中国地质大学长城学院. learning objectives of unit 1 by the end of this unit, you are...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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By the end of this unit, you are supposed to grasp the author’s purpose of writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1 Never Say Goodbye.

comprehend the topic sentences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphrase them.

get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing.

be aware of the cross-cultural differences in the social behavior of Giving Gifts.


Lead-in Activities

Text-structure Analysis

language points


after reading



Manner & Manners

Manner: formal, the way in which something is done or happensmanner of (doing) somethingIt seemed rather an odd manner of deciding things.He felt some guilt over the manner of her death.


Manners: [plural] polite ways of behaving in social situationshave good/bad manners it's good/bad manners to do somethingperfect/impeccable manners table manners (=the polite way of eating at a table)


mind your manners (=used to tell someone to behave politely) somebody has no manners (=someone often behaves in a way that is not polite)remember forget / your manners where are your manners?


Good manners

speak gently in public, say “thank you” when others do you a favor, say “excuse me” when you bother others, table manners: eat softly, quietly Help the weak, the poor, the old, the disabled, do not laugh at others, being punctual…






Table manners


Q & A

1. Q. Is it considered rude to take a sip of your drink while still chewing?Answer: It is considered good manners to wait until you have finished chewing and have swallowed your food before taking a sip of your beverage.


2. Q : Is it proper for a woman to apply lipstick at the table after a meal?Answer: It is appropriate for a woman to excuse herself and apply lipstick in a private area such as a restroom.


3. Q. Should you dismiss yourself from the table if you need to sneeze or blow your nose?Answer: Yes, excuse yourself from the table, and at no time should you use your napkin as a handkerchief.


4. Q. Who pays the bill when dining out?Answer:When entertaining a guest, such as when out for dinner or cocktails, the person who extended the invitation (regardless of gender) is responsible for paying the bill.


5. Q: When you have some food in your mouth that you don’t want to swallow, what should you do? Answer:Move the food forward with your tongue onto the fork and place it back on the side of your plate.


Bad manners

stare at others, never use polite words, bad table manners, do not respect others and their behavior, talk loudly in public, spit, litter everywhere, spy on others’ privacy……


Bad manners?



In Shanghai




Writing style

Narration ( )Description ( )Exposition ( )Argumentation ( )This essay is a piece of argumentation on the necessity and significance of good manners.


1. What’s the typical feature of an argumentation?

2. How to organize an argumentation?In the beginning part the writer puts forward his viewpoint.Then he illustrates his viewpoint with specific examples he witnesses in New York.


In the last paragraph, the writer concludes that good manners are infectious and indicates his sincere wish.The text is featured by the ingenuous use of a variety of sentences as well as of proper words and phrases.Writing technique: metaphorical expressions (metaphor, simile, rhetorical question)


Structural Analysis

Part 1(Para 1): BeginningPart 2(Para 2-4): One cannot be truly stylish without good manners.Part 3(Para 5-10): The writer states and expounds the great power of some typical good manners.Part 4(Para 11): Conclusion


Part 1

1. Which sentences in Part 1 imply that in a general sense, people in the present age are less friendly than people in the past?The first two sentences of the first para.2. What impolite examples of New York people are showed?


Part 2 ( paragraph2-4 )In these three para. The writer puts forward and bears out the following viewpoint: you cannot be truly stylish without good manners; good manners are a sort of hidden beauty secret and adds pricelessly to your image.According to the author, how do good manners build your image?


Part 3 ( para 5-10 )The writer states and expounds the great power of some typical good manners he proposes upon those on the receiving end. Also, he reasonably explains and vividly illustrates the good effects polite manners have on our family members.


Part 4

This is the concluding paragraph in which the writer advances his opinion that good manners are infectious and expresses his sincere wish that everyone would be polite and show good manners.



Get away 1) succeed in leaving The meeting dragged on, and I didn't get

away until seven. 2) escape, esp. from the scene of a crime; We knew it wouldn't be easy to get away

from the police.get away with murder informal to not be punished for doing something wrong:Some of those children get away with murder!


对不起,我迟到了,我刚才在开会脱不开身。I’m sorry I’m late; I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away.


Elevator ( AmE)


Lift ( Br E)







pleasure you feel when you realize something is good, useful, or well donea feeling of being grateful for something someone has donean understanding of the importance or meaning of somethinga realistic appreciation of the situation


在音乐会上,每当一位歌手唱完一首美妙动听的歌曲时,观众边高声喝彩表示赞赏。At the concert whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation.


pull outto drive onto a road from another road or from where you have stopped:Don't pull out! There's something drive over to a different part of the road in order to get past a vehicle in front of you:I pulled out to overtake a bus.if a train pulls out, it leaves a station [≠ pull in]


No matter how nicely you dress, how beautiful you decorate your homes, or how lovely your dinner parties are, you can’t be truly stylish without good manners. How do you understand that “ we can’t be truly without good manners”?


If we do not show good manners, we cannot be said to be really stylish even though we wear the most stylish clothes, or decorate our homes most stylishly.


Nice dress


Beautiful decoration


Lovely dinner party


stylish她是个穿着时髦的人,总是穿着时髦的衣服,但对饮食很少讲究。As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks.stylish in manner/ an elegantly stylish suitA fashion stylist/a first-rate hair stylist/a polished stylist ( designer )


Matter/hidden beauty

But something like a simple “Thank you” can count a great deal.I regard good manners as a kind of concealed magic method or formula which makes you beautiful.


Cary Grant ( 1904-1986)


British-born US film star, renowned for his performance as the handsome, suave ( gracious, smooth), and slightly bemused (confused) man-about-town in a host of film.A big star for decades, he seemed to get better with age. Notorious/ To Catch a Thief


Notorious ( & Ingrid Bergman)


To catch a thief


Lauren Becall ( 1924-)

US film actress noted for her husky( hoarse) voice and smoldering ( burning) screen presence. Taking dancing for 13 yrs, then model, marriage with Bogart for 12 yrs in Hollywood, Broadway for Tony award, Murder on the Orient Express, on stage and in TV with great success.



Immediately, at once They are going to close the Music Hall

after Easter.In a straight line, directly

After breakfast the children went right to school.Exactly, just

The accident happened right to school.



behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, especially to people of a lower rankShe was gracious enough to accept his encouragement.It was gracious of you to bear us in mind.Be gracious to/towards everyone you meet.有礼貌的,谦和的,宽厚的,体恤的


gracious (me)!/good gracious!/goodness gracious! old-fashioned used to express surprise or to emphasize 'yes' or 'no‘having the kind of expensive style, comfort, and beauty that only rich people can afford:a gracious manor house (庄园)a magazine about gracious living


gracefulmoving in a smooth and attractive way, or having an attractive shape or form:Her movements were graceful and elegant.The branches formed a graceful curve.behaving in a polite and pleasant way:Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.



优美的,优雅得体的She is graceful in manner/ speech.The bride was as graceful as a swam when she walked down the aisle with the bridegroom.



A stylish manner to do things that causes admiration and seems to be without any difficultyWith great panache he pulled the tablecloth off the table without disturbing any of the plates and glasses.They played and sang with great panache.


Para 5: to exemplify Thank youPara 6: advice a delayed note is better than nothingPara 7: to illustrate the power of excuse me Para 8: be helpful, be punctualPara 9-10: good manners with family members


What good manners does the writer suggest that we should display?Do you agree with the writer that good manners with our families count the most? Justify your reply.


Good manners count the most among the family members because those are the people we love the most and cherish the most. We all want our family members to feel nice and comfortable. We all tend to show our affectionate concern for our dear ones. That is natural. And naturally, good manners matter the most among family members.


do wonders forWork wonders forCreate wonders forBe quite successful in The medicine will do wonders for your depression.护士告诉我医生奇迹般的治好了你的心脏病。… the doctors have done wonders for your hear disease.



Mr Brown was our host at the party.布朗先生是我们晚会的主人。"The host team and the guest team won each of the games, so they were even with each other."" 客队和主队各赢一场 , 现在他们两队打平了。“

a host country/city 东道国



a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of foodrecipe for a recipe for tomato soupa recipe bookbe a recipe for something: to be likely to cause a particular result, often a bad one:She said that five small boys on skis was a recipe for disaster, not a holiday.



complimenta remark that shows you admire someone or something, express your praise.Please accept these tickets with our say something nice to someone in order to praise themcompliment somebody on somethingBob complimented me on my new hairstyle.The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaids.


主席颁奖时赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大贡献。When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind.



very good, especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excited [= great]:That's a terrific idea!very good: excellent, fantastic, wonderful, great, terrific, neat ( AmE ) superb, amazing, outstanding, brilliant, impressive, fine, first-class, out of this worldof good quality: high quality, top quality, superior, deluxe, classymorally good: decent, virtuous, respectable, honorable/honorable,upright, beyond reproach


It was a delightful or pleasant gesture that makes me feel very good and put me in an ecstatic state of mind./ It was something very nice that delight me immensely and made me feel wonderful.Mood: the state of feelings or mind at a particular time


He's in one of his moods. 他心情不好。a man of moods 喜怒无常的人be in a mood [ 口 ] 心情不好 , 在生气be in no mood for sth.[to do sth.]不想做某事 , 无意做某事be in the [a] mood for sth. [to do sth.]想做某事 ; 有做某事的兴致be in a melting mood 心肠软化 , 易受感动be in the melting mood 感动得要哭 , 热泪盈眶


I bet./You bet.

used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true, something is happening etc, although you cannot prove this:I bet you she won't come.used to show that you do not believe what someone has just told you:'I'm definitely going to give up smoking this time.' 'Yeah, I bet!‘you bet! Spoken used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest:'Going to the party on Saturday?' ' You bet!'


A carry-on bag( for passenger)


barrela large curved container with a flat top and bottom, made of wood or metal, and used for storing beer, wine etc:


Barrel (verb)

American English informalto move very fast, especially in an uncontrolled way:A vehicle barreled out of a shopping center and crashed into the side of my car.




genuinesomeone who is genuine is honest and friendly and you feel you can trust themthe genuine article: something that is real and is not a copy intended to deceive peoplea genuine feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel [= sincere]


Melt awayCause something to disappear by melting or dissolvingThe sun has melt the snow away.All his support melted away when we really needed it.His anger has melted away in a second.警察到达后,示威的人群逐渐散开。The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived.


irritationthe feeling of being annoyed about something, especially something that happens repeatedly or for a long time:The heavy traffic is a constantsource of irritation. irritation at/withsomething that makes you annoyed:The children are just an irritation for him when he's trying to work.a throat irritation


Rhetorical question

It need not to be answered and in a falling tone. A negative rhetorical question is close in meaning to but more powerful in tone than a positive statement. This means it does indeed melt away most---if not all, of the irritation you felt. After you hear the genuine apologize, your irritation will naturally disappear.





a wee bit: (infml.) a little bit; ratherHe is not feeling a wee bit drunk, though he has been drinking quite a lot of alcohol.Wee: very small - used especially in Scottish English: My wee boy is three.the wee (small) hours American English the early hours of the morning, just after 12 o'clock at night



punctual adj. 准时的;按时的She is always punctual, but her friend is always late.punctual for the class 准时去上课punctual in answering letter 按期回信Punctuality n. 严守时刻 , 准时


既然准时是个好习惯,我们应该shi 分注意准时,努力养成这种好习惯。Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit.



vt., vi.1) 点数;数;算to count from 1 to 1002) 计算;清点;总计达…Count these apples.3) 认为;视为;看作count it an honor (to do sth.) (把做某事)引以为荣4) 有价值;重要;有用Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。


cherish珍爱;爱惜 ; 怀念;怀有 ( 感情 )He cherished the memory of his departed youth.( 喻 )他缅怀他那一去不复返的青春年华。cherish fond dreams of做 ... 的美梦cherish a deep love for 热爱


routinethe usual order in which you do things, or the things you regularly do:John's departure had upset their daily daily exercise routineDressing is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine (done regularly and not unusual).a set of movements, jokes etc that form part of a performance: A dance routine


Take the person for granted: be so familiar with the other person ( your spouse) that you no longer appreciate his or her full value; treat the other person with little attention or concern; not recognize his or her value.We must not take our family members for granted.


1. Do you believe that good manners are infectious? Exemplify your answer.If parents have good manners, their children will follow suit and behave politely.2. Is it possible for anyone and everyone to show good manners?It takes time and calls for much education.



an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe:infectious diseases/Flu is highly infectious.infectious feelings or laughter spread quickly from one person to anotheran infectious smile/ infectious enthusiasm


Good manners are easy to catch./ Good manners can easily be passed from one person to another./ Good manners have favorable, impressive and very good influence on people.Now, how wonderful it would be if we were able to have everyone behave politely towards another.


Shudder &shake( unit one)Shudder : to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasantShudder at/with sth./ to do sth.But if a vehicle or machine shudders, it shakes violently.


Shake: to move suddenly from side to side or up and down, usually with a lot of force, or to make something or someone do thisShe shook him to wake him up.shake • rattle • wobble • vibrate • shudder • judder • jolt


Rattle: to shake and repeatedly hit against sth. making continuous noise.Wobble: it moves from side to side because it is not steady and or not well balanced.Vibrate: to shake continuously with very small, very fast movements, eg. the effect of big noiseJolt: move up and down with sudden large movements, eg. machine is not working well.


Compliment & praiseCompliment: a remark that shows you admire someone or something v, n, say good things aboutPraise: to say that you admire and approve of someone or something, especially publicly [≠ criticize]to praise someone a lot: rave about, gush, sing somebody's praises, speak highly of to praise someone in an insincere way: flatter, butter up


Commendation: ( formal ) an official statement praising someone, especially someone who has been brave or very successfulFlattery : praise that you do not really meanflattery will get you nowhere/everywhere used humorously when someone has praised you and you want to say that you will help them or not help them


Precious : something that is precious is valuable and important and should not be wasted or used without care precious stonePriceless : worth so much money, it is impossible to calculate the price , esp old and rare things , house/painting


Notice: if you notice something or someone, you realize that they exist, especially because you can see, hear, or feel themSee means to notice something with your eyes, either deliberately or accidentallyWatch means to deliberately pay attention to something for quite a long time( moving)When you look at something, you deliberately turn your eyes towards it in order to see it.


Other: the second of two used to refer to the second of two people or things, which is not the one you already have or the one you have already mentionedsome ... othersWhen other is used before a noun, it never has an 's': We visited other places (NOT others places).Another: one more person or thing of the same type


Thank you!

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