+ gina calhoun carol bailey floyd august 24, 2011 wrap p. a. l. s

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Gina CalhounCarol Bailey Floyd

August 24, 2011


P. A. L. S.


WRAP Wellness





P. A. L. S. Peers





WRAP P. A. L. S. combines the evidenced based practice of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) curriculum with the natural strength and power of peer support and friendship.

-- Matthew Federici

Executive Director, Copeland Center

5+Who are WRAP P. A. L.

S.? P. A. L. S. are Peers who come together to Advocate, Listen, and Support each other with their Wellness Recovery Action Plans and by also using Dr. Mary Ellen Copeland’s educational materials and the Copeland Center’s workshops and trainings.

6+WRAP P. A. L. S.

WRAP P. A. L. S. develop mutual relationships by choice with intention and purpose.


WRAP P.A.L.S. --

a wonderful opportunity for

personal and

interpersonal growth.

8+Difference Between WRAP P. A. L. S.

and WRAP Supporters Your supporter might not have a WRAP.

Some supporters might only help out during rough times.

Other supporters are mutually supportive and do fun things with you.

WRAP P. A. L. S. have fun with you, encourage you, and get together regularly with you to support WRAP development for both of you.

+ 9

WRAP P. A. L. S. and Supporters

WRAP P. A. L. S. might even agree to be a lead supporter for each other.

WRAP P.A.L.S. might agree to coordinate each other’s supporters in difficult times.

+ 10

P. A. L. S. Combinations

husbands and wives

other family members

existing WRAP supporters


any two people who have WRAPs!


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

-- Leo Buscaglia

12+What is the purpose of

WRAP P. A. L. S.?

The goal of the WRAP P. A. L. S. program is for peers to connect who are interested in improving areas of their wellness by supporting each other in implementing WRAP in their daily lives.

13+How to Get Started

If you don’t already have a WRAP, begin to develop one

-- in a WRAP workshop

-- from a book:

Wellness Recovery Action Plan


-- the WRAP correspondence course

-- “Build Your Own WRAP” online

14+Getting Started Together

Take a WRAP workshop together.

Take the correspondence course together.

If one of the P. A. L. S. is a WRAP facilitator, they can help get you started.

Do “Build Your Own WRAP” online at the same time.

Do self-directed study with the books mentioned.

You might even exchange your WRAPs.

15+Being WRAP P. A. L. S.

If you ask someone to be WRAP P.A.L.S. with you and they say no, then you can still be friends.

Once you have determined that you will be WRAP P.A.L.S. with someone, then you can begin deciding how to proceed.


+ P. A. L. S. Celebrate


17+WRAP P. A. L. S.

Agreement It is a good idea to make a P. A. L. S. Agreement to decide what kinds of things will help make your relationship work.

You can call it anything you like – it is simply a list of guidelines for your relationship together.

18+P. A. L. S. Agreement

It is a good idea for your agreement to be a written document agreed upon by the two of you. It is flexible and can be changed at any time. Either one of you can refer to it at any time for consultation or revision.

19+P. A. L. S. Agreement

An agreement is a good place to set up friendly boundaries for your WRAP P. A. L. S. relationship.

+ 20

P. A. L. S. Agreement Examples


meeting in a private place

being familiar with each other’s WRAPs

doing wellness tools and action plans together

unconditional high regard for each other

encouraging and supporting each other

understanding that this is a commitment

meeting regularly

+ 21

P. A. L. S. Agreement Examples

phone calls stop after 9 p.m.

borrowing is not acceptable

staying out of bars

keeping cell phones off during times together

giving each other permission to contact supporters if things get tough

being allowed to be frank and bold with each other

lots of fun!


+ Agreeing to Have Fun!

23+Values and Ethics

The Values and Ethics of WRAP also apply to the concept of WRAP P.A.L.S.

Here are some of them:

There is always hope.

We are equals and treat each other with dignity, compassion, mutual respect, and unconditional high regard.

There are no limits to recovery.

WRAP is voluntary.

24+Values and Ethics

Focus on things you do well.

Avoid the use of clinical, medical, and diagnostic language.

Emphasize strategies that are simple and safe.

You can find more comprehensive information on WRAP’s Values and Ethics on:

mentalhealthrecovery.com & copelandcenter.com


There is a “Personal Bill of Rights” that is part of the WRAP curriculum which can be used very effectively with WRAP P.A.L.S. (see handout)


As WRAP P.A.L.S., you know each other’s WRAPs and can tell when one of you needs for the other to step up and advocate for them.

Advocacy can mean supporting someone while they get up the courage to advocate for themselves.

Advocacy means going for it with courage, persistence, and determination; expressing yourself clearly and calmly until you get what you need for yourself. (from the WRAP curriculum)


You can also learn to advocate with each other about how you develop your WRAP P.A.L.S. relationship as it changes and grows.


One of the best things about being WRAP P.A.L.S. together is that you have a friend who will listen to you without judgment and who is WRAP savvy.

29+Listening Skills

Being interested and curious

Validating each other’s feelings

Asking questions to get clarification

Being non-judgmental

Good and gentle eye contact

Making each other feel understood



Talking and Listening

A great combination!

31+Exchange Listening

Exchange listening is when two people talk to each other for a chosen period of time. Each one starts by telling something good that happened to them lately, talks for however long they have decided about anything they want, and ends by mentioning something they are looking forward to in the future. No advice is given, no comments are made. There are no interruptions.

32+Exchange Listening

The only time you would interrupt someone who is talking during exchange listening is if they were berating themselves over and over. Then you might stop them to give them some words of encouragement.


One of the best ways to be supportive is to build trust and mutuality.

34+Building Trust and Mutuality

Committing to sharing feelings and working through difficult issues

Being validating

Avoiding judgments or evaluations

Being honest about what you can do and can’t do

Being respectful

35+Building Trust and Mutuality

Listening carefully

Taking risks with each other

Sharing strengths and vulnerabilities

Extending patience and kindness

Being willing to be uncomfortable

Asking for help when you need it

36+ P.A.L.S. ConversationQuestion Examples

How are things going for you?

How is this helping you?

What do you like best about our time together?

What changes, if any, would you like to make?

What has changed for you since we began doing this together?

What would enhance our time together?

37+Facilitators as WRAP P.A.L.S.

Can help each other with preparation.

Support and encourage each other.

Make a good team because they are comfortable with each other.

Know each other’s strengths.

Really get to know WRAP in a very personal way with their co-facilitator.

+ 38

Things to Do Together

Watch a sunrise or sunset.

Go to a lecture or concert.

Go canoeing.

Take a hike together.

Go bowling.

Learn a new skill together.

Share wellness tools.


Organizations can help initiate voluntary WRAP

P.A.L.S. programs with the help of the Copeland Center.


Wellness Recovery Action Plan by Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD

WRAP Plus by Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD

Community Links by Shery Mead and Mary Ellen Copeland

Matthew Federici, Mary Ellen Copeland, and Massachusetts WRAP Buddies

celebratepossibilities.blogspot.com – 1,000 Fun Things to Do Challenge


WRAP and Recovery Books provides:

Training Manuals, books, articles and other resources


Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery for:

Speakers, and all levels of Training & Facilitation


Essential Learning Complete selection of online learning options


+ 42

Mary Ellen Copeland - Mental Health Recovery & WRAP®

Mental Health Recovery and WRAP® - Wellness Recovery Action Plan

WRAP Facilitators

Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery

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copyright Copeland Center - 2011

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