adipose tissue biology - keystone symposia | scientific

Keystone Symposia is pleased to present Diabetes – New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment joint with the meeting on Adipose Tissue Biology Scientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman January 27–February 1, 2013 | Keystone Resort | Keystone, Colorado | USA W e are in the midst of an epidemic of type 2 diabetes and the closely related metabolic syndrome. These disorders come from a complete interaction between genes and environment which is not fully understood. This meeting is intended to address important new areas of research into the primary pathogenesis of these disorders and especially focus on those that might lead to new therapies. Specifically, the goals of this meeting are to: > Make investigators aware of important new advances in the field of diabetes research; > Bring new topics of research from outside the field to the diabetes research community; > Stimulate interactions and potential collaborations between participants; > Bring lessons from clinical practice back to the bench. The program was developed in the hopes that we will bring new scientific knowledge, new methods and new insights from clinical practice together to stimulate interchange of ideas and the building of new collaborations. The meeting is truly interdisciplinary experience, with not only basic scientists and clinical scientists, but also investigators from disciplines outside the fields of endocrinology and metabolism, including gastroenterology, neuroscience, innate immunity and genetics. Plenary Session Topics: > Mechanisms of Metabolic Dysfunction and New Therapeutic Targets for Diabetes and Obesity > miRNAs and Metabolic Disease > Aging, Mitochondria and Control of Metabolism > Epigenetics and Perinatal Imprinting in Diabetes and Obesity > Signaling Defects and Inflammation in Insulin Resistance > Gastric Bypass Surgery and the Gut in Control of Metabolism > Metabolic Mediators of Insulin Resistance > CNS Control of Metabolism Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012 Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012 Early Registration Deadline: November 28, 2012 Note: Scholarships are available to students and postdoctoral fellows and require a brief application and submission of an abstract. Short talk speakers will also be selected from abstracts. Early registration saves US$150 on later fee. Information shown is subject to possible change. Please visit meeting website for the most up-to-date program information. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado, USA directed and supported by the scientific community. 1.970.262.1230 | 1.800.253.0685 (US & Canada)

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Page 1: Adipose Tissue Biology - Keystone Symposia | Scientific

Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado, USA directed and supported by the scientific community.

Keystone Symposia is pleased to present

Diabetes – New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment joint with the meeting on Adipose Tissue BiologyScientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman

January 27–February 1, 2013 | Keystone Resort | Keystone, Colorado | USA

We are in the midst of an epidemic of type 2 diabetes and the closely related metabolic syndrome. These disorders come from a complete interaction between genes and

environment which is not fully understood. This meeting is intended to address important new areas of research into the primary pathogenesis of these disorders and especially focus on those that might lead to new therapies. Specifically, the goals of this meeting are to:> Make investigators aware of important new advances in the

field of diabetes research;> Bring new topics of research from outside the field to the

diabetes research community; > Stimulate interactions and potential collaborations between

participants;> Bring lessons from clinical practice back to the bench. The program was developed in the hopes that we will bring new scientific knowledge, new methods and new insights from clinical practice together to stimulate interchange of ideas and the building of new collaborations. The meeting is truly interdisciplinary experience, with not only basic scientists and clinical scientists, but also investigators from disciplines outside the fields of endocrinology and metabolism, including gastroenterology, neuroscience, innate immunity and genetics.

Plenary Session Topics: > Mechanisms of Metabolic Dysfunction and New Therapeutic

Targets for Diabetes and Obesity> miRNAs and Metabolic Disease > Aging, Mitochondria and Control of Metabolism > Epigenetics and Perinatal Imprinting in Diabetes and Obesity> Signaling Defects and Inflammation in Insulin Resistance> Gastric Bypass Surgery and the Gut in Control of Metabolism > Metabolic Mediators of Insulin Resistance > CNS Control of Metabolism

Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012Early Registration Deadline: November 28, 2012

Note: Scholarships are available to students and postdoctoral fellows and require a brief application and submission of an abstract. Short talk speakers will also be selected from abstracts. Early registration saves US$150 on later fee. Information shown is subject to possible change. Please visit meeting website for the most up-to-date program information.

Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado, USA directed and supported by the scientific community.

1.970.262.1230 | 1.800.253.0685 (US & Canada)

Page 2: Adipose Tissue Biology - Keystone Symposia | Scientific

SUNDAY, JANUARY 27Arrival and Registration

MONDAY, JANUARY 28Welcome and Keynote Address (Joint) *Susan K. Fried, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA*C. Ronald Kahn, Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard MedicalSchool, USACraig B. Thompson, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USAMetabolic Regulation in Cancer Biology

Mechanisms of Metabolic Dysfunction and New TherapeuticTargets for Diabetes and Obesity (Joint) *David E. Kelley, Merck & Co., Inc., USA*David E. Moller, Eli Lilly and Company, USABruce M. Spiegelman, Harvard Medical School, USAControl of Beige Fat Thermogenesis: Toward a New Generation ofTherapeuticsDavid J. Mangelsdorf, University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter, USAJournal of Lipid Research Lectureship Award Presented by KathrynMoore: Regulation of Nutrient Metabolism by FGF21Philippe Froguel, Imperial College of London, UKGermline and Somatic Clonal Genomic Structure Events in Diabetesand Obesity and their Relation with Associated Diseases

APSA Panel on Career Development (Joint) *Jennifer M. Kwan, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA*Laina King, Keystone Symposia, USAC. Ronald Kahn, Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard MedicalSchool, USADavid E. Kelley, Merck & Co., Inc., USAAnne C. Ferguson-Smith, University of Cambridge, UKRandy S. Levinson, Cell Press, USA

Workshop 1: New Aspects of Insulin Signaling and InsulinResistance (J6)*Domenico Accili, Columbia University, USAUtpal B. Pajvani, Columbia University Medical Center, USAInhibition of Notch Uncouples Akt Activation from Hepatic LipidAccumulation by Decreasing mTorc1 StabilityRebecca A. Haeusler, Columbia University, USAFoxOs Regulate Liver Metabolic FluxesAna Paula Arruda, Harvard School of Public Health, USAAltered Mitochondria-Associated ER Membranes (MAMs) Links ERStress to Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Obesity

Mads Fuglsang Kjolby, Aarhus University, DenmarkThe Ectodomain of SorCS1 Increases Peripheral Insulin Sensitivityand Lowers Plasma Glucose Levels in MiceJeremie Boucher, AstraZeneca, SwedenA Novel Role for Insulin and IGF-1 Receptors in Control of GenomicImprintingYingfeng Deng, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,USARevisiting the Leloir Pathway: A Novel Connection between ERStress and Insulin SensitivityEsther Phielix, Maastricht UMC+, NetherlandsReduction of Free Fatty Acids Lowers H2O2 Production But Does NotRestore Insulin-Stimulated Oxidative Capacity in Type 2 DiabetesDarcy L. Johannsen, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USAInsulin Resistance Driven by High-Fat Overfeeding Is Not Mediatedby Muscular Lipid Accumulation

Workshop 1: 8 Shades of Brown (J5)*Sheila Collins, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA*Jan Nedergaard, Stockholm University, Sweden*Barbara Cannon, Stockholm University, SwedenIntroduction and OverviewNicholas Douris, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, HarvardMedical School, USAFGF21 Stimulates Browning of White Adipose Tissue via Direct Actionon the Brain Shingo Kajimura, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center, USAMolecular Control of Brown Adipose Cell Fate and EnergyHomeostasis through a PRDM16 Transcriptional ComplexTherese J. Larsen, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen,DenmarkAdipose Tissue from Supraclavicular Region of Adult Humans DisplayClassical Brown Fat SignatureAnnie Moisan, Roche Pharmaceuticals, SwitzerlandA Screening Platform to Identify Regulators of Human Adipocyte CellFateKathleen Ogilvie, aTyr Pharma, USADo Adipocyte Cell Lines Reliably Respond to Pharmacological Agentswhich Recruit a Beige-Cell Gene Signature in Vivo?Hai-Bin Ruan, University of Minnesota, USANutrient-Sensitive O-GlcNAc Signaling in AgRP Neurons RegulatesAdipocyte Browning and Energy HomeostasisCourtney M. Anderson, University of California, Berkeley, USARequirement of the Scavenger Receptor CD36 for Brown AdiposeTissue Mitochondrial Function

* Session Chair † Invited but not yet accepted Program current as of August 17, 2021. Meal formats are based on meeting venue. For the most up-to-date details, visit

KEYSTONE SYMPOSIAon Molecular and Cellular Biology

Diabetes - New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment (J6)Scientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman

Sponsored by EMD Millipore, MedImmune and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

Adipose Tissue Biology (J5)Scientific Organizers: Susan K. Fried and Anthony W. Ferrante

January 27-February 1, 2013 • Keystone Resort • Keystone, CO, USA Supported by the Directors' Fund

Discounted Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012 / Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012 / Early Registration Deadline: November28, 2012

Page 3: Adipose Tissue Biology - Keystone Symposia | Scientific

miRNAs and Metabolic Disease (J6)*Silvia Corvera, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USAMarkus Stoffel, ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandmiRNAs in Control of beta-Cell FunctionJens C. Brüning, Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research,GermanymiRNAs in Control of Liver MetabolismAnna Krook, Karolinska Institutet, SwedenRole of miRNA Let7 in Diabetes-Related InflammationThaís Amaral e Sousa, University of São Paulo, BrazilShort Talk: Deregulation of microRNAs Let-7b and miR-696 in MiceInsulin Resistant Skeletal Muscle

Losing Fat: Dynamics of Adipocyte Lipid Turnover (J5)*Susan K. Fried, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USARudolf Zechner, University of Graz, AustriaLipolysis: A Drug Target for Metabolic Disease? Paul F. Pilch, Boston University School of Medicine, USAConsequences of Cav(e)lin/Caveolae Deficiency on Lipid Metabolism Richard N. Bergman, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USARole of Free Fatty Acids in the Insulin Resistance SyndromeIrfan J. Lodhi, Washington University School of Medicine, USAShort Talk: Peroxisomal Lipid Synthesis Programs Adipose TissueDevelopment through PPAR Signaling

Poster Session 1

TUESDAY, JANUARY 29Aging, Mitochondria and Control of Metabolism (J6)*Gerald I. Shulman, Yale University School of Medicine, USAAndrew G. Dillin, University of California, Berkeley, USAHumoral Control of Mitochondrial Form and FunctionKitt F. Petersen, Yale University School of Medicine, USAMitochondrial Function in Humans and its Relationship with EctopicLipid, Insulin Resistance and the Metabolic Syndrome Eric M. Verdin, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, USAReversible Acetylation in Regulation of Mitochondrial Function andAgingDomenico Accili, Columbia University, USAFoxo2013: Can we Leverage some of its Properties to Treat Type 2DiabetesDudley W. Lamming, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research,USAShort Talk: Depletion of mTORC2 Impairs the Health and Longevity ofMice Independently of Effects on Hepatic Glucose Output

Remodeling a Healthy Adipose Tissue (J5)*Stephen R. Farmer, Boston University School of Medicine, USASilvia Corvera, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USAMetabolic Control of Adipose Tissue Angiogenesis Rajat Singh, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USAAutophagy and Lipid MetabolismChad A. Cowan, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USAGenome Editing to Generate Human Cellular Models of MetabolicDiseaseYun-Hee Lee, Seoul National University, South KoreaShort Talk: Identification of an Adipogenic Niche for Adipose TissueRemodeling and RestorationCarolyn S. Hudak, Harvard University, USAShort Talk: Pref-1 Expressing Cells are the Adipose Precursors Li Qiang, Columbia University Medical Center, USAShort Talk: Brown Remodeling of White Adipose Tissue bySirT1-Dependent Deacetylation of PPARgamma

Epigenetics and Perinatal Imprinting in Diabetes and Obesity(Joint) *Philippe Froguel, Imperial College of London, UKC. Ronald Kahn, Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard MedicalSchool, USADiabetes and Obesity - Nature or NurtureAnne C. Ferguson-Smith, University of Cambridge, UKIntergenerational Epigenetic Programming of Metabolic Defects in aMouse Model of UndernutritionPaolo Sassone-Corsi, University of California, Irvine, USAJoining the Dots: Epigenetics, Metabolism and the Circadian Clock

Poster Session 2

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30Signaling Defects and Inflammation in Insulin Resistance (Joint) *Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, Harvard School of Public Health, USADiane Mathis, Harvard Medical School, USARegulatory T Cells Residing in Adipose TissueAnthony W. Ferrante, Columbia University, USANon-Inflammatory Functions of Adipose Tissue MacrophagesAlan R. Saltiel, University of California, San Diego, USAInflammatory Links between Obesity, Diabetes and EnergyExpenditureAjay Chawla, Merck Research Labs, USAInnate Control of Metabolism

* Session Chair † Invited but not yet accepted Program current as of August 17, 2021. Meal formats are based on meeting venue. For the most up-to-date details, visit

KEYSTONE SYMPOSIAon Molecular and Cellular Biology

Diabetes - New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment (J6)Scientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman

Sponsored by EMD Millipore, MedImmune and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

Adipose Tissue Biology (J5)Scientific Organizers: Susan K. Fried and Anthony W. Ferrante

January 27-February 1, 2013 • Keystone Resort • Keystone, CO, USA Supported by the Directors' Fund

Discounted Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012 / Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012 / Early Registration Deadline: November28, 2012

Page 4: Adipose Tissue Biology - Keystone Symposia | Scientific

Jan Mauer, Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, GermanyShort Talk: IL-6 Signaling in Myeloid Cells Limits Obesity-InducedInsulin Resistance

Workshop 2A: Islet Pathophysiology (J6)*Markus Stoffel, ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandNicole Ehrhardt, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USALipase Maturation Factor 1 (LMF1): A New Player in ER-Stress andbeta Cell FunctionYun Sok Lee, University of California, San Diego, USAA Novel Pathway for Regulation of Insulin Secretion by Fractalkineand CX3CR1 SystemJean-Sébastien Annicotte, EGID CNRS UMR 8199, FranceThe P300/CBP-Associated Factor (PCAF) Is a Histone AcetylTransferase that Controls beta-Cell FunctionVeronika Leiss, University Tübingen, GermanyRole of Islet Galphai2 in the Regulation of Glucose Homeostasis

Workshop 2B: New Drugs for Diabetes (J6)*Hans Ulrich Stilz, Novo Nordisk A/S, DenmarkAnnelie Falkevall, Karolinska Institutet, SwedenTargeting VEGF-B as a Novel Treatment for Insulin Resistance andType 2 DiabetesJames D. Dunbar, Eli Lilly & Company, USAComparison of the in vitro and in vivo Actions of FGF19 and FGF21Derek M. Erion, Takeda, USAHepato-Selective Glucokinase Activators Reduce Fasting andPostprandial Hyperglycemia in Rats without Inducing Hypoglycemia orIncreasing Hepatic LipidsSafina Ali, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, CanadaDisruption of Cardiomyocyte Glucagon Receptor Signaling DecreasesFlux through Fatty Acid Oxidation and Enhances Survival FollowingIschemic Injury

Gastric Bypass Surgery and the Gut in Control of Metabolism (J6)*Mary-Elizabeth Patti, Joslin Diabetes Center, USADavid E. Cummings, University of Washington, USAMetabolic Surgery: Endocrine Mechanisms of Diabetes Remissionafter "Bariatric" OperationsDaniel D. Kaplan, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., USANew Gut Mediators of Bypass SurgeryLee M. Kaplan, Massachusetts General Hospital, USAContributions of the Gut Microbiota to the Physiological Response toGeriatric Bypass

Line V. Kristensen, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkShort Talk: GPR40, GPR120 and GPR119 Act in Concert asEnteroendocrine Sensors for Dietary Fat

Variation in the Biology of Adipose Depots (J5)*Jacqueline M. Stephens, Louisiana State University, USASusan K. Fried, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USAFat Distribution in Men and Women: The Biology of Pear ShapeJames L. Kirkland, Mayo Clinic, USACellular Senescence and Adipose TissueElise C. Jeffery, Yale University, USAShort Talk: Regulation of Adipocyte Precursor Cells in Obesity Sagar P. Bapat, University of California, San Francisco, USAShort Talk: Sexually Dimorphic Properties of Fat Resident RegulatoryT Cells

Poster Session 3

THURSDAY, JANUARY 31Metabolic Mediators of Insulin Resistance (J6)*Jeffrey Flier, Harvard University, USA*Barbara C. Hansen, University of South Florida, Tampa, USAPhilipp E. Scherer, University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter, USAInflammation, UPR and Lipids: All about Stress and Toxicity?Gerald I. Shulman, Yale University School of Medicine, USANovel PKCs as Mediators of Liver and Muscle Insulin Resistance inHumansGökhan S. Hotamisligil, Harvard School of Public Health, USAEndoplasmic Reticulum Stress as a Mediator of Insulin ResistanceGreg Steinberg, McMaster University, CanadaAMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) Regulation of Lipid Metabolismand Insulin SensitivityAlexei Kharitonenkov, Novo Nordisk, USAShort Talk: Rational Design and Efficacy of LY2405319, anFGF21-Based Clinical Candidate

Brown Adipose Tissue: Where There Is Smoke... (J5)*Eleftheria Maratos-Flier, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,USAStephen R. Farmer, Boston University School of Medicine, USAProgenitor Morphology and Development of Beige AdipocytesSheila Collins, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USAConverging Hormonal Signals that 'Spark' the Brown-in-WhiteAdipocyte ExpansionYu-Hua Tseng, Joslin Diabetes Center/Harvard Medical School, USACross Talk between Constitutive and Recruitable Brown AdiposeTissues for Thermoregulation and Energy Homeostasis

* Session Chair † Invited but not yet accepted Program current as of August 17, 2021. Meal formats are based on meeting venue. For the most up-to-date details, visit

KEYSTONE SYMPOSIAon Molecular and Cellular Biology

Diabetes - New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment (J6)Scientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman

Sponsored by EMD Millipore, MedImmune and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

Adipose Tissue Biology (J5)Scientific Organizers: Susan K. Fried and Anthony W. Ferrante

January 27-February 1, 2013 • Keystone Resort • Keystone, CO, USA Supported by the Directors' Fund

Discounted Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012 / Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012 / Early Registration Deadline: November28, 2012

Page 5: Adipose Tissue Biology - Keystone Symposia | Scientific

Sona Rajakumari, University of Pennsylvania, USAShort Talk: EBF2 Determines and Maintains Brown Adipocyte IdentityXingxing Kong, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, HarvardMedical School, USAShort Talk: Thermogenic Actions of Interferon Regulatory Factor 4(IRF4)

Workshop 2: Assessing Immune Cell Populations in AdiposeTissue: What Are the FACS? (J5)*Anthony W. Ferrante, Columbia University, USAYoshihiro Ogawa, Kyushu University, JapanRole of Macrophage-Inducible C-Type Lectin in Obesity-InducedAdipose Tissue InflammationDwight J. Klemm, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz MedicalCenter, USASoluble Adipose Tissue Factors Stimulate de Novo Differentiation ofBona Fide Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Myeloid CellsJohn S. Parks, Wake Forest School of Medicine, USADietary Cholesterol Promotes Adipocyte Hypertrophy andInflammation in Visceral, But Not Subcutaneous, Fat in Non-HumanPrimatesTal Pecht, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IsraelAdipose Tissue Foam Cells in Human ObesityMarek Wagner, University of Bergen, NorwayAdipose Tissue-Derived Macrophages, Endothelial Cells and CancerNicolas Venteclef, Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition, FranceDysregulation of a GPS2/SMRT Corepressor Pathway in AdipocytesCoincides with Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Human ObesityMaryam Rakhshandehroo, Utrecht Medical Center, NetherlandsiNKTs in Adipose Tissue Prevent Insulin Resistance

CNS Control of Metabolism (J6)*Jens C. Brüning, Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research,GermanyJoel K. Elmquist, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,USAInvestigating Autonomic Regulatory Networks Controlling EnergyBalance and Glucose HomeostasisChristoph Buettner, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USACNS Control of Adipose Tissue FunctionalityRichard M. Caprioli, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USAImaging Mass Spectrometry: A New Technology for the DirectMapping of Endogenous Compounds in TissueCeline E. Riera, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USAShort Talk: Neuroendocrine Regulation of the Calcineurin/CRTC1Longevity Circuit in C. elegans and Mice

Beyond Diabetes - Complications of Obesity (J5)*Ira J. Goldberg, New York University, USAKathryn J. Moore, New York University Medical Center, USAMechanisms of Macrophage Retention in Metabolic DiseasesMikhail G. Kolonin, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, USARegulation of Tumor Progression by Adipose TissueScott A. Small, Columbia University, USABranch-Chained Amino Acids Link Obesity/T2DM and Alzheimer’sDisease through Retromer DeficiencyRoberta Goncalves Marangoni, Northwestern University, USAShort Talk: Aberrant Adipogenesis in the Pathogenesis of Scleroderma


* Session Chair † Invited but not yet accepted Program current as of August 17, 2021. Meal formats are based on meeting venue. For the most up-to-date details, visit

KEYSTONE SYMPOSIAon Molecular and Cellular Biology

Diabetes - New Insights into Mechanism of Disease and its Treatment (J6)Scientific Organizers: C. Ronald Kahn, Jens C. Brüning and Gerald I. Shulman

Sponsored by EMD Millipore, MedImmune and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

Adipose Tissue Biology (J5)Scientific Organizers: Susan K. Fried and Anthony W. Ferrante

January 27-February 1, 2013 • Keystone Resort • Keystone, CO, USA Supported by the Directors' Fund

Discounted Abstract & Scholarship Deadline: September 27, 2012 / Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline: October 29, 2012 / Early Registration Deadline: November28, 2012