alex van helsing #2 voice of the undead

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  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead


  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead




    Alex Van Helsing accelerated the gunmetal gray KawasakiNinja and watched the trees alongthe road around LakeGeneva melt into a twilight blur. ust a !ew miles toGlenarvon Academy" just a !ew more minutes" and no onewould be the wiser.

    #raining had gone on longer than Alex had ex$ected.

    %hat was su$$osed to be a late &aturday a!ternoon exercisewith &angster" his'what should he call &angster('mentor"had turned into a hal!)day ordeal. &angster" who everyoneelse knew as Glenarvon*s literature teacher" had let Alex joinhim and a team o! active agents in a mock incursion into anenemy stronghold.

    #he +stronghold, was a small o!!ice building in&echeron" the lakeside village where Alex and his !riendssometimes went !or ice cream- the exercise was a hy$ed)u$version o! a$ture the /lag. #hree agents were $osing asterrorists holding a trio o! +hostage, manne0uins" and Alexjoined the team that had to sneak in and neutrali1e theenemy without allowing the hostages to be harmed.

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    #his was serious business to the agents o! the2olidorium" a multinational organi1ation" which a month

    be!ore Alex had not known even existed. #here werecountless 2olidorium agents scattered around the $lanet" buthundreds o! them were located right here at their currentLake Geneva head0uarters" and &angster had been slowlyallowing Alex access to that world. #he exercise thismorning had been a test o! sorts. A!ter a month o! training

    one)on)one with &angster" this was Alex*s !irst time mixingwith other agents.&id" Alex*s gangly" excitable anadian roommate at

    school" had been thrilled when he heard about the exercise.+3t*s like you*re going to do a LA42G", &id had said over&aturday morning break!ast in the Glenarvon dining hall. Hehad $ronounced this acronym larr)$eg.

    +%hat is a LA42G(, Alex was already laughing. &id*sjoy at a million things Alex had never heard o! wasin!ectious.

    &id $ut down his !ork and gesticulated wildly with hishands. +#hat would be a live)action role)$laying game.,

    +Have you ever done that(, Alex asked.+Absolutely", &id said. +3n 5ontreal there*s a yearly

    meeting o! the NALAV42G" that*s the National Associationo! Live)Action Vam$ire)4ole)2laying Games. 3*ve beenthree times., Like Alex" &id was !ourteen" so going threetimes meant &id had been doing this since he was'eleven(+3 have a clan that',

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    deca$itated the manne0uins to boot. A!ter that Alex had to$lay dead and lie there with the $laster $eo$le.

    And then it was nine thirty. Alex reali1ed he was goingto be in trouble i! he didn*t make it back. &angster had lethim out early !rom the hour)long a!ter)action review" andAlex was cut loose" !inally on his own.

    #he road curved and then stretched out again !or severalmiles" and Alex whi$$ed around a cou$le o! delivery trucks"

    u$$ing his s$eed once he*d $assed them.He*d been nabbed missing cur!ew twice be!ore. 9nemore time and the 4A would $ass the $a$erwork u$ toHeadmaster 9tranto" and there would be a talking)to and$robably a call home to his $arents. Alex couldn*t have that.

    7ou would think that &angster would have been awarehe was" he was letting Alex manage it" as though learning to

    manage his schedule was $art o! his training. /ine.He was ho$ing the ten 2.5. cur!ew would be a little

    loose tonight'&id and 2aul were $lanning to join a buncho! the other guys in Aubrey House to watch a :V: in thelounge. %ith luck he could get back" ditch the motorcycle inthe woods across !rom the main gate" and make it u$ to hisroom while the 4As started their rounds on the ground !loor.Alex had to change" though- he was covered in ceiling$laster and gun$owder and had an enormous but washablered ink stain on his neck.

    Alex !elt a burst o! static shoot through his brain" awhis$er" and he darted his eyes le!t to catch the !leeting

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    image o! a !igure in white disa$$earing behind a tree as he$assed.

    #hat was strange. As the bike roared down the road"$icking u$ s$eed" Alex ta$$ed a button on the side o! hishelmet and shouted into the micro$hone in !ront o! his li$s.+&angster" are you there(,

    No answer. &angster must be out o! $ocket. 6ut Alexknew what he had seen.

    #he !eeling rose again. #hat !eeling" that static behindhis eyes" was the chie! reason &angster had taken him underhis wing" even though he was only !ourteen. #he static burstand cho$$ed in a wave through his mind and Alex sawanother !igure in white" blurring through the trees along theside o! the road.

    Alex sla$$ed the button again. +/armhouse" this is Van

    Helsing.,A!ter a moment a voice came online. +/armhouse.,3n his mind" Alex could $icture the !armhouse" so called

    because it was a small" unim$ressive white house with adila$idated metal garage door that sat in a clearing in themiddle o! the woods. #he house was a ruse8 #he garage dooro$ened to a tunnel that went a hal! mile underground" wherethe real !armhouse lived and breathed. 3t was a vast bunkero! men and women and e0ui$ment" just one o! many homeso! the 2olidorium.

    +3*m seeing hostiles on the road !rom &echeron Villageto Glenarvon Academy. %ho is on $oint today(,

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  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead



    3n the dark o! night Alex could not see even a hint o!the drivers" but he knew they would be white as bone" and

    strong and !anged. #hey intended to kill him./our hundred yards. Alex ran down the $ossibilities.

    Whats going on? Theyre blocking my path. Go into the


    No. He needed to stick to the road. He needed to getback be!ore the write)u$ and the call home.

    #he cars were about a yard and a hal! a$art !rom eachother. Alex si1ed u$ the s$ace and throttled the Ninja again.Ive been made" he reali1ed as he hurtled toward the

    cars. #hey were watching !or him. Alex !elt them s$eedingu$ as much as observed them.

    Now he saw a vam$ire in white" tall" with black hair"ste$ onto the shoulder" holding a device that at !irst he

    thought was a gun. 6ut it wasn*t a gun- it was long andrectangular" like a radio" and as the vam$ire stood still andAlex 1i$$ed $ast" he saw the vam$ire !li$ a switch.

    +#hey*ve made me", Alex managed to say be!ore he !elta burst o! electricity shake through his helmet. He !elt the$ads o! the helmet heat u$ and start to melt as the radiowhined and si11led inside.

    Alex winced as the heat hit his ears and he had to reachu$ and yank the helmet o!!" letting it clatter on theroad behind him.

    #he cars were still bearing down" and he was helmetlessand alone.

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    At !i!ty yards he could see the clean black shine o!the vehicles" and now he could !inally glim$se the glistening

    white !aces o! the vam$ires within.#hey were a race as old as his own" but made o! sterner

    stu!!- humans chosen and changed and tinged with the bloodo! ancient demons. #hey were !ast and cunning. 6ut Alexwas no slouch. He aimed !or the s$ace between the vehicles.

    Alex watched the cars* tires s$inning" bearing down"

    and at ten yards he saw that the bone white !aces insidecould $redict what he was going to do8 try to cut betweenthem. %hich was why he wasn*t going to do that. Alexwaited until the le!t 5ercedes*s !ront wheel began to turn in"intending to mash him to jelly between the two cars. Hebroke and whi$$ed le!t.

    He heard the cars grind against each other with heavy

    brutality and steel as the Ninja sailed around the vehicles onthe le!t. Alex dro$$ed onto the gravel shoulder and thenback on the road" throttling u$.

    Alex looked in the rearview mirror and saw them comearound8 %ith a !ierce shriek o! wheels against as$halt" thegiant cars executed $er!ect o$$osite turns" swiveling backinto se$arate lanes" traveling side by side once more. Heheard the enormous German engines roar as they began to$ursue him. 6y that time he was at least a mile ahead.

    %ith his le!t hand Alex reached around into his2olidorium go $ackage and drew out a long" slender wea$onthat was encased !rom end to end in black com$osite $lastic.

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    alled a 2olibow" it !ired bolts o! silver and hawthorn wood"eight shots to a cartridge.

    As he 1oomed around the next curve" another car" smalland /rench" came into view. He sailed $ast it" counting two$eo$le inside" civilians" and dismissed them. As heex$ected" the 5ercedes wasted no time with them either"one o! them tearing onto the shoulder to $ass" the other$assing on the le!t.

    #he road was clear. Alex watched the 5ercedes inthe mirror" gaining again. He needed to use his right hand!or this. Alex $assed the 2olibow to his right hand and !eltthe bike immediately decelerate as he took his hand o!! thethrottle and steered with the le!t. Alex turned his head"watching the cars instantly gain on him. He would get oneshot and then they would be on him.

    #he road jolted and his arm swerved. He su$$ressed theurge to $ull the trigger" breathed" and then !ired. #hebolt sailed out silently- only the small jolt in the 2olibow lethim know he had shot.

    #he $assenger)side !ront wheel o! the le!t 5ercedesex$loded with a burst o! white smoke and rubber. #he carinstantly turned right" slamming into the other 5ercedes./or a moment the vam$ire behind the wheel o! the right carheld on" but then he lost it" s$inning !arther right and o!! theroad.

    Alex re$laced the 2olibow and gunned the throttle againas he watched the right 5ercedes smash into a tree" a tinyex$loding image in the rearview mirror. #he le!t 5ercedes"

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    now missing a !ront tire" began to disa$$ear into thedistance behind him as he rounded another curve.

    &uddenly Alex heard a new sound over his own engine"higher $itched" o!! to the right in the woods. A motorcycle.

    Leaves and grass ex$loded on the side o! the road as acandy)a$$le red :ucati

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    +3*m a little busy", Alex shouted" raising the 2olibowand aiming at ;lle*s chest. He breathed and !ired" and the

    bolt sailed through the !olds o! her clothing.;lle laughed silently. &he twisted le!t and got u$ next to

    him" whi$$ing out a long arm at his throat. Alex tried tomove away and !elt steely nails slash through his jacket.

    He closed the ga$ again" coming side by side" the treesblurring behind her. #he !irst time he had met her" ;lle had

    nearly slaughtered his !riends. ;ven among a $sychotic race"she was crueler and wilder than most. He !ired again"missing. 9ver her shoulder he saw a sign go by"GL;NA4V9N" > K5.

    Now ;lle was reaching into her robe and drawingsomething out. /or a second he thought it was a wea$on"dark and round. #hen he saw it was moving.

    ;lle tossed whatever it was toward Alex. 3t landed onhis arm'brownish red and $otato)sha$ed" and then hereali1ed it was something coiled" and uncoiling. Alex gas$edas the $otato unrolled into !ive small" slithering" wormlikecreatures.

    He got a look at them8 red worms" about a hand*slength" with tiny legs and black eyes" and s$inning" churningteeth at the nose.

    #he worms began crawling over him and Alex swi$edo!! one o! them. ;lle was laughing as another one latched onto his sleeve and burrowed in" its small body rising in theair as it twisted. He could !eel the $ressure o! it as it bore

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    #he worms hissed" their bodies bubbling and drying u$.#he one on his arm shriveled into a husk and Alex saw it

    blow away into the wind as he rounded one more turn andsaw the main gate o! Glenarvon Academy come into view.

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    %ithin two minutes Alex had ditched the motorcycle in the

    woods across the road !rom the main gate o! GlenarvonAcademy and covered it over with lea!y cut limbs. Heswitched to a regular bicycle" a more a$$ro$riate vehicle !ora !reshman heading into town" and $edaled through the gate.He was a little shocked to see his hands were shaky. #he&cholomance had come !or him. He had been genuinelysur$rised" and Alex Van Helsing was not used tobeing sur$rised.

    No time !or that now'he*d come this !ar and wasn*tabout to get busted yet. :usty" jittery" and still ink)stainedon the neck" he locked the bike at the rack and headedinto the shadows o! the hulking" !orbidding castle that wasGlenarvon*s main house" Aubrey House" where he shared a

    room on the third !loor. He hustled through theside entrance and bounded u$ the dim stairs" taking the ste$stwo at a time.

    As he came out the door into the third)!loor hallway"Alex heard voices coming !rom the lounge and hesitatedbe!ore moving $ast the door. He saw a room !ull o! boys" allclasses" gathered on couches and dragged)in extra chairs.

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    avi Arroyo" a senior and the 4A !or Aubrey House" had hisback to the door as he !iddled with the :V: $layer next to

    the giant #V in the lounge.+&o 3 know everyone was ho$ing !or :octor ?hivago",

    Arroyo was saying as he $lugged in an A@V wire" +but allwe have is this thing about guys in metal suits., Arroyoturned around" holding u$ a co$y o! 3ron 5an . #he crowdlet it be known that they were duly a$$reciative not to be

    watching a three)hour movie about the 4ussian 4evolution.Alex hovered by the door until he saw &id and 2aul.2aul had commandeered a couch with &id and had a giantbowl o! $o$corn. He was wearing a sweatsuit and sneakers"while &id was still in his school uni!orm" his tie loosened.Alex remembered that &id had been doing Academic:ecathlon that a!ternoon. He caught their eyes and &id made

    a gesture with o$en hands that somehow $er!ectly conveyedthat Alex was cutting it a little close.

    +Bn!ortunately it*s dubbed in /rench", avi said loudly"and the grou$ groaned. ;uro$e'you take what you can get.

    Alex shrugged at his roommates and !elt the jitterinesswearing o!!. He moved $ast the doorand down the hall to hisroom. #here" Alex threw his jacket and shirt on his bed ands$lashed at the sink in the tiny" white)$laster bathroom"scrubbing away at the ink on his neck. #he room !illed withsteam !rom the hot water.

    #he vam$ires had tried to kill him. He*d lost his radio-he needed to call &angster and do a debrie! or an a!ter)actionor whatever the heck they would call it. He needed to talk.

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    A slight movement caught Alex*s eye in the mirror"barely visible through the !og on the glass. Alex turned o!!

    the water and swi$ed at the condensation. He saw the silvergray o! his jacket glinting in the dim light. Nothing.&atis!ied with the now)nearly)invisible ink stain" he yankeda towel o!! the rack and $atted his neck.

    His jacket moved.Alex turned" standing in the doorway o! the bathroom"

    brushing his head against a baseball ca$ o! &id*s that hung!rom the u$$er bunk next to the bathroom door. Acrossslick" tan)colored !loor tiles strewn with the shoes"underwear" socks" wadded)u$ jeans" and sundry detritus o!three !ourteen)year)old boys stood Alex*s bunk. And on it"his jacket sleeve was moving.


    ;lle had thrown those things on him and he thought hehad gotten them all" but now he reali1ed one o! the crittersmust have made it into his jacket somehow. He $added inbare !eet across the room" grabbed a hockey stick !romunder the bookshel! next to the window" and turned to !acethe jacket.

    Alex reached out with the hockey stick and touched thejacket sleeve. He saw it cree$ on the bed" wrinkling andbowing a bit. Alex $ut the stick against the collar o! thejacket and dragged it onto the tiles.

    #he sleeve danced and wriggled. #he bulb in the centerwhere the creature lay began to move !aster. Alex lookedaround to see i! there was anything better he could use" $ast

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    &id*s model kits and stacks o! books. He could look throughthe go $ackage" which lay on the !loor.

    No" that was ridiculous. He*d seen these things. #heywere worms. 6e a man" !or 2ete*s sake.

    #he sleeve danced again and Alex smacked it hard withthe hockey stick. %hunk. #he bulge in the jacket seemed toundulate and !or a moment lay still. He whacked it again.

    +#hat*s more like it", Alex said.

    #he sleeve s$lit and bloomed like a rose" cotton !lyingas the worm shot into the air. Alex was barely able to !ollowit as it 1inged" s$inning. 3t didn*t look like a worm anymore.3t was growing. #he worm landed on Alex*s headboard andgrabbed on" because not only had it gotten bigger and s$lit!ive or six ways" but it now had arms.

    #he creature a$$eared to be made o! some dense" dark

    reddish material that reminded Alex o! congealed blood. 3twas about eight inches tall" with claws !or hands and claws!or !eet on !our s$indly limbs" and a !ace com$rised o!a single" swiveling set o! teeth.

    /or a moment Alex stared at the blood)thing. #hen ithissed" whi$$ing its toothy head toward him" and he swi$edhard at it with the stick. 3t lea$t. #he stick caught it at whatAlex could only take !or shoulders and it 1inged through theair" landing on the door. Alex*s stick !ollowed through andtook out a lam$ his mom had sent him. #he air !illed withhundreds o! multicolored glass shards.

    #he creature s$rang with a whiny s0ueal and was on hischest" tiny claws crawling u$ his breastbone. Alex grabbed

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    it" holding it out and away !rom him" and the tiny headwhi$$ed around and tried to chew at his thumbs. As it

    brushed its teeth against his hand" just missing his !lesh"Alex saw the creature*s back swell out like the throat o! a!rog in antici$ation. 3t was ready to start sucking him dry.Alex gul$ed down his revulsion and threwthe creature across the room.

    #he thing s$un and slammed against &id*s bookshel!"

    sending $lastic model air$lane $arts and brushes and tiny$aint tubes !lying. 3t dro$$ed to the tile" limbs scramblingagainst the slick stone as it tried to !ind $urchase. 4unning"Alex grabbed a hand!ul o! &id*s books and slammed themdown on to$ o! the creature. 9ne hard lunge and he was surehe !elt the thing s0uish under the stack.

    :ro$s o! sweat !ell !rom his brow onto the co$y o!

    &trange reatures8 Anthro$ology in Anti0uity under hishands.

    No movement. Alex grabbed a cou$le more books"blinking against the smell o! s$illed tur$entine" and stackedthem on to$ o! the rest.

    &omeone was $ounding at the door.#avi" Alex thought.Alex backed away !rom the bookshel!" watching !or

    movement as the $ounding grew louder. +%ho is it(,+9$en u$C, 3t was the voice o! 6ill 5errill" another

    student. +&tudent, wasn*t really an a$t label. 6ill 5errillwas . . . a nightmare" a jerk" an old)!ashioned bully. And hewas rarely alone. %hat could he $ossibly want(

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    +3 want our :&C, 6ill shouted. He $ounded again at thedoor.

    Alex glanced around the room" taking his eyes o!! thestack o! books. He called to the closed door" +Aren*t thosethings against the rules(,

    +:on*t give me that", 6ill retorted loudly" $ounding thedoor again. +9$en u$.,

    Alex $ulled on a #)shirt that said 57 9#H;4 &H34#

    6;A4& AN AN#3&93AL &;N#35;N# and yanked thedoor o$en. +%hat(,6ill 5errill" not as tall as 2aul but bigger in every way

    than Alex" stood in the hallway. He was !lanked by his silentbrother" &teven. 6ill did most o! the talking" and most o! itwas hostile.

    6ill $ushed his way in and &teven !ollowed. +%e*ve

    been good to you" haven*t we( %e let you leave our roomwithout a !uss", 6ill said" shaking his head as he lookedaround. He was re!erring to the !act that Alex had originallybeen assigned to room with 6ill and &teven" but they hadmade his li!e miserable until Alex moved out. #hisa$$arently 0uali!ied as a shared history. 6ill touched someo! the lam$*s shattered glass with his shoes. +%hat are youdoing in here(, He kicked at some random air$lane $arts.

    +3t*s',+Never mind. &teven has a Nintendo :& that he thinks

    you took" and by you 3 don*t mean you" 3 mean the $ersonwho does your !ighting !or you.,

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    +7ou mean 5inhi(, Alex asked" re!erring to 5inhiKrishnaswami" a girl !rom LaLaurie &chool across the lake.

    5inhi was a kung !u ex$ert and had beaten 6ill once.5entioning 5inhi made &teven" the silent brother"

    laugh. 6ill !rowned. +3 mean 2aul. %here did he $ut it(,+%hy would 2aul want your :&(, A Nintendo :&'or

    any other gaming system'was strictly verboten atGlenarvon. 6ut some students broke the rules" and the

    5errills de!initely !it that category. Alex couldn*t think o! areason why his roommate would want to steal a gamesystem !rom the 5errills" nor had he seen 2aul $laying onone.

    +5aybe he just thinks it*s !unny", 6ill said. He and&teven were idly searching the room" more with their eyesthan anything.

    Alex had had enough. +Look. 3 have to get changed.,&teven !ro1e" staring u$ at the ceiling. 6ill seemed to

    sense his brother*s sto$$ing and turned" looking u$.Alex saw it now" too. Neatly glued to a ceiling tile was

    a Nintendo :&.6ill looked back at him" crossing his arms and blinking

    with something like innocence.Alex said" +7ou have to admit" that is $retty !unny . . .,

    but then he noticed that the books on the !loor were startingto wobble the tiniest bit.

    &teven looked at him silently and ste$$ed u$ on thestack o! books. He swi$ed u$ with one long arm" yanking

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    the :& !rom o! the ceiling. A $u!! o! tile chalk ri$$ed !ree asthe :& came loose" and then &teven was !alling.

    &omething was churning through the books and now&trange reatures8 Anthro$ology in Anti0uity was dancingon end. 3t ex$loded in a burst o! $a$er. #he red wormcreature" a star!ish s$inning in the air" soared and bouncedo!! the wall. 3t landed on &teven*s back as he !ound his!ooting.

    +%hat the hell is that(, 6ill yelled" momentarilyshocked. Alex balled his !ist into a towel and swi$ed at itacross &teven*s back" !eeling it $rotest as it yanked !ree and!lo$$ed on the !loor" s$reading its star!ishlike arms andbreathing. +3t*s like a'what is that" a bat(,

    6ill was already raising his dress shoe to stom$ on it.$es% kill it" Alex thought. &0uish it be!ore you get a

    good look at it. 6ill*s !oot came down and just caught it bythe tail. #he creature hissed and lea$t" latching on to 6ill*sshoulder and s$ringing out the o$en door.

    6ill turned" seeing the red)brown creature clinging to abulletin board !illed with sheets o! $a$er o!!ering guitarlessons and begging rides into town !rom u$$erclassmen.&omeone was $utting together a rugby team and there was asign)u$ sheet" with a $encil on a string.

    %ith its u$$er arms s$read and !lattened" it did lookvaguely batlike !or a moment. 6ill moved with a s$eed Alexwould not have ex$ected !rom him. He took less than asecond to yank the $encil !ree and jam it through thecreature" im$aling it in corkboard.

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    6ill glanced back at his brother with an ex$ression o!satis!action. &teven was coming out o! the room with the

    :&" trying to see around his own shoulders.+ome on. Are you all right(,+3 don*t know" it bit me", &teven said again.#he brothers began to stom$ back toward the lounge.

    6ill called back without looking" +3*m telling 9tranto.,%atching them go" Alex saw a slight trickle o! blood on

    &teven*s back.Alex looked back at the im$aled creature. He wouldneed to clean it u$. At least it hadn*t'

    3t burst into !lame.6urst" just like a vam$ire" !woosh" hot and !ast" with

    !lames s$attering out and catching all the $a$er and even thecork o! the bulletin board instantly. Alex gas$ed.

    /ire. 2ut it out. &mother it. His !irst thought was toyank the board down- the board was wide and !lat and i! hegot it smack against the !loor it would $robably go out. Helost that $lan in two seconds" because he yanked at the boardand !ound it to be bolted in $lace.

    Need a new $lan. Alex turned" running into his roomand grabbing his dam$ towel. He came back and tried$atting at the board. 6ut as it howled and crackled" Alexreali1ed that already the cork had caught dee$. 7ears o! glueand ground)u$ corkboard where $ush$ins had entered andexited thousands o! times had created a $orous" well)oxygenated sheet o! kindling. #he towel had no e!!ect otherthan to be singed by the !lames.

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    Need a new $lan. /ire extinguisher.He started to run down the hall in the direction o! the

    lounge" where students were watching the movie. Hethought he heard 6ill 5errill" angry about something. Aboutten or !i!teen !eet $ast the lounge was the stairwell where" heremembered" there was a !ire extinguisher.

    Alex $assed a red !ire)alarm handle on the wall. Hegrabbed it and yanked it down" and all at once alarms !illed

    the air" heavy)sounding klaxons that s$lit his ears.2ast the :V: watchers in the lounge. His mindregistered that &teven was lying on the ground but only 6illhad noticed" and everyone else was looking u$ at the suddenalarm sounds. Alex !lew through the door into the stairwell"!inding the lean yellow !ire extinguisher and sliding it o!! itshooks. He booked it back down the hall" reali1ing he was

    running out o! time.2A&&.2ull)Aim)&0uee1e)&wee$" he heard his !ather say in his

    mind.2ull. As he ran" he yanked the metal sa!ety $in that held

    the o$erating lever in $lace. &tudents were $ouring into thehall behind him" shouting. /lames !rom the board hads$read to the wall$a$er and now were licking against theceiling tiles.

    Aim. He sto$$ed and $icked the base o! the !ire as histarget" which in this case was still the board.

    #he !lames began to s$read across the ceiling tiles.5aybe they weren*t $ast the ti$$ing $oint yet" though.

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    5aybe. &0uee1e. He s0uee1ed the handle u$" waiting !or the$ro$ellant to $ush back and u$ against his hands.

    3t did no such thing. Alex looked down atthe markings on the extinguisher and read an ex$iration datethat roughly coincided with one o! his sister*s births.

    &o there would be no swee$ o! the extinguisher*scontents because the $ro$ellant inside had dissi$ated yearsago. Also" the ceiling was on !ire.

    Alex turned and ran" meeting avi Arroyo next to thestairwell entrance" where he was shouting orders !oreveryone to move steadily down the stairs.

    6ill was walking &teven with his arms under hisshoulders. &teven looked $ale. +%hat*s wrong with him(,Alex called.

    +3 don*t know", 6ill said. &moke was coming !aster

    now.A terrible thought occurred to Alex. +3s it because o! the

    bite', Alex said 0uickly.+3! it is" Van Helsing" 3 will kill you", 6ill said" and

    disa$$eared down the stairwell" charging $ast several others"including 2aul and &id.

    Great.Alex looked back and saw !lames licking across

    the ceiling" and starting to come out o! his room.+Alex" what are you doing(, &id called.#he overhead lights began to !licker. Alex heard

    what must have been tubes o! $aint ex$loding in their room.

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    avi sla$$ed him on the back. +ome on" look alive", hesaid.

    +#here might be more we can do. . . .,avi shook his head. +#he alarm is linked to the village

    and the !ire de$artment can take it. Let*s go.,:ismayed into silence" Alex joined &id and 2aul. :own

    the stairs the students moved as the alarms rang out"dea!ening them all.

    9ut at the gate" the whole school gathered and watched.Alex heard the 4As counting o!! students in the dark.&tanding together" Alex" 2aul" and &id watched the u$stairs"where the !ire had moved !rom one room to at least two orthree adjacent.

    Alex heard 6ill 5errill shouting and turned to look. A$air o! teachers bent over &teven" who lay unconscious and

    deathly $ale.2aul tore his eyes away !rom the !ire to nod toward

    &teven. +%hat ha$$ened to him(,;lle. ;lle. /reaking ;lle.+&omething meant !or me", Alex said.#here was a screeching o! tires and Alex saw a racing

    green convertible scra$e across gravel and sto$ near thegate. A man in his mid)thirties wearing a s$ort coat boundedout o! the car. 3t was &angster" with a look o! horror. He sawAlex and relie! crossed his !ace. #he sounds o! !ire trucks!illed the air.

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    As alarms continued to !lood the area with noise"$aramedics burst through the crowd. Alex watched a youngman in scrubs si1e u$ the situation instantly- almost no oneneeded hel$ exce$t !or &teven" still $rone.

    Alex moved to &teven*s side and !ound himsel! across!rom 6ill" who looked u$ at him with disgust and worry.

    +%hat ha$$ened to him(, the ambulance guy said inheavily accented ;nglish as he !elt !or a $ulse. &teven*shead was already elevated. He was unconscious butbreathing. +:id he inhale smoke(,

    +3 don*t think so", 6ill said.A woman in scrubs showed u$ with a gurney and the

    two $aramedics li!ted &teven*s body and laid it on thegurney.

    +He was bitten", Alex volunteered.#he woman touched a metal lever next to the wheel

    base and the gurney $o$$ed u$ to waist height. +6itten(,she asked" with the same /rench accent. +6y what(,

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    +3 don*t know" it was a !reakin* bat" 3 think", 6ill said.+3*ve seen *em in the ra!ters.,

    #he $aramedics nodded as they began to hurry with&teven. 6ill ran with them.

    #he rest o! the gate area was bedlam. &tudents weregathered in excitable grou$s. As the last o! the !ire trucksarrived and the ambulance s$ed away" Alex saw Headmaster9tranto talking intensely on a cell $hone.

    He was calling !or buses. #hat was 9tranto*s skill8arranging things.;ven so" at eleven 2.5. on a /riday this was not an easy

    task. #hey waited numbly !or an hour until buses rolledin next to the !ire trucks. #he !irst order o! business wasloading the two hundred students o! Glenarvon Academyonto the buses and getting them away !rom the academy

    itsel!" now soaked and smouldering./rom the back o! his bus" Alex turned and watched

    out the glass window as the school gave o!! $lumes o!smoke. #he entire u$$er story o! the main house'whereall the bedrooms were'was a wreck.

    Alex reali1ed that not listening to his own mind haddone himsel! and his school a lot o! damage. 3! he*d onlynoticed the worm in his jacket be!ore he got back to theschool . . . He had !elt jittery when he got back and hadn*tlistened to the !eeling. He had ruined everything.

    #he bus was !ull o! chattering students borrowing oneanother*s cell $hones and calling America and Germany and

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    anada and the Bnited Arab ;mirates. Alex heard the $hrasegoing home time and again.

    Alex needed to call his own home" but he had le!t hiscell in the saddlebags o! his motorcycle in the trees across!rom the school" and the 2olidorium 6luetooth was use!ulonly !or calling within and through the organi1ation. A!ter2aul had !inished calling London" Alex borrowed his $honeand called his !amily in %yoming" where it was about !our

    !orty)!ive 2.5.His sister 4onnie answered. %hen she heard his voice"her !irst words were +%hy are you calling !rom London(,

    Alex scrunched back into the seat" looking at 2aul.+%hat(,

    +7our country code came in as London.,+3*m borrowing a cell $hone.,

    +%hat*s wrong(, she asked. 4onnie was twelve" Alex*sclosest !riend in the world be!ore he had le!t !or oneboarding school and then another. 3n the background heheard dea!ening music'classic rock" sounded like. &he hadto be in her room" tucked in the converted attic o! ashambling Victorian monster that housed his $arents and his!our sisters. He could $icture her" wavy black hair tuckedinto a wool ca$" denim jacket. &he was !orever bundled u$and guarded.

    +3t*s a long story", Alex said" trying to sound serious butcalm. +#here*s been an . . . are 5om and :ad home(,

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    +#here*s a thing at the university", 4onnie said. +:adwas actually wearing a bow tie. 7ou can catch 5om on her

    cell i! . . .,#here was a shar$ click and he heard a second voice"

    also !emale. +%ho*s calling !rom London(, demandedudith" who was !ourteen and Alex*s !raternal twin. #he&ony cordless $hones in the house had caller 3: on everyhandset" so she was curious. #hat and she was nosy.

    +N9 9N;", Alex and 4onnie said immediately.+Alex(, udith snorted. +%hat did you do(,+%hy would you even say that(, Alex demanded.+6ecause you usually call on &undays and you*re not

    using your own $hone", udith said evenly. &he had her ownsoundtrack behind her" $ulsating tri$)ho$ and the $ersistentmechanical roar o! a treadmill that was dwindling to a hum.

    &he must be in the cavernous den o! the house. Alex could$icture her as well" $robably in sleek Adidas s$ortswear"blond hair $er!ect and !lowing" a $icture o! his mother.

    6ehind udith" Alex could hear his little sisters" /rankie"who was ten" and 6obbi" who was eight" and the sounds o!dishes being $ut down- this would be right o!! the den. +3sthat Alex(, 6obbi shouted.

    +7ou kee$ setting the table", udith ordered.+udith would like to in!orm you that she is in charge",

    4onnie said wryly.+%hich is why you*re hiding out in your room(, Alex


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    +%hat did you do(, udith demanded again. +3! :adhas to !ind another school to take you in . . .,

    Bgh. &he was just trying to goad him into !essing u$ tosomething" and there was nothing to !ess u$ to. He chose toignore the 0uestion. +#here*s no emergency right now", hesaid. +#here*s been an incident" a !ire" so we*re goingsomewhere else !or the night. 3 don*t know where. ust tell5om and :ad 3*ll call when 3 get the chance.,

    +Have you been arrested(, udith asked.+&eriously" what is the matter with you(, Alex asked histwin. &he had always been like this" a mental jujitsu artist"always $ushing" then tugging" twisting" and trying to get youo!! balance.

    +%hatever", udith said. +3*ll tell them you called.4onnie" 3 know eating is im$ortant to you" so i! you $lan to

    join us 3*ll kee$ a $lace set !or !ive minutes a!ter the rest o!us sit down.,

    +:on*t you have a run to !inish(, 4onnie asked. +Good)bye" udith., A!ter a moment they could hear udith snortderisively and hang u$.

    4onnie asked Alex" +:oes all this have to do with thething you haven*t told :ad(, Alex winced at herstraight!orwardness. 4onnie never minced words.

    %hat she meant was this8 %hen Alex had arrived atGlenarvon Academy on Lake Geneva" he had learned anumber o! things he had not known be!ore.

    /irst" whereas Alex believed he had been going insaneat /rayling 2re$ in the Bnited &tates where he had gotten

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    involved in a !ight that le!t the other boy seriously injured"at Lake Geneva he had learned that he wasn*t going cra1y at

    all. 3nstead" he was beginning to be visited by a sense !orevil" a static that grew and warned him o! su$ernaturaldanger. #he boy he*d !ought had turned out to be$articularly" su$ernaturally" dangerous.

    &econd" !ollowing the trail o! this static had led Alex todiscover that his !ather" a rather boring but renowned

    $hilanthro$ist and university lecturer on history andmythology" had !udged the truth during Alex*s entirechildhood. He had always insisted that the su$ernatural'vam$ires" 1ombies" the whole 6)movie greatest)hits scene'were not real" were +not how things ha$$ened., /udged asin lied. #here were such things" and in Geneva" they hadsought Alex out.

    #hird" his !ather should have de!initely known better"because :r. Van Helsing had actually been an agent !or theorgani1ation that now called Alex one o! its o!!)the)books!ellows8 the 2olidorium. A$$arently :ad had not known hisold colleagues'and old enemies'were at Lake Geneva.6ut the memory o! the vam$ires ran dee$" and they had as$ecial hatred'and a strange modicum o! res$ect'!orAlex*s !amily.

    Alex hadn*t told his !ather about any o! this. 3n themonth since he*d made these discoveries" he had !ound acertain sense o! belonging and $eace in his new role. #he2olidorium blanched at his youth but were training himbecause they seemed to believe his latent skill !or !inding

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    and !ighting the vam$ires could be a bene!it to them" andthere!ore to their clients" which a$$arently extended to

    every government on the $lanet.6ut he had told 4onnie.+3 think it*s connected", Alex said now" and he looked

    around to make sure no one was listening. No one was'anevacuation a!ter a !ire had a way o! $utting everyone in anoverexcited but un!ocused state. As Alex ran his eyes u$ and

    down the bus'and out the window at the bus next to them'he saw dullness and con!usion. He could have walked u$and down the aisle stealing everyone*s wallets and hedoubted anyone would notice.

    +2eo$le are going to know it started by my room", hesaid. %his$ering" Alex gave 4onnie a brie! run)down o! thewhole business o! the evening. +3 don*t know what the

    school is going to do" but 3*m gonna try to ride it out. 3really need to stay.,

    +4ide it out(, 4onnie asked. +9kay. &o you*re going totell :ad that you burned down your school" but assumingyou don*t get kicked out" Ddon*t worry about it because 3like &wit1erland so much*(,

    He chuckled. +How did you so $er!ectly $redict my lineo! argument(,

    +%e all live s$rawled across one another", 4onniegrumbled. +;ven in a house this big" even across theAtlantic., &he seemed to consider the chessboard that laybe!ore Alex. +3t will work !or now" but you have to cut themin soon.,

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    were into the clearing he had come to know well" throughthe !alse door o! the !armhouse" and down into the bowels o!

    the earth.&angster brought the van to a sto$ in what amounted to

    a vast garage" big enough to house Humvees and cars andmotorcycles and trucks with helico$ters on their trailers.#hey bounded u$ the metal stairs at the back o! the garageas &angster gestured to a large clock on the wall. +%e have

    an hour- that*ll leave hal! an hour to get the su$$lies.,#hrough the doors at the to$ o! the stairs lay a world o!car$eting and glass walls. Alex heard the !amiliar clamor o!agents moving !rom room to room" some listening toradio chatter" some drawing lines on enormous glass ma$s.Alex and &angster moved $ast the commotion to acon!erence room" where two $eo$le waited im$atiently.

    At the head o! a long" shiny black table sat :irectorarreras" whose balding head and heavy)set !rame !it hissuit $er!ectly and made him look like the senior $artner o! alaw !irm. As they entered" Alex caught the eye o! AgentAnne Armstrong" who was $acing near the $rojection screenat the !ront. &he wore standard 2olidorium togs" black $antsand shirt" with shoulder holster. At least once in the monthhe*d been around" Alex had seen her in a B.&. Air /orceuni!orm" and she had in!ormed him she was actually aca$tain on detached assignment !rom that service. #hat wasthe way it worked" a$$arently. &ome o! these $eo$le wereon loan.

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    +an anyone tell me what is going on(, &angster askedas arreras bade them sit" and Armstrong*s look indicated

    she had ho$ed to ask the same thing.+%e think it*s retaliation against Van Helsing", said

    arreras in a smooth 6ritish accent. +/or the attack on the&cholomance last month.,

    /or a moment Alex allowed it all to come back'thejourney under the lake to reclaim his !riends. 6ut that

    adventure hadn*t ended with a daring esca$e" the way hehad ex$ected it to when they managed to bash their way outalive.

    No" the adventure had ended" truly ended" with Alexalone" a heavy vam$iric hand wra$$ed around histhroat. /or a moment Alex saw again the !licker o! red light"!elt the nail o! the vam$ire called 3cemaker digging into

    him. 3cemaker had been trying to raise a long)dead womanwho would be the new 0ueen o! the vam$ires" and at thatmoment" with everything in his $lan !alling a$art" sheneeded more blood. Alex was their last chance and he hadalmost died right there. #he inch)long cut on his throat hadonly healed recently.

    Alex shook the memory away and shared what hadha$$ened" !rom the 5ercedes to the !ire. &angster said" +#ellus more about the worm.,

    Alex continued talking as Armstrong ty$ed away. +3twas about yea big", he said" holding out his hands. +3tstarted out small and then it s$lit into kind o! a star!ish.,

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    +:id it have circular jaws(, Armstrong asked" notlooking u$. &he ta$$ed a key and on the screen a$$eared a

    three)dimensional diagram o! the worm itsel!" slowlys$inning" diagrammatic lines $ointing to various $arts o! thecreature.

    +7eah" that*s it", Alex said.+7ou ever seen one o! these(, Armstrong said to


    +9nly in An1io", &angster said" looking at the diagram.+3t*s 3talian(, Alex asked. An1io was a coastal citywhere an enormous military cemetery stood. He had beenthere with his !amily.

    +No" it*s'&angster is talking about the 2olidorium*screature school in An1io", Armstrong told him.+Anyway8 the worm is called a Glimmerhook. #his is a very

    unusual thing !or the &cholomance to haul out and throw atyou. #hey would have had to $rocure it !rom one o! theheavy)duty blood)wielding clans" the kind that can makeenhanced creatures using blood. #hey come in an egglike"ah" grenade'so there are usually a hand!ul o! them" likeyou said. #here*re only one or two clan lords who can makethem" so it would be an ex$ensive get.,

    Alex remembered the worms crawling into his jacket.+%hat does it do(,

    +ust two things", Armstrong said. +3t sucks your bloodand ex$ands to carry back however much it can take" andoh" it $oisons and kills you.,

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    +2oisons( 3t bit one guy" &teven 5errill. He was in myroom.,

    +:id you !ind him being bitten( How much blood',+3 was there when it jum$ed on him and 3 $ulled it o!!

    almost immediately", Alex answered. +&teven colla$sed a!ew minutes later. He*s in the hos$ital.,

    +How*s he doing(, Armstrong asked.+%e won*t know until tomorrow", &angster said"

    shaking his head. +%hat will the e!!ect o! the worm looklike(,+&omething like malaria", Armstrong said. +A blood

    disease. 3t*ll try to kill his white blood cells. 3t sounds likethe bite was very brie!. %ith any luck they*ll treat him at thehos$ital and he*ll $ull through.,

    +7ou think so(, Alex asked.

    Armstrong $aused. +3 guess 3 kind o! ho$e so" Alex.,+&o they hit him with an ex$ensive and exotic wea$on",

    &angster said. +:oesn*t that seem a little overboard !or aretaliation(,

    +%hat are you thinking(, Armstrong asked" searching&angster*s !ace. Alex watched her eyes dart- she had thisway o! scanning you like a ma$.

    +3 don*t know. #ell me about the escalation you*reseeing", &angster re$lied. +3t*s a stretch" but maybe it*sconnected.,

    Armstrong turned her attention back to the keyboardand ta$$ed some more. 3n!ormation began to scroll downthe wall" codes Alex could not read exce$t that each was

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    a$$ended with a date and time down to the thousandth o! asecond. +%hen it comes to &cholomance activity" there

    absolutely has been an escalation", she said. +ust a weekago" hatterbox looked $retty normal.,

    Alex raised a hand. +hatterbox(,Armstrong nodded. +#his is something new we*ve been

    working on. 3t*s still in its early stages'we have the mainarchitect coming in to do some tweaks. 9kay" actually" it*s

    way beyond me" but it is very cool.,Now the screen began to arrange itsel! into a dynamicma$ o! in!ormation'circles connected by dotted lines. AsArmstrong swi$ed her hand" the ma$ swiveled on its axis"showing more and more circles. &he swi$ed her hand againand it stretched out chronologically- swi$ed again" and Alexsaw to$ics laid out in idea grou$s and time.

    +All o! the in!ormation you see here", Armstrong said"+is com$iled by com$uter" with human agents tweaking asthey go. 3t*s swee$ing u$ emails" $hone calls" texts"whatever we*ve managed to $ick u$. 3t*s not easy becausevam$ires tend to use $hones and email addresses the waymost criminals do'they kee$ them !or a short time and tossthem. /orums and chat rooms $o$ u$ and come down" andwe at the 2olidorium dedicate a lot o! time to trolling all o!these. hatterbox looks !or $atterns.,

    As admirable as this was" Alex !elt a little 0ueasy. #hiswas a scary tool.

    Armstrong continued" +Anyway" hatterbox as o! lastweek was showing no $articular !ocus !or the &cholomance

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    here. As o! yesterday there was more chatter about 5ira"which is their code !or Lake Geneva.,

    +%hy now(, he asked.Armstrong ta$$ed another key" and the line o!

    communications grew into a ma$" with small red bli$swhere di!!erent messages had a$$eared. As she trailed a!inger over the tableto$" he saw each bli$ ex$lode within!ormation and keywords" 5ira" 2olidorium" and a $lethora

    o! other targeted $hrases.+5aybe they wanted you out o! the way", Armstrongsaid" +because someone is coming to the &cholomance.,

    +Another clan lord(, &angster asked.Armstrong shook her head. +None o! the clans have

    been chattering the way you*d ex$ect i! a lord was on themove'the way we knew 3cemaker was coming. No" it*s

    someone called by this other code word" Bltravox., &heindicated the idea ma$" and swished her hand to now showideas ma$$ed in time and tagged geogra$hically'circlesmoving u$ and down a ma$ o! ;uro$e" building toward&wit1erland. #he keyword Bltravox glowed again andagain.

    +%ho is Bltravox(, Alex asked.&angster said" +%ell" !or one thing it*s the name o! a

    New %ave band.,+%hat*s New %ave(,Armstrong $ursed her li$s" a kind o! choked smile.&angster continued" +6ut it means the Voice" the &u$er

    Voice" 3 guess.,

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    +:o you have any data on a vam$ire called the Voice(,Alex asked ho$e!ully.

    +%e*re looking", Armstrong said.arreras cleared his throat. +3t is time we consider the

    wisdom o! returning Van Helsing to the school. /or his ownsa!ety.,

    All were silent.+%hoa" whoa", said Alex. +And then what( %hat does

    that mean( %ithout a school to go to" 3 got no reason to behere.,He reali1ed he was bringing to the sur!ace a matter that

    had not really been discussed. Alex was being trained andallowed to work !or the 2olidorium because theyorgani1ation was going to just take in a !ourteen)year)old.3! the school was gone" or he was gone !rom the school" he

    was as good as gone to the 2olidorium.+7ou*re not my $arents", Alex said when he !inally

    decided on his line o! reasoning. +3*ll decide i! 3*m at thatschool.,

    &angster clawed at his own !orehead. +3! the&cholomance is serious" serious enough to try to get rido! Alex" then he*s im$ortant to our mission.,

    Armstrong turned to arreras. +As much as 3 hate to sayit" 3 agree. Look" they*re already gonna try to kill him everychance they get" so that*s nothing new.,

    +7eah", said Alex brightly. +#hat*s nothing new.,Armstrong seemed to think o! a new angle. +ould this

    be about 5ontrose(,

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    +%hat*s 5ontrose(, Alex asked.+#hat would be the man behind hatterbox", &angster

    said. +And 3 have no idea i! it*s related or not.,arreras nodded and !inally said" +%e need to !ind out

    what this Voice is u$ to. Alex stays with the school'wherever the school is.,

    Alex o$ened his hands" Whaa? +3 just said it*s mydecision. . . .,

    +Very good" sir", &angster said.#he su$$lies &angster and Alex had to get were actuallybigger than the van8 a trailer !ull to the brim o! cots andbedding" which they loaded !rom the dock o! astore warehouse in &echeron with the hel$ o! variousworkmen brought in at 9tranto*s behest.

    %hen they le!t the warehouse" Alex saw that they were

    headed out o! town. +#his isn*t the way back to VillageHall", he observed as &angster drove.

    +%e*re not going back to Village Hall", said theinstructor.

    +%here are we going(,+&ome$lace sa!e.,#wenty minutes later the van !ell in line behind the

    caravan o! buses $ulling down a long" manicured drive thatAlex recogni1ed. He read the stone sign as they $assed it onthedriveway.

    +LaLaurie &chool !or Girls", he said thought!ully. +9!course.,

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    +9ur sister school. 3t*s tem$orary", &angster said" +justlong enough to see what kind o! damage the !ire caused and

    get us back o$en. 6ut this was the only $lace available.,&angster drove around the buses and $arked in

    the circular drive at the !ront o! the mansion like building.Alex blinked in wonder at a strange vision. A line o! ten orso old)!ashioned oil lanterns threaded out the entrance" heldalo!t by women and girls in uni!orm coming down the wide

    !ront ste$s. #he light !rom the lam$s danced across thecourtyard and his heart lea$t at the warmth o! the gesture.As Alex got out o! the van" he $aused.&tanding on the ste$s be!ore him" holding u$ a lantern

    like a beacon at sea" was 5inhi Krishnaswami.+%elcome", she said.

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    avi and the other 4As were dra!ted into the service o!handing out bedrolls and $illows" and the boys all !ell intoline. Alex" &id" and 2aul took the bedding that was o!!eredand walked" da1ed and exhausted" !ollowing like ants into

    the gymnasium o! LaLaurie.#hey trudged in silence u$ into the building. Alex had

    thought $reviously that LaLaurie was like +Glenarvon withmore !lowers", and now" as his shoes echoed on the tile!loor and he and 2aul caught sight o! one or two girlslooking $ast doors that led u$ into stairwells and $rivaterooms" LaLaurie reminded him o! +Glenarvon exce$t not on

    !ire.,+%e are in !oreign territory now" mate", said 2aul.+:id you get to talk to 5inhi(, Alex asked.+ust !or a moment", 2aul res$onded. +&he had to get

    the hot chocolate., 5inhi had led the !irst grou$ insidewhile Alex and his !riends got into line.

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    5inhi was their !riend already. &he had come into theirlives like one o! the manga characters she loved" bending

    back 6ill 5errill*s ear to sto$ a !ight that Alex actuallywould have won anyway. &he had de!used a violentsituation and introduced hersel! as +5innie)with)an)h", andthey had instantly liked her. 6esides all that" she had loaned&id a stack o! books. And then she and 2aul had beenkidna$$ed by vam$ires. #he time in ca$tivity had brought

    her close to 2aul" and over the $ast month the gang'2aul"&id" 5inhi" and Alex" the !our who shared the truth'hadgathered together whenever they could !ind an excuse tomeet u$ in town.

    #he three boys reached the entrance to the gymnasiumand 2aul let out a slow whistle. +6ehold", he said" +theKingdom o! ots.,

    #he gymnasium had become a kind o! hostel" with cotsstretching in long rows. &ome boys were already aslee$"while others were gathering in grou$s around the cots. Alexsaw sooty !aces looking back at him all along the way. Hewas momentarily $lagued by guilt at not seeing the loathed5errill brothers. #hey were a cou$le o! jerks" but no onedeserved what &teven had gotten" and Alex es$ecially didn*tlike being the reason !or it. +3t looks like Gone with the%ind in here", Alex said" thinking o! the makeshi!t hos$italsthat had been set u$ during the American ivil %ar. He hadseen that movie with his mother" who had a weakness !orold movies" and he had been struck by the images o! $ublic

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    halls being converted this way" with cots and sheets and" inthat case and thank!ully not this one" doctors with hacksaws.

    +GuysC, 5inhi beckoned them !rom a table along thewall" where she was brie!ly visible through a clusteredcrowd o! boys. Alex saw the steam rising o!! the &tyro!oamcu$s they held" and he reali1ed she was giving away hotchocolate.

    He" 2aul" and &id $icked u$ their ste$. %hen they got

    there" 5inhi $oured cu$s and handed one immediately toeach o! them.+#hank you", &id said.+Absolutely", 5inhi said. &he reached out and hugged

    2aul" $ecking him on the cheek.Alex took the kiss 5inhi gave 2aul in stride. No big

    deal. 2recisely why he wasn*t bothered by it. Not at all.

    A girl next to 5inhi cleared her throat" and Alex turnedto the sound o! $a$ers rustling. #he girl stood u$ !rom her$lace behind the table and said" +2lease take one.,

    +%hat*s all this(, Alex asked as he took the $a$er. #hegirl looked u$ with a tired but $atient look. &he wore agreen" shimmery scar!" tied in a jaunty !ashion around herneck. Her hair was brown and chin length" sti!! and wellarranged.

    +#his is everything you*re going to need to know !orthe next !ew days at least", she said with an accent thatreminded Alex o! a 2edro Almodovar movie" husky and !ullo! strange" slushy s*s and y*s that sounded like j*s8 #hish i1heverything jor going to need. As she s$oke" the scar! danced

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    brie!ly. &he swe$t her arm toward the Kingdom o! ots.+#his is where you*ll slee$. #here*s a ma$ on the sheet" and

    hours when you*ll have access to the showers in the back o!the gym. %e didn*t have much time but there are some . . .rules and instructions on what to do about classes., &hesmiled very slightly" more with her eyes than her mouth.

    &id was looking at the $a$er. +7eah" how are we gonnado classes( And where are the instructors slee$ing( And',

    +Ah'right now the $a$er is all we have. 3! theanswer*s not there it*s because no one*s told us yet., Alexnoticed that she sounded both com$assionate and weary" asthough she*d already said this too many times.

    +Vienna" these are my !riends", 5inhi interjected. +#hisis Alex Van Helsing" &id hamberlain" and this is 2aul5essina.,

    +9h" this is 2aul", Vienna said" and she !licked her eyesu$ and down. +;so es.,

    +Vienna(, Alex asked.+#his is Vienna a1orla", said 5inhi. +&he*s my

    roommate.,+a1orla", Vienna corrected" hitting the middle 1 with a

    th sound" athorla. &he smiled brie!ly again" an entrancingand instantly vanishing $henomenon.

    Alex tried to think o! something good and came u$with" +a1orla" that*s &$anish" right(,

    &he nodded. #he eyes again. %ow.+6ut yet your !irst name is Vienna" that*s . . . unusual"

    isn*t it(,

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    +3t is a strange world., Vienna shrugged. #hen sheremembered her list and looked down"checking o!! the three

    boys* names. &he !li$$ed through it !or a moment andglanced u$" ga1ing $ast them. +3s there no one else(,

    +%e*re the last", Alex said. He started to say something$ro!oundly stu$id like we always save the best !or last andby the grace o! God he somehow did not.

    +%hat about . . ., Vienna bit her li$" searching her list.

    /or a moment 5inhi and Vienna turned to each other"and Vienna looked back. +:o you know &teven 5errill(,Alex !elt the blood drain !rom his !ace. A jumble o!

    res$onses !looded into his mind" and he stammered"+7ou . . you*re looking !or &teven(, #he silent terror o!Glenarvon( #he one who got bitten by a viciousGlimmerhook(

    +3 don*t see either o! them", Vienna said to 5inhi. 6ywhich she meant the 5errills.

    2aul was looking at 5inhi" with a sort o! %ha'( look.+#hey haven*t come in", said 5inhi. +Vienna and

    &teven are . . .,+9ld !riends", Vienna said. +/rom $rimary school.,+9h", Alex said" trying to take in the

    strange revelation that the 5errills could have !riends. Hehad thought their amusements ran more to the torturing$u$$ies variety. 6ut the arm)swinging joie de vivre hadgone out o! Vienna.

    +&teven*s been injured", Alex said !inally. +His brotheris with him at the hos$ital.,

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    6reak!ast in the morning was brought into the Kingdomo! ots on long tables" and Headmaster 9tranto addressed

    them as they !iled like 1ombies through the line !or breadand juice.

    +#his is not a $ermanent solution", 9tranto said.+&ir" when are we going back to the school(, avi the

    4A asked cautiously. Alex leaned against the wall" si$$inghis orange juice. %hen indeed.

    +Ah" yes", 9tranto said. He thrust his hands in his$ockets. +3t will take some time. #here is considerabledamage to Aubrey House and the ins$ectors have onlybegun to look at it. And un!ortunately be!ore we can re$air"there are certain re0uirements that we will have to meet"re0uirements that we were allowed to ignore as long as nonew construction was going on. 3*m talking about things you

    may not kee$ track o!" air conditioning" old insulation in theceilings. #he answer is" months.,

    ;veryone was stunned. Alex looked back at the cots andhanging sheets and the students* looks o! horror.

    +3! we*re lucky", 9tranto continued. +&o. 3t is time wediscuss what we are going to do now. #his school" LaLaurie&chool" was !ounded in >

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    not be necessary8 #here were already !ewer studentsanyway. &ome boys had trickled out in the wee hours. Alex

    had even seen /red &chunk" another o! the 4As" shaking9tranto*s hand" a valet in the hall behind him holding whatwas le!t o! /red*s stu!!.

    Another boy" a senior Alex had never met" raised ahand. +&ir( %hat caused the !ire(,

    Alex sti!!ened and shot a look at &angster" who stood

    calmly nearby.9tranto scratched the back o! his neck. +3t*s not !inal"but 3 can say that this morning the ins$ectors brought me aburnt)out electrical $lug. &o at this $oint it looks like awiring misha$.,

    Alex blinked. &angster nodded an im$ossibly tiny nod"a micro)ex$ression that said" %e*ve got this covered. #he

    2olidorium8 good !riends to have" and likely terribleenemies.

    9tranto continued" +#he 6oard o! 4egents at Glenarvonhas released su!!icient !unds !or us to $re$are the house tolive in. #his will be done with workers and with the hel$ o!the students" and 3 trust all o! you will volunteer to assist inthe e!!ort.,

    9tranto looked around. +Am 3 correct(,2aul whis$ered" +%hat do you think that $lace looks

    like( A bunch o! rotten beds" covered insheets( 3! there arebeds.,

    +Am 3 correct(, 9tranto said again.

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    Alex loved the thought o! the boys o! Glenarvon !orcedto do manual labor. Loved it. He had s$ent his li!e choosing

    things that didn*t !it the !amily name the $ublic version" notthe secret" thought)to)be)!ictional one. He abandoned theviolin as soon as he could ditch the lessons" hating thegentility o! it and the incessant re$etition o! +#he hildren*s%alt1., He was ex$ected to learn to sail" and did" though he$re!erred to use his muscles in other ways" entering more

    and more dangerous $astimes. He was always ama1ed that+$eo$le like us, would s$end hours in a gym but couldn*t bebothered to li!t a couch. &o he was eager to see these guys atwork.

    Alex leaned !orward. +Absolutely.,#his broke the silence" and many more boys s$oke u$.9tranto was satis!ied. +#hat too is not a $ermanent

    solution. Glenarvon will be re$aired. ;ven now we areassessing the damage. Glenarvon will not die on my watch",he said !latly.

    +%hat do we do now(, 2aul called. +%hat aboutclasses(,

    +lass assignments are $osted on the board", 9trantosaid" $ointing at a bulletin board that someonehad installed overnight. Alex saw rows o! yellow legal $a$erthere. +%hat you do now is get back to being students. %eare guests o! LaLaurie" but we are Glenarvon still.,

    &angster cleared his throat. 9tranto looked back andsaid" +5r. &angster will now $ass on another word.,

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    &angster came !orward and $ointed at a number o!giant cardboard boxes on the stage. +#hose are uni!orms.,

    Alex looked and saw the 4As beginning to haul outhundreds o! $airs o! slacks" shirts" and s$ort coats and laythem on the edge o! the stage. +3n a minute we*ll startcalling names- come !orward and $ick u$ your clothes. 3!your shoes do not !it" trade or hang tight and we*ll get more.7ou will be issued a !ootlocker'those are over there'and

    three uni!orms each- laundry day is #hursday. At the end o!the line a!ter the uni!orms are su$$lies8 towels" #)shirts" underwear. 6y ten o*clock this morning" 3 want youall looking like soldiers. Here*s why", he said" and sto$$ed"thrusting his hands into his $ockets. +%e are guests., Here$eated the word em$hatically. +Guests. 3 don*t have timeto tell you guys what 3 mean by that because there are a

    million things that*ll !low through your heads overthe next !ew days" some good" some $retty damn stu$id. &oremember it8 guests. %e are overwhelming the s$ace" thematerials" and likely soon the $atience o! the ladies o!LaLaurie. #his means that 3 am demanding o! you that youthink at every moment" 3s this what a guest would do( Andi! so" do it. And i! not" 3 beg o! you" don*t., He smiled. #hatgave everyone enough o! a release o! tension to laugh.

    +7eah" 3 know. 3t*s an adventure. Kee$ your cotss0uared away" do whatever our hosts ask. 6e $olite" be cool"make !riends. 3 know it doesn*t seem like it" but it*s allgonna be !ine.,

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    Alex got three uni!orms that a$$eared to !it" and a $airo! shoes that didn*t" so they clo$$ed when he wore them. He

    wandered around until he !ound someone whose shoes weretoo tight" and that was that.

    He reali1ed that his $ossessions now consisted o! atowel" $ajamas" underwear" and three identical sets o! a #)shirt" button)down" $ants" and one jacket.

    9n 5onday" with everyone still !umbling around in

    com$lete con!usion" they were !orced to go back to class. 3twas a merci!ully short hal!)day schedule" com$ressed toallow !or !amiliari1ing and starting late" with classes comingin hal!)hour sessions.

    At ten o*clock" 2aul" &id" and Alex wandered until they!ound the right class. #he room was crammed !ull withdesks" and they saw 5inhi in a row at the back. As they took

    their seats" Alex understood. ;very last class had beenshu!!led and merged.

    Literature was taught together by &angster and 5s.:aughtry" LaLaurie*s assistant headmistress and a lit ex$ertto match &angster. #hey didn*t alternate sentences oranything- rather &angster was to lecture on one to$ic and:aughtry on the other.

    +:id you know we*d be in class together(, asked5inhi. Next to her was Vienna" who Alex recogni1ed asmuch by her !araway look as by the scar! she still wore.

    2aul shook his head. +%e don*t know a bloody thing.,

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    +#hat is totally true", whis$ered Alex. +3t*s insane. %egot a s$eech yesterday telling us not to" 3 don*t know" run

    around naked or something.,+3 would recommend against it., 5inhi nodded

    solemnly.+3*m thinking it*s not something guests would do", said

    Alex. +6ut there actually wasn*t a list.,Vienna looked u$ and leaned over. +3 will bet you by

    the time the week is out( 7ou will have a list.,&he s$eaks" thought Alex" and he thought instantly o!&teven 5errill" who was also always silent" and now was'jee1'still in the hos$ital" he could only assume. He lookedaround and did not see 6ill. /or a moment it all came!looding back. And then 5s. :aughtry began to teach.

    #his wasn*t a $er!ect setu$- in lit" &angster had been

    teaching 3dylls o! the King and :aughtry had been teaching%illiam 6lake*s &ongs o! 3nnocence and o! ;x$erience. #heguests toed the line8 6lake it was. Alex marveled at the ideathat while he had been settling into the Kingdom o! otsand 9tranto had been calling the ends o! the earth tosummon hundreds o! uni!orms" the instructors had beenlaboring into the night merging their syllabi.

    +#hose o! you !rom the Glenarvon contingent", said5s. :aughtry" +may not be !amiliar with 6lake" and 3*lls$are you the week we just s$ent on his biogra$hy. 6ut the&ongs has a lot to say about us" as human beings"as thinkers" as students together. 5ister &angsterC,

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    &angster was seated behind her to the le!t" thumbingthrough the book" and looked u$ as i! startled. &he didn*t

    look back at him" but continued" +%ould you care to sharewith the class something a$$ro$riate !rom 6lake(,

    &angster nodded and rose" thumbing through a co$y o!the book. +3 would choose . . . 3 would choose . . .,

    +7ou do know the book(, she asked" smiling.+3t*s !unny", &angster re$lied. +3 think the message o!

    this morning is D#he :ivine 3mage.*,&omeone cleared his throat. All eyes turned tosee 6ill 5errill standing in the doorway.

    6ill looked haggard'he was still muscular !romcountless hours at soccer $ractice and beating smallerstudents senseless" but his cheeks were hollow and his eyeswere lined with mottled blue. 6ill handed &angster an

    o!!icial)looking note" $robably !rom the o!!ice" and &angsternodded. Alex made out"ike to take a seat?and 6ill slowlymade his way to an em$ty desk.

    Vienna sat u$ with interest and waved at 6ill as he sat.&he leaned over" whis$ering about &teven. 6ill gesturedback with o$en hands" 3*ll tell you later.

    &angster said" +/or those o! you who want to send acard to &teven" 3 think you can give them to 6ill. 3understand some o! the students are organi1ing a visit i! anyo! you want to go.,

    &everal $eo$le $atted 6ill on the shoulder. Alex wasthinking about &teven once cold cocking 2aul on the side o!

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    the head to distract Alex so 6ill could $unch him in thenose" and o! the Glimmerhook landing on &teven*s back.

    5s. :aughtry s$oke" bringing the class back to !orm.#hey went over 6lake" but Alex !elt be!uddled by theobscene and !orced normality o! trying to have a class whenstudents were homeless and &teven was in the hos$ital. Heke$t dro$$ing into the lecture and then 1oning out until!inally she said" +6e!ore we wra$ 3 need to catch you all u$

    on the 2um$kin &how.,#he what( #he boys in class were obviously lost as tothe meaning o! this" but the girls chattered sotto voce to oneanother. 5s. :aughtry continued" +#his is a LaLaurietradition" so those o! you who are new get a chance to joinus at our best'well" our best next to hristmas.,

    5inhi whis$ered to &id" +7ou*re going to love this.,

    +&tarting this week" with available slots a!ter school"students will be $resenting original works'generallywritten" but i! you choose you can sign u$ to sing" dance"dis$lay a collage- it doesn*t matter. #he theme is the autumnseason.,

    +7ou mean like Halloween(, &id asked" a little tooexcitedly. +Like" vam$ires and ghosts(,

    :aughtry o$ened her hands. +%hatever suits. Vam$ires"ghosts" meandering stories about the decay o! the !all- weget a !air amount o! those. #he theme is the season- the $ri1eis the 2la0ue", she said almost wist!ully. +Next to the libraryyou*ll !ind a case dis$laying the names o! our winners goingback to >I=J.

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    +2er!ormances", &id muttered" slum$ing a little. Heclearly liked the idea o! writing" but reading aloud

    sounded a bridge too !ar.+ome on", said Alex. +7ou could do that., &t least%

    Alex thought so. &id seemed to s$end every moment writingsomething or other" most o! it descri$tions o! characters!rom his vam$ire games. Alex had never met anyone whocarried around so much in!ormation on one subject'i! it

    might be called a subject'in his head.+%e start reading on #uesday" so get those storieswritten and those monologues $racticed and get your nameson the sign)u$ sheets", :aughtry concluded. And with that"class was over.

    As the class !iled out" Alex turned to &id excitedly.+#his is a great idea" man.,

    +3*ve never read a story aloud be!ore", &id said. +3*venever even written that kind o! story.,

    +7ou*ve written whole books on that vam$ire game",2aul said.

    +#hose are more like articles", &id $rotested. +#hey*rein a !older where you already know the game. #his is . . .harder.,

    Alex watched Vienna go talk to 6ill" who glared at Alexhate!ully but then so!tened when he talked to her.

    +%ell" 3 do this every year", 5inhi said. +3 mean" 3don*t get anywhere" but you*ll love it. ;veryone reads !roma big chair in the library" surrounded by candles. #hey movethe chair !or the singers and actors to $er!orm.,

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    +:o you have any solution(, Vienna asked" alreadyrooting through her bag.

    +:o you(, 5inhi asked her.+Not here.,+3 don*t have any", Alex said. +3 need to get some.

    :on*t worry" gimme a second" 3 can use s$it.,+;w", 5inhi said.Alex winced as he started to $ry o$en his eye" and then

    !elt it shut in de!iance. +2lease" don*t make me laugh.,+Good Lord", Vienna said" +come with me.,&till slightly hunched" Alex !elt her take his sleeve and

    guide him out o! the room. #hey walked down the hall andhe heard the !ootste$s o! the others behind him. 3t neverceased to ama1e him how delicate the eye was" and howeasily he could be rendered nearly $owerless with a !ew

    s$ecks o! dust. 3t was the e0uivalent o! bending someone*s$inkie back'just a little bit o! $ressure and the subject issubdued. +Hang on" 3 can just take it out and hold it in mymouth.,

    +:on*t be ridiculous", she said. +3 have solution in myroom.,

    #hey reached a doorway on the !loor level and Viennasto$$ed !or a second" seeming to stare at the door as thoughshe needed a key.

    +He can*t go u$ there", 5inhi said behind them.+;h., Vienna sco!!ed. +7ou three wait here.,

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    B$ a short !light o! stairs onto a second level" andsuddenly Alex was in a di!!erent world" a hallway o!

    wooden !loors and throw rugs and warmly $ainted walls.A girl in a robe was coming out o! a bathroom and

    whis$ered" +Are you insane(, to Vienna" who rushed him toa door hal!way down the hall.

    &till blinking" Alex was barely able to take in the room.He made out two beds o$$osite each other. #he two halves

    o! the room were very di!!erent'one was done u$ in brightcolors" and Alex made out blurred stacks o! manga next tothe bed. #hat must be 5inhi*s.

    Vienna*s hal! o! the room reminded him in a blink o! amadhouse !or some reason" but he only had a moment tolook be!ore she led him to a vanity mirror and sink.

    He washed his hands and $ried his right eye o$en"

    $inching his thumb and !ore!inger against his eyeball.+9kay", he said. Next to him" Vienna was rooting throughvarious bottles around the sink. +ArghC, Alex hissed as thecontact swam away !rom his !ingers and sli$$ed clean underhis eyelid.

    He tried to $ry his eye o$en once more. #hrough the$ain he became aware that she was clearing her throat"leaning $atiently against the sink. He $ressed his !ace veryclose to the mirror" trying to see the thin edge o! the contactagainst the red eyeball. +Here", Vienna said. &he took himby the shoulders and turned him toward her. +9$en youreye. Hold it o$en., He relented and did what she said.

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    +#urn your eye around", she said" and he was struckagain by the cadence and throaty 0uality o! her accent" #orn

    jor aiyy arond. +7ou know" all around. Now look down.,Her delicate thumb and !ore!inger" their colored nails

    somehow avoiding the tender !lesh o! his eyeball" cameclose and in one swi!t movement $lucked the contact !romhis eye.

    &he smiled" holding out the contact" and $laced it in the

    $alm o! his hand. #hen she handed him the lens solution.+#hank you", he said" holding the contact. His eye wasred and he brought the contact u$" his !ace very close tothe mirror. He couldn*t bear to $ut it back in. Not rightaway" anyway. +Gimme a second.,

    Vienna clicked her tongue. +How long have you beenwearing contacts(,

    +A cou$le o! months", he said. +7ou(,+About the same" but you seem to have a more

    com$licated relationshi$ with them.,Alex had to laugh" care!ul not to dro$ the contact"

    which was swimming in a small $uddle o! solution in the$alm o! his hand.

    +#hey may not be correctly !itted", said Vienna.+#hat or 3*m just $athetic", he said rue!ully. He looked

    at her" drawn once more to the scar! around her neck. #hedcor that had said +madhouse, to him caught his good eyein the mirror and he turned around" looking at the walls onher side.

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    %hat had looked at !irst like a $added wall was in !act awall o! white sheets o! $a$er with $encil sketches on them.

    He couldn*t make them out very well !rom across the room.+%hat is all that(,

    +#hose(, Vienna said" the way someone might say" thisold thing( +9h" they change out all the time. 3t*s whatever3*m working on.,

    +/or class(, Alex asked. Now he took the contact in his

    !ingers and leaned in close to the mirror. He $laced thecontact back in his eye. He braced !or a little bit o! $ain"since the eye was still sore" but swirled his eye around andthe contact stuck.

    +Not all o! them", she was saying.A!ter a moment Alex turned back and ste$$ed closer to

    the wall over her bed. 3ndeed" they were $encil sketches"

    some o! them clearly !igure drawings !or some art class oranother" a !ew still li!es. 6ut an entire two columnso! sheets were broken u$ into s0uares" $anels" and he caughtimages o! characters with big eyes and s$iky hair. +#his ismanga", he said.

    +#hey*re 5inhi*s", Vienna said when he looked at her.+&he drew these(,+No" she does the stories" the $lots. 3*m working on the

    art.,+7ou*re doing a manga together(, He smiled" studying

    the characters. Now he could see the similarity'the $encilstrokes in the subway stations and !orm o! the hands o! the

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    characters did indeed look to be !rom the same creator as themore classical images. +#hat*s really seriously cool.,

    He blinked again and she came close" $eering at his eye.+3t*s very red. :o you need to just take it out !or the day(,

    +3 lost my glasses", Alex said. +And 3 really like to see.,&he was very close.

    &omeone cleared her throat and Alex looked at 5inhi"who had come into the room. 5inhi waved. +Get it all

    worked out(,Alex nodded vigorously. +9h" yeah" 3*ll live.,+#hen you need to get out o! here be!ore we all get

    kicked out", 5inhi said. +ome on" the coast is clear.,As they headed down the hall" 5inhi and Vienna

    whis$ered inaudibly behind him. Alex couldn*t make outany o! it. As they emerged into the main hall" 2aul accosted

    him.+How was the !orbidden 1one(, 2aul asked.+&ur$risingly manga)es0ue", Alex answered.As Alex walked ahead he heard 2aul say to &id" +&ee"

    mate( 3 told you he wears them !or the girls.,

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    Alex nodded as they climbed. +#hey are that. %hat*sthe blond guy reading(,

    &id $eered down.+3t*s" uh',+:on*t tell me. L*tranger.,+No . . .,+M la 4echerche du #em$s 2erdu.,+%owC, &id marveled. +How do you do that(,

    +6irkwatching" man", Alex said" shaking his head.+#ravel around enough" you gotta do something with yourtime., He saw a $a$er sign tacked near the staircase thatsaid" L3V4;& ;N ANGLA3&@;NGL3&H 699K&" andta$$ed it.

    #he third !loor was better lit than the second" with somelove seats and wooden chairs and a cushioned bay window

    that looked out on the street below. 2ast the bestsellers andnecessary ;nglish translations o! amus and 2roust they!ound collections o! short stories.

    +%hat are we looking !or" exactly(, &id asked.+3 have no idea. 3 $robably would have done better with

    your library", Alex said.+5y library is gone with the wind., &id shook his head

    in sadness.+9h God" 3*m sorry", said Alex. +3 can*t believe 3 kee$

    !orgetting that., &id had had two shelves o! books" many o!them non!iction" but he had reams o! vam$ire novels andstories. He was a connoisseur o! all things vam$ire and wasin the $rocess o! creating stacks o! character sheets !or a

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    game that as !ar as Alex knew no one else at Glenarvon$layed'&carlet %orld" a role)$laying game about vam$ires.

    &id liked to dig dee$ into $rimary texts" old stories. +3 neverri$ o!! a movie unless 3 can !ind a book to back it u$", hehad ex$lained" and Alex wasn*t sure what that meant but itseemed to mean something to &id. ;veryone had a hobby.

    &id scanned the !loor)to)ceiling shel! in !ront o! him.+#hese are stories" but'i! we have to write something" 3

    mean'we need something about" you know" how to write"don*t we(,#hey began to move around the shel! when they heard

    someone say" +#hat*s brilliant", in a $ronounced 6ritishaccent. As Alex and &id ste$$ed into the LanguageArts section" they saw 2aul" who was rummaging throughbooks with 5inhi and joshingly !ighting over one.

    +3 s$otted thisC, 5inhi said.+6ut it*s called 5aster 2lots", said 2aul. +As in" all the

    $lots. 3n one book.,+%hat did you !ind(, Alex asked. 6ehind 5inhi" he

    saw Vienna" wearing her jaunty green scar!.5inhi turned around" letting 2aul have the book with a

    shake o! her head. +Hey" guysC,+%e*re looking !or something to hel$ us write a story",

    said 2aul. +And we just !ound one called 5aster 2lots.,+an 3 see that(, &id asked" taking it. He thumbed

    through" showing it to Alex. 3nside were countless outlines8+#he 4omance", +#he Action &tory", +#he 5ystery., &idshrugged indecisively.

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  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead


  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead



    Her again. ;lle wore black $ants and boots and a $air o!dark glasses" and had a white leather coat $ulled close and

    tied with a belt.Alex darted his eyes to Vienna" who had not diverted

    her ga1e. +:o you know that girl(, he said so!tly.Vienna s$oke low a!ter a second and he saw her scar!

    dance. +No.,;lle $ursed her li$s in a smile. &he had s$otted him.

    +#ell the others 3 had to run", Alex said. He launchedhimsel! down the stairs" $ast the ca!" and onto the !irst!loor. He slammed $ast sho$$ers in line at the checkoutcounter and hurtled outside" aware o! the sound o! the bellsjingling on the door.

    All u$ and down the street" $eo$le moved slowly" handsthrust in their $ockets against the 9ctober chill. ;lle was no

    longer there.Alex looked down the block and saw the white coat

    disa$$earing around a corner. He ran !or it.;lle could be insanely !ast. 3! Alex had seen her

    disa$$earing around a corner" there was a good chance itwas because she was toying with him. &o be it.

    Alex turned onto an avenue called 5atthias" which waslined with dark wood" bars" and restaurants. 2eo$le weregathering" meeting one another !or early dinner. As the streetslo$ed down he saw it terminate at the docks o! the marina"the gray water o! the lake yawning in the distance.

    #here she was" running !aster now" headed !or thedocks.

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    6y the time Alex reached the docks" he had lost her. Henodded at a yacht*s ca$tain as he ste$$ed out onto one o! the

    narrow jetties" moving $ast a myriad o! small cra!t" thesound o! wind and the clanking o! boats and lines !illing theair.

    %hat was she doing here( Alex ran through all that heknew about her !rom when he had !aced her be!ore" in thehidden school called the &cholomance. %as she watching

    !or him( &he had been staring at Vienna" though. 9r she hadbeen staring u$ and Vienna had s$otted her. &$otted was anobvious and inexact word in this case';lle had beenstanding out like a sore and bone white thumb- she hadwanted to be seen.

    Alex ste$$ed along the boards" !eeling the chill againsthis s$ort coat. He reached the end o! the $ier and turned le!t"

    looking around him" moving along a walk that led to other$iers o! the marina. A stone $icnic table sat u$ ahead" a long"thick umbrella still $iercing down through the center o! it.#he blue cloth o! the umbrella !luttered" and he reached outto move it aside.

    As he touched the umbrella" a white hand reachedaround and grabbed his wrist.

    Alex saw his own re!lection in ;lle*s 3talian sunglassesas she dragged him o!! his !eet" swinging him o!! the $ier !ora moment and around. &he let go and he hit the boards"rolling and sliding" catching the brunt with his shoulders.

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    He got to his !eet and into the warrior stance &angsterhad taught him" hal! turned" weight evenly distributed" toes

    curled to $rovide extra balance" one !oot !orward.+%hy are you !ollowing me(, he demanded.&he sto$$ed" $utting her hands in her coat $ockets"

    s$iky blond hair li!ting in the wind. As she smiled" her !angsshowed. ;lle*s teenage look notwithstanding" there was notelling her age. &he was out in the late daylight" so she could

    handle some sun. #hat meant she could be hundreds o! yearsold" he had learned. #he 2olidorium hadn*t told him that'&id had" because when it came to knowing about vam$ires"the redheaded anadian had some game.

    +At this $oint it looks like you*re !ollowing me", ;llesaid" shrugging.

    Alex looked around. He wasn*t carrying any wea$ons.

    #hat didn*t necessarily mean he couldn*t handle her'without wea$ons he had de!eated vam$ires be!ore'but theodds were against him. And he had too many 0uestions. 3!she wanted to talk" he was more than interested. He relaxedhis stance a little" holding u$ his hands. +%hy did you try to$oison me(,

    +2oison( Are you talking about the worms(, sheres$onded. +%ell" naturally because the &cholomance wantsyou dead.,

    +7ou say it like you*re not a $art o! them.,&he seemed to blur !or a second and suddenly she was

    behind him" her arm wra$$ed around him" her dead hand u$under his chin. Not s0uee1ing. ust making a $oint. +9h" 3*m

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  • 8/11/2019 Alex Van Helsing #2 Voice of the Undead



    &id" and Vienna were coming down the dock" s$litting u$.He saw 2aul and 5inhi go o!! on one trail" &id another.

    Vienna was coming his way. 3n a moment she would reachthe end o! the $ier and she*d be able to see him.

    Vienna reached the end and turned le!t" and suddenlyshe was staring at Alex and ;lle. &he backed u$instinctively" sto$$ing at the edge o! the water.

    +%hat about this one(, ;lle said" looking beyond him

    with a knowing smirk" her eyes invisible behind the glasses.&uddenly she lunged" breaking into a jaguar like run- heactually caught a blur o! her nails reaching all the way downto the boards o! the dock as she moved" and as she drove$ast him it !elt like he had been sideswi$ed by a train.

    +NoC, Alex shouted" turning. Vienna was !ro1en at theend o! the dock. Alex was running a!ter ;lle" trying to catch

    u$" but the vam$ire was too !ast.Vienna hadn*t had time to move a ste$ when ;lle sliced

    by her" a small cloud o! material $u!!ing into the air as sheri$$ed hal! o! the girl*s sleeve away.

    And then with a barely audible s$lash the vam$ire inthe white leather coat was gone. Alex was running to theedge o! the dock. He saw Vienna twisting" about to !allbackward" and he caught her.

    Holding Vienna by the waist" he looked $ast her"searching the water.

    ;lle was nowhere to be seen.Alex became aware o! Vienna suddenly'she was

    shaking. He moved her a !ew ste$s !rom the edge and held

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    u$ his hands. +3t*s okay", he said. He looked back at thewater and started searching the surro