agenda 21 - everything you need to know documented.pdf

AGENDA 21 - Everything You Need to Know Documented DOCUMENTING FINANCIAL WARFARE AND TREASON WITHIN THE UNTITED STATES GOVERNMENT AGAINST IT’S OWN CIVILIANS. WHEN WE HAVE INSIDERS IN OUR GOVERNMENT WHO ARE HELL-BENT ON DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION AND SUPPRESSING THIS COUNTRY’S COMMONWEALTH - JEOPARDIZING OUR VERY WAY OF LIFE - THIS CONSTITUTES AN ACT OF TREASON AND PERHAPS EVEN A COUP. WHAT IS ECO-FASCISM? (1) The Very Definition of Eco-fascism surely-taking-over-america/ (2) Don Casey Talks About Micromanagment Under Agenda 21 Don Casey is very well versed in the little-known facts about Agenda 21. He joins us on the Prepper Recon Podcast today to fill us in on how Agenda 21 will be used for social engineering as well as micromanaging the use of our own private property. (3) Why is Everyone Talking About UN Agenda 21? everyone_talking_about_un_agenda_21.pdf (4) MIT Professor ; It’s About “Crony Capitalism” Mirror here »

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AGENDA 21 - Everything You Need to Know Documented








(1) The Very Definition of Eco-fascism


(2) Don Casey Talks About Micromanagment Under Agenda 21

Don Casey is very well versed in the little-known facts

about Agenda 21. He joins us on the Prepper Recon Podcast

today to fill us in on how Agenda 21 will be used for

social engineering as well as micromanaging the use of

our own private property.

(3) Why is Everyone Talking About UN Agenda 21?


(4) MIT Professor ; It’s About “Crony Capitalism”

Mirror here »

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(5) Ways Government Keeps Native Americans In Poverty

If governments and their corporate-masters had their

way, everyone would be forced to live in federalized

“preservations” where every aspect of life is audited.


(6) “We need to reduce consumption by 80%!”


Mirror here »

(7) The Redistribution of Consumption


(8) The Growing Threat of an Economic Tyranny

(9) Obama Promises to Bankrupt US Coal Industry

Mirror here »



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(11) Neighborhood Property Seized ... FOR NOTHING



The Bureau of Land Management’s eco-fascist gestapo is

stealing American property and livestock. In attempt to

rationalize their theft, they claim they will “save the

tortoise.” The BLM is using environmentalism to confuse

people to condone their theft of private property - yet

the BLM cashed in with $1.27 million for fracking leases

in Nevada!



Similar to the Natural News investigation, Infowars has

found and mirrored some evidence also confirming the BLM is

being used to confiscate public property for new solar power

generation facilities as well. Harry Reid and his oldest son,

Rory are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant,

ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel

manufacturing plant on private property. Rory Reid was the

chief representative for the Chinese energy firm.



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(13) The EPA Wants To Kill Organic Food Production

The EPA wants to expand the use of two pesticides that

could be a major threat to America’s bee population, farms

and the nation’s food supply. That’s the charge being made

by the Center for Food Safety and beekeepers.

(14) Vets Died as VA Obsessed Over Renewable “Green” Energy

The sick and halt wait but the solar panels don’t.



(15) How Dare Kids Build Tree Forts!?


(16) How Dare You Wash Cars for Money!?


(17) How Dare You Plant a Vegetable Garden!?

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(18) How Dare You Use an Old Wood Stove!?






(19) How Dare You Use Old Electric Meters!?

(20) How Dare You Use Incandescent Lightbulbs!?


(21) How Dare Gun Owners Buy Lead Ammunition!?


(22) How Dare We Use Coal Powered Energy!?


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(23) How Dare We Use Plastic Bags!?


(24) How Dare We Smoke Cigarretes!?

(25) How Dare We Use Electronic Cigarretes!?



(26) How Dare We Buy Heirloom Seeds!?


(27) How Dare You Feed Wildlife!?


(28) How Dare There Be Prosperity!?



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(29) How Dare Kids Set Up a Lemonade Stand!?




(30) How Dare You Own Property!?


(31) How Dare You Collect Rainwater!?

(32) Need Water? Tough Luck!



(33) How Dare There Be Gold Mining!?


(34) How Dare You Live Off The Grid!?


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(35) How Dare You Live Near Water!?



(36) How Dare You Have an Alternative Opinion!?




(37) How Dare You Use a Gun On You’re Property!?


(38) How Dare Farmers Have Livestock!?



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(39) How Dare You Invite People Into You’re Home!?

(40) How Dare You Sit on a Public Sidewalk!?


(41) How Dare You Grow Blueberries in Police State USA!?

(42) How Dare We Use Natural Gas!?

Natural gas - the thing that environmentalists lobbied for

since the 1960s is now considered a threat. How ironic.


(43) How Dare You Give Away Books, You Slaves!?

More eco-fascist codes and regulations violated.


(44) The EPA Can’t Even Keep Their Own Environment Clean

Contractors built secret man caves in an EPA warehouse, an

employee pretended to work for the CIA to get unlimited

vacations and one worker even spent most of his time on the

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clock looking at pornography.

It appears, however, that a regional office has reached a new

low: Management for Region 8 in Denver, Colo., wrote an email

earlier this year to all staff in the area pleading with them

to stop inappropriate bathroom behavior, including defecating

in the hallway.


Well, this puts a new spin on the term “government waste”:

confounded with the problem of an unknown individual leaving

feces in public hallways, a regional branch of the Environmental

Protection Agency hired an outside consultant to inform their

employees that pooping in hallways is bad.

Government Executive got their hands on an email from the

management EPA’s Region 8 in Denver, Colo., in which a supervisor

begged his employees to stop “placing feces in the hallway” and

clogging up toilets with paper towels. While this is, obviously,

a very disgusting matter, the story veers into pretty dumb

territory soon:

Confounded by what to make of this occurrence, EPA management

“consulted” with workplace violence “national expert” John

Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and

safety risk. He added the behavior was “very dangerous” and the

individuals responsible would “probably escalate” their actions.

According to his bio, Nicoletti is, indeed, a nationally-recognized

expert on workplace and school violence prevention, with accolades

from the National Science Foundation and numerous chairmanships.

He’s even “a member of NASA’s team for developing analog’s for

training astronauts for long duration missions, such as the

Mars Mission.”

Why such a distinguished mind was consulted by the EPA to reach

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the conclusion that “placing feces in the hallway” is bad, we’ll

never know.


NOTE: these are the kinds of people who are calling for total

micro-managment over all aspects of the American economy ...




(45) Incandescent Ban to Bankrupt Bird Care Centre


Ottawa’s Wild Bird Care Centre has put the call

out for incandescent light bulbs, which it uses to

provide warmth for injured and recovering birds,

after the federal government banned manufacturers

from making the bulbs.

In Canada, the more energy-efficient compact

fluorescent light bulbs are considered the norm.

The incandescent light bulbs use more power, but

they are also warmer and serve an important role

inside incubators.

“As the light bulb is on, it will obviously warm

things up and then the setting will turn it off to

keep the right temperature,” explained Mireille

Goguen, who works at the centre.

She said they were caught off-guard by the bulb

ban and they are already running short on

incandescent bulbs. Now they are asking people

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to donate 100-watt bulbs.

“(We will take) as many as possible. If people

have them hanging around we will take them or if

they want to buy them for us it would be much

appreciated,” said Goguen.

Donations can be dropped off at the centre,

which is located on Moodie Drive in the city’s

west end.



(46) Plastic Bag Ban is a TAX SCAM


Opponents of a proposed plastic bag ban gathered

Wednesday to call on the San Diego City Council to

abandon the plan to remove plastic bags from local


Community leaders, including Mark Arabo, president

of the Neighborhood Market Association, held a press

conference in front of Rainbow Market on Federal

Boulevard in which they called the proposed ban a

tax scam that will negatively impact working-class

San Diegans.

“This is a terrible plan. It’s terrible because

the solution is worse than the so-called problem,”

said Arabo. “It’s a classic case of politicians

attempting to do something for the environment,

in part to appease some environmental groups,

without seeing the bigger picture.”

The proposed ban would remove plastic bags from

stores while imposing a paper bag tax on customers.

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Shoppers would be charged 10 cents for each paper

bag they might need at a store.

“This ban will have reaching ramifications. It’ll

cost taxpayers – mothers, fathers and brothers –

more money when they go shopping for groceries,”

said Arabo.

Though the ban is designed to reduce waste and

help the environment, Arabo argued that plastic

bags only make up one-third of one percent of

the waste stream.

On the other end of the plastic bag ban debate,

Sherri Lightner, San Diego City Council President

Pro Tem, District 1, supports the proposed ban.



(47) Eco-fascists Want to Police Households


The state mandates water-saving toilets and showers

in all homes, but obviously didn’t think long about

how to achieve that.

First the city of Chico had the ban on nuclear weapons,

then wood-burning stoves, then plastic bags. Now

comes a ban on high-flow toilets. And if you think

the city can’t enforce that, then you haven’t met

the toilet police.

OK, so the title “Toilet Police” probably doesn’t

appear on any city worker’s business card, but

that’s what they are.

But let’s not blame city building inspectors for

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an odd law — or even the Chico City Council. For

once, this ridiculous save-the-world concept doesn’t

come from the council, but rather from the busybodies

in the state Legislature. They passed a law that took

effect Jan. 1 that requires water-conserving plumbing

fixtures on any home built before 1994.

How will that be enforced? Well, if a property has

any work done that requires a building permit from

a city or county, that entity’s inspector must verify

that the home has low-flow toilets, showers and faucets.

To make it even more disturbing, the low-flow

inspection doesn’t occur if you’re getting plumbing

work. It occurs if you’re getting any work that requires

a building permit, such as getting a new heater, new

windows or converting a garage into a den. Uh, maybe.

So under the letter of the law, if a homeowner buys

a new water heater or fireplace insert for a couple

hundred dollars, he or she might spend considerably

more than that converting all toilets, faucets and

showerheads to low-flow devices.

City and county building inspectors don’t want to be

toilet police. We can’t imagine them wanting to spend

time checking a person’s toilet when they’re there

to check an air conditioner. They’re taking a loose

interpretation of the law for now, and won’t inspect

toilets during projects like repairs and maintenance

that don’t involve plumbing.

But there’s no guarantee the state, which passed

the law, won’t require cities and counties to enforce

a strict interpretation.

With all the uncertainty, it entices a homeowner to

ignore the government requirement to get a building

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permit for minor home improvement projects.

Governments should be concerned if fewer people take

out building permits. It means less revenue for

cash-strapped local governments.

The building industry is concerned that residents

may put off rebuilding and home improvement projects

because they would include this unwanted expense.

With the building industry and contractors finally

showing signs of recovery from the recession, we

don’t want to see new obstacles.

Once again the state passes a goofy law without

thinking about the consequences, since somebody else

has to enforce it. The city and county building

departments urge residents not to be scared off by

the new laws, to call and ask questions. It seems

they are like the rest of us, trying to figure out

how long they can ignore the fools in Sacramento

before they get caught.



(48) DOE Eco-fascists Roll Out Household Spy Grid

DOE says its energy-scoring spyware - called the

Home Energy Scoring Tool - is like a vehicle’s

mile-per-gallon rating because it allows government

to compare the energy performance of individual homes

to other homes nationwide. It also provides homeowners

with suggestions (or mandates, in the near future)

for “improving their homes’ efficiency.”

The software is part of the government’s effort

to reduce the nation’s energy consumption; but it’s

also billed as a way to keep home-retrofitting going,

at a time when stimulus funds for weather-proofing

have run out - you see, the federated fascists care

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more about spying on our energy consumption rather

than providing weather-proof options for our homes.

Read the rest of the “trendy” PR garbage here,




(49) “Sustainable Communities Investment Authority”

Plan to Bulldoze Households for Corporate Projects


California’s Senate Bill 1 is what the founding

fathers fought against. Straight from the UN Agenda

21’s playbook, SB1 will give power to a county to

form a “Sustainable Communities Investment Authority”

(SCIA). These Authorities have the power of eminent

domain and can confiscate private property to build

“sustainable communities.” The bill essentially paves

the way for the loss of any true private property in

California, resulting in the loss of freedom and

driving down home values. If the Senate passes the

modified bill, only Governor Jerry Brown (D – CA)

will stand in its way of becoming law.

This means that city and county governments can

create unelected bureaucracies with the power to do

what’s necessary to create “sustainable communities.”

It also means that the definition of “blight” will

change from the original definition of abandoned

and decaying buildings on residential lots to a

much wider definition including anything the

bureaucracies need to create sustainable communities.

Not only would the government be able to use eminent

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domain to procure land for public transportation,

it could take private homes within half a mile of

that public transportation in the name of creating

a sustainable community. A private home is not

really private if it could be taken at any time

to create low income, low energy housing.

According to Lawrence J. McQuillan, “each Authority

will be granted powers to build “Sustainable Communities”

means jamming people into dense, urban centers using

high-density residential housing and high-intensity

retail and commercial buildings near mass transit

corridors. To that end, SB 1 will grant each

Authority unprecedented powers.”

Eminent domain has gradually grown to be one of the

most oppressive government policies. Since the

SCOTUS’ decision in Kelo v. City of New London,

eminent domain continues to be the enemy of property

owners. Homeowners have lost their homes to private

development projects. People have been paid less for

their land than they originally paid for it. Businesses

have even been forced to sell their buildings to

corporations. It has become perhaps the most clearly

identifiable example of crony capitalism and corruption

in the country. The government has failed to protect

citizen’s natural rights: protecting life, liberty,

and property.

In 2011, citizens voiced outrage over the ideas

presented by activists, environmentalists and

private developers. Property owners are worried

that Senate Bill 1 will pass and the threat of

increased taxes and possible property confiscation

will become a reality in California.

Read the full analysis of Senate Bill 1.

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Sponsors ; Darrell Steinberg & Mark DeSaulnier

SB1 Declares Suburbs & Rural Areas “Blight”



(50) Eco-fascist Obama Forces New Trucker Regulations

History is in the making today as the Obama regime

has announced, for the first time ever, new regulations

for medium- and heavy-duty trucks regarding both fuel

economy requirements and emissions standards.

The new standards are the result of a mandate first

set in motion in 2007 by Congress, and later by an

Executive Order issued by President Obama in May of

last year. The regulations will apply to medium and

heavy-duty trucks built in 2014 through 2018, aimed

at reducing annual national fuel consumption by 530

million barrels.

The new regulations will be aimed at one of three

specific subsets of trucks: combination tractors

(commonly referred to as semi-trucks), heavy-duty

pickup trucks and vans and vocational vehicles.

Each category will have its own regulations, but

the end goal is to reduce fuel consumption by as

much as 20 percent by 2018, which is the case for


The category that will affect more than just freight

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companies and large business owners, heavy-duty trucks

and vans, will require about a 15 percent improvement

in required fuel economy, although standards will be

unique based on fuel type.

Vocational trucks, or delivery trucks, garbage trucks

and buses, will be mandated to reduce fuel consumption

by about 10 percent by 2018.




(51) Eco-fascist Regulations to Shut Down 40 Percent

of Nation’s Electricity


Obama administration regulations could force power

plants that make 40 percent of the nation’s electricity

to shut down.

At issue are EPA restrictions on emissions that would

close hundreds of coal-burning power plants which

represent around 40 percent of the nation’s electricity.

If that wasn’t bad enough, some observers think the

regulations could double electricity rates for average

households. The rates would increase because utilities

would have to pass the cost onto ratepayers of replacing

coal burning power plants or modernizing them to comply

with the regulations.

The EPA rules — Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power

Plants — are part of Obama’s plan to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions which the agency says contribute to global


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Obama Admitted Plan Would Raise Electricity Rates

There is some evidence that President Obama has a

deliberate strategy of increasing electricity rates and

destroying the coal industry.

“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity

rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama told the editorial

board of The San Francisco Chronicle in 2008. “Even

regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or

bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power

plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever

the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would

have to, retrofit their operations. That will cost money.

They will pass that money on to consumers.”

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant,

they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama

said, “because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for

all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

Obama’s prediction about coal plants have been proven

true. As Off The Grid News previously reported, in October

2013, FirstEnergy Corp announced that it would shut down

two coal-fired powered plants in Pennsylvania because it

said the cost of complying with EPA regulations was too high.

Reuters estimated that coal-burning power plants capable

of generating 15,000 megawatts of electricity have shut

down since Obama took office in 2009. The news service

also estimates that power plants that generate around

37,000 megawatts of power will close in the next 10

years. One megawatt can provide electricity to up to

about 1,000 homes.

Awfully Expensive Electricity

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Those plants will be closing at a time when demand for

electricity is increasing. That will force utilities to

build power plants that burn other fuels such as natural

gas. It will add additional cost to electricity rates at

a time when the rates are already going up dramatically.

“It could get awfully expensive,” Daniel Simmons of the

Institute for Energy Research told World Net Daily. “Some

people might see their electricity rates double. If there’s

no backup power plants, that means electricity is going to

get awfully expensive when you have shortages around the


Another Obama Plan To Raise Your Electric Bill

“We’re talking about dramatically increasing the cost of

electricity all to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. I

think that is the real goal,” Simmons said.

Another Obama administration plan to reduce greenhouse

emissions, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, or CSS technology,

could raise electricity costs even more, Simmons predicted.

He noted that a an experimental CSS power plant in the

United States will cost an estimated $4.3 billion to build

and the EPA doesn’t know if the technology would work.

“The technology is awfully expensive because it hasn’t

been tried anywhere, and that’s to try to capture the

carbon dioxide as it comes out after they burn the coal.”

Simmons said of CSS.

CSS involves the use of filters to divert carbon emissions

from the air – and every taxpaying American will pay. The

CSS plants under construction will require $300 million in

taxpayer subsidies.

US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has been critical

of the Obama administration’s policy on coal.

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“This Administration is trying to hold the coal industry

to impossible standards,” Manchin said. “Never before has

the federal government forced an industry to do something

that is technologically impossible. Forcing coal to meet

nearly the same emissions standards as gas when experts

know that the required technology is not operational on

a commercial scale makes absolutely no sense and will have

devastating impacts to the coal industry and our economy.”

(UPDATE) Supreme Court Rules EPA Can Enforce Endless Limits

In Power Plant Emissions

In a 6-2 decision, the justices sided with a 2011

regulation issued by the US Environmental Protection

Agency that had been challenged by Ohio Attorney General

Mike DeWine and officials in states which produce large

amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

Melissa McHenry, a spokeswoman for American Electric

Power in Columbus, called the decision disappointing,

but because the justices have returned the case to the

federal appeals court “there is no immediate impact on

AEP’s operations and we don’t expect the decision to

change our plans for our coal-fueled power generation


McHenry said that “emissions of sulfur dioxide and

nitrogen oxide from AEP’s coal-fueled power plants

already have been reduced by more than 80 percent since

1990. Our mercury emissions have declined by nearly 60

percent since 2001, and between 2005 and 2013, AEP

reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 21 percent.

AEP will retire nearly 6,600 megawatts for coal-fueled

generation between now and 2016.”

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So, get ready to live in a third-world country where

many power plants will continue to shut down as America’s

utility bills skyrocket ...




(52) Obama Admits Climate Agenda Has NOTHING To Do With

“Global Warming” (It’s About Government Control Stupid!)

Dictatorships always desire to control and ration

countries’ natural resources and now it’s happening

right here, in America.


President Barack Obama admitted in an interview with

The New Yorker that his plan to lower US carbon dioxide

emissions by banning new coal plants would do little to

curb global warming since developing countries like

China and India will still use coal power.

The Obama administration published its proposed

carbon dioxide emissions limits for new coal plants

which would effectively ban coal power. That is,

unless they use commercially unproven carbon capture

and storage (CCS) technologies. Tighter emission

controls for coal plants are part of Obama’s plan

to fight global warming.

Critics of the administration argue that banning

coal plants won’t curb global warming because

developing countries continue to build coal plants,

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frustrating US efforts to lower global carbon emissions.

Obama conceded that fact, but argued that limiting

emissions here will only help the US because other

countries will come to us for the technology once

we’ve developed it.

“And so if we can figure out a carbon-capture mechanism

that is sufficiently advanced and works, then we are

helping ourselves, because the Chinese and the Indians

are going to build some coal plants, and even if we

don’t build another coal plant in this country, there

are going to be a lot of coal plants around the world

that are built,” Obama told the New Yorker.

“And we have a huge investment in trying to figure

out how we can help them do it more cleanly,” he added.

Obama hopes that by requiring new US coal plants to

use CCS technologies, the country could become a world

leader and export the technology abroad when other

nations can afford it. If the US doesn’t lead, Obama

argues, other countries will not follow.

“And it’s not sufficient for us to just tell them to

stop,” Obama said. “We’re going to have to give them

some help. We’re going to have to take some of our

research and development on things like clean-coal

technology and be able to export it to them or license

it to them… There’s going to be a process where we

help them leapfrog some of the development stages

that we went through.”

“This is why I’m putting a big priority on our carbon

action plan here. It’s not because I’m ignorant of the

fact that these emerging countries are going to be a

bigger problem than us,” Obama added. “It’s because

it’s very hard for me to get in that conversation if

we’re making no effort. And it’s not an answer for us

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to say, ‘Well, since the Chinese and the Indians are

the bigger problem, we might as well not even bother.’”

Indeed, countries like China and India are set to

ramp up their coal use dramatically. The World Resource

Institute reports that 76 percent of the proposed

coal-fired capacity is in India and China — nearly

1,200 coal plants have been proposed globally, totaling

more than 1.4 million megawatts of power.

The Chinese greenlit 100 million metric tons of new

coal production capacity last year as part of the

government’s plan to bring 860 million metric tons

of coal production online by 2015.

The US coal industry, however, says CCS is not yet

proven technology as there are no commercial-scale

coal plants in the country that uses the technology.

In fact, when the Environmental Protection Agency

wrote its rule limiting coal plant emissions it only

cited CCS projects that were government funded and

not in operation.

“It is disingenuous to state that the technology is

‘ready,’” said Charles McConnell, former assistant

secretary of energy in Obama. “Studies have verified

that implementation of [CSS] technology is necessary

to comply with EPA’s proposed [EPA carbon-emissions

limits] regulation and meet the [greenhouse gas]

targets necessary for limiting CO2 emissions to our


“However, commercial [CSS] technology currently is

not available to meet EPA’s proposed rule. The cost

of current CO2 capture technology is much too high

to be commercially viable,” said McConnell, who now

serves as the executive director of the Energy &

Environment Initiative at Rice University.

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(53) Eco-fascist Governments Love to Steal Property

The builder of a fantastical fortress in the Mojave

Desert has been sentenced to jail for failing to pay

for the demolition of his life’s work. Why art isn’t

sacred in the eyes of code enforcers.

The bearded builder of Phonehenge West, a structure

that became a famed piece of Mojave Desert folk art,

is heading to jail after a Los Angeles County judge

found he wasn’t paying enough toward the demolition

of the fortress.

Los Angeles County charged builder Alan Kimble Fahey

$82,000 last year to demolish the structure, which

included a 70-foot tower, stained-glass windows, a

working windmill, and a replica of a Viking house

in Antelope Valley, some 50 miles north of Los Angeles.

This week, LA County Superior Court Judge Daviann

Mitchell sentenced him to 539 days in jail after

raising doubts about his inability to make payments

on the bill.




(54) Eco-fascists Call for Ban on E-Cigarettes

Several eco-fascist senators and a congressman want

electronic cigarettes banned on the US Capitol grounds.

In a letter sent yesterday to the House Office

Building Commission and the Senate Committee on

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Rules, Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Sherrod Brown,

Ed Markey, Tom Harkin and Barbara Boxer, along with

retiring Rep. Henry Waxman, said that e-cigarettes

should be treated the same way as cigarettes. The

latter are currently banned at the Capitol, nearby

office buildings, and within 25 feet of the entrance

of those buildings.




(55) Eco-fascist “Officials” Deny Farmers Water

California officials announced last week they will

not send any water from the state’s vast reservoir

system to local agencies this spring, the first time

that has happened in the 54-year history of the

State Water Project. State Department of Water

Resources Director Mark Cowin said there simply is

not enough water in the system to meet the needs

of farmers, cities and the “conservation efforts.”



Men, women and children could die because arrogant

politicians are not allowing water access to family

farmers - which should be considered a crime against

basic human rights.

Jerry Brown has exposed himself as an Eco-fascist.



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(56) New Eco-fascist Regulations to Skyrocket

Electric Bills


During the House hearing, “Department of Energy

Oversight: Status of Clean Coal Programs,” Joe Barton

(R-Texas) asked Dr. Julio Friedmann, the deputy

assistant secretary for clean coal at the Department

of Energy, about the additional costs carbon capture

and storage technology would bring to coal plants.

“My generic question is pretty straightforward. All

of these carbon capture sequestration technologies

- add cost to these coal plants could y’all give

the committee, or the subcommittee, kind of a

baseline estimate of how much it adds to the cost,

does it double the cost, does it increase it by

25%, 50%, what’s the generic estimate?” Barton asked.

“The precise number will vary by plant, whether it’s

sub-critical or supercritical, by coal rank, and by

the kind of technology used,” said Friedman.

Concerning the first generation of carbon capture

and storage (CCS) technology to be implemented,

Friedman added “we’re looking at something on the

order of $70-90 a ton. In that context, that looks

something like a 70-80% increase on the wholesale

price of electricity.”

In short, that’s a knife to the throat for the

American middle class.


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When Barack Obama was running for president in 2008,

he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would

necessarily skyrocket”. Well, now it looks like he is

finally getting around to keeping his promise. New EPA

rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry

could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent

in many rural areas. And even though we have enough

coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of

energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan

is going to force large numbers of coal plants to

completely shut down because they are simply going to

become too expensive to operate. If Americans living

in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they

really are not going to like him much when these new

EPA regulations start kicking in.



(57) Eco-fascist Smart Meter Gestapo Raids Nevada Home ::

Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart

meter ‘opt out’ policy. On the ground, however, the

reality is that Nevada Energy Inc. is raiding home

owners who have legally opted out.



(58) Eco-fascist Corporations Begin to Shut Off

Electricity to Political Activists’ Homes

On the heels of Northeast Utilities admitting that

smart meters are “irrational”, we’re seeing the wheels

of reason and logic further come off the centralized

energy cart(el).

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In what is an illegal and thinly-veiled “psy-op”

(psychological operation) attempting to stem the

rising tide of awareness of the massive rights

violations associated with their ‘smart’ meter

deployments, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative

(PSREC) actually disconnected the electricity from

the home of Joshua Hart, a leader in the movement

and director of

As documented in our boat-rocking film Take Back Your

Power, so-called ‘smart’ meter deployments are beleagured

on many levels, being linked to in-home surveillance,

unjustified billing increases, extortive “opt-out”

practices/fees, home and appliance hackability, health

symptoms (from pulsed microwave radiation and high-frequency

voltage transients), and a rather long list of home fires.

Like hundreds of thousands, perhaps upwards of a

million now in Western countries, Hart is choosing to

not have a ‘smart’ meter installed, preferring to not

to have his living quarters be surveiled, irradiated

or made easily hackable. And like many, he is not

contributing to his utility’s Punitive Opt-Out Fund

for the insolence of exercising constitutional and

human right. (There are many ways to retain your right

and not pay a fee or penalty for doing so — we have

written about one such method here. Under no

circumstances are you obligated to pay a fee to keep

your analog meter, though writing a well-written

notice via registered mail is often required.)

Joshua Hart said on his website: “This is the first

disconnect by PSREC for failure to pay ‘opt out’ fees.

No one in PG&E/ SCE/ SDG&E areas of California have

been disconnected solely for refusal to pay ‘opt out’

fees, and thousands have been ignoring toothless

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disconnect warnings and deducting the fees from their

bill every month. Why are utilities going to such

lengths to silence critics of their smart meter


So-called ‘smart’ meters are not UL approved and have

never been safety-tested. But according to grid

engineering firms such as Raab Associates they are

part of a technology roadmap which includes “mining

data for intel” purposes, and “data mining and

analytics” becoming core competency. What’s perhaps

even more troubling is the connection between ‘smart’

meters and military R&D funding.

Thank goodness that huge numbers of people are

realizing that, yes, our government is so corrupt,

they would actually do deploy such technology upon

their own people. Nipping the cognitive dissonance

squarely in the bud is the starting point for things

to change for the better.

Of government/corporatist/utility desire to maintain

domination over their awakening customers, when

pondering the latest PR stunts, the word “desperation”

doth cometh to mind.

And when you watch the below video of PSREC’s General

Manager Bob Marshall fighting with his conscience,

you have to wonder how much he got paid off to

disconnect, photograph and stalk Joshua Hart and

his family. In an absurd demonstration of doublespeak

-cronyism, Marshall actually accuses the individual

whose electricity he illegally disconnected of being

the bully. See for yourself:

Re-mirrored here »

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(59) EPA Gestapo Will Not Allow Prosperous Opportunity ::


The EPA gestapo on Friday moved against a massive mine

project in Alaska which supporters say could contain

billions of dollars in gold and copper, delivering a

win for ‘environmentalists’ who claimed the mine could

endanger sockeye salmon populations.

The decision on Pebble Mine was highly anticipated,

and comes after an EPA report in January found

large-scale mining in the Bristol Bay watershed posed

significant risk to salmon and could adversely affect

Alaska Natives in the region, whose culture is built

around salmon.

The gestapo will now examine whether to block or

otherwise restrict the mine project. But that decision

alone promises to significantly delay the project;

whether the EPA decides to bar construction entirely

remains to be seen.

The action, announced Friday, is what supporters of

the proposed Pebble Mine have feared. Backers have

claimed the project could yield more than 100 million

ounces of gold, 80 billion pounds of copper and other

precious minerals. Companies have spent millions

researching and monitoring the area in an effort to

assure the EPA the mine would not cause ecological


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It’s well over due for some class-action lawsuits

against this gestapo who consistently interferes in

just about everything in today’s society.



(60) Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal

Speronis disconnected all the utilities from her

modest home in Cape Coral for an experiment in

off-the-grid living some time ago. City officials

ignored her activities until she went public and

discussed them with Liza Fernandez, a reporter for

a local TV station. A code enforcement officer

designated Speronis’s home as uninhabitable and gave

her an eviction notice a day after the piece aired.



(61) Grandmother Gets Eviction Notice for Colored Drape


Oregon woman who was threatened with eviction if

she did not remove the American flag from her front

window has now been asked to place the “colored drape”

on a flag pole.

Elodia Royce, 58, received a notice two weeks ago

that she would face eviction after an eco-fascist

neighbor complained to the landlord about the “colored

drape” placed in her window. But the “colored drape”

is an American flag she has displayed for six years

in support of her family and friends who have served

in the military, KGW-TV reports.

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(62) Professor Calls For ‘Deniers’ To Be Imprisoned

A professor with Rochester Institute of Technology

has called for the incarceration of any American who

actively disagrees that climate change is solely caused

by human activity.

Lawrence Torcello, a philosophy professor with a Ph.D.

from the University at Buffalo, published the comments

as part of an essay submitted to the academic website

The Conversation.

Torcello argues that malignant individuals, who he

does not identify, are collectively organising a

“campaign funding misinformation” about climate change.

Torcello goes on to suggest that such activity “ought

to be considered criminally negligent.”


Torcello’s America would also see countless scientists

thrown into prison for continually presenting evidence

that shows there is no scientific evidence that human

activity is causing the planet to warm. The latest to

be locked up would be Greenpeace co-founder Patrick

Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee

last month that “There is no scientific proof that

human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant

cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere

over the past 100 years.”



(63) EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants on Humans to Push

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Their Eco-fascist Agenda


The Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting

dangerous experiments on humans over the past few years

in order to justify more onerous clean air regulations.

The agency conducted tests on people with health issues

and the elderly, exposing them to high levels of potentially

lethal pollutants, without disclosing the risks of cancer

and death, according to a newly released government report.

These experiments exposed people, including those with

asthma and heart problems, to dangerously high levels of

toxic pollutants, including diesel fumes, reads a EPA

inspector general report obtained by The Daily Caller

News Foundation. The EPA also exposed people with health

issues to levels of pollutants up to 50 times greater

than the agency says is safe for humans.



(64) Eco-fascist Cop Pulls Gun On Fifth Graders Building

“Environment-hurting” Tree Fort

Police in Georgia forced a group of fifth graders to

the ground at gunpoint this week as they attempted to

build a tree fort in their own neighborhood.

According to 911 records, Henry County Police were

called after a neighbor noticed the children “chopping

off tree limbs,” an activity she claimed was hurting the

environment and creating “tripping hazards.”

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Police arrived on scene to find 11-year-old Omari Grant

and his friends playing in a small patch of trees,

prompting at least one officer to reportedly draw his

firearm and force the boys to the ground.

“I was thinking that I don’t want to be shot today,

so I just listened to what they said,” Grant said.

As the children lay face down, the officer allegedly

screamed profanities as he forced them to spread their

arms and legs. Grant’s mother, Janice Baptiste, detailed

her son’s experience in an interview with WSB-TV.

“All he could get out at the time was, ‘Mom, he had a

gun in my face, he had a gun in my face,’” Baptiste said.

“So my son was of course traumatized by that.”

After the children were searched, Grant was taken back

to his home by the officer, who also startled Baptiste

with his unstable appearance.

“He just came with such an attitude,” Baptiste said.

“His whole physical appearance was one of, ‘I’m Mr.

Big and bad.’”

Grant says he is now hesitant to play outside in his

own neighborhood, afraid of the very police he always

looked up to.

“I learned that they’re supposed to help you, not make

you feel scared to even come outside,” Grant said.

Edgar Dillard, whose wife made the 911 call, was

reportedly stunned to hear of the neighbor boys’

encounter with police.

“Yeah, that’s pretty shocking to hear that a gun was

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pulled on a child,” Dillard said.

Baptiste has filed an excessive force complaint with

the department, which has now opened an internal

investigation. When questioned about the officer’s

actions, Sgt. Joey Smith remained relatively tight-lipped.






InfoWars has found a smoking gun in the case of embattled

rancher Cliven Bundy. A lucrative contract – which will

benefit Harry Reid and his son Rory Reid – specifically

mentions the need to rid the land of Cliven Bundy. In

addition, Natural News pointed out that the BLM is in

the business of selling lucrative oil and gas leases.

It does answer the question, Why now?

There is a much bigger picture in all of this, however,

and that is the fact Mr. Obama believes the government

should control the land and water in the United States.

He sees the government as the protector of the nation’s

resources. It is his belief. He does not respect private

property – it is the government’s to take. That should

now be obvious to everyone.

Mr. Obama is social engineering citizens off their land

into congested hubs to preserve the land for nature and

to have it available for government use, maybe even to

share the resources with U.N. member nations such as China,

because he believes in globalism, an extreme form of

globalism. He has already expressed a desire to share

the wealth from our resources with the world through

treaties such as The Law of the Sea treaty.

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Natural News reported that the Bureau of Land Management

is in the business of leasing government lands to energy

companies. Significant exploratory drilling is being

conducted in precisely the same area where the Bundy

family has been running cattle since the 1870s. The

“Gold Butte” area can be clearly seen in the map of

areas drilled (purple demarcations).


Oil has been found in nearby areas but oil and gas drilling

have worked alongside ranching over the years without a

problem. Of course, if the government can lease the land

on which the cattle graze, it will be lucrative for them.

In July 2011, the federal government agreed to allow

China to buy up 600,000 acres of gas & oil fields in

Texas. This is the same administration that would not

allow new drilling; kicked Shell out of Alaska after

billions of dollars of investments; shut down most

offshore drilling; and tried to shut down Texas oil

fields on the remote possibility that it might harm a

tiny useless lizard that was most often known for being

road kill.

The acreage takes in the Gold Butte area where Bundy

grazes his cattle.

Mr. Obama prefers solar and windmills to oil and gas


Bundy’s name came up in a solar project that the government

currently wants to put in place with the Chinese communists

using Nevada land This time.

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InfoWars posted documents found on the BLM website which

BLM has since taken down. One document is titled, “Cattle

Trespass Impacts” and it states that Bundy’s cattle

negatively “impacts” solar development and would prevent

the construction of utility-scale solar power generation

facilities” on “public lands.”

They are talking about a very lucrative “investment” of

$5 billion by Chines communists who will set up an enclave

– a Chinese communist enclave – on US land in Nevada.



*** How the BLM Gestapo Conducts Land Theft ***

Now, for Cliven Bundy, he’s not fighting this for his

cattle or his own livelihood. He recognizes that he

will probably die before this fight is over. He has

said multiple times that he is fighting this to wake

people up about the tyranny of the Federal Government

and also to help wake up the western states about

getting the rights to their own land back from the

federal government, which has repeatedly shut down

ranchers and closed off land. (MO = 1st, get all the

ranchers, farmers, Native Americans, and foresters

that use the land for positive, sustainable production

off of the land; 2nd, grab up all the resources; 3rd,

close off the lands to public access including camping,

hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, boating,

shooting, etc; 4th, sell off the resources to the

highest bidder regardless of what that will do to the

land, the local environment, or the economy; 5th,

collect royalties on the resources in perpetuity;

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6th, reduce and eliminate all SLS and PILT payments

to the states, impoverishing them beyond belief.)


Harry Reid has now exposed himself as the fascist

he really is - claiming Americans who try to protect

their land from being confiscated from federal agents

for corporate leases are “criminals.” Harry has now

made it very clear - he has no respect for Americans’

property rights at all. Having a vested interest with

a Chinese corporation, why would he care about us? It

looks as if Harry Reid would be willing to put civil

lives at risk for offshore corporate interests.




UPDATE! Scrubbed BLM Land Grab Info LEAKS

UPDATE! Reid’s BLM Land Grabber Contacts

UPDATE! BLM Contingency Plan, Use of Drones

UPDATE! BLM Info Action Pack

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Identifying Mercenaries Violating US Citizens’ Rights

Eco-fascists Pushed for BLM Bundy Ranch Standoff



It’s not only about Reid and one Chinese company.



The Long History of BLM’s Aggressive Cattle Seizures


BUSTED! Harry Reid Owns 93 Acres Next to Bundy Ranch



(91 files | ZIP | 39.5MB)

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(180 files | ZIP | 182MB)


HERE THEY GO AGAIN! BLM Claims 90,000 Acres Does Not

Belong To Texas, Attempts To Seize Another Ranch





UPDATE ; BLM STEALING 90,000 Acres of Property From Texas

US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Neil Kornze

responded to the April letters from Texas Attorney General

Greg Abbott (R) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) about the Red

River land dispute between the federal government and the

State of Texas. The letter comes approximately two months

after the initial requests from Abbott and Cruz were

submitted to the director and largely doubles down on

broad claims of federal ownership. ... ...

Kornze’s letter explains the BLM’s procedures for developing

its new Resource Management Planning (RMP) process. To

summarize, the RMP/EIS process is designed to establish

general management goals, objectives, and directives for

public resources,” Kornze begins in the letter, “including

lands and minerals, managed by the BLM. The process involves

numerous steps that allow for public input, analysis, and

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informed decision-making with regard to public resources.”




(66) EPA Denies Any Scientific Basis for Regulations

I’m sure this will come as quite a shock to our

faithful readers, but the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) admitted that it can’t actually reproduce

the “science” it has been using for years as the

justification for its Clean Air Act.

I remember very distinctly the attitude on the

Georgia Tech campus toward the environmental “science”

department. I’m sure that much of what was studied by

environmental science majors was legitimate, especially

as it concerned local phenomena and processes. But

when it comes to the global aspects of environmental

science (weather systems, causation, the long-term

effects of pollution, etc.), it becomes obvious that

environmental scientists are less reliable than

weathermen and relying heavily on extremely speculative

models of explanation.

Pollution is defined by concentrations. Nothing that

is considered a pollutant is necessarily bad intrinsically

or necessarily. Even toxic elements occur naturally at

low concentrations. The EPA determines what those

concentrations are allowed to be in order to still

be considered “safe.” And recently, the EPA has been

narrowing those regulations even further, most recently

in an attempt to force businesses to “go green.” But

as it turns out, for years, the EPA has created and

enforced regulations based on data that it pawned off

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as “hard science” that is impossible to reproduce

independently. It was secret science. Pet science.

Not hard science:

... The House Science Subcommittee on Investigations

and Oversight, . . . issued its first subpoena in 21

years last August after being stonewalled by the EPA

for two years ...

However, despite “multiple interactions with the

third party owners of the research data in an effort

to obtain that data,” [EPA Administrator Gina] McCarthy

wrote, some of the data subpoenaed by the committee

“are not (and were not) in the possession, custody or

control of the EPA, nor are they within the authority

to obtain data that the agency identified. ... The EPA

acknowledges, however, that the data provided are not

sufficient in themselves to replicate the analyses in

the epidemiological studies, nor would they allow for

the one to one mapping of each pollutant and ecological

variable to each subject.”

So, in other words, the actual particulars of how much

particulate pollutants are considered dangerous are

totally arbitrary. The EPA largely set those regulations

how they wanted to, and supported their legitimacy with

a thin fig leaf of “science.” What did you expect though?

Politicized science is always suspect.



(67) EPA Requesting Jurisdiction Over All Public And

Private Streams In The United States!

In a move lawmakers and farmers are calling “the biggest

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land grab in the history of the world,” the Environmental

Protection Agency is requesting jurisdiction over all

public and private streams in the United States that are

“intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.”

The EPA and the US Army Corps of Engineers in late March

jointly released a proposed rule, Waters of the United

States, in an effort to clarify which streams and wetlands

are protected under the Clean Water Act.

A statement issued by the EPA says “the proposed rule

will benefit businesses by increasing efficiency in

determining coverage of the Clean Water Act.” ... ...

But lawmakers and farmers express concern that this

kind of regulation would allow the EPA in conjunction

with the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of

Energy and the Army to dictate on a never-before-seen

scale everything from grazing rights, food production,

animal health and the use of energy on private lands.

“We’re hearing from farm groups throughout the United

States about uncertainties regarding agricultural

exemptions,” Murkowski said. “They say it’s not so

farm-friendly as the statements that have been made

by your administration.”

UPDATE! ; EPA Declares War Against Property Owners

New water way rules proposed by the EPA could devastate

homesteaders, farmers, ranchers and other rural property

owners, US Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota) says.

The agency’s attempt to expand its jurisdiction over

wetlands and water ways could make it impossible or

prohibitively expensive for property owners to make use

of their own land, Thune says.

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Under the current rules the Clean Water Act only applies

to large streams and rivers. The Environmental Protection

Agency wants to rewrite the rules so the Act applies even

to seasonal streams and creeks, and also to wetlands that

are near protected rivers and streams.

Critics like Thune charge that this will give the agency

the power to fine property owners who build stock ponds,

drainage ditches and even small hydroelectric systems

without a permit. They also say it will expand the EPA’s

power over private property and entangle regular everyday

citizens in lengthy bureaucratic paperwork.



(68) Family Forced to Sell Property - UN Agenda 21!


A contentious eminent domain case in which a local

government sought to take private backcountry land for

open space has been settled, with the landowners agreeing

to a $115,000 sale.

“To me, what just came out of it is, you can’t win,

you can’t fight the government,” landowner Ceil Barrie

said Wednesday.

She and her husband, Andy, owned ten acres of land

perched at 11,000 feet elevation in Breckenridge. The

property, with breathtaking views, was a private patch

of land surrounded by White River National Forest.

An old, uninhabited day-use cabin, an outhouse and a

shuttered gold mine sit on it.

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The Barries’ legal troubles began when they worked to

access their personal paradise with a utility vehicle.

They traveled on an old mining road dating back to the

1880s and said the county did not even know about the

road until they made them aware of it.

The county asked to buy the land, but the Barries did

not want to part with their piece of Colorado heaven.

So Summit County condemned it, filed for eminent domain

and petitioned for immediate possession.



(69) Energy Giants Caught in Green Tax Racket in UK

Millions of households have missed out on a £50 saving

on their energy bill because a green tax cut has been

swiped by suppliers.

All of the big six firms — British Gas, EDF Energy, Eon,

Npower, Scottish and Southern Energy and Scottish Power

— will save money this year after the Government slashed

network charges and the cost of implementing green schemes.

And they will no longer have to pick up the tab for a

Warm Home Discount — which gives vulnerable customers a

£135 reduction on their electricity bill.

The Government says these changes would save households

around £50 on their annual gas and electricity bill.

However, four months on and millions of customers have

not received a penny in discount.

An estimated five million households have missed out

on the reduction because they are on a fixed-rate deal.

The energy companies claim most people have benefited

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by up to £35. But this still means they have pocketed

the remainder — at £15 from each fixed-rate customer,

that makes £75 million.

Npower has told customers they would receive a bill cut

from February only if they were on a standard or variable

tariff and had been affected by a price rise last December.

Its fixed-rate customers get no price cut. They are

effectively still paying the green tax because it is

priced into their bills.

Customers on fixed tariffs with ScottishPower also missed

out. The firm said it would cut their bills only if customers

ended up worse off than those who are on variable deals.

EDF Energy and Eon have similarly neglected customers

locked into fixes. Their customers have had potential

price hikes lowered instead of receiving reductions to

their current bills — but this affects only those on

variable deals.

British Gas, Scottish and Southern Energy have reduced

bills for all their customers — both on fixes and variable


The suppliers are also hiding behind a baffling array of

price hikes and cuts. READ THE REST ...




(70) California Water Gestapo to Spy on Homeowners

The drought in California has caused 45 water agencies

in the state to enforce mandatory limits on water use.

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Citizens are encouraged to turn in neighbors who are

suspected of wasting H2O to water-waste patrols.

These water patrols teach people to avoid wasting water

on driveways, lawns and swimming pools, but can also

cite residents for repeated violations.

“We do have the stick if people don’t get it,” Kim Loeb,

a Visalia, Calif. natural resource conservation manager,

told the Associated Press.

Sacramento has deputized 40 government employees, from

building inspectors to meter readers, to stop water waste.

Six employees patrol full time for violations.




(71) Thanks to An Endless Avalanche of EPA Regulations,

Electricity Prices Are Going to Get Much More Expensive

The problems confronting the electricity system are the

result of a wide range of forces: new federal regulations

on toxic emissions, rules on greenhouse gases, state

mandates for renewable power, technical problems at

nuclear power plants and unpredictable price trends for

natural gas. Even cheap hydro power is declining in some

areas, particularly California, owing to the long-lasting


“Everywhere you turn, there are proposals and regulations

to make prices go higher,” said Daniel Kish, senior vice

president at the Institute for Energy Research. “The trend

line is up, up, up. We are going into uncharted territory.”

New emissions rules on mercury, acid gases and other toxics

by the Environmental Protection Agency are expected to result

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in significant losses of the nation’s coal-generated power,

historically the largest and cheapest source of electricity.

Already, two dozen coal generating units across the country

are scheduled for decommissioning. When the regulations go

into effect next year, 60 gigawatts of capacity — equivalent

to the output of 60 nuclear reactors — will be taken out of

the system, according to Energy Department estimates.

Moeller, the federal energy commissioner, warns that these

rapid changes are eroding the system’s ability to handle

unexpected upsets, such as the polar vortex, and could

result in brownouts or even blackouts in some regions as

early as next year.,0,6329274.story


The EPA is conducting legislative warfare tactics to force

an incremental shutdown of our current electric grid. In

the meantime, Americans are being forced out of their homes

when not being connected to the electric grid or for simply

choosing to live off-the-grid.

UPDATE ; State Regulators Warn New EPA Regulations Could

Harm America’s Electrical Grid


“Congress never intended for the Clean Air Act to authorize

EPA’s extraordinary policy decisions to phase out entire

sources of energy in this proposed rulemaking,” the American

Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and the American

Petroleum Institute alleged in comments to the EPA. The

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organizations were commenting on proposed new rules for

power plants, oil refineries and other industrial facilities.

“Mandating the use of specific energy sources will only

serve to drive up US manufacturers’ costs,” Charles T.

Drevna of the AFPM said. “Our nation is on the verge of

a manufacturing renaissance, but this and other all-cost,

little-to-no-benefit rules will threaten our tremendous

opportunity, erode our competitive advantage and drive

business overseas.”

The proposed rules could drive coal-fired power plants

and many oil refineries out of business, the two groups

alleged. This could lead to energy shortages and higher

energy costs, particularly for electricity.

▲ UPDATE! YOU WERE WARNED! Price of Electricity Hit Record

for May - Thank New EPA Regulations and the Eco-fascists

The electricity price index and the average price for a

kilowatthour (KWH) of electricity both hit records for May,

according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor


The average price for a KWH hit 13.6 cents during the month,

up about 3.8 percent from 13.1 cents in May 2013.

The seasonally adjusted electricity price index rose from

201.431 in May 2013 to 208.655 in May 2014—an increase of

about 3.6 percent.

If the prevailing trend holds, the price of electricity will

hit an all-time record high this summer, when demand for

electricity is at its peak.

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Electricity will continue to rise in price thanks to new

EPA regulations that are forcing power plants to shut down,



(72) Eco-fascist Governor Forces Carbon Tax Through

Executive Order (The War Against Prosperity Continues)

Washington Democrat Governor Jay Inslee is not waiting

for the state legislature to regulate carbon dioxide

emissions, but instead has issued an executive order

to implement a cap-and-trade program, eliminate coal

power and fund green energy projects.

Eco-fascist control freaks like Jay Inslee are

determined to bankrupt both middle and lower class

Americans in the name of fraudulent politicized science.

The only way they can enforce this (of-course) will

be through corrupted power-craven fascist gestapo

agencies through a barrel of a gun.




(73) Eco-fascists In Virginia Pushing Zoning Ordinance

To Outlaw Social Gatherings at at Household Residences

A plan to ban “frequent and large gatherings at neighborhood

homes” is a lawsuit waiting to happen, a Fairfax County

supervisor predicts.

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Officials will get an idea Wednesday when public-comment

hearings begin in Virginia’s most populous county.

“I believe the county is risking a lawsuit and/or

aconstitution challenge by interfering with peoples’

right to assemble,” Supervisor Pat Herrity said in a


The proposed zoning ordinance limits “group assembly”

at residences to 49 people a day. Such gatherings “shall

not occur more frequently than three times in any 40-day


County officials say they have received complaints about

group meetings at homes. But Herrity said “they haven’t

even reached 1 percent of the thousands of complaints

our Department of Code Compliance investigates a year.”

“This is yet another instance where we appear to be

punishing the many for the actions of the few,” said

Herrity, who reported a total of six complaints were

received last year.

Church groups, scouting organizations or even sports

fans drawn to a home’s big-screen TV during playoffs

could be potential targets of the proposed county law.

Realtors worry that even open houses would invite civil


John Whitehead, an attorney and president of the civil-

libertarian Rutherford Institute, calls the Fairfax plan


“Broad enactments like these have governments assuming

that private property is their property,” Whitehead said

in an interview with

“If you can’t determine what goes on at your own residence,

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you have surrendered your rights. The Constitution is

founded on property rights.”

Nevertheless, some courts have upheld aggressive zoning

restrictions. In Phoenix, a minister was sentenced to 60

days in jail for conducting Bible study classes with 10

people at a home.



(74) Congressional Investigation Into Secret EPA Gestapo

A rogue group within the Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) that is run out of the White House is operating outside

the law and for years has “blocked independent investigations

by the EPA’s inspector general,” according to an Associated

Press account of an EPA investigator’s prepared congressional


In testimony at a hearing of a House oversight committee

scheduled for Wednesday, May 7, Patrick Sullivan, an

assistant EPA inspector general for investigations, is

expected to provide compelling evidence of an extraordinary

abuse of power — even for Barack Obama — by the all but

unknown EPA Office of Homeland Security.

The Associated Press reports:

The office of about 10 employees is overseen by EPA

Administrator Gina McCarthy’s office, and the inspector

general’s office is accusing it of impeding its independent

investigations into employee misconduct, computer security

and external threats, including compelling employees

involved in cases to sign non-disclosure agreements.

“Under the heavy cloak of national security, the Office

of Homeland Security has repeatedly rebuffed and refused

to cooperate with the OIG’s ongoing requests for information

or cooperation,” Sullivan wrote in prepared testimony

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obtained by The Associated Press. “This block unquestionably

has hamstrung the Office of Inspector General’s ability to

carry out its statutory mandate to investigate wrongdoing

of EPA employees.”

In other words, a unit within the EPA that is under the

direct control of the White House and its political associates

is using the “national security” trope to actively prevent

investigations into EPA violations of the law. Given the

high profile of their benefactor, this group fears no

repercussions. ... ...

Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif), a frequent foe

of the Obama administration, is advantageously positioned

to put the screws to the president in this scandal, as

well. As chairman of the House Oversight and Government

Reform Committee, Issa will be heading the investigation

in the White House’s secret EPA squelch squad. “It’s

disturbing that even investigations by this administration’s

own nonpartisan watchdogs are being blocked by political

appointees,” Issa said, as quoted by the AP.

Given the EPA’s egregious disregard for the Constitution

and the formerly unalienable rights of life, liberty, and

property, it is little wonder that the president’s political

team has spiked any investigation that might expose to the

light of public notice the truth of the agency’s reign of

terror. The evidence is overwhelming.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court handed the EPA (and the

Obama administration) an unfavorable ruling in the case of

Sackett v. US, but it’s the events leading up to that high

court hearing that boil the blood of constitutionalists

and property owners. As reported by William Jasper, senior

editor of The New American:

How long would your bank account hold out if an agency of

the federal government were fining you $75,000 per day? A

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couple of hours, maybe — or a few minutes? Not many

homeowners could handle that kind of crushing financial

blow. Even a Bill Gates, a Warren Buffett, or a George

Soros might blanch at such astronomical fines.

But that was the potential cost facing Idaho couple Mike

and Chantelle Sackett ... who ran into the iron fist of

the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when they began

building their home in 2007 on a two-thirds acre parcel in

a residential neighborhood of Priest Lake. Like their

neighbors who had already built homes next door, the

Sacketts got their permits from the county and began

laying gravel and preparing the ground for building.

That’s when the EPA came in and, without hearings or

notice, declared that the property is “wetlands” and

ordered the Sacketts to restore it to the EPA bureaucracy’s


The Sacketts, having good reasons to believe their

property is not a wetlands, were determined to contest

the EPA order. However, the EPA denied their request for

a hearing. They sought judicial relief, but the US Ninth

Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the EPA, ruling that

the Sacketts had no right to immediate judicial review

of the matter. The Ninth Circuit held that the couple

would first have to go through the EPA’s years-long

wetlands permit process, which would end up costing the

property owners many times the value of their land!

Basically, a group of unelected and unaccountable federal

officials has shattered the dreams of the Sackett family,

robbed them of the due process of law guaranteed to every

citizen by the Constitution, and charged them $75,000 a

day for the privilege.

The Sacketts understood the enormity of the issue raised

by their pouring of a little gravel on less than an acre

of land. Said Mrs. Sackett in the days leading up to the

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Supreme Court decision, “The EPA can come in and turn your

life upside down. They can make you feel really small and

insignificant. And they take away from you your sense of


The EPA is not content to obliterate property rights,

however. Recent actions taken against the country's last

lead smelting facility will affect the right to keep and

bear arms, as well, by substantially impacting the production

of ammunition. On December 31, 2013, the lead refining plant

closed for good.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported just before the

shuttering of the plant:

About 145 employees of the Doe Run lead smelter [in Herculaneum,

Missouri] learned they will lose their jobs at the end of

December because of the plant’s closure, the Doe Run Co.

said Wednesday. An additional 73 contractor jobs also will

be eliminated.

By forcibly closing this plant, the Obama administration

took yet another unconstitutional step — one that will

severely impinge on the nation’s ammunition-manufacturing


Why would the Doe Run Company, the owners of the Missouri

lead smelting facility, agree to being run out of business

by the EPA? One word: extortion.

In a document published on its website, the EPA explains

that in order for Doe Run to continue its operations, the

company would have to agree to pay “$65 million to correct

violations of several environmental laws at 10 of its lead

mining, milling and smelting facilities in southeast Missouri.

The settlement also requires the company to pay a $7 million

civil penalty.”

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In a statement to the press, Doe Run said the fine and the

required upgrades to its facilities were “too financially


In cases such as those of the Sacketts, the Doe Run smelting

facility, and scores of others nationwide, the EPA’s heavy

handed, unconstitutional tactics should have been investigated

and the nearly unbounded power should have been reined in.

They carried on without oversight, however, and perhaps

now we know why.

Many who have felt the wrath of the dictators’s shadowy

EPA division are hopeful that the House’s committee hearings

will finally expose the group’s many misdeeds.




(75) “Eco-friendly” Venture Capitalist Vindo Khosla to

Testify in Court After Blocking Access to Public Property

A Silicon Valley billionaire will be forced to testify

on Monday as surfers battle venture capitalist Vindo Khosl

over access to a popular northern California beach. The

case may be the most significant challenge to the state’s

public access laws.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Surfrider

Foundation has accused Khosla “of flouting the California

Coastal Act when he blocked the only road into Martins

Beach” from the public.

A lawyer for Khosla’s company countered and said that,

“Surfrider, in this lawsuit, is asking to protect an

access right that simply doesn’t exist.” But they were

denied their motion to prevent Khosla from testifying in

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the matter, and Khosla will have to do so on Monday as

the trial resumes.

As the Chronicle noted, a 1972 “California Coastal Zone

Conservation Initiative” made the “entire coast public

property, including beaches below the mean high tide,”

and the lawsuit presents the biggest challenge to that


Khosla “is famous for his backing of bold, eco-friendly

projects and is a darling of Democratic politicians,” and

is company paid “$37.5 million for the property, which

includes 45 leased cabins along the coastal cliffs.”

Surfrider is claiming that since the “closed gate means

the only way people can get there is from the ocean,”

Khosla is in violation of the “public access provisions

in the coastal act.”

Lawyers for Martins Beach have also weighed in, saying the

previous historic $5 “beach fees prove that the public never

had a right to access that beach.”




(76) Agenda 21, The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship


One of the most popular films of 2012 was The Hunger Games

which portrayed a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in

which a super-rich, super-pampered, super-callous ‘elite’

lived in high-tech luxury while the rest of the population

daily battled to survive in abject poverty locked away behind

prison fences in intensively-populated ‘people zones’. Panem

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comes from the Latin phrase panem et circenses or ‘bread and

circuses’ – a term derived from Rome and meaning to give the

people diversions and distractions to hide what is being done

to them. Exactly what is happening today.

The Totalitarian Tiptoes to just such a world are happening

all around us, although most people can’t see this because

they don’t connect the dots. People tend to live in their own

‘little world’ and focus on only a few subjects and interests.

This gives them a distorted view of what is happening because

they are so busy concentrating on the strands that they cannot

see the tapestry. The world of The Hunger Games is already

well on the way to fruition unless humanity has a fundamental

reassessment of reality.

The foundations, structure and ‘must haves’ of a Hunger Games

society are detailed in a plan being imposed through the United

Nations called Agenda 21 which encompasses two related themes

of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘biodiversity’. Sustainable

development – as in don’t use more than can be replaced – sounds

sensible enough at first until you realize what this and

biodiversity really mean in the context of the conspiracy.

Agenda 21 was established at the United Nations Conference on

Environment and Development in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, in 1992,

hosted by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire

and long-time front man for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Strong has been a leader of their exploit-the-environment-to-

scam-the-people programme which is now in full flow. Strong is

a member of the Club of Rome, the environmental Hidden Hand in

the Round Table network that includes the Bilderberg Group,

Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.

Strong said in support of Agenda 21: ‘Isn’t the only hope for

this planet that the industrialised civilization collapse? Isn’t

it our responsibility to bring that about?’ This is a man who

became mega-rich through the oil industry. He now lives in

billionaire luxury in China where carbon-emitting industry is

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booming and he is a director of the Chicago Climate Exchange

(largest shareholder, Goldman Sachs), which is ‘the world’s

first and North America’s only legally-binding greenhouse-gas

emission registry reduction-system for emission sources and

offset projects in North America and Brazil’. The Exchange was

established with funding from the Joyce Foundation where Barack

Obama was once a director. Strong and Al Gore make money through

the Carbon Exchange and other means from the lies they promote

about climate change and the solutions they propose. Kate

Johnston wrote on the Globalresearch.cawebsite: ‘The same men

that sold us the myth of man-made global warming are the same

men that sold us the “solution” of a Carbon Tax and Emissions

Trading Scheme and now they’re profiting off their lucrative

investments which are based on lies.’ Strong fled to China in

2006 after being accused of corruption with respect to the UN

oil for food program.

Climate change propaganda is a No-Problem-Reaction-Solution

technique to justify Agenda 21 and its stable-mate the Biodiversity

Treaty. This is an internationally-binding document involving

nearly 200 countries. The United States signed the treaty, but

it was not ratified by the Senate after people like ecologist

and ecosystem scientist Dr. Michael Coffman exposed its true

consequences and implications. He said that he realized during

the 1980s and 1990s that the plan was to use the excuse of

protecting the environment to confiscate half the land of the

United States. Similar plans exist for every other country.

America may not have ratified the treaty, but it is being

implemented by the day. Agenda 21 demands the central global

control of all land; all private property; all water sources

and distribution; all other resources which includes people

in its definition; all energy supplies and distribution and

all food production and distribution.

Agenda 21 is called ‘the agenda for the 21st century’ and that

refers to global fascism / communism. This is a summary of what

Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development / Biodiversity is seeking

to impose:

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• An end to national sovereignty

• State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems,

deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture;

rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equity’

• The State to ‘define the role’ of business and financial


• Abolition of private property (it’s not ‘sustainable’)

• ‘Restructuring’ the family unit

• Children raised by the State

• People told what their job will be

• Major restrictions on movement

• Creation of ‘human settlement zones’

• Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where

they currently live

• Dumbing down education (achieved)

• Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all the above

Learn more of the history of the UN’s Agenda 21 here ...




(77) US Department of Agriculture Prepping For War

A May 7th solicitation by the US Department of Agriculture

seeks “the commercial acquisition of ballistic vests,

compliant with NIJ 0101.06 for Level IIIA Ballistic

Resistance of body armor.”


A May 7th solicitation by the US Department of Agriculture

seeks “the commercial acquisition of submachine guns [in]

.40 Cal. S&W.”

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(78) Virginia Oyster Farmers Being Zoned Out of Existance

The York County Board of Supervisors is threatening the

livelihood of oyster farmers. Zoning is a popular way for

counties to control where and how things are bought and

sold. Zoning ordinances can often dictate whether people

can work, live and play in the same neighborhood. The

details of zoning are excruciatingly complex leaving people

unable to respond in a timely manner. The enforcement of

zoning regulations involves heavy fines and/or incarceration.

In short, zoning has been a terrific way for counties to

control people’s lives.

Such is the story of oyster farmer Anthony Bavuso and his

family. After years of working corporate and office jobs,

Bavuso and his wife took a short hiatus from the day-to-day

drudgery and returned with a new perspective: they wanted to

become contributors to the economy of raw materials by producing

something that people needed.

Bavuso moved his family back to their home state of Virginia

with the dream of becoming food producers. Having access to a

waterfront property, and a background in oyster gardening, it

made sense to start an oyster farm. Like other types of farming,

oyster farmers have to manage the growth of their oysters — a

labor-intensive process requiring a high level of experience.

An added benefit, for Bavuso, was the knowledge that oysters

clean the water. As a lifelong Virginian, the health of the

Chesapeake Bay is never far from his mind. (Oysters eat algae,

which proliferates in the pollution of the bay, and turn the

algae into usable protein for humans.) So the Bavuso family

started Seaford Oyster Company in Seaford, Virginia.

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York County maintains a set of zoning ordinances regulating

various aspects of farming. There are a list of things that

are allowed, and if an activity is not on the list, the county

prohibits it. Penalties include steep fines and possible

incarceration. Small changes to the zoning ordinances can

easily disrupt industries and people’s livelihoods.

In 2010, Bavuso followed regulatory procedure within his zoning

district for an oyster farm. He established a lease with the

Commonwealth of Virginia that gave him the “rights” to the

section of the bottomland in the Poquoson River adjacent to

his property. (The bottom lease gives farmers access to

shellfish only.) Additional regulations and permits involved

food safety. Wanting to show his interest in producing the

safest food possible, Bavuso complied with the entire permitting


Prior to starting the farm, the family looked at this list of

zones and restrictions. In the Bavuso’s zone, farming is “permitted

by right.” This means for people to farm the land, they need no

additional land use permits from the county. According to the

definition of aquaculture in the code, what Bavuso is doing is

considered part of what is “permitted by right.”

By 2011, after more than a year of farming, refining his expertise

and growing his customer base, Bavuso read in a local newspaper

that the county was planning on rezoning to remove agriculture

activities from Bavuso’s “zone.” A “zone” is any area that the

county designates. Within each zone, the county stipulates what

particular activities can take place. Once designated, the county

applies regulations and restrictions. For example, one common

zoning requirement is that if an area is zoned for residential

building, there are restrictions and regulations determining

how from the property line a structure can be built.

Bavuso wanted to make sure that he would be grandfathered in and

that these changes would not affect his farming operation. He

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didn’t know it at the time, but the ordinance was crafted to

punish a fellow oyster farmer by the name of Greg Garrett. The

rezoning effort was a actually a political vendetta to punish

Garrett for supporting a challenger to a currently elected

member of the York County Board of Supervisors (BOS). Bavuso

has gotten caught up in that because he does not agree with

the agenda of the BOS either. And so began what would be at

least 3 years of limbo for a peaceful man and his family. After

his vocal opposition, Mr. Bavuso is now is convinced that they

are attacking him, personally.

Read more about the repressive tyranny against mankind here,



(79) Mega Banks Monopolizing Control Of Water


A disturbing trend in the water sector is accelerating worldwide.

The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist

multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at

unprecedented pace.

Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman

Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit

Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group,

Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their

control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. Boone Pickens,

former President George H.W. Bush and his family, Hong Kong’s

Li Ka-shing, Philippines’ Manuel V. Pangilinan and other

Filipino billionaires, and others are also buying thousands

of acres of land with aquifers, lakes, water rights, water

utilities, and shares in water engineering and technology

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companies all over the world.

The second disturbing trend is that while the new water barons

are buying up water all over the world, governments are moving

fast to limit citizens’ ability to become water self-sufficient

(as evidenced by the well-publicized Gary Harrington’s case in

Oregon, in which the state criminalized the collection of

rainwater in three ponds located on his private land, by

convicting him on nine counts and sentencing him for 30 days

in jail). Let’s put this criminalization in perspective:

Billionaire T. Boone Pickens owned more water rights than any

other individuals in America, with rights over enough of the

Ogallala Aquifer to drain approximately 200,000 acre-feet

(or 65 billion gallons of water) a year. But ordinary citizen

Gary Harrington cannot collect rainwater runoff on 170 acres

of his private land.

It’s a strange New World Order in which multibillionaires and

elitist banks can own aquifers and lakes, but ordinary citizens

cannot even collect rainwater and snow runoff in their own

backyards and private lands.

Related ; EPA Eco-fascist Gestapo Working for the Mega Banks




(80) Obama Regime Wants EPA to Force Unlawful Carbon Taxes


Page 67: AGENDA 21 - Everything You Need to Know Documented.pdf

Will the Environmental Protection Agency resurrect the

defunct Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, a 1,428-page

behemoth that threatened to slam the brakes on the US

economy before it died in the Senate in 2010?

That may seem unbelievable but it’s the likely end game if

courts uphold EPA’s draconian carbon “pollution” rules for

new and existing fossil-fuel power plants, which are almost

fully upon us. And American democracy will also suffer if

EPA goes ahead.

EPA’s carbon rule, proposed last September, would use the

existing Clean Air Act to establish a new source performance

standard (NSPS)—a limit, in plain English—for carbon dioxide

(CO2) emissions that no commercial coal-fired power plant

can possibly meet.

The proposed standard is 1,100 pounds of CO2 per megawatt

hour of electricity produced. Today’s most advanced commercial

coal power plants emit 1,800 pounds of CO2 per megawatt hour.

New plants could comply only by installing carbon capture and

storage (CCS) technology – a capability that can add 80% to

the cost of building a new coal plant.

To make the proposal look reasonable, EPA has to bend reality

a lot. Under section 111(b) of the Clean Air Act, NSPS are to

reflect the “best system of emission reduction” that has been

“adequately demonstrated.” EPA claims CCS is adequately

demonstrated -- but there are no commercial-scale power

plants operating anywhere with CCS, and none is being built

without heavy taxpayer and/or consumer subsidies.

In short, a utility that builds a new coal plant with CCS,

as required by EPA’s ruling, risks going bankrupt. The rule

is thus an informal ban on investment in new coal power


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When did Congress approve that policy? Never!

FLASHBACK ; Obama Promises to Bankrupt US Coal Industry

Mirror here »

UPDATE ; The EPA Claims They Will Force Carbon Taxation,

Commences Financial Warfare Against Power Plants and the

Consumers Within the United States of America!

Total lawlessness by an agency granting themselves

dictatorial power to create and enforce their own laws!


Get ready to live the life of a third world dictatorship.

The Obama regime took aim at the coal industry on Monday

by mandating a 30 percent cut in carbon emissions at fossil

fuel-burning power plants by 2030 -- despite claims the

regulation will cost nearly a quarter-million jobs a year

and force plants across the country to close.


The 645-page rule, expected to be final next year, is a

centerpiece of the UN’s Agenda 21, and a step that the

Obama regime hopes will get other countries to “act” when

negotiations on a new international treaty resume next year.

If you would like to live a more prosperous life in the

future, you may have no other choice but to consider

leaving this country. America is damned to collapse.

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(81) EPA To EXPAND Use Of Bee Killing Pesticides

The EPA wants to expand the use of two pesticides that

could be a major threat to America’s bee population, farms

and the nation’s food supply. That’s the charge being made

by the Center for Food Safety and beekeepers.

The agency is proposing more uses for thiamethoxam,

apesticide that has been banned in the European Union

because it is considered a threat to bees. A letter from

the Center to the Environmental Protection Agency raises

some serious concerns about thiamethoxam and another

pesticide, sulfoxaflor.

“Peer-reviewed scientific studies have consistently shown

that these systemic chemicals are highly toxic to honeybees,

other pollinators and beneficial insects,” the letter

states. “Pollinator losses represent a serious threat to

the agricultural industry and food security. Furthermore,

these systemic pesticides have also been shown to negatively

impact beneficial insects and contaminate water bodies and


The Threat from Neonic Pesticides

Thiamethoxam and sulfoxaflor are neonic or neonicotinoid

pesticides which studies have tied to bee deaths, as Off

The Grid News has reported. Last year scientists from Health

Canada (Canada’s Department of Health) found 70 percent of

bees that died from colony collapse tested positive for

neonicotinoids. AHarvard study this year also tied bee

deaths to neonicotinoids.

“They’re taking in something that they will ultimately die

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from, and they’re taking this into the hive and feeding on

it all winter, then we wonder why we have winter mortality,”

Madeline Chagnon, an environmental scientist at the University

of Quebec, said of bees and the pesticides.

Chagnon says the pesticides enter the soil when they are

coated on seeds. The soil then becomes dusty and is stirred

up during agricultural processes. The dust exposes the bees

to the pesticides and eventually kills them. Bees can also

become exposed to the chemicals while pollinating crops.



(82) EPA Bullies Wyoming Family and Threatens Them With

Massive Fines … Over a Duck Pond


A Wyoming family is being threatened with massive fines for

building a stock pond on their eight-acre farm.

Andy and Katie Johnson built the pond in 2012. They stocked it

with trout, ducks, and geese.

Of course, the government is why we can’t have nice things.

Naturally, the EPA has found a reason to come around and harass

the Johnsons and prevent them from enjoying their property.

Johnson said the EPA has engaged him in a power play and is

threatening him with massive civil and criminal penalties over

the pond, which they claim is actually a “dam.”

Fox News reports:


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The agency claims Johnson violated the Clean Water Act by

building a dam on a creek without a permit from the Army Corps

of Engineers. Further, the EPA claims that material from his

pond is being discharged into other waterways. Johnson says he

built a stock pond — a man-made pond meant to attract wildlife

— which is exempt from Clean Water Act regulations.

Johnson said that his pond is exempt from the law, and he

followed state regulations in building it. He has an approval

etter from the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office as proof, which


“Said permit is in good standing and is entitled to be exercised

exactly as permitted,” says the letter.

The agency is threatening to hit the family with up to $75,000 a

DAY in fines. Johnson said he’s not paying them a cent:

“I have not paid them a dime nor will I. I will go bankrupt if I

have to fighting it. My wife and I built [the pond] together. We

put our blood, sweat and tears into it. It was our dream.”

Of course, the EPA isn’t backing down. They argue that Johnson

needs to either restore the land or pay the fines. On January 30,

the agency gave Johnson 30 days to hire a consultant to assess the

impact of the supposed unauthorized work and to create a restoration

proposal. That proposal has to be approved by the EPA, of course,

and it must contain a schedule. All work would have to be completed

within 60 days of the plan’s approval.

Sounds like they are setting him for failure, doesn’t it? Even if

he DID violate the law and agreed to make things right, would meeting

those terms even be possible?

If Johnson does not comply with those terms, the EPA is going to

fine him $37,500 per day in civil penalties, along with $37,500 more

every day for statutory violations.

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Johnson is fighting back and has gained the support of three Republican

senators – John Barrasso and Mike Enzi, who both represent Wyoming —

and Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, Fox News reports:

The Republican lawmakers sent a March 12 letter to Nancy Stoner, the

EPA’s acting assistant administration for water, saying they were

“troubled” by Johnson’s case and demanding the EPA withdraw the

compliance order.

“Rather than a sober administration of the Clean Water Act, the

Compliance Order reads like a draconian edict of a heavy-handed

bureaucracy,” the letter states.

The letter also questions the EPA’s claim that Johnson’s pond is

actually a dam:

“Fairness and due process require the EPA base its compliance order

on more than an assumption,” they wrote. “Instead of treating Mr.

Johnson as guilty until he proves his innocence by demonstrating his

entitlement to the Clean Water Act section 404 (f)(1)(C) stock pond

exemption, EPA should make its case that a dam was built and that the

Section 404 exemption does not apply.

“If the compliance order stands as an example of how EPA intends

to operate after completing its current ‘waters of the United States’

rule-making, it should give pause to each and every landowner throughout

the country.”

Johnson said his battle with the EPA is serving as a learning

experience for his children:

“This is showing them that they shouldn’t back down. If you need to

stand up and fight, you do it.

“This goes a lot further than a pond. It’s about a person’s rights. I

have three little kids. I am not going to roll over and let [the government]

tell me what I can do on my land. I followed the rules.”

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The infringement on Johnson’s property rights under the veil of

protecting the environment is bad enough, but some say that the

astronomical fines are perhaps an even bigger issue – and may even

be unconstitutional, as Evan Bernick of The Foundry explains:

But the eye-popping aspect of this story is the severity of the

penalties threatened. It’s absurd to threaten someone with tens of

thousands of dollars in fines because he or she lacks a permit. And

it might also be unconstitutional.

The Framers of our Constitution recognized that, at a certain point,

penalties become unconstitutionally disproportionate. The Eighth

Amendment’s Excessive Fines Clause reflects that understanding. In

Austin v. U.S. (1993), and again in U.S. v. Bajakajian (1998), the

U.S. Supreme Court explained that “[t]he Excessive Fines Clause

limits the government’s power to extract payments, whether in cash

or in kind, as punishment for some offense,” and held that civil

sanctions that do not serve solely remedial purposes are subject

to the Excessive Fines Clause. It is impossible to understand the

threatened fines as serving a purely remedial purpose—surely,

repairing any damage that Johnson inflicted would cost less than

$75,000 a day. But, under the terms of the CWA, he is potentially

subject to such penalties as a consequence of his failure to obtain

a permit.

This is just another sad case of big government stomping all over

the little guy. Hopefully the EPA won’t get away with destroying the

Johnsons’ hard work and are stopped from sending the family into

financial ruin.



(83) 2,827 New EPA Regulations Ready to Gut Economic Growth

Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued 2,827 new final

regulations, equaling 24,915 pages in the Federal Register,

totaling approximately 24,915,000 words.

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(84) Vets Died as VA Obsessed Over Renewable “Green” Energy

The sick and halt wait but the solar panels don’t.

The administrators at the Veterans Administration have

apparently been busy while old soldiers waited to see a

doctor, after all. Serving those who served is not necessarily

a priority, but saving the planet is Job 1. Solar panels and

windmills can be more important than the touch of a healing


The department early on set up an Office of Green Management

Programs designed to “help VA facilities nationwide recognize

opportunities to green VA, and to reward innovative ‘green’

practices and efforts by individual facilities and staff within

the VA.” This sometimes means paying more attention to greening

the department and saving the polar ice caps than to health care.

In the department’s words, it adopted a far more important

mission to “become more energy efficient and sustainable, focusing

primarily on renewable energy, energy and water efficiency,

[carbon-dioxide] emissions reduction, and sustainable buildings.”

The green office isn’t merely a desk and telephone tucked away

in the dark corner of a nondescript government building. It’s a

substantial undertaking, with all the luxury, bells and whistles

of a bureaucracy that means business. Eric K. Shinseki, who

resigned as secretary in the wake of the VA scandal of the sin

of omission, traveled the country to boast of the green initiative.

In one instance, he traveled to Massachusetts to flick the switch

at a half-million-dollar windmill project at the Massachusetts

National Cemetery. “Nationally,” he said, “VA continues to expand

its investment in renewable sources of energy to promote our

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nation’s energy independence, save taxpayer dollars, and improve

care for our veterans and their families.

VA facilities have become littered with every scheme to banish

carbon dioxide short of requiring visitors to hold their breath.

Calverton National Cemetery spent $742,034 on solar panels. Fort

Rosecrans National Cemetery spent $787,308. Not to be out-greened,

the Riverside National Cemetery spent $1.3 million on its solar


At the Phoenix VA Health Care System, where 20 Americans died from

incompetence and cover-up, the department spent $20 million putting

solar panels on the hospital roofs. That would have been more than

enough money to provide the veterans with the health care they deserved.

Some administrators won’t be satisfied until every federal building

bears a green stamp. In military parlance, the VA is practicing

“mission creep,” the expansion of a project well beyond its intended

goals. While the rest of the government continues to waste taxpayer

funds trying to become carbon-dioxide neutral, the VA should be

spending every available dollar to relieve pain, cure the sick and

restore the deserving to health. That’s more important than any fad,

environmental or otherwise.






The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly floated a rule

claiming authority to bypass the courts and unilaterally garnish

paychecks of those accused of violating its rules, a power currently

used by agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service.

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The EPA has been flexing its regulatory muscle under dictator Obama,

collecting more fines each year and hitting individuals with costly

penalties for violating environmental rules, including recently

slapping a $75,000 fine on Wyoming homeowner Andy Johnson for

building a pond on his rural property.

“The EPA has a history of overreaching its authority. It seems

like once again the EPA is trying to take power it doesn’t have

away from American citizens,” Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican,

said when he learned of the EPA’s wage garnishment scheme.

Others questioned why the EPA decided to strengthen its collection

muscle at this time.

Critics said the threat of garnishing wages would be a powerful

incentive for people to agree to expensive settlements rather than

fight EPA charges.

EPA officials did not respond to repeated questions by The Washington

Times about why they thought it was necessary to garnish people’s wages.

The EPA announced the plan last week in a notice in the Federal

Register, saying federal law allows it “to garnish non-Federal

wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States

without first obtaining a court order.”

The agency cited authority under the Debt Collection Improvement

Act of 1996 that centralized federal collection operations under

the Treasury Department, which oversees garnishments of wages or

tax refund checks.

Under the law, every federal agency has the authority to conduct

administrative wage garnishment, provided the agency adopts

approved rules for conducting hearings where debtors can challenge

the amount of debt or terms of repayment schedule, a Treasury

official said.

Still, the rule would give the EPA sweeping authority to dictate

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how and whether Americans could dispute fines and penalties, even

as the amount of EPA fines collected from individuals, businesses

and local governments steadily increase.

The amount of fines raked in by the agency has jumped from $96

million in 2009 to $252 million in 2012, a more than 160 percent

increase, according to EPA annual reports.

Putting the collection powers on a fast track, the agency announced

it in the Federal Register as a “direct final rule” that would take

effect automatically Sept. 2, unless the EPA receives adverse public

comments by Aug. 1.

The EPA said it deemed the action as not a “significant regulatory

action” and therefore not subject to review.

The negative reactions began almost immediately.

In a comment letter submitted to the EPA, the conservative Heritage

Foundation faulted the rule for giving the government “unbridled

discretion” in controlling the process for challenging fines and

wage garnishment, such as dictating the site of a hearing without

consideration of the time and travel expense placed on the accused


The rule allows the EPA to decide whether a debtor gets a chance

to present a defense and then picks whomever it chooses to serve as

a hearing officer, even someone not trained as an administrative

law judge, wrote David S. Addington, group vice president for

research at The Heritage Foundation.

It also puts the burden of proof on the debtor, not the EPA,

he said.

The EPA has been on the front lines of the battle over Mr. Obama’s

climate change agenda, including issuing proposed rules that would

require coal-fired power plants to cut carbon dioxide emissions by

30 percent over 15 years.

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Critics say it will cause massive increases in the cost of electricity,

lead to power shortages and eliminate jobs, while making scant impact

on the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted worldwide.

The agency has been a magnet for criticism over new rules on things

such as wood-burning stoves and small streams or ponds on private

land, including waterways on farms and golf courses.

Due Process? Trial by Jury? Innocent until proven guilty?

Those outmoded ideas from the Magna Carta and Constitution get

in the way of efficiency. UK Members of Parliament are “horrified”

at the loss while the usurpation of power in America quietly moves

from the IRS to the EPA and every other bureaucracy.

