aecom milwaukee lakefront competition submission

A Vision for Milwaukee’s Downtown Lakefront Lakefront Gateway Plaza Design Competition A National Design Competition AECOM Tillotson Design Associates Cynthia Reeves Delta Fountains DESIGN TEAM

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Page 1: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

A Vision for Milwaukee’s Downtown Lakefront

Lakefront Gateway Plaza Design Competition

A National Design Competition

AECOM • Tillotson Design Associates • Cynthia Reeves • Delta Fountains


Page 2: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

The Lakefront Gateway project creates improved pedestrian and bicycle connections and new public space, a new central plaza. Following are the entries of the 4 finalist to the Design Competition Process.

Lakefront Gateway Plaza Design Competition

Page 3: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission


Official Notice #57592 - Lakefront Gateway Plaza


Page 4: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission



Narrative of Concept Parks make memories. More than ju st open areas wit h plants and grass, these landscapes provide spaces for many of life's most memorable moments. Those can be the big m ilestone s - a child's first birthday, a graduation picn ic, or a marriage proposal- but they can be the quieter, simpler moments, too, like sitt ing on a bench to appreciate a view. Cities can be busy. Parks slow us down. A good park can make us see the surround ings difleren tly. Our design restores the crucial link between the city and the lake, allowing for a series of spectacular views out to the water. It celebrates the r ich architectura l history of the lakefront by connecting different cultu ral assets and bri nging them into better view. The land cape's topography will create different views. Its transparency will frame the lakefront's arch itect ural history. And its seasonality will offer changing experiences across su mmer, fall, winter, and spring. It will per form, but , more than anything, it will be a place to create new memories...and to fall in love. The Hanging Gardens of Milwaukee is first and foremost about connect ing to the lakefront. Investing in this critical piece of infrastructure affords a strategic opportun ity to provide park-like amenities and programm ing on day one. More than j ust a way to get from Point A to Point B, the Garden Loop draws people to and through the lakefront, serving as the ' heart ' of a lakefront renaissance. The second phase capitalizes on th is new vitality and accessibility, further enhancing park program, capacity, and cross lakefront connections. The Hanging Gardens of M i lwau kee will u ltimately deliver a fu lly-connected, all-seasons lakefront.

Page 5: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission


On Beauty ··Everything has beauty,

but not everyone sees it.., - Confuc ius

On Love "Love is the br idge be

tween you and everything."' -Rumi

on Memory ' God gave us memory so

that we might have roses is December. "

-James M . Barrie

Page 6: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission


Lake Park: all about bluffs & bridges


Let s make a mound so we can see the lake again!

Our Concept Relies On Milwaukee' s History Its Topography, Transparency & Seasonali

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Page 7: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

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The Garden Loop Furnishing

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Page 8: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission
Page 9: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

FALL A rich patchwork offall colors emergesfrom the Gateway Plaza's lush, leafy canopy.

Page 10: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

A J'f!UIVl,e",<>rated l<1kefro111 1/SlyUeM11M1btr:1o1c111g' both the c11y and the lt,k<-.

Page 11: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

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SUMMER 1he strong, sweeping forms and lush vegetation of the Hanging Gardens establish a strong identify for the /akefront - connecting 10 and enhancing eve1J 1day life along the lake.

Page 12: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

SPJUNG As the sun sets on another busy day at the park, an iconic halo of light gently sweeps along the edge of the Garden Loop.

Page 13: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

SUMMER A walk through the North Meadow Gardens - where birds sing, bees buzz, and visitors pass through a green vegetated mosaic of rich texture andform.

Page 14: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

The simple, sculptural beauty of the Reflecting Forest shines through on a quiet winier morning.

Page 15: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

FALi, 7heLi/lie Hill ar the South Lawn is the pe1fect place to share an earlyfa/J picnic, taking in the views of the Hanging Gardens, the Milwaukee Art Museum, and the lakefronl .

Page 16: AECOM Milwaukee Lakefront Competition Submission

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ONE DAY... This could be the lakefront,

a really dynamic place...

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