbei ara Jull of

-,-..¦ -i v haf oui tbe aaaa anoaal of B*a B_B*aaBaa_ ibo1t¦. t.I- i,i, whi a wlthi

,'I he eiiiHi-i - '" ' ' ' Bl OOfBal lliltoii Head ia in

u luu .el.M- t*i lloa lold.lh,. aa ui"- ti ii .. ¦" il,* nei *. r i

Koyal would bflTTfl flflBB | u-venied ly Ihe fl'Ct, lu d.uu 0-henbaaaawa.iMdepUial wataraiaaadUa apaa whieh Um foruhcmiioia wan fltuHted. If tlu. faet hail ln-eii kuoHti, the "iitue rehelfori-e wonld have lieeii tiiki-t. ;.ri-nn*ra.

It i. a.uteii th ii our guu_u4t* . eueilv pr,..,. tvxi'.biu a ver.v BmbI u> Ibb B IM * har-*a*a bMSavainab Batlroad, Iul i kmt Bp a haoi the trark. Wbaa aaflehM IflMBafo tu-nt* *1111havo reacbed l'or; llojral (aaaa bai -BflMfld IflBMhtt(,.e tbe -tiliug oi tb.'Tllii.oia, . u.l foraa floaldhu pfaead upou ibe BMBI 1 mf, aud ii i. beli. .ed ti.itt-itlur CbiirIe*lon Or S-ivuniiali l-, uid be eaj tui',1,aiihoal Bach i-deiM ite lha fona MBhf_Bled foithe pn tction Ol t!ie*e uliea.

Ifl flfllflflfldm Bipailbioa waa [,r*j>aiiiig to a-Mil forBOBM (dhei | ,it,t oi. tl.e loulbflflfl <o«_t. lt will c-iu-

I pihe fouitien ataaaaiB, 'li." Ononial, /rial, llal-iii il Cahawba, will l.i Baaag Ibe fleet. The

J'.ttlti". il wfll be rtnieii.bered, amled __M New-Viukuf.iw day* ainto for i'ort li yal. Tb* lieulletotd i. to BMTJ tl.i. ( an.l l.i* -lal'.AboH Imtboaiaadtrooaeare toeu.bark io the

aspo-it-OB, tb,- r*a**h eanylag them beini. eou-

ttryoibj ) X'iulhiit'j aii:i,i g'luhoat*. Tfie of tl," I'etl ia ei'ler liruiiiwiik, (la., orI.TimnJitui, Pla.; inont li_<*Iy Il.e llr-t-iiaiued of

1 be pre »ea ion of Mninawick ia almoatii- iviio.ti.i.t. lli" National ¦.itieo aa that of Portboti.i.

fieli i< ibe .'i.ouil. oi ihe t-'V.niTib Kiver fell intoom j_.7ri._7ion, aud aiiifo (he BM upaiuy of I'orti.', 1" ir r -I rn Navaiuiali have mn theblockiidf. Thrre ot t_e»e __BB li-en eaj li.reil bymr rcaaeh, and f>ne Md a* bai '.¦".;,>, fcuo», .wurd*,iiuc Btha imj.len f ul* of war.

.....-, rift.I'ii .-« J!-.!., ."*rt R"y»l 8. C., J

1} .ii'.-fi ... ir'« l. '..-.. X.*d.:.,day. No. tt, Ut iI aa auio i atuiot k>x ' you moie demite newa in

regard io om n ." ..¦;.: of tbh plar* tfcaa aaa al.e :v het-u pabhabed: bai tbinl-ingyuu would Ii.i-I. .n.iii liiih: 1 in: jn.e a leltur w bii b I too

i- Mr'staMl i.l.oul iwo hour* ai. i- ilu-Iot WMiileored. Abootevery letUrfbuofl "dnwI* J klOM iu Ibfl flUddh, Bliu Wi l «i, iie I _vleath." I l"Ofc im li tMBBBBt* a H.-V'.lvei'wb'i b Iioiu i. II. lb "I. i" 0, faal Wl-ek, wl.e.i I wuul olilou a ii. I"). i ;. :. l fonad fltach lu a aagratiibii. a bagh 'tt ilu, lii'li.-'-ntkOt IWO Utgtt, BBBBI I'-'or 14 Ion". I i li i..i, aad mI daalavawbo ii bilv"_ei to aad baw B flflflB* tba*: M aaid

.,!., - lol' ll,.'" fl i.| !. i. 1,1- uio'.g VVltlV b .' ii" go, . ll ¦' de bl ¦. lo tii.Vi:i:l.t-r--an I Cii.'f. .loit'i fvovvivlbi . knif. ..i | ... u

Backfa i'¦. ¦'¦. ll x»»* -Bbedded*a*MthaaliaebM in ibe Mbm, aad |M polai i* brekaoh 11.11 >it d j i reti med I .-.''.' wi >, iai f.. thB BBBB i.ii-.e. I.l IV..*, and be.aaBM a i hn wil* imt

iaiiil" v iib I i.n b.rfk into .^-Liv..',ih**i hoth daad iu th* b rack*.IfMaadthaha afl ebeB fi<-u _Naad eottoa la

baha, i.t ralhd one i_,le ou; tu ibe i-iinii.-i.uu-i,:l.i| ,i ..... OB IX'. u x ba !¦* vv I.. 1. d

00* ("il" 10 B BBM BJ I" vvkr lyiug vwth a

J.'1U!'.I, Mii il I'H I'" b" I. HH. ni Oi' I l'l Ibe Mf Ii ai'lii'ker.l, i,-f.h, uihI bad ti. ..Hb.bB-BT olkuown:.' I ni'ii',1 inio ramptbi Bi-al ohjcct *f oureneiny'B/oi ,''. " " ''¦.' . "i-mii-eal beh aeal on io h*w*].ert hy il* maBM

VtUiitir. I direovrxred, nl,"', rotton enon.'h on ba,lit'. i.-ui. i l.ii.Hiiioi.M, plmked but not f'it.ned, Ifln.iik<- t>, i-i e.iit vk boiinde, (and you know tbatI a.u i:o nnxiie ifl tbe coiton,-'i"u balen.I atao di**0 " bM BfllflebeaflM Bflfld M tlie ridi/e-pofewitt liue flotfl nt tbe etir, und loaded the 1'ai k-enbnrgfa witb 000 baabeb. Theieare at loa-t '.'.'HO

iirh. I- of com iu aueh of the l*ra dUfciaM eora.liooBtH 1 bave viaited, makini' Ki.iHiO buelieU of un-

hIm lled coru mi u diiall ialaii-1 belween Hilton Headand th-- nata land. The " main Utnd " uiiibI revealUf "coru' and bii* "cotton" M well as

"bi(. gBBB." Iu my rambles 'by tbe way,Captafa Saxton, Cbfaf t^iiarterinitBter ofBboraaa'a .Tbaaa, .I.-'aikti for ray k"<*1<ji mi wa*on nn upaBBBB t" Irfag iu .yuarteiniHiiter'e and(ioa i-m.ry fltoraa, liuy Bharpahflotoa ba the lothNflW'Terk JbgfaBflOl, tl,-.-< to me be-foa I left, i.ot io tou. h BiiytbinK belonK'-'K *o " prl-x.le iti-.. ii-,'- hoxv \\ar I to tell.J [ flflflB upou flgtaop, itb aml dry M bad, at loxv lide; hut I went

tt, .1; with BV D,e"' daj a *.ltiiie-xk;iy under it,BBBB Ihjb BfllB ll neaiiy lloated. I tinmeuiaiely-i in now n uboiii a nule below tiie pBBM where tberl iop fa] her nawe ie Family of .Savannab, Capt.Jeaaaon a tbe Parhaiflbarg, for ber to eoaoap.When *he Ml xx iihiu bflWflM dirtunee we jerked herolf, aml udded her to our " (.uarUtrtnaeter * BtaMB*Al-o, xvl.ile a of my men v.ere loadirijr <-ru, I

aai ibe aat. and abad txvetity Bagrn** -° ru*'lliii.-en (ticks of timl er, nii ety feet long, eigfateeataflba <"|iiaie, 4lown to tho vvater « ed«-e, and at tbe

ri-ingol the wa!> t my Iul limher rall Jbated; ui>on

Itfab I plaaad laaber in Bbflndflflra, aalll tba fagfliweretputo under water, and on top I plaad BBraUfl "f milroHl bBB, all ot xxbicli wmi tovved .lowii

Ite Ibe tel Tbe Uatterwm flaad for a laapMaryWbarf BBd an.hor.-d witb tbe railnnd irou.

Bba in wu* higblypfaMBd wiil aii I did,'lit BflgiaM re| ort to BM in diilcrent parta of the

i-lun.l Ual BO BflflBea ever enlie'ed, no ri.h folk*,.v. r Iad nn niiil-,1111 doWB hero. but thtj BBW manyai.'! -. ai.y |'-ir xvhito BBBpl , vvub iron cbain*, " ile x liii-ui.lbat BoUicra WOM tho tbob and

and ibe abitaw, mtib of ttaa, tota Iba aflbnt vt ho BBd tben. ill IBBTflB, 'hat they had no ******

Bttaaad woaM aol Igbli M if the ri. h ..ilewould I'u-iit--tor tbey bad paorty.lB Ibaa figbt,ha- ttey, the floMier*, woea bo *hot Int I do not

'-,,n tteheai.agai bfraaMB,taBeaflneadiu v, aml kaowtag ibat tbe eaaaattaei ot tbe

aegre oulil never inveal aaah Btraight etorka, I am

tiruilv led to baltaTfl it.The li tt»r above ictcrrid tO i* M foflaWBI

i.-.ih Oeroaaa, i«*si.Ii | .i Bn.r.BbD*tr Stri Itblokal »i-i:irg Ba Fort

a u i-h aaaa* Iad** *. 4 wiU h x, t tr. nfa r vn.i (,>r.l.r i..e,l 1-iai-liaai.T"), a. I atn toon.nrb t.uahrd ai'h in*

baaMat (reeaal t.i (Bara (BT. I ..-i 4 ;i,u l«j A.btit-.aalave),1 lirij.r alil boli'llt.

Tbia Dr. BBB waa BripdeBBraaeai la wlivery bBinlrouie flflflB, flfld B I- ve xvith BiM AaataWoodwud. atop ataagbtor of Mr. Peae of Beatl

:,. Thia inl-.rii iition I ic'Live irotn a n.-groIaaa irl, "Btflfl," wbo xvail* ut .mr u.blc, atid be*

|i t., da Norib xt i'l raa, tatf afraid de biiow

i .. bw "I. te Iii ¦-" Tbb Barffwa xxa* baad underaiilaaail af tbe fort, attiflg on a aayooa'i

rboB. arith a atare ai beaaagi in Bfl baad, aad tbatop of bi* ln 'i'i ata¦' oii hk ii iiai'i-ent of beU. II--

-. i,-, tta Cbi ab af tta W tl BBb, aftorprayira bx ihe B| iaVOpBI <l< ri/x BBBBOi ttfl BBBB al lp.So .-ni -I, i,i xve:,- the South'Car4,*ol'encc4<*ii,

aad llwl thex eoald ibl oai ile.t. ttB tbey taaitodt eonling t.. leii.-t*] dewfl "> I

of BCtioa. te ..e.i' tbMBBMOa IbflB lUtei.iled l>,

iix,-i,r; hikI tbe v.-iy eaiu.i. 1 tbat .rooglit tbaak aveyed I on -' ata two -.t the offlcen wholnxited tbaaa.oeawbl lell tagl eMaeT, uud tbeotta r xx iih bi- laad alatlaed bya rdalL >. omi l-to

ol -he ib. ii.k rebeta, tl.-y lefi l- tt, ra

ii'.biiirbe.i.prabaMr tbey aaal *<-( aowa te arrbathiin, uni o: iv i-i' Bpto attaad iuii "Bttlebnabvx iih the \ ii.lo i -, ..i -1 lataaded, bba " ltoaatirka."w,;,- |, aepped orer Ni* ara Palta, to eoae rigblha k, aad Bepaad, aaybgbe " vaaM lahl ta "'""tau hoar or »-..

OIR I'llMOVIilt* AT (fliniH<4TO,1.ea

Ixrller frwm I.lral Ilitmanfl « onm-ll*- ti'Jth11. k,ni, ni Mw-4 ork fkinir nilitiB.

abibb J-Jf-, Bat.B. BB.DiAiWini Ebatbai Mfabael'abltarefthalllh

nl,.i,., bl B afa -1 BB, ui -1 \..ii c ni erarccly iiiin^me

tta pbaaaM I bbb '. I ba B haai timt aii were wella: ll M Ji-J tl e | fl Bb * writ!< n ly WIBBB M »

r'i'je, t i.."»t important to tteCebaali and wh;chItiotbi-r Ml i;. 1. proxc* 'iul he uaniiouj to

rotitiil .;e to .forniBiion.aiiddeterniined,t vxell po«ted on all Ba'tera of

B atlioiiio dtiriiif-otirrUy, aad for a larM him hia

IbBtta. Unl'i.r Mi.'arl iwy* that the hut|. c. i i- i. iv* .1 Ix him lioiu inc \v:.« datod Auguat __>.

1 tii.J, 4,u Iflfaribg lo aiy flBBBeaaBBM book, tbat Iite, one ol whieh WM di*

.- hi tttt* r. iched you.Tliooo wi i- the I. tli rs ».-iit Inu, BBBBBd aml we

n I by tle ollii.r in cotiiiui-ud that no

i. oi> woi ld I' . ix ¦! a* it w aa iiup.«*ihle to for-.n. \\ aaw uaiiafeiTed from Ki, l,u..nd

f gept.: ber, and loilged iu,; ! xx.) il.l take m re room

-nu I MB r-l BB i" daarfba cur joiirney It to *b;, ttB *f"-r IIMWM jo-miay by mil of< .i.r I ada i'i Iftj r J niili -, aud having Utu ex.

a n.i t! » IflflBflraa I.' » aud rtatioiiH ou the.<. atiix. d h'-n- on '! n afag "t tbo Utt,da oiio-k. A aqaadaa of Caraby aaa

ti vt :i aj i. I,. a, ui -I -, BBfBary af [afaaary, calledir.iaiou leaaaa%M b_haa> b haaB, taa

nudiately aftei ihe Cavalry, wera pheed nt I.oui-¦taaa Volnateea, wlio eoBBitoled our goflid IroaKiciiii.oi.d, hi.ii boul "1,0 buiidreii polii en., i. l-iot.^bfBf Ibe r»ar. 1'lieae forme.l, we vx ure phiccd iu tl.oranter, mul ttfl w-mi of ninimnud buvit't,' been_ixen, WB ruored BBTWSld wi:h b li.-w, iiinnly, aiiddeQant etep to imr yel unkDowiideHiiiiHtion. It i-uueWaajarre toldwbeii leaviiiff 1'ichmond, tlmt Cn-iiel'i. hi-ry XAoiild he our i|ilarfer*, but ttt xvi-re lat

over *aiignine, aa uiuuy fala* promi--eH bad be

previi'iirt'.y, and tlie accommoiUnoii at tha (' we oxpected, aml tberei-ue xve BBM B

Iaaeheanetaedwhahabadta frout of tin ,»¦Ou our way tol'nt Jail lha Bia la xvci iia-ii fl

aaBeofallgadaaadaoloia.tta flBBaiacrowil il txervxaa n:y forttine, cr'oit iii-. ;im :.

wu* in tbe p emut ea*.-. U) behold. Men h'i

.white and l-lack, yellow, co- p. r-.-.!ar, BBd rrrea

tbe'Octor«Kin, were to be *een (BBflflbIB Bflly in tbaf

very reui_kablo ajaeuiblugei i.ll vciy ;B r<

thii Y.tiiLw*. Hut the liou of tlie day BM lh<- noto-

rioo* ('ol. Uoic-ran. aud all WBTfl u.".*! uuiioii* B

'getafair view of hiii. IbbWM tbfl ler* ddlii n!t,Ir* hii uiajtkii' and ib liuiit iiciul tawarad biItbeieit of hia fellow-iapl; .i «. Amot tb- BTOWdroull eanily bc iiiatmgui»b' 1 BMay I. Oi -'icuite-1.Inave and | atriotir eoua of tbo old Bafltrflld Uie,v,ho, in dlflSBl of tlie j-ivvere th-it be, a*-ill ilieiiabxxitii a^iioua love ilicic Culeiily t" iiiut urinl tUgflrba whore lolda tlrey found protection when theyi la fly fj-otu the inu'' eftb h biith a Ibb Ij aaajand ptliaCUtBa aurioiiuditd tli* BB. I'ui haa l'i')

a u ln Utt, under tb,- periOM old BBBB '. tboabtab they *!ill cberirli ta ftflll loBMM

,,.. il ttefa qrtBBBjahy ta i -iii nt. way»-aeaamtatag uo ih. ii .'..ltir.ii nt arin.i lent'th, ttB bajmlght aae tl.oM who MtTerei in tbe good .tu-., i-'t:i IBBSBBBBB 1 ihey to point o'it B ''.-,¦ |a aolile. < 'iix 1.. '.ri, jit.triotic bbb Col-onil. Ofl Bl.ix.ii.'i.t |ba Jail Wu \w :c i.'.kWi <

:«. 00 tba t-ceoiid-riory, comiiatJi,/ of iwah l. ill, iii 'Mxineli woM peeked l lofflccn,

ivatet a I ab,)_t tho eaiue uccflii.modu-tiona. Out of tbo w in.ovv we could ree the bullow *-

bj ibe way, we bare often beeu tlueutcmdwith wlilc iu Vhfbb. Ncither ibait*, bttfaa,

'' iicIiim, Ud, LUnkets, or qnilia weio fiiruiabcd.i.'., 8 xxeir diairibnted raw abtut II o'clock o. BB,

j coBat-UBfc ol tbree l.acuiig jK<r duy for eucli autn,'. .....! tai poiA I.' iuilitf* thii k, ooili-e, und I.-.

I. to e:,i.t nun for hve duya. Tbia look-:UaOBBWbtt*i|uaJly. lht)4iovr on tha oorvidor wa_

llooktafj ihe Churie t-ui Zouavo* were aatioixv.l alli-itsm 1 the xvullii cl the yiml aud ou ibe BairWBa, ttin'iwhm aoeejaBky aoaepoiad our goiiiK iuto the yuid v\o

xveie alvvaya ^vvomvaiiied by a guard. Ueie xve

were kept cubjected to treutnient ior live daya,vv hcu Wfl were BBM*d to Cuaile r.ukut jr, gimrded to

tlie BBBaaheal in tbe aame niaunci' aa 011 our airivalfrom the rarato the Jail. We w-re kept in Ca.tlePinkney from Sept. ll to Oct. II, when at about 2.'flfltoh p. ta. we received ordere to be in NMBBMto move in one hour and ten minutee. Thia we ic-

(jreited, ae oiir.iuarieraat fbe Cautle were pluBBBflllthan aay Umt were previouiily furai-bed. While(bere we wero not trouliled vvith ioqui-ilive vieitor*ae in Eietimoiid, dtmauding to know what we caroe

down here for ? Andanawering the qm-ti"n with"To aubjugate ua;" aud M__BMB.fl the etre-tflin!froatof the tobacto factory were erowded all daylong with the moat mi.-_.-hle rubble, gaping at n-

tbroagh tbe bara ot tho vv-indowa. Iu faet there wa.uo iudignity or intnlt lhal we were not flabjaated 10whilercimfined in that ever memorablo tobacco fac¬

tory. I will here reniaik tLat the ulliiers who havebad chargo of na aince we cun.e l.t re bave Bflatod ua

wiih more civility tbun «1:<1 th.; F. _\ V'a. ofKicbiiKiiel, and bad aa thia jail ia we pic-fer it to the RkhaflflB. pTieoa. Wt ll,here we are again plaoad iu onr old quarters1on the aecond -tory, 10x12, the only dille.-cnce btingtbat vve are now only eigbt in BBBBM, while be-fore we were twelve; and inatcad et ealt jork we

g"t twelve outicee of bi.'.f lo eaeh man fm day. TbeifleWflflM of i rackerti |a tbe .uuie. Tl.o ration* ol

i rai kere, coflee, imd caudlea are getierally given out

Ifa *uppli..'8 for fivc daya, and the _BM_a_MJ of tbeIfourth linda n.any a poor fellovv on l.i* la.-t aaha.Thoee wbo havo no lnoiiev .indeid, I migM.atfely aay all the privatea are BOW,aad _BM boaa,leniiiltea eiiu-e wo left, Kicliuiond-nre BBB-BflBg7f\.-ri-!y. Here they aro iu raga, their clotbee tot*tered und torn, or, like a .|uiltcd comiorter, of a tl.<-n-

iiand pati'bea, dentitute af lb*flfl_ atoflfl-Bffl, aad hmany caii-a of ebirta while the only ouu io tbeir

nanty wardtobe ia in tbe waaBBab. OnrOovern-nient muat be aware of thia, and yet tbey bave takeuno *ti j * to ame'orato onr ib -plorable coudit. m. < BB

tbing i.a eertain: if allowed lo reuittin in tbia eoiuii-

(ioii, u.uny a noble fellf.w whose aml.itiou ia to ai'l in

i. floring tbe old lia;.; M Bl ai.cieut I'innaci'.', w ii iB-fB-hBBee, ami f.nd B flBM amung tbe Mfl.

ired MM of tbe BBMBBM of bi* 11 -untry. liiele p

Lyiu h nf tbi-. eity MMM regulurly to lee BJ. autl ua*

I -'.'..,! biaa ifa Barlfaf MeadL Ai'ur tin_ aaaaaa.

terieg ta our tcmponil W8B-. bfl tl" B d_r*B*d bh Bt-

(eiitioii to oi.r bpiriinal, and left nothiug uudoiie tO|aaha '-4 t-uiijari.tiviy i-i,! dbrtabh aad happ. athaB aa iiiiif'b io aa it b pMBMatO bfl i'l Bfl. b'.'.'i'-

MMM duii_eoii. Ue funiiabed ibe Colonel vvuli

AflflBB, aml while he ie tlu.h you BBJ hfl f*M I.Buo good felloxv will auiler. We have uleo beeu far-

wiih niose niHttnci"a, pillowa, ami cota,wbii-b aii-vvir the l**bh puipo-e of tahle and led,;T, ,i:i\. hm >i!_x--ve reteaMB af raflftoM beol bbm.. aaat ua bj lh* Bhhoa. Ood biesa bim!

fa oi ir iij'hili: ei:tH -ir" I'f-n'ii.f d Col. (',.:. "ivn, ( '.

Fiitiali, -t-h Kei-iiieuf, Cupt. DoWBOJ of theZf.uavea. Lieut. Detnp.ey of tbe M N. Y. S. M.un - ,f, and three privati h. < »are ie I alled the New-York Al"**. DflfldBg the laat week, tbe door of our

rj BfltflBBB baa beeu bflhfld and Itolled, wbile tlioae of

the oiber uflieera have been left oj .-u. The reaaon

of thia I know not; but one day laet week we were

fortunaie aMBgh to procure a paj ,-r wbkh statedtliat CoL Cor.. ran, fhr.e -BBBBBBj and tett lieu-tenaute abould he banged in ca*.-the privateera inI'liiladelj bia and New-York were exe.uted, and_ior* thi 4 ii pi ar.-il BM diwr hu* been loflh*d. Tln .c

threata Co not ularm ua in tl.e leaat. We aak no

favora, shall crave tio turrry, and if tho BflBB comea

to tl.e worat, we will BBBfll it ..ravely.Our lleet ia m>xv in pflflBBMMB of I'ort Royal. Mhiflh

ia about 10 miles from bere. Thii i* encotinivii .'.

Il waa taken on tl.e . ih it .. Tbe rateaa. kuowlrdged l,)*a wiui aboiit IW] hut uo doubt youl.ave tbe p.-'ticulura long before tl.i. will reaihyu.I l.ave now given vou aa near aa poeaible a cornci

,U.;. n.ent of how we BM eit'iated imd of wbii! h__Maflaahed Bbm we left Bb bmund. liroil. r B_*haBwill eall on the IflBBBB. of C-jt. Fari.-h, .Vo. Iii Kaat!Iloueti.u etreet, Capt Downay, No. vl BflhahaBBflreet, Chief Kngineer'e o.Bce, Lient. L. n j m \v No.IM Bewery.and inform them ibat tl ey b: ve vvri.ii'.'ihome, and are well. My lOM to all f rl

I .n.aiii .om ..*..!' tiit>- huibaod,EDMl'.NL) CO.N..__IiY. I.ieul. tiiuit ltegt. N X 8. M.

I'ltOTI 1 111(1)-m

Jrlt. Thoiii|.if.n .. 4 o..»- tVffl-B " A ftltat4b«u. to I'iII Jail- -lariair* iu I'aira.A ariribn'i Viewa of Ihe VI ar- JohnA. I,i|i* la flBBBBBfJ.

FroBi OM Owa Corr*.pon,l*i,f.Cairo, Kor. H, IML

The luteat Item of new. BBM. w.V.ih x.ui gtt liybdagMph, ia tbe ati.j,|,iug ot tbo 1'laue Y..ii j hx

Jell. ThMflBBB-, at OoaMM-M, h.rty B-Mfl BflBM

t-tapohBi Hy liri^g aeaaaM ut BMheB ka ie ighher *nl whe:i be to k "tf u fcxv baflfa k ol h BM ami

*hag of wbieky. Iie made ll.f I Hit furniih .iiunerfor hiineelf and otficem, when abe waa perniitted to

pio-.'i'fil u|-)ii ber voyiigc toSi. lioui*. Ipn hear-iug tbe n. wa f}ener_l (irau. etar!- flflI I lajflBaM »r

to after Jelf, Imt. af i'f'tir*e wiil""it takii, | BBB.I'lioiiijieon* loriti, flinre h.« tlefeet nt Kred.nL'ktown,Im seaahtod af bai a ha baaflTredafli-BBalaflflB,xvb", bahM ,i, f(T.iinft,l witb tln lou'itry. ar.i

.',b' tu ebule any vif'iu trx [.>:..¦>¦ MB B-> him, amlit t-i inlil.ui "hx ioM llal t! I '..u'y BBBM for oj .r-

u:in ;u.aiuitt liun ifl wilb cavalry, of wbfch vve havea !..'.'¦: bo'lv. ui BM "II.tu order. II" B Mfl likely lo

Uiolt'ht na u.iiin for aome time. and, aaMi__juri i*i'iiiue-1, it wil bfl well MM BB M-BiB BpMl.t- |,";-le, -MB UtaaghaBajorit] iraUahaiBBB,l'or ihey aro aneb e.ii-inible aja .. i. if men tbatthey \x ill do nothiug lo defend theti.aelvea. Htill, an

;,!) . XJ_ .Il'.ot! wit'l I'.lVitliy JlliUliir* tj ell'Tt aoii'.e-

ili.i.-.'. t'.ii-v be BflflB aficrhiui.Hu;, Ltbiab Um oflhan bteeBMaad here. a* well

a* at WaahbagttB, are begitadBg lo p.e lhal Mwhuui'ine i-iuifi na have enguged tbe attflutiao <_ u

troopo,ntfl ic. lagaaMltM bmtat valuable i.vea,aad liun ,i ifl (' nf i" 'aa. bold ot the war in

.:nt:i'ion t,f Sn.ub-W. nt MJBBBrl, Bad ibegef B te the tmttfj tt the BoerrBoahtt, noa

l'or tl.e ibiid lii..e, *t ;ld ttont i b arly U> awaoauaaadBB bbm g"t m idea aaalh bbbj .

ind .( i» le I y tuiinl i-le:.r tbat the -.,101 or

:. ',j- bow 11 roachb .: St. Lt ih are ¦! Btfaai dl'or tiii* i-'int. tjiiitt. .i i.uiule of >pit.'. i^it* are

ncai'Iy i.inpi. led, aad a few daya ago >W BMBBBMarrived Imm Ha_a ibe MBhaai-L

t h_Bt_M vb. ill be, m lwi-toflB/,BMpotat#attaBt.¦aaa lha hBBi ef _h_B_B beepi bave Imm tlu-owninto Co'.uiui.u* (toia Moniplu. :un! B-fl_fla_i», aud itishiiit. d m aaad aeahoahi tbat ihflj Ibti oo-a aat haBaui50,000bmb. TbafhaM al... aboM oue hm-iad aat] raa m Bb btmmi of Um Mhtbal h, m the blalf, arhhh k iheai ifa t _fl aboMIthhwaBa. With Ihifjo meaiis tluv Bl* Mfahhefmakiag a degptrato roeihtance, nnd xea ahould not

i.rr.Ti.ii them withoal. being aore of defcatiag ibem-Ithutiato uy, we rihould hav* aa BBBM 70.000

ii en. Wealfi.ld inveat tbcu. i,n :ill tide*, pariim-lariybytb. bi^li 'idi/e xvhicb BBM irom we bIu.uI.1 cut fl iheir baeo, whieh ia MinipliM,lyta-in;. poaceraioit >.f Uio Ohio aud HabflaBaflaad, wBhatleaB ih.ixhi nieu. Wo _Mmld,ahao*.uj y'.oiit uid abel! theiu ilienee, H'jd utcauwhile

ltlj«"giinbi_ta vvill keep hmy, aud ueu.o:_nrale, il'

ibey BBB, tbat their iroo eaaing, liud at an angle of

lorty-tlve degr^ea, ia invulaon.hle.Allthemiliinry moveinenU iu tha West imlkatt*

ibai C'oluaibua ifl tv ho auaektd, aad thnt, too, wilb-

in a very ahort time. lt will reialt io an ob*tiBataaud blooily battle; but ao loog aa we poa*eaaa plMtyof ii.e-i to rei uie oi' objcct, our coiiiuiandurB wiil not to iliegn.ce themaelveB, to aay tlie lea*uas to fail to brfaf them forward. Wben Colurubmfalle we ahall take tLe atroagaB position tlie Ri-belehold on tbe river, and they will lose tbe greater partof their ariilleiy, and then Mempbia will be ourdwith acarcelya battle. Huw important, then, it faftbat we now cea*o makiug pariial elTorta, and a|onco march upon Colum-ua wiih an orer.'helmingforce.Aaiong the priionera takeu at tba battle of B*b

mont, tbirty wererepotted who refueed to be ex*.changed, whieh provea what ha* been often aMBajthey bav'.) many men in their arniiea who figbt uo*willingly.Mempbia and Coliimlm* taken, tha beart of thl

rcbellion will be pierced, and all joch menaajelr.ThoiiipBon will be beaid of no more.

The niaiin.s, in couiing biliier from the E_*t. gofon a "njiree." At a touu tbie *ide of Cmtmnatjiwo tarrelri of wbisky etood on the pUtform. Thepbroke in the bead of one barrel, aud tilled llieircaa*teeiiB; tlie o'.her barrel tbey took on board tbo oara.Uefora the truin rencbtd Joiiasboro', Iilinoi,, th|BBBBB ielegraphed for all the liquor ahop* to btt-loeed. Kv.-rybody eoniplied with tlie order, exeepfone uiao, wbo opeued bia baek door that bn miirt^nckUi: a I'.iW dime*. '1 be i..r. made nbort work xi it|ttfl grocery, uud wben the olii, era drove tbo uwflaboatd i! a <_.>, the lbiuor raitar wauted Li* pay,roine $:J0 or $10. The offic.r* gave him a »U_rpreproof.that wa, all.Al tbe battle of Belumnt, Capt. Brooka, cf Cofi

Ilaford'fl regiment, dia4<overed ibat he had a brothela aurgeon iu an Arkanms ngiment, wbo wHakille*)byoi)';,.f tl.e men iu tbe captain'*ownr.ganenBTho BBBBflM wae Uiru iu Iudiana, but having livrfBeVBtfll yeuru in Ixmin'aua. bad berotne a _»;~a.*»_08*)int. Hi* vxiilovv waa taken fioui Coluiubnr, Bfldflnow in ttfl captaie'e l'aiuily at Cui bouilaJe, 111.

Capt. Beadba Bol meral prlaaea, aad aaaajothere a lieutenant. Tbo following couvonatiejt/Kik plaee:

" Wbal do you think your pro.pectfl are of U,in*able to dflbad yountelvcB iu iiii« war, wben we wirl

only -,-"S00 mciiBoterribly d.ieated your tttt**}7,000, took your fcuna, ai.d bu ni your cump !" The proepeet is-'t very good, I muB confeag|

but we havn'i f*\ B IgM DaBflta, Indiana, and Lwlmca alxvay*. If we bad, we couldu't do iduc^Whc-n we get bold of tLe Yiwkeea of tbe .BBMSlatea, we can aiwaya beat tbeiu."

"Why, Ixieutenunt, ihe baa men are ull Yaafkeee; no aie a great mai y of the Iilinoi* men."

" Ab, I diJu't know thitt.''" Bew, I wiuh you would Bfl me what your wm

un- Igbtfaaj for."" I can tell x on in a few worda. I dout rrapjioai

you WfBBM men care auything about onr nejrtoee,bul we believe tbo bead meu in ibe __»t, ud Liaeoln, too, mean to take away our ulavea."" You aro uiuch mieUken. Now, 111 tell yoa boa}

we look ui ou tbe BBBM. W* look upon you a* op,poacd to a Krte (Jovcrumeii*, aud lo luhuutliiigtl.

1wha tLe peapb daabbdatta IflflaBtaa. Tbe olllOoaannifiit wa good enougb for all of n*. aad th*}war will laat lili you ajhahl B it."

Col. I.ogan, well knoxvn among polit iiiut.*, aj

formerly very fiitorable io the S-.'Uth, s.tid uiterlhibattle of ltt-linotit, in wbicb be higlily diBtinguiihabimfelf, that tbia OeWJBBflBBt tnm-t le rciiored, evei

if Lo rertoriug it alave property ia wbolly dvrtroyedguch i.- the .entimont to whkh the oltiee.i aad mei

are comiug. Aud they are brought nearer to it bfit-xcrv batlle we havo. " Ia it ao diificult to r you,' they eay, '' and will you Gght o* aud kujjoui u.c-n on aceouut of Slavery I" Ev.ry Nortl-iriman who falla iu batlle belp* lo till up a BBBB. c*-***B

idMbaaa af opbba oa the «ubject of suveryjThua it ie to be _een that tbera muat be battle*, ani

brave n.en murt be Baarilead that uiany may flfliHia: aea *.ixv yea--ug". Tba iap *»aeaatag wheaall will vi.w BB r. liiedy for the rtbellion in iuti-nfl

light, tbcu, and not tiii then, will the Govenim*fllbc rcstore 1. Meaiiwbil." we riiitit be

" F< riattul of '.uiurr, a.-e, aad reet,».id ik- IM g-.dru li th.t t)i«-i*t

'1!.,. rx.ii »-id roar B 'ne c&tarac.'i foaoi.''

AIMCIVAL Of A VALUARLE PBI/P.Tbe pii?e aahaeBM Albion of Nuao, N. P. foa

,11-erly the I.u y K. Wabg of IWliii**re), Actinl

IMbBM (¦. N.Hood, i'n^m Charleatou bar 4 ikyalxvari tiik.u ',y '.Le L'uitcd BMta ateamer Peuguiu c*J

.i oi Noreabor otT Borth Kdit-to bfaal 8-1-.)ard fl eaqjO :' Bk, Mddlflfl, ho^U and

aboee, a (iiati'ity flf Iflflttor, and bridlea Tbe aab»nti.ler n uew rtiit of *aib', and it i« aappoeed there f*rfBMaaaraal dbebwatftt. Bk* wa* from Bbbbb

lidaM IMBjd to Xexv-York. The b"* afl

baad l)«'l BB u k.-pt legultu ly uj. i» Bea. Bk iS bedk. u tta vva, BlIIBBJ B. B. W., with tbe wiwj

from aalbirati bea-jing for Cluuleaton. CipbChiiaiy of lba prha, afiei bt-in..,' boaflded by tbe ofll,,r i oia lha Peagnta, reprceentcd biiu-eLf aal

| . After be and hl* *>n were Uken oa|Iwfinl the SiK.^iebanna, an officer on Iward ihal ehilreL-ogtiiM- tbo aon a* a *ohool-niate at SavannablIfbeaaaj with the ex4<epii..o ol the eook and <.#<-otbei lii'ui. wbo were brought here iu the .choonel*,

mi-u on board ibo 1'euguin. Actiug-Ma_toBIlood uud a pri_o crew from the renguiu brought

[tbe prtae B thii pori Bot.lB, eawa largaihifBttaa live n lea lorth of Ullla Ki'g Harbor. 8aa|.lav, pi.-.-4?.l a IpM Btn-dinc. about H feet out a)wuter, *4i:|xareiitty attacbed to a wreck, anda verl

diuigeroio ohMucie ta aMflflb par»iug aiong th* coaabSha lie* at Rnclior ot! ihe Nary-Yard,

COL. JAMKS K. ia MttMad ttB Olh Jauic* E. Kerrrgan of tha

.J-.ih Keginieu! N. Y. 8. V., baa been tried by eottrt*

marttaite aaaaa, aad iflabaaad u> u.Bho4i aba,tta ttfl -Ica'h-warrant bas beea tigued by tb* Praii*deiiu Kerripin i* a memi er of Coi^-i-eae from tiii*i-:tv, an.l wa aaBfld BBB v.<eka «inoa for ti-eit-on*

Ifab btanbwa with reU-i Irademwhile iu tommaadol !iin n.giuii-nt. __

A PBIVATBBB KKPOKTED OFP MAIaAOA.A leiter re*oeik-d by Elwood Walkar, eaq., _«cri«

tary of Ibe Jioard of Uude.-wriBw, dated MbIbaB,Ber. B, Itwl, Bba:

>. Veetenlay tbere wa* a rerx^rt that a Boothea.,, <.,___ ,iire*Miuiijted m hooner, iiaiiiie.1 bbal.grai utatag "li tbi* port, hut I tbiak it D4*4**l*iB"_

'i>ii:ai',.i. ihe rei-,itl_8 probably aruwu frxW*

(iaii'aiity .-.' to a \e.-rel tlut waa wfT'B oa the JUU uit., when- the eeflBBBMB g«v>' UWcidB to a aalea, Igard ^hakispoar*'. «nd on th* ~uj*r!f. b 8iu,;lar reaaoi \xa* n*en m tho -Straita oi ¦«».

rt. u targe p.ut of her crew beb^.Itaeta-MJJbare beea eartt-rly galc* m tho *'*****,,/_^'jnit ie ju,4t po.*it)lo tbat tbe _aioe v.***- aja/

bti*u oll haai M report4<d." Mfl .*\mZ.£1£ V' 'W

*'*'*' __!_, hKBH.rlved.Tbe flUaaablp< 'r.-kita, ^^.^praattan. iaTue laiiiubfl art agaiu t9mutmmw-**r

Ititnlioldt, County. .vyerai .JfiSbd.tiered, nnd ottoia .hock.i.gly ffiL bnt^r 30c;

Crusli-d aogar u stlliug ** "F-. »»» »

aadba, Mb. _ b ,____- -,M wldaA eargfl of eugar uot* ****** *

,fi.*c'_ 4. t 1.-1 A*tt* oi ti.e %b uirtant are ef

tl.' -..--- whaler. were more faforaMaburnl*. p*\**t_. BlelBlalB« at af',»Mtr*5Bl*.

- Mo.iTKKlt, Mondaj, Da* I, "»

There wa* a heat. fall of anow her* taat .*

|>T-_-vht7 tha al*ighing ia gvod.

top related