ag enda - charlotte, north 20, 1999.pdf · joint...

AGENDA MeetingType: G-PFc/ Date. o 4 ao lqct o, ov ffl t.':ae-rnos-: f! ''r- t--0so sc-#oeu.s' C lty of C harlotte,C lty C lerk's O ffice

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Meeting Type: G-P F c/D ate .

o 4 a o lqct

o , ov ffl t.':a e-rn os- : f! ''r- t--0 s o sc-#oe u.s'

C lty of C harlotte, C lty C lerk's O ffice


C ity C ouncll/c ounty C om m lssion/school B oard

A pril 20, 1999


. B riefing on C hildren 's Services N etw ork - A nnette N ikonovich

. B riefing on U nited W ay C om m unity Plnnning/c om m unity W orks - K atherin

B rink of U nited W ay

. Presentation on Joint 485 Interchange Study A nalysis - T im G ibbs

. B rief update on w ork of the Plannm g L iaison C om m ittee - Jolm T abor

l. r


) -



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em orandum # ,f/:1 l j !p /

A pril 14, 1999kœ yjcE olr cjn


T O C lty C ouncll

C ounty C om m lsslon

B oard of Educatlon

FR O M M am Pat M cc rory

SU B JEC T C ity-c ountp school B oard Ltm cheon - Tuesday, A pn l 20, 1999 q(



n e C lty ls pleased to host ottrlolnt luncheon on Tuesdays A pnl 20, 1999, 12 noon ln R m 267

of the C M G C R'he follom ng ltem s are on olzr agenda


B n efing on U m ted W ay C ornm tlm ty Planm ng/c om m tlm ty W orks - K athtrtn B nnk of

U m ted W ay

* B rtefing on C htldren's Servlces N etw ork - A nnette N lkonovlch

. Presentatlon on Jolnt 485 Interchange Sm dy A nalym s - T 1m G lbbs

. B n ef update on w ork of the Plnnnîng L lm son C om m lttee - Jolm Tabor

W e look forw ard to seelng you on the 20th at noon

A ttachm ent 1999 Luncheon Schedule

1-48 5 In terchang es

Sum m ary of Existing Conditions andPre/l'm l'nlry Recom m enda tions

A p ril 2 0, 199 9

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Developed âp staff from the Charlotte Mecklenburg fo êlalê?g Com m lsston, Charlotte Departm ent of Transportatlon, Towns ofNgaterlwl/e, M atbhews, M /rlr HlI( Jn# Plnevllleb Cabarrus Countv, t/rllon Countv, H ecklenburg (X /nty, and the M ecklenburg-unlon

M etropolltan Plannln.

q Orqanlzatlon

1-485 In terchange StudvTim eline

1998 1999

O CT N O V D EC JA N FEB M A R A PR M > F Ilm Jt21

TA SMIssue A nalyss

Infm structtlre A ssœ srrrnt

IM lp A nalyss

L'm d U se M 'tlyss

T ratlio Forœ astm g

PUBLIC/O TH ER IN PUTPubic W orkshops

Staff W ork Sessnns

Elœ ted O fflclab


Pro- s R œ olt

n aft R m ort

Publr M œ tlng on D raû R epo!t

Fm al R m ort A dopti by 51P0

St/tus of 1-485 lnterchanges

Partlallv U nder N o t B ullt

IN TERCHA NGE NA M E Com plete Com plete Coniêrt/ctlt)êl Funded Unfunded

S Trm n St (NC 49) X

A rrow ood Road X

Steele Creek Road (NC 160) X

W est B lvd Exterkqon X

W llknson Boulevard (US 29-74) X

1-85 South X

M oore's C hapel Road X

M otmt Holly Road (NC 27) X

Brookshlre Boulevard (N C 16) X

O akdak Road X

V ance R oad X

1-77 N orth X

O ld Statesvllle Road (N C 1 1 5) X

Prospenty C hurch Road X

M allard C reek Road X

1-85 N orth X

N Tryon Street (US 29) X ,

Umverslty Clty Boubvard (NC 49) X

. . status 0f1-485 interchanges continued

Partlally U nder N ot B ullt

IN TERCHA N GE NA M E Com plete Com plete Constructlon Funded Unfunded

R ocky R lver R oad X

H arrlsburg R oad X

A lbernarle Road (N C 24-27) X

Blan' Road (N C 51) X

Falrvlew Road (NC 2 l 8) X

Lqw yers R oad X

Idlew !ld R oad X

Independence Boulevard (US 74) X

Jolm Street X

W eddmg on Road X

Provldence Road (NC 16) X

R ea R oad X

Johrkston Road Ext (US 521) X

Pmevllle-M atthews Road (N C 51) X

Polk St fsotlth Blvd (US 521) X

W estmghotkse Boukvard X

1-77 South X

T O T A L 7 3 4 20 1

G uiding Principles

rlle followlnq are kcy prlnapals that gl/lA l the lnterchange analvsls and provlded the fram ework forthe proposed l'dcoalrncndltlon.ç for each of the rll/rtv flve lnterchanges planned for 1-485

@ Each lnterchange area has unlque characterlstlcs that m ust be understood ln m aklng speclfic land use antl/or

transportatlon recom m endatlons

. A n lnterchange should allow tbe land use future envlsloned for the surroundlng com m unlty T herefore, the

preferred land use future should be detennlned, and then the transportatlon/m oblllty lnfrastructure needed to

achleve that future should be ldentlfied

. T he lnterchange deslgn should correspond w lth expected future condltlons, lncludlng land use, access lssues,

slgnal system needs, capaclty of local roadw ays, and envlronm ental concerns A slm ple dlam ond

lnterchange ls not alw ays the best deslgn

. G ood access m anagem ent ls a cntical elem ent ln ensun ng that the lnterchange functlons effectlvely

. O pportunltles to provlde open space near the lnterchange areas should be ldentlfied and pursued as a key part

of lntegratlng the lnterchange area lnto the com m unlty

@ N egatlve lm pacts of the lnterchange on exlstlng nelghborhoods should be m ltlgated as m uch as posslble

. D evelopm ent ln the lntcrchange area should be deslgned to provlde connectlons to adlacent areas

General Recom m endations for AII Interchanges

. D eslgn lnterchange areas to accom m odate gedestnan and blcycle travel Thls Includes provldlng sldew alks,

crossw alks and m edlans for pedestnans, and cxtra w ldth on the road for blcycllsts, partlcularly at bndge locatlons

(M ore specltic deslgn cntena for accom m odatlng blcycle travel ts provlded ln the draft Charlotte-M ecklenburg

Bkcycle Traluportatton Plan )

* E ncourage lnternal connectlvlty betw een land uses/developm ents near lnterchanges

* Include streetscape lm provem ents, such as landscaplng and pedestnan-scale llghtlng, as part of the deslgn for each

Interchange to better lntegrate the lnterchange area lnto the com m unlty

. Locate any proposed servlce roads far enough aw ay from 1-485 so that Iand can be developed along both sldes of

the road In addltlon, bulld servlce roads to the local standard for thelr lntended future use or, at a m lnlm um ,

lnform the land ow ners that they m ay be requlred to Im prove the road to local standards w hen they develop thelr


* Ensure that any Etland-locked'' property ls provlded access through the land subdlvlslon process

. A m end local subdlvlslon ordlnances to requlre developers to utlllze natural Iand contours, or othen vlse provlde

vlsual screenlng ln resldentlal areas along 1-485 w herever the N C D O T ls not proposlng to construct nolse w alls

* Provlde adequate llghtlng at lnterchange areas, especlally at on and off ram ps, to facllltate the safety of m oton sts,

pedestrlans and blcycllsts The llghtlng should not lntrude lnto adlacent nelghborhoods


W ilkl'nson #o&/ek'llW

Tra n stw rtG tlon

Exlstlnn Plans p r Interchange Area.lnterehange ls deslgned as a half cloverleaf w lth the ram ps on the south slde of W llklnson

G here ls a proposal to m ake W llkm son an txpressw ay from 1-485 to thc A lrport Entrance R oad

.'rhe 4-lanc sectfons of W llklnson w lll be w'ldened to slx lanes as part of a 1 998 road bond proyect

.-rhere are no sldew alks on W llklnson B oulcvard m tbe m terchange area

Suqqested Chanqes to f'xl&flrlg Plans

.c oordlnate lnterchange constructlon w lth the expressw ay plans for W llklnson B oulevard

wu ltlm ately, the bndges w l1l need to be re-bullt to provtde enough w ldth for at least slx. traffic lanes on W llkm son B oulevard

elnclude slgnage on 1-485 to dlrect traffic for Sam W llson R oad to use the W llklnson B oulevard lnterchange

Land U se am d Zoninq

E'x/ltlng and Planned Land tl.ç:/Z()n/?1J

.N ol'th of the lnterchange ls pn m arlly zoned for slngle fam lly uses. as w ell as m oblle hom e developm ent South of the lnterchange

lncludes som e slngle fam lly zonlng, but the m alorlty of the area ls zoned for lndustnal uses


n e Southw est D lstnct Plan lndlcates that a m lxttlre of office/lndustrlal ls appropnate for m ost of the area surroundlng the lnterchange A

com m unlty retall center ls also lndlcated at thls lnterchange

.'l-'he draft W estslde Stratcgy Plan recom m ends that the com m unlty retall center dcslgnatlon be rcm oved for thls jnterchange and that the

land ln lhls area be developed as lndustrlal/oftice

Suggested Changes 10 Exlstlnn P/&rl5'

.supporl 1hc developm ent of an A lrport A rea Translt and Land U se Study as recom m ended ln the draft W eststde Strategy P lan T he

boundanes for tils study should generally cncom pass the approxlm ately 5000 acres located w est of 1-485 to the county llne, south of

W llklnson B oulevard and north of Shopton R oad W cst

* Support the rccom m endatlon ln the draft W estslde Stlategy #/Ja to rem ove the cornm erclal centcr show n at thls lnterchange ln the

Southw est D lx/rlt;f P lan, and show the future land use as lndustrlal/oflice

N orthw est

j ''ln terzlyt/tetds''. SOu th 1-. .t.- M'lt C' * t.- = .....- *-w - . 2 u iTra nsnorta tion

f'xllrlng Plans for the lnterchange Area

. T he lnterchange w lll be a partlal cloverleaf and partla! dlrectlonal

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

. A lthough the general recom m endatlons state that lntem al connectlvlty betw een land uses/developm ents should be encouraged near a11

lnterchanges, thls ls partlcularly rm portant at ttfreew ay to freew ay'' lnterchanges n ese lnterchanges are unlque m that surroundlng

propertles can not be accessed from the lnterchange road, slnce lt too ls a freew ay

Land U se an d Zon inq

E'xllt/ng and Planned Land Ule/zonlng

.n e pn m ary land uses near tbls m terclm nge are office and m dusm al A lthough m uch of the vacant land ls zoned for resldentîal

developm ent, m ost proposals are for office/lndustnal/busm ess park uses

*N ortheast of the lnterchange ls an exlstm g golf course and sm gle fam lly developm ent

*n e Southw est D tstrtct P lan m dlcates that a m lxture of office/m dusm al ls appropn ate for m ost of the area surroundlng thls m terchange

Som e com m erclal uses are lndlcated northw est of the lnterchange

*T he draft W estslde Strategv P lan recom m ends that the exlstlng golf course m the arealust northeast of 1-485 rem aln

Suggested C hanges to Extstlng Plans

* Support the land use recom m endatlon for thls lnterchange provlded ln the draft W eatslde Strateg v P lan

N orthw cst

M oores C hapel Road

T'r/n-ç#öletl l//..q

Exlsttng Plans for the Interchange Area'Tbe lnterchange ls destgned as a slm ple dlam ond

eM oores C hapcl R oad w 111 be re-lgcated

Suggested (I JNJC.C ttl Exlstlng P/an.Q.R e-deslgn thls m terchange to m elude roundabouts and conslder constructm g a roundabout at R hyne R oad and M oeres C hapel Road


D eslgn M oores C hapel Road as a Gve-lane, m edlan-dlvldrd faclllty from R hyne R oad to W aldon R oad

.Extcnd control of access along M oores C hapel R oad from 1-485 to R hyne R oad

Land t/xe and Zonlnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.M ost of the land surroundlng thls lnterchange ls elthcr zoned for. or developed as resldentlal

.n e N orthw est D lstrlct P lan lndlcates that resldentlal ls the appropnatt land use m thls area

e'rhe drat-t W eststde Stratep P lan recom m ends a m lxture of slngle fam lly and m ultl fam lly developm ent It also recom m ends com m erclal

developm ent ln the area attaccm to the m terchange m the northw est quadrant of 1-485 and M oores Chapel

Suggested C hanges tt7 Exlstlng Plans

* support the land use rccom rnendatlons fer thls knterchange provlded ln the W estslde s'/m /eo l P lan

N orthw est

l w c 2. -ez lM tpH.b o//pnoup? jt - .)' . xs -..-..,#,a--.-x-Jev -

TransDorta tion

E'xllllng Plans for the lnterchange Areaelnterchange ls dem gned as a half cloverleaf

* 'rw o rall llnes exlst on the south slde of the lnterchange

*G um B ranch R oad w l1l be partlally relocated

@N C 27, from 1-85 to the C harlotte C lty D m lts, ls funded to be w ldcncd to 4 lanes w dh a m edlan

w'l-om Sadler R oad ls plalm ed to be re-located at N C 27

e'I'he B lcycle T ransportatlon Plan recom m ends a curb-lane w ldth of 14 feet to accom m odate blcycles on M t H olly R oad

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

.c onslder the operatlon of the lntersectlon of T om Sadler R oad and G um B ranch R oad w lth the ldea of m akm g G um B ranch the through

m ovem ent to N C 27

.W lden M t H olly R oad to a m edlan dlvlded m ultl-lane faclllty, w lth a m lnlm um 14 foot curb lane, from Lee D rlve to 1-435 lnclude

provlslons for petroleum splll contalnm ent m the roadw ay deslgn

.A s rezonlngs/developm ents are proposed, the control of access should be extended along M t H olly R oad from 1-485 to T om Sadler R oad

* Extend control access along M t H olly R oad from 1-485 to R hyne R oad and construct a servlce road to provlde acccss to the property ln

the northw est quadrant of the m terchange

Land U se and Zonlnq

f'xl-çtlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.M uch of the land surroundlng thls lnterchange ls elther zoned for, or developed as resldentlal Industrlal developm ent/zonlng ls located

south of the lnterchange near the rallroad lm e

. n e N orthw est D lstrtct P lan lndlcates resldentlal as the appropn ate land use north of the Interchange, and a com bm atlon of land uses

south of the lnterchange lncludm g resldentlal and lndustnal

*'I'he draft W estslde Strategy P lan recom m ends a m lxed use center ln the northw est quadrant of M t H olly R oad and 1-485, lncludlhg hlgher

denslty houslng transltlonlng to low er denslty adlacent to the exlstlng nelghborhood to the w est and north

Suggested C hanges to f'xlltlng Plans

* Support the land use recom m endatlons for thls m terchange m the draft W estslde Strategv Plan

N orthw est

N C l 6 (Brookshire Boulevard)

Transvorta tlon

f'xlltlrl: Plans for the lnterchange Area

@lnterchange ls dt slgned as a dlam ond w lth tw o loops

Suggested Changes to Exlstîng Plans

. R evlse the lntert hange deslgn to lnclude, at a m lnlm um , an addltlonal loop to be located ln the southeast quadrant U ltlm ately, a f'ull

cloverleaf w lll be needed at thls lnterchange

Land Use and Zoninq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zontng

.M uch of the land north of thls lnterchange Is elther zoned for, or developlng as com m erclal, buslness and hlgher denslty resldentlal South

of the lnterchange ls pn m arlly exlstlng/zoned for low er denslty resldentlal devclopm ent

. n e N orthwest D tstrtct Plan calls for a m 1x of oftice, com m erclal, m ultl-fam lly and buslness park north of the ynterchange South of the

lnterchange ls lndlcated as a m lxture of m ultl fam lly and office

. n e draft W est tde Strategy # /Ja recom m ends that a speclfic land use and urban deslgn plan for an urban vlllage/m lxed use tow n center bc

developed for the area north of the lnterchange South of the lnterchange ls recom m ended for developm ent of a park/recreatlon area

Suggested C ll/rlge,ç to Exlstlng Plans

. support the reuom m endatlon of the draft W estn de Strategy .!Ntzll to com plete a land use and urban deslgn plan for the I-485/B rooksh1re

B oulevard Interchange area

N orthw est

k ,t.- 0, akdalegRoadk, vr.>

Tra nstm rta tion

Exlstlng Plans for the lnterchange Area

.n e lnterchange ls deslgned as a slm ple dlam ond

* O akdale R oad ls a 24ane m m or thoroughfare lt ls not currently planned to be w ldened

* Sldew alks have not been constructed on O akdale R oad

Suggested Changes to Existm g Plans

*c onslder delaym g the constructlon of thls lnterchange

* If lnterchange ls to be bullt, conslder constructlng roundabouts at both ram ps

pconstruct a m edlan twlth no openm gs) on O akdale Road from M t H olly-lluntersvllle Road to approxlm ately Long Creek

*A s rezonlngs/developm ents are proposed, the control of access should be extended along O akdale R oad from 1-485 to M t H olly-

H untersvllle R oad to the north and to L ong C reek to the south

Land U se and Z onin q

Exlstlng Jn: Planned Land Llse/zontng

. M ost of the land surroundlng thls m terchange Is elthcr developed as, or zoned for 1ow denslty resldentlal developm ent A resldentlal

developm ent w lth 8 dw elllng unlts per acre has been proposed Just northw est of the lnterchange

'n e adopted N orthw est D lstrlct P lan calls for resldentlal developm ent ln m ost of thc area around thls lnterchange T he nearest non-

rcsldentlal land uses are at Sunset R oad

.'rhe draft W estslde Strategv P lan recom m ends a m lxture of slngle fam lly and m ultl-fam lly resldentlal developm ent up to 8 unlts per acre

ln the nortbw est and northeast quadrants of tlle lntercbange T bc draft plan also recom m ends a park/recreatlonal area Tn tbe southw est


Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

.support the land use recom m endatlons for thls lnterchange ln the draft W estslde Stratep fO 11

N orthw est

Vance Road

Tra n stm rta tlon

Exlstm.q Plans for the Interchange Area

*n e lnterchange ls a planned as a slm ple dlam ond

.n c w ldenlzg of Vance Road (a 2-1ane m alor thoroughfare) currently ranks #26 ln the 2020 Transportatlon Plan

.1-77 ls planned to be w ldened beglnnlng ln 2003

T red A lexander B oulevard ls a proposed m alor thoroughfare that parallels 1-485 on thc south sldee sldew alks have not been constructed on V ance R oad ln thls area, and the exlstlng road ne> ork does not provlde for blcycle transportatlon

Suggested C hanges to f'zu tlê?: Plans

*c onslder deslgnlng the lnterchange as an urban dlam ond to accom m odate expected developm ent

*rund the w ldenlng of V ancem eam es R oad betw een 1-77 and M t H olly-lluntersvjlle R oad

*c onstruct a m lnor thoroughfare betw een R eam es R oad and M t H olly-lluntersvllle R oad

.provlde for a D lxon C reek greenw ay connectlon to the proposed L ong C reek greenw ay trall

*E xtend the control of access and access m anagem ent along V ance R oad

.D o not altow fult m edlan opentngs on V ance R oad from M t H olly-H untersvllle R oad to R eam es R oad except at 1-485

.provlde access to the B onnle C lrcle area from the proposed m all slte rather than bulldm g a separate servlce road

Land U se and Z onlnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

en e predom lnant exltlng land use ls resldentlal close to the lnterchange Pecan Rldge Shopplng Center (Food Llon) ls located at M t HollyH untersvllle and V ance R oads M ost of thc non-resldentlal developm ent ls proposed closer to R eam es R oad and 1-77, Includlng a 700,000 square

foot buslness park (Perlmeter W oods) and a onc m llllon square foot mall Betwecn the proposed mall and 1-485 there ls a proposal fordevelopm ent of a 2 m llllon square foot buslness park A greenw ay ls proposed along L ong C reek

.'l-he adopted N orthw est D lstrlct P lan lndlcates the future Iand use ln the area lm m edlately surroundlng the lnterchange as resldentlal w lth a

nelghborhood consenlence center C loser to R eam es R oad and 1-77, the plan show s office uses and a reglonal shopplng center

.n e draft W estslde Strategy plan call for a m lxture of resldentlal developm ent up to 8 unlts per acre ln the southeast quadrant of V ance and 1-485

It recom m ends buslness park/lndustrlal uses east of 1-485 and north of PoTnte O 'W oods D rlve

Suggested C /llêlge.ç to E'xlitlêlg Plans

* Support the land use recom m endatlons for thls lnterchange provlded ln the draft W estslde Strateg v P lan

N orth

l r

j'>. : 1, p te rk-$' ttq. u

tsec ')1

.7 47:.o, N

.. o < Lhs -ta,v )

Tra nsnorta tion

Exlstm g Plans for ?/le Interchange Areae'I'he lnterchange ls planned as a freew ap to-frecw ay Intcrchange

.1-77 ls planned to be w ldened

.U S 2 l ls planned to be re-located, and posslbly deslgned as a 4-lane, m edlan-dlvlded roadw ay

Suggested Changes ro Extstlng Plans@R e-assess the operatlon of 1-77 from H arrls B oulevard to the 1..485 lnterchange ln llght of the proposed m all developm ent at H arns

B oulevard and 1-77


D esjgn the relocatlon of U S 21 as a 4-lane m edlan dlvlded road w lth the 2-1ane lnltlal constructlon off-set on the east side of the nght of w ay

.Ensure that the tive 1-485 bndges over U S 2 1 are deslgned to accom m odate the future cross sectlon of U S 21 (4 lanes) mcludlng adequate

room for sldew alks and blcycle accom m odatlons

*Ensure that the 1..485 roadw ay prolect allow s for the D lxon C reek greenw ay to pass under 1-485

.provlde access to Puckett R oad from proposed m all m te rather than from a separate servlce road

*A lthough the general recom m endatlons state that m tem al connectlvity be- een land uses/developm ents should be encouraged ncar all

lnterclm nges, thls ls partlcularly lm portant at ttfreew ay to frcew ay'' lnterchanges n ese lnterchanges are unlque m that surroundlng

propertles can not be accessed from the lnterchange road, slnce lt too ls a freew ay

Land U se and Z onin q

fxu tlng and Planned Land Use/zontng


n e predom lnant exltlng land use ls non-resldentlal N orth M ecklenburg H lgh Schoo! ls m the northeast quadrant T w m lakes B uslness Park

ls m the southeast quadrant

* n e northw est quadrant ls zoned for buslness park and resldentlal developm ent

*'l-he adopted N ortheast fhyfrfcf P lan lndlcate the future land use ln the area lm m edlately surroundlng the m terchange as predom lnantly non-

resldentlal, lncludlng office, lndustnal and buslness park N orth of A lexanderana R oad ls show n as resldcntlal

Sugg ested C hang es to Exlstlng Plans.A m end the N ortheast D lstrlct P lan to lndlcate lndustnal/buslness park land use ln the southeast quadrant of the lnterchange, conslstent w lth

the exlstlng B-D zonlng (The adopted plan currently show s tlns area as com m erclal )

N orth

NC l l 5 (O Id Statesville Road) 1

Tra n sn orta tlon

Exlstlng Plans for the lnterchanne Area.'I'he culw nt deslgn ls for a half cloverleaf It ls not scheduled for constructton untll after 2007

* 1-77 ls planned to be w ldened beglnnm g ln 2003

* U S 21 ls planned to be re-located w here lt crosses 1-485

.NC 1 1 5 ls a 2-1ane m alor thoroughfare It ls currently scheduled for w ldenm g to 4 lanes from US 21 to H am s Blvd (From Harrls Blvd toI 485 ranks #79 m the 2020 Transportatlon Plan )

*'T'he draft B lcycle Transportatton P lan proposes blke lanes for O Id Statesvllle R oad

*A lexanderana R oad w lll be ttsevered'' at 1-485

@ H am bn ght-R ldge C onnector w 1ll paralle! 1-485 on the north slde

esldew alks have not been constructed along O Id Statesvllle R oad m thls area

Suggested C /llll.

ge.$' to f'xlltlrlg Plans

wFund the w ldenlng of N C l 15 be> een H arrls B oulevard and 1-485

* Extend control of access along N C 1 15 from 1-485 north to A lexanderana R oad

.Ensure that the 1-485 crosslng of the rallroad tracks ls deslgned to accom m odate dual tracks to provlde for future translt

Land U se and Zoninq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.N orth M ecklenburg H lgh School and Tw ln Lakes B uslness Park are ln the northw est quadrant Southw est of the m terchange ls elther

developed or already zoned for buslness park or m dusG al uses E ast of O 1d Statesvllle road ls zoned pn m arlly for 1ow denslty resldentlal

developm ent

.'l''he adopted N ortheast D tstrtct P lan lndlcates the future land use ln tht area lm m edlately surroundlng the m terchange as predom lnantly

non-resldentjal, lncludlng lndustrlal and buslncss park A nelghborhood retall center ls m dlcated at the lntersectlon of E astfield and

A lexanderana R oads

Suggested C hanges to f'xlltlêl,

g Plans

.c onslder am endlng the N ortheast D lstrtct P lan to m dlcate a m ultl-fam lly resldentlal land use future ln the area south of A lexanderana R oad

(northeast quadrant of lnterchange) Tlus area ls currently zoned R-4 tThe adopted plan currently shows thls area as buslncss park )

N orth

Prosperity Church Road l

TransDorta tion

f'xl&rln.g Plans for the lnterchange Area

.The current deslgn ls for three bndge crosslngs w ltbln 1/4 m lle of each other w lth on and off ram ps at tbe tw o outslde bn dges n e three

m m or thoroughfares planned to lead up to the bndges, are proposed to have sldcw alks and blcycle lanes

wprospenty C lm rch R oad ls funded to be w ldened to 4 lanes *om M allard C reek R oad to K atelyn D nve begm nm g m 2002

*'rhe street nehvork w ll1 be on a gnd pattern surroundm g the m terchange

Suggested Changes to fxl-çrlêl.é Plans

qG w en tbe large am ount of proposed developm ent m thts area, conmder provldm g all three of the proposed bndges at the proleot outset

.Fund the w ldenlng of Prosperlty C hurch R oad from L oganvllle D n ve to H ucks R oad E xtenslon

.provlde a blcycle/pedestn an crossm g across 1-485 from the H lghland C reek area to M allard C reek Park

Land U se and Zoninq

f'xlltlng and Planned Land Use/zonln.q

.M ost of thc land ln the lnterchange area ls currently vacant or developed w lth slngle fam lly hom es A sm all convenlence centcr exlsts at

Prosperlty C hurch and R ldge R oads Prosperlty Presbyten an C hurch ls located Just north of the lnterchange

.M ost of the land ls currently zoned for resldentlal developm ent, w lth the cxceptlon of a few tracts of land adlacent to 1-485 w hlch have

been rezoned for retall and buslness uses

*A speclfic land use and urban deslgn plan was reccntly (M arch 2, 1 999) adopted for thls lnterchange arca That plan proposcsdevelopm ent of a com pact, pedestnan orlented m lxed use vlllage T he plan calls for hlgher dcnslty land tlsts (oj llcc rtlall lllltl rlsc

resldentlal) to be located adlacent to 1-485, transltlonlng to m ultl-fam lly developm ent, then to slngle fanllly dc& cliljlllltlll

Suggested C/llêlge,ç t0 Exlstlng Plans

*support thc land use recom m endatlons provlded In the Prosperlty Churclt Road Vlllages sm all area plan (M aruh l 999)

N orth

l J

' M allard Cnreek Road

Tra n sn orta tion

f'x/stlng Plans for tlle lnterchange Areal

w'l''he lnterchange ls currently planned to be a slm ple dlam ond

.M allard C reek and O dell School R oads are 2-lane thoroughfare T hey w 11l be re-alygned, but are not scheduled for w ldenlng

e c hrlstenbury R oad could be extended to H lghland C reek parkw ay ln conlunctlon w lth subdlvlslon expanslon

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

eD eslgn the lnterchange as an urban dlam ond

ec hange the deslgnatlon of O dell School R oad to a m alor thoroughfare on the T horoughfare Plan

e llund the w ldenlng of O dell School R oad a a m ultl-lane faclllty

*Fund the w ldenlng of M allard C reek R oad to four Ianes from 1-485 to Prospenty C hurch R oad

.D evelop alternatlve access to the M allard W oods subdlvlslon

Land U se and Zonlnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zontng

.M ost of the land ln the Im m edlate lnterchange area ls currently vacant or developed w lth slngle fam lly hom es and ls zoned for resldentlal

developm ent T he adopted land use plan call for pn m arlly resldentlal developm ent m thls area w lth a com m unlty retall center at the

lntersectlon of M allard C reek and R ldge R oads

. A proposal for 100,000 square feet of retall, 100 slngle fam lly hom es and 420 m ultl-fam lly hom es w as recently approved for the area east of

the ynttrchange A nother proposal ls currently belng consldered for 700,000 square feet of retall, 2400 m ultl-fam lly hom es and 1 5 m llllon

square feet of oflice ln thls area

* In C abarrus C ounty, m ost of the nearby land ls dtveloplng w lth retall, office and m ultl-fam lly uses T he 1 7 m llllon square foot C oncord

M ll1 m all, approxlm ately one m lle from thls lnterchange, ls scheduled to open m Septem ber 1999

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

*support the Plannlng Com m lsslon ln the com pletlon of a speclal prolect plan for thls area (see m ap) The speclal prolect plan w Tll conslderam endlng exlstlng land use, transportatlon and translt plans ln response to trem endous grow th pressures m thls area

N orth


14. 'e N'v. jt 9 I Ny gtge.ur j t. J.

. y te 8 b5tt Nr .o

, # Lh !f: - x -

TransTorta tion

f'xllflng Plans for the lnterchange Area

*'rhe lnterchange w ll! be a freew ay-to-freew ay deslgn

.M allard C reek and Salom e C reek C hurch R oads are currently 2-1ane thoroughfares m thls area and are not scheduled for w ldenlng

esldew alks have not been constructed on M allard C reek R oad or Salom e C reek C hurch R oad ln the lnterchange area

Suggested C hanges to Extsttng Plans

*A lthough the general recom m endatlons state that lntem al connectlvlty betw een land uses/developm ents should be encouraged near a11

lnterchanges, thls ls partlcularly lm portant at ddfreew ay to freew ay'' Interchanges T hese lntcrchanges are unlque ln that surroundlng

propertles can not be accessed from the lnterchange road slnce lt too ls a freew ay

Land t/xe and Zoninq

Extstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

eM ost of the land ln the lm m edlate lnterchange area ls currently vacant or developed w lth slngle fam lly hom es and m ost of the land ls

zoned for resldentlal developm ent

'A proposal ls currcntly belng consldered for 700,000 square feet of retall, 2400 m ultl-fam lly hom es and 1 5 m llllon square feet of office

ln thls area A nother proposal ls for 800 resldentlal unlts adlacent to the m terchange

*A busm ess park has been proposed for the southw est quadrant

@In C abarrus C ounty, m ost of the nearby land ls developlng w lth rctall, office and m ultl-fam lly uses T he 1 7 m llllon square foot C oncord

M l11 m all, approxlm ately 1 5 m lles from thls lnterchange, ls schcduled to open m Septem ber 1999

@'l''he adopted land use plan call for prlm anly resldentlal and research-related developm ent m thls area w lth a nelghborhood retall center at

Salom e C hurch R oad1

Suggested C hanges to f'xlytln,g Plans

* Support the Planm ng Com m lrbslon m the completlon of a speclal prolect plan for thls area tsee m ap) n e speclal prolect plan wlllconslder am endm g exlstlng land use transportatlon and translt plans ln response to trem endous grow th pressures ln thls area

N odh

US; 29 (North Tryon Street) qi

Transrorta tlon

Extsttng Plans for the lnterchange Area. n c lnterchange ls planned as a dlam ond w lth one loop

.M odellng lnform atlon show s slgnlficant congcstlon m ay occur at thls m terchange

e salom e C hurch R oad ls planned to be allgned w lth Pavlllon B oulevard at U S 29

.U S 29 w lll be w ldened to 6 lanes (reverslble)

.sldew alks do not exlst on U S 29 ln thls area

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

. u ltlm atelys the Intercllange m ay need to be an urban dlam ond For the short-term , add a loop m the southeast quadrant

.A 11gn Salom e C hurch R oad w lth Pavlllon B oulevard at U S 29 and slgnallze lntersectlon

eExtend control of access along N C 29 from 1-485 north to Pavlllon B oulevard

Land Use/zoninq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.N orth of the lnterchange ls pnm anly exlstm g resldentlal and vacant land zoned for resldentlal developm ent

.south of the lnterchange ls the B lockbuster M uslc Pavlllon and the Starllght m ulb-plcx theater, as w ell as som e convenlence retall

.c om m erclal and oflice uses exlst w est of the lnterchange nearer to M allard C reek C hurch R oad

.lndustnal/em ploym ent land uses exlst and are planned m C abarrus C ounty m the m terchange area

* n e area surroundm g the lnterchange ls show n as appropn ate pn m an ly for m ultl-fam lly resldentlal, retall and research land uses on the adopted

land use plan A nelghborhood center ls show n ln the southeast quadrant of the lnterchange

Suggested C hanges to Exlstm g Plans

.support the Plannlng Com m lsslon ln the com pletlon of a speclal prolect plan for thls area (see m ap) The speclal prolect plan w l11 conslderam endlng exlstlng land use, transportatlon and translt plans m responsc to trem endous grow th pressures m thls area

E ast

J NC 49 (t//l/'Ferll'ty City Boulevard)

Tran sn orta tion

Ekl&tlrlg Plans för lnterchange Are/.'I-hls lntercbange ls built as a half cloverleaf m th all of the ram ps on the north slde T he lnterchange ls scheduled to open ln June 1 999

.n e Su te bas plans to ultlm ately w lden N C 49 to 8 lanes up to the C ounty lm e N C 49 w lll be 4 lanes ln C abarrus C ounty

'Sldew alks do not exlst on N C 49 ln thls area

Suggested C hanges to f'xl-çlln,g Plans

* A s rezonlngs/developm ents occur, control of access should be extended along N C 49 from 1-485 east to O ak Lelgh D rlve

* Extend control access along N C 49 from 1-485 w cst to Pavlllon B oulevard

* D eterm lne how access w l11 be provlded to propertles located south of the lnterchange, from the Eastem C lrcum ferentlal to the county llne,

consldenng the lm pact of the hlgb speed l'all com dor

Lan d U &e a n d Z on ln q

Exlstm g and Planned Land Use/zonm g@c om m erclal and m ultl-fam lly are the predom m ant land uses tbat currently exlst along m ost of U nw erslty C lty B oulevard, even btyond 1-485,

tranm tlonlng to 1ow denslty slngle fam lly aw ay from the hlghw ay A n elem cntary school slts ln the northw est quadrant of the lnterchange, and

B ackcreek C hurch slts ln the southw est quadrant

* seven convenlence stores/gas statlons have been approved on N C 49 from M allard C reek Church Road to 1-485

@ C abarrus C ounty antlclpates officchndustnal em ploym ent ln the N C 49 com dor R etall developm ent ls restncted eastw ard untll you reach the

tttow n centtr'' M ultl-fam lly developm ent w 111 extend m to M ecklenburg, north of C aldw ell R oad

* The N ortheast D tstrlct Plan show s pnm arlly m ultl-fam lly and office dcvclopm ent at the lnterchange, w lth a llelgllberlkt'od center to 1he w est

and one to the east (both already exlst)

Suggested C hang es to Exlstlng Plans

.conslder am endlng the Northeast D lstrlct /Vtz?I to lndlcate a slngle fam lly resldentlal land use future ln the two quadrants soulh of NC 49 (The

adopted plan currently shows thls area as m ultl-fam lly and mlxed houslng )

mc onslder am endlng the N ortheast fh-çfrlc/ # /J?; to Indlcate a llght lndustnal land use future and delete the nelghborhood center deslgnated for

the property soutbeast of tlw lntercimnge, abum ng tbe eastem m ost slde of tbe property descnbed above t'lYe adopted plan currently show s

thls area as retall )E ast

Rocky R iver Road

Tra nsrorta tion

f'xlJtlê?g Plans for the Interchange Area*The Intenchange ls planned as a slm ple dlam ond deslgn

* Sldew alks have not be construtted on R ook'y m ver R oad m thls area

Suqgested C hanqes 1t7 Exlstlnq Plans

.E nsure that adequate rlght of w ay ls protected ln a1l quadrants of thls lnterchange to add loops lf needed

ec hangc the deslgnatlen of Rock'y R lver R aad to a m alor thoroughfare (m the n orougbfare Plan

.Extend control of access on both sldes of R ocky R lver R oad, from 1-485 east to Plaza R oad E xtenslon

* Loeate a frontage road ln the northeast quadrant to allgn w lth Plaza R oad Extenslon at R ocky R lver R oad

. D eternune how acsess w îll be provlded to property located w est of 1-485 m thls area

Land fl3': and Zonlnq

f'xlJtlng and Planned Land Use and Zonlng

* Land use ln thls area ls pnm anly very 1ow denslty slngle fam rly T he B rantley O aks subdlvlslon, south of the lnterchange area, Sncludes

apm oxlm ately 500 sm gle fam lly hom ts

.sew er scrvlce ls not yet avallable ln thls area

.-1 he N ortheast D tstrlct Plan show s m lxed denslty resldentlal at thls lnterchange w lth m ultl-fam lly on the eastern slde A nclghborhood retall

center ls also sbow n at thks m terclm nge

.cabarrus County sees thls as an em ploym ent area (llght lndustnal, office and very Ilm lted retajl) Cabarrus ls trylng to dlrect grow th aw ay

from deslgnated ççpreservatlon'' areas, and lnto the tow n center area

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng P//l1.ç

.Am end the Northeast D tstrlct Plan to lndlcate that the nelghborbood retall center sbould be located east of 1-485 (The adopted plan does not

speclfy ln whlch quadrant of the lnterchange the center should be located )

E ast

xf'. ..?' y). N. bH; a-rrlsbu rg Road fs , , J1

. = - 1 . nr . z#..N & A'AC.'''A y+

TransDorta tion

Exlstlng PD A?.C for the palerc/l/aFc Area

*n e lntercbange ls planned as a mm ple dlam ond

ellarnsburg R oad ls a 2-lane m alor thoroughfare and ls not scheduled for w ldenm g

* Sldcw alks have not been constructed on H arnsburg R oad nor are there any prow slons for blcycllng

Sugnested Changes to Extstlng Plans

.lkeconfigure tbe ram ps nortb of the 1-485 bn dge

*c onstruct roundabouts at the H arnsburg Roadm eedy Creek Road and H am sburg R oad/I-485 South m tersectlons A lso, conslder a

roundabout at the C am bndge C om m ons D nve/ilam sburg R oad lntersectlon

*c hange the destgnatlort of H arnsburg R oad from 1-485 to the county lm e to a m lnor thoroughfare on the n oroughfare Plan

.c lose R eedy C reek R oad east of H am sburg R oad and prow de a ncw conncctlon north of the lnterchange

Land U se and Zoninq

Exlstlnq and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.l-and u:e ïn thls area ls pnm anly 1ow denssty resldentlal developznent n e B radfield Farm s subdlvlslon, south of the lnterchange area,

m cludes approxlm ately 1000 sm gle fam lly hom es A grocery-ancYored (Food Llon) shoppm g center ls located south of the m terchange

.n e E ast D tstrtct P lan show s resldentlal developm ent at 0us lnterchange, w lth the nelghborhood retall center as developed The draft

E astslde s'/m /ca p P lan does not rccom m end any addltlonal retall

.cabanus C ounty ls proposlng country slde/rural resldentlal becausc of Ilm lted sew er access l

Sungested Changes to f'xlltlng Plans

.c lan fy the adopted E ast D tstrtct P lan to show that only the northw est quadrant of thls lnterchange as appropnate for nonresldentlal uses

E ast

lA lbem arle Road

Tra n sv orta tlon

Exlsttng Plans for l/lc lnterchange Area

w'T'he lnterchange ls deslgned as a half cloverleaf (rall llne poses a constralnt to the south)

*A lbem arle R oad ls a 4-1ane m alor thoroughfare

*'There are no sldew alks on thls portlon of A lbem arle R oad

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

*D eterm lne how acLess w lll be provlded to the propertlcs locatcd south of rallroad tracks

*E xtend control of access on the south slde of A lbem arle R oad, to the east and w est beyond the lnterstate ram ps

Land & Je and Zonm q

â'xlsrlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

. l-and use ln thls area ls prlm an ly vacant and very 1ow denslty resldentlal developm ent w lth llm lted convenlence retall at A lbem arle R oad

and N C 51

*M lnt H ll1 plans call for a m lxed use office park at thls locatlon T he tow n ls planm ng to do a m ore detalled plan for thls area T he vlslon ls to

have non-resldentlal land uses along A lbem arle be- een 1-485 and N C 51, transltlonlng to resldentlal east of N C 51

.n e adopted E ast D l-ç/n c/ P lan show s m ultl-fam lly surroundm g the north slde of the lnterchange, but the drah Eastslde Strategy Plan

proposes to change the land use to m lxed use/oftice to be conslstent w lth the M lnt H lIl Plan

Suggested Changes to Extstlng Plans

.support the recom m endatlon m the draft E astslde s'/rtz/egy P lan to change the future Iand use north of the lnterchange to oflice/llght

lndustnal tn e adopted plan show s thls area as m ultl-fam lly )

E ast

' NC 51 (Blair Road)I

Transpo. rta tlo n

Extsttng Plans for the lnterchange Area* W e lntercim nge ls planned as a slm ple dlam ond

* Sldew alks have not been constructed on B lalr R oad ln thls area

Suggested Changes to Extstlng Plans

.D elay the constructlon of the lnterchange ram ps untll the area ls m ore developed and the m terchange Is needed to relleve traffic congestlon

at A lbem arle R oad

. W lden N C 5 1 to four lanes from N C 21 8 to A lbem arle R oad

Land flle and Zonlnq

f'xllt/ê?g and Planned Land Use/zonlng

@n e predom lnant exltlng land use ls vacant w lth som e 1ow denslty resldentlal developm ent

*M m t H I11's land use plan show s l-acre lots m areas w ltbout utllltlcs and 1/2 acre lots ln areas w lth utllltles M ost of the land ln thc

lnterchange area does not currently have utllltles

w'row n lartd use plan ls ourrently bem g updated

Suggested C àlsngc.ç to Exlstlng P/Jl1J

.N o changes recom m ended at thls tlm e


L. zr :>a Q j , .-, . l> NC '/ 2, ?, 8.YFP,,-. .

* l ruv- ql e > 8,so

. -

a.() -!= & W>- r Y=> X 0:

TransTorta tion

E'xlstlrlg Plans for the lnterchange Area

*n e lntelkhange ls deslgned as a slm ple dlam ond

wsldew alks have not been constructed on Falrvlew R oad ln thls area

.A road prolect is planned to revlse the N C 218 m tcrsectlon w ith N C 51 and W llgrove-M lnt H !1l R oad R oad

.n e B artlett R oad lntersectlon w lth N C 2 18 w lll not be relocated as on glnally proposed by N C D O T

Suggested Changes to E'x/stlê?g Plans

.A dd a loop m the southw est quadrant of the lnterchange ln the shorbterm U ltlm ately, an urban dlam ond lnterchange w lll be needed

.A s developm envrezonlngs are proposed, extend control of access along N C 2 1 8 from B artlett R oad to B n ef R oad

Land U se and Z oninq

f'xlJtlrlg Plans for the Interchange Area.

.n e predom m ant exltlng land use ls 1ow denslty resldentlal and vacant ln thc m terchange area A park ls located ln the southw est quadrant

.u nlon C ounty has sew er servlce m thls area O !d Sycam ore resldentlal golf course com m unlty ls developed at 2-3 dw elllng unlts per acre

.M 1nt H lll's land use plan show s l-acre lots ln areas w lthout utllm es and 1/2 acre lots ln areas w lth utllltles M ost of the land ln the

lnterchange area does not currently have utllltles, but C M U D w lll extend w ater to 1-485 and sew er w 111 be provlded w lthln 10 years

.From the park tow ards dow ntow n M lnt H l11, som e com m erclal, llght lndustnal and om ce uses are called for

.'l-ow n land use plan ls currently bem g updated

Suggested C /lJ??Je.ç to f'x/ltlag Plans

.N o changes recom m ended at thls tlm e


l Law vers Road6

Tra nsnorta tion

Exlstlng Plans for the lnterchange Areae erhe lnterchange ls deslgned as a slm ple dlam ond

. Sldew alks have not been constructed on Law yers R oad ln thls area

Suggesïed C /llêlge.s t/ Extstlng PlJêl.ç

* c onslder addlng roundabouts at the lnterchange ram ps at a Iater date

* R evlew alternatlve access to Iand locked propertles ln the northw est quadrant of the lnterchange

Land U se a nd Z onlnq

f'xlJrlng and Planned Land Use/zontng

*'I''he predom lnant exltlng land use ls 1ow denslty resldentlal and vacant ln the lnterchange area A golf course com m unlty has bcen developed

south of the m terchange, ln U nlon C ounty

@hllnt H pll's Iand use plan show s l-acre lots ln areas w lthout utllltles and 1/2 acre lots ln areas w lth utllltles M ost of the land ln the

lnterchange area does not have utllltles

*u nlon C ounty plans call for 1-2 dw elllng unlts per acre ln thls areas w lth som e office uses further from the lnterchange

@'row n land use plan ls currently belng updated

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

. N o changes recom m ended qt thls tlm e


f Idlew ild Road

Transnorta tion

Exlsttng Plans for the Interchange Area

*n e lntdrchange ls deslgned as a slm ple dlam ond

.sldew alks have not been constructed on Idlew lld R oad ln thls area

eldlew lld R oad ls ldentlfied for w ldenlng ln the 2020 T ransportabon Plan

Sugg ested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

eA dd a loop ln the northeast (assum lng 1-485 runs east/west) quadrant of thls lnterchange U ltlm ately, a second loop w l1l be needed

*c onstruct a m edlan w lth no openlngs betw een 1-485 and Stalllngs R oad

*R elocate Stalllngs R oad to allgn w lth H ook R oad

Land U se and Zonlnq

Exlsttng and Planned Land Use/zonln.q

. n e predom m ant exlstm g land use ls 1ow denslty resldentlal and vacant ln the lnterchange area A t N C 51, a 1ow denslty tow nhouse

developm ent has been approved along w lth som e Ilm lted com m erclal uses A n elem entary/m lddle school com plex has been proposed north

of N C 51 ncar M argaret W allace R oad

.M atthew s and M m t H l11 have agreed to keep the land use as 1ow denslty slngle fam lly from the lnterchange north to N C 51

.south of the m terchange, ln U nlon C ounty, plans call for a m lxttlre of office/lnstltutlonal and office/buslness park land uses

*'row n land use plans are currently bem g updated

Suggested C hanges to f'xlltlrlg Plans

.N o changes recom m ended at thls tlm e


l1 US 74 (Independence Boulevard)

Transrorta tion

Exlstlng Plans for the Interchange Area

.'I'he lnterchange ls proposed as a partlal cloverlcaf w lth one dlrcctlonal ram p

.lndependence B lvd ls a 6-lane m alor thoroughfare and ls ldentlfied as a m ass translt com dor

* Sldew alks have not been constructed on Independence B lvd or on C am pus R ldge R oad ln thls area

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

*A m end the n oroughfare Plan to extend Independence Polnte Parkw ay across 1-485 to Tank T ow n R oad> atthew s-lndlan T rall R oad

eA m end the n oroughfare Plan to extend M cK ee R oad to C am pus R ldge R oad and m ake C am pus R ldge R oad a thoroughfare from theM cK ee R oad Extenm on to T ank T ow n R oadO atthew s Indlan T rall R oad

*c onstruct a grade separatlon w here M atthew s-M lnt H 1l1 R oad crosses U S 74

. Construct the N ortheast Parlcw ay from W lndsor Square Shopplng Center to M atthew s-M lnt H lIl Road (at M oore Road)

Land U se and Z on inq

f'xlltlng and Planned Land Use/zontng

. A m lxture of office, w arehouse and resldentlal ls proposed ln the northw est quadrant, nearest the lnterchange Further from the Interchange

ls predom lnantly developed w lth com m erclal land uses

* n e new CPCC cam pus ls Iocated m the southwest quadrant A m lxed use developm ent (850,000 sq ft ) ls proposed south of the CPCCcam pus, for 86 acres off of R ldge R oad, to lncludc a resldcntlal com ponent adlacent to exsstm g nelghborhoods transltlonlng to

ofûce/w arehouse closer to the lnterchange

.n e northeast quadrant ls pn m arlly resldentlal, along w lth B utler H lgh School T he southeast ls a m lx of ot llce ctlnlnltrtlal rtsldtntlal

vacant and lndustnal

.'T'he M atthew s Land U s; Plan, adopted ln 1998, lndlcates the future land use ln the area conslstent w lth tht abo: c uxlstlng alld proposed

developm ents

Suggested Changes to f'xlltlng Plans

.N o changes recom m ended at thls tlm e


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Tran snorta tlon

Existm g/proposed

.n e lntegchange ls proposed as a slm ple dlam ond

.lolm Street ls a 2-1ane m alor thorougbfare W ldcnlng John Street to 4 lanes ranks #l0 on the 2020 T ransportatlon Plan

*sldew alks have not been constructed on Jolm Street ln thls area

.A proposed m lnor thoroughfare, north of the m terchange, w ould llnk Independence B lvd w lth the proposed extenslon of Independence

Polnte Parkw ay

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

.prohlblt full m edlan openm gs on John Street from the proposed m lnor thoroughfare (north of 1-485) to the Duke Power substatjon dnvew ay,except at 1..485

.lnclude as part of the Translt Connectlvlty Analysls (that w 1ll bc done as part of the Translt Com dor Study), the extenslon of the greenw ayfrom Squlrrel Lake Park to the translt statlon

Land U se and Zoninq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.n e predom lnant exltlng land uses are vacant and resldentlal close to the lnterchange

. n e northw est quadrant ls zoned for developm ent of a shopplng center A current developm ent proposal for thls slte lncludes 25 000 sq ft>


of com m erclal, a 100 room hotel, 20,000 sq ft of office/apartm ents (thls could be office or apartm ents), and 250 apartm ents

e I-labltat hom es and a publlc works bulldlng are belng buylt ln the northeast quadrant, near the rallroad tracks (translt com dor) There ls also aproposal for slngle fam lly developm ent ln thls quadrant nearest the m terchange

*'rhere ls a proposal for oflk e park or llght lndustn al developm ent m the southeast quadrant

.'rhe M atthew s L and U se Plan, adopted ln 1998, lndlcates the future land use m the area lm m edlately surroundlng the lnterchange as low

denslty resldentlal, w lth the shopplng center ln the northw est quadrant

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

*N o changes recom m ended at thls tlm e


W eddington Road

Tran stm rta tlon

fxlxtlnl Plans for the lnterchange Area

.'l-he lnterchange Is planned as a half cloverleaf, ls funded, and ls scheduled for constructlon beglnnlng ln 2006

@ W eddlngton R oad and M cK ee R oad are both 2-1ane m alor thoroughfares and are not ldentlfied for w ldenlng ln the 2020 Transportatlon

P lan

* Sldew alks havc not becn constructcd on elthcr M cK ee or W eddlngton R oads

* A lthough there ls a 1ot of blcycllng m thls arca, the roads are not deslgned to facllltate blcycle travel

Suggested C/?J??JD.C to f'xlltlêl: Plans

* c om plete a transportatlon plannlng study on W eddlngton R oad from Pleasant Plalns Road to T llley M om s R oad to detenn lne posslble

lm provem ents to m ake thls narrow , w lndlng road safer for m oton sts, pedestnans and blcycllsts

La nd U se a nd Z on ln q

fxlstlng and Planned Land tlse/zonlng

*N orth of the lnterchange ls m alnly developed as slngle fam lly w lth som e vacant tracts zoned for 1ow denslty slngle fam lly developm ent

@ South of the lnterchange, to M cK ee R oad ls an exlstlng grocery-anchored shopplng center w lth a planned addltlon of 70,000 to 100,000

sq ft of addltlonal office and retall (for a total of 127,500 sq I't retall, 167,000 sq ft office and 88 bed asslsted llvlng), a large Y M CArecreatlonal faclllty, H elenlc Park, sm gle fam lly hom es, and low denslty rem dentlally zoned vacant land

* south of M cK ee R oad ls a m lxture of new ly developlng slngle fam lly and m ultl-fam lly resldcntlal at about 8 unlts per acre M ost of the

vacant land ls currently zoned for 1ow denslty resldentlal developm ent

w M ost of tbe undeveloped land m the m lerchange area ls sbow n as sm gle fam lly on land use plans


Suggested Changes to f'xl.çll?1# PIQnS

. N o changes recom m ended


. tb'c.- . x ulyxv vv/$ v'. oprovldenc-e Road t4tï , zv

s ,4 t.., u . -

T ra n -m o rta tion

Exlstlng Plans for the Interchange Areae'I-hls lnterçhangc w as bullt as a slm ple dlam ond T be addltlon of tw o loops, ln the northeast and southw est quadrants, w lll be com pleted by


.-1 hc w ldcnlng/rcallgllnlcnl of I'rovldence R oad to four lanes, behveen N C H lghw ay 51 and B allantyne C om m ons Parltw ay, ls undem ay

and ls schcdtlltd t() be conlplettd In 200 l

.W ldcnlng of the sectlon of Provldence Road south of 1-485 ls planned to begln ln 2004

* Sldew alks do not exlst on Provldence R oad ln thls area

Suggested C hanges rt:l Exlstlng Plans

.phase the Provldence R oad w ldenlng prolect to construct the sectlon from 1-485 to Provldence C ountry C lub as early as posslble

. lm plem ent the transportatlon and land use recom m endatlons provlded ln the draft Promdence Road/I-485 Area Plan Update (ApnI 1999)

Land U se a nd Z on ln q

Extstm g and Planned Land Use/zonlng

.'rhe propertles closest to the lnterchange are zoned for com m erclal and m oderate denslty houslng (up to 12 unlts per acre) Som e of thesepropertles have been developed w hlle others rem aln vacant M ost of the rem alnder of the area ls zoned for slngle fam lly and lnstlttttlonal

uses, and m uch of the land north of the m terchangc ls developed w lth sm gle fam lly subdlvlslons

. 'rw o rezonlng petltlons for non-resldentlal developm ent have been subm ltted for thls area O ne proposal ls for a 450,000 sq ft retall center

yn the northw est quadrant of the lnterchange The other petltlon ls requestm g oftice developm ent for a slte on the w est slde of Provydence

R oad, south of the m terchange

. A land use plan w as adopted for thls m terchange m 1990 and am ended ln 1993 A process to update thls plan has been undenvay slnce July

of 1998 Staff recom m endatlons from that proccss (the draft Provldence Road/I-485 Area Plan) were presented to the publlc m Februaryand A pnl and the draft plan w ll1 be revlew ed by the Plannm g C om m ltlee of the Plannlng C om m lsslon Sn A pn l

T he draft plan addresses land use, publlo facllltles, transportatlon, and com m unlty deslgn It proposes denslty changes to a num ber of

resldent,al propertles (It recom m ends reduclng the num ber of hlgher denslty resldentlal propertles and m creaslng the base denslty for thearea from 3 to 4 unlts per acre ) The draft plan also proposes that the northw est quadrant of the lnterchange be developed w lth a retallcenter, lnstead of office, hotel, and hlghw ay cornm erclal uses The plan proposes deslgn guldelm cs for both resldentlal and non-rcsldentla!

developm ent

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

.lm plement the transportatlon and land use recomm endatlons provlded ln the draft Provldence Road/l 485 Area Plan Update (Aprll 1999)


' Rea Road

T'rlnlportl tl/êl

Exlsttng Plans for the lnterchange Area

*lnterchange ls opened and constructed as a dlam ond w lth tw o loops

.n e extenslon of Colony Road, north of the lnterchange, and Rea Road, south of the lnterchange, are scheduled to begln thls year (1999)

*sTdew alks exlst along m ost of R ea R oad ln the lnterchange area H ow ever, sldew alks arc needed on thc brldge over 1-485

*A coordlnated traffic slgnal system ls proposed/undenvay on R ea R oad

Suggested C hanges to f'zu t/ag Plans

*prohlblt any addltlonal m edlan openlngs on R ea R oad from B allantyne C om m ons Parkavay to Plper G len D n ve

Land U se and Zon lnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Cse/zonlng

. n e Plper G len com m unlty ls the predom lnate land use north of the lnterchange T hls com m unlty lncludes a 60,000 sq ft grocerp

anchored shopplng center off of R ea R oad, as w ell as approxlm ately 2,323 resldentlal unlts

.lmm edlately south of the lntcrchange ls the new Stonecrest shopplng center (467,000 sq ft ) Across from Stonecrcst, 550,000 sq 11 ofoflice, 50.000 sq ft of retall and 393 resldentlal unlts have bcen approved ( som e ls currently under developm ent)

*M uch of the vacant land south of the lnterchange ls zoned for resldentlal developm ent T he m ultl-fam lly zonlng ranges from 8 to 20

unlts per acre, w lth the m alonty ln the 8-12 range n e slngle fam lly ls generally zoned at 3 unlts per acre

.N orth of the lnterchange ls m alnly developed as slngle fam lly w lth som e vacant tracts zoned for 1ow denslty slngle fam lly developm ent

. Land use plan show s a reglonal shopplng center at thls locatlon w lth office and m ultl-fam lly uses transltlonlng to slngle fam lly further

from the lm m edlate lnterchange area

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng P/&Fl.ç

*N o changes recom m ended


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Transrorta tloA

Exlstlng Plans f/? the lrlrerc/l/nge Area

* Stte onlj cons% cted partlal mterchange here

.lohnston R oad ls planned to be extended to N C 51 T lus prolect ls funded and scheduled to begln ln 2001

epedestn an aocess ls restncted on Johnston R oad south of 1-485

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

.Extend control of aecess on Johnston R oad from 1-485 to C om m unlty H ouse R oad

.M ake fundm g avallable for the C om m unlty H ouse bn dge over 1-485 to be constructed w hen developm ent com plctes C om m unlty H ouse

R oad from 1-485 to Johnston R oad

*provlde pedestnan access north and south of 1-485 vla C om m unlty H ouse R oad

.c onnect Endhaven Lane to C om m unlty H ouse R oad and lm plem ent appropnate roadw ay lm provem ents and traffic calm lng m easures on

Endhaven Lane

Land U se and Zonlnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land (JJ:/Z/ZIIIIJ

* South of thls lnterchange ls the 2000 acre Ballantyne m lxed use developm ent (filI sq ft ) Currently, thls developm ent lncludes 443,000sq ft of office, 325 slngle fam lly and 838 m ultl-fam lly unlts, and em ploys 1,700 w orkers W 'hen com plete, the developm ent w lll have a

total of 5363 resldentlal unlts, 590,000 sq ft of retall and 5,41 5,000 sq 11 of office

.'N orth of the lnterchange ls currently undeveloped, but m ultl-fam lly ls planned ln the northeast and a com bm atlon of office/retall/hotel m

the northw est A new school ls also planned northeast of the lnterchange

.Land use plans m drcate m ultl-fam lly and oflice for the area lm m edlately north of the lnterchange

Suggested C hanges ro Exlstlng Plans

.D evelopm ent north of 1-485 should be deslgned as a m lxed-use vlllagc w lth access off of C om m unlty H ouse R oad


.. <.

j . a lN C 5 1 (Ptnevtlle-M atthew s Road)

Transnorta tion

E xisting P lans for the lnterchange A rea:

@ Intcrchange ls open

.N o sldew alks exls! along N C 51 ln thls area

* D orm an Road could provlde a back door to H entage U sA /south C arolm a

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

@ Encourage C arollna Place M all to conslder fundlng a speclal ram p from eastbound 1-485 lnto the m all

e c om plcte an access m anagem ent study for N C 51 behveen the State Llne and C annel R oad A s part of thls sm dy, look at access to Park

R oad and C arollna Place M al! from 1-485 w est

* Encourage developm ent of the proposed greenw ay ln thls area to provlde greater accesslblllty for pedestrlans and blcycllsts

Land Use/zonlnq

f'xlJtlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

* Carollna Place M all (1 1 m ll sq ft ), the Centrum Shopplng Center (320,000 sq ft ) and assoclated retall and com m erclal uses dom lnatethe exlstlng land use pattem at thls lnterchange

epotentlal for expanslon of m all as w cll as addltlonal retall along Park R oad north of Tntercbange

.predom lnantly slnglc fam lly resldcntlal southeast of lnterchange

* Plnevllle's draft land use plqn show s heavy com m erclal w est of lnterchange and office/llght lndustnal w lth som e m edlum denslty

rcsldentlal northeast of the lnterchange

@ltesldentlal ls show n on C harlotte-M ecklenburg plans for land use southeast of the lnterchangel

Suggested C /lsêlge.ç to Exlstlng Plans

.N o changes recom m cndtd


''F R-lg7wz'7s.l i k T a 1

1, %t 3US.$S. 'r2#.t:/ Polkttstr-ee t/- Ssou thABlvd.h t'yjt h=t * .442 . v 'Ln *>...z - 't ,2xL >' < %%aMlk.'1#'> < z *4% at J/tz *> ..o J

Tra n sr orta tilm

Exlsttng Plans fol' the Interchange Area

* Intcrchadgc Is optn and Is a dlam ond w lth tw o loops

@ U S 52 1 ls a m alor 4 lanc lhoroughfare

.sldcw alks cxlql alo ng tJS 52 1 north of 1-485 From the Interchange area south, the sldew alk nehvork ls lncom plete

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

eRo evaluate the nefd for slgnals at both Interstate ram ps

@ c om plete the sldew aIk system on Polk Street from 1-485 to the Pm evllle tow n center

.D evelop a streetscape plan for the Polk StreeVl-485 area to create a itgatew ay'' to Plnevllle

eA dd landscaplng at Interstate ram p areas

Lan d U se an d Z on ln q

Exlstlng and fo nnel Land Llse/zonlng

*c om m erclal uses/zonlng llne U S 52l

e N ortheast and southeast of the lnterchange ls a large concentratlon of retall/com m erclal uses lncludlng C arollna Pavlllon Shoppm g C enter

(874,000 exltlng square feet), several restaurants, a m ultl-plex clnem a, and addltlonal free-standlng retall (1 e ylum bo Sports) and arecreatlon faclllty (Celebratlon Statlon)

@N orthw est of the lnterchange are som e convenlence retall as w ell as som e resldentlal areas, m cludlng the Sterlm g N elghborhood

.southland Industn al Park ls southw est of the m terchange and lncludes som e vacant land

. l-and use plans sho kv m ost of the area north of the m terchange as com m erclal and m ultl-fam lly, transltlonlng to lndustn al nearer

W estlnghouse B lvd

.lndustn al and heavy com m erclal ls show n ln Plnevplle's draft land use plan for the area south of the lnterchange

Suggested C hanLïes to fx/ltlllg Plans

.N o changes recom rnended


w estinnhouse Boulevard '11

Transn orta tion

Exlstlng Plans for the Interchange Area

@ Sldew alks have not becn com pleted on W estlnghouse B oulevard ln thls area, but they have been funded

* W estlnghouse ls a 4-lane m alor thoroughfare

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

.'l''he State has not lncluded constructlon of thls lnterchange as part of the 1-485 prolect U ltlm ately, thls lnterchange w l1l not be needed and

should be consldered for rem oval from the M ecklenburg-u nion n oroughfare Plan

Land U se and Z onin q

Em tlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

* M uch of the land ln thls area ls vacant V ulcan M atenals ls located north of thls lnterchange

*'I'he m alorlty of the area around thls m terchange ls show n as lndustnal on the adopted land use plan

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

* N o changes recom m ended


Soulhw est

su VV * m / r #In ter-stqte ZZAS/IP thekV

. o ..3e:6*5.,.:..s.%. ..JAA''I* u - -


fxl&tlng Plans for Interchange Area

en e yntefchange ls open and ls experlencm g congtstlon problem s dunng peak travel tlm es

@ South C arollna ls w ldenm g 1-77 to 8 lanes at the state llne T hese 8 lanes w 11l feed lnto 6 lanes ln N orth C arollna

.1-77 w ldem ng to 10 lanes betw een U ptow n and the South C arollna state llne ranks hlghly m the 2020 Transportatlon Plan

Suqgested C/l/nge.ç to Exlstlng Plans

* A lthough the gcneral recom m cndatlons state that m tornal connectlvlty betw etn land uses/developm ents should be encouraged near al1

m tcrchanges. thls l$, partlcularly lm portant at ttfreew ay to freew aygg lnterchanges n ese lnterchanges are unlque ln that surroundlng

propertles can not be accessed from the m tercbange road, slnce lt too ls a freew ay

.D eslgn new developm ent w lth access a greater dlstance aw ay from the lnterchanges that sew e those propertles w here posslble

Land U se and Zon lnq

fxl<rlng and P//nned Land Use/zonlng

. l-arge land uses ln thls area lnclude G eneral Tlre, R oyal Insurance, and R am blew ood Park

* M ost of the land m the lm m edratc area ls zoned for buslness or lndustrlal uscs

. south of the m terchange ls show n as lndustrlal on the adopted land usc m ap N orth of the lnterchange ls show n as office

Suggested Changes to Exlstlng Plans

. N o changes recom m ended

Southw cst

k '* '<

NC 49 (South Trvon)

Transrorïa tlon

E'xl&tlng Plans for the Interchange Area

w'I-he exlstlng Interchange deslgn ls a dlam ond w lth one loop

*state ls w ldenlng N C 49 to m ultl-lanes from T yvola R oad to the South C arollna state llne

.sldew alks have been constnlctcd on the east slde of N C 49 ln thls area. lncludlng on the 1-485 brldge

*A coordlnated traffic slgnal system w lll be provldcd on N C 49

Suggested Changes to f'xl&tlê?g Plans

@A dd a second loop to the lnterchange (northeast quadrant) U ltlm ately, thls lnterchange w lll need to be an urban dlam ond

*A s slte plan am endm ents/rezonlngs are proposed, encourage greater connectlvlty betw een Iand uses w lthln the W llltehall developm ent

Land Use/zonlnq

Exlstlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

*'l''he 'W hltehall developm ent encom passes m uch of the lnterchange area It lncludes 500,000 sq ft of conun erclal uses currently under

constructlon, approxlm ately 2 9 m llllon sq ft of office and lndustnal dcvelopm ent, 246 slngle fam lly unlts, and 1647 m ulti-fam lly unlts

@n e planned developm ent descrlbed above ls reflected on the adopted land use plan w hlch show s lndustrlal, office and resldentlal uses ln

thls area from N C 49 to the A rrow ood R oad lnterchange

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

.N o changes recom m ended

Southw est




A rrow ood Road '

Tran snorta tion

f'xlltln,g Plans for the lnterchange Arel

*'T'hc lntcrchangc lq bullt aq a qlm ple dlam ond

eA rrow ood R tlad ls a partlally opcned 4-lane m alor thoroughrare lt ls under constructlon betw een N C 49 and 1-485

. sldcw alkq has c 11(,! butn uonstrtlctcd on A rrow ood R oad ln thls area

S ug gested C h anges to E'xlstlng Pla ns

. A dd tw o loops to the slm ple dlam ond lnterchange

.R econstruct the bn dge to accom m odate sldew alks

.A s developm ent/rezonlngs are proposed, extend control of access along A rrow ood R oad to Sandy Porter R oad

@ c onstrttct left-overs on A rrow ood R oad at W lutehall Park D nve

.D eterm lne how a roadw ay connectlon can be provlded behveen W hltehall Park D nve arfd Sandy Porter R oad

Land U se and Z on ln q

f'xllt/ng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

e n e W hltehall developm ent extends from the N C 49 lnterchange to the A rrow ood R oad m terchange It lncludes 500,000 sq ft of

com m erclal uses currently under constructlon, approxlm ately 2 9 m llllon sq ft of office and lndustnal developm ent, 246 slngle fam lly and

1647 m ultl-fam lly unlts T he com m erclal uses are on ented to the N C 49 lnterchange

wo lym plc H lgh, K ennedy M lddle, and Steele C reek Elem entary schools are located northw est of the lnterchange

.M uch of the land north of the lnterchange ls vacant and zoned for 1ow denslty resldentlal developm ent

*'rhe Iand north of the lnterchange ls currently show n as appropn ate for resldentlal and park developm ent on the adopted land use plan

T he draft W eststde lltrategy P lan, how ever, proposes the future land use north of the lnterchange as office, and a com blnatlon of office,

buslness park and lndustn al uses because of !ts locatlon w lthln the alrport nolse contours

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng Plans

. support the land use recom m endatlons for thls m terchange provlded ln the draft W estslde Strategy P lan

Southw est

i Nc l 6o (steele creek Road)(

Transtm rta tlon

f'xs rln.g Plans for the lnterchange Area

G he lnterchange w lll have tw o loops off of N C 1 60 onto 1-485

. W allace N eal R oad is planned to be reconstructed, by the A lrport, as a frontage road on the east slde of 1-485

. shopton R oad and D lxle R lver R oad m ay be allgned at N C 160

.A llgnm ent of Sam W llsorlm c 160 C onnector ls not determ lned

. sldew alks bave not been constructed on Stcele C reek R oad ln tbls area and are not proposed as part of tile 1-485 prolect

.N C D O T w jll w lden Steele C reek R oad to 3 lanes north of the lnterchange to Shopton R oad

Suggestzd Cbanges to Ew stkng Plans

.A l1gn Shopton R oad and D lxle R lver R oad at N C 160

*A s developm ent/rezonlngs are proposed, llm lt access along N C 160 betw een Shopton R oad and Shopton R oad W est

Land U se a n d z on ln q

Exlsttng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

. M ost of the land ln thjs area ls currently zoned/developed as low denslty slngle fam lly w lth som c com m erclal and lndustnal at

Shopton and Steele C reek R oads

.'I''he land northeast of the lnterchange ls currently show n as approprlate for resldentlal and com m erclal developm ent on the adopted

land use plan, w lth the other quadrants show n as pn m arlly slngle fam lly resldentlal T he draft W estslde Strateg v # /a??, how ever,

proposes 1he future land uses around the Snlerchange as pnm arlly non-resldentlal (office, lndustrlal, buslness park) w lth som e m lxture

of m ultl-fam lly resldentlal

Suggested Changes l() Extstln.q Plans

* support the Iand use recom m endatlons for thls lnterchange provjded jn the draft W eststde Strateg v P lan

* support the devtlopm ent of an A lrport A rea Transit and Land U se Study as recom m ended ln the draft W entntde Strategv P lan

Southw est

tl v ext Boulevard h$ & a

Tran srorta tion

fxlstll!g Plans lor the lnterchange Area

* 'T'he lnterchange ls planned as a slm ple dlam ond

* W cst B oulevard ls planned to be re-allgned and extended to 1-485

mW allace N eal R oad ls planned to be reconstructed as a frontage road on the east slde of 1-485

@ A llgnm ent of Sam W llsonm c l60 C onnector ls not determ lned

.sldew alks do not exlst on W est B oulevard ln thls area, and are not proposed on the bn dge over 1-485

Suggested C hanges to Exlstlng PlJêl.ç

.Extend control of access along W est Boulevard Extenslon from the lnterchange to Steele Creek Road (NC I 60)

eA ccess for the future retall center should be provlded from Steele C reek R oad only, not W est B oulevard

Land U se and Zonlnq

fxlltlng and Planned Land Use/zonlng

eM ost of the Iand ln thls area ls currently zoned/developed as low denslty slngle fam lly w lth som e llght lndustrlal uses nearer to the


e'l'he land northeast of the lnterchange ls currently show n on the adopted land use plan as appropn ate for lndustnal/office developm ent,

w lth the other quadrants show n as pn m arlly parks and 1ow denslty resldentlal A nelghborhood shopplng center ls also show n at thls

lnterchange T he draft W estslde Strategy /E% n. how ever, proposes thc future land uses around the lnterchange as prlm anly non-

resldentlal (office, lndustnal, buslness park), wlth open space The nelghborhood center ls show n ln the southeast quadrant

Sungested C hanges to E'xlltlrlg Plans

.suppol't the Iand use recom m endatlons for thls lnterchange provlded ln the draft W estslde sb tz/co ? P latl

.support the developm ent of an A lrport A rea Translt and Land U se Study as recom m ended ln the draft W eststde Strategy JVfza

Southw est


ta tu s e o o f

-1 re n 's e ic e s e t o rIo' avw sw royosvv-kvxxxo > jyyow-. c gwmkz/oooyv-yvoyyyyjg jjlrllkyy.lhlzlf#ne > /% . . * x x - .. . o a

, 'r ït.: ; at .zra ssW4glcw/w g.0.. slepsrkvszllf)v z kjjkvfe.s .JZ SX PLX orz - . ,

A n n e tle N ik o n o v ic h

E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r

A p ril 2 0 , 59 9 9

G tatus R e port of w lly am I hore?C hlldren's S erviees N etw ork - 'qrw-lkwasoa<xs.m .'.>xw..-

Jeafe p ukjwwxyxxxw ..

# ReK rt on tle Status cf CSN

: Dsctss Inforc tlon n* q O ardlng

com m unl? re ourceAwwptfe NlkonovleK ; PX jxp.R a po n to frG 4 0$G (1eG l:

E x e ullve D l- to r

A prll 2@ . 49:9

a.ew - : - k :

@ riglnal J harg* 41 C SN W bpre ar* w e a d eeade lat*/o s n v.0 ::.. : s ovxh a .x x x . yux j k '.x>.M * . kv

q Track d œ ren's ro ces 1 chlldren are hlp- on ourœ rrm m w aœ nda

. Fadlltate sw tem chax eFadlltate prouem snlvlrN re m lldren: Isstr Z NG'ZS Of d l'ldren m œ tt' hQllSDCal# dddree

I fsuency& 1 Outo foe m ezsurernent IS te Y determ lfleI Consu: proe ers to lm - q e efrec veno s Qf Ilrw rarrw

effc veress 1 Te fo h.

;y has d lange draM c lly

: M urtx.le çd latr etm 1 Part- lng s e sem al

K Etlm lnate dupllce n of rkervlce & k1e2ù% gam

(R = %œ ' êe - k

* '- œ ' ' ' - ' ' ' ''' ' -

ç llildron are H igher o n O urç o m m unity A ge nda Teelpllol/gy H as c lla nged


...x vezx'.xo.w ' >.. 'c, .,uypk s.,.vsz'ztwAA .

Datab-- - In our com m uniœ iod ude:

Evklerlce illclzA e) 1 tlnlted way lnforrrzuon & I smzrtsurt HorrmI Stlccess 8y S?x Rtferœ vigtauol

I a ur year old presce l (:ewM - InnIx .) I cw /coeo ctstomer I Ad- ra nt servko

I 5Q% by 2œ 0 e - opx - - r- - o Ip*- ) Sefvkc R M fe rrztbn I M.c.e a rectoly ofroe

h Idren & Yoœ ' CbR Yt'ZQ L*rG SeW keç

I United W a/s Foctls on C l

S rt Start

' CMS - A hool Partnel I R lbstance R e&eI m a (hm bax Trea- nt pfovlders

4 Ch4ld Prctectm n afld Faœ ty Prtvenbtm Team I M :tm M awy othm

- w -

ro ea :' ' - s - x - M rz. :- ' - - k 4


, *


Q uotable Q uotes W llat's @ uF C hallenge?M VM 2 N

el sNs?peudsMexxxhm koesto tœa X V * wtb 'Jkm c xx œqtkw kqgkœ w

I ufM dolle :, e: re.0- .t*m .t% eo- - w.*wpëA'f I No stafz arœ and protx ols for

I ufl &, ao d* .11 Io âatp- wl- '* 4- aA 1.' dx urrenNng com m unlW regource

1 *MJUtU- n. J dtzal:o- > o e - eeH I No com c n b ngtk'lge

K *f œ''e..*'2a'l tlo lz + m 1 my 11 elepepeled tpaa - : Re ue nt inforrre on

: Ma> m m rces aren't dx um ented

- w - M ; - a - Y * @

W llat's 9 ur O ppod unltp A C@m m unitye hared Databaset T+ CM%* k < N4KX ::V xm m :>. v'z *1**5 Nvpb%w.khtW p?%*& .G x% w u

: W ould:: Create a ''yellow page of hum an rd lYlt:es j Help se stantjarcjs & x otoœ js

I % a = rte of œ m m unlty resource

I Establl> starxlards & pc tœ ols Inferre O .onltne and Ihnrtlcopy

Claw fy/catx tm ze hum an re rvlces l Be e rer*uM W COY QDIW QSSQSSm PM

tlse rs of a C om m u nity-s hare d

A C o m m u nityœ ha red D ata base D ata basea < .<h yt..z?;sq,.# ex m. m .x ox% = ? x.w..ze.xa:xx ..

: W ould N ot:

l Play a com m unw plannlng role

I Evalua e or render (p lnlœ s lw ardlngdupllcatlve servlco œ . prx ram effed lvene s # 'rhe Unœ W e l&R 1 czw couow cnso m er

l Case x nage d lents l Ce m unitx e e A ers Servke & lnfor- œ n

. stllx l cm lekse- 1 c= m unw Resldenu

I Irae & JA enI1e Court l Cœnm unl Agenct:Cœ lw e* rs j Atjo cacy orours


H ow d o w . m a k. this w @rk? W ho S up po rts the C once pt?g += w .m &*gkr . xu- x x xwx* t?.bk kvttvm .:xh

H œ tHave j jroue atjon for the (72* 11*

l Brœ okaseö com uo su> I Unlte W ay of Central Cafollnas

1 Supx rt of R m ders: Fam ,ly Courts System

1 M uM w ar fundlngI Charlotte Cham * r of Com m erce

M œ t B e

1 M ew ed as a com m unlty resource

: Resj> ve to the et- of the O m URW

- a - * k 3 - x - G * > 1 M - k *

A ctio n R e q uested S ta tus R l port of'> mmv zvuv 'oornpmsfmommAmNgiksvosoœecwvvxv C h pldren's S ew jces N etw o G

CA c * wewe w >1 Supm rt that CSN œ ntlnue to facllltate

ths Inltlatlve

1 Allow resldual CSN funds to l)e tse as

seed rro r<.y for ths Inltlatlve

A gm ou . N lktm ovle:e x- otlvo p l- tor

A erll ze , 4:9:

Y = :' ' '' ' '- < - k 5


O vens A ud totlum Box O ffice 335 31X Slorm W aler Issues I:!E ?2dG @

O vcfg reem /'rrasNed Lols C flK J26 2673 Slreel C leanlng :)::W 2613

Pafk & R ecreat 4n / Evenls 336 58X Sleeel C loslngs 336 3893

Reservallons 336 42* Slreel Llghls Cë 336 3893A dm lnlllratlofl 336 :3854 C ounty 336-3718

eark & Rlde 31/.7433 Towed Vet scles 336. 76X ( l l NIll f 11*1 l

Parklng Tlckets 'To Pai 3l5 31 77 Ta: C'd'ce 336 46* FrequentlyPollce Infqfm atlon 35a 1 X 0 Trafsc C dtat ons 347 7*8(!-1

Pol ce Reco ds / ReBms 335 848 Tfall c S gnnls/s grls C W .136 3893 C alledeoslloles c dty 336.2930 l'twe d Veh cles 336 76*

County 596 6% Unemployment Empsoycmenl Seculltf N um bersR ecycllng C lty 336 2673 Com m sslon 341..6$31

Co/n?y 3363 0 7 tlnjled W ay dnfo & referral 3;7 1 1X *F*** . x .R eglsler ol (xweds 331 2443 V elerans SeM c,o 331 2102 t v

336-2205 V'm.em rugs Holllx 336 84Z3 V *R ezonlngR ltjeslxare 336.7433 V 'td lm Asslslance :$3$.21*Road M am tenance voter R eglslrallon 336.2133 *

Gotlnty & slale 596..6% c oudesyW arrant lsw lng 347 7144Schx l Buwsreakd- ns? problems 343-> 6 W afer/s- r Blgs zze zzïf f tlleogoutes call sce i Dlrecw w atev Leaks 3w asr,4llnlormabon 371.7:3: waterouaw x*.7- C* -clàuttWs

chxs- , sx kups :$57*- w eather s/th-la /szo.cpe z c ustom ershelter for Baltefed W omen 332 2513 W elfare-sx al Serwces 336-31* S efvite & Infonnationsd ewalks 336.3893 Yard W ast: Colled lon 336.2673sx lal Secunty * 772 4213 Zorung PermirN olatlonl D GAQIQ C entefsx al serz 336.1150

I Transre alm r fly 336 2637 W hen Y* d= x kr- e * 0 1 tbeSlwv ia s4; clty-caxmty custorper s- & zzç x ggC

oent/ 336 3 kgfxm atlx centeroan =*tI- zzre eslofm œ am c le n'r* 3* .2930 ox c zs l

Emergency Cllyœ uncl orafrm suns jkgllfje yx .7= jPolloe Flre ïx e xl 911 Caxlfïckl/M am r ..- 336-2241 o un em nis ax .m

m ngerovs Ck>J Holl ne 3M 'm Q Coufmd + * % - 3M .2M Y sea,h a pj crmlrApgls aw rurœPox n c ontroy 355.4+ C4y M anager 336.224: a lgNw y patrol s47.% 2

Ncn-em ergenc Coirpeum H OKCe 357.41 1 jfousfv o e . aw sloPolo > loform atm 353.1% ntl C* ?COUIN 33$.:e fstms ca e Enfo cem ewtFlre 3* .2441 Ceonvenllœ Center D F.O cfly aw 2751

Y lç 3* 34G1 Cqnvent- * V'ssstoa Bu= u 331 2% coun. aw = 5Cglftr ler Serwce & lnforrnatxm Cecfer Q wm Y cem lrsfm X 2472 sum ap Resourses

(w / Gounty 336.7= Com m - m e er?as 336.2559 c;ty .Im Holl:oe aw zaCounty Manager 336.2472 cx ao% Hotllne 3x .m 4nN

Abandoned C an/lunk C4y 336 2673 Coud Infocnatam 347 7:11 jllegxls- x-r cvscxzm e zg4 92:4

Cdyyo: zzqo;gyi çkxolcjjhkxkcasExam lM/ 336s:*35 kpm jgpaxo s:z.jyo4AlrK d Inform atton 35+ 4013 Cam e Stppm fl 334-1* e ejyendenoe AreoAlarm O rdm ancee * 773-2673 Dalnage Glalrns 336 + 1 > œ ix zasa lxAnfm al Control /shehef 336.370 W adAnlenal Cm lle l@n C* 336-2673 Jatl lsherre 336-2543

3483 Ceufzk 5*Aquatlc c enter 336. Inm x e status 1 - 22+ 137:oetovncattoq

Bx e - e revenban 391 s!4s subsu pce Ax lx zw x f z Jurk F'x l 347 7>

eetter eqslness :ureau s27.œ 12 a scovery place 372.o 61 tandlord ? Tenanl e dlatloo aw oqqn

a ftho -atll c edgu t- j4 kegal Az :$7s.1.Dw rce R x ords 347 7'8prlor to 1913 :1+ 773-:526lgly present 336-4799 (M V Bêx kYhlf@-tlGenle 392 32X klbrary

Bkllldlng Perm tt/lal- t orls 336 2831 t:W B'CKIQO ITGK-T/QG 399* M H /Q'Y Y Serm e 336-2*

Bulky (tem C.osted xm C ty 336-267: Cklrne 'tl ViDlex e lnfoO tlon 336-2513 Inform atloW eference R oom 3M 2725

Bus Infœ m atlon 3* 3366 Eled 0r1 Q lsGe 336 2133 Lt- W ater Prv ure 336 .7%

st/slpesa Llcense 33* 315 Em ergern M anasem ent 336-2412 M am age kr ense 336-2443

c able w c om plalnls 336-220 Federal Q ovl lnfo 0 * M ental Heaehc arpool/ vanpoot 33+ 7433 Foou Stam ps 353,15:Q esuxqencw- 31E-2*4*

c ham t. r of c om m erce 37s.1= G albage c ollea m n c rtt zw z6r.s M asqvdo c onlrol 336-s:01

Id Supxfl enfœcemenl 342.6325 Countyvendofl 336-607 Nœse Control 911 jcN1

:* 2:/99 1Q 02 A M Page 1 of 1

T a b le o f C o nle n ts

o v e rvie wM ap of W est B oulevaru C om dor

E led ed o ffim als

E m e rg e n c y N u m b e rs

Fre q ue ntly C a lled N um bers by C ategory

B asic N e eds Individual a nd Fa m ily LifeFood H ow to choose a cehlld care provlder

C lothlng and Ftlm lture Non P roflt Aqer Gchool A lllance and M em bers

H ouslng C hurches and Falth C om m unltles

liom eless C nsls M entonngH ollday A u lstance Fam lly onented support groups

T ransportatlop

C o ns u m e r S e rvic e s M e nta l H e a lth ç a re a nd C o u nse linq

M oney M anagem ent G nsls InterventlonC onsum er E dueeatltm m roted lop Inrhatlent

D eeds. Perm lts. Bllth/Death Ceftlficates, and Llcenses O utpaberltS upport G roups

C rim inal J ustiçe/kegal S e- ices O rganizationa l/c om m unily s ervices

tegal A sslstane N elgtlborhood O rganlzatlopsC nm e P revenbon C om m unlty C entefs

Tax A sslstance lnfolm atlon & Referral Servlces

Ex-o ffender S ervlcees Llbranes

E d u c a lio nEarly C hlldhood

S chooî-age

T utonng

Parent EducatlonA dult Educatlon

N eigh borhood E nvironm ental Q ualityPow er and G as O utages

G arbage C ollecbon

W ater & S ew er Problem sA nlm al Llcenses and Sefvlces

Streets, Streetights and Stdew alks

H ea lth C a reE m ergency G are

C llnlcs/o utpatlent facllltles

F am lly P lannlng

R ehabllltabon

S ubstance A buse

Resplte C are

E m p loy m e ulJob T ralnlng Program s

W oâ force D evelopm entY outh Em ploym ent O pportunïbes

G m esource D lrectoryln ble of C ontents dx

F req ue ntly C a lled N u m be rs

erim lnal ##># re *n4 I/FAJ '

Ic N --#s * eM e* s> > >A dam Sefvlce C enter ----- ----------- - ''' -------

Fo od c Tow ed Vehlcles-- - - -- - -- - -- 336-7600

Chlld Supgort Enf0rC2 m ent-*-...'.''- .''.'.*.'..- 342>6325

H o usinœ ./ S h* -lfe r . - .- . - c ourt lnform atlon..- - --- - -' 347-781 1Houslng A uthorlty - ------ *''-- 336-5183 :s:$4.$qxC nm e Stoppers -- - ''---''- - -

qouslng Code Enforcem ent s ragjtj jjurts Hotline-v- -- - - - . -336-7600o ty- ------ -- - - - .336-2751 547.::j42h1Ig hWay 87 ato l * - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - . * * * - - - - - -

(;fju nty- .-- .---... .... -...-..-.--.--.- -.- 3 :j(j.:983 5 . . :j:j(j.z tjj aJall / Shenff - - - ' - - - -

S helter for B attered W om en- - - -- - 332-2513 . .. szy jpcylm m lgratlon & N aturallzalm n '.'.'.w- -'.''.'-

V eterans Servlces ''. H om e Ltlan'..'e. 2102 j-:c(u g6.1a78Inm ate Status -. -- - -

Landlord / Tenant M edlatltm - --T ransoo-rtatlon . . kw al Ald-ea-e-emvm-p-ev- ..- -.......-p...,....,,.--.-376 1* 0

Cam Dol JVZn;KhQI- - -- .'.-- 3* 7/33 Nopse Contro! .- -- ' ' 911Park & R lde -'- - -- -- 3* 7:33 p arklng m ckets - To Pay- 3754 177

R des hare - - - - .- - 336-7:33 p ojce lnfoqnae h 5:1.1œ û

Speclal Transportatlon ''< pollce Records I Reports - 336-2848c lty -- - - - -- . - --..- 3* 2637 v ice 1 D rugs H otline-h- - '- -' 336-8423

c ounty-- -- ..-- 3* 4547 M otim A sslstanee - -,- -..,'- e 336-219:

Airport Inform atlon .''- -...-.-*e-.-- - - '-4 59.4013Bus Inform atlon - - --3* 3366 v

m - -

, E d u ca tkon* a .

v .

- J..s - School :usJ >*>#* :o e $ -Breakdow ns / P roblem s --..- 343-5046

C om nlaints Routes - - ---- ---- C aII Scheol Dlred lyBetter Buslness Bureau - -- -- *--.--- 527-0012 schooj jnform atlon - - .....- .- .- +- -379.7010eulldlng Ferm lt/lnsped lons - 3* 2831

Buslness Llcerbse.'.'-''.'..-- -- - '-*-.*-..- .'..*- > 316 .- -

3w 2288 y-khbq' -' oowrovlronm e- afCable W COm;XalntS--'-----''----*--C It / C ounty -* --,-'''- ''-3* 7600 G 'complalnts - y t gaâDam age C latm s- -- - ..w- - - - '''- '- - -3* 4 t* ï - - m

A n im a l J o n tro lLice nses , F e rm its . R er o rd s. Z o ninq - A ntm as C ontrol / S helter- - --- -- 3R -3786

alrth/D path C ertlhcates M osgulto C ontrol - - '-'- 3:* Q K Q

P nor to lsl3c ertlflcates - 919-733-3526jgly present --- -- ----.'-' - 31* -4799 E le ctric a nd G as P roblem s

O lvorce N ecords- - ...*..-- --..- ----'.--4 47*7814

D M V - B rookshlre - D nvers Llcense - 392-3266

D M V - Brookshlre .- Tags - 399-8306 s treets a-

nd S tre e tl-

iq h ts - -

D M V - Express S efvic'e: M e own Squarew'''-.'w-e''- w- PotholesG un F% fm (t%--..-.----- ------- -- - --3* 3* 4 c lty - - -- --- - - --3% -293G

M am age Llcense - - - - -- -3* 2443 couflty..-p- - .- p---,-m- ---.-,e.-emv.,.,.pm..,,v..--sO oReglster of n- ds 3W 2443 street Cleanlng - -- - - - '.- ' --3% -2673fy ezonjn g ........--....... -....-....- ..----- - --3W 2 û!()i$ s tre et C 10 sIn n s --.---.-.-------.-.------ -- ' 3 :B - 389 3

veterans sexlces - copy olchscnarge p,p,rs336-2102 street taghtsciZonlrlg Perm lts I V iolatlons ..-'--- **'**-.-.,**-.-3+ /4 56% c lty - ---- ---------------------- - --3% -3K 3

Fre q ue nlly C a lled N u m b e rs eowtinueu

w aste and oarbane 11 ion o teg phiza #lonak/ J pm m pp/#yAbandoned Cars / Junk S erG c es

C ourlly- - -- .-.......- -- 4 3& 2 835 G ove rnm en'

Bulky Item C olIect1on-C Ity--------- ----------3* 2673 Ctty- G overnm ent

D ead A nlm al C ollectlon C lty M anager ------------------- - - -------3K -2241c lty - --- .a- .....- ..- -. -3> 2673 c lty c ouna l l M ayor--w- ' ' '- ...- 3* .2241

(; ()u n ty- -.--------- -------- - --- ------- 5 6j5-($6)0 0 (; ()u n cI1 yyg e n d a s -------.--------------w----- 3 :$1$-2 24 7

G arbage C ollectlon - C lty-- -- - - 336-2673 C ounty G overnm ent

Overgrown / Trashed Lots - ClN -. - 336-2673 county Manager----------------------------3A 2472Recycllng - C ôunty C om m lssllm - *-* -3* 2472

c jty . --------- - ----- --------------------- 3 :$& 2673 (; o rn rnjs sjon yjtl (jn d a s --.------ --.---- 3 :$($.:4 5 59

c ounty-- - --- - - 3:* .6087 Federal G ovem m ent Inform atlon - 800-688-9889

storm Draln c leanlng - -- - -- - -- -3* 2930 Eled lon O ffice . - 3> 2133Yard W aste c ollectlon -------- --------------3* 2673 voter Reglstratlon --- -- -- - 3K -2133

W a te r a n d S e w e r - ..- c o m m u n ia C e n le o a n d R e c re a tio n

Backflow Preventlon-- - 391-5145 A m ay Jam es Center- - - - -

Low W ater Pressure-- ---- 3* 7600 Aquatkc Center - - - - -3K -3483Storm W ater lssue- - 336-7246 c ollseum Box œ ce'- ' 357-4801

w ater / S ew er B IIIs- ---- - - 3* 2211 c onventlon & V lsltors Bureau-- -- - 331-2700

llleqal Sew er D lscharge - 394-9284 conventlon C enter- -..- 339-6X 0

w ater Q uallty- -- 336-7600 Dlscovery PIace--- --- - - - - 372-6261

lndependence A rena Box O ffice - - 335-3100' o v/ns Audltox m B ox o flœ 3354 100

H , aR h # Aee park & Recreatlon / Events .-zw s8ccR eservatlons- -- - - - - 3% -4200

v Administratlon 336-3854fnt@m * # #- # 4n4

f - # f@# m e* f LibradesJobs H otlIne--- -------- -- --- --- - 3A 3K 8 PUUIIC Llbrary(ilt)t

bs H otllne - -- - 3* 3535 H OurS Of S erVlCe-- - -- - - - - - 336-2X a6c ounty Jo

Em ploym entY e,udty Cöm rriM lôrt M 2.4 131 Y form atloY Relerence Room 3* 2725tlnk c enters T esephone R enew al - - - -3D -6237aob

D ow ntow n Loc-atlon- * G est B lvd. s ran cà 336-6802

M e lcâl Llbrafy presbytepan Hnspdal. M atthewsSouth B tm levard- - -- -C entral Pledm ont C om m unrty C ollege Llbrary .

Publlc Law Llbrary- --- -- --- - -Soclal S ecunty O ffice -- -- - - 8œ -772-1213

S oclal S ew lcees--- - - * '.*- '..'- 3:* 4 150 Info rm atio n s e rvieesV eterans Sefvlces

- Flle D lsablllty - - 3K -2 1023:e -3lso C hlld C are R esources- - - - - - - - - - .w elfare

- S oclal S ervlces- - -- - - -U nlted W ay - lnform atlon & R eferra! - --- -3N -1 1K

W eath:r- --- --. -- .- 57+ 1000 / 570-6463

!n4!vI4ua# a&# Fam iW U #ec oroner / M edlv l Exam lner- - - - 3* 2005

M en é4f # #a/* qare &

J o vzzsefêov

Detoxlflcabon (Substance Abuse) ..-- 336-3X 7H ealth D ept C llnlc A ppolnts -336-6500

M ental H eaIth E m ergencles- - - -- - 358-2800

4*e *

r-wu - @ @ V ou

0 e NO RKS

d s z

. .



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# r< Institut .....jts*Aa plllttlr/ex'yxe ' b 'ui.z xx

Xwr kv * eoqws- ' ' + ggadex ygy Yag nhygyejh <Ysqtlv of collahlralioakylz 21 1- ( , xos - p.vs-p.pszV

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ttt 11lJ4x> m. wl 4 yqvs . . . x. ,j yyjy . j trjy lt# l ' x

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lt 4 n- l...w- .- xxx-w v - vg . oxw w-wy-A p n l R4 , 't% e 9 C e m m u n ltyW o rkœ 5

A c tio n P la n

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1 I n ilia liv e su rre n

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