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  • 7/28/2019 Adolf Hitler 5


    Adolf Hitler, to some, was a great ruler, but to others he was a murderer. Hitler was the

    leader of the Nazi party and was the dictator of Germany. He ordered to have millions of

    Jews murdered or thrown in prisons. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a smalltown in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was Alios Hitler and was a customs

    official. He was 51 years old when Adolf was born. Klara Polz, Adolf's mother, was a

    farm girl and was 28 when Adolf was born. Klara and Alios had 6 children , but onlyAdolf and his sister Paula survived childhood. Adolf was a good student in elementary

    and got good grades. When he reached high school his studies dropped, and he dropped

    out of school when he was just 16 years old. In 1903 his father, Alios, died. Four yearslater, Hitler went to Vienna to study art, while he was away his mother, Klara, died.

    Hitler's hate for Jews and Slavs grew and became fiercely nationalistic. In 1913 he moved

    to Munich, Germany to become part of the Australian Army. The army found him

    physically unfit to be in the service. World War I began August 1914 and Hitlerimmediately signed for the Germany Army and was accepted. He served as a messenger

    and was decorated twice for bravery after two near death experiences. He was promoted

    to corporal. While recovering from an battle injury that caused temporary blindness,

    Germany surrendered to her enemies in November 1918. Hitler was angered and feltcompelled to save Germany. In the Autumn of 1919, Hitler attended meetings of the

    "Germany Workers Party." After joining the group and they decided to change their nameto "National Socialist German Workers." This party was soon known as the Nazi party.

    Hitler was chosen as the leader because he was a skillful politician and organizer. In 1923

    German workers went on strike against the government. Germany's money valuedecreased to about nothing. Hitler proclaimed a Nazi revolution or a "putch." While

    Hitler and 2,000 troops were protesting, the police shot into the crowd, killing 16 troops.

    Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in jail. While Hitler was in jail he wrote

    the Mein Kamph which means "My Struggle." The book revealed his beliefs and ideasfor Germany's government and his plans on taking over Europe. He believed that

    Germans were superior humanity and Hitler wanted to keep Germany "pure." He saidJews and Slavs were the evils of the world. In December 1924, Hitler was released afterserving only nine months. The economy's recovery was very slow, but now most people

    had work, homes, food, and hopes for the future. After the revolt, the government

    decided to outlaw the Nazi party. Hitler argued against the government to lift the law.The government later decided to lift the law. The depression hit Germany in 1930. Hitler

    spoke many speeches promising to get rid of the communists and other "enemies." In

    1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany. There were two other Nazi in the cabinet,

    Goering and Wilhelm Frick. Through Wilhelm Frick leadership the Nazis had control ofthe police. Groering organized a big army and ordered them to shoot any "enemies" on

    any encounter. When the dictator, Hindenburg, died, Hitler became dictator and received

    full power of Germany. Hitler preferred the name Fuhrer und Reichskanzer meaning"leader." With the Nazi party controlling Germany, Jews were ordered around frequently.

    In 1935 the Jews in Germany were declared to have lesser rights than any other citizens.

    Thousands of Jews decided to leave their homes. The Jews who stayed were forced intoconcentration camps and needed official permission to accept work, move, or even travel.

    Hitler set up organizations to train children military discipline and loyalty to the country.

    The boys organizations was called "Hitler's Youth." The girls organization was called

    "Society of Germany Maidens." The kids were taught to spy on their families and report

  • 7/28/2019 Adolf Hitler 5


    on anti-Nazi criticism. Hitler began to build the army so it was ready to fight. In 1938

    Hitler took over Australia and made is part of Germany. In March 1939 he took over

    Czechoslovakia. Later on September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland starting WorldWar 2. Britain and France declared war two days later. Hitler took over Poland in a few

    weeks. By spring 1940 Hitler conquered Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium,

    Luxemburg, and France. In June Benito Mussolini, Italy's dictator, declared war onGermany. A year later, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. The U.S. sent supplies to support

    the Soviet Union. Totally about 2/3 of the Jews in Europe, six million, were murdered.

    Hitler's victims also included Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, Jahova witnesses, priests, andministers. People were trying to overthrow Hitler since 1938. Hitler almost died when he

    found a bomb in a briefing room June 1944. In 1945 Hitler married Eva Braun. One day

    later Hitler and Eva both killed themselves on April 29, 1945. Seven days later Germany

    surrendered. In conclusion, Adolf Hitler, and man filled with an intense anger, killedmillions of Jews, who in his eyes were an inferior race. Hitler desired to create a "pure"

    race, white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. It is sad that he organized followers to

    destroy so many innocent lives to design what is not possible. Bibliography "Adolf

    Hitler." Microsoft Encarta 2000. 2000 Ed. "Adolf Hitler." World Book. 1999 Ed. TheRise of Adolf Hitler [online]. Available:
