aliens titleanalysis

Aliens: Analyzing the opening titles.

Upload: maria6681

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Aliens titleanalysis

Aliens: Analyzing the opening titles.

Page 2: Aliens titleanalysis

The opening titles of Alien are used to set the mood and atmosphere for the audience, to keep them captivated for the rest of the film. The title sequence is very simple nothing dramatic happens visually. However there is a gradual showing of the title throughout. At the beginning of the titles the frame is very empty and dark. Nothing is shown apart from the name. The darkness and emptiness of the first frame could suggest that at the beginning of the film not much is given away, and then gradually throughout the film more and more is given to you, so you can piece things together. This is again shown within the opening titles as gradually the title is show through the progression of the frames.