i\ock hold end opre>d mpidl,y md tho tiro f'i.shtl.ns aol'vinoa do no t apponr to hnvo...

Post on 24-Apr-2020






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. \

.___: Tlt;;D rft::", ""'" I ~ .... ~., .:.L!..-Pho~plla t.t:on b)' 1 P,ll, U, en 1 ~o4.Z..",


So< l.o : 1/19600

L~ll;)' : !llmXX. PJ.tQ,C?. .'.S3ES.<il£!HT.

Tlv ~ 'tl>4 allllu.rl>e • ""' .... u ""en "' tl'.eeo ~t"Cl'''.J:ha c • o>OI! aoale ·n" d.l.~llt;y. P.c~ioa "'~ •\tiwara. on 'both a1<1o• or tho river TlbWl! to t l-o n.,rth or the t.onn~ f'l.nd tOO thipyru-4.5 o.t. }:J:!:Rtll}:t'YK r:>.ro not oovo1•cd.. ., . . ...


No r:..'O'rloue t"!M&&O report: 1\n.D, boG'\ h1U6d en W33::'X.. loU ~o,;o viaibl.o """ 1·o 1\ttrib<>tod t o tho Mid ot 21\129, ) , 1.2 fi!tocr1 41\)ta bctoro ~ceo photoc'l'"r~ph.s ·,1(;.-rc Won.

t:"l Jm' L ~T.f:ill.[!I!..:::!P_DXG'l'oll;!UTIO:! 0/ Dlol!i\G§.

w:l3::K ia tho " ost hosvU,y cb:ueo.l Gon:>~n tcr<> yot ...,,_ ~"eo to tho tcll".h rnd ~s 1a -:n a aco.lo alD.oa t CorJIIC\r"'blc . ith tho ,.,.t hoevil.y "blJ.tud" oroo.a j.1 Ulil oewttry, · 'ft'oll over 2 1000 houooo 1>1\vo boon tot.>ll.y <leotNyod or dAntlcod

b<>yoncl ropoir ; An! ~ cron t IJt\I\Y ...,.. luvo probobl.y boon •.!Mnsoa. 4 clozcn thotorloc hnvo boon d"'ngod., t:ftG or throet 1 thcr ~!..-. ..; b lal.\y .:..atroycd, ll'lt'r-...; !.= oonqontrotod lu!l"l;r in tho <:cnt:-c or tho tcr.;n on4 in the • .,bU11>o at Sl'. r.oafNz to tho 'lrOGt on<! S'l: , JURCrll to tho S<,uth,

Sc....,ro """"a• hD<I bo011 onuood probl\bl.y by n 4oo0ll> boor.b in tho SUb~b o:.' i!.'.~I t.J tl'l:l E.'l.:Jt.

l£!ho c:m.contr t.ica c r d.ftol..ao in built-up ft.l"'CCM and t.hc la.c:: c! ere. tors in opon count..., irullol> tn tho hish 4oaroo or oucoosa obtair.o-\ ohlrlng tho ntt:oc:k, (Sec Dooo$• Plot) ,

D&'~·!LS OF JY!l!AGE, 1, !IESlll!mL'.L.

rn\Eii t<li:'t. Tho lmnr '""" l.o a ol.olool,y b~lt roti&.ntid aroa ccntcinlnc 5/1 03 r>~inl.y J-5 otoray houaoo , ahopo, publJ.o buil.di."8" otc, Tho 1ntil. """A OCM>rod R Ulo ia'l.Md ( incl.udlnS '<thD t'olAtivol.y open <U'Oft around the CJathcdrol ia 570 ·-·· om\ tho p~l<'.ticn or tr.o inner to'lll\ -· approximo. ol.y 35 000, It ia cat!;.;tod tmt approx:l.c:ltol.y 200 acree or I>~ at tho inner t ,.., buUi>oup aro<> llu boO!l <J.w.to.tod tiN! thot -.robl\bl,y I ,500 ~03 hnvo boon <loot.royo4 or &:>o.so.l boyond ropo.ir, ll.port rrm thia , b<>U.l.­

in;;:> cn tho porlJootor ot clovo.atl\tod ........ will probably )l().vo ourrarod fr:Jll lAtoi<ll blN>t !"14 scornhill4o It J,o lil:ol.y thAt "'''""'ltic:l ,.01'0 h«tvy,

A, 1'ho aA1n =on ot cl.;,.,.tl\t101 at:-ol.choa t'ra> SO&>th at thn CO.tho~-~ft t:,.!~ t:W~rbr~to "-~r~ t:rf!:orn !RJTht ~o~~~~ yru<!a, ~

Do• t""'tion bbJt ~en ooo .. d <>lmoot ont irol.y 'by tiro M4 tho.cy., " runbol' at H, E, b<Clba hi>.., t<>Uon horo1 tho whole ,...... l.a oo aovorol.y cuttod that inoi il ... ta <>! ~· 'tiY blaat ..... alaoat ir.Uat~l..oMI>l .. ~iroo ~ \ock hold end opre>d mpidl,y Md tho tiro f'i.shtl.ns aol'vinoa do not apponr to hnvo £Oino4 OCI\trol untU oano h01U'3 cttor tho r.ttla wa.• ovor. A number or: roo<l.o oppoar t o be 3 ~ill !Dpo..o.1Ablo , thouah tho w.jor i t;r haft 'boon ol o<u'OO ot d<tbrio,

DICLASS~ J.C.S~ Womo l - f1,1 }

&J '[A Dato~PR 5 1973

!', A ooo-4\.l"->")' ""'" , CCV<> ·l • .a •H "'.dt.•t.ol,y 2N lt ~5Q ¥"-"'<~> ""_., bco:a :14 t."' yoi! \>:f r .....

":~ !.nJ bull~~ r·f in ~r. 't )'f'.'J"' ~0-t.Q'\ d.o•tro,Jf\lcl or r11'..m~od :-

1 . ~ C t.d: .1 ia bU.I''J t t·t , t he n\ \. :ore ~YO f t\llon in , .n1 tl"lo utor r. r c,ll".V'(Il loa v!n(" tho v-IW.t.iJ~Ff,. 2. ':'!w ~tao rrr.rt or the t:l'tJ-..e.1 1 w..u. .a (~OIU:l cr A:~ It C:-.! to) i::..: b ce. ,.4tr. :fOI by rlro • .5 . Tho C" th::dt":'ll $ch )('ole t\ro sut.t.ot:t. !. . ~he C: l.r'Ch t" St.Pot.(;r lntr y t b;; t!·r-. ~. ~,..;n Jl: ll. Pr-rt ~ -;he !.lunici)Xll bull~:-* ra hwo 'b3Cn burnt uut. (j . Tho Oh!noch o•J.' St. 1!.!\r.f ia Ll\lttoa.. 7. '!'he Cl]t:tt~l Bleot1ric str.ti•'r'L 1 burnt c,ut. a. the lt:.t'-•~ l-!kll !a "'Utto ' · ~. ':iw Roioh.J b'"nJ: io ~:uttoc'.

3:'. IJT1! t ( ~:} . Il'...o.· :o r.re~3 ot clo~t!\ti n chioC)3 by riro oovor n totc.l of' .5/165 • a.,rrvXi!lo."'. t..,l_y f.5 t~.ore:s M'l t.hor4 e r a,. a mr:.bf"r ;,t in.&le ir.ei dor.tts at ..lo!'trucum n.J tire e ... ••• 'C' , b 0.()h.l ,..r ')~t .. oo h:,·~ae-:5 \o~vo rrcb,l>lJ( o Cl'l n!'foo tod. (Ceo /.;orren lix A) ,

s-:. r.m: z ( !!'1'1!) . Sovcro l"'::'.1'\; .. o h."'.A "'• n c'\u•ed t., h:-ua~:t !\c:"1n chiofl.Y by 5/142. tiru1 f\:1:\ r" b~.bly n.bou.t 1~ h"'U!!03 h'\VtJ bO"'n lie.,tt•":f0\.1. U'\ t.:.w s. "'· ubld t.s :l h'-"!.V:.· b :b , pl'..bc.bl;; 1., .I) lb, h.l.a tot-,ll,y :cotr j'Od 7 or 8 tena:>ant b .,., • or b l oolal ,,r no to ml Vo~Jt.i'" • o t!1."" , {Soo Ajl"ondix A) ,

S"r. ·" . 'a!: • M·'ll'..Y oirvl o houaes lvlvo b :on <lo•tro,Ytd b'.t inceruli"'Y fil'u.>. +y i '7 .~ Pl".)b·ble 4~ lb 1."\\i.U.n~ M... ~oou.:. ...-e-.1 .:lt the J\a\etian d c~~22 ID-"L.'.:;n c.."¥1 ~I-"\ICH "n]j£f.hS'L?J,SS£. T;;o h uses h•wc boc:n ca~-plotd ;! clor.;ollohc~ 1\l\d f1vo b.'\dl.y dru: .£4<1. t. t.:~t"l :· cboot I. h, Ur.3ea M·.~ bc::en !'!trC')'ad 1n th.-& '\I'd' •

V.ARIJ, \)r..l' "it. j S.CVO!"O H. J:. in -:idtmt ·h ~Co:'l ~ t'r.'o n f,:JUI:P & BU'T~Tl 5'1'!'.\S::Z ""- uHoil;{ e-.uoo! by n '-000 lb o«l>. ~~1 > houaoa h:>ve t.oen t t'llJI d .. tr.yod rn·l nb~ut '•5 voey b<\,ll.y dr•.li'JJou, In Nldi­tiun 5 hO'JSO r. thtJ OUt..1)(irta of thia Ar~ h:W~ bun doatroyed 'by ru-., 't'~ tl .. ~ of' ccnyl,te deatt"Uctir:n oovcrtl t\b·:Alt 1 :'\oro, Mtl of: Ge·1oro ~lrJ't!'JO 1\.nn"'Xint.'\t<lly 5-' ~ore:~ . ::'li~ l&t J:n..b'l"b}J t)YJ ;:o.~.st &DV·~ to=. :o ~o :n.r .soon :L::i .. l'Cl-•Jlt ~ '-C lb b<lllo, (So•i•!'J'O!'o<liX .1) .

2, C r:.-'CJJL.

tJ .t.crmt'~lA. ~hi:s \lo-Q_, ' l\icll i ~"\.))"'(cd t,l) be a;Jcing: O'CfCal ~~·.tu~ .Sf\10 _ tor wb ·:..rlr .. ...... , .. '\:-.""'CrfLft, "2'14 s~ i4tt.w.1 l."opir.t.ol-a: , h.'\O be-en VOt"Y n Jl"i• ... ual,y rl'\Jnl'l'•o·l. A 1..''\l"", nw·bur ,.f ehed!! '"'nil a: 11 troto.l·,- bulld.in,r htvo • 'bcoc. ·:u•to. -~ 1'i:o "'.hrl or.o C"" ~ d: -i:od by K.~ p .. t , th•> " In l>uil•llil•l l>u bo<l\ <W "-1!<>4 .,,.,bnbl.Y by b l.l\0 1:. 1'h.. ·o l,.. .... Uircct 1.1 t in t.., ~fA.'~'~"'~' 'l'\b10:...in(! thr .... 'l.th tho Cbnt:-"u fl. t.h} !~'\or,f.

jr:ra:P3 .. IU731ER


. '

• I

' / ' ..

':'r.o lTOt'l.tcr "Art or t Sr. r~.l....-y h~, b-een tOI\.I'ti,)'od by riro.

J/,(;£J< w::;:;!Ci• APP,I IJ.'rl. A UC'l'cr:::.:mu.

f:\C t~-ry mt\ki.na,j 01\HinOG f.r.d l'.fi..C:i•lli'\I"J ~'!U!}U;I.Ito Ono b~il~ll',eo, )I<INiblY cfficos, lr.a ~n !JUhr•l.

!IUI!:t (,. ar.:::J~:. 5/142.

't~:. ~-ct. 7 W\..~·fe 1n tho rr>;l..loticr. or f ,. pt"'d!!ct:s ~a. roo- -.e~· ....

1 ahe::l ·n ~1 di.r..,: ia iutt~·!.

0-'\nn.iJ\a ill"~ ·1 f rODOl"Vin,g ft'.Otory • 'l'h4 r.h>lo rrot•>JY h Slltt•·l.

!ll!IST lll!!:UlJI. ·'

F=.cto:y "nod ir. irt":"'o c:.Q'l.&t.rueti work , alchi.ncry r>.nd ro~L-., .•

7he UC"\~ fut ot th.o f:\..ot;.,;.ry is .:13'a"...;.;roO. "'t J.'\..-..:.ged by fire,

!)1 .. _-,~l 1'"'.Ctlo).oj"0

A nu-.'bcr 01~ r ~t~J!"'.f tr.li l·~ )y V6 boeR\ ~to.tre;ya.l by !'iro ¢-'ld 'blr~t.

---~ --~ :l!.u&htQ:' .;u:su 1 ":.i"..o c..:.M bf"''t; .O "J , n t "' '"'1ill, '\1\rl sovot"C"..l

- uni:l t ... .:-.1"!! l" .. ct:: v., 'tl~n ~:'od • O!a t!"1)'CI''•

?!.r':o (:!' t:.u •·:1\J.n rt"..l.l.•".Y •· d -en, 1.., .u--l,.l,y Ol'fi.._P\J.r.1.."\S tho :~.lr.i.."li&-~tlvt: 'b tLltH 1'i\, 1 .f"o.. ln· . .. ~""'u ".CC. h =1 boan gutt.x\1 n.nd tho ... ·oot'\)ri'li.o v•J .. t.no f'l .w~ tr ~ '\. &ilq l'!·"Cl .

It '1.:1 ~ikYly t?l'\t 1ob11 ~ t:l..-.c~:ol tho ll.-.o Wo.} .. :Jol""'.r1ly.

coons :u.RD (~ • I.G<~ %) ,

I . .. R:IAI:l SLPS


. -·--.. ~~ ....

s .uth ,f tho a}.t.l..&h>or- (:r.. LOII!::Z,!:OP.t>) , a .u,..,.,t hit ttt.a cc.uao~ p>rt of tlwl "'ihey c:obO.nlcmS> t to ooll.t.peo over tlo 11: . Cno or t-ao r..e.t.r aba.a to 1"'\ilwey tl'll'\ciUJ Are r.ote«, but 1:. ,. unlikely U...t th••• will Mve oo.u~t6cl b~e.

~ n'""th n'l pr..rO:: ,~ th, rort 1o n~t. o~vor~d. A 11\rgo wnrchauac on tho 1!1:11 ~.Y hu boon dootro,yoa by tiro OVC'!" r .. le:o.;:th c.! 360 teet. Q:e _,.,n...,o on tho lWJZ;T.IIl'P ~ hM boon dcatro;;oi l>y riro <'\n"l trrr:' thir<,l, o!' A aec~"T\·l l ·s tr·;yc·1 or ·l'\r.ACO•l, A n~.r.bor r ti.tMll rheda ..._-n, \J. Lil.!b\j·~ !"rr,ntinz •ly) ~!...~ lPvo been t1oat.r -::yo (l" d-=-- ·o 1 'b7 :-i:rv,

~'tO Pl t M'l ~t.r.nat:'\t.od pri.."\t., 'foa , ,f1".J , J/H.~ 1 5/1......! 1 ,jt6~ 4!.. ­tributo-'- ;>r'_;\..1 II • · ~1'4, 5/11 ""1 5/161• ir.oludt>l rar •tor<. ommilv\ tir lie

Prinb uu-lccd. x r-.ot :J..;.trr J"' \

v, A, p, ~"1.\"'I~f , 're:Y!!-'"!"~.

IJ,',/ ~;; •• v. c: . ·• .

C. !.a C, C/~ C: a. c:-,

R"'her.t~ ~.,..E..

1 I:-.~ lll3"' P. I . S, ::l , :· ~ti..-- ..... CCl". Cr \lPG e..'71 St. t ..... Op, 1 (b) , '1/":.dr. ;: ....

• • C' .

lr/C:.:t o ':. ;\o

. ;.c. ~"" . • • : . J , l?l.) . I ·1tcll i~ ·an~o •

• \! r-~:m. !:.L. .l .... j l o

;, L). 'e) ~/l.lr lllU'n>""· r.:...~. -: . :l. :.. ?la-t 0

P •• i . t. .... c. j· .. so D.:.


1 4 3 2

!i8 '8 . 1 1 1 1 1 3

2 ~ 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 = 1 1 1 1 ~ • = 1


1. SJ.nt.lo h'Rl&oa a.c; atr ')'<Jd or bedl,y ·~~,; "' o ])kt\!!!O •.o ~ <:::': SA/.J-. } . Arec> ~ in•':-uo«on in JPJ,=.x nct..>:r • ..,_ u:un buil~ ot ~~~~!: --:-dt .!.~~01:. ~. Othor ch-:-.>eo to eao r.>ot 7 G, l:iil!RS & =~ II~'SS"l:llt, !:~hi.~ca. - t •llrlok Ca :tot .

(;rCt"tcr t-art -f" tl• tr.ctary dostr oyod ·Y;,· !"1ro, 7 , 'lr<'.:tw<.y clo:><>t <Ju,•. od by bl.&at, &. Urdden ti.i"iol w 1rlta 'ioa tr•1yor\ by t'iro. 9. Sq.J~".re bi.d.ldin,e 1'\d.jl\con t t .... tho ~..zsWolict'l 1\0:" tl'.yod.

10, DN:V\gc by ~iro tc !l~in R•il'"'Y S t:- tl.on, 11. P,_r t of uhocl irt .,1\ilwl'\y C _,Jb Yrrd eutt.o-12. ar-:o.. to.:":s. •

ttrr!l 'fr.-.. LC;!:,Z, rOOD.

1. !I"-' Ll!n~ 1n m.:tlX " 0 L:lW::l r"' ~ :u t w.::. 2. Aro.:t or t!.ov3:t.e.tiw. on.u.acl I''!' ~l,y fy 4.0')') lb bcx:...~. } . ~ <Jc.,-,o b t<>! ..,inl.)f "by N.r<>. ,.., Ho'.JJJO. C"•·~'t~

.5. m. :E'I'l'mS a:: Co Fnc t x-y J.oD tr >YOt"" ry • tt~..·. 6. H:ST !tf!L\HN .t'ti.C tury nl.r.tctJt entirely U.outrrycl:l U:,• fii"((, 7 . CARL l'!J:i:LE Ml s~hllO .... ctory. U'-V buiLJinca •:o,tr· .. yod

"by tire ond bl.l'.o t . 8. SLA'ut:;HT:lll IWSE. Uoo.vy boub M3 d<>at.· .]Od tn<1 411Mgoll ol\od

t<no l>uil<linS)I, 9, !lito in =•rc'•l bUllll.nr.o ·n· •liroct hit on M.il"'',Y

<r-b>nlc::""t. 10. t lre..'"\r aiOJJ :n ro-11 ~· line, 1\. lhrebouaos 'U\t oh.&la in the P;JJ"' a.f"' Lube~ &3t%\,yod ar ~

13.. Jt,t4ld 4r.:;s in B"':'S!o BJ"Cr51Cry' d.c:":-~0:!.

1 . I. roo. of ilow.a 1:1 "en - by 1,.000 11> ba:>b ' '1>1 inoontUAq ."1roa.

2 , OthDr bu.IJ.dJ.nes ciODt1'.o.)'od 1>.)' tiro,

Llll!D::!V'ro11N IX.U,

Rc.f'Ot"(t:CO to ~\(~bti,;;.u of rriz. t L oont·...u\~t! i.n tho 'bo-l)' c ~ ~)'I) ro: '!'"!.




5/1 0)


' ~rg,~~ ".,O,_ .~ ... 1llt·.

Phat01r9>• talte11 by 1 p, R. • ond 1.05 s~ ~ .... .., 1.6 • ..2 ond , , 6, ' •

SOI!n!S A/SJJ• A/81 .. 1 J./1..,9, A,/&56 J./867, A./I' >S, 11. ,l, l.OS.

-CO\t.ot So&lea t 1/lJ.,~; l/9 ,6oo, l/9 10001 l/9 ,700.


TheM eevan eort1oa tilt"" 1-oaothtr oovor vr1 t.l photQsraphe or va:riabl~ J'.l&li.ty the "'hob of (;ho town a.nd eubiJrb&tl diatrlota on both atd.oa or tht~


!'.::.. Q!2 ~"'h"\.l!<2I.~


Tbo t eorti•s ""'" t&ke.n a.ftn the at.tac¥ on JQ/J1..5. U . 'l1w lA•t roport "" <XlL0'2IZ (K.l325) ""' ioouod on 9. 5, U .

Do: _:"e eGan in oo~m reW'lttna troa tote raJ.d ta on a. la.tgl)r aoal. than Ollyth1ns y.t &<!On in any c;.,..,. on city. ~' tahoe.vy &.:-::i wi.dospr 1.!Ld. Hot onl,y nro la.rg-l e.:oa.s 0'! :..10

cant~ or tho ci.ty dova.-ta.t~i, t,volv1.na tho dt•truat-tcn ot~ p.ablic IU"td t..1:,'1.nilltro.tivo buildings a."\d busin111e 'PT''l .tala, but 'lnd:J.atri41 llnd roa1. ht t1.1ll property itt a.ll ttt( I!IJbtt't'ban &r..lG.I ht.·:o bcon e.ortoualy a.N'oot.•Jd by fir> and I!, E.

Ap6.rt fl"'m. de~sto.tton oxttmding OV<2t o.,..~roxi.TA'tcly }00 .;~.croa in tnil O.•l'l N ot' th!l city, nrea!S of' p!\rtto•.tli).Tly eovor do.roso o.ro econ in tho w. buburba Mel in tho induotrlel <liotriota on tho ~. bonk.

1t h •tl.lMted thn t oyqr 250 fActory butlt!Ln~s end woricsb<>ps h>vo bo~~n oi th..-r .doet!'Oj'Cd or l'lorto.Jaly &.1•'8" , \nd thtl.t w.oU o·v.)r 300C: h o110a

• ,.., ..,a..,. uninhnbi tnblo.

Ot thO -.bolo o.-oa ooror !clo AOMa, """" boa~ doatroyed.

(All .,uur"" nta .are cpor<>xi.Mte )

0!:''7"# ern ~. lCbny e.Jrioua incidents 41'"' • m in ove:rt p:.rt ot tbJ Cl)ntnl f""1. t:- ~

ir. aMi. ti"Ol' !o tbb i"ollcnttnc ~ca crt cioV-latntlCI\. 3 &rt-'\a CTC e.oen in ti'u \oi.oin1 ty Or tM t~, To tho !". W. i.a

"" cron or 32 aoros, in wlltoh """t or th• buildin&• ""' suttod. ~ill butll:.naa <>to nJ'foot<ld, including thq LOW!' 1'113A..'"::R , tho APOs=• XI~, M•l th.• or:·tooa or tho BRl:tl oa.\L Slllmo.An.

To th S. in ~n aroa of ll ~cr ,, , J0-)5 buildings ~ro gut~ or <lUOOii,O'l.

A third o.ton of' 4i a.oros .oocure to tho s.w, ot tho UE\.ILWR.t , whore 18- 20 hO.lMa o..ro burnt ot,~ t .

"" a..ron or 4 ac:raa, .C'It!' tnO s.MJ;ZR nittC, ia dovo.ato.tod. Appro:d.Jr.ntal;l 75 h1 •.~oaoe , o eoho..:l, n.nd aov.,ro.l s~ll f'l\otory buil<Un.ge t~.re involv 1d.

Sovo.rcU build:ln&a in nn t roA' of 2 \o.~~ s. E. ot lJ.IJJRI'l'IOS l'~·sz r ro <!•ttod.

• In ':la a.r.m or 5 dC.i'O.a ~nt. to ~J :'\.'t:ov., .:.o .... ~s house.s f\ro ~ltto1. or Cloot>-o;r><i ~ !!...E.

DICLASl!!.!!2.-._ _ u.s._.,_ Hl·U

By if llat APR s l973

P.ao a 1. devaot•tod aroo of 18 ,..,.,, Uos to the '1. of tLRICII:l CJ.SSE,

in Wl\l•h ab'out eo bUU~ ..... ,t\lttod b'y N.ro. J.l>out a) buUclinl;a ..,., a.. a ·o! b7 N.ro or H. B. in the vioir.it)< ot SI7II!IIf S'!RASSI· 5, -.. o~ the 11.1.~,! E.~, 1-n an aroo or n ...,. .. , ~-400

bUll dinr• tnvo boon bumt out or dootrO'Jod· 71\b inol.Udoo oovoro M. ·o to tho "URCER Hoepitl\]. and a nuni>er of oltlrehoe .

In tho R!!IIINAU I!IJ!:N, two ...... ohouoeo or 100 I X oo • ANI 300 ' X 70 ' · a.re a&en to bt fJttecl.

In an e.roa of 17 acres b~- tl-.c CA.."l!!I:DRAL an:l tho JW,.;I !ml' ,KJ!, -10 "" :lO ~ oro £11ttoi "" vary oov:rol)' ....... J. Bull~ ir.s<>~tol)' adj>.cont t~> t),o S, !:. wll of tho Co\THIIILIL aro •'\lttod. Tharo 1o r.o ;hoto.,.;.phio .. rt.Jonco or d>mgo to H"' CAT!tlliiW. , t.ltho••£h tho llalnaao to tho ci!Joinlna buUdi.ng,t eu,r,ooto thnt cono lllinol· ~ao rro.y tnvo ocourred.

In 1\n o.roa or :!6 aareo oxtor.4ins t'ro:n tho LJ.Jl COOR!'S and tho latllWl!tl' .. o:rtwnrdl t.lrost to the lll~trulRIJIC, eo:>e 200 - ~ houso mve boon iootroyed, l.r.:lud!J'_,. tho i'CI.ICE H!.!~U.\ICIJt! •

. .n aror. of J1 Aaro~ bet.-oon 91'. CE?.!Ol:S ClliH:l! and tho WHEl~Ellli!!I:IC In o boon ooJq>lot ol)' bur.nt out.

:.n croo. or t.}aoros 11. ot OAl!On.m: STlWiSl!, inoludin,1 " l'O::! . .L .'JlD T:l.ECR.'oPH OPFIO'I: Md 30 - 40 build.in$8 hll.o boon dot.r.at~~tc:.-:1.

10 or 13 buildingo on tho z . side or Hlle Sl"Rt.SS!l ~.o.vo ~OCJ. ttunzcd by t'iro uw1 r ... ~;.

;, nwrba- or 1ovostntod arooo ooour round tho H.\~!.'JC3P. To tho N. il. , in o.n ar• or 4 - .5 Acres .X> - 40 houaco ani! builcU.nss aro dootroyod. ST, VRSliiJ, KIR:!tt io vory oovarol)' dol!tlgod. Anothor nron or ~ aero• t o tho N. \1', of ttuo stAtion, hAs 20 - 25 ~.OUIOO SUtted OY N.rc,

11, of the otation 8p ~ lCO houaos aro a.ttoctcd by tiro ar.d H.!:. 'l<rtwec:' •no P.ALr.~;mp &1'1;1 the Jt.USER f1!IJ!:!:alCH UFIL'l, in •n aroa of 8 acros, 5 or 6 lnrgo b~Udl..ng.t inoludin.g tho R.\.lt'l:.Y Di.::!'!m'OR/all lJID AOOHISTR/1:'1011 0 fli'ICES aro sovcrol)' do!m.god.

Wney othor ooriouo inoidonta ooour nlcng b'oth oidos of tho min lino running 'II, tram tho otation.

The POST OPPICJ /JJaliiSl'll/i:'IVl! liUIIlDn:CS , at ~he cornor of Cl./,VJR S'!ltl.SSE ar.d '11010! Si'RASSI aro oovcrol,y clafllged.

B. of St. IC'.Uiil>crt ' • Chl.:roh 13 - 14 houao hove bo&n oevcrol)' domgoi by f:Z.o And l'~t. On tho ii. ot the city o.r01. , N, of Rt.'t'~l.\11 P'IIA!l'Z , e.'bout 40

housos Aro gutted by tiro. Within tho s. limit of tho Centrnl C\t)< aro>, around tho

tml'llll;;ITY , mey point, of cl:umgo b)' fi..'"O ond I!. E. ,.,.., ooen. :.bcut lCO houoco oro ..?tooted.

In '~"' ...,.., ;;roo. tho Cit)< ll'l~cr And Blootr1ci;y li'ark.o arc clo.rngod. r~.o root or tho Mlin buUding 1a dtu!1>.god, tho ond portion or tho roor or a long ohod io otr1ppod, And tho Ol'l;d of <lliOthor shod Ml:n&od•

In the aroo to tho ':1. or tho oity botwoon tho 3. and w. atatiOM o.ttd tbo 31~1, s.ll.IER /JID Hl~l STA'Jl'!!.'l !U:lGS oovon.l t~.rons or ecmrc ·ltu::cao arc aeon. To tl·.e li. 'if. or tho st"D !,:JC't:.m 1r. M ....,.. of 14 A<lr'OO , 41) - 45 bUildings oro ;tUttod by N.ro. ln other nroa.a :LrOUnd the SU!in.u.nt:l'!' ovor (() houae1 OJ;"O 6Utto4. H. of JL'~~UJJ PLATZ a t'\nothor 40 houaoa o.ro bur'llt out . NOILZ' tho lli:':I'BIJ!l<Kll' about 65 housos ore dostr(\'fod by tiro. Sovoro dru:neo to tho Uppor noor. of tho AOOUSl'I. II)SPIT.\L n- the SUD li.J!l3>F io oocn.

/.po.rt troe> n lnrgo 11>.1d>or of 1'1\otorios whioh hAve nat boon idontirto<l, tho fol.lowtn& m'V'j be<>n do•t>wod or dl\llllgcd.

/l.. '1'!3:' BA!:K


~'IT.::>£~..T):O"I lm'O.m:J!.~l.Jll (Coni' cU a,_~_BJ>!l!...


-P"l!o }


EIJ.7Rn STAliL!liW!l' l'ABRti\t (Siool- hpo t aotory) : 20 lNil"-1nga a .. troyo<L '

·!=!! Ol'L-~ (Oil Sior03o) : .U..Ost ~lotoly deatroyod,

BIS1ll ST;.H!.OL!SS3lUli <'lmS.'flER (l'OIIlldry Prcxluota): 8 toctory buU.dln,;a ' gutiocl.

u . C. VtiLCAll (Jonohino ocnatructiq:) : 3 buil<linga guttocl.

EH:IAC, =TR:.- lJ)Oli-UND-III EI!I'SPAli1P.nlCS AP?ARKI'Et 7 buildlnga guttocl.

.i!:1U!IO 1.\!,!J':lL (Dy.s StuJfo): 2 or } J>U:i.J.dinga <loatroyocl.

Kfull ll:i!IDIFELil.lll M.'\SCHINENBAU WfrrlJJE (,...ohinory); 2 4ri!O buUdin.;a guttod.

V'~nlnNIGTE IWJTSOHZ IWFA{J-1l'EI!<ll{Matol Works) : ltl shods guttocl.

.J;J( SOHLCS.'ml (wt>roh<>tosoa tor Oho:rloal produoto) : 7 buil<lin:o guttocl.

A. SO~ (Shoot Il'Q'l) : o.llnoot OQI!J)lotoly bamt out; at loaat l2 buUdin&• dootroyod.

;ai.M'TIC GIJl;L'UWE~ A.LO'zl3 WE:alRS {Rub)lor l'e>otory) : . Lc.rso worl:ahop · domolhhocl.

:l.l.USJl\ !I. C. (Stool t11etory) t 7 ohodo doat royod.

lWSSBAUJ{ & 00. (Dy.s t<totory) : 4 buUdingo With roof~·

S'!'llilffl.\m EUX'l'RA NAGH':lTOa>U (Elootrio liA(;not Worko) : AJ.r..ost comylotoly dootrcyod. ' '• 1 1

L. BOCK: (Elootric Motor Ropniro) Workshop OCll:lPlotoly' $'uttod ,

:tCILO:.;y ~ (NI?PES) t l.t>in ,buiiding and' 2 ahO!ls gutted by tiro and d.Dr.lo.go to lArgo 'RorlcWops e..."1d oth.lr

• . bt'Udinao. . . FR,J;z crm!'l! (Rubber Wor ko); · 2 l argo Md ~ o=lJ. ahoda almost ontlroly

deatroyodJ o.. i'iro aeon &till buming.

l'OIILl& A. c . ( llo.ohinory) 8 shad& do:>olishod by H, ;;;, ·

THO:JAS & CO (Rubbo'r Worl<c) ond tJI.UWIN loUJ, (l!o tel Goods) : .It lonat 12 sbild.a dostrO,t'tld.

lWFilR 1'\t\LD (Enginooring) : 9 ohodo ond othor buildinsa d.omoli,ahod.

KOLli~() !.L\.SOIIIND/Ftlllll!X {!!nchinory): 1 shod gutiod.

llo\ilr'~:m & CO. (Closo"o.ro) : 2 ohod8 guttod and @meeo to othor !Nildingo.

n;;ro:.u.( Al'<HAI/i'lscHz !.L\.SO':ID:£NB.W'(Bloat f'Umo.ooa & oho;,l.ooJ. ITOrko) : l shod dostro)'IJd, } ),X'rtly &lmoUahod and } ,or !; shod& MICl<lgod.

~lhSClllllU/F,\lJRIK lllmlAliiA ~· L<ms ohod has bad pe.rt or roo!' otrippo<L

xllillt:! ~ SPDIJcru;:I,< o-.tvo ~o; ocly tho willa r"""in otandine.

I B. llAS! B.INK.


!1. a.J;'f )1.!!)1,

~ .. lii:SC!Ol ClWD'Ail!!· 1'.\l!R!K (T170 tnctcry)s tllo ao.\11 al".op o.~d 5 otl>or buUdinga ha.,. boon -.­pl.otoly doatrO)'Od.

'm:C:II(IllTS>lEST - Il?!l'IICH!! 'IIAGCal ll'.t.BRDCI:I (RolUna Steck) 1 Ono lArl!O builcli.ng ond 10 otlwr bJ:U.dl.naa aert ..ualy ,c_....,. .. ~ !.

!{~ ll!UI~ liO!Ilil!:l (Subl:nrl.no on,;l.noa)s 6 buU41naa doatr·yo>d r:.::·l 2 ••voroly dtlr.IO.S•""

llii!:JCLllT ll!ll'IZ ll:)'!l)m:l (KJ.LK) (Subo.Ariz>o !)>sinoa): additi'"'ol clo!r.:;e.

F~l end (7;n.;.z:.:J:O ~1( {un<leroardOII••)• 7 l~r30 buildings ..,.,.roly do:.o.aed uod } gutto<l.

11..0 I CC'r'l'?RLOD A. C. (nccumuln~ro &Jo.,ttarioa for I!Ubr.lnrinoa): . Sovoro root ~0 to t\ t"o.otory building.

em.. l3CI!.l 'f:'A !<IX , lCI.LK (OM!:rl.O'Il llorko): I~cwoao to t'OCf of bu ldin~.

:.l:'X.4'7.'~==:JI~K ~ (~cbin• toola): lareo factory bi>Udinz dostray•d.

liU!IK Md SCHJ.!ITZ A. G. {suotnnory) s Ono ah.od 'P4t'tly <lo"'oUehod.

.!iD?J.E C!I.IS: (w.l .... t mnuf,owrerl: } lArio fc.otory butldin a guttod.

!iZSI lEI'!'JAL_

'ff •• DArn<.

Sor1c>.Jo d.e.rr..C.SO t·" rua1<'L;)ntial }'roporty 1.1 \lid.ceproocl 1.n aulA~"''" autr.:.ote. lloro tnon 50 houoea 1n S'ILZ, 120 in =17!W., 75 1n l!!li!Z:Il'ZU>,I.O 1n RI3Iil. and 170 1n liL'.'IS- s;,::RZlc h.avo l>aon OQWIPloto'ly do•tr ·~ or."" oorloJal,y dor.A;od ea to bo uninh.obi~ln. lncl.don•a of tiro Md H, JI, t.r> aoon in ovory d1atriot cwero4 by tM Sortie e .

• J::. a ... "'lJJ:.

Dc:'L.:;_e. .t" nftientl&l proJ)Jrty on tbe ! . bank a:";»e.re to be l3:a ecrie.ua •h:.:t in tM ~. a.:burba, but c..t l>lc.at 125 }\.~a~-e, ac:-.tWrod ov~r U\G .~bolo nr~n. of' lltWrZ, J<..UJt c.nd KJLHEIU op}'On.r to hn.vo bo011 mo. 1.o un tot1.:111 t.!\blo .

E><tonsivo lli.'11a4o ls aoon to tno EXf!Illl'l'Ial BUILDI!ICS M4 t o ";ha l"mJ: 11~1'\(.

CC" !C.1 ,i("iS,

A etriklns fet•1turo or th1 zt-.1 \ "tl.s tho OJWunt ot M'ID.SG dcnG to tho m1lw~ OOnr"Un1.o."'ttona at tho City, onu.tlng sor,oua ,"if onl,y te.1porc.ry, iz)tonuption of th.o tro!'fio.

.t _;r...""t.Ulf r..,;:''!CIT ca,•~o do::c.,""' 1.1 o·ri:lont r.o :.1 it ia prob~bl.u toM 5 t""'" .,.,. boon ·.N'ootad.


u I 0 • •


.. il • L.......-:......-.T!~ _R_;.y (i: ~ .._L • .!J.1..'.J£:t. t! d)

'1'bo Z:~lrJv ~H111t i!o,~td ,"c" n ·r Stor"\!tO S1.1Ln&1 flt J'OUI - C~· M.w boon c ft'ootot b.Y bl .. "'' DJd . n..;l"'.bct ~ cci\Otwl cr t.10 elcotrlc trUns c.p;:lO~l' tQ lvwo bon OOt~lJt.ul.,v rl.Jatr .ro 1 tJI\ oth.Jra ·!"" "~~y N.r.: .

Tho br ~lch li.n-.~ Lt I!!:!C'.:F!LD h!..e b'hlt1 aawroly tc.:::..'\;~o·\ by 3 .:iroot !rl.t..

s x.:> ellod.a in t~ ~~JOR • .. J1.SH.\L!..UlG -\..~ hA'I'O boon l'l~un.: m\d tNC::\a ac .. ttot'tll by 1!, ._:,

":'ho :rlCic Mi os:ba.r.i:"J::nt vorl:• ~l5t c:t -ho '!D a.ut;-11:'? 1"~·•'0 Qo .,;.l M:"Aeo! bi' d1r.tct tllt:t.

Tho !Jit!n:.l ocmt r Jl ta. ·r t tbc c·~l or t » ~: tr. "latron ot th ':f;~·:.,"T3,.i{tioY'" l".· • bo1t.~n d ~tr ·P•1.

SCIIIO nd.nor ln.: 1'lf.!U ie nMm to tho :; . ~. , 1rtnJ. .nil lo.ttie."' work O( th'J iDHI'JlZOLL:.R'; 8.t[1)';.3 ~.It t-.hill dOU$ nt w ~po'l'lf t haw G .rt.Nely ttJ"flot..d cep._ .nio'\t\""01.

Appcn.clix A rot'Jra t 6-"0r.~.Jti1t<..~ :..voc.io O<N .r~\ • C.mtt&l. Cit:t a.r.J'" tu:.l E, ~.

•?.><:>dl.X 3 rt&"•ra to Cll:.cn'3 o (:li=;n:.D) "rc.vn rb d.a•l 2t1.a.nu ~.

~ D1."tri' 1t1.~._

,t,A. F. STA.'I!(I!-11 l!..Q,_!J.:..C~. )I;El!'Zn~ ~ c. in c.

r./o Opn. ror s. A.s.o, K(N/B In t.Jllt.coll.()(':l.

?.I .s.s. Ne.r~rt·~e ON'i.oor, Crcupe "'!1d St..l.ti.:rtc. Cpa 1 (b) i1 1C1r. N .v, O.F. S. W/011-. ~.- 1

!~ !l1C1 c. A. D. I , (='Il) Intolliaonoo.

Air tUni_a~ \loot Jt.')op

A.l.J (o) S/lA•·"''"'"">&"-D. ]), A, T. D. D.Ph.lt¢c.. P. - t c ....... s. 1). b: t ~i'h). ~;0 .. ~:0. I!. E.ll. Wr- t.t.o.l.aQl) lo:.I~S (W/Colr. t.o.c) .H i"'\ty (li. I . D) f , l!. v. llunoc:n (Int) c. r.v.

.L...:.,ll~ ?rtnt~ .

l 1 1 l : ... 3 l

98 95 1 1 l 1 1 3

l 1 1 1

2 2 l 1 l l 2 l 1 l 2 6

2 6

l 1 l l ~ 2. 1 1




• API'l!IIDlX 'A',

1 , · • .aol)ooil bu1ld!ngt tn PAU:NrER STRASS~ po.rt1y ,d•.,..s•d bri H, ! ,

18~0 houua In AJU.'ULF •nd KONRAD 8TIU.SSI!:N 1utt ~d by t1r6 , 2,

3. 1 largo. shed suttee a.nd. ( ll.t . an¢ timber ahedt do1troyod in tho PWS PABRIK C?E:!ISCH&S PRODJcr~ Co , t • otory,

4, 8 arall f&etory ahe4.a 4oatroyeA .bj• H. E, o.l; the s , ond. or tho POHLIG .!. . G. (1/ACd!NERY) f.OI\KS , ,.

6 . r.EJ.L GriO!kSIUlo! • nd TOW ·~ 6/ 8 hoUIOI i n G'."lll!OF 8TRASS~ gut.od . • • .. G. 4,/t houeoa ott. houaobloolc , in K8R.Pi~;U!R• STRASS~f partly doatr oyed .

7, 5 en.ll bu.lldin!;ll in BEl\llEIIRATH!lil STRASSl!l donx>ll.,ihod~ .. 8 e J.p,.oxiratoly 12 ohoda bolongin,; ~o.liiOIMS &> CO,, RUSBB.'! 111\l<UF>\QI'URCIR

41ld tiU.II.A!lN ~LB , liErAL GOODS, in WXWBURGER STR, nnd AEM!biJ.ll SfR, ooqplot~l¥ do~liehod ,

9 , 4/.i ol't.ll ohodo,.,.tn WXMURGER ,81R , doo:olia~od;

10 .

11 ,

12 ,


14 ,

l5 ,

18 ,

3 lo.rso shoda or ~rohous~e and 3 othor bu1ldiij&! 1 ~o~troyo4. Root dnr.nco to tho St4tion , 1n tho GOODS SUTI0!1 (.KOL!f'1ioliNJ;R K!lSISBfJlll) ,

2 lo.rgo ahoda· guttod. nnd dc.rngo to othor build.illS,~ in H. RJ,R'n~NN (G!ASS\~.RB) "orb, LlJXBllBURGi!l! STR,

3/4 ho\laos sl.lttod :t.n.·W I C!!Ell STR,•·

D:lrogo to tho ttppor 1'lool"t of tho J...UWSTJ\ iDSPI'l'AL o..nd 6 h0\1$oS ,&Utta4 by firo.

2/J nou•o• in ('I.SELSBERGER o.nd S':OLZE STRASSEll ptod by firo ,

L4rgo bui~ding in \ho i3IPC:U PLATZ, P"rtly suttod brf tiro .

Approxiriltoly 75 housos J n achool , end 2/J amll !b.otorry buildings N. , of SUD I!AI!liii:)F, :l.n~1v1n& l«lSi:L, "Wx:D.IlillRGER , P FALZER1: JURCUliO:!JR STP.f.SS.I!ll o.nd SiU.ISR RI~G, ~uttod by ft ro; . . J. '

17. App:roxi~oly 25 'b~ild1f\S D botwoon 1/0Ll{S:G\lrrE:i STR. o.nd. Sl'l.CHSE2i iUNG, ~ttod.

18. 40/45 houaoa , . e. aoh~ol o.nd probQ'bly tho Dodn~oo.n l!olto.ttory J £T , i7, ot SUD I!.JJIMOOF invol ving ROCN , B~~ll>'mt c.nd l:OZJ...lri' S'l'R.it.SSE:N &Uttod by f .1ro.

19 , a buildlnt• in l'.i.!IOEL STR , guttod. ·" . . ~ .. 20.

. ,,. 18/20 houcoc , botw-..on Rl.iB~S ·S"rR. An~· s•(;PiJ..r~~ STR . t;uttod.

~ . .. ¥ t •

21 . 2 ho-..:aaoa in JAHll STR. guttod.



.. 24. ULREPl•'ORrE nnd o. blook of 2 hou.soa , on t;to oornor of UUJ, PAm'A4XHlS and

lll.JUC\i Gn.Ss.E, o.ro ~~tod., • , , ( i.

/25. 4fo ho~aoa l n UR'l:l!AUSSR


REGRADEb UNCLASSIFIEP.. • . ·' . ~ ,. ~! ··• ' :: ....... ~. • !

" .

&" . '"' .. .,. 1n IA.IIf~.A s~ srR. ,.,.~od· 2 , •ft hou.ao1 ~O~I"')'od or eovoroly dAm~ocfby R.I . 1n ISl!4SLU'J STil,

27, &/& hO•laoo o~d eohoo1 cuioto<l In 811'/!R.IN ST!lASSE,

S"ZC'I • t. PC.co "'

tP, 12/14 bu;.ld.!c;;e 4ootroyod or dOlnO~od b)' H,&. In lbo vlolnlty ot s.v.,;uu S't'P.AS.Ji.

~.. Sovoro ~£0 by flro to & ocrnor tu:nuo ir.. t ho 11lLZ'UlT • •

~. A tlf.rohouso gu;t" ocl in RMJ:Ji.l.O r .... m;.

1. A waroho'Qo pttod. in il ;Z:U:I.U f'.,f"!3~ .

'"' • 4 mrOhou•o drl.to.&o4 by !ro Jh ttr!Iil.U EUllJ •

.In oroa of apiTO)CillQt.oly 76 !loroo In whi!chrbdt""cn :lOO r\",d tOO< b• itdlnc• hnvo Loon e:~tocl or 11oatrqio4 1 inolucUng sovoro 4a.t tLCO to tho B0RG.t:a J.OS,PITi•'LJ .. c.. f'l:>)lC•&tor-/ f.nd. 3 ohurchot~ ,

' , ~~ buU. in& ih ';'C,ISS s\-•z:: Q.\3S!: ;uttod,

~, 4/'5 hdl.d!.e.bt &~o11 !n t.."\ tu-oc. s~ut.Jt o!' !l.:.'ltt:'lt!S C!W"RCH.

J7, 'IAJ/3! l>o!Hingo ••utll ot • Elll'Al<Ja ~l'lllotol:; b .mt out .

3t. G0/70 bu! ldin&:J 1noludin' tho ~'J:i'ROP T • .Z:JR! n.nd thCI 1POSTEt.:: KIRCHS hr'!vo t,oCI'I do1tr~yod or sovoroly tlArn&oct:

il ~

·~ .. <l s

39 , 10/16 b\Lildlnce botw<>On ST'. Ul:llOONS KlRCRE ollll Jl)lll!IIZOL!ZRII RI!IO 00"'!>1otoly burnt out.

40 . An o.roo. ·or d~sbo.tion natly by r~ro or llp;~oximtoly U Cl.oro:s involving bomxt\ 200 t.o 300 buildinc• lnolu:!in& tbo POI.lOS Elo\0::-.Yr.llRS, sr . I.Al'.ll a&>•aS'!'!RY , c. "B>S.PltAL t..r:.4 SCK)OLS , "Y~ 1actr"J' e "JCllt towor of ST , G.zl3)}:g ~.-:c. E hr.a boa:. dc.:n,o4.

'-1 . Tho oontro o! a."bl&.ti ot""b'Uildin,a in' Gtotn:i GlS~I burnt out.

12. 2 buUdln&s burnt out <nd • dA""Cod on tho oornor ot NiJ; 1/.Ml>'l' •nd C.~3ClLI;;li S1)V.SSB, ' •

43, An £lroa ot dow.atntion by ti.~o CLnd H.B. ~nvolv1nt butwoon 30 end «l b~ildinr;• north ot CAeLI l Ell stllAS$1 Uioludlns tho PoSTAL Ti!LSGIW'H OFFICE , ELIZo\B!:I'H KLOOT Ell and an ORPilANAG!i,

U , 10/12 ~uildic.;;• on tho> oc.at lido of' F.Ol!E S"rllASSB c•.Jttod or <!Om god by H.~. <\1\d tiro.

~. 5/1 'btdldir..s• t!D._""agod lr.1 !'1ro and:.. ,&. ~tor F.&l'a..dl' .

-IC. Sovoro <!o.raco t.o 8/10 l>d14mp J1A.., o.roa na\ ot l!ml.:ol.m , . -~ ~, ' Co rnor b1ook ot bv.ll4J.r-& l cut'· od b)' fir o ln' IN J)lU 115>~! ,

t~. S~wro \A-~0; to tw cidoe ~r CL blook ot buUdinca in HOME STRASSE.

? , 3/4 bu.ildinco tutlod In lltR'I'~G STR.l5-E ond POO};Ill>I'Vftl. OASSt ,

GO . 8ovot·o ·~,~-·!O tho r oor ~t tho 't!10RIT&X XIROES • •

M O.r\.C botwo«:. tc.o CA~IE!JW. r.a::4 ~a::u:R'IJCU 1n Mloh 40 or &o build1n'' IMl~ a. IIW)JI<, tbo lt),pW!IJS S\' , IA.'!riS KlRC!..I ar.4 t.ho OOllllr.Z!. a.ro

REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED /a1 thor "~tO<! or nry aovorol:;

"/ Cl ... ~ s • ..


• ..; "'

0 ... ., ' ~ •


:Js :l J.Pf2!C~r 0a • (Cnnt •d. ) ,

r . ;.. .. 101


5 •

3/4 houtol in l!l.llU:!I11JlfEII Sli'.I•SSC aovorol)' dl' • ..,god ,

10 b .... .!1n~ bl.a"Ut o 1t Jon an c.l-o& botwoon ICL!!lll n:J C.:.SSI a.n~ 1..A ~ '.CCilJG.

;., blook llf bo1ldinc;• po.rt!¥ 4>atroyod bo.r tiro botwoon E!IC Cl.SSB on4 ll!l:nlilll R()CKE!I,

Corr.or oto blook ot wil4inl;a in U)l!P3f3 one! O::R!DNS S'!RABSS •

. js h >14!""' o!.>otro)od b)' B,B, and n r o in Cl!lt!3TOPH3'fAASSB.

2!>/25 houao• ~tod b)' tiro in on nroo ncrth""Y04t ot tho HoWPl' !lt.hliii)F'.

S9A.. Elock or bu1ld1n&• on oornor ot VlO'roRIA STP.A.SSB tlt'.d !lN'I'lU.~ S!RA.SSS •


67 .

&e .

71 .

72 .



75 .

.r.n """" ot 4/5 •oro• hmod!<rtoly J ,!f, ot tho I'..WPT &UllilllF bct­~l(l.'l.IZ!I ond 1: . ddo of BlllfRi.Cl!T STMSSE contain~ns :$0/4C houooo ond buildinr.• ond s:r , Ul\Sil!A. ClllROH olll'Oo t eo'l'lot oly dovot tatod

S1r,no.l C< ntrol 1'owor t.t tho u.w. ond. of tho M/-.UP'1' EftlQOI)F' dostroyod .

•;o lt.rtO b ~ld!n~• ir.oludl.n~; t~.o w~r;.y l!ISP!IC':O?.AU ond A!III!:ISTP...TIO:I OFFlC&S Ot:Wvon tho LUS!R FRil'lrtiOH 0~ art4 tho HAUPi' !A.'OOI)? aovoroly 46.1'!llc;od,

12/H houoo• ~od or oovoroly _,0<! 1n tllo vio1nit)' ot 3T ,E!JIIlBA<r.S L1P.CE3.

J.djo1n1nf; !l , oido of tho P.I.1JPT tli.Hll!llP a bout 10/12 houtoo and bulld!n~• eovoroly dt.n!O.&od by t1 r o·

J.."\ a.roa of 40'\'tl.et.o.tiCI"l t:J:,• ttro •M H. ?:. r.o rth ot tho FJJJ'Pr' 54EinOF ..ll~lYinC I!J0/100 hoUIOI O.nd blO.Udin,e .

15~0 buUdin&• in P!Alllt G.~SS6 Oi:.'UllNS WAW. And Eo\liSI\ RIIIG.

Part or l•rso &lock ot build.in&• in .Pi..li'SA RING ar..d houao 1u a;smus K~u. cloatroyocS by ~iro.

8/lO hou1oo in vio!n!ty of itGILSTIDI TOR guttod

I:Ouso in 0011 STRio.SSS &ut tod

&oct c:~4 l!p.POr l'loor or ll.'!iltOliiOCJ scr.ocL dootroyod·

3 l.outoo ,uttod bct...,on W.CH.\Il/.i:t !TAASSZ • n4 TllaJrole:;s..'IIUL.

2 hou101 6\lttod. in KUNIBPM'S SiAASSZ 1

O:lroot hth on roa.:lmy 1n w;za .. "RIEIZUC!I Urta .

Lor~o 'ou! din~; a.nd 4jll housoo in llOOOBI!Ii1 IITAA3SB ovvoroly do""cod or ruttod .

·tft hO'.&IOI 'S:rR&.s.Sri.


ao,•o.:oly dA:"6lod at t...o oornor ot Rlitdl.Bi o.n4 I Ct.TlJ,.IliO

,111, Houto suttod in WI'UB STilhSSB

'7, l:o'llo ""o4 1n UPIIS S: • ...SSB,

:--rn:-!1••1141..,; ~look~---~· ovt In 1!.!1..:01!1 nao.su. . . " · 2 lt.r • bUS ld~o(• burr.t out a t:~ r.r.oth~r IOYorol!l ckrD£..ld f..t tho oornor

or J;. Di:t l;.'H3 ~.- -.us!lt I!UZD!ltlC~! vn;~.

l • • or. CP IC:>n• .r.ilho.t1V.J b~illlin:;• • . noroly ~rocod a.t tho corn'lT or CJ.. .. '-"1 S'Ilo.S.a lind VORT!l S1l1J.S3E, . .

82 . D'\ '6£' to t!1o <IC".tt ond r.nd .P..,io~ ot t ho IOH!:II)LU!Rtf !RIDGE • •

113 , B -..11 bu! ldln,; In tho Rl!l:lll WSEU\1 dootf010<1,

~. Y• 11t: f.o• .ol ~artly do•troyod.

r. , A.no..r .... r b ldln£ s:rol:c.bly bolcmP,nc to tho Yoyt.t ifo,ttol cvttod.

s "·' ~v I 1..,; ln tho LlJC~ e:m . .l! ''ttod.

ea • • ctr N>u.,, p:t><d 1n ·~ rwll.

:-o, l or<.ll ••\d & l.r. r to bu11d1np of 'tho r.l!unSC!f!:ll ~:ID FlDE:I !'li.B!UK (Tyro ~o .~ey) oc "J'lotoly dOl!IDliohoc!, J':

91 , l vory lo.rco t.uilclin; of th o anno to.ctory tAN! 3 othor' bu1ld1nt• cor:plvtoly do,trO)'od, '&

92 , Holo In ~::.,., roo£1 ot • lorgo btdld1~£ In tho L4!Citt Jtl(hn;;!S ,

93. Tho PJ.RX-liAUS (}" od .

94. 1 l.clrco build!r.u ot tho Tlz:liiNIO:B ii!.~t-OQJTSCKa ~~o:: r ... muts..•f dostroyo4 r.nd 10 othor bu!ld1n£a c!nre~~.

~S , 3/4 t.ouooo 1~ s;.: zr- ?Lo.7t oovo,..l,y <~<>~"'-"'

9<> , 1/f; ho~<~eo l)'ttoc! 1n I.LSl:; S'tl!:.SS£ • .. - .

·- . •


-· ~·

APPS: :OIX "B11 •

1 . A ft.otory bot'tr"n. A•oh~eer Str . rt..a! AUAT~ "it. ~.eel. 2: . tt.o tl'~' do lOt. ~ .,; :.nrr i4ltlu:R st.-.. n o ' .c. . :s. .l.aot.e::.er St.r. 4 ho~,.•• eu.~od.. 0 ahodD ,_.t tocl 4, A rt.otcry ln ~a:l!l!i!ll!l. hl.c 1 4-tA.)' buildin · , 1 7-bly bu1Hin~ &Jid A fi . ·ho Bla• St:.J-J. iouoro1 Ploiunor (Fo~ r;: Pro'i·.u~ta) 1ro 01 r-.:a IJl' St:r. ~· tat> tory 'to ldin • eut.tod . c. ,;. Os;au'"'Jt.~O;' s .r . 2 •hod• cutto~ . 7, Tho Lolaton&Urtol. 4 • lwl:l• £Uttoi. € , J.. f'ue-:or;· in Oda r..J&(Or' Str . )1 ' 1 1 !r.£ C"t.~OO •:1d 1/J ot le.r o


u .

lt:. . 13.

l& .



1 • 19.

20 .

·. .5 .

~6 .. 271. ,



33 .

v. Udi!. &":. B. 0t • h liiOOERSDORf.-l Str. 3 al:odo or.d 2~ of 1 lorto buildlnt ~.ovo boon r.uttod. Tt.Oij aro irot:.o.bl:,'con.oo,;od with tho ~r.,.oorka . !to Al l "'''·oir.o Ool-~ndob- A• (0!1 Store. co) 1.."1. Oollt..l'Gno A ~ alroa': OO=flOtol;r dGa+-rO",o~ -J;, r1ro Ar.d H.b . Tho !loirtrr. Sttl.hldr: ht }'n"t-rik 'n Oalaor-Jtq:or Str . (St4Jol ropoo) ~. ~0 b1.11ld.in •a dootro~·od 1::· 1' .t . ""' '!r:J t ~ o r.:c.ir. do.!"n o 1:- c. -±.., "" s . -i of \!.c -~. 't: .

.o ;. •• • UtA il. L!e~"' :ro.~!iO (U:.ol'.inu I}Otlt r:.b!t;ionl : bu1ldin&3 t· !tl;od . Tl.o E...~~.Aj , Rlol:trt'-Hoal'""t~o'1d-.11odor4pe.nnun,;G Arr.r.rto.to in llol~".~ongUrtul , 7 buU41n"' ··~ o-l. r., '"0 LA'"'Zl. {O>,;o-~t'- ':1) in ~· Z?. .0::1 tl-.c 6rt. o; H·.o !'t.ctory w. tho ro.U-n:. Bno L/S AJ ildin;::. doetroyod . tOLii EHR;o;IFELreR l/JISC.lllt: ..AIJ ,,•.s·;.u (lnchinoo) 1n l'otolson~or Str. 1 .o ~ lr.rt;o b dl::t:.. :t ... , d. • .dlii:\,.. nd~- U. !t l" w.<l s. end ot U.r ..~ "' :ildbl& ~ ~od nn~ 2 c;ho'io t .. tod .

1\rOt\ botwuCI'I. Vor;oldtlne;ot Str., Str.-:n St.r ., Plua Str f\rt.d. ihronfold \.:1\rtol c. lOilat 4S bl-=.1• !'r.TO t:ocr. ozttoj c &hod ..:ttod • ... t!"L.ll b:.dld1nr; bolor~ 1nc to .,.i ~o~ A• 1rQ .od. Oooda Sto.tion bl11lciin o 1n 'lo,.oho.ntor Str . M1 1 lnrco build1ns doatroyod , 1'\.~d 3 ~)"II of C...My 'tui l~n~ lluatro::od • • .ro1n1cto Oo:ot >.o llotAlhrorlco (:.:..>tal ahods ~,,•• od . Cmo!'oldor St r . 4 hououo -u:tto1 . Sohonatoir Str. ~ ahoU ~od . 111 ~CJl"l, S·..r . l ~ldin :./J 0\lo o.lootr101\l .,.,r.., 1n U :U: llLX Z S ,r , ls.o otrippod.


lonb buildinr, with root re-rt Jt\lc Schlo• or . 'logolao. ~r S r . {a.rohou.a~a tor oho or.l proc! 10tet ba 7 - ·.1114... c; .. ldt 11. 'v"onloor St r . 15 l".o.-:roc do1t.royod. Sohr.dt: (lror. eJl .ts.) in :Arior.ltMcso c.lzno't oomplotoly burnt out . e 0 LIOS ll d. ! c}-,g I ... J. Hi!.t.~o :1.::iLHy .. ttod • .•. 1bo.un 1: Co. ( ~o:o) in Lo:,"o:'lcbokor Str . 4 'bu1ld.1nr• Mvo roc.!'s atrir pod. ln 1r.=-Qt\1Atu viob!ty 12 houeot dostroyud . ~u•or K, Q, {Stoul rood J :~ Subbolretl.cr S tr , 7 buil41n&" duatro:tod, 4 r uc.s ~ .:..:.r. ·c.~toey rtto4 . 8 ~!nlr.r\i. Elolrt.ro • l:.tnotbnu (il.ootro-t:At')\Ot ...orb) itl Te.lc\&.attouo ie c.lru«~t oortlotol.¥ dostt"<<yod '*" H. S . nnd tiro. L. Bock (Elootric ""tor ro;<>it• oCrbb.. l VOOtloo-•-•o ooq-Lotoly ~od. ~ b'Jildin'a .::uttod in Vonloor Str . 10 Mwoa dOttt"')'o4 in '\Jonloo.t"•tr"'sao .

/J4 . A ho IOo o • •


•• :! htdJdin"a ·+:toJ 111 '/c,nl.a.oJOtt~aao • :Y, oJ. Al!l Rotor. Je.rt.ott, t' ho\UOI pnrtly dooii"OlQd.. Cint:lt:!:R .:JrJ:t"J,::'.-1\'E~, 1 )\01110 r,Jtt-..d. "' ofJ' Fol~o" Str., 3 .E. or.d o~ 1r.r .. o bt~ildh .tod' . • Q ".!"t'lh !:-. RoohtU S•r . tott\11)- d ... •tro:··ocl • . or l'e}1-Q1 "Str . ' 1 }:o~Q s;uttcd .

2 towoa c-~ od. !A 'tt.k"llt..."'CI.tlo , Bu!H1nc o.C~!r.1.: ot':..r~h b 4: ,-.r 16. r. .o.•.rr ./01 V. 41rxt t-.!t . ~ -re·. :v~c.~ly :o~dtcrod: cb t.'"O .-r -,:s :r.:.t.

~~· .R .~~o. Y. Stntion , !L~



• Dli~~. ':IOU m:?oir. :c .K.l~ ...

Photo,,.. p!o hkcn 'b'J 1 P . R. U. on 7 •• • 12.

Sor+io ./ll~oiJ.

Canbct S<>'\lc : 1/~, U!IO (P/M") Plyin~ fh .. irtf:t : 2£1,000 1

Tir.lo of hotor.r,phy : 1.8. 00 lu·o,

LOO. 'Ll'l'Y : I:llOCN.

'lhc t;holo or tho to' .. 'n nnd dooke :.ru \1'0ll, eo·o~crod.on· 1\rint::s of oxoollont qiOlity o.nd fOO<] :ro.q.o.

?::RIOD U:m!:ll R!:\IIE'I/,

TM lnet duto.ilc.d Dtvrngo .'..a:":o!Jor..um Report on ~~ lt.\o no. K. l270 of 16. ~·1-2.

CE:ll:RAL S'i';,T;:l!;;?l!' .Jl!) DISTaiBUTIOJ; OF o;~u;n,

th.llnan is cq_u~· divi.dod ·botvccn inclu.utri:.l builUirl(;.'"! ih tho docl<: 1t.rlt\ nr.d tho r ooide:nt:W.l o.nd buainc:.Hl pnrt of tho ta.:m.. Thi~ is pr ubo.bly tho a>Jt :suuconaM n.ttnck which h'\a been Mdd on »~•. In '1ddition to ool\31dcrablu do.m.:!.go in tho tO\'m, irt>arl.:l.nt. i~iwtric.m have .suffered scr.rcrcl3, .notably tho 1'0~, JrelUNGSFISt'.!HJt"m t ... G., SCJruLTE ... nd 11-li!JllS , .>.nd tho "-"""· 'round tho JJ.'.lH lt'JLI!:.Y 3'1'.'.TIOJ:, D:>m>co is by H. I:. nnd fire, tho l!lttor prodonimtl.nf.

:lll'I'.'JLO OF D.'JL ~3.

1 . D:OOSTaJ!L (i:>Cl.udin•· POi!':' .'JID :l.'.IL'IIl.Y F.'.CILITI:l:3) ,

VEEINIC'J:E ST:J!Lrc!;il!u: ;., c;, (iiO:=~.

'I'ho Shipbuildi.n.t"' ·.n1 :1ol-.'\!..r Ynrtlt 1 hovu eufi"orC-d h«wily , 10 ct"ron bcinr l ... ..,.tl\ted.

: .. l!'lJ'F:O lt.Orll,y coMtru"tod ='-ho:' 1.n tho ::. of the workt' >na l:OQn •:utto:t. 1";'.'0 othor l:.r.!O ~ho;'' ir. the: $ . ';7. cornea· of tho v•·or!~ ~o rloo guttcJ ~nd Gt:Cn c!.Ul burninf'.

1'\,-g other :;l..Op:~ r.oc.rby :u"c.: ·or.tirul,y rlontrO"JC ':\nd 1\ third h.ill do.1troycd. In tM S . ·;.r~~ n. lont: \Jroctir>.L;· "ho.l' io il.'\lt c:utto-<t, n block, prob.'l.bl,y "l,r..J: .• lhidr:.tivo ia .r'U't~· ..,'l..r'.;.tod a.rul the x . 'li. 'lnd 1.1!" :0..

p.o.ir or :hopr in novurol,y cl".:.:nr,od '-'Y fir<. . In '\dlition n.t lo'l-t.:t B ~ ·nnllc..r &ho13 ir~ tho ••·hole ru·a:\ o!' ~he ffor;~'l

Mvo bc.:on dc:Jtf'Cij'cd.

On 10ha ZUUC2l'K'J a. n:Jrl or H'\.rOhOtl,iO.:J h.'\8 ho()n do.'Jtroycd And ~'OW.d tho J..T!:a LUX:.~ H.·.m.,: ' dool~idc '\hod . .; nnd '\ .hod in tho COVE:ll~G' Y.".RD h:wo hcc.n doutroycod.

S. of the. it.'~t.· . ..r OOCK Z rhoda of .. ho ~C-1!1,-;$ FI3:KI:RI3 1.-oro oworol,y d.'U MO<l prim' tc> 13. ~. f2 (r"'t prwioun~· r". ortod) ; 2 o;Ar..:..hoU:.c~ '\lonf' tho \ookoii}Q Mvu bocn dc~tra;.·o·1.

Fivo Jr.hll 't'.!L';;''.X 'buildif\·.:, prob:Lbl;f 'lrOl"kr'hnp-s nnd atoroa1 ;i. -:. ~f tho roundhoutao r'.J"O r.ut~od rmd :1 dircot hit b;· <.t lnrt;o bo .. a, h"-~ d'"n1gQd nao;e:Ml tr.~ck:J ·.r.·l 2 or 3 \f'l-·~ ·ot\0 on th·J \.OODS SIDlllCS. ..,horc is !UlOth!.Jr cn-.ter on U.·nwc t linv. H. of ..._he r.:Wl11hot.HlC.

Uorth of tho R.\IL';: . .x !tiCK, tho p.,:tlX\lE: OFFICCJ nrrl +he CVs:'OWS ;:ct.~ nrc \'loth do .. troyod "\1\d '\t the M.'.D"i ;t,•.n,;.;;; S'!':.TI0:\1 3 buUrlinr:u Pl"'O'Mbl,y !;t.:l.tion OfN..Jco ~rc. 'Ut.t.od. .' .. lonr aho'l UJ~ .3. :1Jl1\ll.:a"'

DtCLASSIFIED /buU•lin" ;;, !), of thO J.O.S. Uelllo 1-11-73

Bl f-.{ Date APR 5 1973


\ ~-

b"i\clinc :I. E. or tho :l..IL. :i W<."K o.ro ortto1 "n-1 otW oCJCn bm·,u•><·

OtlO 'bull Une" in tho tCMl C • .S IX)~ 1<o fUttoJ nAI ~:>Othc!" i ocrn:rol,.v .1-.:-nn:l,

ThQ'"u h".e 1.ocm 1\ 41.roct }-.it en n 1'\"'t\tl .:. 1 t\. r.liau i1 a­line rwurl.nc;; ~ tho .lo1k.-J "ot·v :. tho 1\...l.:;::a 'JIL.[l:I) }'OLI.lm. Th~.r., M.:s nloo .bo\.n a. Uro<.~t hit oa t.h... ~..._~.y.d lo nt• tl'll ~~ litQ:i tt.F'..:i lUI wo11" em tho iLUC.i.Lm:.t .. a! o~.oaito t1 .. E •

• ..t: ..:iaF-f S'!' • .:'IC." • •• O'O'J..iJ or ll/12 du.~ o!' ~'10 leU &l ris:Y-21''= : •• w.

D1LI./Z, }".~vc ll<icn 11c.:tro:i'od, OM 'bu.U .1."1,; ~ soon to 'b\J :tlll on Nrc .

On tho :~. 11o of' };("1, l ::·~i'.S~i r~G"~r~ Ill. tho bull lin!' of iCHlJL""r (,UJ:$ 1 b•IU·tol'· of a:r.ll ·~ or:1!'t , h vo bocn guttcrl r.n-'1. t'•o buU·l1.n..m on tho ~1 . 'lU'\v ito or tho o'J:rt:. Ir"~l Jl'JI"l:l, .1•1 t i'. of tho t"".i:C JCITl't N"O Uno ~lttc-x~

~ . ~.::::Iil:: -r:.L :~ COlJ~. .r .•

4o~ "10N~ of tile ta.n.t itocl...t (IQtl .1. t.i \, T.1nl,y of Uu1 iu .... .J'" """1 rc.tVlont' ·.J. r.ro 1tJrt •. havt. boon \~\":\-. t .tud. Thh rt.l'l)". i.n.cl.uJ.o.:s ~~ , .• :o J.rc>l<'J<l:; ... uoo, by " -:OOU lb, 1..ocl> ~hi -h !uo oocpl.ctcl;{ 10N>li.;l.od '. l!.r :0 l>l.Ml! of tuU•liT>SD ·outh of tho ;,(JUiJE::K nnd d:.v';\ ~l mcy ather ; ~t-..o :..rer- or tot.'\1 \c.:- -:r.1 .t;1o: urc:s $.f'J;l"'T. l ncre:. It . " {~tel ~....- t t ltn-··-t. ro \, '-.MVO boc: .o"!troyel or oriou""l.Y d:l-"T~l JJ. tl'.c r.cJ.o -r 11.

I : l..ltiQn to th1o ru.rly 100 Jioluca h·.w be'-· ~ "rcrycd 1.'1 otl1or "'.rt~ or tho tet.n· .. .'.no~~st the 1~0 i.t:110t"t'\nt bu11-lin:<o riontro;~od n.ro tho

~'ILJOUMS ~~.cnr.: (t;oUcc-o) , th:l L:.:;nr.:::'S :.1:'1' (Hct\1l Oi ·triot OffilloJ , . th.; !.t~hl:.t.;• C~::. o.;-. ~:.~ buUt!i:~ of tho i~ --=c.. Lt:::.

'l'hc: !ts.r:oQ't:.r itorlc:::Dr.•a :>wcl.!lr. on K..'.!_.__. -;:n,t.-J"; 1\."'L~ bu.\"0 ~~in boi..... 1-.it 1 12 ore hc,..uc ~y--.. 't<.:•.:n ttcr.',

IIILI'r •• "l" B·..::.l..~.

,.lthough ~ho. D.'.J',.\i,'::K3 thor.oaol'loa D.l' .J Un 1A.r.n ·o•\1 t\'10 ~IJO. 1ljn:ont toth!..r:, ro'b:bly off'i~~' q~.ocr. , rut 11 4lt.~·olt.-: . ~%"\CO on the llrlll Crour.l1 .r'J" tu.r·rt: out . .... l'U.IDb<ll" or '-lO' o 1r.; odio.t,~· s. or t~.o bo-Tncl<ol "'" £Ut • .. !.

1wo J ril.!~ ..U,tt.rlbuto-'. ~~Plot to !'ollO". M;.P~ u•ol: C. B. l818 1:0. 57.




• ,r , !n c. 1

C/'.l 0 for .o. 1

l:.t.ulliLOJ\OOo 1 r. t , Jo r. ' ~ = tivo

ort\ror. ?. Grot.IJ:•D &l

t l.o•• · oe o, 1 (l ' 1 -::,lr lr. l v. 1 ~o. . R. 1 'il/ lr. ':' •..• 1. 1

H' :ll.' • ~. : .. v. l . (1'' · 1 1 t:.cll1 o,IO 1

:J , .•• ? • ..;t,tior. , t'lr.J ~-="":Y.





1 3

1 1

.:lr 'J.J_ t ., ... , ii:r.~--... 1 . ~. () /..&-. ::, D.:,:r. o.t·.c r .... t" c.4 .. o.r.a. ,',. il, ! , (Ph) .

. .fi:OZ:J)lX 1 /.~

~ U"t,;: l.

1 1 1 3 ()

1 1 2 1



2 1 l 1 1 3 ~

1 1 3 1

( . .:ofO!"cncu •o .'.t-..10' • "..on ot ?r:.nt111 atrl CJl

.. ~.J):~ • ~- ,utto.

, . •lit to.


t . ;:u:i:c::'ii...I .

:.;r::.. :'rir.t .. -l -1i\

(;., oNo . !o. '"~}

1To 1:-r'C LllOf• tt~ "' '111 hurUn;;; two .. ullcr hops clc;~'ro:·O'l And another A<.v ... rol,y lbmfcd.

Lon; •h<>l ( ro· Ll.y li:Nott! &ho ) lnlt cu;tod.

L :- ... o 'Jork.:_:ho~ ::IOV\Irvl)' l'\Il\fOri ~y f'iro :-~.n:l 7 .,.-nllor •hoJd ~:ttt"(lyO • !h1111n , r()Dnlbl.y tho Oftico hl.ook en1 ' lhi.o\ lUV'Crcl:f d.'\IT "\Jol ,

I .



10. R./~7.' • .Y t;VOO: ~.iU>, ~: S. ol' R:JLI;';.Y !kl"liY.JID.

u . .it to.

1.::. ditto.

13. .lit to.

1L (.ittn.

16. rr. o<' R.'.n::.x r.c Ji:l .ro er 1 f ~.::. rt·.z ... ~ :r: t\). •

17. ~tto.

lB. .!itto.

5 m .•• ll t:or~:. hor3 or c1.oro \c. ot,s 'IIHol •.,'It! l lc tr(l)'ol l·:t :J.rO<Jt !-.it.

2 he'.!.> w. ·od r'..nr to l~. J. 42 but ret P"''riou~- :N.. <rio-!.

2 1ookailo r..r.-:ho . o \o trttro·l:

2 lircot hit:. en 1~ ..

C'J .. tO!!:: l'.oo.J .... c ., l!..r"'C l"41Uao tt'.d r# 1 ""~ !."..1 blo~ ... tc.r.• .

~· t.lnn Offi:c;o ~.1 o.lju4 nin. ... buil·JL ... ·tJro t i.r:h h::.:.lf flO;~t.rctto'l. toi\· isha·l

r.;~ 1 .1: . llcr ono ·tUl l>ur.U.nc.·.


:ri:.-t r.-:o. (D-•· o. r:o • G.'7) .

l . htin c\J"t,)f\ of dJ'I.'I\. t.:J.tio:. --ovorih ,, ncr::~~ I i:~"Jll :ito,::. t.hu L/~'SS ;.,!T . . nd he L!'THCit,~; Ch't.~P.

J.t<T.Jt L t.ouoo:a in I:!'~~ :.':':'.~, ;.It tOll' .

H.'JmUR3 ;J:::.mt:. LI!.!:, 1 "'buUdir"' p:.r .. l,y gutted :~r.·l I\JiOthor ,..,o.;trooJC'd.

J. 7 or S t;Uttorl l.u·Lldin ,,. ln 3CJf.;:;~C:.:ml:~:\ ::n tJcs:;:::a..:Jrut:t m'!t'~!.

7. 3 hoU."l'o::J 11-. -oo;..r.n:oc:r::un:::K cu•.,t r.u h 01 dJ. .:tre-e~ "U t'l':l.

e. O!".c.: of' ':TO o:"" r.a::J...v bullt la--tro:·c-1,

10. it:.lli~t":t ~~ l::l 1 t(fJJ,.lll'~ on .. ho !'OLfC~ Jt'.li?I''j1!}..,.1 5 of '\boUt l~ hott.JCO in ,\ll •lo h-oyCJ 1,

ll. '-'::mt.:t-5 ?l~U"': ... .. . :.0~.-"'C . 'Z •hol..z o!' tlv; rt.~.o..r"J .or .a to !:rayO"!, o· e~Ul bw.~. '

R •... 1'. .t:t.'"l.tion, HID ;:ra.•1r.



' • ........ ,

Private and Personal

With the Compliments


Field Marsha l Sir John Dill

Harry Hopkins, Esq., The White House .



/ ,.., ... t =···

..... .4...f : .;-1-e..::r~.....,.

• UO.IZYDo .. .... ..... ..,..

... ............................................ . -~~- - · ,..,.,... tw ,_.._ 11&11 • ..,, • ... ~,. c.I.o.a •

..... 1 al Ji!,,_,...,_ .......

ldft • ..... .... u. I'WSft.

DICLAIID'D:D u :--wooo 1 HZ.2:\ /lu 1J ~Date liAR 2 8 1973

- .......... .

5th Kay 1942


Required tor Operat1ont .

200 .l.T .L.

300 Y.T.L.

200 T.L. or W. -

500 Y.

100 Y.R.

300 Large Raiding Cratt.

all completed by 1st February 1943. To start deliveries as early as possible tor ferrying YTL 1 s across Atlantic .

Cross Atlantic on own bottoms .

all completed by 1st December 194?. Deliveries to commence as soon as possible.

Have to be shipped and assembled.

- ,_ -All completed by 1st December 1942. Deliveries to start as soon as possible. Have to be shipped.

.lll completed by 1st December 194? . Deliveries to start as soon as possible, Have to be shiPPed.

.lll completed by 1st December 1942 . Deliveries to start as soon as possible . Have to be shipped.

.lll to be completed by 1st December, l942 . Deliveries to s tart as soon as possible. Crose Atlantic on own bottom.


.,~ llomo I -17- l;f\ ,

Date MAR 2 8 1973

Dear W'Saatalll-



JMirUU)" 29, 1944.

tbe .. loHd &lid• ... •-t \o • by .. jol' am ral ,.vsa lvl"T (.ra.w ln••tuJ o.r wv) mota yo" ... at y.ts -·

lh1a 1• tw JOW qu OA17· I r a tbel' like hia ,__.al •pCob \o the eve aD4 educat10D ot what ued \o be called n&l'Cl cowatr1ea•. ha. yo\11' allll ~ peraaaal obaertat10D I tbiDk we could ad4 eo.etbiDI abo\lt cle•nltneaa .. well.

!he po1nt or all thia 1a that I do not nDt the Ula1te4 Btatea to aoqu.Ue a •..- or 1ntl-•• - or U11J otba' •UOD ta. that Mtter. Iru c.na1A17 nH4a rt-uatHa. It w1ll \AU thUt;J or torv yeva u ett•tn•t• the patt allll tile f...sal qat... laiatll that tiM c~, Iru MY be a he'dacba u J0\&1 u lu8a1a allll u ouraelw.a.

Io\l will r...-ber tha t I •uc1es ted t o ltal1n that a tree port co\lld be aet llP at the head of the Pera1u G\llt, the eena,a.ent ot t he railroad 1nternat10D&lized, Jl'OT1dinc a thl'ouch route t or R\&Aiia and tor the deYelop1na veaa or Il'&D hera elf.

Wo\lld yo\l let - haYe thi s copy back, •• I baYe no o1:ba1

With ~ war. l'tl&l'd•,

loaal"abla wtutoa I. Qulrchill, 17181 tiaiater ot lreat ar1ta1.D, r. ,_ ... id. (lllcloa\ll'e)

....... J0\11'1, •

... . . . • • J ·-

\..... _ ', ... . ••••• \ I

Honorable Franklin D. RooaeYelt Preaid.ent or the Ubited Stat•• The lhite Rouae WaabiDcton, I>. c.

Dear llr. Prea1d.ent 1


Tehran, Iran 21 I>eoelllber 194).

On TOlD' d.epartiD'e .troa Tehran you outlined to •• d.ID'~ our conYeraation at the airport, a tentat!Ye buia tor .&Mricen

poUOJ in Iren etch ldcht be uaed u a pattern tor our nlationa

wita all leaa taYored uaooiate utiona. In reapon .. t o TOur

1\IQeltiOD 1114 the 41reot1n which I receiYed. troa the Seoretlll')'

ot State, I wiab to aUba1t the following tor your oona1d.erat1on.

fAM 1

It 11 the purpoae ot tbe Uoited States to auatain Iran ••

a trM, iDdepeallat Dation &114 to attord tbe Iranian people an

opportz1t7 to enJoT tbe rJ.cbta ot an u lit torth in tbe Con­

atUuUon ot tbe Uoite4 Stat., au4 to participa te in the tullill­

~t or the pr1Do1plea ot the Atlaatic Charter.

The policy ot the Urlite4 ltat., tOWU'4 Iran, therefore, \

11 to aaaiat in the creation in Iran ot a conrnlltllt baaed . \

\IPCID the content ot the cnerned and ot a ayatea ot .tree enter- \\

DICLA88iniD ..... DopL ~- t/H/11-

......... FEB 21972

- 2 -

priae which will enable that nation to deTelop ita reaouroea

pr1maril7 tor the benetit ot ita own people. Iranian reaourcea

are adequate to auatain a pro1r111 to help Iran to help heraelt •

By th11 pro&raa ot aelt-&oTernaent and well directed aelt-help

Iran oan ach1eTe tor heraelt the tultiU..nt ot the principlu

ot juatice, treedoa o~ conaoienoe, treedoa ot the preaa, t~ee­

doa ot apeech, treedoa troa want, equality ot opportunity, and

to a de&ree treedoa troa tear.

To aocoaplilh the &boTe, the united Statea will turniah,

upon 1nY1tation ot the Iranian GoTernaent, expert 114Tiaora 1n

&D7 or ~ ot the tielda ot &OTernaent. All expert• and adTiaora

turniabed to Iran by the united Statu will be paid by the

Iranian GOTernaent and 1apleaented 1n their operation& by author­

ity ot Iranian law, and will not be a tinanoial reaponaib111ty

ot the aerican taxpa:yer. !he tln1ted State• will not aak or

reoeiTe &D7 apecial priYileaea tor theae aerTicea.

Aaerican 114Tiaora will be tull;y 1n4ootr1nated 1n the polic;r

ot our own &onrnaent tcnrard Iran and ahall IIIJte re&ular proareaa

reporta to our State Department. Thia indoctrination and require­

-.nt ot reportinl will proTide a Tital el ... nt ot coordination

which ia eaaential to direction or our policy and protection ot

our intereata.

Jloc1arn h1atoey ot thia country ahowa it to han been

doednated b:y a powerful and 1reedy atnority. the people &aYe

been aubJected to torei&n exploitation and aonopoly.

Aaerioan aaaiatance to the buildinl ot an iaprcrred aooiet:r 111

- .) -Iran there auat 'be iapoaed a autticient 4earee or aupeniaion

&D4 control OYer tree enterprile and peraonal &&&reaaion to

protect the unoraanizl4 &Dd inarticulate aaJority rroa tor•i&n

&D4 4a.eat1c aooopol1 &Dd oppreaaion.

Inauauration 1n Iran or the AMrican pattern or lllt-&onrn­

..nt &D4 tree mterpriae will 'be an auurance that prooeeda t'ra.

4nelopMDt ot Iranian ruourc11 will be directed aubatantially to

, tbe bu1lc11nl ot achoola, hoapitala, aanitary ayateu, tranaportation

alld coaaunioation ayateu, irri&ation l)'ltiU &n4 iaprOYe..nt ot

all taoilitiea oontributinl to the health, happineaa and &•neral

welt are or the Iranian people.

Thil plan ot Dation bu1lc11nl aay be 1aproYI4 throuah our

uperienoe 1n Iran &D4 aay beo0111 the criterion tor the relationa

of the Uaite4 Btatea toward all the a&tiona which are now autter­

inc troa the eYill ot aree4J ainoritiea, aooopoliea, &&areaaion I

&D4 iaperiali ...

The jur1oan people, at.,le "'n4ecll7 4noted to 1n4epen41DCe

and liberty, are ti&hti.Da today oot to aan the iaperialia• of

other D&tiOD& DOr to create an iaperlal '•• ot our own but rather

to beatow upGD the world the 'beneYolent prinCiple• ot the Atlantic

PM% U t. \ Charter anc1 the rour Freeclou.

~e toreaoina 11 a rather aiaple plan deai&Ded to pro.ote I

the bu1141D& Of f'rH D&tiODio fhe Job that cord'rontl \Ia ll DO,

All ... ,. one. !he aucoeu or the recezat coDtereno•• 1n loaoow,

cairo &Dd t~&D indicate• that the -~or powera cAll cooperate

1n the proaeout1oo ot the war. the reattiraation or the &tl&Dtie


- 4 -Charter 1D4icatea that there il a baaia tor poat-war cooperation.

lotwithltanc11n& the .. tYic1encta or aoo4 will. I think that now

ia the t~ tor ua to atteapt to analyat the oppoa1tion tbat

tbt bu1l.c11n& ot fret nationa will. be l1ktl7 to encounter.

Without &liT oppolition tr011 other nation. an4 with the co­

operation aDd aupport ot the ·intelliaent an4 ~triot1c lta4tra

ot Iran it will take &enerationa to acbine in Iran tree anter­

priae anc1 a IOY&rDIMnt baaed on the conaent or the IOYerned.

the population or Iran if approxt .. tely 9~ 1l.l.iterate anc1 it

11 COIIpOied1 to a lar&t axtant, or diiOr&anizecl an4 ltparated

tribea. the intelli&anct an4 'filtl•noe whiob will. aupport

liberty or the Mlltl auat be created. the ecluoation or the

tribta .. n and the eatabliah.-nt ot a unity or purpoat will rt-,

quire t!.e, ~tienoe, c11liceoot, etrioiency, anc1 a cruaac11n&

apirlt on the part ot our ac1Y1aora. .lboYt all, the ac1Y1aora

.at baYt the oontinuoua aupport ot tbt '-rlcan people which

in ltatlt MT be dlttloult to &aaurt.

Io a4dlt1on to the obataoltl within Iran, the prlnoipltl ot

the aboYt tor.ula art in oontllot with the prinolplea or t.per~al­

iaa. Pree anterpriat MT alao oo.- in contliot with &DJ rorot4

~ion or ca mtaa. .&4YOCattl or both or tbt .. dootrinea MT

rtaiat the propoatd aprtac1inl ot d..ooraoy.

Io all the naUona I ban Yil1tltd1 I ban bttD 'old, ua\l&ll7

by Britlab an4 .._rioana, tbat the pr1no1plta ot iaptrialiaa

al.reac1y ban auoow.becl to the prinoiplta ot d..ooraoy. f1'011 IQ'

oa obaenationa, honnr, I .at 1&1 that U illpvla11,. 11 dtt41



~:-~~~1:t:a: .... ::::Y: t: r-y __ r_e-luo--\&D--~t~to~l1--• __ d_oa __ • ________ __ ·--

- ' -The iaperial1au ot GerUil)', Japan, Italf1 Jrance, BeJ.ciu.,

Portucal, and the letherlanda will, we hope, end or be radically

reYlaed by thia war. Britiah ~i&liaa aeeu to haYe acquired

a new lite. Tbia appearance, howner, 1a slluory. What appears

to be a new lite ot British t.periali .. is Sbe result ot the

1ntuion1 into ita uaoiattd ton, ot the bloocl ot proc111CUYity

and liberty troa a tree nation throuch lend leaae. British

t.perialiaa is al1o beinl de!IACled today by the blood ot the

ao14iera ot the moat democratic nation on earth.

The n ... a ot the 1apar1&l1atic nations are aut'ticient to

1D41eate that a lar&e part ot the world'• population 1a atUl

co-itted to the pr1nciplu or illperialiaa. thue naua alao

1ndioate the oppoaition that wUl be encountered by &D7 ettort

that hal tor ita purpo1e the establliMent ot democracy 1n nationa

that are now subJected to the rule ot t.per1al11t1c naUou. We

are &pproaohiD& the 1rrepre11ible contllct between world-wide

iaperiali .. and world-w14e 4..,0raoy. It 11 depreaaine to note

how Ull7 or our real triendl 1n the world aeea to be irriYocably

coaaitted to the old order ot iaperialiaa.

Woodrow WU1on1a policy tor ~rica 1n the !irat world war

waa 4eli&Aed ·~o a&ke the world 1&te tor deaaoraoy• and to sua~

Brit&iD u a first olau world power. 8utatntna Britain a1 a \

t11'1t clan power hal tor aany 7eara been the cornerstone ot

'-trioata rorei&n policy. Peraonally I haYe supported that ~l"ey. I baYe lone bel11Yed and h&Ye aany tiua atated publicly that \he

ulUMte de1tin7 or the Bnaliab ape&lline peoplea ia a •1nlll ~




- 6 -We did auatain Britain 1n the first world war aa a firat

claaa power but we did not aucceed 1n aakin& the world •aate tor

de.ooracy•. Instead, when we backed away froa the Leaaue of

lation• and failed to aake the peace t er .. an inltrument or

de.ocracy, we aade the world tate for imperialiaa. In the quarter

ot a century which haa interYened the proce11e1 or both ea1tern

and weater n J.aperialiaa .. t the ataae for thia new world war,

An effort to eatabliah true freedom aaong the leta tayored

nationa, eo u.n:y or which are UDder the preaent abadow ot imperial­

iaa, will a.oat ineYitably run counter to the policy or auateinSnc

Britain aa a fir1t clan world power. Thia leads ua to the con­

oluaion that Britt.in today 1a confronted by the aaae condition that

confronted our nation when Lincoln at Gettabura aaid •1'bat thia

nation, under God, ahall haYe a new birth or treedoa•. Britain •

can be auatained u a tint olau power but to warrant thia au~po

froa the .._rican people abe auat accept the principle• or libert't

and d.-ooraoy abd diacard the prinoiplea of OpprelliYe iaperialiaa,

SoYiet Ruaaia baa earned tor beraelt an aaaured place aa a

firat clan world power, hiendabip and cooperation between the

United Statea and the O,S,S.R. are eaaantial. to peace and har1110~ I

in the poet-war world. There auat, therefore, be a IIUtual \

unders tandina and acceptance or the po1t-war patterna tor treed

which the areat power• •anne the United lationa are to otter to

their leal powerful &IIOciatelo Without IUCh aareeaent there WO

be jealouay, 1uapicion and conflict.



'In oonaiderln& the pre1ent lt&t ua ot relationa between Iran

and the llDited Statu 1t IIUit be reMIIbered that althouah Aaer1can

voopa haYe been here 110re than a ;rear their pre1enoe hu not :ret

been otticiall;r recosnised b:y the Ir&nian GoYernaent. Man;r Iranian

ottioiala bel1••• that American troopa are 1n Iran on the 1nYitation

and tor the purpoae ot aer•inl aa an 1natru.entalit:r ot Britain.

~or a year or 110re we h&Ye had under necotiation with Iran a treat:r

wherein Iran would reco1ni•• the preaence ot .&aericen troopa aa an

~rican operation. the inettectiYe presentation ot the ·treat:r haa

not been helpful to .&aerioan pruti&e with the Iraniana.

It is the reaponaibility ot the State DepartMnt t o e t tect the

oona~tion ot the treat:y. the neceuity tor proaptnesa 1n th&

ne1ot1ation ot thia aareeMnt waa pointed out by • 1n ~ report

to 70u ot Ka7 1), 1943. I haYe not peraonall:y participated 1n 1n1

ot the treaty oonterencea with the Iraniana.

I think it illportant that we \Dlerat&Dd that since our troopa

entered Iran on the inTitation or the Brit1ah, without adYanae

notice to the OoYernMnt ot Iran, it waa natural tor the Iraniana

to look upon ua as a British 1natr~talit;r. In addition to th1a

The United 11ncdoa eo ... roial Corporation which waa tirat •nell\ 1n precluaiYe purch&ain& 1n Iran hal atnoe been aelHn' A..r1can

lend leaae auppliea to ciYiliana and to the GoYernMnt or Iran.

Lar,ely throuch our lCDd leaae auppliea, paid tor by the Aaeric~

tu:pa;rer, the llDited 11ncdoa lo~ial Corporation haa bMn att ,~

1n& ADd, to a ~ona14erable de,ree, aucceedin& 1n eatabl1a111n& a

Oo.plete trade IIOJDOpoly 1n Iran, fhe l.bited Unadoa Co._rOial

I. 'il· '


- a -CN,oraUoa aohie'f~ t.hia poa1 tion b7 'firt~o~e ot beizl& on the

aoen. when '--rioan 1804 leaae auppliea beaan enterln& Iran.

UDited 8tatea repreaantatiYea 1n Iran enaaaed the Britiah Corp­

oration, IO'ftr~nt owned but profit .akin&, to aer'fe aa handlln&

acant and 111dcUeun tor the '--rioan aoo4a. Thla arranaeMnt, which

O'fllientl.T had the appro'fal ct the Lend Ltaat A4111n1atration and

the State Dtpart.ant, baa been profitable to the Britiah Corporation.

there hea been a UDited Statea eo...roial Corporation, IO'fern­

.ant own~, with ortioea 1n fehran. When I waa here a year aao,

Mr. Ph1.11p n4d waa 1n oharae or the corporation. Later Mr. Erik

&rikaeD na 1n oharae. It we were aoln& to eDter the co.aerclal

tleld with ltD4 leaat aoo4a, I do not !mow •h7 we did not l&le Olll'

own corporation 1nltea4 ot the Brltllh Corporation. I refer acaln

to rq report to you on Iran dated at Cairo, May 1)1 1943 and .,

report oa Lend Leau 1n the IU.dclle Jut d&t~ at Dtlll.11 loYIMer \ ·.

7, 1943. Ioiii' IU.niater, Mr. Lanc11a, baa Mde areat ~ro'fe~~enf11 1n the ad•tntatration ot leDd leaae 1n the MJddle l&at. lotwi~

atandtna thla I aa atlll or tho oplnloa that the preaent debate

between the Aurlcana &Qd lritllh on ltD4 leaae will be eD4e4 oa1¥ I

when Auric& baa taken cQ~Plete control ot the diatributlon ot Ill'

own 18Dd leaae euppliea 1n th1a area.

the Iraniana belll'fe that the poat4&1' 80DOpol.T plana ot

UD1te4 llnadoa Coa.ercial Corporation now ha'fe the aupport ot the

United Bt&tea GoYern.ant.

In &ddltion to all thia there h&'fe been ccatllota between

Brltiab and Aaerioen MlQ!atriea that h&Ye been eYldent to the

Ir&Dlana. fhia lituation baa bean d._.inc to both Aaerican &1¥1

f I ~

- 9 -Brltlab preati&e, To ottaet thia 1apreaa1on the lranlana h&Ye

wttDeaaed the eftioieacy of the A.erican operation& or railroad

&nd road tranapo~t1on 1n paaain& war auppliea to Ruaaia,

J1nall)' they hne bean deeply 1apreued by your masterful b&ndll:l&

or the three-power conference and especially by your akill ln

proourinl troa the conference the declaration of policy or the

United Nationa toward Iran,

•anwhlle, Soviet preati&e haa banefited rroa their own well

ordered conduct and by their c11rect and poait1Ye relat1ona with the


PNU' It In a conYeraation with his M&Jeaty, the Shah and certain of

hla aln11ter1 a few day• aco, I wa1 1ntoraed that fro. one 1ouroe

or another the tribel .. n 1n the outlfinl proY1noe• of Iran haYe

aoqu1red at least ,o,ooo rifles and aamunition. 1'hla the Shah

thoucbt aa4e 1t iaperatiYe that our a4Y11ora to the Iranian ~.r.,

and to the Iranian Police roroe haaten the ora&nlaation or the

toroea tor aecurity ecalnlt internal dilorder, He atated that

oerta1n torei&n 1ntluenoe1 are beln& broucht to bear on the trl~­

IUil to oauae internal di1order in Iran. 'lhile on th11 IWIJeot I \

1ntor.ed H11 .. ~eatr that I bad heard that Ruaala ha4 acretd to

turnlah the Iranian J..r., with a nuaber of tanka, ritlel and air- ,

plan••· 1'he Shah adllitted that there na 1uch an otter but how

.uoh equi~nt Ruasia would &1YI he wa1 unable to al1• I reaarkld

that we nre turntshinl Rua11a equi~t uader 11114 leaae beoauae

ftlllli& did not haYI &0\llh equi~t tor her own war n101111t1 ...

- 10 -

Bil Male•ty aaid that he unders tood that tact but that Ruaaia had

offered to &ive hb &overlliMnt th1a rauch needed equ1punt, Be said

he had hoped to acquire the equ1pMnt frora the Onitecl States but

had been unable~ obtain sat1atactory action. In~ opinion

Iran 11 able to pay tor the equ1p .. nt which abe nelda tor both

her Ar~ and her Police Force,

I t ia a tact, however, that Britain 1a turnilhilli lend lease

Mterial to other nat1ona at a t1rae when abe 11 beilli auatained

1n her war effort by Jmer1oan lend lease, low Rua1ia aeeaa to

be about to eab&rk on a similar proaraa, Britain has been &ivin&

and now Rua11a i s about to &ive our lend lease auppl1ea, or auppliea

that have been r eplaced or releaaed by our lend leaae luppliea, to

other nat1ona in r eturn tor conceaai ona or t o ltrenathen their

own i dealo&1ea 1n the countriea to which the auppl1ea are &1Yen.

The leaat we ahould deaand 1a that we be permitted to do our own


Iranian otf1o1ala have exp~esaed a dea1ra to eatabl1ah a

clo•er ca..ercial relationahlp with the Oaited Statal.

lhder oondit1onl now prevailing there will no doubt be a ,

1reat ruah on the part or I.Mrioan buaineuun to &•t ou, llip.N'al

and other conoeulon• in Iran, I •ucaut that the State Dep&r~~ aent, nth the aaliatance ot the other aceno111 or our aovtr'n~rt

1hould be prepared to adYile the Qoyernaent of Iran det1n1telf

concerninl the character and other qU&liticationa ot every

applicant tor a OODCelliQD, ,

- 11 -

PARt n In propol1nc t o c~t )'Ou to a world wi de plan or bu1ld1n&

auooiated rr .. nationa, I aa not Wlaindr\1.1 or the probleu t hat

c onfront you on the hou front.

We ahould , or courae, conaider t he ert ect ot the preaent and

tuture hi&h tax .. and ot the u:penditure ot 1reat amounta or our

economi c r•••r••· Our 1reateat aanser, how••• •• 11ea 1n t he creation

ot a atupendoua bonded indebtedneu, It the war and our po1t-war

reconatruoti on and r ehabilitation co..t~ta continue tor a 10111

period thia indebtec1n••• ~ beco.e ao oYerwhelainc that it will

create hopeleaaness, lethariY and deapoodancy on the part or the

world 's tl'eest and .o1t reaourcetul people, •• -.y asain h&Ye

1oldier• beinl .uatered out to dilillueion.ant and une~loya~nt.

we -.y asain ban people 1bcut1n& that ••• can't l ilt the Conltitu­

tion•, 1'hey M¥ nan ad.cl t o the non-edibl .. the Atlantic Charter

and the Four Freec1ou. Th11 ai&ht lead. to p&llic, b&llkrU~>toY and

r nolution. It 1• needle• • to ad.d that 1t an)'thinc or thia nature

occurred at hoM, all our plan• tor the tuture or the world woul4

be tutU•· T71'&nn1 and oppreuin 1aper1alba would qain ''


I think the brl*ler upecta or your world diplo.acr are n~­

in excellent tora. But we can 4&M&• that poaition 1t n taU 'ItO

be real1at1c 1n wbippin& the 4eta11a into ooDtoratt7 with JOur \

1eneral plan.

aeapeottull7 JQura,

a/ P.AfBICI HURLU Bri11141er General,




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