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© 2011 EliteSoccerPower.com

Developing Power for Soccer

By Mike Grafstein B.Ph.Ed, RMT, YCS

As may or may not know soccer is now a game of power and speed and players of all ages need to train that way. With that in mind I have put together a few exercises for you to use in your training to improve both your speed and power.

You will also find a sample “Power” week of training from Elite Soccer Power.

Soccer Power – Plyometrics ………………………………………………….………..…….………..1

LOWER BODY EXERCISES……………………………………………………….………...………..5 . CORE EXERCISES………………………………………………………………….………....……….9 UPPER BODY EXERCISES……………………………………………………….………..….……..10 EXPLOSIVE EXERCISES…………………………………………………….…….………..………..13 The Starting Point 1 REP MAXIMUM…………………………………….………….………..………14 Sample Power Workout for One Week…………………………………….……….………..……….15


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Developing soccer speed training exercises for power through plyometric exercises is the next logical step

after building a solid strength base.

Soccer is a game of power and speed. This is how we should train for it.

Younger players should be focusing on developing a variety of movement skills.

Remember children as young as eight years old may start a resistance training program by a qualified strength


As children get older there is a logical progression to these exercises.

These "stretch-shortening" exercises (plyometric power soccer exercises) cause a muscle or muscle group to first lengthen (stretch) then contract (shorten) under a load. The simplest example of this is two foot forward hop. The hip, knee and ankle must bend causing the muscles at the back of the hip, front of the knee and back

of the ankle to stretch (lengthen) then shorten (contract) to push off the ground.

It is important that players have the ability to handle landing on either both feet or one foot with their body

weight before they complete more intense power exercises. This is developing "eccentric" strength.

Eccentric strength is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to handle a load while lengthening.

This type of strength is very important to have for the lower body muscles of both male female athletes.

The progression of plyometric soccer speed training exercises for power should be:

1. Jump Up To Box with Soft Landing

2. Jump over Hurdle with Soft Landing

3. Jump over Hurdle with Soft Landing Plus Two Small Hops

4. Continuous Jumping Over hurdles.

It is important that this is completed with two feet, one foot, forward and sideward.

This soccer speed training exercise for power builds a base for more intense power exercises. The player must jump up to the box with a soft landing.


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Players Complete This Exercise With Out Weights.

Jump to Box

Once your player has the ability to land softly on a consistent basis the next step is to have them jump over a hurdle or box and stick a SOFT landing.

Hurdle Jump with Soft Landing

In this exercises the player jumps over the hurdle, sticks a soft landing then repeats four more times. It is important that the landing is SOFT and CONTROLLED!

The hurdle jump with a soft landing prepares you for more intense soccer speed exercises for power.

The third step is to complete the same exercise but add a small hop after the landing before jumping over the next hurdle.


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Finally you can hop over hurdles continuously without stopping in between each hurdle.

The same progression occurs completing the two foot hop/jump sideways.

These exercises lead to jumping back and forth over a box or even a line in the ground

It is important to follow the progressions for these plyometric power soccer exercises for speed training. The athlete must learn to master his/her body.


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Front Squat

1. Start with either a broomstick or a bar with out weights. 2. Hold the bar such that your hands are palm up slightly resting on your shoulder, your elbows are at the height of your shoulders. Te free weights may be at your side 3. Legs at or slightly wider than shoulder length. 4. Sit back then lower your body until you get just past 90 degrees. Knees Do Not Go Past Toes

Box Front Squat

1. Start sitting on box with knee bent and feet flat on the ground. 2. Hold the bar such that your hands are palm up slightly resting on your shoulder, your elbows are at the height of your shoulders. 3. From the seated position stand up. 4. Focus on driving the leg into the ground from your heels.

Knees Do Not Go Past Toes

High Pull

Sumo Squat

1. Stand with knees bent, weights in hands with arms hanging straight. 2. Stand straight up by driving the legs into the ground. 3. At the same time bend the elbows and shoulders to raise the weights in your hands to the level at which your elbows are at the height of your shoulders. You may use dumbbells as shown in the picture or a barbell (like in the picture for the box squat.) Knees Do Not Go Past Toes

Sumo Squat with


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Hanging Weight

1. Stand straight up with feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold weight in hands with arms hanging straight. 2. Lower body down by bending at the hip, knee and ankle until weight touches ground or buttock is just below the knees. 3. Straighten up by driving the heels into the ground


1. Stand with legs at or slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

2. Hold weights in both hands. 3. Step forward such that fight thigh is parallel to the ground and the left shin is parallel to ground. Knee does not touch the ground.

4. Push off with the right heel back to standing position.

Split Squat

1. Stand with feet shoulder with apart and weights in your hands with the arms forward or at your side. 2. Lunge forward with your right leg such that when the right foot contacts the ground the right shin is vertical and the right thigh is parallel to the ground. The left shin is parallel to the ground and the left thigh is vertical. 3. Keep the entire right foot on the ground and the heel of the left foot should be off the ground. 4. Both feet stay in contact with the ground during this exercise. 5. From this position straighten both legs by contracting both the glutes and quad muscles. 6. Complete one set with the right leg forward then repeat the same for the left.


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Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

(Bulgarian Split Squat)

1. Standing facing away from bench. Position bar on back of shoulders or barbells in either 2. Extend leg back and place top of foot on bench. 2. Squat down by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. 4. Return to original standing position by extending hip and knee of forward leg. Repeat. Continue with opposite leg.

Reverse Lunge

1. Stand holding weights at side, palms inward. 2. Step back with one leg until rear knee almost touches floor. 3. Front leg should not extend past toes. 4. Push back up forward to a standing position. 5. Repeat

Single Leg Squat 1. Stand with your feet hip width apart with knees slightly bent and toes pointing forward. 2. Start position: Lift one foot off ground and extend leg forward. Extend arms forward at hip level. 3. Lower your body by bending at the hips and knees. Be sure to “sit back” so that your knees stay over the feet. Keep your head and back straight in a neutral position (hyper-extension or flexion may cause injury). Keep your weight over the middle of the foot and heel, not the toes. Keep your abdominals tight through the exercise by bracing your torso. 4. Once your thigh is slightly above parallel to the floor, return to the start position. That is one repetition.


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Bent Knee Dead Lift Barbell or Dumbbells

1. Stand with your feet at or slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 2. Lower your body down by bending at the hip, knee and ankle with your arms hanging toward the ground. 3. Stop once you either reach the barbell or the thigh is just past parallel to the ground. 4. Grip the barbell. This is the starting position. 5. Straighten the body by driving leg into the ground from the heel. 6. Return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Dead Lift Press

1. Stand with your feet at or slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 2. Lower your body down by bending at the hip, knee and ankle with your arms hanging toward the ground and hands holding hold on to weights. 3. Stop once you either reach the barbell or the thigh is just past parallel to the ground. This is the starting position. 5. Straighten the body by driving leg into the ground from the heel. 6. At the same time press the weights over your head. 7. Return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Glute – Hamstring Lift

1. Lie on your back with glutes (buttocks) on the ground, knee bent and feet up flat on the ground. This is the starting position. 2. Tighten your stomach; tighten the glutes to raise your body off the ground.

3. Lower body to the ground. This is one rep.


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Glute – Hamstring Lift with Stability Ball

1. Lie on your back with glutes (buttocks) on the ground and feet up on the stability ball. This is the starting position. 2. Tighten your stomach; tighten the glutes to raise your body off the ground.

3. Lower body to the ground. This is one rep.

Stability Ball Leg Curl

1. Start by lying on your back so that only your shoulders touch the ground. 2. Body is straight from shoulder to knee. 3. Knees are bent with feet on stability ball. This is the starting position. 4. Straighten out the leg then curl the leg back by bending at the knee. This is one rep


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Prone Plank

1. Place yourself on the floor face down. 2. Place your elbows underneath your shoulder such that the forearm contacts the ground. 3. Raise your body from the ground such that your feet are off the ground except your toes. 4. Tighten your abdominal and buttocks muscle. 5. Hold for ten seconds then repeat.

Side Plank

1. Lie on your side with your elbow underneath your shoulder with your forearm in contact with the floor. 2. Raise your body from the ground such that only the outside of your foot is touching the ground

3. Tighten your abdominal and buttocks muscles to maintain this raised position. 4. Hold for ten seconds ten repeat.

T- Push Up

1. Get into the down position of a pushup. 2. Perform a basic pushup. 3. At the top, lift one hand toward the ceiling while rotating your torso in the same direction so you face to the side. (Your body should resemble a “T”). 4. Return to the starting position


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Bench Press / Floor Bench Press


A 1. Lie on your back, lower a weight to the level of the chest or until the elbows reach shoulder height. 2. Push the weight back up until the arm is straight. 3. This is one rep Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the up


1. Lie on your back, lower a weight until your arm touches the ground. 2. Push the weight back up until the arm is straight. 3. This is one rep

Bench / Floor Flies


A 1. Hold one weight/band in each hand with your palms facing forward, and don't grip it too tightly. Extend your arms out to your sides in line with your chest. Do not lock your elbows at any time during the exercise.

2. While exhaling, bring both arms up in front of your chest, making your arms extended (but don't lock your elbows) during the entire movement. Do not lift your head or shoulders during the movement. Meet your hands directly in front of your chest and squeeze your chest muscles.

While inhaling, lower your

arms back out to your sides.

Same for B except lower arms until they touch the floor

Dumbbell / Barbell Bent Over Rows

A B 1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and get in an area where you have a good amount of room. 2. Bend forward at your waist so that your chest is leaning forward over your feet (B) or place one leg forward (A). Keep your

knees slightly bent and your feet just beyond shoulder width apart. 3. Start with your arms fully extended, allowing the dumbbells hang straight down at about mid-shin level. Hold the dumbbells so that your thumbs point in toward one another (A).

4. Next, lift or „row‟ the dumbbells up and into your stomach area. 5. Return to the start position and repeat. Be sure to keep your head up and shoulders back throughout this exercise to keep your back in a firm and stable position.


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Push Up

1. Lie face down 2. Place your hands to either side of your head. 3. Push your body up such that you straighten and the rest of your body straightens out. 4. Maintain this position through out each push up. 5. Lower yourself to the point where your elbows are at the same level of the shoulder. 6. Keep your abdominal and buttocks muscles tight.

Supine Pull Up

1. Lay on back under fixed horizontal bar. Grasp bar with shoulder width underhand grip. 2. Keeping body straight, pull body up to bar. 3. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Repeat This exercise may be done with knees bent and feet flat.

Split Squat Tricep Extension

1. Start with one hip bent forward at 90 degrees and other hip in neural with knee bent and foot behind with toes touching the ground. 2. Start with arms extended above head with weights in both hands. 3. Keep legs same position as you lower the weight behind your head with elbows bending. 5. Once you have let the weights go as far back as possible return to the starting position. Progression: Straighten

legs while straightening arms.


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Lateral Raise

1. Stand with shoulder feet apart. 2. Hold weights in your hands with arms fully extended.

Single Leg Upright Row

1. Start by holding weights in your hands with your arms fully extended. 2. Have a slight bend in one the knee.

This is your starting position. 3. Keeping wrists neutral raise elbows out to the side to shoulder height. TIP: Keep your palms facing straight down

This is your starting point.

3. Raise the weights to just underneath the chin or elbows reach shoulder height.


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Squat Press

1. Start with your knees bent and elbows bent such that either the dumbbells or barbell are at shoulder height.

2. Explode out this position by straightening your legs and arms. 3. Slowly return to the staring position 4. Repeat the steps again

Jump Tucks

1. Start by standing with your legs shoulder width apart. 2. Quickly lower the body by bending at the knees and hips. 3. Next jump straight up and raise your knees to your chest. 4. Land with your hip, knees and ankles bent. 5. As soon as you land jump back into the air.

Jump to Box

1. Place a stable box that is twelve inches high in front of you. 2. Hold a light sandbag or medicine ball in your hands at waist height. 3. Lower your body by bending at the hips, knees and ankles. 4. Push from your feet and jump on to the box with a soft landing. 5. At the same time raise your arms forward. 6. Land on your toes with your hip and knee bent. 7. Step down from the box and repeat. You can do the same with a single leg


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The program is based on primary exercises and secondary exercises.

Primary exercises are the squat, dead lift and bench press. The sets and reps are based a percentage of your 1 rep maximum lift. You must find out your 1 rep maximum for the bench press, squat and deadlift. The 1 Repetition maximum is the most amount of weight you can lift once.

Once you have figured out your 1 rep max you can figure out how much weight you need for your primary exercises. The amount of weight you use for your primary exercises is based on percentage of your 1 rep maximum. Here is the formula for the load of the primary exercises.

Load = Maximum 1 rep multiplied by percentage of max lift

Example: Exercise – Bench Press,

Load – 75% of Max lift Max Lift = 400lbs Load = 400 X 0.75 = 300lbs

The load of the secondary exercises should be a weight that makes the last two to three repetitions very difficult to do. Through out the program you will be given options to modify the program to your needs.


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from Elite Soccer Power

Day 1 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6

1 Tuck Jumps 5 5 5 5 5 5

2a Dead Lift 3 -85% 5-80% 3-90% 5-85% 3-90% 3-85%

2b Floor Bench / Bench Press 3 -85% 5-80% 3-90% 5-85% 3-90% 3-85%

3a Rear Elevated Split Squat 8 8 8

3b Push up 15 15 15

4a Prone Plank (10 sec hold ) 10 10 10 10

4b Bent Over Row 7 7 7

5 Stability Ball Curl 10 10 10

Note: for exercise one rest for 90-120 seconds before continuing on to next set. Finish all sets of exercise one before moving on to the paired exercises.

Day 2 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6

1 Squat Press 3 5 3 5 3 5

2a Floor Bench / Bench Press 3 -85% 3-80% 3-90% 3-85% 3-90% 3-85%

2b Squat 3 -85% 3-80% 3-90% 3-85% 3-90% 3-85%

3a Push up 15 15 15

3b Single Leg Squat - L & R 12 12 12

4a Side Plank L sets 1&3 R sets 2&4 10 10 10 10

4b Supine Pull Up 15 15 15

5 Glute - Ham Hip Lift (10 sec hold) 10 10 10

Note: for exercise one rest for 90-120 seconds before continuing on to next set. Finish all sets of exercise one before moving on to the paired exercises.

Day 3 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6

1 Tuck Jumps 5 3 5 3 5 3

2a Dead Lift 3 -85% 3-80% 3-90% 3-85% 3-90% 3-85%

2b Floor Bench / Bench Press 3 -85% 3-80% 3-90% 3-85% 3-90% 3-85%

3a Rear Elevated Split Squat 8 8 8

3b Push up 15 15 15

4a Prone Plank (10 sec hold) 10 10 10 10

4b Bent Over Row 7 7 7

5 Stability Ball Curl 10 10 10

Note: for exercise one rest for 90-120 seconds before continuing on to next set. Finish all sets of exercise one before moving on to the paired exercises.

For complete program go to EliteSoccerPower.com

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