adult classes… ·...

Adult Classes Sermons Auditorium Class: No Classes Young Adult’s Class: No Classes AM: Arpoika DanielsSpecial Ladies PM: No Evening Service FAMILY NEWS May 10, 2020 Next Sunday on Search: May 17The First Gentile Convert The New Testament reveals the story of the conversion of Cornelius, his family, and his friends. The church from this point forward had both Jews and Gentiles. What saved Cor- nelius and how did he obey? Daily Bible Reading Sunday 1 Samuel 25-26 & Matthew 25:1-30 Monday 1 Samuel 27-28 & Matthew 25:31-46 Tuesday 1 Samuel 29-31 & Matthew 26:1-35 Wednesday 2 Samuel 1-2 & Matthew 26:36-56 Thursday 2 Samuel 3-5 & Matthew 26:57-75 Friday 2 Samuel 6-8 & Matthew 27:1-26 Saturday 2 Samuel 9-11 & Matthew 27:27-66 From the Elders: The Elders continue to meet on a weekly basis to make decisions on the advisability of our congregation meeting together for wor- ship services. At this time they are deciding to err on the side of safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The Elders will continue to monitor the situation and consider the latest information being provided by the health authorities as it would ap- ply to the members of our congregation. Happy Mother’s Day! Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31:30-31 (NIV)

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Page 1: Adult Classes… · safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The Elders will continue

Adult Classes Sermons

Auditorium Class: No Classes Young Adult’s Class: No Classes

AM: Arpoika Daniels—Special Ladies

PM: No Evening Service

FAMILY NEWS May 10, 2020

Next Sunday on Search: May 17—The First Gentile Convert

The New Testament reveals

the story of the conversion of

Cornelius, his family, and his

friends. The church from this

point forward had both Jews

and Gentiles. What saved Cor-

nelius and how did he obey?

Daily Bible Reading

Sunday 1 Samuel 25-26 & Matthew 25:1-30

Monday 1 Samuel 27-28 & Matthew 25:31-46

Tuesday 1 Samuel 29-31 & Matthew 26:1-35

Wednesday 2 Samuel 1-2 & Matthew 26:36-56


2 Samuel 3-5 & Matthew 26:57-75

Friday 2 Samuel 6-8 & Matthew 27:1-26

Saturday 2 Samuel 9-11 & Matthew 27:27-66

From the Elders:

The Elders continue to meet on a weekly basis to make decisions

on the advisability of our congregation meeting together for wor-

ship services. At this time they are deciding to err on the side of

safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The

Elders will continue to monitor the situation and consider the latest

information being provided by the health authorities as it would ap-

ply to the members of our congregation.

Happy Mother’s Day!

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the

Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have

done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

Proverbs 31:30-31 (NIV)

Page 2: Adult Classes… · safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The Elders will continue

In Our Hearts:

Gerald Poe, brother of Sue Alexander, suffered a stroke and is having complications with his vision.

Larry Ernst, Barry Haynie, friend of Arpoika Daniels, Russell Wiloughby, cousin of Justin Thomas, Sherry Hollon, aunt of Heather Hostetter, Alvis Campbell, John Daniels, Vic Richardson, Noah Branscum, Ted Criswell, Sharon Smith’s son, Carl Smith, Fred and Velma Baxter, brother and mother of Debbie Crane, Shirley Carson, sister of Wayne Maxwell

Let’s remember the shut-ins: Norma Johnston, Sue Lofton, Jerry Sullivan, George Howell and Wanda McCarty

Sympathy: We extend our sympathy to Josh and Naomi Moyer and family in the death of Naomi’s Uncle, Josh

LaBau. Josh passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, May 2nd.

Sympathy: Sympathy is extended to Beverly Ramsey and family in the death of Beverly’s sister, Evalyn

Forgerson. Evalyn passed away on Friday, May 1st. Graveside services were held on Wednesday, May 6th, in


Graduation Celebration: There will be a surprise drive by graduation celebration to honor Cheyenne Renner

on Tuesday, May 19th, from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. on the South side of the building. Please make plans to help the

Renner's celebrate this milestone in Cheyenne’s life!

Youth and Family News: AWTG: - CANCELLED

Youth Focus: - CANCELLED

We have been instructed to have no outside youth events for the next few weeks.

Church Camp– Camp this year will be from June 7th - 12th. The theme is “TUNED IN.”

more info to come in the following weeks.

VBS - our VBS is set for June 29th - July 1st.

Worland Wyoming VBS - June 18 - 25th

The church office will continue to keep regular working hours. If you have questions or are in need of help or know of

someone in need of help during these difficult times please feel free to contact the office.

Contribution: Please continue to remember the church’s needs and financial obligations by continuing to give

your weekly contribution. Contributions can be mailed to PO Box 1723 or dropped off at the office during busi-

ness hours.

Congratulations!: We want to congratulate Miranda Anderson on her decision to put Christ on in baptism!

Miranda was baptized on Saturday, May 2nd. If you would like to send Miranda a card to congratulate her and

welcome her into our church family, her address is 853 W. Wrangler Blvd., Seminole. As soon as we are able

to meet together again, please introduce yourself to Miranda and encourage her as she begins her life in Christ!

Page 3: Adult Classes… · safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The Elders will continue

Trending: . . . Building Security: May: Doyle Wolfe, Mike Vanlandingham . . . Youth: All Youth activities have been can-celled . . Pot Luck: There will be no end of the month potluck luncheon . . . Food Pantry: Temporarily Closed . . .

The story is told of a German countess who lived a few centuries ago who was an avowed atheist. In an attempt to show her fearlessness of death, and to belittle the faith in God and the hope of eternal life of some of her associates, she left instructions that when she died she was to be placed in a specially prepared tomb, hewn out of solid rock, to be sealed with an enormous flat stone weighing several tons. This stone was to be bolted securely to the face of the tomb, and these words were to be carved on the face of it, What Is Dead Is Dead--Set For-ever--Never To Be Opened.

When the countess died, her wishes were carried out and her body was sealed in the sepulcher. For several decades her tomb remained intact and seemed to be impreg-nable. But as the years passed, an acorn from an overhanging oak fell, and found its way through a crevice of the rock and lodged in the earth beneath. The acorn ger-minated, and the fledgling tree, seeking the sunlight, eventually made its way back up through the crevice. Gradually but relent-lessly the tree grew, and eventually, mighty life from that acorn snapped the bolts and shattered the seal of stone! Thus, God in His infinite wisdom, through the incomprehensi-ble power of life that He had fashioned in that small acorn defied the brazen infidelity of the countess.

How sad that she had turned deaf ears to the words of the Savior when He declared, “...the hour is coming, in which all that are in

the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth …” (John 5:28-29).

It is true we must die a physical death, “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment…” (Heb. 9:27), but it is just as true that there will be a resurrection and judgment, and that the souls of human beings will exist forever in one of two places! (Read Matt. 25:31-34, 41, 46

“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the na-tions will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun-dation of the world. 41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, ac-cursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his an-gels; 46 These will go away into eternal pun-ishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”).

No wonder Jesus said, “For what is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lose or forfeit his own self?” (Luke 9:25).


The Power In an Acorn

Page 4: Adult Classes… · safety and not resume gathering at the building for worship. The Elders will continue

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 am

Worship 10:30 am

Evening Worship 5:00 pm

Wednesday Devotional 6:00 pm

BusDriver: Larry Waddell 405-613-3172 (Please call if you need a ride.)

Heritage House Delivery:

Betty Smith & Kay Lashley


Debbie Crane

Current Resident Or:

Non-Profit Org.



Seminole, OK

Permit No. 155


In Charge of Services Syd Morgan (405-380-7406) (If unable to serve please contact the one in charge for the month)

Minister Arpoika Daniels

(cell) 405-625-2323

Youth Minister Josh Moyer

(cell) 405-570-5048

Administrative Lynn Grimes

(office) 405-382-0548

Elders: Jack Mattingly, Sr. (cell) 380-2510

Syd Morgan (home) 382-3404

(cell) 380-7406

Mike Vanlandingham (home) 382-1919

(cell) 380-2284

Deacons: Jon Cloud, Ken Crane, Jim

Grimes, Ed Hardin, Clint Jackson,

Steve Johnson, Steve Lashley, Wayne

Maxwell, Dan Reynolds, Bob


South North

Steve Johnson—Bread Cup—Mike Vanlandingham

Kenny Brewer Offering—Will Stafford

Austin Moyer Bob Griggs

Alan Morgan Jim Grimes

PM: No Evening Service No Evening Service

Bible Class Greeters:

South: Sue Alexander & Betty Smith

North: Jim & Donna Hardin

Worship Greeters:

South: Larry & Janet Waddell

North: Jerry Sullivan & Jill Reynolds

Welcome: AM Mike Vanlandingham

PM No Evening Service


AM Opening: Gil Turpin

AM Closing: Jon Cloud

PM Opening: No Evening Service

PM Closing: No Evening Service

Scripture Reader: Nuben Barton

Song Leader: Josh Moyer

Church of Christ at Seminole, 12040 Hwy 99 N, Seminole, OK 74818-1723, 405-382-0548.

E-Mail: [email protected] Web-site:

Service Times:

We will resume printing the order of w

orship and

other duties once we are back to our normal

worship schedule.