初中基础 (2252 期 20150501) 1 版 taron egerton: britains rising star

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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2. Which actor do you think will be the next big star in Britain? Introduce him and his movie(s) to your classmates.


初中基础 (2252 期 20150501) 1 版Taron Egerton: Britain’s rising star

Pre-reading 1. Do you like seeing films about spies or secret

services? Why or why not?

2. Which actor do you think will be the next big star in

Britain? Introduce him and his movie(s) to your


While reading Choose the best answer. 1. Big names such as ________ can be seen in the film


A. Taron Egerton B. Harry Hart

C. Colin Firth D. Hugh Jackman

2. Egerton shows his ________ in Kingsman.

①cleverness good luck talent courage② ③ ④ A. ①② B. ①③

C. ②④ D. ③④



3. Egerton became interested in acting ________.

A. when he was in England

B. during his childhood

C. at the age of fourteen

D. after he joined a theater group

4. The film Kingsman ________.

A. made Egerton scared and tired

B. stars Colin Firth and Hugh Jackman

C. is about how a street boy becomes a spy

D. didn’t take Egerton much time to prepare for



Language study

1. act v. 表演 actor n. 男演员 /actress n. 女演员 active adj. 积极的,活跃的 activity n. 活动2. appear v. 露面,出现 disappear v. 消失 appearance n. 出现;外表

Complete the sentences with act or appear in their

correct forms.

1. She takes an __________ part in different school


2. Lily James is one of the young __________ in Britain.

She __________ well in the film Cinderella.

3. Don’t judge a person by his ______________.

4. The plane took off and _____________ from view.

active activitie

s actresses acts

appearance disappear


Grammar focus

Egerton said the filming of Kingsman was both scary and


句中 both … and … 表示“两者都……”,谓语动词用复数;否定形式为 neither … nor … 表示“两者都不”,谓语动词遵循就近原则,即与 nor后的主语保持一致。

Translate the following sentences.

1. 在下周的晚会上,她既要唱歌,又要跳舞。

2. 老师们和学生们都读过这本故事书。

3. 我和我的父母今晚都不在家。

She will both sing and dance at the evening party next week.

Both teachers and students have read this storybook.

Neither my parents nor I am at home tonight.

After reading Watch the film Kingsman: The Secret Service. What

do you think of Taron Egerton’s performance in the

film? Share your thoughts with your classmates.

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