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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary & Auditor’s Report 2009 – 10 SECRETARY’S & AUDITOR’S REPORT 2009 - 10 KOLKATA CHAPTER

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AGM Booklet of National HRD Network, Kolkata


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CONTENTS 1. Presidents Message 2. Secretary’s Message 3. National HRD Network Special Award 2009 4. Highlights of special events & Conferences

• Workshop on Compensation & Benefits in collaboration with Mercer HR Consulting • Learning Centre event on Creating a world class Performance Management System

5. Highlights of other events during the year • Round Table on the changing HR paradigms • AGM of the Kolkata chapter & Seminar on Connecting People with Mr Bimal Rath • Seminar on Coaching for Performance Excellence in collaboration with Corporate

Executive Board & NIIT • Session on the future of HR functions by Mr Aquil Busrai • Seminar on People statrgies in the dynamic global business scenario by Mr S.Y.Siddiqui • Seminar on Setting a Global HR Compliance by Mr Ashok Mukherjee • Seminar on Affirmative Action – the way forward

6. Auditors Report 7. Managing Team - Kolkata Chapter 8. Acknowledgements.

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Message from the President The year 2009-10 was indeed a momentous one in the history of Kolkata Chapter. This year the Chapter experienced the satisfaction and happiness of being recognized by its’ own colleagues from the fraternity for its “Special Contribution” at the National Level during the National Conference at Mumbai. A landmark achievement of the Chapter during the course of the year was a Website of our own of the Kolkata Chapter which is integrated with the National Website. We also launched towards the end of the year the Learning Centre Workshop in line with the initiative of the National Body and we certainly look forward to organizing such workshops more frequently and thereby add more value to all our members. During the year we also organized a number of “Evening Guest Lectures” which gave all of us opportunity to learn from senior practicing HR professionals on various HR best practices. These occasions also provided us with the opportunity to interact with each other and network more effectively. Kolkata Chapter constantly strives to establish an unique brand identity for itself by its’ value added & innovative contributions to the HR fraternity of the country. It does not want to confine its’ initiatives and contributions only within the HR domain – there is a constant endeavor from the Chapter to reach out to the other stakeholders of business, to involve them and establish the desired linkage with the other operating systems of business. The Chapter believes in developing & shaping young HR minds so that they are better equipped to take up the emerging HR challenges and hence it constantly partners with the Business Schools in & around Kolkata to upgrade the competencies of the future HR professionals. The success of the Kolkata Chapter is attributable to the intensity of commitment and camaraderie of all its’ members. The chapter initiatives and activities are marked by vibrancy, enthusiasm and zeal to excel. This is just the beginning for greater things to follow for the Chapter……we are all committed to making this Chapter a benchmark in terms of quality of contribution to the HR fraternity and the business environment. Team Kolkata is committed to making a difference!!

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Secretary’s report Dear Fellow members and colleagues , As we managed to come out of the recession through a recovering economy in 2009 – 10, all of us have gone through our own shares of learnings and experiences of a different kind. As I stand here to place the Secretary’s report , I look back to 2008 when the present team , under the leadership of Mr Sujoy Banerjee took over from Mr Daspatnaik and his team and realise that two glorious years have just passed by and its time again for a new team to take over the baton. Looking back over the last one year , I am pleased to say that our Kolkata chapter has been able to deliver fairly on its promise of developing competence of our members and member institutions through meaningful and objective developmental workshops and seminars catering to the requirements of our times and our members. We managed to conduct two full day workshops on Compensation and Performance Management with some of the best resources in the country drawn from Mercer , PwC , E&Y & ITC . We were also able to conduct seven seminars during the year including a round table with HR thought leaders like N.S.Rajan , Aquil Busrai & Marcel Parker. In all we were able to cater to almost 500 participants in our seven seminars which included subjects as diverse as Global HR Compliance , Performance Coaching , Affirmative Action & People Strategies for tomorrow through select HR thought leaders and speakers from Diverse backgrounds and businesses. It also makes me proud to share with you that the chapter was recognized by the national body during the Annual Conference at Mumbai , 2009 for the highest standards of delivering excellence during the Kolkata Conference in 2007 and the Strategic HR Leadership program in 2008. A landmark achievement of the Chapter during the course of the year was a Website of our own of the Kolkata Chapter which was integrated with the National Website. I am proud to place on record the Audited Accounts and the Secretary’s report for the year 2009 – 10. As we move forward and get ready to hand over the baton to a new managing team , we shall continue to strive for the creating more learning and developmental initiatives for our members . Plans are on board for a 1 day workshop on in collaboration with IIFT in Aug 2010 as well as a Regional Conference sometimes by the end of this year on The Greenfield Challenge. Photo Identity Cards for Life members are also being rolled out and all members shall be provided with one very soon. While we have started with the Learning Centre workshops with the first one in March 2010 on Performance Management , the chapter is committed to more such workshops in the Learning centre mode in the coming year. The Chapter is also in the process of tie-ups with academic institutions and HR Service providers on an annual basis for better financial stability of the chapter.

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On belalf of the chapter and especially the mamaning team , I take this opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mercer HR Consulting ,Genius Consultants, Corporate Executive Board , UB Spirits , ICFAI Business School ( IBS ) and ITC for their sponsorships during the year and continued support. My sincere regards also to our mentors , Mr Anand Nayak , Mr Sourav Daspatnaik and Mr Janmejoy Patnaik for their continuous guidance and support . I also extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all our members and member institutions for their support , active engagement and motivation for the progress of the chapter towards building and strengthening the HR community. As I come to the end and start the process of handing over to a new managing team , I thank each and every member of the present managing team of the chapter , who under the able leadership of our present President have done us proud. I wish the new team the very best and look forward to your continued support in the days to come.

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Recognition for Special Contribution National HRD Network , Kolkata Chapter was awarded the Special Contribution award for delivering excellence in hosting the 11th NHRDN National Conference , the Strategic HR Leadership program & increase in membership at the National Conference at Mumbai , 2009. The Chapter Management team thanks all members of the chapter who have participated actively in the activities of the Chapter to make this happen.

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Compensation Workshop Dec4, 2009. On December 4, 2009, the Kolkata Chapter hosted a one day workshop on Compensation, in collaboration with Mercer, called “What you always wanted to know about Compensation.” The respected facilitators from Mercer were Ms. Gangapriya Chakraverty and Ms. Subha Kasivisweswaran, who need no introduction to the members in our profession. The day started with a brief induction by our President, Mr. Sujoy Banerjee. He also showcased our Award of Excellence certificate that the Kolkata Chapter received at the National Conference this year. Ms. Chakraverty started the session with “The role of Compensation in HR Management”. She explained that rewards for employees involves not only compensation, but also benefits, career incentives, training, recognition, etc. ‘Total Rewards’ strategies include 3 perspectives - Employer’s, employee’s and the cost perspective. All 3 needs to be considered while creating the total compensation package. While creating the Compensation Model of the organization, HR needs to consider ‘Internal Factors’ like employee profile and demographics, business maturity, corporate compensation strategy; and ‘External Factors’ like statutory regulations, taxation, relevant competitive market practice, and city differentials.

Our facilitators talked about the Elements of Compensation which were, Fixed Cash Compensation, Variable Compensation/incentives, Benefits and Perquisites. The concept of Cost To Company, commonly known as CTC/C2C has different connotations in different companies, were it includes 2 ‘elements of compensation’ in some organizations and all 4 elements in others. The modern trend in compensation is not only salary and benefits. It is now based on the total cost to company. The elements are then determined based on grade structure and employees’ choices. They also talked about a 3P model of Compensation Management were they said that compensation should be based on the Position (job duties, grade), the Person (KSA, market pressure) and the Performance of the individual. The next session of the workshop dealt with compensation surveys. They explained that survey is required to understand the market pricing, which helps assess th competitiveness of the organization and to maintain external equity. This can also be used to lay the basic foundation for the development

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of an internal salary structure. They enlightened us about the steps in participating in a survey and how it can be used as a benchmarking process. They also spoke in details about the survey results and how to decipher them. A very interesting part of the workshop dealt with the basic statistics that are used in compensation surveys. They further discussed how to create salary structures and pay grades. There can be ‘spot salaries’ with a basic trend line or there can be pay grades to which is attached a pay zone. Grades can have no overlaps, moderate overlaps or substantial overlaps. There can also be multiple pay ranges within a grade. Pay structures also depend on the compensation philosophy of the organization; whether they want to lead the market, lag the market or use the lead-lag policy where the minimum of a range is below the market rate and the maximum of the range is above the market rate. The final session of the workshop involved trends in Compensation management. Our trainers talked about how companies have changed from Production orientation to Customer Focus and then to Globalization and is moving on to Virtuality. HR has also changed from Personnel to HR Management to Strategic HR and is moving on to Human Capital Orchestration (along with Virtuality). Compensation Management needs to change along with that too. With Globalization, there has been a need to create Expatriate Compensation Models, which also includes perks to cover international mobility. There are different approaches to it, like the Home Country or Balance Sheet Approach, Host Country or Local Approach, International Structure, Mixed Approach or Local Plus Approach. The final touch to the immensely educational workshop was given by two of our board members Mr. Rajib Kumar and Mr. G Srikumar, who delivered the vote of thanks and presented a memento to both of our speakers.

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Learning Centre workshop on Creating a World class Performance Management System March 12, 2010. NHRDN Learning Centre in association with the Kolkata Chapter had its inaugural workshop in Kolkata on March 12, 2010, titled “Creating a Successful Performance Management System”. A robust Performance Management System is very important in today’s organizations, where it can motivate employees to take stretch goals and reward them for the meaningful contributions. When effectively implemented Performance Management Systems can mobilize the human energy in an organization and achieve breakthrough performance. The objective of this workshop was to equip participants with the knowledge and skills in effectively creating and implementing performance management systems. We had four sessions in the day long workshop. The first session was on the PMS Framework. This was a tremendously interactive session and was facilitated by Ms. Janet Gasper-Chowdhury, Managing Consultant (People & Change practice), PwC. The second session enlightened us about the PMS Process and was presented by Mr. Anurag Malik who is a Partner in the People & Organization (HR Consulting) practice of Ernst & Young. The following session was a hands-on session by Dr. R. Shridhar and his team members. They took us through a role play with a very interesting game of cards. Dr. Sridhar, who is Head, HR for ITC (Cigarettes) also told us about ITC’s experience and their story behind their Performance Management System. The fourth session, which was the experience sharing session, also found us enthralled with the story of Tata Steel and their experience with the Performance Management System. We were fortunate to hear the Tata Steel story from Mrs. Suchitra Guha, Head (HR/IR - Commercial). The ICFAI Business School ( IBS ) School partnered with us and provided the venue for the workshop.

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Chapter in the news Board Meeting National Governing Body May 23 , 2009

On March 12 , 2009, the Kolkata Chapter hosted a one day workshop on Performance Management System ( PMS ) , in collaboration with the national body of NHRD at the IBS campus , at Salt Lake , Kolkata. The same was covered by The Times Of India under their ET – Campus.

The 64th Board Meeting of the National Governing body of The National HRD Network was held at ITC , The Sonar on 23rd May 2009 . The same was attended by 24 members of the National Governing body as well as the Managing team of the Kolkata Chapter . All attending board members were felicitated by the Kolkata Chapter with Shantiniketani Uttariya’s as a token of rememberance of the event.

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Round Table on Changing Paradigms in the HR Function May 22 , 2009 The evening of May 22nd 2009 saw several HR thought leaders like Mr N.S.Rajan , Mr Aquil Busrai and Mr Marcel Parker come together at Hotel The Golden Park for an interactive round table discussion on the changing paradigms in Human Resource Function. The discussion was moderated by Mr Sourav Daspatnaik . Over 50 participants interacted with the speakers as they deliberated on the changing economic scenario and its impact on business paradigms and therefore the need to move in new models of Human Resource functions to deliver meaningfully for business processes . The speakers discussed on the need to look at flexible working hours and work areas , the impact of Internet and improvements in communications in connecting to people , the global impact of a local people initiative , the need to remain flexible within the parameters of the Labour laws of the country and the importance of aligning the HR function to the delivery needs of the business. Participants networked late into the night after the round table discussion followed by dinner.

Connecting People – The NOKIA way June 26 , 2009 Mr Bimal Rath , Executive Director & Head – HRD , Nokia Asia was the eminent guest of honour for the AGM on the evening of 26th June 2009. Participants for the evening were enlightened by Mr Rath on the Nokia ‘s HR philosophy and practices for a winning workforce . The Nokia way is nothing as their buzz word suggest , Connecting People through a) Inspired Leadership ina direct as well as indirect manner , b) Emploee Engagement through strategy sharing , Open house , participative CSR and family

engagement c) New ways of working through Speed , transparency and trust. Mr. Rath’s presentation on the NOKIA way to connecting people enhanced the learning of the audience towards how employee engagement can be the main driver of a business performance.

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Coaching for Performance Excellence Aug 21 , 2009 The evening of 21st Aug , 2009 was time for some knowledge sharing on Coaching for Performance Excellence at The Golden Park. We often use the terms coaching and mentoring rather loosely without actually taking into account the correct meaning of the two terms. That the two processes are distinctly unique and different in their intent & purpose, process & methodology was an eyeopener to many. Experts from Corporate Executive Board (globally headquartered at Washington, USA. Their Indian operations are out of Delhi) with the World’s largest business advisory platform for functional executives with almost 20,000 participating global functional heads from 5,100+ companies including 80% Fortune 500 Companies , shared with us the theoretical frameworks of Coaching as it is meant to be , the best practices of successful initiatives of coaching across successful global corporations and also the best practices of Coaching across industries in the global perspective.

This session was followed by an interactive session with Ms Tulika Sinha – Sr Vice President & Executive Coach of NIIT Limited who made a comprehensive presentation and shared her experiences , thoughts & experience in implementing this practice of executive coaching within the organization .as an Executive Coach of NIIT.

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The HR Functions for the future Sept 12, 2009 It was a pleasure to have with us Mr Aquil Busrai , Past National President who was in town and gladly accepted our offer to spend an evening with us on Saturday ,12th September 2009 and share his thoughts on the Future of HR in India.

Mr. Aquil Busai enlightened the members speaking on gearing up HR Functions for the Future which emphasized to foresee the role of HR professionals to meet the future business dynamics. In his deliberations he presented five pertinent points as a fast forward account of the situations, which needs to be managed by HR. Firstly, the point of HR Outsourcing was brought in where he shared the importance of HR to emerge as a strategic partner to the business instead of being limited to the transactional role as most functions like Training, Learning & Development; Employee Services & Corporate Communications are increasingly getting outsourced. Such outsourcing may pose problems for HR and so it has to tune to such demands and critically examine their role for evolving to a specialist contributing at a strategic level. HR professionals need to get involved in business processes and operations and also be accountable and answerable for business results. Secondly, he discussed the Responsibility factor of HR for delivering Business Results citing few cases from Shell Malaysia where initiatives were taken to increase and improve service levels. He advised HR interventions as a role of a consultant with focus towards end results of business and evolution as Subject Matter Experts or specialists. Thirdly, Mr. Busrai spoke on Employee Advocacy in the lines of managing employee and employer expectations, which always stands as an area of challenge. He proposed HR professionals to be firm & fair in dealing such challenges and asked to be proactive in managing the same at a current state instead of waiting for future manifestations. Lastly, he stressed on the importance of Managing Culture & Ethics as modern business trends are directing at business functions being shared and dispersed at global locations, based on expertise or specialization. He talked about virtual organizations and virtual teams across globe where HR has a great scope to manage cross-cultural issues. HR professionals need to be aware of cultural elements of various regions as talent migrations are happening from developed to developing countries. Its is important that HR aims to manage expectations of such talents within the local cultural set up. Hence he advised strong On-Boarding exercise to be initiated by HR, thus making the induction process more intensive. Mr.Aquil Busrai’s speech significantly enhanced the learning of the audience as the HR professionals got an opportunity to revisit their roles for future.

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People Strategy in the Dynamic Global Business Scenario Sept 18 , 2009 The company that can claim to bring the country back home in their car hardly needs any introduction in terms of quality and service. The amazing sales figures justify their claim of ‘India drives home in a Maruti’. For the past many years, Maruti Suzuki has been an undisputed leader in automobile industry. Needless to say, it is the employees of this legendary company who has made success their consistent tradition and HR plays the key role to keep the exceptionally brilliant and dedicated team motivated for best performance. It was a coveted opportunity to get to know success mantra of Maruti Suzuki from Mr S Y Siddiqui – Managing Executive Officer of Maruti Suzuki India Limited when he addressed the Kolkata Chapter on sept 18th 2009 in an interactive session titled ‘People Strategy in the Dynamic Global Business Scenario’.

In his lucid presentation, he highlighted the key values that defined the work culture of this leading company and keeps it ahead. Moving forward from the concept of ‘satisfied customer, they have shifted their goal to ‘delighted customer’. That needs a huge commitment from the workforce. Thus it’s of little wonder that beside the key strength of top leadership, brand and product, network, customer responsiveness, and people power is their greatest strength. Speaking about the company, he pointed out that Maruti Suzuki works on vital business aspects like Customer focus, Global mindset (global policy concepts and local policy guidance) and flexibility. Since meeting the customer requirements is their prime goal, they have to be flexible and accommodating within their established matrix. Keeping pace with company vision, the HR strategy perspective has been to Value addition to business , Innovation , Leadership and talent development , Employee engagement and retention and Strengthening industrial relation and manpower For any business Tomorrow always poses greater challenge and Mr Siddiqui took keen interest in sharing the preparedness of Maruti Suzuki to face and win it boldly. While talent identification, nurturing and management is given a high priority in the company, the balance of fresh and experienced, regular and outsourced employees keep the recruitment cost low, an important goal, in today’s recession-hit scenario. Individual and team performances are assessed objectively and rewarded. Provisions of exit barriers, visibility of career progress, outlets to exhibit innovativeness and originality, linking of company performance to individual performance, strong internal communication forums help retain employees and keep them happy. Training for all-round development of young professionals, succession planning through annual management review process and ongoing growth programmes addresses the need of future leadership. The Maruti Suzuki HR plays proactive role in ensuring the small yet very important practices like same uniform and food for all, absence of cabin, initiative to draw the outsourced employees closer. Mr Siddiqui also shared a few new initiatives on the anvil. It includes Corporate HR advisory for all Joint Ventures, HR functional maturity initiative for 300 dealership companies etc. Acknowledging the vital role that the Employees’ family play in company’s success, the HR plans to start FamilyConnect programmes where the family members will be invited to visit the office and feel the Maruti Suzuki vibe.

Learning the fine nuances of HR strategies from Mr Siddiqui, a national figure in HR, was indeed a great opportunity for all present. With his impeccable expertise, years of experience and love for the profession, he showed that how the management of the most prized asset of a company – the Human Resources can be literally a smooth drive.

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Setting a Global HR Compliance 6th November 2009 November 6, 2009 marked another great evening for Kolkata Chapter when we were honoured by two esteemed speakers. Our President and VP HR of Eveready Industries, Mr. Sujoy Banerjee, welcomed our guests and introduced our first speaker from Mumbai. Mr. Rajesh Padmanabhan from NHRDN Mumbai Chapter visited us and enlightened us with the details of the upcoming 13th National Conference in Mumbai.

After a short break for some great snacks and coffee, Mr. Sujoy Banerjee introduced our speaker of the evening, Mr. Ashok Mukherjee , Vice President, HR with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Mr. Mukherjee started with the 'Basics' and said that "Compliance is a process". It has 2 dimensions - Regulatory (external) and Policy (internal). Regulations include employment laws, labour laws and immigration. Non-regulatory or behavioural compliance includes security, ethics, policies, etc. We have to abide by both. Talking about the necessity of having compliance, he said that with globalization of organizations, there is an increased need for workforce mobility, more stringent governance and compliance requirements; and ever greater pressure to improve. However, there is no defined area for compliance in HR and it can be done either proactively or reactively. Mr Mukherjee stressed that the need was on being proactive because if you are reacting, it means that you have already received notice from the regulatory agency or lawyers. The importance of compliance is shown by the survey results which show that 61% of the company, who were surveyed, said that their HR heads were members of Corporate Compliance Committee or CCC; but even today in India it is a HR responsibility, but not always a HR function. Elaborating about laying the foundation, Mr. Mukherjee mentioned that in Corporate HR, there should be a dedicated Legal Dept. Then there is a corporate HR Dept. The HR traditional model included the strategic part and the admin part. In the evolving model, global compliance is also included, with people in one place taking care of the global compliance throughout the world. The most important thing to remember is that the managers have to be made responsible for the compliance and given the required training. Legal knowledge is the main functional skill needed in this regard. Mr. Mukherjee then enlightened us about how TCS build their compliance step by step, by taking one country at a time and learning the HR laws pertinent to their business. Mr. Mukherjee concluded by describing some key challenges for Global Compliance, namely: a) Educating Managers , b) Language barriers , c) Keeping track of regulatory changes and d) Managing more complex business models He explained al the theoretical aspects with brilliant lucidity but underlined the most important part at the end - compliance, accountability, governance are excellent parameters , that revolve around the most precious asset of the organization – its people. It was indeed a privilege for NHRDN Kolkata Chapter to learn from this veteran and the Chapter expressed its gratitude with a small memento and flower bouquet.

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Workshop on Affirmative Action in India 29th Jan 2010 The event of January 29th 2010 was a very special one for the Kolkata Chapter. Affirmative Action is a topic that is not really practiced in India extensively yet. So it was a very educational and informative evening for all of us. With the changing trend of our culture, "Affirmative Action" is becoming an increasingly important issue in India. “Affirmative Action” is the positive step taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business. It is 'Positive Discrimination' (as some people call it), when steps are taken to engage in preferential selection—selection on the basis of race, caste, tribe, gender, or ethnicity. We had 3 great speakers. Mr. Ratul Chattopadhay, Asst. Systems Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services was our first speaker. He took us through his experience and the ‘Experience of TCS in Affirmative Action’. Mr. Sushil Kr Srivastava, General Manager (HR), North Delhi Power Limited came all the way from Delhi just for the event. He enlightened us about ‘NDPL’s Experience in Affirmative Action’. Our third speaker of the evening was Dr. Indu Singh, Senior General Manager (HR & IR), Telco Construction Equipment Co Ltd., who also came from Jamshedpur. It was fascinating to hear her speak about ‘Affirmative Action in Telcon’ and how HR plays a role in it.

Ms. Suchitra Guha, Head HR / IR & Commercia,l Tata Steel & Vice Chairman, Affirmative Action Sub-Committee, CII, Eastern Region, as well as VP, NHRDN Kolkata Chapter was the moderator for the evening. In brief they told us that the fruits of economic development are not reaching the lower strata of society, including SC/ST. For the full growth potential to be achieved for the economic development of the Country, “inclusive growth” is a must. Accordingly, CII has agreed to partner with the Government towards initiatives in this direction. Affirmative Action initiatives undoubtedly have potential for strong results, but it should not impede the autonomy and flexibility of businesses. Reservation long practiced in Public Sector has not helped in this regard. The steps that have been taken towards Affirmative Action such as Non Discrimination in the Workplace , Entrepreneurship Development , Employability & Capacity Building as well as Education were discussed as well as the Role of Corporate in Steps for Entrepreneurship such as to mentor and create at least one entrepreneur in a year , to give preference to enterprises with promoters, partners and proprietors, and/or workers in majority from SC & ST and to sponsor training programmes were also deliberated upon.

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It was deliberated that the Corporates need to a) Impart/sponsor vocational trainings , b) Help establish coaching programmes , c) Partner with Govt. in modernizing the Apprenticeship Training Scheme and d) Establish student scholarships . Most Importantly , the role of Corporates in the field of Education , which is extremely important and can be done through a) partner with NGOs to improve the level of primary education , b) to create a scheme to identify exceptional students from SC and ST and assist them , c) to expand existing partnerships with NGOs for assistance to mid-day meals programmes , and to consider reserving places in company-run schools were deliberated and discussed in detail. It was agreed by all present that more initiatives are expected from more company’s in this regard so that this is not turned in to a law in the near future.

A really helpful partner for the event was CII who facilitated and contacted the speakers. We would really like to thank them for their support.

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AUDITORS REPORT Year 2009 - 10

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The Managing Team of Kolkata Chapter

Sujoy Banerjee L.Prabhakar Hony President Hony Secretary Vice President – Human Resources, Corporate Human Resources Manager Eveready Industries India Limited. ITC Ltd.

Prof. Madhukar Shukla Suchitra Guha Hony Region President – East Hony Vice President Professor-Organizational Behavior & Head of Human Resource Strategic Management, XLRI Jamshedpur Tata Steel

Rau M.B.V. Rajib Kumar Hony Treasurer Hony Jt. Secretary Head – HR , Exide Chief Executive, Material World Group

Abhijit Sengupta G.Srikumar Hony Jt. Secretary Hony Jt. Secretary Dy General Manager – HR Manager ( CHR ) Apeejay Surrendra Corporate Services Pvt.Ltd. National Dairy Development Board

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The Mentors

Mr Sourav Daspatnaik Mr Anand Nayak Director – HRD & Strategy Vice President & Head – HR Apeejay Surrendra Group ITC Ltd. Immediate Past Hony President Immediate Past Hony Region President Mr Janmejoy Patnaik Head – Officer’s Training Institute Central Bank of India , Kolkata Special Thanks for sponsorships , support and cooperation

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I will always strive to meet the highest evolving standards of COMPETENCE in the profession and ADD VALUE to organisational success. I will deal with all stakeholders with utmost INTEGRITY and create an environment of TRUST leading to ETHICAL success of my organisation. I will ensure that I am always RELIABLE and consistent in all my actions by accepting responsibility for my decisions and actions thereby creating CREDIBILITY for my profession and myself. I will be OBJECTIVE in all my actions and decisions and foster FAIRNESS with firmness. I will conduct myself in a way that FACILITATES GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT of all those I am responsible for. I will strive to be a ROLE MODEL for all others and CHAMPION exemplary practice of the HR profession. I will respect the rights of privacy , will not use my position for personal gains and ensure that there is no CONFLICT OF INTEREST in what I do with any of my stakeholders