+ new members orientation rotary international district 3810 dge karen tamayo

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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New Members OrientationRotary International District 3810

DGE Karen Tamayo





+Who Are We? 1.2 million in 32,000 clubs in the world

Core Essence: A world wide network of inspired individuals who translate their passion into relevant social causes to change lives in communities.

Mission: We provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

Core Values: Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership

My own interpretation: We are a DIVERSE group of LEADERS who enjoy each others FELLOWSHIP while SERVING with INTEGRITY

+Rotary’s Beginnings

First Rotary Club in Chicago, 1905.

First Rotarians

1. Paul Harris – organized the group because of a desire for friends

2. Gustavus Loehr – met in his office, Room 711 of the old Unity Building (recreated and located at RI World Headquarters)

3. Silvester Schiele – first club president

4. Hiram Shorey

National Association of Rotary Clubs formed 1910 – Paul Harris elected as president, served 2 years.

+Official Rotary Flag

First flown in Jan 1915 in Kansas City Missouri. Carried to the North Pole by Admiral Byrd (RC Winchester, Virginia) in 1926. Formally adopted by RI in 1929 at RI Convention in Dallas.

+Rotary’s Wheel Emblem

Drawn as a simple wagon wheel by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engineer. In 1923 present gearwheel with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted by RI. The ‘keyway’ was added as advised by a group of engineers.

+Rotary Firsts

1. Rotary club meeting, Chicago, Feb 23, 1905

2. Regular luncheon meeting, Oakland, club chartered 1909

3. Rotary convention, Chicago 1910

4. Rotary club outside US, Winnipeg 1910

5. Rotary club outside North America, Dublin 1911

6. Rotary club in non-English speaking country, Havana 1916

7. Rotary club in Asia, Rotary Club of Manila 1919

+Object of RotaryTo encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. This ideal of service is fostered through:

1. the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

2. high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupation and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

3. the application of the ideal of service in one’s personal, business and community life; and

4. the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

+Rotary’s Mottos

‘He Profits Most Who Serves Best’ approved in 2nd Rotary Convention in Portland, Oregon 1911

Art Sheldon, Chicago Rotarian – stated in a speech ‘He profits most who serves his fellows best’

Ben Collins, president of RC Minneapolis –used the statement ‘Service Not Self’

1989 Council on Legislation adopted – ‘Service Above Self’

2004 Secondary motto ‘They Profit Most Who Serve Best’

+100 Percent Attendance

1922 RI announced a worldwide attendance contest. Motivated thousands of Rotarians to achieve 100% attendance/makeup.

Standard RC Constitution Bylaws: automatic termination for non-attendance if:

1. Failure to attend or make-up 4 consecutive club meetings

2. Failure to attend or makeup 60% of club meetings in 6 months

3. Failure to attend at least 30% of meetings in one’s own club in 6 months

Rotary is a participatory organization that highly values regular attendance. When a members is absent, the club loses that personal association with the member.

+The Four-Way Test

Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor, 1923 took over a failing Aluminum Company. Created a 24 word code of ethics.

Adopted by RI in 1943. Translated into more than 100 languages.

Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Taylor became RI President 1954-55.

+Some Famous Rotarians

Thomas Mann

Carlos P. Romulo

Albert Schweitzer

M.A.T. Caparas – Served as RI President 1986

+Donald Carter Father of Community Service

Horse for a pastor

Public toilet in Chicago

+Invocations and Singing

Religious beliefs of each individual Rotarian should be respected. RI Board meetings – few moments of silent meditation.

Henry Ruggles – fifth man to join Paul Harris. Enjoyed singing. Group singing became a tradition.

+Types of Membership

Active Member: Elected to membership under a business or professional classification. Enjoys all the obligations, responsibilities and privileges of membership provided in RI Constitution and Bylaws.

1. May hold office in their club

2. Serve RI and the district and international level

3. Meet attendance requirements

4. Pay dues

5. Bring new members into Rotary

+Types of Membership

Honorary Rotary membership: offered to those who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals.

1. Elected for one year

2. Continued honorary membership must be renewed annually

3. Cannot propose new members to the club, hold office

4. Exempt from attendance requirements and club dues

+Types of Membership

Some honorary members:

King Gustaf of Sweden King George VI of England

Sir Winston Churchill Charles Lindbergh

Thor Heyerdahl Thomas Edison

Walt Disney Bob Hope

Margaret Thatcher many US presidents.

+Membership in Rotary International

Are we members of RI?

We are members of Rotary Clubs, the clubs are members of RI.

+Organizational Structure

RI President, Board of Directors, General Secretary in Evanston

The Philippines belongs to Zone 7A

10 Districts in the Philippines – we are RI District 3810

District 3810 as 4 areas – Manila, Pasay, Cavite and Occidental Mindoro

+Organizational Structure – District 3810 (some abbreviations)District Governor (DG)

Chief of Staff (COS)

District Secretary (DS) and Area Secretaries

District Treasurer and Area Treasures

Senior Deputy Governors (SDG) – In charge of area operations

Assistant Governors (AGs) – Direct contact with clubs

District Committee Chairs and Area Representatives

+Other acronyms you might wonder about

District Governor Elect (DGE)

District Governor Nominee (DGN)

District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND)

Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG), Immediate Past President (IPP)

Past District Governor (PDG)

Past President (PP)

Peace Builder President (PbP)

+International Meetings

International Assembly – before Feb 15 for DGEs

International Assembly – annually RI 2013 – Lisbon RI 2014 – Sydney RI 2015 – Sao Paolo

Council on Legislation

+District Meetings

District Leadership Training – for incoming district officers

District Assembly (DISTAS) – for incoming club officers

Presidents-elect Training (PETS)

Multi-district President-elect Training (MDPETS)

District Conference (DISCON)

+Women’s Groups Associated with Rotary The predominantly dependent status of

women in western societies changed irrevocably during World War II as women filled occupations previously the domain of men when the men were called upon to serve in the armed forces.

This change accelerated with the growth of the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s.

+Women’s Groups Associated with Rotary

Throughout the course of nearly seven decades of Rotary's history has run the thread of the debate of women as members.

The first constitution of the Chicago Club #1, adopted in January1906, makes no reference to gender, referring only to "persons."

+Women’s Groups Associated with Rotary

Women of Rotary

Rotary Ann Clubs

Las Damas de Rotary

Inner Wheel


1914 on a train ride to the Houston convention, only one Rotarian’s wife on board.

Her name was Ann, she became known as the Rotarian’s Ann.

A chant was created for Rotary Ann.

On arrival in Houston, there was another wife

present whose name was also Ann. In 1984 RI encouraged all Rotary clubs to sponsor such informal groups.

+Women in Rotary

Until 1989, Constitution and Bylaws of RI – membership was for males only.

1978 RC of Duarte, California invited 3 women to become members.

RI Board withdrew the club charter for violation of RI Constitution.

Club brought suit against RI – violation of state civil rights law prohibiting discrimination of any form in business establishments or public accommodations.

California Superior Court ruled against Duarte. California Court of Appeals Court reversed the Duarte decision.

+Women in Rotary

US Supreme Court upheld California Court of Appeals maintaining that Rotary clubs do have a “business purpose” and are in some ways public type organizations.

Action in 1987 allowed women to become Rotarians in any jurisdiction having similar ‘public accommodation’ statues.

23 June, 1987 Dr Sylvia Whitlock was inducted by DGE Dr Kim K Siu as the first woman Club president in the history of Rotary

Council on Legislation changed RI Constitution with a vote to eliminate ‘male only’ provision for all of Rotary.

+Special Rotary Observances

January Rotary Awareness Month

February World Understanding Month

March Literacy Month

April Magazine Month

June Rotary Fellowships Month

August Membership and Extension Month

September New Generations Month

October Vocational Service Month

November Rotary Foundation Month

December Family Month

+Club Leadership Plan

Why does Rotary need a Club Leadership Plan?

Every year, Rotary leadership changes at the club, district, and international levels.

The Club Leadership Plan provides for better succession planning and continuity.

In addition, Rotary leaders are volunteers with many demands on their time.

A recommended administrative structure allows these leaders to focus on service rather than club management.

+Avenues of Service

Club Service

Community Service

Vocational Service

International Service

New Generations

+The Rotary Foundation (TRF)

1917 RI President Arch Klumph proposed endowment fund for ‘doing good in the world’

1918 first contribution of USD 26.50 from RC Kansas City, Mo

1947 on death of Paul Harris, memorial gifts to The Rotary Foundation

2004-05 USD 85 million to the Annual Programs Fund and USD 118 million in total contributions

+What are the programs of TRF?

Future Vision

District Simplified Grants

Global Grants

Ambassadorial Scholarships

World Peace Fellowships

Vocational Study Exchange


+PolioPlus Began in 1985 in the Philippines

Adopted as Global Eradication of Polio

Only 3 countries in the world with Wild Polio Virus cases:

1. Afghanistan2. Pakistan3. Nigeria

India – no new cases for one year

Bill and Melinda Gates Support

+How can you give?

Paul Harris Fellow

Multiple Paul Harris

Sustaining Member

Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY)

+Public Relations of Rotary


RI Resources – Humanity in Motion

+What can you find online?

+What can you find online?

+And now…


+Need more information?



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