Тарас Кирилюк та Олена Пустовойт — ci workflow у веб-студії

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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Development Team StructureOur Production Team

Problems Back-ups. The only thing for your protection;

creating one thing, you can make a mess somewhere else;

yet we know we can make a minor change in 5 min - we have a

lot of them;

you can’t even imagine how many bugs you’ll meet during the

last testing before deadline;

where is our time?!;

while you don’t have rules - your client gives them to you;

panic during deadline/deploy;

Continuous Integration WorkflowCI - is the practice, in software

engineering, of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day.

What it gives to you:

- better developing processes;

- smooth deploy process;

- deploy is possible every day.

Continuous Integration Workflow

Step 1. Code Driven Development

Step 2. Understanding of how it works





Be lazy

Be productive

The big picture

Step 1

Goodbye old friends!

Step 2

Start working with Console, Learn SSH

Step 3

Learn how to move sites between servers…

1. rsync -avh -e 'ssh -p [port]' [ssh_user]@[server_name]:/path/to/drupal/ ./

2. nano sites/default/settings.php

3. drush sql-drop

4. gunzip < sites/../../../dump_name.mysql.gz | drush sql-cli

Learn how to automate server provisioning

Step 4

Step 5Learn about Vagrant

Step 6

Start working locally



Apache 2.4.x (or Nginx 1.x),

PHP 5.6.x, MySQL 5.5.x, Drush,

Drupal 6.x, 7.x, or 8.x.x.

Other cool stuff:

Varnish 4.x, Apache Solr 4.10.x,

Node.js 0.12,

Selenium, Ruby


XHProf, XDebug, Adminer,

Pimp my Log, MailHog

Step 7

Start using Git and Bitbucket

+ pull requests

+ manual Code review

Step 8

Code driven development

- features

- strongarm

- hook_update_N()

Step 9: STAGE + PROD environment

Step 10: Deploy Continuously1. cd /path/to/docroot

2. drush vset maintenance_mode 1

3. drush bb

4. git pull

5. drush rr

6. drush updb -y

7. drush cc all

8. drush vset maintenance_mode 0

Step 11

1. Check if "$HOSTNAME" == "$CURRENT_HOSTNAME" (run it only on DEV)

2. cp local.settings.php settings.php

3. rsync -avh --delete -e "$SSH_OPT" $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_SERVER:$PATH_TO_SITEROOT/sites/default/files/ ./sites/default/files

4. drush sql-drop -y

5. BASE_DUMP=$(ls -t $PATH_TO_BM_MANUAL/*.mysql.gz | head -1)

6. gunzip < $BASE_DUMP | drush sql-cli

First DEV-STAGE sync script

Step 12

1. Check if "$HOSTNAME" == "$CURRENT_HOSTNAME" (run it only on STAGE)

2. rsync -avh --delete -e "$SSH_OPT"



3. drush sql-drop -y

4. BASE_DUMP=$(ls -t $PATH_TO_BM_MANUAL/*.mysql.gz | head -1)

5. gunzip < $BASE_DUMP | drush sql-cli

First STAGE-PROD sync script

Let's count2 projects at a time

2 servers (STAGE and PROD) on each project to deploy

9 commands to deploy (1 ssh + 8 deploy)

2 * 2 * 9 = 36

Manual actions / day (minimum)

And be sure to don’t mess up anything!

Step 13

Step 14

Scripts improvements

- Move Drupal files to docroot

- Create reinstal.sh

- Move all settings to settings.sh

Testing environment

How to create testing environment?1.Pull files from Bitbucket

2.Get Database dump from STAGE-server

3.Restore database from dump

4.Install Stage File Proxy module (or rsyncfiles folder)

5.Send link somewhere


The Idea!

Step N

Create script to create testing environments

How it works?1.Jenkins checks Bitbucket repo (by schedule)

2.Jenkins merges branches when there is pull request

3.Jenkins runs BASH script after branches are merged


- Create folder

- Copy merged files

- Copy base dump from STAGE-server

- Create database and restore dump

- Install Stage File Proxy module

- Post comment on Bitbucket with the link to created site


Links to the source code:

Local environment (based on Drupal VM):


Tool to create testing environment:


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