+ eop pan african learning community 2007 sacramento state jerry blake, freshmen seminar instructor...

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EOP Pan African Learning Community 2007 Sacramento State

Jerry Blake, Freshmen Seminar InstructorTina Jordan, Reading and Writer InstructorToni Tinker, 39B Tutorial Instructor Boatamo Mosupyoe PH.D, Pan African Studies

+Pan African Learning Community

Some of the Goals for the Learning Community

Demonstrate an understanding of how Pan Africanism is a movement of solidarity among the nations of African.

Demonstrate an understanding of how the Pan African experience constitutes a specific ideology and how it interacts with other ideologies within the United States and throughout the world.

Demonstrate an understand of how Africa’s historical and contemporary events affect people with a common cause and shared struggles globally.

+What is the Evidence Process?

A model for teachers to assess their instructional practice that is grounded in specific artifacts of learning and teaching that comes directly from the classroom--samples of student work, observations of students at work, and teacher created materials.

These artifacts make student learning and how teaching supports that learning more visible through systematic assessment.

+The purpose of the protocol is to provide opportunities for teachers to examine and discuss pieces of student work in a non-judgmental structured conversation.

+Protocol Principles and Outcomes Respectful focus on student work

Deliberate steps in conversation

Deep analytical thinking and reflections of work

Visualize student understanding (with evidence)

Systematic accountability

Reflective about the teaching process

+Protocol Steps in Evaluating Integrative Learning

I. Getting Acquainted—General Assessment Step 1: Introducing the work

Step 2: Clarifying specific goal

Step 3: Looking at the work

Step 4: Pointing out aspects of the work and withholding judgment

Step 5: Valuing the work

Step 6: Raising questions to make thinking visible

+Protocol Steps in Evaluating Integrative Learning

II. Zooming in—Target Assessment

Step 7: Discerning the purpose of the work

Step 8: Revealing disciplinary grounding

Step 9: Revealing Integration

Step 10: Assessing thoughtfulness

+Protocol Steps in Evaluating Integrative Learning III. Stepping Back

Step 11: Hearing from presenting teacher

Step 12: Implications for teaching

Step 13: Reflecting on protocol

+ Assignment for Learning Community

Apartheid in America  

Most people fail to understand the American educational system is relatively similar to the Bantu structure of education that plagued South Africa for so many years. This destructive Apartheid system was designed to be sufficient enough to allow African students to be only employed in low paying jobs. Students of color were not offered the same educational opportunities as white South African students from affluent families. The structure was inferior and racist and produced inadequately prepared students.

 Likewise in the United States, African-American and Latino students lack the skills necessary to function productively in society because of institutionalized racism. For African Americans, students are behind in their skill levels in reading and writing compared to white students. They cannot compete in the workforce today. We should not blame parents as Bill Cosby says. Instead we should place the blame on the racist educational system in America. We need to wake up to the reality that our educational system is Apartheid all over again.

Daniel Adam, Principal of Elk Hill High School

Explain Adam’s position in your own words and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with at least two of his arguments. Support your position, providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations or reading. Be sure to refer to at least two of the readings you were given to prepare for the assignment. Also include supporting ideas, explanation and/ or quotations about the Apartheid system from your class text Soweto Explodes.


+Pan African Learning Community

+Pan African Learning Community

+ Pan African Learning Community

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