แบบทดสอบ pre o-net

Post on 28-Jan-2017






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แบบทดสอบ Pre O-NET

กลมสาระการเรยนรภาษาตางประเทศ (ภาษาองกฤษ)

ชนประถมศกษาปท 6 ปการศกษา 2557

ส านกทดสอบทางการศกษา

ส านกงานคณะกรรมการการศกษาขนพนฐาน

ค ำชแจงแบบทดสอบภำษำองกฤษ ชนประถมศกษำปท 6 1. แบบทดสอบฉบบนม 30 ขอ คะแนนเตม 30 คะแนน ใหเวลำท ำแบบทดสอบ 45 นำท 2. แบบทดสอบมลกษณะดงน เปนขอสอบแบบเลอกตอบ โดยเลอกค ำตอบทถกทสดเพยง 1 ค ำตอบ ขอ 1 - 30 ขอ ขอละ 1 คะแนน คะแนนเตม 30 คะแนน ตวอยำง 0.

1) What is your favourite food? 2) When are you eating? 3) What do you want to eat? 4) How do you eat?

วธตอบ ใหนกเรยนเลอกค ำตอบทถกตองทสดเพยงค ำตอบเดยว โดยระบำยทบหมำยเลขทตรง

กบตวเลอกทตองกำรลงในกระดำษค ำตอบ ถำนกเรยนคดวำ ตวเลอกท 3 เปนค ำตอบทถกตองใหระบำยทบเลข ดงน

Pat and Kaew go to a restaurant. Pat : I am hungry. Kaew : _________________ Pat : I want some fried rice and a glass of iced-tea.

หามท าขอสอบจนกวากรรมการคมสอบจะอนญาต

กรอบโครงสรำงกลมสำระกำรเรยนรภำษำตำงประเทศ(ภำษำองกฤษ) ชนประถมศกษำปท 6

สาระ/มาตรฐานการเรยนร ชวงชนท 2 (ป.4 – ป.6) ขอ คะแนน

สำระท 1 ภำษำเพอกำรสอสำร มำตรฐำน ต 1.1 1 - 6 6 มำตรฐำน ต 1.2 7 - 15 12 มำตรฐำน ต 1.3 16 - 26 11 สำระท 2 ภำษำและวฒนธรรม มำตรฐำน ต 2.1 - - มำตรฐำน ต 2.2 27 - 29 2 สำระท 3 ภำษำกบควำมสมพนธกบกลมสำระกำรเรยนรอน มำตรฐำน ต 3.1 - - สำระท 4 ภำษำกบควำมสมพนธกบชมชนโลก มำตรฐำน ต 4.1 30 1 มำตรฐำน ต 4.2 - -

หมำยเหต มำตรฐำน ต 3.1เปนเนอหำทแทรกอยในทกๆ มำตรฐำนในสำระท 1


PART 1 : Choose the best answer. (Items 1-30) 1.

What should the students do? 1) Two students play a game. 2) Two students do the role play. 3) Each student plays a game. 4) Each student does the role play.

Which one is in the correct order? 1) 3-2-5-4-1 2) 3-5-2-4-1 3) 3-4-5-2-1 4) 3-5-4-2-1 Read the passage and answer the questions. (Items 3-4)

3. How much will Peter pay? 1) Fifteen baht. 2) Twenty baht. 3) Twenty-five baht. 4) Thirty baht. 4. Where should he buy cakes? 1) At a bakery. 2) At a grocery. 3) At a fruit stands. 4) At his friend’s house.

Situation : A teacher talks to the students, “Please do the role play in pairs”.

How to make “Apple juice” 1. Finally, pour it into a glass. Enjoy! 2. Then, add salt and syrup. 3. First, chop an apple into small pieces. 4. After that, blend it until mix well. 5. Next, put the pieces into the blender.

Peter is going to visit his friend. He buys two pieces of cake for him. Each piece of cake is fifteen baht.

Read the conversation and answer the questions. (Items 5-6)

5. Which sentence is true? 1) Kate has two cats. 2) Mary has a small dog. 3) Mary’s pets can catch rats very well. 4) Kate’s pet can sit and catch rats very well.

6. What are they talking about? 1) Pets. 2) Dogs. 3) Cats. 4) Rats.

7. From these 3 steps, which picture is true?

1) 2)

3) 4)

At school Mary : Do you have any pets? Kate : Yes, I have a small dog. Mary : What kind of dog is it? Kate : It is a puddle. Do you have any pets at home? Mary : Yes, I have two cats. They can catch rats very well.

What can your dog do? Kate : It can sit, shake hands and roll over.

1. Draw a square. 2. Draw a circle on each corner of the square. 3. Put a triangle in the middle of the square.

8. 1) Good morning 2) Good afternoon 3) Good evening 4) Good night 9. 1) We’re sorry 2) We’re glad 3) We’re happy 4) We’re hungry 10. 1) Don’t tell me 2) Play with me 3) Be more careful 4) Do it again 11. 1) I am the only child. 2) I have one sister. 3) I have one brother. 4) I am the favorite child.

Situation : Tom, Dan and Bob played football in the afternoon. They broke Uncle John’s window by accident. They went to see Uncle John at 6:30 p.m. Tom, Dan and Bob : _____8_____. Uncle John, how are you? Uncle John : Hello, boys. I’m not so good. The window’s broken. Tom : We come here to say, “_____9_____”. We broke the window, it’s an accident. Uncle John : Don’t worry. _____10_____ next time.

Tom and Bob are friends. Tom : Do you have any brothers or sisters? Bob : I have one brother and one sister. And you? Tom : I don’t have any brothers or sisters. __________.

12. 1) Can you help me? 2) Can I come in? 3) What’s the matter with you? 4) What can I do for you? 13. 1) How lucky you are! 2) How beautiful you are! 3) How lovely you are! 4) How clever you are! 14.

1) What does she like? 2) What does she look like? 3) What is she looking at? 4) What is she looking for? 15. 1) angry 2) tried 3) happy 4) sad

Situation : A student comes into the library. Librarian : Good morning. _____12_____ Student : Good morning. I want to borrow an Asian story book, please. Librarian : _____13_____ This is the last one. Student : Thank you.

Harry and Julia are in the classroom. Harry : Our new English teacher comes to teach us today. Julia : __________. Harry : She’s quite tall and beautiful.

Bee : You look __________ today. Why? Amy : I am the winner of English Speech Contest.

16. What is the weather like? 1) It’s snowy. 2) It’s cold. 3) It’s cloudy. 4) It’s windy. Read the passage and answer the questions.

17. Who is the youngest? 1) Bell 2) Susan 3) Tom 4) Eddy 18. Which sentence is true? 1) Eddy is a girl. 2) Bell is the oldest. 3) Susan is Eddy’s sister. 4) Susan is younger than Tom. 19.

1) We’re glad 2) We’re happy 3) We need some drinks 4) We want to run

Susan is ten years old. Bell is two years older than Susan. Tom is four years younger than Bell. Eddy is Tom’s younger brother.

Jane : Mom, I’m going out. Mother : Look, the sky is dark. Take an umbrella with you. Jane : O.K. Thank you.

Situation : In a scout camp. Teacher : Are you ready to go? Betty : No, I don’t t think so. Teacher : Why? Betty : We’re tired. __________.


1) How much do you want? 2) How much are they? 3) How much is it? 4) How much do you work? 21.

Which picture is true? 1) 2) 3) 4)

At a mini mart. Shopkeeper : Good evening. Can I help you? Nid : Yes. Give me a dozen of eggs and two bottles of milk. Shopkeeper : Here they are. Nid : __________ Shopkeeper : They’re 150 baht.

Today is Saturday. It is sunny and windy. Nick is not at school. He is in the field to fly a kite with his two friends, Mike and Philip. They are playing in the field until six o’clock in the evening. They are happy.


What are A and B? 1) A B 2) A B

3) A B 4) A B


23. Which picture is Helen? 1) 2)

3) 4)

A and B are animals. They live in Africa. A can run fast and eats animals for food. B is grey and it has got big ears.

Helen is tall and slim. She has short hair.

24. Your friend asks you what you think about his new telephone. You say : __________ 1) Is it yours? 2) I also have one. 3) It’s nice. 4) Can I use it? 25. 1) It isn’t far from here 2) My friend is a waiter there 3) You can walk there 4) The food is good and cheap 26.

How can you help these animals? 1) Stop cutting trees. 2) Move the animals to the zoo. 3) Sell the animals at the market. 4) Let them help themselves. 27. Which sentence is correct? 1) She went to see the doctor yesterday. 2) The doctor went to see she yesterday. 3) She went yesterday see to the doctor. 4) Yesterday to see the doctor she went.

Joe : There’s a new Japanese restaurant on the corner. Mike : Really? Have you tried it? Joe : Of course, I went there yesterday. Mike : How was it? Joe : __________.

yesterday / She / doctor / to / went / the / see

28. Which sentence is correct? 1) There are many teachers kinds in our school. 2) There are many kinds teachers in our school. 3) There are kinds many teachers in our school. 4) There are teachers many kinds in our school. 29. Which underlined word is not correct? 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d 30. 1) So am I. 2) So do I. 3) Not at all. 4) Not for me.

yesterday / She / doctor / to / went / the / see

Sam’s mother go to London last week. a b c d

Ben : I don’t like math. It is so hard. Alice : No, it isn’t. It’s easy. Ben : __________. I don’t like numbers.

ภาษาองกฤษ ชนประถมศกษาปท 6 ขอท เฉลย ขอท เฉลย ขอท เฉลย 1. 2 21. 1 31. 4 2. 2 22. 4 32. 2 3. 4 23. 1 33. 4 4. 1 24. 2 34. 3 5. 3 25. 3 35. 4 6. 1 26. 3 36. 1 7. 1 27. 4 37. 1 8. 3 28. 2 38. 2 9. 1 29. 3 39. 2 10. 3 20. 2 30. 4

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