:. - ' sb xj ' 1 x , ,attentiony hlembers of the house. …- r'i'. house bi11...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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. .1 : . . .; :) . . - ' ' .'A ' 3-29-7 7 ' 'Sb!XJ ' 1,.

'œ' *

.;x , ,; Doorkeeper: Attentiony hlembers of the House. The House will convene'y

1 ' in fifteen minutes. Attention, Members of the House. The Houseè,

.' will convene in five mlnutes. Al1 persons not entitled to the

' House floory please retire to the gallery. Thank you.''

' Speaker Redmond: f'House will come to or' der. Members please be in

C their seats. Be led fn prayer by the Reverend Krueger, the Hous:1I

' Chaplain.'' ' ' ' ' ' '

Rev. Krueger: ''In the name of the Fathery the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

' ' Amen.. '0 Lord, bless this.House to Thy serviee this day. .Amen.. .

Someone said: 'Some pfous folk steal pfgs but gfve away the feet

for God's sakel. Let us pray. Almighty God, our Heavenly Fathery' wbo hast created this world in which we live be one in harmony

and sufficiency. Grant to the Members of this House of Repre-

sentatives the ability to see clearly Thy dlvfne plan for al1

mankfnd. That in a11 their efforts at legkslation an equality

will be maintaiaed that does not favor one group of citizens

to the detriment of another. That justice and benefit may be :

level, so that the wholesome harmony sought will bring peace

and comfort to a11 the citizens of the State of Illinois that -

others may emulate the example to thus create a better nation.2*1 :: : L5 ' - - * j'ke ask' in the nale oè' chrkst . duk. Lord . z M en..! - .

.u .-. u' u. '.. 'z.- .

speakee 'Ri-èliond :' L'lRbll.dél-l'.ft= uattendancl... .Reprqsqntative Madigan.''

Madizan: 'N' r. Speakers would the record show that Representative' *-# : ''. . . . zt ( .. ' : . '

. .kugalian is excused because of illness and that Representative' vitek is excused?''

speaker Redmond: ''Any oblections? Hearing none, the record will so

show. Representative Ryano'? '

Ryan: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Wilt the record show that Represen-

tative McAvoy is absent due to illness?''

N Speaker Redmond: ''Any objections? Hearing none, :he record will so

show. Approval of the Journal-''

Clerk O'Brien: ''Journal for the 29th Legislation Day: Tuesday, March 22,

March 22. 1977. The House met pursuant to adjournment, the Speaker

i-n the Chair. Prayer by Father William Kruegero'l

Speaker Redmond; ''Representative Madlgan on the approval of tbe Jour-

nals. IZ' * 'w. ./ ', .. G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y I' t.k z 'î .(

. v? . v s'rxve oe juul-o's' ' . ' ZBLF e ' . . u r r o g' p ez p a a: s E. N T A, T 1 v e s ' X '. . . . , 4 . ) #4 o u s: ..v . . . 1 . . :. : .. . . . t .. .ç , e u . . ;. '

. ê''I . . . ' ! ' .z. k z 'a. . . . . . -. r. j' c . . .. . s..,,j q.,.g. ;,;r:. t. . - -- . , . .. b . ,. . j . ' c . . * . . . -au#..è.'vk:L'l: -.'qzT.f=Qk .-.r m..:. npm,fzzk.z - a-.>-wv'ccw; -. 2.:', . a -.; --za ro: - .L. .. u rsqvns' ':- -7.. ..'. v.,r - . ..7 .. ' .- .. . ..z - .. ' - . ' . ' .' . . . . ,-

$ . . '>. . . J . ; . , , . . . . ' . , ' ,; 1-29-77 .

' 2t *!t Madigan: 'Nr. Speaker, I move to dispense with the reading of Jour-(.

ina1 //29 of March 22, 1977 and Journal //30 of March 23y 1977.

l!k Aad I move that they be approved, Mr. Speaker/l

ô Speaker Redmond: ''Is there any discussioni The question's on the. Gentleman's motion. Thöse'in favor say 'aye', opposed 'no'.:

The 'ayes' have it. The motion cqrries and the Journals are ('

: approved. IntroducDion and First Reading.''. ' .;1 Clerk O'Brien: MHouse Bill 1029% Dan Houlihan. A Bill for an Act

j .4to amend Sectfons of thevcapital Development Board Act. First .

' .

1 . ' 4' '

Reading of the Bf11. House Bill 1030, Dan Houlihan. A Bill forI

an Act to amend Sections of the Capital Development Bond Act.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1031. Dan Houlihan. A Bill;


; '

' . for an A ct making an appropriation for court<ooms and auxiliary

facilities. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1032, Dan '

' Houlfhan. A Bill foz an Act te amend the Court of Claims Act.

First Reading of the Bil1. House Bill 1033, Winchester. A Bill .

tj-for an Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent expense of '-

- j:lj-: .-- the Department of General Services. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. . - ;'Jn.

. j- -. .- r ' 'i

. House Bi11 1034 , Williams . A Bi11 f or an Act to provide f or the F.. ?)' . j . n'J.

ordinary and contingent expense of the Water Resources Commission. à:,. g4,,

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1035, Edgar. A Bill 'for DM. ' fwt

ausAct to make appropriations to the ordinary and contingent ex- '

' penses of the Civil Services Commission. First Reading of the '

Bill. House Bi11 1036, Robinson-' A Bill for an Act to amend Sec-y ' '' . . *


' . .

tions of the Election Code. First Reading of the Bill. House . N. ' '.' '

, Bill 1037, Barnes. A Bfll for an Act to make appropriations to ..

. y. . :the ordinary and contingent expense of the Pollutfon Control Board. .c11)''--*-.:--.-.




. .


First Reading of the Bi11J1 ''.f '

-. --


jlyj . ;,




.-,. .


Speaker Redmond: HSenate Billsy First Reading. Representative Mulcahey, :k -.zc' :t

' yOu seeking recognition?'l (% j. . .ip

Mulcahey : ''Mr . Speaker : I would just ask leave of the House that my ry' .2p t

y c. Speaker Redmond: ffDoes the Gentleman have leave? Eearing no objections, ' .) . -,.. .' h.x uw2 .; j, g 7. '. his name will be added. s. j my..we..

', Clerk OeBrien: ''Senate Bi11 15, Dawson. A Bill for an Act to amend . AAX t

-1F&. y: lë ,. s' the Insurance code. First Readtn'g of the Bi1l. senate Bill 72, 'àki

j ' .. . .j: , K .'rzx . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y ;* ( .--'j,A?US.rzj.ip - . s x l v s o e 1 u u l pl o I s > . '.ï . a # P e l . ' . . 2 'r . ' Q= . ' . H o t: S E' o F ## +: P R E s E 1: T A. Y 1 V E S ' ' . ) '@ ' - - . . 4 ' . v : z . ' ' ' . . a...j;.... a. . . . . '

. t . ' ; ..' . . ' ' - . , e , z . . .' . yay . . . g ' . . . . a. : .... . 1. y. gsg ' . .y , . y .g j.- zg ' '. -;- ; - V .. : . ' o * ' . , . . . ' ' . . ' . (. I ..'j . .s ' . ..u. '; . à M' ...2 Eyr r z (. . T . . .,:- .- ' , . .. -c-z .jj-j( rïr . . z r ;mr . v .w . . *. .- '* ', . :t - . - -. . . . -, . w .....w..- ..z:#z..a2r..z.=.-: . .u - , . Jz .=. .. - . . . .cr

T . 1

' ', 7p 3-29-77 :jn.j. .



lf l/, Simms. A Bill for an Aet tolamend Sections of the Minimum Wage.p '. I



j Law. First Reading of the Bill. Senate Bill 167, Nardullf. A

( Bf1l for an Act to amend Sections of an Act to provide for the

' payzent of comfensation to persons who are eligible for Illinois

' korld Iiar 11 and Korean Conflfct Bonus. Ffrst Reading of the Bi1l..:;

ïV .

House Bi11 1038: J. David Jones. A Bill for an Act making an appro-

- priation for the ordinary and contfngent expense of the State Em-

4 ployees Retirement System. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill


' .1039: Geo-Karis. A Bi11 for aq Aet to provide for the ordinary and

.' contfngent expense of the Department on Aging. Firs't éeading 'ofJ::1 the Bi11- '' . 'l .p



Speaker Redmond: ''Representative--.linaudfblel... do you seek receg-f '' .



( nition? Representative 'Antigony'. House Billss Second Reading.

'j: Representative Hart, 106. Do you want that called; Out of the

? .'

record. 113, Representative Pferce. Do you want that called?(. . .; ' .ï' Representative Pierce, 113. You want that called? 0ut of the'! .j record. 219: Representative Pouncey. Do you want that one called?



- - 0ut of the record. 251, Representative Deuster. Out of the record.

' ' 290, Representative Kempiners. Representative Kempfners.''

clerk O'Brien: f'House 3i11 290.'6

Speaker Redmondb 'fYou want 290 called?ll... . + '-'w'w ' .w ..a z '

'' . ''

clerk O'Arfen: ''A Bfll for an Act to. amend the Revenue Act. Second

' jlReading of the Bi11. No Committee Amendments.

speaker Redmond: ''Any Amendments from the floor?'' k

Clerk o'Brien: ''NoneJ'Speaker Redmond) ''Third Reading. 308: Representative Holewfnskf. 308.:'

clerk O'Brien; ''House Bill 308. A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections

of an Act in relation to performance of medical, deatal: or sur-'

. gical procedures on or counseling fôr mlnors. second aeading or

jspeaker Redmond: ''Representatfve Houlfhan.''

D. Houlihan; ''I don't see tbe Sponsor. I bave filed a motion to table

d take thfs out of theone of the Amendments. Perhaps we coul

. ' j,

' record tfll the Sponsor gets here.


Speaker Redmond: ''WeI11 take it out of the record again. 380. 0ut

L ..

of the record? 0ut of the recerd at the request of the Sponsor.

w .k 2 . - - ' x' , . r' y*' ' tty.p q ' ' N G E ' N E R A L A S S E M B L Y j

. ' J y ' X'l< y ; .x R S( % 5 s .y. x a. jy o p j j. u I pj o l s j

. 1 g , *. !.. . t ,... . .


A k * * rkjd'j- :4 o u s E o F R E #$ R E S E N T #. T l v E S

. .. . xqx . .. . .. NI a 0. s sNj.

'' . . . . . . . . ' ' '.- . . . . . 1. . ë . .:- . ...,.. , . . .v.., z z. .

yr F . . .? L ' ' . . '

1 .. ,9 3-29-77 ' .

. 4.I;

434. 434. 0ut of the record. 536, Representative John Dunn.

Out of the record. 537: Representative John Dunn. 0ut of the

record. 538, Representative John Dunn. 0ut of the record. 591,

Representative Lucco. 591, out of the xecord. 724.'. '

Clerk OîBrien: ''House Bill 724. A Bill for an Act to amend the I1-

lfnofs Municipal Code. Second Reading of the Bilt. No Committee

. Jcendments. -

Speaker Redmond; ''Any Amendments from the floor?ll

'. . Clerk 0 'Brien: ''None. '' . . ' . 'r ' ' '

. . @. . ' . . . . . . .

Speaker Redmond: 'lrhird Reading. House Billsy Third Reading. 0n House

ifllsy Thfrd Readfng appears House Bill 14. Representaefve Yourell.

Out of the record. 27y Representative Ebbesen. ;ut of the record. .

32, ouL of the record. 5ly Representative Wiuchester. Read the

Billy Mr. Clerko''

; 'Clerk 0''Brien: ''House Bill 51y Winchester. A Bill for an Act to amend

the Civil Adzinisirative Code of Illinois. Third Reading of the

Bill . '' . . .

- e yj jyspeaker Redmond: Representative Winchester.

Winchester: ''Wells thank you. Mr. Speaker. House Bill 51> if adopted,

w111 enable the Departmeat: cf General Services to insure uninter-

*ûptedûdeligeryivof necessaky' supplies- and-coe odifie: tb ''stqte..

agencies at the bejinning of a fiscal year. At the present unless

expressly authorfzed by law, it is illegal for any D epartment to

establish specific quahtity-type contracts from a new appropria-

tion pe/iod prior to the beginning of that period. The Depart-

ment of General Services in the course of its duties to maintain

the flow of goods, particularly those perishable and life support

itemsqrequired by institutions such as Mental Hea1th and Correc-

tionsy must competitively btd and enter into contracts for these

' itmes well before the beginning of the new appropriation period.

Such action will enable the vendor to order and arrange deliveries

to start July l without interruption. Funds for payment of such

contracts will have been appropriated by the tfme delfvery fs made

and payment due. Appropriation integrity will stay within the

Proper appropriation period. It ls necessary to emphasize that

' the type of contracts that are of concern are perishable ànd/or. -'t ' .. .

,' '

.,r+ X G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y' '%zp % 'i, , @ . s'rx're o, luudso's ''. .. V. .

. t * J.E % . . H o tz S E o F #Q E P R E. S E N T A T l V E S .. ' '' * ' . . ' %- '< œ 1 . --. w < . . * r lJ... . t r C - :7 -' ' . :- -. +7. . * ''t a>7 !.' J. ' Q - r 1 - ; ' ' ' . . 2-è . . . . - . . .- .. . 4 ..- . . ...w ....3..7. .. : . . - .. :. . . ' .. .. . . ; .. .; . ,/ - '. f;.' .. -: : . & .>.. :' - c. a . r lt..; '.6- - ' v. . r . . . x ' . ' - .r ' J - '- . . .. !' . . - - --u-- . .. .--. ?

# 3-29-77 i

t' - 5.It

r!q ;t lffe support commodftfes. such as food and medfcfne vhfch must be2

delivered on a continuing, daily or weekly basis. There would

be no opportunity to wait until the beginning of a fiscal year

to contract for such commodlties wfthout interrupting service.

This Bill would legally resolve this problem and become effective

immediately. I.t is, this legislatlon was recommended by the Auditor

' General's Offfce. It has the full support oi the Comptroller's .


Speaker Redmond: '91% there' any questions? Are there'any questions? ' .. . . . . . . .

The questton is shall this Bi11 pass. Those in favor vote 'aye',' o osed vote 'no' Have a11 votçd who wished? Have a11 votedpp .

who wished? Clerk kill take the record. 0n this question there's

121 'aye' and no hay' and the Bi11 having received the Censtitu-

tional Majority is hereby declared passed. 53.'' .IClerk OîBrien: ''House Bill 53, Walsh. A Bill for an Adt to repeal an

Act concerning the hours of employment of females fn certain oc-

cupations. Third' Reading of the Bil1Ji ' .

- e jj fyspeaker Redmond: Representative Walsh.

Walsh: 'Nr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey House Bill

53 repeals the Womenes Eight Hour Day Law whfch wftb the 1970

-#'= - étxte conltitution and various Fedeeal Acts including the Equal' Opportunfty Employment Act is absolutely unnecessary and unenforce-

able. There was no objection. I thlnk the vote in Commiteee vask

17 to one and I sollcft your support/'

Speaker Redmond: l'Any questions? Any discussion? The question is

shall this Bill pass. Those in favor Vote laye'm opposed vote

'no'. Have a1l voted who wished? Who you got? Have a1l voted

who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? Clerk will take the rec-

ord. 0n this question therels 129 'aye' and 7 'no' and the Bill

' having received the Constitutional Majority is hereby declared

passed. Representative Collins, are you seeking recognition?''

Collins: HMr. Speaker, 1111 accept this gift you sent me in the spirit

in which it was sent. I'd just like to comment that everything

is sea shells and balloons and I would hope that you would add

my name and Representative Leinenweber's and I think feur or

' five other Notre Dame graduates to your qcongratulatory Resolution.

. 1 :xy c E N 'E R A j. A g g E Nj B L Yf ? - .jT.R.x e: :'xgj- 't,2 Z ... ...1 ST A TE o F I Lt-l :4 o IS' $ . . . GV . ..p . . o e a s e r. s s s a 'r A. v I w t s .. . .- . . eI o tasl' . . . 2 *... ' % ' . ' . . ' Q ' . ' J..m Q ï' .% * ' ' m $ a 2 .

*; . e ... . :''''-'. .. ...-+ * -. w. ..1.- . - .x....' . ..:... - ..' - -. ''' , - .- ...Jo . = 7L .v - r .. *.* Jm.Vj.'xlr-- ;Av-.;..-q.=A.'('' V.. .e' Z v. . rzV''@br.*..' g.u-- ... ) ' p.- 2 .- z srœ. .' . . . ' .. .' - c . .' . . . '. . - J

A ' A' ' . .;g .( . . ' .3- 29-77 ly:

s 6'';k 1' ;Thank youy sirau

Speaker Redmond: ''How about Representative Keats? Does he have any

' yycomment today? Representative Keats.

1, jIl Keats: 'Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Rouse: I appreciate

your concern for my feelfngs. Reme/bering the last teaà in America '

' to defeat Marquette was the University of Michigan in the season! ' .' finale but I would like to commend Marquette for being an excel-

lent team. Thank you.''

Speaker Redmond: ''110/'

Clerk Otnrienz ''House Bill 110, Johnson. A Bil1 for an Act to repeal

Sections of the Criminal Code of 1961. Third Reading of the Bi11.'T

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Johnson.''

Johnson: 'Nr. Speakery I'd like to ask leave of the House to return

House Bill 110 to Second Reading for purposes of an Amendmento'l

Speaker Redmoud: MDbes he have leavez Hearing na objections, yau havz

read this Bill have you not, Mr. Clerk? 110. It will be returned

to the Order of Second Readinz for the purpose of Amendment. Read

-. - the Amendmenta Mr. Clerk.''

Clerk O'Brien: HAmendment Ilk, Deuster, Kellyy Walsh. Johnson. Amends

House Bill 110 in line 1 by changing repeal to amend and so forth.''

'. speaker Redmpnd: .''RepresentativexDedsterof' .

Deuster: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, this is the .

Amendment that had a defect in it and so I would like to move to

table Amendment //1. lt's being replaced by Amendment //2. I move

to table Amendment #1.::

Speaker Redmond: ''Does the Gentleman have leave? Hearing no objectiony

Amendment //1 fs tabled. Any further Amendmeats?''

clerk O'Brien: ''Amendment //2. Deuster. Amends House Bill 110 in line

1 by chanklng <epeal to amend and'so forthe''

' Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Deuster.l'

Deuster: 'Nr. Speakery Cadies and Gentlemen of the Housey this Billy

House Bill 110, originally was going to repeal this Section. And,

howevery the Amendmeat changes it into an Amendment. What we've

done in Amendment 72 is simply strike the word 'bastard' wherever

it appears in the statute and substitute the word 'person'. The

reason for that is the exfsting 1aw is really discriminatory against

.,. '' ' 'v.g' u.% * N G E N .E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

k. ') , 1 s v. w .r E o s I u u # ,. o , s .k . .q>.* .h. + ' ' ..i'T X e eI o u s E o e R I'4R KsE - T'N'F I V esX . ' x 1 ...... . . .. .r - - ' cf n...j ..,.-. . ; -. . . ... . ... .. . . a . a .* . 2 .. . . c . ' . ' . ' :y '. . .- . . . . . ,.

' - .. . ' J' . . . : ' ! ' . @ , . . ' . r ' ;. . J1l .z .

'. . .

' .v t'j. c . r.f) u (' . . . .; .. .:. . s.. j ' < . .. . .x . . . .z . . w . . . . ... r ...-.

. ' ' '* '''' ' ' . ' .

''< ' . . . u..-- . .. ' ' ' .

y': . .

M '$ :ç 3- 29 -7 7 .

R. .@ ' 7I -.ç1 i'; illegitimate persons. It made it an offense and thts is an old

. statute. It made it an offense to conceal the death of a bastard.

'd This Amendment II2 simply strikes the word lbastard' and substi-

tut:s the word 'persort' wherever that terminology appears. I

would move tbe adoption of Amendment //2.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Is there any discussion? Representative Satterthwaite.''

. Satterthwaite: Will the Sponsor yield for à question?

Speaker Redmond: ''Indicates he will.''

Satterthwaite: 'tRepresentative Deuster: is this the same Amendment that . ' .

we had under consideration last week or has the Amendment been

changed?n '

Deuster: HThe Amendmeat has been changed. It's very comparable to the

Amendment tbat we had last week with a consfderable amount of dis-

cussion. The last Amendment was defective in that the word 'bas-'

xtard' appeared in one place where 'it had not been struck out.

And so because leave was not given to amend it oa its face, why

we filed a second Amendment.'' :

- - Satterthwkite: ''But it'still leaves then the Sectfon of the original

statute that says when that person conceals the death of any is-

sue of a human body which.if born alive would bave been a person.l

Aràd-udpes-xthat npt. then still proyidp :us with athq same problem

that we were concerned about last week?n '

Deuster: ''kell. I don't know what problem you were concerned with, but

as I recall the discussion, it was a matter of discussion as to

wbat the language in the statute meant. But the language has been

there for some time. We make ùo change in the existing statute

as I say, Representative Satterthwaite, except for striking the

word 'bastard' and substituttng 1n' lteu thereof the word 'per-

son'. so if you have any, if there are any problems with inter-

pretation of the existing statute that's still there, wedre just

making thfs one word change.''

Satterthwaite: MWe11> Mr. Speaker, if I may speak to the Amendment it-

self.l' . .

speaker Redmond: l'Proceed.''

Satterthwafte: ''It seems to me that what we have done now was to take '

a Bill that originally was intended to simply strike a Section

,.' l . zs') G E N k R A j. A s s E 51 B L Y; f 4f2..3 -: '1zk- '$ svave oe Iuu'aols! x.#l .L . ''. > / .JW . e' tz s e: o e: a' a' e - e s E' a T A. T l *? *7 sx 'w. . . XP . . ... > . . . .

. r . f 9 . . . . w. . . . =;. ;:j.r . . . . . . . = r .

' 3=29-77 .

/,-$ : '$ 4 8 .;. ;'; of the statutea that really had not been used and was only applic-

) able to illegitimate children and now we have really broadened that

so that ft becomes, in essence, a piece of legislatton that has to

do not. only with the abortion issue, but with the issue of whether .

or not a miscarriage of a legitimate child in some way has to be

publicly reported. And it seems to me that we have really made

. ' ' ' '

' what statted out to be ân inoffensive Bill into one that is going

to be more controversial than the statutes we had in the past. And' . . . ' 4 I ' j , . . . . .1

. stKongly urgp @ no vote on this Amenzùent. ' '

Speaker Redmond: ''Any further dfscussion? Representative Walshy are

you seeking recognition?'' .. . ç! . jr

Walsh: Yesy sir. I was.

Speaker Redmond) MProceed/'

Walsh: 'Yr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I rise toW' he Gentleman's Amendment whicî is enthusiastically sup-support t

ported by the Sponsor of the Bi11. And I beg to differ wfth the

last speaker who said that it makes some earth=shaking change. It

does nothin: of the sort. It has been up till nowy for the past

many many years, a crime to conceal the death of a bastard. Now

this has been an oversight, Mr. Speaker, in that it has not been

. .w: v : - ' , - v . ' * ' - ..ù-èrike td conceal -fhe êeàt: 8f any-:ther persod. Nou seè, al1

t'his Bill does is correet what would appear to be an oversikht and

make the crime of concealment of death apply to everyone and not

Just a particular group of people. So I urge your support, Mr.

Speaker, and that thfs does not do what the Lady coutends ft does

at all, bùt simply straigbtens out a long-standing oversight-f'

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Kellyo''

Kelly: ''Yes, Mr. Speaker and Members of the House, I support this Amend-

ment as drawn. certainly we don't want to conceal the deatb, I

don't think, of anyone for that matter. And therefore, I can see

where this'Amendment would certainly be in line with the thinking

of myself and I know a 1ot of tbose of you that have pro-life

' leanings. So l would ask for your full support of this excellent


speaker Redmond: ''Anythfng further? Representative Deuster to close.'î

Deuster: ''I think, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey I

, . t ' .w-'p,u 9* G E N E R A L A S S E 5, 1 B L Y' rk-'''i'k ; ! hf: . . svavs os Iuulsolst ' ..:

. .... .. .... . . . é . , . : . .. . .a g .r . . ..w. sa. 7.s. r 'kh . . ';i a ' ... . . .. - .. . . . .. r . .. . . . : ' . . . , . .. . . ' , ' .. j. .j.jgj;.: .r . . j?

tjjjjr. ;. . . . . . . . . . . .-

(jjf.. . . . . . , . , . . . 'vc . 3-29-77 's. .l .t. '$ 1 o -1 . I '''''''F ek . k: think the Amendment has been explained very clearly. 1911 simply;''1.; say that traditionatly there bas been a crime known as concealment

. of a death. There's two Sections - concealment of hom ictdal death.

This one .xebre dealing with is the concealment o: opher kind of

death. It is the fnactive act of concealment. I think the Amend-

ment is understood and I would urge and thank you for your 'aye'

,- . .

vote on this. . . .

) ,1 . ' 'i Speaker Redmond: Question s on the Gentleman s motion for the adop-

tion of Amehdient //2. Thosè in favor Vote 'aye', opposed vote '

l 'no'. Have a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? Have


' 11 voted who wished? Clerk W ll take the record. 0 n this ques-a

' tion there's 106 'ayesl and 20 lno' and the Gentleman's motion

prevails. Amendment //2 fs adopted. Aay further Amendments?''

Clerk O'Brfen: ''No further Amendmentswn

Speaker Redmond: ''Third Reading. 112, Representatfve Pierce. 0pt of

the record. 127, James Houlihan. Out of the record. 187. Repre-

sentative' Luf t .'' ' . ' :

Clerk o'Brien: ''House Bill 187. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Civil Administrative Code. Third Reading of the Bi11.M

Luft: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen of the House:

Hoyse B&11 1y7 is an yttempy. to prqvide.the Legijlature wtth a .

budget structure schedule whfch w111 allow the Members of the .

General Assembly b0th the time and hopefully the information re-

quired to better review and judge tbe state budget. The Bill re-:

quires submission of annual budgets by the Governor not later than

seven days after the General Assembly first convenes eacb year be-

ginning in 1980. Except that when there is a new Covernor, the

sublïssion day be deferred to not more than thirty day s âfter the

convening of the Legislature. The Bill also requires the Governorl to deliver to the tegiàlative teaders of his party at tbe tine of

submfssfon to be such budgets nfne appropriatfon Bills Providing

for all agencies of the Executive Branch and requires those leaders

to cause such Bills to be introduced in their respective houses

within ten days after receiving tbem. The Bill also provfdes that

no other Appropriation Bill except those for the LegislaLive, Ju-

dicfal Bra-nches, emergency and supplemental approprfation Bills

Z q ENER AL AssEslBcv.0 Gl ,?v lf lk .i . ea s'rxve o, ' uul-oksh ., , x-- -. - aowsx os sseacsssvav,wes .. .'Nx .J.F . .. . - .... ..J . u . . .. ..,.. .... . . . . . , . .. j)>. . :. . , e. %. . . . . . . ... :è;7 . . . ., . . . (. .. g. ..

..- . : . . - .. pz-........m.zz ,. : '; . .t .: z..f., t? . - . . .... , çvj ..7 -Iw ... s r . . .-; .,; . . ',.. . ' ?: - .'; .- .1 .. .;. ; .t.. J'). -. .:.. ux . . . . r.s . :.c . . .7 u .. - ... - . ; : - x yiyyc . : .. ...... .. . --- rt ' u: - - - -a

Tr.:.. . . . . . . , . . . . ' ' . C18 . . . ' ''. '

-' : l . ' ' 'jk ''' 3-29-7 7 ' ' '

.':. Ij 10.


. may be advanced to Second Reading or heard in Committee until those

nine Bills have been passed. I have discussed tbis Bill with the

Bureau of the Budget. They have no problems with it, especially

i h 1980 exception date. And this came out of the Executivew th t e

Committee without any negative votes. If there is any questionsy

I'd be glad to try to answer them.''

Speaker Redmond: î'Are there any questions? Representative Keatso'' '

Keats: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Wfll the Sponsor yieldkfl

Speaker Redmond: HHe will.''

Keats: ''Would tbis particular Bi11... now my understanding this does

not happen but this particular Bill does not in any way make it

illegal at some later date to go to biannual budgeting does it?''

Euf t ) ''NO ''

Keats: ''Okay, that was my understanding. Thank you.tl. . . *

Speaker Redmond; ''Any further questfons? Representative Stfehl.''

Stiehl: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Would the Sponsor yield for a quesm


Speaker Redmond: î'Indicates he will.''

stïebl: ''What would happen with this legislation in the event that the.@

one of tbe houses dida't organize as promptly as they should? .

' ' - - zkiat would mappen.in case, .e11-, in case of- the senate this time

that took so long fn organizingz How would that affect this?n

Luft: ''It would delay the budget being presented to the Legislature.

I don't... at this point, the Governor canft present his budget

to the Legislature if there is not an organized Legislature. So

' basically. we're still ia the same posture that we were beforeo'l

Stiebl: HThank youo''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Telcser. I can't see Representattve

Representative Telcser.'' '; .

Telcser: ''Wi11 the Gentleman yield?''

speaker Redmond: ''Indicates he willo''

Telcser: ''Representative Luft, what Lf the covernor is at odds with h1s

party leadershtp and he wants Legislators w'Ao aren't leaders to

handle h1s budget? As I understand your Bi11 you state that the

Legislative Leaders of the Covernor's party have to introduce legi-

slation . ''

..<w x . ' .g ' 'q vzo.iS* ..,<w.. 6r G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

. ; . j <- 5 *%'2.*....% . j u 't b .! .

t .' s'r-'ri oe It-ulpdols . . -' . jllll . ' . . . . .. ' ' . : . .> ) ; - :; . . - ' 'hï ' ' '- . . . . . . . *' x .

sau. . u . . -L1)5 . a o tl s e o F' - E: e R E. q c r. 'r A. 'r l w e s . . . . . . k- , . . . . . , s . . . . .(' g .

i% . . . .Ij,- . - ' ' ' r .

;. . j : ..' ' 3-29-77 '

l l1.iSpeaker Redmond: ''Representative Luft.''

Luft: HWelly I don't know how to answer that because I cantt project

whether any Governorts going to have any trouble with the Legisla-

tive Leaders of his party. Hopefully he would not and I don't know

what other mechanismot'. I can't conceivably see the Governor giving

hfs Appropriation Bills to the Legislative Leaders of the opposite


Telcser: l'But if the Governor could give the legislation to Members

' who aren't l*aders. As an .exalple, last term wé had'Govfrnor .

Walker who was at odds with elements of his party, many of whom

were in the party leadership. He may have wanted to give you his

budget to' handle as an example as a Member as opposed to your being

a leader. Why. I don't understand why you add that extra burden

to the Governor in your legislation.''*

Luft:v''The only.-. I'm-.k-perhaps I am adding a: additional burdea to

him but hopefully of tbe numerotls leatlers that we havé on boch sides

of the aisle that he could hopefully get along with at least one '

of themwho he could submit those budget requests to. And they,

in turn, could probably supplement OUL the budget Bllls to the other


Telcser': 'Nr. Speaker, can 1 speak to the Bi11 please?'' ''- . . .. . . . ' '- . . L - . '' - - .

. : . - u . : :ue uouse I canSpeaker Wédmond: Proceed. Mr. Speakery Members o :

well understand Representative Luft's cohcern regarding the early

introduction of a budget so tbat we in the Legislature can give

timely and long consideration regarding the budget process. I tbink,

however, that House Bill 187 would be a burden to any Governor.

regardless of which of the polftical parties the Governor affilfates

himself or herself with in the future. 'Jhe burdens 'placed upon

a new Governor are much too constraiaing in House Bill 187 . In'

hotly contested gubernatorial election, who knows who is goinga

to be Governor. I think very of ten the candidates themselves aren' t

utte sure about the outcome of the election. So what we 're askingq

fOr in this legislation is that candidates, candidates before theyRre

Governor have to get the resources and the manpower or womanpower

to prepare a budget. Who's going to be the Director of the Bureau

for'a Governor? Who's going to be the Governorgs staff people?

z.'i . A nh .'' .tw -q?j G E N E R A L A S S E :1 B L Y/ r : ,.; lz t lkj,a 1 s .. ,. v s o , , u u ' el o , s ,

t ' P?r * ' .f. ) * . . k-e- ' eo ws e o e RE p Rrse -T A.'r' v es . - . ' .' '-':: . . .. - ..f .: .r - . ! u 1 . . , . .w , . . . ' s, .. . ., * - t .*. t ' .- .. ' - . , . ( jj yyy' ' Z. q- -.. .k. .. '. ' .-@. .a' .'CJD. w4-.rtk-/a'lt.-x. k'. -.:r.-' .' .'' r.. vJ-.'. ..L' -,. 'u.g:ek-.-.,,.t-t.-2ï z' . z .r ' aFttw. 74. n -1-.--y:'% s,9''='...:,u'-r. .kz../i.-tk.às;z; ' -..- .'.'' ' ami'h.r. Ls...i rz rsq.. . . z v.. - J- .- J

V<'Y'i 3 - 2 9 - 7 7 i

t 12.' ' j' I> v. Very 'dften those things aren t determined till after a Governor is

' elected. So during the heat of a campafgn weêre adding a burden7't upon b0th of the c/ndidates to start putting a budget together so

ç that they caa submït fn thfrty days o: seven days after the General '

Assembly convenes. That'glves the'covernor about tuo monthsy I thinky

' fn order Do prepare a budget. I thfnk lt's much too constrafnfng

'' : on aqy new Covernor. I donlt think it can be reasonably accomplished.

And I think tbat the added burden énd responsibllfty of either having

to submit the budget and a certain . number. of Bills to certain Legi- .

slators ïs a'provision in the legislation which I really don't think

is going to help resolve the problem which I share with Mr. Luft.

And so> Ladies and Centlemen of the Housey I think it would be pru-

dent for a11 of us to not 1et House Bill 187 pass at this time but

to further look into the problem and try and come up œith a ra-

tionak solutionAwhich both-the Legislative Bfanch and tha Execu-

tive Branch of government can live with/' .

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Tipsword.''

- - Tipsword: 'î/lr. Speaker and Ladies aad Centlemeny I would like to urge

' the Memberé of this House to give serious consideration to passing

this House Bi11'187. I used.to have many of the same worries about

being much too stringent wiyh tbe Governor apd especially.a new

Goveçnor as to when the Budget Bills should be filed. And tben

: I find tbat this Bill is no worse, iu fact, it gives a little nore

time to the covernor than we give to tbe President of the United

States.and a new President.in submitting his budget to the Congress.

And I don't find tbat providing a budget in the State of Illinois

is certainly any more complicated than drafting a budget for the

government of the entire United States. In fac% in spite of our

many Resolutfons concerning the subjecty we really don't have much

' Of a budget for national defense, nor do we have much of a budget

for forefgn polfcy. And there are certafnlyy there's certafnly

a 1ot more problems in each of the other various agencies and de-

parements of government for that Federal government tban there is

t within the state of Illinofs. And certainly kf a new President

7 can come up with his revisions to the budget as prepared by a

Bureau of the Budget which ts an on-gbing and continuing agency

f'' '.4./% ., ')y G E N 'E R A L A S S E 51 B L Ylkyp 'i;

. x . s'rxv s o e 1 uuI ps o, sk$ .. q . .> * . 'JTX . H o kl s E o F R E F: R E s E N T #. 'e' l V E %.

w... .. . , - . . . . . . ' z # .' . :-* <; z :. * . ' , o.. , . . t . . . .? g .' 4 (. . . . . . q. y .. m . .. .z * . .. . ., . -' w >- . 1 - L . v . ; ïe . t = : el - J *0 .w y . : -,>-- .<-. ' . . - ' ' . . r - . .'Z *.. . . . . a .

#J. . . :133333.. ' A . ; ' . ' . . .u - ' ., h -. . . ' '''ï . 2 'j. 3- 2 9 ..- 7 7 .. / 'l%bï !F j 13.t

k.;. of state government within twenty days after inauguration on the; '

first year of his tèrmy I don't think that it is at a1l unreason-

' able for us to expect a Governor to be able to come up with hisi

in thirtv davs. And in tthe yea<s vhen he is contipuing ip office

to have it available withfn seven days after the Members of tbe

General Assembly are sworn in. It is regrett'able that we have on

many occasions wasted weèks and montbs whea' we Eould hàvè beèn at .

the people's business and the importaat business of funding the

Governor's budget or making those changes that we find necessary .

in service to the people and I would strongly urgey strongly urge

. that the Members of this Body consider this. We are not imposing '

uppn any Coveraor and I reiterate that this applies not just to

present Governorsy but to a11 future Governors. It would be a

great tool for the House of Representatives and the Senators andi' .

. Q .we could certainly do a much zreater servfde to the taxpayers of '..L -

the State of Illinois.''

Speaker Redmond: nRepresentative Gene Hoffman.n .

- - G Hoffman: 'lThank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey

as I look over the contents of this Bill and some of tbe analysis

of the Bills I#m reminded that it looks like something which has

been dpawn up by one of these national groups who do a fine job' in- dealing with ideals, bùt very seldom if ever have to face the

practicalities and realities of politics in the legislative pro- .

cyss and in the process of operating as the Chief Executive of a,

' . ' ' ' . ' '

state. As many of you know who had an opportunity to meet with ':

and talk with Legislators from other statesy you know that constraints

that are placed on many of the' other state's tegislatures, many

of the 'state Legislatures are confined by Constitutfon to thifty-

day sessionsy sixty-day sessions on a biennial basis. Certafnly

' the opportuntty and the responsiblity that rests wfth ''àL Legisla-

tive Body such as ours is much greater. By the same token, I think

to be fafr to the Executive Branch of the government thât they too

need an opportunfty to have ffguresy current figures available to

them. And I'm inclined to believe that this particular legisla-

tfon would put a crfmp fn their efforts. The submission of bud-

gets by tbe first of March seems to me to be a reasonable and az' A Nz'

.zvw '

. G E N 'E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y: J .c 'wl -, . .t( S? A .:. . . .

' ..., .

'ë ' . s'r >.'ri o v 1 t-k.l pl ol s . ..& *JF7> . . ' ' œ .. . 'r * ' ' . '. . ' :V.z- - a. . . ' - .b .' r . '..

' ).. ' ' ' ej o u) s l o e 1! e P a E s E N T'A T 1 v = s . . . . .j .' . . . .'. , ' . > S . . . ... .s

* ' .s ...

. . u .

' : .' 4. z'z ' . ' ' .'' .'

, '; . ; ;;' r'.'.

' y* ?

,. - .. , '' j'.ëj ',(. ly'j' elli.u ) ;' ..J gk : !,. J jg )Ljj.'.fs.. . .)jk

' . . a : ya. j..ju':.. :.s jsérjj'

yjj.:;y y;jjyg. . q. jj. ,.yjjyy;y.yyjz;y ;j).j.. N .. jjjj,' y ..y zk .. ''. ,g T .'>' ,. ., t . .! r b=. '- ysaj. . , .t.'z)y. ya.c. jjj ,,..s( s y. yjyj ..y js. jgj,.' .éuk. .!.y jrr ' ...... y. '... .

-u. . ss:.s1.. ty .zjgj: . '* g. ' . ' lu L .- .4 . .; zku .. .t.) q . : .( j ... sa . - jyy .y,.a.4.- vk z .- s.-. .: ,y. , , . , susk .:s .:,.-zJ=.,n4yc vyxswkn -t. (.-.y).l . ; . - z: .-; z . .. . .w.. .. ! . %'.'' ;r- . : .. - zu: J . piqqc ;tz.;z;.. . . : . :v v . . , . , . . ! . ?. rj;,. .1 .u: .. . . . - . -. . .. .

i ' . .'7: . . . . ' . . . . s . . - ./'

. . . . . . 'F. . . . . . .. . ..

3-29-77 ''

j l4.1

r. '. prudent time to do it. Those of us who have been here some years

can well remember when budgets came in ia April and in May'and in

some Bills it dida't come fn until'lune. We still were able to

'get the job donè. It seems to me that the first of Marchy the way

we have it now, serves the sLate well, serves the people welly

serves the Governor well and serves the Ceneral Assembly well.

And therefores I must rise in opposition to what I believe to be a

well fntentioned Bill but a Bill which in practical day politics

ill. not work vez'y we11..'' . .w

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Matijevich.'' '

Matijevich : ''Ladies and Gentlemen of the Housey this legislatioa had

been aired in a Legislative Committee %of this House and it was rec-

o= ended by that Committee. What Representative Luf t is trying

to dô is the same ihing that 's been done in many states . In f act :. ;. .

tbere are thirty-seven states in our eountry that present the bud-

get efther prfor to the sessfon or within two weeks of the beginning

of the session. Now thfs Bf11> I thinky has two good points. And

I have been for an early submission of the budget in b0th the Demo-

cratic administration and a Republican àdministration. It provides

for that early submission of the budget and it' also provides for

= = . . gg : .. niyys iu a' consolidated Froup ofthe Submissior l.q APPrOP at Onr J . - . . ' '' '

Bills. No more than nine Bills. In this way, we can determine

where we are from a fiscal standpoint. It also limits other Appro-

priation Bills from advancing until these major Appropriation Bills

which are within the budget are passed. Every day T hear Legfsla-

tors say Where are we with regards to the fiscal resources?' We

spend Appropriatiôn Bi11... we pass Appropriatfon Bi11 after Appro-

priation Bill, not really knowing where we stand fiscally. This

Bi11 allows us some measure of accountability. Nobody from the

Bureau of the Budget opposed the Bill in Committee. I understand

nobody from' the Executive Department opposed the Bf1l. And I

say that nobody opposed ft because ft is good and it can give us

the accountability in appropriation matters that we rightfully de-

d in behalf of the taxpayers and I commend an gaye' vote inSen e

behalf of 187/'

GAn thing further? Representative Luft, t0 close/'Speaker Redmond: y

...' .

. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y; .#&. - $ .g . . .. utx , o 't . . . . . t . . .l t s'r-'re oe luul-ols . o l

. . . .y J. .. ... ; . . $.. ) - . : . - . . . C C . '. ' . .

. A w i ' l ' . A ' ' 't.. . .. .

' 3-29-77 ' ':iX.(.t, 15' s l *> ;ï Luft: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Houses I'mfv,:. .7. almost amazed that we were talking about ideals and T don't think

; anybody knew what they were talking about. There is only one state' r ..

.'. in the United states that submits their budget later thaa the state

$ of Illinois,after'.convening and that's New Hampshire. There is only

g two states that have more budget or Appropriation Bills than the

::L v 'State of Illinois. Everybody else is already doing this. We re ':f

74' not dealing with fdeals. We#re dealing with something that otherJ'rkj .71 h 1 d taken the fnitiàtive pn. What we%re tryihgstates ave a rea y*i . ' .. to dô in this Bf11 is allow the Appropriation Committees to have

7' the time necessary to get involved and to review the budget so hope-.L'' f 11 we can irztelligently make a decision on wbat priority should, u yfj exist in the State of Illinois. I want you to listen very care-p.) fully because I have sat down and discussed this Bi11 with Dr. L ':

Q; * Mandeville and the Bureau of the Budget. They have not opposed it.i .' j '. They only thing they asked me to cbange was the date that it be-)@k6 came ef f ective which I did. It becomes ef f ective in 1980. Klerq .j'j .. .- 'is no p/oblem with the compression of time needed. A new Governor

!8 coming fnto office, an o1d Governor, the budget cycle is almost11q.


completed in November if you look at the Bureau of the Budget budget

' cycle. And at this time, Mr. Speaker, I would hope that éverybody .

would give' us an 'ayel vote on this Bil1J' '1

' speaker Redmond: ''The question is shall tbis Bill pass. Those tn favorj 'l vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who wished? Have1 . .

. all voted who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? Clerk will take

the record. 0n this questioa 105 'aye' and 53 'nof. The Bi11 baving

received the Constitutional Majority is hereby declared passed.

House Bill 212. ''Representative Totteny do you want 212 called?

Out of the record. 235, Represeatative Sharp.''' clerk o'Briea: ''House Bill 235. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Illinois Public M.d Code. Third Reading of the Bi11.1'

s eaker Redmond: ''Representative Sharp .' Please give the Gentleman order.''P

Sharp: OYeahy Mr. Speaker: Members of the House: House Bi11 235 was

developed after I encountered, problems . reèipients of the Cir-

cuit Breaker were encountering with the Department of Public Aid

during the past administratton.. I came to find out that se'nior

,,'- * -. . '

: .. q' G E N E R A L A s s E M B L Y' 7% ) z ' 1 't û ., 1 . '. . s'r-'rE o F 1 uulNo's .$ . .' . '' . . .- '.

,t'l::p * I ' ; > . ' ' ' ' igowsz oe ne:elv*:s6.a'r-vlve:s . ... . h%. ' ; . . . . . . . ;. % ' ' # z ç. . . .. . ' - , . . - ..' '.z. . - - . t. . -.' ..- -. .- z- t - r. ...;.J -...1-. . w-. -1)-t.( .; ..- . '.%: .': - m . ..jw r ..-z .-. '.- . wsi:ava:l'-t:.-.-... '.,.i-;;'q .x .- .o: :'..r ..1... . . .-- ' -. + at..r .- sz xuz -:.5.. .ê ..;.... .

t,z.-+w ... .. . ..;

:. .7


citizens that were recefvfng the Circuit Breaker and who held a '? . .

. medical card f rom the Department of Public Aid was y some of them'

b i e uested to turn over the Circuit Breaker tax relféfwere e ng r q%

to the Department of Public Aid in partial paymeat for that medical. card. And I argued back and forth wfth the Department indfcatfng

that when the Legistature enacted the Circuit Breaker tax relief,J

' we in no way intended it to be counted as fncome fn determiningt, ineligibility for this p

rogram. I didn't get anywhere with the

lpst admipistration. . The new Director took office and the Depart-... ment has now issued a directfve to a11 offi

ees in this state notl'.to count the Cfrcuit Breaker tax relief in determlning iheligibilfty

k for the medical cald or aid to dependent chlldren, general assis-

,, tance and so I developed this leglslation so that we would not en-'

counter the sàme proble'ms wfth future Directors or with future ad-T'F. .

ministrations that we encountered with the last Director and the7

last adxinistratfon. And that fs maialy that the Circuit Breaker -L.

was not fntended by the Legislature to be counted as fncome in de-

termining etigibility for tbese pro'grams 'and I have a Bt11 drafted.. *''


I have it on Third Reading today. I'a asking for your considera-

tion of this matter. The fiscal impact,&there was a fiscal note

tequested. There is no':impact now mainly because tbe Pepartment

has issued a directive doing what I want this B111 to do. Eowever,if the future Dfrector or a future Governor would try to count this

as income agxin and we did not bave this Bill, the .impact would

be in the neighborhood of sïx hundred thousand doltars. Aad so,I request that the Legfslatûre pass this Bill so we don't have any

bleas down the road/' 'pro

Speaker Redmond: ''Question fs shall this ni11 Pass. Those in favor

vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who wished? Have#

a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? Have al1 votedWho wished? Clerk w111 take the record

. 0n this question there'sl45 'aye' l 'no' and the Bill having received the Constitutional

Majority is hereby declared passed. 244. Representative Eving.

Clerk OlBrien: ''Hous'e Bill 279. A Bfll for an AcL to amend Sections

of t:e zlltnois veqtcte code. ïhird Reading of the Bi11.''

,-(L '* '>.' J . ..e G E N E R A L A S S E: 51 B L Y?. ':x - 1!

. # . ' s'rl 're o e 1 Lt.l pI o ' s': .; '

k' . .Y;= * . el o ulsa o e a erppx ssa 'ra 'r1 v es . ' ' - '

. . j '' .. ... s : . j,%... s .

. z' - . . yc- . -.-.r,x' .... v ,v:., ... ' .- . . -. , '4wz'. .x. $. > .- ..' ! ? . ?.'.i ' ' > '; . . ' ' '.* ':b '7 = '' ''''e 4''Q? *>'JY' * - ''''*,.. . ..q . o . . . . .-T. ' * ' v '.l '' '* ''': '* ' .'' W* ''' ' ' *

*' (; ..r ' ' ' ' ' .. ' . ' . . ' 5 . ' '

t' . . . - ' : . . * ' .3-29-77 . ' '' ' . .ir '.$ . %) , . . . j . :l. 7 .-; . '.' ' ' 'J . . ki'' Cunningham: 'Yr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, 279

J is a simple Bill designed to correct an occasional injustice. The

present state of the law is that if one is an ùninsured motorist,

. applies for a job as a truckdriver: has the misfortune of. being.emv .

ployed by an uninsured employer, has a qwrecky loses his license

because his employer failed to carry insurance. Now, we submit

that that is uùfair-' Tie employee' should not be required to have -

the brass to demand at the time of his employment whether or not his

elployer carried insu/ance. And that's the only way under the prk-

. sent state of the law. that he can be protected in his license and

. ' his means of livelihood. The Bill was well received in Chairman

. Giglio's Committee. It has strong bipartisan support. '''lt is a

.' pro-labor Bill. You will note that there was an Amendment added

that restricted applications'strfctly to those situations in which' ;.' the employee is working at the time of the occurrence, so it doesn't

unduly weakea the Financial Responsibility Act. We urge your faye';

vo te .'1 '' '

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Giglioz'

ciglio: ''Mr. Speaker aad Ladies and Gentlemen of the House: Roscoe is

m-axight.and .1:11 have yo admit that we .don't often agree with Roscoe.' Butu-l/. 1 lc:havez.to: ta#- thàt3 hb did .klàker.'a: f ine .prp-sentatfoi i' nvthe .. - '

Motor Vehicles Committee and it is to protect the poork unfortunate

soul who works for an fndividual who feels that he has fnsurance., ' . . x

' and this Bill will cover that fndividual if he's not. So I would 'L . . ' . . ' ' C


.' urge an aye Vote. ' ' .

. . . % ' ' espeaker Redmond: HRepresentative Harto''

Hart: 'Yes, thank you very muchy Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen

of the House. I think Roscoe has finally stumbled on a good Bill

here 'and I would urge that... I would urge the Members of the House

to support Ehis Billy which I think is a very fair and understand-

able Bil1.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Lechowicz-''

Lechowicz: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the Gentleman yield to a ques-


Speaker Redmond: ''He will.''

Lechowicz: ''DO you have any fdea how many uninsured commercial c'arriers

Z' N. ','' '. ' G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y . . a .j f . , - .. , ..Clpk/ a lk . . . .. . . ' .

' . ' ' '

. . * e ' - ''.t ''( . ' . . - s'rp'r!: ov luusplols . , , a': '. . .- . , . ï . ' . - x ' . j 'à , ... . . . . . j . . .. :a .. . . . , . c . .- a . . .. 4. o..y w u. . x . . . . yus. . . v . . ... - - 7 a-=và' ' ' i-T..f- - . - = : q-::- uzgu - - .- esx sr I.e:ee'spqr4v-ov! wss ==' - - ' -- '' J - - - = ra . . f. . G - . . . y - . . . . -.4a,:. . . . =j - : , ,-. -- Qgz . .r. , - . , , -. .j.u ..ç.c.- zy-p:ic.-'4 uaj..yz. - .y qps.jsrl .q-...) . .r.--fet- f.p:&ir-- w. crvazaw.'. - . s . , . : . - .-: -?.-v.- . . - . . +. -, i.. . . . . . 1- . . . -: , . .j , ' -. ffut Jg..:! -u. k7-t ., 5 xs... . J . .. .. . .a.:n!u,-) +-ltzis ,. - - . -e't . 'p- ,.y .zp--.:t:v-.---;g.+;b,,....I=... . J !- . -- ' .

t *4' - ' .: . 3- 2 9 - 7 7 '. ' ' ' . ' ' ' .

' ' ' * . . ' '

.t.&. .- 1 . .''s ? . . ' ' *t 1 8.k).@ ' .''J We have in the State of Illijois?'''' cunningham: ''No I do notp Representative Lechowicz. I asked the Secre-

tary of State s Office about it and they said it was a very small

number. And I certalnly would agree with you that we should be:

moving in that directiony too, to restbict, reduce that number to

zero if possible-''

speaker Redmond: lîRepresentative Ceo-Karis. Pardon mey Representative

. ' jk 11 .Lechow cz.

Lechowicz: ''can I ask my question to the Chairman of the Committee if

thev asked that question in Committee? Maybe the Motor Vebiclés ' . '

Study Committee has the answer. I'd like t6 know how many unin-

sured commercial vehfcle:carrfers we have fn the State of Illfnofs

t if any . '' '.

Giglio: '%el1, lf I could answer that. I#m not the Chairman but the

Vice-chakrman, Representative. We did ask tbat and Roscoe is right..

The Secretary of Stateldid not come up with that figure. Howe/er, '

we also f came up with the idea that wegre going to have something

' ' have these em#loyers Come U# With Some insuranceoo ' 'to . .J<'F to

Lechowicz: HAl1 rightp thank you.''

Speaker Redmond: nRepresentative Leinenweber-''

Leinenweber: ''I bave a question for the Sponsor. Representative. ' - C k ' W '

.. Chnningham, would thi:'B111 at a11 apply to employees oi 6he State ,

of Illinois? '' ' '

cunntngsam: ''Noy there's no way tt could.secause the state of Illinois

would be exempted anyhow under the Acte'' ' .

Leiaenweber: ''The state of Illinois is uninsured ând consequently. if

any driver bappened to be driving a State Of Illinois vehièle: he

Would be uninsured. Would this Bill exempt hfm from the Financfal

Responsibility Actî''

Cunningham: ''I was told by those who admtnister the Act that the State

hicle State of Illinois vehicleyof employees... that an Illinois ve :

that there is no requirement to file the proof of coverage because

of the self-insured status that you mentioned. So it would not

be applicable there-''

Leinenweber: ''But the State of Illinois does require its drivers, for

example the drivers fn the Depar tment of Public Worksy to carry

. ' A 'N '

, ' k <

* G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

' % 'p ; svwve o, Iuulsolst. 4.*. . ., +a.. .. * -'X H o kl S E o F R E P R E s E N T' A T 1 V E S


j -. ' .8.. . '

r zg-p.yu. 3-

' l9.#

liability insurance. Would this relieve them of that responsibi-


Cunningham: î'No: I ' would thfnk noton

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Geo-Karfs.''

Geo-Karis: ''Would the Sponsor yield to a question?''

Speaker Redmond: 1'He wi11.'' .' C i ham: 'Yes '' ' 'unn ng . . .

Geo-Karis: ''I notice ia the Journal that accordiag to your Bill the

' ' way it's synopsized, House Amendment said that there will be an '

exemption when the driveds operating the vehieles in the course

of his employment. Would you explafn that to me please?''

cunntngham: ''The Committee wanted to be certain tbat this Bill did not

extend to aé ùninsured motorist out driving h1s family vebicle on

buàiness unrelated to his employment. They wanted to narrow the

' application to his employment. We agreed with that because to do

otherwise would, might unduly weakea the financial responsibility

statute. So I have a narrow applfcatfon to proteet hfs ability to

earn a livelihood-''

Geo-Karis: ''We11, I don't quite understand. Are you saying thens Repri-

sentative, that witb this Amendment a driver who does not own a com-

meféial vèhicle and'i: driving it in the 'coufse'of his dutiesy is

èxempt from financial responsibiltty fasurance?'' '

cunningham: ''He is not required to bear the burdeu of working for one

who doesn't carry insurance. And that's the status of tbe exemp-

tion, the limitation of it. He has to be working for an uninsured

loyer .''emP

Geo-Karis: ''In other words. when tbe emplôyer is uninsured and hets


cunningham: ''That's right-n

ceo-Karis: ''Thank youo''

Speaker Redmond: ''Any further questions? Representatfve Kane. Repre- .

sentative Kanez'

Kane: HWould the Sponsor yield for a question?o- R dmond: 'fHe will.''Speaker e

Kane: HIs this microphone working? Representative Cunningham, why don't

you... Can you hear?''

? . 1&7: > jr 'Jxawja .j: '.. ST A T'E o Fl 1 uul N o I %'. .. I' . . ' x.- /' * ed o kl % E o F a E7 #: R E s E pl T' A. 'r 1 v E s

F . .k .rkt',) g- z:.:y 7)..- () (11j2 *- xe *

é- cunntngh am: ''I can't hear the Speaker.'l

k Speaker Redmond: ''He didn't say anything/': . Cunningham: 'Q can't say that-''

' Kane: HRepresentative Cunninghamy would you... why' don't you have the

, ' employer ffle the ffnancfàl :esponsfbflfty ratner than elfmfnatfng

the requirement altogether because by eliiinating the requirement

altogether #ou seem to remove proteceion from the innocent victim . .

of the accideqt.''

. Cunningham: ''Tha present state of the law does require the employer . .

to have coverage. If he bas a wrèck: he .' loses his license and

losds bis plate registration I believe would be... what it wo'uld be...

bappen to him. And thfs in no way diminishes the èmployers liâbil-

Jity in that regard. It is designed for that one single category

of employees that would lose thefr lfcease because of the employer's

f a i lu r e . f ' . .. . . . . .

Kane: 'Nell, what I'm asking is vhy don't you impose upon the e'mployer

the requirement to file financial responsibility rather than the

' driveri-'v.linaudiblel--.the employer does not havè insurance-''

Cunningham: ''My understanding of the statute is that the employer a1- -

ready has that responslbility once tlzere is a wreck involving his

' elàicle' or an accident lnvolvihg hfs vehicle . And there @re manyv

'atejories of gove'rnment ia which he would ha'v' e ' to f i1e it ka ad-c

vance of the collfsfon f f he applf ed for a motor carrier permit ,

for example, with the I .C .C. He would be required to f i1e a cer-j/ '

tificate of public liabillty property damage coverage.

Kane: 'fYoufre saying the employer already has to file financial respon-

sibility in tbis case?''

Cunningham: ''Yes sir.''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Cunaingham, to close.îî

' ,, . ci 1so and Represen-Cunningham: I hope that you 11 listen to Chairman g

tative Hart and vote for this good Bi11J1

Speaker Redmondr ''The question 1s... Representatfve Griesheimer.''

Grfesheimer: HMr. Speakery I had my light on on that Bill and I'd like

tö speak to the Bi11J?

Speaker Redmond: HDoesn't show up hereo''

crtesheimer: ''well tt's pzugged tn here and st says .s-p-E-A-x' not> '

, - 'wfytsqr?s . G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y '. yx - a j!'

y t - ,44 .# . j s v ,. 'r .: o e ' u u , ,.I o ' s' . . ' : ' =. * s o o s e: o F' Fl E e el e s E: :4 'r n. T 1 v = s*x.. .r '!7 ..CFl(',. .

. . - . . . .* . -. * .-. - . . ' ' ' !

'b':'jjig::,:.:.. . .'oy X' '

.j 3-29-77Ay'* 21.' .?%.46 4x E-R on the end of it but it s got speak. Mr . Speaker y bef ore we.4.y) vote on that Bf1l and before I ask any questfons , I would lfke to

$ ' speak to the Bill itself. Tt seems to me that about four and a

' half years ago, ffve years ago when tbe neu Constitution was passed, .

; ' ' those people at the Constitutional Convention worked very hard to

do away w1th the concept of immunity a11 the way threugh government.

& . . And it seems to mq a basically bad thing to take away personal re-

sponsibility of anybodyy particularly behiid the wheel of a motor

' vehicle. We have a situation here now wherey in effecty because! . . . . . . .of aa employeq whether it be a corporation very withdrawn from tlle '1 .: employer or a second person relationship of a small business: if

ï that business fails to have insurancea this employee can go outk

î and be about as wild a driver as you could possibly want on tbesetk state highways aad he could: in effeety walk away scot-free.. Now,

. there's no question that the employer would have a responsibflfty.

i But what happens if the employer is worth nothfng and has no'assets!' and has nothing to go against. The innocent victim that has been *'- hit by a car, is a pedègtrian or in another vehicle, would not

be able to go against the true culprits. the wild driver of the

business vehicle. And I think thàt this is highly irregular. It's

inconsistent with the new state Constitution and it gives an tm-'. J. - . - - '

munkcy to aa individual who absolutely doesn t deserve immunity.T' . '%

The wild deivery' the negligent driver. I think this is a very

bad Bill. It sets a bad precedent. If you think to yourself, if# '

we can do this fa the area of automobfles. why don t ce extend ft

to al1 other 'forms of vehièles whatsoever? And we can extead it

to afrplanes and let's then extend the concept uhere tbere's any

type of employment type of negligence. I think this is a bad pre-

cedent to set. It opens the door where we don't need the door opened.

And I don't think that a wild driver ûnder any circumstances should

bear tYe privile8e Of immunity because Of some Other Party, thtrd

Parties' lack of responsiblity.''

CThe uestion iS... Representative CunningbazuîSpeaker Redmoad: q

Cunniniham: HMr. Speakery may I ansWer that lasty in closingî''

Speaker Redmond: ''You may answer that inquiry, yeso''

Cunningbam: HMy great friend, Representative Griesheimerx he either .

,'' A ' X'.. xv%k.lJ r N'

. ' .jrpa. ' ' y G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y, ,..y - si; J

- %qx>hA .J sm a.r s o s , uuI ., o 1 s% . ' / ' L- *k.

..Y . H o kl S E o F R E#'R KSC H TAT I V E S'v.. Qc a .

;yr' . .ç .



didn't read the Bill or dida't understand what the issue is. Thfs

Bill ia no manner, in no manner: lessens the liabillty of the motorist

to respond in dnmnges if his negligence caused the injury. And

the Representative should know that. We don't attempt fn .any way

to absolve the motorist from the responsibility to pay for any damages

that his negligence causes. What we do seek for this Bill is to

' excuse him from compliance with a financial responsibility statute '

to keep his driver's license. But if.his aegligence causes the '

injury, he'll still have to pay for it to the extent that his worldly '. . . ' . . .

goods will permit hfm to do so. So I would urge the last speaker .

to consider that truth and cbange his position in midair. I would

appreciate the votes of each of you.''

Speaker Redmond: MQuestioa is shall this Bill pass. Those in favor n':

vote taye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted who wished? Have

a11 voted who wished? Have a1l voted who wished? Clerk will take

the record. on this question 113 faye' and 26 îno'. The Bill having

received the Constitutional Majority is hereby declared passed.

. We'll now go to the Order of Priority of Call. There's some Bills

that we haven't been able to reach when we go in numeridal sequencë.

The first one is 387. Representative Giglio. 387, Representative

Giglio . '' , . '. ' ' 7 . . . .

Clerk OîBrien: ''House Bill 543.''

Spedker Redmond: HRepresentative Yourell. Representative Yourell: 543.

Do you want that called? 0ut of the record. 381. Representative

Tipsword.'' '

Clerk OgBrien: HHouse Bill 381, Tipsword. A Bi11 for an Act to amend

the Illinois Vehicle Code. Third Reading of the B111.'1

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Tipsword/l

Tipsword: NMr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to speak very

briefly on this Bill and then yield to Representative Griesheimer

who you mtght say, is either the father or the grandfather of this

kfnd of legislation in the General Assembly of Illinois'and who

knows probably more about it than any other iddivfdual on the floor

of the House or throughout this Capitol Building. Thfs is a Bill. $. g.A ;'x

. -' '

.a..rJw e. 4 G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y. r , . j,. 'gr L.a . s.r w v e; o v ' u t. , p, o , s(

.. . O.P e o u s e o e a e: * R e: s E. - T A. 'r l v e ss. , ' v ' :.. . g . . . . x : . . . y j . , . ..g s. , t . : . . . . . .t . - r.k g J .+. . : . . . ,. 'à . . . . ; ; ; . . . ;- . . . ! - . . . . u . , . .. ). .... .u- - . . -: vz. . : . ' . -

. u:' .#. .'àe 3,,-2 9-7 7Ag,s . ' '2 3


è that would provide multi-year license plates for vehicles in thetï id discretion to the Secretéry ofState of Illinois. It prov es a'! .t state as ro the type and kind of materlal that will be used én order

; that he may be, try to find the longest lasting kind of plate. It

t does not tié any Secretary of State to a specific number of years

' so tbat we can get the longest use possible out of the plates that

we have in the State of Illinbis and also gives the Secretary the

right to go back to issue a new plate for a year when the other plates

ïndicate that tbe'materiai is'wearina out or not holzlnq upeso that

. we will not be %ithout adequate plates in the State of Illinois and

can still get the best out of them. The ffrst year, the first ini-

tial year tbat the plates will be used on passenger vehicles will'

be in the year 1978. And in regard to Members of the General As- '

sembly, it would be the year 1979 because that fs the year when

we will be nevly elected and will get new numbers.for the House of

Representatives and for the Senate. This Bill would provide that -

you continue to apply for plates as you bave in the past. It con-

tinues to give people the right to request special numbers and to . -

have those special numbers, to have those privileges that theyVve

had heretofore. It does not in this Bi11 make any change in the

cost of plates or reglstratfon. It does not in this Bill'say that

it shall be two plates or a kingte plate. It would be two plates '

xuunless we change the law otherwise in' other provisions of the laws

of the State of Illinois. This merely lets the multi-year concept

1 to registration in Illinois as it now exists aud is so'writ- 'aPP y

ten that it will fit in with any other future changes,that might

be Dade. It also provfdès the Secretary the optfon of going fnto

second division vebicles when it can be done without encouraging

fraud or without causing any loss or causing any discomfort or dis-

abilities to anyone wbo now has second division vehicles of any

kind. It lets the Secretary go into them by groups instead of taking

the whole second division when it is found tbat you can do so eco-

nomtcally and can do so reasonably and can still continue to serve

the public adequately and properly. Thts Bill is a Bill that will

save a 1ot of money for the State of Illfnois. While the first

or initial year will be approximately, not quite, but approximately-.' : .,1. -' '

. a , '.K.w 'k G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

.. . ::p , . .'t.j. .L . svxms o: Iuul-olsQ . ' 7 Y p ' * j4 o k) s s o F a e: p Iv e s e - 'r A. 'r 1 v e s !Yx '. x '

. ... . - . 7 7 ..1 C7. . ! . ' : : . .. 2 '. . . - . .

I'WZCJ '. . . j .'

t1* 3- 2 9 - 7 7C1 2 4 .

. double the cost in providing the heavier plate. The savings anti-'.1'

cipated say over a period of five years are antictpated to exceed .


f twenty thousand: twenty million dollars. And it is possible in thekind of fnflation period that we are fn that it mày be even more

than that. It provides a device that will be affixed to the plate '

during the multiple year after tbe year that the plate is issued.

And lt gives the Secretary and 'all Tuture Secretaries that discre-

tion which can make this kind of 1aw work. Mr. Speaker, I would

. . . . ' .. .like to yield at this moment if I might to Representative Griesheimer ' .

who has done a 1ot of work on this kind of legislation and is a Co-

sponsor of this legislationo''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Griesheimer. Please give the Gentle-

' man order.''

Griesheimer: HThank you, Mr. Speaker. I donît know whether we have to

dwell upon this subject as I think a11 of us in this room should

be well aware of tbe practical need for savfng money in the State

of Illinois to say nothing for the practical wear and tear on the

citizens of Illinios following our rather old, ridiculous system . -

of annual license plaees in this state. For your information, I1-

linois is one of the last nine remaining states in the Dnited States

who has not applied some form of multi-year plate system.' Wben ft. . , . . . . . . . . . - - : . . . y ..,z . . . .

was first started in Wisconsin with a Bill very simflar to the pre-

' sent ones it was started cautiously on a two-year basis. It was

then extended to four years: six years. eight yearsy and now itgs! .l here it '! up to ten years. It is working very well in every state wI'? has been applied. I have personally spoken with the Secretaries

h of state or uisconstn, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Pennsylvanta;

î ion and alsoas well as the head of the DeparLmeat of Transportat! .

5 the head of the state Patrol. And to tbis 'date, they have a11 found!': thts system to be very 'practtcable' - one that's working with- .1 .' out any flaws and one that saves a great deal of money. Now wben

We talk about money, we must think to ourselves, what type of plateIi are we gozng to use sn Ilztnots? I have here today some plates that

were submitted to the committee two years ago. The physical plate) 'l . Iï I hzve in my POSSeSSiO? todax iS four years O1d: Was used for four '

' years; three years in the state of california where it originated

..e' x W * n 'N..,''

./g>.,rg.a TX G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' ?' @ y j: .'p , a .( ..;j. svx'r e; o v I t.u.l .4 o, s ;l -- :& . . ' , Li<- . p s s s e; - v g w 1 v e selo us e o e' ae. . ' 1 7 r* 1 X . . . C 'IC-MW YQX JC J X X S .- - - ' * . ' - . .= . . . . . . .....

W H %. + . . .f. ; - 3-29-7 7r'l7$' 2 5 .t'q. and one f u11 year in the State of Illinois . And this plate as it

stands today is probably in better condition than the new plates

we just Put on our cars. The fact of the matter is that we must

. develop a better plate bui this Bill will allow the Secretary of

.state the needed. expansion that he wants to go into .better plates,

' better materials and develop the system. I agree with Representa-

tive Tipsword, Vhis will save a great deal of money. It's hard to

' speculape how much meney ft uill save over a perfod of time. But

certainly ft will save no less than two and a half million dollars

i f11 nl 'cost a first-class '' ' ' 'a year fn postage aloue because e w o y

stamp to sead out the renewal sticker as opposed to the present forty-

two cents to send out a set of plates. I would also pofnt out to

' you that in the course of investigating the background of thisy I

found out that the reason that many plates are not received by the

citizens of this sta--e is nct a fault of the Secretary of State, but

rather because of the volume of plate mailing. The Post Office

here in Springfield wt1l only send so many per day. And as a con- -

* jsequence, there s a very great backlog and therefore, many citizens

do not get their plates until the very last moment. I thinlt that

the present Secretary of State is very much in favor of this plan.

I think that the Governorfs Office has shown that they endorse the

concept. . Thev are concerned about MNow-this will be proper-y funded.

But 1 think a11 in a11 this is certaialy an idea'whose time has come.

1 welcome t:e opportunity to jointly sponsor this Bill with Repre- .

sentative Tipsword, Representative Bradley, and Representative

VonBoeckman. I think it's a good idea. I think it's a Bi11 that

. should be passed unanimously. I urge your support.'î .

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative VonBoeckman/'

VonBoeckman: 'Nr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, as one

of the Cosponsors of this Bi11 and Chairman of the Motor Vehicles

which heard this Bill, it had a fair bearing. We had no oppositioa

whatsoever. And I'm sure that over a period of five years, this

Bill could save approximately twenty-one million dollars. And I

jy 'urge everyone to support this measure.

Speaker Redmond: f'Representative Collins.îl

Collins: HYes: Mr. Speaker, I move the previous questiono''

a.''e .a. n.x,. ',4m..< ',y G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y .. r ,' , '% '), y - svwa.s c,e 1 uu1 sol s ..- . wtvipjk. . ' : , rr.r . '

. P - o kl se o e !R s e R e sE -'r AT 1 v es



Speaker Redmond: l'The question is,shall the maia question be put ? 'Those

in favor say 'aye' opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. ' Represen-# .

tative Tipsword-''

Tipsword: nMr. Speaker, to close. I appreci'ate the copments from my

Cosponsors, b0th of whom have spoken here. 1 would remind you that

there's also a provision in this Bill which even permits these 1i-

cense plate's and the devices in the multiple year to be afflxed in warm

weather and it will not affect the fiscal year of the state. And I

know that's something that people are asking for .at home. It will

tremendously cut down the postage costs aad a11 of the present fa-'

cilities that you find in your local banks will continue even under

this system so that you have a11 the conveniences people now have.

I would strongly urge that we pass this Bill and make some many mil-

lions of dollars annually after the first year available to the Road

' Fund uf the State of Illinoiso''

'' his Bill pass. Those in iavor voteSpeaker Redaond: Question is shall t

'aye', ppposed vote 'no'. Representatfve skfnner, to explain his

VO Q.2 * f î

Skinner: ''Mr. Speaker, I thfnk you used very poor judgment not allowing

any crttical questions to be asked of this Bi11- One of the ques-

tions that should have beea asked that was a key matter of debate' last year was whether or not there'd be any workers laid off the

secretary of state's office. It makes a difference whether the

'Bi11 provides for cyclical renewal or whether a11 the renewals will

be due at the same time. If you do not cycle it around the yeary

you don't 1ay anybody off. Isn't that amazing? A11 you do is save

the cost of postxgè.and the cost of the plate. It seems to me that

is one relevant constderation which obviously will be lrrelevant in th

consideration of this Bill but ought to relevant in the considera-

tion of the merits of it.r'

Speaker Redmond: HHave a11 votèd who wished? Clerk will take tbe record.

Representative Laurino. Clerk will take the record. 0n this ques-

tion there's l54 'aye' and 4 'no'. The Bil1 having received the

Co-nstitutioaal Majority is hereby declared passed. 8. 383.':

Clerk O'Brien: MHouse Bi11 383.91

Speaker Redmond: ''Out of the record, request of the Sponsor. 429,

.e'-k'W . -'''x.. .41w r G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yy e . >', -. , ,J..A a s.r A. v s o Ir 1 u. u. l '.I o ' s. . +. = .G * 'G' .r

p H o k) l E o F' #R E P R E S E N *r A T l V E S

. - .r- .! . ;. .

->. 3-29-77 .4k,

. 27-) . .t. Representative Miller-''! . .#'. Clerk OlBrten: ''House Bill 429. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois

' Municipal Code. Third Reading of the Bi11.''' .1 1

. speaker Redmond: ''Representative Mi1'1er.'' .

1 91 k Mr s eaker. I would request leave of the HouseMiller: Than yous . p7'j, to return House Bill 429 back to Second Reading for the purpose( '; . ' . ' 'of an Amendmento'' '$1;..

; Speaker Redmond; MDoes the Centleman bavekleave? Hearing no objection,i . . . . . .l 429 be returned to the Order of Second Reading/b

1 Clerk o'Brien: l'Amendment //2, Miller. Amends House Bill 429 on page 2,!' line 7 by inserting after 'seminars' the following and so forth.''

î Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Miller.''i .' Miller: ''Ihank you: Mr. Speaker and Members of t%e Uouse. House Bill

429 excludes training time from the probationary period provided

in the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Act. And by Amend-

ment //2 we accept on the job tratning. And I move its adoption.'' -

- speaker Redmond: ''Is there any dfscussfon? The questfon's on the Gentle-

man's motion for the adoption of Amendment /32. Those in favor say' . -

'aye' opposed 'no'. The îayes' have it. The Amendment's adopted.@

Any further Amendments?''

clerk O'Brten: ''No further Amendmenes-f'''

1,speaker Redmond: Third Readtng. 509, Representative Schlickman. 0ut'f the record. 321, Dan Houlihaa. 0ut of the record. '497 Repre-0 ,

sentative Flinu-''

clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 497. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections '

of the Metro-East Sanitary District Act. Third Reading of the Bil1.f'

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Flinn-'l

Flinn: HMr. Speaker, I would ask leave of the H/use for permlsslon to

table House Bill 497 and 498.11

speaker Redmoad: ''Does the Gentleman have leave to table House Bill

497 and 498? Hearing no objections, leave is granted. 511. Repre-

sentative Mahar, 511.''

clerk O'Brien: ''House Bi11 511. A Bi11 for an Act codifying the powers .

and ducies Of the Department of Mental Hea1th and Developmental

Dfsabilities. Third Reading of the Bi11.î'

Mahar: OThank youy Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of tbe House.

U' *'--*'' '.zeV m w/ . ' 6.1.'f.è''*1 . - - - ! 't v .fj . s'ra're oe 1 uul xols'. . ' *#.=z . I' * C'ç= = eI o t) s E <) F R E F: F' E S E N 'r A T 1 V E S

. . . 7.:..: z ..z

ç. - . '# 'T,, 3-29-77'.)

f pa; * 'b'' *


i:>t Thts Bill requires that a private facility caring for mentalty re-

tarded or mentally i11 persons to give at least a thirty day notice

to the Department of Mental Hea1th and Developmental Disabilities

and the patients nearest relative or conservator before the patient' can be removèd from the facility. Private facilitiès ca'Ting for

the mentally i11 and mentally retarded now have the option of de-

manding thai a person in their care be removed immediately. This

Bf11 went through Committee wfth only one dissenting vote and I urge

1ts adoption/' .

Speaker Redmond: HIs there any discussion? The question is shall this

Bi11 pass. Those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11

Voted Who wisbed? Clerk Will take the record. 0n this question

there's 15i 'aye' and no 'nay'. The Bill having received the Con- .

stitutional Malority is hereby declared passed. 534.19

Clerk OlBrien: Hllouse Lill 534. A Bill foI anvAct to zevise the 1aw

in relation to township organization. Third Reading of the Bill.H

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Davisell

J Davis: ''Thank you Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlem'en of tbe House. .

House Bill 534 seeks to provide some economic relief options for -

downstate townships that are in urban growth areas by providing,

under the current Township Organization Act of March 18, 0.74 as. . -. ' - . . . .. . . . ' -

amended, downstate townships who have budgetary or revenue appro-

priation procedures of under one hundred thousand dollars have the

option by the Town Board of Electors to skip annual audits by out-

side certified public accountants. It's an extremely advantageous

procedure to reaffirm the electors and the trustees, to reaffirm

their ability to perform those internal audits on an anaual basis

rather than to bire an outslde certified public accountant at great

expense which, in some cases, if your budget went over one hundred

thousand and one dollar, could be as much as two and a half to tbree

percent of your total budget. We seek at this point to'raise that

limit of one bundred thousand dollars to one hundred and flfty- thou-

sand dollars because of the revenue sharing provisions and the in-

flâtionary fmpact and growth patcerns in downstate township counties.

' There is no opposition to this Bill tbat I am aware of. It has bi-

partisan support and the support of the Illinois Township Offfcialsz.'e * ' * ' '. +* ' ','. 'xr?'.Rx rh G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YI . ' S T A T E o F 1 L k. 1 11 o 1 5;1 . ) .

'x . ' .w-F: Ck H o u s E o F' F: E * F' E s E - 'F A. 'F 1 %' e; s

!. .il',;. .;



Association. And I would urge passage of the Bil1.H

Speaker Redmond: HIs' there any discuséion?' Question isyshall this Bill

pasé? Those in favor vote 'aye'y opposed vote 'nol. Have at1 voted

who wished? zave a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voied who wished?

Representatfve Schoeberlein. Have a11 voted who wished? The Clerk

will take the record. On thts question tbere's 142 'aye' and 11

'nol. The Bill having recefved the Constitutional Majority is here-

by declared passed. 540.6f

Clerk O'Brien: HHouse Bi11 540, katz. A Bill for an Act in relation '

to regulatory agencies.and to their termination, continuation, and

reestablishment. Third Reading of the Bi1l.H

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Katz.''

Katz: ''Last Novembery b0th candidates for the governership in Illinofs

supported kunset legislation. This is a Sunset Bill patterned af-

ter the Sunset Bill adopted tn Colorado which type of Btll has now

been passed in about a half a dozen states. Ioat it does is to pro- - -.

- vide for systematic reyiew by the Legislature at least once every

h h f the - -ten years of a11 of the regulatory agenefes t at we ave n

Department of Registration and Education, of the Departzent of In-

surance and of the department relating to other types of regulatory

t The Bill war very overwhelmtagly recommended by the com-;t éjftll C. Q! S .

mittee, Executive Committee of the House. It provides very useful

information... will be done by the Auditor Generàl who will make

audits of agencies. Like the Colorado legislation and the legi-

slation in other states, it provides and guarantees that once every

ten years, there will be systematfc review as to whether the agency

is really needed. I would urge the adoption of House Bill 540 which

vill insure systimatic review of whether tbe agencfes that we have

created tn the field of registration and education, whether these

ageacfes are needed. And I would urge the passage of this Bi11.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Peters.''

Peters; ''Representative Ratz, just one question. In the event your Bill

passes and is stgned into law and as example, it provides that the

Certified Shorthand Reporters Act shall terminate in July 1: 1981

on the basis of a report by the Auditor Generaly is it possible that

any atcempt on the part of the Legislature to terminate that office

,z ;* w.,'. ' .4, . ' ' . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yi '

L -'-!: . ' j , 1 j s x. .v s o v I u, u I ,.I o , s . .( 1 e ...* .: . -

.y . . . ' . ' . . ' ' ...r.. . . + X . - o u S e: Q F !V E P R E S E *4 T A. T l V E S . I.t' . . u . . . .Q % . t* '' e . .. . , . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... ... r .w . ....k .. ..x r:... .* . . . . ... . . . . e . .. ! . .' v - . .:z ...: . ' Q .=' ;.L e, .. . ..) e . ... r.l.gi.x. : :,t cl'v-, Jw.ï..,.g yyysao.so :. t. . . .. q

j; . . r ;. ;s'.;'; k , ,'.t . t . ;' ; F') . . *' A D .i * .7' r .f ' q '. .t...'r ' kx.( w ''-:' 4 . r v, ' ' . ' v . . t h.. ' ; . .. . : . .a. .-:.. .. y . t... .. ...... . x . < ... w . . . . . .u . . , . i.k .A. . ... . . ...:.J,... 'l < a k , : z . . . .s # #. , , . . . .,.. . ) .( , . .

, a-2n-;y .


? or that particular Act before July 1, 1981 would be precluded be-5':ê cause of this prior legislationy in ef fect y jtving it existence to1) ..CA tha t da t:e ? ' 'j . . . . .) Speaker Redmond: ''éepresentative Katz.en'L

.1 Katz: HThe Legislature is always free to elimfnate that agency. Al1(%

k( that the Sunset Bill does fs to guarantee that it will bq done sys-

è tematically. The elilination and the review wôuld be done by Stand-;'

.'ë . ing Committeep .in the House who would every.two years take up the

*.:'. agencies that are set forth here. So the'answer to your questioa

'2J is that the Legislature always remains free to act but generallyy?' ').!'' we get so busy with other things that we can't systematically re-z)w;3.? view these matters. And what the Sunset Bill does is to guarantee;'j 'T systematic review as to whether that particular function is stillë

' . ' needed ..'' . . . '

) Peters : ''One more question, Mr. Katz . A systematic review does notf - .-.

mean automatf c terminatfon?'l

Katz: HWe11 what it does it secures sytematic revie'w by providing that) # :

! rthe agencies will expire every ten years. That s the way Colorado -

has done it and the way a number of other states have done. That

wayy.the Leqislature has to come .to grips.and decide whether to

renew that agency. What it does ts to guarantee systematic review

and in most instances, I have no doubt that the tegislature would

find that the agency was still needed and would continue it. BuL

the great beauty of sunset is that the people who run these agencies

are aware of the fact that they will have systematic review, run

their agencies more for tbe public's benefit than from any private

interest benefit. It gives us a new desire on the part of state

agencies to serve the people who are the ones that the legislation

is passed for.'' '

Speaker Redmond: nRepresentative Jones, you seek recognition?''

D. Jones: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, I rise ia

support of this legislation as a Cosponsor thereof. Particularly

' I Qhink it's a time that we're taking a look at the whole fiscal' h dollars after they'reoperation of the state what happens to t e

l' appropriated, and what's done wtth them so that the taxpayers know

1 . -' .<y. . i G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y. . / vw .. t , .t J w / - . . svxve qe I uulplols , . . .

. . . . . . . .. . t .. . ' ' 7 ' '' J .. ':- *'

'n. R ' ,& '' ' f .. v .. .' ..w . v.u T - <. z.'. J>'' . ' . ztuf ' - .... . . .:... .t .'-. . x ..$ w ' '' - . . . . Q . . ' ., ..-.z. ).. . T u . ; . ... -.. 4 . =.' . .- : . v. ca.,se ,.x !p ole-ess!r h'vmx.t w es . - . . c .. -..--c- . . .; s L.El-c.c .


, 3-29-77

:).'$' 31...j?% h i f the 'various agencies need to take now a look at t e operat on oL.

within the government that we have created over the 'years. They

were created for good purposes as of that time. ue need to take

a look to see if that purpose is still being carried out and if the

need is stiil there. Many o! the departments after theyfre createdyiI have become little empires of their own and expanded beyond the

scope of the original intention of the legislqtion and become really

a 1aw unto themselves. And there's no monitoring on the operation

of these various agencies.and I thfnk that this does that very thing.

And itîs time that we looked at the various departments of our go-

vernment as to how ftês functionfng. And if ft merits continuance.

whyy of course, it will be done so. If not, then the agency could

be eermfnated because it uas noe fulffllfng the mandate of thfs Legis

lature when it was first created.''

' Speaker Redmond: ''Representatfve Kosinski-''

Kosinski: HWi11 the Sponsor yield?''

Speaker Redmond: MHe willotl

Kosinski: ''Mr. Katz, the general thrust of this legislation is certainly

appealing to me-..l do have three questions and not being conver- -

sant wlth the legislationy possibly be good enough to answer them?

Cau you hear me? I'don't want... up.op the termination of-any agency

by operation, from operation through your Bi11, what happens to the

assets and the outstanding liabilities?'î

Katz: 'îWel1> there is a provision that it continues, ln effecty for a

year. That it, the tèrminatton of it would not affect any claims

of a citizen against that agency.so that the citizen is protected

and a period of time is provided of a year in which tbe agency could

close up its operation.''

Kosinski: nShould there be still outstanding assets and liabilities at

the end of that year, what happens to them?''

Katz: ''We11 it would revert to the state if there are any assets of9 .

the agency. But any claim of any citlzen against that agency would

not would continue. There's a speèific provision in it that con-

tiYues any claim that any citizen bad against the agency.''

Kosinski: HIs there a department mentfoned as to where the assets will

be turned over: like General Services?''

. 'k t'.* r ''.'' .a-*.j.a.a' r ' N G E N E R A L. A S S E N 1 B L Y

' a*. Lpqj .ja jjh. ; '..-

ztr..g a s 'r A. 'r e o p 1 u u I sl o I s: . .. p t . ' essss-vsvl w ss...

'Y )( MoklsE o F RE. ax . . x.*4 . . . . .. ' ' z r. . . ' ' . e. .a. J.. ... h'+-.. . . .



Katz: ''We11, it would be part of the assets of the state like any other

assets. I think most of these agenciesy Representative Kosinskiy

do not have assets. They are licensing agencies and they would

simply belong to the State of Illinois but these are not agencies- that would owe an'asset to the stàte. The only tbing you need to '

preserve is the claim of any citizen and that is preserved speci-' fically in the Bi11 as ln the earller Bill that we passed a couple '

of days ago-''

Kosinskiï ''IiNere there's action of an agency under nonapproprfatèd fundsy

is there any method of transferring that to another agency?ll

Katz: HWe11, there woùldn't be any unappropriatèd funds because the

agency vould expire in a year and we simply wouldn't appropriate

any more money. It doesn't automatically expire that miaute. It

expires a year later and since we apprpriate for a year, that would

11 .never occur.

Kosinski: î'And if there is a violation of this legislation, who will

be concerned wfth such violaefon? Khat departaeat?''

Katz: ''îfelly the Auditor General makes the audit of the agency, a per-

formance audit that is made #nd a copy given to each Member of the-

Legislature so we know what he finds as to bow that agency is oper- .

ynnatin:. Theny tbat is heard by the Audit Commission. First of all.

the Audftor General gfves hfs repcre to our ecn Legislatfve Audft

Commsssion and then it ié heard by a Standing Committee of this House

or the Senate. It would be heard by a Committee: either of the House

or the Senate, a regular Standing Committee. And they would hear

it like they would any otber legislation and decid'e whether based

on that performance audfe and based on the tescimony of the head

of the Department of Registration and Educations if ft's a licensing

agency, and based on anyone wbo wants to testify that ageucy was

stfll needed and then they could just recreate the agency.''

Kosinski: ''In the legislation does it specifically indicate that the

Audftor ceneral wfll make such reports?''

Katz: ''Yes, the legfslation specifically requires the Auditor General- ke such a report and the Auditor General was present when theto ma

Bill was reported out of the Executive Committee. The Auditor Gen-

eral believes that performance audits can be extremely useful to

..-+C%.A v ''...z''J ' .<wv %' G E N E R A L A S S E 5, f B L Y.. . sa,t e . j.1 . 53 , svxvs olr Iuulplols 'r . .z +'. . ' jz!t * ejowse oy- nspRessel'ra'rlues . ' -. :x ,G - . . . 7 ' : .

''' ' . - .;. ;. .. - r : -. . . 'z - - ' . '' . . - ' l ? . ' .7 ' - ,c ...z zhy.......yYb v - ' . ' . ' ' t - --... u .. u =. . -- .' ' . . = - .p . ',...uk xw . ..': - . , . $. - . .. ' ky. (. uu- :-'J . ....'.'' J rj


. s

71'&. *4 ,

3 3 .

M%.'j the Geaeral Assembly and is prepared to undertake the making of1j.z;'' those performance audits.''*k'



ï' Kosinski: HOn the basis of your responsey I'm even more ln favor of ' :

,1 . ' ' @

' this legfslatfon. Thank you, Mr. Katz.

f . ,


Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Riéner/' . V

'' Rt ney: ''Wi11 the Gentlemaa yield?''ij A.



: .''

speauer Redmond: ''ue witt-'' '.h,

2 '



è' Rfgney: 11I understand this fs patterned after the Colorado Act. How.i:r


long has that been in effect in the State of Colorado?2 . . .' Katz: ''It has been in efrect in colorado for one year. Since the timeJt that colorado passed tts statute, about s1x other states have passedk4/i the statute and Senator Percy among others ln Illfnois has intro-

t7i . .duced a Bfll for Federal sunset legislatïon. Butvin answer to your

bt4 question, ft's been in effect in Colorado for about a year. Thei


(( . .


1 ' performance audïts have been prepared.on a number of agencies. I

p .: do have copies of those performance audits which 1'11 be klad eo '



show any Member and thek certainly represent the first time I bave - .4i-i.


1 systematic study done of how these' various 1i- ..-, ever seen a rea


'. .. '

ù' censing agencies are operated . And I think that they willz this '-' !19 .-éki kind of legislation will result in agencies more responsive to the ',h;'


l .

. J. 7l.people and agencies thaq do better jobs in carryfng out ehe statu- :.

8 '' . '.

tory dutfes we give them. u.7 ,p

$HW lt has the sun set on aay of those agencies in Colorado?v C'

j Rigney: e m j,.:

i Katz: ''We11, the answer to that question is that those are coming up .;.;


, ' ?)this year in Colorado, and it hasn t yet. In other words; they



p <j


4 to what they are going to do in Colorado until this summer. How- .


'.' @

#' $, cdî ever, performance audtts have beea prepared in colorado and t:e ,

)j', sublect is betag considered in colorado whether as a result of those



$ performance audits and as a result of che testimony in the colorado





. t

' Legtslature they decfde the agencies are needed. we will not know j

fï' j

' f ths ye t . î' C .

L Or Some mon . j

' (

t , r j I (t Speaker Redmond: Representative Madison.

! Madtson: -''Thank you very much, Mr. speaker. Would the Sponsor yleld?'' '


ii Speaker Redmond : 'îl!e *ill . ''

f .'',

Madlson: ''Representative Katzy can you tell me of the rationale for onlyr .) ' ...--k;x- ''-.x1

'' + ' -, ' . . .,sh>-

. 1:..>,, e < ' N c E N E R A j- A s s E M B k, v. yx ,k- ''î, . .1 ok* i svxxs os tuulso's

? I x . '- A' .Lpt= * j.j ows s o s I:, s e s sse a.r l v I w ss ) '

L ' . ., t; . '' ' qo wx . y

. -.,- , . j

zj).. ,

.. a..zv-.y.y.!e.1t' 34 .

J' ' .' includtng resulatory agenctes under this stlzp''f;xf ''Yes the reason is that I don't betive that we should be likelk. Katz: ,

7 ' the General who rides off in four directions at once. I believe

:' . .v. . we ought to start with a limtted number of functions and see howi'.' it works. I believe that they this particular group that has been

' selected in Colorado and Florida and Alabama and a number of otheri .i . . .i states is the best group to statt. But I see no reason why as it

). goes into ôperation if other Legislators feel it ought to be ex-

. teaded to other agencies. tbey could do it later. BvE I did not;

want to undertake too much and thus: :ccomplish nothing. So we havei

, selected only a limited number of agencies for the initial sunset


Madison: ''Thank you very muchp''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative'schoeberlein.'f

Scboeberlein: lNr. Speakery I move the previous ques'tion-''

Speaker Redmond: HThe Gentleman has moved the prevfous questlon. The -

questiod is shall the main question be put. Those in favor say

'aye' opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it. Representatlve Katz, ' . -

to closee''

Katz: ''House Bill 540 affords an opportunity to do something about what

the-cittiens.want which is for us-to.take a good look at a'gepctes

that we have created and see if those agencies are really needed.

It is an opportunity also for us to deliver on campatgn promises

that were made by the leaders. of our respective parties since Governor

Thompson and Mr. Howlett both supported sunset legislation in the

' campaigns of last fall. -.I believe that it affords a handle within

which we can do wbat we've been talktng about which is to make sure

that government ls doing a good job, not any,btgger than necessary

and is in fact performlng what the cttizens want. which ts good and

effident government. I would urge the passage of House Bill 540.11 '

Speaker Redmond: ''The question is shall this Bill pass. Those fn favor

vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Representative Barnes, to explatn

his vote .''

E. Barnes: ''Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. In explanation of my

voee, ft's noe really explanaefen. Prfor to the movement of the

previous question what I really wanted to know, Representative Katz,

r .

'.ja.aef 'ïj G E N E R zt L A S S E M B 1. Y,j rs -jx !. < ? %. a s 'r A. 'r e o Ir 1 u u 1 pl o $ s1*. *$ . . ..y .% Q . ' Qo QJS E; Q !' Q CE % * ESEC T'A'KI V EF. . . V'u . ' ' ' ' '' ' ' I

' ' @: m1 ... , ' ' . .. . ?- , . . . .. . ' - r d .. . - . . . .. . . . . . 'L ' > .7 J. ; '. . ..- . t. r .:




was whether any of the Standing Commissions that we have so many

of now fs included in this legislation. I see you mentioned the

Commerce Coamission but we have many other Standing Commissions.

I'm goiag to vote for it and I hope you would explain that in your


Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Campbellon

Campbell: 'Nr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, I rise

in support of this legislation and I tbink it provides a common-

' sense approach to government. And God only knows we need a 1ot of .

common sense element used in thfs place here. Thank you very much.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Have a11 voted who wïshed? Clerk wfïl take the rec- '

ord. This question: 159 'aye' and no 'nay' and the Bill having

received the Constitutional Majority is hereby declared passed.

I'd like to turn the Speaker's rostrum over to Representative Diprima/

Diprima: 'Nr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, 1 take great

honor and pleasure in introducing to you this afternoon Mr. Thomas ' '

- J. McDonoughy'a former State Commander from the State of Illinois

and now National Commnnder of the Amvets. Commander Thomas McDonougbo' -l

Commander McDonough: HThank you very much, Mr. Diprima. Mr. Speaker,

Members of the House, Ladies and Gentlemen, since assuming the office

...' ''.of 'National Commander of fbe Amvets'last Sentember in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, I have had quite a few honors bestowed upon me. But

I can think of no other more rewarding than to have this opportunity

of speaking before this Honorable Body here today. 1 think that

I would be remiss as a past State Commander of the Department of '

Illinois Amvets and as National Commander of the Amvets if I did

not express my sincere thanks to each and every one of you for your

continued support of veteran's legiklation. I have just completed

my testimony before the Congress of the United States Veteran's

Affaies Committee and the Senate-House Veteran's Affai/s CommiLtee

in Washington, D.C. Thursday and Friday of this week. Part of our

Resolutions that we submitted to the Congress and the Senate were

very well received. I was happy to see that the Congress has ac-

cepted and that Senator Strom Thurmond of the State of South Caro-

lfna :i.s going to introduce a Bill to return Memorial Day back to

May 30th . I speak not only as National Commander of the Amvets yg . . - .xz; ..a 4 x.

. ' ; . <jB'.x. L r ' N . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y? ' m u; 'j !; . ; - . . .;4 .4* . I s x . v s o v 1 u u , pl o $ s/v . u itr- . 't s -zà u 7 14 o kl S e o F R E7 * R E s E ê4 T A. T I %# e 5

. .. . 'x .x@ , . . . . . .> .. j.. % . .. . . . . .. ,... .. *. .a. . . #w . . - .. . (

tis '$'k) a-z9-7; ,,. f'â .

.)h 36. '

17 , f. but I m sure I can speak for the other major veteran s organizations7' in saying that this is our wish. And when this Bill not only ap-

b f the congress and the Senate of the United States inpears e ore

Washingtony D.C. but lf it appears before this Honorable Body here,:

we in Amvets will be here to speak in favor of this legïslation.

! .' And T pledge to you that we will give you each and every ounce of2 . ' ,1 support that our organization is able to muster. Mr. Speakery I'd'

like to thank you for the courtesy of allowing me to address this?

,. Honorable Body and I wish.you God speed in al1 your deliberations. .! 't Thanks for the courtesyo''

' ,p ,Diprima: Nowy I d like to introduce Mrs. Charles Dora Shrake, National

t .President of the Auxiliary. She s from Indiana. our neighboring

State of Indiana. Mrs. Shrakeo''

President Shrake: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. tadies and Gentlemen of the Ho e,

ç I wish to thank you for the courtesy of allowing us to comç before

vou todav. And I want to also thank you for al1 the cooperation -

- and support you have lent us in the past and we certatnly will givej *j '1 yOu Our Support in the future. Thank you very mucho'' - -:

Diprima: nAnd now, I'd like to introduce State Commander Kukowinskiy

State Commnnder from Heilwood Heights.'f

Commander Kukowinski: 71 would just thank you for the invitation 'to at-

tend your Session and I will not keep you back. I know you have

! Irmany things to do and thank you very much.

Diprima: ONOW, we have Mrs. Leor: Csmalley, Department President of the

Auxiliary from Berwyn,.lllinois.''

'' President Smalley: ''I too, want to bring a greeting to you from the

State of Illinois and this auxiliary . I know you 're busy. Thank

ou f or allowing us to be with you f or this few minutes . Thank you. :1y

Diprima: î'And tben you a11 know Carl Yager, State Legislative Chairman

f or the Amvets , always smiling. Carl Yager.'î

chàirman Yager: ''Thank you Gentleman, see you a1l around bere quite

ofte'n. Thank you-''

Diprima: ''Tbank you, Mr. Speaker.f'

Speaker Redmond: HHouse Billss Third Reading. House Bill 616. Repre-

sentatfve Meyery for chae Purpose do yOu rfse?o

Meyer: Ol'd lust like to commend the Sponsor of the last Bill, Mr. SpeakerW *X* V'.*

. '- . k-rrs-a. ' cN , G E N E R A L A S S E > 1 B L Y--% ' k - î ' s a. .. v s o , ' u u 1 ,q o , s: , eua:. . '' '.9 = * ej o u s u o F' R s e s s s e e4 v' a. 'r 1 v s s'x '. - % . . .. e : j. . . x ' asa. %*N . . ;. q - .'. . j/àsmg''z : ,J ' ..r .-,. . 0. .. , . ..z. y o . .. . .. . .s.x. ,. - , . . . . .- . . * .- z , .. . . . . . . r &. e-


. a-z9.;;#$.ti' :$ 7 ..ç .4..'.', I didn R t . . . I had my light on but wasn ' t recognized . It ' s amazingi)J 11 chairman Katz can do when once he gets out of the f riendlyhow wek

territory of Judiciary 11 Committee.''

' Speaker Redmond: l'Rouse Bill 616.''

Clerk OgBrlen: DHouse B1l1 616. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Physicfan's Assistance Practice Act. Third Reading of the

B i 1.1 w l î

speaker Redmond: ''Representatfve Ryan-''

' Ryan: ''Thank youy Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. '

House Bi11 6l6 is the Physician's Assistance Act that we discussed

and amended last week aad I would move for the passage of House Bill

616 and ask for a favorable Roll Ca11.''

Speaker Redmond: Hls there any discussion? The question is shall this

Bi11 pass. Those in favor vote faye'p opposed vote 'no'. Have a11

voted who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who

wisbed? Clerk will take the record. 0n this question 135 'ayeî - ..

- and 10 'no'. The Bill having received tbe Consgitutional Majority

is hereby declared passed. Give you an idea what weAre going to - '

do the rest of the day, we will adjourn very shortly and go to the

Commsttees. There will not be any evening Session tonight because

i . . 'I ve been advnaed that the Muaority Leader has Jnvited a11 of the

Republicans and the Governor and his Cabinet to be his guests for

dinner. And that's the situation that is only arisen once since

Igve served with Representative Ryan. So 1 think it would be in-

faee for us to meet tonfght. Webll 1et you extend your 'appropr

inkitation. Representative Ryan.''

Ryan: ''Thanks, Mr. Speaker. It's really not for dinner but there is

an affair this evening and you ought to follow my lead. You could

have one next week for your people.''

Speaker Redmond: 'IRepresentative Abramson. Representative Abramsono''

Abramson: 'îAsk for leave for unanimous consent of the House to be re-

corded as voting 'yes' on House Bill 235.:1

Speaker Redmond: HAre there objections? Hearing noae, the Gentleman

i11 be recorded as voting 'yes ' on 235. RepresentaLive Chapman.''w

Chapman: ''Mr. speaker , I ask leave to be recorded as voting ' aye 1 on

House Bill 540.''

,e' *' G '.'- .

'.,m ')N G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y ., u . a t,-.,t . svwvs ojr SuuIelo's

.. . '

u .N X . 11 o u s l o e a E e R e s e: el T A. T 1 v *: s j' ' 4 .- Q '. 'z o%'vn > . '$ ( ' - rocu.v. ' - r . . c - . ' r'aarti ,r- '.' - --t., ':.nv.- .. - z cupc .' =-- =-l - - * e . un -...01.+J-. '. 3---- . . =. - . - - . ' ';.- k .. < ; ' -

Ter ' ' ' ' ' 2 ' '2. * . . -

Jj-. . . . . .#..%, 3..-29-77 .;d1lt gg) *k. tj yf y u j. j) t:j.oa yaaveSpeaker Rednrn : Does she have leave ar ng no o jec ,

. is granted. RepresenLative Pechouso'î

Pecbous: ''I would request leave of the Eo se to be recorded as voting

'aye' on House Bill 381.1,'

rjSpeaker Redmond: Does the Gentleman have leave? Hearing no objections

leave is grantedmn

Pechous: ''Thank you-''

Speaker Redmond: f'Representative Mcclains are you seeking recognition?

Representative Robinson. I can't see Representative Robinson.

There's somebody standing between the Chair and Representative

Robinàon. ''

Robinson: 'Nr. Speaker, I'd like unanimo consent for suspending the

postfag requfrements for Bill 1036 f the Elections Commfttee thfs

week. '' .

Speaker Redmond: ''1 understand you've cl ared bhfs witb both...

Robinson: ''I've asked Leadership on b0th sides of the aisle. There's

no objection.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Are there any objectio s? Hearing none. leave is ' . -

f i in the posting of s1x and-.granted. The posting rule or... re u r g

a half days notfce is suspended. Us .the Attendance Roll Call on

. that. Any announcements? Represent tive J.J. Wolfon '

Wolf : l'lfr. Speaker , I Just wanted to ask a question on tlaat suspension.

I was noticing it was not on the Dig st . I would just like to in-

qùire has the Bill been printed and istrtbuted?''

S eaker Redmond : ''Representative Robinso , has House Bill 1066 , is 'p

that the Bi11 number?''

Robinson: '11036.':

'' 036 Has ft been pri ted and distributed? Repre-Speaker Redmond: l .

sentative Wolf wants to know.''

Robinson: ''I introduced it today. It ha not yet been priated yet to

my knowledge. It's an Electkon Boar Bi11.''

Speaker Redmond: î'It will be printed ton ght and it will be available

at the meeting tomorrow. Representa ive Wolf.l'

Wolf: 'Nr. Speaker, I would... mz only c ncern was, you knows tbat thp

publtc would be aware- .''

Speaker Redmond: ''It will be available.''

7<A ' -M ''..''' o %. ' '

- t#. . 4:,.p...x, . G E N E R A L A S S E h' l L Y.' : : 't b, % : kx xvs o v juu. -o, sj .- œ) s'r'. + ' / X œ yj o k, s E o F n E e R E s E PI 'r A. T I V 51....

.. - J: . . . -

''. e'* * . - -' '' . ; L - k ' ' 2 ''w. ...- z z.r z. -- -, - , z - : . v r. .' ez ... . .? . y xv..;.,;a ..s. ... = ... -.5u-.+ ' . . ,.- -, , ..>. p ytcq;r x' s'c '- . g. v '-- - v - - ' ' .: = = 'F'Y,M ' = (.'r '; 'z' J%.I f: 7 - ' ''

. : r ; t $ ;. . . : . . . - . $




39 .' Wolf: ''Okay, thank you.''

. 'v' Speaker Redmond: ''R

epresentative Reilly.''



. '1

. t

1Reilly: 'Nr. Speaker, I ask unanimous conseat to be recorded as

votlng 1

j .


t $ 616 It witl not change the outcome

-t'. .

' .'

aye on ..



Speaker Redmondl ''Is there aay objeetion? E

earing none, leave is granted. ''L




t Representative Bartulis, wherever yo

u may be. Representative . e.

k Bartulis, way in the back


t1 B

artulis: ''Pardon me, Mr. speakery but I forgot the Bill

number now.'' .


' .

j '

. '


j . Speaker Redmond: 'Nay he be recorded a

s voting some way on some Bill?n('


k Bartulis; ''I wanted to be recorded

as voting lyes'y I thiak it was on.t


'' , '

' '

t 46 . . .z .1. Speaker Redmond: ''What did it do?''


t -t


Bartults: ''He11 I don't know-''

:Speaker Redxond: l'Was it Mr. Cunningham's BJ.11?'''

Bartulis: '''Y'es it was on Cunningham's Bf11

- 1 owed Roscoe one-''


-r Speaker Redmond: 8'279, is that the one? He waats ce be recorded as

voting 'aye' on your Bi11, Roscoe. Do you h

ave objecfions? Repre- . c'





sentative cunningham. ''

- ' .' ' ',



- '' '

l.f f tcul.t about tt . z ed ratlaer '...t ''

) cuaniagham: uell, I don t want to be dç

.',he repay me later when I need it

. Withdrav my objecrions.n .



. 6jMkSpeaker Redmond: ''Okay, there is no objectioa. He will be so recorded.


$ . 'Representatfve Conti

, do you have an announcemeat Lo make with re- ' ''y.spect to the floral dtspl

ay on your dèsk? ;; '1 contt: 'Y

r. speaker, when I came fn thts mornlng 1 wasn't feellng too '.




. ''


* good and I thought probably thts was #receding

my requiem mass. .t; .' .. ;

) But if this coatfnues, Iem going to ask Phil Collins if I could

.- a,-vj.share some of his desk so that we can get some of the flowers on k



* ' ' lJ' j;r g ' .

'' Phfl Collins' desk/'



. -' ', Speaker Redmond: HWhat's the purpose of tbe flowers

. do you know? $.

, -

'Q '



g 39 to- k.A

Conti: Someone tells me that Adelfne reached the golden age oj '

J ''

tI zl ''

'' J- '

. y .

. . . ;. .


' , j..; ;: !r. . .


' . 6'p. .r.*-z..

Speaker Redmond; l'Is there any truth to that? Representative Geo-Karfsy ss k



.rT 'is there any truth to that? '

. * '' '- '. k . ...4 s.. . ..4)



.. .-



i iC6 XZd ''' - '

q Geo-Karfs: Yesy and I want to thank everyone for be ng so n

. , ..s,'.y '

really IKm 38s but Coatf gave me one year more.''

'. .


.èx . +.speaker Redmond: f'R

epresentaeive Mann. Manno'' <' -



.t . j

. - . --

< .(.

, .#x *

. '

. r!l 'c''.yx. . . ' G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Yq t


. 'Vyja


s > .. . 1 s T A. T = o F l L u 1 rl * l S

. % . . k

-4. J

. . ; ; r ' . / xu .. z 2 f ' ' J . . . + .

' .

; . :' . J. . ' '

- ' ' JJ'S - e oe 'VKP/I*:ICNTA'TIWf* - ' ' * '+ =Q'Q ' ' ' ' '- '

. . uowss

. ; . .. . ..e

. . u.- .-t *-' ''Z' V ' * 'Wf= .

N* . . ,'

. y



. . .


# Mana: t'Mr. Speaker, are you with the Order of Motions, sir?l'F'- speaker Redmond: ''well, weAre Just looking around. khat... tell us '

'j'!k' 14 t our problem is and we '11 decide. '' '...

w a y . ;

d ,' ï '

f, Mann: Well, Your Honory you recall ast week we had a little donny-



j brook over certain Bflls with regard to my Coœmlttee. Now, I ,$:1 think that this problem has been resolved. I've talked to the

it Leadership on b0th side's of tbe aisle. I've talked to the Minority)


1? .,t Spokesperson and what I would like here, Mr. Speaker...h .

l speaker Redmond: ''Proceed. I understand that's 172, ts that correct?''1. ,, ,,èhnn: 172.1k$ Speaker Redmond l ï'Yeah, we are oa the Order of Motions .''r)f .t '' 94 and 193. And I would llke leave for a11 three to be sentz Mana) 1

to Subcommittee and to suspend the notice provisions so they could

' be heard tomorrow morning.

at 8:30 in Room... 8:30 a.m.''j . @ . . ' . . .)h Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Walsh. .please come to order. vRepre-l .l.' , ,f sentative Walsh . ';.


ke' .

Walsh : ''Dell , it just occurs to me y Mr. Speaker, tbat. one of the people .ji objecting to tbe Gentleman' s motioa is not at his desk. I wonder ' -t -j if he could hold this until tomorrow when Mr. Sehlickmaa might be

abte to talk with youw''

Speaker Redmoad: Repret entativ 5 Mann. .t'

Marm: ''Bi11 I talked to Harry Lef nenveber, ' the Minority Spokespersonx

-k d to Lee Dantels. Now, he's rightand he told me that he bad talke

y u 't e re. . .

. t, (, jg ? ', .Speaker Redmond: Representative Danfelsy for what purpose o you r se

)1k Dantels: 'Nr. speaker. Ladies aad Gentlemen of the House, House Btll

lk 100 has been assigned to the Judfcfary subcommittee on Auto Repalr.

1 It'11 be heard 8:30 tomorrow morning and I tbink the motion of Repre-( .1t sentatlve Mann, the chairman of tbat Committee. is certainly in

' order and agreed to by Representatie Leineaweber. so that we can

' get down to the bottom of solving the automobile abuse and bave

these heard tomorrow. And I would certafnly support Representative

:: Mann's motion.''

Mann: ''Thank you very much. can 1 bave leave?''i' .' Speaker Redmond: ''Does the Gentleman have leave? Hearfng no bbjeceions,$1' h Attendance Roll Call. Representative Bartulisol'

use t e

J Z ' ''t , . . .+....:%. T G E N E R A L A S S E 5 f I 3 L Y

. - , . t. . e sx x, 'r s. o g l u u I pl o j sl

' . . ' * = .. *. . .. c e . . r . ''*- <V - ' . . ' - . .x . y !# o kl % K 0. F R K P R K: S E lë T A. T 1 V E R

- - . . . . . . : - : : . . . . .. i

V . .


W 773-29-'fii%... 41 .(y Bartulis: ''Mr. Speaker, the Bill I was trying to think of and when youy

rk when you interrupted my convers'ation back here y was House Bill 38l7

and I'd like to be recorded as voting lyes'-''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representative Barnes.''

. E. Barnes; î'Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker and Members

of the House, I didn't know whether or not anyone bad addressed this

to you, Mr. Speakery but as I understand it you are an alumnus of

a university that's had some relative success over the weekend. And

I was hoping tbat witb that relative sùccess perbaps with your con-

nections there with the alumal, we might be able to have those young

men down one day in the near future. I want to congratulate you

on Marquette University bringing back the Natfonal Collegiate Cham-

piô%hip to the Midwest. And that is sort of a request. Perhaps

we mi'ght be able to have those young men down here so we can for-

mally greet them and congratulate them on their endeavors over the

weekend'down in Atlanta.'' -

speaker Redmdnd: nWe'1l see what we can do and wefll also get K ris

Johnson of the Democratic staff who also is a distinguished alumna . -

of Marquette. Maybe she can help. Representative Tayloro''

Taylor: 'Ylr. Speaker, I arfse for the purpose of announcement. The

Committee on Cities and Vfllages will meet immediately after adjourn-f .

ment in Roon D1, State Office Building/'

Speaker Redmond: nRepresentative Madigan.'t

Madigaa: 'Nr. Speaker, I would suggest in light of the hour that we# # '

' reschedule the two o clock Committees to three o clock and the four

o'clock Committes to 4:30 so that the two o'clock Committees will

meet at three o'clock and four o'clock Committees at 4:30.11

Speaker Redmond: ''Is there any discussion on that?- Hearing no ob-

jections, the two o'clock Committees will meet at three and tbe...

Representative Ryan.''

Ryan: ''Your telephone's rfngfng, Mr. Speakero''

Speaker Redmond: ''Wise guy. Any other announcements by Committee

Chafrmen? Representative Mudd. 1 can't see Representative Mudd.

Will the Centleman between Representative Mudd and the Speaker's

podfum please sit down?''

Mudd: ''Yes Mr. speaker. . .''

U *' W < '.''; * . c '.- .qyy.. . T X G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Yix , . !ba ...uiA ) sva'rs o e 'uulplo's. ' ' = e ''.x V. H o t2 5 X: o F R E: * R C S C Pl T A T l V E S '

. . . - ? e. .. . . ! ... .. - , I ' ' 'r.. . > . . y. + . . . . .x c . . * . -' .. - . . . .. +. c !' r r ..q. .p r lt jy ... t . y ..


4) .tjt 'A 3-29-7 7):'. #: . 42 .'j

Speaker Redmond: 'lRepresentative Garmfsa, Representative Giglio. 'î

Mudd: HI bave an announcement to make. The Subcommittee on local govern-

' ment 1aw enforcement training B1l1 in cities and Villages will meet

' ipmediately after we adjourn so that we can adopt that Bill before

it's heard'in'cities and Villages today. So if you'd care to make

a special effort to come immediately after we adjourn, I'd appre-

ciate it. It's Room D1y State Office Buildingon

Speaker Redmond: HHouse Bills, Second Reading. House Billà, Second

Reading - 434. Hurry up.'' ' '

, yI 'Clerk O Brien: House Bi11 434. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of

the School'code. Second Reading of the Bill. Amendmdnt //1 was

tabled in Commictee. Amendment ?/2 was adopted fn Committee.''

Speaker Redmond: nRepresentative Macdonald.''

Macdonald: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

Under the new rulesy do we have to explain the Committee meetings?''

Speaker Redmond: ''NO.'' -

- Macdonald: ''I believe there are no floor Amendments.l'

vr . œSpeaker Redmond: Does any Member have any motfon with respect to Amend-

ment //2 to House Bi11 434? Are there any furtber Amendments?''

Clerk O'Brien: 'tNo further Amendments.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Third Readtng-''

Macdonald: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker.'l

Speaker Redmond: ''Just to remind you, our schedule the rest of the week,

if we have adequate floor progress and activity tomorrow, we won't

have an evening Session. If we donêt, we may have to have one. We

will be in Session Friday and at least a Perfunct on Saturday which

fs the last day for the introduction of Bills. We will not be in

Session next Tuesday, the tovnship elections. We will be in Ses-

tion Wednesday and Thursday. Representative... Yes, ten o'clock

tomorrow. Representative Madigano''

Madigan: nMr. Speaker, would the record show that Representative Giorgi

is excused for today and for tomorrow? And would the Clerk announce

his program for the remainder of the day?''

Clerk O'Brien: HThe Clerk will be accepting Bills for introducing them

and fntroducfng Bills for about the next half hour in Perfunctory

session . ''

e' tj A . -'' . '.'r *ï- q 'xx.' '-vwkqrï G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L YI'. ' lx . . î .x4.l . . s v 'k v s o e I u u I r: o , slx


4 3 .

Speaker Redmond: HIncidentally, it would be a wise idea to get them

in today ratber than pile upvfn order to get them printed so wç

can proceed. If you're going to fntroduce themy it would be better

to bring them in today aad tomorrow. Reprelentative Harris.'f

Harris: ''Mr. Speaker, the Pinancial Subcommittee will meet immediately

after adjournment today. The Financial Subcommittee on the House

floor, on the House floor/'

Speaker Redmond: HOkay. Anythfng further? Representative Madlgan.''

Madfgan: f'Mr. Speaker, I move to adjourn until.teu oêclock tomorrow


' 'S k Redmond: HQuestfon's on'the Gentleman's motfon that we adjournpea er

tfll ten o'clock tomorrow morning. A11 in favor say 'aye'y opposed

'no'. The 'ayes' have it. Now adjourned till ten o'cloek t'omorrow

itR.g * ' 'morn

Clerk O'Brien: ''Senate Bills, Ffrst Reading. Senate Bill 79. A Bill

for an Act to amend Sections of an Act creatfng the Department of - -

- Chfldren and Family Services. First Reading of &he Bi11. Intro-

duction and First Readtng of House Bills. House Bill 1040, Friedland. -

A Bill for an Act making an appropriation to the ordinary and con-

tingent expense of tbe Office of Commission of Savings and Loans.

#irst Reading of :he Btll. House Btl4. 1041, Hart-Richmond. A Bill

fer an Act to amend the Municlpal Code. First Reading of the Bil1.

House Bill 1042, Stuffle. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Election

Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1043, Mautino. A

Bill for an Act to amend Sectfons of an Act relating to humane care

and treatment of animals. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

1044, Kent. A Bill for an Act to provide for the ordinary and con-

tfngent expense to the Department of Registràtion and Education.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1045, Hart-Harris. A Bill

for an Act to amend the Revenue Act. First Reading of the Bil1.

House Bill 1046, Meyer. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois

Housing Development Act. First Reading of the Bi11- House Bill

1047 Meyer. A Bill for an Act making an appropriation to tbe 11-

linots Housing Development Authority. First Reading of the Bi11.

House Btll 1048, Meyer. A Bill for an Act to abolish assignment

of wages ana to repeal an Act to promote tbe welfare of wage-earners.

..'z .a-rns. 6 , G E N E R A L A S S E M B t. Yi . : vM'k . u 1 ' .; . . 6 ) . svav e o e , uul ,g o, si s . #'' * -r' ' HQ QIS t7 o FI E P R E S E - T AT $ V ES e '. : - w - . -. . '. '

. 7 - .. Z . . 1- ' .

J ê 3-29-77

' i&.q#.1

Flrst Reading of the Bill. Bouse Bill 1049 , Meyer. A Bi11 for an>Jt .: .b.':' Act te amend Sections of an Act to provide for the organization, '-.31. operation of mosquf to abatement dfstrf cts . Ffrst Reading of the

, j Bi11. House Bill 1050, Leinenweber. A Bill for an Act to amend' sections of an Act relating to fire protection districts. Ffrst

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1051: Meyer. A Bill for an Act

to amend the School Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

1052, Kosinskf. A Bf11 for an Act. to amend Sections of an Act re-

lating to firearm trafning for peace officers. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bi11 1053, Kosinski. A Bill for an Act to amend

the School Code. First Readtng of the Bi11. House Bi11 1054,

Robinson. A Bill for an Act to amend the Environmental Protection

Act. First Reading of the B11l. House Bi11 1055, Matijevich. A

Bill for an Act to prohibit the use of public funds to urge any elector

to vote for or against any candidate or proposition. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bi11 1056. Matijevich. A Bill for an Act to

amend the Lobbyist Registratton Act. First Reading of the Bill. -

- House Bill 1057, Matijevich. A Bill for an Act to prohibit the use

' of public funds in lobbying for or against any measure being con- . -

sidered by the General Assembly. First Reading of the Bill. House

Bi11 1058, Wolf, by request. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois

. i.nsurance code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 1059, Meyer.

. A Bill for an Act to provide financial educational assistance to

k. parents with children in autonomous schools of this state. First

Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1060, Meyer. A Bill for an Act '

to amend Sections of the Capital Development Bond Act . First Reading

of tile Bi11. House Bill 1061, Waddell-Adams . A Bill for an Act

d the Illinois Horse Racifïg Act . First Réading of the Bi1l.to amen

House Bill 1062, Waddell-Friedland. A Bill f or an Act vacating a

ubll.c roadway easement in Kane County. First Reading of the Bill.p

House Bill 1063, Waddell. A Bill f or an Act to amend the Illinois

Business corporatfon Act. Ftrst Reading of the Bill. House Bfll

1064 , Mahar. A Bill f or an Act making certain appropriations to

the Teauhers Retirement Sys tem. First Reading of the Bill. House

Bil1 1065, Mahar. A Bill for an Act to make an appropriation for

certain retirement benefits for teachers. First Reading of the Bill.

z'ekf '* ' ' '., + n, ' . . ..tr.pz. errh G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y? . :, - !'; *4 . sxxx.e o,- luk-Ielosst

, u, W.. . .. , yy .' k H o kzs e o e IR E F' IR esE N T A T I v elx. !&

. . '' ' . .v. Qj

' .i .$.h 3-29-77

Wq.:4'%' 4 5 .%%'.t House Bill 1066, Bluthardt. A Bill for an Act in relation to land..2. use plannf ng and zonfng by counties . First Reading of the Bf l1.

j '

. House Bill 1067, Brady. A Btll for an Act to amend tbe Criminal

Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1068, Brady. A Bill

. for an Act to amend the Election Code. Ffrst Readfng of the Bi11.

, House Btll 1069, Brady. A Bill for an Act to amend the Election

c Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1070, Emil Jones.t: A Bill for an Act to amend the Medical Practice Act. First Reading

t of the Bi11. House Bill 1071, Macdonald. A Bill for an Act making

! appropriations for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the In-!! stitute for Envikonmental Quality. First Reading of the Bi11. House1' Bill 1072, Ebbesen. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Metropolitan

Civic Center Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1073, '

Ebbesen. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the School Code. First Reading

of the Bill. House Bill 10741 Mourell. A Bill for an Act to amend

the Pension Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1075:

Stuffle-Robinson. A Bill for an Act to amend the Pension Code.

First Reading of the Bil1. House Bi11 1076, Stuffle. A Bilt for . -

an Act to amend The School Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 1077, Stuffle. A Bi1l for an Act to amend the School Code.

Flrst Readfng of the Bf1l. House Bill 1078, Mulcabey. A'3i11 for

aa Act to amend the School Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 1079 Jacobs. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act to regulate

the praçtice of publfc accountfng. Ffrst Reading of the B1ll. House

Bill 1080, Johnson. A Bt11 for an Act to amend the Criminal Code.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1081, Adams. A Bill for an

Act to amend the Electfon Ccde. Ffrst Readfng of the Bil1. House

Bill 1082: Byers-Yourell-Emil Jones-Marevitz. A Bill for an Act I:

to require financial institutions acting as mortgagees to pay in-

terest on amouats held fn escrow for the payment of real estate

taxes or insurancey or b0th, on the mortgaged property. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 1083, Wikoff. A Bill for an Act to amend

an Act in relation to county zonfng. Ffrst Reading of the Bf1l.

.House Bill 1084, Flinn. A Bill for an Act to amend the Criminal

IProcedure Act. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1085, Giglfo.

A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinofs Vehicle Code. Ffrst Readfng

- (x '. ...ee' ç; li o .. .

..'a ''.j.r.Ra. 's'h. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

;; s y jji - l k* sxxvs ov 1 uud xols., xt.. .Rt . eous .

. N. x . - u . . ,% '. œe . . t . . ' e ' e . L*

-/6..; ' ' ' . .j. . '


. 46.

4 of the Bfll. Houae Bill 1086, Polk. A Bfll for an Ace to amendIJ# the Illinois Pension Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Billè.)j4 ', 1087, Stanley. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act concerning pub-

' 1ic utilities. First Reàding of the Bill. House Bill 1088, Younge.

' A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Civil Administrative Code. Pirst

. Reading of the Bi11. House Bf11 1089a Younge. A B111 for an Act

. making an appropriation to the Department of Business and Euonomic '

1 Development. First Reading of the Bill. House Bf11 1090, Younge.k''' A Btll for an Act ' to make an appropriation for the East St. Louis

j.' Exposition and Performina Arts Authority. First Readinq of the Bi11.

'* House Bill 1091. Younge. A Bill for an Act to provide for a Metro-4: politaa Exposition and Auditorium Authority in East St . Louis. First'yry;'1t.i Readfng of the Bi1l. House Bill 1092: Younge. A Bil1 for an Act

i: making an appropriation to the Department of Transportation. First:f,?: Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1093, Beatty. A Bi11 for an Actj..''',k 'i relating to 1aw of nealiaence. First Reading of the Bill. Houseé) +..: Bill 1094, Beatty. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act requiring com-

t pensation for caustng death by wrongful act.. First Reading of the .

.l. Bill. House Bi11 1095, Beatty. A Bill for an Act to amend and Ac%

't* in retation to the office of Public Defender. First Readlng of theLt1.! Bi11

. House Bill 1096, Holewinski. A Bi11 for an Act to'provide

;. 'C for the regulation of mortgage bankers. First Reading of the Bi11. .#!k House Bill 1096: McMaster. A Bill for an Act to amend an Act toj'i revtse the 1aw in relation to townships. Ftrst Readtng of the Bi11.i .'' House B1ll 1098, McMaster. x Bt11 for an Act to ereate a Township1t,

Covernment Laws Commission. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

' 1099, McMaster. A Bill for an Act to make an approprfation to the

Township Government Laws Commission. First Reading of the Bi11.

House Bf11 1100, Hoffman. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the School

code. First Reading bf the Bi11. House Bill 1101. Terzich. A

Bill for an Act making an appropriation to the Illinois Legislative

Council. Ffrse Readfng of the B111. House Bfl1 1102, McAuliffe.

A Bill for an Act to provide for the ordinary and contingeat ex-

Penses of the Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officersê Trainfng

Board. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1103: Sandquist. A

Bill for an Act to amend the Election Code. First Reading of the

. .anw.. . y G E N E R A L A S S E 5 l B L Y, *#'*e< . , k a 't$ n. . ; l s Y A. T' E o F l L L. 1 e4 o l s

'k ' ' (p.= .* . el o <) s E! o F' R e @ R E S E :1 T A. 'F 1 V E >

''. . . . . . . . . ' - - . . . . - ..... - . - -. w .-. . : ... ..v. .o. w.....r ..- X1.. ,- .. . . , - . .. -2 .'i- . u. - . P; ;.w --a .- . t - .. .. .z r ajz . . .. . . . . . .. .


' .

4 7 .

Bill. House Bi11 1104, Jacobs . A Bill for an Act in relatioa to; .; compensation of state employees. 'First Reading of the Bi11. House

54 Bi11 1105, Holewinski. A Bill for an Act to requtre employers to$. '#. notify tbe appropriate license issuing authority of the dischargetk( or suspension for reasons relating to competence. First Readingt. of the Bi1l. House Bill 1106 , Ralph Dunn. A Bi11 f or an Act to.dk makèA. an appropriation to the Board of Trustees of the State Dniver-'JJ stties Retirement System. First Reading of the Bi11. Rouse BillAtft 1107, Ralph Dunn. A Bill for an Act to amend the Revenue Act. First4h' .

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1108s Penny Pullen. A Bill for

kt an Act to amend Sections of the Civil AdministraLive Code. First$ .

Readinz of the Bill. House Bill 1109. Collins. A Bill for an Actt ''-' @ .

to amend the Election Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11

1110: Griesheimer. A Bill for an Act to amend the Illinois Air Car-

riers Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 l111y Skinner.

A Bi11 for an Act to amend the Revenue Act. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 1112: Greiman. A Bill for an Act to revise the

. 1aw in relation to injunctions. First Reading of the B1ll. House

Bfll 1113, Mudd-Tuerk. A Bfll for an Act to amend the Scbool Con- . -

struction Bond Act. First Readfng of the Bi11. House Bil1 1116,

Mudd. A Bill for an Act to amend the Ilfinois Pension Code. First

Readfng of the Bfll. House B111 1115, Friedrfch. A Bill'for an

Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the At-

torney General. First Reading of the Bill. House Bi11 1116: Epton.

A Bfll for an Act to amend an Act creacfng the Illlnols Insurance

' Laws Study Commission. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1117,

Tuerk. A Bill for an Act to allow public school employees to be

employed by prfvate or parochfal schools under cereafn condftfons.

Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1118: Harris-Hart-Winchester.

A Bill for an Act making an appropriation to the Department of Trans-

portation. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bfll 1119, Harrfs-

Hart-Winchester. A Bil1 for an Act making an appropriation to tbe

Department of Transportation. First Reading of the Bi1l. House

Bill 1120, Lucco. A Bill for an Act to create the Energy Envfron-

ment and Natural Resources Commission. First Reading of the Bill.

House Bill 1121, Lucco. A Bill for an Act creating the Jotnt

.,m s 9T o''.a' ' ..rfw..%h G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y

t z . xc , ) A .) s.r A. v s: o F 1 uul a o I s. . p g *.-; = .* >P . ei o tl s e; o e e E p R E s E e4 T' A. w r v E s

-af '.X

,.k #' . 3-29-77

.v. , 48 .

. Committee on Energyy Environment and Natural Resources. First Reading

f f the B111. House Bi11 1122 Lucco. x Bill for an Act creatingï.j o ,6,( .Ir the Depar Lment of Natural Resources to assume the responsibilitiesuIt

' of the Department of Conservation. First Reading of the Bill. Houseq-

' Bill 1123: Lucco. A Bi11 for an Act to create the Task Force ont '.$ the Creatioa and Development of the Department of Natural Resources.7 .

-' First Reading of the Bi11. Bouse Bill 1124, Lucco. A Bill for an:: Act to make an appropriation to the Task Force on the Creation and''; .

;' development of the Department of Natural Resources. First Readinq1N of the Bill. House Bill 1125 y Lucco. A Bill for an Act to amendUk$. numerous Acts to reflect the creation and duties of the Department?$ of Natural Resources. First Reading of the Bfl1. House Bill 1126,fi# Sharp. A Bill for an Act to amend the Electfon Code. First Readingt-1!t of the Bill. House Bill 1127 , Bartulis . A Bill f or an Act to makek71 f tfons to the Board of Trustees of the Genera.t Assembly Re-appropr a1

/4 tirement System. First Readtng of the Bi11. House Bill 1128 , Stiehl..'t *.jj' N.it A Bill for an Act to vacate land in St. Clair County. First ReadingJ* .4 f the Bill

. uouse B1.11 1129, utnclaester. A Bill for an Act to ' . -z oay; '''authorf ze the Department of Transportation to convey right in thek

City of Marion. First Reading of the Bill. House Bi11 1130,

Winchester. A Bill for an Act to give an easement in Aleiander County.r . '

First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1l31y Bennett. A Bill for

?' an Act to vacate an easement in Macon Couaty. First Reading of the

Bill. House Bill 1132. Bennett. A Bill for an Act to abandon an

' easement in Macon County. Ffrst Reading of the Bill. House Bill

1133, Bennett. A Bfll for an Act relating to an easement in Chris-r!

tion County. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 113is Bennett.. )i A Bil1 for an Act relating to an easement in Macon County. Firstp: Reading of the Bi11. House Bill -1135, Kent. A Bill for an ActI;

relating to an easement in Adams County. First Reading of the Bi11.

House Bill 1136, Kent. A Bill for an Act relating to an easementt .

in cass county. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1128, Jones.

' A Bill for an Act relating to an easement in Sangamon County. First

) ''*Reading of the Bï1l. House Bill 1138, Cunnlngham. A Bill for an:!

Act relating to an easement in Cumberland County. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Btll 1139 Cunningbam. A Bill for an Act relating

z''î '*' ''.z' '

. . e G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y; ) I . j1: %? u si sxxve oe 'uu,aols 'ï . 'J X:- * ej o u s e o e a e: p R e; s e: el 'r x 'r 1 w e s 'X z -..x . . .u ,... r . .. . . .4 v . .........w..... ..

k -- ' rt .t

:. 3-29-.77

.t*J ' 49.

'. an easement in Cumberland County. First Reading of the Bill. House

1: Bill 1139, Cunningbam. A Bill for an Act relating to an easement

'j in Edwards County. First Reading of tbe Bill. House Bill 1140,

Cunningham. A Bill for an Act relating to an easement in Wayne County.

First Reading of tbe Bill. House Bill 114ls Cunningham. A Bill

for an Act relating to an easement in Cumberland County. First

' Reading of the Bil1. House Bill 1142, Cunningham. A Bill for an

Act relating to an easement ln Cumberland County. First Reading of

' the Bi11. House Bill 1143, Edgar. A Bill for an Act relating to

an easement in Clark County. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill

1144, E.G. Steele- A Bfll for an Act to accept jurfsdictfon over

certain land in the state from the government of the United States.

First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1145, Ryan-McBrooa. A Bill

for an Act to vacate an easement in Grundy County. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 1146, Ryan-McBroom. A Bill for an Act re-

lating an easement in Kankakee County. First Reading of the Bi11. ' w. (

- House Bill 1147, Ra'lph Dunn. A Bill for an Act relating to an ease-

ment in Perry County. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1148, ' -

Ralph Dunn. A Bill for an Act relating to an easement in St. Clair

Couaty. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1149, Ebbesen. A

Rill for ao Act relating to access rights in rural counties. Firs:

Reading of the B:iII. House Bfll 1150. Campbell. A Bill f or an Act

relàting to an easemeat in Clark County. First Reading of the B111.

House Bill 1151, Wikof f . A Bill f or an Act relating to an easement

g 'in Moultrfe County . Ffrst Readfng of the Bf 11. House Bi11 117 ,

Wikof f . A Bill f or an Act . . . this is 1152 , Wikof f . A Bill f or an

Act relating to an easement in Champaign County. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bill 1153, Friedrich . A Bill f or an Act relating

to an easement in Madison county. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bi11 1154, Friedrich. A Bill for an Act relating to aa easement

in Madison county. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1155,

Friedrich. A Bill for an Act to restore access rights in Madison

County. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1156, Friedrich.

A Bi11 for an Act relating to access rights in Madison County.

Ffrst Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1157, Friedrich. A Bill

for an Act relating to an easement in Fayette County. First Reading

z''k * '''''.,' .

'..<-*,: G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y.'.. k:s a 't? . s-rxvs oe Iuulaols ') '1 .Vs- .'. * =D; ? Ho LIIK o F #' EP R KSK MT AT l V ts . .

% -tt 3-29-77)

50 .ï) of the Bi11. House Bill 1158, Friedrtch. A Bill for an Act re-!f' latiag .to an easement in Bond County. First Reading of the Bill.

House Bill 1159, Friedricb. A Bill for an Act relatfng to an ease-!

ment in Fayette County. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1160,

Friedrich. A Bi11 for an Act relating to access rights in Fayette .

County. First Reading of the Bi11. Bouse Bill 1161, Friedrich.

A Bill for an Act to: relating to an easement in Fayette County.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1162, Friedrich. A Bi11

for an Act to restore access rfghts in Bond County. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 1163, Friedrich. A Bill for an Act relating

to an easement in St. Clair County. First Reading of the Bill.

House Bill 1164, Friedrich. A Bill for an Act relating to access

rights in Madison County. Ftrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

1165, Ertedrich. A Bf11 for an Act to, relating to access rights

in Madison County. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 1166,

Friedrich. A Bill for an Act relating to access rights fn Madfson

County. First Reading of the Bifl/ House Bill 1167, Friedrich.

A Bill for an Act to amend Sections or relating to access rights

in Madison County. First Reading of the Bill. House Bi11 1168,

Friedrich. A Bill for an Act relating to access rights in Madison

County. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1169, Frièdricb.

A Bill for an Act relating to access rights ln Madfson County.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 1170, Polk. A Bill for an

Act to amend the Mental Health Code. First Reading of the Bill.

Kouse Bill 1171y Levin-Younge. A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections

' of an Act concerning public utilities. First Reading of the Bill.

House Bi11 1172. Levin-stanley. A Bill for an Act to amend Sec-

tions of an àct concerning public utflitfes. Ffrst Readfng of the

Bi11. House Bill 1173, Levin. A Bi11 for an Act to amend and Act

concerning public utilities. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 1174, Levfn. A Bill for an Act to amend Sectfons of an Act

concerning public utilities. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bi11 1175: Levin. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of an Act

concerning public utflfttes. Ffrst Reading of the Bfll. House

Bi11 1176, Capparelli. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of an

Act to authorfze the Chfcago Park District to issue full fatth and

,z47 ... ''....'

'zrfw kr' G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yz' :w. . . 'h !. :: . Mf î x. s x x 'r e o Ir 1 u u 1 el o I s'...* 7CQ - o Ll s e o F ae: !p !. esE N 'r N'F l v es


4 3-29-77;'' 51.j .


1credit corporate notes. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

1177 Richmond-cunningham. A Bill for an Act to amend Seitions of

the Illiaois Pension Code. First Reading of the Bill. House Bfll

1178, Mccourt. A Bill for an Act to provide for the licensing and

regulation of Cable and Community Antenna Television Systems. First

Reading of the Bi11. House Btll 1179, Brummet. A Bill for an Act

in relation to payment for coal mining rights. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bill 1180: Taylor. A Bill for an Act makiag an1

's Moving and Storage. First Reading of the lappropriation to Medley

Bi11. House Bill 1181y Abramsoa. A Bill for an Act to amend Sec-

tions of tbe Illlnois Wage Payment and Collectlon Act. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 1172: Huskey. 1182. A Bill for an Act

in relation to regulatioa of supervisory personnel in food service

establfshments. Ffrst Readfng of the Bfl1. House Bf11 1183, Richmond.

A Bitl for an Act to amend Sectfons of the Motor Fuel Tax Law.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 1184, O'Brien. A Bill forfan Act to license and regùlate Public Adjusters. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bi11 1185, Jaffe-lack Davis-peters. A Bill for . .

an Act to amend Sections of the Criminal Code. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bill 1186, Jaffe. A Bill for an AcL to require

appointment of a guardian for every minor involved in a eo'urt pro-

ceeding where the minor is the alleged victim or a witness. First

Reading of the Bi1l. House Bill 1186, Jaffe. A Bill for an Act

to amend Sections of the Abused and Neglected Qzild Reporttng Act.

First Reading of the B1ll. House Bill 1188, Kent. A Bill for an

Act to amend the River conservancy Districts Act . First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 1189, Cunnfngham. A Bill f or an Act to

d 14 h s'amend an Act in relatfon to the rate of fneerest an ot er c arge

in connectton with sales on credit and the lending of money. First

Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 1190: Cunningham. A Bill for an -

Act to amend Sections of an Act to revise the 1aw in relation to

fminal jurisprudence. First Reading of the Bill. House Billcr

1191 Huskey-Walsh-Mahar. A Bill for an AcL to Provide for the

ilability of certain health care benefits. First Reading ofava

' h Bf11. No further business, the Rouse n0W stands adjourned.''t e

4 * ''''r ''Ltrm kr- y G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L Y,, : , !; %

.,;.P - 1 s.r avs o .r 1 uu' ,.' o ' sQ .ir.. % .


'. . f . . . , . . . . .-1'

1) Page ' Tf-pe Speaker Information * l

1 1:00 Speaker Redmond House to order

' . . ' '. Rev.. Krueger ' Prayer

. speaker Redmond;1 . . Madigan . Excused absences . . .t . ' . . .$ . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . .

! . Speaker Redmond' ll. Ryan Excused absneces

speaker Redmond

Clerk o'Brfen Journal'

Speaker Redmond

2 Madigaa Move to dispense reading of

j Journalsjl Speaker Redmond Motion carries ' .

- . -II clerk O'Brtea Introduction and 1st. Reading- (l Speaker Redmond ' 'j -I

1 ' be cosponsor on - 1, Mulcahey Leave to1 u.s. 7o9 Il'j j 'i ' S te Bills 1st Reading '1:05 . clerk 0 Brien . ena ,

: J ' . CJ.e ..-'z t; Q1 - ' . ! Hotlse- Bi 11& y ls t Reading . ! .. j '' - jl 3 ' Speaker Redmond l

1:07 Cterk O'Brien ' H.B. 290. 2nd Rdg, No C.A.

. speaker Redmond 3rd Reading

clerk o'Brien H.B. 308, 2nd Rdg.

' speaker Redmond lD. Houlihan '

!Speakar Redmond Take out of record I. 1

4 Clerk O'Brien H.B. 724: 2nd Rdg, No C.A.1 l. Speaker Redmond 3rd Reading 1

.-. jj''Clerk O'Brien II.B. 51y 3rd Rdg. ' I


g;?. - .y us/F + C?'.>' ' G E N E R A L A S S E 1$ l B L Y' -.:'v.4. 'A j1. smwvs o s I uu I u o ps. (... . < .u) o , ië--jwg.. .s %' - - Hotass opr neeaess-'r-mkves'..x:tu alsjjlh6

< . . . . lrav -mm c.;;.kc

':E .. . ô?;.j.:# .J' 3-29-77.4 ' TM NSCRIPTION INDEX DATE :..,4)): ...L.-. -- JU* . . . . .. . . . . . . .' lu . . . . . ..k ' 2 . .: #'1' i Page Time Speaker Information '.?/'3 1 .., .7 I . .J' I Speaker Redmond;A I '

1:10 Winchester

..' 5 Speaker Redmond Passed

' . . . Clerk qoRBrien H.B. 53, 3rd Reading . '.

y'/ Speaker Redmond

I . , .Walshl

. Speaker Redmond Passed'

Collins '

6 Speaker RedmondI .' 1:15 Keats .

Speaker Redmond '

clerk O'Brien H.B. 110. 3rd Reading

Speaker Redmond

. Jobnson Leave to return to 2nd Rdg.

Speaker Redmond Leave grantedI-L . &.v 1 ktor * - . ' .

clerk O'Brien . Amendment //1 '. .: - f.v . - . yv r ... . - u..'F z. J . . 1 . - ' . -% h . '

Speaker Redmond

' Move to table AM. //1neuster

' ' Speaker Redmond Tabled '. . . . .

' ' Clerk o'Brien Amendment //2 '

. Speaker Redmond .

1:16 ' ' DeusterI ..7 . Speakel Redmond

' satterthwaite Yield?

Deuster Discussion

- 8 Speaker Redmond

1:19 Walsh Supp ort . -- ..-- ..:K. = . '

vk' r . ' G E N E R A t. .4 s s E 5 f B L Yj C .J '.'j .. .ê; - 1 x '8r .

'- y x#. -.- s T' A. 'r E: o F 1 u t. 1 yi o I Slh.. . f1 J , u.cz * j, ou ss o e' azea ESeNTAT Iv es jx

.. -w. . ..

t!jg ' .$) ' ' .' % TRANSCRIPTION IuoEx DATE : 3-29-77z.x. ktt .*k.$.t 3 ..:I . ,. ....

' Paqe Time Speaker Infor- tioni

.'% . . 'î'4 Speaker Redmond1

. .J'.j.;-k Kelly Support ' .t . .l

' Speaker Redmond .; .

) 'LV Deuster . . To close .' . .V . t . . - . . .> * '-e 9 speauer Redmond Amendment //2 adopted, 3rd Rdg.'.j'# Clerk o'Brten H.B. 187, 3rd Reading' ; . ,14.V s eauer Redpond .) Pq.y ' 'z çi 1:24 Luftu ' s .ix .;y,,'; 10 Speaker Redmond.(' ' Keats Yield?. .s; ' j-..i Luf t Discus s iOn 'vî.3 s eaker Redmond .1 Pi. .

' ' ' .:'' ' C. Stiehl Yield? - .2 ' . . ... o . -

't*.p . Luf t Dis cussion -

; ..- speaker Redmond*. . .P. -: : . . u: v j. e y d ? .-?, 11 ' ' Telcser4. ' i* E

. v' oiscuss ionh 1:26 Luft .

1 12 Speaker Redmond 'jj;'t Tipsword supportsI 't @.

13 Speaker Redmond

1:31 Hof fman Oppose

14 Speaker Redmond

Matijevtch Support'

S eaker Redmondp .

l :37 Luf t T0 Close15'

S eaker Redmond H- B . 187 , passedp .

k O'Brien H.B. 235, 3rd ReadingCler . -

r 'vt-zsuq G E x E R A t. x s s E M B L Y

/ - ' . zy l j x o j s 'j ' . s'r A.T e: o F I L L, ' .s '

. ' . . -..j.:=' * . . u o u s E: o F FT E. F. R r s E a T' A. Y 1 V l S '

z q -' * < . .. . --. ...- - W-/ -1

< ee - 1-

V-n Izx . .'# w .

.. w ,( q D wu .ux..t b.

. . x (i. k' DAT P.-r- - -=== - - -' . .,v 1- )

- x. 4

; '''

k 1. .. a. y zy

.. t.A>N.h f, r .x :4 zy((!:I r . z- .-


. $.w....-.-=.. .a.:.uz.....wu. O-JV .


. u e... ''- ...kkN Nx'Yx - 12:D7*4:k --k1f *

lp 1:*5 v) k) 12 tr.

& w . t e .C .elJ.ir.'= .-v -*q G -..-


tw cuz<' To close

x :p. .. . ,.x' .-

%zx.>G.x*KT == '= cu end m e n r: ' -- *===:*-= ='*<a 4 '



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v QNl k=.>.

x. . ..---r- --uu.m--N: Q--cNl

k. e-w-ch.'.u y 2t e 1 u ?

.jxy;.' '-r--...Discuss

< R. xN>. JxQO M 'x. x v .fl-

x .N...== &.ielg 7


' .= . ' '>..<


< -->

'Vt'- > = :>L'''r' Y i e 1 d ?

D i S C tl & .'Y ' ' - - '

.w ..- a.w> .w=c

.w=. SupporvA

'N #>.= <.e -

-=w--=== oppose

VX '-w JL

M ZZR:Z---2. S u P P o r *'-. --

.w . m .m ->

(: 1>r*J#>prI=' ' 1


rr ' 'zlB&-cuao cx .- .-serrvv n . B . 1.> . . --. f

. ,,,- -- . . -. -- . .

- . . Jsy,w-.. 'v'... M' q- -- --a.c,.

ec H . B zv =-.-. nk't't'l x '..= - ,,. ,.,.. .....- ..,

> ' > .. jt

w L .T. v'.- . rr ..wW .A. S 3 ! Zw M B i. z . C'-e--.m'7<'ar $ uu l e: ok s

*= 7r.x ;xx q mzo. x: s x a ' r > r 9 V * 5

TRaxscazevzox zxosx oATs: 3-29-77

4 .' Pa 'e Time ' ' Sp- eaker '. 1nf o'rmatfon 'R

Speaker Redmond

' . . . . sharn . . . .. . '

16 Speaker Rednond Passed

' . . .clerk o'Brien H.B. 279, 3rd Readtng . .

17 1:43 Cunningham

Speaker Redmond

1:45 Giglio

Speaker Redmond

Hart '

t speaker Redmond

' Lechowicz . Yield?

18 Cunningham Discussion

- - Speaker Redmond '

iLechowicz Quest on -

Giglio Discussion

Speaker Redmond .' S ' . ' ' = . . ' 'f :> . - . - .. . . :r. .=

' Leinenweber . Question

19 Cunningham Discussion

Speaker Redmond

Geo-Karis Yield?

cunningham Dtscussion

Speaker Redmond

1 20 Kane Yield?Cunntngham Discussion

. Speaker Redmond

' Cunningham To close

xspeaker Redmondyw .. ., Nxx; ofv ntjqzxkxr >, G E N E R A Ia A s s E M B L Y1t:' v 7 v- y.p !k -- * * . ST-T? oF luul-ols% k . - '*'*-*.i' .' * k 'Y House or Fkielve:seie4'rA.-rlves. )) . - : .N. q xQ.-tEI

. , . ,y . u ljy,a..l z .-V ' ' ' = . t j > q . ' . +i' X . k . ' '(

''. i. ..




Lê7. 5

y jr

' Paqe Time S

peaker Information :%'





' 1:52 Grieshefmer

' t

... j' . . .

.. ('

' Speaker Redmond '''

. j '' jl


'' 1 22

cunningbam Responds

. . '

$ .

.. . . .

. . ka

' .

speaker Redmond ' '' H.B. 279 passed

'rl' Clerk OlBrien H

.B. 381, 3rd Readfng tk


,; $


i Speaker Redmond' I

l. j

. *

23 Tipsword

. 24 speaker Redmond

., 2:00 Griesheimer Cosponsor




;,25 S

peaker Redmond . .


. j i

4 VonBoecltman C


.. q



j? w. ,

( t.' w>

Speaker Redmond .:' 6 .1' : .t . . . ' k ' u

: - Colllns Mo

ves previous quescion . ..4. rzjzy3'l'.


' . . ...j

xk 9

.' 26 Speaker Redmond

' A'-' . y:. gs


. -.> v'v


. . i;q;v

> 2 :05 Ttpsword

'ro close . ..<. ' ,


. .

y z


!'*' ' Z' ' Q Jztl

.1 - ' - . '

.; ' ..b: 'z r' . ..


.1 ''-.,) Speaker Redmond

lo . . &

:) *



;t , . ,j R


Skianer Question p 't


. .


'. J'

tt Speaker Redmond H

.B. 381 passed ' '.ç IJ


. 4j.... 27 Clerk 0 ' Brien H.B. 4.29 > 3rd Reading '

. .,zx* y,t''z? . lg


p .,.w x..Speaker Redmond è ' <C

'' *. tMtlzer L

eave to return to 2nd Rdg. . -'$.:la'


u ,'A.. .h, '


, .. . i),. yI s

peaker Redmond Leave granted v Xljrykjatjrxyt..f lj



!ot ,,,, . zt


' Brien Amendment ?/ ? 'Jc'5' -. ',':-

.. j cleru o . .y s


> ai.b $

&!k$ , Speaker Redmond

A ,t . ,, r.


d' 2:06 Miller

'r '.


. '

'. )

Fit;jj XTù

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.;r,. :4tê$,. .. .

c ' speaker Redmond Amendment a doptedy 3rd Rdg. ?à

q l4'/s


pvod: y,


j. .j. jj tk.,,. uf'$

t' t-/h/m-xf'k. ,' Clerk O ' Brien H .B . 497 & 3rd Readlng ! vycihk-yscx/'

l . . .

&.- .-- - . .

j .. .zj .)q

( ...'$L1ï$J 1*-. w.

'' .' *$iiR'-.ê.1. '

' v.*. % ;<. ' ''.

***z' ' R'zYjkz

' ./' 'fQ 4'7-.:......>. 'A'': G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

'? ' . . 'Zk. . j

' ' '7.,.:.,.14..,. a l

, .,u. - .

J ? ï fo , . t ,.- :2 ,

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' î '$ - t m rX A :t . . g . S T Jt T t7 o F $ k. k. t ê: o l E$-

A N lkvk -Lkj.@..:- *// v w v , ., .. . . . . ... -.. - .. . . -

- ' . qxx : . 8 o tz s E7 o e !v e; e e z s E 1%.3.,......3:,66636'.. ..'h 'VIJ-


' jk. Page Tfme Speaker . Infornation

' . . . . . Sgeaker Redmond '' .' . 'j '. .

'. . F1. inrt'. . . ' . L Léave io .table H.B . 497 and 498 .

Speaker Redmond Leave granted, tabled

' ' clerk O'3rien H.'B.' 5l1y 3rd Reading

Mahar sponsor '

' 28 Speaker Redmond H.B. 511 passed

l j 2:10 Clerk O'Brien H.B. 534, 3rd Reading 'r . lh s aker Redmond: Pe

a. cavis .' l -' speauer Redmond p'assedt

, 29) I ': ' 2:13 Clerk O'Brien H.B. 540, 3rd Reading! Ii speaker Redmond .; '


speauer Redmond

l 'Feters ' QuestionI .J1. 30 Katq Discussion . '

. . -1..uAl' Speaker Redmond '!!

D. Jones Support.1j %' 31 Speaker Redmondl .

Kosinski Question

32 Katz Discussion

33 Speaker Redmond

Rigney Yield?

2'25 Katz Discussion

speaker Redmond

Madison Yield?

34 Katz Discussicn .

yze-.w r, w . c.f / p& ' Vrlo 6 N j G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

. r ' ''-1â !( (v. '.' STAYE OF 'L'LiHXZISï . 14 G = - aowss os aseasss-vxmlvEs..x V'Gu-a

c ... - .-.- - .


. vaaxscazevzox xuosx oavs, a-29-w

. 7.Page Time Speaker Anformation

Speaker Rednond

' Schoeberlein '' Movls previous iuestion '

Speaker Redmond

Katz To close '

Speaker Redmond '1

2:26 Barnes

35 Speaker Redmond

Campbell Support

Speaker Redmond H.B. 540 passed

Diprima Introduction

ZCDOROUgb WzEional Commander

Diprima . '

2:30 Shrake Natfonal President of the Auxili ry '' j

l' Kukowtnski State commander

ViYrip@ = ' ' '. . . - -....J. -1 =

Smalley Department President of Auxiliar

Diprima '

Yager Legislative Cbairman of Amvets


Speaker Redmond


37 Speaker Redmond

Clerk O'Brien H.B. 616: 3rd Reading

Speaker Redmond


j' 2 t 35 Speaker Redmond Passed .- -. --

..;T'.%Qs 'F ' ' v :>. > 6 ' G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y'i % ïl 1 .is .s%..e. * svx'rs op- ' uul-olsk. . u&. -... ''-r ;= . uowse oe neplqessx-ravtves ..s,,. zt-vw

-7 ;'' ' 'rRANSCRIPTION INDEX DATE: 2-29-77


j .' R' :egl Time Speaker Information '

.. fl Rxaa '


. 'Speaker.Redmond .. .

' Abramson vote yes on 235

,speaker Redmond

Chapman Vote aye on 54O

38 Speaker Redmond

Pechous Vote 'aye' on 381

2:36 Speaker Redmond

Robinson Leave to suspend rules onI .,j H.B. 1036

Speaker Redmond Leave to sizspend rules

' Wolf Question

Speaker Redmond

Robinson Dtscussion

139 Speaker Redmond

Reilly Vote 'aye' on 616: . ' - - ' *

' . Speaker Redmodd

2:37 Bartulis

Speaker Redmond


Speaker Redmond


Speaker Redmond


Speaker Redmond

40 2:40 Mann Motion on H.B. 172, 193, 194

speaker Redmond 'I

<O a'7xZ'' A ..zJ>* . .trr>. f . .A . c E x E R x t- A s s E N I B I . Y$3 J71/ t! . ''r. o..,:e , svavs os , uul-olsî k7 ? , '-r..x-u'- .. .k. JCJ eousi oF aeenssc--r-vlves

--!r.3N i



7 .' f)9 Page Tfme SpeakqE Information$

. I.7alsh Questfon' l ' ' Mana ' Discusston . . .

1 Speaker Redmond' ' ' Daniels . '

( Speaker Redmondll r te 'yes' on u.B. 38141 Bartulis No

speaker Redmond

l 42 E. sarnes congratulates Marquette2:

speaker Redmond .l .*

.Taylor Annoultcement1

Speaker Redmondlllt

Madigaa Reschudule Committees

' - - s eaker Redmondl P' 1t @

1 I ,42 Speaker Redmond?'; j ,i ) j 2 ; 4 5 M u d d t y n

. o u n c e m

. e n t . ; . . , :. . . .

. . . j! - ' ' ''I . . . - .

..). - . k . . ..!t .. ,.!. t . i . '. . . . . .- . - . . .@ Speaker Redmond ' .

Clerk o'Brfen H.B. 434. 2nd Readfng. Am. f/1 tabled, Am. #2 adopted

. Speaker Redmond


l speaker Redmond 3rd Readingli Madtgan Excused absences

) clerk O'Brienî .

43 Speaker Redmondtr 11 :? Harrfs Announcement

;Speaker Redmond

:;X''--N.X' . g%. . k , v/F t w r G E N E R A L A S S E 51 B L, j ; p.:.-xx j t , A!t' fB- , ' * s'rn'rs oe 'uulsolsq ...-L( . 'V X>bwf- ' yl o u s e: o v' a s e Iv u s c 1.4 'r l'r 1 v p: sV gL' . ..*G z -


rt '. . . yo.

Page Tlmm Speaker Informatlon

Madigan Mov'e House adjourn till. l 10:00 o'cloek

I2:67 Speaker Redmond House adjourned

Clerk OîBrien Perfunct Ses#ign1st Rqadings on H.B. 1040, 10i1'

l ' 1042, 1oï3, 1044- zo45, 1c'45,t 1046, 1047, ln48, zo49s zoso,11j 1051

, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055,

1056. 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, #( 1061. 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, .jl 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070,Ii 1071: 1072, 1073. 1074. 1075,

! 11 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080.' 1, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085,

! 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090,,

': x 1091: 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095,1 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, l100y

; I 1101, 1102, 1103, l104s 1105,', 11 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1l10y j

),1 1111, 1112, 11.13, 1114, 1115,11 8 1119 1120,1116, 1117, 1l1 , s

- - I 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125: ' .l 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130,

1, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135,: .

1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140:' 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145,

1 11.46, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150. 1lj 1151, 1152, 1153, 1156, 1155, 1jl 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159: 1160,j! 1161: 1162, 1163, 1164: 1:65,I 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169. 1170: jj '.i , 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, j' 1176, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1180,


, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1184: 1185,

j 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189. 1190,1191.l

j '3:20 House adjourned$ll1.

''' j 'I

.-- -- . . l-c';kt'--. ks:/ ' - ' v . o s x s R A L, A s s E M B L ys . c.-.q zp, . kl'(wts..j;;'''S.'r, .. - , . sv a..r e: o v' I u u, a o 1 s! Nï . - '=V' f cazs.- e s o tg s s o s. a s e n c s s N 'r g: v 4 v e: sN. .w a - - ps

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