· created date: 3/12/2016 10:26:01 am

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Fnom fHE HEAIMASTER St. Mlchaelr s Col1ege,Hitchin, Herts.

Tel: HTTCHIN 2172

Dear Parent,

It ls wlth consj.d.erable negret that I have to teLl ycu that thepag! and. ineneases in cc,sts, partieularly in sllar"ies,obilge us to inerease the fees for tuj-tion and.

.!h" r.eplacement of the sisters by Lay dnmes'bic staff, has.ocnsidenably incneased. e,osts in sa]-an,i-es over the past fiirg mogths*__-'_-but thls ::eplacement had not been fcreseen when th6 levef of feeswas establlshed in Apnil of last year, $imllarly, the recentlynegotiated. lncrease ln the sa.laries of teaehlng siaff has to bepassed. on by an increase 1n fees, Further , t[e d.esire to ad.d.eonsid.erably to the equipment of the llbrary and. laboratcr-ies and.t-c othen _d.epartments of the sehclol, d.emancls a far higher sur.plusthan we d.Lspose of at present.

Fon this sehoc,l yearr we sha1l hardly balance cur bud.get, a1d.we sha1l be upon ad.vances from the' of pri-ests-responsible for the school. We cannot possibly d.evelop the sehoolas we wc'uld ltke to d.o wlthout a consld.enably hlghen iniame. f should.point out that even wlth new j-ncreases 1n intome] the pniests enga.gealn the school will sti1I reeeLve no salary, arrO. ifrat eosts weu1d.-bb-very mueh greater if all the staff hene hacl the remuneration the Burnham Sca1e.

It has been d.eeid.ed^ therefore that we must lnenease oun fees by!irS-followlng^amounts, ln.such a way as to d.eiay rrnii:- septemben-thefull lmpact of this d.ecisiotr.

T*ition I'qeq. senicr school: Tcl be lnereasecl by s2.o.o. per termfrom Easter,and. a fu:r,ther S3. O.0. per term{rc,m $eptember.

Pnep. School: To be iEeneased by 61.0.0. pen termfnom Easters Fees.* To be lncneased by S2.O.O. at Easter,and. by a fr:rther S2.O.O. ln Septernber.

As a result the fees will be established. as follows:-EAsten Term. Tuitlon: Senlor School r.. 9122.0"0,

r . t 915.o.s.r o. S5O.O" O.

Prep, trclE,q_} -and Tttiti.c,n

'A'utumn rerm' ::t3i;;: .:i:ii:T:fixffi: 'i'. . f?2"3.3.rBoard.lng and Tuiticn c r, &6r.0. O.

The reductLr:n of g2.o.o. in the tuition Fees fon a youngerbrother wouId. remain as at present,

Yn:rrrc eJnaa-^'l" {- ^.r* ?^--,i

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