督視人研考會交流 20150616

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Spectator.do |

Spectator.do | Make our cities much more walkable via the citizens

Taipei Beginner Programmers Meetup 2013 Panasonic (SE)

Co-founder & DesignCo-founder & DevelopmentFreelance Web Developer / P WordPress Restful API Let's write some CODE!0989538528beconomist@gmail.comhttp://www.baowenchen.com0911698926ucheng.wang@gmail.comhttps://blog.alphacamp.co/author/ucheng/

The Problem We Are Solving

1. What's The Problem You Are Solving

Spectator.do is a two-way communications platform for citizens to report non-emergency issues and urban design failures.

And for governments to track, manage, and reply to citizens concerns. Ultimately, we believe it will make our living environment much better through transparency, collaboration, and cooperation.


Uneven sidewalk surface, uncared. A pole stands right in the middle of the sidewalk.

2. Personal Story / User Scenario Urban Failures Are Everywhere Around Us

Those are some examples of potential issues we want to show you.

In this one, a pole stands in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking the pedestrians path.And the right one, there are some rocks on the sidewalk, and nobody cares.

The placement of infrastructure that makes everyone speechless.Fixed, however using only a very limited solution.

2. Personal Story / User Scenario Urban Failures Are Everywhere Around Us

In this one, a tree is fixed onto a electricity pole using a rope, obviously a very limited solution.On this one, the placed position of those transportation infrastructure is so weird that I think it will make everyone speechless.

Yu-Cheng Wang () - maybe skip this slide...

If this is not a design failure, what is it?

2. Personal Story / User Scenario Urban Failures Are Everywhere Around Us

And I wanna ask, if this is not a design failure, what is it?

What Do You Think?I think it sucks.

So tell me, what do you think about those? I think it sucks.

Mayors Mailbox



1999Things Youd Do

Random SNS

Random IM app

3. Why Current Solution Can Not Help

So what are you gonna do?Youd probably want to take a photo right away and share it via your Line app, or Facebook page. But this will only solve your anger, not the problem.You probably wont turn to 110, 119, because nowadays its been said City Mayors Mailbox and 1999 are the most useful tool to report just about ANYTHING.



Yeah, they say anything. But, is that real? Unfortunately, its not. As weve already showed you, some problems are really hard to solve and you just cant rely on current system to automatically solve all of them.

Current System - 1999



Humm, okay.

Gov. Fix

3. Why Current Solution Can Not Help

Lets say, one day youre walking in town and discovered a problem. You pull out your phone and call 1999 immediately. The government come to the site and fixed the problem. You, the reporter, got a notification saying its solved. And you think, humm, okay. But there are several problems.

Main Points1. Lack of connection / discussion among citizens2. Lack of interactions between citizens and government officials3. Lack of openness

1999 -> ->

Text-Only Notifications



3. Why Current Solution Can Not Help

Problem One The notifications are only text-based

Right, current system will notify you when the problem is solved. They will send you Email or SMS to let you know who has solved the problem and when.But those are only text-based message. So, there is no way you can check the real condition of the problem unless you physically visit the site.

UXEmail Email

Urban BugNo Collaboration

3. Why Current Solution Can Not Help

Problem Two No collaborations/discussions.The second problem is there is no collaborations and interactions among users. Even if each reporter reports the same urban bug. they still have no ways to collaborate and discuss with each other. Each of them is like an isolated island. Their power is totally disunited.



Water-proofedBlack & Plain

Water-proofed& Good for beach

Problem Three Differences in Expectations

Lets say this is the problem you want to solve. This is how you think the problem should be solved.And this is how the government actually solved the problem.

Yes, there are differences and currently there is no way for users to interact with the government and make their expectations met.

Ridiculously Close


3. Why Current Solution Can Not Help

3. Lack of opennessAnd the last problem is that the data of current system is locked up and not open for anyone to use.

Our Solution

Yeah. Appsand more

4. Your Proposed Solution

So, our solution is, yeah apps.


Map-basedOpen from the ground up

4. Your Proposed Solution Our app is map-based, and the data is open from the ground up.


Collaboration & Interaction

Collaboration and interaction are built right in each report. Users can discuss and share thoughts with each other.


And you can check before-after photos of each report, making sure the problem is really solved.


Better Living Quality

Performance +Problem Fixed

The Result

4. Your Proposed Solution

The Result: Problems fixed, government performance improved, and our living environment become much better.

Only Three Steps

Only three steps and you are good to go.Discover, report, and well help you fix it.



Currently, we have 14 users, 35 reports, and 216 fans on our facebook fan page.Definitely not a impressive number, but that only says we still have quite a lot of potential.

We Need Your Join

Designers, developers, marketing gurus, or actually talents of all sorts

6. help you need (3 asks) The thing we need is we need your join.No matter you are designers, developers, or marketing gurus, we welcome talents of all sorts.

Lets fix themFor tomorrow.

No matter what kinds of problems we have in the cities today, lets fix them, for tomorrow.




- UX - (fixmystreet.jp) - (fixmystreet.jp)

Spectator.doMake our cities much more walkable via the citizens

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