alien invasion and false rapture warning

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  • 8/3/2019 Alien Invasion and False Rapture Warning


    Second Message from our Saviour

    The Pearls of Holiness

    My Blessed Child, I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.Blessed are you, My Little One; for you are called and chosen to be the

    spiritual mother of My Sons. Yet, My Little One, you have travailed greatly

    through so many years of persecution; and many ask, Where is she, what is

    she doing? She is silent. We have not heard from her. Still others say, Good

    that she is quiet. Enough of that manchild stuff and Revelation Twelve stuff.

    And, still the mockers mock and the scorners scorn. Yet, some few all over the

    world have believed and they desire to receive their own holy, little Son and

    therby to become My true sons.

    Yet, My Child, have I not given you much to post? Have you not written much,that they might be fed? Have I not sent you, and you have run, and you have

    warned them for many years to repent, or perish; yet few hear and few repent.

    Yet, My Child, even if I were to reveal to you the deepest and most hidden

    mysteries of the Universe, few would believe; and most would mock and

    trample what is holy and truly of Me. Is this not what they have done with My

    holy works of Revelation Twelve?

    You have cast out My pearls of holiness and you have written of your great

    travails and suffering beneath the feet of Satan, your great price to pay for

    being My Bride and the earth mother of My very first Son. Yes, you told thetruth, you have written it; yet they still rise up to tell that you write for Satan

    and that you are insane. They deride you and curse you and My holy works.

    Yes, you have cast out the pearls and the swine have trampled them. And, few

    believe, but of the few, who do know the truths of these works and who do

    believe, know one thing. They could only believe because I caused them to see,

    to know, and to receive the truths of these holy works. And, the greatest

    numbers of these, who know the truths of these works and who do believe, are

    not of this nation of America; for this is a decadent nation, a great whore, who

    truly does sit upon many waters.

    However, my words to you, who do know the truths of these works, and

    who do believe are these: stay close to Me. Love Me above all. Love others

    and love yourselves. Forgive all and find My holy place and stay in it. For,

    Satan is watching each of you, that he finds, and he is laying snares for you

    by the minute, by the hour, and by the day. Let go of your pride. Let go of

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    your arrogance. Let go of your vanities. Die to self and to the things of the

    world. Stop your vain pursuits. Do not be disrespectful before Me; for if

    you do and will not repent, I will cut you off from My Spirit and cast you

    headlong into confusion. Stop being know-it-alls. You know little and what

    you are so certain of may turn out to be a lie. Come out of the world and

    away from worldly traps; for if you will not, you will fall into them and

    you may die in them.




    But, now, I come with a whip in My hands and with this whip, I will beat down

    the nations. For, they have perverted My everlasting covenant, the very

    covenant, which I made with My people long ago. For, I am your husband, oh

    your harlot nations of My House of Israel; yet you have forsaken Me and youhave whored yourselves with every foul and corrupt thing.

    Now, I have laid the rod to the stone and I have made a fire in My house and

    this fire will not be extinguished until I have purified every one, who is My

    Bride. For, I have brought forth an everlasting fire, an all-consuming fire, and

    this fire is I. It is of Me, an all-consuming fire. And, this fire is going to burn

    away all dross. This fire is going to burn away all harshness and all darkness

    until My Bride is holy and pure and clean before Me. For, I will have no filthy

    Bride. I will have no worldly Bride. I will have no haughty Bride. I will have

    no vain Bride. I will have no Bride, who loves the world and what is in it. I will

    have no bride, who is a whore. I will have no Bride, who has a wandering eye.

    Yes, I have determined it. I have laid the rod to the stone and I have ignited a

    great fire, a holy fire and this fire is I and I am this fire, a holy fire, of Me, in

    Me and for Me; and this fire is My Holy Son. And, only one in this whole earth

    now carries My Holy Son, this this one is My First Son, My First Born, My

    true wife and my first wife.

    Yet, who wants to walk in her shoes, for she is persecuted and tormented year

    after year, while the rest of you either await and hope for the holy, little babes

    from heaven to come down, that you may receive one and thereby also become

    My Son and my Wife; and you are few; or you mock and scoff what you

    neither believe, nor understand. But, the sad truth is that so few of you are even

    ready to receive these holy sons. So, I have waited and My wife, the mother of

    My Son in the earth, has continued to travail and suffer.

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    But, I stand upon My word and I bear witness of the truth of My own words to

    you, that I will not continue to require this of her. For, she suffers in great

    travail from day to day, while you behave as you do!

    I am going to grind down the corn fields. I am going to drown and destroy the

    wheat fields. I am going to break your financial backbone, oh you wickednation of America; and I am going to scatter your wealth among other nations. I

    am going to cut you off, oh America; for you have been blessed above all

    nations, yet you have polluted the minds and hearts of the people the world

    over with your perversions and with your filth. I am going to bear down on

    you, oh your perverted nation of America and I am going to strip you down.

    How close you have been to another 911 event, which would have brought you

    to your knees, oh you wayward nation! And, by now, you would have been

    filling up the camps. Yes, at the last moment, I intervened to stop such great

    destruction, yet it could have already come to pass, with more than threenuclear plants destroyed and six dams. Who intervened to help you? I did, and

    only because of My mercies towards you, to give you a little more time. Only I

    could have stopped Satan and his wicked hoards from proceeding.

    How long do you think that you have, oh you wicked nation of America? I tell

    you that my great judgment is sweeping across the land; and most of you

    cannot see it.

    Oh, Father, what is that? It seemed that You spit in the heartland of America

    and there came a great swirling, like a cyclone? What is that?

    My Little One, be not troubled by what you see. Just know that I am now

    placing a period at the end of this sentence, a period, and not a question mark.

    My great judgments upon this land are progressing and unmistakable.

    Be at peace, My Little One. Be not troubled by all that you see and by all that

    you suffer and experience; for Satan is very wroth with you. He hates you

    greatly, but I am always with you to bless you, to protect you, and to provide

    for you.

    What is My word to My Little Ones, who wait for Me? I LOVE YOU, MY






  • 8/3/2019 Alien Invasion and False Rapture Warning


    I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

    As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 5th day of July, 2011,

    Linda Newkirk

    Third Message from our Saviour

    A False Rapture, An Alien Invasion,

    The Skies the World Over well erupt

    with UFOs

    My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

    Listen carefully to My words to you this morning; for you come and you askMe about an event in the skies the world over, which shall surely come to pass.

    Hear Me in this, My Blessed Child, and write what I say, that My people may

    be the wiser. I say to you, oh My people, All eyes upon Me. All eyes upon

    Me. All eyes upon Me! For, any and all, who take their eyes off Me, for even

    a moment, in these most perilous of times, may very well be deceived and

    carried into the enemys camp.

    Do you think to outsmart Satan? Do you not know that he has been the

    deceiver, even from the beginning? He is master of deception and very fine atit; and he has, at his disposal, great resources and great armies, which you, as a

    people, are ignorant of. And, his armies are far greater than you can imagine,

    even one third of the stars of heaven, who were cast down with him. Yet, these

    are not all, but in his army are cleverly disguised robotic elements, and robotic

    humans, as well as great numbers of his own children, who are also human.

    Then, he also has at his disposal billions of humans all over the world, who

    have fallen to his wicked and deceptive ways, who do his bidding and are not

    even aware that they do his bidding. They kill at command. They steal at

    command. They lie at command and all under cover of government and officialbusiness. His chain of command is very great and you, oh My people, are

    grossly ignorant of him and his vast armies and means to both deceive you, and

    to destroy you.

    Yet, many of you think to fight these battles. For, even as some few of you

    know and understand, you fight not against flesh, when you fight Satan and his

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    many non-human hoards, but you fight against powers and principalities of

    great darkness, who are not human, and were never human, but fell from the

    Upper Realms. They aligned themselves with Satan/Lucifer to fight against the

    Light, for they wished to overtake the Light. They rebelled and fell, in pride

    and arrogance, and are thereby filled with every evil and perverted thing; and

    they wish to destroy all light on this planet and /or to consume it for

    themselves, that they might still rise up and overtake you, who bear My light.

    So, they war against those of you, who bear My light.

    None of you true ones escape their watchful eyes and as I have said to you,

    these vast armies have been cast down, but in My mercy and for the love of My

    Elect, I bound them in a secret place, until there would come the right time, the

    time of My own choosing, to release them. So, billions, many billions of them

    are bound up in this secret place, but at the time of My own choosing, I shall

    release them and they shall come forth, many, many billions of them; and they

    shall fill the skies the world over. They shall come at a terrible time in the earth

    and at a time when many feel hopeless and in despair, at a time when many

    think that they will escape such terrible times.

    Through vast mind control techniques, they will gain control over the minds of

    many! The curious and the spiritually weak listen and many of them will obey

    the commands and they will willingly go and enter into these ships. And, many,

    who believe what is called the early-out rapture will believe that these ships

    are of Me; for their thinking is twisted and they will fall for the great mind

    control, which will come at them from many directions.

    Many televangelists will be used, and preachers will be used, as mind

    controlled stooges at the hands of Satan and these very evil creatures; and these

    preachers, and even certain prophets, will trumpet the arrival of Jesus for His


    Great lies, storms of lies, will beat down on the people; and such lies will

    seduce the weak, as great numbers, even millions upon millions of people the

    world over, will agree to enter into these ships.

    Oh, the woes! Oh, the great woes! Oh the fright! Oh, the pain! Oh, the

    suffering! Oh, the sorrows! For, many of you will be killed straight away! You

    will be served up to these evil hoards as one great feast, and they will feast on

    upon your flesh and upon your blood. For, they are not at all human, but you

    will see many, who are part bird and part reptile; and these are the Dragos.

    They will eat you alive, pecking and clawing at you and delighting in your fear

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    as they gobble your flesh and drink your blood; for it is your life force that they

    wish to consume. It is your light, that they wish to devour.

    But, some of you, who enter into these ships, which will fill the skies, will be

    saved for greater horrors. For, they will invade your bodies and will take over

    your bodies and will use your bodies to further deceive great numbers ofpeople. For, their ways are not your ways. They were once of high standing in

    the Upper Realms, but they fell! Nevertheless, they are not without certain

    supernatural powers. And, you will not understand their powers; but when you

    later see some that you have seen and known to go into these ships, appear

    again before your very eyes, you will delight to see once again your friends and

    family, only to be consumed and devoured alive, by the Drago, who has taken

    the body.

    Therefore, when you see those, who go up into these ships, consider them gone

    and do not trust your eyes regarding them again.

    These Dragos will use these snatched bodies to take over many key positions in

    government, in armies, in important trades, and in important services.

    Therefore, My warnings to you to come out of the world, will be more

    important than ever! For, in your day to day activities, you will encounter them,

    yet you will most certainly be deceived by them, that is, all but some very, very

    few of you.

    And, this deception will be to your own undoing; for I warn you now that thisis coming. This is going to happen, an alien invasion/false rapture; and this will

    be the reward for so many, who have loved a lie and who have spread the lie,

    that I would come for you before you have to suffer in the earth. Have I not told

    you that you would be tried in the fires and tested as gold and silver, yet many

    of you want the easy way and you will not hear the truths, but would rather

    believe the lies.

    Now, the great liar is among you and he is not at all stupid. He is crafty, very

    crafty; and he watches you and analyzes you, when you have no clue that he is

    even in your midst. For, Satan, that old Dragon, has been cast down, even asMy servant, Linda Newkirk, has written.

    There came a war in Heaven in the late Winter and Spring of 2006, just as my

    servant, Linda Newkirk, has told you in the writings of Revelation Twelve, and

    Satan was cast down. Along with him were cast down many billions of Dragos,

    but I commanded Archangel Michael and others of My archangels to fight and

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    to subdue them and to round them up and to hide them in a secret place. For, it

    was not time for them to come forth and to take their place in Satans army in

    the earth. But, I tell you now, that there shall come a time, when I will set free

    these vast information of Dragos and few of you will be the wiser.

    Hear Me, oh you nations, who sleep and slumber. Satan is given his time in theearth and his kingdom is in place. By the day, you can see his great evils, and

    they escalate in the earth, yet so many of you prefer deception. You will not see

    the truths of what is, of what has been, and of what is to come.

    The time of the great sifting is at hand and many souls will be sifted into the

    fires (of hell). Also, at this time, many will make the most terrible decision to

    take the mark of the beast; and these souls will be destroyed. Yes, indeed, a

    great sifting is at hand.

    Beware, oh you, who sleep in the midst of such evil; for in your ignorance, youwill be carried away.

    For, you will most certainly now either seek Me with your whole heart and you

    will walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, or you will be in the

    camp of Satan. For, it is either one, or the other.

    Make your way straight, oh My people. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Consider

    Me in all things, lest you be deceived and carried away and end up in the fires!

    For, since there was a nation, there have never been times as severe, as what

    you are now entering into.

    Make copies of this message and distribute far and wide, that the blind may see

    and understand what is upon the whole world.

    My Little One, My words, which you just heard in the spirit, when translated

    mean, Stay away from the Dragon, and I have allowed you to hear these

    words, even in My own language, a language that you do not know; for these

    words are for all nations, but especially for My people in China and the Orient.


    And, with these words, I say unto you and unto all of My people. The light of

    My Kingdom is in the earth and it shines to every humble and obedient heart.

    Receive My light, oh My people and be filled; for this light is My pure love to

    you. And, when you see all of these things come to pass, then know that My

    finger tip is about to touch you, oh My Faithful Bride.

  • 8/3/2019 Alien Invasion and False Rapture Warning


    I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

    As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 13th day of July, 2011,

    Linda Newkirk

    Some background information

    My Dear Ones, this last message was given to me as I sought our Saviour

    regarding information, which I was receiving regarding an upcoming alien

    invasion. In the past, I have not personally received any visions or messages

    about this invasion. But, I was alerted to this upcoming invasion though my

    friend, Mark, who lives in Canada.

    My friend, Mark, has had three dreams about an alien invasion, and in thesedreams, he saw that the sky was filled with spaceships; and he further describes

    how great numbers of people were mindlessly carried up into these ships. He

    was given these three dreams before I came to know him in 2007, and since

    that time, he has run across several dreams in which others were also shown an

    alien invasion. In these dreams also, others saw that the sky was full of alien

    ships. Such a dream was reportedly given to one, who lives in Australia, so my

    Dear Ones, we know that this invasion will be a worldwide event.

    Very recently, my friend, Mark told me about a dream, or visitation, which was

    given to a young child. In this visitation, our Saviour visited with this youngchild and told the child to warn people NOT TO GET ON THESE SHIPS. Our

    Saviour warned that those, who entered into these ships, would be killed and

    eaten. If you search for these dreams in the Internet search engines, many of

    you will find them, but I will not include them here at this time.

    So, my Dear Ones, over time, I pondered these things, which Mark told me, but

    only recently did I seek our Saviour regarding this upcoming alien invasion.

    From our Saviours above words, He both verified and added to what others

    have been shown in various dreams regarding this alien invasion.

    The War in Heaven


    And, there was a war in Heaven:

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    Michael and his angels fought against

    the dragon, and the dragon fought and

    his angels.Because I was aware of the War in Heaven (late February to early May of

    2006), which few are aware of, I knew of the great numbers of Dragos, who

    were cast down from the Upper Realms. For, during this great War, I was often

    their victim as Satan ordered them to come after me. In past messages, I have

    written of this Great War and how I suffered from their many assaults and was

    tortured through the assaults of their beam weapons.

    For over two months, the archangels and the hosts of heaven fought them; and

    these great numbers of Dragos were rounded up by the archangels, under thedirection of our Saviour, and cast into an interdimensional portal.


    And, his tail drew a third part of the

    stars of Heaven, and did cast them into

    the earth.

    During this war, Archangels Michael and Rafael were often at my side and

    Archangel Michael would often tell me that certain numbers of the Dragos

    were being cast down; and he would say to me, They are coming for you.

    And, often he would tell me the numbers, which were headed into the earth;

    and the sheer numbers were often shocking: hundreds of thousands, millions

    and even billions. He would tell me to get ready to take some hits as it would

    take them some time to round up the Dragos. I would then cringe, knowing the

    pain and torture that I was about to endure. But, at that time, I had no clue as to

    why they were coming for me.

    During this war, I would often watch the archangels as they would corral the

    Dragos into an enclosed area, and then the Dragos would disappear. I also saw

    many, many of their ships as they were coming into the earth and some of the

    ships were very vast in size; and they, too, would disappear.

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    And the earth helped the woman, and

    the earth opened her mouth, andswallowed up the flood which the

    dragon cast out of his mouth.

    The interdimensional portal into which the Dragos were cast, was the mouth in

    the earth, which opened up and swallowed up the flood (of Dragos), which

    Satan sent after me. For, Satan ordered them to come after me and to torture me

    and to persecute me.

    Oh, what a great flood of evil, far worse than any can ever imagine; for they arenot at all human, but have lower bodies, which are black and scaly, like lizards,

    yet they stand upright. They have about ten black claws on each of their hands

    and feet and they have heads of birds. Some of their heads resemble the heads

    of hawks, and others have the heads of eagles and still others have other sorts

    of bird heads.

    When coming into the earth, they often made shrill bird calls and as they came

    near me, many of them took their claws, wove electrically conductive threads

    into my body, and then fired electrical currents into me.

    Oh, the pain and oh the suffering as I sought to flee from them. I went into the

    city and they followed me. I flew to South Africa to see my friends, and they

    followed me. The war raged for more than two months; and as this war was

    drawing to a close, our Saviour appeared to me in Centurion South Africa and

    gave me the holy little babe of pure light and fire, his very own holy, little son.

    That date was May 10, 2006.

    With this revelation, you can understand why Satan sent them after me. He

    surely knew that I was about to receive the Holy and Precious Son of our

    Mighty Saviour, and that the arrival of this holy son would herald his very endin the earth!

    My Dear Ones, these Dragos are vicious, oh they are vicious; and they hate us

    with a hate that is more profound than any of you can ever imagine. I cannot

    imagine that there is anything or anyone, who is more evil, in all of the

    Universe, than Satan and his many hoards.

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    The people the world over are in for one very great surprise. Oh, how sad that

    so many will die this way, but I absolutely believe that untold millions, perhaps

    hundreds of millions, or even some few billions will be consumed by the

    Dragos. My Dear Ones, billions upon billions of Dragos were cast down, and

    from what I understand, that number is around 40 billion.

    Remember the warnings of Revelation Twelve, that the tail of the Dragon drew

    a third part of the stars of heaven. In other words, these Dragos were at one

    time stars in heaven, great light beings, as our Saviour tells us; and they fell; for

    as our Saviour also tells us, they fought against the light. The final battle is now

    and it is right here on this planet! Are you at all ready for it?

    My Dear Ones, as I continue with more about this great war in heaven, I can

    tell you that at the time that they were cast down, I was so grateful that our

    Saviour locked them up; for I knew that if HE allowed them to descend upon

    humanity, there would be a bloodbath all over the world! For, their numberswere so great and none, I mean none, are prepared for them.

    But, those, who have faith and trust in the Lord, who live for Him and who love

    Him above all, will make it through such terrors. They will have victory; and

    they will overcome!

    My Dear Ones, here is your wisdom. Listen to me. Love the Lord, your God,

    with your whole heart. Make Him the love of your life. Keep your eyes on

    Him; for the world is full of trickery, and the foolish will be carried away with

    the many temptations in the world. Stay far away from movies and televisionand even limit your Internet to business work. Do not stay on it out of boredom,

    just surfing and looking around; for if you do, you will stumble into temptation;

    for the Internet is full of evil.

    Hear my warnings to you; for you cannot fight these battles. Repent, oh you

    people; and come away from all of the worldly traps.

    Satan has been cast down and he full of wrath; for he knows that his time is

    short; and all of these Dragos know the very same thing. Therefore, they

    descend with a great vengeance to destroy all of humanity, surely hoping thatnone will be left to enter into the Kingdom of our Saviour.

    Much of humanity is about to be destroyed. Repent, while you still have time to

    repent, and give up the lusts of the world and all of its traps and illusions.

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    Jesus is the Way into Eternal Life, which is salvation; and there is no other

    way. All souls, who refuse Jesus, who will not accept the salvation that He so

    freely gives, will, at some point in time, be destroyed. Do not allow this to

    happen to you.

    My Dear Ones, I love you very, very much and so want you to turn to ourSaviour and to accept His great love for you. Do not try to go it alone in this

    wicked world. You will end up in hell, a place of great torture. See the signs of

    the times and repent and come to Him while you still have time. For, He loves

    you with an everlasting love.

    You know, my Dear Ones, that our Saviour is Creator, and that He came into

    the earth as a human. He came to set the captives free, to give us His beautiful

    Spirit, to show us the truth, and to lead us into eternal life. And, as you know,

    He died the most horrible death for our freedom.

    My Dear Ones, He has paid the price for your salvation. Do not let His gift to

    you be wasted. Give your life to him totally and love Him and serve Him with

    your whole heart; for this is how He has loved us all, even from the beginning.

    Be dedicated! Fervently love Him and fervently serve Him; and then, my Dear

    Ones, when you need Him, He will show Himself strong in your life.

    Sending you the love of my heart,

    Your Sister through our Blessed Saviour,




    Chapter Seventy-Eight


    Greetings to you, my Precious Brothers and Sisters. I am up rather

    late tonight, later than usual for me. But, this is a very urgent

    message and you need to receive it, for it is very serious, indeed!

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    My Dear Ones, I know that many of you have been following the

    shock and awe of the financial bartering and whimpering in

    Washington DC, the threats, the denials, the accusations of those in

    the House and Senate, and the utter contempt, which has been

    shown by the President of this nation, both towards the Houses ofthe Congress and towards the people of this nation.

    Some have been shaking their heads in a state of confusion, as they

    witnessed both the nonchalance and the arrogance of the President

    of this nation regarding the financial gridlock, which has been

    taking place in Washington DC. Yes, this has been shock and awe

    at its finest.

    And, some may think that this was just a matter of disagreement

    among those in Washington, but my Dear Ones, we know better.

    Our Saviour has already shown us that this chaos is well planned,

    planned through the Queen of England and her counterpart, the

    wealthy Rothschild family of Europe. And, many in Congress are a

    part of this treasonous plot.

    Some years ago, our Saviour showed me in visions that President

    Obama is a Rothschild man, who is put into power through theRothschilds of Europe. We also know, from what our Saviour

    showed back in 2008, that Obama is the long-awaited antichrist.

    So, we have watched and waited for that time when he would seize

    power; and this, my Dear Ones, is that time.

    We have precious little time in this nation; for it is falling right

    before our very eyes; and when you see it fall, remember the

    warnings of our Saviour to the people of America for the past three

    decades; and plenty of them, that if the people of this of nation donot repent, He will bring severe judgment upon it, including

    nuclear war and massive enslavement and carnage of the people.

    Yet, you know how it has been. The rebellious have become more

    rebellious. The mockers and scorners have multiplied. The sins of

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    the people have piled up. The churches are overwhelmingly

    spiritually rotten and without the Spirit of God. The people refuse

    to hear the warnings of God and will not repent; and now comes

    the quick downfall of this nation. You are seeing it right now. This

    nation is falling fast.

    A Vision from our Saviour today

    August 02, 2011

    I was rather tired this afternoon, as Satan and his wicked pawns in

    the U.S. Government, and even elsewhere, had targeted my bodyheavily and I could hardly walk, amidst so much foreign stuff in

    my body. Therefore, I knew that I must rest so that the Holy Son

    of our Saviour, who lives within me, could dissolve and remove

    such a vast amount of foreign material.

    So, I lay down in my living room beneath a ceiling fan, a very

    good place to be in 105 degree plus weather, and I was just settlingin, when I was given a very powerful vision. In this vision, I saw a

    horse-drawn buggy, which was being pulled by a couple of horses.

    It was coming quickly down an old brick street; and it came to a

    halt very suddenly in front of an old building.

    A man exited the buggy, ran up a long flight of stairs and came to a

    very large door. He did not knock on the door, but rushed right in.

    In the room was President Obama, who stood behind his desk; andthe man from the buggy handed a book-like object to the President.

    I saw the president as he opened the book and he read the words,

    There has been a delay. Then, the president turned to a man,

    who was standing behind him; and the President said, Give me a

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    glass of water. President Obama then took the glass of water and

    drank a few sips.

    I looked now to see that a midget was standing to the left of the

    Presidents desk; and the midget said to the President, What willyou do?

    The President said, I will fart and make a very stinky wind.

    End of vision

    Then, I remembered a vision, which our Saviour had given to mesome months past and I felt gravely concerned for the people of

    this nation; for there shall surely come a great carnage. So, I

    sought our Saviour about the above vision. Following, you will

    read these words.

    A Message from our Saviour

    August 02, 2011

    Oh, Blessed Saviour, oh Glorious Most High God, I come to You

    to ask about Your meaning of this vision. Father, I believe that I

    well understand this vision, but would You please speak to me

    about it.

    My Little One, there are dragons and there are meadows. Do you

    know the difference between the two?

    Yes, My Lord, I know the difference between dragons andmeadows.

    And, there are roses and chrysanthemums. Do you know the

    difference between the two?

    Yes, My Lord.

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    And, there is hearsay and there is gossip. Do you know the

    difference between the two?

    My Lord, the two are often the same.

    And, so it is, My Little One. Do you know that a delay in the

    (passage of) the spending bill, a significant delay, is the same as

    martial law? Do you know this?

    My Lord, I believe that I do know this.

    My Blessed Child, the satanic elite are desperate to bring down this

    nation, and this, you well know.

    Yes, Father.

    But, why are they so desperate?

    Father, there must be many reasons, but what are the main ones?

    My Little One, they are desperately afraid that the people might

    wake up, become united and empowered, and throw them out.

    This, I understand.

    So, My Little One, any talk of a balanced budget must be

    squashed. It will not be allowed. So, now, all such talk will be

    squashed through President Obamas special committee; and the

    Congress and the will of the people will also be squashed.

    So, Father, President Obama plans to make a big fart and create

    a stinky wind.

    I have shown it and I have told you already that a time would come

    when he would release poisonous gas into various parts of

    America. No, My Little One, he, himself, will not release the gas,

    but he will give the nod (of approval) and it will come via


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    Father, how soon does he plan such a thing?

    My Little One, if there comes a delay, or a significant delay in his

    plans for financial imprisonment of the U.S.A., per the orders of

    the Queen of England and the Rothschild man, he plans to give thenod for the release of poisoned gas. Will he do it? My Little One,

    he is planning it and he is planning to do it sooner, rather than

    later. I tell you his plans. Understand?

    Yes, My Lord.

    Post this soon, My Little One. I am your Father Yahweh, yea

    Jehovah, Most High God.

    As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 2nd day of August, 2011,

    Linda Newkirk

    PS Father, you are so precious, so lovely, so beautiful in every

    way. Thank you for showing these things. Blessed is Your Holy
