ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ Ε · 3) l. spirou, "elastoplastic analysis of cracked...

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ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ Αντώνιος Ε. Γιαννακόπουλος Καθηγητής Τµήµα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα 1961 Πεδίον Άρεως Πειραµατικό Σχολείο Παν. Αθηνών 1972-78 Βόλος 38334 Στρατιωτική θητεία 1990-91 Τηλ. (2421) 74179 Έγγαµος 1996 Θέσεις Εργασίας (ακαδηµαϊκοί): • Καθηγητής, Τµήµα Πολ/κων Μηχ/κών, Παν. Θεσσαλίας, 2006-σήµερα • Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τµήµα Πολ/κων Μηχ/κών, Παν. Θεσσαλίας, 2001-

2006 • Ερευνητής Επιστήµων, Department of Materials Science and Engineering MIT, USA, 1997-2001 • Επισκέπτης Καθηγητής, Department of Materials Science and Engineering MIT, USA, 1995-1997 • Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Department of Solid Mechanics Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden, 1991-1996 • Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Department of Solid Mechanics Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden, 1988-1990 Ακαδηµαϊκοί Τίτλοι: • ∆ίπλωµα Πολιτικού Μηχανικού , ΕΜΠ, Οκτώβριος 1983 • Masters of Science, Solid Mechanics, Brown University, USA, May 1987 • Masters of Science, Applied Mathematics, Brown University, USA, June 1987 • ∆ιδακτορικό στη θεωρητική Μηχανική, ΕΜΠ, Ιούνιος 1987 • Ph.D., Solid Mechanics, Brown University, USA, Μay 1989 • Υφηγεσία (Docent), Μηχανική των Στερεών, Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden, November 1993 Μέλος σε Επιστηµονικούς Συλλόγους: • Τεχνικό Επιµελητήριο Ελλάδος (1984) • Sigma Xi Society (1989) • American Ceramic Society (1991) • European Structural Integrity Society (1992) • Materials Research Society (1998) • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1999) • Greek Association for Computational Mechanics (2005)


• Greek Association for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2007) ∆ιακρίσεις:

• Υποτροφίες: 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983 από ΕΜΠ. • Fellowship: 1984--1988 from Brown University. • Who is Who in Science and Engineering, since 1996. • Research on indentation of graded materials one of the 4 best in USA, 1998. Κριτής σε διεθνή επιστηµονικά περιοδικά : Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1989. Journal of Computational Physics, 1990. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1990. International Journal of Fracture, 1991. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1993. Acta Materialia, 1995. Scripta Materialia, 1995. Journal of Materials Science, 1997. Philosophical Magazine, 1996. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1996. International Journal of Fatigue, 1998. European Communities Directorate for Science and Development, 1994. Thin Solid Films, 1998. Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, 1999. Advanced Engineering Materials, 1999. Journal of Applied Physics, 1999. Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 1999. Journal of Materials Research, 2000. Materials Science and Research A, 2001. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2002. Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2002. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, ASME, 2003. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2003. Composites Science and Technology, 2004. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2004. Computational Mechanics, 2005. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2006. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2008. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008. Fatigue and fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2008. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008. International Journal of Structural Integrity, 2008. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physica, 2010. ZAMM, 2009. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2009. European Journal of Mechanics –A/Solids, 2010. Meccanica, 2012.


Deputy Editor από το 1998 µέχρι το 2001 στα διεθνή περιοδικά : • Acta Materialia • Scripta Materialia Member of the Editorial Board από το 2008 στο διεθνές περιοδικό: International Journal of Structural Integrity Επέβλεψε σε ∆ιδακτορικά

• M. Olsson, "Mechanical Modelling of Ceramics", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1994.

• K.-F. Nilsson, "On Combined Buckling and Interfacial Crack Growth", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1992 (συνεπιβλέπων µε B. Storakers).

• P. Norlund, "Adaptive Finite Element Meshing in Metal Forming", Dept. of Solid Mechanics,Royal Institute of Technology, 1998 (συνεπιβλέπων µε B. Haggblad).

• D. Burianek, "Damage Modelling in Titanium-Graphite Hybrid Laminates", Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000 (συνεπιβλέπων µε M. Spearing).

• K. Stamoulis, “Fatigue of MEMS”, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, 2007.

• Β. Ζαφειροπούλου, «Η Μηχανική των Επαφών στα Ελαστοµερή Υλικά¨Ανάλυση Πειραµάτων ∆ιείσδυσης και Εφαρµογές στις Ανθρώπινες Αρτηρίες», Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας, 2013.

• Β. Αθανασίου, «∆ιερεύνηση Μηχανικών Ιδιοτήτων Υλικών που Παρουσιάζουν Ευαισθησία στην Υδροστατική Πίεση µε την Βοήθεια Πειραµάτων ∆ιείσδυσης», Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας, 2014.

• Α. Κορδολέµης, «Έξυπνες Υφασµάτινες Κατασκευές»,Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας, 2014.

Μεταπτυχιακά διπλώµατα (Masters) 1) R. Vestergaard, "Mechanics of Sharp Indentation Tests", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1993 (συνεπιβλέπων µε P.-L. Larsson). 2) C. Dahlmann, "On the effect of friction and boundary conditions at cone indentation of elastic--plastic materials", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1993 (συνεπιβλέπων µε P.-L. Larsson). 3) O. Salven, "FEM--analysis to find out the optimal geometrical shape for rock drilling indenters", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1993 (συνεπιβλέπων µε P.-L. Larsson). 4) P. Pallot, "Two-dimensional Contacts Between Graded Elastic Bodies", Dept. of Materials Science, MIT and Ecole Polytechnique, 1997 (συνεπιβλέπων µε S. Suresh). 5) P. Birch, "A Study of Fretting Fatigue in Aircraft Components", Dept. of Materials Science, MIT 1998 (συνεπιβλέπων µε S. Suresh).


6) C. Chenut, "The Influence of the Roundness on the Fretting Flat Punch", Dept. of Materials Science, MIT, and Ecole Polytechnique, 1998. 7) E. Plisson, "Dynamic Sharp Indentation", Dept. of Materials Science, MIT, and Ecole Polytechnique, 1999. 8) B. P. Conner, "Mechanical and Microstructural Effects on Fretting Fatigue of Ti-6Al-4V", Dept. of Materials Science, MIT, 1998 (συνεπιβλέπων µε S. Suresh). 9) I. Gavardinas,”Connecting far-field loading with intensity of tractions and displacements at the Mode I crack-tip for strain gradient elastic materials”, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 2007. 10) A. Kordolemis, “Size effects in composite materials and optimal strength against surface loads”, National Technical University of Athens, 2008. 11) D. Panagiotopoulos, “Contact problems in rubber-like materials”, National Technical University of Athens, 2007. Κριτής σε διδακτορικά 1) S. Ostlund, "Rapid Crack Growth in Linear and Non-linear Materials", Dept. of Solid Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1989. 2) J. Salomonson, "Indentation Fracture of Alumina and Glass", Dept. of Mater. Science and Engng., Royal Institute of Technology, 1996. 3) J. C. Papatriantafyllou, "TRIP Steels: Modelling and Computational Techniques", Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2004. 4) S. Markolefas, "Integration pointwise pollution error estimates in the h- and p- versions of the finite element method for elliptic problems", National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2004. 5) Z. F. Song, "The generalized solution to multiply connected region of two-dimensions and its application in fracture mechanics", National Tech. University of Athens, Greece, 2004. 6) E. G. Velgaki, "Crack problems in anisotropic materials under dynamic loading", National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2006. 7) C. G. Grenzelou, “Energy theorems in Strain-gradient theories and their applications to fracture problems”, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2006. 8) M. Sifnaiou, “Noch and crack problems in the context of gradient elasticity theories”, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2006. 9) L. A. Spyrou, “Muscle and Tenton Tissues: Constitutive Modeling, Numerical Implementation and Applications”, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2009. Κριτής σε προπτυχιακές διπλωµατικές 1) K. Danas, "Numerical Methods for the Investigation of Anisotropy of Porous Materials due to Finite Plastic Deformations ", Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2003. 2) G. Anagnostou, "Limit Strength Analysis of Welded Tube-beams with Finite Elements", Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2003.


3) L. Spirou, "Elastoplastic Analysis of Cracked Specimens", Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2004. 4) A. Kanos, "Experimental investigation on the size effect of tensile and compressive behavior of concrete and theoretical modelling of experimental data", Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece, 2004. Αναπληρωτής Πρόεδρος του Τµήµατος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών από το 2002 µέχρι 2004. Συνδιοργανωτής σε πολλές εκδηλώσεις (Ηµερίδες) του Τµήµατος. Ετεροαναφορές στις δηµοσιευµένες σε ξένα περιοδικά (µε κριτή) εργασίες: 1920. (Scopus 2008) Ιδρυτής και ∆ιευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Αντοχής Υλικών και Μικροµηχανικής στο Τµήµα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών Πανεπιστηµίου Θεσσαλίας, (ΦΕΚ 275/2002). Mεταπτυχιακά µαθήµατα στο Royal Institute of Technology (Department of Solid Mechanics), στο ΜΙΤ (Department of Materials Science), στο ΕΜΠ (ΣΕΜΦΕ) και στο Πανεπιστήµιο Θεσσαλίας (Πολ. Μηχ.). Εµπειρία σε µεταπτυχιακά µαθήµατα µε τηλεµατική (satelelite) από το ΜΙΤ στo Singapore University. Ερευνητικά προγράµµατα στις ΗΠΑ, Σουηδία και Ελλάδα.

• 510000 SK for 1990--92 from STUF (Swedish National Board for Technical Development).

• 690000 SK for 1992--94 from TFR (Swedish Research Counsil for Engineering Sciences). • 80000 SK for 1993 from Gosta Lundeqvist fund. • 700000 SK for 1996--97 from TFR. • Co-investigator in MURI program of the American Airforce, 1997-2001 (Project leader: Prof. Robert Ritchie). • 33000 EUR for 2004-2006 ΕΠΕΑΕΚ (ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ, «Κόπωση Μικρο-

Μηχανικών Συστηµάτων). • Συµµετοχή σε ΕΠΕΑΕΚ του τµήµατος, 2001-2005 (ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ,

Προπτυχιακό, Μεταπτυχιακό, Τµήµατος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Πανεπιστηµίου Θεσσαλίας και ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ µε ΕΜΠ).

• Συµµετοχή στην ίδρυση ΚΕΤΕΑΘ, Ινστιτούτο Μηχανοτρονικής, 2006. • 246000 EUR for 2014-2014 (ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΑ ΙΙ, «Κόπωση Υλικών που

Χρησιµοποιούνται σε Αγγειοχειρουργικές Επεµβάσεις»). Συµµετοχή σε τριµελείς επιτροπές σε 8 εκλεκτορικά µελών ∆ΕΠ σε Ελληνικά ΑΕΙ. Βιβλία: Ι. Βαρδουλάκης και Α. Γιαννακόπουλος, Τεχνική Μηχανική Ι, Εκδόσεις Συµµετρία, Αθήνα 2004.


Κεφάλαια από βιβλία: Modelling of Toughening and its Temperature Dependence in Whisker Reinforced Ceramics, 1999, Springer – Verlag, Lecture Notes in Engineering. Eυρεσιτεχνίες επικυρωµένες στις ΗΠΑ και διεθνώς: 9 1) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos and J. Alcala, ``Depth Sensing Indentation and Methodology for Mechanical Property Measurements", U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/632655, filed April 15 1996, MIT Case No. 7280. The patent has been approved (US 6,247,355) and licensed by INSTRON. 2) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Method and Apparatus for Determination of Mechanical Properties of Functionally-Graded Materials", U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/632655, filed February 15 1996, MIT Case No. 7602. The patent has been approved USA Pat.-5,999,887. 3) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, N. P. Padture and J. Jitcharoen, ``Method and Apparatus for Determination of Mechanical Properties of Functionally-Graded Materials", Updated filing with new results and claims, U.S. Patent Application, filed March 14 1997, MIT Case No. 7632, allowed PCT US98/05188. 4) O. Jorgensen, A. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Layered Composite Constructions Including Controlled Mechanical Property Gradient Resistant to Indentation" U.S. Patent Application, filed June 30, 1997, MIT Case No. 7705, allowed. 5) A. E. Giannakopoulos, Y. Ramamurty and S. Suresh, ``Piezoelectric Testing Apparatus", U.S. Provisional Patent Application, filed September 16, 1997, MIT Case No. 7844. 6) S. Suresh and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Method and Apparatus for Determining Preexisting Stresses bases on Indentation or other Mechanical Probing of the Material, U.S. Provisional Application, allowed April 27, 2000. 7) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, M. Olsson, R. Thampuran, O. Jorgensen, N. Padture and J. Jitcharoen, ``Functionally-Graded Materials and the Engineering of Tribological Resistance at Surfaces", U.S. Patent 6,641,893 B1, allowed 2003. 8) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, N. P. Padture and J. Jitcharoen, ``Functionally-Graded Materials", European Patent Application, filed March 14 1997, MIT Case No. 7632, allowed EP 0 968 153 B1. 9) A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Suresh, A. Rosakis and I. Blech,


``Determining Large Deformations and Stresses of Layered and Graded Structures to Include Effects of Body Forces", filed May 28, 2002, U.S. Patent Serial Number 10/157,735. Ελληνικές Ευρεσιτεχνίες 2 (2009) Συµµετοχή σε συνέδρια 1st Conference of the Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), 1983, Athens, Greece. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1989, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 14th Annual Conference of Composites and Advanced Ceramics, 1989, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA. 225 European Colloquium in Fracture of Multiphase Materials (invited), 1989, Paderborn, FRG. 1st International Conference of Localized Damage, 1990, Southampton, UK. 94st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1992, Minneapolis, MN, USA. German-Polish-Greek Conference in Mechanics of Dynamics, 1991, Warsaw, Poland. 3rd Conference of the Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), 1991, Athens, Greece. Swedish Mechanics Day, January 1992, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. 2nd International Conference of Localized Damage, June 1992, Southampton, UK. 95th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics (invited paper), 1993, Kiev, Ukraine. 17th Annual Adhesion Society Meeting, February 1994, Orlando, Florida, USA. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1994, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. MIT--Office of Naval Research Workshop on Functionally Graded Structural Materials (invited), March 1994, Boston, MA, USA. 12th U.S. national Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 1994, Seattle, WA, USA.


2nd European Conference in Solid Mechanics, September 1994, Genoa, Italy. 3rd International Symposium on Structural and functional Gradient Materials, October 1994, Lausanne, Switzerland. International Workshop on Instrumental Indentation (invited), April 1995, San Diego, CA, USA. International Indentation Workshop (invited), January 1996, Cambridge, U.K. Mechanics and Materials Conference ASME, June 1996, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1997, USA. Coupled Property Issues in Integrated Microstructures, April 1997, Monterey, CA, USA. 18th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science (invited), 1997, Denmark. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (invited), April 1998, San Diego, CA, USA. Materials Science and Mechanics of Interfaces (invited), October 1998, LaJolla, CA, USA. 101th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1999, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Society of Engineering Science, October 1999, Austin, Texas, USA. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, (Session Chairman), November 1999, Nashville, TN, USA. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, November 2000, Orlando, FL, USA. MRS meeting, November 1999, Boston, MA, USA. MRS meeting, November 2000, Boston, Ma, USA. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1999, NM, USA. IUTAM meeting, Chicago, 2000, IL, USA. 1st Greek Conference on Metallic Materials, Volos, 2001, Greece. International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, Corfu, 2003, Greece (invited).


International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, Madeira, 2004, Portugal (invited). Nanobiology and Nanomedicine, Greek Academy of Science, 2005. 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005. International Symposium on the Mechanics of Material Forces, 7/2005, Symi, Greece. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC 2006, 28 August – 1 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary. 16th European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2006 (Session Co-Chair for Measuring Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties). 1st International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture, Patras, Greece, 28 – 30 May, 2008. International Conference on Electronic Materials, Sydney, Australia, 28 July - 1 August 2008. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 22 August – 1 September, 2008. 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (invited keynote paper and Chair), Rhodes, Greece, 22-24 June, 2009. 9th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 9-11 October, 2009. ∆ιατριβές: ∆ιπλωµατική Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Οκτώβριος 1983, ΕΜΠ. Tίτλος:``Best Finite Element Meshes around Crack Singularities" (Γ. Τσαµασφύρος). ∆ιδακτορική διατριβή στην Θεωρητική Μηχανική, Ιούνιος 1987, ΕΜΠ. Tίτλος: ``Η Εφαρµογή της Συµµόρφου Απεικονίσεως στα Πεπερασµένα Στοιχεία για την Επίλυση Προβληµάτων Ρωγµών " (Γ. Τσαµασφύρος). Master of Science in Solid Mechanics, May 1987, Brown University. Thesis: ``The Asymptotic Analysis for a Stationary Crack in Certain Ceramic Materials. Mode I" (M. Ortiz). Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, May 1989, Brown University. Thesis: ``Fracture Mechanics of Monolithic Ceramic Materials under Small Scale Microcracking Conditions" (M. Ortiz).


∆ηµοσιευµένες εργασίες σε διεθνή επιστηµονικά περιοδικά µε κριτή: 1) G. Tsamasphyros and A. E. Giannakopoulos,``The mapped elements for the solution of cracked bodies", Comp. Meth. in Mech. and Engng., vol. 49, 1985, pp. 331-342. 2) G. Tsamasphyros and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Automatic optimum mesh around singularities using conformal mapping", Engng. Fracture Mech., vol.23, 1986, pp. 507-520. 3) G. Tsamasphyros and A. E. Giannakopoulos,``The use of conformal mapping for creating singular elements", Engng. Fracture Mech., vol. 28, 1987, pp. 55-65. 4) G. Tsamasphyros and A. E. Giannakopoulos,``The optimum finite lement grids around crack singularities in bilinear elastoplastic materials", Engng. Fracture Mech., vol. 32, 1989, pp. 515-522. 5) A. E. Giannakopoulos and A. J. Engels, ``Directional control in grid generation", Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 74, 1988, pp. 422-439. 6) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``An adaptive meshing scheme for the steady state convective diffusion problem using FEM", Computers and Structures, vol. 31, 1989, pp. 545-551. 7) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``The return mapping method for the integration of friction constitutive relations", Computers and Structures, vol. 32, 1989, pp. 157-167. 8) M. Ortiz and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Maximal crack-tip shielding by microcracking", Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 56, 1989, pp. 279-283. 9) M. Ortiz and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Mixed-mode crack-tip fields in monolithic ceramics", Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 26, 1990, pp. 705-723. 10) M. Ortiz and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Crack propagation in monolithic ceramics under mixed mode loading", Int. Journal of Fracture, vol. 44, 1990, pp. 233-258. 11) K. Breder, K. Zeng, A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Rowcliffe, ``Fracture toughness anisotropy of a hot pressed Al2O3/SiC composite", J. Mat. Science Letters, vol. 9, 1990, pp. 1085-1086. 12) A. E. Giannakopoulos and K. Breder, ``Synergism of toughening mechanisms in whisker-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites", J. Amer. Ceram. Society, vol. 74(1), 1991, pp. 194-202. 13) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Dynamic damage in certain monolithic ceramic materials", J. Appl. Mech., vol. 58, 1991, pp. 639-643.


14) A. E. Giannakopoulos and P. Gudmundson, ``The stresses around a partly microcracked hole in certain ceramic materials", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 28, 1991, pp. 329-339. 15) A. E. Giannakopoulos and K.-F. Nilsson, ``The dynamic energy release rate of delaminations based on Mindlin type nonlinear plate theory". J. Appl. Mech., vol. 60, 1993, pp. 1046-1047. 16) A. E. Giannakopoulos and M. Olsson, ``Influence of the non-singular stress terms on small scale supercritical transformation toughness", J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., vol. 75(10), 1992, pp. 2761-2764. 17) K.-F. Nilsson, J. C. Thesken, A. E. Giannakopoulos and B. Storakers, ``A theoretical investigation of buckling induced delamination growth", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 44(1), 1992, pp. 749-782. 18) M. Olsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos,``R-curve model of certain ceramic composites", Fatigue and Fracture of Engng. Materials and Structures, vol. 16(5), 1993, pp. 539-554. 19) M. Olsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos,``Microcracking of an internally pressurized ceramic ring", Acta Mater., vol. 41(8), 1993, pp. 2353-2364. 20) A. E. Giannakopoulos and M. Olsson, ``Axisymmetric deformation of transforming ceramics", Mechanics of Materials, vol. 16(3), pp.295-316. 21) A. E. Giannakopoulos, K. Breder and M. Olsson, ``Microcracking of an internally pressurized ceramic ring, Part 2: Experimental observations", Acta Mater., vol. 41(12), 1993, pp. 3535-3539. 22) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Energy release rate of dynamic delamination", Engng. Fracture Mechanics, vol. 47(4), 1994, pp. 465-471. 23) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos and M. Olsson, ``Elastoplastic analysis of thermal cycling: Layered materials with sharp interfaces", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 42(6), 1994, pp. 979-1018. 24) A. E. Giannakopoulos, P.-L. Larsson and R. Vestergaard, ``Analysis of Vickers Indentation", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 31(19), 1994, pp. 2670-2708. 25) A. E. Giannakopoulos, K.-F. Nilsson and G. Tsamasphyros, ``The contact problem at delamination", J. Appl. Mech., vol. 62, 1995, pp. 1-8. 26) K. Zeng, A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Rowcliffe, ``Vickers indentation in glass, II: Comparison of finite element analysis and experiments", Acta Mater., vol. 43, 1994, pp. 1945-1960. 27) A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Suresh, M. Finot and M. Olsson, ``Elastoplastic analysis of thermal cycling: Layered materials with compositional gradients", Acta Mater., vol. 43(4), 1995, pp. 1335-1354.


28) P.-L. Larsson, A. E. Giannakopoulos, E. Soderlund, D. Rowcliffe and R. Vestergaard, ``Analysis of Berkovich indentation", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 33(2), 1996, pp. 221-248. 29) M. Olsson, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Elastoplastic analysis of thermal cycling: Ceramic particles in metallic matrix", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 43(10), 1995, pp. 1639-1671. 30) K.-F. Nilsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``A finite element analysis of configurational stability and finite growth of buckling driven delaminations", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 43(12), 1995, pp. 1983-2021. 31) K. Zeng, E. Soderlund, A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Rowcliffe, ``Controlled indentation: A general approach to determine mechanics properties of brittle materials", Acta Mater., vol. 44(3), 1996, pp. 1127-1141. 32) A. E. Giannakopoulos and P.-L. Larsson, ``Analysis of pyramid indentation of pressure-sensitive hard metals and ceramics", Mechanics of Materials, vol. 25(1), 1997, pp. 1-35. 33) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Indentation of solids with gradients in elastic properties: Part I. Point forces", Int. J. Solids Structures, vol. 34(19), 1997, pp. 2357-2392. 34) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Indentation of solids with gradients in elastic properties: Part II. Axisymmetric indenters", Int. J. Solids Structures, vol. 34(19), 1997, pp. 2393-2428. 35) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos and J. Alcala, ``Spherical indentation of compositionally graded materials: Theory and experiments", Acta Mater., vol. 45, 1997, pp. 1307-1322. 36) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Total deformation, plain strain contact analysis of macroscopically homogeneous compositionally graded materials with constant power-law strain hardening", J. Appl. Mech., vol. 64, 1997, pp. 853-860. 37) M. Olsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Elastoplastic analysis of layered materials under thermal loading: Edge cracks parallel to the interface", Int. Journal of Fracture, vol. 85, 1997, pp. 81-97. 38) K. Zeng, A. E. Giannakopoulos, D. Rowcliffe and P. Meier, ``Residual stress fields at the surface of sharp pyramid indentations", J. Am. Ceram. Society, vol. 81, 1998, pp. 689-694. 39) O. Jorgensen, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Large spherical indentation of composite laminates with controlled gradients in elastic anisotropy", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 35, 1998, pp. 5097-5113.


40) J. Jitcharoen, N. P. Padture, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Hertzian-crack suppression in ceramics with elastic-modulus-graded surfaces", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., vol. 81, 1998, pp. 2301-2308. 41) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``A three-dimensional analysis of fretting fatigue", Acta Materialia, vol. 46, 1998, pp. 177-192. 42) J. Alcala, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Continuous micro-indentation measurements of load-depth penetration curves with spherical micro-indenters and the estimation of mechanical properties", Journal of Materials Research, 1998, vol. 13, pp. 1390-1400. 43) A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. C. Lindley and S. Suresh, ``Aspects of equivalence between contact mechanics and fracture mechanics: Theoretical connections and a life-prediction methodology for fretting-fatigue", Acta Materialia, vol. 46, 1998, pp. 2955-2968. 44) P.-L. Larsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Tensile stresses and their implication to cracking at pyramid indentation of pressure-sensitive hard metals and ceramics", Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. A254, 1998, pp. 268-281. 45) P. Norlund, A. E. Giannakopoulos and B. Haggblad, ``Adaptive mesh-updating method for nonlinear finite element analysis of shells", Int. J. Numer. Methods in Engng. vol. 43, 1998, pp. 1523-1544. 46) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Theory of indentation of piezoelectric materials", Acta Materialia, vol. 47, 1999, pp. 2153-2164. 47) U. Ramamurty, A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Suresh and S. Sridhar, ``An experimental study of spherical indentation on piezoelectric materials", Acta Materialia, vol. 47, 1999, pp. 2417-2430. 48) S. Sridhar, A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Suresh and U. Ramamurty, ``Electrical response during indentation of piezoelectric materials: A new method for material characterization", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 85, 1999, pp. 380-387. 49) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Indentation of graded substrates", Thin Solid Films, vol. 332, 1998, pp. 172-179. 50) S. Suresh and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``A new method for estimating residual stresses by instrumented sharp indentation", Acta Materialia, vol. 46 (16), 1998, pp. 5755-5767. 51) A. Saigal, A. E. Giannakopoulos, H. E. Pettermann and S. Suresh, ``Electrical response during indentation of a 1-3 piezoelectric ceramic-polymer composite", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 86 (1), 1999, pp. 603-606. 52) A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Determination of elastoplastic properties by instrumented sharp indentation", Scripta Materialia, vol. 40, 1999, pp. 1191-1198.


53) S. Suresh, M. Olsson, A. E. Giannakopoulos, N. Padture and J. Jitcharoen, ``Engineering the resistance to sliding-contact damage through gradients in elastic properties at contact surfaces", Acta Materialia, vol. 47, pp. 3915-3926, 1999. 54) A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. A. Venkatesh, T. C. Lindley and S. Suresh, ``The role of adhesion in contact fatigue", Acta Materialia, vol. 47, 1999, pp. 4653-4664. 55) A. E. Giannakopoulos and P. Pallot, ``Two-dimensional contact analysis of elastic graded materials", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 48, 2000, pp. 1597-1631. 56) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Strength analysis of spherical indentation of elastic piezoelectric materials", Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 67, 2000, pp. 409-416. 57) S. Sridhar, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Mechanical and electrical responses of piezoelectric solids to conical indentation", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 87(12), 2000, pp. 1-6. 58) A. Gouldstone, H.-J. Koh, K.-Y. Zeng, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Discrete and continuous deformation during nanoindentation of thin films", Acta Materialia, vol. 48, 2000, pp. 2277-2395. 59) T. A. Venkatesh, K. J. Van Vliet, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Determination of elastoplastic propeties by instrumented sharp indentation: Guidelines for property extraction", Scripta Materialia, vol. 42, 2000, pp. 833-839. 60) A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. C. Lindley, S. Suresh and C. Chenut. ``Similarities of stress concentrations in contact at round punches and fatigue at notches: Implications to fretting fatigue crack initiation", Fatigue and Fracture of Engng. Materials and Structures, vol. 23, 2000, pp. 561-571. 61) F. Gaudette, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Interface cracks in layered materials subjected to temperature variations", International Journal of Fracture, vol. 110, 2001, pp. 325-349. 62 ) S. J. Lombardo, D. Bianchi, B. Bishop, A. E. Giannakopoulos, R. Goldsmith, R. Higgins, R. Pober and Suresh S., ``Forming of ceramics during firing without the application of external pressure", J. Am. Ceram. Society, vol. 82(6), 1999, pp. 1401-1408. 63) A. E. Giannakopoulos, I. Blech and S. Suresh, ``Large elastic deformation analysis of layered plates under thermal, mechanical and gravity loads", Acta mater., vol. 49, 2001, pp. 3671-3688. 64) D. C. Pender, N. Padture, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Gradients in elastic modulus for improved contact-damage resistance. Part I: The Silicon Nitride-Oxynitride glass system", Acta mater., vol. 49, 2001, pp. 3255-3262. 65) D. C. Pender, N. Padture, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Gradients in elastic modulus for improved contact-damage resistance. Part II: The Nitride-Silicon Carbide system", Acta mater., vol. 49, 2001, pp. 3263-3268.


66) T. A. Venkatesh, B. P. Conner, C. S. Lee, A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. C. Lindley and S. Suresh, ``An experimental investigation of fretting fatigue in Ti-6Al-4V: The role of contact conditions and microstructure", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, vol. 32A, 2001, pp. 1131-1146. 67) A. Saigal, A. E. Giannakopoulos and S. Suresh, ``Parametric study of the volume fraction of fibers in 1-3 PZT/ polyurethane piezoelectric composites during indentation", Ferroelectrics, vol. 255, 2001, pp. 1-12. 68) E. W. Andrews, A. E. Giannakopoulos, E. Plisson and S. Suresh, ``Analysis of dynamic sharp indentation", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 39(2), 2002, pp.281-295. 69) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``The influence of initial surface stresses on instrumented sharp indentation", Journal of Applied Mechanics,vol. 70, 2003, pp. 638-643. 70) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Indentation of plastically graded substrates by sharp indentors", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol.39, 2002, pp. 2495-2515. 71) D. A. Burianek, A. Giannakopoulos and M. Spearing, ``Modeling of Facesheet Crack Growth in Titanium-Graphite Hybrid Laminates, Part I", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 70(6), 2003, pp. 775-798. 72) A. E. Giannakopoulos, E. Amanatidou and N. Aravas, ``A reciprocity theorem in linear gradient elasticity and the corresponding Saint-Venant principle", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 43, 2006, pp. 3875-3894. 73) I. Vardoulakis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, `` An example of double forces taken from structural analysis", Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 43, 2006, pp. 4047-4062. 74) A. E. Giannakopoulos, K. Baxevanakis and A. Gouldstone, ``Finite element analysis of Volterra type of dislocations", Archives of Applied Mechanics, vol. 77, 2007, pp. 113-122. 75) A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Elastic and viscoelastic indentation of pyramids on flat surfaces", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 54, pp. 1305-1332, 2006. 76) G. N. Haidemenopoulos, A. D. Zervaki, P. Terezakis, J. Tzanis, A. E. Giannakopoulos and M. K. Kotouzas, ``Investigation of rolling contact fatigue in a Grade 900 A Rail Steel", Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, vol. 29, 2006, pp. 887-900. 77) A. Giannakopoulos and K. Stamoulis, ``Structural analysis of gradient elastic components". Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol.44, 2007, pp. 3440-3451. 78) A. E. Giannakopoulos and A. Parmaklis, ``The contact problem of a circular rigid punch on piezomagnetic materials". Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 44, 2007, pp. 4593-4612.


79) A. E. Giannakopoulos and A. Triantafyllou, ``Spherical indentation of incompressible rubber-like materials”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, vol. 55, 2007, pp. 1196-1211. 80) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Size effects on strength, toughness and fatigue crack growth of gradient elastic solids”, Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 45, 2008, pp. 4921-4935. 81) E. A. Baxevani and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “The modified Rockwell test: A new probe for mechanical properties of metals”, to appear in Experimental Mechanics, 2009. 82) A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Panagiotopoulos, “Cone indentation of rubber-like materials”, Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 46, 2009, pp. 1436-1447. 80) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Size effects on strength, toughness and fatigue crack growth of gradient elastic solids”, Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 45, 2008, pp. 4921-4935. 81) E. A. Baxevani and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “The modified Rockwell test: A new probe for mechanical properties of metals”, to appear in Experimental Mechanics, 2009. 82) A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Panagiotopoulos, “Cone indentation of rubber-like materials”, Int. J. Solids and Structures, vol. 46, 2009, pp. 1436-1447. 83) A. E. Giannakopoulos et al, ``Development of strong surfaces using functionally graded composites inspired by natural teeth, I. Theoretical Analysis”, Int. J. Mechanics of Materials, accepted. 84) A. E. Giannakopoulos et al, ``Development of strong surfaces using functionally graded composites inspired by natural teeth, II. Finite element and experimental verification”, Int. J. Mechanics of Materials, accepted. 85) A. E. Giannakopoulos et al, “Relating the local crack-tip deformation fields and the far-field loading of a Mode-I crack in strain gradient linear elastic materials”, Int. J. of Structural Integrity, accepted. 86) N. Aravas and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Plane asymptotic crack-tip solutions in gradient elasticity”, to appear in Int. J. Solids and Structures. 86) Th. Zisis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Wedge indentation of elastic-plastic layered substrates: Designing against contact induced plasticity”, Computational Material Science, 2009. 87) G.S. Sphyroeras, A. Koutsiaris, C. Karathanos, A. Giannakopoulos and A. D. Giannoukas, “Clinical relevance and treatment of carotid stent fractures”, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2010, 1280-1285.


88) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “A second gradient elasto-plastic model for fatigue of small-scale metal components”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 2010, 193-208. 89) A. E. Giannakopoulos and Th. Zisis, “Analysis of Knoop indentation”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011, 175-190. 90) E. A. Baxevani and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “The relation of the Vickers hardness with the loading Stiffness of instrumented Vickers indentation of metal substrates”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 132, 2010, 034501-1/5. 91) K. P. Baxevanakis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Finite element analysis of discrete circular dislocations”, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, 2010 (to appear). 92) S. Papargyri-Beskou, A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. E. Beskos, “Variational analysis of gradient elastic flexural plates under static loading”, Int. J. Solids Structures, 2010, 2755-2766. 93) Th. Zisis, V. I. Zafiropoulou and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “The adhesive contact of a flat punch on a rubber-like substrate subject to pull-out force or a bending moment”, Mechanics of Materials, 2011, 1-24. 94) Th.Zisis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Analysis of Knoop indentation: strain hardening effects”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011, 3217-3231. 95) A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Petridis and D. S. Sophianopoulos, “Dipolar gradient elasticity of cables”, Int. J. Solids Structures, 2012, 1259-1265. 96) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “A study of size effects and length scales in fracture and fatigue of engineering materials”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2012 (to appear). 97) A. E. Giannakopoulos, F. Sofos, T.E. Karakasidis and A. Liakopoulos, “Unified description of size effects of transport properties of liquids flowing in nanochannels”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012 (to appear) 98) A. E. Giannakopoulos and Th. Zisis, “Analysis of Knoop indentation of cohesive frictional materials”, Mechanics of Materials, 2012 (to appear). 99) A. Triantafyllou and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Structural analysis using a dipolar elastic Timoshenko beam”, European Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2013, vol.39, 218-228. 100) A. Triantafyllou and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Derivation of strain gradient length via homogenization of heterogeneous elastic materials”, Mechanics of Materials, 2012 (to appear).


101) Th.Grammenos and A.E. Giannakopoulos.”Fluid ordering effects and density variations in nanochanel flows: A quasi-continuum theory”, Mathematical Methods in Applied Science, 2013 (to appear). ∆ηµοσιεύσεις από επιστηµονικά συνέδρια: 1) G. Tsamasphyros and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``The optimum mesh around crack-tip singularities", Proc. 1st Conf. Greek Society of Theor. and Appl. Mech. (IUTAM), Athens, Greece, 1983, pp. 54-59. 2) K.-F. Nilsson and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Finite element simulation of delamination growth", 1st Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Assessment and Control of Localized Damage (Eds: M. H. Aliabadi, C. A. Brebbia and D. J. Cartwright), Springer-Verlag, vol. 2: Non-linear Behaviour, Dynamics, Composite Materials and Industrial Applications, pp. 299-313, Southampton, UK, 1990. 3) K. Breder and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Erosive wear in Al2O3 exhibiting mode-I R-curve behavior", Ceram. Engng. Science Proceedings, vol. 11, 1990, pp. 1046-1060. 4) A. E. Giannakopoulos, K.-F. Nilsson and G. Tsamasphyros, ``The contact problem at delamination", 2nd Int. Conf. of Localized Damage (Eds: M. H. Aliabadi, H. Nisitani and D. J. Cartwright), CMP Elsevier, vol. 2: Computational Methods in Fracture Mechanics, pp. 495-514, Southampton, UK, 1990. 5) A. E. Giannakopoulos and B. Storakers, ``Mechanics of thin layer buckling and interface crack growth", Proc. 17th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, pp. 17-20, Orlando, FL, USA, 1994. 6) M. Finot, S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, M.Olsson and S. Sampath, ``Experimental studies of thermal cycling of graded materials", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functionally Gradient Materials, 1994, Lausanne, Switzerland. 7) M. Finot, S. Suresh and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Sharp interfaces versus functionally graded metal-ceramic layer: Geometrical Optimization for mechanical response", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functionally Gradient Materials, 1994, Lausanne, Switzerland. 8) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos and O. Jorgensen, ``Control of


indentation cracks through gradients in elastic properties, with applications to polymeric composites", 18th Riso Int. Symp. on Materials Science, 1997, Denmark. 9) S. J. Lombardo, A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Suresh, D. Bianchi, B. Bishop, R. Goldsmith, R. Higgins and R. Pober, ``Shaping of ceramics at elevated temperature without external applied pressure", Proceedings of the American Ceramic Society: Symposium N. Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites, April 1999, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 10) A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. C. Lindley and S. Suresh, ``Applications of fracture mechanics in fretting fatigue life assessment", in Fretting Fatigue: Current Technology and Practices, ASTM STP 1367, Eds: D. W. Hoeppner, V. Chandrasekaran and C. B. Elliot, Am. Soc. Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999. 11) S. Suresh and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Deformation and properties of homogeneous and graded surfaces: Theories and experiments involving depth-sensing indentation", Proceedings of the 20th Risoe International Symp. on Mater. Science: Deformation-induced Microstructures: Analysis and relation to Properties, Spt. 1999, Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. 12) S. Suresh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, S. Sridhar and U. Ramamurty, ``Indentation of piezoelectric ceramics: Theory, experiments and applications", MRS proceedings, Boston, 1999. 13) T. A. Venkatesh, A. E. Giannakopoulos, T. C. Lindley and S. Suresh, ``Modeling and experimental studies of fretting fatigue", Small Fatigue Cracks: Mechanics, Mechanisms and Applications. pp 355-359, Proceedings of the Third Engineering Foundation International Conference, Oahu, Hawaii, 1998. 14) A. E. Giannakopoulos, E. Amanatidou and N. Aravas, ``Strain-gradient elasticity: numerical methods, a reciprocal theorem and a Saint-Venant type principle", Proceedings of the ICCE'04 International Conference, Madeira, Potugal, 26-30 July, 2004. 15) E. Amanatidou,A. E. Giannakopoulos and N. Aravas, ``Finite element models of strain-gradient elasticity: Accuracy and error estimates", Proceedings of the 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 29 June- 1 July, 2005. 16) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, ``Analysis of MEMS beam components within the strain gradient elasticity framework", 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC 2006, 28 August - 1


September 2006, Budapest, Hungary. 17) A. E. Giannakopoulos, G. E. Varelis and A. D. Roumelioti, ``Instrumented dynamic indentation of metal substrates by sharp indentors”, pp. 585-592, Proceedings of the 8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, 12-14 July, 2007. 18) A. E. Giannakopoulos, I. D. Gavardinas and N. Aravas, ``Relating the local crack-tip deformation fields and the far-field loading of a Mode –I crack in strain gradient linear elastic materials’’, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture, Patras, Greece, 28 – 30 May, 2008. 19) A. E. Giannakopoulos and V. Zafiropoulou, ``The use of strain gradient elasticity in modeling tissues: The case of human heart’’, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 9-11 October, 2009. 18) A. D. Zervaki, G. N. Haidemenopoulos and A. E. Giannakopoulos, On the microhardness and Young’s modulus of human teeth, Proc. Int. Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 October 2008. 19) A. E. Giannakopoulos and C. Baxevanakis, ‘’Finite element analysis of discrete circular dislocations”, Proc. 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Rhodes, Greece, 22-24 June, 2009. 20) A. E. Giannakopoulos and V. Zafiropoulou, ``The use of strain gradient elasticity in modeling tissues: The case of human heart’’, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 9-11 October, 2009. 21) A. E. Giannakopoulos and D. Sophianopoulos, “Gradient elasticity of steel cables”, 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 12-14 July 2010, Limassol, Cyprus. 22) K. Baxevanakis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Finite element analysis of Voltera Dislocation loops”, 4th International Conference –From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, 7-10 July 2010, Athens, Greece. 23) I. Vardulakis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “The use of simplified strain gradient elasticity in structural analysis”, 12th ICTAM Conference, 25-29 August 2008, Adelaide, Australia. 24) K. Stamoulis and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “A study of size effects and length scales in fracture and fatigue by second gradient elasto-plastic models”, 2nd Int. Conf. of Engineering against Fracture (ICEAF II) (Chair), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece. 25) A. M. Kordolemis, N. Aravas and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Pretwisted beams in axial tension and torsion: an analogy with dipolar gradient elasticity and applications to textile materials”, 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 25-27 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece.


26) Th. Grammenos and A. E. Giannakopoulos, “Fourth-order diffusion in nanochannel flows: A quasi-continuum approach”, 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 25-27 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece. 27) A. E. Giannakopoulos and K. Baxevanakis, “Finite element analysis of discrete Dislocations having variable cores”, ISDMM13 6th International Symposium on Defect and Material Mechanics, Centrale Nantes, France, July 1-3 2013. Conferences: 1st Conference of the Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), 1983, Athens, Greece. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1989, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 14th Annual Conference of Composites and Advanced Ceramics, 1989, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA. 225 European Colloquium in Fracture of Multiphase Materials (invited), 1989, Paderborn, FRG. 1st International Conference of Localized Damage, 1990, Southampton, UK. 94st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1992, Minneapolis, MN, USA. German-Polish-Greek Conference in Mechanics of Dynamics, 1991, Warsaw, Poland. 3rd Conference of the Greek Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), 1991, Athens, Greece. Swedish Mechanics Day, January 1992, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. 2nd International Conference of Localized Damage, June 1992, Southampton, UK. 95th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics (invited paper), 1993, Kiev, Ukraine. 17th Annual Adhesion Society Meeting, February 1994, Orlando, Florida, USA. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1994, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.


MIT--Office of Naval Research Workshop on Functionally Graded Structural Materials (invited), March 1994, Boston, MA, USA. 12th U.S. national Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 1994, Seattle, WA, USA. 2nd European Conference in Solid Mechanics, September 1994, Genoa, Italy. 3rd International Symposium on Structural and functional Gradient Materials, October 1994, Lausanne, Switzerland. International Workshop on Instrumental Indentation (invited), April 1995, San Diego, CA, USA. International Indentation Workshop (invited), January 1996, Cambridge, U.K. Mechanics and Materials Conference ASME, June 1996, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1997, USA. Coupled Property Issues in Integrated Microstructures, April 1997, Monterey, CA, USA. 18th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science (invited), 1997, Denmark. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (invited), April 1998, San Diego, CA, USA. Materials Science and Mechanics of Interfaces (invited), October 1998, LaJolla, CA, USA. 101th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, April 1999, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Society of Engineering Science, October 1999, Austin, Texas, USA. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, (Session Chairman), November 1999, Nashville, TN, USA. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, November 2000, Orlando, FL, USA. MRS meeting, November 1999, Boston, MA, USA. MRS meeting, November 2000, Boston, Ma, USA. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1999, NM, USA. IUTAM meeting, Chicago, 2000, IL, USA. 1st Greek Conference on Metallic Materials, Volos, 2001, Greece.


International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, Corfu, 2003, Greece (invited). International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science, Madeira, 2004, Portugal (invited). Nanobiology and Nanomedicine, Greek Academy of Science, 2005. 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005. International Symposium on the Mechanics of Material Forces, 7/2005, Symi, Greece. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC 2006, 28 August – 1 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary. 16th European Conference of Fracture, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2006 (Session Co-Chair for Measuring Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties). 1st International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture, Patras, Greece, 28 – 30 May, 2008. International Conference on Electronic Materials, Sydney, Australia, 28 July - 1 August 2008. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 22 August – 1 September, 2008. International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 October, 2008. 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (invited keynote paper and Chair), Rhodes, Greece, 22-24 June, 2009. 9th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 9-11 October, 2009. 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics (Chair), 12-14 July 2010, Limassol, Cyprus. 4th International Conference –From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering (Chair), 7-10 July 2010, Athens, Greece. 2nd Int. Conf. of Engineering against Fracture (ICEAF II) (Chair), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece. 5th International Symposium on Defect and Material Mechanics, 27 June- 1 July, 2011, Seville, Spain.


ICCE’12 International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences (Chair), 30 April- 4 May 2012, Crete, Greece. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria, July 9-13, 2012. 3rd Int. Conf. in Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology, Calamata, Greece, August 26-28, 2012. 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 25-27 May 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece. ISDMM13 6th International Symposium on Defect and Material Mechanics, Centrale Nantes, France, July 1-3 2013. Invited talks, other than conferences: Chalmers Institute of Technology, 1988, Goteborge, Sweden. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1993, Worcester, MA, USA. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1994, Tenn., USA. MIT, 1994, 1996, Boston, MA, USA. ABB, Stockholm, 1996, Sweden. National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 2004, 2013 Greece. University of Cyprus, Nikosia, 2010, Cyprus.

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