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Post on 25-May-2019






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yuur sa your able a T. J. Glb/~on5


10 lIillltl!C b\llflll and WJiClt Will sell IU1~()Il­

Sllti~fatl I(,n,

RatJlweli -

Swan Lake Has Disastrous Fire_ •


Four Stores, Post Office, Printing Office and Government Elevator Arc Wiped Out.-Loss Partially Covered by Insurance

'lito worsL fire in Lllo Itislul j' ur

8wnn Lakc Itroku ullL un \Vcdncs­

day Illol'lling nL 1:2,:30 nlHl wipet1

ouL fOlll' .,ltll'L'S, lile posL lIfliutJ Ilml

Lltl' Eullu III illting plau~ and gll\--

0l'IIll10U L elC'\'alol', Tlte fi 10 sIll rt PI I I'rom :L 1'()lIlil'o nL Lho llar,k 01' "', \V, Sltil'loy'!; bakery whiult wn~

completely gllLLed l thcn dC'sl roying 'i\!t'H, CUIlc:II'~ r,'sLnlll'IlUt., an clllplv HLol'l', lile P,)st ollic:e, p, ,T, J lullc­UIllII'II gouel'tll SlOI'C, and tho Eelto IIl'wspapOI' ol!icc, The flmlll'H I hen 1011 perl tlto l1Iaill sLI'ec~ 1111(1 guLlc(1 lite gO\'C!'lIlllcIIL olc\'nlol',

'1'110 lollt! II)s!! will bo quitu $;:;0,-000, w, "', Sltil'l .. y Wllq illlltll'e.t I I'ur $SOO; i\! I'S, COI1l:h, UO illsm'lluc,': POIlL ollict', ullknoll'lI ; 1', J, Hlllle­\lllln'S, ~8,OO(J; Eelto oflit:l', $SOO,

Thc t()\\'U i" olllil'el~' withouL fire pl'otet:lilJlI alld Lhel'l' waH rCI'.\' liLLie walul' iii LI)(I wells, A Volllilleul fire hrigildo did spl .. nriid f;(Jl'\'it'"

:llld iL \I',Ui ullly I)y L\toil' HI l'Ollllllll~ eflb tK -L1wl 1110 (!t'lIg Blrn'e \\'11"

sa \' eu, '1'110 Eeho IIl1d Stll1lel'~eL

will lit) pl'illled lit SOlllcr~c:L row weeks, lltel'e beillg II

plant dowll Ilwl't',

rUI' II sllll1l1

- -- --,--- - -- - ---" i--

The Highest Form A Red Cross Appeal Of Patriotism ,to the Farmers

~: .. ,.:: ... " " '. Q.' 0\1

" , ,

", " ' , , . , .. ,

-1)£ -·1.1 -

~-- .........

:;":.1, ::,~,!." ,,'''. . '.'

'I'm~HlmN!'], MANITOBA, FHlD.\ Y, ~\I'HIL :2:JlIlI, HILi, - -----,

, ' >


, I Arbor Day Should I Be Observed


0'· .. ~ . \ , ,

AUOTION£ERINIJ I ACI 1 Itn\l) IIHl\OlI trotH Tr"hftrllQ tn \\,iuuipl} hilt. IlitfJllll C'\rT} IU't 011 lilY "\~cllon HualLItJ Lhn.ugh thu UOUHt.ll. CuM.OJ. JIS \\ill rl'Ctl"!) I'rut1llJt Attonlinll h) \\rltl'lJ: mo nt my llro80llt 1111.1 rOH8 or 1'110110 8horhl'nn~' ~',7 un ro\ afSO chock: I

Prlccs As Ueunt SIlLiernct.toll OunrlUlteod .. , N. WILSOII, M.A.A.,

169 Langsldo Sf., Winnipeg.

No, :n

Dauphin Man Tells of German Atrocities

i Plant Trees and Make This Feels Like Tearing The Soul-II a Pleasant Pluce in Which casmg Off Every German

To Live He Meets

I ,\I'bol' Day i;; Ilut ob:~el':cll, ill I Tltp fullowing i~ pIII'L or IL lulll'l' I C'lIltldlL to lite l'xlelll wllll'it Il~ 1111- i which \\-11'; llublisllctl in tlte DILII-

IpOI'Lauce \\'nt'I'IIUls, I I'

I,ll un lIel'ald, from COI'P, Dellllis,

The people or Cllullda 11I1I~t 1'\ CI', ' , , , ' , kc('p iu lIIiud theil' dC[lcudl'llc'l' up_,l.uukl'lll, ul the (u'st Call1ldltlll hx-

I I' , 'I' I I' I ,Ill hl'l' ro]'('sis. \\'ilh Illl'gt\ '1I'l'as pl'C ILIIIIlIII'Y IIl'I't', \\- II) ell Ist"l II t

! f.lIi~n"ll' oul,:' 1'01' I'OI'I'nll'Y Pttl'P"~"~'1 U,llIpltill, '"lld whu is wcll-Iwu\\'u i II IS t'SnUULI.d that lhrJ \',dlll' 01 thl'l)llgllllllt Lhe 1'1'(11 illc~ uwiug lu ! Il'ecs IIIllI I hl'i!' IIl'I)louLiuu shoulrliitis <'UIlIICctiull with Ihc Hloj.,ltt-I I' I 'I .., II)() lltclI (Jllg dy 11lI[lI'CSH't IIPUU C,I- 1';I1ICI'Y FI'uil, COlllpallY :

Illadilllls, "It's f.lIII'O hell, III lhe ItIJIISU ! \\,hil'J l\l'bol' Uny is 0l1~1'1'I ed iu , ' I '" \\ C III'B htlleLet1l1l were lit OIlU llluc

Lhc l'UI'Id ~l'houls, 111111 III SOIUO Cit \" II f II l I I I , , , ' "1111110 [ll'Ctty H\\'l' lJ ,s lj' tiC 'JO ~

sehuull', 1\1; I ecugllitlull by I hp gPIl- [' tl II "'I l I I I , , ' I, II! ee III', ~ II!.I' IlII1S III \ e l' t el'al [Illbbc III lIuL liS gClil'l'll1 IlH II I' I' I I \\'1 I I I I I III II II II W II 1Ill'IT' ILlII \\' tl

IS tuU I 1\', 'k I ", IIlnl'plled 111 11l)I'l' J too' II 1'111111)1" I 111 thLl 1'1'11\ 111"1' "I .\lllllll"IJtI, I 1III'lluglt lhe UpPet' llllrts .. r tl\l~ i ,\l'l.ul' IlIlY i~ uelulll'al~,,1 I" [\ lilltil , - hUIISI', J 11 OliO 1'00111, wldch lout!

I erl exl~'111 ill I hI! ~rJhoul~, TillS is lIul I,eell II gil'l's, a l'OSlIr.\' was Lil!'o\\ II ~1111i<;ielll, ltuwl'rul', Till' ul,scn'ltlH'e I . nCI'OHS tilt' bed und u\'el'ylhiuf!;

I "I J\i'IJt>I' V,ly:;llIIlIld bL' gell~I'al. Iuoked llH il' it Imr1ut'ell!\ l\Iounli~llt Thulo ie, lIeed ill U\ cl',l' pat'l, 01' CIl- gcl, a WfI,I", III 1IIIIJlhcl' 1'00111 \\"IlH It lI~lIltl rl\L' Lho ecillcatioll alld ill- uhild'H. cot. with 1\11 itR lillie ttl~ H, HIl'lWlioll II hi,'11 AI,llIlI' llay l'cpI'e- alld II lHllwh or ull.'llli clUtltl'k nil ~;oolllf<, Thc dny 51tOlllll be o\lscl'\'od I'll I Ollt I'l'lltir I'UI' hilll,

,IlS a pllblie l\lJlidll.l', al It lillll· luosl ,I EPENDS ON THE HAMMER I ~lIilt'Ll til lilt, elilllalic: ulIlidilious 01'

- I , 1 he Iuealil)', Puhlic l'cl'oguilil)lI Tltc l't111owillg l'cccnLl" Itl)l)ClLl'eti 0111' counLry, wilh ils Allies, iH ~ - -. ~~.""'"--~~~--~ ~--~----~~---~,.--. \ I II I' \ I I I 01 f.,. ~ lOll l llJ gl \'t!ll Lo } Y HH" In.r. allt

IlH nil ethlot'iul ill n LOllh;iallflIlO\\'S- waging a gl'eaL WOI' reI' justicc, rol' PA Y .ROLl fARMING lOCOMOTIVE INDUS 1 RV illll> pllllll iug ami lJI'OI cutioll or

fL \ lhe ~l\ll1l' ,~llll'Y nil 111'1I1~, K 0

ulle elln 1','aliz\J- whnt thillgs Ill'L' like here, You It''lll' ill Onl'1I1d!1 01' all hurts 01' sLunls lho UL'l'llIl\US ha\'1J pulletl 011', I, like u, 10L 1I10l'e, t,hollgitt I,her we)'1) j list ~'UI'l1S, 1\ L -- -- \\'tJ IIl'otietl sOllie irOll wOl'k l!xed UII two 01' 0111' I illl bel'!;, I rodo iutu lhe dllngo lo lind It black· Slllith, .I I'olllld Lite I'ol'ge, IluL lit)

IJlacksutilh, nu was in the I'illaJ.(u IJllt" he iH cl'ipplet\ 1'01' lil'o, A~ 11111 U01'l11111113 belLL it Lhl'(Jugh tlto \ it­lagc, abuut 11 dozon of t helll sLop­puel ot his rorgu to ha\'o sOllie shoo­illg dOllt', \\'hell lw Wit!; I hrollgll Limy illrol'IIlt:~1 him Lhat 110 wuttlel 110\'01' shoe fillY horsos 1'01' the ]~lIg­lish, and hcl'oro he hall lillle to I'elllizll ,wlmt they ntCl1.lIt, tllny hut! p1lL Ids IlIlndH 011 lite au\'i1 alll1 811lt);;1)()(1 them with It sledgl' bnlll-

)lI\lII'I': Lltc prolection or !;lllltli llllLion~ ill. I IN UNITEO ~TATf-t: &itadu tl'I)I:S, lito preplll'lllioll or 'ITlte a\ UIIII'CI LOlliuiallll 1':\1'111"1' Lhe OIlJ'O"lJ.ICuL 01' lhuil' l'i"hLs, rUI' , • a..J, 1 l II I I " "J "A Succeosful Mlxod Farmer-The De'i ,'huwcl' nut \-ege II J 0 glll't ell~, Ill)(

gellllllJ I:lll'IYI ILL Lhe nlal'lll uf a I)ontiuued 1111(1 gl'owlng I'l'eullolll, velopmcnt of Urban Centres I" --- d lhl' thol'lIlIgh oleanillg np of hOllies ClIIIlIlwt iUIIL cluck, hlllloUH Itis Chi- ulld fOt, lhc JIIuilllc1ll\uCO or ilH "erlouu Dep,'esslon In ThIs Tr~ c- 'I

t I' I' Th WII T 'ff [31 I For alit! HlIl'l'ullIltltngH S Irmld he IIlh'lI-cngo slIHpullriel'fl lo Dell'()i~ 0\'01'1111" pl(,tlgeti \\'Ol'ri or hOllOI', i\llIclt 'I'ho location of IOnnufac ur IIg n-, c son, arl an1ec , " liustrles In ccrtnln Westcl'll lowns Is! Decline l'~lecl as spOfJllll dullcs 101' Lho tillY,

111llR ,Oll 11. JlIlil' of cowhide H)'","u-I de;;tl'uctioll ullll ciosolit'ciull is bciJII' t1 I }\II'UI' D'I" 1111 0 1'1" J'II<'tl'I'I'"'' 1'1)11 .., affording 0. ready nmrlwt ror Ie ' " ~ " " c .. l, II1lltle in Ohio, \\'nRlll's ill It PiL!Il- Cllllsecl. Lh'o~ Ill'O hoiu" lost, 1)\, I 'fllo 11'11(1\-'111 Ioculll(ltlvo ,rOIl ~ tn' I I I' I' I I ... J divorsllled nnd perlsha1Jlo prolluctR or, ., - , . III t 11' \'a lie (I ll'el'H, 1'0111 W III C\'('I' ultl'gh till bnsill, lIuing Cillcillllnti lile lhollsullll. C,U1lulll'S Iil'st COII- tho mixed rUI'mcr, 'I'o,day one ot tho- 1'1J1lllllrlvhla is lIroll-lbly o:te (If ['J,e puillt ur dow I hey IIll1.y I,c cOlIsi-

,Roap, Ilutl elL'ins 011 a cotton lowol LingonL ill no\\' ill lito thick uf it. tarnlOrd hI tbu C,p,n, irrlgatloll block best JdIOWI~ Illdustlics In -the \:olh deled, Nolhing eonll'ibnle>l lW

11I/1rln ill Now Hnllll)shiro " sit,4 SOlllO willl'all J;iok: mltll" 11 Alberta Is nble to Ol\rry prnctlcally E'JCIY 0110 will bo i:ltclcatpII to 1m'),.. I I I II I _ IliA' I t t1 tIl II lillie I Lu lllil ;:u l te \\'01' ( iI P e,!snnl dO\\,l1 .to.11, "GI,!tl)d ,Hapid,j lillJL,:, wOlluded ~ sblllo will lillY ""1'\.l ... 1"'''','1'~ cntil'c'I'unnlns o;:J.lcn~eH rlI-II, blg ~t! ;'I,!!'~.s .. d,.!!1 .)0 ]Jrose!:. (el'le;; IJ I , _ , _ . - rarm out of tho p' roceed~ fl'om hIs' conJllcd wlfh the l'educllo!\B "lllllll_IIl<:~(l 111:11)0 lo Ii\'o in as II'CI'8, 'I'ltn 1l'Ile eals hoL bisOllitfl mado wiLIt i\lill- filII mcaoul'c of <ltJ\,oliull_-Lu LLoil' I 1. It d I f I' " t' (' I 'I dairy, poultry lllld gnrde!\, This dlvor- ,in tho -NiI~on 'farm in t h) U e 101lie (II) Ing' I!; lIot SII IS tel Wit 1-

silled 1armer hns the uu-.-rmlngo over; Stutes, has causcd a slowing dO\\1l ulIL thc l)reSOllcc OfrOlO ll'ces, wiLli the slrnlshl I'aln ratser In thl\l he, in theBc) vast worJ(~, lhcil' sheltc'l' allll shade, tltoil' I)CIIIl-

llcnpolis flOUl', KanSIUl Cily Imcou, oOllnLl'Y tt1ll1 iL,s callse, nnd Indilll1a grits fl'icd ill Omuha Tho Hed (!I'oss Sociely cxists to lnrd, eookod on IL St. J';olliB slovc' ; 8I1C(:01' the Rick :\1)(1 wOllnrleu in lJl1Ys Il'ish poLltloes gl'o\\'n in i\J ielt- Will', ! t needs llHll'O l1lone~; Lq gan I1m1 oUllncd I'I'Ui[, 1~IlL liP ill [ll'odde mOl'o beds nt hospiLals in Cnlifol'nill, f;caRollcd with, Inlo(lc' c: I'eat l~rituin alld ""1'IlIHJO; il

-', , Islnnd spiecs, 01u])8 011 his old wool uoeds 1Il0l'O 1l1l)IlCY to pay m01'1) hat mado in Philadelpltin, pllL!L HoLl Cross NI1l'ses; iL lloct1s' 1Il0l'" Now YOl'k Iml'1l0SS 011 11. 1IJ iSSOlll'i malter, I\nd 11101'0 things 1l111do hy mule, red on Iowa COl'll, and plows WOIllOll, -tu. slIpply to Clel\l'i~lg his fal'll1, co\'erctl b~' a i\[nssuchll- HOl;pilal~, Base HospiLals, ami Ho· HeLts 1Il01'tgn/{c, willI uri Indilllln co\'c!'ing HospilalH,-plow, j appeld lo ('urlllt:I'" Lo scnd lilt:!

AL lI'ighVl1O el'uw:s lllldel' a New SlIllIS I'rulll $1 lo $1)0, cItll'iug lit!) Jorsey bll\lIket illld is kcpt awulw fll'tit week ill May, E\'cl'Y $50 by tL LOllisiillllL dog, Lhe ullly home PI'O\ ide!! one m1dilioJlui JlOspitnl Pl'oelucL 011 lho plllce, lind \\'olldet,S bed \viLl{ t.he gh'ol"s 11/111\0 UY01' it. why 110 kcops POOl', 13.1' somling' 1110 ahollL $10,000 you , -,

I\IOl'1l1-PaLl'olli~o hUlllo inrlus: wtltlld SOI'\'tl 'your coulIll'Y il'ios, Spend yOIII' Illonoy wllo1'o i hl'illg cl'cdit Lo YOIlI'SOl\'

'will gire YUII n DUII'koL f~l~ "'lint IIl1ike 1111 01' WI \'lll'y'ril'i'llII'VIl you gI'OW, Hilt! 1I111S IIIllke 1I10110Y FOl' tho Hitlw of lho wouiltll.lcl ho~:s Itlld inel'cllSu Lho valllc ur yOIll' 1'[\1'111 lllalw UIO' girL suh~tllillird, " ] twill This is puhliespil'itulltl LhllllighcsL nil' iln'csLnuiilL, lUWUl',Jij 'Lllo

. 'fOl'lll ul' \lIILl'ioLililll, ' l'Oq.Q\'OI'Y o\' _Romo· Ganntlillil soltliOl' who sLood 111 0\\1' btcatl lImt

Take Time To Clean The

" ' ellllSO miglt tlu

g I Root of th~ Sta9\l,'~lon hns many days In tlte year whon ho t • r

I I I I I ttl nl to his' Mr, Samuel D, "[luclalll, 'Ice· s rece v ng cas I n sc cme I' .,

I t 1, ,1 I l'resident of tho Bulc1wln LOCllll10tiVC

produce ns Rga n5 on y one .... ay w II.ln , t I t I

I II I t lho 'Yorks, 111 I\n atldresR delil'erod ho,urc he gra n arlllor se SIB gr,a n 0 'I' the Aunual Convention of the iT1l3tcr

elovator, H I1ollor "ral«>r~' Association und the POlys as e GoeR '\ ' I . Boller lIf:lkOl a' Supply :,Tcn r, Ass\'" a-

The fnrmor In question lives :001' lion, on Mill' ~8tLt, 8uill thnl the now OIelch01l, ,He has _spent s~mo ,$~,OOO ; and grmltly ledUCI'd tnrtfr lay ut the on Impro,emenls, hns 120,a,cles In I root of the Jlresont Htngnallon of crop, 76 ncres summer,. fallowed or { ~uslnesB, and If thlH be c'lIrlcd to Its broken for lIoxt _ yeur, nnd 70 hend or l'lImlts, nHlllufa('turers Of tho United stock. Ho _employs two hired ,men, : Slates will hUI'c 110 alternativo but' one all the year round, and tho other to cul mnployes' wagofl lind to sink ror the summer season only, 'rite faet t1wm to the low I']u.,ropea'l levols" that he !avors mixed fnrmlng enubltlo 1111', Yauclutn, who hna ninde [I hlt;n to pay his way ns he goes, With specin.1 slulI;.- of lahor '-'c,;;UlttlOIlS rrom 12 ,to 18 cows In 'Jullk, his nver- abroad, said t he a I'erago weekly wngf) ngo chequo from the stile, ot of bo11<;1r mukers' In U'l'alll!O Is $6,20

$110 pcr IEonlh, while itt the Baldwin Wurlts, the wp.ok which, besides hi 'l11e Fl'cnch

1Iotted lilm ~900 this" p"ast Bum, the mer, He sold in Juno $1,2110 worth or hogs, nnd will hayo two 11101'9 carloads rendy [01' shllll)1Qll,t_ It! Novcmbol', bo. sIdes Iccelling the hou'stlho,ld"in n'O small hired

Ly 01' rU1'1ll nml leaf, lhcil' ul08soll1 awl rl'uil l lheil' hlosso1ll 111111 1'I'IIil, tlll'il' \'/ll'ying sllades wit h t.he PIIl;­Hillg or thc seaSOIlS, Hilil lheil' I'ul­ness of COIOl' in tho l\\1lulI1n dnYH,

They also :dJ(ml h~1lIcfJ U 1111 HitLlllL'I' 1'01' 0111' l'eatllcl'ecl I'I'il'IHIs--lhe hil'c~s ---tll1l'illg liwil' 11lIIIllni \'iHiL~ 10 lI V


Tht:I'o is IwLhing wltieh will add hl',lllir and \'aille lu [L home 01' thl) sehuolh<Jtt!ll' nlllrtJ I hall tho I'I'{\ t'llce ,)1' tll'eli ; lhero is likowisl' Iiolldllg II'ltit:h add:; 1II00e ltl I he t:UlIII'tIl't or Lit ... pet!esLI'iall lImll shade lI'ees (111

lht? lo:tdside, The wily Illil,V be (Jllg IIl1tl liusly, but lIudel'lhu eUlIl

shade or tllO trees I'elief iH I'll Il II II.,

Jt. is to bl' hoped',lhorcrol'o, Lhn!


~\ t 0111' No,:3 C'olllj)aIlY hillel, Lhc\' hilt! ~hot, Lho olt! flI1111 and tho Soli hut! hiH lc~s nll ,;Cal'!;, w/tele Lhe l' hll!n~ hnd rlln torI,s ill, LO

IIIhlw him dllUlJO?, Thc gil'l abollt rUIIIleOIl YOIU'S old WIlS 1l1)Ollt as IIUIU' 'dl'[ILI as shu cOlllLl IJO whcI! UIII" duclol'H IlI'l'i reel, J l'H SIlI'U thu lilllit Llw wily the fJl'w;~inll ItUI'He ami I'uut WUIII, tltrulIgh tho cuulILry, The Saxull!; "eelll lu bo good !;mUUlH Whel~ YUIl !;ell nlltl lislen tu L1lCSO

lhillgH YOII feel like LlJlIl'illf!; till' SOli I elll>i liP; U fl' O\'()I'Y U erlllllll you

tho oel"bralioll or I\rbuI' Dill' will ' ' lIIllel. Une ur Lhe l'Oglllllt' maohillo 10 11101 0 gl:llCI'lli: Lltn t the / gUll eUI'poruls \\,U,H wlliug' 1110 of

lillg"and Oal'I)- or Lrel'H HII\I . (,lie g'roaL tilllO they Itlle! whuu thoy lI'l1U';" ~II'(JUIJ(lI;CltoolIIOUSllS, homes luok -- by sllL'prise, The GOl'-

pllulic plael!s HUrl hy rOllti!;irles mny -- IlllLllS, it was RUPPOSOII, had 1111 havo tlto_ cll'cut 0,1' dll\';Jlopiup; [l uOllten j t ns Olll' boys came ill, ,llo I,nn"'" a[lpreeiaLioli or Lito "alut)

wus HIllOllg Lho fil'l:lL uuUiL, As' boltllty of: t r~es; ami thlLt, ill thoy - wuro l'nsai ng t 11t.l convent

enlnrgillg tilo, field or A rho I' wlticlt i~ull tho left of tho llInin gl'oalcl' i 11 torcst llmy I'oad, UIlO, or UIO hoys heard u,

Il Lhe IJl'olcctioll of 0111' IROrt~nlll, Tho scction, about four-,

nndillll forcsts I'rum tho rot:ltloss teo II mOll, lJI.mL it in nntl sllI'pl'ised

hy liro and L1LO £\XO ILbout It dozoll Gerlllllns who had

1 whioh thoy Hro 1IIl'ol\lIJIIl'cl,-Bullotin, I"'''''' lao busy to thillk of rotreat·

ng Ol' wllo l~ppal'cnLI.r did Hot 1l0W /lIiything about it, 1'1l0l'O

WIIS 110 ll'ial, Lhu cvidenoo wns tllO

plain, j asked him: "WhlLt did YOll do 'til nnd thOl'O WIlS IL vuillme of- lIlel\lling 11l Lite bdor l'eply: "\VO anw thom ofr," It/Ii 110 won­

tll(l kids trot alollg besido om as we mRl'oh throllgil tho "il-

hnt they ng' llS cofti.'() , , 11I'IV\vh,,,'., JlelU' them


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. . .

• --PTl 1 DJrS un nFll~ r. ~L~Xl 1 on \

be Utat the !lIght oC the raised In Hugh s brenst Lord Jr050 BOllstead seemecl to hnve Idcas If his ow 11 about 1lOr

Stand back you he shouted lind r IU right at heIr •....• ·,. ,

Ihe ghl" alarmed sprang baclr Into tho rond\\ a) and lord AmlJroso baug 'd the postern gnte on her nnd loclced It I\lth lhe I ev lie nlll!l,s caIrled \ Ith him \s Cor the greal enlIance

!lates thm \\ere alwals kept locked (or 1lI~ I olllcle seeking admission tho ulg bell had to be rung 'I his \I as be Cllllse of tho unno~ ance cansed by trnmps \\ ho II heu the gateu stov(1 open II ere ap. to slip In on line daYs und liRe the gronnds as !l. convenient bllsl,lng spol Jlugh standing Qultt:! stili had a ,Islon of tJlO 11011 er girl H pale fnce PI essOlI ngalnst the burs of tho gllle UIIlI peorlug in as a captl\ 0 might peel through tho hurs of II prls on cell fhe \ Ignelte oC her pale faco see 11 thlough the iron hars rnlllalne(1 long in his melllor)

NOli \Ie ha~o em said Lord \m hrnso oxrltedly as he letulned his IICY to his pocllCt this Is the onl~ gnto Dnel nOlI the) cun t got ont

IJnt-b\lt-- repented Hugh not Illltl( rHtnlltllng nnd IllS e~ 08 turned itnollllllnlih to"ards the nailer girl seen through lh~ hars of tho postolll gate hnt II hat do ) on melln?

\\ hv hurglnrs silid laId Am blase Impnlieutl~ lor his quick and suhlle mind h HI grasped the sitnatlon mal(] (lul~lIl~ than Hugh 8 81011 or Intel ligcnce \I hlch Indeeel \\ IH occupied just noll chiefly hy tho Pllie face anll deep m) sterlouR 01 es of tho nowe r ghl I\ho still stood outside (he gute That s their Ilecoy suhl lord \m

hroso pointing to hor that loll IS lo alnrm thelll {hev al e nfter tlud s sill er 1 c lenlme II hell I Orat hung OU( here (onlC ulong

(To no Contiuuedl

Many Parisians Are In Dire Straits PUlis IH 1101\ fl11111~ lIeld 1)\ I he

(rllshlng grip of II II linH S

NOli the ciullcst Ill) In the 1101 hi Ilith cllfes unci (healles llosed I sombre bll( I glollnd 1M flllllished fOI the pres( nt 1I1e of tht I IIlllch callitnl It~ the nOli III( l 3 (lin on!; lhe no\\ s

/let I 0111101 ~ tho It egg III R 1111(1 stl eet

no has nlll n," Hoen the pll8h r lit P(Ollle hnl the \\ur has blough( on II lIell I\rll1~ of these street I e I ciorH One sees I (lnng gills lind IJO\ s pushing elll ts ,uout londlll \Illli cllull 110\\ (!I sahllls potutoes nnd fruits Jl Is CI Ielent the~ l\Te not Ilccltstomed 1..0 thnt sort 01 thing hut 1110 tn mg to mnlcc I luIs Iheet at home '\ Ith futh ers onll UU\S sqr' lug under the (olOls nllli the Ilressll1nlllng estultllshmollts where Ole girls 1101 ked closed dOli n someth Ing ha!1 to be dOlle

Sl! eel singers 1\ ho scn lhe Ilords Ilnd lIluslc of the songs thoy sing hale ,!lII\\S III'on a fallllliar Hight herc But 110\1 olle sees lIel\ Rlngcrs '1 hOI (J III (l IIOlllen 11111 girls oC relined apllOrnn( e In mourning 'I he~ 'fila) nil Ilultm" 1I01ll1A 11111 some( Imcs halPH

I here arc more beggnl s thun us uill Con'lnl (11110111 Ihe mllitll) gOI elnOl has II sorter hom t \\ III rlOl thnt ho Is I hnn lhe clt~ falhOl s h In timo or pMcl \n,1 tholC nil \\0 mell among thOl;e socking nlll '1 hel 0 ale l!\\fl~S \lomen In Paris I~ho ho'r 10\\ hu hies nllli Illllr pOOl clothcs to a II 1I1wIl lho pil ~ or lhe pnsscrsIJ) b~ protenlllllg to be cnll031 ollng to mill e an honest 1IIIIIg hy seiling NOI\ (hllle Ilro IlllmothelS relll ellOll to CIITII mOlle) ImhloR (he~ hold III their arms nR tlllw B( \I pllperij lro Ihclt own


Now Popul r Sport Runs (acl to Elgh'eenth century Origin

PI!;eoD sbootinf, lhe Corervnnet modern trapshooting was a popular sport lu Eugland during the last cen tury It \I as mentioned In tho Sportlu:;" i\ln!;!:zlne I.ondon as early as li93 and reCerred to as hal ing already an estahlished roputntion fhe 0I111Iat


Stlrrmg Spccch Dchvcrcd by Mr Llo) d GcO! gc III Quccn's Hall, London, England

tics al !Jr, quullty thul Biltalu nnd I" poople I)OSscss-prudcncc III conusol llnrlng In ncllou tcnaclty III pnrpose cOlllugo III deCent motlont' 11 In vic­tory In 1111 hill!;" lalth lllll 1\0 shull \\ In

It has plcasOlI them to beheve und to pleach th belief thuL 110 nro a lIe cadent, clcgenerate nntlon They llrr clnlm It to (ho olltl throu~h (heir rroressol s-th It 0 UIO 11Il I nIClO\P. nnllon skulllllg hehlnd our Illnhos Iny cotlntCls whilst \\e aro egging 01 mOlo ~llllunt Iuces to thell destlue liOl! I his IS It descllptlou gtven 01

(Contluued ]; rom Last Iveek) I mnn) and France and all ttlese In ds tiS In GelmnnJ-n timorous crnl eu na W11at were tte AU9trinn demnnds? gentlemen would point out to y;Ju tlon trusting to Its fleet I thin" the

Sen la s~ mpnthlzed \11th hor lelia II I plnces weI a the sons of Brit lin hu \ e are heginulllg to lind out their ll1istEl"~ countrymen in Bosnia rhnt wus 001) died lor tho freedom of theSe COUll nlread~ \nd there IrQ half n mllliou of her crimes She must do so 110 tries (Cheers) France hns made sac- of )oung meu of Britain \\110 hn\o al mJre lIel ne papers \\ ere saYlllg rlOces for tho freedom of other lauds I eud~ registered thclr lOW to their nnsty things nbout Austria They must than hel 0\\ n Cnn you name a single king that (hoy 11111 ClOSS tho eas lind dO so no langei Thut Is tho Austrlnn countr> lu tho \lorld for tile Creedom lurl lIllt Insult ogllnst British cour spirit rou had It 111 Zabern Howat IIhleh the modern Prussilln has IgCl 'glllllstita. )lelpdrnlols on (ho bllt dnro you crlliclze a Prusslnn oCflclal ever sucrificed n single lICe? I ho test tlellellis of I r mce nnd of Oermuny aud IC yOIl laugh It Is n capital oC of OUi faith the highest stllndard of And \\e II lilt h liC 11 1111111011 Ulor~ \nd

a famous public house at Eallng \\n3 for many ) oars 1I. favorite rendoz, ous of pigeon shoolers hut later the Red I-_________ - ___ - ______ --------------;--::__=-___ -_,_-,---J House II Bnttersen toolt precedeuce because It "\I as more easilY' accessible w Londoll rs To those who foel anx lous on the subject of pigeon shoot lug tho Sportsmen s C, clopedla (London 1818) recommends n visit to tile Reel House 1\ here the business Is PUI sued In the first style of e:'{ccl lence Lords llnd cnptains lent an air or fashion to the acllvlhes of the place nll( on the establlshmeut of the lIUllinghnm Club at Fulhnm lhe umusement was raised higher than lie fore in general favor It has now hoen SUpOl seded by trnpshoollug lhe nnme of whit h Is of American origin nnd Inanlmute targets the product of \mellcan inventIveness have uccord Ingl~ heen suhstltuted [or Iivo birds

Of (onrse In all lhls history the ~ ha \ 0 been IntOl esllng stages TillS tmps In uso at thc Old lIn t IV el C shallow boxes. each (lhout one foot long and elghr 01 ten inchos I\ldo sunl, In the glound level" Ith the sur lllce A sliding lid wns opemtct1 by pulling (t string thus liberating the ulrd Among the fnmous pigeon Rho()ter~ of thnt dllY "ns 1\11 Hlchun1 loornel to \I hom i\lr lohnson lefen ed In his (yclopel\ln 'Iho exploits 1\ hlch H '1oomer performe,l III shoot Ing \I ilh such apparout ease soon coullncOlI tho perSOllR who suw them that thel 1101 e ~ono methodically and thIs \I liS completely lIscertnlnC:tl b) 1118 freljuentll Buffering hlmseIC to be

hilled II Ith 11 doublo handl{Cl chief 0\ er his e\ es nCtel hn \ Ing talcen his aim (tud Ihen lo lire und hit a smull object

In 18"1 plgeoll S 100ling IIUS men (olwd III the lccords of the Sport mou s Club Clllcluuall and III tho ;)1 lies lint! II few decades thereafter It

1I0uilshed In New'" orlc and ts vlclu ily rhe 1m outlon nlHI ul10pllon of Infllllmate turgets followed Ihough lhe older pnslime w ns nol ut once IIhnudollcd A Boston man Charles POllloclc orlglnn ted the use of clnss \talls for lIlrgets nbout 188G A Phlln delvllilln a fow yoal s luler luveuted 11 !til get consisting oe n puslebourll Illsc u fell Inches In (llalllctCl with the centro cut out to admit 11 slllnll rullbcr blllloon Punclurell balloon dead IJlrd Clny discs WCl e 1I1o uoxt

luuo, nllon hut lecnuse lhey WOl e of unequul Illudness allll hecnuse the tJ n ps \I ore mechanlcully 11enclent the SpOI t oC tr pshooling camo neU! glvlllg up lhe ghost I nrgeta nre now mnde of rll CI silt and lar and beDI tho nnmo oC clu~ pIgeons

last Vllill llIOl 0 thnn slxly Ove mil lion cluy pigeons sllccuml!ed to the llIurl slllanshl\l of American trupshoot

fence lLullghter) I he colo leI eh IlIzutlon Is the readiness (0 sucrl II I sh III gcl the:ll llJlentencd to shoot them if they 10 I fice for others Dut \\ nIcs mllst continuo doing her peale(l It Servlan nowspnpers must I I would not sa~ a word nuont the Ilnt~ I should 111 C (0 see a Welsh not clltlcize Austria I lIo:tder wnat (ermlll people to (ilspnrage them Irmy III Ihe Ocld I should III e to see I~ollld ha\o huppened had \Ill tukeu Iitey 1110 n great people the~ ha e the lice IIho faceti the Normans for the same lIue about German ne\\5 I great qualities of head oC hnnd and )[ hundreds of. ~e liS JlI their strllggle tor pnp'hIB I heart I behave in spite of loce t flceclolll the I Ice I al helped to )Yln

SJlnlb- said Very well \Ie \111\ elentS' tholo Is ns grout L store the hulll of. Oracv the tROC that give ortlols lo tho lle\\Spnpers thal Iinduess III the Germull peasant lIS In 10lghl II r 1 genelltloll under G1er. they must uot crltlclzo Anstrlnn III fnt I any peastnt lu the II arid but 110 has tlo 1m 111( IIn"t the greatest capt lin In me neither Anstrln nor IIuugnr) liar I been drilled Into a false Ideu of clVlll I lope I Hhonhl itke to see ,hat ruca

nnylhlr g that Is thOirs (Laugl,ter) zatlon errlclouc~ capablllt~ But It IS gil" I gootl tnste 01 Its quality III thIS \\ ho cnu douht lhe ,ulonr of Serlla r hard cillllzallou It Is I selfish CIV Htrnggle III bUIO;)( 1111 they are go­I\hen sho UIllICltoolc to 'nclde hm IIIzatlon It Is n materlul cl\lIlzullo:l lug to e10 It lIewspapel editors? (I aughtor) Sho lhe~ could not comptehelll1 lhe nctiCI I enl~ lOU lGnng "eoplc YOL IITomlsed uot to sympathlso wllh Bas of B Italn at t 10 present moment lonlh rhoy h tV pnl up the Igo 11m nia. promIsed to wril(l no critical art 'Ihey say so 1 ruuce the~ sa~ \Ie it fOI tho nrll1~ h It I m \Ieh I lIlll Ror '~Ies nbout Austria She I\C c. Ila\o clln uudelBtnud She IS out for lell ly to An\ II good I1lnll~ lears Plen [)B~ 110 public meetings ntnvhlch an~thlng genuce she Is out for terntOl~-AI ~olld that Bu( still OU" tnrn "I unkind "as snld about Austrl slice Lorrnlue Itussln she Is Ilghlln" come It Is 11 Slcnt llPPoltunlt) It

That II as uot enongh S 'Ill must Cal mnstol) aho wants GallClll "ollly "0 nes once III 11l1ny centm tea t'l dismiss [tom Iter army ofllcClS "hom They cau uudeIsland ,engeunce lhe children of mcn 101 most gellom. Auslrla should snbs~Cfuently nnne they can uuderstanll )OU Oghtlug fJ tlOllH slcrln,o comes 111 dmb lIeari­But these offlcl3lH hnd Just cmergad IIlllstcry I' e~ cnll nnderstaud JOU I "ss of. "'Iillt (0 lIen Il has COlllJ 10 flam a \lar \lhele Uley \lere nd{ling lI"hling lor !;reed of territory the) (InJ to )(JU I hus (onle lodn) to us lustle to the &enlUU arms-gallnnt cnu1l0t undel5tand a great em PI e nil III lltu 101m oC the /-:Iow anti thlll brule eITlCient (Cheers) I ,~ond~r pledging Its rcoOl1lces pledging Its of I ~rt It 1Il011111lent fOI IIllelly tltnt whether It was their guilt 01 their might plcdglllg the Illes of Its child If \leis lUllllllnH Ihloughollt I UlOpc to crrlclency that plompted ;Xl stria s ac ren pledglug Its I ery existence to lira the s~·ne cud liou But lllark tho officers were not tect a II ttl 0 nation (hnt seel sCar 'ts It Is I gl at \\ 11 fIll the cmllllcl"a I nmec1 Servin 1\ as to uudertake II defence Ood made mun In IllS own lion of I III ope fl0111 I h thrtldo111 of ndvance to dismiss thom from tile Imngo high of purposo in tho region milltnl, us Ilhlch hus cast I(S 11rmy the n(lmes to be Rent on subse of the spirit uerman Civilization olulc1ow III)On tllO geuClalionH oC men quently \\ ollid lCcroate him in the Imuge oC n nnel which It IS no\\ plllnge!1 thu war (

CIlU )0\1 nlme a couutlY In th~ Dlesler machlne-pleclse accurate Illto I slIl'lter of blootlshed Sam" "\I arid thut \\oult! huve stood that? power!ul with no room fO! the 80ulto 11!IIe litcllI) giVen Ihcil li\cs Iher8 Supposing Austrl:-. or Oermany hall Is ollorate 'I hal s (he hlgiJBI I'll 1I1Z11 III e SOllie" ho Ill! I 0 given 1Il0re than sued all ultlmntum of that Iclnd lo thIS tlOU their all n Itl es I hey hIe given t l e countl~ You must dismiss from yOUl Whnt Is theh llemaud? lllll!! vall Illes of Ihose "\Iho Ill' t1eur to them army alld from JOUl nalY all thoso rend the Kulsers speeches? If you 1 hanOI their c0Utnge ltlll mav (01 of[fcers 'vhom we shall sub-equeut hal e not a copy I adVise J au to bu> be their (omfort lind thelt slr~lI!;th Iy namel Well" t1unlt I could name It Ole) \1111 soon bo out of prh L But tllelr 10\\ illig at hunll I 1I0~e them no\\ Lord Kltchener-(cheers) -(1nughtEr)-and you won t hav, nnv 1\110 hnl e III1Ion h I a consecrate I -would go Sir Johu Freuch- more oC the sallle SOlt again fhey ure death 'l'he~ lan n tnllOlI lllClr Pllti r

(cheers)-lIould be sent nbout his full of lhe clntter ar.d blustel of Gel dw Illuklng oC l nnw E:U1ope I new I uslu}lsS (L:-.aghter) GenelUl Smltll mun mllltarists-lhe mailed hst the W Olld I Cllll ee si-lls of It coming 111 Dorrleu-(cheers)-would I I no more ahlnlug allllOlll POOl old mailed flst the gluo 01 the bultlellelt1 I he IlP O allli I am sure that Sir John Jelhcoe -Its knuckles al e gottlng Il littlo vlo wlol gUIn more by this strugdo -(cheers)-would go (Lnughter) bruised Poor shilling armolll-(ho 111 all IUllIls th 111 tlwv cOl11prehend~nt Ami there was nnother gnllnnt old shine Is being knoclced out of It' .110 plese l moment It Is tlue (he~ warrior -;\ho would go-Laid Hoberts Eut there Is the same slVns.;er Ind 1\111 he lit! oC tile menace 10 their free (Cheels) boastCulness rU!llllng UnouS" the dum But lhnlls not all

It \\ IS a diffICult situation for a who ~ of the spoeches You saw that ') hm 0 IS ~OlJJil h ng 1I111111tel) g;re II slJJaU countlY HOle was n demnnd le:narltable sJ'Jeech which appemod 11 01 lnd more eml llug which IS emOlg mnde upon hel by u gleat mllttury tho British Weeldy this "Weel It Is a Ing llitellly out )e this great conlllc, pow~r who conld put !lve or six mel velY lemurlmblo plodud IS au lUllS -a .ne" pltrl:>tlslIl lIcher 1I"lller In the field lor (nery one silo could, tratlOn of UJC sphlt I\e have got to more eXllted til the old nnd that powel sUPllorted bl the glent light It Is his stJcech to his solll I S(;O u ne recogllltloll omong t

" British L03tes In the War est mllItury PO\\ er In tbe II arId How lors on the way to the front nil classes IIlgh nnd lOll siJcdd Ing did Servin behul e? It Is not what Inp Rcmember thnt 1I e Gormun pcople Ithemseh '" 01 selfishness n now re

') he ofllclal report of Blillsh Idlled pons to )Oll In lire thut mnttOls It Is are the chosen of God On me onlllO cogmtion that lbe 101101 of a COUIlIlY


wounded ant! nissing In the thlee the I\ay III wblch yOll face I liS Oerman empelol the Spilit of Ood tloes IIOt Ilellcnd lllcleiv on tho main from Sept 13 to Oct S Inclllli (heprs) And Servia faced the hus descende(l I am His ,\eapon JIla tenanco oC Its glory III the stllclcel

Ing the bntlle of tlio 1\larne tion wltli digulty (Loud cheer~) sword and Ills vlcercgetlt Woe to lh field bu in protectinr: ts han es from 1" tdl Lloyd s chronology of the Bald to Austria If nny oti:lcers of tllsobllUieut Deat! to coward" I I Isll ess IS II ell It Is n new IJll lol all Sept 10 repOl tQt! Blltlsh losses mine hnve boen f,Ullty nnd nro proved llnbellevers Ism It Is bllngllJ'g n lIew a IlIool, lor oC 18000 up lo tliat dato Up till to be guilty I 1~11l dismiss them 411S 'Ihele has been nothing like It nil clls es \ gU;llt flood of luxury Octullor 8th thon the losses of Gen tria said, I hat Is nol good enough tho dnys of Mo lUmmet Lllnacy nt! or sloth winch hat! submcl ge!1 tho Flench smell tolallell olor 31 000 fOI me (LallghtUl) It wac not guilt wnys distressing but sometlm(l" lam! Is leeedin~ nnt! a new nlltaln Is Br'tish los~ at Waterloo wns 22000 I ft b d ' !l I \\' the fed(lTllJ loss It Oottysbllrg 17000 s Ie \\ as II or, ut capalofty (Laught nngerous und" hen you get It ppear ng e cnn see fa tho urst er) fested III the he 1 of the stute und lime the fundumental things that mnt The rrench at Solferlno lost 15000 at 'J:.hcu came Russin s turu Russia has hecome the ollc' of n "reat elu tel In IICo lDel thul h lIe been obscur i\losco\\ 23000 at lIIerango 7000 at h I I I ,.. d I I A usterittz 12000 aud at Bnutzeu (IS n spectal 1 egnrd for Son In She pIe t s about time lhat It shoul<1 e 10m onr ISla 1 b~ the tloplcal 2 000 Gonmal Flencll did safel hus a speclul mterest In Jervla Hus be ruthlessly PI' nwa) I do uot U3 gro\\th of plosllerlty flnhtilll; than tho Oormans hus slnns hn~o shed their blood for Serv lime he meant ull these speeches it Muy J tell yuu in I simple pambl hi small letreuting allll' Ian Independence many n tim Serv wns SImply the mUltial stllddle which IIhat I thmlc tillS liar Is doing for us?

J in Is a membal oC her fumlly I\nd Bho 1e hud acquired i\lr Llo~d OeOlge concluded limo I at not much O\er 100000 Illell cuunot sea Servlll maltleuted Aus But thue \le~e men aloll:nl him a lalley In NOltl1 Wales betweeu the dnlly ballles pn the route to trln Imow thnt G81mnn~ I{new that who meant C\el, worel at It 'Ihls was mountains \11(1 the aca a beaulif II nud oven the, coull not havo aud German) turned round to Russ a thalr religion '""reaties-thcv tang e vnl\e~ Snug comlO1tllble sheltered by

lUch as the Oer:nnll~ they und suld Here I lllsist trnt y.ou the feet of Gel:nany In ler nd\nnce the JUountDIlIH rlO11I nil blLlc blasts t

the \Ictorlous flanlt movement ut shnll stnnd by with ~our arms foldlld cut them with tho sW01d Little na Ims ,cry Cllcnutll6 an(1 I remember ~~~l\~u o~t 1~I~uZntlr~egmnt II hllst Austrln Is strangling lo death tlous-th y hlnUo" the advance er how lhe hays \I ere In lhe h~blt JC a celltllfY.1 yom 1Itt10 brother many trample them In the climbing the hills nbove the village to

IU\ l'lolte alld IJe,psic whcr3 • ·What unswOl did the Russian Slnv del tho Oerman heel fhe Ru hnl e a gil npoe at the great mountaln.J 00 n ans lost 15 ~OO nnd 17000 rcspec SI h I i 1I II t tlvelv wllre the casualties great or He gave tle only nnsller that av- e C lllllenueB the SUllrenU"l Qf n re ( s nnce und to be stlmul!lted 10 lhe victors lhan thoso suflerod by a mnu lIe turned to Aus(rl:t. dOlmnn) In Europe hUll your legions UI d rleshened llY the bleezes whlc' tho Drillsl In thel continuous day and suld You lay hamls au that lit lit him nnd him Brltaiu- "urue flon lhe hilltops nnd uy the to day Ilg'lt1ng on Freuch soli In bu' tic fellow ami tenI Jour ram he Is n pie gl eat spect lCle of that greut ,alley

roe-Leipsic iIloscow aud Sed un- Illl.ncido 11m); And doml::ian rId We 'InlO been IIvlIlg 1Il a sheltered dhl tho cnllualt as of the vnnqulshed ho Is doing wrest ,alley lions Wo have ueen rhat Is loa com too mdulgent Illuny nmount to 0\ or 30 000 tlons 'I he perhaps I\sh Aud the storn

Bllt the BHtlsh expedltlonury force uations an\! to laud oC scourge(l liS 10 an forllled hy fur the smallost of Ufe I tl n mles ongaged In the /!tst great bat of blgness-y\lU 0 e' a on can see lhe great tie of thlt,. ,mr Tho movement along plra and a big ~ erlnsl that mntter for a the II ell nrllcuhlted lauds 1\ ero 50 -well long peal{s at honor we rapid that \a campnlgn "as concon 1\ I etreat uty nnd patriotism trated In ouo long hattie, with moro wnrrlors white tho great pm

th n illl i paIn tlng IIlle a rllg

nOILa' a n m ou at} ~ s do Tho denths nger Hea ven We shull de In tho wholo Crimean war In which l11to the valle) s again but as

® • " • • • • • • • • • ® • • • • •

~~~ ~~:rI~~16~fa Englnnd, long as the llleu and womeu of this 05 000 It Is genel allan last they will cnrry In their

heUl ts the Image at these grent moun ~Vt[l~el~cllIO tnin poalcs "has!) flu gelS nre unshuk

be en though Elilope rocle and S\I oy In the couvulslons of a great war

>1 U\Ull,

• • • • " • • •

(il • • .. • .. • • • • .' . • • • • • •

The chnncellor 1 esumed his sent amidst lom1 nud contlnu~c,l cheering

'HI'U!!slllt:1":f} I~as a grea> rush of crulta

g~~fl(~~~~r~I~~~~ri~~~:;i;~~t~J~;~.::;~~~:l~r.l~:~~~{:.~~~~~~~~f~;~~~ijil~:~;~ e recm I tlng loom a Cler the meet·

• • • • • .' • • • • • e • • • ~ . •

• • • • • • • • •

• • • .' • . e. • • • • • •

• • . . • •

• • • • • •

• •


• • • • • . • • • • • • • • •

• • • • •

• • • •

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S) S I I\[O 1 I S J ...

StOI) of a ( (til k ssc, to SCClII C 11Isid

III \ It I at t he I Scolill 1I of I I r I

iag 0\ lie [ Il~ C c en l 11111 I III 1(111111 10 from \\hl h II>; I-: ItS th I orth hll Ig lrl! tuchc~ lO a \\ ling nuthollllc8 ~I\ h\ h 111 (Illle" I coil [Hoi \hidl I IS In l lhe \\ II hrul t I ut

I h I It th t I F( r I

51\HI ollRtltlll u (

llll "svlh I 1111 LhlH I lA(J1I its lac s,th 1111 Ihe R IS 1< III the el lit 01 ho tOI( th Olllhi 1111 ( lm(lI)s"lhlc to hID I II II h 1 rlll!;( 11111 sds COil elltl III I I hc\ 111111 1I111R


el~1I II t "I\elll I I hI nrlt"h 1011 If' stlllli IIh It I III the 111ultllc IKIIII I 1'Illih IlIllllCII I ;-.lei" 1Il1l11l~ u I I tllS (II It lIere III I I r "'I'I )"1\" 1 "IlIIlUd lhl l'hlll'lI~h tPIHOU 01 II rth bllllgl \I er gIl Ullt! UII I hOIl~t's I v t orlll III~ lIthuugh In l:;c)ILI~h u I III s ""111111-: I lIulels II C uIIlI"c hll 01 I III 01 pose I 8\\c lI"h I shel 1l Iill\ ha I hi IIl1e JUall HIIUI I >; 01 tlouhll Ih", I ~u stoletl III lh t I III 1011111 h I Ie bl, th lloms

1)1 l III I I II



IllS Irr

h 11\ I



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• • • , • • • • • • • • • • • •

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• • • •


~R Pink Eye. Epl:ootlc, .A Shll>plng F'evcr,

and Cntarrhal Fever. ! thc. no mnUC!r how hUIS[9 I JltecJ to Llctultl, go" ~1l on Lho ( lundM. cxpcht lhl lIol!wnoliM Ilten'\1Cl In J)ogH nnll Sht.l~l) ~l tic1 InS' Ih (! Hloci( 1 ernPIi) t brings und Is n. thw kidney

Ahow It to )0 our III tllJA"IHt, [coltlet • Dish mllel. CntHI(B )RS-AI.L "J !oLI~SA l.i!l I 'nllHtR mill llnclcllolol;13tA. ~ U.S A •

e. for WHEAT, OATS, 'p to FORT WILLIAM commission by


~weetf5t Story told is to tell

'e story of '-,.


'esh nicked fruit ~ '" (l~lll(ztecl [mgar. ~ lanything be sweeter

';-)wclfrom your

G'rocer , 1

, ... .... . ... .'~



II 0 I:. no morc neccr.sAry than SOlallpox. Army experience has denlonstratcd tho almost miraculous ern·

'J5neS!l, or Antityphoid Vaccination. NOW by your phYllclan, you and. I. more vitAl than house Insqraace. delln, dru'U:1lt, or lend tor 'Havo p .. tclllne ot Typhoid V:l:cclnc, lind d:anl:cr from Typhoid Carriers. AIIORATORY, IInl\~l.ty. CAL ........ " •• y .... Y ....... LIC ••••

~O'H ,nor LIst Ihellll hllR dccorated Oell­otschur Illth tho Legloll ~y: l'lscutchcn.' for COli­tld~sslless III burlling ,

Strut hilS he n made II ,0 Hed i:>uspender fOl' Ills cort III shootillg nOli-, otjaclt hns been besto\l ctl or VOl l' uhlhnllll [or Itls

011 • The Hosulllplion oC ;,umcllt." on Swiller, of the Hath­ncs, who recently led IL upon n de(enseless COI1\­

buon puC III ('ommuIHI o{ 'll1suO:ornbles 'eHchonhod, or .he Hoynl ~ bCl'n Jlrol::o~ed to lho cers In honor or his IIC­Itl 0) Ing 'cllthedrals and "-1..,1:0

modlolno fOl' chlldrcn Is 'cs' WOIIll gxtermlnator, (tllhlng hettor tor (il iI-!Ilg ~Y8tCIll

at Benny Hopes )y (cnllghLenlnll tho Cum; ap or gurope 1I1II be gild after this war." ,mle\ (lIge(1 11, III hl3 esson) -Uee! I bo~e

I It ns ell"y to draw liS I(~"

l\lth-t' ather, \\ hal quail­(011 noed to be a member IllO I!ourt? 111 have to be thol'oughly

hllllol'ablo boyond ru-• bu ahle to wrl~;) IDnglluh ,ay lhal 110 other In\\ I er , sure II hut you mean - \



-- . -· . . -- .

- -

$' ." •••• "F ••• ··S·S77 'E'

The Wretchedness of Constipation

C"o D,lto""",,, Head. ache, Dill;, ao", and Indigestion. do their duty.

Small P,D, Small DOlO, Small Pric ••

Genuine must bear Signature

~~~zL HussaccssCQ"ec,c:u"SSZEP

Eddy's Matches

Though we have some­.-

what adva.nced prices because 01 the increas­ed cost and scarcity of raw material the usual high standard -quality will be main: tained.

• • • - - . . • • • o

• • •


Innocenta Slain by T.u~on. Further charges of atrocities by the

Germans In Belgium, Including the allegation thal a total at at least 2,-360 clvllh\l1s were executed at Tam­

Indigestion I < ,THE TERRIBLE ~OSSACK 'd H ~ d h Ferocioua In War, the Tsar's "Far an ea ac es Riders" Are Tillers of Soli in


When bab) cries It is beclluse hI' Is O'S9 unwell-uot bccause he Is bllli natUl,'d

Peace Time Dinan t and In Belgian I_uxem­oerg are made by the Belgian war bureau Describing the alleged

ArisIng From Contlpatlon, Cured and wU·~···.1 Regular Hablt_ Established by Dr.

acres the report says: "At 'l'am/nes ,150 men wfl,l"e .. \,u'"ec<­

cd In front of tho church down by machlue guus, were sacked and burned. sons, Incl\ldlng women were bl\rned In their homes. Others \l ero shot In the fields while endeav­oring to escape. The total number of victims Is 660."

Chase', Kidney-Liver Pilla In the western plovlnces, where so

mllny thousands Ilve fnr from doctors and drug stores, vory mnny rely on Dr. Chase's medicines to cure dis­ease IIntl mo.tn taln health and strength. This lotter gives some Idea of what perfect control Dr Chasc's Kidney-Liver Pills exert OVOI the most common Ills of lICe.

By repuLe the Cossacks arc umong the most terrible wnrrlors In EUlOve A troop of English '''rolllmles'' wllh pI'imtlful machine guns might II I'<luk double the destruction, but Cossucks are precedetl by tho terror of their reputntlon. And IC clUes tremble when they hear thnt these furious horsemen ure on tho mOI'e, Il Is quite as much In dr.eull of their proverbially ferocious revenges, when victorious, us oC their mlllLary prOWess.

as so mnny Imagine Cr) Ing Is the \ way thc little one hns of telllne of I:IM ul 1\

pnlns lind tho wlsc mother clln In ou~, stllntly tell whllt nils hel lillie ('ne hut simply by hl3 cry When baby CI I<)s '\ IIlllsl a grellt tlenl give him Bnby's 0\1.1 111111 ~ 1'nblets lind he "Ill soon bc hap,,) tin,' lignin Concelnlng the 'l'nblets ~hs 1111,111 Jus. GalHlrellu, Notre Dame des !JOIS, I Que, Sll) s "My bnb~ cried day and sC' I night lind I \IUS greatly (\lscourugcd \ ,\!" I beg,ln gh Ing him thc 'l'.lblets and ho "d\(, II ns soon hUIlPY, hClllthy and fut .. Tllc ! shOll Tnblets ale sold by mcdlclne de,llcIH 1':11'" or by mall lit 2:; cents II box !rOIll '1 hI' '\(11" Dr WllIlnms' ~Iedlcllle Co, illOlt- 11011' ,llIe, Ont til's'

Similar scenes wore enucted at Dinan!, the report declures More than 700 Inhabitants were 1,llIed and only 200 houses of 1,400 remained standing.

The \\Olst \excesses were In the Ilelglan provinces of Luxemberg, the statement says: "Everywhere lhe plunderJng \I liS systematic and com­plete The executions In the vlllllgc of this province alone totalled 1,000. Three thousand houses were burued and the destruction was almost com­plete IIll1llY Germans, It Is alleged were IIttaclted by tho populace. The Inhabltllnts say tho only possible groul1(l for the crlmos was that the soldiers were drunk and took pleasure In Inflicting sutTerlng They WOI e angered by the resistance of Lho Dol­glan nrmy, or were under. orders to systemllticnlly destroy from their superiors."

It Is further asserted that at Tnm­Ines when the shoo ling by rifle was too slow, the Gcrmlln orrlcera ordered up a machine gun and. those not k\IJcd hy the bullets flam this weapon were finished by bayonet Lhrusts, '

• 8tate of Ohio, nil, of ToleI/o, (

Lucas Coun ty, I.-Frank ,I. Cheney maltla oath that h'

Is s.nlor partnor of the ftrm of F I, Cheney & Cl1", doing buslneBI In the big of Toledo, ,-,ounty and Stat. afore.al and that said ftrm will p,,* the lum (J ONID HUNDRIDD- DOLL S tor eaob and overy CRBe of Catarr that cannQa be cured by the us. of HALL'8 CAT­ARRH CURE.

FRANK J. CHENEY, Bwom to befor~ mo and lubscrlbed :II

m~ pre.ence, thll 6th day of D.cemb .... A. 1886.

Beal) A. W. GLEABON, Notary PubliC.

Hall's CataM'h Cur. Is taken Internal· Iy and acts ~recUy upon the blood and mucoul surfacel of· tho sYltem. Send for testimonials. free.

F, J. CHIDNIDY A: CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by all Druggllt., 7Bo.

Take dall'. Family Pill. for COil· IUpatloll.

Mrs H. K. Hewer, farmer's Vi Ife, Elnstburg, Alta, writes. "10'01' Ilbout ten years I suffered from constlpa­lion, Indlgostlon. hendnche and Inn­guld feelings. Trentment from two or three doctors nfrordel1 ouly tem­pornry relief, so I turned to Dr. Chase's [{Iduey-Llver Pills, and with most satisfactory results Ilendaches hnve dlsnppeared, regulllr habits os­tnbllshed nnd genernl health vmy much bettel Both my husbnnd und I cnn speak hlgh!y of DI' Chuse's Kldney-I_lver Pills, as we have both been grently benclllled by thelll" One pill n dose, 26c a box, 6 for $1 00, 1111 (Ienlers, or gdmanson, Batcs &. Co., Limited, Toron to

In What Spirit 'J'here Is something Inflnltel> mov­

Ing nllll Inspiring In the slmplc IIn, scllishness with which thollsllnds of the )loor and tl011 ntrodcn 1la YO ral­lied to the cry of natlonlll II )crty, anti shown thelllsell'es prepaled to their all to n cOllntlY which, In the pnst, has given SO IIltl.! Lo .them In­spiring, too, IS the I enlllnoss of the lVell Lo do, who In pence lime, have tnken their euse nt the expenso of others, to Iisk the loss of lives which hnve been so Cull of comfort and hap­piness, antl'to embrace I Ith ardor the agonies of war, I~or the so'Jlets, rich and poor ulIIw, there 15 no qucstlon of lliplomllcy or lIullnce, thoy bellove that the· )rlnclple of freedom Is In danger, nnd they woultl die rnther than acqlliesce In tho loss of freodolll. It Is not for us to dlscllss their politi­clII judgment, It is for us to acknow­ledge and reverence their unselllsh eournge The billor cry of It all Is thllt one lithe of tho sllme spil It shown In pence could malIC England II hnpllY nnd heltlthy nation l~I'elY day of I he year there nre, on an IIverngo, m~1 0 thnn 600 casualties tn mlnc, fnetory, lind workshop. Who knows or cllres'!

Rubber and Gillollne l~ar vnster than thllt numbOl, lind fnr Modern wllrfllre Imperatively de- vuster than tho cllsunlty list of lillY

the use ot countless auto wnr, Is • the tale of denths nUll In­trucks, which In turn require suppl!es juries lind diseases sprL through the of gasollno lind rubber, neither of community by ovcrcrowtllng and un­which can be found In Germany, Ot dorpllylng, by long hours and bad food, these, gasoline is the most Important. by destitution lind prostitution. We '!'here are some all wells in Galicia, IIvo In a II arId \I here youlh Is robbed but they are In that pllrt of Galicia oC Its promise anll mnldenhood of Its which Is occupied by the Russians. joy. Who cares? Who enlists In the Scandinavia hl\t'l no petroleum lleWs, longest war of nil-the war of soclnl nor has Denmark or Holland. Unless justice'>" Who tnkes up nl illS for lib· they clln Import In some clandestine erty nt home?-London • ernld ' way, Germany and Austrlu hll ve to fight entirely on the supply which PorLugal, now defending 'her Afrl-they at present possess. can possessions ngnlnat Germany,

It woulll be SUI prlslng It they had once ceded nn ImportnLt colony to at this commodity Il\ld by to I d 1ft "'I th I their huge wnr requirements Eng an as a. g . .. len (11 er ne

BraganzlI became tho queen of tor a whole year. Should It give out, II. pal t of her dower II as the collapse "'of heir fleld transport Islaud ot 'Bombay in the West would be ruinous. Their armies In vad- 1.1I1U'."~." Perhnps the "Portuguese did Ing and would~have to Imow the value at the territory be clllled distance certainly Chmlejl did not, for a between them of years later he loase!! Bombny to plies. East India Company -for $60 'a.

"l~ar riders" tho Cossacl,s ul II a) s hnvo been nnd far I hlers they lire still. Hordes o[ thcm, for the vresen t business oC II aI', hnve como flom the southelll frontier or Hussla, and the most recont despatches tell of thclr riding within tllenty miles of Cracow, untl o( n clyllian popuilltion OldCle(1 to decllmp 'I'hey arc I eportod to ha \ e nccelOl ated, by Lhelr nctlvlty, the reo tlrlllcnt of the Germaus flom Warsllw nn(l Ovangoroti from sel en m \Ie. n day to twcnty miles a d,l\ <

The Cossllclts, two nn,l one-huIr mil­lions or them, nle the human nll11part of the Russilln cmplrc, lIung out In a long Ilne [rom tho Blllck Sell to~'tho Pncillc, nlong thnt Bouthern frontier which It has been their trallltionu I 0(­flee to defend

In tho slxtocnth, seventeenth und elghLeenlh centlllies the CosMacl,,, hud Lhelr own scml-repubhcan stutes, gov­erned by u mlllt,IIY chief !'hosen by Lhelr own peoplc 'I'her gl ew po.\I er­ful enough to cnllse the govelnmellt of i\Iuscol y to qUllite tor Its Sll)ll em acy, Furious \lalS luged between lhe two with Yllrylng rOl tULes until tlte Cossncks WCle, pal tly hy force, )l,lrt­Iy by fraud, gradually weukened

'l'ben, by II cunning strolle at alolte­('rnn, tho i\1 USCOI Y '1'slIl S IlIUIl 00,IVI0l1 to unlto their foes pellcenllly wllh Uoly Husshl allll turn thell' Im­petuous ynlor to the de[ence of thoh (I on tiers. Elrm,lk, n Cossacll flochoot er, to propitiate Il'lIn the Tcrrllllo, offOled us a plesent to Russlll the un­olmous continent of Siberia, which he hud in the YOIII' 1680 Invaded lit lhe head of his hOI semen lIud had CliP tUl'ed flOIl1 illongols and 'l'lIl-taI8 'fhat, too, l\llS someLhlng of a "I'nr 1'lde"-6,OOO mlleg The SilOt Is stlll aho\\ n \I here, hy trad WOll. 1"lmak lode his hor~e Into th", SUI f 01 the rllcillc

It lI1ay bo questloued \I hethel CVOI bofore or since so IlI1ll1cllsurnble a torritory has fllllou .0 so slllall Il pllr­ty o[ mllltury Invadors Elmllk's PI e­seut to Ivan the Terrible Is hit gar thnn tht) whole of I~urope

So Russia obtnlned, aL the price of some subsequent llghtlng, to be aure, not only n continent, but nn army which has remalne(1 loyal 'l'he Cos­sacks receive spoclal privileges In re­turn for mllItalY SOl I Ico lasling from lho nge of eighteen to thlrty-(.\ght They now llIuster maIo thnn ,100,000 fighting mon, nnd, lnclduntally, they have bottor populllr educatlon thun Is enjoyed by othel' Russians

Contral y to tho populllr Bupponltlon, Lho Cossaelt Is not UII • ulllllttlgllted \'111 balilln, ac( or(lInl' to the testimony (lflf'!rod by \V. 13nrllos Stel'ens, II ho accords them L wo chaptet s In his ro­cellt volnme on "The Russlllll Army from Wlthlu" In penceful times tlloy are an ngrlcultulal people, living on their aII'll aCI es, merrr, not UIIIIII"l1y, lind the possessors of au IIrL of folll song aIHt folk dllnclng wh Ich Is re­puted to rival thaL of the Welsh Ilud tho Scandlnnvlnns.

It 15 wnr, apparonlly, whlcl\ libel'­their fel ocl lJ, In wh Ich, perh,llls, nre not; unlike other IIUIIIUIIS

!'; II III

Say Germans Alone Use "Dum Duma" \ (Ollt \

l.'he \\Ul office lhl~ il3~lIl'(1 II st.llfl ;' Ih~

1I111~1I tH~ r::~ I\n glI ~~~I~I a:llu \1 ~ °711~~III("~1l\~\~\t II 1',,"7 r d nns" or soft nosed Itllllets, "lit

~1;f~~I\~I~~~I~e~I:llI~ls~:r;;. ~::~ll~:l~!Ill~:~~~ I ;',:I~I The statemellt dcscrlbes the Uri' "h I ~ :\';"

~~~~~ ~11~~:\~:1:: t~~1 ;}::I~etl~I\\%II~~~I~:~::'I~;11";)1 I \I Ith steel lIlId th PilI l'lolle co"led I:' s, "Itli -ClIllIU nlc'lol, COloring Ihe C,lI'I' til'" except nt the hase, 111111 conlolllling I 'I' ,II \I Hh the III ov Islolls 01 the IIl1gllC "III :1 :~\" yelltloll I ' ,

III the oplIllolI of Sir Vlcto! 1I0is I I ICI, 1\ Ilell 1<1101111 surgpun, lhlH bullell lll

' S

IS- "PI obnbl) lhe most hlllllllne proj' (' II !lO'I' tile yel lIcllscd." 101 lit. I clIsun tI,.,t 111"1

the lOll!;. solid point consisting III '"' t lIIost entlrill) 01 II hU1I1 _llclccl ShClillt, () ( 0 III ccllIdes us flU os possible lillY te'ld I ~~::il "11< v tO\l 11111 delOllllntlc n of "hulle, I \I Ilile lho Stl cngth ot Ih£' 8h('ath III c p.1 Il I('nts thc bullel 11Ielliung 1111 II_to fl,lg sollil llIellts, oxcept In ,cry exceptio \Ill (10 ,I III Clllllstllnccs" III' t\

"'he statel1lent ellds "Thelll Is ,111'1. howelel, clelll clldence that OCIIIII,.I) slllll' hns 1I0t couflnetl herself solely 10 'no 'I' I ( use of this IInobjecllonllhte 1111111111111 I' I, tlon J leI troops III hath 'I rgol,lnd I IUIII I~I IInce hll I'e becn plOYe,1 to h II e II n, lip t) IIsod Itullets \I Ith II soft cOlO IIn(' II hlud thIn clllelope not l.ntlrely (0101 III Ih Ing the COfC. whlel type of hllllet Is mUsl

I I pili' I eXIl,11l( IlIg 11IH Is eXIlIossl\ prohlbl'ed jl h) Thf! )Ingnu lOIl\OUtiOIl It 110

\'" tit 1\ Itl

Zcke's Reforma:lon I U(,III C,lIIlP IIIl'etlllg "liS III [1111 Illast ,Id",

SouIIIls o[ ~hOUlIllf; llllctl tho lUI tiud I \\ II< I denly %eltc Bllllkell, I"lllmol Jlllllt,cll Mil 01111

"lncol'Ilglble' SOli, Icnll~(1 to his lel'l. tl' 'th with tCIIIS StlOllllllllg 110m his elCH Ithl' h "I got It' I got It' he c~nlt(J,1 I milt' , till ough \I Ilh myel II \I ays' I 10111 tiltS I 1111 It, day fOl th I 1011 to spolII, the Unth II HI () nolhlng but the lrlllll." I Gelll

%clw,' sllitl his [atlter leellngh, 'I[ [111',"1 ter sUllper th'lt Ilignt, • I "'IS Ilg It ,'/':( ( glad to heuI' t( ~pellk ! I.;ltt 01 t III ,,11111 meelin' th,ll thOlo \1.1) LOduI Itlhllllri Illlrms III~ old heUIl to thlIlh 1:'llt III him last mY son Is n good 1>0) >iIlPIIOS(J Il'h II you S(1I1 t In light nO\l IJ) lel"l1 hi' I "h' , where YOIl III e galli' tonight" I sol,lI

%0110 sett\l'tl his hili all his h,. III Illst I 'PIIIl, I'll tell yon tho lIntlt lint! '10 I II hi, I

lhlng else, Illte I S\lOI'C till j"sl gu II I list tI oUl to [ecli the chlcltclIS .. I \

"But, ~ul(e, the chlcl\clltJ h.u:;; I)LCll 1101 II

(c(I," objecle(. old BlllII,OIl I I "Somo or 'eUl tun l," ~mid Zc'\c, .1'Hl ! I I I

closed the door ntlcl him t.I',P I.ong Illtet midnIght, III lite lO\l1l S 111,111

SII ellest cllte, hold' \Ins ~tlll 1(' .. (IIII~ I tho chlckcns '-Dt':lolt I'-roe 1', CH,

(t 11 r!t 1

II Is plobabl) un­~ill'pnsslld_ nnywhCl 0 In the world.

now this thuII(ler of hoofs re­BeirlliU:'-\"i,'; '\irlliil"~~',""lQ on the Gorman frontier No

'l'hOle Is no mOlc er1l!clllo lell'" I 'Oil' fuge on the mall et th In ~) III 'I , I WOlIll POI\(lclb 'The\ \I ill not 0.11) 11)\\ clClu Lhe stolTlllch niHI 1)0\\ e's !l. \'" III WOl ms, but 1,,\11 III !lI'C II 'OJ) Hel vice II h It ablo modlcluo [or chlldrt'll In r(~II, .. t ,"t, tng the InfnnLlle~)stelll 1I11<llI1ullltlll I ,~,., Ing It III II he:t.lt.I:' condltloll I h' re Is nothing In lhelt. COI1lI,osIUOII Ih,'1 I \\ l\l Injnre the most Ilellc 110 slonllleh I \,

dEiar··T,"·"·:;··'He Needn't Have WorrIed fllthor (after the cClemony­

My child, 1 don't see how 1 urn going to get along without you. -Bl'lde-Oh, that's all right, pa, My

husbnnd has just confesse(l that he ~-;;,~;;~'tll~~~.1 hasn't enougll to start housekeeping.

so you wou't lose .me, atter 1111.

wouder the GOIIllIIUS cry Ollt ,I.' 'Slav peril "-Bo&Lon Giobe.

- MInard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows.

Prusslan Guards 1o'redeI Icl, the Grelll orlglllated ,he

Prllsslull GUlllds. Ills Ilmbltlon IIUS to form n Roynl bodygullrd o[ ;gla,Jts, nntl every coun t;y \VIIS IlInSIlCI(ed hy Its ngents to supply recruits.

The most extlnvngant slims were offered to men of excoptlonnl Inclws,

, It Is snld, nn Irishman 111010 seven feet high, who was plcl'ed

up by the Prussilln Ambusslulor In London, recolved a boullty of $6,500.

Not a Direct Ancwer .,,lnllsult wns reccntly III full Sl\

rind during Its pl'ogress II wltnoss cross exumlned as La tho hnblt& charncters of tho defendant.

'rillS Mr. M-n rCPullltlon for bo­abnormally IlIzy?" asked counsel

hrlRklvc , sir, It's this way-" you kindly nnswer the ques­

tion asked .!" struck In the Irnsclble Inwyer.

"Well, sir, 1 was going to say It's this WU)". 1 don't wnnt to do Uto gen­tlemlln In (IUoslion IIJlY Injustice, anti 1 won't go us far as to say, sir, that he's Il\zy cxactly; but It It required

voluntary work on his part to dl­his Cood-why, he'd die froD! lack

nourlshmont, sir." •

IIhen dlroctlons ,110 (o1\ow(Od, lint! lI,e) Ill' cnn bo glyen to chll(1I en III lI'c III I J"" asstllllnee tl,:!t tile) II III I'tlelll lit" I" III tI oy all worllls I ' .11'"

- --- 101 I An IndIan Gift to the Patrlct,c Fund ,VIII':

'l'he pntllollc ~llil It of tllo 111I1I1ln" ()' II of Wostcr~ CllnUlIll 16 liesCllued In .111 \\ 1111

Intorcsllllg lettol II hleh u!1 W ( ) (HI II I Jilllter. seCletnlY or the l'allutll.1J1 III

Paclllo Hallwny, has I cecil cd flOm ., "tlh rleml, and [rom II hlch lh~ 10110\1 IlIg pili (

Is nn extrll<:l. HI I" "Mr. GrnhllIn, IIISpCCIOI of 111<11311 ' Ill'

IlgencLos for Southern Su~l(ulchc\lIlIl, II Il( has, through his nbllIty lllld cnPI I':~ 1I10llO dono mnch to millIe the 1~1I0 111l1s III I "' , (1l1ln Agency one or_ tho most progl es lI,o,t slvo In Canlldll \Ie Inltlatc(1 II colollY 1111 ( upon which he pia cod IIl1tl Is stili I., I( 11111clng grnduntos flOIll 111<11,111 Indus 1

10" H trial 3chools, 'fhls cololl3 hilS b, on I () quite II succossful VCII tnl C lind lltc il" h young Indillns 8ei tied there arc dollig pell Hil velY well Somo glow us mllll) a', 1011)\ from eight tit ten thousanus buslwls lite of gl'uln per year and llll (tholc IIIC 1'.11111 over thilty [umllles) 111'0 plucllcll') Il,h ouL o[ debt. WolI, Iho people bclng hlllto much nllve to tho war news, asltetl so I IIel, many quoslions thnt r.lr Olllhllm 10' 1111' I c1ded to hold II meeting of tho Colollj, which WIlS done. I WIlS, much 10 my delight, In good enough ullape to go lite IVlth the pal ty IIntl we trlll'cllet! thlth I 11111 or In beautifully decorated CIII'S I ,,,,,I I brought II10ng II gralllo;:>holle anti I ).I,i8 many plltrlotlo records. Wo 1IIIIyctl the I'll lIatlonlll airs of Grent Brltnln, Frame of I h Ilnd HUBsla, nnd 'It's 1\ Long, Long 1'.11111 \Yny to 'rlpporary" cnme In for a grea t orgill deal of pmlso. "'Ir Grnhum Ilddressed It.lblt them from bohln(1 Il table lipan which whut Wl\8 tho Union .Tuck, nnd (X- cOIlII pllLlneu Lhe causos nnd prollresK or the Illn( I war, lucidly tlnd ,fully, IIl1fo the \I ollt hous, oC the Patrlotic'FIlJld nnd Red CI')SS IUllcl

qulLe I[~r,~~~",'t' sell so 1\ ute

• \ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~[~~~~I,j!I~~~ti~ rormed and I of these g Il1lllnns I PICel l~~~~~~~~~iiiliiiilllllii~I~I~i~~;i~~III~~~~j~l! Society. A commlttce WilS at once hom(. i~1 :2:::fr{:;;-:.'(:;;:;!A;j';lfit~ If' nnilli,;,;'lnRtI ulld drlnl "".'\'j( •. ;i)i,;':, ~~~;~~{~~~~I~~~~I~iti: 1.I*h~:'o·~~I~~~:~;;~Slri~~li" anti outs. bird

""~.,." .. ,,. kings The

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af- cst t $600, Agnl

prom- huild ,..n~n.n lit slwt!


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Th~s. fVlooi:e' I ,Livery S,tg~le'

--- -~--===--====-=----=----::- ,.' ,~



Prodding Cm;kets are pur· c1Hlsed {,rom lIIe, Embalming ami Eearse will be SlIpplied Free of Char"'e ill 'l'rcherne . " uistrict, salllc ag at ,Holland.

, ' ' ~~~~~-~~

A firsl,c1ass'Lh'cry a:1l1 Feed Bu~iness; !!,ooll Reliable }:O\'£l:s;.' ~ty· \ish I igs ,; everytbing

IIp·to·date, ' ,

l'roll1pL auLl ouligi~l~ " service.

l.~,RE H ER~1 E , .

Flour Mil}

Y('ul'1r"ontllll'i nll"l'lti"ittJrtllli(' pllill (clI'nl, elld nrl'lIl~h 1I111111h. FOil I' i ....... IIl' .. In ('ulI"\tHutc a 1I101lth. t)Xllll i ... :4l1l· ... will II!: t'lIl1t'~{'I' (UI'.

.1oiJ WUI'}< or 1111)' <II.! ,CL'llIt!OIl lIl'al b' I\lIfl hl'0ll111Ur ('xel'lIl ~tl.

'. ..\,h'('I'li",wlIt'ut ... l11IlI("'ompllllil'll wltlt itl· _ t 1'\wt inti., ill""'! t ,II mIt 1\ (1JI,ltiflnllc! dHlI't';l'd IH" l'I)l'Ilinglr. ~lIlk(')oo, of I1l1'lltilW:-.lllltl I'lItl'I'lain, lIlf!IIIr-.. flOll1 "hh-h It 1t"('JlIH~ h t1f'lI\\'tI. ill !tWill COhllllll", III 1'(Jllt., P,'\·l1l1 l '.

~--, ~'~ ~.-:. . .:..... I; Central Phone· Holland, Man.

\ ~~~~,:w~~~,;}f~~~1 \ _______

,Drnying nnu Teaming

Spcicial ,attenl"iOll, to ,.CulIIlllcrcial$, ',," -,

Antolllcbile fo'r JIire,

,E\'cryIJOUY knows that Trehcrne' wheat is the ~le~t the rOl1l1tn produces :lilt! tllat the 'l'reherne '?lldl has a nlost 1110,1, r,ll amI efficiellt grinding equipment. A "whenl,collllitinller" hac I" .'" imlal)"d., ,llakinl{ it,pos~ible to supply nil e\',~n fil1l'r l;'nd,' o'f f1ol1t tball'ill th'l;! past.· "i'urity 1'"lenL Flour" is \\ h,d Ih~ pl! bl ic dcmands. ' ," ' $

vVliOLlSSOHE PASTRY :\.11.- .\lh·CI'li~L'IIH·t11" "'ith !-lIli·l IJJ' hl"':")'

j.Olllpll .... 1tioli will lit' c;h"I'~('tl (01' t;).,111l at wtl' IJt St.Hll'd hum'

I"IIII"I\", ,\1'1111, 1(11·-,

( RCl11odcllel\ :Il1lll1ewly· furlli,hed


j\;ew fi~'c'l'r(l(,fallllc:-; COlltaillin;g ',u addlt!(JlI:d SIIl;,:1e r{JOlIIS, At· Lr:1divc rlillil1:.',·rool11 , e:-;celkl:l 1:;1,1<:, i\lore l,,'plllar Illan I!VCI'.

SI'I'ing i"111'1"" '1'111' l"I·,~illg' "I' ) $2,1)0 pcr day, Free HilS. t.]J(, ~II(lW l'I'\'I'al·, 1111' :1,,"1111,"111 I I'd (J. FOWLI,E. Proprietor. WINNIPEG liLt,)!' ,,,I' willi 1'1'. 1': 1'1'1',1' holls,' hilS _.'

ils :llml'l.'. ;\ "twitl!'1 :In<lillg 111l' "al'l' La\:(·n ill tllB Fall. tl", Hprill;~ I lI'ing'< it.; 1'lSlUd llllil'lIlll I'!' r<'l"IIH'

10 ilL! <I,.:dt with, 1,"1 1'\'''1',\'0111'

joill ill 11I.rl dcnn lip alld pil .. "l' 1111 Ih,~ lin ('an~, "Id I"",IH, d"ad "Ih.

IIltt:tL 1""11':4. Illid 11.1\'" th"IIII','III 11 I"

",II" !.h" IllIisall"'-' gl','11I1'1. 'F"II,,,'.' llii>l' Ill' I,y !"'I"drillg lli" I,,'~)I:'-'" \"tll"", 1,,1' a l'IIn\. III' paill!. L" lhl' h()II~I"()I' ,,"tlJlJildilll!'~ all'\ It lltL!lt \\I'll'/) ',II llJl' I'I'OIil. \"'Ill'l', The re· HIIILs "'ill 1,(' a plP.llHllIl!. slll pri8e,

, .. ' - - .. - - - ---- --_.

The Lombard -Hotel

-. Mlldl liaH al!"'lldy 11l'I'1; al'eollll'liHII' ,,<1 10W11I'1),; lL gl'II!:l'Jl1 I:it'llll-lil', ,11111

l,lil'l'l) is ~til1 I'JlIlt'Ii (0 du, j\ no(il'" , [1'!J111 1.11" 'I'"WII CUJls(IIl,lp ,~('Is lll('

'IOLll "I' ,.111\' J\H It liIllO lilllit"1'''1' -' , Llw d('I\l'ing Ill' or 1111 n,rm;," likelY tu lH'l!IJIII(l a)II{)IlIlC:l' 'Lo tlip public

'liPIIILli 111111 I Ill.' CIIIlII(:j! j,J .)O·OjlOI'j\­

'Lillg I,y Illfll~il1g l\ gl'lllliliO nt.ll'mpL III t idyillg'lll' I lie stl cds, rl'l'ail'illg

(JI,1 "idllWlllkfJ I~"I (will" iJew " t!J

"Public Notice is here:by given to the OW\l>CtS and huuseholders of 'l'rellCrIlc thaltilllc

,will 'he 'given lIntil ttlny ,loth to relllO\'e all offcnsi\'c wasle, garbage and lIhsighlly mnterial .from their prelllises. Aftcr nbl.1\'e dnt~ legal nelion will be taken according to

, ,The Heallh A:l. -, 'l?nletl April IS, 19 1'5.

Ger,. S, Staple;;, Constnble.

.. ' - .. --- -- . -, -~-~ --- ~_.- .-~"'-

• CJU1\HTEH SI';CTIO;S W.\N'nW .-\\'llll"'"11 C,)II.lI'L"I' Se('LicJ\1-ill ('x­<:1.IJillg() 1",1' guod. residollt ial JlI'O'

, )1ol'Ly,in Wilillip,'g. ItOllll'ltI, liJ't.Cl'lI lililllll.<'H wlllk I'I'lIllL 1';ltl'JI\'li, J\ppl,1' ,) lillie;'; 11'lIlIlIlI, 'I'1'..,h"I'III', l-I'·o

, . . -. "'_. -. .. ~-.- .. -.,~

!,ollluartl St .• \\'ilillipl'l{ Sit \lllll'.! Il"JlI'ly ",pPIJ~it(j 11,1: Ul'aill I~x"h"llg.:, clu~e to the hll"illl'"'i c.:lltre of lIH:cily, \2 tl ' eL

nud Ilo'mclike. nrighl nlHl ,,'(JIlI­

[o1table !{OOIll':, Good '.lilliilg ~,cl"\'i~l'. Americall 1'lall, Rate~;.

8 l.SO per ,lay, BARKWELL & TROWSOALE, PrC'll:

. --- ._-- - ---

- ... ~-""' .• -- ..... .......----, You nrc requcsted to call nnd see

all Ihe

,New Spring Styles In

MILLINERY On March 30 & 31 ~~ ..... ~.

Miss E. Iy.icCrearY - .. -:-...;. ____ ..... ~---- ' _Ii

The Corpna Lumber CC)i,

- ... = . ,

Buy YuUI'

LJ.TlVIBER· . -Lath· , '


, ' 1'1!IY;\'1"1~ Fl~NDS TO LI'~Xl)

t" 1'III'lIlt'I'H l'cqllil'iIig 1III.1110Y 1'0[' (,ho Plll'cIIKH(! or Su('lI Ul'llill. J\ppl.I' L(\ ,lnIJII]H '1"lIltnn, HlIrl'iHl.el' eLf:.

Mouldings, " Etc:' ", /

'Tl'ehel'il(" " ' ,:., t-I'-I)

BOUT In;PA 1H I NG \Y J\ NTJt:}) . by (hilI A~'lIlOill, gl)ud i(,lIllw[' III1lI

\I' ork 11lI1IIRh i p glllll'l'lIt I)I."\. --- -----,._----'--- -

I'd!.:,,;) m,ltl qllaht,y G II[tI'l1,llleed


- 'MW_


. Phone 17 Purity Potent Flour St"yS ~"l't', t' J d ~ n r. i'l.e Jca ers


----- .-_._---_. - ------.~ .. - .. -

...--_~.~ _____ ___:, C. Wiechman


Automobile und Carriage Painting a Specialty

,Broadway :_ Treherne, Man.


= -, We cat~r especially to Travellers,

O,Il{gFurj DHl.V8HS FUllNISlIlW, , , '

'I' , J ","")11:\<; MW JIl,\YING

AIJ'w- SEnl'lel';

s~ : E. Pollon, . ~

'J'nl~IiJ~HNE' , ,



, .: :iJI;l g~;od l~lI~iJIQ~~. ',"r '

. ',judgll)enV,-to

'J ~,: .. Buy:· .BREAD In· -'oJ ,. -,' , • ' " •

, " ' YOIll' 1101110 TOli'1I , .~ , ',. \ ': ' ,- - "

. \Vholcsol\lc Plll'O Noui'ishing; .: I • , J , .

"IliLiIfo ot:61·oe~l:i~s'· , ' ':,~ Toblleeos, ]~lc.' , ' I '


R:'-:A: :SANDERSO"N: -" ' : Treherne Phone 109 - . ,


\L:~~IE~~ .d - _~':'~~3_"~_~

,()TllJr.HS ~L\Y Tl\LK

B\ll til san) III"U",\' HIIII

geL' (hu I '(,Hl ill 1111'1\ I" I'all aL Ille I'eul'lu\; :tIl,,,L

M" l'kel. Thel'o YUII are SlIl'e uf geLl,ing 11il' 1.l'st. ill FI'I'H11 aud J:III'I'.] M l'aLH, Fr('~h, l'1I1'cd, IIlI! I Smoked Fi,;h 1\111\ \'1'1;1:­

InhleH, , NvtlJilig iH tliO go,,,.\-'!',,r

(Jlll' ('lIstUIlIOI'H.

1\ nYPliC liaving sl, ... k to HPIl kill,H,\, ('all lIH liP,

\Vc 110 sliipping ill gl'll-, el'1l1. Phone (\7


&, ., CH'AS~'-R~-~~:~~ I Wholesale ami Retail Bl!tclie~

!-_____ 3r ........... "..., -""""~.

Renew your Subscription for '1915

_ .... -..-, ..... -'-- ,"'-'----_:-....;.;.----,--_ .. _----'----•

~".::::~~n:..!.~5!Q .. !:c.mr-m~~~jo:;:""'~~~GOl1QS1?_'\"'...:.r-:'iW

_----_.--FOR---, ----- -----

---- -'-- --_._----_. .~-.---- --- -- ..


-----------~------= Now-is the ·,Time to have ,'y~ur ' H~r,rows ~ " ,and Sctdcrs repaired'

,Not tit the last mo~ ment when you need' them. We are ready no\v~ Comc early ~nd' get your, . work

::', ' promptly··, .: '. ',' \

. l ~

SM1TH B L 1\ C I( S M IT H



, •

,~TRY ,(Jf , '

- •

- '


::: - a:: :==:~====:._::_;:

• • • MAN. TRE~lERNE

'~, ------=-===~============ '-':====;:;:::===-=

, ,

FOR Sl\U':-g'ood Seed Bnrlc'y ~o celll~ pCI' ullshel," cleaned.

, '" /\'pply': Frank Scam\llell ,'l'l-cuerul', , , 'Phone <1 I 1-2 P':JS-:\o

R~ ,F.' Steele . , Agcnt',' -

====~========~-~=~==============~==== ==- -ill l~l====~:a!lI~~'~==J"I==~=:=71==~[I~==~~'ll~[=.=,,~,,~,~~(Er~=====aIE~==~~I~E=======a~IIE=======ll.E~====~IIEI:======:3IE==-==-a~I=======~I( ill

."tl~I~,.9YAl::2"s~:·:STb~~ ';-STAPLES' AND ANDERSON THE QUAI21~H STORE:

• •

, , , -

, -,

• • . ' • • • • • •

Broadway ' .. ,' Trchetlw '. ,"

, " DON"'!: Kill YOIII' PonlllT. Wl'

1)IIY 1111 killc1H or Ih'O I'owl" IIl1el pay . gOU(\l'i'iUfJ ill (:ash. C"h{JII,T['elll!l'~IC,

J'1i'/)1I/) :J2 (:-0 Pollon HI'()J;. ' o-2!J·H L ;:_=_=-=-=_======s:===:::::::=-=-.. S.=-=-=

_--- _._. __________ -' __ r-~ -_.- ,

Tl'eherne Barber Shop

1"0[' tli" ] fnil'

~('J'.\' 11II' Egg llllll L!! .. 1I1on SofL \Vall\!' 81I1l'IIIPOll


.... •

•• fI • • ; . .. • • .. . • • • • • • • • •••

, Treherne High School' " . , SLudents prepared for Third and Secoud Class 'l'cach'ers'

'Certificntes, nlld Univer,itv M a tricl1lat ion Exnm i 110 t iO'I:~,

Low rail'S alld sl~ecinl iuchke-, IIlculs fa\' lIoll,rcsidcu't ::;Ilt·

.denls, . , ,

WrIle f,or illustrated bOl?~ld, '

R,J. Millg' • ,'J. ,Frellch' . Sec. School Board

•• • • • • • • ••• • • ill •

• • •

. . . ... .. . . .. •• .

• .. :

\,' . , " "~ , - . .. ~,~"~~~~~-.-~-.-~ __ ~ ______ ~~~ __ ~~~,~.---~_wu~,~~'~_,= __ ~ __ = __ .. ____ =~--.--~~------~-------------"---.~---,-n---*"-

'M~'riri(/iJ~'de~w~~r~for'Me~ ',. < Wom~~',s (:ombinatlon Underwear' . jt'illll ''lllaIiLy, POI'OIlS knit, JlO sleeve, 1meo lengLh. -,

~:I JlS 1Il1tke& It splC1id i<1 Cal').\' '~pl'i ng nlldl'I'WCal'~ HOIlII \­

wlIl~t Ilcl\\'i,o['.L(mnlhe tlI1I11HlO[' weight.. N11~III'al eul')I', ]'I'i(:e pel' gnr,lIwut,- SOc. ': ' i ':' ,;

, , .

,;Men~ s -Natural Silk Shirts ",


'.' . ". .' l'

• • ® • • • •

• . . , . tlil , • • • •• . , . '. . . .. .'.

• • •

• • . ' . • • • •

• •

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• • . .

• •

, .....

("ino 1-(1'11.<11.1 bulhl'iggall, knco lellgLlI. hCII\·.r Ilice t.l'illllllillg. pOI' suit 75c. Fine Lisle c~1I1ihillnlioIl8, Imee lellglh, 60c,

Iillitlherl wiLh lace Snit 75c. "


~16 X '32 White Turkish Towels Splollclid qualiLy, spel!1Il1 POI' [luil' 25c .

_ ,]\[al.1u ot 1'01101' Lowols or hel\\'Y qllalily 1111 lillen ol'llsh, , ' 2 ~ ynl'Cls.1ong, 1)0]' lowel 40c.

, '

, .' -~--~"~'--~--------------------------~----~ ... '.... - -

'.~ , ." , .Can:ne4 'Tomato Special ,Saiiit;\{,y Lill'; fjolid paok, spceial'2 Lins [o~ Twenty·flve , . Cents, '; ~

HoIJOl'lf;On'S.OI'nngo ;\IIlI'JIlIl1ude, ,L lb. tili 65c. "" '-I,sOIi's· ·p.uro -Stt,i\\VIJC1'l'Y lind HlIspIJel'I'Y, JIUll;

till ',.

• • * • • • • ., '. • • • • •

~ . • @ to o • • . .

• • .. •

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.. " •• · , 6 -•• .. '.' ~. . . :. , ,

.... ' . ~ < • . .


, • •

:':\:' • 'ft. '.. .. .~. '~".:' II . ,. . .' ..

• ® •• , •• - ' •• 'It '-:.;.I!l - ,_ ........ ~ t'- -, '. ..: •••• " •• ,- •

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• • • • • 0, .. • • . . - -- ~ -, ..... ~~ .. -.---.~ "-",-'- -' . .. - .-. - - - - .. ~ --_ .. - -. . ., <, 'I ~_.'iCL1:c.l=~~ .. ;s:.~="!U'U'r'~.~~----..

.. ' "" ' I ...

Powder ,

~' IN 'AND bUT' 'OF 1'OWN- '~I I ~ . ' Items of Sp~cial S~call~;"rcst to "[rcherne and District . , . ~ i. ~~~~vY~~~~~~~~,~ ~~~~~~,~

Evening or Street Wear For tlt"c ['all'lIl l'lllllP is ,'(\1'11'1'1

I j 1

" , ,


I, --

.J .

• •

• •

• • • •


'. o

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Tht' Idcnl j)('II~al 1\;\\'dCI' iK olle whicli will )"<:1II0\"0 tho tal"t ai' IIl1d oj hL'I' foreigll lI\aLlel' wilhollt H<:I'lIlehillg Ill' illjlll'illg (ho ellamel. Nyal's ',Tooth' Powder dlWH tlli~ IIll ~\'oll 'IIR whilclIil1g alld I'olishillg tho I,'dh, H i.~ freu flOlll, ,,11 hlll"ud'II1 811IJSralle"~I, iL lti IIi1Li!)r:pl ie

, ....... " nllrl pleasalll 10 tlSl', ,

Price Twenty ... fiv~· Cents Per-Tin "' - ... ======. -


-----,----,---.--~>-----. .-..;;....-..! "

- .- 1("

]AlVIES· FULTON SUCCCHJor fa AnJ"~IL. a,~d And,.cu',J ;



L0Ilrli)I:': alldHulin],j'J CIJlllplllli,':' J"epI·l's(,lIle.] I .. y lIle IlI111CI"Higlied Li'd YIJttl· npl'liuatiIJIIH

fVloney, Loaning, Resumed /

'hc' tlll.)PI·sigIlU(1 ha~ l,u')Il illsll'llCJle,1 by tIll) Torolltr,' Uellcl'al '1'lIst:; Crll'pol'lIl iOIl ('} necl'pl, appliel\LiuIIH. I'm: LonllH Oll w~l1

illll'roYed l'al'lll I'rollcrLie!i ill t.his disll'!cL at .. 8 PER CENT. INTEREST

~ "

I---~--'-'--~' -------------------------

.BUY,YOl)R FLOUR NOW === - ......... _._CJ'R_

\Vhcut prices continue to' go lip 'and' flour will follow suit;

NOW is the limc to lay in ; stock cf lh'at

'well known brm\d

"Royal I-Iousehold" , ~._ .. - ... ,_.-- _.-... -.. •

OGILVIE MILLING JOHN COULTER, AGENT TREHERNE~ MAN" :-___________________________ ~UA--~-----------------~~-~~~--J



Ship YourSt6ck J. :J' ~.

Tl-IROUGH ME:· ________ ~ ___ , _________ ~~~_~ __ =~O----'~.---w~.-____ .~-a~ __ , __

I Pay Best ;"'Price~ .. ~ild Ship 'Regulad)/'

-n • =

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, -. ," ..

. '

. T. C. Stinson,· Drover TREHERNE,:MAN. " '. ..

• 8 • 8 8 • e

, '.. C!), co

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V " .. ••• ,; <D.

• , • e e,

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.. ' . 'I . .. . ~

0. • • . . .: . • .. •

For b:u;neI5 and other announcemenll com;m; wr'thin "It! cahgory of adllerli.;inll appearinll unJer ,hi. heoJI'nll a charl/e or

. Ten Cent. per count Ii~e i, mado

. JII\YC YOII nny nows',! Tell the pl'ill,lul' lind it will bu sel'\'u,1 'np a I

, la 1lI0de, I I' rOil do lIol haPPl'1I I (J :1

Ik A. W, MylrJs wns .1. Winlli-, , '

p~g l'i:;il')I' t.his wcek "

i'll·s. 'l'dnglL', 01' Ltnlh\\'ull, IlI~t \\;eek·unll i,1I row n,

S[lellv' I ' . , " IIlCO~, lillI, lISC the (I~ICIJIII'II" ,thflt I , "

';\11" nn<l'Mrs, J.lt. SeuLL nrc I'isiLing in Winllipcg LItis wcck:


is 1I1U I:OI\~'J11 It,; baH 'JIIO amI V".\·H I I, 'L \' I UI' 1.' UII \I:ill bc llUll'illg to IIlllkl" yOIlt' OWII tnwlI panel' or gl'et\! el'

i'l iSfl [I'O!IO'UOSS sponL tllC mllll HnLh\\'cll.

illll'l'est lu I be OUIJlllI,lInit ". week- -

J\ 11I'oelllmation I illS '1)('eD ,issued i J,~, D. C. ClInlul'llll, Liellll'II11lll'l C.'U\'el·II()I· "I' ?llallitolm, Hdlillg I IIsi.to ;\1 Il lid ar- Lho :31'c! 01' M.l)' I lIoxt, 111; J\ 1:],01' Dny, said rill,\' 10 I

htl '"bsen'cd liB It plIl,lie 11"li.t n.\' I llll'Ullglltlllt lhe Pl'u\'iIlUt'. ~llIlIi~·i-1'111, l'oligi"II~, lllld ;(I.:h"ol O(H'POI'I\ tiulIS arc' l'O'llllJsted to IIssi!;l ill Clll'­I'ying Otlt "till! ol,.iur:l>l I'ul' \\,hi,:h !.Iii:; holiday Ila!> heen illsLitlllc'l,"

"I is!! Lllla (leOl'gr! I'; I'iHiLing III

Willllipeg, .

:lfI'H. 0 Jr. L. 'VoU",,, I'dlll'ned ~ . .

I'I'OIll tho (.j(y on \Vedn~'~o.1ay.

ilb' .. Juhn l'ullull wa5 a husiness \'isitol' t(i llio cily un 'VudnuHrln.I·. ,

1>1'. "1IIyles will IJO ant of lU\\,1I rUI' j bl'eo .\ pl'il,

weeks fJlJllllllcllcing 28Lh

" ,


lefL yeL rOl' ::ii I. (I,).

C' I.)""

'Tllts til"'.' 1111111,,1 ('ling,; to lhe I'""t, rll)l'~ 11,,1 gap.aL lh,· hid"s'!>!' slip aI, I hl' 111'('1. I hn., 'it, I·"all.\' I'ullib LIl,' I "!J uir,'-1I11~I}ls "I':' I!,·ri\-r:t, PIIlIlP,

HipI' il"" '''II' ,.,i\)I';' 1\11.1 ,;.,~ Iltl' "hiles

('1 "~lI1sd n'"


tIlul1t.h- h.l\ I' 111'1'11 :11/ "i'iJlJlI Illlil.\· I" 1I11111Y .. 11',1,1I11!'I· .•• ,\1111 .. till ,,,·llll\' '-(;111"

0111' \'"'JIIlt'II'S (hl'"I'':~, l"·~(lIl.'l· ~.;; :,tl .llld .':'1.1111.

\\'e IlIl\'(' It 1'1111 flllPpl.I' i) lIs1e!'s,

11:t1'1l":;~. "'hip" all.)

J\ :\'~\\' HIIPl'I.I' -"I" '1'111111-,. 1,I'ipl''' .!lIrl I-illiL c'a"',~ .i1!'>1 lIl'I'i \'l-d.

J. ·R. SCOTT PI-I€lNE No. 60 'Treherne

;\11'. allrt :l11'S, Cllllltel'lL Staples to Willllilwg 0 UII

Thul'e will hc 110 ~r!I'deo ill Lho 1'l'oshyll'l'iall CllllI'clI UII SlIlIrlay IIIOI'lIillg. 1\11'. I"ell, ho\\'C'\'el', will COllduct Ihe l'\·Cllillg"Wl·\'icl'. Thel"; will be 1)0 sCI'\'icn nL Olh'!) ill lI,e I\llL'1'1I0(!II-~1I11r1 iHl', Fuu will I,., gl'nLui'1I1 t,~ hl\\"u I\S IIIt\llY ul' I ho Oliro people nltl'lId lhe uI'ellillg SL'I'\'ieo liS uall e()II\'elliellll \' du' so.

~. ________ ~ __ , __ ~_~~ __ ~",, ___ """~~~_'i_. _____ . ___ ,..,.. ..

\\'el"C pasHclIgel's I"rida,\' Just.

])ollal,l Fuu l'eltll'lIo,l 1'1'0111 \Vill· lIipf'g all SaLIll'Ilay nl'lel' Hpolll1ing It I'c'\\' clays ill Lhe l:ilYj

" ;J fllllCfl Fel·I'i.; is IllIddllg.HI\t,isl'fle. . . . Lol'Y pl'ogrc5s lownl'd5. l·coo\·ci·,Y. Ilc if! ahle to he Ollt CYOI·.\' mlO ,.lny

_j\II·s. 'A. E: SllIiLll l'epol'l5 hnbi· lIeflH 11I'h;j{ in lIew spl·ing lIIilliliel'Y COIILiIlIlOd' Illlditions til' tho stock , . . Il'ltI'os ft wfrle l'I\lIgc ttl oho080 I'1'01ll I · "'111 I " Hlt.- YOIl m\'O to; nll'I'Y.-

Ho\', \\', ~l. I"co'f! Ilcnlth IIcces~

~ilnlert his tnkillg It {,I'ip lo U;c oi Oil Mondny.. AJ'tel' ,conslllLing It.

spceinlist lie I'cllll'nc(] hCl'COIl 'Vcll~ 'Ilcsdny, ' J!

.T. ,V. j\IOI·I'isOIl"L.L.B, of i\ll\C-'. (lunahl . Cmig


an'] Ci);; )31{1:I'iStcl" So)iuilol', NoLI\I'~- PlIl,lic, \\'111 be 'lIl, Sllllil'"s 131·0~.' u1li9U fl'(;II'l 8;ltlll"c1n.r l\lay L~l., to i\[~mdn.\', j\IIIY :31·'.!.

. ,A uOllsin .of C::.rttlIlX,' with tl~c Il'I'e/1eh IlrlllY ni';:\l;' BelI·111'.!" 'iii ~ luLlet· .wl'ites Q\' IltiIiOI' opel'IILiulIS aL t.Jio .1'1·OIlL, lIuel gil'l~8:'pI'ool' of COII­IidrJllcc i,l; (lro lillnl olltcome ur,.lhe \\'111".- , . ..


-..------,-~----~.-,.---"""""'...,.....,--.. -"". .. -----.-----AU,,{OIVlOBlLI£ R£P,.'!lnING IJONIE It,, I"l'l' lell\'c's 1'01' :SiileLto 011 j\J"II­

ny IlcxL 1'01' Il'eilllllcllt i;1 lhe 1;[\11-llli·illlll.

. 011 Sallll'llil~f" l1:ght ~I I':; 'V. 8. ;\Ialeholt li'~lIt to 'Villnipeg t:ell­oml Hospital ill. enl'o ur ] h', CIIl·iHLilaw. End.\' 011 1\(olHlll\' lIlol'lIing ])l'H, Hinbol'L all:1 Chrisli. h\ \\' :PCI' l'ol'lIled 'a dOli b III () pel'a li,,". 01101'01' lhe 1'('11101'111 ~r tho appendix' nllcl II soeolld ,I'UI' Lhu I ho I·CII.10\·ltI or lim ~nll hIntI,lcl', which was \'l!I·,\'. IIll1Ch Llistcllded wi t h gall sLulleR, She r;allIU Lhl'Olll{h the, oJlel'l~li"lI ill .good slll\[lo I\lI<t is

~ ;;11,,1 P~,;g;'~~~f ~

11011' COil I'aiescoll t. ' . 0 ,

Tho 'welllhol' (lurillg Lhc week ~ hl\::! IJecil uf (I 11I0'SL \'Itl'iL'd lI11tlll'~', Last woek,cllft 'bl·ought. :l slig,hL Lhulltlel'stOl'l1I with lillIe 1'lIill: tlti:; -WIlS I'ollol~'l!d hJ' cool day:? 111l'1I 1111 op(lres!;i\'i:dy Ilot I"illt! ull Wetllles. rlay Cllllllilll~Li'lIg in II \'i~lellt LlII'III- ~ ·del·sloi·m.


Up L? ['ito U'IIIC '01'. gO­illg lu IJl'()SH Oi:(!l' 1111 illch 01' 1'Il°:11 hus fallull 1I11l1 tho' h~I;'I·t .Oll~ (h~' 1'1I1'incl"'iI" 1i1lccI wilh glt\dllo:;s III Lito '[lI'oSI)ect 011'1\ gl'owi II g c:rnp.


• ~Giils, You'll:, l-Iave to I-Iurry !



i:lp1'ing i~ IICl'l', anrl Ihl) HI'I'ilig hurl" ou th" HI'l'illg hld.s al't! l,eellll1illg 1'11I1·gl·O\\·1I 1I1~\\'ei'H! 01 I' YOII h:we nol'oll"sl'lI .\'(lIt!. BPl'ing hilL .,,; .' Yl!.t 01111 n,HI Hl'l' ollt'

I casonal,le pl·iC:lH. •

---~~~------------~----~.-.. ~ .. --~~----------~-----------Mrs. A. E. SMITpI, Millincr and

, D(cssmakcr,

Tre!lernc, Mun. Raihvay Avenue Phone No. <)4' "

~==================~=-=~=======-====~~' MI', Guu. :l)aj'lillg lul'L 0;1' Th;trs­

IllY 'e\'ening's Ll'i\iil 1'01' "Villni!1;';~ to tllldel'go' medicnl LI'cnbncllt, "1fe was Ilueompllnicr] by his G{'O'qIUl" IJ{t!'lIyctlo, all<l ])1'. Chl'i~lilail'.;: . -. - . ., .', '

, -. ~

~ W· o!'rt hilS bC~lI I'l'eei \"l:d at S t. C It\ 11 dc, i\ [ Ii II. , L h fL t i\ In ud cu Co 11_' . ~_II!II_mr!lil __ mImIll&IIl'I!lEllm~m:ml-!:Mzml&Cm:iIWt:mlDiI!iIi_alDF.a!!!D~ slniltill, [I il'onch l'csQl'\'ist'vr 1.11 plilco rhus, ',\IUSilfos hoi III{ ~Iecol't\ I cd, w'ith' th~.j;lili·l'1\l·~' 1I1ednl, bL'llll.lIp­p,?i'nlec1 by GOllcl'al J ulI're lo Lhe j'lIuk 01' l:\oeont1-lieulelll\lIt. He le'l'!. St, 'c1t1~1~1c.tlS 1\ cOl'p<Jral 1111,1 '.\'IIH

,MI'. IIl1d o j\ll's"J. Eo- S[>ini-s, i\II'~, W, LL Spinl;'':!, alia ':111;" W, SIJitiks, , jOIIl'lIeycc1 to Huh\llel this \i'C~) to aLt'eIlLI th.c flliWl'I\1 of' i\f I': Jt(fn

Illl' old Onltll"iu 1'1'iulHI 01' the I'amily" ", : .' " ' ,

W 0 l'ogl'ct Lo lCIll'il If~Jith' ':J~I\Cc)ll .is sllfI'eriJ;g. l'I'OI\'I.

1 ~ ~

l'helllllll,tiu fel'ol', wltich hns sel·i 1.1'., IIfl'u~lori lu!i: ~ heru·t,," . '1' Ill'SO Stitlllt~ii is IlttiJlI~1illg' hOl' '1liitiI S

" ., ' f •• "J .....

COil ndesco II L ' . ',0 ," .'. ,

alc.''" n1l\de II HOl'gOllll t. His In lei' pl'omolioll ~ IIUlI lllerlal hlw'o iJcel1 gi~:en !t i'l il;,' I'tl v' gnlll1IlLI'~; nl'l' "l'lw libld: . 0 1.1011&. OrJIISIIIIlI;iIlC' is 1\

. imp; l1Inlll~iHllds wil'e tllltll'lIll1i1y osi'do ,ntS t·.· CIIII'lde. '

• , , ' - 'f

The New York Watchmaker & Jew~lry ((i.; of Winnipeg, 236 ~ogan' Avenue

b~ rcgard:; our new brallch in 'l'rellcrllc. r.!aIl., \\'c (lrc 'going to and are willing 10 'Kllo\\, our pal ruOs III I lie 'I'rellelll(! COIIStitu­CIICY our bcst atl~lIlion III 1111 the work as WI:II ;;'; the selling'. QUI' lwo ycnr<; guarun.lc.e is good l10t ollly hCIl', hilt abo in Will- .-

'nipeg, So please bear all thc~c ~~j'llgs ill ) 0111' milld. Try nu'r:' servicc :a1ld YOIl will 1I0t be ~orry',: c Here RIl:'SOllic uf lll,c,rrices'


\ve c1.'~rgc : , . Best Clealling, 7.ic n,est BuJllnce Staff, $1. 2 5

Best Main Spring,'.75c ll~SL GCllclnl jc"cl, 7.ic Call ;ild give ,IlS a'l'dnJ . .

M. ~ Treherne, M'an .. Cohen, Mgr. ' , , ',First door east of 1"011011 B!os. Furllitlllc Slore

Suits at" Gi~e-away Prices -- .... -----. We have too many men's suits, To lowt!r our stock in

thes~ we are giving for o!)e wcek, for cash,

one-fif th dff lhe' nrice : " "

. $16.50 Suits, on sale for $12.20 '. ' ,

.' ,

13.50 Suits f II . " 10,80 "

12,00 Suits ' : II 9.40 P:PQ. Suils , " " 7.50. '.


, 1

,i I .'


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011 .(1 , I \.rn P) s

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Straits for Clothes, Sweater Patched With a Puttee

I hal e a -speCial little job of lilY 0\\ n, darUng nbout the country, sometimes In one direction, some· times another. My boys uro nil for special duty, and It Is rather dan· gerous, so they ure ull volun teers tor It

P~I •• ' A •. Sallow Cheeks One 01 the First

Vandals In King Albert's Palace I A neutral COl respondent, writing ,

from Brussels, Informs us that all the grounds of the Palace Qt Laelcen, one of King Albert's summer resldonces, are occupied by troops, bu t the pal ace ItseiC was occupied only for till ee da~ s by officers

For DISTEM Sure CUI C unlI I I, t

at nn,) nJ;~ U1 c IlIr II n tong-Ut uctR 011 l h lum]



Wilen I asked my Doction, which consists of sixty, tor volunteers, 1 left them for half "n hour. At the end bf thut time Ule necessar;;" num. ber reported, ono with an a II Cui


und the rest looiling as though had been playing "fooler" I a n!/. questions, but gathered thut was n cnse oC "survlvnl at the flt­tcst." 'l'hey arc wonderful, scnrcely a dny but someone hus a close call or til 0 E. W, GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED

WINNIPEG TORONTO, ONT. !MONTREAL 'r" 0 days ago \\ e ran in to a Uhlan

patrol They let fiy at us at abollt thirty yards range, but they are such lotten shots that '~e did not 01 en

What Old He Mean? ~ ocnllclUlln, w hlle at a club In

II lhhlllgton 1\ short lillie ago, became ullg"gcll In II lit suitOIY cOllIersation Illth a promlncnt t1nullcler nnd lepre· .entlltivo flom the south The great man Is of 1\ moaL cconomlcal hnblt, and It Is <llfflcnlt fOI him to tallc fOI an) great Icngth of tlmo wfthout tOI ching upon tho subJoct ot econoal) tilll 0 ellou,;h, he suddenly lu\ Ited at­tontloll to the suit of clothes he was \\ l' lrtng •

I hll ve nOI CI belle~ ed,' suid he, opening his coat, the better to display I ',e <lcta!ln of the suit, "Iu paYlllg fnnc) prices fOI cut to measure gar­montH ~()II, here Is n sl\lt [or which I pnld cl!:ht dollars aud ninety eight cents Appenrnncos nrc vory decep­tI \ e I [ I tol<l you I purch Ised If for thlrt) filo dollurs, ) ou'd undoubtedly bollolo that to he tho truth"

Ills friend \ iell cd tlte suit crltlcnlly tor n lIIolllon t as Iw roplied, "1 would. It ) 011 tolll me 01 er the telephone" -\I'.lshlugton Stnl

A Safc PIli For Suffering Women.­Tho secludod lifo ot women which permits or liltie henlthful exerCise, Is a frultrul cause of deraugoments of tho slomnch nnd liver nud Is account­ablo ror the flnln8 and lassitude thut so mun) experience Palmelec's Vege­tablo Pills will correct IrregulnrilleB or tho dlgestlvo organs aud restore helV th and vigor Tho most delicate womau can U80 thom with safety, bocauso their nctlon, while cfCective Is mild anll soothing

~---"Wo had a military dinner today" "1 don't under Jtand " "A lIank stealc" "How'li YOIl get II10ng with it?" • "I gave It a tough l)I\ttle, but It re-

sisted m) attaclc "

B:JslneBJ Imp-Where \I ill ) our majesty sum­

mor? Satan-I thluk I'll stny In town, I

netlce n lot ot people arc coming from lhe country

Unanswerable Little Roberl was playing ,~Ith his

army ot tin so!(lIers one Sunday after­noon, when his mother entered the room

"'Vhy Bob," she oxclalmed, "how many times have -I told you .not to piny with your army on Sunday?"

"Well, you sec, mother," explaln.ed Bob, "this Is the Salvation Army.'­Ever) body's Magazh:e

Correct • lIl-Wllat course Is Sarah studying

hear the bullets whistling Except Cor the gllns, especially the

German Ghouls Rob Dead coal boxes, Lhe Germans 1\1 e IIIte kids {'rom lIui bnttleficld oC Solssons a at soldiering It seems almost n

correspondent sends the story of a piLy to hnl e to let go at them I German soldier who lias shot lor think thnt If they II ere not sllch stenllng watches Crom the denel horrible brutes' to the women ancl

'When I II as almost at the door of Ilids our Celloll s could hUl(lIy bring the houso whelo I nl11 stopping, this thel11seil es to shoot evening, I snw, In the glare of the On Tucsday they shut up a lot of lamplight from the doorway, "n women ancl Ilids In their farms, and soldier with a Oermun prisoner 'rhe then II hen we pushed them out of soldici 1\ as looiling luto the IIghled the village fired Incendiary shells hnllway and the Oerman stood deject- and set them on fire We had to ediy, wllh his head dOli n and his right the poor beggars out OUI Celloll s nrm In n sling A Swiss fugitive was got In with tho steel The scrcnms with l11e, a young man Crolll the devas- at the "sossldgeB" when they saw tMed tow n of Senlls, and he nslted could not get a way wero a II Cui permission of the soldier to spenk to ''''L1Il. what can you do? the prisoner - slept Inst_nlght In the luins of

"Don't let tho officer soe you talk· c,,, ___ .,. 1\ hlch l\;lS still on fire In Ing II hen he comes out of the house," 'rhe villages nrc a pltlCul said tho l~renchlllan sight 'Vhere the Oormans billet

At the first words ot the Swiss they smash everything thc) cnn'10t the prisoner smiled with rollef, and, loot stopping aside In the dallmess, At Illosent I atll weRling a gill's sented hlmselr II eRllly on a stone Sll eatel, It has red buttons and col Ho said his urm was brolton In the lar 'rhe wristbands I hnd to cut light I hnd seen that tho sleeve lias off to- get It on Also I hav-o s'e,\n torn and bloody a V-shaped piece of un old IHlttee

"I'IIl suffering terribly," he sahl to mto the pneumonia par.t,of It -the Swiss "My hnn"d Is swoollen to 'rhe )leople here want to give us all twice the size allli 1 am In terrible they have lett, but, of caul se, \\ e pain I IIns caught because I ,~as don't take their stuff, except some. too II oak and slclt at tlio .atolllllch limes a turnip or two to get nwny Now, Instoud of tulclllg There was a topping fight In the me to the IUlspltal, they bring nlr again yesterday. Another Tl\ube here I nm very lIluch worried" came down with u run, but II hat

"Don't worl y," snld the Swiss II as leCt of it wns not worth loolt­"The French aro very kind to theJir ing nt The fields arc full of Oer. prisoners They wlli talte you to man lances, and every IIttlo French the hospital and get your nrm well house has ono or more as a memen-and then they wlll IIlnke you do to. \\ ork .. If you girls are making II oollen

As the tv. 0 men tallted, boys II oulel love SOlII the Injured arm moving In It Is so cold that our

It seemed to ure absolutely stiff, but nh"n' .... hung loosely from laugh You cannot Imagine, of being weigh ted not po~sible to put in to

tho ,~ounded arlll one gets to love these The French' soldier was other day they found

I(eoplng his eye on the open which they wanted me to way, walting for the ortlcer he course, I wouldn't, but of. been sent to nsk for My Swiss rr"Rn,n LfAI',ul,,,t,o cut for It (we have got lInnoticlng, talked on, trying to assure ot cards) In .the ellll It WIIS the young Oerman giant that no harm to 1\ lIomnn we lIlet would come to hllll ,

"We've seen hundreds of prlsoncrs in this town," said would be comforter, "nnd not a of thelll bas been hanned by French The two hospitals are full of wounded Oermans, and you'll to a hospital, too"

"But II hy do they bring lIle here?" asked the German, almost In a whimper "I'm afraid they'U

Help me,.lt you can," he ·plea,:!' •

Then I saw a thing that give a half yell. "Loolc think I shouted, "His arm Is out ,ot


and 15,000 For Ser·

Signs of Anaemia Pale nnd sallow cheeks, II Ith blaneh·

cd lips and gums, and durlc circles un­der the Q) es, aro the flrat signs thnt anaemia has begun Its deadly pro gress This first II arnlng Is follo11 ed b)' grent II earlness nnd brenthlessness nf(er any exertion - You grow lIlelan· choly, hal e froquent headaches,

w nke In the morning feellng tired You become 1Il0rbid and nervous, stnrtlng at the slightest noise, and your hoart palpltntes v lolen tly even on going upstairs 1\1ost girls rrom ulll teen 'to til enty suffel from anae

mia Neglect to supply new blood to the lungulshlng, bloodless bod), menns a life of misery-Indeed It Is lin ollen InVitation to thnt mt.st hopeless of all diseases, consumption

The nell, rich blood that cures lin· lemlu ami glve~ new health and strength Is readily createll b) Dr WII IInllls' Pink Pills That ia II hy_ these pills ha \ e curell more cnses of blood. lessness and blood disorders than nny other medicine They have mnde thousnnds of girls nnd 1\ omen stlong, well and ros~, with bllgh t e) us Ilnd new energy, just becnuso they nOUrish the bod) with the nOli, rich, red blood or health. lIere Is a typIcal instance Miss Laura Dempsey, Auburn, NY, says "For several months I was In n very bud state of he~lt I, with mnny oC the sympLollls that uccompany un. aemia. I IIns pale ami bloodless, had

ble hendaches, II ould be breath· less at the least exertion Hnllng tried a number of medicines II Ithout relief

nnt1l1ally became discouraged and began to fear that 1 II as doom cd to continued Illness At this stago a fl iond who hnd )lCrself been benefitted by DI WllIlanls' Plnlt Pills urged 1Il0 to try them. I did so nnd thunlts to the pills I nlll now enjoying tho best of health, IIIllI Ceel t~lIt I cllnnot recommend this splendid medicine too highly"

Ol>ler weak nnd ailing girls can also obtain new health and stren~th through the use of Dr. WlllInms' Pink Pills YOIl can get theso pills thlollgh any medicine dealC!, or they II III be sent by mall post paid nt 60 cents a box or six boxes fOI $260 b) wrillng The Dr Williams' ilIedlclne Co, Brockvllle, Ont

The New Submarines Armament Is to be deplored, but no

Is asserting that one nation cun dlsnllll While the, pall ers about It can·

to hulld cJreaduought and 01 [;nn",O, itew nrmy COl ps 'fhereforc,

OUI military Icqulremenls, the very Influcnce "i geo

griap:lIie!nllocallon, arc not so great r.s of the other powerful nnllons,

slill essentlnl that whl\te~er at • n r rmy and navy we do hn ve bo efClcient

- The II u itel who was commlssloneJ to bring In their meals from one of the Brussels hotels \\ axed Indlgnun t over the destructiou the Gel man o!llc ers did among the pictures and o~d furniture The officers would only dine at the pnlnce 'I'ho 01 de \\ 011111 be to serve dinner for 11ft) offlcars at eight and for ten sen ants nt ten 'I'lIls went on for three dn) s just at ter the occupation of Brussels

OIL the thhd day dlnnel \\IIS Old ered for G 30 and \\ as Ilccordlngly sent, but \\ hen the walters nrril ell no offiCe! s wei e to bo seen, bu t tho place was In a terrlblo state

'rho omcers seem to lIa Ie recel I cd marching orders hUr! ledly, but before leaving the Imlter said they cut tho

ntings with Imh es, shot holes In furnitllle lind tOIO grcllt holes

in tho cal pets Thoy toported they hat! been furn

ished II ith a recular culendRi of dates, nnd wero duo to nrrll e in Lon· don on n specified dItY, Which nppolnt ment they Ilouid celtainly iwep.

Dut the dute hns nOlI pussed, lind it Is fenretl that they wlll Incur 10) al cIispieasuro fOI not being up to date

Jolting Ye Benedict Some lime ugo Lhoro was II meeting

of a historical society In a Nell Ellg­Innd tO\\ n, and during the uftcrnoon a Ilslling Iloman was Introduced to a membel of Lho locnl Olgnnlzntion, II ho chanced to be a splnstor Eventunlly the single blessedness was allllllcd to

"~Iu) [ nsk, Miss Smith," relllurl,ed the \ IsitOl 'Ir' 011 hal c an~ particular , ., ?,. Icusons for not cnrlng to mnrry

"Well, ' smilingly replIcd the splnst Cl, 'It may be because I halo 1I11 00 things about my house II hlch so close Iy reprosenLed the chaInctorlsllcs of the 1\1 erage mun that J nm \I nrnod ngalnst the mill ricd stllte"

'I don't think I quito understand you, !\liss Smith," \\ ns the \\ ondCllng lesponse of Ihe o.hol

"It's this \In\,' explained the splnst· er "[ have a dog that groll Is all the I11crnlng, n pallot that S\loaiS all the afternoon, and a C,lt that sta~ s out nil night "-Phllndelphhl 'releglnllh


'I thlnl, I Imow 1\ hal blOught you here," said the good police COlli t mls Blonnry to tho I er) hard proposltlou \\ ho faced him l:t the dim but by no means religious Ifght of lhe cell

"Oh, do ) or?" grunted lile prlllouCl, In a sudden non co '11 Itnl tone

"Ah mv poor [llond," coutlnued the good {l1uli, "lIhy nldn't )Oll lI,;hL hart! el?H

"\Vell gm 'UOI, T done my best,' , I " the saIl cnse "It took s x 0 em

to put me ou the bllultln' h:n;nber l::l.llCe"

To this end the I ew submarine has Didn't Like Cold Steel been designed It Is over twice as I largo ns any now In usc in thp war, A pi ivate In the Cameron Hig 1-and It has u greater speed lIt addl Innders describes a ba)ooet Chalge tion, It Is fitted with a powerfu' II Ire· which routed part of the enem, ,s less apparlltus, and II Ith the new Corces In the battle of tho AI' ne 'rhe American device \\ hlch ennbles a I es· Camerons II arc a, unit In tho l~irst sel of this type to stay under water Brigade, nnll on Seplember 14 tho safely tor a longer period th~n those Germnl1B attacl<ed the brigade, which of the other nallons, The Important had tho Camerol1s nI\(l the Cold· part thllt the submarine has plaY.!'ld Stl enm Gunrt.s and Lhe Scots Guards In the present confilct shows what an on their Hanl(s 'At one tlmo the Importance the little vessels of des· fi:1.nlts seemed La be getting Into n tructlon may have In nny conlllct at tight COlnOl, und the Cumerons re the future 'l'he American navy can ted to tho bayonet 'We hud Lo

tho submarine nt a cost iar I·n,,,,,," nbout 200 yal ds or so," he says, thut entailed by the con- the Ucrman muchlne guns II ore

of tho super dreudnoughLs, but II e kept nt It nllli they scat-Pw".t',;n,i\of sUbmurine Is a d. 'l'i'!l Prussiull Guurds \1 t!re

step the th" enen:y's forces nt this

d:,~"I~~~:~~~:~~~.~~t~~E:~a:nld Dnd they too prefe1l cd flight .' mceling tho bal e stllel '

the bandage".I thour;ht the Ger-lIlan was reaching for n revolver The Sw iss jumpM back and shouted h'"nr,rt"d' to tho French soldier. Just at that n~ .. m'I!''' nnn "lII,,<rDldiclllliLWe;re'golnl;:.t') I

at that bonrlllng cchool? SI-l cun't relllember, but I think

It's cosmetics Instant the French officer appeared In the 11gb ted doorway "Where Is that prisoner?" he ... said. "Here,',',· ".1 •. -' said the :"renebman, reaching over allll taking the Gerlllan by the left arm. He dragged the prisoner Into tho light.

We saw not In limp

~~;;~l~':i:~~,;::IL;rl';~I:1 Captain of Ship Sunk by British Also " Decor .. ted

Caj)laln Aye, of the nuxllll\ly cruis er Kaiser Wilhelm Del' Grosse, II hich wns sunlt off the wost const ot Afrlcn by a British cruiser the latter part ot August, has becn decoratOlI wltll tho Iron Cross of the first clnss' In a

to the Berlinger he DlItnaged

ns stolter 0 .. a

Hae Tested.-Dr Thomas' ~c~I:,:i~!~i~~.~ul:2~':J!~?:;!\\rliji;ii,ei KliIl:d~;ili'/EE;;ii~;~tr'liJ':o.i hns been on the mnrltct \I years and In that i!r:l~~~~;$!~ll~~~;~~~:~1;~1 proved· a blessing to It Is lI\ high favor through-

and Its exeellonce hilS seas It

list of IInl· price It

Strategy lIans ,111(1 "'lltz, two smull bo) s, hurl

gOlle lo LII - I hol( to slmta JiUIl S ovel coal humpolell him nnd he ";'Innted to get riel or It 'l'he Oell11on coati oom person dO"8 _lOt check YIlU cout unless ,0 1 l'n~ YOUl Cee 'rhe r~e was ani) n penny, )Jut lIans did not hal e the penn~ Ho 11115 at n loss

"Huh It's dend cas) '" spoke up '''Oil e me your overcoat I'll

It to tho ma.! aL the checltll1g Illace and sa) I found It 110'11 put It allay. When you arc rellll) 10 go home, yOU go to him lind nsl, if Illl~­body hns turnetl u lost vI ercollt III to I im 'I'hen, of course, ) ou'll get

I s "-New YOI k Dvoning Post

How to Find 'Em It hus orten boen snln tha t n J 011,

1l1tewlse a son of Cll' odon la, II !II gill b nt money be he nllve or liead 1I,0y AbrllInovltch wus worldng In n lIood machlno shop lind rUll his 1I.\lJlI against a circular SUIl so thnt '110 fingers fell 0lY. and got in amongst tho sawdu_t Thoy hIll rled him IIWUY to the hospltnl, and til 0 of his matlls began looking for his fingers nmong the sawdust, whcn In IInllced the fOle· man. "What In \Iades are you loolclng for?" nsked he "We'l 0 tr~lng to 10 cate -lltey's fingers," BRIll one of thum

With ~ snort of contempt thc fOi e ·m'nvln·" ,'nlllllthrow U silver do\lnr on the floor

out from tht. sawdust wriggled fingers, gloplng for the ,

monel Is t


gcllUM (Ium the 11 I' ell Rillt Cholet n tn 1)( 11 ~ CUl~9 La GllPIH 111 n-rcmc(b Cut t lis \ h \\ 110 \\ 111 get It (, I III anll CHIC'" I 1:-; I n DI11'Of,I8 I 8 8POnN 1IIJ.DJr Ire

f .. d :-illl

• FARMER Can alway. make .ure of getting th" hlghet BARLEY and FLAX, by Shipping their ell' AND PORT ARTHUR and having thom sol




US Will Place Naval Vr,sel at Francc's Disposal

\ semi offlclnl conllnunlclltion [rum BOldellux nnnollncing tho Intl'ntion of the gO\elllmcnt to pllrtlclpate in Iho l'allnnm Pllcl/lc Intcrulltional exposl tion, sa)s this countl~ H 1'.11 tlcllll\'loll II III bo nn exprcsslon of the gooll 11111 oC tho FrelHh to\lanl the Unltc,l

tes, and that It Is the deslrc of Frnnco Lo drall ) ct closer the bonds c. nnecling ti.o tllO great republics

Tho communication S.I) s th.lt ~Iyrnn 'J' Iierllcle, the lctirlng Amerlc\ll .un bussndor to rrancc, rccenlly expr,'ss ed lin earnest desire to sea l'rance nf !lrlll ngalu her sympnlhetic feelings tOil Ilrds the American )leople, lllli Chaties C Moore, plcsldellt of tho exposition, III II message to ~llniMtel oC the Intel lor i\llll\) , lefcrtoll to tho Immense snlisfnction caused In the United StatcR h) the detOlmlnntlon of France to be I epresentcd oITIclnlly

The communicutlou sltcLches tho chnracter of tho l~lench p.lrlicillutlon, nnd sa) s that amplo spncos hnl c bnou allolled to 1~lench Induslly IInll to shol\ the nchlevomcnLB In l'lcnch art, scionce and cnglneerlng It nnnounccs Lhat tho AmCllcnn gOI ernment has placed at tho disposition of thc ex I

hihltors n navnl vessel II hlch 1\ III lea\e n 1~lench port eally In Jann'lIv to transport oxhlblts to the Ulllted States CI ee of ch.lrge

An Economist SO )OU halO gl\en )OUI \llfc YOIll

\lold that )OU \I!It filIal lotes lor women ?"

\ es, ' I cplled the marl \I ho dislikes argnment

"Vhnt are yoU! le.lsons for doing j so?

'It's cheoper Ie [ sny I'm not In fill or ot votes for \I omcn, It's IInhlo to iUlI t my II ICe's feelings so Lhat It \1 III tllke as m ch liS a dillmonli nocllillco to enable llle to Rq\lllr~ 11) BE If ,-Washington Star •

Minard s Unlmont Co, Limited Gcntlemen,-L.Ist \I Inter I I ecell cli

grcat benellt from thc usc Of ~I1N ARD'S LINIMEN l' In n se\ ole nll'lclt or LII Ollppo nnd I halo frequontly prol eli It to te I er~ cfroctlve In C.IBOS of Inlinmmlltion


Til t


J .lilt>





Mft~ So


TYf cacy :l I

Be va ~Q\lr fal

.uk I you J.d I

results r Tile UT rlODUGIN.

Kr.1 er.ll \ at Iile Rpicnull to,' 11'

COli II t I\llgill C' "eit, , comb,

A (d UpOI1 I, untnhl

The First symptom ~I)e( 10 I The ChUlCh of a small to\\ n in lIw Gon,

mal.ulll countlY hnd l\ hot nlr plunt "itellll Installed us !l pon Islon fOI colli 1 hln Ie, \1 cather On the Sunda) II hon Ihc Innnil \ llel\ nppllance 1\ .IS !II st used, .1 I tile, IU, IIldow nnd hel ) ello\\ sltlnnod, agno Cup, stllclten son cnmc from t1ieh houH', P,lI.lf' 8elellli mllos al\IIY, to uttclld tho I LllotlH Meilice As luclt "auld 111110 It, ,he j""ljIY! ' uahel escOlted· tho pnir to n PO\\ u , ( thnt wus dilcctly ovel a reglstlr I'resenllv ns tho Janitor Ced tho lUI \ ph nace In -tho bnsement bolo II, tho bo~ ~ ollll , hoy begun La WI iggle lind t\\ 1st lind th

, ~rn,' he II hispel cd, "I got to go' I" OllllH I P In't feel Ill)', II 011 "

"Whut's the mallCl >" In(Jllhell Ills mother 'All you /Ixln' to hUI'e 1111 othu spell?"

'Ycssum, must he," sni" the Sill Cerel 'I 1(111 rei tho leI cr conllng up my Inlgs"

-----Seditious Llteraturo

Selillious maLter shonld not be clr culntClI In Cnn. lia In lime oC ,1ar When the Justice oC Brilain's cau~e IJ co widely admllted thoro Is a 11I\r ticulllr argumcnt ngalnst tho pillclico lC there are sections of 'ho Canadilln puhllc servod by solillln, • mallCl nt this tlmo they shoulu bo "lIl1ng to gllo It up as a courtesy lo tho 1111-lion In w.lich thoy aro malclng thell living and onjoylng Lhe prl\ lieges or treetlom and pOlice The tempel oC the Cannlolan peoplo will be Ilroused to n llang~lous extant against rorelgn· ers ot Inimical nnt!onalltles unless tho pro Germllll propagllndll stops I,t tlto bordels or Cllnndll --l\lolltrolll "lnlt '

, An I nterested Party 'Can I git ofc todn>, boss >" "'Vhnt Cor?" "A wClldlll'" "Do you ba\'o to go?" "I'd 1I1to to, slr;-I'm {he bride·

~I r I lIy)- I I grcnth

Ben googJ I they'll ~ollth

J~nrll IICllllol uf the

I'nth le~p()c

pi 0.\1 h In snc, \1111 b, 1,lIe

Dnrl shot I, allnch to BCV , It II10u tlOns Tllrnb,~ SI\ hi, I bllgle CI

\\hlte II \else~

liBel I

nn, "'\\ , action " gloom"

It's curious, but the one that strllces you Is the ono that Is brol(e.

a bUI" . wher,­banl! to _

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'The Royal Horse Artillery

Charged Through an Avalallche of Dcstrl.:ctlon

!\. thrHllng story Is lolel of the gIl luntry of the Itoynl Horse 'At:tHlery and the destruction of ono Of the hlg

Germans Fled from •


VICTORIA GROSS A Funeral Procesllon and Herd of

Oxen Frighten the Enemy Hetugees (rom Ilussilln Poland re

late the (ollowlng doings ot the Ger­HEROIC DEEDS ARE REWARt?ED mun troops In thal territory.


A. German (orce, headed hv Lieu Storlcs of Brave Soldlera of the Brit tenant \ on Luur.ltz, entered KOllin

Ish Army Who Have Faced nnd occupied It \\ Ithout meeting nny German guns t!urlng U\C fighting on


The Germans "ore mOl mg aile of their biggest guns, ulnwn hy a tealll

\\ ho W,IS Employ cd III thc British Isles

or;nallon 10 FUllhcl ancc or Germnn

of ~O odd horses, behlnel a run go of hllls They had to pass 1I gap, ,~hlch oxpOHetl them to vle\\ 'l ho mOl e 1I10nt of the guns was screened by u body o[ Hussars, but somelhlng ,~ent amiss ",!th the ca~alr) at the crill

Death I Bslstunce 1 he Gtrmans Immediate I)' ordered the Inhabitunts to bring

\\ hilt II III not n -sailor du' Sixty them til enty hostages-fifteen Jews l enrs ago, the London 'lit Dlls re nncl fi\ e Christians-\\ ho reprosented calls the Hussian fortress of Domurs the \I enlth and tho prominence o[ the und, In the unltlc Seu, \\ ns being population bombarded hy nn Anglo 1 rench force When the hostllges ,Ippeareu bciJ'ore S_ddenly a shell fired [rom the tort the commnncler he tolt! them lhat a less fell on the deck o[ H 1II S Hecla, deep pit hau been dug In the cem~ In an Instant a 1)1'11\ e young mute selz ter) , nnd that Ir his orders "I'i ero not e It, ulld, \~lth [use hlssln) between cnrrieu Ollt to the letler Jl\ 0 Jews 1\ls hauls he lIung It \\ Ith a jerlt 0\ or amI olle Christian \\ oultl be shot forth bl,lard fhe) oung mnte-he ultimate \I Ith amI burleu together ill the pit 1) becume Hoar Admiral Ch Irles Da,ls preparell [01 the purpose

An Intci csllng Ailicle \'{ttlten SIX) CUI sago GI\ mg the OPlllIO\1

o[ \l hIgh Gelman PCI sonage on the Probable outcome o[ Present \Yar-Expected to 'HIl \\ nlull SIX ~ lonths .......

illS Agnlllsl Brttam tnelr go, ernl1lent chemlBts dOl Ising elll mom en t and our guIlDers catch lho (ormula o[ a lllllteriul that Is light Ing sight of the mo, ement, promptly cr than aluminum lot", hlcn l,ossesscs mllde np their minds to hnve a go 1111 that 11Ieat! s uensll) anu which haa TllO great nrtmel) (\uel was raging the flexllJllIl) o[ Hteol A!tsl!\ps not at the tu11, shells "ere fnlHng Hlte lImong the til ell c Germuny admits hall

0\ ery In led build u ugnltlo I oSition olllmnnd (1 at at

l j rlUsh .rll gaard P), III a s \.J (Or(l

officially are made of this 11IIltorll\I Its fhore \1 us lL sudden slnUel o( formula is a gOl ernment secret and wheels IIUU Ollt Into the open rushed I ngilluci or France \I oulu give thous a batter) o[ hOI se artillery 1'he war lIudK o[ donllrs to possess It \horses (11 Ivon ut healllong speed,

I he objection o[ the Inflammability lIlundClClI over the uno,cn ground Ige, he o[ th() lI[ting PO\\ e! hus ulso boen nt rllcitlg pllce llllgl I to 01 (Jlcome 1 ho PO\\ O! of the onllnar) Tile gun currlages almost Ilfteu ,se jar h)drogcn glls In ull Its 'lIrlous forms frolll the ground b) the hendlong cen I as has heen Jl\ulllplled threc[ohl by II new rllHh hounced 0\ er the brolton sur JOenace go\Crnlllcnt chellllcnl lllborator) rhls ( fllce \\hlle guns wero tralnell

I fnct ile gas has nlso the cnormous aUlllntagetl thelll from e\ er) angle \\ hile slums 110 "I1YS o[ helng ahsol Itely lion Intlllllllllllhie wero hurst!ng round thelll I Irth of Dr Graves expresscs the opinion Stm tho guuners rotle bravoly on \IIII' "s thut ueroplanes cannot lllo,e success through that alalnnche o[ destruc r th hllso fill III attllcks Ilpon Zeppelins "eoause t!on-;It \\lIS Britain at her best " np lor the Zeppelins cnn rlso to II nluch lhc) reached tho llllglo they had It II for grellter height t hc) don t hiLI e to mced for llnel the guus shpped In 0 III cousts dill I hev slnl\lh dump overbourd Ict!on IS thoug I Il \\ere II trlill day 111 under some ot t11~ nl'w exploshe of the Gor at thc CUlrngh camp • I .. oolt to I III In gOI etnlllent these lIell chemicals The hlg gun 0[ the euem) \I It It

It to he h IIlng the 11IQjlellY o[ Kolllllg all lire Its long urlln of horses tame [rom t HOII[l~ I1l1yil IlIg thIlt tho, hit 'I hey are hohlnll the SCI con o[ hills to cross unil clIII slmpl) till owing something Ilt the eltJ the secoud gAp fiunket! hy 11 squad I Icing or of 1 ondol\ Anll rOlllembe! that of (nvalry lut II10ng IIhenever ono o[ the new Gelmall ex Ihen the Hald lrtllle!y spolle Its tilL I htll 1.losl\os strll,(s (onilaglntioll llcglns doep tonell grol\lIng scarcely hounl ple( ell or I he Inpllncse pm II Dr (,rn, es umillst the Ileafening tlnmuor that ) owneel Rtllt~A Is a hogoy dollberatel) lllnnu WIlS shnlllng tho IIhole hnttle (rant cds stool laclured hy the Liermlln go,crnnwnt like the booming of brcahers on cliff .'r lillie to I eep \n!()rlcll Il hunds [ull In tho Clowned coa~ts Shell folloll cd shoJI

.Ie of th~ (\Pllt. of ~he comlllg gllloPOllll \lar It \~Ill lightning speet! anu lleadly a~

Lucas who eHed a few t!1I)S ago-\luS \f.ter thl~ gravo \larning the Heu Immuulatolv promoted Heutenllnt nnd te lint co nllnaml ell the torrotlzed a\l luuell the Victoria Cross, being tho hostllges Immediately to deHvel to first to \, In that much co, eted decora him 200 \I atches lOO alnrm clocks tion, nlthough, 0\1 Ing to lhree otlte. Ilnu 228 [lIr caps, the deficiency in o([\COIS I)olng ot scnlor rank, ho wns the figures to be cODlpensated [or hy to leCf.'\C It frO:11 Quecll Victoria a pa)1l1eut of 100 wurks (£0) l·or

:'!nn~ a gullnnt ueed on lant! ant! nrllc1e sell. hns sinco thnt dny, june ,n, 1854, While tillS t!ccree \\as In coursc o[ lJeen dnly re\\ aruell b) the bosto\\ (II execution Ucutenan 1 ,on Lounltz or of the little l\[,tltese Cross or bronze dered hIS breaklast In tho 11101111 of \~hlch hears the slmplc inscrlptiun, \\ hlch t1gured 2 lb o( snlmon unu rot Vulour tlll:ee boltles o[ cognac, and also Tho VIctoria ClOSS lind Its orlgl:1 III eal.fast ror thi! 10\\ er ranks \\ ho

In the Crlmenn War anll \'ins Vllm \lere to be trenten to the IIIll1t Jlum arlly IlItenueri to ho confelrell UPOII ber of courses lI!th tho exceplton o[ jU:llor commissioned Of[JCClS uocl tho the dcllclous sulmou As, 1I0llcver Innle unci tile Nelthel ran t, length o[ thCle "as not lin ounce at snlmou SCI I Ir c \I oUlI(ls nor IllJ) circum ohtlllnllhie throughout Ole longth nnd stnnccs \\hntsoever cnn qualify [or hrclldth o[ the town of 1-.onln the this noblo hat!ge sa\ e a lersonnl nct lieutenant .;rnclousl~ conde cellllecl of. signal Imn en perfor/no(1 In tho t9 delole this Item [rom thc menu

A good deal hns been \\ rltten ubout IIlnco \lId the 1 rlple L ntentl thlJ tho terms to be Imposed on llollllllny Gerlllll1\ prophet prelllct"!1 a blod Ide when the tlmo comes to mal.e IJeac3 of Ihe Nortil S. Il b) the iliitish 1I11l1 It Is Interesting to know, 'Hites the Fle11ol\ fieels, the llItelventlo11 01 J,onuon corresponllent or the Scots Denlllarl, which \\ auld necos~ltn ) tho man wll It the GIlrmulls thelllsel\ es, detllchment O[ a Germllll IlIlll) COIl'" II hen looltlng fonl nru to this \\ II', tn keep \\ Itch on thnt country, a thought \\ould bo the Jlrlce the) IloulLl I )uble re,olt In l'lussl In ]>ol\l1(t lind hll\ e to ]lIlY In Lbo CI ent of deCent In In "saee Lorraine a "ar "hleh the Intest numher to hund o( the might last six mouths ,Inu couse Frellch colon I 11 org \l\ Lu uepeche quentl) a clo[enSII e II III 0 I tho PUI L Colonlllle, there is republlshcel Ull Ir of L rIlnce on her eastern frontier, Ucle which nPllellretl 111 tho columns the Illuding or a British urlll) o[ I~O oC thllt .lomn 11 Just six ,cars Igo In 000 ilion commanded h, ::lit John Soptembel,1008 In l\J11I \rllciO a call I~reneh lIn uttack h) nn enolll) of a tributor tellilrte(1 II comOl"lItlon 10 quarter of u. mllllo[ ilnsslnns In I nst hull hlld "Ith a high Gorman pel ~on I l'ruRola II I ell Germany 1'i oulu be can nge on the ll\ospeCls of n Lmopean tent to l\C a I the detensil e "It 1 \lnr, and some or the statoments theu three lrmy corps the \lcll.lwess of tho aclvlIllcClI malte 11Istrllclilo lealling at s Ipport given b) ltnly 10 tbe Irlplo the present lime litis high Germ m \l!iuncll, !lnd Ii r'volt in GelWlln \\ est personuge -speal,lng It \I 1I1 be re \ ftlcl\ mombercll six ,ears ngo-suld tit It ID I If the IV II were to la~t longer thlln Gcrlllln, \\111 WAS expected to brol\l'1 six months the opinion II IS eXIUCHsed out In fi,o J CIIS time Ihe nlllltnry tllllt (,er1l1uuy "oulll hI) Illlned anu ltlthOlltles "ere not If ul) [O! It [It Ilhc terms to \lhlch 8ho mll'ht h lie to tho moment bllt the) c IIClllalccl t1ll\t sllhmll \I hor pillns misl II rlell 1\1 I,) In Jhe Jcars the) would he lead~ tu ~tl ollt liS fu1l0lls fhe restorntlon o[ heat llOth 1 lance 011 I(lnd \11(1 tills ~Ict~ \tid I Hrlille to I rllll( e the ne I eountry ou the S01\ I tnlizntion o[ \IHIICO uudel the 111113 01

p osenco of tho enemy The deeora When the brealefas t \las o,er a tlon \\ ns InslitutclI by Quc(:n Victoria pnrnde \'i as orgunlzed III the lUlllket In 18i6, the Prince Consort bOlllg it plae e the malll feuture or \I hlch can Is Hnlu, its orglnatc nnu the dcslgner .slste(l' ~In I ho soldlC! s sl!mdlng orect of. the Insignia of It "ttll loabcu rlfLeH uuel revorently sal

Elich Vlctorln cross IR mado fran. uUng LiClltenunt ,on Lllunltz who, bron~c "hlch once [ormcd pUI t of Inehrluted almost to bhndaess u) the soma Rus Inn guns caplurcll dmlng cognac was mlliling cOlllnlHlve, the crlmeall War uut! although the though pompous and haas trill mOl e medu1 Itself Is Ir.trlnslcnlly "orlll ments on his horse aile sup Is III hluff Illd occaslonllllv JlIplIll cumc) the little bund o[ Dlltis 1

It \lho 111 lllust bll ru\\nrdllll fOI keeping up the gUIIllers slipping round their gUns I the Ger bluff I et me (mphaslze with alllluo IIlth catlllto aclt\ltJ nnd coolness .CHIII of knowledgc of the uhlllllists feurs tlmt I ho sljuad or ca\alry III the gap xplnsl,es the United StnteR need nelOI fenl the fclt the hall hnll lInll men lind (IUestlon, 'ello\l Peril liS 101lg all she docs not I oraos II ent dow n In tangled he,lps Island to nlliagolll~e Ole (Iomltluut pOllers of 'Iha enelll) tried 'lIl1lly to rush rur pe the hlg gun ueross the min grounu

, f~e In(Olmullon as to tho danger to the sa[et~ o~ tho hills nhead fho \lhleh Dr Grll\es suhl threatened horscs wont down and the men "Ith the I ollh illidge \IllS gil en In return them tholl lIko hnmmols on an an for }Jnghlllll s fUll treutment o[ me I II the shells fell UpOll tho long grav Ilurlng m~ trllll O[ tho events which gun thnt hrullPs had built t01 the precedell his nrresb he SA\S siege of 1'1\rls uutil it la) a useless

'xl.lllncd e " rller or I \\ell

.... Gelman, ;;"f hud r-t 0 out Uulng Iu. ~Iurch 1 al rl\ec1 In 111nSH of ste_e_I' ___ ---'_.:...-

ouly ahoht fourpence hal[ penuy II In the midst or til.' m Ignlllcent number o[ them hale heen sold ul operatlon uml all the gralllieur lit sales fOI C100 allu 0\01 'lhe \\I~ tending It a [unCIal procession "US nlng or the Vlctoriu cross cnnlcs \Ill observet! III the distance I ho (,er Ann .Ily.of. £10, \\hlcll may be In mans toolt this to be n company o[ crollseU to ;C50 payallle qUill terlv, to Cossacl,s anll lIe(1 Iq great panic to all (,xcept offlcers, hut Including thoso getller "It'\ their drunlten command who hn' c risen [rom the rnnles or to a vlllago closo hy

lI[cntlon o[ th" [act thut tho, cam Here the) composed thelllsell eL aml palgn "hlch jl!ovldod most Victoria oommencod a IIgOIOU5 11l\lllllermg Crosses "liS lho Indian ~Iutlll) re campnlgn HlI\ Illg paclwd all their

Inds one thnt soveral boys have se spoils on ,ans tIley weI e JIISt 11lllk cureu the medal [or vnlor '1 here" as IlIg the flnal prepartlllOllS fOI theit Bugle! Hawthorne of the Fifty So'.) glorious llepllltmc "hen he. \I ere and Light fn[untry, who galluntly sudelenly Illlpeued by an 11lIPonolillbly

In tltelr autlClpllleci 10 IIlllesl o[ I I I'r111cI' I'lecled hy the I est or I I r r'l rmco tlte) \\ ere H11~ Ing on the upc thl restul ttlon or SchleHIII[( L'rench lellglolls alld political dlRsou Holstein to Denmarle It "lIr Inde1l1 slons on the spirit o[ anti 111111i11118111 1111\ or Ion 1l111hOIl~ to 1IIIIIIe "oul.1 all 1I11 IllOclllullltlon of 1\ generul!.IIS0 I Ike aIEL ro!;olanll nllll the ClIllI strlltO Il) thn I ahol F ",.Imallon It eroons Ihe Sill ronde! to l ra It Britni 1 tho outhreult of. ar on lito JlI)\~\In,lot W,sl Afri(1I Il<lIgoillllll hall lind mOlul (Ieeadellce o[ Ih< I J(mch I dozl n Germ 111 battleships Inu II uozeL Oll tho dlsorganlzml (oUllillolI 01 thoh GI rllllln clulscrs II IIal Inlcmnlty o[ urmy Iud lIa\~ on the padllr eltnl I tOO millions from Gl'flllllll\ 111111 Aus ncter o[ most oC thell clluc \tlOlllsts tl to 1111 sin AIIII other monlllclI nlld au tho ren olt o[ the nAtil es In I tlolls o[ l,ermnn' s ellsleJn frontiers the I'rench col01l1os Tt \Ins admitted Iii mAJ be douhted (condllclos th, ho" 01 el that thcre W IS 1lI0thel sld~ I • Oil espollllclH I) If (,l r1l11nl "III got to the I'lct 110 lu tho clent oC \\nr I cfr so lightly as lI\lS nnnnelllll~ "hen betll eon the pall cr~ or the 1111111 \I th. timo eomos lor settlement

Espionage of the Enemy

Hov the Germans Rcce.ve Informa tlon In the Flelll

airing Airship in Clouds

Breathless FC(Jt Two Thousand Fc~t Above the Sca, Dur1l19 Channel

Patrol rr I Ho a 01 rill an lOll that PO\\ erful

Ross Rifles trlec.! to sa, e Lleut SlIlIteld at the dense colml o[ smolte' coming nenr~~ blowing In of the Cashmel e Gnte at and nellrer to their ranks

rsplOlIlIgo plaJ s 1 1111 ge IJllrt III the conlluct of ",Ir hy the (,01 mnns

Ill!! would exe(uted

s lit Port • \(11' Illeso ICC 11111 In ongl~ clr \VOl kings

]'.lInburgh ullll pill up at tho old Hed Cord 1Iotel all prince s slreot n quiet selol t SeoWah hostelry I reglaloreu under my qnasl correct l\Illlle o[ A h Grnvcs M D furo Australln My stnnl \~us to conve~ the ImpI esslon

o[ ho ng Iln Auatrnlllln pili sle'nn tnlt Ing additional post graduntc CO\1lse~ it the fUl110US ScottisH ~eat o[ meulcnl leurnlng Art()\ Il [e" do)s losldenco lit t he BeMaI'd I Instulled lll) soH In plilate rlunrtels at a !lIra l\LlIcleo(1 s J Cralgloa Drllo edlnhurgh 1 he ordillar) expense prol1(led fOl illY Ie sltll1ntlal I}lIarlerll was $75 It \\ eelt I his of COllrse did not Includo ox II as such ns entertaining motols

Factory at Quebec Working Night and DeIhl on the morning of September rhlnltlng It was the effecl or J!;lIn o

Day and Cundays 14 1857 nIHI It \vas at DeIhl that of the appro~chlng cossaclts thoy 1'01 the Illst tlmo the Hoss nfie [IIC ~oung Dugler Wlllltnil sutton on the ngalll fied In teHOl loavlng onlJ

tory hilS startell SundllY \\ollt, besides me of the assnult o[ Nelhl, vo' untar chellply bought booty belllml them \lolltlng nlgl t lind t!IY "eek dll)s to i1v went c1oso up to the \lnlls to as Moantime out ot tho mnss of' Slllolte get ahea(1 with the contmct for a hun certain the StlltO of tho brench lIe nalvel) emerged II her(1 of Innocent

'rhey hllvo c\ Idcnll) ncvel forgo ten the saJlng of} rederlclt the Grcllt

Whon MIIIsh(ll Saublso goes to I~ n! hr Is 10110\\ ell b) 11 ltUIHh ell cooles When 1 tako the !lelr! 1 11m PI ec( ded b~ It humlt od "pies

1111 mill \\ho "all,cll 0\1 I Nllgllll\ on L light I ope 11111 hnvo to tlkc a. buclt sent In fn Hlr o[ 0111 Intlopld nalnloilmcn Hero IS the onlel ,I ne count 01 l\ II"ed tho b 110 lllluglualion o[ Ivhlt h tulee aile s brenUI uwa) On onc oClu-lon t!urlng one of the IIItH'llp PUIlOls Il became eceSAlIr~ to l hangtl u propeller bl ule o[ aile 01 the (n glnes 1 ho c Iptaln fearoll II "ou1<1 he neceSHU ry to Ilcscent! (or thll; 1I\I11HlSL , but t\\O of the 010" Illlmecilatch ~ol untemed to curlY out this IlIfficult task In the ulr unll climbing ant on to the lIm( Iwt earn Ing the PIOlwllol' sh I[ling thcy complcteu the hazlIlIl ous work of. chnnglng the pi Opl IInl S

bln(lc t"o thou8l1n.1 fOllt IIhnll Ihe sen

odeI'll rt st (111.1 to 1I[f11 I( nth I.lon Its II ollid I e ttmupt to

died thousand rilles which it Ilas just succeeded uIHI by tho whole regl en receilcu flam tho British gOlcrlllllent hlent was elected [01 the Victoria A (ew dn)s laler three German of anll II I Ich elllls for c0111phlte Qross Uko Huwthorne, ho "ns fleers came to Konln, alld nftor In In thll s]lnco o[ a ~ oar There mere lad I" vestlgatlng the III ave exploits o[ lIhout 800 olllplo~ ees at e (lleltoryl Lntel nt Cn" npore, wc nUll IJrn:Jl Lleuten,mt, on J"nunltz returned the nncl this number wlll be '!lU1UUI, III 01' TholllllS l'lInll o[ the Sixly fur caps r.nd some or the other plun

t1n~ chap I "Ith the "l0'\ I On lrongh l to rmal\ "(lr to hi Ing

antl( relll rmn 11 \1 II r gadlt hal

the 111 ultlm

\\arshlptl lIlsclf '\\lIS vltll a sec captliin of cled on no thnugh he orfh 1111 In AeCOr(\lng

4\lberatlll) all 1~11lper illing how

to stund l[ trouble , bring tho Wllr says

/~ll!hgorous y loarln.}.; ""l when \ the I orge le(OIc him

Ite Imew 1loml('s op lIt(! \\ould a tlllte mself th

.)~t.l1Il cold 1'lIlch plllll ." -lied nlllon

ele For lhe Ihat fortnight I quict1y

toolt lll) bearings crenling a sugges tion thnt I II ns n semllnvlllld lIav Ing by this timo ramlllnrized m)l!el "Ith Edlnblllgh IInu surraUIlIlings H1IHlo Irclluent tllps to the r\rth of lorlh upon IIh!ch \\IIS lOCAted the !loSS) til base NOli aCI08S the I'll th there Is 11 long hrhlge It Is het w cen tho Hossyth baso lind the NO! th Sell \Val ships going to Ilud flam Ihe I\llvni ~tntlon pas8 undo It ButlllOle about this hrhlgo Intm-somethlng for the henefit 01 the gngllsh admitllity

GlIl(luully 1 WOllw(1 lIl)sclf Into tho conlhlenco o[ one o[ the bridge hecp CIS I shllllnot glvo lho man s nnme [or to do so "auld be to Injure hllll and !Julto unwillingly he gll~e me [ac mtlcs for studying tho naval Imse and furnished me with scraps or Intorm:!. tion that 1 \lante(lto Iwo\\ l~or thlH he locolved no monel nnll ho WllS not n trailor lo Ills country 'l'hrollgh til llLUe IIcllunlntnnce 1 Stl uClt up him I \Ina nhle to make n stt1(ly o[ the bridge ami Ils structure-1\ strategic point the Ilildgo Also, through the offices ot my good friend the heepor t was Introduced to soma o[ his pals "In the \lntmguartl Be causo or my Inllmnte Iwowleuge of Bohble Burns Waltm Scott Inside' hlstorv of 1'rlnco Charlie und-ahem -SeoWsll<- proclivity for a whlslty U~oy accepted me us n Scolchmnn

- 'I~rom the walergu(llli more Ilonnitc In [orlllu

Julin calc Ism 'plo\ent n r Graves

the Rossyth baso So Illiletl.' to\lographlcal knowledge ollly bo obtained aonlnet \v Ith mOll ~!~~."I,\CI~~~,I overy Inch of the· bnclt In Borlll' could thnt\. oxncl In formutlon

enllfiq diUIl o[ tho

erclIHccl unll! thm 0 u fOUlllI Soulh StlllToHlshlre Ueglmeut, lIer to the 0\\ nors who hau so qulelt1y Iioublo that number, actually ch uglng the guns of th delivered til em In response to the shortly after the new) eur The rlfio robels wllh tbe shOI t sworll, the Heuten:1nL s t1l1eutenlng decree clemn HIed b) tho Imperl\lI nuthorltle~ or his ranlc, with ,\'111cl! he is tho SlllllO US IssuCll to the Cnnadlan In hand to hand combat two slahml t conttngent Extcnsl\ e at!dlllons nro gunnors being Illlule to tho [uctory In a [ell Inre lllstallces the Vlatorle

Cross has lleeu ,~on by more thaI one

Britain's New Lighthouse T 10 h\tesl hlg fent or the light

ho Ise englneQr III Blltlsh waters ig the building of tho now towel on the l"nstnot Hoclt a SI11I\I\ IjJnnacle of'" tho coast at IrelalHl

It cost;)O less thun $2100 000 though It shou\(\ be addod that In this \lom Is includeu the expenses o[ n speclul stcall101 that" as bulit to car

tho stonc blocl." to tho rock The hOI 0 Is given b II serlos of lucan

delSccillti burnel s jlroduclng lL po" or candles By means of mlr

Is Intensilled and coneon to a single IInsll o[ 760000

lind capable ot bolng night twonty miles

memhe! or a family 'lhe most con splcuous case Is that o[ the Goug 1 family. \vlllcl! can boast of threo Vic tal In crosses~Gen Sir C S GOUg}1 Gen Sir H IT Gon&;1l and Lleutennnt Colonel J D Gough '"The first two \I ere lJr1'lUleIB, and the last named Is a son or the second lIlajor Gen E JI Sartorlous and Col It W Sallorlous provide nnothOl Instance of brothnrs winning tllo decoration Another In stance of a fnllle~ IIml son \\ Inning the cross IS seen In Lord Rolll'rts nn,l 1110 gallant son Lleut the Hon r II S Roberts \\ho lost hIs life ill gaining the V1Lcorin OIOSS at tbe battlo of Col enso -


t heso asser ; Teutonic been given lL1osoplllcnl .: cllssoetlng 'tiut undor 1)'1 prnctlcul If material :Inllsl Is In ult \J In con

the 1)n80, 1 obLtllnod 1lY lm'l!nllrl.11 wllh Illgh placod ~I;~~~~~~~, -of rice I s nnll onglneers at·.1 -whom I entertained at

r\ osc;cnt

• • • •

Imleed until nbout tl\ont~ YlalG ago there \\ as 1 IJI\rI\graph In th,lr J'lold Sen Ice Regulutlons directing thllt the servlco of plotectlon In tho fielll outposts ,mIl mh anceci gu 11.111 s, should alII a) s be supplemE'nted by 11 B) stem or esplonllge rhough such Instructions lire 110 longer mllde llUb lic lho Germans, as Is "ell I,no\\ n, stili cnll ~ thom Into ortect

I\pllrt [10m the more oltbor,tto ar I angonlents which \\ ero made in peace tlmo for ohtalnlng InlolmaUon by pnlcl agents some or tho methods being em pIa) ed f.O! the collection or C01\\ C) IIlIce or Intelligence are as [01 10\\ s

~len 11l plaillclothes Slg11111 to the Gennan lines from points In tllC Illmds of the onen1y by mellns or col med lights I\t night ami puffs of smol.e from chl111ne) s by da~

Pseudo labolers WOlltlng In tho Ilelcls hetween tho Irmles llIlvo !Jeen deteclod conve) 1-;; infm nllltion allu persons in plain elolhos I ave acted 118

r.l\\aneeel scouts to the (,Clman CllI lliry "hcn advancing

Gcrmnn officers 1I11(1 solulers In pluln clothes or 111 ,b'! oneh or British unl[orms havo remained In loenll Co,aouatell by the Germans 111 orclC)r [lllllish t!l1m with l1ltell\gence

German spy Nearly Fooled Parisians 1\ thll1l1ng Sill stor, hns just com~

to light 1n pnrls \I Ith the cnplln e and execution of a Gormdn, who repI esentell himself I\S thn French Ilvlator Gilbert

rhe spy, It tleems, sot ont frol:l ntwcrp uressell in the logulatioa lulor ~ outfit of the l'ronch ll!mV,

and with nll of the necessnr) _pnpers

Ihls is In oxt :Ict 110m III I((ount o[ the opel atlons of OUI Illt\ al "It men communlcr ted hy th" secletuI) o! tho udmilull~ to tho pless hlllCUIl 1ho r~­port statCH thut dllling thn conrso or the war the Ro), \I NUlnl Air 'len Icc} -nal II "Ing oC lhe Ho,1I1 Ilyln!j" Corps-has not heen Idle IIIShlpso, aeroplan()s Ilml seaplanes ha\ Ing

their ,alne In nUIll, nnderta\t \Vh 0 tlto J:xpe(lItlonlr~ POlcct

"as uelllg mOl e.1 ahloacl U stlonlt pltlol to tho eU8t\\1I111 or tho SUnltfj of Dover was undertnlwn hy hath sell. plan"s and airship" o[ the Nal al AI~ Serdco 'f 1e ultshlps romainol1 steat!­lIy patrolling ~elwClJn lIul J rcncll anlt lJngllsh eonsts sonlClimes Cor twelvo honrs on end whllo [lIrther to lhe e 1St 1\ IIh the ass\stnnce o[ the Bel

Illllhc,rltles a temporary eaplanl! LLI •• " was eH[ahllsh,,1I at ostend l\ml a pahol k~r t up \I Ith se tplanes hN" eon this place and tho English coast Ollpa­Sltl' Ih this me Ins It \\US Imposslhle [or the enenl) s ships to alJpronch tho Etrnits wlthont III Ing Seen fOl many miles

Acre of Wheat for Empire

to plove ~lllentlt, As u rcsult, tho a "ere unfamlllar wi

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-"1-- _-.-

THE FARMERS' STORE -Just Received-New Stock of Boots & Shoes Thoy al'e !I. fille lot - Compn!'e Ol1l' IJ1'icos IJcfol'O sCIlc1illg awny,

New assortment of Do & Ao Corsets just in They nrc Ilneqlmllcd in qunlity Ulal \ll'ices al'C gunl'alltecd Hight

Garden Seeds of all kinds ~ - - Seeds that will Stand the Test

Part of Ulll' Sprillg Shipment illclmh1s Ladies' Whitewear, Waists Housedresses, Aprons, and Children's Dresses.

Linoleum in 12 feet lengths

Full Line of Groceries ~ ~h'Vays Fresh -

SMITH ·BROS. Successol's to D. G, McGowan,

Telephone No. 39. Rathwell, Man.



The Latest Out - ~ - Nothing To Warp

The Bull Dog Fanning Mill 'Vlld OIlL OIUU1ll'l' -' Gnllt·!tuLucd \'0 lake \Vilr] OaL!l fJuL 01'

13[\I'luy, OaLH !lull \\'hoaL

W. o. BARKWELL AND SON Trehern'e, Man.

---_ .. _--- ----- _ ... -. -_.--- -- -- --- .. -----_._- --------. ---



320 ACRES, being the East. Half of Section ~5! Tp. 5,. Rg. 12, in ~w~n Lake dlstnct, 4 miles . from railway. "

station, 90· miles from Winnipeg. Excellent" rich, I olli)g land, well' wooded, good water. All good farms surrounding._


Executor, 143 Spadina ·Avenue TORONTO

. .... ~ . .

, . o


Barn Struck by Lightning--Horses . Lost In Fire

, , .. . :


1I!l1'1'Y CIIU, or, YIlIICUIIYOI', i!:l \'isitillg relalh'cs here. .

ScilOol sl!u'Led hc.l'o last Mondny um! flliss Staplcs has returlled fL'um hOI' hulidays,

. Sccdillg opcrnLi(1ns arc ill full SWlllg.

The ico iu Lho l·irel· hllS'gulIO out Itlld tho water is liS low as aL mlj~

Limo laBt StllJIlllel·.

Philip 1'1111111111 haR Lhu UUIILI':tcL l'ul"I'l\Ill1iIlH tlw ].llllYSlllil h fUI'I·Y·

\\'0 I'Cgl'et Lhat Lho nbo\'() IIU 11'01 U U lIIt1'oid ably cl'owllull ou L o\' lust wcd,'s i~st\e.-Ell.

" . '

Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Pultl up •• SJtOOO,OOO Surillus •••••• $3,750,000


PRO TEe T·l 0 N Your cash' on hand insures you and y~ur family from want arid privation. Make it eafeo Sal't a Savings Ac­count in this Bank.

G. V. HANNAH, Manager T rcherne, IVlanitoba

,111 .(~ SlOI'1ll wllich pnsscil O\'cr 111)1'0 aL uLonL 8 o'cluck ltu;t lliHht, Lho bnl'll 01' A, Snllu'~, a I'm'mcl' Ii\'illg ftbollt 0110 llIilo west o[ Hath­\l'cll, waf; :;tl'lwk by lighluillg allll burllerl Lo L1lc ground. SO\'CIl

hol'sOS 1\1111 cinc cuw, valucd nlLo· guLhl'l' at, $2,000, \\'CI'C lusL i II tho flumes, which Iljll·l.lad I:!U)'[\ pid Iy as trJ bo beyond Lho cuuLrol 01' Lhc buckl)t In·iglldo which WIIS quicldy 1'01' III C.1. 11[1'. Smnrt clll'riod iUSlll'­lince 011 Lho Luildillg, but IHlIl 110110 Oil Lho slook.

1111', J llS. U ill is Lho los(:r 0 r a fillo lonlJl.


Auction Sale PHO FE::>SlON.\ L CAHDt:l

M I'; 1 l!C'.\ L


--------- ~----

DlL '1'. ,I. I .. DIO"'(' Tho sYlllpaLhy or Lhc eOllllllllllily

ill cx LUIllled Lo LhullI,

E\'cl'yono is nem'ly Lhl'ollgh s~cll­iug wheat aml sOllie 11l1.\·c lIleil· oaLs ill. Ac:lillg ill :lIJUortilllllJC with in~LrlllJ­

DI·. Hazurd, of l'U1'lugu, :tcuum- liollll I'I'UIII I hc pruprietor, ;Johll pallicll by 1'11's, Hazllnl al\ll fllisll TholUpSOII, lilt: lIlIrlUI'!Jigliurl will YCIIIIIII'd, .ll1oLol'ed O\'CI' [1'011\ PorL- sell hy plll.lic llllCliuli 011

)1. 11 .. t', )1 .. l'II"'l'l,il) of )llllllloUIl, JlOIiOl' g'l'lItllllttl',

Oillco atlll u'''iilcllI'C, HO\'lIc :-tl cd. j'hclIw ~I _ 1'I'eLtjf I III I'tl lo gucss wlltlL the \\'cathel' will 1m lO-IIIUI·I'O\\'.

age UI! SUIII.IllY mOl'lling. While Saturday, April 24, '15 l)cl'C Lho lIoulor pCI'fol'mod wlmL "

.' COllllllUlIClllg al 2 p.m.

Illl •. J, ,\, CIIHISTILA'" PII.\'t<Il'irlll 111H1 :-!UI"j.!'COIl, )ll\llilulm )h'llit..'n\

College Uuulllatl'. lHlil'l'~ t'tJl'.lil'ltlill Hlltl l'l",til', Pholle 1111.

Tiro IlIUI11LCI'S or HaLlrwcll Lodge, iSo, 70, '<'., 1\I'e 1'0!]1I0slcu lu IIIlJut ill L111) MIl~I)lIic Hall lit li p.III, I;lml'l' lJCxll:lllUtlllY,

prol'ed Lo IJe two Illluuossful oVem- Lhe fullowing-~i(JIIS, une UII Miss 1'11L1lt1 .LuLimcl' Plll.lol' -Six.octal'o Dominioll 01'- ..

NuLicCll uru ulIL. 'ylll'lls !

Clonn liP YOIII'

"'hen Lho dog Lax slal'ls in 0111'

burgh UIOI'O will IJU l~ big lilllu filldillg owuchl 1'01' all Lllo clogs,

It wUllld bo \'e) y 1mi'll lo pI casu o\'el'ybod~'. SOIllO wuut raill, I)ome SIlOW, 'U1iil 801110 want neiLlier. 'VhaL al'o wo going lo do IIbol\.L i~?

A J110cLi ug of LIJ(J HaLh woll Ton­nis Club was hole! last 'Fl'ida~f o\'cni,l1g nt tho hOl11e of 1\[1'. J. A.

und UIIO UII l\lis!:! !tllby Velll1[tl'll, Llw formel' rOI' II growLh in lhu ~hl'Ollt llm! LIlt) !t~~Lol' l'ulIlo\'al of tho Lon!lils, JJoLh uro doillg nic(Jly.

1\[1'1:1. G, ]{, SYIUS I'ctul'nod fl'l.JlII

Wiullipug on fIlOlll]IIY arlo, spend-.• iug II wcuk \'i~iLillg fdl!lIds uilt! ru-laLh·ull.

He\:. 1'1. Johnstuu, 01' 'Vinllipcg, ol.'ellpic(] Lho pl1lpit again 011 flulI­day last, alld all pl'cscnt npPl'coia-led his !.lcl'l'ices \'eJ'y m\leh. ,

H noLhing happcJ\8 on Sunday ncxllhe choir' [I'OIll ltaLhwell will Cl1l11erOn, All Inst YOllr's

\\,ol'e 1'0-c1eolor.l. 1'10l1luOI'S wishing ue out. A [wol'ions visit did Ilf)~ to plllY in Lhe first schedule' will Ilmteriulize· o\ving to bad l'ollds.

kindly gh'o in Lheir !lamos to ~ho secrutllry, 1\1 iss n. 0 rimo, 011 01'

bdol'e April 30tli. Season t,iokols : gont.'s $,1.50, ladies 50c,.: Thu grollnd hus been put into first·clnss shu pe,

Litt,le DoroLhy HUll tel', who was 011 Lho sick list Il\B~ weok, is l~blo lo , bo'up nnc! lll'Ollnd again.

~f1's. WI11. 'Vhuleh. of Itossell-dale, is visiLing hoI' sisLr)!', l\lrs. '''. 1'11.1.l·ts.

gllll, cenlru lable, a 1'11\ chall', :l.picelJ plu'lol' suit, Cllrpet. ~'lI\[U'L', an,h CUl'baius, l(1cO clll'[nills, ellrtllill' poles,

J)illing l'oom-Sidehoard, OxtOIl' sion laLle, ;) dilling citair\l, eO\11I .. i· IlltLiuJl buok elise, IUllllgl', :; ruckel'S seL glass.wllt·e, Illtlllrl'l'.

Ki Lehon-Holliu uund'lJrt I'allge, ::?-blll'ncI' eoal oil, t;lUl'c "'jLh,u\'oll, kiluholl table ehail'H, Nol\' l'uIILIII'Y washillg 1II11~lliIlC, Ite\\' gllh'llllizl't! Lub, lurge g1'l\l1iL dish PI\llS, 111)111'

CI1I1, pl1llfl, ketLles, l)lLLh Lilli, ::? SelH

JlaL il'OIlS, \\Tingel', () !t11l1PH, HIIYu I t I· "0 ,. t alllp, It 1I11111 )C!. 0 .ellls, l' e.

~lisc()1l1\I1colls-3 bed1'oom fill i Les 2 il'on Led spdngs allll Il\altl'CS~l'H,

::? Loilet set::;, 'lll'ollCl' blinds ill goo!1 shapc, buggy, IlIwn mO\\'CI', abouL .100 shca\'C~s, II qllnllLit,y of hilY [u\l1 SOl\le wood, also IinolcllIll.

Terms-Tell dulltll's 1I11l1 IIllde!' cash ; o\'(~r that allloll.llt u1'l'diL will bo gi\'ell IIntil Odouel' lG.ulI fll\,'

nishillg approvod joiub BoLes lJem'­

,,' .• \. ~I O'LT, ;l1.D.

Cot'onor BrOHllwny • Ibthwcll. MUD.

Yf:1'ERIN,\HY Hl1rl!f'OllIl1I111h·lIli~t. Onlr,o il1 Smith'!1 LI\4'r\' ~\IIItII't-. 1I".h,d" 11\ ,

OUico phuuu !\o. 17. III~hL p1.IHII', ~1I. :,;1, . Tit I: I 1I,It N I':, ~I'\N

DE;>;'!'.\ J.

. nfl, .\. W. ~I YLES

"I)tllltisL p.n.~., L.II.H, Ullin' In :\Iylr~ :Uul'k. I J I'helill'.

llUlIll"I! U to I:.! 11.111. : 1.!I(ttol' p.lII. i Jt:\t'IIII1I;'S aut! HUlHlny!'> hj UPPOllltlllt'lIt.

btlCCOf't;OI' Lo


OLr}"lG]~H Hnilwny 1\\'0., 'l'rohoruu, MuniLuhu Holiolt.I)I'H (ur Llan CUJllldil\U BUlik or <":1)111

morco, BOlli, or lIauulturr, uutl (or Muulchluli\. 01 i:luIltli Norfulk, A Llnillllel' stOl'ill heil!-:sWllY on

\Vodncsda~' night .ltllCl brought I;iOIllO l;ait~ ~\'hich WIIS lIllleh nppl'e­oi atod by tho lad ics as they W.oI·O gctting short of sort wato)'.

::Ill'. Hobt. Hoss, sell" 01' Dltuphin is visiting his uro~hcl' Ihchie this illg intCl'cst at S' pel' cent. lJor ... ..,..--~ ..... --..,--------

Tho OLlcIrollows and llobclmhs will uLtom! divino' sel'\'iee 'on SIIIl.,. d!l.jL e\'ouing npxt in Lito ,PI'osby: terinJ1 Chul'oh,


R .. J. Simpson IIl\.\"i\lg· l'osUlmrl Lhe


annU111. Nelson Wilson, l'r.A.A, AIICt.,

'1 un L:1l1gsitle st" ,~r i \1\1 i peg

Ji'. Jf •. MJTC'llgLL, B.J\.

ATTOIINEY '\'r f,,\ w: Ollleo III A, Mnrtiu' u~Oucy, Hro!.ltlwu)", 'l'rohoruo

• I I • ••

-.Hlol·UU)'o. S"I":ilO1", Etc. 1.""118 ncgoUlIlc<l

• HIlII I~~tnl CH hnJl(llcd, JiuHnlltl, ~[tln,

.1. ,,', .\lOHHISU~, L,1,.I:.

Have you renewed your . ~Ubs~ription to The'Time

,v 0 ulHlel'stnlll1 that lho ho polieo '(]ool~dt fOl' tho disLrict has 110\\' beell' clonned up IUHI lito

alld 'lli'sLl'iet hus' 01100 11101'0 st!l.l'tod with It cleall Bheet.

'Itt Lim H Hsscll ][~m;c, will ho plcl\seri to sco his ,old cllsLOIII01'8, ._

Ratliwell, Man.

COl'tgh Remedy

u( ,,\1 nctlcJllII Ill, eNI ig- n lid Co" BUll'lf;lCl', Soliel· lOJ', Nvlnl')" Puullc, I'lf', Ollie!) at ~ln})I(oli BI'O"', Tn'hN'lHI, .\I)llOlllt IIICllt~ II'ft willi ~lnlllcn Ihot-l. \\illl'c('l'irtlllloJl1I'l ultClllloll.

=~=-=--=.-=-= .. -=.=.~=-.=--====== .\I,[o'll!;lI M.\ H'L'IN

Hl'lIl E~lnlu, :\lol'lgllg'(l lliul 11I~t1I'HIlt.·O .. \U'CIiI. HCIH'Chont IlIg I'l!\'t'L'ui o( thu bost 1.oan (1IHI fll· .. m'jUICU C'OllllUlliios. -_. COI1lIllI&ilonCl', UIlIt.'o Bl'Ujul WilY •

, '

. The Childron'a Favorito . ... CURBS·"

Ooughs, Colds, .Croup and ,~ Whooping Cough. I

This romedy II!! (amou" for tt~ C1UM OT81' n ll\rgo part 0 f tho clvlltzod ,,·orll1. t t CAll ~ nhrR),S 110 dopended uJlon. It r.ontnlnrl 110 O(llUm or nthnr hnrn,{ul dnl~ no\l InR$' hI')

. g ven nR c<\DlluouUr to n baby 86 to nu "dult Pl'ice 26, eta; Le.I·go SlzQ; 60 eta.

'lIlt l~ 11I~ Ii ~ J.! 1.0 nu I~ NO. G 1 A. Jt'~ &. A, 1\1. . ~

~It.(!b, 1"I'ifln\' 011 til' IJCtOl(llhf.! (lIl1moOIi III lit" ~1"",llIh: lIilll, 'I'luhcl'Ilc, VI.llIlJlflJrellll·ulI cOltllnll:\' welt-ollie.

\rUI', IlIu •• 1. U, ~tnltltlri, \\~.;\J. H,\\'. 1110,.101111 I.'UI1I"'I\ SecrelUI}'

, ,

LlII\L Lho .. .' IND. 'OJ{UJ~g Ufo' 1)lJlJJ"ELJ~UW1!' "

o o


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• • • •

• • o

e •

N orrolk 1'01' 'l'l'l:h('l'lH! JJudut! Xo. II JIICt~tH in tho l\[nsonte

Hull (.1\ t."'.\" 'rhU1~fluy C\ cliing ut 6 p.m. All OthlCcllu\\'i'i in Icuol1 bl mulllH{ HI'I,) ,,"vic 01110.

J. 1'1lI'k, N. U. 11. ,A • .Adult', Hoc. Sec. ",. _________ --o __ ---'-..c..;...;......,..


nOYNI1 L.O,L. , . 011 'J'\w:;tlny o\·ollln« on 01' 1.io . lit" lHOPlIl1I 1'<l"OIl'~lIull. VMt-.

II1'CII,lIl\\'II),> WCICOlltO, •

• • • 0 ••• • • • • • • ~ 0 •

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