aiims 2007

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  • 7/27/2019 AIIMs 2007


    AIIMS May 2007

    1. L-J (Levey-Jennings) charting is done for:a. Accuracyb. Precisionc. Sensitivityd. Specificity

    2. Cause of half-and-half nail syndrome in uremia is:a. Melatoninb. Hypoproteinemiac. Dilatation of the capillary nail bedd. Azotemia

    3. Spongy-mass with central sunburst calcification on CT is seen in:a. Serous cystadenoma of the pancreasb. Mucinous cystadenoma of the pancreasc. Somatostatinomad. Adeno Ca of the pancreas

    4. Which of the following anti-hypertensive causes impotence:a. CCBsb. Angiotensin receptor blockerc. ACE inhibitors

    d. Beta blockers5. Myopathy is not a feature of:a. Cushings syndromeb. Oncogenic osteomalaciac. Nutritional osteomalaciad. X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets

    6. Plasma exchange is useful in:a. HUSb. ITPc. DICd. AIHA

    7. The best investigetion for colonic diverticula is:a. CTb. MRIc. Ba-enemad. Colonoscopy

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    8. Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are found in:a. Malakoplakiab. Fabrys diseasec. Nail-patella syndrome

    d. Metachromatic leucodystrophy9. Charcoal hemoperfusion is done in:a. Barbiturate poisoningb. Salicylate poisoningc. Digitalis toxicityd. Methyl alcohol poisoning

    10. Liver secretes all of the following except:a. Immunoglobulinb. Hepatoglobin

    c. Complement C3d. Fibrinogen

    11. Rennin is secreted by:a. PCTb. DCTc. Collecting tubulesd. Juxtaglomerular apparatus

    12. JG cells are located in what part of the nephron::a. PCTb. Ascending distal tubulesc. Descending distal tubulesd. Glomerulus

    13. Renal angle is measured between:a. 12th rib and lateral border of sacro spinatusb. 11th rib and lateral border of sacro spinatusc. 12th rib and lateral border of quadratus lumborumd. 11th rib and lateral border of quadratus lumborumClinical Das says erector spinae

    14. Cycle which does not occur in the mitochondria:a. EMP pathwayb. TCA cyclec. Urea cycled. ETC

    15. Ultimate breakdown of Glucose into CO2 and H2O occurs in:a. Food vacuole

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    b. Cytosolc. Mitochondriad. Ribosomes

    16. Y-chromosome is:

    a. Metacentricb. Sub-metacentricc. Acrocentricd. Longer then the X-chromosome

    17. The earliest disgnostic method to identify X/Y intersex is:a. FISHb. PCRc. Karyotypingd. SSCI

    18. Drugs causing interstitial nephritis are A/E:a. Methicillinb. Diureticsc. INH (given in Harrison that it causes allergic interstitial nephritis)d. Allopurinol

    19. The root value of the pudendal nerve fibres supplying the external urethral sphincteris:a. L3-L4b. L4-L5c. S1-S2d. S2-S3

    20. Post surgery, perioperative monitoring is done by testing which nerve:a. Radial nerveb. Ulnar nervec. Median nerved. Facial nerve

    21. Comprehensive emergency obstetric care does not include:a. Manual removal of placentab. Hysterectomyc. Blood transfusiond. Ceasarean section

    22. Bilateral germ cell tumour is:a. Dysgerminomab. Immature teratomac. Embryonal cell carcinomad. Endodermal sinus tumour

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    23. A neonate at 14 days presents with an unconjugated bilirubin levels of 18mg%.Themost unlikely diagnosis is:a. G6PD deficiencyb. Breast milk jaundice

    c. Neonatal cholangiopathyd. Hypothyroidism

    24. AST/ALT > 1 is seen in:a. NASHb. Alcoholic hepatitisc. Wilsons diseased. All of the above

    25. Decrease in which of the following occurs d/t hypothalamic/pituitary damagefollowing cranial irradiation:

    a. GHb. ACTHc. TSHd. Gonadotropin

    26. Common carotid artery bifurcation occurs at:a. Cricoid cartilageb. Thyroid cartilagec. Sternoclavicular jointd. Angle of the mandible

    27. Which is not a B-cell lineage marker:a. CD 15b. CD 19c. CD 21d. CD 24

    28. Which of the following muscle relaxant can be used in presnce of renal and hepaticfailure:a. Rapacuroniumb. Pipecuroniumc. Cisatracuriumd. Rocuronium

    29. Most common site of heterotropic pancreatic tissue is:a. Stomachb. Splenic hilumc. Duodenumd. Jejunum

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    30. Which is not a marker for primary hepatic tumour:a. Alpha-2 macroglobulinb. Fucosylated alfafetoproteinc. Neurotensind. PIVKA

    31. Atkins diet is:a. Protein restricted dietb. Fat restricted dietc. Vitamin restricted dietd. Carbohydrate restricted diet

    32. Mutation of which gene causes primary pulmonary hypertension:a. Bone morphogenic protein receptor-2b. Endothelinc. ..

    d. ..33. A pregnant women in the 9 th month had jaundice and delivered a healthy baby.In thepost partum period her liver function deteriorated further with her ALT levels 1100 andbilirubin 5 mg%.Her urine out put was decreased and she had pedal; edema,the asciticfluid had lymphocytes 10 in number per ml,ascitic fuild albumin was 3 mg%.The mostlikely diagnosis is:a. Acute fatty liver of pregnancyb. HELLP syndromec. Acute liver failured. Acute Budd Chiari syndrome

    34. Which of the following drugs is not used in pregnancy:a. Spironolactoneb. Enalaprilc. Sodium nitroprussided. Labetalol

    35. Hypervitaminoses A causes injury to:a. Mitochondriab. Microtubulesc. Lysosomesd. Endoplasmic reticulum

    36. Endothelin receptor does not causes:a. Bronchodilationb. Vasoconstrictionc. Positive ionotropic effectd. Decrease GFR

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    37. Maximum amount of vitamin D is found in:a. Fish oilb. Eggc. Milkd. Vegetables

    38. Mechanism of action of Imatinib mesylate is:a. Blocks the action of the chimeric fusion protein of bcr-ablb. Increase the metabolism of P glycoproteinc. Blocking the action of P glycoproteind. Competitive inhibition of ATP binding site

    39. FK506 is a:a. Immunoglobulin antibodyb. Non-depolarising muscle relaxantc. Macrolide antibiotic

    d. Opioid anaesthetic40. Most common site of osteosarcoma is:a. Upper end of femurb. Lower end of femurc. Upper end of humerusd. Lower end of tibia

    41. Isometric exercise causes an increase in A/E:a. Heart rateb. Cardiac outputc. Mean arterial pressured. Systemic vascular resistance

    42. Not a feature of malignant hyperthermia:a. Hyperkalemiab. Bradycardiac. Hypertensiond. DIC

    43. Which of this is not a cause of hypertension:a. Erythropoietinb. Cyclosporinec. NSAIDsd. Levodopa

    44. Not a cause of reticulocytosis:a. Acute hemorrhageb. PNHc. Nutritional anaemia

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    d. Dyserythropoietic syndrome

    45. Which of these is not an endogenous amine:a. Epinephrineb. Norepinephrine

    c. Dobutamined. Dopamine

    46. A patient presents with anaemia,chronic diarrhoea and jaundice.Which of thefollowing investigation would help in the diagnosis:a. Anti-mitochondrial antibodyb. Anti-endomysial antibodyc. Anti smooth muscle antibodyd. Thyroid function

    47. Which of these is not an anti-oxidant in the eye:

    a. Vitamin Ab. Vitamin Cc. Vitamin Ed. Catalase

    48. Increased urinary copper excretion is seen in all except:a. Primary biliary cirrhosisb. Hepatic tumoursc. Sclerosing cholangitisd. Fulminant hepatic failure

    49. Best method to measure intra cranial pressure is:a. Intraventricular catheterb. Intraparenchymal catheterc. Subarachnoid boltd. Epidural catheter

    50. In a hypothesis,if the level of confidence is increased,:a. No change in hypothesisb. Significant result becomes non-significantc. Non-significant result becomes significantd. ..

    51. Histiocytosis X most common site involved is:a. Boneb. Liverc. Skind. Lung

    52. Acute GVHD affects all except:

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    a. Liverb. Lungc. Gutd. Skin

    53. A 5 year old child presents with multiple petechiae all over the body overnight.he hadh/o abdominal pain 2 weeks back.presently he has mild pallor.nohepatosplenomegaly.most likely diagnosis is:a. Acute viral illnessb. ITPc. Aplstic anaemiad. Acute leukaemia

    54. A woman comes with features of thyrotoxicosis.TSH levels r high,T4 is low.Nextstep in the investigation would be:a. Thyroid scan

    b. Radioactive iodine uptakec. USGd. CT scan

    55. In hemochromatosis the earliest phenotypic manifestation is:a. Elevated post prandial iron levelsb. Elevated serum ferritin levelsc. Slate grey pigmentation of the skind. Elevated serum transferrin levels

    56. In pheochromocytoma,not to be done is:a. CTb. MRIc. MIBG Scand. FNAC

    57. Not a component of MEN2 is:a. Pheochromocytomab. Medullary carcinoma of thyroidc. Parathyroid hyperplasiad. Islet cell hyperplasia

    58. Hepatic lesion is malaria:a. proliferation of kuffer cells and accumulation of mononuclear cellsb. ..c. ..d. ..

    59. Regarding pseudomembranous colitis.true is:a. Caused by toxin A of Cl.difficile

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    b. Caused by toxin B of Cl.difficilec. Blood in stool is a featured. summit sign

    60. In relation to Addison disease,false is:

    a. Low renin levelsb. Serum cortisol < 8 mg%c. Cardiac atrophyd. Low diastolic pressure

    61. A woman with h/o recurrent abortions presents with isolated increase in ptnt mostlikely cause is:a. Lupus anticoagulantb. Factor VII deficiencyc. Vonwillebrands diseased. Hemophilia A

    62. Most common cause of neonatal sepsis in India is:a. Klebsiellab. E.colic. Listeriad. Staph.aureus

    63. HUS is caused by A/E:a. Campylobacter jejunib. Shigellac. E.colid. V.cholera

    64. Travellers diarrhoea is caused by:a. Enterotoxigenic E.colib. Enteroinvasive E.colic. Enteropathogenic E.colid. Enterohemorrhagic E.coli

    65. Naloxone/Naltrexone is C/I in a pregnant lady,if she has a h/o intake of which of thefollowing drugs:a. Cocaineb. Amphetaminec. Methadoned. Phencyclidine

    66. Which one is a tuberculide:a. Lupus vulgarisb. Scrofulodermac. Lichen scrofulosorum

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    d. Lichen erythematosus

    67. A 2 yr old child presenting with ecchymosis.He has a h/o of prolong umbilicalbleeding at birth.Most likely defect is in:a. Factor IX

    b. Factoe XIIIc. Gp IIb/IIIad. Platelets

    68. Cause of bacteremia in patients with i.v. cathethers:a. Gram negative bacillib. Coagulase positive staphc. Coagulase negative staphd. Enterobacter

    69. Water hammer pulse is found in:

    a. Mitral stenosisb. Mitral regurgitationc. Aortic stenosisd. Aortic regurgitation

    70. Loefflers syndrome is caused by A/E:a. Toxocarab. Giardiac. L tryptophand. Strongyloides

    71. O2 carrying capacity is influenced by A/E:a. Cardiac outputb. Hemoglobin concentrationc. Oxygen saturationd. Type of fluid given to the patient

    72. Not a component of a good screening test:a. Low costb. High sensitivityc. High specificityd. High safety margin[please see this link... ]

    73. Electrophoresis is based on:a. Weight of the moleculeb. Charge and mobilityc. Solubilityd. ..
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    74. Gynaecomastia in males is caused by:a. Spironolactoneb. Clomiphenec. Testolactone

    d. Tamoxifen75. Carbimazole produces the following teratogenic effets except:a. Choanal atresiab. Cleft lip/palatec. Scalp defectd. Fetal goiter

    76. Bile acids are synthesized from:a. Amino acidsb. Glucose

    c. Cholesterold. ..

    77. Pituitary apoplexy is associated with all except:a. Diabetes mellitusb. Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism)c. Hypertensiond. Sickle cell anaemia

    78. Apoptosis is characterized by A/E:a. Inflammatory processb. Chromatin cleavagec. Nuclear condensationd. Cell shrinkage

    79. CEA is raised in all except:a. Breast carcinomab. Bronchogenic carcinomac. Osteogenic sarcomad. Gastric carcinoma

    80. Merit of nasotracheal intubation is:a. Less infectionb. Better oral hygienec. Less bleedingd. More chances of endotracheal tube displacement

    81. Active form of vitamin D is:a. 25(OH) D3b. 1,25-(OH)2 D3

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    c. Calcitroic acidd. ..

    82. All of the following have anti-emetic properties except:a. Domperidone

    b. Ondansetronc. Phenazocined. Cyclizine

    83. Highest amount of triglycerides are found in:a. Chylomicronsb. VLDLc. LDLd. HDL

    84. Most common complication of ERCP is:

    a. Acute pancreatitsb. Acute cholecystitisc. Duodenal perforationd. Acute cholangitis

    85. The vitamin which is excreted in urine:a. Vitamin Cb. Vitamin Ac. Vitamin Dd. Vitamin K

    86. Nile blue sulphate test is used to detect:a. Fetal lung maturityb. Fetal liver maturityc. Fetal skin maturityd. Fetal kidney maturity

    87. Orchidopexy in cases of undescended testes is most commonly done at:a. Birthb. 1-2 yearsc. 5 yearsd. puberty

    88. Most common finding in children with renal artery stenosis is:a. Fibrointimal hyperplasiab. Fibromedial hyperplasiac. Takayasus diseased. Polyarteritis nodosa

    89. HRT is helpful in A/E:

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    a. Hot flushesb. Vaginal drynessc. Prevention of osteoporosisd. Prevention of coronary artery disease

    90. Most common site of intracerebral bleed is:a. Cerebral cortexb. Basal gangliac. Thalamusd. Cerebellum

    91. All of the following are causes of clubbing except:a. Fungal infective endocardititisb. Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulac. Aortic dissectiond. Tricuspid atresia

    92. DIC is seen in:a. Acute lymphocytic leukaemiab. Acute promyelocytic leukaemiac. AIHAd. CML

    93. Life threatening complications of diabetes mellitus are all except:a. Malignant otitis externab. Emphysematous appendicitisc. Emphysematous pyelonephritisd. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis

    94. Arsenic is used to treat:a. Acute lymphocytic leukaemiab. Acute promyelocytic leukaemiac. Myelodysplastic syndromed. Transient myelofibroproliferative disorders

    95. Not seen in hemolysis is:a. Decreased haptoglobin levelsb. Reticulocytosisc. Burr and tear drop cellsd. Hemoglobinuria

    96. Mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) receptors are present at all of the following sitesexcept:a. Colonb. Kidneyc. Hippocampus

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    d. Endothelial cells/liver

    97. Krebs cycle begins with:a. Pyruvic acidb. HCl

    c. Lipoproteind. Glycine

    [snip]. BNP is degraded by:a. Neutral endopeptidaseb. Elastasec. Omapatrilatd. ..

    99. The disadvantages of oxygen therapy are all except:a. Absorption atelectasis

    b. Increase in pulmonary compliancec. Decreased vital capacityd. Endothelial damage

    100. All are manifestations of rickets in an infant except:a. Craniotabesb. Rachitic rosaryc. Bow legsd. Wide open fontanelle

    101. Which of the following is asso. with increase in birth weight:a. Aspirin useb. Calcium and magnesium supplementsc. Cessation of smokingd. Bed rest

    102. True about plasma free water clearance:a. Influenced by aldosteroneb. Influenced by ADHc. Increases with furosemide administrationd. .. None

    103. Which is an antimetabolite:a. Vinblastineb. Cyclosporinec. Methotrexated. Etoposide

    104. Vision 2020 includes A/E:a. Trachoma

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    b. Cataractc. Onchocerciasisd. Epidemic conjunctivitis

    105. All of the following cause bone marrow aplasia except:

    a. Chloramphenicolb. Methicillinc. Methyl hydantoind. Chlorpromazine( all names are given in harrison...though it's hyadantoin in the list...!)

    106. Standard error of mean is given by:a. SD x nb. SD/nc. SD/nd. n/SD

    107. In a village the blood pressure of 100 women was measured,with a mean of 10mmHg and a standard deviation of 1.0 mm Hg.what would be standard error?a. 0.001b. 1.0c. 10d. 0.1

    108. Raised jugular venous pulse with shock is seen in A/E:a. Heart failureb. Cardiac tamponadec. Right ventricular infarctiond. Second degree AV block

    109. Regarding rectal ulcer syndrome/ solitary rectal ulcer, true is:a. Increase number of smooth muscle fibres in the muscularisb. Increase number of intraepithelial lymphocytesc. Deposition of collagen at the floor of the ulcer (subepithelialy)d. Crypt distortion

    110. Most common cause of post menopausal bleeding in India is:a. Ca-endometriumb. Ca-cervixc. Endometriosisd. Treatment with estrogen

    111. Anti-HT C/I in pregnancy:a. Beta blockersb. Methyl dopac. CCBs

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    d. ACE inhibitors

    112. Screening has reduced the incidence of:a. Ca-colonb. Ca-lung

    c. Ca-breastd. Ca-kidney

    113. Which are seen in endodermal sinus tumor:a. Schiller-duval bodiesb. Reed-Sternberg cellsc. Reinkes crystalsd. Russell bodies

    114. Drug of choice for prophylaxis of rheumatic fever in a patient with allergy topenicillin is:

    a. Erythromycinb. Clindamycinc. Vancomycind. Gentamicin

    115. Investigation least useful in a patient with neurocardiac syncope:a. Tilt table testingb. Carotid sinus massagec. Carotid duplex scand. ..

    116. A patient presents with tongue swelling,neck swelling and hoarseness of voice.Hegives h/o ingestion of peanuts.Most probable diagnosis is:a. FB in larynxb. FB in bronchusc. Parapharyngeal abscessd. Angioneurotic oedema

    117. A boy suffering from acute pyelonephritis,most specific urinary finding will be:a. Leucocyte esterase testb. Leucocyte castsc. Nitrite testd. Gram stain

    118. The most common gene defect in idiopathic steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome is:a. ACEb. NPHS2c. HOX11d. PAX

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    119. The most important marker for acute and chronic malnutrition is:a. Weight for ageb. BMIc. Weight for aged. Weight for height

    120. A 6 year old child with IQ of 50.Which of the following can the child do:a. Read a sentenceb. Identify coloursc. Copy a triangled. Ride a 2 wheeled cycle

    121. The most common congenital anomaly in baby born to IDDM mother:a. NTDb. Cardiovascular anomaliesc. GIT anomalies

    d. Pulmonary anomalies122. Which fruit juice helps in preventing UTI:a. Grapeb. Raspberryc. Oranged. Cranberry

    123. A patient has Ca-tongue of the right side,in the lateral border with lynph node size4cm in level III on the left side.What is the stage?a. N0b. N1c. N2d. N3

    124. All of the following polyps are premalignant except:a. Juvenile polyposis syndromeb. Familial polyposis syndromec. Juvenile polypd. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

    125. The most common heart disease which is associated with maximum mortality duringpregnancy:a. Eisenmengers complexb. MSc. VSDd. AS

    126. Amniotic fluid contains acetylcholinesterase enzyme.Diagnosis is:a. Omphalocele

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    b. Gastrochisisc. Open spina bifidad. Osteogenesis imperfecta

    127. 16 year old female presents with primary amenorrhoea with B/L inguinal hernia.She

    has normal sexual development with no pubic hair.USG shows no uterus and ovaries anda blind vagina.Diagnosis is:a. Turners syndromeb. Mullerian agenesisc. STAR syndromed. Androgen insensitivity syndrome

    128. A lady with B/L hearing loss since 6 yrs.It was worsened during pregnancy.Whattype of graph will her impedence audiometry show:a. Asb. Ad

    c. Ad. B

    129. Treatment of choice for GLUE EAR is:a. Conservative treatmentb. Myringotomy with cold knifec. Myringotomy with diode laserd. Myringotomy with ventilation tube insertion / grommet insertion

    130. A 6 yr old child presents with recurrent URTI with mouth breathing and impairedhearing.Treatment is:a. Tonsillectomyb. Myringoplasty with grommet insertionc. Grommet insertiond. Adenoidectomy with grommet insertion

    131. The best method to find the difference between a newly found test and a goldstandard test is:a. Correlation testb. Regression testc. Bland and Altman analysisd. Kongarov Smrinov test

    132. Foramen transversarium is found in:a. Thoracic vertebrab. Cervical vertebrac. Lumbar vertebrad. Skull

    133. Sternocleidomastoid tumour is asso. with A/E:

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    a. Always asso. with breech extractionb. Spontaneous resolution occurs in most casesc. rd have palpable neck massd. Uncorrected cases developed plagiocephaly

    134. For MRSA which of the following is not useful:a. Ciprofloxacinb. Vancomycinc. Cefaclord. Cotrimoxazole

    135. Brucella is transmitted by all of the following means except:a. Through placenta of animalsb. Aerosolsc. Man to man transmissiond. Eating uncooked food

    136. A premature baby of 34 weeks was delivered.The baby has rhinitis and vesiculo-[bleep] lesions on the body.X-ray shows evidence of periostitis.Next investigation wouldbe:a. VDRL of the mother and babyb. ELISA for HIVc. PCR for TBd. HbsAg of the mother

    137. A person from a village complains of pustules over the legs. Extract from the pusshows presence of gram positive cocci showing hemolysis,catalase negative,identified asgroup A streptococci.Following test is useful for further evaluation:a. Optochin sensitivityb. Bile solubilityc. Bacitracin sensitivityd. Novobiocin sensitivity

    138. Which of these investigations is helpful in heterotropic ossification:a. Sr. Alkaline phosphataseb. Sr. calciumc. Sr. acid phosphatased. Sr. phosphorus

    139. Lice are not the vectors for:a. Epidemic typhusb. Q feverc. Relapsing feverd. Trench fever

    140. Which of the following method is used for the estimation of chlorine demand of

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    water:a. Chlorometerb. Horrocks apparatusc. Berkefield filterd. Double pot method

    141. All about cow milk are true except:a. Contains more amount of whey proteins than casein as compared to human milkb. Contains more calcium and phosphorus than in infant feeding formulasc. Contains less amount of lactose than in human milkd. Contains less amounts of lactalbumin than in human milk

    142. Which of the following statements about lepromin test is not true:a. It is negative in most children in 1st month of lifeb. It is a diagnostic testc. Helps classify leprosy

    d. BCG vaccination converts lepra reaction from negative to positive143. Which is not an aryl phosphate:a. Parathionb. Malathionc. Tik-20d. Folidol

    144. Mercury poisoning affects:a. Proximal convoluted tubulesb. Distal convoluted tubulesc. Collecting ductsd. Loop of henle

    145. Spaldings sign is seen in:a. Macerationb. Mummificationc. Drowningd. Putrefaction

    146. A patient presents with osteoarthritis of the knee.Which of the following muscleswould be affected:a. Quadriceps onlyb. Hamstrings onlyc. Quadriceps and Hamstrings bothd. Gastrocnemius

    147. Reflex not present at birth:a. Rooting reflexb. Asymmetric neck reflex

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    c. Symmetric neck reflexd. Crossed extensor reflex

    148. Least common complication of measles is:a. SSPE

    b. Diarrhoeac. Pneumoniad. Otitis media

    149. The shape of the nulliparous cervical canal is:a. Circularb. Longitudinalc. Transversed. Fimbriated

    150. Which of the following can be easily cultured in vitro:

    a. Hepatitis A virusb. Hepatitis B virusc. Hepatitis D virusd. Hepatitis E virus

    151. Which of the following IUCD last for 10 years:a. Progestasertb. NOVA-Tc. Cu-T 380Ad. Multiload 250

    152. Autosomal dominant retinal disorder is:a. Lawrence-Moon-Biedel syndromeb. Bests diseasec. Bassen Kornweigs diseased. Gyrate atrophy

    153. The mucopolysaccharide Hyaluronic acid is most commonly present is:a. Synovial fluidb. Vitreous humorc. Cornead. Lens

    154. All of the following are causes of childhood blindness in India except:a. Glaucomab. Refractive errorsc. Ophthalmia neonatorumd. Congenital dacrocystitis

    155. Bohlers angle is measured in:

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    a. # Calcaneumb. # Talusc. # Naviculard. # Cuboid

    156. A 3year old child has eczematous dermatitis on extensor surfaces. His mother has ah/o Bronchial asthma. Diagnosis could be:a. Contact dermatitisb. Atopic dermatitisc. Infantile eczematous dermatitisd. Pleotropic dermatitis

    157. DOC for obsessive compulsive disorder is:a. Imipramineb. Fluoxetinec. Clozapine

    d. Benzodiazepine158. A 3 year old child presented with normal developmental milestones except forspeech.He is unable to concentrate,not able to make friends,unable to do his work.Likelydiagnosis is:a. Attention deficit disorderb. Autismc. Speech learning disorderd. Specific learning disorder

    159. Naltrexone is used in opioid addiction to:a. Treat withdrawal symptomsb. Treat overdosec. Prevent relapsesd. To decrease addiction

    160. Most common substance abuse in India is:a. Tobaccob. Alcoholc. cannabis (park)d. Opioid

    161. Which of the following waves are not used for deep tumours:a. Short wave diathermyb. Ultrasound wavesc. Microwaved. Infrared waves

    162. High anion gap metabolic acidosis is seen in A/E:a. Diabetic ketoacidosis

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    b. Diarrhoeac. Starvationd. Salicylic acid poisoning

    163. Iron is absorped at:

    a. Stomachb. Duodenum and Proximal jejunumc. Distal jejunumd. Terminal ileum

    164. Lithotripsy is useful in all of the following stones except:a. Calcium oxalate stonesb. Struvite stonesc. Uric acid stonesd. Cysteine stones

    165. The most common site where female sterilization is done is:a. Ampullab. Isthmusc. Fimbriaed. Interstitial

    166. A 21 yr old male presents with hepatosplenomegaly and hemoglobin < 5mg%.Hehas received only 1 blood transfusion so far.Most likely diagnosis is:a. Thalassemia majorb. Thalassemia minorc. Thalassemia intermediad. Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia

    167. For exposing the subclavian all of the following muscles are divided except:a. Sternocleidomastoidb. Omohyoidc. Scalenus anticusd. Scalenus medius

    168. Persistence of Moros reflex beyond what age is considered significant:a. 3 monthsb. 4 monthsc. 5 monthsd. 6 months

    169. The End-product of purine catabolism in nonprimate mammals is:a. Inosineb. Uric acidc. Xanthined. Allantoin

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    170. Nephrocalcinosis is seen in A/E:a. Sarcoidosisb. Milk alkali syndromec. Distal RTA

    d. Medullary cystic disease171. Which of the following is radioresistant:a. Osteosarcomab. Ewings sarcomac. Wilms tumourd. Neuroblastoma

    172...reduces mortality following Acute myocardial infarction is:a. -3 PUFAb. Potassium supplements

    c. High fiber dietd. Esters(?)

    173. A patient comes with hematemesis and malena since 2 days. An endoscopy donerevealed no abnormal findings.He again has one episode of bleeding.Next step would be:a. Angiographyb. Repeat endoscopy at the time of re-bleedc. Enteroscopyd. Surgery

    174. The action of which of the following is not NO mediated:a. Fenoldopamb. Hydralazinec. Sodium nitroprussided. NTG

    175. Regarding ASHA which is false:a. Volunteer healh workerb. Skilled birth attendantc. One per population of 1000d. Mobilizer of antenatal care

    176. A female presents with sensorineural deafness,lab findings reveal-S.calcium=9.5mg%, S.phosphorus=3.6,S.alk.phos=440IU/ml.Xray shows cotton wool spots in the skulland Ivory vertabra .Likely diagnosis is:a. Pagets diseaseb. Osteoporosisc. Osteogenesis imperfectad. Fibrous dysplasia

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    177. Post operative regime in a 32year old woman who has undergone a MRM for Ca-leftbreast with positive axillary lymph nodes:a. Adriamycin based chemotherapyb. Adriamycin based chemotherapy followed by Tamoxifen if status for estrogenreceptors is postive

    c. Tamoxifend. No need for chemotherapy

    178. A 2 year old child with low grade fever completed with 8 days of 10-day course ofcefaclor. His fever was still persistent and he had now developed pruritic rash all over thebody with lymphadenopathy.Most likely diagnosis is:a. Kawasakis diseaseb. Type 3 hypersensitivity reactionc. Post viral syndromed. Infectious mononucleosis

    179. Cerebral blood flow depends on A/E:a. Sr.Potassiumb. CO2 concentration in the bloodc. Blood pressured. Cerebral metabolic rate

    180. For PCR which of the following is not required:a. Taq polymeraseb. d-NTPc. Primerd. Radiolabelled DNA probe

    181. Which of the following is an example of disability limitation:a. Reducing the occurrence of polio by immunizationb. Arranging for schooling of child suffering from PRPPc. Resting the affected limb in the neutral positiond. Providing calipers for walking

    182. All of the following are Dialyzable poisons except:a. Ethylene glycolb. Methanolc. Barbituratesd. Copper sulphate

    183. During surgery for a right sided thoracic outlet injury,the following complicationscan occur except:a. Pneumothoraxb. Lymphatic fistulac. Brachial plexus injuryd. Long thoracic nerve injury

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    184. A 50 yr old man has undergone TURP for BPH.On the 3rd day after operation hedeveloped drowsiness and confusion.Most likely cause is:a. Cerebral infarctb. Hypernatremia

    c. Hyponatremiad. Meningitis due to spinal Anaesthesia

    185. Thiamine deficieny is seen in all except:a. Food faddistsb. Alcoholicsc. Diarrhoead. Homocysteinemia

    186. Which of the following drugs is used in prevention of mortality and renal failure inan alcoholic patient with hepatic encephalopathy:

    a. Pentoxyfillineb. S-adenosyl methioninec. Silymarind. Orlistat

    187. A survey was done to study the effect of insulin dose and corresponding Hb1Aclevels corrected for age.what would be the best test to study the relationa. Linear regressionb. Logistic regressionc. Pearson correlationd. Student t test

    188. All are true about the blood pressure measurement except:a. Korotkoff sound 4 correspond to intra-arterial diastolic blood pressureb. BP cuff should be 40% of arm circumferencec. Small cuff gives rise to spuriously high bpd. Monkeberg sclerosis gives rise to pseudohypertension

    189. A child presented with fever non productive cough and mild dyspnoea.after thecourse of mild antibiotic the condition of child improved transiently but he againpresented with high fever productive cough and increased respiratory distress with chestx ray showing hyperlucency and PFT shows severe obstructive changes.What is the ,mostlikely diagnosisa. Post viral syndromeb. Alveolar microlithasisc. Bronchiolitis obliteransd. Follicular bronchiolitis

    190. A patient of infective endocarditis with pseudomonas etiology is most likely to be:a. On steroids
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    b. Eldery with community acquired pneumoniac. i.v Drug addict taking pentazocined. Splenectomy

    191. Digoxin action is not affected by:

    a. Myocardial infarctionb. Electrolyte disturbancesc. Hepatic failured. Renal disease

    192. Muscle used for testing the facial nerve:a. Orbicularis orisb. Masseterc. Temporalisd. Sternomastoid

    193. Which cell doesnt migrate and come at the apex of the crypt of the small intestine:a. Paneth cellb. Goblet cellc. Endocrine celld. Enterocyte

    194. Not an acceptable method of Randomization:a. draw of lots (lottery system)b. Random number tablec. Computer random selectiond. Odd-even hospital admission

    195. A female child presents with virilization.She also has hypertension and lowpotassium levels.Most likely cause is:a. 21--hydroxlase deficiencyb. 3-- hydroxlase deficiencyc. 11- - hydroxlase deficiencyd.Conn's disease

    196. which of the following is not an essential amino acida.Alanineb.leucinec.lysinedmethionine

    *197. What is true about branchial cyst?a) cyst are more common than sinusesb) sinus should always be operatedc) mostly arise from 2nd branchial archd) cause dysphagia and hoarseness

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    198. a 26 year female presents with recurrent pregnancy loss laboratory examinationshows isolated prolonged APTT. What is the most probable diagnosis?a-APLASb-vonwillebrand disease

    c-DIC*199.plasma exchange therapy is therapeutic ina-HUSb-TTPc-AIHAd-DIC

    *200. Most common biochemical abnormality in congenital hypertrophic pyloricstenosis:a. Hypokalemic metabolic alkolosis

    b. Hyperkalemic metabolic acidosisc. Hypokalemic metabolic acidosisd. Hyperkalemic metabolic alkalosis