易错点回顾: 1. 下面短语中的 to 是介词,后面只能跟名词或动名词 : belong...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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易错点回顾:1.下面短语中的 to 是介词,后面只能跟名词或动名词:belong to be used to object to ( 反对 ) look forward to pay attention to refer tosee to ( 负责,注意 ) turn to lead to stick to ( 坚持 )get down to( 着手干…… ) the key todevote oneself/one’s time/energy to ,等。误 His whole family objected to his give up the job.正 His whole family objected to his giving up the job.

2. v + to do afford, agree, attempt, choose, decide, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, wish 等。 V + sb. to doadvise, allow, ask, beg, cause, encourage, expect, forbid,force, get, intend, invite, like, love, order, persuade, prefer, require, teach, tell, want, warn, wish 等。

3. V+ doing :

admit( 承认 ) , appreciate, avoid, can’t help , stand , consider , enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, give up, imagine, insist on, mind, miss (错过) , practice, put off, risk, set about, suggest 等。

[误] He admitted to break the window. [正] He admitted breaking the window.

4. 下列动词既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词,但含义不同: forget to do forget doing regret to do regret doing try to do try doing

[误] He regretted to hurt his best friend. [正] He regretted hurting his best friend.[析]表示 " 后悔干过…… " , regret 后跟动名词。

stop doingstop to do mean to domean doinggo on to dogo on doing

5. 下列短语后跟不带 to 的不定式:

had better

would rather

why not

cannot help but

rather than(而非)

other than(除了)

6. 在 easy, difficult, hard, interesting, pleasant 等形容词后的不定式用主动 形式表示被动含义。

[误] I find the article difficult to be understood.[正] I find the article difficult to understand.

7. 在 be worth, want, need, require 后用动名词 的主动形式表示被动含义。

[误] The plant needs be watered.[正] The plant needs watering. to be watered.

8. 由不及物动词构成不定式且不定式与其有逻辑 上的动宾关系时,动词的后面需加适当的介词 补充说明前面的名词或代词。

[误] He is well prepared for the exam and has nothing to worry.[正] He is well prepared for the exam and has nothing to worry about.

[析] worry 是不及物动词,且与前面的名词有 逻辑上的动宾关系,因此后面需加介词。

9. 变被动加 to:


1.Reading English novels is really great fun.

2.It is hard to make him change his mind.

3.I have just finished doing my homework.

6.Being ill, he went home.

7. I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open.

4. Read many times (=Having been read many times), the story seems much easier.

5. Seen from on the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful.


• The school to be built is intended for the disabled children.

• The school being built is intended for the disabled children.

• The school built last year is intended for the disabled children.

• The school, having been built for two years ,is intended for the disabled children.

The Past ParticipleThe Past Participle

一般来说 , 过去分词含有“完成”或“被动”的双重意义 .一般来说 , 过去分词含有“完成”或“被动”的双重意义 .

B. 被动意义 an honored guestB. 被动意义 an honored guest

A. 完成意义 a retired teacher the risen sun, faded colors, fallen leaves, gone days

A. 完成意义 a retired teacher the risen sun, faded colors, fallen leaves, gone days

left , given1. There will only be standing room left for us next century. 2. The books given are well worth reading.

1. _____ other wives , his wife seems more elegant.2. _____ his wife with other wives, he thinks his

wife is more elegant.

一 习惯搭配:1. covered with 2. lost in thought

3.caught in the rain 4 separated from

5. located 6. seated in

7. dressed in 8. absorbed in

9. compared with

1. Don’t speak until _______ to.(speak)

2. ______ more time, we could do the work much better.(give)

3. _________ by the earthquake, the house had to be rebuilt.(destroy)Because the house had been destroyed by the earthquake, it had to be rebuilt.

Don’t speak until you’re spoken to.

If we were given more time, we could do the work much better.




1. ________________ , the earth is a water--covered globe.( 从太空望去 )

2. _________, it can never be forgotten.( 只要看一次 )

3. The visitors came in, _________

__________________.( 后面跟着一群年轻人 )

Seen from the space

Once seen

a group of young people

followed by

1._______________ with one

hand, he stretches out the other to the boy in the water.

2. _________________ he took out a


3.___________________, he

rushed out of the house.

Holding the rope

Opening the drawer

Having eaten his dinner

4. _________________________ ___________ he never went out in daytime.

5._____________, he was naturally interested in museums.

6. ___________________________ _____________________he took large supplies with him.

Being a student

Fearing that the police would recognize


Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to buy food on the


巩固练习: 1 .( MET'90 ) Most of the artists ____ to t

he party were from South Africa . A . invited B . to invited C . being invited D . has been invited 2 .(上海春 2003 ) Unless ____ to speak ,

you should remain silent at the conference .

A . having invited B . inviting C . being invited D. invited



3 .(上海春 2002 ) When ____ , the museum will   be open to the public next year .

A . completed B . completing C . being completed D . to be   completed

4. ____the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge.

A. To believe B. Believing C. Believed D. Being believed



5. _____ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have

waited 6. "We can' t go out in this weather,"

said Bob, ______ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked



7.He entered college at the age of fifteen, ______four years later at the head of his class.

A. graduated B. to have graduated C. graduating D. to graduate 8. _______ delicious, the noodles _______by

the old man sell well. A. Tasting; making B. To taste;

made C. Tasted; made D. Tasting;




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