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ChopShots 2014

Documentary Film FestivalSoutheast Asia


ChopShots 2014


Documentary Film FestivalSoutheast Asia


This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of DocNet Southeast Asia and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

ChopShots is part of DocNet Southeast Asia. This project is initiated and coordinated by the Goethe-Institut and funded by the European Union.

Funded bythe European Union

GoetheHausKineforumTIM XXISaliharaSAE InstituteBINUS International fX Campus

April 22-272014




DocNet Campus 88

DocNet Campus Tutors 90

Film Register 92

Fringe Events 94

Exhibition 98

Venues 99

Schedule 100

Partners and Supporters 106

Imprint 107

Festival Committee 107

Acknowledgement 107

Festival Rules 5

Welcome notes 6

DocNet Info 8

Awards 11

Jury International Competition 12

Jury Best SEA Shorts 14 Opening Film 15

International Competition 16

Best SEA Shorts 30

International Shorts 52

Docs Animated 68

ChopShots Special 74

Why Poverty? 82

All f ilm screenings and fringe events are free of charge. Semua pemutaran f ilm dan diskusi gratis.

T ickets are available 45 minutes before screening time.T iket tersedia sejak 45 menit sebelum pemutaran.

Doors will close 10 minutes after the movie star ts or all seats are taken. Pintu akan ditutup setelah f ilm dimulai selama sepuluh menit atau apabila tempat duduk terisi penuh.

Turn off your mobile phones. Do not chat during the screening.Matikan telepon genggam Anda. Jangan mengobrol sepanjang pemutaran f ilm.

No recording devices are allowed inside the venue.Dilarang membawa alat perekam ke dalam ruangan.

T icket booking is only for group booking minimum of 10 people, please call (021) 2350 0208-ext. 147 on 10.00-16.00 from Monday to Friday before 17 April 2014.Pemesanan tiket hanya berlaku untuk kelompok dengan jumlah minimal sepuluh orang, mohon telpon (021) 2350 0208- ext. 147 pada jam 10.00-16.00 hanya di hari Senin hingga Jumat sebelum 17 April 2014.

5Festival RulesUntuk semua umur/umumSuitable for audience aged 4 years and over. Untuk penonton berusia empat tahun ke atas.

Untuk penonton berusia 12 tahun ke atasSuitable for 12 years and over. No-one younger than 12 may see the f ilms unless accompanied by an adult.Untuk 12 tahun ke atas. Anak yang berusia kurang dari 12 tahun tidak boleh menonton f ilm ini, kecuali ditemani oleh orang dewasa.

Untuk penonton berusia 15 tahun ke atasSuitable for 15 years and over. No-one younger than 15 may see the f ilm.Untuk 15 tahun ke atas. Anak yang berusia kurang dari 15 tahun tidak boleh menonton f ilm ini, kecuali ditemani oleh orang dewasa.

Untuk penonton berusia 18 tahun ke atasSuitable only for adults. No-one younger than 18 may see the f ilm.Untuk 18 tahun ke atas. Anak yang berusia kurang dari 18 tahun tidak boleh menonton f ilm ini.

More about classif ication guide, please log on






Film ClassificationDocNet Campus 88

DocNet Campus Tutors 90

Film Register 92

Fringe Events 94

Exhibition 98

Venues 99

Schedule 100

Partners and Supporters 106

Imprint 107

Festival Committee 107

Acknowledgement 107

As the Regional Head of Culture Department of the Goethe-Institut in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, I am very happy to present the second edition of the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival. This documentary film festival focusing on new and upcoming ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia will kick o� on the 22nd of April in Jaka�a, Indonesia.The many f ilms sent in overwhelmed us: more than 247 f ilms from 49 countries! But we were also thrilled and moved by the quality of f ilms, the range of topics, the different styles and the many stories told. There is a huge potential for f ilm in this region and we hope this thrive for good f ilm shall continue in the future.

ChopShots is par t of the engagement of the Goethe-Institut in the region to foster the documentary f ilm scene. With the generous suppor t of the European Union we have been able to set up DocNet Southeast Asia, a regional network for the documentary f ilm scene. With the ChopShots - Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia we aim to provide a platform for all those talents out there and to make documentary f ilm from Southeast Asia accessible to more viewers around the world.

I would like to thank all the f ilmmakers who have provided all these wonderful f ilms. I also want to thank our par tners in Indonesia and the region who enabled this festival to happen and of course the European Union for their f inancial suppor t. A festival would be nothing without the dedication of the people who set it up. I thus also want to use this chance to thank the ChopShots Team who has worked relentlessly to make the festival a full success. Let us hope that we will have many more festivals in the years to come.

Sebagai Kepala Bagian Program Budaya Goethe-Institut untuk wilayah Asia Tenggara, Australia dan Selandia Baru, dengan gembira saya persembahkan edisi kedua ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Festival film dokumenter yang berfokus pada film-film dokumenter baru dari Asia Tenggara ini akan dimulai pada 22 April 2014 di Jaka�a, Indonesia.Kami merasa bangga melihat betapa banyaknya f ilm yang kami terima: lebih dari 247 f ilm dari 49 negara! Tapi kami juga amat gembira dan tersentuh karena meningkatnya mutu f ilm, rentang topiknya, ragam gaya nya, ser ta kisah-kisah yang diceritakan. Potensi f ilm di kawasan ini sungguh besar dan kami harap f ilm-f ilm bagus akan terus bermunculan di masa yang akan datang.

ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia adalah bagian dari keterlibatan Goethe-Institut di kawasan ini untuk membantu perkembangan f ilm dokumenter. Dengan dukungan yang besar dari Uni Eropa kami telah berhasil mendirikan DocNet Southeast Asia, sebuah jaringan regional untuk f ilm dokumenter. Di ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia kami ingin menyediakan suatu wadah bagi bakat-bakat yang ada agar f ilm dokumenter dari Asia Tenggara dapat diakses oleh lebih banyak lagi pemirsa dari seluruh penjuru dunia.

Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua sineas yang telah mendukung festival luar biasa ini. Terima kasih juga saya ucapkan kepada para mitra kami di Indonesia dan di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang telah membuat festival ini terlaksana, dan juga tak lupa kepada Uni Eropa atas dukungan f inansial yang diberikan. Sebuah festival tak akan ada ar tinya tanpa dedikasi dari orang-orang yang menyelenggarakannya. Dalam hal ini, saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih pada tim ChopShots yang telah bekerja keras demi menyukseskan festival ini. Mari kita berharap agar lebih banyak festival diadakan di tahun-tahun mendatang.


Preface Kata Pengantar


Taking o� with a successful sta� to ChopShots in late 2012 we are very happy to present to you this year’s selection of outstanding documentary films from around the world with a focus on films from and about Southeast Asia, India, China, Korea and Japan.

We were happy to f ind very strong f ilms among the 247 submissions that we received this year and indeed we see an increase in quality of the f ilms made in the region by newcomers to the craft. That’s the spirit!

It is exciting to note that documentary production is booming in Asia and never before have there been so many talented f ilmmakers tackling meaningful subjects in their unique ways that are made up of a blend of journalism, narrative f ilm and television enter tainment. Author driven documentaries have long become a cultural form and I remain hopeful that the industry in Asia will follow and make available resources to fur ther the ar t of documentary f ilmmaking in order to strengthen local voices and perspectives that trigger impor tant debates and deepen our understanding of the world around us and ultimately help us to better understand ourselves.

The best documentaries of those we selected illuminate a person, an event or an issue in powerful ways, giving thousands or potentially even millions of people a chance to better understand something they knew little or nothing about. I am cer tain that in today’s atomized media world with zillions of bites of data we have never had a greater need for clarity and meaningful discourse.

Let me invite you on an exciting journey through the personal worlds of remarkable protagonists and their struggles that these documentary f ilms depict. L isten closely and you might hear some truth that these f ilms speak.

Kata Pengantar Welcome to ChopShots 2nd edition! Selamat datang di ChopShots edisi kedua!


Berangkat dari kesuksesan ChopShots di penghujung tahun 2012, dengan gembira kami persembahkan film-film dokumenter pilihan tahun ini dari seluruh dunia dengan fokus pada film-film yang berasal dari atau bercerita mengenai Asia Tenggara, India, China, Korea dan Jepang.

Kami merasa senang mendapatkan f ilm-f ilm yang sangat kuat dari 247 f ilm yang kami terima tahun ini. Kami juga melihat adanya peningkatan kualitas dalam f ilm-f ilm yang dibuat oleh para pendatang baru di kawasan ini.

Catatan yang menggembirakan adalah bahwa produksi f ilm dokumenter di Asia meningkat tajam dengan begitu banyak pembuat f ilm berbakat membahas isu-isu penting dengan cara unik yang merupakan campuran antara jurnalisme, narasi f ilm dan hiburan televisi. Film dokumenter yang dibuat dengan berangkat dari kekuatan dan kekhasan sudut pandang pembuatnya sejak lama sudah menjadi budaya dan saya yakin bahwa industri f ilm dokumenter di Asia akan mengikuti dan menyediakan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk memajukan seni perf ilman dokumenter. Dengan demikian, suara-suara yang sejauh ini belum terdengar akan mengemuka, memicu pembahasan dan memberi pemahaman mendalam mengenai dunia sekitar kita yang pada akhirnya dapat membantu kita memahami diri kita sendiri.

F ilm-f ilm dokumenter pilihan kami melihat dari dekat kehidupan seseorang, satu kejadian atau isu dengan saksama. Film-f ilm ini memberi kesempatan bagi r ibuan atau mungkin jutaan orang untuk mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai sesuatu yang sebelumnya hanya sedikit atau bahkan tidak sama sekali bersinggungan dengan kehidupan mereka. Saya yakin di dunia media yang canggih seper ti saat ini dengan jumlah bit data yang tak terhitung banyaknya, kebutuhan kita akan kejelasan ser ta wacana yang berar ti, menjadi lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya.

Saya ingin mengajak Anda mengikuti perjalanan menyenangkan melalui dunia tokoh-tokoh utama yang mengagumkan dan perjuangan mereka seper ti yang dipaparkan oleh f ilm-f ilm dokumenter pilihan kami. Simak baik-baik, dan mungkin Anda dapat mendengarkan suara kejujuran yang diutarakan f ilm-f ilm ini.


Welcome to the second edition of ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia, brought to you by DocNet Southeast Asia!

One of the core programs of DocNet Southeast Asia is education, where Southeast Asian f ilmmakers par ticipate in small-group workshops with international tutors that assist them in improving their ongoing projects. Some direct impact of DocNet Southeast Asia’s educational programs can be seen in this edition of ChopShots. Alumni of DocNet Campus 2012 presented their feature-length documentaries that are now competing in the international competition of ChopShots 2014.

In 2013 DocNet Southeast Asia contributed to the strengthening of the recently built ties between different f ilmmakers in the region as well as the newly formed relationships with international organisations and festivals abroad. After attending the strategy seminar in 2012, Ally Derks director of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) decided to do a focus on SEA documentary at IDFA 2013.

DocNet Southeast Asia has managed to fur ther raise awareness about the potential and resources within Southeast Asia by strengthening the connection between f ilmmakers and institutions from this region. Southeast Asian f ilms selected by ChopShots 2012 travelled to 8 Southeast Asian countries throughout 2013 as well as outside the region in the beginning of 2014.

Although presenting no quick-f ix, DocNet Southeast Asia has initiated f irst steps toward a more vibrant, recognized and outward-looking documentary f ilm scene in the region.

Check out our website to see our activities and our f ilmmakers at:



DocNet Southeast Asia

Funded bythe European Union

ABOUT THE EUROPEAN UNIONThe European Union is a unique economic and political par tnership between 27 European countries. It has delivered half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise living standards, launched a single European currency and is progressively building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods, services and capital move freely among its Member States.


Selamat datang di edisi kedua ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia, yang dipersembahkan oleh DocNet Southeast Asia!

Salah satu program inti dari DocNet Southeast Asia adalah pendidikan, di mana para pembuat f ilm Asia Tenggara berpartisipasi dalam lokakarya kecil dengan tutor internasional yang memberi masukan untuk proyek mereka yang tengah berlangsung. Beberapa dampak langsung program pendidikan DocNet Southeast Asia dapat dilihat dalam ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia edisi kali ini. Para alumni DocNet Campus 2012 dapat menyertakan f ilm panjang dokumenter mereka yang dilombakan dalam kategori International Competition di ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia tahun ini.

Di tahun 2013 DocNet Southeast Asia turut membantu memperkuat hubungan antara pembuat f ilm di kawasan Asia Tenggara dengan berbagai institusi ser ta festival internasional. Setelah menghadiri seminar strategis DocNet di tahun 2012, Ally Derks, Direktur International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) memutuskan untuk berfokus pada dokumenter Asia Tenggara pada IDFA 2013.

DocNet Southeast Asia berhasil meningkatkan kesadaran tentang potensi sumberdaya di Asia Tenggara dengan memperkuat hubungan antara pembuat f ilm dengan institusi di kawasan ini. F ilm-f ilm dari Asia Tenggara pilihan Chopshots 2012 berkeliling ke delapan negara Asia Tenggara sepanjang tahun 2013, termasuk di luar kawasan tersebut pada awal tahun 2014.

Walaupun tidak berar ti memberikan perbaikan dalam semalam, tapi DocNet Southeast Asia telah memrakarsai langkah awal menuju dunia f ilm dokumenter yang lebih hidup, lebih dikenali dan lebih maju di kawasan ini.

Kunjungi situs kami untuk mengetahui kegiatan ser ta prof il para pembuatf ilm kami di:


TENTANG UNI EROPAUni Eropa adalah suatu bentuk kemitraan politik dan ekonomi yang unik antara 27 negara Eropa, yang telah menghasilkan perdamaian, stabilitas dan kesejahteraan selama lima puluh tahun, membantu meningkatkan standar hidup, menciptakan satu mata uang Eropa, dan secara progresif membangun pasar seantero Eropa tempat orang, barang, jasa dan modal bebas bergerak di antara negara-negara anggotanya.

DocNet Southeast Asia

Funded bythe European Union


Jury Prizes5.000 EuroBest International Documentary

3.000 Euro1. Best SEA Short

1.500 Euro2. Best SEA Short

Other Prizes500 EuroAudience Award (Best documentary voted by our audience)

Travel GrantTo attend Sheffi eld Doc/Fest (Best DocNet Campus Project)

ChopShots 2014 – Awards



Jury – International CompetitionBettina BraunFILMMAKER (GERMANY) Bettina Braun was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1969. She is the director of several award-winning documentaries for both television and cinema. Bettina Braun teaches f ilmmaking in many professional and academic workshops in Germany and abroad. She is a founding member of LaDOC-Women Filmmakers‘ Network, Cologne. Her latest award is Grimme Award Spezial - Category Non-Fiction for her f ilm-trilogy: Whatz up?, What you want? and Where do you stand? (2013).

Nick DeocampoFILMMAKER, FILM LECTURER (THE PHILIPPINES)Nick Deocampo is a prizewinning f ilmmaker, f ilm historian and a Professorial Lecturer at the College of Mass Communication in the University of the Philippines. He has won numerous awards for his gritty documentaries and personal f ilms about Philippine politics and social change, cinema and history, gender and environment as well as other social concerns. He has written several books on cinema including his on-going work on a f ive-volume history of cinema in the Philippines.

Budi IrawantoACADEMICIAN, WRITER (INDONESIA)Budi Irawanto is the director of Jog ja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, a premier Asian f ilm festival in Indonesia. He has written books and ar ticles on Indonesian cinema, including for the Asian Cinema journal and Asian Documentary Today (2012) published by Asian Network of Documentary. He is also a lecturer in Gadjah Mada University. He is conducting his PhD research on cultural politics of contemporary Indonesian and Malaysian cinema at the National University of Singapore.

Nick DeocampoSINEAS, DOSEN PERFILMAN (FILIPINA)Nick Deocampo adalah seorang sineas pemenang penghargaan, sejarawan f ilm dan profesor di Fakultas Komunikasi Massa, University of the Philippines. Ia telah memenangi berbagai penghargaan untuk f ilm-f ilm dokumenternya yang keras terhadap politik, perubahan sosial, sinema, sejarah, gender, lingkungan, dan juga mengenai keprihatinan sosial di F ilipina. Ia juga telah menulis beberapa buku tentang f ilm, termasuk karya terkininya, sebuah rangkaian lima volume tentang sinema di F ilipina.

Budi IrawantoAKADEMISI, PENULIS (INDONESIA)Budi Irawanto adalah direktur Jog ja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, sebuah festival f ilm Asia terkemuka di Indonesia. Ia telah menulis beberapa buku dan ar tikel tentang sinema Indonesia, termasuk untuk jurnal Asian Cinema dan Asian Documentary Today (2012) yang dipubilkasikan oleh Asian Network of Documentary. Ia juga adalah dosen di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Ia melakukan riset tentang budaya politik dari sinema kontemporer Malaysia dan Indonesia di National University of Singapore.

Bettina BraunSINEAS (JERMAN) Bettina Braun lahir di Hamburg, Jerman pada tahun 1969. Ia adalah sutradara beberapa f ilm dokumenter yang telah meraih penghargaan untuk televisi dan sinema. Bettina Braun juga mengajar pembuatan f ilm di berbagai lokakarya akademis dan profesional di Jerman dan luar Jerman. Ia adalah salah satu pendiri dari LaDOC-Women Filmmakers‘ Network, Cologne. Penghargaan terkini yang diraihnya adalah Grimme Award Spezial - kategori Non-Fiksi untuk karya trilogi f ilmnya: Whatz up?, What you want? dan Where do you stand? (2013)


Jury – International Competition

Anna HarFESTIVAL ORGANIZER, FREEDOMFILMFEST (MALAYSIA)Anna Har is the festival director of the FreedomFilmFest, a human rights f ilm festival based in Malaysia organised by KOMAS, a popular communications centre working on human rights and democracy. She is a documentary producer/director and a board member of KOMAS.

John BadaluFESTIVAL PROGRAMMER (INDONESIA)John Badalu has been involved in f ilm programming for f ilm festivals such as Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival and Traff ic Film Festival (Brazil). He is the Festival Delegate for Berlin Film Festival and Shanghai International F ilm Festival for the Southeast Asian region. He has also co-produced 3 critically- acclaimed Indonesian feature f ilms. He is now developing f ilm projects from Japan, Spain, Thailand and Indonesia.

Anna HarPENYELENGGARA FESTIVAL, FREEDOM FILM FEST (MALAYSIA)Anna Har adalah direktur festival FreedomFilmFest, sebuah festival f ilm hak asasi manusia di Malaysia yang diselenggarakan oleh KOMAS, sebuah pusat komunikasi mengenai HAM dan demokrasi. Anna adalah sutradara/produser f ilm dokumenter, dan anggota dewan KOMAS.

John BadaluPROGRAMMER FESTIVAL (INDONESIA)John Badalu terlibat dalam beberapa penyusunan program untuk festival f ilm seper ti Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival, Traff ic Film Festival (Brazil). Ia adalah delegasi festival untuk Berlin Film Festival dan Shanghai International F ilm Festival untuk kawasan Asia Tenggara. Ia juga telah bersama-sama memproduseri tiga f ilm panjang Indonesia yang banyak dipuji kritikus. Saat ini ia tengah menyelesaikan proyek f ilm dari Jepang, Spanyol, Thailand dan Indonesia.


Juri – Kompetisi Internasional


Jury – Best SEA Sho�s Leonard Retel HelmrichFILMMAKER (THE NETHERLANDS)Since his f ilm Eye of the day, Retel Helmrich’s f ilms have won acclaim at f ilm festivals worldwide. His awards include the Grand World Documentary Award at SUNDANCE 2005 and the Joris Ivens Award at IDFA 2004 for Shape Of The Moon. In 2010 he won the Grand VPRO/IDFA Award for the second time for Position among the Stars together with The Best Dutch Documentary. Leonard is known for his ‘Single Shot Cinema’, which involves long takes with a camera orbiting the subjects.

Chalida Uabumrungjit FESTIVAL PROGRAMMER (THAILAND)Chalida Uabumrung jit studied f ilm at Thammasat University and f ilm archiving at University of East Anglia, UK. She has suppor ted Thai independent cinema through the Thai Shor t Film and Video Festival, which she has served as Festival Director since 1997. Chalida programmes Thai f ilms for various international festivals and is also involved in making many experimental f ilms and documentaries. Currently she works as Deputy Director of the Film Archive, Thailand.

Nguyen Trinh ThiFILMMAKER (VIETNAM)Nguyen Trinh Thi is a Hanoi-based independent f ilmmaker and video ar tist. Her documentary and video ar t works have been shown at festivals and ar t exhibitions including Singapore Biennale, Jakar ta Biennale, Fukuoka Asian Ar t Museum, Kuandu Biennale and Oberhausen International F ilm Festival. She is founder and director of Hanoi DOCLAB, an independent center for documentary f ilm and video ar t in Hanoi since 2009.

Chalida UabumrungjitPROGRAMMER FESTIVAL (THAILAND)Chalida Uabrumrung jit belajar f ilm di Thammasat University dan pengarsipan f ilm di University of East Anglia, Inggris. Ia mendukung f ilm independen Thai melalui Thai Shor t Film and Video Festival sebagai Direktur Festival sejak tahun 1997. Ia banyak membuat program f ilm Thai di berbagai festival internasional. Ia juga terlibat dalam pembuatan berbagai f ilm dan dokumenter eksperimental. Saat ini ia bekerja sebagai Deputi Direktur Arsip Film Thailand.

Nguyen Trinh ThiSINEAS (VIETNAM)Nguyen Trinh Thi adalah seorang sineas independen dan seniman video yang tinggal di Hanoi. Karya-karyanya telah dipamerkan di berbagai festival dan pameran seni, antara lain di Singapore Biennale, Jakar ta Biennale, Fukuoka Asian Ar t Museum, Kuandu Biennale, dan Oberhausen International F ilm Festival. Ia adalah pendiri dan direktur dari Hanoi DOCLAB, sebuah pusat f ilm dokumenter dan seni video independen di Hanoi, sejak tahun 2009.

Leonard Retel HelmrichSINEAS (BELANDA)Sejak f ilmnya Eye of the Day, Retel Helmrich memenangi berbagai penghargaan internasional, antara lain the Grand World Documentary Award di SUNDANCE tahun 2005 dan Joris Ivens Award di IDFA tahun 2004 untuk f ilm Shape Of The Moon. Di tahun 2010, untuk kedua kalinya ia memenangi Grand VPRO/IDFA untuk Position among the Stars, dan Film Dokumenter Belanda Terbaik. Leonard terkenal dengan teknik 'Single Shot Cinema', yaitu pengambilan gambar panjang dengan kamera mengitari orbit obyeknya.

Juri – Film Pendek Terbaik Asia Tenggara


Jalanan tells the captivating story of Boni, Ho and T iti, three gif ted charismatic street musicians in Jakar ta over a tumultuous 5-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia. The f ilm follows the young marginalized musicians and their never-before-seen sub-culture, while also painting a striking, moody and intimate por trait of Indonesia’s frenzied capital city. Using the powerful soundtrack of the musicians’ original compositions to drive the f ilm, it traces their elusive quest for identity and love in the day-to-day of a city overrun by the effects of globalization and corruption.

Daniel Ziv has worked in Jakar ta as a writer, photogra-pher & magazine editor for over a decade. He founded the monthly Djakarta! City Life Magazine & authored the urban pop culture book Jakarta Inside Out. He holds an MA in Asian Studies & is f luent in Indonesian. Jalanan is his f irst feature-length f ilm.

Jalanan menceritakan kisah menawan dari Boni, Ho dan T iti, t iga orang musisi jalanan Jakar ta yang karismatik selama kurun waktu lima tahun kehidupan mereka dan kehidupan bangsa Indonesia yang hiruk-pikuk. Film ini mengikuti perjalanan para musisi pinggiran dan sub-kultur mereka yang selama ini belum pernah terlihat, sekaligus memaparkan potret mencolok, intim dan menohok dari Ibu kota Indonesia yang sesak ini. Dengan menggunakan lagu gubahan asli yang kuat dari para musisi tersebut untuk menggerakkan f ilm, f ilm ini menelusuri pencarian mereka akan identitas dan cinta dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di kota yang dilanda dampak globalisasi dan korupsi.

Daniel Ziv bekerja selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun di Jakar ta sebagai penulis, fotografer dan penyunting majalah. Ia mendirikan majalah bulanan Djakarta! City Life Magazine dan menulis buku budaya pop urban Jakarta Inside Out. Ia menyandang gelar MA Studi Asia dan fasih berbahasa Indonesia. Jalanan adalah f ilm panjang per tamanya.

Jalanan // DirecteD by Daniel Ziv // inDonesia // 2013 // 107 min // original with english subtitles

opening film

Daniel Ziv javadanziv@yahoo.com


Opening Film: Jalanan Tuesday, 22 April 20141900 GoetheHaus (Invitation only)

2100 After Party - Performance by Titi, Boni & Ho

Saturday, 26 April 20142100 TIM XXI Theater 3

Beyond All Boundaries 18

By the River 19

The Cat That Lived a Million Times 20

Die Before Blossom 21

Happiness 22

The Last Refuge 23

Madam Phung’s Last Journey 24

Masked Monkey 25

9 Muses of Star Empire 26

Sickfuckpeople 27

War Is a Tender Thing 28

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy 29

International CompetitionKompetisi Internasional

Some films, such as The Cat That Lived a Million Times, manage to dissect the social fabric of the culture they focus on with their reflective gaze. Other films are more outgoing and celebrate what makes the world go round in their cultural sphere such as Beyond All Boundaries from India, where cricket is the new substitute religion and unifying factor for a whole nation. 9 Muses of Star Empire comments on the growing influence of commercialisation on the dreams and aspirations of South Korea’s young generation. When some of the female protagonists seem increasingly lost in their quest for a life of glamour and show business, we see that just wanting to be successful isn’t enough. How about wanting a democratic system? Wukan: The Flame of Democracy follows an unprecedented event in China where a village was finally allowed to select their leaders democratically. Is democracy alone enough? We sense echoes from the forefathers of experimental documentary storytelling in the elegiac sequences of War Is A Tender Thing. By contrast, By The River communicates its message in a much more hands-off approach. Refreshingly different the film allows us to witness the remote world of long time Karen refugees in Thailand. Die Before Blossom shows how competing streams of religion and social norms are introduced into the educational system in Indonesia and create an increasing cultural divide by governing how young girls are brought up into the society of both conservatives and liberals respectively. The Last Refuge, Happiness, Sickfuckpeople, Masked Monkey and Madam Phung’s Last Journey also bear the quality of well-made documentaries that gives us a sense of the sublime – the understanding that the experience of the journey was at once a pleasure to the eye as music is to the ear, but is mingled with horrors, and often with despair.

Be inspired!

Beberapa film, seperti film The Cat That Lived a Million Times, berhasil membedah tatanan sosial dari budaya dengan pandangan yang reflektif. Film-film lainnya lebih santai dan merayakan hal-hal yang terjadi sehari-hari dalam lingkup budaya mereka seperti misalnya Beyond All Boundaries dari India, yang menceritakan tentang cricket sebagai agama pengganti baru dan faktor pemersatu bangsa. Film 9 Muses of Star Empire berkomentar tentang pengaruh komersialisasi yang kian meningkat terhadap impian dan aspirasi generasi muda Korea Selatan. Ketika beberapa dari tokoh utama wanita tampaknya tersesat dalam pencarian kehidupan glamor dan bisnis pertunjukan, kita melihat bahwa keinginan untuk menjadi sukses semata tidaklah cukup. Bagaimana dengan keinginan akan sistem yang demokratis? Wukan: The Flame of Democracy mengikuti sebuah kejadian yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, saat sebuah desa di China akhirnya boleh memilih pemimpinnya secara demokratis. Apakah demokrasi saja sudah cukup? Kita bisa merasakan getaran pendahulu dokumenter eksperimental dalam elegi War is A Tender Thing. Kebalikannya, film By the River menyampaikan pesan lewat pendekatan yang lebih melepas kontrol. Film yang segar dan berbeda ini mengajak kita menyaksikan kehidupan terpencil dari para pengungsi etnis Karen di Thailand. Die Before Blossom menunjukkan persaingan pengaruh agama dan norma sosial yang berjejalan di dalam sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang kemudian dapat dirasakan oleh anak-anak perempuan yang sedang beranjak remaja, baik yang berlatar belakang liberal maupun koservatif. The Last Refuge, Happiness, Sickfuckpeople, Masked Monkey dan Madam Phung’s Last Journey juga merupakan film-film dokumenter bermutu tinggi yang membuat kita mengalami sesuatu yang luhur - pemahaman bahwa pengalaman yang didapat dari perjalanan tersebut memberi kenikmatan mata laksana musik bagi telinga, tapi sekaligus bercampur kengerian, dan sering kali kesedihan.

Semoga Anda terinspirasi!

This years twelve premium films manage to captivate their audience with well-crafted story arcs.

Tahun ini dua belas film terkemuka berhasil merebut perhatian penonton dengan kisah-kisah yang ditulis dengan baik.

Beyond All Boundaries 18

By the River 19

The Cat That Lived a Million Times 20

Die Before Blossom 21

Happiness 22

The Last Refuge 23

Madam Phung’s Last Journey 24

Masked Monkey 25

9 Muses of Star Empire 26

Sickfuckpeople 27

War Is a Tender Thing 28

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy 29


As India, host of the 2011 World Cup of Cricket, begins its campaign to win the Cup after a 28-year drought, three ordinary Indians - a penniless superfan who cycles across India to cheer the team, a 12-year old cricket prodigy and a girl cricketer from Mumbai’s slums – seek their salvation and escape from a difficult life through their passion for cricket.

Sushrut Jain was born and raised in Mumbai. He has degrees in Mathematics and Economics from Stanford University. AÃ er working as an economist, he went earnt a MFA in fi lm at UCLA. In 2008, he made a shoÅ fi lm titled Andheri – a realistic drama set on the streets of Mumbai. The fi lm played at over 40 major fi lm festivals including Clermont-Ferrand in France.

Saat India, yang menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia Cricket 2011, memulai kampanye untuk memenangi kejuaraan tersebut setelah didera musim kering selama 28 tahun, tersebutlah kisah tiga orang rakyat jelata, - seorang penggemar berat yang mengayuh sepeda mengarungi India untuk menjadi suppoÅ er timnya, seorang pemain cricket berbakat berusia 12 tahun, dan seorang pemain cricket wanita dari daerah kumuh di Mumbai. Mereka mencari penyelamat dan solusi dari kehidupan mereka yang sulit lewat cinta membara untuk cricket.

Sushrut Jain lahir dan besar di Mumbai. Ia adalah sarjana lulusan Matematika dan Ekonomi dari Stanford University. Setelah bekerja di bidang ekonomi, ia mengejar gelar MFA Film di UCLA. Pada tahun 2008, ia membuat sebuah fi lm pendek berjudul Andheri - sebuah drama realis dari jalanan Mumbai, yang masuk 40 festival fi lm, termasuk Clermont-Ferrand di Perancis.

beyond all boundaries // directed by sushrut jain // india // 2013 // 96 min // original with english subtitles

sushrut.jain@gmail.comSushrut Jain


Beyond All Boundaries


Thursday, 24 April 201417 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Friday, 25 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

beyond all boundaries // directed by sushrut jain // india // 2013 // 96 min // original with english subtitles



Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Friday, 25 April 201420 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

Amidst the tranquility of the deep woods, the habitants of Klity, in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, have always led a simple life feeding on the fish populating the town’s creek. However, now a mineral-processing factory has contaminated the river. A young local man dives each day to catch fish for his lover, but today he has gone missing and is unable to return to the one who eagerly waits.

Nontawat Numbenchapol was born in 1983 in Thailand. He graduated in Visual Communication at Rangsit University in Bangkok his fi rst feature lenÈ h documentary Boundary (2013) Boundary (2013) Boundarywas premiered at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival. By the River, his second feature fi lm, received a special mention award in Locarno International Film Festival 2013.

Di tengah ketenangan jauh di dalam hutan, para penduduk Klity di Kanchanaburi, Thailand, selama ini selalu menjalani hidup yang sederhana. Sumber pangan mereka adalah ikan yang hidup di sungai kecil di kotanya, tapi sudah sejak beberapa waktu ini sungai itu terkontaminasi oleh sebuah pabrik pemrosesan mineral. Seorang pemuda setiap hari menyelam untuk menangkap ikan bagi kekasihnya, tapi hari ini ia lenyap, tak dapat kembali pada kekasihnya, yang masih menunggu kedatangannya kembali.

Nontawat Numbenchapol dilahirkan tahun 1983 di Thailand. Ia meraih gelar sarjana komunikasi visual dari Rangsit University di Bangkok. Film dokumenter panjangnya yang peÅ ama, Boundary (2013), ditayangkan perdana di 63rd Berlin International Film Festival. By the River adalah fi lm panjangnya yang kedua yang menerima penghargaan khusus di Locarno International Film Festival 2013.

by the river // directed by nontawat numbenchapol // thailand // 2013 // 71 min // original with english subtitles

mobilelab2010@gmail.comNontawat Numbenchapol

By the River

Yoko Sano, a 70-year-old picture book author, was given two years to live due to cancer. While reciting her masterpiece picture book The Cat That Lived a Million Times, published 33 years ago, people talk about their views on life and death in their own lives. Concurrently, Sano is slowly heading towards death. The film captures both Sano and the people who read the book and talk about their lives, which were linked, with the book and its story. The film is a tranquil documentary thinking about life and death based on an exceptional picture book.

Tadasuke Kotani was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1977. He directed Lullaby (2002) during his enrollment in Visual AÅ s College Osaka, which was then awarded with Semi Grand Prix in the Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival. His other works are Good Girl (2005) and Line (2008).

Yoko Sano, seorang pengarang buku cerita bergambar berusia 70 tahun, divonis hanya punya dua tahun lagi untuk hidup, karena penyakit kanker yang dideritanya. Sambil membacakan buku mahakaryanya yang berjudul The Cat That Lived a Million Times yang dipublikasikan 33 tahun lalu, orang-orang membicarakan tentang pandangan mereka tentang kehidupan dan kematian. Di sisi lain, Sano sedang menghadapi kematian secara perlahan. Kamera menyoroti Sano dan orang-orang yang membaca bukunya lalu membicarakan hidup mereka yang terkait dengan buku tersebut dan kisahnya. Film ini adalah sebuah dokumenter yang tenang, memikirkan kehidupan dan kematian berdasarkan sebuah buku cerita bergambar yang luar biasa.

Tadasuke Kotani lahir di Osaka, Jepang pada tahun 1977. Ia menyutradarai Lullaby (2002) saat ia terdaà ar di Visual AŠCollege Osaka yang kemudian dianugerahi penghargaan Semi Grand Prix dalam Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival. Karyanya yang lain di antaranya adalah Good Girl (2005) dan Line (2008).

100 mankai ikita neko // directed by tadasuke kotani // japan // 2012 // 91 min // original with english subtitles

entry@c-a-r-t-e-blanche.comTadasuke Kotani


The Cat that Lived a Million Times


Friday, 25 April 201419 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Saturday, 26 April 201420 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

100 mankai ikita neko // directed by tadasuke kotani // japan // 2012 // 91 min // original with english subtitles

The Cat that Lived a Million Times21INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION


Thursday, 24 April 201420 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

Saturday, 26 April 201419 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Die before Blossom is an observational documentary about the end of childhood, describing how young Muslim girls grow up in Indonesia’s middle class of today. The film portrays two families in Yogyakarta during a decisive period of their young daughters’ education. In the meantime, the public education system in Indonesia is changing due to growing pressure from Islamic political parties. The once secular institution is geared towards shaping millions children into submissive youth by including more religious activities into their school life.

Ariani Djalal studied Philosophy at the Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She works as a freelance journalist along with producing, writing and directing documentary films and news features for television. Her works include Born in Aceh (2004), Women and Syariah Law(2007), Struggling for Living (2008) and Friday Lunch (2009).

Layu Sebelum Berkembang adalah sebuah film dokumenter yang mengamati berakhirnya masa kanak-kanak dan bagaimana gadis-gadis muslim tumbuh di kalangan kelas menengah Indonesia saat ini. Film ini memotret kehidupan dua keluarga di Yogyakarta, pada masa-masa yang menentukan dalam kehidupan pendidikan anak gadis mereka. Sementara itu, sistem pendidikan umum di Indonesia tengah mengalami perubahan karena ditekan oleh partai-partai politik islami. Institusi yang semula sekuler kini condong membentuk berjuta-juta anak menjalani masa muda yang submisif dengan cara memasukkan lebih banyak lagi kegiatan keagamaan dalam kehidupan sekolah mereka.

Ariani Djalal kuliah filsafat di Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Ia bekerja sebagai jurnalis lepas selain dari bertindak sebagai produser, penulis dan sutradara film-film dokumenter serta fitur berita untuk televisi. Karyanya antara lain Born in Aceh (2004), Women and Syariah Law (2007), Struggling for Living (2008) dan Friday Lunch (2009).

layu sebelum berkembang // directed by ariani djalal // indonesia // 2014 // 90 min // original with english subtitles

ariani.djalal@gmail.comAriani Djalal

Die Before Blossom

Peyangki is a dreamy and solitary eight-year-old monk living in Laya, a Bhutanese village perched high in the Himalayas. Soon, the world will come to him: the village will be connected to electricity and the first television will f licker before Peyangki’s eyes.

Thomas Balmès is an independent documentary director and producer. He brings us to people, places and situations of contrast which reveal our society from diÎ erent and completely new angles, questioning what connects us as human beings; i.e. the mad cow crisis as seen from the Indian perspective or a Papuan tribe being conveÅ ed to Christianity.

Peyangki adalah seorang biksu berusia delapan tahun yang suka melamun dan sendirian. Ia tinggal di Laya, sebuah desa Bhutan yang terletak di atas pegunungan Himalaya. Tak lama lagi, dunia akan mendatanginya: desanya akan tersambung dengan listrik, dan segera pesawat televisi pertama akan berbinar di depan mata Peyangki.

Thomas Balmès adalah seorang produser dan sutradara fi lm dokumenter. Ia mendekatkan kita pada orang, tempat dan keadaan yang beÅ olak belakang, yang bercerita tentang masyarakat dari sisi yang sama sekali baru, yang mempeÅ anyakan apa yang menghubungkan kita sebagai manusia.

happiness // directed by thomas balmès // france, finland // 2013 // 80 min // original with english subtitles

thomasbalmes@gmail.comThomas Balmès




Wednesday, 23 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201421 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

happiness // directed by thomas balmès // france, finland // 2013 // 80 min // original with english subtitles



Friday, 25 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ²¦ Kineforum TIM

The Last Refuge follows the resistance of the Bunong people, who have been living for centuries in the hills of Eastern Cambodia, confronting alienation and annihilation by foreign companies who steal their lands, destroy their sacred forests and their traditional cemeteries in order to cultivate rubber plants.

Anne-Laure Porée is a freelance journalist living in Cambodia for approximately nine years. The Last Refugeis her first film. Guillaume Suon is a young French Cambodian director.

The Last Refuge menceritakan pemberontakan suku Bunong yang telah hidup berabad-abad di perbukitan Kamboja Timur. Mereka melawan upaya pengasingan dan pemusnahan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan asing yang mencuri tanah mereka, menghancurkan hutan keramat mereka serta pemakaman tradisional mereka demi membudidayakan tanaman karet.

Anne-Laure Porée adalah jurnalis lepas yang tinggal di Kamboja selama kira-kira sembilan tahun. The Last Refuge adalah film perdananya. Guillaume Suon adalah seorang sutradara muda berdarah Perancis-Kamboja.

le dernier refuge // directed by anne-laure porée & guillaume suon // cambodia // 2013 // 65 min // original with english subtitles

alporee@gmail.comAnne-Laure Porée & Guillaume Suon

The Last Refuge

Bich Phung’s troupe of fairground workers, created in 2004, is named after their chief Mrs. Phung. Its 35 members come from various cities and provinces in the country. Most of them are cross-dressers, poorly educated, destitute, without family or profession. They perform all year long in different localities, ranging from Ðà Năng to Cape Cà Mau. Their fairground attractions range from a lottery, a miniature train ride, an inflatable house, a merry-go-round, balloons and darts and a shotgun aiming at members performing songs and sketches.

Nguyen Thi Tham was born in 1984 in Hanoi. In 2007 she graduated from Ho Chi Minh City Theater and Film School, majoring in Film Directing. Her resume includes shoÅ fi lms Hello Baby, Grandfather and Grandson, and Xe Ôm (2011) which won the Prize of Jury at the Vietnam Film Festival. Madam Phung’s Last Journey is her fi rst feature-lenÈ h work.Phung’s Last Journey is her fi rst feature-lenÈ h work.Phung’s Last Journey

Kelompok Pekerja Pasar Malam Bich Phung, dibentuk pada tahun 2004, mengambil nama ketua kelompok mereka, Madam Phung. Seluruh anggotanya yang berjumlah 35 orang berasal dari berbagai kota dan provinsi di Vietnam. Sebagian besar dari mereka adalah waria, orang berpendidikan rendah dan miskin, tanpa keluarga atau pekerjaan. Mereka tampil sepanjang tahun di tempat-tempat berbeda, dari Ðà Năng sampai Tanjung Cà Mau. Atraksi pasar malam mereka beragam dari mulai lotere, kereta api mini, rumah tiup, komidi putar, balon dan anak panah, senapan bidik sampai menyanyi dan menggambar.

Nguyen Thi Tham lahir pada tahun 1984 di Hanoi. Ia lulus dari Ho Chi Minh City Theater and Film School, jurusan penyutradaraan fi lm pada tahun 2007. Hasil karyanya adalah fi lm-fi lm pendek sepeÅ i Hello Baby, Grandfather and Grandson, dan Xe Ôm (2011) yang berhasil memenangi penghargaan dewan juri di Vietnam Film Festival. Madam Phung’s Last Journey adalah karya fi lm panjang peÅ amanya.

doan hoi cho cua chi phung // directed by nguyen thi tham // vietnam // 2014 // 87 min // original with english subtitles

thamnguyen240884@yahoo.comNguyen Thi Tham


Madam Phung’s Last Journey


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ Kineforum TIM

Saturday, 26 April 201421 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

doan hoi cho cua chi phung // directed by nguyen thi tham // vietnam // 2014 // 87 min // original with english subtitles



Wednesday, 23 April 201420 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

Friday, 25 April 201421 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

The common opinion concerning Darwin’s theory of evolution is that man originates from the monkey. This film explores the possibility that the two species are actually of the same origin and discovers the similarities between them. The filmmaker takes an extraordinary approach by observing monkey puppet shows in Jakarta. For the show, the puppeteers train their monkeys to act and behave like men. Similarly, men are also trained by their environment and society to act according to certain rules and values. While the puppeteers control the monkeys, the puppeteers are controlled by their bosses.

Ismail Fahmi Lubish, is a director and cinematographer who studied at JakaÅ a AÅ s Institute from 1993-1999, majoring in Directing. Since 1998 he has focused on documentary fi lmmaking. Ismail worked with the renowned documentary fi lmmaker, Leonard Retel Helmrich as cinematographer for his award-winning fi lms shot in Indonesia.

Pendapat umum yang biasa kita dengar tentang teori evolusi Darwin adalah bahwa manusia berasal dari kera. Film ini menjajaki kemungkinan bahwa dua spesies ini beranjak dari asal yang sama dan menemukan kesamaan antar mereka. Sang pembuat film mengambil pendekatan yang tak lazim dengan cara mengamati pertunjukan topeng monyet di Jakarta. Para dalang melatih monyet-monyet mereka untuk bersikap seperti manusia. Sama halnya dengan manusia, yang sebenarnya dilatih oleh lingkungan dan masyarakat untuk bersikap sesuai dengan aturan serta nilai tertentu. Jika para monyet dikendalikan oleh dalangnya, maka sang dalang juga dikendalikan oleh bos mereka.

Ismail Fahmi Lubish adalah seorang sutradara dan sinematografer lulusan Institut Kesenian JakaÅ a. Sejak tahun 1998 ia memutuskan untuk berfokus pada pembuatan fi lm dokumenter. Ismail pernah bekerja sebagai sinematografer untuk sutradara ternama, Leonard Retel Helmrich, di mana fi lm-fi lm kerja sama mereka memenangi banyak penghargaan internasional.

masked monkey – the evolution of darwin’s theory // directed by ismail fahmi lubish // indonesia // 2013 // 110 min // original with english subtitles

info@fourcoloursfilms.comIsmail Fahmi Lubish

Masked Monkey – The Evolution of Darwin’s Theory

9 Muses of Star Empire, a year-long chronicle that follows the journey of an emerging all-girl pop group 9 Muses, portrays the every-day life of nine girls, relentlessly pursuing their dreams in a world of jealousy, betrayal, and scandal. “9 Muses” aspire to perform on the national stage and gain worldwide fame just like millions of others. For that, the girls have decided to set everything aside and live as one of the muses for Star Empire; the entertainment company which created and coordinates their every move. What price must they pay to fulfill their dreams?

Hark Joon Lee is the journalist who made the heartbreaking docu-reportage series about North Korean defectors Korea: Out of the North. Lee received several prestigious awards for his journalistic achievement including Amnesty International Media Awards and Emmy Awards nomination. 9 Muses of Star Empire is his directorial debut.

9 Muses of Star Empire adalah sebuah kisah yang mencatat perjalanan sebuah kelompok musik wanita 9 Muses. Film ini memotret keseharian sembilan anggotanya, yang berjuang menggapai impian dalam dunia penuh rasa iri, pengkhianatan dan skandal. 9 Muses adalah grup pop yang tengah naik daun, bercita-cita tampil di panggung nasional dan meraih popularitas global, sama seperti impian jutaan orang lainnya. Untuk itu, para wanita di kelompok ini memutuskan untuk mengesampingkan semuanya dan hidup sebagai salah satu kelompok penghibur di bawah manajemen Star Empire; perusahaan yang menciptakan dan mengatur setiap gerakan mereka. Apa yang harus mereka bayar demi mewujudkan mimpi?

Hark-Joon Lee adalah jurnalis yang membuat seri doku-reportase tentang para pembelot Korea Utara Korea: Keluar dari Utara. Lee menerima beberapa penghargaan bergengsi atas pencapaian jurnalistiknya termasuk Amnesty International Media Awards dan nominasi Emmy Awards. 9 Muses of Star Empire adalah debut penyutradaraannya.

나인뮤지스 오브 스타엠파이어 // DirecteD by Hark Joon Lee // SoutH korea // 2012 // 80 min // originaL witH engLiSH SubtitLeS

minchnfilms@gmail.comHark Joon Lee

26 InternAtIonAl CompetItIon

9 Muses of Star Empire


Thursday, 24 April 201421 30 TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201415 00 GoetheHaus

나인뮤지스 오브 스타엠파이어 // directed by hark joon lee // south korea // 2012 // 80 min // original with english subtitles



Wednesday, 23 April 201421 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Saturday, 26 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sickfuckpeople is a documentary triptych. It tells the story of a group of homeless kids, who have survived their drug-addicted childhood. They grew up and started to live an adult life. It’s an account of a boy facing the surreal, degenerated society of his native village full of hate and sadistic anger while searching for his mother. It shows how a pregnant girl is determined to give birth to her child whose childhood probably will be even worse than hers, while her own sisters are forcing her to have an abortion.

Juri Rechinsky was born in 1986 in the Ukraine. As a freelance editor, he made commercials, shoÅ and feature fi lms. He worked as the editor in chief at one of the Mosfi lm studios in Moscow for two years. In 2011 he fi nished Sickfuckpeople - Sho� Version which was then developed into his fi rst feature-lenÈ h documentary titled Sickfuckpeople.

Sickfuckpeople adalah sebuah dokumenter tiga panel. Film ini bercerita tentang sekelompok anak-anak tunawisma, yang bertahan hidup meski sejak kecil tergantung pada obat. Mereka tumbuh dan mulai hidup seperti orang dewasa. Ini adalah kisah tentang seorang anak yang seraya mencari ibu kandungnya menghadapi masyarakat yang bejat dan tak bisa dipahami di desa kelahirannya sendiri. Film ini juga bercerita tentang seorang gadis yang sedang mengandung, yang bertekad melahirkan bayinya, meskipun mungkin kelak masa kecil sang bayi akan lebih buruk daripada masa kecilnya sendiri. Sementara itu, kakak kandungnya memaksanya untuk menggugurkan kandungan.

Juri Rechinsky lahir di Ukraina tahun 1986. Sebagai editor lepas, ia membuat iklan, fi lm pendek maupun panjang. Ia bekerja sebagai redaktur di studio Mosfi lm di Moskwa selama dua tahun. Pada tahun 2011 ia menyelesaikan fi lm Sickfuckpeople - Sho� Version yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi fi lm dokumenter panjangnya berjudul Sickfuckpeople.

sickfuckpeople // directed by juri rechinsky // ukraine // 2013 // 72 min // original with english subtitles

kino@novotnyfilm.atJuri Rechinsky


Dubbed as the second-longest running confl ict in the world, the Mindanao War is retold in this documentary fi lm as a poignant tale of seeking and keeping home. It tells the untold stories of The Land of Promise—Mindanao, Philippines. It is a curious exploration into the integration of cultures brought together by a state-sponsored land resettlement project in the 1930s that led to a massive migration within the country. The Philippines government gave ancestral Muslim and indigenous peoples’ lands without legal documents to Christian settlers. The result was a war among the peoples that continues to rage, almost half a century later.

Adjani Arumpac is a writer and fi lmmaker from Mindanao, Philippines. She has a BA in Film and Audio Visual Communi-cations from University of the Philippines. Her directorial works include Walai, a documentary on Muslim women in Mindanao, Nanay Mameng, a documentary on the Filipino urban poor leader Carmen Deunida and War is A Tender Thing.

Disebut sebagai konfl ik terpanjang kedua di dunia, Perang Mindanao diceritakan kembali dalam fi lm dokumenter ini sebagai kisah mengharukan tentang mencari dan mempeÅ ahankan tempat tinggal. Film ini bercerita tentang kisah yang belum pernah diceritakan sebelumnya tentang Tanah Penuh Janji - Mindanao, Filipina. Dengan bekal keingintahuan, fi lm ini menyelami penyatuan budaya dari proyek transmigrasi di tahun 30-an yang menyebabkan migrasi besar-besaran.Tanah leluhur Muslim dan tanah milik penduduk asli yang tak memiliki dokumen diberikan pada pemukim Kristiani oleh pemerintah. Hasilnya adalah perang saudara yang terus berkobar sampai sekarang, hampir 50 tahun kemudian.

Adjani Arumpac adalah penulis dan sineas dari Mindanao, Filipina. Ia adalah sarjana Film dan Komunikasi Audio Visual dari University of the Philippines. Karyanya antara lain adalah Walai, dokumenter tentang wanita muslim di Mindanao; Nanay Mameng, dokumenter tentang pemimpin urban Filipina yang miskin, Carmen Deunida; dan War is A Tender Thing.

war is a tender thing // directed by adjani arumpac // the philippines // 2013 // 75 min // original with english subtitles

a_arumpac@yahoo.comAdjani Arumpac


War Is a Tender Thing


Wednesday, 23 April 201421 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ Kineforum

war is a tender thing // directed by adjani arumpac // the philippines // 2013 // 75 min // original with english subtitles



Wednesday, 23 April 201421 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Thursday, 24 April 201419 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Sunday, 27 April 201419 ¦¦ Salihara

In late 2011, Wukan, a village in southern China, rose up against decades of corrupt rule. Despite a crackdown and the death of a leading activist, the unthinkable happened - the Village Committee fell and democratic elections were announced. So what happens after a successful uprising? Our film begins as the elections get underway and China’s extraordinary experiment in grassroots democracy begins. Over the course of a year, we follow Wukan’s villagers as they grapple with the challenges of a new political system. Former rebel leaders must now run the village, listen to the people, and deal with provincial and county authorities. Can they deliver on promises made during the elections?

Lynn and James have made documentaries across Asia. Passabe, their debut, received a grant from the Sundance Institute Docu-mentary Fund. Aki Ra’s Boys, won two international awards and Homeless FC, received the Grand Prize at the Chinese Documen-tary Festival. Lynn and James have also made numerous televi-sion documentaries for broadcasters including Aljazeera.

Di akhir tahun 2011, Wukan, sebuah desa di selatan China, bangkit melawan pemerintah korup. Walau gerakan ini berusaha dipadamkan dan seorang aktivis tewas, sebuah hal yang tak terduga terjadi di Wukan - Komite Desa tumbang dan pemilihan secara demokratis pun diumumkan. Lalu apa yang terjadi setelah pemberontakan yang berhasil? Film ini diawali dari mulainya pemilihan dan pengalaman luar biasa akan demokrasi akar rumput. Setahun kemudian, kita mengikuti rakyat Wukan bergumul dengan perubahan sistem politik yang baru. Mantan pemimpin pemberontakan sekarang harus memimpin desa, mendengarkan rakyat dan menghadapi pihak otoritas desa dan kabupaten. Dapatkah mereka menepati janji mereka?

Lynn dan James telah membuat dokumenter di seluruh Asia. Passabe, debut mereka, menerima hibah dari Sundance Institute Documentary Fund. Aki Ra’s Boys memenangi 2 penghargaan internasional dan Homeless FC, dianugerahi Grand Prize di Chinese Documentary Festival. Lynn dan James juga membuat banyak dokumenter untuk stasiun televisi antara lain untuk Al Jazeera.

wukan: the flame of democracy // directed by lynn lee & james leong // china // 2013 // 90 minoriginal with english subtitles

lynn@lianainfilms.comLynn Lee & James Leong

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy

Farewell My School 34

My World 35

Light the Way 36

We Got Married 37

Behind the Screen 38

The Old Photographer 39

A Life Forgotten 40

My Grandfather’s House 41

A Daughter’s Scars 42

Where I Go 43

Hands Around in Yangon 44

Flaneurs #3 45

Insein Rhythm 46

Another Colour TV 47

Consider 48

Children of Kubu 49

The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy 50

Of the Dancing Leaves 51

Best SEA ShortsBest SEA Shorts

Among the twenty-six films, eighteen films from Southeast Asia compete for 3,000 EUR and 1,500 EUR cash prizes for the Best Southeast Asian Short Documentaries.

Through the various films, Southeast Asian filmmakers share their perspectives on Southeast Asia today – their hope, their longing, their struggle, their pride, their worry, the horrific past that continues to shape the present and a mirror of who they are today.

Once again the individual programmes and films project the shared realities of different countries and cultures around the world – unique and engaging, yet similar when seen amongst their peers.

Dari dua puluh enam film, delapan belas film dari Asia Tenggara berkompetisi memenangi hadiah sebesar 3.000 EURO dan 1,500 EURO untuk kategori Film Dokumenter Pendek Terbaik Asia Tenggara.

Dalam film-film kategori ini, para sineas Asia Tenggara berbagi sudut pandang mereka tentang Asia Tenggara saat ini - harapan, impian, perjuangan, kebanggaan, kekhawatiran dan masa lalu kelam mereka yang terus menentukan keberadaan dan cermin akan diri mereka saat ini.

Sekali lagi masing-masing program dan film memproyeksikan kenyataan yang dialami bersama dari negara-negara serta budaya yang berbeda di seluruh dunia - unik dan menarik, tapi punya kesamaan di antaranya.

In six programmes we show the best twenty-six films from this year’s harvest. Each of the individual programmes looks at different aspects of life in Southeast Asia and beyond. What are the people occupied with and what drives them forward?

Dalam enam program kami memutar dua puluh enam film terbaik dari hasil yang didapat tahun ini. Masing-masing program menyoroti aspek-aspek kehidupan yang berbeda di dalam dan di luar Asia Tenggara. Apa yang mengisi dan menggerakkkan kehidupan mereka?

Farewell My School 34

My World 35

Light the Way 36

We Got Married 37

Behind the Screen 38

The Old Photographer 39

A Life Forgotten 40

My Grandfather’s House 41

A Daughter’s Scars 42

Where I Go 43

Hands Around in Yangon 44

Flaneurs #3 45

Insein Rhythm 46

Another Colour TV 47

Consider 48

Children of Kubu 49

The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy 50

Of the Dancing Leaves 51

Best SEA Shorts Screening ProgramDare to Dream Cambodian Stories

Disappearing World Experimental Shorts

Six films that talk about the past, present and future and show how we transcend our daily life with our hopes and dreams.

Enam film yang berbicara tentang masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan. Film-film ini menunjukkan bagaimana kita menerobos hidup kita dengan harapan dan impian.

This program presents two films from Cambodia that deal with universal issues of identity and past horrors that are known to most Southeast Asian cultures. Where do we come from and where are we going?

Program ini menampilkan dua film Kamboja yang berhadapan dengan isu universal akan identitas dan horor dari masa lalu yang lazim bagi kebanyakan budaya Asia Tenggara. Dari mana kita datang dan ke mana kita pergi?

This compilation looks at the ever-changing context that challenges us to cope with new realities. Despite our longing towards a time that has already passed, should we hang on or should we move on from a disappearing world?

Kompilasi ini melihat konteks yang senantiasa berubah, yang menantang kita untuk menghadapi kenyataan baru. Meskipun kerinduan kita akan waktu yang telah berlalu, apakah kita harus terus bertahan, atau bergerak maju dari dunia yang terus tergerus ini?

Please taste documentary storytelling in an open fashion. These films emphasize otherwise hidden aspects of life with stylised aesthetics and storytelling.

Silakan cicipi cara bercerita dokumenter yang lebih terbuka. Film-film di sini menekankan aspek-aspek yang tersembunyi dari hidup ini dengan estetika dan cara bercerita yang bergaya.

• Farewell My School• My World• Light the Way • We Got Married• Behind the Screen

• A Daughter’s Scars• Where I Go

• The Old Photographer• A Life Forgotten • My Grandfather’s House

• Hands Around in Yangon• Flaneurs #3• Insein Rhythm• Another Colour TV

Third SexMy Forest, My River, My Mountain

This section is devoted to an exploration of transgender life in Southeast Asia. For a long time taboo in many societies, this year’s entries deal with the issues faced by a person of the so-called third sex. However, these films are not only for transgenders. Anybody can relate to the fates displayed here as a human struggle for belonging and acceptance.

Program ini dipersembahkan untuk eksplorasi kehidupan transgender di Asia Tenggara. Setelah lama menjadi tabu di berbagai masyarakat, film-film tahun ini menghadirkan isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh mereka yang dianggap sebagai third-sex. Meskipun begitu, film-film ini bukan hanya untuk transgender. Semua akan terhubung dengan film-film ini, karena nasib yang ditayangkan di sini adalah perjuangan manusia untuk bisa diterima.

Southeast Asia is home to the most pristine and unique forests, rivers, and mountains. How do the many that live within its forests, rivers and mountains face the challenges of rapid development and other disasters?

Asia Tenggara adalah rumah bagi rimba, sungai, dan gunung-gunung paling unik dan perawan. Bagaimana mereka yang hidup bersama alam menghadapi tantangan pembangunan yang cepat dan bencana-bencana lain?

• Consider

• Children of Kubu• The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy• Of the Dancing Leave

Lintang (11) only has a few days leà with his beloved friends at a school for disabled children. He is a passionate blind drummer with talent and confi dence. The school has been a great place for him, but his father believes the time for his independent life has come.

Ucu Agustin (born in 1976) studied Islamic Studies in Jakarta. After working as a journalist for newspapers and magazines, she became a self-taught documentary filmmaker. Her work Death in Jakarta won the Jakarta International Film Festival script development program in 2005 and Ragat’e Anak was premiered at the Berlinale 2009.

Tinggal beberapa hari lagi Lintang (11 tahun) harus meninggal-kan teman-temannya di sekolah luar biasa. Ia adalah seorang penabuh drum yang penuh semangat, berbakat dan percaya diri. Ia senang sekali belajar di sekolah itu, tapi ayahnya yakin sudah waktunya ia memulai hidup mandiri.

Ucu Agustin (1976) belajar Kajian Islam di Jakarta. Setelah bekerja sebagai jurnalis untuk koran dan majalah, ia belajar membuat film dokumenter secara otodidak. Karyanya Death in Jakarta memenangi hibah pengembangan naskah di Jakarta International Film Festival pada tahun 2005. Karyanya Ragat‘e Anak tayang perdana di Berlinale 2009.

selamat tinggal sekolahku // directed by ucu agustin // indonesia // 2013 // 13 minoriginal with english subtitles

ucuagustin@gmail.com; info@kalyanashira.comUcu Agustin


Farewell My School


Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara

selamat tinggal sekolahku // directed by ucu agustin // indonesia // 2013 // 13 minoriginal with english subtitles



Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara

Everyone has their own world. How about you? What happens if every morning you wake up and you ask yourself, “What do you want to do to be different?”

Anoulek is working at Dok Lao Media Service. Despite having a degree in Finance, she is interested in filmmaking and has worked as a camera assistant and film editor for four years. It took her years to convince herself that she can share her story through film. Now she believes Lao people must tell their stories to the world, otherwise who will?

Masing-masing orang punya dunianya sendiri. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Apa yang terjadi jika setiap pagi saat terbangun, Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa yang ingin Anda lakukan untuk menjadi berbeda?

Anoulek bekerja di Dok Lao Media Service. Walaupun ia adalah seorang sarjana keuangan, ia tertarik pada pembuatan film dan bekerja sebagai asisten penata kamera juga editor. Butuh waktu tahunan sampai ia bisa yakin bahwa ia bisa berbagi kisah lewat film. Kini ia yakin rakyat Lao harus menceritakan kisah mereka pada dunia. Sebab jika tidak, siapa lagi?

my world // directed by anoulek // laos // 2013 // 3 min // original with english subtitles


My World

Born as a farmer’s daughter in Thailand’s poor north-eastern province, nobody expected that the shy girl Sripai Mungpunkrang, who goes by the stage name DJ Nakadia, could enter the underground electronic music scene of Europe. DJ Nakadia is today one of the most exciting DJs in the world, having performed at over 600 events in more than 300 clubs across 52 countries during the last seven years.

Kamolwan Nophaket obtained a diploma from Prague Film School in 2013. She is now working at Ogilvy and Mather as a creative copy writer.

Dilahirkan sebagai puteri seorang petani di propinsi miskin di timur laut Thailand, tak ada yang menyangka bahwa Sripai Mungpunkrang, si gadis pemalu, yang terkenal dengan nama panggung DJ Nakadia, dapat memasuki dunia musik elektronik bawah tanah Eropa. DJ Nakadia saat ini adalah DJ yang paling menarik di dunia, yang terlibat dalam lebih dari 600 acara di lebih dari 300 klub di 52 negara selama tujuh tahun terakhir.

Kamolwan Nophaket memperoleh diploma dari Prague Film School pada tahun 2013. Ia sekarang bekerja di Ogilvy and Mather sebagai penulis kreatif.

light the way // directed by kamolwan nophaket // thailand // 2013 // 18 minoriginal with english subtitles

pa_rn@hotmail.comKamolwan Nophaket


Light the Way



Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara

light the way // directed by kamolwan nophaket // thailand // 2013 // 18 minoriginal with english subtitles

Light the Way37


The film tells the story of a married couple with Down-Syndrome. Although they might be regarded as less intelligent than normal people, they know how to love and take care of each other.

Nguyen Ha Phuong was born in 1990 and Mai Thi Bup was born in 1992. Both directors are students of The Centre for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (TPD). The film We Got Married is a result of their first cooperation.

Film ini bercerita tentang pasangan suami istri yang menderita Down-Syndrome. Walaupun mereka dianggap memiliki kecerdasan di bawah manusia normal, mereka tahu cara saling menyayangi dan mengurus satu sama lain.

Nguyen Ha Phuong dilahirkan pada tahun 1990 dan Mai Thi Bup lahir di tahun 1992. Kedua sutradara ini adalah siswa The Centre for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (TPD). Film We Got Married adalah hasil kerjasama mereka yang pertama kali.

chung toi da cuoi // directed by nguyen ha phuong & mai thi bup // vietnam // 2013 // 22 minoriginal with english subtitles

truyenthong@tpd.vnNguyen Ha Phuong & Mai Thi Bup


Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara


A son dissects his parents’ marriage - they were film icons in 1960s Myanmar. It turns out the heartrending scenes they acted out on the silver screen are a pretty accurate reflection of their real lives. While the camera slides across the glamour photos from their heyday, the filmmaker looks on, entranced. He grapples with the incredible fame of his parents. Now that he is reconstructing their relationship, he sees the old film footage through different eyes - as if it might contain the answers he didn’t get as a child when his parents separated.

Born in Yangon in 1970, Aung Nwai Htway studied law before attending workshops by the Yangon Film School (YFS) in 2006. Developed as a YFS project over several years, his latest film Behind the Screen is also his most personal work as it tells the story of his parents’ divorce. It won Best Documentary Award at the 2012 Wathann Film Festival Yangon.

Seorang anak menganalisa pernikahan oranÈ uanya - yang merupakan tokoh perfi lman Myanmar tahun 60-an. Ternyata adegan menyedihkan yang diperankan kedua oranÈ uanya di layar lebar adalah cerminan kehidupan mereka yang sesungguhnya. Ketika kamera meluncur ke foto-foto glamour dari masa jaya mereka, sang pembuat fi lm menatap, terpesona. Ia bergumul dengan kemasyhuran oranÈ uanya. Sekarang, ia sedang membangun kembali hubungan mereka. Ia melihat fi lm tua itu dengan pandangan yang berbeda - seolah menyediakan jawaban yang tak pernah ia dapatkan sebagai seorang anak kecil, saat kedua oranÈ uanya berpisah.

Lahir pada tahun 1970, Aung Nwai Htway belajar hukum sebelum akhirnya menghadiri lokakarya Yangon Film School (YFS) di tahun 2006. Behind the Screen yang dikembangkan sebagai proyek YFS selama bertahun-tahun, merupakan karyanya yang paling personal. Film ini memenangi penghargaan dokumenter terbaik di Wathann Film Festival Yangon 2012.

behind the screen // directed by aung nwai htway // myanmar // 2013 // 35 min // original with english subtitles

huth@yangonfilmschool.orgAung Nwai Htway


Behind the Screen



Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara

behind the screen // directed by aung nwai htway // myanmar // 2013 // 35 min // original with english subtitles

Behind the Screen39


This film is an affectionate portrait of a ninety-year-old Indian photographer G. M. Ahuja. He still lives in the once popular photographic studio in downtown Yangon that his father opened almost a century ago.

Business management graduate Thet Oo Maung is of Kayin-Armenian descent. A dedicated humanitarian, self-taught painter, photographer and videographer, he uses his skills to record the activities of various NGOs in Myanmar. He joined Yangon Film School (YFS) to improve his filmmaking abilities. Now he makes films and works as the School Manager in YFS.

Film ini adalah potret intim dari seorang fotografer India berusia sembilan puluh tahun, G.M Ahuja. Kini ia masih tinggal di studio foto yang dulu terkenal di Yangon, yang dibuka oleh ayahnya hampir seabad yang lalu.

Thet Oo Maung, seorang keturunan Kayin-Armenia, memiliki gelar sarjana sarjana manajemen. Ia adalah pekerja sosial yang juga pelukis, fotografer dan videografer otodidak. Ia menggunakan keahliannya untuk merekam kegiatan berbagai LSM di Myanmar. Setelah menjadi murid Yangon Film School (YFS), kini ia membuat film dan bekerja sebagai pengelola YFS.

the old photographer // directed by thet oo maung // myanmar // 2013 // 15 min // original with english subtitles

huth@yangonfilmschool.orgThet Oo Maung


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

The Orang Laut Seletar was once a proud tribe, roaming freely in the straits between Malaysia and Singapore. Living on boats, they only step on land to bury the dead. Since giving up their seafaring ways to relocate to land, they have seen their tradition and culture slowly fading with the passing of time. Developments along the coast of Johor have severely diminished the sea life and they are now struggling to feed themselves. They face a doubtful future. The sea is the only thing they know. They do not want to leave it and to work on land. This documentary shows the plight of Orang Laut’s fi ght for their free world.

Having worked in the film industry for the last 14 years, this is Brian Chew’s first foray into the documentary world. Before this he had worked on TV commercials, feature films and reality shows. Now he is passionate about directing and producing documentaries.

Orang Laut Seletar dulu menjelajahi selat antara Malaysia dan Singapura dengan bebas dan bangga. Mereka hidup di atas perahu, dan hanya turun ke darat untuk menguburkan yang mati. Sejak mereka mengorbankan kehidupan laut mereka dan pindah ke darat, Orang Laut menyaksikan sirnanya tradisi dan budaya seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Pembangunan di sepanjang pantai Johor telah menghilangkan kehidupan laut, dan kini mereka harus berjuang hanya untuk mencari makan. Suku Orang Laut kini menghadapi masa depan yang gamang. Laut adalah satu-satunya tempat hidup yang mereka ketahui. Film dokumenter ini menunjukkan keadaan suram dari perjuangan suku Orang Laut mempeÅ ahankan kebebasan dunia mereka.

Brian Chew telah bekerja di industri f ilm selama 14 tahun, dan film ini merupakan debutnya di dunia film dokumenter. Sebelumnya ia bekerja untuk iklan TV, film panjang dan reality show. Kini ia sangat bergairah menyutradarai dan menjadi produser film-film dokumenter.

a life forgotten // directed by brian chew // malaysia // 2013 // 24 min // original with english subtitles

brian@thefisherproject.tvBrian Chew


A Life Forgotten



Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

a life forgotten // directed by brian chew // malaysia // 2013 // 24 min // original with english subtitles

A Life Forgotten41


Thakin Htein Win’s granddaughter reminisces about the old wooden house where she grew up – a house which was once a meeting place for some of the architects of Burma’s independence movement, in which her grandfather played a pivotal role.

Born to a Burmese publisher father and a Shan mother, young English graduate Shunn Lei Swe Yee has been active in a number of youth and development networks. A passionate feminist and co-founder of the Rainfall Gender Study Group, she joined Yangon Film School to learn how to make fi lms that will give a stronger voice to women in Myanmar.

Cucu perempuan Thakin Htein Win mengenang kembali rumah kayu tua tempat ia dibesarkan - rumah yang pernah jadi tempat pertemuan para tokoh perumus kemerdekaan Burma, di mana kakeknya memegang peranan penting.

Sejak muda, Shun Lei Swee Yee, yang merupakan sarjana lulusan Inggris, telah aktif berperan di beberapa jaringan anak muda dan pembangunan. Ia adalah seorang feminis dan salah satu pendiri Rainfall Gender Study Group. Ia bergabung di Yangon Film School untuk memperkuat suara perempuan Myanmar.

my grandfather’s house // directed by shunn lei swe yee // myanmar // 2013 // 14 minoriginal with english subtitles

huth@yangonfilmschool.orgShunn Lei Swe Yee


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

From a poorly built basement, a girl reveals a fundamental part of her present life. The memory of her painful and frightening springtime reflects a common portrait found in the lives of many young girls in Cambodian society.

Polen Ly was a medical student for fi ve years when he decided to pursue his passion in fi lmmaking in 2012. Being a young and independent fi lmmaker teaches him to understand how powerful a moving picture can be. He believes fi lm is a medium to express true feelings of a human being and that fi lmmakers also can play a role in peacemaking.

Dari ruang bawah tanah yang bobrok, seorang gadis mengungkap bagian mendasar dari kehidupannya di masa kini. Kenangan musim semi yang menyakitkan dan menakutkan mencerminkan potret yang biasa dijumpai di kehidupan banyak gadis muda di masyarakat Kamboja.

Polen Ly kuliah di jurusan kedokteran selama lima tahun sebelum kemudian memutuskan untuk menekuni kecintaannya membuat fi lm di tahun 2012. Membuat fi lm mengajarkannya memahami kekuatan gambar bergerak. Ia yakin fi lm adalah sebuah media untuk mengekspresikan perasaan sejati manusia dan untuk berperan seÅ a dalam menciptakan perdamaian.

pchus nea rodov phka reek // directed by polen ly // cambodia // 2013 // 6 min // original with english subtitles

polennelop@gmail.comPolen Ly


A Daughter’s Scars


Thursday, 24 April 201421 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201415 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


pchus nea rodov phka reek // directed by polen ly // cambodia // 2013 // 6 min // original with english subtitles

A Daughter’s Scars43


Thursday, 24 April 201421 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201415 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

San Pattica is a mixed Cambodian-Cameroonian. His father came to work in Cambodia in 1992-1993, during the first Cambodian election after the Khmer Rouge regime collapsed. Since his parents had left home many years before, Pattica was raised by his grandmother. Challenges and difficulties forced his grandmother to bring Pattica to an orphanage in Phnom Penh. While exploring his self-identity, Pattica describes the discrimination he encounters in his daily life.

Neang Kavich is a native of Phnom Penh. He is one of the five Cambodian directors who were selected to join a Rithy Panh’s film workshop in 2010 which resulted in a short film called A Scale Boy. Where I Go is his first mid-length documentary.

San Pattica adalah peranakan campuran Kamboja-Kamerun. Ayahnya bekerja di Kamboja pada tahun 1992-1993, saat pertama kalinya diadakan pemilihan umum setelah runtuhnya rezim Khmer Merah. Selama bertahun-tahun kepergian kedua orangtuanya, Pattica dibesarkan oleh neneknya. Kesulitan dan tantangan kehidupan memaksa neneknya membawa Pattica ke sebuah panti asuhan di Phnom Penh. Sambil mencari identitas dirinya, Pattica bercerita tentang diskriminasi yang ia hadapi setiap hari.

Kavich Neang berasal dari Phnom Penh. Ia adalah salah satu dari lima sutradara Kamboja yang terpilih mengikuti lokakarya fi lm Rithy Panh di tahun 2010, yang kemudian menghasilkan sebuah fi lm pendek berjudul A Scale Boy. Film Where I Go adalah fi lm dokumenter durasi sedang peÅ amanya.

where i go // directed by neang kavich // cambodia // 2013 // 56 min // original with english subtitles

kavichneang@gmail.comNeang Kavich


In Hands Around in Yangon, Moe Satt records the hand movements of people around him, from laborers working on the streets in markets, to local artists and his friends. There are moving hands, working hands, eating hands and communicating hands. He collects the many stories of those hands. The film emphasizes the almost autonomous character of the ingrained movement it follows. The hands are shown as if they are independent from their owner’s mind and rather integral to the activity they are pursuing.

Moe Satt lives and works as a visual and performance artist in Yangon, Myanmar. Moe is part of a new generation of Burmese artists to emerge after year 2000, which has a different approach to conception and embodiment. In 2008, he founded and organized Beyond Pressure, an international festival of performance arts.

Dalam film Hands Around in Yangon, Moe Satt merekam gerakan tangan orang-orang di sekitarnya, dari para kuli yang bekerja di jalanan, di pasar-pasar, sampai ke seniman setempat dan teman-temannya. Ada tangan-tangan yang bergerak, tangan yang sedang bekerja, tangan yang sedang makan, dan tangan yang berkomunikasi. Ia mengumpulkan banyak cerita dari tangan-tangan tersebut. Film ini menekankan pada karakter-karakter yang hampir mandiri dari gerakan berurat-berakar yang diikutinya. Tangan-tangan itu ditunjukkan seolah mereka mandiri dari benak pemiliknya dan malah lebih tersambung pada kegiatan yang sedang mereka lakukan.

Moe Satt hidup dan bekerja sebagai seniman visual dan pertunjukan di Yangon, Myanmar. Moe adalah bagian dari generasi baru seniman Burma yang muncul setelah tahun 2000, yaitu mereka yang mengambil pendekatan berbeda atas konsep dan pengejawantahan. Di tahun 2008, ia mendirikan dan mengelola Beyond Pressure, sebuah festival seni pertunjukan.

hands around in yangon // directed by moe satt // myanmar // 2012 // 7 min // original with english subtitles

satt.moe@gmail.comMoe Satt


Hands Around in Yangon


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


hands around in yangon // directed by moe satt // myanmar // 2012 // 7 min // original with english subtitles

Hands Around in Yangon45


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

A throng of believers crowd together in front of a stage. The speeches have ended. They are enraptured. The ‘new’ Indonesia.

A video aÅ ist and an anthropologist, Aryo Danusiri ex-plores aÅ istic ethnography as a form of interdisciplinary engagement. His fi eld of research includes political and social landscape of post-authoritarian Indonesia. His fi rst feature lenÈ h documentary won awards at JIFFEST 2007 and Brussels Independent IFF.

Kerumunan pendukung berkumpul di depan sebuah panggung. Pidato telah usai. Mereka semua terpesona. Inilah Indonesia ‘baru’.

Aryo Danusiri, seorang seniman video dan antropolog, menjelajahi etnografi a� istik sebagai bentuk keterlibatan antar-disipliner. Tempat risetnya antara lain adalah ranah politik dan sosial di pasca pemerintah otoriter Indonesia. Film dokumenter panjang peÅ amanya memenangi penghargaan di JIFFEST 2007 dan Brussels Independent IFF.

flaneurs#3 // directed by aryo danusiri // indonesia // 2013 // 13 min // original with english subtitles

danusiri@fas.harvard.eduAryo Danusiri


Insein Rhythm is a humorously edited portrait of the sights, sounds and rhythms of Yangon’s Insein railway station, which is interestingly enough located only a stone’s throw from the country’s infamous Insein prison.

Soe Moe Aung hails from Hmawbi, 30 km from Yangon. He has worked for several radio stations as an audio technician, announcer and a writer of radio dramas. He joined the Yangon Film School (YFS) in 2012, where he made Insein Rhythm as part of a YFS workshop. His first short fiction film Next Month won the Best Fiction Award at Wathann Film Fest in Myanmar.

Insein Rhythm adalah potret humor hasil suntingan dari pemandangan, bebunyian serta irama di stasiun kereta Insein di Yangon. Menariknya, stasiun ini berdekatan dengan penjara Insein yang terkenal di negara itu.

Soe Moe Aung berasal dari Hmawbi, 30 km dari Yangon. Ia pernah bekerja sebagai teknisi audio, penyiar dan penulis drama radio. Ia bergabung dengan Yangon Film School (YFS) pada tahun 2012, membuat film Insein Rhythm sebagai bagian dari lokakarya YFS. Film fiksi pendeknya Next Month memenangi penghargaan Film Fiksi Terbaik di Festival Film Wathann di Myanmar.

insein rythm // directed by soe moe aung // myanmar // 2013 // 11 min // original with english subtitles

huth@yangonfilmschool.orgSoe Moe Aung


Insein Rythm



Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

insein rythm // directed by soe moe aung // myanmar // 2013 // 11 min // original with english subtitles

Insein Rythm47


Another Colour TV is a documentary that shows a family interaction that happens in front of their television and how television becomes a major way to escape from a reality that they are facing. This film captures a real situation of economic and cultural condition in an Indonesian suburban family, in which the mother is the central figure. Ironically, she is left alone with the television as her one and only friend in their home. She then tries to transfer to her family the values and opinions according to what she saw in the television.

The Youngrrr consists of Yovista Ahtajida and Dyantini Adeline, Communication students from the University of Indonesia. They used to work as stage videomakers in the independent music scene in Jakarta and founded a video webzine named RecAGogo. In 2014, Another Colour TV was shown in Berlinale Forum Expanded.TV was shown in Berlinale Forum Expanded.TV

Another Colour TV adalah film dokumenter yang menunjukkan interaksi sebuah keluarga yang terjadi di depan pesawat televisi mereka dan menunjukkan bagaimana televisi menjadi alat untuk melarikan diri dari kenyataan yang mereka hadapi. Film ini menangkap situasi kondisi ekonomi dan budaya sesungguhnya di sebuah keluarga pinggiran kota di Indonesia, dengan ibu sebagai tokoh pusatnya. Ironisnya, sang ibu ditinggal sendirian dengan televisi sebagai teman satu-satunya di rumah. Kemudian sang ibu mencoba mentransfer opini serta nilai-nilai yang ia lihat di televisi ke keluarganya.

The Youngrrr terdiri dari Yovista Ahtajida dan Dyantini Adeline, mahasiswi Komunikasi di Universitas Indonesia. Mereka bekerja sebagai pembuat video untuk dunia musik independen di Jakarta dan mendirikan sebuah video webzine berjudul RecAGogo. Di tahun 2014, Another Colour TV terpilih di Berlinale Forum Expanded.

another colour tv // directed by yovista ahtajida & dyantini adeline// indonesia // 2013 // 8 min // original with english subtitles

theyoungrrr@gmail.comYovista Ahtajida & Dyantini Adeline


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

The teenager Tay is a ladyboy, or kathoey, as members of this relatively well-tolerated transgender group are called in Thailand. They usually demonstrate a traditional female role and are sometimes called the Third Sex. Interviews with sympathetic fellow students and a teacher who is also a kathoey show the level of acceptance of Tay’s orientation at his Christian school Saint Joseph Mueang-Ake. But as his tearful mother explains, a single intolerant and violent teacher once drove him to attempt suicide.

Panu Saeng-Xuto’s previous works are Pre-Attitude(2009) and 3_Gen (2010), which was awarded the White Pigeon Award as the best short film that promotes freedom and equal rights from the Thai Short Film and Video Festival. Currently he is studying at the Visual Arts Department in Chulalongkorn University Thailand.

Tay adalah seorang remaja waria, atau kathoey. Ia merupakan anggota dari kelompok transgender yang lumayan ditolerir di Thailand. Pada umumnya mereka berperan seperti wanita tradisional dan kadang-kadang disebut sebagai Jenis Kelamin Ketiga. Wawancara dengan sesama murid serta seorang guru yang juga seorang kathoey menunjukkan tingkat penerimaan terhadap orientasi seksual Tay di sekolah Kristen Saint Joseph Mueang-Ake tempat ia belajar. Tapi seperti yang diceritakan Ibunya sambil berurai air mata, seorang guru yang tidak toleran dan kasar pernah menyebabkan Tay ingin melakukan bunuh diri.

Karya-karya Panu Saeng-Xuto sebelumnya adalah Pre-Attitude(2009) dan 3_Gen (2010) yang berhasil memenangi White Pigeon Award sebagai film yang mempromosikan kemerdekaan dan hak setara dari Festival Film Pendek dan Video Thai. Saat ini ia kuliah di jurusan Visual Arts di Chulalongkorn University Thailand.

พจารณา // directed by panu saeng-xuto // thailand // 2013 // 20 min // original with english subtitles

omelet.ome@gmail.comPanu Saeng-Xuto




Thursday, 24 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


พจารณา // directed by panu saeng-xuto // thailand // 2013 // 20 min // original with english subtitles



Thursday, 24 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ Kineforum

Padek, Bungo, Habibah and many other kids from the Kubu tribe live deep inside the rainforest of Banai, West Sumatra. They have a strong desire to learn to read and write in Indonesian as well as mathematics, even though they actually do not really understand why they should learn those things. Is it for a better life or just as a mere game between going hunting and swimming together in the river? They still don’t know what kind of change awaits them and their tribe tomorrow.

Benny Sumarna loves the sea and wishes to stay and make a home on the planet Mars one day. Children of Kubuis his first film, which he made during a documentary workshop with In-Docs in 2012.

Padek, Bungo, Habibah dan anak-anak lainnya di suku Kubu hidup jauh di pelosok hutan tropis Banai, Sumatra Barat. Mereka memiliki minat besar untuk belajar membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia, juga belajar matematika, walaupun sebenarnya mereka tak terlalu paham mengapa mereka harus mempelajari semua itu. Apakah demi kehidupan yang lebih baik atau hanya sebagai selingan di antara waktu berburu dan berenang bersama di sungai? Mereka masih tak mengetahui perubahan seperti apa yang akan terjadi pada mereka dan suku mereka esok hari.

Benny Sumarna mencintai laut dan pada suatu hari ingin tinggal dan membangun rumah di planet Mars. Kubu Terakhir adalah film pertamanya, yang ia buat saat mengkuti lokakarya film dokumenter dengan In-Docs di tahun 2012.

kubu terakhir // directed by benny sumarna // indonesia // 2012 // 30 min // original with english subtitles

benmahfudz@gmail.comBenny Sumarna


A group of Myanmar photographers, journalists, poets and writers went upstream the river Ayeyarwaddy which has been threatened by ongoing commercialization, including a huge hydropower project from its neighbor China. With rhythmic camera work set to a poem read by the poet on their boat trip, the fi lm captures the suÎ ering river as well as the danger of extinction of millions of lives that depend on it.

Pe Maung Same is a well-trained documentary fi lmmaker of Myanmar. He has worked on over ten documentaries. His feature lenÈ h documentary is Nargis - When Time Stopped Breathing, that has traveled to many international festivals. Tay Zar Win Tun is experienced in cinematography and sound recording for a number of mainstream Myanmar movies.

Sekelompok fotografer, jurnalis, penyair dan penulis kebangsaan Myanmar pergi ke hulu sungai Ayeyarwaddy yang sedang terancam komersialisasi, termasuk karena pembangungan proyek PLTA raksasa dari negara tetangga, China. Dengan sorotan kamera ritmis dengan puisi yang dibacakan sang penyair di atas perahu, film ini menangkap penderitaan sungai itu serta bahaya kepunahan jutaan makhluk hidup yang bergantung padanya.

Pe Maung Same adalah pembuat fi lm dokumenter yang lihai di Myanmar. Ia telah membuat lebih dari 10 fi lm dokumenter. Film dokumenter panjangnya adalah Nargis-When Time Stopped Breathing, yang telah diputar di berbagai festival Internasional. Tay Zar Win Tun sinematografer dan perekam suara dengan poÅ ofl io beberapa fi lm arus utama Myanmar.

the river, our ayeyarwaddy // directed by tay zar & pe maung same // myanmar // 2013 // 30 min // original with english subtitles

thuthushein@gmail.com; Pemgs11@gmail.comTay Zar & Pe Maung Same


The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy


Thursday, 24 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ Kineforum


the river, our ayeyarwaddy // directed by tay zar & pe maung same // myanmar // 2013 // 30 min // original with english subtitles

The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy51


Thursday, 24 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ Kineforum

A new vegetation of pegagan (Cantella asiatica) grows massively after the 2010 Merapi eruption. It is harvested and consumed mostly by the elders of the villages as a traditional herb. It can also be dried and sold outside the area. The film follows a one-day journey of three Kalitengah Lor elders as they harvest pegagan leaves. While spending time together on the road, they share their past experiences about the Merapi eruption and their reasons for refusing the government’s relocation program.

Born in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, BW Purba Negara is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at Gadjah Mada University. Completely self-trained, he co-founded the production house Limaenam Films and has made several documentaries and shorts under its banner.

Tumbuhan baru Pegagan (Cantella asiatica) tumbuh sangat subur setelah letusan gunung Merapi tahun 2010. Tanaman ini kebanyakan dipanen dan dikonsumsi oleh para tetua desa sebagai ramuan tradisional. Tanaman ini juga bisa dikeringkan dan dijual di luar kawasan tersebut. Film ini mengikuti perjalanan tiga orang tetua desa Kalitengah Lor selama satu hari, saat mereka memetik daun pegagan. Sambil menghabiskan waktu bersama di perjalanan, mereka menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu tentang letusan Merapi dan alasan mengapa mereka menolak program relokasi dari pemerintah.

Dilahirkan di Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, BW Purba Negara adalah lulusan Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Gadjah Mada. Otodidak murni, ia turut mendirikan rumah produksi Limaenam Films dan telah membuat beberapa film dokumenter dan film pendek di bawah bendera Limaenam Films.

digdaya ing bebaya // directed by bw purba negara // indonesia // 2014 // 16 min // original with english subtitles

bw.purbanegara@gmail.comBW Purba Negara


Love and Other Commodities 56

When I Am a Bird 57

Mahout: Changing Reigns 58

Fiesta 59

The Windows 60

Talking to My Best Friend 61

Draft Day 62

Daughter and the Palmae Blossoms 63

Blessed be This Place 64

Majub’s Journey 65

Lan Yan 66

International Shorts

Coming from all corners of the globe, our international short documentaries complement Southeast Asian shorts in many ways. Some reveal the perspective of an outsider when telling stories of Asian or Southeast Asian subjects. Some add the connection between Southeast Asian stories with global experiences. Some are simply universal human stories that offer authentic documentary experiences, which can touch and inspire anybody.

Film Dokumenter Pendek Internasional kami yang datang dari segala penjuru dunia turut melengkapi film-film pendek Asia Tenggara dalam banyak hal. Beberapa darinya mengungkap sudut pandang orang asing ketika bercerita tentang subyek-subyek Asia atau Asia Tenggara. Beberapa yang lain menambah hubungan antara cerita-cerita Asia Tenggara dengan pengalaman global. Beberapa lagi merupakan cerita universal umat manusia yang menawarkan pengalaman dokumenter otentik, yang dapat menyentuh semua orang dan memberi inspirasi.

Love and Other Commodities 56

When I Am a Bird 57

Mahout: Changing Reigns 58

Fiesta 59

The Windows 60

Talking to My Best Friend 61

Draft Day 62

Daughter and the Palmae Blossoms 63

Blessed be This Place 64

Majub’s Journey 65

Lan Yan 66

Dare to Dream Third Sex

International ShortsDisappearing World

Experimental Shorts

• Love and Other Commodities • Talking to My Best Friend• Draft Day• Daughter and the Palmae Blossoms

• Blessed Be This Place• Majub’s Journey• Lan Yan

• When I Am a Bird• Mahout: Changing Reigns

• Fiesta• The Windows

International Shorts Screening Program

Love and Other Commodities is a contemporary story about ‘mail-order brides’ as told through the experiences of three Asian-Australian couples. Animation and live action is used to focus on the issues of the political correctness of the term ‘mail-order brides’ and whether its use makes us complicit partners in racism and misogyny.

Marianna Shek is an independent fi lmmaker, writer and producer. Her past fi lm credits include The Backpackproduced by QPIX/ Screen Australia as well as A� iculate!produced at Griffi th Film School. She is currently doing a PhD at Griffi th Film School on transmedia-storytelling and has worked as a line producer/writer for Ediacaran Productions.

Love and Other Commodities adalah kisah kontemporer mengenai ‘mempelai pesanan’ yang diceritakan melalui pengalaman tiga pasangan Asia-Australia. Animasi dan adegan live digunakan untuk berfokus pada ketepatan politis dari istilah ‘mempelai pesanan.’ Apakah penggunaannya membuat kita terlibat dalam rasisme dan kebencian terhadap wanita?

Marianna Shek adalah seorang sineas independen, penulis dan produser. Film-fi lmnya antara lain adalah The Backpack diproduksi oleh QPIX/ Screen Australia, juga A� iculate! yang diproduksi di Griffi th Film School. Saat ini ia sedang mengambil gelar PhD di Griffi th Film School jurusan transmedia-storytelling dan bekerja untuk Ediacaran Productions.

love and other commodities // marianna shek // australia // 2012 // 13 min // english

mariannashek@gmail.comMarianna Shek


Love and Other Commodities


Saturday, 26 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

17 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ Salihara


love and other commodities // marianna shek // australia // 2012 // 13 min // english

Love and Other Commodities57


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

MuLa lives in a Thai village by the Burmese border. She is of Kajan descent and her neck is adorned with characteristic gold neck rings. Her life has not been easy as she has to leave her native Burma and seek refuge in Thailand while her only daughter stays at home. MuLa makes her living selling souvenirs to tourists but the family’s financial situation is still very difficult. Monika Pawluczuk’s documentary captures the woman’s struggle with her depressing fate and her unquenchable longing for a better life.

Monika Pawluczuk is a radio/TV journalist and docu-mentarist. Her works include When I Am a Bird, Models and To ty się zmień. Together with Katarzyna Miller she has written a book called How to Be a Woman and Not Go Crazy, which has been translated into several languages.Crazy, which has been translated into several languages.Crazy

MuLa tinggal di desa Thai dekat perbatasan Burma. Ia adalah keturunan suku Kajan yang lehernya dihiasi cincin-cincin emas. Kehidupannya sulit sebab ia harus meninggalkan Burma tanah kelahirannya dan mengungsi ke Thailand sementara anak perempuan satu-satunya tinggal di rumah. MuLa mencari nafkah dengan cara menjual cindera mata ke para turis namun situasi keuangan keluarga masih sangat sulit. Film dokumenter Monika Pawluczuk ini menangkap perjuangan MuLa dengan nasibnya yang menyedihkan serta keinginannya untuk memperoleh kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Monika Pawluczuk adalah seorang jurnalis dan dokumentaris radio/TV. Hasil karyanya antara lain adalah When I am a Bird, Models dan To ty się zmień. Bersama Katarzyna Miller ia menulis buku berjudul How to Be a Woman and Not Go Crazy, yang telah dialihbahasakan ke beberapa bahasa.

kiedy bede ptakiem // monika pawluczuk // poland // 2013 // 29 min // original with english subtitles

katarzyna@kff.com.plMonika Pawluczuk


The rural northeast of Thailand is home to the fabled Gwi people, an ancient tribe of elephant keepers known as the Mahouts. The film Mahout: Changing Reigns explores the cultural history and evolution of Gwi Mahouts as well as their legendary relationships with elephants.

Erik Dettle is a NYC based cinematographer and documentary filmmaker. He focuses on ethnographic stories at the crossroads of culture and conservation. His resume includes Wastrel: Cast Out in Kisumu and Mahout: Changing Reigns. His cinematography has been seen on American broadcast networks such as SPEED, Nickelodeon, Travel, History and TLC.

Kawasan pedesaan di bagian timur laut Thailand adalah tempat tinggal orang-orang Gwi, suku kuno penjaga gajah yang dikenal sebagai suku Mahout. Film Mahout: Changing Reigns menjelajah sejarah budaya dan evolusi Gwi Mahout serta hubungan mereka yang legendaris dengan gajah.

Erik Dettle adalah pembuat film dokumenter dan sinematografer yang tinggal di NYC. Ia berfokus pada kisah-kisah etnografis di persimpangan antara budaya dan pelestarian. Karya-karyanya antara lain: Wastrel: Cast Out in Kisumu dan Mahout: Changing Reigns. Karya sinematografinya telah ditayangkan di jaringan TV Amerika seperti misalnya SPEED, Nickelodeon, Travel, History dan TLC.

mahout: changing reigns // erik dettlei // usa // 2013 // 17 min // original with english subtitles

edettle@gmail.comErik Dettle


Mahout: Changing Reigns


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Friday, 25 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


mahout: changing reigns // erik dettlei // usa // 2013 // 17 min // original with english subtitles

Mahout: Changing Reigns59


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Fiesta is a look at the Santo Nino Fiesta in Pandacan, Manila in the Philippines. Hedonism, tribalism and flashes of colonialism are a constant reminder of the country’s turbulent story. Beginning with tribal rhythms and enthusiasm, the viewer is swept through the streets with festival-goers, through to an explosive reminder of the tragedy that Manila has endured.

Alexander Cruz is a filmmaker and media producer who explores the need to create new meanings out of broken identities, narratives, myths and values. His work reflects the belief that beneath these surface layers lie the complexities, contradictions and mysteries of what makes us human.

Fiesta adalah sebuah tinjauan terhadap Santo Nino Fiesta di Pandacan, Manila, Filipina. Hedonisme, tribalisme dan kolonialisme mengingatkan kita pada kisah negeri itu yang penuh dengan goncangan. Dimulai dari antusiasme dan irama-irama suku, penonton dibawa menuju jalanan dengan para pengunjung festival, melalui pengingat-pengingat tragedi yang pernah dihadapi Manila.

Alexander Cruz adalah seorang pembuat film dan produser yang mencari kebutuhan menciptakan arti baru dari identitas yang tercerabut, naratif, mitos, dan nilai-nilai. Karyanya mencerminkan kepercayaan bahwa di dasar permukaan ada sebuah kompleksitas, kontradiksi, dan misteri yang menjadikan kita manusia.

fiesta // alexander cruz // philippines // 2013 // 7 min // no dialogue

randycruz2685@hotmail.comAlexander Cruz


cua sô // hanoi doclab // vietnam // 2013 // 23 min // original with english subtitles

A set of four films in a film from different directors, The Windows revolves around the concept of looking at and into windows that open to different worlds. This set is a diverse collection of visuals and ideas ranging from abstract visualization to realistic depiction of events, like an observant kaleidoscope of daily life in Vietnam. An experimental approach, a close resemblance of documentary or even staged documentary, this unique collective experiment allows individual voices to rise.

The Windows is a collaboration of six filmmakers: The Window 1: Pham Thu Hang and Do Tuong Linh; The Window 2: Khong Viet Bach; The Window 3: Dong Thao; The Window 4: Do Ha Thu and Nguyen Phuong Thao.

Empat film dari beberapa sutradara yang dirangkai menjadi satu film, The Windows, berkisar tentang konsep melihat lewat jendela yang terbuka ke dunia lain. Kumpulan visual dan ide berbeda ini, dari visualisasi abstrak ke penggambaran kejadian secara jelas, tampak seperti kaleidoskop kehidupan sehari-hari di Vietnam. Sebuah pendekatan eksperimental, mirip sebuah dokumenter atau bahkan dokumenter rekaan, kumpulan pengalaman unik ini mengizinkan suara-suara individu untuk terdengar.

The Windows adalah proyek kolaborasi Hanoi DocLab karya enam sineas: The Window 1: Pha•m Thu Hang dan Do Tuong Linh; The Window 2: Khong Viet Bach; The Window 3: Dong Thao; The Window 4: Do Ha Thu dan Nguyen Phuong Thao.

hanoidoclab@gmail.comHanoi Doclab


The Windows


Wednesday, 23 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


cua sô // hanoi doclab // vietnam // 2013 // 23 min // original with english subtitles

The Windows61


Thursday, 24 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Two best friends in the truest sense of the word: they were born in the same year, grew up together in the same city, have the same sexual orientation, chose to live their lives their own way and to see their highest dreams come true: to be women. They will risk anything, but no one knows what is going to happen.

Le Ha Nguyen is a Vietnamese director who makes documentaries, drama and TV shows. From 2012 until today he is a director-cum-producer at Focus300 Media JSC, Hanoi and administrator and director of events at Ha Noi Pho Club. He joined DCTV of Washington DC, USA in 2006-2008.

Dua sahabat dalam arti sesungguhnya: mereka dilahirkan di tahun yang sama, dibesarkan di kota yang sama, memiliki orientasi seksual yang sama, dan memilih jalan hidup mereka sendiri untuk mewujudkan impian mereka, yaitu menjadi wanita. Mereka rela menempuh risiko apapun, tapi tak seorang pun tahu apa yang akan terjadi.

Le Ha Nguyen adalah seorang sutradara Vietnam yang membuat film dokumenter, drama dan acara TV. Dari tahun 2011 sampai sekarang ia menjabat posisi direktur sekaligus produser di Focus300 Media JSC, Hanoi, dan administrator serta manajer acara di Ha Noi Pho Club. Ia bergabung dengan DCTV Washington DC, AS dari tahun 2006-2008.

talking to my best friend // le ha nguyen // vietnam // 2013 // 13 min // original with english subtitles

www.facebook.com/cinemaddictionLe Ha Nguyen


In Thailand, all males turning 21 years old must participate in the military draft lottery. While drawing a black card grants exemption, a red card means two years of military service. Draft Day follows two women, who were actually born as men, as they participate in the drafting process.

Josh Kim started as an intern at NPR in Washington DC and later at CNN in Hong Kong. His previous short films include The Police Box (2006) & The Postcard (2007). In 2010, he worked on the Korean remake of John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow and since then he has directed videos for Google, UEFA and Elite Models.

Di Thailand semua pria yang memasuki usia 21 tahun harus berpartisipasi dalam lotre wajib militer. Jika mendapatkan kartu hitam, artinya terbebas dari kewajiban, sedangkan kartu merah berarti harus mengabdikan dua tahun dalam tugas militer. Draft Day mengikuti kisah dua orang wanita, yang sebenarnya terlahir sebagai pria, mengikuti proses wajib militer.

Josh Kim memulai karirnya sebagai tenaga kerja magang di NPR di WashinÈ on DC dan kemudian di CNN di Hong Kong. Film-fi lm pendeknya terdahulu antara lain The Police Box (2006) dan The Postcard (2007). Pada 2010 ia bekerja dalam pembuatan ulang fi lm Korea John Woo A Better Tomorrow dan sejak itu ia telah menyutradarai beberapa video untuk Google, UEFA dan Elite Models.

draft day // josh kim // thailand // 2013 // 9 min // original with english subtitles

hello.awp@gmail.comJosh Kim


Dra© Day


Thursday, 24 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


draft day // josh kim // thailand // 2013 // 9 min // original with english subtitles

Dra© Day63


Thursday, 24 April 201419²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

A lesbian daughter was forced to marry a man. But she never lost faith in true identity; she rose and failed, then she stood up and fought again for the freedom to become her own self.

Polen Ly attended a medical school for 5 years. For the past one and a half year, he decided to take time oÎ to explore his passion in fi lmmaking. Being a documentary fi lmmaker has taught him to become more compassionate and to understand more about the society. He sees fi lm as a free way to express himself and as a way to open people’s eyes to new things.

Seorang perempuan lesbian dipaksa untuk menikahi seorang laki-laki. Tetapi ia tidak pernah kehilangan kepercayaan pada identitas dirinya. Ia bangkit dan gagal. Lalu ia berdiri dan kembali berjuang untuk kebebasan menjadi dirinya sendiri.

Polen Ly menempuh pendidikan medis selama lima tahun. Selama satu tahun setengah, ia memutuskan untuk cuti dan mendalami kecintaannya akan fi lm. Menjadi seorang pembuat fi lm dokumenter membuatnya menjadi lebih berbelas kasih dan memahami masyarakat. Ia melihat fi lm sebagai cara bebas untuk berekspresi dan untuk membuka mata orang banyak.

konsrey ning phka sla // polen ly // cambodia // 2012 // 16 min // original with english subtitles

polennelop@gmail.comPolen Ly

Daughter and the Palmae BlossomsINTERNATIONAL SHORTS / THIRD SEX

Blessed Be This Place is a multi-plot film about one’s search for identity and a place of belonging. The film is an observation of humankind, based on the spaces in which we find life meaningful and comprehensible.

Carl Olsson has just finished his final year as a documentary director at The National Film School of Denmark, Copenhagen. Earlier studies include Nordens Folkhögskola Biskops Arnö, Stockholm and specific courses at Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm.

Blessed Be This Place adalah sebuah film multi-plot tentang pencarian seseorang akan jati diri dan tempat ia bisa diterima. Film ini adalah sebuah pengamatan manusiawi, berdasarkan ruang dan tempat kita menemukan hidup yang berarti dan dapat dipahami.

Carl Olsson baru saja menyelesaikan tahun terakhirnya sebagai sutradara dokumenter di National Film School of Denmark, Kopenhagen. Olsson pernah belajar antara lain di Nordens Folkhögskola Biskops Arnö, Stockholm dan kursus-kursus spesifik di Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm.

velsignet være dette sted // directed by carl olsson // denmark // 2013 // 29 min // original with english subtitles

contact@carlolsson.orgCarl Olsson


Blessed Be This Place



Thursday, 24 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

velsignet være dette sted // directed by carl olsson // denmark // 2013 // 29 min // original with english subtitles

Blessed Be This Place65


Thursday, 24 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

The essayistic documentary Majub’s Journey tells the story of an African man who lived in Germany during the 1930s and worked as an extra in the movie business. He was born in the German colony Deutsch-Ostafrika and became a soldier for the Germans during World War I – when he was only nine years old. About a decade later he decides to travel to Germany. This film tells his story – his childhood in the colony and his life in Germany under Nazi dictatorship - including the holes that the archive leaves open.

Eva Knopf studied fi lm-related subjects at several top world universities like Filmakademie Baden-WüÅ temberg, University of California, Berkeley, Georg-August Univer-sität, Göttingen and Universiteit van Amsterdam. She has made several documentary fi lms in Europe and Africa and worked as a projectionist in diÎ erent aÅ house theaters.

Film dokumenter Majub’s Journey bercerita tentang seorang pria Afrika yang hidup di Jerman selama tahun 30-an dan bekerja sebagai figuran di bisnis film. Ia lahir di sebuah koloni Jerman-Afrika Timur dan menjadi tentara Jerman selama Perang Dunia I - saat ia masih berusia sembilan tahun. Sekitar sepuluh tahun kemudian ia memutuskan untuk datang ke Jerman. Film ini menceritakan kisahnya, masa kecilnya di koloni dan kehidupannya di Jerman di bawah rezim Nazi, termasuk bagian yang tidak tersimpan di arsip negara.

Eva Knopf belajar hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan fi lm di beberapa universitas top sepeÅ i Filmakademie Baden-WüÅ temberg, University of California, Berkeley, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, dan Universiteit van Amsterdam. Ia telah menyelesaikan beberapa fi lm dokumenter di Eropa dan Afrika dan bekerja di beberapa bioskop khusus fi lm seni.

majubs reise // directed by eva knopf // germany // 2013 // 49 min // original with english subtitles

knopfeva@gmail.comEva Knopf


The rapid increase in prosperity and the modernization of Shanghai has been implemented on a mass scale at the expense of lower-income traditional Chinese communities. Mr. Zhang and his daughter, residents of a Shikumen area known as Lan Yan, reflect upon the sense of closeness and community he and his neighbors have experienced for over a century despite their cramped living conditions. Lan Yan captures the essence of this community as a window in time before the neighborhood is doomed to be swept away by the surrounding high-rise metropolis.

The documentary Lan Yan is made by Pawara Soh, Danielle Schmidt and Jamie Oliveira. They are fi lm students at San Francisco State University. Danielle and Jamie are born and raised in the Bay Area of NoÅ hern California. Pawara, on the other hand, is originally from Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

Pesatnya peningkatan kemakmuran dan modernisasi di Shanghai telah diterapkan secara besar-besaran sampai harus mengorbankan komunitas China tradisional. Tuan Zhang dan putrinya, penduduk wilayah Shikumen yang dikenal sebagai Lan Yan, bercerita tentang rasa keakraban yang dirasakan olehnya dan para tetangganya selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun walaupun hidup dalam kondisi yang sesak. Lan Yan menangkap intisari dari komunitas ini sebagai jendela masa, tepat sebelum komunitas itu musnah tersingkir oleh gedung-gedung tinggi metropolis.

Film dokumenter Lan Yan dibuat oleh Pawara Soh, Danielle Schmidt dan Jamie Oliveira. Mereka adalah mahasiswa jurusan film di San Francisco State University. Danielle dan Jamie dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Bay Area di California Utara, sementara Pawara berasal dari Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

蘭言 // directed by danielle schmidt // usa, china // 2013 // 13 min // original with english subtitles

pawara.soh@gmail.comDanielle Schmidt


Lan Yan


Thursday, 24 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3





INFORMASIkultur@jakarta.goethe.org021 235 50208 147/157www.goethe.de/jakartaGoethe.IndonesienGI_Indonesien

蘭言 // DirecteD by Danielle SchmiDt // USa, china // 2013 // 13 min // Original with engliSh SUbtitleS

Lan Yan




INFORMASIkultur@jakarta.goethe.org021 235 50208 147/157www.goethe.de/jakartaGoethe.IndonesienGI_Indonesien

The Conversation 70

The Temptress 71

Casa 72

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone 73

Docs Animated

There is no limit for imagination, there is no boundary for creativity. Experience cinematic experiences that blend animation and realities. Whether it’s about our home, a shared space we have and memories we share; about our past, things that we miss and things that we hope never to happen again; or about stories that bind our community together – animated documentaries show the limitless nature of documentary filmmaking.

Tak ada batas bagi imajinasi, tak ada batas bagi kreativitas. Selami pengalaman sinematis yang meramu animasi dan kenyataan. Entah itu tentang rumah kita, ruang bersama dan memori yang dikenang bersama; tentang masa lalu, yang kita rindukan tapi juga kita harap tidak pernah terjadi lagi; atau tentang cerita yang menyatukan kita sebagai sebuah masyarakat – dokumenter animasi menunjukkan tiadanya batas dari pembuatan film dokumenter.

The Conversation 70

The Temptress 71

Casa 72

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone 73

The Conversation is a short animated experimental documentary based on the filmmaker’s personal experience and conversation with a monk. The plot is conceived as a parable. Featuring a single conflict, this film encourages viewers to interpret and expand their worldview as a form of knowledge pay-off.

Anderson Ee is a fi lm and creative aÅ s studies lecturer. He works with his students in producing shoÅ fi lms and occasionally personal documentaries. His last documentary An Ordinary Needle won fi rst prize in ASEAN Festival of Photos-RepoÅ age-Documentary Film on the Countries and People in ASEAN Community, Hanoi, Vietnam in 2011.

The Conversation adalah film dokumenter pendek animasi eksperimental berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi pembuat filmnya dan perbincangan dengan seorang biksu. Plot film ini dibuat sebagai perumpamaan. Dengan menampilkan satu konflik tunggal, f ilm ini mendorong pemirsanya untuk menginterpretasikan dan memperluas pandangan mereka terhadap dunia sebagai bentuk imbalan ilmu pengetahuan.

Anderson Ee adalah dosen studi seni kreatif dan fi lm. Ia bekerja den-gan murid-muridnya dalam memproduseri fi lm-fi lm pendek dan terka-dang dokumenter-dokumenter pribadi. Film dokumenter terakhirnya An Ordinary Needle memenangi penghargaan di Festival Foto-Repor-tase-Film Dokumenter ASEAN tentang negara-negara dan manusia di komunitas ASEAN yang diselenggarakan di Hanoi, Vietnam pada 2011.

the conversation // directed by anderson ee // malaysia // 2013 // 6 min // english

andyee78@gmail.comAnderson Ee


The Conversation


Thursday, 24 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


the conversation // directed by anderson ee // malaysia // 2013 // 6 min // english

The Conversation71


Thursday, 24 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

In our time of financial crisis, unemployment worries and migration, people are in search of a new world, with a new and better life. In the western world, people are usually conditioned, even groomed, to believe in a life of “happily ever after”. Yet that can be so far from reality. The dark side of reality must get the respect it deserves. There is no white without black, no happiness without understanding sadness. Our fable introduces us to the most handsome man in the world, Ajang, and the most beautiful woman in the universe, the temptress Achol. From the mythical Dinka world in South Sudan, the story continues to the dreams of living a happy life in Norway.

David Kinsella (born in 1964) is originally a stills-photographer from Belfast, presently living in Norway. He has received many prestigious awards for photographers. He made his debut as a documentary fi lmmaker with the thought-provoking Love Letters from a Children’s Prison in 2005. All of his fi lms have been well received around the world.

Dalam masa krisis keuangan, kekuatiran akan pengangguran dan migrasi, orang-orang mencari dunia baru demi kehidupan yang baru dan lebih baik. Di negara-negara barat orang-orang biasanya terkondisikan, bahkan dibentuk untuk mempercayai frasa “hidup bahagia selamanya”. Namun, kenyataan bisa sangat berbeda. Sisi gelap kenyataan tidak bisa dipungkiri. Tak ada putih tanpa hitam, tak ada kebahagiaan tanpa kesedihan. Kisah kita ini memperkenalkan kita pada pria paling rupawan sedunia, Ajang, dan wanita paling cantik sejagat raya, Achol, sang pemikat. Dari dunia mitologi Dinka di Sudan Selatan, kisah ini berlanjut ke impian hidup bahagia di Norwegia.

David Kinsella (lahir 1964) awalnya adalah seorang fotografer dari Belfast. Ia telah menerima berbagai penghargaan prestisius fotografi . Ia membuat debutnya sebagai pembuat fi lm dokumenter dengan fi lmnya yang mengguncang Love Letters from a Children’s Prison pada 2005. Semua fi lmnya telah diterima dengan baik di seluruh dunia. Kinsella tinggal di Norwegia.

the temptress // directed by david kinsella // norway, romania // 2013 // 35 min // original with english subtitles

davidmkinsella@gmail.comDavid Kinsella


In Casa Daniela de Felice tries to capture the images before leaving them. With her mother and brother, she wants to conjure a kitchen at rest, an accordion, a seahorse or a box of beetles; the events her house has witnessed. The echoes of life in these walls, tenderness, love, family. The last small rituals before leaving appeased.

Daniela de Felice was born in Milan in 1976. In 1999 she directed her first film, Coserelle. As an editor her collaboration with Matthieu Chatellier was selected at Cinema du Rèel in 2011. Casa was premiered at Cinèma du Réel 2013 and won a jury’s special mention. Casa is also honored with the “Golden Dove for Animated Documentary” at Dok Leipzig 2013.

Dalam film Casa Daniela de Felice mencoba menangkap imaji sebelum meninggalkannya. Dengan ibu dan saudara laki-lakinya, ia ingin menyulap sebuah dapur saat istirahat, sebuah akordeon, seekor kuda laut atau sekotak kumbang; hal-hal yang disaksikan oleh rumahnya. Gema kehidupan terdengar di dinding-dinding ini. Kehalusan, cinta, keluarga. Ritual-ritual kecil terakhir yang dilakukan sebelum pergi.

Daniela de Felice dilahirkan di Milan pada 1976. Pada 1999 ia menyutradarai film pertamanya Coserelle. Sebagai penyunting ia bekerjasama dengan Matthieu Chatellier dan karya mereka terpilih dalam Cinema du Rèel pada 2011. Casa pertama kali ditayangkan pada Cinèma du Réel 2013 dan memenangi penghargaan khusus dari dewan juri. Casa juga dianugerahi penghargaan Golden Dove for Animated Documentary di DokLeipzig 2013.

casa // directed by daniela de felice // france // 2013 // 55 min // original with english subtitles

daniela_de_felice@hotmail.comDaniela de Felice




Thursday, 24 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Sunday, 27 April 201415 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


casa // directed by daniela de felice // france // 2013 // 55 min // original with english subtitles



Thursday, 24 April 201421 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ²¦ Kineforum

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone portrays Shin Dong-Hyuk’s dramatic life as a child of two political prisoners in Camp 14, a North-Korean re-education camp, which was actually a death camp. From the age of six, he was subjected to forced labor, hunger, beatings and torture. He knew nothing of the world outside the barbed-wire fences. With the help of an older prisoner, he succeeded in escaping at the age of 23. For months he journeyed through North Korea and China and finally to South Korea.

Marc Wiese, 45, has been shooting documentaries for TV and cinema for a worldwide market for more than 15 years. He has worked in war zones like Bosnia, Palestine, Belfast and many others. He has received numerous international awards for his films.

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone memotret kehidupan dramatis Shin Dong-Hyuk sebagai anak dari dua tahanan politik di Camp 14, kamp reedukasi Korea Utara, yang sebenarnya adalah kamp kematian. Sejak berusia enam tahun, ia sudah menjadi korban perbudakan, kelaparan, pemukulan dan penyiksaan. Ia tak mengetahui apa-apa tentang dunia di luar pagar kawat berduri kampnya. Dengan bantuan seorang tahanan yang lebih tua, ia berhasil lolos di usia 23 tahun. Selama berbulan-bulan ia menyusuri Korea Utara dan China dan akhirnya sampai di Korea Selatan.

Marc Wiese, 45 tahun, membuat film dokumenter untuk TV dan layar lebar selama lebih dari 15 tahun. Ia pernah bekerja di medan perang seperti Bosnia, Palestina, Belfast dan lain-lain. Ia telah menerima berbagai penghargaan internasional untuk film-filmnya.

camp 14 – total control zone // directed by marc wiese // germany // 2012 // 104 minoriginal with english subtitles

info@engstfeldfilm.deMarc Wiese

Camp 14 – Total Control ZoneDOCS ANIMATED

The Imposter 76

Jalanan 77

The Missing Picture 78

Mothers 79

A World Not Ours 80

ChopShots Special

Thrilling, inspiring and mind-blowing films from prestigious festivals

Film-film yang menegangkan, memberi inspirasi, dan mengguncang dari festival internasional bergengsi

The Imposter 76

Jalanan 77

The Missing Picture 78

Mothers 79

A World Not Ours 80

Missing out on Berlinale, IDFA, Yamagata or Dubai? We get you covered in ChopShots. Selecting only the most thrilling, inspiring and mind-blowing films from festivals around the world, we are proud to present you the gems of renowned international festivals, here in ChopShots Specials.

Anda tak sempat datang ke Berlinale, IDFA, Yamagata, atau Dubai? Jangan khawatir, ada ChopShots. Dengan bangga kami mempersembahkan film-film yang paling menegangkan, memberi inspirasi, dan mengguncang dari berbagai festival terkemuka di dunia di ChopShots Specials.

The twisting, turning tale begins with an unsettling disappearance – that of Nicholas Barclay, a 13 year-old Texas boy who vanishes without a trace. Three and a half years later, staggering news arrives: the boy has been found, thousands of miles from home in Spain, saying he survived a mind-boggling ordeal of kidnap and torture by shadowy captors. His family is ecstatic to have him back no matter how strange the circumstances are – but things become far stranger once he returns to Texas.

Based in London, BaÅ Layton is a British fi lmmaker known for visual innovation and challenging conventions. He has directed a number of acclaimed documentaries for both British and American broadcasters. In recent years BaÅ has used his documentary experience to gain access to volatile environments such as maximum-security prisons in Latin America.

Kisah yang rumit dan berbelit ini bermula dari peristiwa yang meresahkan yaitu hilangnya Nicholas Barclay, seorang anak lelaki berusia 13 tahun dari Texas yang lenyap tanpa jejak. Tiga setengah tahun kemudian kabar yang mengejutkan terdengar: anak itu ditemukan di Spanyol, ratusan mil jauhnya dari rumahnya semula. Ia mengaku berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari peristiwa penculikan dan penyiksaan membingungkan, yang dilakukan oleh para penculiknya yang misterius. Keluarganya merasa sangat bahagia dapat menyambutnya kembali, walaupun keadaan saat itu terasa aneh - namun semuanya menjadi jauh lebih aneh ketika ia kembali ke Texas.

BaÅ Layton adalah seorang sineas Inggris yang terkenal karena inovasi visual dan wacananya yang menantang. Ia telah menyutradarai beberapa fi lm dokumenter untuk televisi Inggris dan Amerika. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, BaÅ mempergunakan pengalaman membuat dokumenternya untuk memperoleh akses ke tempat-tempat berbahaya sepeÅ i penjara-penjara dengan keamanan teÅ inggi di Amerika Latin.

the imposter // directed by bart layton // uk, usa // 2012 // 99 min // english

Bart Layton


The Imposter


Wednesday, 23 April 201419 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

Saturday, 26 April 201417 ¦¦ GoetheHaus


the imposter // directed by bart layton // uk, usa // 2012 // 99 min // english

The Imposter77


Tuesday, 22 April 201419 ¦¦ GoetheHaus (Invitation only)

Saturday, 26 April 201421 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Jalanan tells the captivating story of Boni, Ho and Titi, three già ed charismatic street musicians in JakaÅ a over a tumultuous 5-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia. The fi lm follows the young marginalized musicians and their never-before-seen sub-culture, while also painting a striking, moody and intimate poÅ rait of Indonesia’s frenzied capital city. Using the powerful soundtrack of the musicians’ original compositions to drive the fi lm, it traces their elusive quest for identity and love in the day-to-day of a city overrun by the eÎ ects of globalization and corruption.

Daniel Ziv has worked for over a decade in Jakarta as a writer, photographer & magazine editor. He founded the monthly Djakarta! City Life Magazine & authored the urban pop culture book Jakarta Inside Out. He holds an MA in Asian Studies & is fluent in Indonesian. Jalanan is his first feature-length film.

Jalanan menceritakan kisah Boni, Ho dan Titi, tiga orang musisi jalanan karismatik di JakaÅ a dalam kurun waktu lima tahun kehidupan mereka dan kehidupan bangsa Indonesia yang hiruk-pikuk. Film ini mengikuti perjalanan para musisi pinggiran dan sub-kultur mereka yang selama ini belum pernah ditampilkan. Sekaligus memaparkan potret mencolok, intim dan menohok dari ibu kota Indonesia yang sesak ini. Dengan menggunakan lagu gubahan asli yang kuat dari para musisi tersebut untuk menggerakkan fi lm, fi lm ini menelusuri pencarian mereka akan identitas dan cinta dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di kota yang dilanda dampak globalisasi dan korupsi.

Daniel Ziv bekerja selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun di Jakarta sebagai penulis, fotografer dan penyunting majalah. Ia mendirikan majalah bulanan Djakarta! City Life Magazine dan menulis buku budaya pop urban Jakarta Inside Out. Ia memegang gelar MA Kajian Asia dan fasih berbahasa Indonesia. Jalanan adalah film panjang pertamanya.

jalanan // directed by daniel ziv // indonesia // 2013 // 107 min // original with english subtitles

javadanziv@yahoo.comDaniel Ziv


For many years, I have been looking for the missing picture: a photograph taken between 1975 and 1979 by the Khmer Rouge when they ruled over Cambodia. On its own, of course, an image cannot prove mass murder, but it gives us cause for thought, prompts us to meditate, to record history. I searched for it vainly in the archives, in old papers, in the country villages of Cambodia. Today I know: this image must be missing. I was not really looking for it; would it not be obscene and insignifi cant? So I created it. What I give you today is neither the picture nor the search for a unique image, but the picture of a quest: the quest that cinema allows.

Born in Cambodia in 1964, Rithy Panh and his family suffered under the Khmer Rouge regime before Rithy Panh could escape to Thailand and then France. After graduating from a film school in France, he directed many films that became the voice of Cambodia and the victims of the regime, which won many prestigious awards, including Special Mention at Cannes 2013.

Selama beÅ ahun-tahun, aku mencari gambar yang hilang: selembar foto yang diambil antara tahun 1975-1979 oleh Khmer Merah saat mereka menguasai Kamboja. Sebuah foto semata tak dapat membuktikan pembantaian massal yang terjadi, tapi benda itu bisa memberikan alasan untuk sebuah pemikiran, mendorong kita untuk merenung, untuk mencatat sejarah. Aku mencarinya tanpa hasil di arsip-arsip, dokumen-dokumen tua, di desa-desa Kamboja. Kini aku baru menyadarinya, foto itu tidak ada. Aku tidak ingin mencarinya lagi. Lalu, apakah foto itu kehilangan maknanya dan menjadi tidak penting? Maka, kuputuskan untuk menciptakannya. Apa yang aku berikan padamu kini bukanlah foto itu atau pencarian sebuah gambar yang unik. Yang aku berikan adalah gambaran atas sebuah pencarian: pencarian yang dimungkinkan oleh sinema.

Dilahirkan di Kamboja pada 1964, Rithy Panh dan keluarganya hidup menderita di bawah rezim Khmer Merah.Rithy melarikan diri ke Thailand dan kemudian ke Prancis. Setelah lulus dari sekolah film di Prancis, Rithy Panh banyak menyutradarai film yang menyuarakan tentang Kamboja serta korban-korban rezim Khmer Merah, yang berhasil memenangi banyak penghargaan bergengsi, termasuk Special Mention di Cannes 2013.

l’image manquante // directed by rithy panh // cambodia, france // 2013 // 92 min // original with english subtitles

info@filmsdistribution.comRithy Panh


The Missing Picture


Wednesday, 23 April 201419 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Sunday, 27 April 201415 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


l’image manquante // directed by rithy panh // cambodia, france // 2013 // 92 min // original with english subtitles

The Missing Picture79


Friday, 25 April 201421 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3

Sunday, 27 April 201417 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4

In the Chinese village Ma, almost all of its women of childbearing age are either sterilized or made to wear a biÅ h control ring aà er having their fi rst child. The one-child policy put into place 30 years ago has meant a series of legal repercussions, including penalties for extra children and what can only be described as “biÅ h control policing”. Xu Huijing returns to his village to tailgate the government offi cials whose current job is playing cat-and-mouse with a woman who refuses to go through the sterilization surgery. As Rong Rong is forced into hiding, we get a glimpse of the bureaucracy and statistics that strip away women’s right to bear children.

Born in Shanxi, Xu Huijing graduated in 2009 with a degree from Guangzhou AÅ Institute and has been working in independent image production ever since. Xu lived in a rural village until he turned 15. AÃ er that he worked as an interior and graphic designer. Xu staÅ ed making documentaries in college and has also worked for the Southern Weekly Press.

Di sebuah desa di China bernama Ma semua wanita yang berusia subur akan dimandulkan atau dipaksa mengenakan cincin pengendali kehamilan setelah melahirkan anak peÅ ama mereka. Kebijakan satu anak yang diberlakukan sejak 30 tahun lalu telah menimbulkan serangkaian tuntutan hukum, termasuk sanksi yang dikenakan untuk anak yang dilahirkan sebagai anak kedua dan seterusnya, suatu kebijakan “pengendalian kelahiran”. Xu Huijing kembali ke desanya untuk menguntit petugas pemerintah yang kucing-kucingan dengan seorang wanita yang menolak menjalani operasi pemandulan. Ketika Rong Rong dipaksa bersembunyi, kita dapat sekilas melihat birokrasi dan statistik yang merenggut hak wanita untuk melahirkan anak.

Lahir di Shanxi, Xu Huijing lulus dari Guangzhou Art Institute pada 2009 dan bekerja di sebuah rumah produksi independen. Sebelum berusia 15, Xu tinggal di desa terpencil. Setelah itu ia bekerja sebagai desainer grafis dan interior. Xu mulai membuat film dokumenter di kampus dan juga telah bekerja untuk the Southern Weekly Press.

ma ma de cun zhuang // directed by huijing xu // china // 2013 // 70 min // original with english subtitles

maelle@catndocs.comHuijing Xu


For most of us, our identity is taken for granted - who we are, where we come from, and what we are is rarely questioned. But not for the Palestinians, who are constantly required to show proof of identity, while their existence as native inhabitants of a land which no longer exists is perpetually denied or challenged. A World Not Ours is an intimate and often humorous portrait of three generations of exile in the refugee camp of Ein el-Helweh in southern Lebanon. Based on personal recordings, family archives and historical footage from the last 20 years, the film is an attempt to record what is being forgotten and to mark what should not be erased from collective memory.

Mahdi Fleifel is a Palestinian fi lmmaker and visual aÅ ist based in London. He was born in Dubai, raised in the Ain El-Helweh refugee camp in Lebanon and later in the suburbs of Elsinore, Denmark. His shoÅ fi lms have been screened at more than a hundred festivals around the world and have won many best fi lm awards. A World Not Ours is his fi rst feature fi lm.

Bagi sebagian besar dari kita, identitas kita sudah kita terima begitu saja - siapa kita, asal kita dan apa pekerjaan kita, jarang dipeÅ anyakan. Tapi tidak bagi bangsa Palestina yang senantiasa harus menunjukkan bukti identitas, sementara keberadaan mereka sebagai penghuni asli tanah yang tak lagi berwujud, terus-menerus dibantah atau ditantang. A World Not Ours adalah potret intim dan kadang menggelikan dari tiga generasi pelarian dalam kamp pengungsi di Ein el-Helweh, sebelah selatan Lebanon. Berdasarkan catatan pribadi, arsip keluarga dan rekaman historis selama lebih dari 20 tahun, fi lm ini adalah upaya untuk mencatat apa yang telah dilupakan, dan untuk menandai apa yang seharusnya tidak kita hapus dari ingatan kolektif.

Mahdi Fleifel adalah seorang sineas kebangsaan Palestina dan seni-man visual yang tinggal di London. Ia dilahirkan di Dubai, dibesarkan di kamp pengungsi Ein el-Helweh Lebanon dan kemudian di pinggiran kota Elsinore, Denmark. Film-fi lm pendeknya telah ditayangkan di lebih dari seratus festival seluruh dunia dan telah banyak memenangi penghargaan fi lm. A World Not Ours adalah fi lm panjang peÅ amanya.

a world not ours // directed by mahdi fleifel // lebanon, uk, denmark // 2012 // 93 min // original with english subtitles

patrick@nakbafilmworks.comMahdi Fleifel


A World Not Ours


Friday, 25 April 201417 ¦¦ GoetheHaus

Saturday, 26 April 201419 ¦¦ TIM XXI Theater 3


a wOrlD nOt OUrS // DirecteD by mahDi FleiFel // lebanOn, UK, DenmarK // 2012 // 93 min // Original with engliSh SUbtitleS

A World Not Ours

Birhan’s Story 84

Sea Gypsies 84

OK Brothers 85

In Your Hands 85

Lullaby 86

Love and Rubbish 86

Poor Us 87

Park Avenue 87

Why Poverty?

Why Poverty? is the second international mega film project after Why Democracy? from the same production team led by Don Edkins of Steps International, South Africa.

Why Poverty? adalah proyek mega film internasional kedua setelah Why Democracy? dari tim produksi yang sama, pimpinan Don Edkins dari Steps International, Afrika Selatan.

Birhan’s Story 84

Sea Gypsies 84

OK Brothers 85

In Your Hands 85

Lullaby 86

Love and Rubbish 86

Poor Us 87

Park Avenue 87

The project commissioned eight documentaries from award-winning filmmakers and 30 shorts from new and emerging talents to produce films that are moving, subtle and thought provoking, but also tackle big issues and pose difficult questions.

The films invite people to think and ask questions. What is it like to live in poverty? How does it shape you? Why are people still hungry? Why does it matter? What can I do to change the situation?

We are also very pleased to invite you to meet Don Edkins, the executive producer of Why Poverty? Let’s get to know his plans for a new and upcoming documentary series that will focus on Asia!

Proyek ini menghadirkan delapan film dokumenter dari para sineas pemenang penghargaan dan 30 film pendek dari bakat-bakat baru dalam memproduksi fim-film yang mengharukan, halus dan menghidupkan pemikiran, tapi sekaligus menangani isu-isu besar dan menghasilkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sulit.

Film-film ini mengajak orang untuk berpikir dan bertanya. Apa rasanya hidup dalam kemiskinan? Bagaimana soal kemiskinan membentuk kehidupanmu? Mengapa masih ada orang-orang yang kelaparan? Mengapa hal itu penting? Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk mengubah keadaan?

Dengan gembira kami mengundang Anda untuk bertemu Don Edkins, produser eksekutif Why Poverty? Mari kita tanyakan tentang rencananya membuat film seri dokumenter yang akan datang, yang berfokus pada Asia!

Birhan Woldu’s picture was beamed round the world during Live Aid. It was a horrifying image of a child starving to death – probably dead already – that would shock the audience to action.

Struggling to survive with increasing fishing restrictions on a paradise coral island of Eastern Malaysia, Indanina, a sea gypsy girl, sees her colorful, innocent world endangered. When she is forced to move to town with her family, she embarks on a brutal transition to an uncaring modern world.

Bosse Lindquist is a writer and producer from Sweden. His work has been broadcast on television and radio, and he is currently director of investigative documentaries at Swedish Television.

Coming from a background of ethno psychology, Elena has worked in Paris with immigrant families and as a consultant at UNESCO with street children in Madagascar. She has also worked on several internationally distributed documentaries for ARTE, Discovery, WDR and the History Channel.

Foto Birhan Woldu dipancarkan ke seluruh dunia ketika konser Live Aid berlangsung. Foto itu adalah gambar seorang anak yang hampir mati kelaparan - mungkin sudah mati - yang mengguncang para pemirsanya untuk segera melakukan tindakan.

Berjuang untuk meloloskan diri dari makin meningkatnya larangan memancing di sebuah pulau indah di timur Malaysia, Indanina, seorang gadis gypsy laut, melihat dunianya yang murni dan penuh warna sedang terancam. Saat ia dipaksa pindah ke kota bersama keluarganya, transisi brutal ke dunia modern yang tak punya kepedulian harus ia alami.

Bosse Lindquist adalah seorang penulis dan produser dari Swedia. Karyanya sudah disiarkan di televisi dan radio, dan kini ia menjabat sebagai direktur dokumenter investigatif di Swedish Television.

Datang dari dunia etnopsikologi, Elena bekerja dengan keluarga-keluarga imigran di Paris dan sebagai konsultan di UNESCO, seÅ a dengan anak jalanan di Madagaskar. Ia juga telah mengerjakan beberapa fi lm dokumenter yang telah didistribusikan secara internasional, sepeÅ i ke ARTE, Discovery, WDR, History Channel.

ethiopia // 5 min malaysia // 6 min

Bosse Lindquist Elena Zervopoulou


Birhan’s Story Sea Gypsies

WHY POVERTY? Thursday, 24 April 2014Friday, 25 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

15 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

19 ¦¦ Salihara

21 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


An animated look at twin brothers whose job is to shovel shit. Yair walks through his neighborhood. He seems to be well known, respected, and perhaps feared. On his way he remembers the tough years that have gone by. But for Yair, the most impoÅ ant thing was to make a success of what he does.

Kunal Sen is a mixed media animation filmmaker based between India and Canada. Apart from pursuing his interest in digital animation, he also directs his own unique form of ‘no-tech’ stop-motion films - Intervelometer (2009) and Cartouche (2012).

Lucas Nieto is a director and cinematographer for film and TV with wide experience in documentary and fiction filmmaking all over South America.

Sebuah animasi tentang sepasang saudara kembar yang bekerja sebagai penyekop kotoran manusia.

Yair berjalan melewati daerah tempat tinggalnya. Tampaknya ia terkenal, dihormati dan mungkin ditakuti. Selama dalam perjalanan ia mengingat tahun-tahun sulit yang telah lalu. Tapi bagi Yair, hal yang paling penting adalah menyukseskan apapun yang ia lakukan.

Kunal Sen adalah pembuat film animasi mix media yang tinggal di India dan Canada. Selain menekuni minatnya di bidang animasi digital, ia juga menyutradarai sebuah film animasi unik dengan stop-motion tanpa teknologi Intervelometer (2009) dan Cartouche (2012).

Lucas Nieto adalah seorang sutradara dan sinematografer untuk film dan TV dengan pengalaman luas di bidang pembuatan film dokumenter dan fiksi di seluruh Amerika Selatan.

india // 2 min columbia // 6 min

Kunal Sen Lucas Nieto

OK Brothers In Your Hands

85WHY POVERTY?Thursday, 24 April 2014Friday, 25 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

15 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

19 ¦¦ Salihara

21 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


Berlin’s Deutsche Bank building is impressive. On ground level, the cash machine is well protected and warm, and on this night the rich have to step over the sleeping poor to withdraw money.

Set in a rubbish dump outside Moscow, this is the story of a young girl, Yula, and her friends, which is told over years.

Victor Kossakovsky is born in Petersburg. Since 1978 he has worked as assistant cameraman, assistant director, and editor at Leningrad Documentary Studio. He has won hundreds of national and international fi lm awards for his fi lms.

Hanna Polak, is a Polish director and producer. Among many others, her film The Children of Leningradsky received many awards internationally, including an Oscar nomination and two Emmy nominations.

Gedung Deutsche Bank di Berlin berdiri megah. Di lantai dasarnya terdapat mesin ATM yang dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang memadai. Pada suatu malam seorang pengunjung yang sedang memerlukan uang tunai datang. Ia harus melangkahi si miskin yang menggelandang di dekat mesin ATM.

Berlokasi di sebuah tempat pembuangan sampah di luar kota Moskwa, ini adalah kisah seorang gadis, Yula, dan teman-temannya yang terentang selama beberapa tahun.

Victor Kossakovsky lahir di Petersburg. Sejak 1978 ia telah berpengalaman sebagai asisten juru kamera, asisten sutradara dan penyunting di Leningrad Documentary Studio. Ia telah memenangi ratusan penghargaan nasional dan internasional di bidang film untuk karya-karyanya.

Hanna Polak, adalah seorang direktur dan produser Polandia. Film-filmnya, antara lain The Children of Leningradsky menerima banyak penghargaan internasional, termasuk nominasi piala Oscar, dan dua nominasi piala Emmy.

germany // 3 min russia // 8 min

Victor Kossakovsky Hanna Polak


Lullaby Love and Rubbish

WHY POVERTY? Thursday, 24 April 2014Friday, 25 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

15 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

19 ¦¦ Salihara

21 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


This is a short animated take on the history of poverty and inequality. 740 Park Ave, New York City is home to some of the wealthiest Americans. Across the Harlem River, is the other Park Avenue in South Bronx, where more than half the population needs food stamps and children are 20 times more likely to be killed.

Ben Lewis is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, author and art critic. The BBC, ARTE and a long list of broadcasters from Europe, North America and Australia have commissioned his films.

Alex Gibney is an award-winning documentary filmmaker with a passion to portray difficult subjects. He is the winner of an Academy Award for Best Documentary for Taxi to the Dark Side, which was part of the Why Democracy? series.

Ini adalah animasi singkat tentang sejarah kemiskinan dan ketimpangan sosial. 740 Park Avenue, New York City, adalah pemukiman elit Amerika. Di seberang sungai Harlem, tampaklah Park Avenue lain di South Bronx, di mana separuh populasinya butuh kupon untuk makan. Anak-anak di sana mempunyai kemungkinan 20 kali lebih besar untuk terbunuh.

Ben Lewis adalah pembuat film dokumenter pemenang penghargaan, juga seorang penulis dan kritikus seni. Film-filmnya telah diminta oleh BBC, Arte dan banyak lagi badan penyiaran lainnya dari Eropa, Amerika Utara serta Australia.

Alex Gibney adalah seorang pembuat film dokumenter pemenang penghargaan dengan minat memotret subyek-subyek yang sulit. Ia adalah pemenang Academy Award untuk category Best Documentary untuk film Taxi to the Dark Side, yang merupakan bagian dari seri Why Democracy?

uk // 7 min russia // 8 min usa // 58 min

Ben Lewis Alex Gibney

Poor Us Park Avenue

87WHY POVERTY?Thursday, 24 April 2014Friday, 25 April 2014

Saturday, 26 April 2014

15 ¦¦ Kineforum TIM

19 ¦¦ Salihara

21 ²¦ TIM XXI Theater 4


Attracting the Global Market with a Local StoryCase Study: Planet of Snails Master Class

Tuesday, 22 April 201409:00-12:15




DocNet CampusDocNet Campus adalah lokakarya dokumenter tujuh hari bagi para sineas Asia Tenggara yang akan diadakan di Jakarta pada 21-27 April 2014. Pendaftaran dibuka untuk umum, namun pesertanya dipilih berdasarkan pengalaman mereka sebelumnya dan proposal proyek yang mereka kirimkan. Tujuan utama DocNet Campus adalah untuk membantu para sineas Asia Tenggara mengakses pasar film yang lebih besar di luar wilayah mereka. Oleh karena itu, para tutor internasional dengan pengalaman menjadi produser diikutsertakan untuk mengajar para partisipan memperbaiki proposal, rencana dan strategi mereka untuk produksi dan distribusi - keahlian yang tidak banyak didapat di Asia Tenggara, karena ketiadaan infrastruktur film dan pasar untuk film dokumenter.

Peserta terpilih akan bekerja dengan tutor dalam kelompok kecil untuk membahas dan memperbaiki proyek mereka. Akan tetapi, kelas-kelas DocNet Campus di bawah ini terbuka untuk umum dan gratis untuk dihadiri publik:

Planet of Snails adalah kisah kecil dari Korea Selatan. Bagaimana produsernya berhasil menemukan pendanaan dan distribusi internasional? Bagaimana caranya membangun hubungan padahal saat itu ia adalah seorang produser muda pemula dari Asia? Planet of Snails adalah film sinematik yang tak cocok dengan slot yang diberikan oleh para pemilik saluran penyiaran. Bagaimana ia mendapatkan cara untuk menjualnya pada para pemilik saluran itu? Min-Chui Kim akan berbicara tentang kisah dibalik layar dan penciptaan proyek tersebut.

Proposal menentukan kesan pertama atas film Anda. Seringkali, proposal Anda berperan sangat penting dalam membuka kesempatan-kesempatan untuk film Anda dapat dipilih, didanai, baik di forum pitching atau bahkan di sebuah lokakarya. Proposal bisa jadi hanya terdiri dari satu halaman, tapi proposal itu menentukan perjalanan yang akan dialami film Anda. Pelajari cara membuat proposal yang kuat dalam kelas yang dipimpin oleh Jord den Hollander dan saksikan sendiri betapa besar perbedaan yang dapat Anda hasilkan dengan sebuah proposal yang baik.

Proposal Writing Master Class

Monday, 21 April 201409:30–12:15

SAE Institute Jaka�a


Jord den Hollander

The proposal marks the first impression of your film. In most occasions, your proposal plays a huge role in allowing your film to be selected for funding, pitching forums or even workshops. It may just be one page, but it defines the journey that your film may take. Learn how to craft a powerful proposal in this master class by Jord den Hollander and see how big a difference you can make with a good proposal.

Planet of Snails is a small local story from South Korea. How did the producer manage to find international funding and distribution? How did he build his rapport, as he was at the time a young first-time producer from Asia? Planet of Snails is a cinematic movie that doesn't fit most slots from broadcasters. How did he manage to sell it to broadcasters? Min-Chul Kim will talk about the behind the scenes and the genesis of the project.

DocNet Campus is a 7-day documentary workshop for Southeast Asian filmmakers, which takes place in Jakarta, from 21 – 27 April 2014. The call for entry is open to the public, but the participants are selected based on their previous experience and the project proposal that they submit. The main objective of DocNet Campus is to assist Southeast Asian filmmakers to access a greater film market beyond their territory. Therefore, international tutors with experiences in the film industry are engaged to mentor the participants in improving their proposal, plans and strategies for production and distribution – skills that are not abundant in Southeast Asia, due to the lack of film infrastructure and market for documentaries.

Selected participants are working with the tutors in small groups to discuss and improve their projects. However, the following DocNet Campus Master Classes are open and free for the public to attend:

Attracting the Global Market with a Local StoryCase Study: Planet of Snails Master Class

Tuesday, 22 April 201409:00-12:15



Attracting the Global Market with a Local StoryCase Study: Jalanan Master Class

Wednesday, 23 April 201409:00-12:15



Distribution Strategy Master Class

Thursday, 24 April 201409:00-12:15



DocNet Campus PresentationSunday, 27 April 2014, 09:00-13:00


JURY / JURINick Deocampo, Bettina Braun, Don Edkins



DocNet Campus

Kebanyakan film dokumenter yang baik membutuhkan banyak waktu. Syuting film Jalanan dilakukan selama empat tahun. Bagaimana cara tim film Jalanan menemukan pendanaan untuk proyek mereka yang begitu panjang? Bagaimana Daniel mendapatkan pendanaan ITVS? Bagaimana soal menjaga hubungan antara sineas dengan tokoh protagonisnya? Bagaimana film tersebut didistribusikan? Daniel Ziv akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu dan berbagi banyak cerita latar tentang produksi dan distribusi Jalanan.

Setiap film yang bagus memiliki kesempatan untuk didistribusikan karena setiap film yang bagus pasti memiliki penonton potensial. Dengan puluhan tahun pengalaman dalam merestrukturisasi kisah-kisah Asia untuk pasar Inggris dan sebaliknya, Wenlan Peng akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana membentuk kisah Anda menjadi sesuatu yang bisa dijual. Ia bisa menceritakan sudut pandang para pemilik saluran penyiaran dan distributor dalam memilih film dan banyak hal lainnya yang ingin Anda ketahui tentang distribusi.

Setelah berpartisipasi dalam lokakarya selama satu minggu, para peserta DocNet Campus akan mempresentasikan proyek mereka di hadapan para juri. Para juri kemudian akan memilih satu proyek yang akan menerima hibah untuk menghadiri Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival di Inggris.

Most good documentary projects require time. Jalanan was shot over a period of 4 years. How did the filmmaker find funding for such a long project? How did he secure ITVS funding? How did the filmmaker maintain a long relationship with the subject? How was the film distributed? Daniel Ziv will answer these questions and many more backstories on the production and distribution of Jalanan.

Every good film has a good chance to be distributed, because every good film has a good chance to have have an audience. With decades of experience in restructuring Asian stories for British markets and vice versa, Wenlan Peng will show you how to mold your story into something that sells. She can give you a broadcaster’s and distributor’s perspective on selecting films and many more things you want to know about distribution.

After participating in a one-week workshop, participants of DocNet Campus will present their projects to the jury. The jury will decide one project that will receive a travel grant to attend Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival in the United Kingdom.

Semua master class DocNet Campus

akan direkam dan dipublikasikan secara

online setelah festival di:

All master classes for DocNet Campus

will be recorded and available online

after the festival at:www.docnetsoutheastasia.net


DocNet Campus TutorsJord den HollanderFILMMAKER, ARCHITECTJord den Hollander has received many international awards for his television series, films and documentaries on aÅ and architecture. His documentary Greetings from Finsterwolde received a Gouden Kalf nomination for best film in 1997. In 2004 he wrote 60 episodes for a highly acclaimed children television series on aÅs and science. It received the highest international award for children’s tele vision, The Prix Jeunesse in 2005. His latest film Mission Statements on the architecture of Dutch embassies was awarded Best Documentary Film at the 2011 AFFR Festival. Jord is also a lecturer at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam and the Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam.

Min-Chul Kim PRODUCERMin-Chul Kim founded the true story based production house, Minch & Films. He is a former literary agent, party promoter and is currently a producer who has made several award-winning documentaries such as Planet of Snails (2011), Iron Crows (2009) and 9 Muses of Star Empire (2012). With knowledge earned from his hands-on experience coproducing and collaborating with film talents from Europe and Asia, he has been working as a trainer for various documentary education programs such as Crossing Borders, CNEX CCDF, Tokyo Docs and Tribeca Teaches.

Wenlan PengPRODUCERWenlan Peng is a producer and director of documentary films, specialising mainly in China. Formerly a producer and presenter at China Central Television in Beijing, she is now based back in London, UK, where her company Sinoscope continues to produce documentary films for British television and carries out reversioning work for BBC World. Wenlan also works frequently as a trainer in documentary film production for the BBC, the European Union and international documentary film festivals.

Min-Chul KimPRODUSERPendiri Minch & Films, rumah produksi berbasis kisah nyata, Min-Chul Kim adalah mantan agen sastra, promotor pesta dan saat ini bekerja sebagai produser yang telah membuat beberapa dokumenter pemenang penghargaan seperti misalnya Planet of Snails (2011), Iron Crows (2009) dan 9 Muses of Star Empire (2012). Dengan pengetahuan yang didapat dari pengalaman langsungnya menjadi ko-produser dan berkolaborasi dengan tokoh-tokoh perfilman dari Eropa dan Asia, ia bekerja sebagai pelatih untuk berbagai program pendidikan dokumenter seperti Crossing Borders, CNEX CCDF, Tokyo Docs dan Tribeca Teaches.

Wenlan PengPRODUSERWenlan Peng adalah seorang produser dan sutradara film dokumenter, dengan spesialisasi cerita film China. Sebelumnya ia adalah seorang produser dan pembawa acara di China Central Television di Beijing. Kini ia tinggal di London, Inggris tempat perusahaannya yang bernama Sinoscope memproduksi film dokumenter untuk televisi Inggris dan BBC World. Wenlan juga sering bekerja sebagai mentor dalam produksi film dokumenter untuk BBC, Uni Eropa dan festival-festival film dokumenter internasional.

Jord den HollanderSINEAS, ARSITEKJord den Hollander telah menerima banyak penghargaan internasional untuk serial televisi, film dan dokumenter tentang seni dan arsitekturnya. Film dokumenternya Greetings from Finsterwolde menerima nominasi Gouden Kalf untuk film terbaik pada 1997. Di tahun 2004 ia menulis 60 episode untuk serial televisi terkenal untuk anak-anak mengenai seni dan sains. Serial itu menerima penghargaan internasional teÅinggi untuk acara anak-anak, Prix Jeunesse tahun 2005. Film terbarunya Mission Statements tentang arsitektur gedung-gedung kedutaan Belanda memenangi penghargaan Film Dokumenter Terbaik di AFFR Festival, 2011. Jord juga menjadi dosen di Design Academy di Eindhoven, Academy of Architecture di Amsterdam dan Film and Televison Academy di Amsterdam.

9 Muses of Star Empire 26

A Daugther's Scars 42

A Life Forgotten 40

A World Not Ours 80

Another Colour TV 47

Behind the Screen 38

Beyond All Boundaries 18

Birhan’s Story 84 Blessed Be This Place 64

By the River 19

Camp 14 – Total Control Zone 73

Casa 72

Children of Kubu 49

Consider 48

Daughter and The Palmae Blossoms 63

Die Before Blossom 21

Draft Day 62

Farewell My School 34

Fiesta 59

Flaneurs #3 45

Hands Around in Yangon 44

Happiness 22

In Your Hands 85

Insein Rythm 46

Jalanan 15, 77

Lan Yan 66

Light the Way 36

Love and Other Commodities 56

Love and Rubbish 86

Lullaby 86

Film RegisterMadam Phung's Last Journey 24

Mahout: Changing Reigns 58

Majub's Journey 65

Masked Monkey - The Evolution of Darwin's Theory 25

Mothers 79

My Grandfather's House 41

My World 35

Of the Dancing Leaves 51

OK Brothers 85

Park Avenue 87

Poor Us 87

Sea Gypsies 84

Sickfuckpeople 27

Talking to My Best Friend 61

The Cat That Lived a Million Times 20

The Conversation 70

The Imposter 76

The Last Refugee 23

The Missing Picture 78

The Old Photographer 39

The River, Our Ayeyarwaddy 50

The Temptress 71

The Windows 60

War Is a Tender Thing 28

We Got Married 37

When I Am a Bird 57

Where I Go 43

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy 29


Fringe Events

Not only a wide variety of visual delights, ChopShots also present a series of seminars and discussions on hot topics in the documentary world today. Filmmakers, journalists, policy makers, film academicians, film students or any enthusiastic audience members who want to know and to get involved in enlightening discussions on documentary films are warmly welcomed.

Selain menyuguhkan beragam karya seni visual terbaik, ChopShots juga mempersembahkan serangkaian seminar dan diskusi mengenai topik-topik hangat dalam dunia film dokumenter dewasa ini. Para sineas, jurnalis, pembuat kebijakan, akademisi di bidang film, mahasiswa perfilman atau peminat dari kalangan penonton yang ingin tahu dan ingin terlibat dalam diskusi tentang film dokumenter akan disambut dengan tangan terbuka.


Fringe EventsLeonard Retel Helmrich telah membuat beberapa film dokumenter sebelum dan setelah Suharto lengser dari jabatannya sebagai Presiden RI termasuk ketika proses peralihan kekuasaan di Indonesia itu sedang bergulir. Dengan trilogi film dokumenternya The Eye of The Day (2001), Shape of the Moon (2004) dan Position Among the Stars ia menjadi terkenal di kalangan film dokumenter dan telah memenangi berbagai penghargaan seperti di Sundance (2005 dan 2011) serta IDFA (2004 dan 2010).

Nguyen Trinh Thi adalah sineas dan seniman video independen yang tinggal di Hanoi. Ia setia untuk menggeluti topik posisi seniman di rakyat Vietnam. Ia belajar jurnalisme, fotografi, hubungan internasional, dan film etnografi di Amerika Serikat. Film-filmnya telah ditayangkan di festival dan pameran di seluruh Asia, Eropa dan Amerika Serikat. Nguyen adalah pendiri, sutradara dan instruktur utama di Hanoi DOCLAB.

Kedua pembicara ini akan berbicara tentang bagaimana mereka memandang diri mereka sendiri sebagai sineas dalam 5-10 tahun mendatang. Apa yang perlu mereka antisipasi dan bagaimana strategi mereka ntuk mengembangkan kecakapan bercerita dan relevansi di tengah digitalisasi industri film yang sangat pesat? Apa saja tantangan yang mereka hadapi dan bagaimana mereka mengatasinya?

The Future of Documentary Films Public Lecture

Wednesday, 23 April 201415:00–17:00



Leonard Retel Helmrich, Nguyen Trinh ThiMODERATOR

Swastika Nohara (Lecturer from BINUS Film School)

Leonard Retel Helmrich made several documentaries before, during and after Suharto stepped down as president of Indonesia. With his feature documentary trilogy The Eye of the Day (2001), Shape of the Moon (2004) and Position Among the Stars he became famous in the documentary film industry and won many international awards including Sundance (2005 and 2011) and IDFA (2004 and 2010). Presently he teaches his Single Shot Cinema technique at the New York University in Abu Dhabi (NYUAD).

Nguyen Trinh Thi is a Hanoi-based independent filmmaker and video artist. Her diverse practice has consistently examined the position of artists in Vietnamese society. She studied journalism, photography, international relations and ethnographic film in the United States. Her films have been screened in festivals and art exhibitions across Asia, Europe and the USA. Nguyen is founder, director and main instructor at the Hanoi DOCLAB.

Both speakers will speak about how they see themselves as filmmakers in the next 5 to 10 years. What kinds of things they have to anticipate and strategize in order to develop their storytelling ability and relevance in the rapid digitalization of the film industry? What are the challenges that they face and how will they overcome them?


Managing and Cooperating in a Global Film ProjectA Case Study of Why Pove�y? Public Lecture

Thursday, 24 April 201415:00–18:30




Marc Eberle(Filmmaker)

Secara konsep, pendanaan dan produksi, Why Pove�y? termasuk sangat ambisius. Proyek ini membuat delapan film panjang dan tiga puluh film dokumenter pendek dari seluruh dunia. Tidak hanya itu, hasil yang dicapai juga sangat luar biasa. Seri Why Pove�y? telah disiarkan oleh 70 stasiun televisi di seluruh dunia, meraih 500 juta penonton di dunia. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan menghadiri kuliah umum oleh salah satu penggagas utama di balik Why Pove�y? Don Edkins. Ia akan menjelaskan proses pengembangan, pendanaan dan eksekusi proyek global film tersebut - termasuk proyeknya yang akan datang, yang juga akan melibatkan Asia Tenggara.

Don Edkins akan membagi pengalamannya dalam mengkonsepkan Why Pove�y?, meyakinkan badan pendanaan, saluran penyiaran, distributor seÅa menangani proyek-proyek dari budaya, sistem produksi seÅa ekspektasi yang berbeda-beda.

In concept, funding and production Why Poverty? is very ambitious. The project commissioned eight feature-length and thirty short documentaries from all over the world. And the results are exceptional. The Why Poverty? series has been broadcasted by 70 broadcasters all over the world, reaching 500 million viewers across the globe. Don’t miss the chance to attend a public lecture by one of the main brains behind Why Poverty? – Don Edkins. He will explain the process of developing, financing and executing such a global film project – and his upcoming project, that will also include Southeast Asia.

Don Edkins will share his experience in conceptualising Why Poverty?, convincing funding bodies, broadcasters, distributors and managing projects from different cultures, production systems and expectations.

Docs Animated Public Lecture Friday, 25 April 201415:00–17:00



Marc EberleGotot PrakosaMODERATOR / MODERATOR

Erika Indraswari(Lecturer from SAE Institute Jaka�a)

Southeast Asian Documentary Moving Forward Jury Panel

Sunday, 27 April 201415:00–17:00



Budi Irawanto, Anna Har,Chalida UabumrungjitMODERATOR / MODERATOR

John Badalu (Festival Programmer)

Seiring dengan upaya sineas dokumenter untuk terus mencari cara baru yang kreatif untuk menceritakan kisah mereka, animasi menjadi semakin banyak dipilih. Tetapi, karya dokumenter animasi lebih membutuhkan persiapan dan pemikiran yang terintegrasi. Marc Eberle dan Gatot Prakosa adalah sineas dokumenter yang telah memadukan animasi ke dalam karya dokumenter mereka. Pelajari alur kerjanya, bagaimana menjaga kesatuan dalam filmnya, dan bagaimana bekerjasama dengan para animator yang tidak selalu sadar akan proses dan seni pembuatan film dokumenter.

Budi Irawanto adalah dosen kajian film di Universitas Gadjah Mada dan direktur festival JAFF (Jog ja-Netpac Asian Film Festival). Kini ia tengah mengejar gelar doktor di National University of Singapore. Ia telah menulis beberapa ulasan film juga makalah akademis tentang sinema Indonesia.

Chalida Uabumrung jit adalah sarjana film dari Thammasat University dan University of East Anglia, Inggris. Ia telah bekerja untuk mempromosikan film independen sejak tahun 1997. Sekarang ia bekerja sebagai deputi direktur Thai Film Archive (organisasi publik Arsip Film Thailand) di Thailand.

Anna Har adalah direktur festival FreedomFilmFest, sebuah festival film untuk karya-karya bertema HAM. Festival film ini dikerjakan oleh KOMAS, satu pusat komunikasi ternama yang bergelut dengan isu-sisu HAM dan demokrasi. Anna adalah produser dan sutradara film dokumenter sekaligus anggota dewan KOMAS.

Para pembicara akan berdiskusi tentang bagaimana memajukan dokumenter di Asia Tenggara dalam hal meningkatkan kualitas, mencari pendanaan, distribusi dan juga keberlanjutannya.

As documentary filmmakers constantly seek new creative ways to tell their stories, animation becomes more attainable as an alternative. However, animated documentaries need an integrated concept, preparation and execution. Meet Marc Eberle and Gotot Prakosa, both documentary filmmakers who have utilized animation in their documentaries. Learn the workflow, how to maintain unity within the film and how to cooperate with animators - who are not necessarily always aware of the process and the art of documentary filmmaking.

Budi Irawanto is a lecturer of film studies in Universitas Gadjah Mada and the festival director of JAFF (Jog ja-Netpac Asian Film festival). He is now pursuing his PhD at the National University of Singapore. He has written numerous film reviews as well as academic papers on Indonesian cinema.

Chalida Uabumrung jit holds a film degree from Thammasat University and University of East Anglia, UK. She has been working to promote independent films since 1997. She is now working as the deputy director of Thai Film Archive (Public Organization) in Thailand.

Anna Har is the festival director of the FreedomFilmFest, a human rights film festival based in Malaysia organised by KOMAS, a popular communications centre working on human rights and democracy. She is a documentary producer/director and a board member of KOMAS.

The speakers will talk about how to move Southeast Asian documentaries forward in terms of improving quality, finding funding, distribution, as well as sustainability.




Exhibition: Early Images of Southeast Asia

16-27 April 2014GoetheHausJl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Jakar ta Pusat

Pameran ini menyoroti awal mula gambar bergerak yang mencatat tentang Asia Tenggara. Sebagai surga yang diimpikan kekuatan Barat, f ilm-f ilm kuno ini mencerminkan lir ikan Barat yang terpesona akan kecantikan kawasan ini, dan tekad mereka untuk memper tahankan pengaruhnya di sana.

Akan tetapi, beberapa gambar awal juga datang dari pendahulu sinema Asia Tenggara. Gambar-gambar ini dihasilkan dari beberapa pelopor perekam gambar di Asia Tenggara yang dilestarikan oleh para penerusnya sebagai warisan keluarga dan kebanggaan negara.

ChopShots dengan bangga mempersembahkan koleksi langka gambar bergerak Asia Tenggara, yang dikumpulkan dari institusi f ilm dan anggota keluarga yang murah hati ser ta melihat pentingnya meref leksi masa lalu untuk melangkah maju.

The exhibition sheds light on early-recorded moving images of Southeast Asia. Once a dream paradise eyed by Western powers, some early moving images of Southeast Asia ref lect the gaze of the West who were charmed by its beauty and were determined to keep its inf luence in the region.

However, some early images also came from the forefathers of Southeast Asian cinema. These pieces originated from the few Southeast Asian pioneers of image recording that have been preserved by the following generations as personal treasures and national legacies.

ChopShots is proud to present this rare collection of moving images of Southeast Asia, curated from diligent and generous archive institutions, family members and f ilm institutions all over the world – who see immense value in looking back to move forward.

GoetheHaus 301 seatsJl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15,Jakarta Pusat 10350Tel. (021) 23550208 ext. 147chopshots@jakart a.goethe.orgwww.goethe.de/jakarta


Kineforum TIM 45 seatsTaman Ismail Marzuki(belakang/behind Galeri Cipta 3)Jl. Cikini Raya 73Jakarta Pusat 10330Tel. (021) 3162780kineforumdkj@yahoo.co.idwww.dkj.or.id


TIM XXI (3+4)130 seats eachTaman Ismail MarzukiJl. Cikini Raya no.73Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10330Tel. (021) 319 25 130www.21cineplex.com


SAE Institute85 seatsfX lifestyle X‘nter, f6Jl. Jendral Sudirman Pintu Satu Senayan Jakarta 10270 Tel: (021) 2555 4540www.jakarta.sae.edu


BINUS45 seatsfX lifestyle X‘nter, f6Jl. Jendral Sudirman Pintu Satu SenayanJakarta 10270 Tel: (021) 7202222 ext 376www.international.binus.ac.id


Salihara 206 seatsJl. Salihara No. 16 Kebagusan Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12520Tel: +62 21 7891202www.salihara.org






12 6fX Campus




23 April 2014 Wednesday

22 April 2014 TuesdayBinus fX22 April09:00-12:15

Case Study - Planet of Snail DocNet campusmaster class with miN-chul Kim (proDucer)

Binus fX23 April09:00-12:15

Case Study - Jalanan DocNet campusmaster class with DaNiel Ziv (Director)

Kineforum23 April15:00-17:00

The Future of Documentary Filmspublic lecture with leoNarD retel helmrich (FilmmaKer) & NguyeN triNh thi (FilmmaKer)

GoetheHaus23 April17:00

By The River NoNtawat NumbeNchapol // thailaND // 2013 // 71 miN

TIM XXI 323 April17:00

DisAppeAring WorlD The Old Photographer thet oo mauNg // myaNmar // 2013 // 15 miN

When I Am a BirdmoNiKa pawlucZuK // polaND // 2013 // 29 miN

A Life Forgotten briaN chew // malaysia // 2013 // 24 miN

Mahout: Changing ReignseriK Dettle // usa // 2013 // 17 miN

My Grandfather’s House shuNN lei swe yee // myaNmar // 2013 // 14 miN

TIM XXI 423 April17:30

experimentAl shorts FiestaalexaNDer cruZ // philippiNes // 2013 // 7 miN

Hands Around in Yangon moe satt // myaNmar // 2012 // 7 miN

The WindowshaNoi Doclab // vietNam // 2013 // 23 miN

GoetheHaus22 April 19:00

opening (iNvitatioN oNly)

JalananDaNiel Ziv // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 107 miNperFormaNce by titi, boNi & ho (JalaNaN musiciaNs)

Flaneurs # 3 aryo DaNusiri // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 13 miN

Insein Rhythm soe moe auNg // myaNmar // 2013 // 11 miN

Another Colour TV yovista ahtaJiDa & DyaNtiNi aDeliNe // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 8 miN

Kineforum23 April17:30

Madam Phung’s Last Journey NguyeN thi tham // vietNam // 2014 // 87 miN

GoetheHaus23 April19:00

The Missing Picturerithy paNh // camboDia, FraNce // 2013 // 92 miN

TIM XXI 323 April19:00

Happiness thomas balmès // FraNce, FiNlaND // 2013 // 80 miN

TIM XXI 423 April19:30

The Imposterbart laytoN // uK , usa // 2012 // 99 miN

Kineforum23 April20:00

Masked Monkey – The Evolution of Darwin’s Theoryismail Fahmi lubish // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 110 miN

GoetheHaus23 April21:00

Sickfuckpeople Juri rechiNsKy // uKraiNe // 2013 // 72 miN

TIM XXI 323 April21:00

War Is a Tender Thing aDJaNi arumpac // the philippiNes // 2013 // 75 miN

TIM XXI 423 April21:30

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy lyNN lee & James leoNg // chiNa // 2013 // 90 miN

24 April 2014 ThursdayBinus fX24 April09:00-12:15

Distribution DocNet campusmaster class with weNlaN peNg (FilmmaKer)

Kineforum24 April15:00-18:30

Why poverty?Birhan’s Story bosse liNDquist // ethiopia // 5 miN

Sea Gypsies eleNa Zervopoulou // malaysia // 6 miN

OK Brothers KuNal seN // iNDia // 2 miN

In Your Hands lucas Nieto // columbia // 6 miN

Lullaby victor KossaKovsKy // germaNy // 3 miN

Love and Rubbish haNNa polaK // russia // 8 miN

Poor Us beN lewis // uK // 7 miN

Park Avenue alex gibNey // usa // 58 miN FolloweD by

Managing and Cooperating in a Global Film Projecta case stuDy oF why poverty? proJectpublic lecture with DoN eDKiNs (FouNDer & proDucer)

GoetheHaus24 April17:00

Beyond All Boundaries sushrut JaiN // iNDia // 2013 // 96 miN

TIM XXI 324 April17:00

internAtionAl shorts Blessed Be This Placecarl olssoN // DeNmarK // 2013 // 29 miN

Majub’s Journeyeva KNopF // germaNy // 2013 // 49 miN

Lan YanDaNielle schmiDt // usa, chiNa // 2013 // 13 miN

TIM XXI 424 April17:30

Docs AnimAteD shorts The ConversationaNDersoN ee // malaysia // 2013 // 6 miN

The TemptressDaviD KiNsella // Norway, romaNia // 2013 // 35 miN

Casa DaNiela De Felice // FraNce // 2013 // 55 miN

GoetheHaus24 April19:00

Wukan: The Flame of Democracy lyNN lee & James leoNg // chiNa // 2013 // 90 miN

TIM XXI 324 April19:00

my Forest, my river, my mountAinChildren of Kubu beNNy sumarNa // iNDoNesia // 2012 // 30 miN

The River Our Ayeyarwaddy tay Zar & pe mauNg same // myaNmar // 2013 // 30 miN

Of the Dancing Leaves bw purba Negara // iNDoNesia // 2014 // 16 miN

TIM XXI 424 April19:30

thirD sexTalking to My Best Friendle ha NguyeN // vietNam // 2013 // 13 miN

Draft Day Josh Kim // thailaND // 2013 // 9 miN

Daughter and The Palmae BlossomspoleN ly // camboDia // 2012 // 16 miN

Consider paNu saeNg-xuto // thailaND // 2013 // 20 miN

Kineforum24 April20:00

Die Before Blossom ariaNi DJalal // iNDoNesia // 2014 // 90 miN

GoetheHaus24 April21:00

Camp 14 – Total Control Zonemarc wiese // germaNy // 2012 // 104 miN

TIM XXI 324 April21:00

cAmboDiAn storiesA Daughter’s Scars poleN ly // camboDia // 2013 // 6 miN

Where I Go NeaNg Kavich // camboDia // 2013 // 56 miN

TIM XXI 424 April21:30

9 Muses of Star Empire harK JooN lee // south Korea // 2012 // 80 miN

25 April 2014 FridayKineforum25 April15:00-17:00

Docs Animatedpublic lecture with marc eberle (FilmmaKer) & gotot praKosa (lecturer at iKJ)

GoetheHaus25 April17:00

A World Not OursmahDi FleiFel // lebaNoN, uK, DeNmarK // 2012 // 93 miN

TIM XXI 325 April17:00

experimentAl shortsFiestaalexaNDer cruZ // philippiNes // 2013 // 7 miN

Hands Around in Yangon moe satt // myaNmar // 2012 // 7 miN

The WindowshaNoi Doclab // vietNam // 2013// 23 miN

Flaneurs # 3 aryo DaNusiri // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 13 miN

Insein Rhythm soe moe auNg // myaNmar // 2013 // 11 miN

Another Colour TV yovista ahtaJiDa & DyaNtiNi aDeliNe// iNDoNesia // 2013 // 8 miN

TIM XXI 425 April17:30

DisAppeAring WorlD The Old Photographer thet oo mauNg // myaNmar // 2013 // 15 miN

When I Am A BirdmoNiKa pawlucZuK // polaND // 2013 // 29 miN

A Life Forgotten briaN chew // malaysia // 2013 // 24 miN

Mahout: Changing ReignseriK Dettle // usa // 2013 // 17 miN

My Grandfather’s HouseshuNN lei swe yee // myaNmar // 2013 // 14 miN

Kineforum25 April17:30

War Is a Tender Thing aDJaNi arumpac // the philippiNes // 2013 // 75 miN

GoetheHaus25 April19:00

The Cat that Lived a Million Times taDasuKe KotaNi // JapaN // 2012 // 91 miN

TIM XXI 325 April19:00

The Last Refuge aNNe-laure porée & guillaume suoN // camboDia // 2013 // 65 miN

Salihara25 April19:00

Why poverty? Birhan’s Story bosse liNDquist // ethiopia // 5 miN

Sea Gypsies eleNa Zervopoulou // malaysia // 6 miN

OK Brothers KuNal seN // iNDia // 2 miN

In Your Hands lucas Nieto // columbia // 6 miN

Lullaby victor KossaKovsKy // germaNy // 3 miN

Love and Rubbish haNNa polaK // russia // 8 miN

Poor Us beN lewis // uK // 7 miN

Park Avenue alex gibNey // usa // 58 miN

FolloweD by: Discussion with Don EdkinsTim XXI 425 April19:30

Beyond All Boundaries sushrut JaiN // iNDia // 2013 // 96 miN

Kineforum25 April20:00

By the River NoNtawat NumbeNchapol // thailaND // 2013 // 71 miN

GoetheHaus25 April21:00

Masked Monkey – The Evolution of Darwin’s Theoryismail Fahmi lubish // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 110 miN

TIM XXI 325 April21:00

MothershuiJiNg xu // chiNa // 2013 // 70 miN

TIM XXI 425 April21:30

Happiness thomas balmès // FraNce, FiNlaND // 2013 // 80 miN

26 April 2014 SaturdayGoetheHaus26 April15:00

9 Muses of Star Empire harK JooN lee // south Korea // 2012 // 80 miN

TIM XXI 326 April15:00

DAre toDreAm

Farewell My School ucu agustiN // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 13 miN

My World aNouleK // laos // 2013 // 3 miN

Light the Way KamolwaN NophaKet // thailaND // 2013 // 18 miN

Love and Other CommoditiesmariaNNa sheK // australia // 2012 // 13 miN

We Got Married NguyeN ha phuoNg & mai thi bup // vietNam // 2013 // 22 miN

Behind the Screen auNg Nwai htway // myaNmar // 2013 // 35 miN

TIM XXI 426 April15:30

cAmboDiAn storiesA Daughter’s Scars poleN ly // camboDia // 2013 // 6 miN

Where I Go NeaNg Kavich // camboDia // 2013 // 56 miN

Kineforum26 April15:00

my Forest, my river, my mountAinChildren of Kubu beNNy sumarNa // iNDoNesia // 2012 // 30 miN

The River Our Ayeyarwaddy tay Zar & pe mauNg same // myaNmar // 2013 // 30 miN

Of the Dancing Leaves bw purba Negara // iNDoNesia // 2014 // 16 miN

GoetheHaus26 April, 17:00 The Imposter bart laytoN // uK, usa // 2012 // 99 miN

TIM XXI 326 April17:00


Talking to My Best Friendle ha NguyeN // vietNam // 2013 // 13 miN

Draft Day Josh Kim // thailaND // 2013 // 9 miN

Daughter and The Palmae BlossomspoleN ly // camboDia // 2012 // 16 miN

Consider paNu saeNg-xuto // thailaND // 2013 // 20 miN

TIM XXI 426 April17:30

DAre toDreAm

Farewell My School ucu agustiN // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 13 miN

My World aNouleK // laos // 2013 // 3 miN

Light the Way KamolwaN NophaKet // thailaND // 2013 // 18 miN

Love and Other CommoditiesmariaNNa sheK // australia // 2012 // 13 miN

We Got Married NguyeN ha phuoNg & mai thi bup // vietNam // 2013 // 22 miN

Behind the Screen auNg Nwai htway // myaNmar // 2013 // 35 miN

Kineforum26 April17:30

The Last Refuge aNNe-laure porée & guillaume suoN // camboDia // 2013 // 65 miN

GoetheHaus26 April19:00

Die Before Blossom ariaNi DJalal // iNDoNesia // 2014 // 90 miN

TIM XXI 326 April19:00

A World Not OursmahDi FleiFel // lebaNoN, uK, DeNmarK // 2012 // 93 miN

TIM XXI 426 April, 19:30 Sickfuckpeople Juri rechiNsKy // uKraiNe // 2013 // 72 miN

Kineforum26 April20:00

The Cat That Lived a Million Times taDasuKe KotaNi // JapaN // 2012 // 91 miN

GoetheHaus26 April21:00

Madam Phung’s Last Journey NguyeN thi tham // vietNam // 2014 // 87 miN

TIM XXI 326 April, 21:00 Jalanan DaNiel Ziv // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 107 miN

TIM XXI 426 April21:30

Why poverty?Birhan’s Story bosse liNDquist // ethiopia // 5 miN

Sea Gypsies eleNa Zervopoulou // malaysia // 6 miN

OK Brothers KuNal seN // iNDia // 2 miN

In Your Hands lucas Nieto // columbia // 6 miN

Lullaby victor KossaKovsKy // germaNy // 3 miN

Love and Rubbish haNNa polaK // russia // 8 miN

Poor Us beN lewis // uK // 7 miN

Park Avenue alex gibNey // usa // 58 miN

27 April 2014 SundayKineforum27 April09:00–13:00

DocNet Campus Presentationwith DocNet campus participaNts

GoetheHaus27 April15:00-17:00

Southeast Asian DocumentaryMoving ForwardJury paNel with buDi irawaNto (Film lecturer, writer), aNNa har (Festival orgaNiZer), & chaliDa uabumruNgJit (Festival programmer)

TIM XXI 327 April15:00

Docs AnimAteD shortsThe ConversationaNDersoN ee // malaysia // 2013 // 6 miN

The TemptressDaviD KiNsella // Norway, romaNia // 2013 // 35 miN

CasaDaNiela De Felice // FraNce // 2013 // 55 miN

TIM XXI 427 April15:30

The Missing Picturerithy paNh // camboDia, FraNce // 2013 // 92 miN

TIM XXI 327 April17:00

internAtionAl shorts Blessed Be This Placecarl olssoN // DeNmarK // 2013 // 29 miN

Majub’s Journeyeva KNopF // germaNy // 2013 // 49 miN

Lan YanDaNielle schmiDt // usa, chiNa // 2013 // 13 miN

Salihara27 April17:00

best oF chopshots 1 – DAre to DreAmFarewell My School ucu agustiN // iNDoNesia // 2013 // 13 miN

My World aNouleK // laos // 2013 // 3 miN

Light the Way KamolwaN NophaKet // thailaND // 2013 // 18 miN

Love and Other CommoditiesmariaNNa sheK // australia // 2012 // 13 miN

We Got Married NguyeN ha phuoNg & mai thi bup // vietNam // 2013 // 22 miN

Behind the Screen auNg Nwai htway // myaNmar // 2013 // 35 miN

TIM XXI 427 April17:30

MothershuiJiNg xu // chiNa // 2013 // 70 miN

Kineforum27 April17:30

Camp 14 – Total Control Zonemarc wiese // germaNy // 2012 // 104 miN

Salihara27 April19:00

best oF chopshots 2Wukan: The Flame of Democracy lyNN lee & James leoNg // chiNa // 2013 // 90 miN

GoetheHaus27 April19:00

closing (iNvitatioN oNly)

Awarding Ceremony21:00 AFter pArty

Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand






ChopShots Travel Festival 2014

Pa� ners & Suppo� ers

Funded bythe European Union

DocNet Southeast Asia Pa� ners

Festival Pa� ners

Festival Sponsors

Offi cial National TV Pa� ners

Media Pa� ners

Festival CommitteeFestival Director Katrin SohnsE xecutive Festival Director Verena LehmkuhlAr tistic Director Marc Eberle Managing Directors Lulu Ratna, Amelia HapsariDocNet Campus Coordinator Amelia HapsariDocNet Campus Off icer Vicky RosalinaPar tner & Sponsor Coordinator Lulu Ratna, Elizabeth SoegihartoFinance Manager Raliby Teuku, Therra The Selection Committee Lulu Ratna, Amelia Hapsari, Marc Eberle,

Dinyah Latuconsina, Viktoria HellfeierProgram Assistant Maya, Viktoria HellfeierProgram Committee Amelia Hapsari, Marc Eberle, Lulu Ratna,

Verena LehmkuhlFestival Manager MayaE xhibition Curators Amelia Hapsari, Rizki LazuardiPress Off icer Dinyah LatuconsinaPress Consultant Nadine FreischladSocial Media Off icer Riksa AfiatyTechnical Manager Gugi GumilangTechnical Assistant Ranggi ArohmansaniHospitality Maya, Carolin Kohl, David NguiDesign Groupe Dejour / www.groupe-dejour.dePhotographer Hallie Consineau, David NguiVideo Documentation Sesarina Puspita

Abdul MadjidDeztro

GoetheHaus Manager Rizki Lazuardi, NurlailiVolunteers Alinda Rimaya, Anindya Saraswati, Elizabeth

Bramanarasti, Gabriela Alicia, Hasanah Andara, Mutiara Safitri, Puspa Melati, Putu Samantha, Ridha Amalia Rizki, Rifkhi Triya Putra, Zuiver Loverson

Project Managers Mai Lan Thai, Verena LehmkuhlProject Assistant Lulu RatnaAr tistic Consultant Marc Eberle

DocNet Southeast Asia

AcknowledgementEvonne MackenzieKim SeokgiQueen Mother Norodom Monineath Prince Sisowath TessoTheresa HillSanchai ChotirosseraneeAri SyarifIfa IsfansyahDaniel Adi SusantoDeasy ManurungAdilla AmeliaBernadetta Diah AryaniAmien PrahadianMahendradhataTitis Sapto RaharjoTrias AgustiawatiHasreizaGayatri Nadya ParamythaJanuar HalimFariz BudimanDwiputri Bayu Per tiwiDimas JayasranaVoni NovitaDwi Sujanti NugraheniMaria MargaretaLevina WirawanEning NurjanahNingsih SoedarmadjiAlex SiharTotot Indrar toSugar NadiaWinda Anggriani

ImprintHeni Juniar tiReancy TriashariEndahRadityas PanuntunKiki TaherSyahrirAvin KesumaLuong Tran Johan von RooyMar tha Weiles Sopheap Chea Asako FujiokaHassan MuthalibFINASChalida Uabumrung jitDavid NguiNazrul ShahSubaidah Md TopDestriani NugrohoRoyce SebastianMarsha StelitaWahyu WirawanSunardi Abidin



This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of DocNet Southeast Asia and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.


ChopShots 2014


Documentary Film FestivalSoutheast Asia


This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of DocNet Southeast Asia and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

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