外研社版高中英语必修二 module 1 our body and healthy habits 青光中学英语组

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外研社版高中英语必修二外研社版高中英语必修二Module 1

Our Body and Healthy Habits


课 时 分 配(根据实际进行结合)Period 1:Introduction + Speaking 1Period 2 : Reading and vocabulary Period 3 : Function + Grammar 1 + Everyday English + PronunciationPeriod 4 : Listening and Vocabulary + Speaking 2 + Grammar2 Period 5 : Cultural Corner+ Workbook+ WritingPeriod 6 : Task +Module file

The First Period

Introduction + Speaking 1

Period 1 : Introduction + Speaking 1Period 2 : Reading and Vocabulary + Grammar 1Period 3 : Grammar 1 + Function + Grammar2 + PronunciationPeriod 4 : Listening and Vocabulary + Speaking 2 + Everyday EnglishPeriod 5 : Cultural Corner+ Task +Workbook+ WritingPeriod 6 : Exercises

Healthy Food or

Junk Food?

Fill in the blanks with the food you or your friends like to eat. Make a list of food and decide what are good or not.

Name Breakfast Snack Lunch Dinner

Look at the following words and expressions . Which of them are connected with illness ?

dentist diet fat fit

flu/ influenza health

get/ catch a cold rare

toothache unhealthy wealthy

flu/ influenza

get/ catch a cold

toothache unhealthy

Read these sentences and tick the sentences that are true for you:

1.I sometimes get cold and flu .

2.I eat at least three portions of fruit and

vegetables a day .

3.I eat fish once a week or more .

4. I take at least two hours’ exercises a week .

5. I don’t eat much fat , for example ,

fatty meat .

6. I eat a lot of sweet things , for

example , chocolate .

7. I rarely get toothache .

8. I’m quite fit .


Discuss with your partner about your diet and healthy habits

( 5 minutes )

1. You are what you eat . 2. Healthy mind in a healthy body . 3. An apple a day ,keeps the doctor

away. 4. Early to bed , early to rise makes a

man healthy ,wealthy and wise .

Read the English proverbs :

Pair Work :Pair Work :Do you know any Chinese

proverbs connected with health ?

Can you translate them into English ?

Work in groups to decide the five

most important things

we should or we shouldn’t do

in order to stay healthy .

Language points :

1. get / catch a cold 感冒 eg.: During the winter, children can easily get

a cold . 2. connect …with / be connected with 与―――有联系eg.: It’s said that he is connected with the traffic accident . 3. translate …into . 把―――翻译成―――eg.: when learning English , sometimes we need to translate Chinese into English .

Homework :

Revise the vocabulary in introduction and try to find more about healthy eating habits .

Period 2 :

Reading and vocabulary

Read the following words and answer the questions :

1.Which words are connected with food ? Sweets 2.Which words are connected with the body ? break an arm , fever, injure , injury , pain , painful 3.Which word means usual or ordinary ? normal4.Which word means worried about something that may happen ?


Read the passage about Zhou Kai ( 1 ) and answer the following questions :

1.Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious ?

Because he is going out to play football in the rain without a jacket .

2. What does she think will happen ?

She thinks he will catch a cold .

3. What does she ask him to do ?

She asks him to wear a jacket at least .

Work in groups to make a flow chart about how Zhou Kai caught a cold .

go out in the rain

play football

Wet all over

Discussion :

The students discuss in groups to

decide whether Zhou Kai has a

healthy lifestyle .

Listen to the tape of Zhou Kai ( 2 ),and choose the best answer :

1.Zhou Kai’s family ______ .

A. avoids eating too much fat or sugar

B eat a lot of vegetables ,fruit and meat

2. Zhou Kai _____

A. sometimes gets colds and flu

B. seldom gets colds or flu

3. A week ago , Zhou Kai ______ .

A. caught a cold B. injured his arm

4. Two years ago , Zhou Kai ______ while playing football . A. hurt his leg B. hurt his arm 5. Zhou Kai describes himself as ______ . A. crazy B. someone who loves football

1.       1 1. rarely 很少seldom=not often 不常little =not much 不多few=not many 不多hardly=almost not 几乎不scarcely=almost none at all 简直不

Language focus :

1 ) She rarely meets him , _________ ? A. is she B. isn’t she C. does she D. doesn’t she 2) She seldom writes to him , ________ ? A. is she B. isn’t she C. does she D. doesn't she 3)______ I entered the room ______I heard him burst out crying .

2.) head towards 朝 --- 前进raise one’s head 抬头 nod one’s head 点头

shake one’s head 摇头 use one’s head 动动脑筋

eg: Where are you heading ? 你要去那里?

3). I’d rather eat a piece of fruit . would rather ( 宁愿 ), 后加动词原

形或从句。Would rather somebody did something 表示某人宁

愿 让另外一个人做某事时,一般用过去的时态。

Eg : I’d rather you didn’t go there at night . ( 我宁愿你别夜里去那里。 )

3). I’d rather eat a piece of fruit . would rather ( 宁愿 ), 后加动词原形或从句。 Would rather somebody did something


Eg : I’d rather you didn’t go there at night .

( 我宁愿你别夜里去那里。 )

would rather do A than do B /

would do A rather than do B 宁愿做 A 而不愿做B

eg,.: I would rather stay home than go shopping .

It’s too hot . ( 我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿意去购物。天太热了。 )

4 ) I very rarely get colds , although , unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week . although “尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句( 不 倒 装 )as 引 导 的 让 步 状 语 从 句 倒 装though “尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句 ,可 以 倒 装 , 也 可 以 不 倒 装eg: Child as he is , he can speak fluent English . Although he is a child , he can speak fluent

English .a bit of 一 点 儿 , 修 饰 名 词 , 如 : Let’s have a bit of this juice. 让我们尝尝这种果汁 吧 。

5 ) I was stupid enough to play football in the rain .

我真够蠢的, 居然在雨中踢球。

a). 形容词 / 副词 +enough to do …. 表示够… ., 达到了做某事的程度。

如: The girl is old enough to dress herself .


b) in the rain 在雨中。介词 in 表示处于某种状态或境况中。如:

He is in good health . 他健康状态良好。

Period 3 :

Function + Grammar 1

+ Everyday English + Pronunciation

1. Revise the passage about Zhou Kai (1).The students work in pairs to decide which sentence is making a prediction and which one is talking about an intention .

1). “… You’ll catch a bad cold .,” said his mother .

2). “I’ll be fine ,” said Zhou Kai , as he opened the door .

3). “Zhou Kai , you’ll get ill , you know you will .”These sentences are making a

prediction .

2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of following verbs : Be, become , fall, get , hurt 1) The doctors are going to examine my leg . I think it _________ . 2) Take more exercise and you _________ really fit .3) Don’t eat so many sweets . You ________ fat !4)Eat well and you _____ always _______ healthy . 5)Don’t climb that wall . You _________ and break your leg .

will hurt will get /become

will become

will be

Will fall

1) When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously . 2) And I’m not too heavy , so I never have to diet, or anything like that . 3) Stop mothering me! I am not a child. 4) She fingered the silk gently.

In these sentences , the words “eye, head , and diet,finger and mother ” are used as verbs .

back n. 背 , v. 支持

boat n. 小船 , v. 划船

date n. 日期 , v. 约会

end n. 末尾 , v. 终止

fool n. 傻子 , v. 愚弄

line n. 行, v. 排队

drop n. 滴 , v. 落下

cost n. 费用 , v. 花费

face n. 脸 , v. 面对

mother n. 母亲 , v. 指使

hand n. 手 , v. 递

house n. 房子 , v. 容纳

finger n. 手指, v. 用手摸

taste n. 味道 , v. 品尝

Fill in the blanks with the words above:

1) This apartment ______ six people and a dog . ( 容纳 )

2) She __________ the silk gently . (抚摸)

3)  It __________ really delicious . (尝起来)

4) Can you _______ me those papers ? (递)

The young boy _____________ a toy in the window . (盯着 )




was eyeing

1)      He _________ me in the argument . (支持)

2)      They were fond of _________ . (划船)

8 ) They ______ each other for months . ( 约会 )

9 ) She _________ the cup on the floor . ( 掉 )

10 ) He _______ a lot of people into believing that he is and honest statesman . ( 欺骗 )






Choose the suitable meaning of the following sentences : 1. Terrific ! means ________ . ( a ) Wonderful ( b ) Quite good 1 2.      To be off work means ______ . ( a ) not to go to work ( b ) to stay longer at work 3.      Oh , dear! Means _____- . ( a ) That’s bad news ( b ) My good friend 3 4.      That couldn’t be better .means ________ .( a ) That’s excellent news ( b ) Well done 5.  I have a sweet tooth means _______ .( a ) I like sweet things ( b ) I have toothache 6.      I’m crazy about football means ________ .( a ) I love football ( b ) Football is crazy

listen and mark the sounds which are linked :1 1.  My chest hurts . 2.  I’ve got a temperature .

3.  I’ll write you a prescription .

4. Pick me up at the hospital .

5. I’ll be off work for a week .

6. She will visit you this afternoon .

Homework : 1. Work in pairs to list more nouns

which can be used as verbs . 2. Make up dialogues with the

sentences in everyday English .

Period 4 :

Listening and Vocabulary + Speaking 2 + Grammar2

Work in pairs to fill in the blanks with the following words : chest, heart ,lung, stomach , throat 1.When we breathe, the air goes into our __________ . 2.The ______ send blood around our body . 3.Your _____ is inside your neck . 4.When we eat, food goes into the _________ .

5.Your lungs are inside your ______ .




Which word means……?

   1.   a photograph of inside body _________

   2.   something shows that you have illness _________

   3. to take air in and out of your lungs _________

 4.  an illness in which your chest hurts when you

breathe _________

   5.    to be hot when you are ill _________

    6. a piece of paper on which a doctor writes down the

medicine a sick person needs _________





have a temperature


Read the following sentences , listen to the tape and decide who says them :

( )A In fact, I feel awful.

( )B My chest hurts when I breathe.

( )C How long have you had the temperature?

( )D Yes, I've got a sore throat and a cough.

( )E Can you lie down, please, and I'll examine you?

( )F We may need to take you into hospital.

( )G I'll write you a prescription.

( )H And how are you planning to get home now?

( )I How long will I be off work?










Listen to the tape once again and correct the mistakes in the following sentences :

1. I’ve got a temperature of 370C.

2.Can you breathe deeply ?

3. Well, I’m sorry , but you‘ve probably got pneumonia .

4. My sister’s going to visit her this afternoon .

5. My wife’s going to pick me up in half an hour .

6. I should imagine about three weeks at least .



take a deep breath

I’m afraid


in a quarter of half an hourtwo

Match the health problems with the symptoms :

1. pain in a tooth broken arm

2.your arm hurts and you can’t

move it toothache

3. a very bad headache in which

you don’t like the light cough

4. you make a noise with your throat sore throat

5. pain in your stomach migraine

]6. pain in your throat stomachache


Work in pairs to discuss the health problems they have had.

Eg.: he’s had a broken arm , but he never had a migraine .

1.    1.   Can you lie down , please, and I’ll examine

you ?


 2.  My wife’s going to visit her this afternoon .

You use will when the speaker decides to do something as he speaks .

You use be going to when someone has decided to do something before .

Fill in the blanks with be going to” and “will ” 1. My son has a pain in his stomach and _________ have an X-ra


2 It's ten o'clock and I've got a headache. I think I ________ take an aspirin.

3 I've thought about it a lot and I ________ start diet tomorrow. I want to lose weight

4 My daughter has decided to study medicine. She ________ be a doctor.

is going to


am going to

is going to

5 Oh no, my medicine is almost finished! I

________ ask the doctor for another prescription.

6 The doctor saw me today and _________

see me again next week.

7 My best friend is in hospital but _________ come out tomorrow.

8 It's cold outside. I think I_________ wear my coat


is going to

is going to


Homework :

Revise the use of will and be going to

Period 5 :

Writing+Cultural Corner

+ Workbook

Put the following sentences in the right order to make a paragraph :

a He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migraine.

b I see lights in front of my eyes and I have to sleep in a dark room.

c He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.

d For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month.

a He said that chocolate and cheese

can often give you migraine.

b I see lights in front of my eyes and I

have to sleep in a dark room.

c He examined me and asked me

questions about my symptoms.

d For three years, I have had very

bad headaches about three or four times

a month.

e And now I don't get migraines any more. I feet great'

f I am a sixteen-year-old boy.

g So I stopped eating chocolate and cheese.

h Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches.

The right order :


Game time :

Zhou Kai’s cold

Start of the illness

Cause of the illness


What the doctor said

What the doctor did

How the illness ended

Work in pairs to talk about the process of how one was ill :

Write a paragraph about a small health problem that you have ever had :

1.Begin with some information about yourself .

2.Say what the problem was

3.Explain what you did or what happened

4.Explain how things ended .

country Health-care system




Homework :

Finish the workbook exercises .

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