american chemical society local section track sunday morning january 24, 2016 martin rudd, 2016...

American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

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American Chemical Society Local Section Track Town Hall Meeting and Wrap Up January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2015 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)


Page 1: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

American Chemical Society

Local Section Track Sunday Morning

January 24, 2016

Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on

Local Section Activities (LSAC)

Page 2: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

American Chemical Society

Local Section Track Sunday Morning

January 24, 2016

Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on

Local Section Activities (LSAC)


8:00 – 8:15 AM Welcome and Agenda for the DayConC Subcommittee on DiversityMember Insurance TrustP3 Award

8:20 – 9:30 AM Team Project: Pulling it Together9:30 – 10:15 AM Collaborative Projects Reports10:15 – 11:00 AM Town Hall Meeting and Wrap-Up

Page 3: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

American Chemical Society

Local Section Track Town Hall Meeting

andWrap Up

January 24, 2016

Martin Rudd, 2015 Chair, Committee on

Local Section Activities (LSAC)

Page 4: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

LIQs (Leadership Institute Questions)

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Great first place to look for your answers (bookmark):

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What’s the difference between a region and a district?

Districts are drawn and approved by Council based on ACS Bylaws and populations within each District. Regions are historic and don’t have to change.  

Page 6: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)

Do all section pay the same for elections and how can we reduce these costs?

Local sections pay differing amounts to hold elections based on the number of ballots needed and the methods of delivery for those ballots.

American Chemical Society 6


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When will elections be able to be held electronically?

YOU CAN! Check your Bylaws. If your Bylaws don’t allow, email [email protected] to begin the process to update them.

GISI => local sections => Elections and Bylaws

Also available: Protocols for Conducting Elections in Divisions and Local Sections

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American Chemical Society 8

Where can I get electronic ACS letterhead and clipart? Go to ACS website (much improved) and search for ACS Branding Guidelines Letterhead (it’s a gold mine for letterhead, logos, PowerPoint templates

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American Chemical Society 9

How do you get copies of insurance forms for ACS section meetings?

Search on ACS website: Special Events Insurance Local section events are covered but you have to ask for it and complete a insurance form.

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American Chemical Society 10

What is the annual cost for the Email Management Service, Real Magnet, for each local section?

The service is available to local sections at no cost. 


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Can ACS National set up webinars for local sections?

How do we learn to set up a webinar for regional activity?

ACS has negotiated discounted rates for local sections to use A+ conferencing. Visit for the contact information.

If you need assistance with setting up your webinar, email [email protected] and a member of the Administrative & Programmatic Technologies Group will assist you with the set-up.American Chemical Society 11

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American Chemical Society 12

Is there a master list available on the website that provides the year that local sections were established?

Thank you for the suggestion. The list is being revised and will be posted on GISI ( 

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Does ACS have good templates for event announcements?

Go to and search for Local Section Public Relations. There are 25 templates for use in all types of announcements.

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How can I get a list of Science Café topics?

At Science Cafés, the web page provides examples of topics that have been hosted and a Science Cafe toolkit.

American Chemical Society 14

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Is there a way to get historical information about my section? This would be part of our 75th anniversary event.

The ACS Office of the Secretary maintains a very limited amount of information about local sections.Many local sections have archives at an “office” location. However, these may not be accessible to the current officers especially if the local section has changed its headquarters.

• American Chemical Society 15

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How can I obtain ACS promotional materials to distribute at ACS events? Ex: membership brochures, etc.

Email [email protected]

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For people who were “student affiliate” members before the change to “student members”, why can’t the previous years of service count for the number of years as a member: I feel like those years should be counted.

A 2009 ACS Bylaw change made undergrads eligible members. Since then, those years of service have counted.

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Do you have a service local sections can use to have webinars such as Go-to-Meeting? We would like to reach members who can’t attend meetings.

ACS suggests A+ Conferencing. A local section can contact them directly and set up an account. There is a discounted rate.

American Chemical Society


Page 19: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)


Does ACS provide supplies for demos, e.g. NCW?

Supplies, no. Promotional materials and supporting educational resources, yes.Typically local sections sponsor an event with supplies.

American Chemical Society


Page 20: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)


Where can one find guidelines for science fair judging?

At search “How to coordinate and conduct a school science fair”. There is also a link to the handbook of International Science and Engineering Fair in the official guidelines.

American Chemical Society 20

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Why did the element mugs stop? I only got H and He. I know lots of people who would even pay extra to keep getting them.

Most recently in 2014, we learned that ACS currently provides members with element anniversary mugs for years 1-5. Contact ACS Member Services at [email protected].

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Page 22: American Chemical Society Local Section Track Sunday Morning January 24, 2016 Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC)


Can I get a list of section chair email addresses?

Email addresses are available in the annual Yellow Book which can be accessed on but the information is password protected.

American Chemical Society 22

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How does a local section get on the rotation to host a regional ACS meeting?

Submit a formal request to the local section chair. Once gaining support from the local section chair a formal Memorandum of Understanding is completed and submitted along with a proposed budget and presented to the Region Board Chair. Email [email protected] to determine the next available meeting year for your region and for more information on the process.American Chemical Society 23

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Does ACS help with surveys of local section membership?

Yes. Email [email protected].

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What is done with information in FORMS? Can FORMS be made more user friendly? It was very difficult to log into this year.

The information from FORMS is used extensively by LSAC to track trends for local sections, and of course to provide nominations for ChemLuminary Awards.

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Can ACS provide development support for online registration and payment systems for local sections?

ACS is looking into this but have not yet found a low-cost option. We recognize the need and will continue to explore.

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• Use the ACS FREE service——to develop a website

• Visit (great page to bookmark )

• Visit the ACS Network (Volunteer Support and Engagement)

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American Chemical Society

Town Hall Meeting Wrap Up

What can we do to make your local section


January 24, 2016

Martin Rudd, 2016 Chair, Committee on

Local Section Activities (LSAC)

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American Chemical Society