all persons holding cash ckcks m$ ..mi...

I HD7ERTI8ERB %!• °°t^ "1 Service flild til Style. Ve aivt I fumimw^ ant tfie Best, J '" 'Jce • VOL. X. NQ.24. MANASSAS, VA.. FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 7, 1904. . For Readers of Ttie Journal. 9 1 81.00 PER ANNUM All Persons Holding Cash Ckcks for Sept. i4th, 1904, may redeem same for cash. Ladies' Skirts, in all styles and colors, from 99o. to $6.00, are now in and our line of Flannellettes, Outings, Skirtings and IteiM».Q(^pd»|;«^ be surpassed. Write for sam- ples. Spec^ali asoong "thlJlp^iBl^feir^far tbitsb«^ green neokties and belts and a beautiifitl line of pillow covers. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE COUNTY! m$ ..mi kmmim OF lying »i lb* foot of iha moiiataln It itretobM »w«y to the tld» witer b«ll of lh« MMC r l « r . BunolM Ihrourh aJino«( lUe Motral p*rt of th« county I* tli« mttn of tlu. freM »outh«rn RtUway. 0 « r th« Miurro»d bed p u . tba C 4 O «^^of^ril^5"'TS*5i; TU.r.h.l^dljtctr.Uro.d communlo.tloo wlththe ^^^A'm^iC J^ ^ 'i.',"' '»"°'1»7 !• trireiMd by tba Rlcbmond. Poto- 2Sf "M JSftS!^':?l«„^.'l''J?.».'r "'.I?* °?.»''.«J O.P1U1. wu4tSS beat CtllfornU (rowD. Tha Tioa produoai loma of Ika SaaM «!•• aakiM of the country. —-~»» .. ..]!* *<'<''•'<>•• to »>• baiuiiful browMtona, that U lo aach mtti aev (• aiifiil bulldiat, (bar* tra flna brick claya. pyrltaa. ana* BBdaralapad d c M t a T T n U L oope" »^ ttera ara atroaf Indloallooa of patnilaum. ^"^ '^ "^ MAIIABBAB. Iha ooualy aatt, looatad oa Iha aala Itaa of lha •i>iilbM» S^U Z'Z- " , ^ ^ f • " ' ' ^ <*< Wiabt*ttoB. balat oaly OM lM«r" SrtThMlSlrttk 2^?L*J, °*f^^ Ad»lraM» altoMll fc, a . 2 u f . r t a r i « S l aU u 2 J w . ^ T i . * ^ ^ ^ * ^ '<>*• •* MHaad to (row and VfJiJirWmitSt Katloaal Baoki aad Aanrim of aauly all daDMalMSoSTk* ^^ admatacM la tfca btiibmi M « awl tha b o M - a a a k w T ^ PRINCE WILLIAM IN COLONIAL DAYS W. A VALUABLE CGNTRTOUTION T O O U R LOCAL HISTORY. "• -^ S CJBH O* THE OUCOqOAW By^W. U. SNOWOBir. [cxuiTncaD PSOH LAST wuxl '.V E PHEl-AY ilARQEBonpur- hiises of $S.OO or ."re, within a if- :iis or 100 allea. Lansburgh & Bro., 4aio to *as 7th St., V. w., WAitHUIUTOS. 1>. C. VISHIIGTO]!^ FAVORITE STOI& WBITB OHB HAIL DZPABT- UeNTFOBBAM- PLK8. : Dress Goods! \ll Ibe Dew and popalar browa (hadaa >rL here, to^etber with beintlfal fabriea a :i.'. colors tliat appeal \fi good tute and r-'^inerueal. .V11 wool Vcoelian Cloth, la m e n , •>wos. gray, red, Wuea and blaA: ah material for achoot Mm^ SpMlal ^^C •iCclknt ;:<j3Si;5: value fi9c. ~>') pieces New Tailor Sultiaga, auch aa /iljeiiaes. Coverts, Camera Hair NoTel- ': I ~ and Homespun Cherlota; biSt inchca -^.Ic. ani all-wool; tl.OO and AOIM H: ^0 values. Special ...... 906 "d inch All wool Covert Cloth; new and I rc'iy shade! of tana, htowOy gray, Uiie .:. i dark Oiford; as extra V i.^c ai tl.oO. Sp^lal, yard •i: piece Chocka, «0 laehea wide, tn ! I' aotarhlte, black and white, brown .in : white, and red and whil« oOc '^A^ vi.ue. Special per yard WvC H:ack Brllllantise; high luateri 44 In- wide; deairable for under- EAj^ ; 61c value for L!;'ick All-wool VoBe, amoeth- weaTe, •:85c perfect; 43 Incht* wide; -e. yard-. Dms ItioiDgsl Thaie fabriea a n In abar)> demand Jnat now, and otir patrona will appradale the aaringa opportually ottered. Our entire line of 20e Hereerized Sateen od Inchea vide, In all colore asd Mack; equal to any aold for 35c. Spe- lElv... dalat .^T-IO^C Qenulse Bengallne Horeeo, 37 inchea -wide, la a complete line of oolora, and beautifully flnlahad. Begular Hf^ price, hUc. Special price... - C I C 43 la. Fatt Black ARCO; once uaed la nerer dispeaaeil with; for jacket llnlnga and drop aklrta:cao not be dlatin- i | A _ ' golahed from the genuine article VmQf Iri •( . \4Hc Xe qoaUly JFull Baatled Ifoire Per< rise. In all iha iaadiaic ahad^ ^-^m^^— tS inchea wide, and fully guar astaed., Fortlilaaale Faat Black DUSTSK SATIN, the cor- rect thing for drop aklrU for fall and winter wear; W Incbea wide; per- ^A^ maneat Snlah: Ue Talne for.' Eo-Koon TkffeU, tha beat and' at: . nlog ailk yet produced;guaraa- laedlowear. For aale by ua only LANSBliRG & BRO. 'f\ •?> f*y my m •'?> »\ 'f f\ f f\ ffy fi f* m 1^ fy «1 NO mm III BosiiiEss I will continue the Dry Goods, Notions and Shoe Departments and liave added a most attrac- tive stock in alt these lines. Beautiful Fabrics for. Women's Wear and Fine Shoes for Everybody] * ' As usual, a full and select stock of Groceries. Thanking the pnblic for liberal patronage, I solicit a contisnasce of yoar fntnre orders. HENRY CAMPER, Successor to ROGERS & CAMPER, HlMl Ball41ag, ilir iiii m m m m m m m Handsome: China Closet! Made of solid, selected Oak,- with bent cr^Ul ends; sub- stantially' made and*ptcperly - '^^ finished. Special at $15.00 There's a limited number of these China Clos at this price. Hurry in your order if you wani one. • We've other conspicuous leaders in Fnmitire, Parpits, Rugs and Dri^periei. It'tl pay you to^ come t5 Washington if you've any refumishinc to do. J W . H. HOEKE;' P«. aw. and 8th StvNt, WASHINQTON, D. C. ODD THmaS HOT rOtTND Bi.SBWEKUi. BEHHY & WaiTllOHE GO^i Diamonds, Watebes, JeoielFy, Statioiiery, Eugraviiig. One paraon only ooqid bate lift*] tha Tail of myataiy from Ua anteofdanta— oar htrahlnualf—hatha declined to do it—sor did b* (IT* a jaaaoo for tba ai-' laao< ba naaiatainad. Tharc waa aome vacua hiou that he waa of Welch ex- traotioo; bla paranta haring emigrated thither iomewbere between 1730 and ntO. But DO reminiaocnce of father, mother, aiater or brother, childhood at bomevTer eaoapad bim. It la uncertain whatkar tie bad hia birthplaoa in Now Jaraey or Pennaylraaia. biafamily bar- ing lired on bothaideaof the rlrer alter- nately. Bia deeoeadenU oamo to New Jeraey about ITW. There ia anotbar mlaty anggeatioo, that he ran away trom hia hoaae on aome diaagreement with hia father. We would, howOTar, takffhim juat aa we And him, Daniel MoTsaa, "NatiTO Amarioan ia italoft- ieat aenae, aakiag no qneaUoaa." We like to think that there Dasat bare been boBor and TixtOf In thei atoek that a»t forth aaoh a aboot—perbapa wrong aad lajnatlca aomevbere; but OT«T all onr hero drawa a pall of onbtrten ailenee. Tet we know of a aurety the goda ware there aad did aet their aeal lo glre the world aaanrance of a man." AH HI8TOBI0 FlOliia. SCtBiday, Aagnal 7Hi, waa a gala day oo the hlatorio baaka of the Occoquaa. The occaaioB waa the Brat annual Joint meetiag of tha Priaoa Williaoi ooottty Edaeatlonat Aaaooiatioa au'l the.Hia- torioal Baeiety of theoooatiea of Prinoe WilUaA. Pairfas aad Atezaadria. The weather waa all that could hare beea deaiiw). At an ea'rly hour the ataanaer, Alton.Capt. Laadman cammandIng,aod waiting at tba public landing of the * * 1 t OfO<l<»«n^*>ew « Uni« MKHh>ng blaat which waa tha alxaal fur the many partiea who bad come lato town from all tha anrroanding aaighborhooda to go aboard the iiaat for an ezonraion to the site of the Tanlahed town of Col- cheater, a few mllea-below, otf the ahore of old Fatifaz.,. TheM an hour waa moat ogzeeably pakaed by the party, looking aud atrayiog orer the landa, many acrealn extant, where in the early colonial daya atood the flonrlahlag aad boay boiongb, (sharterad by the Qananl Aaaembly of Virginia ia 17SS, laid out in 1758 and made a point of entry and ahipplng pari f6r the Imaiehae qoantl- tlea of .tobaooo irUeh were Inxracbt into Iti great wanbonaea by the rolllafc zoada from tba aiunnindlnf plaafatioaih admaMthemaftTmltaadlMaal. Ftom oiaqf tkiapoiat, whan tba Oooofon im§mAmfmalam itoaam, want baek waa aallTosad by varloua aoBga from tha youag ladiaa of the Ednoalioa- •1 Aaaoclallon, and whea tha Oceoqnaa l««4lBg waa again reached tha lisa of aaroh waa promptly taken ap by oaa and all with well fliled box aad hamper - - fo' the shaded retreata of tha raceway r'WwS* ^^fSf^fc^' ^og^^ou^«aL*^^^A^o^ aa wall aa edueatlOBal, we aitlagly aa- loetadiaa blatorical apot ta aprtod and enjoy onr-aaidday lepaat, Wa ohoaa tba old (ray graaita rocka and oool fliaea award about tha dlnaaatlad walla Iha great oaka oraah upon the atlllnaat a..^.. .W««..NV.HI« awaaiiueawaiia —and waya and hlgbwaya ar« opened ; of John Ballandloa'a iron fumaoa an* and flelda of maiae and tobaeeo atrateh | forga of tha M>nK acD, and we ware not far away orar the UOf aad ralltya ia oaly on hlatario groiud, bat oa grouad hatracka of bla plowa. '[ made aliuaat aaorwJ by tha of Uma piaa- TTie eurreyor cornea to aet hia oompaa | enoe of afero who for grant aatoral en- by the rlrer-a m a r g i a ^ a r e the ahore j dowmente with all tba raried altributea alopoadown genUy adPhmOothly to the land oapaWUtlee which go to make np water-a edge. He flzea tha courae of ; the auocaaaful aoldler, leader aad com- atreela and laya off the butaand bounda mander, waa not aecond to any other of lota for a town, aad Coloheater bad hero who drew aword iu onr great ooa- ita beginninga-and a baautHuBlfta in- tlneatal atrant*. hero wboaa aaori- deed waa pboaen, for It oTerlooke|jailea! Soea, patriotiam and aoldlerly daadioar of the Oocoquan, aad ahowad^ alao glimpaoa of the grand old Potomac tn tha diatance beyond. They named it for a market burroagb in tha oounty of Eaaex in old England, Ulfty mllea from from London, oa the rl*or Cola, becante aoma of ita projeolora are imaaifraaU from that toeallty, aotaUy Dr, Patar Wagtaar, tb« owner' of lha Uad on which the new t o n la to-be built The yeara paaa on and wa aee habiu- tioaa riae and multiply, and generationa of men go to aad fro in ita alreeta: We aee warefaoaaea abd pitdi and docka and ahipa, and great liicreaae of trade aad trafBo. jSut aguia we look aa atlll other yeara bare paaacd and the aoene baa obaagad, Tha hahitatioBa are deatrted. Tha atlr of life baa left, tha atraata Trade aad trafBcha«e waned—the ware- hoaaee are aot Bllad aa oaee in tha palmy daya. They are empty aad fall- ing, aad ahipa ooma no mora to tha pier* and docka. Of all tboee wholiaed, oonatry haa beea rery alow to property appreciate aad flttfaihly recocalsa, Whea Ooreraor Diawiddie and (jen- eral Braddoek paaacd through Colebea- ter that April momiag of I75B with their ahowy . aaatiaala aad eaaorti their way np from "WUHaaaabarg to Alexaadria to maka laady for tbat ex- pedition agaiaat tha Fraocb ithd la^iaBa beyond tha monataiaa, wMch waa to end 80 diaaatronaty to tha Brltiab and proTinoial forcea, thia haro, then at the age of aeraateea, waa fliling the humble role of teaauter in the~amplo»f Bal- landlne for a few ablllloca aldaf, haul- ing Iron hia f amabe. Sqnada of pcDTtnelal troopa he aaw alaaoot dally paaelng ap tba aaaaa way. Bia adrea-. toroaa epirit eangbt tha mlUtary ••- thneiaam of the timea. Ha left ore aad fnmaoa aad tamed hi* bone!* head* op tba Kiac^ Highway ia tba tltraatkiii of tha military aaaampaMat at Alexaa- dria, what* all waa aetiTlly «ad boay' IhonaghoBt oar eotai«>lilaa. Tee much praJa* Ma nut b* givMl tar Ike ktadly faaiiag aad gM« ••«* el Ih* oitiaaaa of Ooeoqaaa ibroesb Dr. Mai 8. Powal aad lb* etbar aaaabanadktk oommlttaa of raeaptloa; aad le < Laadmaa of tha ataaaai A ta»akao< all aiw patttoatailyd aibi* for »rtrjU*r M MBT Ih* *iu of Old OMaha - -- " Xi^i-f .i- [OOOTHHyB KICET WWK.] New Fall Catalog leaned Anguat lat, ia the BMOI helpful and TolnaMe pabBcaUaa, of Ita kls.l iaaoed In AoMtioa. It teU* all about both Farm and Garden wbiehcaa be planted to adTaaiiaaa andpaoatlntheFaU. MaliadiS* i^ssr^'rSig?^-^''- T.W.WMliSais, . . , , , T «*!•, wu««v ail WAS BCHTiij ^nq OUT mojred andbad tbeir belag tn Uioae p„p,„aioafortbew*r: aadhanoeforth habitatiooa aad thoroaghfarca a few;;fot many year* bia bitharto proaalc. life only remain. To maay of them aew home* opened in placea remote. Mom* of them fell before the deTouring p**tt- '.enc4 tfai^t wfatetbat noonday .-And now looking ooo* more we aee deroor- Ing flam** loapingfromroof to roof aid completing the deatmotion of ill the atarred town. To day only two of the old babtU- tioaa remain. They atand forlorn aad ghoct lib* in tba aolitade,- aad, but aog- geatire monnmeala of the long faded year*. One of them ia^ piatonaqoe atroctore, atUI quite well pmaarved, atanding ctoaie to tha "Old Kiag'a Highway" from Williamaburg, up orer tha Oeooqaaa, and oit through the ea- tate of Ifoant Vernon to Alexandria, and beyoad to Key'a Cap in the Bla* Bidga monntala*. In the palmy daya of the town whaa the tide ot trarel anrgod by i ^ doora It waa kaown aa the -'Araiarof Fairfax." ~ of greal tapsl* aaear aad afar, aod aa' dar it* roof w*a« entartaiaad Waabiag waa tobaoae of atraag* adTeatare*, more like the marrela of romance than •tb<B actaal lealima of hlatorio faot. Ia tlve-mc^itabl:; of Unrmrihrfa: destiny Bader Ood'a H>poiatiag«, b* waalto bn a moat'cooapionona aetor in the mo- mentoaa event*' and droniaataaoaa which oallad lato being aad ahapad the grabd coadlliona of onr Amerioaa Bc- public. Ererr one who auy read thi* gkatoh of onr most faiatorto picnic may not know tbat the atrti^liag teaauter who hauled the ore to tha furaaca and who many a time may hare eatea bla pioia repaat on the aame gray bonldera, a* tUa boaae reeted and baited In the abadow* o( the gnat oaka, wa* Ooacral Daniel Morgan, tba intrepid lewtar of the Virginia rifleman In the Coatiaep- tal army, and the i«al hero of Qoeb^ is, Saratoga aad Cowpeaa, two of tba* by ^7" * >'°*,l*'^|'<"'^ moat ibportaat Mddadaiv* of tba ivTolotloiiary batUa*. Bat lh*itoi7QfUaaBa«aofle conra* COUNTRY ttOKSf NO WHEBE alaa wfl yoa lad MM* a anM 7«rtetjr_ol Mrahia, fit laaxpaai<f, woiw r tk* good* are mark«rf at UPS. Spc- Coal and Salt VHITE ,»• REDflSH,SHAIOKId i"* LYKEHS VALLEY M rnz FAHOVS MINKS OF THK SrSQnillANNA OOAL COMPAITT PURE COAL, WELL. SCREHED, 2240 PODHOS TO TOR. CUMBERLAND AM) SPLINT C0.4L v^ VAiar. TABLE. O. A. ASD MOCK SALT, SN0LI8B ASD AMERICAS, SHIPPED DIRECT FROM WORKS OR FBOM STOCK HERE. »-ORDERS SOLtCITED. WPUICES LOW. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, .Alexandria,Va. F O R S A L E ! "^r. MtabiUbed mereaaUle bnalaeaa . •• .lui halldiag*; daalrabia propwty; t milaa fro* S. R. R.; » hour* frjm " ••blagtoa. B. 4M Star BaUdlag, "'• Waai»«VMO». C QOOD BARGAINS! CMl and loot. ,t rrv bargitini in liTE BOXE.S ,nd RKFKI,>F.UA I OBS ,D<I .11 klodaof Pamliure. tjuecnaware. Ttnwnre Oo Carta aad BibyC*rrl*«**. All golns ^•B^ NIeeliaeef P!ctar«aaadl>k(ur* Fraaiaa O. W. I.EBTB, Wimaw, VA Sole Agents for the Tiffany Pavrile Glass for the -IMstilct of CelumNa. '^^ Alao a full line of plated ware coaeiatiag of Tea Seta, Coffca Ufa*, Heat Dl»h<!«, Vegetable Dtahea, Bread Ttaya, Oaaddabra. "iTi^fnllfki. aad Hat- ware, la faot aU tha rcqulaite* for taUe ue Hall Clooka, PieBch Clock*, aad TnTdUag Oloe)t8, lb* latter la Vaotallyaudc foroonTealeaee aad aafety. Crart work, EagnTlag, Suaaftlng aad a CoU 11a* of StaticMa. dal alteatloa paid lo InTitatluaa ot all kbid*. Deaigalog aad raaiodeUtBg old leweiiT. Odd aad exclnalTe d e a ^ a la jewelry aad aUrer ware. Aak lo aee the "Browa Betty Teapot," origiaally dealcaad by a*. Btpair work of aU kiada, Hothteg too dtaentt. Did aUT«r matabad aoda*wp4ae*aaad*laofd«r. OU gold aad rilv«rtak«aiaaicha^» I iyaUBa<aHrec*t»*aarf*r..Bri.a<proTH .>!•<.,,*,<*,«*» I I I I I I I I I I I I E IBiTiME •oroOBntrakOBM. Many of tk* got _ _ . _ , . , CIAL P s t u a a a d KEDOUD P«l. E.4. coMPum Dimte hrigkt, attraaaira 4~ Uelor aaa lovprieaa. MAUT OPEI BTOCX U T I HO* BEIHO ICUMKD OCT AT OIIS> HALFARDO.IB-THIW<H>P, OM piBcqLBBtojrcotT. OPfX STOCK tlkUt, eomprMaa *io>ythaa SCO dtotiad aa*«>T«k lawiiroi mUA kara h^ gtaat^ dated. . TOILET n r n V r a a t a a t T8M>«r. TW I Miiiigiataof Theatro«K.darahb-Uada y o « - t M S an kara I" freatTarta^-priaadmaal attractiTaljr. 8ILTEB PLATED WAR^fcoea tha •UMt nHaMa- nakan. Oa mt aerrfca-rary iaaxpaaaita will doabtlaaa eoalnta aaora rliiaiU *L*i?i'.^'^ ol ahat a nMaaratar ako«M ba t1<«i aay other mafcr. Frioaa, t « . I 8 a p . .«*•"*'!' 0B0BB8 (ir*. caraM attaahoa. 0OLUI & HfllJTII! GO,, Saenaaaoia to M. W. PotlWT, PoKctaia, Chiaa, Olaaa, I UlSFttmtiMliM-llSllrat, WASHINGTON, D. C "9 F and nth Streets, WASHINQTON, D. C P H O N B fSOO. i The National Bank of Manassas,! f MANASSAS, :-: VIRGINIA. | Wu ail mm M% $66,000.1 IITEiar PHI M TIU KPtSITS I R. H. LtiTB. Via* Praaldaat. J. P. LaMOtAB, Aaa't CMfeter. H F. LTBB. Prealdeat. Wajrwooa HtrtcaiaoB, Caakier. DIRBCTOR8 HWXTITLTBB, JOB. X. WIM.AIII>, T. B. PpriAM. ROBBBT POBTBBH. R CaiinLnf. J„o. R. HoBKBtKxa. T B. WB*Twooi> BvTowraoa, C. A. UBorBsaa. c C. L HraaoB, { Lron, Horses and Cattle!;Farm For Rent I of aqaara rigged Te**eU lo the eitla* of Loadoa, AaiaUadam aad Li*- oatryiBg oateaqioaa of lb* Vir- glBir *liq>l*, giaia, Inmbcr, iroa, far* aad other Talaabla prodaet*. Smaller >la oarred away to tb* maallar towaa ot the tida water regioa merchaa-. diee from tba warahovaea, aad ti«laa of wagoaa kept ap aa ovartaad traBe with tb* troatiar aattlaaaeata a* far aa, aad area b*y«ad the aaonataiaa. Lookiag at thia day orar the graaa growa waata* ot tba old town'* aite. it aaama like tb* fkataal** of a drvaaa whan thekistoriaa raaoaata tb* mar- valona ehaagei which hare been wToaght OTR and all about it ia th* haBdr*d aad Bfty yean which have gone by alaoa ito flr«t fonadatioaa were laid by lb* Maab«a, tb* McCarty* aad Wageotra. Ita bialery ta a nirtapact ^ p l y li*g«d ariih aadacaa, maktaebolT and romance. Far away ia theopcniag viata of ihe faded yean wa ataad apoa tba helxhu of tha Oeooqoaa aad look down upon Ita walera horrying on ID their aeavard oourae beneath the ahadowa of the branchea of the primeral foreat which eacoaipaw Ibaa. Oa thaaa waiaa* ily tha tad* bark of tb* tadiaa. Bla wigwam la oatbaabete. Tbemlaa ot water, wood aad earth all arouad bIm in Ita faineaa ia hia. He haa held It by oaaiarle* of pomtaiion aad aajoymaat. Noa* havn eome io diapata bla title. Bat. kark' what annadaara tb«** which break upon Ihr tOB, Lafayette aad maay Mbar dia- tiagntabed maa of the Uaar, both *oldl*a| aad efriUaaa. II wa* tb* ijaa where the lumbering red aad yellow .^-...k ..I - — -A .... B- < aad briUiaat esploita ia a loag aad •ariad oae, aad tlleaaaay of lb* brigbt- aat page* of ear eaaalry'a biattirr. M. BOW lake our leara of \i» grand old .- ...... * » . v .... unaaM* ...w MHU JVIIWW - WW HOW Mia« OUT MIT* HIT gTOBQ OIO coach alwaya atopped with fta way- aoldier and patriot, tba ptoag^ boy of farera. itaya a tranltor ia aa old lerttar: the SbcDaadask aad Ike wagoa boy of iiaya I dined at the Anna of Fairfax, a comntodioaa tBTem aot far from tha tba Oceoqnaa, At t o'clock ia Ihe afteraooa oar 'Fetry,' ballt partly of atone aad partly party obeyed tba aummonaot tha dang- of frame. Tb« diaaar waa of aaaokiag > tag ball, aad aaaemUad la tb* low* ball TOBieoB aad flab, taken from wood j where we were joiaed by tb* eitia*aa of aad water tbat moraiag, aad aapple- tb* towo, aad the meeting calla^ Aa mautcd with a pitcher of exccUeat ol d*r. Tb* rat* wa* oaa abilllag aad *(x peaae whieb I did act damar at for lo good a repeat. '< It wa* tb* p1*ca where th* politician* of the enmwading neikhborbood caage to "flx np their alalaa" for tb* coming alcctioaa aad where tha loaagan "did coBcregate"to get the fmheet adTiee* dropped by lb* paariagtraTclkr*. Themaaai** fo«9da- tioa* aad gnat outer atone chimaeya have atood well tha wear and tear of ita hundred aad fifty yeara of ita exiaterree. It OBght to be protvcted and eared for ; la th^^oming yearn, aa ahould all other like mamorialaof ttieco'oatal period. To onr party every object of the lo- oaiity. dreary and forlorn aa it aaaawd. waa iaraalad with a paoaltar iatareat. Traly we were oa htalorlo gronad, way- farvn ia th* "aeata of tba mighty." Tbe plow ahar* haa withia a few yeara aptaraed aearly e^ry rod of tbe old towa'a •it*, aad oaly one nf ib« atr«<et*, tbat of Eaaex, tUrough which raaa Ibe cild faij^Nway. can now be oormctEy I My aad aail B.nea and Cattle Stock aJwaye ea koad. nr bnu,;ht a* de- •Ind. Let • * kaow what ynu have or ;Si 8.A.VSACI IB „. . , , , ^ ' ,«oiiiodaa Th* in»*(lera hare oo me—i traced. The hour alloitcd for Ihm port Moat h* well „i,,^l*»«"-P'«*» • • " • W u wtnr*d boata an ling been apeat. our |.*rty retr muct- WM, B, BBOWH. [la hiamidat, aad, la^forahlafiteloakJanUy ol>*y*dtb*eaptala'a*amm«aate iNt. oa ahana. I well i^^t^ I" *"•• K'^"-'--«—«••• wtn^wi ut^ia ara , ing oeen apewa, our BBOWH, 1* kia midat, aad, l«. bafor* hi* fit*laak anUy ol>*y*d tb* oap •*•'•*.Ti.'fblli »» MMtM <a«i NftwbH BM|acBlab«a»dU*U4tto \ ^ "TBXT'BB WAT ABBAO.'' Tit StaMlanI FkH«i Fmlaii PM \. -' f Snpaitor Bzoallenoa Wrlttnc. QoaUtT order by M. D. Ball, Saperiataedeat of aobooUct Fairfax eouaty, Dirla* bl*a*- iag* w*n iaVoked by ROT. Mr. Kloawa npoB tb* ohjeeto of the gatberiag aad after tba aiagfag et "Lora'a Old Sweet 8oBg" a Tery appropraU addreae of welcome waa delirered on behalf of lb* good people of Ooeoqaaa by 8. H. Jaa- aey, whteh waa fcllowad by aa "hia- toric papar"ncitiagat)eagth tha maay iatarcating eraata aad aeeodatioBa ot the Taaiabed towa of Colebaater. read br W. H Snodea of Andaln*!*. Fairfax county, (ieorg* C. Soaad of Maaaaoaa i tbra read hia rery eatartalaiog hiatori-1 cal romaaoe, *alill«d "Mariana* of' llella Air" aad aftar lb* aiaglag of an- i otfaar aong th* iarg* and aathaaiaatio ! aadicacv, whkh had lla**n*d with aa ' at^^rMiatire attentioB. adjooracd. aad all concerned aeemed glad that they had , bad tb* oppnrtaaily of parttcipatting ia | th*exerri***of th*"An>tai>aBal pleale* ! nf the two kiodrad *<v-|eti«*, who** laad- aMe objfcta are thr <liffaaion of aaef al; k now lodge, tb* colSection aud praaerTa t'oa of coloaial hi«lory. th* of thought oa aatioaal to»ica, roaragement of rirtoou* aottoa* aaaoag the yeaag aad tb* gaaeral promotioa •t toaW iBMwWi had fNMnal (1) A atroac aoa-laakakla Ink folai la thamMdl* M lb* bwrd away tnm lb* •apn graap. Maka* a claaa aaa wkea la aa*. (t\ A flaag* at momk af holder Ikal Ita eaagiy lal* •a indd* dtaaaetar at cap. FrercaU Ik* n»*allag or •loi>p<agoTcT*f lak. MakaB a *i*aa poa alwa aM fa « » Ma**- Prtaa* t •tw 4 •i.os mm Abenlute railafaeilna gnar- aaiead ta erery pantaalor. Oar owe rarauaal gamaa Me hebtad emy aata. Fall *( ib«a aad coiapMe Shannon's Pharmacy, Mait&aaaa. ViaaiBtA. ua praatrTB- IT^Zi^on^y to Loan I H-a-ca.! " * « " ; ^ WM. a. unoom.

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• % ! • °°t^ "1 Service flild til Style. Ve aivt I

f u m i m w ^

ant tfie Best, J

'" 'Jce •


. For Readers of Ttie Journal.

9 1 81.00 PER ANNUM

All Persons Holding Cash Ckcks for Sept. i4th, 1904, may redeem same for cash.

Ladies' Skirts, in all styles and colors, from 99o. to $6.00, are now in and our line of Flannellettes, Outings, Skirtings and IteiM».Q(^pd»|;«^ be surpassed. Write for sam­ples. Spec^ali asoong "thlJlp^iBl^feir^far t b i t s b « ^ green neokties and belts and a beautiifitl line of pillow covers.


m$ ..mi kmmim OF ly ing »i lb* foot of iha moiiataln It itretobM »w«y to the tld» witer b«ll of lh« MMC rl«r. BunolM Ihrourh aJino«( lUe Motral p*rt of th« county I* tli« mttn of tlu. freM »outh«rn RtUway. 0 « r th« Miurro»d bed p u . tba C 4 O

« ^ ^ o f ^ r i l ^ 5 " ' T S * 5 i ; T U . r . h . l ^ d l j t c t r . U r o . d communlo.tloo wlththe ^^^A'm^iC J ^ ^ 'i.',"' '»"°'1»7 !• trireiMd by tba Rlcbmond. Poto-2Sf "M JSftS!^':?l«„^.'l''J?.».'r "'.I?* °?.»''.«J O.P1U1. wu4tSS

beat CtllfornU (rowD. Tha Tioa produoai loma of Ika SaaM « ! • • aakiM of the country. —-~»» .. . . ] ! * *<'<''•'<>•• to »>• baiuiiful browMtona, that U lo aach mtti a e v (• a i i f i i l bulldiat, (bar* tra flna brick claya. pyrltaa. ana* BBdaralapad d c M t a T T n U L oope" » ^ ttera ara atroaf Indloallooa of patnilaum. ^ " ^ ' ^ " ^

MAIIABBAB. Iha ooualy aatt, looatad oa Iha aala Itaa of lha •i>iilbM» S^U Z'Z- " , ^ ^ f • " ' ' ^ <*< Wiabt*ttoB. balat oaly OM lM«r" S r t T h M l S l r t t k 2^?L*J,°*f^^ Ad»lraM» altoMll fc, a . 2 u f . r t a r i « S l aU u 2 J w . ^ T i . * ^ ^ ^ * ^ '<>*• •* MHaad to (row and VfJiJirWmitSt Katloaal Baoki aad Aanrim of aauly all daDMalMSoSTk* ^^ admatacM la tfca btiibmi M « awl tha b o M - a a a k w T ^





By^W. U. SNOWOBir. [cxuiTncaD PSOH LAST w u x l

'.V E PHEl-AY ilARQEBonpur-

hiises of $S.OO or ."re, within a if-:iis or 100 allea.

Lansburgh & Bro., 4aio to *as 7th St., V. w . ,




Dress Goods! \ll Ibe Dew and popalar browa (hadaa

>rL here, to^etber with beintlfal fabriea a :i.'. colors tliat appeal \fi good tute and

r-' inerueal.

.V11 wool Vcoelian Cloth, la m e n , •>wos. gray, red, Wuea and blaA: ah

material for achoot Mm^ SpMlal ^^C

•iCclknt ;:<j3Si;5: value fi9c.

~>') pieces New Tailor Sultiaga, auch aa /iljeiiaes. Coverts, Camera Hair NoTel-': I ~ and Homespun Cherlota; biSt inchca -^.Ic. ani all-wool; tl.OO and A O I M H: 0 values. Special...... 9 0 6

"d inch All wool Covert Cloth; new and I rc'iy shade! of tana, htowOy gray, Uiie .:. i dark Oiford; as extra

V i.^c ai tl.oO. Sp^lal, yard •i: piece Chocka, «0 laehea wide, tn

! I' aotarhlte, black and white, brown .in : white, and red and whil« oOc ' ^ A ^ vi.ue. Special per yard W v C

H:ack Brllllantise; high luateri 44 In-wide; deairable for under- E A j ^ ; 61c value for

L!;'ick All-wool VoBe, amoeth- weaTe,

•:85c perfect; 43 Incht* wide;

-e. yard-.

Dms ItioiDgsl Thaie fabriea a n In abar)> demand Jnat

now, and otir patrona will appradale the aaringa opportually ottered.

Our entire line of 20e Hereerized Sateen od Inchea vide, In all colore asd Mack; equal to any aold for 35c. Spe- l E l v . . . dalat „ .^T-IO^C

Qenulse Bengallne Horeeo, 37 inchea -wide, la a complete line of oolora, and beautifully flnlahad. Begular Hf^ price, hUc. Special price... - C I C

43 la. Fatt Black ARCO; once uaed la nerer dispeaaeil with; for jacket llnlnga and drop aklrta:cao not be dlatin- i | A _ ' golahed from the genuine article VmQf

Iri •( .

\4Hc Xe qoaUly JFull Baatled Ifoire Per<

rise. In all iha iaadiaic ahad^ ^-^m^^— tS inchea wide, and fully guar astaed., Fortlilaaale

Faat Black DUSTSK SATIN, the cor­rect thing for drop aklrU for fall and winter wear; W Incbea wide; per- ^ A ^ maneat Snlah: Ue Talne for.'

Eo-Koon TkffeU, tha beat and' at: . nlog ailk yet produced;guaraa-laedlowear. For aale by ua only


'f\ •?>

f*y my


•'?> »\

'f f\

f f\ ffy f i f* m 1


« 1

NO mm III BosiiiEss I will continue the Dry Goods, Notions and

Shoe Departments and liave added a most attrac­tive stock in alt these lines.

Beautiful Fabrics for. Women's Wear and Fine Shoes for Everybody]

• • * • '

As usual, a full and select stock of Groceries. Thanking the pnblic for liberal patronage, I

solicit a contisnasce of yoar fntnre orders.

HENRY CAMPER, Successor to R O G E R S & CAMPER,

HlMl Ball41ag,

ilir iiii m m m

m m



Handsome: China Closet!

Made of solid, selected Oak,-with bent c r ^ U l ends; sub­stantially' made and*ptcperly - ' ^ finished. Special at

$15.00 There's a limited number of these China Clos at this price. Hurry in your order if you wani one. • We've other conspicuous leaders in Fnmit ire ,

Parpi ts , Rugs and Dri^periei. It'tl pay you to^ come t5 Washington if you've any refumishinc to do. J

W . H. HOEKE;' P«. aw. and 8th StvNt, WASHINQTON, D. C.


BEHHY & WaiTllOHE GO i Diamonds, Watebes, JeoielFy,

Statioiiery, Eugraviiig.

One paraon only ooqid bate lift*] tha Tail of myataiy from Ua anteofdanta— oar htrahlnualf—hatha declined to do it—sor did b* ( I T * a jaaaoo for tba ai-' laao< ba naaiatainad. Tharc waa aome vacua h i o u that he waa of Welch ex-traotioo; bla paranta haring emigrated thither iomewbere between 1730 and ntO. But DO reminiaocnce of father, mother, aiater or brother, childhood at bomevTer eaoapad bim. It la uncertain whatkar tie bad hia birthplaoa in Now Jaraey or Pennaylraaia. biafamily bar­ing lired on bothaideaof the rlrer alter­nately. Bia deeoeadenU oamo to New Jeraey about ITW. There ia anotbar mlaty anggeatioo, that he ran away trom hia hoaae on aome diaagreement with hia father. We would, howOTar, takffhim juat aa we And him, Daniel MoTsaa, "NatiTO Amarioan ia italoft-ieat aenae, aakiag no qneaUoaa." We like to think that there Dasat bare been boBor and TixtOf In thei atoek that a » t forth aaoh a aboot—perbapa wrong aad lajnatlca aomevbere; but OT«T all onr hero drawa a pall of onbtrten ailenee. Tet we know of a aurety the goda ware there aad did aet their aeal lo glre the world aaanrance of a man."

AH HI8TOBI0 FlOliia. SCtBiday, Aagnal 7Hi, waa a gala day

oo the hlatorio baaka of the Occoquaa. The occaaioB waa the Brat annual Joint meetiag of tha Priaoa Williaoi ooottty Edaeatlonat Aaaooiatioa au'l the.Hia-torioal Baeiety of theoooatiea of Prinoe WilUaA. Pairfas aad Atezaadria. The weather waa all that could hare beea deaiiw). At an ea'rly hour the ataanaer, Alton.Capt. Laadman cammandIng,aod

waiting at tba public landing of the * * 1 t OfO<l<»«n^*>ew « Uni« MKHh>ng

blaat which waa tha alxaal fur the many partiea who bad come lato town from all tha anrroanding aaighborhooda to go aboard the iiaat for an ezonraion to the site of the Tanlahed town of Col-cheater, a few mllea-below, otf the ahore of old Fatifaz.,. TheM an hour waa moat ogzeeably pakaed by the party, looking aud atrayiog orer the landa, many acrealn extant, where in the early colonial daya atood the flonrlahlag aad boay boiongb, (sharterad by the Qananl Aaaembly of Virginia ia 17SS, laid out in 1758 and made a point of entry and ahipplng pari f6r the Imaiehae qoantl-tlea of .tobaooo irUeh were Inxracbt into Iti great wanbonaea by the rolllafc zoada from tba aiunnindlnf plaafatioaih admaMthemaftTmltaadlMaal. Ftom o i a q f tkiapoiat , whan tba Oooofon

• im§mAmfmalam itoaam, want

baek waa aallTosad by varloua aoBga from tha youag ladiaa of the Ednoalioa-•1 Aaaoclallon, and whea tha Oceoqnaa l««4lBg waa again reached tha lisa of aaroh waa promptly taken ap by oaa and all with well fliled box aad hamper

- - fo ' the shaded retreata of tha raceway

r ' W w S * ^^fSf^fc^' ^og^^ou^«aL*^^^A^o^ aa wall aa edueatlOBal, we aitlagly aa-loetadiaa blatorical apot ta aprtod and enjoy onr-aaidday lepaat, Wa ohoaa tba old (ray graaita rocka and oool fliaea award about tha dlnaaatlad walla Iha great oaka oraah upon the atlllnaat a..^.. . W « « . . N V . H I « awaaiiueawaiia

—and waya and hlgbwaya ar« opened ; of John Ballandloa'a iron fumaoa a n * and flelda of maiae and tobaeeo atrateh | forga of tha M>nK acD, and we ware not far away orar the UOf aad ralltya ia oaly on hlatario groiud, bat oa grouad hatracka of bla plowa. '[ made aliuaat aaorwJ by tha of Uma piaa-

TTie eurreyor cornea to aet hia oompaa | enoe of afero who for grant aatoral en-by the rlrer-a m a r g i a ^ a r e the ahore j dowmente with all tba raried altributea alopoadown genUy adPhmOothly to the land oapaWUtlee which go to make np water-a edge. He flzea tha courae of ; the auocaaaful aoldler, leader aad com-atreela and laya off the butaand bounda mander, waa not aecond to any other of lota for a town, aad Coloheater bad hero who drew aword iu onr great ooa-ita beginninga-and a baautHuBlfta in- tlneatal atrant*. • hero wboaa aaori-deed waa pboaen, for It oTerlooke|jailea! Soea, patriotiam and aoldlerly daadioar of the Oocoquan, aad ahowad^ alao glimpaoa of the grand old Potomac tn tha diatance beyond. They named it for a market burroagb in tha oounty of Eaaex in old England, Ulfty mllea from from London, oa the rl*or Cola, becante aoma of ita projeolora are imaaifraaU from that toeallty, aotaUy Dr, Patar Wagtaar, tb« owner' of lha Uad on which the new t o n la to-be built

The yeara paaa on and wa aee habiu-tioaa riae and multiply, and generationa of men go to aad fro in ita alreeta: We aee warefaoaaea abd pitdi and docka and ahipa, and great liicreaae of trade aad trafBo. jSut aguia we look aa atlll other yeara bare paaacd and the aoene baa obaagad, Tha hahitatioBa are deatrted. Tha atlr of life baa left, tha atraata Trade aad trafBcha«e waned—the ware-hoaaee are aot Bllad aa oaee in tha palmy daya. They are empty aad fall­ing, aad ahipa ooma no mora to tha pier* and docka. Of all tboee wholiaed,

oonatry haa beea rery alow to property appreciate aad flttfaihly recocalsa,

Whea Ooreraor Diawiddie and (jen-eral Braddoek paaacd through Colebea-ter that April momiag of I75B with their ahowy . aaatiaala aad eaaorti their way np from "WUHaaaabarg to Alexaadria to maka laady for tbat ex­pedition agaiaat tha Fraocb ithd la^iaBa beyond tha monataiaa, wMch waa to end 80 diaaatronaty to tha Brltiab and proTinoial forcea, thia haro, then at the age of aeraateea, waa fliling the humble role of teaauter in the~amplo»f Bal-landlne for a few ablllloca aldaf, haul­ing Iron hia f amabe. Sqnada of pcDTtnelal troopa he aaw alaaoot dally paaelng ap tba aaaaa way. Bia adrea-. toroaa epirit eangbt tha mlUtary • • -thneiaam of the timea. Ha left ore aad fnmaoa aad tamed hi* bone!* head* op tba Kiac^ Highway ia tba tltraatkiii of tha military aaaampaMat at Alexaa­dria, what* all waa aetiTlly «ad boay'

IhonaghoBt oar eotai«>lilaa. Tee much praJa* M a nut b* givMl tar Ike ktadly faaiiag aad gM« • • « * e l Ih* oitiaaaa of Ooeoqaaa ibroesb Dr. M a i 8. Powal aad lb* etbar a a a a b a n a d k t k oommlttaa of raeaptloa; aad l e < Laadmaa of tha ataaaai A ta»akao< all aiw patttoatailyd

aibi* for »rtrjU*r M M B T Ih* *iu of Old OMaha

- - - " Xi^i-f . i -


New Fall Catalog leaned Anguat lat, ia the BMOI helpful and TolnaMe pabBcaUaa, of Ita kls.l iaaoed In AoMtioa. I t teU* all about both

Farm and Garden wbiehcaa be planted to adTaaiiaaa andpaoatlntheFaU. MaliadiS*

i ssr 'rSig?^- ''-T.W.WMliSais,

. . , , , T « * ! • , wu««v a i l WAS BCHTiij ^ n q OUT mojred andbad tbeir belag tn Uioae p„p,„a ioafortbew*r: aadhanoeforth habitatiooa aad thoroaghfarca a few;;fot many year* bia bitharto proaalc. life only remain. To maay of them aew home* opened in placea remote. Mom* of them fell before the deTouring p**tt-'.enc4 tfai t wfatetbat noonday .-And now looking ooo* more we aee deroor-Ing flam** loapingfromroof to roof a i d completing the deatmotion of ill the atarred town.

To day only two of the old babtU-tioaa remain. They atand forlorn aad ghoct lib* in tba aolitade,- aad, but aog-geatire monnmeala of the long faded year*. One of them i a ^ piatonaqoe atroctore, atUI quite well pmaarved, atanding ctoaie to tha "Old Kiag'a Highway" from Williamaburg, up orer tha Oeooqaaa, and oit through the ea-tate of Ifoant Vernon to Alexandria, and beyoad to Key'a Cap in the Bla* Bidga monntala*. In the palmy daya of the town whaa the tide ot trarel anrgod by i ^ doora It waa kaown aa the -'Araiarof Fairfax." ~ of greal tapsl* aaear aad afar, aod aa' dar it* roof w*a« entartaiaad Waabiag

waa t o b a o a e of atraag* adTeatare*, more like the marrela of romance than

•tb<B actaal lealima of hlatorio faot. Ia tlve-mc^itabl:; of Unrmrihrfa: destiny Bader Ood'a H>poiatiag«, b* waalto bn a moat'cooapionona aetor in the mo-mentoaa event*' and droniaataaoaa which oallad lato being aad ahapad the grabd coadlliona of onr Amerioaa Bc-public.

Ererr one who auy read thi* gkatoh of onr most faiatorto picnic may not know tbat the atrti^liag teaauter who hauled the ore to tha furaaca and who many a time may hare eatea bla pioia repaat on the aame gray bonldera, a* tUa boaae reeted and baited In the abadow* o( the gnat oaka, wa* Ooacral Daniel Morgan, tba intrepid lewtar of the Virginia rifleman In the Coatiaep-tal army, and the i«al hero of Qoeb^ is, Saratoga aad Cowpeaa, two of t b a * by

^ 7 " * >'°*, l*'^| '<"'^ moat ibportaat Mddadaiv* of tba ivTolotloiiary batUa*.

Bat lh*itoi7QfUaaBa«aofle conra*

COUNTRY ttOKSf NO WHEBE alaa wfl yoa lad MM* a anM

7«rtetjr_ol Mrahia, fit laaxpaai<f, woiw

r tk* good* are mark«rf at UPS.








J. R. ZIMMERMAN, .Alexandria,Va.

F O R S A L E ! "^r. MtabiUbed mereaaUle bnalaeaa . •• . l u i halldiag*; daalrabia propwty;

t milaa fro* S. R. R.; » hour* frjm " ••blagtoa. B. 4M Star BaUdlag,

" ' • Waai»«VMO». C

QOOD B A R G A I N S ! CMl and loot. ,t rrv bargitini in liTE

BOXE.S ,nd RKFKI,>F.UA I OBS ,D<I .11 klodaof Pamliure. tjuecnaware. Ttnwnre Oo Carta aad BibyC*rrl*«**. All golns ^ • B ^ NIeeliaeef P!ctar«aaadl>k(ur* Fraaiaa

O. W. I.EBTB, Wimaw, VA

Sole Agents for the Tiffany Pavrile Glass for the -IMstilct of CelumNa. ' ^

Alao a full line of plated ware coaeiatiag of Tea Seta, Coffca Ufa*, Heat Dl»h<!«, Vegetable Dtahea, Bread Ttaya, Oaaddabra. "iTi^fnllfki. aad Hat-ware, la faot aU tha rcqulaite* for taUe u e

Hall Clooka, PieBch Clock*, aad TnTdUag Oloe)t8, lb* latter la Vaotallyaudc foroonTealeaee aad aafety.

Crart work, EagnTlag, Suaaftlng aad a CoU 11a* of StaticMa. dal alteatloa paid lo InTitatluaa ot all kbid*.

Deaigalog aad raaiodeUtBg old leweiiT. Odd aad exclnalTe d e a ^ a la jewelry aad aUrer ware. Aak lo aee the "Browa Betty Teapot," origiaally dealcaad by a*.

Btpair work of aU kiada, Hothteg too dtaentt. Did aUT«r matabad aoda*wp4ae*aaad*laofd«r. OU gold aad rilv«rtak«aiaaicha^» I

i y a U B a < a H r e c * t » * a a r f * r . . B r i . a < p r o T H . > ! • < . , , * , < * , « * » I




•oroOBntrakOBM. Many of tk* got _ _ . _ , . ,

CIAL P s t u a a a d KEDOUD P«l. E.4.

coMPum Dimte hrigkt, attraaaira 4~ Uelor aaa lovprieaa.


OPfX STOCK tlkUt, eomprMaa *io>ythaa SCO dtotiad aa*«>T«k lawiiroi mUA kara h^ g t a a t ^ dated. .

TOILET n r n V r a a t a a t T8M>«r. TW I Miiiigiataof

Theatro«K.darahb-Uada yo«-tMS an kara I" freatTarta^-priaadmaal attractiTaljr.

8ILTEB PLATED WAR^fcoea tha •UMt nHaMa- nakan. Oa mt aerrfca-rary iaaxpaaaita

will doabtlaaa eoalnta aaora rliiaiU * L * i ? i ' . ^ ' ^ ol ahat a nMaaratar ako«M ba t1<«i aay other mafcr. a »

Frioaa, t«.I8ap.

. « * • " * ' ! ' 0B0BB8 (ir*. caraM attaahoa.

0OLUI & HfllJTII! GO,, Saenaaaoia to M. W.

PotlWT, PoKctaia, Chiaa, Olaaa, I

UlSFttmtiMliM-llSllrat, W A S H I N G T O N , D. C

"9 F and nth Streets, WASHINQTON, D. C


i The National Bank of Manassas,! f MANASSAS, :-: VIRGINIA. |

Wu ail mm M% $66,000.1 IITEiar PHI M TIU KPtSITS I

R. H. LtiTB. Via* Praaldaat. J. P. LaMOtAB, Aaa't CMfeter.

H F. LTBB. Prealdeat. Wajrwooa HtrtcaiaoB, Caakier.


CaiinLnf. J„o. R. HoBKBtKxa. T B. WB*Twooi> BvTowraoa, C. A. UBorBsaa. c C. L HraaoB, {

Lron, •

Horses and Cattle!;Farm For Rent I

of aqaara rigged Te**eU lo the eitla* of Loadoa, AaiaUadam aad Li*-

oatryiBg oateaqioaa of lb* Vir-glBir *liq>l*, giaia, Inmbcr, iroa, far* aad other Talaabla prodaet*. Smaller

>la oarred away to tb* maallar towaa ot the tida water regioa merchaa-. diee from tba warahovaea, aad ti«laa of wagoaa kept ap aa ovartaad traBe with tb* troatiar aattlaaaeata a* far aa, aad area b*y«ad the aaonataiaa.

Lookiag at thia day orar the graaa growa waata* ot tba old town'* aite. it aaama like tb* fkataal** of a drvaaa whan thekistoriaa raaoaata tb* mar-valona ehaagei which hare been wToaght OTR and all about it ia th* haBdr*d aad Bfty yean which have gone by alaoa ito flr«t fonadatioaa were laid by lb* Maab«a, tb* McCarty* aad Wageotra. Ita bialery ta a nirtapact ^ p l y li*g«d ariih aadacaa, maktaebolT and romance.

Far away ia theopcniag viata of ihe faded yean wa ataad apoa tba helxhu of tha Oeooqoaa aad look down upon Ita walera horrying on ID their aeavard oourae beneath the ahadowa of the branchea of the primeral foreat which eacoaipaw Ibaa. Oa thaaa waiaa*

ily tha tad* bark of tb* tadiaa. Bla wigwam la oatbaabete. Tbemlaa ot water, wood aad earth all arouad bIm in Ita faineaa ia hia. He haa held It by oaaiarle* of pomtaiion aad aajoymaat. Noa* havn eome io diapata bla title. Bat. kark' what annadaara tb«** which break upon Ihr

tOB, Lafayette aad maay Mbar dia-tiagntabed maa of the Uaar, both *oldl*a| aad efriUaaa. II wa* tb* ijaa where the lumbering red aad yellow . ^ - . . . k ..I - — -A • . . . . B - <

aad briUiaat esploita ia a loag aad •ariad oae, aad tlleaaaay of lb* brigbt-aat page* of ear eaaalry'a biattirr. M.

BOW lake our leara of \i» grand old .- ......* » . v . . . . u n a a M * . . . w MHU JVIIWW - WW HOW Mia« OUT M I T * 0 « HIT gTOBQ OIO coach alwaya atopped with fta way- aoldier and patriot, tba ptoag^ boy of farera. itaya a tranltor ia aa old lerttar: the SbcDaadask aad Ike wagoa boy of iiaya

I dined at the Anna of Fairfax, a comntodioaa tBTem aot far from tha

tba Oceoqnaa, At t o'clock ia Ihe afteraooa oar

'Fetry,' ballt partly of atone aad partly party obeyed tba aummonaot tha dang-of frame. Tb« diaaar waa of aaaokiag > tag ball, aad aaaemUad la tb* low* ball TOBieoB aad flab, taken from wood j where we were joiaed by tb* eitia*aa of aad water tbat moraiag, aad aapple- tb* towo, aad the meeting calla^ Aa mautcd with a pitcher of exccUeat ol d*r. Tb* rat* wa* oaa abilllag aad *(x peaae whieb I did act damar at for lo good a repeat. '< It wa* tb* p1*ca where th* politician* of the enmwading neikhborbood caage to "flx np their alalaa" for tb* coming alcctioaa aad where tha loaagan "did coBcregate"to get the fmheet adTiee* dropped by lb* paariagtraTclkr*. Themaaai** fo«9da-tioa* aad gnat outer atone chimaeya have atood well tha wear and tear of ita hundred aad fifty yeara of ita exiaterree. It OBght to be protvcted and eared for

; la th^^oming yearn, aa ahould all other like mamorialaof ttieco'oatal period.

To onr party every object of the lo-oaiity. dreary and forlorn aa it aaaawd. waa iaraalad with a paoaltar iatareat. Traly we were oa htalorlo gronad, way-farvn ia th* "aeata of tba mighty." Tbe plow ahar* haa withia a few yeara aptaraed aearly e^ry rod of tbe old towa'a •it*, aad oaly one nf ib« atr«<et*, tbat of Eaaex, tUrough which raaa Ibe cild faij^Nway. can now be oormctEy

I My aad aail B.nea and Cattle Stock aJwaye ea koad. nr bnu,;ht a* de-•Ind. Let • * kaow what ynu have or ;Si 8.A.VSACI IB

„. . , , , ^ ' ,«oiiiodaa Th* in»*(lera hare oo me—i traced. The hour alloitcd for Ihm port

Moat h* well „ i , ,^ l*»«"-P '«*» • • " • W u wtnr*d boata a n ling been apeat. our |.*rty retr muct-WM, B , BBOWH. [la hiamidat, aad, la^forahlaf i te loakJanUy ol>*y*dtb*eaptala'a*amm«aate

iNt . oa ahana. I well i ^ ^ t ^ I" *"•• K ' ^ " - ' - - « — « • • • wtn^wi ut^ia ara , ing oeen apewa, our BBOWH, 1* kia midat, aad, l«. bafor* hi* fit*laak anUy ol>*y*d tb* oap •* • ' •* .T i . ' fb l l i »» MMtM <a«i NftwbH BM|acBlab«a»dU*U4tto

\ ^

"TBXT'BB W A T A B B A O . ' '

Tit StaMlanI FkH«i Fmlaii PM

\ . -'

f Snpai tor Bzoa l l enoa W r l t t n c . Q o a U t T

order by M. D. Ball, Saperiataedeat of aobooUct Fairfax eouaty, Dirla* bl*a*-iag* w*n iaVoked by ROT. Mr. Kloawa npoB tb* ohjeeto of the gatberiag aad after tba aiagfag et "Lora'a Old Sweet 8oBg" a Tery appropraU addreae of welcome waa delirered on behalf of lb* good people of Ooeoqaaa by 8. H. Jaa-aey, whteh waa fcllowad by aa "hia-toric papar"ncitiagat)eagth tha maay iatarcating eraata aad aeeodatioBa ot the Taaiabed towa of Colebaater. read br W. H Snodea of Andaln*!*. Fairfax county, (ieorg* C. Soaad of Maaaaoaa i tbra read hia rery eatartalaiog hiatori-1 cal romaaoe, *alill«d "Mariana* of' llella Air" aad aftar lb* aiaglag of an- i otfaar aong th* iarg* and aathaaiaatio ! aadicacv, whkh had lla**n*d with aa ' at^^rMiatire attentioB. adjooracd. aad all concerned aeemed glad that they had , bad tb* oppnrtaaily of parttcipatting ia | th*exerri***of th*"An>tai>aBal pleale* ! nf the two kiodrad *<v-|eti«*, who** laad-aMe objfcta are thr <liffaaion of aaef al; k now lodge, tb* colSection aud praaerTa t'oa of coloaial hi«lory. th* of thought oa aatioaal to»ica, roaragement of rirtoou* aottoa* aaaoag the yeaag aad tb* gaaeral promotioa •t toaW iBMwWi had fNMnal

(1) A atroac aoa-laakakla Ink folai la thamMdl* M lb* bwrd away tnm lb* • a p n graap. Maka* a claaa aaa wkea la aa*.

(t\ A flaag* at momk af holder Ikal Ita eaagiy lal* •a indd* dtaaaetar at cap. FrercaU Ik* n»*allag or •loi>p<agoTcT*f lak. MakaB a *i*aa poa alwa aM fa « »


t • tw

4 •i.os mm

Abenlute railafaeilna gnar-aaiead ta erery pantaalor.

Oar owe rarauaal gamaa Me hebtad e m y aata.

Fall *( ib«a

aad coiapMe

Shannon's Pharmacy,

Mait&aaaa. ViaaiBtA. ua praatrTB-

IT^Zi^on^y to Loan I H - a - c a . ! " * « " ; ^

WM. a. unoom.

uo« $9tuimt 'TUH

FaWJabod Eyary Friday Mofldag.


Vy.H.\^, MORANdfcCO.

attbaa>lpt|<wa*tM: Oaa doUwr par oaaaBi to a^Taaaa. Siagl* oopiaa throa e«ata.

•atafM at tha r(Mi-*aa* at Maaaaaai aa aeaoai alaaa mail naltar. i.Ta.,

All cpmmaaleatlani aaac b* •e«)mp*ala< oj tha saaia aad addraaa ot tlia aatkor;u« II ""•"••."oaaofpBbUc eoBMni, tbarmaatb* *9i>ol>l>ak<l: but DO eoaaaaleaUoa of aa

\SiSmf •»•*'"<>••. » « 'Tea aa aa adrar-Oar paaaa ar« atwara opaa to nawa Itama

•°M*ate*llona oa asMtioaa o< adoaatloaai

• u b * pai>li^„ aatkor, orpartrrMpoBaibla, bat anatlw aa • oaipaBlaa br ih« nuaa wk«aaot taata at-• • •MA* •Tliaaaa ol too* l a l t t T " ' • * " ' "

wl th Ika plan* id Taa iocaaxi.. ——^ Alwara mala a aop/ of year auaaaolBl,

apall Riopar aaaaaa aaratall/ to arota and riT* {oaraaaa* aai *Mi«*a, ae how waUkBowayeaaaarba

PO»TMA3TBUwlnaanKTf*ror br »otU ty lag Da otaay waoog. aUraaaaa ta wktah ttia »*pirmti bjaalliT; or at aar talian ta n calT* Taa lanvu. oa Claa; orot aaj papai

far.. . , _ „ . . ta wktah ttl* ' JIar •

riaailai»i4*ii"tatiS' poltoiia.* Oal/foni baalBwalawaatad aa4 wa vlU asanJlM* '1UKS9! '£!^I l**.r«atloD oa lk!*'ui*T

KBMITTANCea eaa ka aa4« br aoeloMaa "»••» « * • ' « r*,l,t.«rfattJ»*Sb!M cuaak. AUblllaa>Batk*tai4rroai»tlr.

MilDAt MOBllIMO,"lK;f. 7, 19M.

L-ABOtt AKV TUB, FAKM. Oa* of tbe moat *<riou«qo«*tion*

co«rroB(iDg tb« araraiii htmw, In f»ot tbe •^lority of rBr«i«n,1a tha labor qinMioo.

Th* qaaatioa to^ay aeam* to be wtiere t« (*t labor at all. At pr**-ent prieea of fara produeta, tbe laripar ocrlatnty can aot aiTortt to pay t l JO a day asd aader tbe ten boar ayitem which aeetaato be con-frontiag aaBiiy farmer* attble tiOM.

One of tbe leadiog hrmera of tbl* immedUte icatfoo odrerliie* bia farm for rent, and be told the writer he wa* foroad to qail farming tor the reaaon that he voald not get labor, and w* kiMW from «oavkraa. tioDi witb M a y of tb* l«ra*n of the'county that there 1* great dUtU uulty ID aecoriog help at all.

NVhal doe* it neaaf . In the Brat place there ba* been

great development in raUrood and maaufacturing ealerpriae*. Tbe youDj; men are erowding to the stiops and ciliea.

Conditloaa may adjust theaaelve* tbrougb orerorovding of other BTO-cations, but in tbe. laeantime the farmer will hare to adjoat bionelf to changed cooditions. ika wtll Biiuply have lo till leas—pat Vewvr acros in corn and wheat, a^d if necessary divide bia farm and "oell Borae of hiaacrea,

I'erliaps after all mora laadKurn-L'r« will be in. adrantage (o theooita-monwealUi and. no dwodrantage \o ihc farmer biaieU.

Diveraifle<t farming, too,.' will greally belp and tbe general f ae o; labor-saving machinery wiU still lurtber relieve the aituation.'

Certainly a new allaatioa coo-trunts '.lie farmer and he' wiH have to inevt it, but of coorae each will meet, it in hia own viay.

MEN NOT HKASUBJB8. It i» a notalJe fact iliat the dia-

uussiuni* of the pending preaidentiat c'impaign have been devoted mote tu tbe candidalea tbenuelvea than to pnrtisaa politic*.

U i* doubtleaadue tothe fact that any change at oil Uneeded. Surely no man, who aeriooaly

look* inietbe whnle matter, will

auuuuii BouK opics-TIOS.

Again ilui. I'Uuiiijcurwboul Lwubo i* upon ua, auil «luiu*t an entire .;!j*tige. __

Cjaoediijg that a uhang* of book* Ifoio tbe acbo4 room aUiii<li>iiint •r*«,il«aii'al>i«-, aliii'ii w« \^ry much ilquU, it wurka a great banUbip upon the parenta and guardians of •oMll Bean*. To .be coDfroot«d with a eobool book bill of aeveral dollar* «ay eanee ouiny lo repudi­ate tb* public aotioul aysteo and wUt not iiifrequeiilly kv*p many poor childran oul uf «vhool, (hero. bydefsaliag lb* v«ry objeoU of lU* pubKe school tyatem Itorlf.

Tboo* who *r* «U1* lo buy new •et* of book* eveiy feJTi year* are kbi* to educate their own obUdrea or ward*; aad tboe* who are not abt* to bay book* ar* forced to plead poverty, «bleb very kw are wUtlBg to do, or keep tbctr cblldrea at boaif > ' . : . : . .,,...

There t* oouieihiag radically wrong (omewher* and now 1* a good time to tbink it over and to eeoare •ome plan tbat will aot eomfwl a* lo boy aew *ela of book* every.few

It may be welt aaked, too, if there 1* any real advaataga la the aew aet of bouka over the old. Many otthe dilTercDoea pointed oul are ditfertn cea existing oal/'fti'^ih* mind* of the reepeetive publUber* and tbeir i^preaeDUttr**, and board*, alttlng tb determine tbe matUy, arv>ot oi-way* aatiofied in their own miade tiiat the new book* are preferable bat feel it a part of tbefr bntlneaa to make some chaag*.

Behind all tbis change of soboot books is the battle of boslnesa. The cal* for a cbaage in euhool book* *bould coma frco tbe school room and .jiol from, the pabtishing iotar e*ta, wbo are spending thoDsande of dollars in ordei> t*ie*y ».tax upon tboae least able to pity it.

laoidesUlly, too, there is anoth.-er hardship, isad it fallf ^ v i l y upon the eebool room lts*]r.

To Itlastrate. A cbaoge has been ordered. Oo to your school room St thi* time aad yoo will Aad tbe teacher eoafronted with both tbe old aad the new set of book*. A raw bare gotten the new book* and laany have come with the old one*. What shall the teacher dof Send the boy home who has the old books T If yon dv tbis what nay become.of the boy in the meantime ? He may coaie l«ck in a few weeks and he may aot Bnt whenever he does come back be will be behind in bis :bwaes.

.Besides what teacber-wonla lo aend. a child'Tloui.e' for any soch^ reason?

Tbe sending of the obild home may wound iU feeling anil the ays-l*m tbat does tbat is little short of criminal Tlie man or .the womoc who ia a pirty to wooodiog the feelings of one child la anwortby to have any thing to do with school business.

It will not do to adopt the pater-naJisUc system rtf tbe sUte's fur-nishirg th« books lo every child any moic than It ahould furnish it« clothes or i u school lunch. It wonid be a laisuke to adopt one blander to correct another. It would be inSnttely better to see if

Wattersuo Patuta Parlcor.

The deraneralii of tUi).United Slaiti B»*y know—for aure—that in Alton Brookt Parker ihey bare a nominee for Prostdeot to tl* to; lo stand by; loflgbt for, through iliick aod thin, from atari lo flolab!

No one ot the BOO democrailo ediior* wbo Waal to Eaopaa hul oama away la-vlgoralad aad nfreahad. lach of then foaad there aot a easi-lroa, magsctlo maa, showlag Ikre* row* of front leeth-"aad aary tooth allkc"-sad exelaimiag with every third word "deUght-ed," as It h* warn a«ylag "Vol* for m*. d y*r, or I'll break arary boue la your body," but a gaalltaasai • simple, uasflaetad oouatrygaallemsa; Mu«.<y*d,i*d-h*lred, breiay aad brswayi aot quite so tali u J*S*i«oa, aor so short a* Tlld*»i hul *Bougk ot both togivs d*maer*ay •**ar. •ae* ot a aa*. If *v«cy voter la tb* Ualtsd 8lsl*a could B**t Judg* Psrksr, hs would fSt Uie*.foarthseftb<a. I a -phsUoslly. be is th* aM w* h*v* hem leokiag foii d*cl<Mly ih* aaa wsaud la tbe White Hoo«*.

Ia Ih* fliM plana, th*n la ao aluS and >a**as* shoal hia. H* U as plain aad

\iBpr*t4adlng a* aa old *bo*j sad b« flts llks oa* add w.*An Uk* ca.i*. As smiasBt Jurist undaublsdiy—lha Ckiet Juellc* ot tb* 8apr*aM Oourt of th* Xaplre »tata ot If*w Torfc could be noa* oth*r— Vfr**d IS tba Isw; aorally a bad-iook of sober ooua*^, lattllaetuaUy a ver}-lightboiH* of lucidlsy and learning. Te«, and a deffloent; adaaoerat of thfasboel of JaSarsHB aad Jackson and Tlldaa. If the people waal to gat lb* goveramwil out of th* baodi of th* mouatebanka aad wr*ek*rs wko BOW po***M It. sad b*ek lato th*ir owa hoads, th*y eonld aof Ind •a «|*at b*tt*r aait*d to th*tr parpoi* thoa this Bidsadid typsof Aawrieaa aaa-


PARXER'g-HAIfl BAL8>^ :.\ 1KA..I..-I

lALSAiW ..ii grvwCh.

'Lair..I K-A-p J lKMU*!! J i A » U t ^ ^ *<iK*«S t u g M Dn^^hM *


MjiU your erd*r lo B. X. KNIOI IT, PK*i|t5<kinfc wflTft tWn.

« 1


<^LLAail X V I R O F F U B O I N THI COUMTT, Fear dif oreal klad*-gusr-le*d aot te hurt Also lb* eh**p*i grad*s.

10 Pu9 0 « a t . Off neail hAt BOBB aad U0B4B DLAM-KITS for tha aoct SO days.




Be baloaga to aone of th* faelloas. B* Is a daooeraL That U all. H* Is a d«aocr*t as TUdaawai a jemoerat. H* Is a demoerat aa sll of us are demoorsU who love truth for truth's soke aad hate hypocrisy, |ylag and eaat He U ao man's msa. Uadat bis wise, b*algasnl •ad Jost. nir* Ih* homblost of dsaoerau will raqalr* ao chalkmork. Though SO yaar* a JiuUce on the beach, he Is up to dste OB every polilleol Ia«u* of tha lime. Though living span from th* bu*l*r hannu ot mso, he ia ia close touch with •II the eurreau ot HI* aad thought. He la a healthy-minded man, a wholesome-bodied maBriaright-hssrled,8«aalhla,mal' t*r-of fact aaa, aotUag spectacular or eboeatile about bin; the beat aaa we have aaea at tha front la SO year*. *Bd exactly the kbid of leader waatad lo tak* the iMla of Stale aad aleer the' ship •wty from treachenma waters,, to go into the Aagssa stabia* and claaa. thea out. —Irotnartllt CovWerVoitrnai.

Towriomitinau^GflnKffl The Board of Supervteora wiU, o* the

tp<i»J0t October, fj04, ooasidtr lh*p» illloB for tha.#olk>wiBg boundarte* la la Cola HagUtarial D&trlct lo be d* eland a lawful feaoe.

"Beginning at Southwest coraer of Occo<]uan District and ruooiDB>wnh Waatem bonadety ot aald Diatriet to Oscoqsan rus, thence Woct with Oooo-quM ran 10 Blaada ford bridge, theaos with Blaade road lo Junction of Oeoo-<l»J»«>^th»ac* with aald road to place

A Copy—T«t*: X. NaLsoB,

Clerk of Board.

Wlio Hay Vote In Virginia.

The foUowiog sutrateat bos been repared, showing who may vote ii irginia at the election November 8 I. Citlxena who have become twenty-

oaa yeara old ainee Kebmary 1, VM, and who have at tlxe time -lh*y oiler to >ota pudtothacitr treasurer •!.50 poll tax. They may register at any time between now and Saturday, October 8, Ineluatre,

*""' - " ' of their the



snort Horn & Poll Dur&am MONUAY, OCT. Tth, 1 9 0 4 Having decided to dlsconUnua the

breeding of Poll Ourham Cattle, I will aell at public auction, and give the public a chaaoe (o aecure aome valuable breed-iiig stock, on the above date at my home place 6 miles North of Uaymarket on Ihe Harrisonburg branch of the Southern B. R.. U foDowa, Heard headed by

- - - - —— •.• > , . U < 1 V . 1 E U , • _

HYNSON'S," Manassas, Va. S ii

a. Cittaena wbo prior to Way 7, lM«, PWd «o the city treasurer gl.W poll tax for 1B08, aad who wen oa Ihe rcciUia-Uon books prior to Jaauary, IWM.

8. Citixens who paid oaly the ISOS poll tax prior to May 7,1904, and are not M -latered at the preaent Ume; provided they also pay the poll tax for 1901 aad 190i,

Ih may be paid ta the dty Ueasurer which ~-« ._ _ . . j yc y^a. IO ine city ueasurer at Bay tioie. np lo aad iaeludhw Saturday. October 8, aad provided furthar t h u thay regleter aot Ular than Obtober 8. Whea they moke applteattoa lo r^Uter they mujt produce the tax leedpta for 1901 IsuS aad 2909.

4. Soldiers and aaUora of the Federal or Coafederau army aad aavy who are on the reglatratloa books sow, or wko may reglater aot later than Satnrdsy, Oct. i.

— f . • _

Arnew iteoocBlae* Allaa,

. B., u follows. Heard headed by SPARTAN GLOSTER, 809545 S. B

B. B. and X»1W, P. D. H Book, U d y BamlltOB and bull oalf, Lady Hamilton and and bull calf. Lady Hamiilon «rd and heifer calf, Lady Hsmlltoa 4ih aad boll calf. Lady Bamllton Sth, QneoB ot BIck ory Orove. Queen Grove and heifer calf. Royal Plak, Dortha, Bright Olovar »Bd! Clover Leaf, Bamllton Qlrl, Three lelfers too young te iMdater, 93 dni«wis-lored and high grade cows with 1* calves. 4 two year old heifers, satfr ia calf, S yearling heifers.

FARMING IJIPLEMBNTS.-I will slso offer 2 four horse wagoos, wagoa box aad hay frame, ox cart, Deering com har-vater, Poindextar oora splitter and a lot ot other faraiag iaplaasata too aam«r COS to meatloB. . TBRH8:—Sums of S30 and under cub-

over that amooat a credit of 13 meatha wlU be girea, irarchaser to rive aote with approved aecurity bearing Intereat from i»taj payable at the Loudoun NstionsI Bonk of Leesbnrg, Vk.

OS-AR c, H U T C H I S O N ; On stme date aad place Mr. P. B. Buck­

ley wtll aell oa the aametcrna ooe brood mare aad colt, eolt by Loch GITBB, two year old coll by Eenlncky aaddle 9 one year old colte ty Sua Up.

•i 1-

> boree.

Hi ilr m

m % m

m iii

m w





Goods are arriving and many are now on our shelves. Gall early and get your choice.





rat tea a'ctack A.M.

M r. Roosevelt's personality is orig iiial and striking. Be i* the fore. most figure on the political stage and the evidence oee-BS to sostaib ilie opinion that thia proaioeoee ia svir sought. H i a aggreasireaeas wuuld be admirable wefa H not for bis self-asaertiveiiess. S e baa' be­come the ealireadaiaistraUoD. He leeiiiB locopaidar bimtelf nut simply the-pSrly which he doBuaates,4at the govcrnmept a* welt.

In tbe preaidealial eoajiaigB pro-crdiug .Mr. Rooeevalt'* oerapaoey or I be execBtive chair, it wa* a di*-rjssion of platCorao. Everybody regarded ITr. MeKioley as a good, • .r.- man.. Ttr reaeialierthatadis •.•i.;iiinhLil ex CoafrdeiBte Oeaeral r ' a .i.rmrr Senator froa Ibiaalate, '' -< inii.lic apeerh in MsBaaeaa de. f , d that lir. .McKiBley waa not

onU a good man bat a high aaa. We remember, toe, tbat a dietia-);i)i*he<l lawj-er, aow ucrepyiag a iiigh Judicial {lotitioa ia thia stale, and well kaown to all oar people, •aid to tbe writer doriag the ]>aigi: that he had raaooa* to believe that Mr. McKialey waa among tb* higbeat typeof ai>B.

Thia I* eerUinly aot the *itaatioa io tbe peadiag oaapa;ga. It ia aot fo much tbe repablieaa polieiet that are bciag oppooad as I* the persoa ality of the bead awl tnml of tk rrpaMieoa tickal.

It is mora aa ioaaa ot of mea«ai<*8.

oadertake to say that school books should Iw changed for the BMre sake ot a obaage as a woaon goes from tight aleevea to iooee; or that tbe principiee of grammar or perceaU age or tbe facu of history ebange periodioally.

Think it ever and be prepared to act wb«n sautber cbaage is sched aled.

OaedB Aitatitted ta Baeord.

Uoe of the asoot eacoaroglBg SIKns of the Umes was demoaotrsted at St Loais la«t week at th* Uai-vrrMl Coagraa of Lawyei* aad .'iirisu ia aa epea plea IM Baiver aal arbittatioa. Tbe aaart ie the highest Mhaaal aad Tk* Haga* is but a leag atep forward la aaa's ealightiamsat Es..8eeretaiT *t S u u Jaha W. Feotar spoke ta op. pooitioa te tba a—lalaintkM's clamor fkr a Wf Mfy.

A Uat of deeda adalited ta record slaee Ihe las* term of ooun:

Julia !•. Fair; E. F. Royal lo H. W. Herring: B. P. Looae to Soulbera Rall-»V_Co.; to>bett Maxwell lo O C. 5°»«'; J- W. PreeoMt to M. Lyn<* Phflip Vogta ta Mary Vode- Crw BriggloR'B. Wl„^.vSZ't»vL giaU G**klna; M. IHvIa to Mary BT Nlool; J. W. Preaoott to J. B. T. Thonl JOB; J. W. Preaeoli to C. » . Fiabar- L. M. Millllpa to Aadrew Scott; C. L a L to D. F. Loag; J. W. Latham to O ^ C ^ " J f ' i ^ ' % f.jriturbai* to C. B.' Ut-

K I M T B . COBBOT to /**. E. Harrell' L. Y. D«ia to J. M Creig: 8. a Spitxai ,0

r2|-..,!L P°i?^' ' '-Gallekto M. C. Miller; A D. Smith to Ueorg* Davl* D J. AaMea to Oak Hill Cha^; 8p*Mw L«* to Lavaata Lee: B. F. Idea loMK Dolkj; a. C. Roarf to R. Maxwa'i B Davis 10 E Bare**; 0. M Bakar ^ Thoa F. K.a,;I. P Baldii. to . i j Pea^ N. L. Boahaelt to W. L FlormSr M. Newtoa to Betite Marlow; »(. u' Waahlagtoa to Joha Oaraar- J B T Tboretoa to F. A. Cockrell; J J.naVlea." ? " 'r '? 85««»<'«* B. * L Asaoctal

^ i * 3Vf "* ^ ^- RoWaeoa; A B S T t ' " A - / " i * ^ ^ W. F. Merchaa. I J _ ^ F. Swaia; Eaali Davia to Joha

a j ! Mi to Walta Carta; E. F B S -!•»•«• ««>• W. Taylor: J. W. Oough to K. F. Bodlae. R X. Helateer I O J S « TolaoB: T. T. Carter to J 8. Moacr^T Hulfch to A D. Bldea, E. Z. 8a«5ia7o


Stale repablieaa ehalrmaa Park Agnew has retnraed to Alexandria after a short *t*y in Biehnoad lateadsd, It la *ald, to gat In touch wbh coodltiaB* ia tbat dia-Irlct. where the republlcaa party ia ta a muddle.

Edgar Allaa, Jr., aomlaee of the BOB-offlcaboUing wlBg ot the party, says that he has beea oOdally reeogiaxad aa th* regular eaadidau by Chainnaa Agnew •ad by Natioeal Chalraan Baboock. Mr. Allan aald thai tbe officcboMlag fac­tion, which la aekedaled lo saoka a aoai-aaUon October 4tb. wonid act be able to ooatrol Ihe vote.

Having sold my farm I will olei at public auction, on the above named date pa the premiaea, near Briatow, the follow­ing: 9 good work h6r8ea,.Zauekllag colia, yearling coll by Loch Gynn. bull,« ateers, » heifers,« brood aows, 13 pigi, boar, old

eV twi wagon, truck wagon, nel. hameea

rorhorse for tame. wa«oo, milk wago _ _ _

Oabom binder, Oaborh hay rake,' Mc­cormick Biower,eom planter,8 iron beam double ahowela. Iron beam aldgle shovel, itay frame, hay fork and rope, spik* har­row, sptlng^ tooth harrow. 9 dirt bed* pair apreaders, log chain, plow and sia-gle hsmesa, road cart, oora sheller n o w eat aaw, aet of hone-ahoelag loola, s n s r -tor, 8 atack* of kay tnd maay other thbga loo muaerooa to maatioe.

'TERM^i-On sums ot tlO aad uader cash.- Over thai aaoaat a credit of plae Bsoaths will be Slvan. the puickaser exe-




2!!ff J A ' ^ * '*V''Vr. aegotlable aote lES BIRKETT.

with approved aeeerity. JAhl


ID. J, Aaxawnni, Wsnsaai. Va.

Farm For Rent I .hJaTfarilSlad"' '"" '" ' •<»-"^-

D. J. ABBntaToit, Maaaaaa*, Va.



i APPLES Peaches, Pears,

aad alt klods of fVm «iU> (UtMligiTU TtEES MB OBiT b* grow* to the beat advaatage from cleaa, healthy ateck Thia la what I .i!!.*"*" «"""•••• I' will be to your iaier«at to aea m* before buylas anvtkla* in Iktalioa. Will offer t h K i ^ « 2!5i.i'°? "' ^™* «™wn NCRSSRT STOCK I haveevezbad. Watch fovoa-

'''ss:ri::itriS!?s:S:u'a:r^ ^siim Pait KuisBifB,

F. •• GOOBaii. Pttrnw. f i

By vlrlne of a deed of truat, bearing data OB tbeOth of July, 1901 aad recorded IB the offlce of the clerk of tk* Coooly Ccixx of PriBoe Wlllfaa Cooaly, Va.. la ^ - O ^ » . P<W« 4*5, aad executed by W. T. Wine and W a . L. Buffaer to a /

-CTre certain sums of money Iherein aaoied.' the underalnnd Iroktee ia Ibe said deed' M 2 " * wllT offer tor aale. to the higheel bidder, at nabUc aactioa, ia front of tbe Boward Hoaae, la the town of Manaama,

8ATT7BDAT, OOT. 3 8 , i e 0 4 . at IS o'clock m., the f<dlowiag peraoaal Oae Faoquhar Saw MIU. " I ! ^ff"^*! B«mae, oaa Lath Macblae •ad all ailaehnaau thereto, aad two Or-

sJsjrTtefTJss kTr .'aa. TERMS OF 8ALX-CA8B > ,.'•„" ''" THORNTON, Tnataa. '-f-'- KOBABACOB, AocUooeer.

n.1,. »< i^r fc l ' received one hundred and elghty-eigbt E!J^ .SL!^ Krippendort DlttmaoD Ladles Shoee, dirict iaL0Oj|».MaBd$»*). Every pair warranted to^Ivi w5?


Dry Goods I Sattecna In blue,'plnk, Uaek aod whlM check 15c. Flaaaelettea la twelve pattena, good quality, lOc Outing, C a a t o a Flaaneb, Dreat Qlscbaas. All. wod kod Twill Flaa-ael.tSe. Special value ia bsd'eoaforia, tec WHBEr.ER 4 WILSON.

Cor. Centre & West Sts., Manasias, V».


Br p. c.

GimsSIOKE^ SflliEI

fiEIEBlL DRCHAIOISI' paUta Alao laaber of aB klada. Sa»

m»ft i m , rsiiiiii III. BIB.|ig.u-tf

• ^**reaowlaonracwlyrabaillhofi*e •eit doer te Ibe Howard Boo**, aad woeld rvapeettally aellctt the patraoag* of t u pahUe, All the flaer grada *f,finilicikk ClfBrs, A c

Very rapawfaSj. L. I. rOPB.

Valuable Real Estate. • I L ^ ' " ' ™ ' ' ' * ' ' * * • * • of'^«<^'lrcull Court . .K T * " " • " foon'y. ent rred tbersla

•<ita Jnoeterm iBiH.ln ibockaacaiy eaaee ;harala peadlag styled Rutchieoa it al va S ^ *^ " " BBderaigaed eoaateatoa. * a WIU offer for sale by way ot Dablie

I'hlfl^ !l!if.^''v^« " " ^ ' ^ 'fSt -of ' • •Poa oBoela the tows of Maaaeaaaoa

•OBDAT, NOVEMBER 7, 1904, at II o'eloek a, a .

131 Acres S L ' ^ !?m? » ^ * « ^ 1» Cotea Diatriet, Priaee Wtlltaa Coaaty, Vlrglai*. raeaat-W'T'IJT' ^ ^^^" ^**^ *' • ' • "

Taaaa;—One-half caah aad tbe b*l-i »» oa a credit of oo* year, wtth tb*

pr1vti*g* to Ibe purrhaaM' of BDlMpatlag lha dafarrad payraeal. lha parcbaaar U Jivaaa lm«r*al Dearlac ante for ibe de-r m d payaaat cod the title reioiaed "a«M Ih* panhto* aoaay ta felly paid.

L. A. LiaaiB, ja. , R. A. flrTCBaea, C A. SnacutB.

. . Coaaialnaaw. hf L. A "

B. Ki

Richmond Horse Show Association,

RIOHMOim. VA. • t M t r » , 19, 20,21 aMl22,l9Mk

WcM ExUMiMs utf Spuial Sahrday liH. •Ms " ^ - ^ "'-rTntitii i i H i n


OfEi $0,000.00 II FiiZEs.



Such as kettles, Tea pans, coffee pots-, sauce pans, - • tea kettles, preserving ketUes, cake or muffin S n s «• wash basins, ham boilers, strainer bt ickets ,^' - -boilers, dippers cnps, ladles, oil cans, &c, &c. «•

W A R S . sn^h i '"* ^ ''"•«^ '"^ of QUEENS- -

100 Pieee Dinner Sets, § Toilet Sets, &e* =

Give us a call and be convinced that we GM "• SAVE YOU MONEY: JJ

J. L.MOSER, = Centre Street Store, Manassas, Va. S


1 » « EMSOW

OMM Sella For

i^oaaiaaMaa A. LarklB, Jr. !raiMa.^a*.

Half rates from all stttioBfl in Virfinia to Rich mond and return,

TickeU on sale October 16th to aand inclusive, eood until October a id, 1904.

W. O. W A R T H E N , SBCRETARV, Ricbmoad Hone Show Association,

P. O. Box 605, RiihsMMid, Va,




9as Ptenn. Avcntie. Washington. D. C.


$€cnfs .light cents a pound is

'; t n young woman paid for •v-i >. c pounds of flesh. r>'.:c v.'.-.3 thin and weak and

i:;! dollar for a bottle of oil's Emulsion, arid by tak-

;,' regular dose? had gained L1\ 0 pouijds in weight before - buttle was finished. I i^lit cents a pound is

> for such valuable map Some pay more, some

some get nothing for 1 i.ioncy. You get your c s worth when you buy

;ts Emulsion. .\'e will send you a little

~* Tbdte was a mornlnif and Ice tioos.

heavy fruat thia in •spoat?<l aitui- .oi i Satu

At a ineetinj; of thn town council


A flock of wild geeae p»a*!ii over ThursHay morniag on tbeir t^oBtbern Journey.

ttr and Mrs. W B. Ooode, form­erly of tbis place, bave moved to Qermantowa, Pa.

Mr. Will Evan* of Uuckhall, a ho b*s bseo ill of typhoid fever, con­tinue* lo improve.

Tbe town, council bos ordered a l>ipe laid from Oburcb street dowt. Battle to Portoer avenue.

I l i _l)i<ljt hl-t, .Mr K E <i«*<iiu ami Dr J II H.jdKkin

I » n u .ipijointed aobool trnatoea tor lliH tuwii of Maoasa'a to Sll tbe va-e»Mci.-a caused »»\- Mi-asra W»ll.-r Bh.nnoa and'X A Uoulf .leolining to aerv^. A t a meeting on Tueaitay night Mr. Bloaaom'a loeliKibillty was held and Mr. J). H. Preaoott was appointed In hi* stead

U a r i t a p o r t e r Iji Soolaly .

Ur. Ilanry Camper haa reliira«d froin a Irlp to Dalilmore.

Mr. .1. H. JeCTrlea piM aHytag vUlt le Uarriaonburg laat week.

Circu i t Court P r o o a e d l n f * .

The Oi'iober tarm of clroult eourl ooa. veaad on Monday latt with Boa. C. B Nlool prMldlog. Toe rolloadng i* a sua mary of tbe proceedings:



Mlulda Liokle haa laluraed from aal ^ * ' ^P*""" " Jo*- C. Feixer on t*ad«d vlati to Baltimore. ?,» , ' .,J"<'«m»Bl !•> '«vor of th* plala-

1 > r r .V DOWNE, CHkiiisTS,

V>.i:! Street, New Yoik.

;jc- andji .oo; all drugpals.

Mr. A. N Paya* brought to tbis offloa ls«l Monday a sweet potato wbiob measured 97 inebcs.

Mr. C. W. Brlga of Pristow wUI •Bortly aev* to ladiaa Urritory, having sold ills farm to Dr. B. B. Wise.

Mr. Cbas. KftoUener, brother to Mrs, W. h Oaealoftbia pUue, dl*d at bis bom* In Lynobbarg on Baa-day ]a*t.


Col. Edssund Berkeley, who was ' " **"*• • • •m«r «l»li.i*(«rMlu«Dt fever, wss In towo MonSty and was looking quitd well.

TUere will be sii all day's meeting St Uuckhall Suaday next at II a. m 3 and 7:80 p m. Mr. H. D. Qorrlon, one of the illrevtors of tha Central Union Mlsait n at WuahinKton, will bs present jind siog. A protracted msating Is now la piogress snd will be continued-next week, every nigbt st7;8u. The services are.belSg con­ducted by Rev. J. U Watklns, Rev. A. V. Vondersfflith and Rev. Mr, SkeltoB.

BBLiaious HOTZdaa, »T,ioi.!c._All »alBta Ckarek, Fatkar r. .i«ii.ier¥H>«iat IMOa. la., avarr aaeoB* : rujrth 8aa4aT.

I'iiwmvii BirrwT.—Ellar J. A Norton ' 1. hiiiK errrj aa<t Saaday and Satnrday i''r« ut a p. m.


TiiijiiTr EpunopAi, CacacH.—R«;tur, Bar. I I" McUill, 1). D. Harricaa Sanilay aaarnlaa .: 11 tl. m. Saadaj achuol at 10 a'dock.

« E ruDBca, SotJTS.—Maaaaaaa. Tha .-t'lu, Ker. SolvjD K. CockrjU, wiU praneh iry siic.lay morniag at 11 o'doek aad

• •rj' Sua Jay erentng 7:10 o'clock. Kpiai-opal Chorch, Raymarkat—Bar. H F

M'iin:iQ, Ractor. BerriM* In 8t. PaolL >•. ry SuoJay at 11 a. m.j and at the Chnrcb lOurtiavf.iar. UttlaOeorgetowuat 8 p I'KiiiaBVTitaiiic "t5B«t(e«.—Bar. J. Oarload

IUDoner, D D.. wUI praaekevery Habbath at , . a. m. and 7:Su j>. m. Gbrlatlaa Xadaavor '.'Ty Sabbath at 6:1$ p. at. Prayer naatina 1.. rv WeJueadaj at T:80 p. « .

fif.ri[Ei.LcTa*aiaC|io*ca—aaaJaTicbobl 11 11. m. OiTina sarTine erary aaeoad •i ndii/at I t a.a.;alao oa third Lord'a

It <i::>u p. m.. aod on loarth Lord'a day - . 1 u m. .Woas* (lajaaxAK, Foator.

M U.Cuuaca.-Bav E, V. Feltatr, paator : .-eac.Tjng aerrioe at Kaaaaaoa erary Una-: ij m jrniEig at 11 a. at.; trary attaraoon at Jdi»9 C!iapt«rat8:30 p. IB. aod arary Sua-l.iy i-i-oQiQgat Briatow at 8 p. at. Prayer :i:-"tin(t tvednraday ereniac at Jonaa' I ii ipi-l aoJTIiaraday araaiagaat Haaaasaa. |

M K. t'Hrnca SocTB-SadUiy circBit-B«v. •"<> «>Tangenient» having been > V. lli.jerbrand. psator, 1*1 Siaday Sad- niodc for a freight office in the new • .V. II u. m., QdiQeerille, 8 p. ja-, Bneklaad, ^ • •- * -- > •• 1 )<, 2nd ivod 4th Saodaya Hsdlay H a. :>. (j:rri.'r. 3 p. m.; 8rd Hsadaja,Galnas-

Bucklasd 3 s.m.; Sth Saadaya " m., VetliogtoB, 3 p. m.

Sorvici-3 at White Hall l i t Snnday niskt IJ 'I'J Sanda.r moraing; Oakload SadSaa-.y ta>rnLnir aod. 4tk lisaday nisbt: Stk i : U\ at WKite HaU aad OaklancL aora-_- i; i lu 'ht altwnatdy; (Iraaowieh lat aad i Ml>. iiioniiDK,.3dand8d.atatgkt— -•t-r. i-.e>s at tbe aeparhoora, 21 a.-w. aad

Mr. ino. F. Graham of Washlag-ton and Miss Cora Payae ot B M C -''""J' ">'• county, were married in Woabiugtou on Monday .

Mr. K S. ilyiisoD is in bed with a badly sprained ankle. He twisted it St a late hour W-sdnesday night returning from Jury service.

Willie Lipscomb, Charles Wen-rich, Garl Blossom. Robert Adam •on and Miss Virginia Iden are go­ing to school In Washington

Mr. B. B, Thornton lost a horse on Moadsy night last and aa ox. from the symptoos, we leant' that polroning bos been suspected.

The old passenger de{>ot at tbis plice Is being torn down this week. Tbe lumber in it wilt be used for tbe construction oi tool bouses &c.

The condition of tbe side walk on West street was referred to tbe street committee at a meeting of the to jn council last Tuesday night.

• N o ~ * '

Ool. Berkeley is naw eagsged in Ihe preparation of* bistorical sketch of Cspt. Brawaer's company for THI JoutwAt. Any nns having any data relating to tbe same are requested to forward the same to him at Waterfall, thia county. He ir also preparing a sappleuentary article to tbe other companies, oketeb** of ahieh bave olraody b«*a Mblbbed, a a | hs Is awtOM to get My InforaiatlOo tbat bus baea over­looked.

- Public tlpMikluir..

HOP. Jno. F Kixev and Hon. Tbos. H Lion wlH addresr tbe voters at Roodley, tbis county, Frl-dsynight, Oct. 14tb. at 7:80 o'clock, on tb* Issue* of the pending cam-psign.

On Saturday night, Oct. ISlb, at the same boar, Hon. Jno. F. Rlxey Hon. Tbos. H. Lioa and Cspt. Tho*.' K. Conrad will present tbs Issue* of tbe day at Dumfries.

Ol« Folks' l>ay.

Miss Eva Braaa ot Buckhall waa la towo oa Ualurdsy of last week, Y

Mrs. Oray of WasbloKlon wai Ibcsiisat of Mrs. C, E, Noah on Monday,

Mr. Oeo. H, Smith wss a WahlBsion visitor oa Sundv atteraoun last.

Mr. aad Mr*. Allen Ureen of aaar Aden, tbl* ooualy, were In towa Moadty.

Mr: and Mra. 0 . Walker Marehaat sad children are vbdllng Mr. L. B. M<s«h*nt in Dumfrlee.

Mr. aod Mra. A. A. Hoofl sad UlUe Ur. 11 ooB leave to-day for Upp«r Marl bofo, Md., for s vUll.

Mr. sad Mrs. O. Rayaoad RatcllUe aad Mn. It. J Adaraaon vlallsd reladvas 1B Dumfries oa Suadsy.

Mr. aad \ln. Rateltff* of DuBfrlca were gueaU ot their soo, Mr. 0.-R*ym*ad Batcllffe, bare on MoBdsy.

Mr. Kraest Hoser returned from hi* bom* la Oiilpepcr Itst w**k stUr a v*ry plesMBt visit to his pareats-

Mrs, M, Oroaamao sad children are vlslilng ralativaa sod frieada tn Mrs. Gruasmia's n.itlv* siMo of Prnasylvania

Mr. J. B. Malcalt* ot CUhsrpIn re­turned last moath froca Eaflaad, his ns-liv^Munuy. l ie snjoysd his vUit vary

Meesra H. F. Lynn aad T. B: Sbtaaia ot Ihe upper end ot this eouaty, and 0. A Uelaeken ot Haymarkat were ia tawa Monday.

Mr. and Mrs I. F. 'Wtlltsaif, wbo bsve been visiting their SOB, Mr. L. B. Wll llama, have returaeil to tbefr homs In LewlsvlUr, Ey.

Mrs. Walter Shannon, who attended, u a delegate from Oraoa Bethodist Chuieh, this place, the Womaa'aFortigB Miasioa-cry SoeUty at Slauato*. retarsed to her bom* here Wedaesdsy.

Mra. Wm. L. Smith and lUlle son, Lee, of*tra»burg were gueaUof Mr*, Bmltb'a falber-la law, Rev. B. Smith, Ihe latter pan of laat week. She hid been vieltin herr • "

HIT for IIOJ.OO intereat and eoau. t'. A. Ulneken v» Xdmuad Berkeley on

f"*'%»..'l'',"^«""""'" '»»<>' o' ">• plalntlfl lot »M0.50, .oblect to proper crediu, with iataraata and coats,

H. A. Wooidridg* A Co, vs Thoa. Harl "PI"Si??- J,"*'.!.'""' '" '•»<" nf the nUlnllff for »71.0O, subject to prop«r«r*d-ll». with Intereat and coau. »'"»'•"

Robvrt A. Hulchlaon vs Uhaa. O. Buhl ° t . " ? i ! ? - J>»d«m»i>' In favor of tha pWaUa for S4«. l ! with Intereat and ooau'

OoismonwealUi vs MunsoB Jackson oa •PP*sl. Fined ttOO and l l O . n oo*».

Coinmonwealtb vi John Nkkeni oa •Pf-?*'- Fined WOO aad tM 27 coats.

The following aocousu were prakeated ana ordered paid: „i°^ ^ Keys, 185.00; Ja*. F. Oulkik, 115.00; F. A. Ciookrsl!, W?,*©: C, M! Rojabjugb, W7.eOI<..). ArrlBdOB. •87,80 t ^-^^'^r^'' •"*>•• B- B, Thorn-to*, t(780, rNote.-Thes* Items w*re forse^loes on U>e special mouated polio* force during the msaesuvrs*.]

M. L, Keys qaaliflad, wllh J, B. Hei-rall M surety, a* ovstassrot th* poor la Dumfries dislrlot la U* piso* of WiUIsm Erswaer, deceased.

W, B. RlehMds sdnilltsd lo prsoltes before this oourl.


Jas. W. K*T* qaaliSsd u Jusllo* of the Fesce la Dumfrl** district to lU s I la DUB

Hulehlsos qaaHflsd

.II", I I

\l t. ' I '3:F Suirra.—Prince Wniiam-Cir-- C-1. .1 K.Watkiaa, pastir, latSandar ;-.v 11 a. m.. Orlando. 8 p. m., 3nd" Hno-11% Mill U a. m , Brmcoir H p. m., 8rd IV Anb ;ry, 11 a. m.. Uriaiida, 3 p.

depot, it is tbooght so office room will soon b>e opened in tbe freight building.

Mr. Henry Wise of Independent Hill lost* valuable borse lost Satnr. day nigbt and Mr. B. F Hnghes of this place had lost another horse tbis week.

As "Cbildren's ' Day" so "Old Folks* Daj-s" will be observed next Sabbath, Oct. 9tb, in the Presby­terian cbnrcb. A special service will be beldat l i s . m., to which all our friends wbo sre "old" or "get­ting on" in life are cordially invited. Come and you will be greeted with Qod'a word of good cheer and help.

If next Sabbath is storming the old folks' service will be held ea tbe following Sabbatb.

i*r home In Howard county, Md. Mrs. Warner W, Welsh, who waal as a

dslef at* from th* Boekvlll* (Md.) circuit to Staunton to attend tb* Woman's For-»l«n Miaalonary Sootely.of the M. E. Cboreb, South, wa* the' guest, upon her return, of her father. Rev. Kobt. Smith, during Ike laUer part of the week.

MIsa Icy Matthew of Sudley turned from a vlalt In Wasfaloglon and

baa re-

BI» Time at UBineaviile.

i;i I •* p. m., 4ch Sanday Briatow, 11 .^p m. Oak Hill. 8 p.m. Prayer B.-Istij», ererj WodaeaJay at 8


Mti iTC'oraT—JadseC.k.Klcol.oonvaBaa M»nM..>3 oD first Monday In Pebraarr,

•.•r.\ -'Jne Aa^oat, Oetolwr and DeeeiBber J1 rv corNciL—TownConaelliaaeta oa laat ". l»y iiii,-litin aaehmontb. ti.c. wasaiWT. ^/^•r; J. vv. Wlleoian, Sarceant. :i iRD or sijpaxTutaaa.—Board of Sanarrl-rf meets Monday, Oat. W. a. A. SlapaoB iiruiAD.UaiQeaTtlle, iriinrtua.' . \* E aerrall, rraaaarar.'

Theautomstic interlocking awiteh system, soon to be iastalled here, will require over 4p different levers in the tower-biiildtng to be erected tor the operator..

T h e question of culverts on.Bat-lie street and Portner avenue la now before tbo street committee to de­termine whether to repair the pres­ent ones or to put in slope ojiea.


I'.:' Hnr«baafh.-RberlC.Maaaaaaa,Ya. L B. T. Tbomton.ComaaoBwaaltbjutoraav

^ iLMsas. Tirvtnla. Manaaaah I«4««, Re.lSl, A.P. 4 A.

U. Meeu on Prlday nlfht OB or attar tbe full moon la each auMith la Ble*-eoia'a Hall. D. K. rraaeott, W. II.

3 J:J Run Cooncil. Ho. KM. jT.0.I7.AV.ia*«ta 'ry Tiieadar avanlBST at TdO ta BloaaiMa'a

-' :w>vall Tent. So. SS, K.O. T. H., meeta .-> :*i and 3rd Monday aighu at 8:00 . " k in Blosaoia'a Ball.

The October.term of tbe circuit court baa been a busy oae as will be seen by the in another ootiunn. • Wo believe court has been n SRssion every eight this week.

The attention of all voters ia cslled to the fact tbat the law now requires that tbe capitation tax must be paid personally by tbe voters as seased in order ta entitle them to vote.

It is evident that democracy will bave a big rally .it Gaineaville to­morrow sftemooil (Saturday). .

It is annoanced positively that Gov, Montague, IiieDt,.Ooy. Wil-lard, Hon. John F, Kixoy, Hon. A. A. Lipacpmb, Hon. Robt. E. Lee, Jr., Hon. Lewis Mscben, Hon. J. B. Mc-Cabe, Hon; R. Walton Moore, Hon. James R Catoaand others will be present and speak on tbe iasues of tbe pending campaign Hon. Tbos H. Lion will preside.

AlesaadrK Heralster, MbaMauIe, has been appointed teacher of tbe public schoiri al Cool Spring, Lsodonn county. Their brother, Mr. J. P. Matthew, an en-glaeec on th* Norfolk A Western, has goae to Csllfomla.

K e b l s t e d i^rreat W l t b

Wanted! A.n kinds of PINE TIMBBBthat will make


t7 -CdlUnd get our CASH FRIGES .c STAVE FACTORY.


Mr. L. A. Latkin, Jr., one ot tbe seoreUries of tbe Lyncbborg horse show, was beie on Monday, He re­ports the ODtlook for an onoanally big event at the exhibitloa Oeteber U-14.

Cots For Sale! c of Cota for sole from 60 cents to

Some bave never ttoen used. i a iut of cotton blankets very cheap.

JJTO. A. NICOL, . :( MaBSsaas, Va.


HARQAINS: ' - : \rn lAnd. ftt Wert F«ll ChanA.

'S rrjom dwflliDg. b«ra. Fin* •bftdv --— A n'lf nibartMtti bo»e. #•)! ei

L-.rfp (nr tit/ propert/. • -141% ATP*. ttasr M^tzfl.Fftuqnter :-.!.v-, Va Fair tioiiM. ffood b*ni, for

. • > f I'J of itock: KTMivx, corn crib e*c. -•^i into 8 Sfltcto. StfWAtn on plmm.

'\ ii-int Btoc\ larv. v«l( »alM«d H .. ^^nn>*^TAmiut oomntrj. Qi—t eo«B-

• - lox baatJaff ftad hMd^flghaaUBp --^ Rnral frw <Mir«rj, A (VVAt

. '£. i n .

U t Ar*»i. B*»r Sokwrin*, V*. • . T) 'Iw^ljmff, n*ir b f t m . lfK> tr*M 1 0 -K o l ' l . &1I wi l« |g«C<d. OOTB b o « M ,

BaDth's Farm Ageoey , ^ D and G Ms., 1. r , fukl i f tH, D. C.

Rev. Selwyn K. Cockrell has an­nounced that be will tegin a pro­tracted meeting in tbe M. B. Church, South, oa next Sonday night. Preaobiag every nigbt at 7:30 o'clock.

Hon. C. C. CariiB and Col. Jos. R. Catoo will address the voters of Manassas and vicinity ia Nioot's Hall Thursday night. Get ISUi, at 7:30. Kverjbodyinvlted.cspwiially the ladies


On Tuesday last Mr. G. A. Bar. bee, deputy sherUT, went to arrest Mr. H. A. Simmons, charged with selling liquor witbont a license. Mr Barbee was accompanied by Mr WillBasbey.

Thay found tbe accused on tbe river io a boat Messrs^arbee and Boshey secured tbe services of Meters Atvia Lynn and Melvin Swan and a row boot and proceeded after Simmons When Mr. Barbee overtook bim and made known his bnaiaesa, wbieb, doubtless Simmons knew, the latter demanded to know bis authority as be was on tbe water, Mr. Barbee read the warrant, bot before concKidibg tbe reading Sim­mons levelled a Winchester rifle at Mr.Bsrbee Whereupon Mr.Busbey, who knew Simmons, began pleading with him to go qnietly to tri»L Simmons resented tbis and tamed' upon Mr. Bnsbey with hia rifle. Mr. Barbee saw bis opportanity and leized tbe rifle, pxessing the mozxle down. While ia tbis attitude the riflewiis Sred,-puttittgaboletbronab tbe boat. *

Realizing tbat further resistance was futile Simmons sarreadercd and was brought here where be awaits trial.

School Trustee ateettng.

The Msnosssis school truste^eld a meeting Tuesday and engaged as connsel, ia the natters petting be­tween tbeir board and tbelcofpont^ tion, Hon. J. B. T. Tboriton and Hon. R. Walton Moore.

The teachers of Rnffn< called on the board and every room as crowded, decided that all parents w their children to enter 1,1905, mu«t Ciller by Oc: that all cbildren applying sion to tbe school, who are no' seven yearsuf age than six, be excluded ; also that all cb applying who reside conven i^ iaJi»SS*"' °.[ «>)Brd H. Meiehant sad'w

,i3T*-.:P°w^" •"' fo' Friday, other acbools in the district a! be excluded.

The board being! of tbe that additional rooui sboulii'be pro vided tiy the beginning of-'the next school year appointed M)r. Qeorge C. Round a com.mtttee lof oae to ascertain and report tbe dost of So additional wing oa the NArtb end pf the present bailding to oofrespond to the oqe on tbe South side aad to inclade two rooms.

vseouoy. Robert A.

notary public, - The sheriff suhmlllad a report showiat IhaBumbarof priaoaers oosflaed IntalT

FUl and survey of deileBqueat land lo the name of R. A Weaver aad purciiased by B. W. Slorjt, auttmllted and ordered recorded. , .

Inventory and appraiaeiuoot llatof the peraoaal properly of Wm. Lake, deoeascd ordered recorded.

L. A. Marateller va J. G. Balllberloa. Judgment for the plaintiff for SM.RO with interest and ooats.

The last will and lealament of Ellta Ji" .'iTJ","' <>«««»«d o,(jered recorded. Carl Elkle va Thoa. Bubb &-8UB on ap­

peal. Judgment for tha'dsfeadauU lot casta and warrant diamtaaed without pre­judice to th* partle*., '^

J, E. Bell va J. O. HaUlburton. Judg-ment.for lha plaintiff for coaU.

Waller Pratt it Ca vs W. N. Upacoab * Co. Jury and veidlel for th* detsa dantt.

Grand Juiy of loaaesl—B. F. Lynn '0"*m»5. J- t. LeaeAaa, J. B. Johnson, •J. F. Dogan, D. P. Edmonds, W. T. Athey, C. M. Copea, C, F, Bailey, K. I. Glascock and J. P. Hadual with i t* tol lowing Indictments:

Three Indlclments. sgalnst Robert L, Mclnteer for a felonlei, true bill*.

Indietmaat agaiaat Ad«son Fidrfax for a felony, a true bill.

Indictment against Oula Blingerltnd for a felony, a Irue bill, '.

ladlolment igslaat Richard H. Mer­chant for a felony, a true bill.

Indictment sjolnst W, E. Howell for s ftlony: a true bill.

Indletmeot sgalnst Wm. Butcher for a felony, a true till.

Indictment against Sd Clarke for a ftlonv, a true bill.

Indictment against W. W, Wright for a felony, a true MI. '

IndletSBeato agaiaat Wm. S i m s s ^ a a d 8. A. Blmmoos for mIademsaa.ora, trae ullla.

Indictment against Isrsel Brown for a miademeanor, a true bill.

Indletmeot against J. W. Saadera tor a misdemeanor, a true bllL

Indictment against Joe. Green for a misdemeanor, a true bill

CurplM iasued againat Wa. Slmmooa ana s. Simmons, retomahle the first day of the next.term.

Infant child c.f John aad Clara Scontz adopted by A. A. and Jennie E. Barmor*.

Coiamonwealta va Kobert L, Mclnteer.

Hote* From Freeatooe.


Tbe Bpeakiav e a Hoaslay.

Mr. Harry p . Brooks of New York and Miss Nettie Oeesling of tbis place were married last Satur­day tiight at tbe resideae* of the bride's mother, Rev. Rgbt. Smith officiating. " *

Mr. C Biscoe ami wife , have moved to Waahington, srbere Mr. Biaeoe is enploysd ia the office of the Western Union. White here they mode many frieads wb« regret to see them leave.

Money to Loan I V ••.f\ lo loan na Urat mortfice oa real

J. B. T. TaoBXTOB, Attoracy.

^OR'SALEf . rhanki enoater aeol** platr<irm and p Weigh 140 poaada. Apply at KS»l, O m c B . 8-19-1/

-Tkanday. <«..j>f«»b r aath. TelirMt > rmh. Batars to< .LOOSK. MA » lOT.Ii

The banting BMaoa for wild tur key*. pbeaeonU, portridg** and woodcock does trot opea ontil the Bret day of November. A fall sum­mary of the game law wa* pubiiahed ia hut week's JOCBRAI..

The Warreaton rir^t'ntax of this week says J udve Nicol bos appoiated Mr J A C. Keith to aid Mr. J P. J cfTrieeduring bia recovery t« bealth which bis many friends anil* ia hop­ing will b« in the near fotar*.

•1 M.K.—Two gof^ mM'rt^t\ han i ' r - . l ^Wap—..anil nriniitAiiaeflr—one -"- roraiali a W. LERTH. Man**

10 7»l

* B"a»hn»gTr»n

_ M^ h:iie a«r><it lor 1. J WAaSKR. i m Eye

Monday, October lOtfa, is the last day thai claiaa for daaiages caa be filed. It wonid be betUr to attend to it on Saturday. All elaisas will be forevsr barr^ not filed .witbia ten days from the expirBlioa of lease.

t T .\_rmt in ih* tovB of Man

. • goM ftaBMdae " ' '»wa»d H M t at tkSi ' <" '> T. I •afMAa, Briatow, Ta.

Oct i a rtpt.

The drought ho* become quite •erioua. Fall paalores have about failed and tbe fleMs are very dry for the fallsecdiri: In many place* wat*rfor»tock iaciceedinglvscarce In some sections of the su't* there i* olaioat a water fania*. At Ohar-lotleavill* aad WarraMM tbe reeer-*<iinha*««k««tAa)*«.

On Monday last Congressman Jno. F. Rlxey and Hon. James R. Cston spo^e in tbe courthouse at Ibis place on the issues ol the day.

HOD. Thos. H. Lion, in a brief aad appropriate addreas, introduced Mr. Rlxey, the firat speaker. When iMr. Rixey began tbere were very few in the court room—maay were down town, others were scattered about in groups, d i scass i sg other thsB political iasse*. bat as Mr. Rixey proceeded tbe room waa grad­ually filled nntil tb* aadisace was about aa large a* ever aaoembled iher*.

Mr. Rixey'* addre**,ia the mala, was devoted to the practical i s inss of tbe day, aad was preacnttd ia a d i r e a a a d atraightforward manner-Perbapa hia*tronge*t point was tbe extravaganeo of tbe present admin­istration As he saw the issue o t tbe day it waa not so much a ques­tion ot platform as it wss the poli­cies of tbe preeent Odminietralioa He paid his rcapeeU to Mr Roose­velt, not in a peraoaal attack or abuse of ibe maa, but aa arraign­ment of hia theory of government and his atrenuoua viewa c«|>ciial|r upoa the great queaUon i b i i m> vitally coaecras the people of the South.

Mr. Rlxey fully aasu iaed bia rep­utation before onr people for his •00ml. practical common *en*e and bia attention to the great intereat* tbat concerns ua

l ie wan followed by Mr. Caton, who bad not oome prepared to make an address hut was prsaaed to ooiae forward.

'Mr. Caton

Mr. MlitOB T. Braasmell, asaistaBt ea-gtneer of Washiagtoa fertUixar pUni at Cheny Hill and Miss Emma Blaoa of Neabaco Mills were married Saaday Sep­tember, 2S. at the home of ^ teldrs' parent*. A saisll aad sel*ct iSj et friends and relative* wert pfessat

MIS. JL B . Meltoa -wa* th* ga«*t of Mrs. Joha Neill Suaday.

pr. Benj. Browa ba* returaed lo his duU«* here after hsviag rM»Tcr*d f om aa attack of malaria.

Mrs. Nattie Norri* of WiaUnglM, D. C , is the gne*l of Mrs. Heifl.

Tha R«v. Mr. Dor**; has bssn hokUsg a revival at Beibd church darittg the p**t with quit* a Iarg* altesdaaca aach night aad aa exaepUoaal large oae Suaday alght. Tb* aarroundlag cooat/ wa* rep->e*eat*d

M***r« Saal* A Olaacock were b pott Friday with a fiae lot at flab, coosistlag otpert*, rockSsh aad oatlUi.

. .Tirmaa,

T b e C o n t r a c t t o r U a a t a c e e .

We have uken tbe trouble to aak tha oplBioD of one of Ihe largaat praetiltoners before the Court of aaTau ia Waeblng-toB. He writes aa followa, after ezaoln-tag a copy of the leaae:

•I ahould regard Jbe agreemeal Madl** the CnRcd Slatea foT^ymeia for aaytbliig "damared or deitmyed." which would, of coorae, iaclnde "deDra-dttloBs." There are ao dodaJoas or pre-""O""*'"Briagoa each acase aa you pre-seat If yoo deaire to aeek tellaf, the Ifort of Clalma la voor pI*oa. I will gladly rsadisr. free of charge, aay advice or aa»l«iaac* witkia my p o ^ . •

ConUnued to tbe flrat day of next term Paul V. Portner va H. F. Davis. Dis-

miued at ooat ot the plaintiff. I. C. Reld vs the town of .Manasaaa on

appeal. £k>nllnued untll.Frlday. Grime* vs Commomwaalih on appeal.

Defendant pleaded guUty waa ttaod SlOO and coats.

Gray's adrn'rvsPleckwIr In caae. Re. manded to rules on motiba of the plaintiff

C. H. Bleher aad W. H. May appohited tmatees of Evaagllcal L n t h e r ^ ^ u r e h la the room ami stead of Wm. Runvoa remold from Ihe state.

H. M. Daalel-released from erroneous asaassmsnt

Oeo.C. Bonad quallfled as admlnlttra-tor of i t e eeute ot WUlUm Crileador. deceased. '

Ordered that J. T. 8yn«ox, Jos. B. Shepherd aad O. M. BatclUe Inveatorr

wm.*«5SSX?S.S2r ^"^"' Creal vs CommoBwealth oa MoeaL

AppeUee pleaded guilty. GneLsentaaetd to 9 Boatfas in )aU and tha-psymsal ol eoata. v j — " w

Commwwealth vs O. SUngerlaad for a felaay. Demarier entered aad sustsiaed aad bidictment quashed.

CominoawesRk vs B. L. Mclateer for a felony on three counts. Demurrers ca­tered aad suslatasd aad iadletmaats quashed.

It. L. Jenkins vs Couiaeewealth on appeal. C&tntlnued to next term.

Grand ioiy returaed the frflowing addl-tioeal indictments:

Indtctment agaiast Andrew Taylor for a feiony. a true bill.

ladlctment against WelHagtoa Mere­dith for felooy. a true bill.

rhre* Indlclmeots HialBst Bobert L. Mclateer for felonies, trne bills. •

Indictment agalaA Oizle SUaanlaad for a felony, a true bill.

Two Indictments against Albert Lcwia lor s ralsdemeaaora, true bills,

Isdlctment against Daniel W, Lomaz for a felony, not a trne bllL

Commissioner Lipscomb coafirmad sad aa order thai Aetiug Cooualsaloasr Thorn-Ins dlabsrss f uads.

1?!*","^ I ' £*""«>B. Ordar of sal* with J. B. T. Tfconitaa special oommls-sionsr,

,*,!"S?*i' If Stonnell. Ord*r of sale wllb T. B. T. Thoratoa spedai oomml*. sloner.

Robinson vs Roblaaon. Order ot sal* with T. B. T. Thoratoa speclsl commls-slonsr.

Davis vs Javln*. Beport of Maalar OoauBlaaionar Wm.B. T IpwiiniU i aad aad an order nf sat* with J. Jeokya Davl** aad Tbta. U. Uoa special oommisalonsrs.

Amerlcss Bonding Co. vs Carter el sis. Beport of Master Oommlssloner Sinclair, tha affidavit of The*. H, LIOB and Ihe r* port of apedal receiver J, P. Leaehmu submitted. No exoepiloas aoied. Same eonflrmed. Special eommlsslonerdlrecled to sell cows in tha controversy aod aa order lo diabnra*. And aa urdnr ot r*-fereace.

Rob:itsoo vs Robertson. Notice lo T. Boiling Robertson to remove hi* p*rson-aliy from "Oreenwood" wllhin sixty days and. thatBeceiver Lynn ahall be pal li poeeasion of Ibe prenlaes.

Hlaegardnsr vs Bloegardner al al. Re­port of Maater CommiaaloBar Lipecomh snbmltted. NouceptloosBolad. Same confirmed. Order of aale with J. B. T. Thornton kpeclal eommlsaloaer.

Pearaon vs Pearaoo. Thoa. H. Lloa wo ia ted special commlaalonsr, Jao. U. Nelaon being abaent, to receive purchase money and an order to exeents deed and an order of reference to Master Oommlt-alonei Wm, £ Lipscomb,

Lion vs Garner. Ordered that the offer of James W. VVebaler ot $S8 for Uie real eetate In this cause ba accepted aad that the special eommlsaloaer -execute Ihe deed;

Cbambetlaln'* adm'r va Gomatock's adm'r. Answer of Ouardlaa ad lliem, J. Jeakyn Davles filed. Order of refereace to one of the msster commissioners, and directions to the sheriff to sstlle admla Istra'or'a account.

Nelson vs Abel. Report of Master Commissioner Wm. B. Lipscomb sub-mi led. No inceptions, A. O. Weedoa appointed special commlaaloner to make ssle. - Schinok vs Sehenck. Complalaaat' Bessie Sehenck granted a divorce a via-ciiio matrimoni wtth custody of dilld

HUbnme vs Msrsletler. Order to dis­burse and decree flaal.

Manasaaa District School Board va towa of Manasaaa. The oourt onaald'er-Ing the bill preaented by the' School Board of Manasaaa DIairict, No. 6. of the county of Prince William praying an In­junction sgalnst the town of Manassas and others, doth adjudge order aad de­cree that. Ihe aald injunction be aad ia hereby awarded In accordance with the prayer of tbe said bill, the aame not to tako eflect uatil tha. ".'."pt^j^^m ^j aniaa oae for It sb all ezeeate a bead batOie th* clerk with personal security spprovad by him condllloned la the penalty of tlOO.OO as the law directs.

UoB adm'r: vs Davis. Report ot Maater Commissioner Wm. E. Lipacomb and speclsl'report of Commlsaloners H. F. LynB. C. E. Jordan and T. E. GsraeU flied aad ooafltowd. Order of sals irltb C. A. Sinclair, T. U. Lira aad J. B. T. ThomtOB commissioners.

NoTB.—Court Is in session u we go to press today. .


Ribbed Underwear and Hosiery


It will foon be. time to make a change ia your ^dergarmeau. Order now from n»—aad yoal l be prepared for tnddea clmigeB ia jtcmpentnn.


Womea's Jers«y-flillBg Vesta, hlgh-B*ok, skort •l**v**, ero*h*t flalsh: psv l batloa*. Psats lo maicb la kass sad SBkl* A E . ^ leagihs. Bach . . . . 2 Q 0

. ,Wov*a Rlbbea Coreel Covers, h l | * aaek. loag elaav**; saki* icnna ——^ *- - - . i t b M i Bieal


isU to

Agaiw m

Fall Baaalate

silk embroMwsd fNa«s aad wMM test. Also ^sla aad ,^ Lsoe-strlppedTkaHos- | 9 k n lery. A Bstr . , . . tm^lfii

Womsa's Impnrtsd Cattoa Hose, full rsxalar mad*; I dorf hiaeki doable aoles, h*d*aBd taea

CMlaa HoMk


IK Thread All-ov«r Lace Ltala

Ho**, la Hsimsduit aew (bada* of last AiU A A ^ racaUr Mad« kBpsrlsd. 2 v 0

Maots Knitted Wearables KNITTED BOOTIES-Abool SO styl**; ksad-kBliud aad la *U

wblt* sad whit* wlUi Ufht bias or (Mk trtaualags, IM l - M «a •l.tH>.

HAKD KOTT SAOQUaB-that sit wsaM for e»ol mon.| .s*-In sU wbfu dad wbtts wllb Ught Mo* *ad piak Uiamia*. SSe la

INFAHTS'SNTP 8BIBTB, sH** ap lo« y ^ exoaBaat wetekt SOotoOSo.

LET U5 SHOP FOR YOU. Our mail Order Departjaient is fully eqniiqied

with a corps of experienced shoppers. Write for what yon want i f^on can not come in peiaon. Orders amounting to #5.00 or m^e are sent tnuu-portfttion FREE if you're a resident of West Virginia, Virginia or Maryland.

TO CUKB A COU> IN ONB DAY TakeLAXATirB BBOkO-QCmnHXTabUta. AU«n<(l*!antaa< tha atoaey II It SuTto osrSk


Fall Opening of Beautiful

Coneg:e Preparatory and Hi£:h School,

Manassas, - Virsinia. •sas

HavlBg retorned wltb a full llae of Beautiful MllUaery tot tb* Fall and Wla-ler saaaoes I r**p*ctrally saeoaac* aay opaalag

Commonwealth va Ozil* Sliagarlaad Jury aad verdict "aot guilty.''

V* town of M ,Iay<

Maaaasss aOr


SoaveolF Daily JOOFDal

is a pleasant apeaker aad was follownt wltb the rlosoat att.ntion doriag his short addreas devoted la t e ly to a r«Tt*w of rtpab-

The Manoeuvres Sent post{»aid to any address for a s cents.

Ia addlttaa to tk* proframae of ibr Manoeovr*, the aix nanhOT* coatalnlaf tba followlag papers beaatlfolly Uaa-trale>i

MonjiAT.-The Flrat Rattlaof Maaaa-aaa. T.ild froa a Tederal Point of View

TrnnAV.—Tbe FIni Bauleof Maaaa aaa^ Told froa aSouthem P.->lBf of View

Wr.r-fE«B*T.-TV 8«coBd Battle of Manas* aji

Tauaeear—The Pr»)N*m of War la ih.' UBltrd 8UIM Orcaaired MIlHIa.

f»Rn)»T.-Tbi. F i k t al Blackbarr. . ' Ford. Froa OaelalliBporta of Both S U M

Lawlcr va town of Msnsa**. Judg­ment of Mayor Wagencr of the lojra of Maaaasss affirmed aad ordaisd tbat the

to.OO and S4.00 and coats. John Stlagerfawd vs Coasaoawaaltb oa

sppeal. Jadgmeat reVertoi. Jobn A. NIoH rslaased from mooeoaa

aawamaeBt. Heary F. l.yaarsliasid fronarraaeon

asMaement. Baker A Co., v* E. B. Beclor la ease.

Judgment for the ptainUffs for 9141.64 Interests and coata.

Commoawealth vs WelUagtoa Mere­dith. Conilaood.

Adams vs Southern Railway Co. Jnry sad verdict for tba plaintiff for tTOO.M Motion for a aew trial ovtrraled. Sz-eeptlona noted. Leave of thirty daya to preaeat bill of exceptioaa.

Wm. H. Wll kins appoiated gaae war­den (ot Gaineaville district.

Reid va town of Macaasas 00 appeal Contlnoed on motioa nf tbe defendanL

Comanawealih va Addiaon Fairfax for a feloBy. Jnry and verdict guilty aad S years la th . pealualtary. EiVmttve elememiy will be aaked.

I omaoawcallh v« Welllnrtaa Mere ditb. JnrTa«lT*r4let2y«arslBlh*r». form scbooL

TH C B U t C B B T .

Holraea r% Marshall Drder of refer­ence 10 ooe of lha Maaier CommlMlontri

Lion y. Garner. Report of Special Coaailsalooer Uoa oaagria«d. Decree final

HorKwi A Unrton »a Bono* et al* Report of Muter Onnmlaaloser Wa. B' Upacnmb conflrniod and an order of aale wiib C. A. Sinclair rommbwlooer.

Hynaon T« Clark »t »l. Report ol Mas­ter CommiMlnorr A W.SlBclairronflrnied. and ui or<ler tbat onteaa debt be paid within lea daya. L. A. Larkin Jr.. upecial wimrniaaloanr, aopolated torlbati>urpoae, •btll make «ale of land In ttil« canar.

-Ionian T« IVmory Report nf Acting I'. mnilBWoner J B. T. TbomtOB and as ot.ler of diabaraeioeat Di»CT»>* flaai.

Joaca va Chapaaa. Order of refer-i

feiiiasdar. S . 28tli, 2dth aii 30(1.

I have aelecled with care all the lataat prodnclions in tbe MUllnnfr'a art: Alao

'the lateat in Dresa Trimmings, Buttuoa. Gloves, Veiling, all atylea in Neekware, Belts, CorteU. Hoiaerx, Stamped Unea. £mbroidery Sllka aad Hamburg Edslnga. a full aad complete Uaeof Silks aad I -vote, Bibhons, L«oee. HaakenAlefs, Back Com' a. Pompadour Coaba'. a bcaullfol IlB* of Wrlats Bags sad Pnraea; Also the laleal NovelUea in Stick Plaa. Walat ScU aad Brooches.

ThanklBg my frfenda and th«pBbile geaerally tor Ibetr liberal palroaage aad aoUetUBga ooailBuaace of th* aaoM, I a a

Baspasi fully,

Mrs. R. J. AtaiMi.

Course of study prepares for any of the greater col­leges or umversiti^. Students have been fitted for Wash­ington and Lee University, for the Woman's CoHege of Baltimore; the Case School of Applied Science, C k ^ d . Ohio; the Columbian University, Washingtoa^ D / O r t c .

Students also prepared for civil service, oonnty'aad state teachers examinations. ' ^ ^

Business course given. Good advantages ia mnsic. Thorough instruction in all departmento with Host an.

proved modem methods. «-«aa^-School re-opois Monday, Oct 3, 1904.

• Send for catalogue. . " MRS. F. O. METZ, MISS E. H. OSBOURN,



caaa. a Hoorr. raasiDairT.

TBoa. w. warra, CASKTBB.

FMsst T* rslM*. as^Ml «f MfiMtr


ALXxaxDBia, V A , Dasignatad Dspoattory of th*


PROFtTS, »150X>00 n i R i K T O R a :

CHAS R f ionpp, J. P. MUIH O L. BOOTHE, M. B. llAKLOW

B. QAER JR. Proiart a;r«atloB glvtn to «n b a c a e n . l a .

rlndlot eoll»rn<ma tkmatrkoat the nnlt»4 (HaUa an J Bvrope T-St-ly

FLOOR COVERINGS! All Ul<regular lines of Carpets, Rugs, Mattinn and

L.noleui^-r^nd early faU shipmentt of the n e S S ^ W coverings are in this sale at the smallest prices that are likely to be quoted this season.

FOR RENT! Tbe undCTKigned would rent to reliable

party Ihe reataurast coaaectsd wtth hi* hotel, oomp4«<*ly rnmiahed a very desira­ble auad for aa enwgatlc peraoa.

Apply 10

o. w. FAT.SE, M i f H*a.M,Ta.

Brussels Carpets. _ __ _ Worth. 8i»ai*«. Tapestry Bruaaels „7|« Oe TapeMry BrB***U - 41 00 Kjc

Body Brussels Carpets. The** are Iv* aad slx-fraae w ^ v e n

t<II aad Hartford.

lulaid Linoleums. Liantouma. .,„ Uaotenaa.n.... LlBol*aa*~ Liaolsaaa ...

Sm3^ma Rugs.

WojIB. aPM.iai. . t l .M M l l . l g

• 1 M la I a t • l . » la \.**\

•• i . « ** i.grj

,, . n , Wort*. Spealat i !*»»« Ia Kody Brus*ela. | i . go r i c 1 » ' X 4 « I B Rndy Bruaael* i.g» tLOBi

Velvet Carpets. Allilwatsodardsmakea.sBehaaSalth'a.

D,>heon's Imperial aad Hartford Valveu suitable tot aay roca. »• I — ^ _ Wo»«. Speaial. Velvet Carpet* .Sl . ts ttie Salth •,000 Velvet*. \M • l . l»+

JMtMla..... Min ia ... 4x7 ft «i9rt 7.6x]«.( ft. (x l3 fl.. .

Smyrna Hall Runners »««»ft

"^•"o. rpeeiai. . 4 7<to« M •• LSSle M -. «.»« la iM • • AM to 1W -. tSO la 4 IS .. It.** la 7*0 .. 1T.<S Ht ta as


T h r e e Lot s of A x m i n s t e r s , J»xi»fi^ - '1!; ! . ;~ worth $ 1 3 5 reduced to 8a> ic , j T „ " Q ^ ; - " ^ . i 9 a K c and ix.02}{. V " * * S m y r n a I

W i l t o n Carpets .


Linoleums. LInolenms- - . .„ . . , LiBoleuau... .

Wortk. I^ealtl. ... saofi SI IA

W o r t * . He


Nciai. 47ic STic

Giddifigs & Steele,

. W a r t O , I W r l a l . • ttoe t * i S M

11 M I* 7 M If .M la o.ia

Rugs Woetk. ^eeiat.

t «.« toTi.OS ». •» SB * • • U.0* la 1 ^ • •

Antwerp Rugs. «x«f. «%"»..Tii« • ' ' ^ f U d S i a l i . «

• f t ft 7.7xl«.«n. kxlt f i

« » Pa.»»,.., lift.


pendcd for a geaeratlon past fully, two' thirds of th* taxaa oa schools which Oe c lUDcU now propose to tafca awaytroa us by one snddeo stroke. Is It right' Is It even honest?

If -Mr. Jones and I sre partners and he hM put In OBc-thtrd of the capital, and I l:3ve put In Iwo-tblrda; aadlf hehrppeas to have poasessloa ot Iwo-lhirds aad aod-tlcti y notlflea me that he will t ^ e tbe two thirds without reodering aay Oc' coiiDiIng 10 me whatever, I would natur-nl.y ihlok it unjoal. Our bosKd Inalsl :hu before the new board takopasaesaion tliiru should be a aettlaaeal aa lo all oar joLut property ioteteata, laclodlag tbe fJ.MD Indebtedneas aad tbe public library held in truat by >s aader a spa-eial act of the legblalnr*.'

Oo the Ijth of..Angusl. our board '-locied. ss teachers ot Rnlfner School No. 1, tbe following: Mrs, MoOtstl, prla-cipal, with Misses Taylor, Herrell, 'VVnters aad Leoebaaa aa aaaistaats. Mra. MoSett and Mis* Berreli decltaed to act, and when oar hoard a e t I*at SirtunUy, we were adviaed by Bupu Clarksua that we were st least trustees d* facto, aad luat It wa* oar duty to fill all vaeaaeies atid open the schools at oate. The oaly application before our board was froa Mist LIuie J. Larkfai, aad there waa a propoaltioB iawrt$iBg alroagly reoooa-mccding Mlaa Paallae Idea aa ptiaeipal. As we believed both of thea* MiaTta b* perfectly coapeUat, lh*r* *e*aed to h« Qo good reasoB why w« shaald aet elect them.

ThRre wss ao bargatalag or odlaaloa or u3derstaadlas wtth say body exeapl what w** Ineiad*d la tb* UMSl ooa-tracta.

Tbe school hss opsaed aad Is pmgisss :n„- (atlsfactorily. As sooa as tbe Board

--rf EducatloB or lha coazt* direst m lo tarn over Ibe aeheol to tba aew board N wUlbedoaa. We woald be aawortby 10 be trust*** *f aaythlag, it wa did aet ia-»iit on a oeastderatloa of ail tbe iatsscal* iDTotv«d, both oalMd* aad laaMa Ibe corpnralloB before we sarrsadar oartrasi,

OaoBSB C BocBD. Clerk.

tnol T m S C U ^ L qOBSTION,

A s t A M m n t troM tha Mam (toboul Ooanl.

The public Khool tituallo* InlManaa-aar Isaa followa:

Tb* cousoll, with n* previous an uciuQdament and no aSort to aacartala palitlo aeBllmeat. voted, oa Monday of ls8t-v*ek, to t*k* Massss** c ;rporallon out of .Man***** dlalr|ot «»d k*l up lor tbematlv**. Aiiaagsmaata had bssa made'to bsgla oar jMhoala Monday ot this week.

My own judgment is tbat If lha ooun-cll dsslrsd to maka Ikla radical ehaage, ibey akoald have aobmlUed the qusslioa to a ;Ma of lbetaxp*y«(s sad patroas ot the ashod, sad tb*a asd* sll aiosssary arrasfsmmt* to *fl*et th* ehoag* aaotb. er ysoi. Th* oorporatloB hss aol a dol­lar of aehoiri tuads lo tk*lr er*dll, aad tbe mosey Ihay have is badly Be*d*d ia aireet ImprovemoBl, Th* levy tor lbs coming y*ar his^ea mod* tor th* whola dlitriol, *iul som* proMMtlags aust he tueortad lo bafon th* oorporatloa eoald get ihslr sbor* ot that, A eaota* of aubool ohlMiea ia lb* corpwatloi would certaialy hav* le b* Iskaa aad I kaow of no law ior thiabafos* IfiOS. ' Th* p«b> lie funds are distrlbutsd by slats sad couDty peroaplla. ,

It would sesm to be s great Injustlcsto the teachers, wbo hsv* b**a ooatraslad with, and hav* giv*B ap otb*r oppoilu-:i'.ilc< for Smploymeat, to suddtaly seed ihona adrift, aad a atlll gr**t*r Isjustlos \- -i cftSO.ehlldrsB •aioUed last ysor lo a:: aUOOls.

Over oae.bolt «f these cblldrea live . :ialde the oorporatloa sad ihey are sa :::led l o s o a s ooaslders|ioa. Tbs eoaa. ^'•' tn Inoagval lag a eampaign lo .Tga lhe QDgpetalloa. To deprive tb*a -.idlealy o{ their school t>rtvU*g*s aod <.-• take away from them th* val)iable ..ohool buUdlagt'aad' appoialmeals pro­vided and ^*M for by thea , Is, I aaggasi, poor folicy' nadsr th* dreamstaaeaa. i a^Jj^vdl sputa the power ot the coua-

cil t o a U M l s h asapara't* dlatrld, but it mutt Brst rseelv* ihsasscBl of the State Board of Bdacatlon.

A singular cbaage la Ihe recent amend-mcDt may make It B*e«*sary alao to get Ibe Interpr«l*lioa t>f Ih* courts. Th* new law us** the term "slagl* *chool diatriet." Sxaelly what that Is I do aot know, I'Stagla" gaaerally maaaa en*, and if we eaa oaly malBtala oa* aohool ID tbe eorporatloB w* will hav* troabl* at once, for wa prasUeally aow have firs dllTerent schoola ia tta Rultaar bolldtag, and two in tbe Browa school (eolAred). It may be'sald'lhat the change was a clerical error. Poaslbly it was; b a l l t s o , It ie an error which damaad* either tbe icierpretation of the courts or a corree-tloa by tbs leglatature, • _

It Is obvious lo my mind alfo that the cntablUhment of a Separata or "singleV Uisirlct.doeanot aaGes**r{ly iaviriv* that the corporation h s * ^ * |ww*rla tfpro-prialc all the properly which haa been accumulated from (he tax** ccatTtbuted for a generatloB by the people of Ihe w hole diatriet, all th* way from th* Gat-harpln to the Oocogosa. Our ednntioa-al policy haa been to build up a ^atrai' school of tbe beat type to which pupil* from our rdral •choola could coaie whea fjr any reason the m n l schocda did not suit them. The corporaUon haa le** than one.bird of tbe populattoo aad n b o a t f u ^ . ^ l ^ g ^ J ^ i , iJlet' i . i 'b. 'Vaa'ba.Hy occtbird of the property. W* haveasi

Tha Naw'

Body Builder Aa iMIdoiis a s a Pr*«h Oninca

[5uparaedas oid-taaliioaed Cod Uver .Oil and Emulsioiu Guannj^ead to contain all the medicinal alements, actually lakaa from gfeiiuino fresh cod»' livera„ with orgauio Iron aud other bod/-bulUing liiKituleuta, but oo oil or greaaa, making lb* greateal atraagtk and fleah oraator koowa to medlGln*. For oM >**»!*» patBy efclUraa, w**k, pal* womea, aars la t Biattars, rtwaal* caM, hacktaB aoaglu, tbroot aad kmt liwablw, iadfisat toasaaipHea astbiag equals V M L

(ryi»-ttyoa«aatltkattwaw«r<Wf«BKHy. '

S. S. 51MPS0N, Druggist. PiSlit ar Blaa and Brown.

Her* i« a very oatchy bnrleeque from th* Kaw York /oxraal on ll(s >scaat shsm battle ot U. 8- rvgsUis aad stst*. mUltla receally pall*d o l oa tba field ot Manassas.

OaiUBSViLLa, VA.-, Sept. 8, 8 p. m.— (BullatlB by llr<l««* taltgraphy.)—Two man and a boy who Just Sad tronAhe ***** «f battl* r*port that lb* Blu* aad Browa ar* *agag*d la a mighty slruggls aad that th* aatioaal capital is lapsriUed. a*a. Corbia'a witomobll*, tb*y aa**rt, •o*Bted the daager froa afar sad bsfaia* uaooatrollabia, canylBg that graat eoai-m*nd*r tar irom tbe acea* of Ih* t r v

Btrix BiTK VaLtBT, till p. a.—0*a. CorbiB Is undar bit raaehia* fiafilng onl what wa* th* mdl** wltb it. Th* slruggl* go** msdly oa.

PAaBi.Aiiii I.Aaa, (KU p. m.—0*n Oram, oomauidlag the Blu**, hi* lost a thousand aiea. Qea. OorUa hs* got hi* machlae aeoriy fixed.

SaLBM, VA., 9:05 p. n.-70eB. Graat has fbuad Ihe aiea b* Io*t. They w«r* *tl*adiBg a ehlekaa Sghl at Alezapdria, aad are now kavlag aa arguawftt' wllh the a*rg*aBt sent to bring ttAn In as to whether I he war game eui beat the ehlek-ea fight a* a B|od* qt developlBg soldier­ly, qntiftle*. Qen'borbtn hs* seat hi* slde-d* camp I4t a monkey-wraach.

WABBBHTOB, 9-01 r. a.—a*a. CdrMa ha* got hi* mtehloe lo qierklag, bat bts naltana 1* h*d|y (potted, aad ilia faarad h* wUi be naoMe further to participate ia the eagageaat. Th* lo** is dissstioas, aad lbs Isdies who esa* to wtta*** lb* .botti* hav* all r*tir*d la disgost.

TsoBovaayABB PIKB, 9:0IVp. m.— Osa. CorUa hss beea overheard lo sav. "GoodseM graetous." Th* grim old warrior feals ksealy tha eaaaally that will preveat him from showlag his spleadid flghtisg qaslltia.

GaiBasvii.ui 9:11 p. m.—A fara head who had Juat arrived from Alexaadria, aaya he was told by a hired man who had it from a -country storekeeper,, that Ibe fighting la aomethlag terrific. Gen. Bell ia praasiag his left wing toward Ih* Po-lomao la the t*e* iif very etroag laa-gaag* fnMB the.fore* aadar Oea. Otaul who** Ifaia* iris constantly wsakoBcd by desertion. ^

AutxarmUA, 9fl0 p. m.— Qea. Cor-bln's valei reporla that the General'* uai-form will ba fit for nee by taaorrow al daybraak and all hope haa fied for' the ^rowaa.

OAIBBSVILLB, 9:55 p. ^.—Although your correspondHit ba* beea only able to Bend yua buUatlna up to Ibe preeant

engaged ia playing draw poker with a Brown general and two Blue colonels, he la now coDvIneed from peraoaal Inveattga-tloB that the capital is desttaed to fall; that before another day the Capitol will be raxed to the ground, and Ihe Waah­ington monument bowled over like a tea-pin by Ihe terrlfle onslaught of IheBrowna. Tba asoat slreai>OBs efforta on the part ot Oaa. Cotbia's cbSufleur and vslet have failed to get either hi* aulomoblle ot bis uniform into any kind ot praaenlsble shape, aad wlthoal bla leardership It will he lapoaaible for the Bine* lo hold out. The oonfllct, which yonr correepondent haa luat wltaeeeed vrub hie own eyea, haa got the battle of Liaoyaag lookiag like a game of drop-Ike haadkerehiet at a Saa-day-Bcbool pieale.

The Blue generals have denonaccd the' caplalna on tha other side ia Ihe meat meeanred terms, uslag such laagasge aa "Oh, g'waal" "Get out of the way I" ''Step lively I" and other equally aangnl-aaryexprcaaloo. Qea.Corl>ia walks hialeat like a caged lloa grladiag a cigar betweea hia teeth and raproviag steraly tba tatdl-aeas of hia asslslaBts ia anklag his eqaip--msatjcady tor bsttla.

It la reported that three colooels oa each side are already halt shot, aad a major-geaeral haa beea overheard lo aay:

"Give them more of the grape." THOBOveBVABB PIKB, daybreak. Gen.

CorbiB haa wired to Waahlagtoa for a aew uBlform. The day Is saved.

ContteBsplaged BodaetiOB.

It is reported is railroad circles that the Soatbam Ballway Co. iataads msk-Ing malarial reductioaaia theirenployeea la tbe Bear (utnre. It It aald tbat aboat one-half ot the train crewe will be laid olT. aad five or alx of tba "six buadred" claaa et eaglaee brought her* from the Sooib will vlnually pall all tb* freight tralat. Thoe* aoglBM are larger thaa any now a**d oa Ika Waahlagtoa dlvl-•lon. It la aho reportad that aatcrlal reduetloaa ar* lo b* aada In Ibe abop* In thia elty. The abov* will b* r**d with regret by all. It la a aad enaaao-t ary na tbe repeMleaa boosu ot Bsuaaalty And fall dl**cr pall* at tba appnaA ol Ibe Hovsaber *l*etioa aad eol - AUmndrU OMMM.

KlKht to Bac t s t er l a VirclBla.

In an onlDion made public Ihfa week. .Miome}--UeBeral W. A Aedersoa aa-•wfra tbe query "Caa a citizen be re-liilred to pay aay poll-laxea at leaae six mootbs prior to aa atection before be nay be ragiaaared aa a voter V The attoraey-naeral ukaa the gronad that a citliea may regltiw wkeaever k* ahall faralah proof tbat he haa paid hia taxa far three year* praeedtag thai I* whieb be tdr*n ta

HAS STOOO TUB TVST as V BAM Tk* aM, orMsal aBOW* ta l i l i s s OkiB Toat*. T«aia**aaat|***sis*kla| . n la iroa aa* mSalM ia*«atMsaB ftamTw* ewt« no par. Hs.

BIDS WANTED I The uaderslgaed haa beea appoiated to

opea a pabUe road froa comer ot Mr. J. B. Haand* line, oa the Nokeavllla aad Gieeawleh read, to Mr, Altoexo Arss-slreaS^ Ions. Bids wUl ha rsoelved at Nakaevllle. V a . a l t p. a. , Nov. » L J « M .

J. B. HASUK. . NofesaTma,T8.

Mors Mi lUla Trwibiaa .

The ailitoty ataaanvrssat Maasssa* have eoossd sll kiads of uoubls tbr lb* mlUtls of various slot**, froa whteh troubl** irsUfylsg sad valuabl* r**Blti will eoffl*.

H*i* laRlehmoad a f*w of th* mllld*. m*a. It Is said, bav* h**B dlsehargsd be, e*«a* lh«y obsysd tb* ordna of th* stat* sad weal Inia eomp, Ws bops Ihl* sel­fish sad Bsrrow aelioe ot s taw *mploy. *l* will sroQss lb* lat*r**l sad sathuat asm of ths llhsrsl-aladsd aad poblle-•pirilsd paopi* to more *sra**t *ad Ubaial aaeeursfsBsat of th* militia tkaa It kw *v*r *B}oy*d, W* ooa hardly bdUvs Is possibi* thst say man who h u lost his ploes bseoasa of sarvte* to th* *<*(• wlH b* ollowad to rsaiils aaass^oyBfi'vny

At Columbus, 8. C., thare w u s tre-aandotu shaklBg up of th* crack mill' Isry •omposy iorthst city afl*r r*lBralag from MiasMBs. Ths local aswspspsr tnaounoe* tkst forty-three assa hsv* b(*B dropp*d from th* roll* or dishoacrahiy rttlrad, soms of them subject to eoart-martial proo**dlngs, bsoaiis* ot refusal to go lo Maaassas; taiiurs to meet lha re-qutteasais ot s soldlsr, negl*et ot r*-gulatloos or hreachn of dcactipllBe. Aa eatlre regimeat ofllhat states ha* besa sub-iecled to Utlag oeesare because ot Us disorderly ooaduct al various .pUoss. Ia oibar Southern and somaNonheca Slates ailitsry dledpUae hss fsllsa with a hsBd OB ladlvldBa)* sad orgaaixaitteas for vioialioas of rulM.—Jr«ss-JL«ad«r.

Tba I^ynebbiuK H w a e Bkow.

Tbe third ansual exhibitloa of the Lynchburg Horse Show Association will ba held hi Ihe Assoclstloa's msgalfiscntly equipped building in that city on Tues­day, Wedaeaday, Thursday aad Friday, October 11th, llth. Itth and 14lh, 1901, will be aot only ths bat b*ld la Ljaok, burg, but th* beet exhiblttoa ot the klad ever seen in Vitginia.

The entries closed on Thursday, Sep­tember S9th, and over two hundred of the best horses in the United Slatea will par, tiolpste in (be various eveat*. Probsbly Ihe most prominent exhibitor at the Show will be Ml*. J. M. B. Gro*v*Bor of New York, who with her twenty-ooe hone* will com* to Lynchburg from Louisville, Ky., whar* she exhibit* thi* week, bn a spedsl train at a ooat of over oae thnu-aand dollar*. Other well known exhiU' tors whose horses are entered are Mr. S, J Holloway ot Scsrsdale, on the Hodsoo, Mr. Cuurtlandt H. Smith of Alexandria, Vlrgbiia, Mr. A. J. Cbosbolm, whose hones irlU be shown by Mr. Clsreace 0. West, Mrs. Allen Potts of Cobhara. Vir­ginia, Mr. 8. Rneseli'SmiUi of Culpeper, V ira ta , Mr. W. W. Oabume of Oord-onevllle. VlrgUU, Mr. R. M. Taylor of TowsoB, Md., aad scoree of other*.

The Troop of O. S Cavalry, which will give a ".Moaksy" drill at each parform-KBOe, is provieg a siroag drawlag card, as Is alao tbe exhlMlIoB high lamp to be given by Mr. Bobert M. .'ftyfor'a horse. Grey Back, on Tnesday aad Friday nlghta.

On Thursday, October 18th, WAter L. Main's circus will exhibit la Lyaehbnrg aad a anmber of excutsloa trains will be rua into the dty oa the several roada cealering there oa aoeoiint of the Horse Show and Ihe clrcua, whteh will.proba­bly bring to the city on that day one of the largeat crowds In the history of the city.

A aUABANTEBD CIHie POK PtLCS. lUhlnir, Blind, BlaadlBgor ProtradlBg Pllea. rnnlata retanS moner If f AZO OIXTH KN1'

(alia to eiue aay eaoe. no matter of bow loas Btaadicf, In < to 1< Oara. Ptrat appUeaUoa jllvaa aaae aa* » a L ise. It roar SiaguM kaant It aanS iOe la Btamns aaa It inU ba la<^ warta* soat-patd by FarU Kedlelaa Co., St' LoBla. a o .

F « r a Viait to tha Oraat 8t. loaim •xpoeltloii.

The people ot the United States have beea ao surfeited in tha laat decade or ao with ••World's Fairs" that they are only beginning al this late date to realise that the magnlfieieat abow that is aow run, ning In St. Louis, far aurpaaaes even tbe ffloet saagulae anlldpationa ot the Maaa-gera, who with much careful toretbooght have searched the remote corners of the esrth for curloiu animals aad p s ^ ^ that would Intereat curluelty seekers.

If one may judge I7 the number ob-lalaed, this partleiilsr section ot die Fair ia wanderfnl Indeed, but combined with the magnlBdent buildlaga, represeoting as .they da the- woaderfn! dcvelopmeni* ot thi* new world la the varied tadnatriea which made America fasaona aad ahow-lag beanlUal arehiteetare, it la well worth while to pay a vlalt to this woaderiaad, partisalatty whea such low rata* can be obtalaad via the Snutfaera Ballway, who will sell coach excaraioB ticketo froa polats la Vltvlnla each Teaadav aad Thursday dartag Ihe aoalh of October at execediscly low ralea. Far toll la tor-aallea call oa aay Saalbaa S*ilway lekel agaal «v writ* I.. 8. Btava, Gea-aal Afot, WaaUaglaa, C.

**Bverything in tiie Mttaic Line."

The Leading Piano Organ and Music H o u s e i s



STAVMAN'S 1387 F Street, N. W.,

Washington, D. C.

Percy S. Foster, Manager.

Write for Oi talogues.

II. I. uoii, I. i. iioirsH, «. uTioio uTcum, PmUnl. Tlet-PraMut. cuMr.

»0. J. DiTlU, AuliUit CuUir, h L nUM, Ttfa, Opaaad for Boalaass May 3 0 , lOS .

CAPITAL, . $30,OOO.CX> SURPLUS, , 91,000.00




— o i R E C T o n a — Wm. H. arawB, J. W. Lalkaa. J. 8 . HarraU, W. N. Llis*aai».

t. ^ M u w a a . J. W. Fitaisse.

. a . Davl*. A. A.aaaMT ' J. a . T. Tfesaata*.

W*aMarava.y tacHlty I*SapaaHara ciaiHltat wUh u n a * baakiac, **l* DapaaM Baaaa tar RaM. 0 0 ^ l i . a * sar year.

a. n. KataUMa, A . W . M M W b .

J. JaatyaDMs*,

Reputat ion - Built - on - Qual i ty I

$4 iX) per gallon. Marylaad X X X Ry* ffi.BO par gallon

Warvland X X X By* - 12.50 p*r gslloa Bl*nlng Maryland Bye ^ t>.00 par gslloa

S r AU goods are *hlpp*d la B**t ttalaltaad hoxs*. Ton «*a oid*r oorday aad r*e«tv* gMdsths followinf. I M g a s t s how you wsnt goods, la bottls or Jag.

Na. **4 Pa. Av*., I B taM.Ma*a4

J. Quxainr. WASHINGTON, D. C.


C. E. N A S H & GO., SUCCESSORS TO . . .


Hsviag boughloot the boslaess ot Whlttingloa A Co., sad salargad th* stcofc, wa . *ie pr*par«d to aarve th* pablle la a proapt and ssllafsetory msBaer.


TilLi , eiJIiLDm' S i M l l E | W i W M E ,

I t s . OOilPiLITE AID IF TBill B I T

Grove's Tastdess ChiD Tonic stood tha tost 25 yeara. Avwage AnnwdSaktoverOneondaHalf MOUoa

DoM this record of BMritMMd to yo«? No Core. No Pay. 506. Eados*<alib*v«ry>lllal*aTsiiCMi>,pBi*^»<*C>«wi^»«*»*»«'"v«rHfc.


Mr. B. D. Merebsal coatiaBes ia chsrge and Mil be plesssd to se*_hl* old trimdsaadcastomsB. . F '

Vary leapecttfliy, ^

C. E . ' N A S M & CO., MANASSAS, vhtGINIA.

A FINI LOAF is alwaya ohtslaabla at Tiu Xnterpria* Bakery. Wa kaow wbal the people Ilka ia THE BRBAO LINE, aad satisfy thea. Ofeourse It iaat every Toa , Dick aad Harry that kaow* how lo ataka good Bread. Cokaa. Ft**, etc.

Ton kaow that th* STAFF.OF LIFB h*«'Wall b**B*ppl!ad a* aaoa*of Br*ad. Our Stafl 1* daUeleas. aad wiD h*lp yoa lo eajcy lit*.'

BELL BROS.. Proprictor*r 3-a MASABBAB,TA.

Cold Weather

WHt seaa be fcaia-aad w i U l t U a

assd f 0* MP***.

YOl/R ATTENTION Is asBal la aa* Ha* *f besthm





And s<^eral other makes of Cook ajid Heating S tem.

.' «».

Tea esa fial, ssaslhlag la ear

M«A Mtlahls fsr say reeos la yoar bnass.

If yaa aesd s O O ( « ant>rs. ial

as nppiy yea w i a sa Aesra slevs sr

nags. Thsy *aa aal b* aaiptissd tor

daraMliiy, SaM aad baklag qusllllea.

D a v i s Sc Baker, S-My MAHASS&a, T A

POP SALE I 8*.d Rya, la S m alas* eoadllio*.

Alao alesea h*ad, ea* tad two y*ar oM




8PABKLIRG GEMS la ehaau aod artialie **UlaR* fraa lb* tor*aoit de*lga*rs aad atb*** of high d a a J I W E L R T are i s l i i l i i for oar dl*criBtB*tla«

Price* Stan st a low figara, bnl then Is BO Halt. Oaa caa go H high s

th*parsspsnaHs, bat whateveriheprice pald-ba It aaall or l arg* - lb* v*la* will b*i*asartaM*,

• . D. waiouos, TA.

Lynehburg^ Horae Show Oetober 11-U. 1104.

Souther* Ran way wtll aell round trip tieketi to Lyacbbarg. Va., froa polals la Va . laeladlac Waablagtoa, D. C., al a-Mfaiaala* fifty eeal* adalalna im, OalahB ft, II, nf, lA l a i M . fiaal r»-KTB Ball Oal. Mi, MM.


OttH, 12,18,44,1104 PRIZE LIST.


BOAMTBIS 1 Bora* . ^ . 4 . . . . IIW KO a Fair Hor***, 8 y*ars old aad

ov*r; mar* aad g*ldlng a i y eoailltnl* s pair . . . . 190 M

UKIAI. CLAU 9 Hor*** own*d by • ruldaut

of lb* d l y of Lyaehbarg or Ih* oouat ia of Amh*t*t, Appomallox, Bedford or Ooapbell . . . Buggy HarBas*

BOaSBS IN HABXES* i Bonn, U bands 1 inch'. and

aot exceeding 15 haods r • >*> • • I Pair Hor***, U haods, I i i ch

aad aot excssding IS hsods UO (0 « Borsss ovsr IS haad* . , , UO SO 7 Pair horaa* ov*r 16 b e a d s . 100 SO

I.ADIBS CLASSBS 8 Pair of horse* saitabl* for

I s d l a park nae, lo b« dilv*B by a lady. Hon** lUoiie lo b«eoa*idered Cap SO

9 Hon*, *Bit*bla lor a lady lo driva, to be show* before aa appropriate v^Iel*. Ladies 10 drivs. BoiM to eoaal SO per cent.; sppotntiaents SO percent Cap 4 0

LooAi, Class 10 Horse, suitable for s Isdy to

drive, owned by s realaent of the city of Lyaebburg or the couatiH ol Campbell, A a h e n t or Bedtotd, l» b* shown before SB appronrl«l* veh.loio, Ladla 10 drive , Cap Rib

OIO BOBSB U H o n e suitable for a gig . . 190 .90

VtBOmA CLASSBS I t Bors* own*d by. a r**ldent

of the State of Virginia. Must have been own*d by exhibitor for at l*a>t Ih l i^ day* prior lo show . . , lOO SO

U Pair Koracs owned by a resi-, dent of the State of Virginia.

' Borsea miut have beea owned by exhibitor for at ieaat 90 days prior to show. 100 50 BOBSB AHD BiniABOITT

14 Hone should be U hands 9 loGhes, and exceeding IB baiida S Inches. Bors* to count 80 per cent,; runabout, harneas and appointments, 40 per cent. Horse should

—~ have good manaen, eoafor-matloa'aBd qnallly, true all-round action, and ba aUe lo go a paoe. Horae mtist stsad without being held. Exces­s ive high actioe aot " r y

TAHDBKv 15 P n k Taadeta. Berses aad '

style of going only to be considered . . . . : . 100

ronB-ur-HADDS 18 Boad Team, to be shown be-

tore coach, drag or break. Rntraacs fee SIO.OO. . .^ .

17 P a r k T e a m , to be ahown he-tore a coach , drag o i break, S n t r a n o e fee SIO.OO . . .

rOJflBS IK HABIISaS 18 Pony not exeeed'jig 14 hands

i inches. To be driven by ' ach1hluaderl5yean(rfs(e


90 Horse suitable tor use - ia harnese and under saddle; lo be shown lo vehicle fint, then unharnessed in lbs riag aad shown under saddle .

. SAI>DLB KOBSBS 21 Horses that have never v o a rihbon prior lo 1904. 100 SO 92 H o n e under IS bawls S la. . 100 SO 99 B o r s e 15 hsnds 2 la . and over 100 'SO 94 L a d l e s ' Saddle Horse to b e

ridden by s lady 100 SO SPOBTiaa TABOBX

98 The wheeler to be IS baada or. over. Leader to he a boater. I iPaIr to be first judged as s tsadem, and

. tben theleader to be saddled and shown over Ihe ragula-tiOB juippa. Tandem to ooont SO pel ceat., jumping 40 jper ceat. To be ilrivaB aad riddeaby amatenn . . 100 (0

HtnrrBBs A B D jrcapuro c tAsan 9T For horse* up to carrying 180' '

pounds over jnmpe not lo exceed 4^ feet. Coafonsa-tion-to count 98 per c e a t , performance 75 per cent 108 SO

98 Bona* np to earrylag ISO lb* over Jump* aot lo exeead 4t f**t. CoafonaaHoBtoeoBM 98 par ceat., performsaea TS per ceat . . . . . . 100 80

99 Free for all. Perfocanace csdy lo ooual. Over joap* aot to exceed S feet . . . 100 SO

COBIXTEIAll CLAM 98 Op*a to all hantera. Boraee

mo*t b* ridd*B by saeaban otaoa*org*alx*dbaatdBb. OoBfonaalioa lo eaoal IS

Soaat. .pert onaoaesaevsr cea 75 per eaat . . . , 199 99 BUBTLSe CLkm

91 Fait o( hoatssa le be riddsa ovsT lbs regalsUoa Jasapa. abrsaat. periteraaae* aad elyl* of goiag oaly to ba eodntad , , , . . . . 1*9 90

frelandltbatbaveaeverwnn , a blue ribbon prior lo IMH.^ Cooformalloo aod qualllytO count 40 \HiT cent.: manner*^ and performance 80 per cent tOO 50

97 Horttt up to carrying 150 tba over jumpi not tu exceed 4 feel and ibat have never won a blu« ribbon prior lo 1904. Conformattonasd quality lo count 4(1 per cent; raanaan and performance 80percent 100. SO

nuxT TBAMt

Whol**ale Dry Gooda MerchanU* Class

99 Bunt class for teams of three hunters from any orgaolud hunt club. To be ridden by m e o b e n of tbeir reepeetir* ' hums in oolora, and to ba shown over the regubtttoa Jump*. Nomembertorld* awke than one horn*. Ap-polatmsnts to oouat 90 p*r **Bt., ooBforaatloB ia4 quality 80 par o*at.,parfera-aae*«) per ceat . . . J l « 50 tfi

HOUXD CLA** Whbleeal* Shoe Merehssls' Class 40 Flveeeuples of hounds to b*

shown by muter or hunls-msn snd two whlpiiBiouBtad aodlahuntealof*. Haaad* to oouat 40 per ceat., horse* 40 p*r o*ai , *ppoiaIaeals 90 per ceat - 100 90

raoBooaBBBBD STAixioaa 41 ThorougkbredstriHoB suita­

ble lo uce hutt.ten . . . SO R DBAVOHT aoBSBS

49 Borse sultahls for dnaght purposes, lo bs shown la Band not ridden. Entrance trraace tee S 8 . 0 0 0 . . . . Dray. H

EatrlH GtoM Ujfi. 29 For psrtlolan address ths Beeretary,

G. 8. ADAMS, Lyaehbarg, Ts . or L. A. L A B K I B . Ja., Msaaa*** Va,, or

Lynchburg, Vs.

100 SO


100 SO

100 50

S» 95

100 so

X SEIaLi F J U i M S



ROOK 4, N a w B A I K Beii4>aio, N. S . Cor, Klag aad Roys! Stresis,

ALEXANDRIA. TA^ Phone, 194.


oarriss a full Ua* ot Fr**h, Olsaa Dross of bsst HaaBtaetars, tim Toiifl Artiaias, Soaps. Comb*, Brahas, ^^oaaa** aad Toilat Wstsrs, Feifasss, (to.

Fiae lias ot Olgan, l lpss, Ctgarstlss -sad Bmoklag Ttobaoso.

Aasal for Berry Hill Bprlags Water. Other Hlasroi Watsn ia Stock.

t r XzoLosrvB Aasar poa bnaaBA'-TMBAi. BtooK FOOD AUD IU*.. iMA't Mnx ABB BvTTBB Pnupiafc



9-15-tf MANASSAS. VA.



Lte iTOB, ttff dmtNK. l u t M i . TL Prompt sttentioa g i v e s all o i d a n .

Price* IS low s s m o d ssrvioa u d • s l e ' Notary Fabl ls , ' rial will jastUy. Ko ekuf tot »*avsy.

• aaos'aalaSBOivarCBBllss. T-U-tv


Washington, Danville and Intennediate Stations.. EFFECTIVE J U N E 19. 1901


Lv. Wash ington , . . . Alexaadria

Mnnaaaaa Harrlaoabarw... (iiUv*rtoB

\ ITarranton Colpepepar Orange - . CkarlottesTille.. aoekSah Oak Bldga Monro. •.yncbbarg

. Fnwfclin Jane... Roeky MooBt....

Ar. Danville -


Lv. DfuiTlll. . Boeky Hovnt....

Frasklla Jgac... LyacUmra.. — Moaroe _...

. Oak Ridge. 'KocklUh fhartoWMvlHa.. Orange. Colpepar .... . . . . . . Wartantoa CalvertoB Harriaoabarg-. Moaaaaaa AJazandria..

Ar.Wa«kl*gtor -

Ho. ». Dally.

•7 8Bam TSSaai 0 65am •J'iaifm 9 Mum S 5 8 a B

l O l S a a l O D S a a l a o i p m

I l : i 4 8 i w l O l p a aospa l a i p a !l45pBi

4 60pm

No. 88 Doily.

l a o i a a i

ISSaai XlTam

...._ ™, SSTaw

.„ .„. „.

„ „

S 1 7 a a S43aBa

No. n Doily.

•1051am 1 1 1 0 a m

i l l SOpm

113 l l p A lasopn n a 4 0 p B

1 I OTpai 1 5 0 p m

1 a s o p a

a a h p m S « » p a

„ sasrm

No. 4 0 Daily.

• a i a a m .

„, . . 4tl>*at 4 80«m

............... S l O a a 1 8 6&aa 1 7 4 3 a a

»..... ...«» 1 8 4 0 a B

» a O a a » 5 0 a a

^ No. 88 No. 15 Daily.

• l l l S a s 11 SSam a i a i S p

a i a 8 4 p i S O p m

a l Oepm a I S 2 p m

2J7pn . „ _

« S l p p i 4 0 » p a S l O p a


No. 43 Dally.

• j i C X a B a 3 4 a a

. . .».,.. .„..

.„ 8 S lam

-........... .„ „„

............ „ ..„.„

....»..'..«.. „„ .«. « 8 3 a B • S S a a


• 4 BSpa 5 17pB «a7pm S S 7 p m enapm Taapm 8 l 4 p m » 1 5 p m

.....—«..... .....«...« ............... „

No. 18 Daily.

. „ . . .™. . „„ „ „ ,^ . .

..„.. > 4 5 0 * m

5 X 7 a a d l O a a

t saoam 8 4 7 a B

T l S a s t HOSaa S a S a a

No. 8 » 1 No. 4 1 1 No BT Daily.

• SOOpa taovm nOIASpm

0 0 35 p a

n i O l p m f l i a S p m IX l o a m

I B A a a a o « a B

1 8 U a a


No. 10 naUy

' 6 Ioaaa

8 4 4 a B 8]7aaa 8 8 » a a asaaa « 4 8 a m

1041am I I 4 « a a laaopa i a 4 0 p m

1 OSpa

l i o p a a i O p a 8 0 0 ?


* l o o o p a IcrSoaa

b l l n j p

k U 26 p

k i a o o p k i a S O a

l l S a m

9 4 7 a B S o o a m

..™ ,

No. 88 Daay .

* ] 8 0 p B t l l O O a a

9 3 8 p a 8S4pZ 4atipZ

... . «. SSOpa « 8 8 s a TuepI 7 4 8 p a

B l S p B « 1 0 p a



*l<l4fiaa 11 OSpa

• " " * * * " • " * • —

i ' M a o i

a 3 7 * a 8 M a a

« 8 0 a a

No. 18 DaBy.

• 9 85 p a 9 6 S p a 8 4 8 p a 4 0 « M 6 OSpa S S S p a • 38pB 7 0«pm 7 9 » p a

._: -rtfr /Staa '•M^i

IFIa*. • Daily. t Dally .xeept Saaday. I Meal SUtkn. b Btopa to let o9 pasaengm Irom Waahlagtoa.

a No. 85 atop, at Manasaaa, Calvartoa, IWpepar asd Oraiaga oaly lor | polsta South of DaarlDe, alao to let oS paaiiagsia froa Waahlagtoa.

No 11 duly except Soaday, batween OharloMaavUla aad Bodaih, kava CharietlaavMe 8 p. a., arrivOT Roekflab 8.5e p. a .

For detaOad aebadnha, ratta aad intoraation In rafcm,n to tkroogh Pallaaa glwaia Car Barviea batwaeir New Tork, PhlladHakia. BaWaore, WaaUvtoa aad Savaaa^. Jaek aeavOIa, Tampa. ^tUato, HebOa. Naw Orkana, Mrala^aa, HeapUa,<a«xvia. Chotta aooga *ad NoskvlBa, coHoa aaaraat Soathaia Railway AgsBt or writ* to a B. ACKEBT, O n l Maaaaar. A H. BAaSWICX, 1

WAaoiaBToa, D. C. W.B.TATLOK,aaa'IPaaa.A|i**t, L. 8. BROWN, On*! Aowt,

705 FHtaaoth anat N. W , WasUagtott, D. C. 80BSDTTLB B E T W E E N


t r^ . Mgr


t t n ; IM : 49U BTATTOHS.


11914 •ns !t*N

^mfrnre CLAM t t Opaa to all. MInlrana w e l ^ t

to be carried 140 poaaaa. Perforaaitce only to oooat.

TBOBOt^axaaBD BinrrBBa 99 Oiiea to all reaislered Ikor-

ooghbrad qualified aad greea hnnten. Coaforaalioaaad quality to count SO per seat., parforaaae* ov*r t*ae** 99 percent. Sire aad d e a l * be given whea eateTtd- . .

LADTBS CLA** R*l*U Diy Goods M«rekaats'

CI*** M Ladlea'Hunters. Toberld-

daa by ladla ovar jump* aot lo exceed four feeL Mannen to ooont 95 per oant; parformaree over fence* SO per c*nt.> coaformatlon 9X per coit

95 Ladles' Jumping claaa. To be riddea by ladlea whn ride racognlied bunt club, over luapa not to exceed Foar feet. Perlormaaee oaly la oount . . .'

OBBBir Bv;ifTaBa Horsea np to earryin); 1<<0 Tbi over jump* no! to aicerd 4


190 SO

: 790 i • 7 5 0 : : 910 < : f 9 9 9 : : f9 9B : 1 999 i If 9 4 0 i fS98 if 980 : f 599

p. as. : Lv. 4 01 49S SOS


ttn Sf7

10 05 MIT

• 1«9S i MdT • 1199 i i 1115 : f l l 9 e i : 1199 =

5 47 S9T • 99 • IT 9tr • 41

f 9 n 9W

W**hlBgtea AtazaadrU Maaaaaa*

W*iItactoa Galaaitne B*yaarfc«k

TbotoBirttsr* Broad Raa

Plain* Ma**haU


Liad«a Happy Creek

Freat Royal Je

i 11 40 I 7 91 : Lv. Float Boyal Je

• U4S I M4» ; 1151 • risos • f M O S • 1917 : 13 99 •f 1199 :f I3 8S

f 9 i S i f 1949 T 19 ; 19

a. BL

tvt 890

f9 f9

740 910

t898 840

f858 9 19

f999 f999 10 00

a. m.

1 00 1 17

f l 25 1 98

f 1 41 1 48

t l 58 1990

9 15 p m

: 785 [ 798

7 19 1799 f794

799 745

f>4» f T 6 9 f7S9

88<l 8 18 894

f849 8 4*

fHS7 908

f»e9 f9 19

990 p a

i U .


F N a l Royal Je Blvartoa Ja

RIvartoa Bask toa

Wsl srLlek Birssburg

Birssbarg J* FUhar's Bi l l T e a ' s Brook •aarar towa Woodstock Ediabarg

Mt Jacksna Qaieksburg M«w Market TUsbervnie

Broadway Cowaos ' Unvill*


• 91 949 848

1897 1884 998 • 15

t a i l f804 t7S9

799 740 799

tT17 7 19

r79« 7 01

r 9 s i 840

590 i 54T : S4S ;

f s s * ; f*94 •p.m..

5 9 n lio 59 S 15 ; 10 99

f S I 9 ; f I0 84 f45T i f l O l S ' 4 9 * ; f l 0 9(

4 44 : 9 48 499 : 997 4 1 8 : 8 88

' 4 10 ; r 8 4 9

100 so: »#-B.^,i Kit and )<>

• Dally. laa* aa,! Brrrrl; Uil). (aol tk,>»B oa

40C ; 8 9 * f 9 6 5 ; f 8 0 «

*49 ; 798 f » « : f 7 S 9 f 9 9 r : f 7 t t

, . * « > ; 7 15 Lv. : a a. : p. aa. ! p a ,

• Week Daya. TiaM T a « . l af. l a g .**pa tor tralaa

All train, arrf.p at aad depart frtwa P e o a s y > s a l a Railroad PaaoeBrnr Riatloa I Waahlngtrvi. P c , where coaaeetloa U made for aad f roa Balt imore. Pkl1a<M

phia and New Ynrk. . . i « j w .

To Cure a CoM in One Day Tdm Laxative Bromo Quinine T>Mi<«. /gy Z

Ca>a*GHp faTsvoDaya.

