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  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    Aerospace projects 1

    About our partner

    Is a leader in the field of on-board software in the Czech Republic and it is one of the leading

    Czech SMEs in the field of innovative R&D projects with a focus on aerospace projects.

    Is also experienced in other areas like custom embedded systems for industrial automation, PLC

    technology, data transmission and microwave high frequency applications.

    Our partner is member of the following associations:

    Czech Space Alliance Association of Czech SMEs involved in space industry

    ITS&S Intelligent Transport Systems and Services Association forTransport Telematics of the Czech and Slovak Republic

    Unmanned Systems Manufacturers Association Association of companies engaged indevelopment, manufacturing and operation of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in the CzechRepublic

    UVS International - UVS International represents manufacturers of unmanned vehiclesystems (UVS), subsystems and critical components for UVS and associated equipment, aswell as companies supplying services with or for UVS and research organizations


    SPACEArtes 10: IRIS programme

    On-board Software

    EGSE Software

    Data Processing Software

    UASUnmanned Aerial Systems

    Aerial Target UAV

    Scanner UAV Payloads

    UAV Autopilot

    Ground Control System

    ENERGETICSPLC Control of Chillers

    PLC Testbed

    INDUSTRIALControl Systems and Robotics

    Generic Embedded Control


  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    2012 [email protected]

    participates in two independent workpackages of the Iris programme

    ATM Repeater Verification Testbed

    Is member of team which definethe architecture of a simulator of the

    telecommunication payload to be carried

    on the satellite and implement the

    simulator and its sub-components. This

    includes simulation of the ATM repeater

    and the Ground segment/Satellite KU-

    band & Aircraft/Satellite L-band radio


    GUI for TC processor

    Objective of another task is to develop a common data processing and graphical library for the

    TC Results Processor, to be used to support the test reports generation and further to design and

    develop the TC GUI module, TC Test manager and TC test processor interface. The develop -

    ment follows the ECSS standardization as applicable for the ground support equipment. The

    delivery consists of the Software module, the host platform HW and the appropriate documenta-


    Iris Programme Overview

    Iris, element 10 of the ESA's ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) programme, aims to devel-

    op a new Air-Ground Communication system for Air Traffic Management (ATM). It is the satellite-based solution for the

    Single European Sky Air Traffic Management (ATM) Research (SESAR) programme. It supports the implementation of

    the Single European Sky by looking at all aspects of Air Traffic Management. It also intends to modernize communicationinfrastructure and increase safety for air traffic participants. By 2020 it will contribute to the modernization of air traffic

    management by providing digital data-links to

    cockpit crews in continental and oceanic

    airspace replacing a voice communication

    channel between the pilot and a controller.

    Satellite-based solution for Air Traffic Management

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    ON-BOARD SOFTWARE [email protected]

    is a leader in the field of Space On-board Software in Czech Republic.

    engineers have experience from earlier non-ESA Space projects and just finished ESA

    project. The On-board SW development is compliant to the actual ECSS standardization.

    SWARM Accelerometer Instrument On-board Software (ESA project)

    StartUp SW - Mission critical SW (stored in PROM)

    Application SW (stored in EEPROM)

    Engineering support during project phases B, C/D, E

    Accelerometer On-board Software features

    Science and Housekeeping data acquisition using multiple AD converters,

    measurement time-stamped with accuracy better than 1 millisecond

    ESA Packet Utilization Standard (PUS) TC/TM interface

    SW developed in C language, time critical routines in Assembly

    HW target was a significant performance constraint for the SW x51 family 8-bit microcontroller (Space

    qualified 80C32E at 12MHz with only 268 Dhrystones / 0.153 VAX MIPS)

    Priority scheduler for optimal utilization of limited CPU performance

    Mission background

    The SWARM mission objective is to provide the best survey ever of the geomagnetic field

    and the first global representation of its variations on time scales from an hour to several

    years. The challenging part is to separate the contributions from the various magnetic

    field sources. SWARM, a constellation mission (3 identical satellites), will simultaneously

    obtain a space-time characterisation of both the internal field sources in the Earth and the

    ionospheric-magnetospheric current systems. Launch is planned in 2012.

    HXRS (Solar Hard X-Ray Spectrometer)

    Instrument On-board SW Technology: On-board SW: 80C166 CPU, Assembly;

    Ground support and test equipment SW: C++, Windows

    Mission background

    Czech Solar Hard X-Ray Spectrometer aboard the NASA & U.S. Department of Defense & U.S.

    Department of Energy - Multispectral Thermal Imager satellite (MTI). Launched on March 12th,

    2000 on a Taurus vehicle from VAFB, CA, USA, successful 18 month mission.

    MIMOSA (Czech microsatellite)

    Spacecraft OBC On-board SW

    Main instrument (Microaccelerometer MAC-03) On-board SW

    Technology: On-board SW: 80C166 CPU, Assembly;

    Ground support and test equipment SW: Linux, RTLinux, C/C++

    Mission background

    MIMOSA (Microaccelerometric Measurements of Satellite Accelerations) was

    a Czech microsatellite, principal investigator of the project was Astronomical Insti-

    tute of Academy of Sciences (ASU CAS) Ondejov, Czech Republic (Czech nation-

    al funding). Launched on June 30th, 2003 on Rockot KS / Breeze (Eurockot) from

    Plesetsk in northern Russia.Mimosa

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    ON-BOARD SOFTWARE [email protected]

    STIX Instrument On-board Software (ESA project)

    Engineering support during project phase B

    StartUp SW - Mission critical SW (stored in PROM)

    Application SW (stored in FLASH memory)

    STIX On-board Software features

    Control of the instrument and interface to the spacecraft

    SpaceWire link interface, using the 'CCSDS packettransfer protocol' and ESA Packet Utilization Standard(PUS) TC/TM interface

    Housekeeping data acquisition and reporting

    FDIR (Failure detection, isolation and recovery) witha high level of autonomy

    Science data acquisition and storage in the instrumentinternal mass memory

    On-board data processing: Autonomous based on userparametrisation and Selective based on user TCrequests possible to select data from the instrumentinternal archive in the mass memory

    SW developed in C language

    HW target: Leon 3FT IP core in FPGA

    Solar Orbiter - artistic view ESA

    Mission Background

    The Solar Orbiter is one of the Cosmic vision M-Class ESA missions. The mission goal is to understand (and even

    predict) how the Sun creates and controls the Heliosphere. STIX (Spectrometer Telope for Imaging X rays) is one of the

    Solar Orbiter's on-board remote sensing instruments. STIX provides imaging spectroscopy of solar thermal and non-

    thermal X-ray emissions from approx. 4 to 150 keV, with unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution (near periheli-on), and good spectral resolution.

    ESA GSTP projects

    ESA's General Support Technology Programme (GSTP) exists to convert promising engineering

    concepts into a broad spectrum of mature products.

    OBCP-BB: Requirements and I/F definition for future OBCP Building Block

    Spacecraft on-board autonomy is becoming more and more prevalent, in particular for deep space

    missions with long propagation delays and low telemetry bandwidths. One method by which

    the Spacecraft is able to maintain this autonomy is through the use of On-Board Control Proced-

    ures. This GSTP activity makes an assessment of the ECSS-E-ST-70-01C standard, a review theexisting OBCP technologies and determines requirements for its future implementation as a build-

    ing block prototype. As a part of the activity, a prototype OBCP Building Block implementation is

    produced .

    OSRAc: On-board Software Reference Architecture consolidation

    Future modular reusable/reference on- board SW architecture with a goal to reuse the On-board

    software in a systematic manner. This GSTP study is following activities COrDeT and Domeng.

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    EGSE SOFTWARE [email protected]

    ACC Instrument EGSE Software

    provided Accelerometer (ACC) instrument EGSE (Electrical Ground

    Support Equipment) Software for the SWARM mission.

    ACC Instrument EGSE functionality:

    Used during the instrument development, verification / validation testing on the

    instrument level and during the Spacecraft integration

    Communication front end for generating, handling an receiving TC

    (telecommand) / TM (telemetry) packets, according to the appropriate ESA

    standards (Ground Systems and Operations, Telemetry and Telecommand

    Packet Utilization ECSS-E-70-41)

    Load and dump SW (including EEPROM patching)

    Receive and parsing of Housekeeping and Science data

    Automatic communication logging

    Simulation of the spacecraft OBC (On-board computer) functionality

    Allows generate all TC packets for the ACC instrument.

    Open architecture - allows user to write own test scripts including TC packetsequences in widely known PHP scripting language

    Automatic Data parsing

    EGSE SW functionality provides packet filtering, automatic conversion,generated logs and error logs

    Packet Analyzer including Validar module provides functionality for autonomous validation of singlepackets and packet sequences

    Test front end for testing of ACC

    HW, both digital and analogue part

    with specific test of HW

    Control of EGSE HW modules:HW module for two serial RS422interfaces, digital I/O interface toPPS generator and instrumentinternal relays control, communic-ation with MCU-controlled instru-ment electronics checkout unitand remote-controlled powersupply

    Support for autonomous andoperator assisted instrument SWand HW tests


    Provides on-line view (tabular andgraphical) of the instrument statusand control of instrument opera-

    ACC EGSE SW screenshot tion

    TC TM FE LAN module

    Provides communication interface for C&C messages from Core GSE (GSE for the SWARM space-craft including all on-board instruments) in the integrated configuration

    Technology: Linux/C++/Qt/PHP

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE [email protected]

    engineers have experience from several space projects from a successful implementation of

    the data processing for satellite payloads (spectrometers & accelerometers).

    SphinX (Fast Soft X-ray Spectrophotometer) on-board of CORONAS-PHOTON spacecraft

    Data processing SW Technology: Ground segment SW: Linux, C, C++, Shell scripts, IDL,

    NASA Solarsoft packages, SQL, JAVA, PHP, Firebird

    Sphinx Data processing SW features

    The purpose of software is to analyze and process incoming datadumps, downloaded from the Spacecraft operational center. Theinputs for the processing are SphinX spectrometer science (X-ray)data and auxiliary data - housekeeping/ technological data and S/Cposition/orientation data.

    Processed data will be accessible locally using the interactive visual-ization tool and remotely using web server (data catalogue and visual-

    ization). Properties: Two synchronized Linux Servers, Creating of FITS files

    from telemetry dumps, Measurements stored in a Firebird database,IDL ThickClient for interactive data visualisation, WebServer witha catalogue, PDF generator.

    Mission background

    CORONAS is a Russian program for study of the Sun and solar-ter-

    restrial connections physics by series of spacecrafts, which provides

    launching of three solar-oriented satellites onto the near-Earth orbit.

    CORONAS-PHOTON (Complex ORbital Observations Near-Earth

    of Activity of the Sun) is the third satellite in this series. Two previ-

    ous missions of the project are "CORONAS-I" (launched on March

    2, 1994) and "CORONAS-F" (launched on July 31, 2001). DataProcessing Ground Segment software for SphinX - a fast Soft X-ray

    Spectrophotometer for the Russian CORONAS Solar Mission has

    been developed in cooperation with Astronomical Institute,

    Academy of Sciences of the CR, v. v. i. The end customer is Space

    Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

    CORONAS-PHOTON has been launched on January 30th, 2009 on Tsyklon-3 from LC-32, Plesetsk, Russia.

    HXRS (Solar Hard X-Ray Spectrometer)

    Data processing SW

    Automated downloads of the data files from the mission data server in the USA

    Data processing conversion from raw data to FITS format Technology: C/C++, Windows, UNIX/Solaris, NASA Solarsoft

    MIMOSA (Czech microsatellite)

    Ground segment SW automated data transfers and processing

    Ground station control SW automated communication with the satellite

    Technology: Linux, C++

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS [email protected]

    Embedded electronics, prototype manufacturing, UAV control systems and payloads

    CCUAS LABS - The Hacker Model Prod. and Evolving Systems' Competence Center for

    Unmanned Aerial Systems Laboratories.

    specializes on electronics, especially in embedded microcontrollers, data transmission andmicrowave high frequency applications.

    team of qualified engineers have experience (20 years - since 1989), hardware andsoftware tools needed for working with the latest technolo-gies.

    Our objective is our satisfied customer.

    can handle complete developments, product moderniz- ationor only give advice or consultation in the field of datacommunications and microwave high frequency circuits.

    have been working on certificates necessary for gettingbetter in military and avionics business.

    2nd generation UAV avionics

    engineers have designed a control system for the new generation of Czech UAV, used as

    aerial targets, developed in a consortium together with Hacker Model Production. has

    designed the on-board electronic systems and

    supplied an embedded software and Ground UAV control


    New UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) production lines have

    been introduced in cooperation with a partner company

    Hacker Model Production a. s.

    UAVs: 90 mini unmanned reconnaissance carrier "Electric ray"

    400 autonomous aerial target system

    700 autonomous aerial target system (jet engine)

    Scanner reconnaissance and surveillance system


    The progressive introduction of UAVs for both military and civil

    scopes is an important change in Aeronautics. Various countries

    aim to introduce UAV systems in civil airspace in the time-frame

    2010-25, according to many projects and initiatives. Civilian UAVflight operations may include very important tasks, such as: Natural

    Disaster and Emergencies Assistance; Nuclear Facilities Protection;

    Pipeline Inspection; Assessment and Monitoring; Scientific Mission

    Participation, Contamination Measurement, Surveillance of public

    gatherings, Riot Control, etc.

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    HAES AERIAL TARGET UAV [email protected]

    400 Aerial Target

    The 400 is an autonomous aerial target used to provide a threat-representative target drone to

    support the Ground-to-Air Weapon System evaluation, testing and training programs.


    The 400, manufactured, is

    constructed of carbon fiber and epoxy-

    based materials.

    The 400 is capable of speeds from

    80 km/h (49 mph) to 400 km/h (244

    mph) true airspeed at sea level. The

    drone can achieve flight altitudes from

    30 m (100 ft) above ground level to

    3,000 m (10,000 ft) mean sea level.

    Maneuvers include G-turns up to 20 Gs, and other aerial acrobatic turns.


    The drone is launched from a rail system. The drone can land by using a parachute recovery

    system. Recovered targets are repaired, tested and reused. The 400 can carry a full range of

    current target payloads which include infrared and radar enhancements and a chaff/flare

    dispenser set.


    A realistically moving aerial target provides efficient shooting practice and combat firing for anti-aircraft missile systems

    SHORAD/VSHORAD, thus improving the quality and efficiency of the gunner/operator training. Five prototype targets

    of 3 different sizes (wing span 1.5 m, 1.9 m and 2.5 m) have been built to date, in 2009 2011.

    General Characteristics of 400 V1.5

    Primary function: Aerial target

    Power plant: Combustion engine w/ propeller

    Wingspan: 1.9 meters (6.3 ft) *

    Length: 1.35 meters (4.5 ft) *

    Height: 0.56 meters (1.8 ft) *

    Weight: 19 kg empty, 21.5 kg max. *

    Maximum speed: 400 km/h (244 mph)

    Ceiling: 3,000 meters (10,000 ft)

    Range: 30 km (18 mi)

    *) Valid for the medium-sized model

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    SCANNER UAV [email protected]


    The Scanner is a medium endurance unmanned aircraft system. The Scanner's primary

    mission is reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the operational commander. Surveillance

    imagery from video cameras and forward looking cameras are distributed in real-time.


    The Scanner is a system, not just an aircraft. A fully operational system consists of one

    aircraft (with sensors), a Ground Data Terminal, an Image Receiving System, a Scanner

    Satellite Link, along with operations and maintenance crews for deployed 24-hour operations.

    The basic crew for the Scanner is a pilot and a payload operator. Scanner follows a

    conventional launch sequence from a semi-prepared surface under direct line-of-sight control.

    The take-off distance is typically 50 m (165 ft) and landing 100 m (330 ft).

    The mission is controlled through real-time video signals received in the Ground Data Terminal.

    Command users are able to task the payload operator in real-time for images or video on demand.The surveillance and reconnaissance payload capacity is 10 kg (22 lb), and the vehicle carries

    electro optical and infrared cameras. The aircraft can be equipped with sensors as the mission

    requires. The cameras produce full-motion video.

    The system is composed of three major components, which can be deployed for operations in

    the field. The Scanner aircraft can be disassembled and packed into a container for travel.


    The Scanner system was designed in response to the needs of police and military to provide medium-duration

    intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information.

    It has many other uses: promotion, real estate sales, technical documentation of historic buildings, digs registration,

    comparison of geological changes, agriculture, detection of illegal buildings and junkyards, searching for missing personsor fugitives, measurement of concentrations of noxious gases, traffic monitoring, residential area monitoring, and security


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    SCANNER UAV [email protected]

    IRS (Image Receivin g System)

    GDT (Ground Da ta Terminal)

    General Characteristics of Scanner V1.3

    Primary Function: Reconnaissance, airborne surveillance and target acquisition

    Power plant: Engine with propeller; 1 x 11 hp

    Wingspan: 3 m (10 ft)

    Length: 2.15 m (7 ft)

    Height: 0.85 m (2.7 ft)

    Maximum take-off weight: 25 kg (55 lb)

    Payload: 10 kg (22 lb)

    Speed: Cruise speed around 80 km/h (49 mph), maximum up to 150 km/h (92 mph)

    Range: 6.5 km (3.8 mi), limited by datalink range

    Ceiling: 1,000 m (3,300 ft)Endurance: 2 hr

    Crew (remote): Two (pilot, payload operator)

    Ground control system: Two suitcases, containing pilot and payload operator consoles(GDT = Ground Data Terminal, IRS = Image Receiving System)

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    UAV PAYLOADS [email protected]

    UAV sense and avoid systems and communication payloads

    ARCA (Adaptive Routing and Conflict mAnagement) control system

    The goal of the project is to develop an autonomous on-board flight system able to guide a UAV

    towards a specific destination modifying its own flight trajectory in reaction to a variety of external

    situations, maintaining the separation with other aircrafts. In restricted airspaces this system will

    allow a UAV to separate from other UAV by coordinating with them and autonomously solving

    possible trajectory conflicts. The system will also offer the same capabilities for the non restricted

    airspace, including separation from commercial aircraft. This capability will only be exploitable if

    particular operational conditions are met (e.g. all commercial traffic is equipped with devices for

    providing navigation information such as the ADS-B; adequate ATM procedures are defined to deal

    with equipment failures). Path Planning and Conflict Detection & Resolution functionalities with an

    innovative approach based on the emerging frameworks of Multi-agents Systems and Game


    Mission background

    One important change in Aeronautics and Air Traffic

    Management (ATM) is the progressive introduction of

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for both military and

    civil scopes. Various countries aim to introduce UAV

    systems in civil airspace in the timeframe 2010-25,

    according to many projects and initiatives. Civilian

    UAV flight operations may include very important

    tasks, such as: Natural Disaster and Emergencies

    Assistance; Nuclear Facilities Protection; Pipeline

    Partners in the Adaptive Routing and Conflict mAnage-

    ment for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (ARCA) Project,

    which is a 30 months project funded under the Eurostars

    Programme, the first European funding and support

    programme specifically dedicated to SMEs, fostering collab-

    orative research and innovation.

    Inspection; Assessment and Monitoring; Scientific Mission Participation, and others. Although many aircraft currently

    allow an autopilot to be programmed by providing waypoints, most require an element of human piloting when routes are


    Long Range Communication Relay System

    Air StationAir Station


    Communication relay system

    Airborne re-translation

    Range of the system up to 50 km


    Ground Station 1Ground Station 1










    Ground Station 2Ground Station 2

    s wit ch R T3

    Data communication rate 8 Mbps bothuplink and downlink

    System based on OFDMACommunication Relay System Architecture

    Typical deployment in situations withlarge distances of variable coverage

    Possible deployment to multiplereceivers at the same time

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    UAV AUTOPILOT [email protected]

    Autopilot Overview

    The autopilot is designed as a modular system

    consisting of a UAV Control Unit and various

    sensors (GPS, gyroscope, accelerometers,altimeter, ...) communicating through two

    independent CAN buses for high reliability. The

    data collected by various sensors is combined by

    a unique algorithm statistically evaluating validity

    of the data. Data from one particular sensor are

    merged with data obtained by another sensor

    based on sensor noise probability guess, which

    leads to more precise calculation of the UAV's

    state. This topology benefits from using of

    redundant sensors that are working simultan-UAV Control Unit

    eously without switching. When sensor malfunction occurs, only noise probability increases.Classical switching to backup device does not use all available sensors during normal operation.


    The key feature of the autopilot is to stabilize the aircraft. The considered variables are:

    direction (heading)Operator's




    Actuators Air Frame

    horizontal speed


    The controlled variables are:

    control of the engine thrust


    State Filter Sensors

    Air Frame




    Autopilot Architecture Design

    aerodynamic control surfaces

    (roll, pitch and yaw)

    The heading is controlled by a combina-

    tion of deflection of the rudder (or elevat-

    ors in case of the rudder-free airframes)

    and ailerons. The horizontal speed is

    controlled by adjustment to the engine

    thrust. The rate of climb to a given altitude is achieved by the application of a combination of

    elevator deflection and engine thrust.

    Automatic Flight Control System

    The Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) higher level intelligence of the autopilot whichaccepts the commands from the operator (respectively UCS), compares the state (orientation,position, ) of the UAV with what is commanded and instructs the other layer of the systemto make appropriate corrections. It contains the memory to store mission (a list of way points andhow to fly through them) and flight program able to react to unpredicted events.

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    GROUND CONTROL SYSTEM [email protected]

    UAV Control System

    The UAV Control System (UCS) is a NATO STANAG 4586 compatible system designed to control

    400 aerial targets and other STANAG 4586 compatible UAV or UGV and UUV. The system is

    not limited to one vehicle at a time but can receive telemetry data and sensor imagery frommultiple vehicles in parallel thereby enabling it to combine data from several sources and control

    several vehicles and their payloads. According to STANAG 4586 multiple levels of

    interoperability are feasible between different UAVs and their UAV Ground Stations (UGSs).

    To achieve maximum operational flexibility the UCS supports Level 4: Control and monitoring of

    the UAV, less launch and recovery.

    UCS Architecture

    All UAVs controlled by the system communicate

    with Core UCS (CUCS) through STANAG 4586

    defined Data Link Interface (DLI). The CUCS unit

    processes the telemetry and other data collectedfrom the UAVs. The data is provided further

    to compatible C4I Systems and through Human

    Computer Interaction (HCI) module to the vehicle

    and payload operators.

    UCS Configurations

    There are several configurations of the UCS

    available to meet specific requirements of various

    missions. Mobile configuration is designed to provide basic functionality focusing on maximum

    mobility and easiness of use in complicated situations. Room and Car configurations offer

    a reasonable trade-off between full featured functionality, lower mobility and more complex human-computer interaction requiring more qualified operators.

    Payload Control

    The payload carried by the vehicle can be

    sensor systems and associated recording

    devices that are installed on the air vehicle,

    or they can consist of stores, e.g. weapon

    systems, and associated control/feedback

    mechanisms, or both. The data link element

    consists of the Air Data Terminal (ADT)

    in the air vehicle and the Ground Data

    Terminal (GDT), which may be located on

    surface, sub-surface or air platforms. The

    control of the UAV System and communication with its payloads is achieved through the UCS and

    data link elements. The UCS element incorporates the functionality to generate, load and execute

    the UAV mission and to disseminate usable information data products to various C4I systems or

    a custom external system.

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    PLC CONTROL OF CHILLERS [email protected]

    Software for PLC Control system, validation and verification

    has delivered software for chillers used in nuclear industry for chilling water in the second- arycircuit of a nuclear power plant.

    Verification of the software product was conductedaccording to the internal Software Requirements.

    Validation of the software product was conductedaccording to the Customer Requirements.

    The PLC testbed was used to imitate a behaviourof the system in real time with automatic, complexsimulation. Requirements are validated and evalu-ated graphically.

    The testbed provides automated generation oftest protocols.

    The software complies to the safety stand-ards IEC 61508, IEC 62138 and RCC-E.

    The platform Siemens Simatic STEP-7PLC is used in safety-related applications(Class B).

    Chiller systems can be used in all industries.

    The Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) performthe supervisory control of the chiller systems andemploy other sub-systems that also have embeddedprogrammable controllers.

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    PLC TESTBED [email protected]

    Automatic testbed for PLC SW verification

    The test bed is based on PC applications driven by external scripts.

    Tested application requirements are separated into Test Cases.

    Subject of verification can be the whole application, its part or even subsystem function library.

    Assistance with preparation ofhardware and software designspecifications.

    Assistance with preparation ofhardware and softwarerequirements specifications.

    Test Cases are gathered in aninput script file.

    Plug-in board for PC providesanalogue and digital inputs

    and outputs.

    Console application running onWindows OS.

    Input script files and outputreport files in the CSV or MSExcel format.

    Test protocols are generated,revisions saved.

    The testbed imitates a behaviour of a system in real time with automatic, complex simulation.Requirements are validated and displayed graphically.

    Used in safety-related chiller application evaluation.

    Used with Siemens SIMATIC S7 PLCs.

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    Prototype design & manufacturing, robotics, control systems, RF applications

    is well experienced in the design of control systems and

    robotics and in the field of prototype manufacturing. We

    specialize on electronics, especially in embeddedmicrocontrollers including DSPs (Digital signal

    processors) and FPGAs, data transmission and

    microwave high frequency applications.

    's team of qualified engineers has experience (since

    1989), hardware and software tools needed for working

    with the newest technologies. 's objective is to satis-

    fy a customer.

    can handle complete developments, product

    modernization or only give an advice or a consultation in

    Uniaxial robot designated to contactless

    imprinting with inkjet printing head

    the area of data communications and microwave high frequency circuits and industrial automation.

    HF antenna hub

    for signals from wireless microphonesin the 700 MHz band

    System of high-performance UHFtransmitters 100 W

    Four converters workto one common antenna.

    Consists of autonomous unitsof transmitters

    and power output stage 100 W.

    Handy HF generator

    - range 10 kHz ..180 MHz, step 100 Hz- internal or external modulation FM- output signal level 10 dBm/50 ohm

    - supply 12 V- dimensions 180 x 110 x 45 [mm]

    DSP kit

    - determined for operation with moduleADSP2184

    - 8x I/O with LED indication, 8x button,1x potentiometer

    - 1x telecommunication audio codec- 1x A/D 12 bit converter- 4x 7 SEG LED display

    - supply 12 V

    Terminal X-CONTROL

    - control unit for commanding ofproduction procedures

    - core X51 33 MIPS- 3x RS232

    - min. 8x I/O, max. 48x I/O- assemblage in a door of a switch board

    Switching power supply forSONY HDCAM

    - input voltage 230V AC- output voltage 4x 13.8 V/10 A DC

    - rack-mount case 2U 19"- designated as a power supply of

    HDCAM camera in studio

    Temperature controller

    of welding wire (1000 W)- safety of maintaining operator assured

    by insulating transformer- accepts wire NOREX, ALOY

    or user defined- communication per CAN,

    protocol CAN open- availability of settings through

    RS232 or RS485- DIN bar mounting

    - optimal for packing line

    Switching power supply

    - input voltage 20 ... 35 V AC- output voltage 13 V/10 A DC

    - backed up with a lead accumulator- practical as a power supply for radio


  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs



    Framework overview

    The generic embedded control framework consists of 3 components:

    Control Unit (CU)

    Control Library that wraps all low level hardware

    Control GUI

    The Control framework can be configured in 2 ways:

    XML dription of control process this way is aimed for simple tasks

    C/C++ programming for advanced users

    Features of CU

    2 independent CAN buses

    3 independent serial buses

    Micro SD card slot Ethernet connector

    USB connector (micro USB)

    Logic inputs/outputs

    JTAG connector

    RTC with battery backup

    The CU has two alternative power sources: USB cable and external power cable.

    Technical parameters CU

    General inputs/outputs: 5 x

    COM port level: TTL ( provides also TTL to RS232 converter)

    COM protection: none

    Ethernet: RJ45 CAT 5

    Ethernet protection: none (onchip)

    CAN: compliant to 2.0a

    CAN maximum transmission speed: 1 MBd

    Mass memory: Micro SD and SDHC cards supported

    Humidity: < 95 % non condensing

    Temperature: -40 ... 85C (industrial)

    RAM (external): 32 MiB (configurable)

    RAM (internal): 192 kiB

    EEPROM: 256 kiB (configurable)

    Unit PCB size: 70 x 90 mm

    Power: 6 ... 15 V (external) or4.5 ... 5 V (USB)

    Power consumption: 50 mA at 12 V (External)100 mA at 5 V (USB)

    Weight: 44 g

    CPU: ARM family

  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs




    Features of Control Library

    The Control Library gives user a friendly

    access to the low level hardware functionality.

    CAN Open layer

    Ethernet layer

    FAT disk access

    RTC access

    Library with components/blocks for control process

    Features of control GUI

    The Control GUI gives a possibility to monit-

    or, configure and debug the control process.

    The GUI can display a content of any point,

    modify point values, paint charts and display

    logs from control process. Well known blocks

    like PID controller have their own dialog.

    The GUI can connect to the CU through

    ethernet / UDP connection (using a propriet-

    ary protocol) or through a serial port.

    The control points can be used as inputs and

    or outputs e. g. into control blocks, math

    blocks, switches.

    The Control network can be stored in XMLformat on SD card.

    Several points can be mapped to PDO/SDO

    variables from CAN Open external sensors.

    More complex blocks and custom functional-

    ity can be compiled as custom functional










    Services and support

    is ready to support the customers with tailoring of CU firmware according to their specific needs.

    The HW (CU) can be modified (e. g. using different sizes of external memories).

    can also design custom CAN Open terminals external sensors, actuator drivers, HMI


  • 7/31/2019 Aerospace Defense Techs


    Thank you

    [email protected]